M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 09, 1859, Image 1

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VOL. 2
iilliedit.b4ittp :".)0044,t!'
TERMS: •r_ ' • - .8 1. .150: in Advance.
••.•• • • . .
• Rates..of Adv.e lung: •....'.
1 Column one j•ear • . ...... • •$35 - 0 0 '
• " .. ... .. .; .. • 12 00
. tc • six •monlha , - 2000
.... ... .. .. .....;.-12 00
.One square of 121inee or lees; 3 loseitione,; ... . ;.. 160
Each aubsequent insertion • . ' 25
Eueinene Garde, sylih•papor, ... .... .. : .. .. 6 00.
TheaaTerma will bo - etrictly adhered tO. jjf,
Jl34oifigligi.: . : - 1:0itoop :,
. .
Surveyor,Draftsman, ..Conveyano r; 'end' Real Estate
Agent. ..Sadetbport,'lll'Kenn county, . •
. .
Practical Drechanic; &c.,
Port Allegbeay . ,lllTeari county, Pa, • •
...Estate Agent; Office, Williamsville, Elk co.; Penn's.
Chapin.2c. Boyle.: Esq , ci
Ilon. Thomas Struthetsi
"W.. 8... Browoell.„Esq.,
Smethoort, ,Pa,
Baena'Vlata, Pa.
CARVER HOIII3B, .• - • ' .
Jinni 11. lltri.i..4...roprieter; corner of Wafer and Illekery
Streete; Warren, pi....Generitl Stage Me....
WhOlosale.and Retail botile'ra la Family Diocerles; Pork,
Plour, Salt, Feed, ice„ &O.: ' Under..R. S. DiaaOn's
• Stove Store, East side , of the Publio'Squire,'Smethport:
J'. C . . BACKUS & CO
. .
General Dealers in Dry. Goods, Or Oceries, Crockery,
Peedy7blade Clothing, Boots and Shoes; Hato and Caps,
.. ha., opposite the Court House, Smetbport Pa..
J. c. HOOPS!
. . .
, . •
Wholeiziale . and . Retail Dealer in' Provlsions,' and 'Family
Groceries, Dry Goods, Roots, Shoes Hats, Cape; Nails,
' - Yankee Notions, &e. .&O. store one door west of the'
Aator House:. Ternis Cash. :. -.. ,
,• d`" . .
. .
-Fronting the • Public 'Equare, Olean, - N. Y•:"
Lt.;En. Proprietor: : The Fobes House is entirely new.
• and built of brick, Mid - Is turnithed in • modern style.
. -The, proprietor
s ilaiters himself that- his ace.oremods
.- tions are not surpassed by any hotel' in Western Now
York. Carriageil run to and trona the Now York • and
... • ,
ATTORNEY AT . J.,,aw; Smithport, APKean County. •pà.-,
• Agent . for, Messrs. Keating -&..C0 , a 'Lands Attends
especially to the Collection of Claims; Pasmination of
Land Titles; Payment of • Taxes, and attliusiness rein
.ting to Real Estate. -'olllee - in :
. .
Waionr, Proprietor,--at Kiniva, Warren. cointy d
Pa. • Ills Table will be supplied with the :best the
country affords, and he ipare no pains In accented...tine
• .. . .
• • . . . . .
Attornoy and Counselor at Law, Smethpbrt,. WEoan
.CouOty, Pa. — fitts'nees• entructedAT Ilk care for.the
counties of M'Kean, Potter and Pllr will,lie promptly
Attended to 'Office in the Court fiouso, second floor.
• ...
. .
Phy'alciati and Etargoon,. Smethpoit, PtC, will 'attend •to
all picifeasional calla.with promptness....-Office in tart.
second floor.
W. 8..8UT1.R it • CO.,
. . . .
..... . . . .
Wlieleaitlednd fetal •Dealere. in Ftapld,and. Fancy Dry.
• 'Goode, Carpeting, , Ready nide .01(allinc and General
- Furnishing Goode Poets , and Shoes, Wall and Window
'Paper;LookingCheeses; &c: •At Olean. N. 1
Smetliport,Wßoan 0o;., Pa, 11:Brenurr, Proprie
tor—oppoatteCourtnew, largoi corn
modtout and Niall•rurn4hod.honse.
AtterneyrrnlCounsellor at Law, Enothpqrt,C o
~Pa. Will attend to all busineas in hia proteshion in the
',counties of M'Eean, Pritter and Elk. oMcOnver C. K:
' Hartwell & Brothers' Btore. • '
Wse,•lfasicam.. PrOprlotoril3methport, iff , iia , an Co., Pa
Stago . s aodirotil this place atop hero. Good' aacom
modationwanda reasodables . prtaea. • • ,
• •
13ealer Goedi, Groceries, Pork;
Ready-Miele•Mothlng, Beate ant •Blicies. Store in Ea.
ton , e, old stand, Smettipert Pa. 'General Patent kfedi-.
. .
. . . , .
Corner Otfieiond . atid Liberty atreatigi . .Warreti 'Pa, , R.
' A. BARI:ton, Proprietor.' - Travalers.will- and gOod ac-..
;comtnodations andyaasonablo charges.. • ':•
.. . ,
, . .., . ..
Dealer in Btcirpe r Tln Wares Jappened•Wire, • ecCiy west
'Wide of, the Public Square; Smethport, Pi. Custom
work done to order on the shortest notice, and In the .
.. 'mind 'substantial manner. t. • 1 , . . -
, .
W: B. BROWritmL,
Dry Cinoda, Gradetiee,'Cioekeiy, IlarOrare;
Boots, 81gtem o Efate:, Oabs,Plasg, NOIR. 011 e, &0.,
East aide of the Pahlia.Squire,erriethilott, Pa. •
A. y. orro,
. . ..
. .
'Dealer • hi Srevielona and Frith!ly Groceries genoiallq, at
Parmere Valley, Wireap. 00., Pa.:. Groin, Lumber,
Shingle'', &e., taken is exchange for Goods. Patent
Medicines for Bale:.; ,'.. • .
.. . .
. . _
. „ .
, .
11. LARAMIE'. Proprietor,-Allegheny l'iridge,: M'Kean
Co , Pa. Tbie boneela situated about nine miles from
Smethnort on the road to Olean, end will be found a
convenient stopping-place. •
.. . • ~ '
.. •
Shippen, Wltein 00.,- Pa. LEOR4ND, Proprie!or;
'A commodious and .well-furnishe d: house. Strangers
And Wireless will find. good accommodations. . • •
*By. Cloonwor.: Thle house le elluated.abont flee mile
from ScaethpOrt on the road to Olean. 'Plea/01re podia
• and.othera can bo 'accommodated on the ehortget votive
NATIIAN Proprietor. Tililt ilOllBB is Si tualedlini
-way between Broetbpert and (lean: : lf you iyaut a good
dinner Ulla lithe place toatop,
• ,
Frolirietcir of ,tho Grist Mill; at ,Idechanicabuig,' Mc•
Keay County Pa. Flour. 'Meal, and :Feed ,•constantly
' on band and for sale; in, large and ?mall quantitiCe..
. . . „
WILGISM STREETER PrOprietor,...Norwlth' ::11.Kcan Co.
• Pa'. Good' accommodations can bo bad there at. a
ENOCH 11:"Hottrr,.. Proprietor, 'at Pori. .Allegatiy,
Haan County , Pa, „Thin Hotel isnititated at the ,lona
Lion Of the Smethport pod Allegany River ionds,'nine
mUoe east of Smethport.- . , ,
001C•on the' ftiari of .the. United States, and
thendooli into'rhe old'atand.of Ford Si Spith
.and you will . find Ed. Alason'ia Tin Short'all'on
the. niu.'eat. • • , •
Wwwatetyed her tireatiaing through the night;
Her brietbink 'Oft:and row , 4
'de in O'er breiuitlbe'weve
; kept lieevtng to And frO:1 ' •
. sd•iiiperly'!eoeid
Aeliie had lent hirhalf our poyroye
To'eke her lieleg'out:
Our very hopes belied nor fearif,
Otir twits our hOpeti '
We thought her dying whoa she slept,
. And sleuping . whenAhe, died. :.1
Forwhen the time dim and sad,
• And ehili . with early showers,.
Her quiet 'eyelids elosed 7 —she had
• . Another morn than
.41 the grand Alherga . at U.dine, the Austrian .
delegate! were vaitifig for. General tonaparte
to hold a conference.
.: . Everything was .arting=.
id for hii.reception. The—table . was Set, the- .
cooks.hut elyvaitipeithe arrival 'of the : celebra
ted French 9eneral, to serve;the.splenaid:dejeu
ner ciitit•i.rhlehthis - day's conference ..was to
, .
Ridgway, .Pa
Warren, Pa.
Count . tudWig Cobenzl and , the .Marililia de
q'allo; were wriiting in the.diaingialoan, *tend
ing together'ai a wiadow through' which they'
looked out.ovei the country .'
.‘ , lt - fs a cold day,'.'4aid Count Cohenil, after
a . patise.in the conversation ....A.s.for: Myself,
I like the. cold weather, for it reminds me of
the be'st.yeara of thy_ staii at the Court'of the'
Russian Semiramis. ' YOu,. however, 'M, Mar
:(juis, are probably:.reminded by this. Celt' still
'more sensibly of your borne'in'beautiful
and of the glowing Stin . of the South." .
"I do not.knOw of any home at all, Count,"
rejoined the' Marquis . .i(Every.-place is :alike
to me, wbere I_ean be usefulto my. kins,and'
.my country." .." : . ' • •'••••
to`•day;'dear.''Marquis, it : is your corn
mbision to be Oielull.o a, foreign eountlY . and•a
foreign prince."
"Austria is.the, native r'ountrk of my noble
Queen'. Caroline," said the . Marquis seriously,
and the T!.inpresi•is.the daughter of •My. Queen;
WhateverAArn able to do is at .the .service'of
the Imperi'arfjouse of Austria." • • •
.• •
'«I fear we shall lidye a thilie'ult position to
Slarrinfa," sighed Coilenzi, • •T his French
GeneTal •is twaimeni it. afinsetilytte of the. *prat
kind.' .He in *tinting all nooeo:se,' , all'boti Oa,
and all fines e!" .•• . • •!'• •
ctAh,. NI; Count, I cOnsider . thia Bonaparte a
great genius, and.l. think me altalrne . ed to be
much on our gitard to obtain'aby:ildrantage
from him." • • '-
. , .
• "You think so; Mrquis?" inquired the
Connt'; , rThen 4 youtlid .not observe-how his
brazen . cobetenarce tranSfigured' when I deliv
ered to him, a few days agO, the, confidential
letter of his . Majesty the Emperorr . 1.7m1. did
not see hiadelighted expression as he'read'it?
Oh, I saw it, and I said to' myself, this Remit) ;
licari'Bear is'nnt insensible of the favors of the.
greet. Flattery .is foeil that tie likei; .hence
we shall feedhim With it;:and' be will be ours;
will act 'according to our wishes, without being
awarevall t himself. The great Empress Cath
arine. used, to say: '' , l3ears•are' tamed. but by
sUgar-bread; ind,Republiethe by decorations
and titles.' Well; then, we shall give sugar-
bread, to•this Bear., Seencarquis,:hovr much
I honor him. I glow him to-day to take: his
ChoColate . frism my triost'riVecious jewel; thiv.
cup, -which was presented to me by the great
Empress, andr.whicQ his, as you will see, the
portraitof ,tlie'Czarina.painted . citi it.. tvh, it
was at the last. festival the herrriitage When
she offered: Me the cup with chocolate. • She
imparted to.it its trile'value by touching the
brim Of the cup with her suhlime lips, sipping
from the chor:Olate and pernlittin.g to.drink
from the. very
‘ spot where ehe had been' drink-
Hedce this,cup is one of my sweetest re
merribrances of Petersburgil,and the little Gen
eral Bonaparte may be quite proud of being al
loWed to drink out of Catharina's, cup.', yes,'
We will give sugar-bread to this bear,.but af
tervvards .he will have to dance at our will.
not yi e ld, but he nnushauccumb to - us..
We mustlncrease ouvdemands.as.far as possi-
fiS training strings tao high will break them,"
remarked the 'fallen deliberitely. "General
Banaparte, I fear, mill' not, consent to do any
thing inconststent.witii: the honor and dignity
of ...France. • Besides, he bee a bad...triality of
charaeter,be cannot he , bribed,,endeven the
decorations.and•titfeS of the Enepress•Cathari7
na would not have 'tamed this Republican. .Let
'ha :be cautious, Count;" let ui ask pluch,.but
yield at the,prop'ev•tinne, and be satisfied with .
less rather than . ,
Austria can peace As
will enlarge her territory,'" aiidcobeazl, has
eißertainly, ydu areright.;'' replied Marquie
de Gallo; i‘butAust riatean 'hardly lope:: to en-
large At "the, expense of France. Why, for
what purpose is this so-called Gertitatn.Ejnpire7
Let Austria take what she desires, a piece of
Reverie; a pieCeof frussia, nor r care"if she
present to France a piece of Germany,;: the
dear Rhino frontier, for instance!. Aly God,
,this eo•celled.Germati Empire is certainly 'rot:
ten enough' to crumble off a . ..few pieces witbou
.trouble." • •
sgETIRoRyorKE.AN, QOUNTY;'-..P44::"T.H.URSDAY:,-..SUNK,%jigp.;-,i
THE HIE/in-1..11ED
, •
. .
. .
: :
.. • • •
, •
"Yoda're 'very. larslcin - the poor. German „Ern.'
pire,"said'COunt•Cobenzlyiimiling,..sYo,ti are
no German, Marquis, and for. .'that 'reason, it'
appears to me,. hitter qualified to act in. 'this
matter. as a plenipotentiary Of•Atiatria.., Strange;
.arnusing these 'negoliatiOns,
'treating as they Mostly 'do of the. welfare 'of
Germany,.the Emperor of Germany is repre-•
sented• by an Italian, and the Republic . -.of
Franee 14 a Corsicard" • .
• ••''You art forgetting. 'yourself; dear Connt,!'
said the Marqurs. "You are •thepioperrepre7
tentative of the German Emperor, and ,I see he
could have trtisted•thdinteiesti , of .GerUiny
into no better hands, ';'Rut. hiving Permitted .
to stand by your side as .a. counsellor; 'I
would not neg of you to consider that the wel
'fare•c;f Austria :Must 'precede the interest of
Germany, and'—,•butlisten; there is a car.
. ,
page approaching."' . •
c , le•is the General Bonaparte;' said Count
Cobenzl, hastening to ; the.window..
loOls;•in shat a magnificent carriage he is
ingi •• Sii horses:are drawing his'. carriage; , four:
Sep/ants are•sitting on the box,. and a :Whole
es'cadron:of lancers are' following it.- And you.
.say this republican is'not SuacePtible to flatte
ry? Awea
give candy to this•
• . .
.Come, let 'Us gato receive him:" . . .
He.tiiok the arm of the Marquis,. hastening
meet .
to. the Geral,,Whose carriage just rolled
..• •
before the house. : ~. • • *.• . .
. .
On'ths staircase , the..Austrian diplomat met
Bonaparte,.andled hini into Ahe.salooti' • here
I)i..34l:fast was:walting . for
Bonaparte, however, declined 14eakfasti4,
in„ spite Of-the.repe'ated.a . nd urdont solicithtioni
of Codfit•Coberzl. .
then take at leaif a'cup,or chocolate
to werm' . .yourself," entreatett the. Count.—
“brink out 'ef thiti cup, .Geneia.l., if only to in
crease: its value to:me: '_The ~Empress Catha:
rind presented it to tne,:and4ank out.of it. If
.you we ki.to tlie it now; I.inight:bOait:of,ipos
seiiing a eaii, otitof which The ,geeateee'maO
and the' greatest woman of this. eent.dry: had
canupt , •drpak, Caani;". said 13ohaparte.
hajshly. noe'Wigh to have anythingin
common With that Imperial Ntessilina who ling!
by..her disorderly life 'dishonored both the dig
nity of ihe crown and.of the, wile 7 .' yc),u see I
nin a stubborn repablicaa,who. o,nlyjl:_caret,t9
attend to .busineas:. Le..us• Olep,spe*•pf
:that." • , • • • ;
He sat down,without fnither.invitation, : on
divan; not. far , froM.lhe ;breakfast-table, , and
motioned the two'gentleneti, to take seats near
"I gave you 'my ultimatum the. day .hefore
yistO4lay,';' said Bonaparte haughtily:. 'f , linve
you' consideied, unti l will you Accept it?"
. This haish and. hasty question; Aiming di.
rectly a t , its object, confused the . _ to diplo
rnaie.,'“We:Wtll consider' and•deliberaie with
you - as.. to what.ma'y be done," said Count'Cob
enz.l. "France-is : Asking:toomuch aml offering
tco little. AUstria is reedy to cede Belgium to
Freince and give up Lembardyi but shelietrande .
for that the whole Venettaiiterritery, Mantua
included.'? - • . . • •
"Mantua is to remain, with the new - eisalpine
Republic!" exclaimed Bonapatte.
;abut is a condition of my ultimaturn, and you
stem to
. have 'forgotten, it,. Coupt.. , You Say
nothing, of the Rhine boundaries', nothing of the,
fortress of Mayence, both . or. which.l.clainVfor
"But,Getieral,' the Shine doea not belong to
Austria, ~ a nd. in .I' . lloyence . ,tbere are German
• , •
troops. We cannot give.aWay what does.nOt
. .
• eiDo Inot.glva You Vehliall' exclaimed Ro- .
naparte. “Yenlg: ihat up .to fhis hour, has
been a' sovereign State, and whose deputies are
now. at my headquarters; waiting.for my decis
ion" The 'Emperor of Ger - Many has certainly
the right to give away a German imperial ?or;
treat; if he pleaSes:.?' .
. .
- "Austria is not at all.disinclined to cede the
Rhine boundary to Frenee,"-vemaiked the Mar
quis de Gallo. • - . , l3esides, - Austrik is'well dis
posed to joiairranee:More closely to, resist the
ambibous designs of Frus:sia."
• “Austrial must be sure if she makes new
acquisitions by agreement with 'France, that
Frussia will not be .suffered 'to , make newaC
quisitions alio," said 'Count Cobenzl, hastily.
• tcFrance and Austria Might bind•themselves
in it secret treaty, not to allow Prussia to make
any new actoisitionsq•but.aimply to returnher
former possessions on the Rhine• to'hei•,'? said
“Lot us first speak of the main question,”
said,Bonaparte; impatientlyi, ;ref rnjrnitimatuiri.
I-hive offered you peace irithe:name of France,
on•the. condition that Fiance receive the teiri
lories:On the left of the. Rhine with the bean - lila.
ryll;ed , by 'treaty, . Dfayenesi included T hat
in Italy; the Adige be the , boandary bet Ween
Austria•and the - Cisalpide Republic; hence the
Mantua.. will belong -tailiar latter: You :cede
Belgium to trance, for;:vvhlch abandon the;
Venetinn . cantinentatterritoiY. oply . tht island
irithe fonic Sea and Corfu; pass oviiito France.
and the Adige forms the bonaidary of - Venetian
. ,
""Lave already .. .6;6d, Gerkeral," .ret'u'rned
aount . Cobeurl,4ith his most friendly
‘ll . O cannot accept the latter , copilitiOn. - , Man
tua must sho'be'ours. We wiligive you INlny-
etiOti ts . a.•consicleration,;.and,'instead':Of the
.., •- • • • .• .•
Adige, the Adda innet ho our boundary."' • ,
, • ••• , •: • • , •
you are ! raising new diffietilties, new
objections,'.'. cried. Bonaparte,..glancing Wrath
arthir,diplornat.: . His hushing losik; : hew7
ever; raboundOd'from,ll4triesidli etbile the
„.. „ . or •
took leave td.statito you also.but ultima
tum, General," le. said,.mildlY, ce.and.l am un- .
fortunately '.obliged that if you do not
accept it, I shall he 'compelled. toileyart; but
then -hold.you responsible for the hloodor
the theusands that will be 'spilled"
Bonaparte rose; his eyesflaShitig and:hia lips
trembling with rage. .”You.ilare to threaten
me!" . he.exelaitnedifuriously,o «7ou'. raise ob
jeetions Sgiin and again...'You want the War!
• ..
Well, you shall
Hastily 'extending his arm, he - grasped the,
precious clip, the. gift of the Hmpieee Catharina.
.Count Cobenal, end, with an impetuous mo
tion, he dashedit to the fleet:, shattering it to,
pieces: .
, Look here," he cried with thunderink voicet .
"ore. three months have passed,' your Austrian
monarchy shall be crushed . like•tliis curl :, Of
thrit assure Yeu."l' ,"- • .•
Without deigning Ito look' at : the two gentle
men, he hastened to the door and, left. , . -., ,•,
Yale with. terror and wratit., Count Cobenil
stared 'at the Pieces. of his precious . ; cup, ;in
which. he had'.: taken so much:prise.._ itlle: is .
going," muttered the Marquis de Gallo: •
we suffe(hint to leave; Count?"... '. . •
.. '
.. -, . , Wilft What could we hold-that bear?"-said
the Count, shrugging his shoulders. . .•
At this moment Bonaparte's powerful voice
wasbeard•inthe ante-room: I , Heigh, an ord
nan;;e:Oflicer,,ciirectly!" 1 .. -. '• -:
.‘•,tHe-is calling nut through the windOW,"
whispered the Marquis.. , :il . . et us listen to what
'be is saying." •
.. ..
.. . .. • • . .
The two diplomats, went: to the window, and
Cautiously ',looked from behind the -curtains..
Theyobserved beloir a French lancer galleping
near, and iSaluting under the windows of the
side room.
Again they heard.Bonapa rte 's', thundering
voi , e -cryinvt .illide to the. head-qaarters of
Archduke. Charles, announce th 'him. in my,
name that truce is at an • end, and. war coin
mended within this hour. :Nothing,else! For-.
Then he was liea,i - d to shut the window with
a clash, and wit:h . fond steps . ..l.° , Walk thrpugh
the .. ... .
:The, two diplemats exchanged glances. of ter
.rOr.. fiCount,"•whispered.the.Marquis,pheis
'going; a n d has- threatenettfo u
'overthrow, A',
. • , •• • •. •
aria.;. He is the man tO make sure ,
his. threat:
My God, dare We stiffer him to depart in : wrath?,
Are yed.anthoriied to . do so?" .
• “Would you bid altbrricarte be still?". asked
"Yes,Count Cofienzl.. • , •,, . ~ : •
. .
'.• I will try., .We must -not larsak off,
with him—Werr:est - not renew. - the • war!, We
- Meat conciliate that terrible mane"
'Aushing out , be hastened across the ball,
down tha 'staircase to the d00i... , Bonapatte had
already entered his carriage, his escort wits
arranged, ific.coachman took op the 'reins and
Was just lifting up the whip to urge the;, horses
forward, vhen the pale. cOuntenince of ' the
'llferquia,de Gallo.
,appeared. at: the carriage .
door: .'Bonaparte did 'not seem tojee him,
leaning .hack pu . .tha cbahion, he .yeas . ; sullenly
looking ttp . wards.•' • • .. . ' • -
• EGettaial," said. the Marquis g‘l ,
entreat you
not to depart." ' . . • ' • r . '
!Marquis,7 replied Bonaparte, , tit .is not
. ~
proper for me to remain p eaceable with niy.en
emiee. War is declared, for you wottid not ac- ,
cept My ultimatum..." '• 1 . •
r , But','General, I beg feave. to ,state - that the
- . ~. .
Plenipoteniaries' , of Austria 'llaye . .i'veolved •to
accept yeur ultirtiatuth." ~ . .. • -
Bonaparte's iron face did not betray tile !mit
-emotion of 'surprise or 'gladness,•hut fixing', his
eyes' with a piercing glance-upon the Marquis,
he' slowly•ipqnired:f.f<To accept•witheut 'shift:.
ins Or provisos?" • . . • .
"Yes,. General;
.entirely* as you desired it.
We are ready to
. sign the peace and to- accept
the ultimatum. ' Have thelcindnesi to descend
from your`carriage, and continue our cofifev ,
ceoh, no,"'said Bonaparte, tewe'rnust never
retraeetx step. that We have taken'advaneing.,
As lAM already in the carriage,. I do not wish
to return. Besides, the delegates . of the Vene
tian Republics arasawaiting me at Fass'eritino,
and It'is also time to give my ultimatum.
la three.hours,: You, M. ;141arqnis,. and Count
Cohenslwill pleOse'eall on me' at Passerine,.
to consider together the tietity'of peace." • '. ,-
• c , But you forget, General,thotyaurardnanee
officer is hastening. te the' Austrian heatl-quar'
tura to, announce:_ the cessation :of the truce."
.• “Tlytt. is :irtte,? . '' said :Bonaparte,:quietly.
itlleild ftWo ordnancest Hasten 'after the ; ore , '
'dna* and order the - officer to return. :You
see; ISI rqttla; that I believe in the truthfulness
Of your disposition., •I shall. expectyou theli . in
three hours . at Passerieno,,to fix the articlesof
peace "But We will sign the articles of pe a ce'
oa'neutral Areund.. b‹; yeit,Site that high gray'
.. ... . -
Wilding Yeridet?>' . -' ~ . ' .
~• •
<sl'as, General,it is the' old decaYed castle of
Ca m pa. ForMici*." - .. '. ' • : ' • ' • • .
i:Well, in that old castle we will sign 'the
Pear(;. In threahonra, then! Till Ow, fare-
DE.. •
.. ...,....,
• -
''' '.... ~.,:. •;:-..,' :'.::::,..::•;.::.
~.• ...
" ..•.
. ..:, • • ... ...
.. ,•
........•• ..
He stiluied slight dad the,
t.who .wes standing subinissirely near. the car
riage, like a vassal et the 'steps of a throne,
contirinally . bovring and'incivirg his lbet.''
4 .Forwardl” tried Efonanarte,nnd Off:thecae
rine b . j , ' his magnificentinike
Bonaparte'leaned carelessly in a corner
quiting, 'while a smile ofsatisfietiOn'rested
countenance: , • . •.
It was a theatricel 'coup,. that, and sutceeded
pretty well: They' have had to accept piace
is i.favor.from met' Ah', had they known hoW
. ,
much we n&eded it. Bit these 'People never
sea anything. They , have no object, Jiving
'but from minute to minute, and.whenever t h e y
find an abysir. on their way, they rush into it,
andare' lost. past recovery 'My God, hew rare
are real men! In Italy alone there are eighteen
millions of people,'and. I have scarcely found
two men among them. Theie.two men I will
save;. the rest may fulfil their 'deitiny. .The
Republic_ of Venice.,WruitdisaPpear, this cruel
end ,blood4liirsty government shell be innibil
atga, .We,throw her before
.greedrAnstria . rid
a bieti, but' when she hail d - devoured her, the
come to rouse Abstria'from . this;indo-'
Until then- . —Peact; . Austria!
. . .
Threedays tater 14 peace
. between
and Anstria .deca.YO'd castle
al,prituponarmio.-,•}'rance gained by. this peace
pelgirirn, thi, left Übore of the Rhine; and. the
fortress Of Maytrei.'; A ustrik. gained - 'tbe"Jeft
'territory of:IrentOo:
*•Dimapirto . remembeied.
faits Aaiun, end "narrdted'ltvdth. greptdeligli t
I/ E; / / // M / 1' 48/: SHOt
To see an old hunter or trapper,in litcle;
skin• garb, armed with knife ImA : tem.. :
hawk, is not, a very unutinat think .in the city
of St:Lodis,•ter that town th . e'headqUarters
of the North Western Fur Company;
,alfr the
. • .
names of the Choteau, AnlireY's, &c., are his._
torically•Sffixed . titereto. • •
Some leis. , years ago, !• welt sittingln - the
reeding room of the Virginis Hotel there, con
versing on business, When an old man dressed
and completely, atmed era hunter or trapper is
when in his. "
accustomed wilds, entered' and.
minutely scanned • the features,of every person
present. He was:evidently . quite otd,;and vety
thin and feeble, iooiing as
,if be hadl : recentii
riven from a touch of sickness.... : Yet hte , dark
eye beamed brightly ..even.finreely•intts:inink
en socket', - ane his etect font SCCirled tO drug.:
.gla'against the.itiortal darkness which Perva
ded it.
The old rusn shriek his heitd finishe'd
his'gazir around the roonl mutterinein'if
low tOpe,...!ith.e cuss is , not hei;al"' he',. turned
Having knished my bitainess,'l olsoleft'and
went up to. the. planter's House . where I hoar
ded.• When I arrived itlaeked hut # few, min
utes of diriner time• and tile gnests . ivere
. ering in the.sitting-room waiting for the gong
to sound.; • I had • Just . entered ,when , the old
hunter, who.hed before attracted tiin 7
Lion also came in, anil as heroin cominenced . an
inspectiOn of 'every countenance, .'
. .
Suddenly • his eye. flashed with: a fire more
fierce tharreder I saw glew . inhuman face „be
fore, as hp. young'
,fellow who
bore the, name; of •the.,most .;daring bunter; 'of
theNorth-West Compariy, of which he , wits a
trading on the 'end the' most
'reckless gambler' , and.wildeet:betictiee of the
crOwd, when he, was in.tha 'eity...;..kirs name
was Atiguste'St..:Vrain.:•: Only three.daYsbe
fdre I had•silltrfhim oh the bloOdyjaland, in the
. •
river oppoSite .St Louiri; stan d at ten paces
against one of the .hist shpts . in, the , city, and
not a nerve trembled not 'did his feet, Palei.but •
he trwinged" his man- as cooly as if ',hi hail
been shoeting et ft .bird. , Yet now, When that
old. Man' stepped up befere hini , ,,and he caught
a glance ' at his fiery eyei, his: cobrage•and p.res
enceof Mind seemed utterly' tip , fail him, and
trerribling; while the old man's voice, loud and
clear as a bugle, rang is his eat. ,
tJ have sought you long, Augusta St. Wain,
and found yoril RemeMber F.deler' •••
Aa hd spoke the. ominous 'click of the sold
man's rifle was heatd.`Astonished into silence
the crowd drew to 'either side, ,while St. yrain
tearing his shirt bosom - ppen, sairr in - .IS low
hopeless tone:• • •
c•Fire, old man, I deserve . it !" •
The old hunter, had scarce,: waited. for the
Word;.for St. •Vrain's list word - was spsken,
the bullet frMn the hunter'S tills had paseed
through his heart..Be sunk'corpse on:the
lloor,,murmering only one word, 4 :4161 . 0, 1 .
The old man' stood.and" gazed.at the'•'body a
Moment, then , muttered,‘, 4 it z is right—l have
fired mY lail :het!" •
. . .
In a . nariplentfbe was ized—he;maile nci.re.
sittanre— and hurried of? to prisOn. As..l WAS
then a I .- practicing attorney in the courts of that
riiy, . feeling a sympathy for the : old man, I,
availed myself ,of itny position to . gO to. hiiii
and freely offer him my. iserviceis. ..14e reek;yed.
.riiejatinly and klndiY; brit his
he' reidiedi '`
It'd .Girt llttic ; usa .: you ca n
for I have fired plyr an'd trOITIP I 4rI rriK
last trainv".. ../3ui•as you •seem . .tcplie:akicitit the.
only (dead I've got around
ease `my mind and tell Y'oti*Vv.hy:,r , ishoe,St.
.T,wo. ytari o'6 t . vo — uld tl-4 shot . my=.'
t. '; ~Y,~ ~i,
‘3 „ ,. , : ., , ,, ,, , ,. i. ::„ .., ...; ,.., ,- ; 4 : pir , .,-' - ?.0.' .- -4 ,, ,, piip5 :?4 , :; : ...: , :: ::,: :,;:
' '''' ~.I.°'-'),:':.4,-;',..,F,,,:f"...!i,`'.1.,141'!::1,
self sooner *OWL
go, 0 0 . 1! 11 ,1 t.er. , Pi, /Yet row. a AO ISW
eye.. I lovelf s hicimio , , -.,4
The 'old man's ;:voice
• .• • ; 1,,
"I aies
Etlele.h=:t hen 1 010 siriteetiir.tiwiltWiigif of ,•
poor toothe'r-itls loved Yir;'iril ; hi Prig
inaed tO)ove 1.0rakie.41,1 1 04 1 4:
and Under' that pronnise-rOl . ned:' lll- reli WS)
shame made her' erth* ismireCtintil , it . could • .
longei be k'efitt . then' he dee•
her tiibritii a babe into -
die . broken hearted, with it Ispon.l.tei , hoistril';
Both of them' sleep •in One *eve on , the' 148' 1
of YII 'vr iti I 'that
e eos one. For me ig
should :have ta', l aY dorii iheseo, teerl!eresl , .
„him, but I . kept up.till Miwerk-Was'done.: • -
I care not lei life now • ••'1 - ' •
1 fried to' cheers, up' tltiO g pild:l4lm'
thug the mire reel!ol if '.hio,-!ssioni 3 O biter. .
western( jtiry, yedislitaeifoit he only,
shook 1)4 . head - iijidOnt tereds lout stiOt..it
fired., I ttip . st•the.edid or thriait !Famroji*,l'-.
One week a ft erwards; "a few Of tit,'Tthp hid`
discov,ered in him a brother of the!ftnyaili
gave,him . honorable io
,a :61114464
cemetery; /or she pissed 4arisy as quietly: as
ha had l aig him down' b y a pleas nt " eemr=6rd
to rest . after ',long and, Weary, itttt"..„ ,.. .Preati
Were .t he sprigs . oast iaihis grave and!tett Ord
hands which thrrir them..
. . .
• ENCtakru'. .nil and:ilyat liit prig:'
piringlother . defenei her'peopin'::
The ciiiiernment liar Sanctioned the
. volunteer Bine Companies' . but "IA
fhiproifeo that- these' eitaimnisistielabjeCt to
roilitrrq'levr:,. 'lt is - noteworthyib - Ufs'lt
movement the United, S tate 41skin aS anal
einple for ,
Times pointsio this .country is invineibli
the multitUdif of her 'folunteer soidters,
sayi; - • •
beim told'Orlate loo k.to the'
, to
United States for **ample of, good adminiatra-.
tion; and wa:iney now do la , Mahroll
somewhat .unexpectedl.
uyedtinteers!,P.:abilbst. /keit 2101 C
is an . !rgYoiiiitd ArdatiiY,cOiPas' : ,40 1
nidepible, aggregate .it , 'We table ;
betl"piehist, coMpiledist 0333 i At a
when the population of thif
ertiii lea. th.frOi4.,aloiiifil,kittn,k.
fiothikAti ! :.inil4l.'ißT.Paso.llo. '1 414.4.e
comprised, indepenientlrbiltielkipluAriq;.
and the iferine .- C*pr,'ne • rewei than , 352
officer. 2,127,366 Men' .
teere.. Conceive a force like this; in
cry man was a,. dead .ahcit,Witk.tkisilfle, and:
then alkyl!" all Europe
to. attack it on:III - own,
'The. Times itgiien'that; in like maiiaiisllg
landittaV become invinc ible : upon_ bar 'wit ,
i the arming' e f , thi peop le . will the.
necessity.of. conceding to'them theiumaphood
rights. We regard; .thereforei ,able. :arming
movement as the greatest:, preetienl' step'
taken 'towards .en'aering the derdo,cii,ol, olt .
England power which shall. ultimateli
sweep away all 04i • • ••• ;
set!,epripsitif4 , j!)i, -,ooappointednii4 starving.:
Oikes:Peak.ernigilints continue to` re~e6+,as
A' d ispatchtroqlSt.• Idiais founded
vale letter , from pacific;
ninr 'Oat a parlk of tilen;itad 0c01e4,0,10 FIT=
lured, an ogtwutd...bnand nearOVOlon!ii..
flitiffiand that daring the inelee.twojettiontA
kit)ed4. C. Oakes, itie tiquinOcil 'anti
train, and
twatmaster at Auioria. , •1 4 , ..;
Insects never tooth elder, hosltes. The,
leaves of the.. elder icattered. Over ' , :cabbagee,
cucumbers,. squashes: and. : Other planta...iirbjett
to the . , ravages! of :`insects, ',effectually!. shield
them. The' plum 'and eilmilMiti4thject' to ,
the ravages'insects; :may. he, saved Oil.'
eing on the branches and. through '.thi:free
bunches of elder leaves.' , ; •
An exchange shic,thaCiCis Jtist tie Staub d
a move to 'undertake, to get married without
courting as to , : attempt to succeed in, business .
With°lo44xertiaing. 'Tree ie preaching:
business tolia icOon.stick d there?*:.,!'4.i.
. "
1 A 6RlCtitavnAl,...--It ie exceed,ing!iA44..lkul-,;
bandry to harrow up the feelttiget.ol44ittortttifil,
to rake up old finarrele, to ^ hott°i'¢rudgel i ii!_
to sow diiiord.. ••• • • :,'•
..• • •
Some one bleuiried D .l / 2 . !• 51 1 4 rih
mind. “Well," - said its,ootinit is the direteti'net
between a man and a jtekissi thelackitni,can't,
change his iPi,nikpMltVe.
man privtlage'il
Ac'l4 "? riti r il ktot:i' sim . , ,,v, la r.9):F ~•''i.n,o4,t!r', ' ,- .
4iiiiii 4i.4 Y. ' . .:(ooic'r,'o , ; I ,l:q:frr, l ololi'SliK: .
40;AA,',i!, - ct*.... : tatifijipil.fiii'f - i-4.o;kb - 00.0 . „..,40,f*,..?:
•ibiici,cii .. 6e,h:4 7 i6l,o:4!iii,gii:iiiti,4o4,4
- .i n&left; if , iiiiiiii: 1414. •::;-,' ~...':, ! :, , 11-;$W - 41.:.,ti;:',;;:-.l'ii'
' t
_..: 1 / 2 - .
, t i, ~-;,.. , t -,:„.,:,-, , ,„,., ',.:!. ,-, „;;;;;.-,;_1:;,:i;,',.-',:•:5::.•',.1.'k:T1.',:',;;:,..i,v;
'. 0,1i , 7,.077 71 37F 7 ' 7 , :.* "
';'..Tite people of Pitagimia , ; bl9 , : S.oo. l ofyi'l!PA , Tz .
tkiltheiquiiito'df a k t MlklMo o44 ;'
Niii £ Ik.• tb tnlie
Belle tit 4;16 hietn bli0:4141:&
A. I'
2 ,-
\ I
y; „
.~ti'g ~;
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