. t4II.ERIFF'S•S.ILES:.' : •• • . -of.sundry writs of • Veaditiuyi jJ ic.rpotta's and issued ,• of the Con rt: 9f.Com mint Pleas of:NlT:win Penns,ylvanin, I shall expose td.public: sale at the.eourt.-11Ouse in•the,•BLirotigh.nf Sinetb polt, On - Monday, the I.iventy:SeVe"nth• day, of . Vine nett, titilko'Cjock•A.34.. of said day, the, folloViting described properly, to 'WU: • : • • All the right,. title and interest 91 thn fentlan . t:ln and iy'the folio w hill described. veal : estate, situate in - Lafayette, township, 111'Kean. • 'scribed ty; Sta,fe ofPcii nsyl van la; bolntled and•dc- , serilted as .follows',.,t6 Witt..oo themorth.by the Stafe.-road, on the east' and south by ,the , 111111 Alorsepuichase; and. oirtbn west lands of .. Pliny Fuller, " being parks of • 'wt.rrants . ..,.'4•16 and. 2'2'51, containing one,.ltholdred. acres ace-tenth of an 'acre; w nsuat 'ecnt.; be the ayrne' 'more or less;, bitnit'll nein acres imiroved, ivith t frarrie•honse . • and shanty - • • • ' :Seized and taledn'itt,execution.:ai the proper ..ty. t;f Charles D. Davis' at the suit }Award . boa for rise of Rpnes..M. now :for, the, 'use V. G. . •-• • -ALSO-- All ,the right, tillsand interest of. thedeled dant to and in . the following . reel es: 7 tate situitfe ..in 'S'ergeant,' toWnship,..MTcati county; Pennsylvania, bounded, and. described 'as follovVii, to Wit:'.l3eing.let No..9.lin•fhe snr vey mule by J. COlegrOve, beginuing, at a su gar trop - corner, 'being the south-west corner, Of this lot and of the north-west corner of the let, conveyed te,and'owned . by. penjamin 6'r;. thence east one hundred rods' to apost cor. her, thence nortit 'one hundred anti 'sixty rods to a;post thefce: south 'one., hundred andsiiiy rods' to the place of beginningi- cow ? taining one„hundred sere& of land; More or less, it - beilig : thc.sayrie •lail deeded . " by .Nathaniel' gobbiris, ghardian of minor' heirs. of''amitel 'Pitman, deceased, late of the •• Stat.i of. New lersey; to*Jahn. Glover; recorded in'peed Bgok H. of. the AVlCean county Recbrds,, page 164—* aboUe sixteen acres':partially improved, two log houses and one 'log barn on.the Seized and taken' in ..execution_ as the PrePer 'ty of John Glover itt• 'the suit of Nathaniel Itobbina,.u'uardiati of Thomas. C.,;.gary Jahe • arill-Sarah ' A on Pitman,' • , • L ALSO- ...All: the right, title and interest of the.defen; dant to and in the.following . .described real es tate situate in the titVrnship OF Hamilton; coon ,ty of • .Igltean and. State of Pennsylvania, bounded' as follows, to wit:, tin.the south by lands of L. English,' L. ParMeriter and D Mor risOn,:on the west by-subdiiision,.67, and on. the north-by lands of James A. • Andt.rson.inn,i the . Kibbe - estate, and on the east' by iankstir-• 'eyed 'in the .names' of L.' Wetmore auti tron9 containing about 800 acres'- about 'forty. acres improVedone new frame h ouse; one' new 'saw 'one' frame barn, an 'ol(l'l:muse and about one hundred apple trees thereon. • • Seized and taken in eirecution ms the proper ty of Z. - .Morrisohat the!tuit - ofjohn Davit.. AL sti— - - - • Alk,the right, titre and interest of the de fendant to and ibthe following described real estate situate in Bradford :township, M'ltean county, State , of Pennsylvania, it being let , No: thre,e hundred and nine 'and part, of warrant .NO. , 3337; containing one hundred, and twenty five,acres; the same conveyed by Daniel Kings bury and wife :to J. P. Melvin; by deei dated 15th September,. 1532--ahout ten acres in c frartie houss s one log barn and about twenty, fruit tread thereon. .• • Seized and taken in execution as thepropel'-. ty of Joseph .'A. Toier . and James E.. Blair, garnishees . ot Italker: and' j. ,Toz.er, • at. the suit of Bre.aderig; Arnold & lidg,g now for ilie:uie of J.; F. Clark. : -ALSO-- . . . .. All thelrigitt, title and int e r e st of the defen dant tc•and in tbe'following' tleiscrilied ;real; eii •• i ate, tci . wit: .All, diet ceitaiitpi'ece or parcel of ,land situate.in.the totViiShiP of Liherty,.county of IVl'Keiiiitand Sfate'of Petinsylv4nia,..hounded and desrribeir as.. follows: North by hinds .of Joint . Dextilr; on the east hy wa.rrant No. 95', od the , sorith,by.lands•of.galPh•Atetealf; on the west ',by lands' 01, Ralph Metcalf, e'dritafaidg: k .....,„i, seven acres add one trundred and fifty-six tailS• —ab Out three acres improved: • . Also , one other piece or pare -b of la'nd s uate in said 'township or Liberty aforesaid; bounded. on •the norttr;by )ands dfßileyT e Xter,. east by lands•of'Williain Boroughs,' on . ..the ,iontlybk ranili, belonging to the heirs' of ' the estate of 'Nelson Richmond, deeeaaed',. and . ...wpst.i)y the 630. leadini.from Piart.Afiegheny to.Litrabee's;, Coniaiiiing . atonttwelVe• 'flares improved, one. frame house and one-Log Barn; and about '35 .Appletrees. • •• . , —.. ,• ' • .' Seized and taken in-eieethin as.the'properfy of E. C: Dexter, at.the •suit . of .loseph .I..•ROb hins;now for the 'use of W. A Williams.' r• -ALSO Aftthe right title and Interest of the'defend ant to.tind the•foliovVing. described Reid ]s tate ;situate •.W: Shippen . ..township; M.'gear? Conuty,..Pennsylvania, - 13Oniuled and*•descrihed asiollowsoO - witiA tract of land eontaining, fiftY - -Oneacres.and twenty per Che's, being a part of the \Villiamson Survey, bonaded - antl,descri bed-as follows; •begiliMrig . at a ,Buttonwood on the nerth' baillc: the-: • Sinneitiabeining, the south-west 'corner" of David Craw's Portage. Farm; thenee'north.ton . ..degraes, east one hun dred and sixty.perches, toll post; .thence north .eighty-tWo and three-fourth degrees,, west six ty-six peiches.. and tWo.:tentli - s, to a, post; thence south-nine 'degrees;' west one hundred and thirty-five • Pe:rChes, to a 131tttooirood on the north bank of the creek; , thencd ddyn.the. creek to the 'place of begMbing.. ,Conveyed by' deed from W. R... Shields,. recorded in - Book page 218. . -.• . Ar.so; :One other piece nr...parcel of land 'stt-. uate in the Township, County and State' afore said, containing siiity acres . warrant num bered 'called the .Wilson - SurVey, west of and ad j Oining 'the '-abbve . .mentioned tract . .(purchased of J. F.. Chadwick) Begin ning ata Buttonwood On the north hank of the Sinnemahpning creek, thence along, the; said line north Wihe one hundred...lnd thirb-five perches to' a post'," the 'north-west corner the.recif; thence north , eight Y-two and . three4ourth-degrees, west seventy-four perch es an seven-tenths to .e post; thence south nine degrees, west one hundred and twenty-eight .petches,.tott poSt, oit the north' bank of 'said deck; :thenee .-dOivri the creek to the place of beginning. . 'Also, - .Subdivision niimbers two i. (2,) three, (3) and five,;(t.l) - of 'warrant .Mitp 'hered. '1069, ;each . containing seventy ..(7.0) acres and allowance of six, per tent,. as subdi vided by Elihu Chadwicic, - Jr.; on which is. oboist seventy acres improved land, one Tavern House, one . .Grist.Mill; one Store House; - 'anir five.fratne Dwelling.Houses,,three Barns; two Sheds one Sham and other o.ut.lio7)ses. farm lot was ,deeded by Chadwick and wife to*Eli . Eclt; the remainder was. deeded by 'David Crow to Eli. Felt (about fonr,aeres cepted, sold.to'Beero and Bartholomew.) Seized and taken in er.ectition'as the property o f ,F,B.E . elt at the suit of Ford - WSmiih . .- '; =A LSO- MI the right, title and interest of the defcn daht to and in the following dusc.rihetl....e,eal 'tale sitoate township s c.oinity; botinded.sll4l descrthe'd as 0O: the• !lOWA • by lain!' claimed by I 3: Pike, on the east hy'rtnuangwart Creek; on the south lands'claitned by All. Leop, a niE. t .clatimed by H. einitaining . about Tour acres partially' ifif , proved, being 'part:ol'44'Ni). 133. ••• 'Also one other Meet., • Of land bounded Otitka :maid b3iJand,s on' ihit east by .larida of S. P. Dickin'son,.south *by. landS - Of Tr Rutherford; and West Tunuangwant (.;reek; being yartmf lot • No.' 1:3); •. containing about sixteen more or Iss—iriprOved, one frame house; otle.barn,-'one saw mill and a few:fruit tries thereon.. . • ' - . • .41soiine other ' piece of land bounded o n :the' -north by lands of I,cingsbory i On• the 'enitby' lands Of P. • KingSbury - ,• sonth byllindS, of D.: KingsbUry, and westerly by lands Ofp. Kings= bury.and....T.,Rutherford; being .10t5..N0.. - 308 arid :)91, conlaiuirig abotitwo'huhdredai4:ihiity 7 two acres, more or: lasi. Also the follOWing described-'tracts of land tituate . iii . .the,iillnp.'of 'Bradford, On-Congress. street; bOunded:.and deSalhed• as ':folloWS --viz: On thu:north,by• lands . of .E...Norton'and' Daniel-Kingsbury, the .east. by'' Chestnut street, on the south by B. Kingsbury; contain . - ing .eight-tOths of 'an acre,' on : Which 'is.* 'frame house an one bnrii frame..• . • Seized ant taken ih.executipa as the proper ty. of, *G.T.ayinon4. at. tU suit ; of S. 1101MC.13 —ALso-- All the right iiileand interest of the defend: ant to and in the rollOWing described real essate situate.. in Liberty: township; M'Kean county PenpsYlvania - , beginning at the most Westerly . corner orlot the al . lottnent of Keat ing. 4 Co'sjands in• Liberty township, being a pust'in the center 'of 'the. publiE.rbad, thence north forty-live 'degrees east'[N. 45 dog. E.] one' hundred and. thirty-sht [l36] rods .to a corner; thence north; forty-five degrxes'West; [N,•45 deg . ..W:]one hundred and't.wclve [ll2] 'rods to a hemlock corner; thence south;., forty west,'[§: 45 deg. W.]-one hundred and fifty. [lso] rods, to a poit corner in the cen .ter'ofthe public . road; . thence 'along the center orsaid road' by the seviiral-cOurseS and distan: , ces thereof tb the place of beginning; Contain, ing one .hundred and.tbree[lo3] aeres,,more 9r less; being-lots, nunibered. 19 and. 163, and be ing Fart of warrant No- . 3455, about twenty five acres irrinroibd line•frarne house, tine' fratne harp, find a few fruit trees. .*. . . ..Sciiec4and takeneicecutiori as the proper ty of 'Janie! . BelloWs'af.the suit of .1: M. Bel lows. rALSO= . All the right, title and interest of the defend al..t to and'in the, equal undivided hell or war rant. number .1955 in Shippen township, M'Kean county, Pennsylvania,. containing nine hundred arid ninety acre's of, land and allowanCe of six per cent—tiniritlrbieti. ' ' . • Seized and Ven in execdtion as the proper ty; 'of John' lieero at the .Harniltou IJousler.• ' -ALSO7.--...." • All the right, title.and interest of the tlefetir dant to and in.the foljO:nring deserihed'real es' tate in timethp'ort norou . tt,h, county, Pennsylvania; hi:Sonde(' and described as follows: j3ektinnitie; at the'.south-east corner of lot .No. four [4], in square No . : fiffy..mine[,S9] in said' Bcirout.th'plot; ihence .. west along the south•line of guid . let, No. 4, twentk-eight , [2B] feet; thence .south sixty-six [66] feet to the 'place of beginning 7 being'the'seuth-easi'cOraer of said '.Seized and taken in execiition' as the proper tiLof .lienry &F.• Williams at the suit of liitam Payne now•torr the use.olD.'n..Bartou.. • . =ALSO- . . . . . . All the tight', title and interest - of th,e several 'defendants and the. folloWing ,described real estate situate nit Keating toWnship, M'Kean county, PennsYllianiC•,.hounded and degCribed foliowS, to. 43 . e:tinning-at Canoda / Coal Cteek;;inthe North line of lot 'NO.'I7B I conveyed to . ,Hirarp*GarY;,thenee horilibne EiTt• one' half -degreeS east, one, hundred' nine nine-tenths' perches, to the -road and south:: . weet corner- of lot No: 55;' thence' by said -road . and south line of said lot south, eighty ; two de : - green e.dst,•ninety , sii perches. td .the west line of hot No. 51, con veyedlo Enoch TylerObance Impart br said line south, one-and one,half.de , green west, ninety-,one and three-tenths - perches. to a heitlocknin the, north line 'of. lot-Nn. 279,, thence by said line and north line 'of lot No. 178, aforesaid and liy -coursee of stiid - •Creek to the plada•of 'lieginnitig;' containing fifty-three and 'two-tenths acres, with the usual allowarice of 'sik'per - cent fort roads, 4c.,- bothe same mare' or less,, it being, lot No. 278 of the allotment of the Bingham landa in' Keating tAwnship and part ofwart - ant No:: 2090 abatit' fifteen -acres improved, and One old (fame house.. . - Seized and•taken in..execution 'as theproper ty'of Maiy-inne Tylfr, William Tyler her-hus:' band, to the use of Mary JaneXyler, also War.: 'deft .11.- Gary,' . Willialn M. 'Gary; Louisa At. G.'iry, Mary A: drary, 1- Florence E. Gary 'by , their etiarthan, ,terthen' .G CurtiS,. at the suit now 'for the use of Wflliain of 'a r 0f '13.1710 ;um _L). issued out of the District Court of,-Alleghe• ny:CoUnty, Pennsylvania, and to inetlirected, .1 will emiose to.public sale at the Coust Ilouse in the . .bprou,;li of: Smethport, Jtionday, the r-qth day Of hine ne . xl,,at ; fo,o'Cipc,k of. sail day, the.tolloWingAescrilied rcal• estate, to . . . .. . ' All the right, title , interest. and .clairn'of the defendant in and to the following described real . estate, sittiate in. the Countyof.M'Kean, Penn sylvania, do wit: „ • A part . Of warrant No. 4910, containing two handred and fifty-six [259] acres. . ... .' .• Also, .a part of warrant No. 19(1 7 containing seven hhndred and twenty-three [733) . - acres. . . Also, a putt of warrant No. 2820, subdivis ion 67, containing - one hundre'd [loo]. acres.• :* ✓Also, apart of warrant NO. 5.556; containing One . hundred and twentyeight [l2B] acres. Also, a part.of warrant. No . ..ss7o,•containing tuio,lttindred [2oo] acres, • • • Alio; d part of war'rant.No.. 557•i,'dotjtaining one hit nd red. ant! .fifty. [tso] acres: • . • Also, ; viniri of wat'rant No, 5573 containing one hundred 'and tweitly.flye'tl2s.l All the iillove. tracts of land situate in Ham lin. township, • .'• • Also,' a part orwarrant 2797, containing . two hundred [2oo] acres.: , • . • Also; a part .ofw . arrantiNo'. 3 . 767; containing two hundred.and•forty [2lo] 'acres. ..Also, 'a part of . warrant*No; 2390, containing one hundred' [loo] acres. . . The last mentioued three tracti are .sitnate in Sergeant township.. .• • • , Alsooi part of warrant No: 4975, .Containing one hundred [lOOl acres, in Ship Pen. township. In'all, containing tri.o 'thOusand three hun dred and tWenty•two '[.:V322] acres of land, he the same More or le , ..!,sit . nate in the; toyceships,. it'Ountk and State idoresaid. " • . • Seized and, token in, execution as the Omer ty of Wm. 11.11 imnleatied with Robert Bell9l. the suit of A lexander Laughlin. . . . JOSEPH .MORSE, ,Sl err 11 Smethport, June 1, 18.19, • , • •. • GOODS ARE:',...: - .CITEA-P. I'AYLOR'S:ItE(XLATOL Taylor • has non!: in: Siorelk 4;•L '. re,i . .t ' ,.'to . cct .f , • . •,... ~. •• : ••.••• •-• • . . • ..,., -. . , ii,4i,E:817`..,...,5M-5E.R...:::-,,..000Ds . . . Tier Lrgitglit into, County, UNEKTALLED .O'TIi:I(4I9:VS IY . . EX Tie TETI', _ELEGANCE ,:•nul ..'• AU X''' . of •• desti and cololn ring: !• .• • . • .. • • • . • . . • fill:10r Et At D I D 11 ARE .11EttE New is the Time: To Select Jrom the Lepg,est , §tocZ:auri Purcha.le. Goods while PRICES ARE'.'.DOWN! Tieo.ooOds dri s do‘ni'bff . like - HOT: tA . o . .iiii:.:a.' FROSTY. MORNING Ai :Mose tqlq: wis4 lo • CHOICE .'.SELEICTION4 SHOULD CALL EARLY F:IRSrcO E, FIRS i r SERVEIj Inimeime Stock 621,5i-6 etf. D.1R:',Y7....• 'G . 0..0 :,D.S. lu 'Endkri:lVarieti PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS; READY-MADE• CLOTHING, CI I OTHS & VESTiNG.S, :11ILL INEDY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS PRIFtS, KAWNS, LADIES! ROBES, I. 4 . loanc . ad, at Si DEBAIZES, at:lo'cfs • ' la! fact a Complete'. Assortnzpit . . ' 1:)T - 111 4 ]SS. 0 - .0001)a • in,doo . yas. 131 O~i'N SHEETIr GS, • COTTON. YARN, ,500013LF,ACHE11 SHEETINUS. GI?OCE . RIE S. SVG.iI6-9, • * • FLOUR, • . . PORK, &c., &c I.I.ANS 'TEAS aie . 31: to 621 cit., 1.•.0QT5 . : &.. 'S.IfQES; . • Largest.itock ever offered in this section:of country , ..; Men?slCiri Diets,. a, prime article.- 7 - WOmen'a Calf • Boots, • Men!s Brogan Shoes; Women's Gaiters,' ipped; Womeil's enameled In addition to the' aliovb, he has a laigo qttan-: • ' , . • ..I.- • S. T '0 V E.- , 1141ZI) gs; . TeocHERY,• 1: 1 141TOS lIIEDICINES,,YANKEE' NOTIONS; • 11A2S CAPS, IRON of 01l • • Rod Owl- . •: • . derman and, aza Steel; Wa . • • ... skipbs and GrOl'i'lMeastres,: .. . .. . • Patent Pails:,.Waalv.Boards;Vinekay; Fluid, Carilitheile, Turpentine, . • •.' ~. - . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a thousand other things too numerous • -to mention, which will be sold .., . • • WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. O Country .merchants supplied_ At ds - IoW vices neothey•cnn huy,Th -New Yor-or any of he . eastern cities,-fur cash or approved' credit; .Stnethport,-1unei•f8.5.6.- THE SECRET .INFIRMITIES ogf YOUTH AND MATURITY, Dirt driftis,'2stit . . PEW WO R D S ON, THE RATIONAL TRE ATMENt, without Medicine, of §per , matorrhea, or Local Wiiaknesa, Nocturnal Emile coital and Nervous, Debility, Prematdre . Decay of the 'syttem, Impbtency,.and .4npedi mOrits to 111arriag,e generally.;. • BY 11:. DE D The important feet the , ,fhat niany altaming complaints, originating in the 'imprudence and solitidle s of youth; may be'easily removed Mcnitt,iii is in this. small tract clearly de monstrated; .and the entirely new and. highly 'successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained; ;by Means of which ,every one is enable& lo cure distssi.ipeqee.tly ardt at the least 'poSsiblg.cost, thereby avoiding all the ad- Vert'ised nostrums of the'day. . "'- .' • . • Sent. to any addrers, gratis and post free in ,a 'sealed' enyelope.by .remit t Mgt (post 'paid) . two postav,e stainps to ton. B. DEf,AIV;:Y, SS East H Ist Street; New Yuri: City, ", ' • . . . . . 11A RDWAR .41atilifrepii•eri7.-',Pricek, ty' N ENLARGED' MY FACIEIT'IES A a V t i the . , • N° &3 EXCELSIOR BLOCK, . . . . . , . . ~ . For keeping eonstantly. on hand' a 'ninth laiger • supply•and. assortment olthe heayy arti- ' . . 'dins of, flardwarp . , :generally kept . 6y • ' • the Jobbing Ilonses, and' having secured thd AGENCY of . many Afanufacturers - - ° . incluang •t h tit - •.. ~ ' . . FALL RIVER NAILS, W . IIE,ELERMADDEN & .BAKEWEWS S _A_ s Mao, ihose'of WELCH'-&-GRI FFITIIS and • : :othar malcers,.. . FAIRDANK!SSCALES, STEIV,kIIT'S (uneuelleil) POPULAR COOKING STOVES, GLASS, bra sizm, &iris and Dmr.iptions. I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL THE ABbVE. ARTICLES AT I\la,nufactiirers' Prices ~ . . A leo I propose. to aeil ni a small Commisiion from' m.); LARGE• and WELL SELECTED STOCK .of . ' •.. ' .. GIFGHAMS, SHELV aiiii..ther.HARDWARE In the ideetion. of . ..which I..liave taken much pain. hiiving . given my - persohal attention theieto. . .HOUSE TRIMNIINGS, 2....1.1:::D.::.7........i - 0 . :i? COPIONG:dnd .P4RLOR of eveiy dcsirable CARPENTERS;: --....1y111,17.yi..01GHT.5',. 'BLACKSMITHS' AND 'MASONS' LS; 01 . 0 e , moit, 4riptoyed Manufacture, PECK. AXES, bPADL:S, PITCH FORKS; LEAD 'PIPES, LAMP•for' CAMPIitNE; FLUID, and My motto is: The Largest Sales of the very BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Re munerative Prices Insures the Largest Profits to the Seller, furnishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfactimi. • ,LIBER&L - DISCO.U,NTS WILL BF 31ADE Jr people will pay higher p . rices for no better other places, it shall be their'olkn fatilt and not mine., • • '. • ..lit.conneclion with the:above, I ani able to eirprilY on short notice. . • SAE :Having in. my employ CoOltietent . and exneri 7 _ended .Workmen,.whose Work' has 'never thiied to giie datiefactiOn.. • • . - V. 13, 1-314:115U, PROPRIEI'OB, 2 and 3 Excelsior:Block Olfian,, :gay v . 1 . 7, • • • OLEAN, RUBBER and lEATIIER'.IIMING : o`v 's '4ATTOPKS; RAKES, 131.JC ICE.T S; 'ff L.:)3 A 11 RO WS, PUititS, I'lJ BING, KEROSENE TO. DEALERS ALL•RINDS - QF 4 COPPER WOR.Ii; New Aniange,ment: LOW PRICES B, WHITE 11.0 • A T . ' 91 7 ‘.114E:45T0R .• -.- A :LARGE - AND•'O:IIPLETE G, : lt; . 1):c -. .1rAft,l , l' . ' .. S . -; .P-WO V IS I 0 N' S,.' WhiCkiic intends to sell pt• prices Alkkrti.P . .liirE • READY•PAY. .SY.STEM And can ciSsgre the jidhlie there. is erne plaeo.to buy.gootls Where there is NO ; Tey()A.cni - ,senti yoU•ordercantl your Cast • afa get your Goods •Os.chealvos . • • . thOug4 yoti . cirrie your4 . olf. • : • SUGARS, from 9 1-2. to 15 cts • GOOD' MOLASSES,. 50 Oto STUART'S SYRUP, GREEN AND - BLACK TEA, SPtdES •. • few more .cheits, of that 21 . TOBACCO 'of all kinds,:, • NUTB And in fii.O't everything 4sually kept in' FLOUR, PORK & SALT WAYS ON TU:A N D 1 1 11 E SID K. HILL: v4cATER i: . •. :13.'. F.. WRIGHT. .. ' .... THE PUBLIC-TtlArniE HAS REMOVED tO;TIIE A.lrOli 'IIOV,Si''::ST.O,Rra HIS. LA HOF , STOCK OF, .000 C.#ol.o,S ' i ji°lo. MEM Wilere:he:otteri aiWilolesale or .Retail SUGARS OF . ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT. LOW PRICES, GREEN, BLACK & IMPERIAL TEAS Or DtFF'EI E 1 T ciApE. R0MTED,...111!4N1!,. JAVA ...AN!): 1110'....c011i1i SF•S:UPS 19•..110AdiSSES, RICE, 'SOAP; sthal; CANDLES, RAISINS, FRUITS, NUTS, PRUNES; BAKING POWEitliSt CODFISR AND MACKEREL, Flour, Pork, Brant, Iheller, Lard, Eggs', WOOD AND WILLOW PAILS, 1300 TS. arid= SI-lOTES' . , • • , . With a e together with lar g e assortment of all kind! of Coolie "kept in a 'Grocer'y ;Storn,;: which he (Arai to sell..for Relidy'Pay at ttie lowest mar ket price: • .• •.: • •; • ,B. F. W.RIGHt• Stnefhport, Ist, 1809... • NEW.LIVERY STABLE IN . trtHE . annoirnEes tct'the. pub: , lic' that kabfii efitablistied a Livery Stable in.the IlOrotigh'of Smethport, :It is locatedon 'ain Street, a few rcals beloW Mechadic.etreet, and embraCes a well selected Stock. • .Single 'and. double horses' and carriages; fuidished :at all times, atlow.ratei,'wittior-withOut drivers: The..proprietor keeps none but . sound and ged-_.' tle.hiarses, which - are perfectly.reliable aNd tred from fault dr trick. .. . ...• • • ' • With an extensivo .. experkeace the-.liusi nese, and a' determination to please his custo mers, the proprictonsolicits the pationage of Stpdthport, April 28, 2959. Cotknty. Directpry. Pres't Jtidg,i-1t0r1..12. G.. White, , Welfsboro Asti 7 eiaid ft( (1;;tir: 1106 •J. Smethp . t Hon: S..llolnies, • • Sheriff , = Joseph Xorse,.SmeOport. • ProthOuptariz-- . na §attelC.llOef Smethliort..• . Register etitti Ii Register K. efirtwell, Stneth', port.. •Treavirii - , (pi?, P4rstins, BTAdford.: CO ninVivionekw::::-Dan lel J.,,Keyee,:t.Eldted, Norwich; Peaboai,. , Cq ‘ ninti.oioners ' Clerk-=-J. R, .Chadwick, Suretb Artditois C. • Carter, Ccres.' • • • District Attorney.--Warr s pt! qovy:tek,'Sin6thport Coromer.—James' Bowl,.LO'ayette. . . TINCEIUII7C§ arhl '.Tapa'nned•War'p; •Pipa ntitl • TinCutlioVes:at •• STOCK OF GAHPFh . ; FLUID Gruce . ty .Stare WHITE FISH, S. HANES, < 'IIINSDALP, MILLS 7 AND :-ArE.A", P.. : . : , : ..-:': - .'.:f .-.... '''',.: -. 0 - :::: - 0,..... -- * - H:::, , ,; 0 ,. , . . . . B: 11TA'FTii R., would .inform * the rulilic .11. that 110 has ,pertho'n t enily ep4tblishetl'iri ' • his pince l. l”id I.:(!iptoristtknly : pi) htkini pf .•, , . Fi6titf i ':' . :r.ed..:.i i i . 4:',,3% . o4l ; For sale by - tbe.lbia•cir.lm4llqi Also, • . ..• . SHORTS: AND MIDDLINGS', P ' IC`. By. tho.barrel or pound, FLOUR AND SALT • r; I 'S... • . Cod Fisti:WhiiiFish;.ittii:cliin'tilv Trout; .Moitss,ses; ritiegan The Best TEA inTown, COFFEE,':.CANOIES,.:IIIOE I . : :OT.:AOCO Itis,' . 6vlLs;:c.:i4Dit'At' , lb . ij . .i, And every ileliciiptibri of Faintly . 43roaeries ) which will be gold at , BETTER BARGAINS• . - •,., - - •• . • To purchasers than.. can he had at any . othei , estithlishment in the couatry . . IIEAVY • • . And.others may rest assured s that, they will b supplipthWith ' • SUPERIOR- ARTICLIVS AT THE Lil imsr GISH , RaTES. Call at,Oeld Cash Store,'? one door Wes 4 of the Astor House and get MIX worth of gout mohey: • ' •• • to. MATHER; Strietiiport, May 24, 1859 , : . • ; • " I-larchvarp Store, oi , pbslte trdnr,..zon zocr, qzt..Zg . . . T HEsubscribers'offer . :to the citizens or Olen!: and,' vicinity, : .vrell, Selected stock, of.ifiirdware, at 'prices that cannon full to gait ,. the _ purchaser. . ,• , . . . IRON. American Endish Sircdes . ,:::.: • • • RODS.. Ndrweiriln NAlLS;:cuti iYrnnyht, Clinch anal ilivel. . • rtlLV'AssiarritilksiT:Cili tAslrLNfElt.fihd 7111tiI:1f1t702IT TW LSj Ti : : A: 'T. - 1,, , ti: AV:. :.A....-J.E3't!-.1. . • IN: ENDLESS. Sash, 'Glass, 'Paints, Varnishes; GIRR.LIGE 410019.8; . . • ENAMELED' CLOTH, BROAD ci,()Tit; DAMASKS,' • . • 'BOly'S, • .• srokEs, FELLCKS,. • sriuNas, Axi,Es, AND A LARD r, QUANTITY 0F .. .. Mcket COtlery, ACIENTS„ FOR TILE • BOSTON: BBLTlMl,...eu:;''V,iffllßß'Altii)::.pt;tT.l.N9 '•• • :1 . 511 . 1.04 A.T, • . • LkLS ~ , • ,MILL;. gßppA.Cl7ll43lrq; .I+!oip the colubiated FttOory:ut.i4aeler, r naddeit, A\l) .*.l,,RiLl.9i!ititl§;..SOßl;lV PLATES . 141•C'ES;' • 4 '.lttc' . • •. • • ~;• • ?,I[ANIN'ADTVIII:IO TIN,' ,SHEET •IROrt.. AND STOVES OK ALL PATT.ERS, ,_{PITH wpm iND,RARI.OR.. : . respectfully. 'eolielk a "hare oi. your iitrouage.— Oleo 11311 call before pureha.ginz elsewhere. • • • T.. Iv., ADAMS"B4 -CO.' otean; July v, 16uf1 • . . • • , NOTICE: .• 11COT.1,CE. is•bereby given that., 1be f. 130610. ..E l 4 will be opened. for purpote, wing subscriptions to the stoc the «Gourfera port, Portage and •Alli;garlyvet'; ‘ Rnlljoad c o mpany, , ? incorporated by I.A.ci A r„, A:sstrn= . bly of the.Legisla tura ,of.PiiintniPv!ilny,"Xppro yed Aprily.3. 1851., ofriee,cir Errir., at Smethport, i‘l!Crifiß oil Taursday,• the.severitli ' • •.. • • • • • •.. .••• • JimiN'e..-WAtic.s'i.• • , . ...•• • •.ticostr,sKuißp§: i . • .:• - . • ;;'.•-0.:,1: - , • ',.:',•••„ • ' Co t r 6iidtoiteL' Smettriort;juile : TAITERN-LICEN6ES'.• , mitE foll.eving inniea . perseniihav : 111;4; qui} (Iva Yeti theta fee e'Xityere Itscese,l.o eMe,e,, he: .ctirding, to Levi L td:iitt. • '• ..• • It: Wei hetti ' • , kanuh U . Dollexi!Por* 0'4;444, , -• • nter'J: fierheri mt. leo:yfer, ; ;.: 7 4' fi Yr : o ;;; L.S. ha otl and the stater itt,hl,l7,eertl:Paseheerer,tietyist , ;,.. of June " • • • • t••AAtint;'47.l . ll , 44i , ,;d* • V • • •••• , '•• • • -• "; • • '.l By thi.litwrt;o track; , Se.