HIGHLY, IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE, GREAT BATTLE-GREAT ,VICTOAY • . • , ,the three days .Inter' s adviees from Europe, 1.1e....Wig0, -. oirc ape Race,. anil the - Adefaide, tit'Sti',TohnS, is .of the' bizbe'st : importance. .ri:Obably. ere .thiS.the great _battle elthe war been fought, 'and the indications are' that it must have 'been. a decisive. conflict. 'I lie. of, the .I.ittle-reCeivedby'telegraph from London" just . heroic the •Adelaide::sailed froth :Cork—is only defiiiite to'siirnul ate. the miblic curiosity for*More: it is thentie.inatating: that a* great. battle -arcs in • ,frogress, ivaeinueli at the. report of a fer.days ,previons was,: that .the..nitrian • and,' Allied forees'were face to face .On," the 'banks of the 111incio;and.it is not - likely that tbey , remained thas,leng inactive. The . Austrian force' was Ithen:reported at two huirdral righti/001- 'saitd mem and the.de4catch &Om' Napoleon 4() relative.tb the light, reports the Austrian , line of battle to have been fare leagues ix lingth! DOubtlessthis has bden One of the most terqicrencountei's in the world's history, bOth' from the 'immense forcei 'engaged' in it; 'and the duration:of' the conflict,-.--for the brief account 'States that the..fighting :lasted sixteen 71ours; and as the Emperor says 'nothing of re .treat, or victory, (though fiartinl .success in the captur •of : Catin on, provisions; &c.,) it is fair to infer that the . fight did not end in one stay. FUrther'and fuller. news drill there: fore•be looked roi , with much anxiety... MARRIED • liiSe~gean 6 : township, by T. Fall, Esqr, JACOB AFFNER . • to Miss 'CIIIIIaTIANA HIGHTMAN; •all of Sergeant; 1 . • • -•LIST, OF. LETTERS; • • • REMAINING in the Post. Office atSmeth- pert, July . l.st,. 1559. ' Arnold Siirah Lyons S. T, :• • Moran Matt Besse Louis•F, March Henry . • • - Clarke C. ; .• Muloany Miss' Jane • Evens Cherie's' 'MaggsrJohn Evansl3.• •. • Newton T. M. Edeline E:111: Ro . che grrerr , • Havens Jabez • •,Schniidt Charles 3 'SiOne Samuel Short. Misa L. E. Shaw William' S; Hall p.. Lottliry J. S. Langton J. -L " Jones G. W. Pers'Oris enquiring..fOf any of .theabove -let ters will soy " • . 13:SARTWELL P M. CIIRCTJL i\ B, A Man • whose 'name is .said . to. be 'QuvEn. HANNAH, and supposed to be ""one of passed into -Strietimort from .Buena Vista; on. 'Thursday last, June.Po, , and . .upon being par sited' lefta Hoise:'.bright bay,. i 5 hands high; 'about 40 years old, : bOth hind, feet white, and left fore foot white below the fetterlOcic joint, a small bone spavin on each .hind a small. white saddle-mark on righfside.of hack, heavy tail,and considerable white. in•right . eYe, large, white'stripeon right side of - nose; also 'a Sad dle—no horn; and 'a nearly nes plain .Bridle. Said' property cr:ij founillay calking. at' the "Bunnett Haase, in.Sinethport. • . .• Sinethport,.JulYg., 1559.• ' To Those Intetestea in Mining and. Mineral Lands: . . . AV offers ll'34rl}l 1 -. ..B e 7 1c :for the' e xamine ,o.o;in;all3l in:4an and Elk &ion. 'ties, :and' will give lila, orinitin . as to Abe VALICE OF MINES' e ecc.. Those engaging his "services*ill' receive all necessary and ruflablu information. liesijence at the Buriker Hill Mines.. ' . ' '.. . • • ' • : • ' • Sergeant, M'llf eau 00., June ap, 7859..: ',• • , . . . erw.r. bipst 50e Tea iu town tit the. ' ,• I.ASTOR . IIOtSE STOItE . . Inventors, Manufacturers, Farmers and Milltirights el)eOcientific . illericati TO DE ENLARGED! • • A NEW VOLUME -NEW SERIES, To dornuien'cofois July 2d, .1860 .. . . . . . Instead.of 410 pages, the Yearly lloluthe,.Eitlarged ..Se r . ries; will enclitic EIGHT ItUNDItEId ANU lilllitTY TWO d!AO.EB of Taittahle, , neading Matter, useful and instrucilvo . tu . rtll olas:!es' , ' Tile. SCIENTIFIC A.SII:I{IOAN, is published w eel:ly in guar to barn', suitable for binding. and the numbers for a sill. gle year contain inforination in rogattlloll . )V INV EN.L 'PIONS, all brinches of MANUFAITIURING PROC msEs AG Ric uvrrnitAL . P ENTS.'• -ENO INHERING, MILIAVRIGIITING . , IRON mAsuPACTuitt:;. TRY; in fact, almost ,eyery industrial Turin* receives inure or less attention in its columns: . ! All Patent Claims officially publishgd every week, as •isported front the Patent (Mice- and Tor ,• • : • • : INNENTOES.AND PATENTEES '.' • it :contains inforniation not Sae obtained elsewhere, and which no mechanic,. , tuventorc or 'patentee Can well do , - As a Fin ily Journal it hes no Superior-for'real practic-, al utility, since in its eoltimai will be fount usidul prac tical Recipes,. • 7• . • - • • Careful attention, will do given from time, , to reports' Of the Metal, Lumber, and other Markets . . • • ' Every number will contain sixteen pacesand forty-eight columns of inttter,', with several illustrat ininfof patented 'machines. and otherrengraviogs, comprising in a single year about .• ..• SIX HUNDRED .ORIGINAL ENGRAVtINGS, , . With the Enlarged :Scrips in Presented an'opportuaity to subscribe' not liitnlY - to occur again for many. years. -It will bo likenoinmencing in new Work—Vol 1, Nu. I, New Series: . Terirts $2 a Year.—One 'Dollar for Six Ncintlis. Southern.. Western, and Canadian money or Post Office stamps taken at par for subscriptions.. Canadian subscri: hers will please to remit twenty-six cents extra on each 'year's subscription to pre-pay postage. A liberal discount to clube.,•A prospectus full' particulars of thalnducements for clubs, 'with specimen copies Of the paper,,and a pamPhlet containing informa tion concerning the 'procuring of Patents inn) , be had gratis by addressing. •' MUNN & CO., , • • • Pulllshers of thin Sciontille'American, . • • . 37. Park, 'low, New York. • • . . ,THE OLDEST,-WIDEST CIRCULA TED, and thost COMPLETE, CORRECT awl RELIABLE BanlF. Note Reporter inexistence. THOVPSON'.S . BAIKIOTFi • 'AND COTIERCIAVIIEPOIITER... Circulation, 100,000 tDITED•I3Y JOIN TIIONIPSON gucitations corrected by. .I*.mrsos,)3noviuns; 2. Wall Stree.t. Published by CIin.s.:.BLONDF.Lts, 1 I . 7.*FFalil'n Si -•: TERMS GE M.IIICIiIPTION IN ADVANCE; To 'mail Subscribers .. - i•li . omt-010ntti1y,....'.,5; I M0n011y....75c To Pontmnstorn or others, ,form- C Mbri :4111 for ward inonioy in'ndvanto, we- will'Hend the flepor, .ter Coin Chin.: Manuel, and 'Destriptiog List, - as. fol' "'a eoples of the 'Weekly,. one Year .6 copies of the . 10 copies 'of tho' Monthly . . We will forward'grat6itously to any person I ,mding a . club 'of .$2O at: 'the 'above. rates, nt i'ay one time; our Cull Cbigs , Tevt .4thire§l, • • • 7 . •'• • TUOMPSON • .• N t A., Propri.lOM .„ . , I : IANNONTOICLANDS 11'! IV' .6 NG IIAND :2 : 4"T,T.T.E.:1111? ;VT; `it . ) ARE OPPORTUNITY.- 1 . 9 i; r: ple./118—in a healthy place. jive .vitiles • •11;orri Philtideiphia,' on , the 'Camden and,rAtlantie rnilroad, New:Jersey. An old es'ttitelias•reeently•been!opened fiar.sale And thefirst •ilivision of lo,poo:lities divided' uP.jnte . firms . of liventy acres end' upwards. The soil is of the fce,.t quality' for the production of . fruitS, grainc: The piketo $2O , yer . acres, payahle . in easy :quarter. ) . early. ib stalmentsie.Within a term. of:four, years, Willi interest. The terms are made •eisy; in order ip Insure the . .r4id.iimproVement tif'.the by e ri ablih'g er;ty inil!i.ql.l - 010 mad Is Lirvl ajdriti: It•ris , noW being •extensively,iiiinroVed - by good roads, and . sdtiae s of• the. best..i . :itizens ,fi . om New: England,.and the. 'Middle Statesare .erecting: large improyetrients. , • Lt, is a' scene' of . ...the greateit . ' : improvement Snyenty-tiiie,, houses have:been .built iit four. 'months, 'Practical far:niers and • business . men, rom thelen . g.l.h . rind- . breacith :of the '..Union are settling:there: ,It. is •ari . .imPertant: business place, 'on account of its beingiit..the midst or.a great- triarket.,',.tvoryArticle 'raised upon thiS land finds an iniMeiliate. sale.. The . Water - -is excellent, mid no . such th:ing as fever is'known.. • • The goiLis risandY : or clay •loam;with a Way bottritti.ant re?oncii , rt of' manures. free- of • stones-and easily Avoried.: tt abounds largely in:the.phdsphates, and•'SUchis its fertility: that 'from the crops. ,proclueed • bothh' upon this land arid the large iiretyn . djoining -Under cultivation,- it:will - be 'found norto - be.excelled anywhere in 'the prOduction Of.,crops: most adapted to its -The reader may be well aware ,that-the'ear liest and. tne.best frniti . .and .vegetables. come from New Jlersey, which ore annually exported to the. anount:.of.'millions of dollars. The, land , beside,being accessible in 'every way for fertil izers, has -an,abundant supply of the best qual, ity of muck manure': - • ' -„.. • Lumber and building materials cah be had on the spot at a cheap price, from the - MflIS.. Other milli are now . being opened, .ancl 'brickyards being started.on the gretincl. person can mit Up• a frame , tenement for 'present Convenience for. one hundred dollars. On account of the extensiire etpigralion, this is the best course t 6 pursue in order to' get a;place to live,in at first. Carpenters and builders are on. hand to put up house's on' the kseit,terms. . . . . In settling • here the ernigrant•ha4:mOny 'ad vantages.; He is Within a few hbiirs' . ride of • the great eities•in the Middle -Stales and. New Englorh . he is in' a settled` country, where every impro'vement. And Comfort:of eivitization . 'is at hand; he is in a healthy' plaee,. and is not subject to the certainty of loosing .the, greater part of his family and his own'health by, those - malignant fevers which make the'graves'of so many -millions of the youngand hardy in'far off regiOna..awoy from home and frierli; . .y aids, he has a mild climate and an open•Vviiiter: There are three trains doily to Philadelphia, and to all those•who,improVe'the ratlioad Com pany gives a free ticket. . • ' Thd reader will At once be •struck with ;the• advantageS here. presented, and ask himself why the properly•hrts•not .berin taken rip before. The reason is, ,it was. never, thrown, in the. market;laid unless the, statements :were. nor 'feet ime•would be invited to examine the lend befpre purchasing. This all are.expeeted to do. ,They will see' the laud under cultivation; theY,witltneet : persons, no dotibt, .fiom.their, own • neighhorboad;* they 'wilt witness the. i at provements, end can judge'of the character•of• the . population.. Person's should come prepared to purchase,'as .many are 'locating; not'held.on refusat.2 ,*: The Harinnonton Farmer, a monthly Literary and Agricultural' sheet, containing full'informa' 7 Lion of.frammonton, will be Sent to each in quirer, and can be 'obtained:at . ..2a cetns' per Title , indisputatle: .Warrantee' dads gAeni vdren PnrchasvtoiteN is paid. Routi ,to the land ; : -.T..rizair: Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, for Ilunlinciton.Wrallro:od at half past seven, 4 .1...111„, and half past foe-P. 111. r. When, 'there inquire .3oarding' convetiitncer will be Totnd:' • Leiteis, andapplications 'T(I7I. be .41P:tressed ta, CoUghlin, 292-,Totylt FIFTH" Street below filral, tfe; • Philadelphia.- Maps and.. info ma lion . cheerfully furnished,. • • • " HOWARD ASS° cL.1770N, P'III,L.,ADELPHIA • A Tienerulen't Institution, established by special endn'se merit. for the relief of the sick •and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and• Epidemic discuses. .. 1• MO all persons afflicted With-Sexual Diseases, such as -SPERMATORKIDEA SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IM POTENCE, (lONDERIDEA, (MEET., SYFIIILLS, , the. ''ire of ONAKOI,-or SEY,F-ABUSE Ac.. ' • Thelfoivard Assoclation..in view of the, MINI deStrue7 tine of humanlife ' caused by Sexual Diseases, and the .deceptions IpractisME upon tho' unfortunate ,victims of such diseases by Quacks, several. Yeats ego directed their con:tutting surgeon, as a CHARITABLE—ACT - worthy of name..to open a .iliPpMlh)lry for the treatment of this class of diseases. io all their farms; and to. giro MEDICAL' ADVICE GRATIS to all who apply by letter, withM,Llescription of .their condition. 'age,.oechpation, Liahita of life;,kc:).and in case of extreme poverty to fur- - 'nish medicines FREE OF (MARC E. I i•iN net - mh:4'lo odd that thwassoclation commando tile' highest Medical skill 'of the age, And will furnish the. Most apProved Modeth treatment. . . • :. . • Thu Directors, review of the prist, feel nesnred that their labor's in thissphero of benevolent effort, nave bec4l of great nebula .16 the alllicteu,• especkily. to: the poring, and they share. resoled. to devote:themselves with renewed zeal to this everylinpOtabott much des,' •ploctl mesa,.. 'Just pnbilshed by the. Association, a Report.on Sperm ntoerlev, or SeminnEyealtness, .the Vice of Onanism, - 51nstnrltt ion, or Self -Abuse. apt other Dthosses of the Sexual Organs„ - by the cnsulting,Surgeon, which 'xvill be sera'by moil (in -n settled later envelope), Free of. charge, ; on receipt of two 8011,11:1 for postage.. Arldregil. for Report or treatment, Dr, GEO. 'II, CAL-. MIEN Consulting Surgeon,'• Howard Association, Not South Ninth Street, •Philadelphin, Pa. By orJer of the Directors. ' •. . • . • . EiRA • HEARTIVEL quo. FAIRCHILD, See'y, ' -; • '• Atrival and Departure - of Mails:. • . ..: • • S3IETIIrOII.T POST OFFICE. • , 0/errutenyei every.morning at S o'clock; a_r-. rives every evening.' . • •: • Cpuderspart-Lehves.. -Tuesday. and. Saturday rnofnings';• . arrives Monday and Friday eves. Sfit:j7pen--T.,eaves Tuesday, Thursday - and Sat, • ..urday •mornings., arrives Monday., Wednes-. day,.and Friday. evenings. ' 17ifigtray—Leaves. MonUny, Wednesday and 'Friday mornings.; arrives, Tilesday, Thurs day and; ,Saturday evenings. . , • ; Tfrarren--Leaves•Tne'iday morning•s'ans.l errives. Thursday ..evenings.. • .• • • • ' •• .S. SARTWELL, P. P one Coal:. • T: w.. SU . BSCRISEIt keeps handfor.sal,e Stone Stone - coal, of the ;best quality, Grist• Mill, in :11feehanicsburg. 'Grain of all kinds taken in exchange. • .. • . •• . • • • • GIIORDIS'CORWIN'. . a're not in the hnbit of telling "'lrish V V s torieF, but we lilive go t' MA'CKPZELf. COD nntl hosts of TEA at .10..oents. • . t. wR.Tai-rr. • . , • IrtlrOng Fluid at the ' • •• •• • 2 • xs.roit 11013 SS FF01(11 t rtro , tri,f Atri Floe? to twAv at. • It - • ' • 11, V, w .Itimr,a ao,ops AR.E . .,:-CHEAP. 7,4110 - 11',$ . ..1EGULATOlt.. S'l.orest4 T - Airgest . Std;V: of NEW ,SUMMER GOODS .firer .11.1NEQUALLED .. ATTILACTIONS •IN EXTENT.-frAR rE TY,'' ELEdANO.I3, - 'gin? . P 12: 41:tri . '1" (;_f design: and. Isi 1111O$0111 ARE . HERE Now is the Time, Tb_Selefet fro:ni the La!gest Purchae. Goodi wijilo PRICES ARE DOWN! The Gee/Ig. are Goiirg Off like: HOT CAKES oli FROSTY MORNING, Acid *tho,e lrlto vais/i `to made . CHOICE SELECTIONS SIIOUL D C ALL . 'EARLY' EIIIIST C littnicosi Stock Consists. DgY GOODS, Za 'Endless PAASof,'SADtD UMBRELLAS, READY.-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS & VESTINGS, MILL I . SEE Y GOODS, LADIES' DRESS PRINTS, LAWNS, LADIEg'..CIIALI,.&. LAWN ROBP,S;Floiinced, at $1 bEIjAIES, at ltY,C.ts. In. fact !!.. ConpTele; Asiortthen f 1 - -)11E - $8 IGO 0 0 .13S . .16,0 . 60 yds. BROWN ,SHEETINOS;' 5000 BLEACHED. SHEETINGS. GROC.E.RIES. PORI:, &c., ,Scx HANS at 12els. • TI:',AS a . 1.31 to 021 de. BOOTS.. _&: TlrgaSt' stock ever. offered' in' this sec:thin of country. Men's . Kip Boots, a.prirpe .Women's. Calf Boots, Men's. ShoeS, Womena.'Gaitets, tipped,. Women's, enameled . •In'addition to the aboye'he.has large quali iity of ' ' • . • • •,••••:S • T • -0 V E..S . • • • .1./A - R.D.wAR...E, CROCKER DTi.•l76'S • •TANICEI7.,.P.OTIONS, • AND CAPS', .n 1 all • . R.Otl and; , • . • . , Hoop Iron, . • . • darinalkand Cdie Steel, • '• Wash , Tubs and Meksuies, ..Patent Pails,,Wasti:Boards, Vinegar, Fluid, Oaluphene, Turpentine, , • " AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 'And It'thouSand ethei things tooqiumerous to mention, Which will be hold • , . WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. - . , Ir7'Country merchants. supplied at as low prices as, they, can bny in New York or any of the eastern cities, for cash or, approved' credit. Smetbport; June i . lBso. • , • • . . TIIE SECRET INFIRMITIES. OF , tO..._U Tit AN .NI A Ri T J J ust Pumisheti,-oratis; .2fith Thousand ' A . " FEW WORDS •ON THE RATIONAL fiTßEATAlENTokithoutMedicine, of SPer- Mator.rhea;of Local Weaknesa,N9e.tainalEinii aions,Genital and Nervous Debility, i'tematarO . lidcny of the system*, Impotency; and Impedi ments tciMarilafte generally.' • ' •-• ,• • : BY B. DE LANF-Y,';tl: D. . • , The important fact that the n inny alarining, complaints, originating in the. imprudence and solitude of yo . ntb; , may be easily rernoved.Wi'rit- • Otrr-MEnicntr,' is in this: small tract clearly ,dc.- Monstrated;: 'and the entirely...navyand; highly successful treatneentota adopted by the Ant hot., *fully explained, by means of which oval. one is.epabled to aura notsira?.perfectly and at the least. Possible cost, thereby avoiding all tile.aft. vertised nostrums . , (Attie day:. Sent to any..address,'gratis and post 'free in a' sealed enveloPe by. remitting (post paid) .tw.o . postage stomp to Dal.B. DE LA,N.l?,Y,'i::;ti East C:lst Street, dew York HARDWARE .it alaitufacturers' Prices, 'j , AWING ENLARGEO'IIIr FACILITIES J_aat the Old Stand, EXCELSIOR BLOCK, . . For keeping constantly•on . hand a cniioh large: supply and assortment' of the - heavy. arti-... • cies of HaroVare 'generally kept by. - thelobbing HouseS, and having . ' secured the AGENCY of - many Manufacturers • . .* including . t he , • • . ,celebrated .. 'FALL.:I;,IVI . M . .. NAILS, BAKEWE4TA Also those. of wimcn GitliFl:ltS and ~ - • •of - her maliers, .• - . F,AIIIROK'S.ICALES, COOKING STOVES, GLASS, of all Sizes, Sorts and Descri 01°115. I' PROPOSE TO SELL ALL Ilab,ul4cttireics' Price's. . - .A 1,90 I proti!ise.to 'still at a rnalt . Commieision from my. LARGE , and '-WELL.s.SELECTI) G!NGIJAM§, SHELF and other HARDWARE, In the selection of Which I have . taken -much pains, having given my. personal attention thereto. . . • . HOUSE TRIMMINGS; COTTON a'.1 4 .:,...() . ,..:.•7:..2 ::4.i COOKING.and PARLOR a eslrable SALT, ' • FL5.11 CARPNTERS' I MILLWRIGHTS; Of iho mast approved, Manufiict!ire, PEEK AXES, • ' SPADES, PITCH CORES, , • BUCKETS, • " TUBS,- • .WHYIELIBARROWS, ,LEAD LAMPS foi OIL, OAMPHF,.IO,, FLUID, MY motto is: The Largest Sales of the Very BEST 900DS at the LOWEST Re mtuierative Prices Insures the Largest Profits to'tlie Seller, fuinishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS WILL. BF. NADI?. people will pay higher prices for no better article's at other places, it shall be 'their own 'fault and not mine. ' . • • In'eMinection with •the.above, I am 'able to srpply on short ' , notice, • ••• •.. • TIN; •• : • ••• . .••• • • • SHEET -IRON'' ••• • •TTIO llaving,in my employ' Competent and experi; enemi'work*Mcm:vimse work lies:never failed to give satisfaction,. - • • - . 1'.R01;lez:ETO11, . No.: 11;x6elsiii1 Blok 0te40., • . • N° 2 & 3 OLE IN, S A W S, lODEB.;nII,LEATIIER.BELTING, S3EWARYS . ,(unnedled) POITLAt THE ABOVE ARTICLES.AT BLACKSMITHS , AND TitAsONs' TOIDLS, MA-TTpcKs; RA ICES, PtiMpg KEROSr.NE, ro 'DEALSV *ALL KINDS' OF, New Arrangement. ..I_,Qw:.- : AT1 . cy.,..:itv1:4 . 10, .. , , .., .. . . T . : 0L - K. B. -WIII .--,.,', . . :. HAS. AT...:HIS. - STORE . .; ONE,'DOOWP;AST.,‘_ THE ASTOR HOUSE, A I;ARGE". AND . comitg.ert ' STOCK OF G : ..g..„9 . c,,:p...g . , ,.1 . :; . .v......5::; :. ~..P: 1 . 1 ; Olt IS.' 0N S . 4 ' ' . Which he intends to sell at 0 1 ricei -which will, Defy ":-00i*OpeOlion.i.i.• I HAVE :ADOPTED THE READYPAY. - .rsYsTEm• Am! can assure the public there is one place to huy . gooda where there is NO JOCKEYING ; , Wj?ero you can send you orders and yont . Cash and . get: j:Tour•Goods as cheap as . though you . eame yourself. \. • SUGARS, from 9 1-2 to . 15 cts GOOD MOLASSES, 50 ots, STUART'S SYRUP, GREEN AND BLACR. TEA, SPICES'cf alt.kinds, SAI;ERATILS 8 eta.; "A few more chests of that 44 et, TEA, TOBACCO. of all kinds; • • • '•.' NUTS ftAISINS, And it fact everything usually kept.ln a "' ' ' Grocery Stora. ' • FLOUR;. PORK k• SALT A . .t.;AV AY. S QN •H A N NEW..LIVERY..STABLE IN - TOWN: TSUMClllllER,..4innautie'ei to this, nub.' Jic that fie has established n Liyery Stable in the Borough of Smetitnorf.. : It is located'ou' Main Street. ) a f fewlrpdsbetow.Meehsnie. street, and embruees , a well Selected,' Stock. Single and double horses'end •.ettirragee, forniShed „tit nll"tunes, et low rates , with or without drivers. The prcipfietor.l:eeps nuns .. but sound ttnd' gen.: tle horses,.. which are percictly reliable and. free (rani fault'or trick: . : • . •• With. an extensive expefience . n'ess, and a deterruinitio.n, to pleasei.his custo• mere, the . .proprieOr solicits The patt'ohnge.o PAINTS, Sinethport,April 29,.2859. THE MD Wilmtvgivio R.F:::WRIGHT ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC. THAT HE HAS REMOVED TO THE AsTp . g . .-.:.,fic) . : ,- Sl7oxtp, WITH HIS LARGE, STOCK OF 406 c., Where he 'offers aj,WbOlesale or Retail SUGARS Or ,ALL DESCRIPTIONS SHOVELS, GREEN,, BLACK & IMPERIAL . TEAS OF _DIFFERENT GRADES, • ROASTID, GROUND, JAY: AND RIO' COFFER, SFR,UI'..S Jr air zassxs RICE, :.SOAP, STARS ' CANDLES, RAISINS, FRUITS, NUTS, PRU ~:.• . • BARING POWDERS, WHITE FISH, P:1IL S, TUBING, dittriFisir AND' itrACKERgL,. 1.710ur,...P0i.k . gam, ..littiter; itisr:d; Eggs:, ,WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, :BOOVS•.o.na .Slj(),S;' Together with it htrge Resprtinent of ell kinds of . GOods kept in . a Grocery StorO; which he offers to sell for Ready-Pay at the loWest Mar ket ' .. • • .. - • B. F.rWRIGHT. Smetliport, ,Tune Ist, 1S:19. • , PiTs't :Wh it e,..1V0 kisbor6 Assoqq'te,J:ildgn,r.4ton. J . .. Darling', SrpothpOrt, Han. S. Hojni' : • Si;tcril-46sevh.M.orsV, Sm'othport... - • 'Prothoootark—Sninuel C. Hyde, Sintitlipoit:, ••• liegi6idi.'iod Re:cc:44o—C. ; g• Sartwon . , Smoth:-. •freasurrr, (pro tein.)4-4.1r19,s rsong; Bratlfcittl,, ConimissionerA-,Papiel Keyes ; . Eklred: ..I.'l.7.6legroyty;.•"lgonqch;?'Nehart • I'e!ibotly,, CCnnnii.:Blan'ei•s' B. C bitrict•Attority.---NViar6il tti\i•VO;',3 m'ot Firm rt ; 1N 7(.11 II NS la n ned • Stove T Pipo anti T,in Gat.llolrs l‘r.:‘,S.ol's"sl.• C,AMP4ENE; FLUID 3... HANES AT. LOW ,CoMitY Directory. RiNsitALN.::,MILLS!;,;,: •• '" • FLO-ITR' AND. UEAti • ep-o Ir y . MATHER would idarm the. public' _Li. that ha has permanently . esiabliihed in this place, srid will. 'keep constantly;..on: hand .r large quantities of - , ' • ;4,1,0tu. , ; . '.f.04 . :: 1- .4 - i':,NOI; . • , . . . .Poi. sale by: the lead oi stritillet'quitntitlett. . .. • 14110itT13:AND Itll6LiNati. P. 0 R By the barrel or. pound"; F . .LQUR . ,AND --SALT:;.,::-.',, 'By the barrel of sick; Cod FishOiThite tio; Mackinait Trouti: MIME alolasseff, Sili•ittp, Pfnegai4" The Best' TEA in Mien, C.OFFEE;.cANDI,p;,.RIC,E I: STAR.,C,' : O luqs, And eiery74es'criOion of . Varrilly'Grroderiee which will be, sold'; at ," • ' • ... . , • • BETTER. BARGAINS. . • . • • • .•• • . • •• • • . To purchaaera than ean.be had - at any, other, estahliChment in the country. , •.• • •• •-• ,;( HEAVY BUYERS And othori inay i•estasiered that, tbeir,wili be septitieti with .• • : StTPERIbR ARTICLES AT THE LO cm sr CdSli • RalrEL the'4AOldtashStpre " one door Weet of, ttio Astor libuse•buikling "and.got the . worth of your s . money; • ' D. D. -,:btATHER. 04,:1859. • • !•.' frt NOTICE, CTICE is hereby given that the:.bOoka, 111 . will be Opened •for the purpose . , recei ving subscriptions to the stock of the stdotiderti•i port,- Portage Oita Allegany. 'Elver. , Itsifroittl• Company," incorporated by anAet'of Assent ! : bly of. the Legislature of P,enesyliany,,Appro 7 ved April 12,.18,51.,,at the effice.of Tories, Esqr., • at. Smethport, M'Certn eounty,"•on Thursday, the seventh. day 'of „ July next • at. three o'cleali,.l l . M. -• • • • . . ••TIXOTHY .TORN C. ~/i.CKUS; • .N.F. JONES,. , . • • • O. • N . ..J.•.11 , 111.r.5; van Jwid 4,.1859 mIBEE ;Store, OPPOSITE EXCELSIOR :BLOCK, dr,EICINT • • . TllE jitibse r4its offer to the citizens of Olean • nod a large and .well eeleeted staelc of Hardware, at .priees. flint :caOnop.fail to Bait the parehaaer. . . . IRON: 'Aineviqn , Coolish- holes.' . • ' RODS: Nnrweinn, Cut,'Wrouolit Clinch and.ltivet.: NAILS' A FULL; ASSORTMENT OF CARPENITIt mid MILLWRIGHT TOOL* Besides I-1.- ..A, 1-1.,,,',x5.8V:',4"'°U.:.. IN. ENDLESS VARIETY Sash, Glass, Paints,.' Oils, -Varnishes, GIRRIVIer.E . 6 4 0011,,5; . AMELED CLOTH,. >;..• BROAD CLOTH; DAMASKS, -no Ts, - SPOKES, S RINGS, AND A LARGE QUANTITY or Table and Cetlery, OSTON. BELTING Co,, - ,LEAVIE4 ANP.MTINO. ..WHLOii..*E OFFER AT • MAS.UF.A.C.i'4 2 MILL; CIRCLE, HAND AND CROP;CDT4BA.WS; 'From tlio colotirattotl yaolOry of,Widoliti,llolo* . • Pltoll AND CA KIM, ' ' ~ ,.lILAOKEMITIL ,TOOLS r.Ls, VioNS, 80Itliictr ;4UB opAANyna. FARTOOO:PYPSO/I.s. ;, - ~ ; It4IP;S,;,, ,s ETYYPEs; mAN.ur4Wri**PY TIN,,- SHEET, - IRON,. AND ;,COPPER STOVES; 01 0 :ALL.,RAWERN$, • -Wll'll'oooE , AND . . WO'. , .3f4l(te,tfully...flollettt Othare - ,or!youtivarti9oo,so.-- . Cilyo'uo:,e, Olt Wore • Olean; :Atty, 5,1859 -11,,THOSE,WHO-OWEIME' for r . eiii)6l:efik... to' aAill ininriedkittely . apct settle their accolinMas ti'my - wijl ttiitisave . • -.: T en' the .IqaP ef ' thpo tog thei ;;;', and );tlti "find Ed. 1%1'14 ' ' ,zet ' FELLCES, AXLES,