. . . on' the south by lands of Ralph , Meffalf, on the west by: lands of Ralph Metcalf, containing. seven acrita and one' hundred and fifty-six rods —about three acres' iinproved.- .*, • • Also . -one . other, piece or Parcel,of land situate in erad.township of Liberty , afciresitid, bounded on the north by iambi Bexter, east by landa,ol • lorOughi.„ on the south. by lands belonging. to the heirs of the estate Nelson Richmond,tieCeUsed,: and west road leading froth Tort Allegheny. to Larabee . 'i; containing about-twelve'. acres : imp r oved,' one frame . house and one.Log . .Barn, and : aliotit 'Apidetrees. Seized and taken-in election is the property :of E. C. Dexter, at. the Olt of Joseph.l. Rob bins, now for the Use of W.. A Xilliams.. • - All the righi title:and Intereit of the defend ant to and•in the following described Real Es= tale situate. in -Shippezi: township,. - M'Kean county, Pennsylvania, Bounded -and, described follOws;to.witA tract of land containing . fiftpone acres and twenty.perches; being a part Of the•Williarnson Survey, Bounded end descri . - bed as follower beginning at & Buttonwood on the "north:. bank - nk . . the- . Sinnemahoning, . the' south-West : corner David '.Crovir'e portage Farm; , therice•north ten' degreee, east one hun dred and sixty. perches, to ,a post;. thence north eighty-two.and three-fourth degrees, *eat perches and two-tenths,_ - 'to: a poet: thence south-nine degrees, west one hundred , aind thirty-five perches, to a. Buttonwood on thanorth , ba . nk of the' creek; thence down the creek to the.plaee ofheginning. Conveyed by. deed from W, R. Shields, reeorded in. Book F. .page2lB.• •I• • • • Arso; One.other piece or, parcel of land sit, sate in the' Township, County And State afore said, containing sixty ..acres . of warrant num bered• .801 t called . the Wilsbri -Survey, :lying west .of and adjoining the above *mentioned tract •.(purehased of J. Chadwick) Begin ning et. a Bintonwood on the north hank of the •Sinnetnahoning creek, thence 'along the said line,"northhine degrees, east one hundred ; and thirty-five, perches to: a post,".the north-west corner: thereof; : thence north :eighty-two and three-fourth degrees, west seventy-four perch es an setewteriths to a posti thence south' nine' degrees,'West. one hundred and . twenty-eight ' perches, to a post on the north bank of • !aids • - creek;,: thence down the *Creek to the Place of Alao ' . SUbdivikon n u mbers - tyro, (2,) thrie r (2) and five, (5) of: warrant num bered 4962, each containing seventy (70) acres and 'allaivince of'six.per cent, as subdi •yided Elihn• Chadwick, jr.; on which is about seventy:acres ithproved land, one Tavern House, one . Grist Mill;, one' Store House, and . five frame Dwelling Houses ,thiree Barns, two heds one Shop, and other Out-hoitses. The farm lot was,deeded by . F: J.. Chadwick and wife to Eli Fel4 the remaipder was:deeded by. David CroW Felt: (about foer'ici'ea ex, cepted, sold to' Beers and Bartholome W.) • •• Seized. And taken io etecution as the property, or Eli Felt - at. the suit Of Ford & Smith.. • • . JOSEPH MORSE: , Sh err . Smetlipar4 June,•l; 1859. • • . THE SIDE HILL VACATED. B. F 4 WRIGHT ANNOUNCES TO THE PUIILIC THAT HE HAS:REMOVED TO THE ASTOR HOUSE STORIE? WITH.HIS LARGE STOC.IC OF, GROCERIES, ' Where offers'et 7 Wholeiale or Retail SUGARS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT LOW , PRICES, GREEN, BLACK & IMPERIAL TEAS 119A8TED,...401IND,'.JAVA: -Am! . .110.. COFFEE UPS .motassEs, RlCE,:'';' 86AP, , :STARCII, ' • CANDLES, Einatit, nuns, NUTS; PiTINES, BAKING POWDEItiI, CODFISH AND HACICEREL, -1 1 1 Ou r, Pork Hain liter Lard, Eggs, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BOOTS`, az - Icl SEIOES, Together with* large 'assortment of all kinds of Goode•kiiit :in a Grocery ,Store, which he 'oder, to !ell for 'Ready Pay at the lowest mar ket price: • • • • . F. WRICar. Smethrort, June let, 1859. . • • NEW LIVERY 8T LE IN TOWN.. THF. SUBSCRIBER. a nounces to the pub lic,that he has estahlisbcd a 'Livery Stable in the Borough` of Smethport. It.ia located on Main Street, a few mils below Mechanic .street, and embraces a will selected Stock. Single and double horses• and carriages, furnished .at all times, at low rates, with or without' drive re. The proprietor keeps.none . : but sound and gen tle ho rse ~ which are perfectly reliable and free front fault or . - • With an extensive experience in the busi ness, and c.detefminalion to pleatte his custo. mere, the proprietor solicits the patronage of the .public. gmetliport, April 28, 2859. TAILORESS. . . MRS, FLORILLA. ftUMSFY is•prePared to do. Sewing of allltinils at her residence on .Main• street, one troor'beloW Williams' 'swop flee. She will Cut and Make men's and: boys coats ind Pants, Shirts, &c., in, good' style and warranted to:give satisfaction. Grain ; and produce taken in . exchange for work. • - • • Nov. 18, 1858. , JUST DROP IN' at the - New Opening in the J Stile •Vill,'untler.Eti. store,.• and . examine tiktof SUGARS.at pritag that can't • •OLD IRON:- AND LPAPER'RAGS; TAKIN in exCliange for' ware at my attire, •or on "account. ' E. S. - MASON. HE BF I' SYRUP in town at the ll • • SI DE .11 ft STORE lIA_RDWARE sitlaisufaattrerB l Prices: HAviNd ENLAR9ED atthe.Qld btekind,, • • , 37 . . . .. • EXCELSIOR. 'BLOCK, For keepinglconstantly'on hand e .rnuch larger :. Supply and assortment' of the hetvify arti-: . des of Hardware generally kept .by .the Jobbing Houses, and having secured the AGENCY of . : mar • iy'Menufaeturere : ..• • including the *. • celebrated • ; 'FALL: RIVER NAILS, WHEELER, *ADDEN . 14::BAKEWELL,'S S A. - NV S Also those of WELCJI GRIFFITHS.end 'MBANK'S SCALES, :STEW/IRS (upei!ce . ll4) . PifTLAf. COOKING STOVES, GLASS, (gall Sizes, Sorts and Descriptions I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL THE 'ABOVE ARTICLES AT anufb cturei•s' Prices. , Also I propnse to tell at a m all Commiuion from' my LARGE and WELL . SELECTED STOCK,of ' •• • SHELF .it other HARDWARE, . . . • . .the,seteetiOn' wtiiehl have taken much Rain., ..having -.giyeit my' .perso'nal . attention HOUSE TRiSiMINGS, 0...:2...0......v.-:2, - ..z....: COOKING and PARLOR of every deaireble CARPENTERS', MILLWRIGHTS', BLIVASMITHIP AND 12 AS N 8 WHITE FISH, Cif the, mOst approved. Manufacture, PECK_ AXES, SPADES, PITCH FORKS; LEAD : and L MPS fOr OIL, ‘CA)IPHENE, VtiJID, and My, matte is: The Largest Sales of the , very BEST GOODS , at the LOWEST Re munerative l'ziceis Insures the Dargest Profits to the Seller, banishes the Buyer with thO Cheapest and Best . Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS . WILL BF. •MADE ft pboille Will pay hither priers: for no better articles alTither places, it shall beiheir own fault end_ not mine. ' •' .• ,In connection wiTri the above., I am able to ripply on short notice ' • J. HANES. n 7 SHEET-IRON' , ck COPPER WORK', niy , einploy •CotimiSfent and experi enced.workmen, Whose work has never failed to give satisfaction. •" • . C... - Nr 11:..1:1A-T3SE; PROPRIETOR; No. '2 and 3 Excelsior Block Olean, May'2s, 1910. Oi. F. A N, :otber' , lnakers; :AUBIAR . and LEATHER .11$1,T.Ni, Pattern TOOLS, SHOVELS AfATTOCKS, RAKES, BUCKETS, ' *HEEL•BARROWS PUMPS, KEROSENE.' TO DEALER§ ALi, KINDS OF A WORfr To THE BE IT KNOWN THAT N. S BUTLER & CO OLEAN- ARE RECEIVING ONE OF ..THE-; LARGEST ;STOCKS OF SPRING Si SUMMER GOON fiver offered tar said/ in.western New York, which i!ijust ADAPTED TO THE. , wANTS or this section ofcountry; COrikSTING OF THE LATF.ST STYLE AND FASHION OF DRESS GOODS, IN ENDLESS VARIETIES Which neither time nor space can describe. ,; • • • 7ALSO, SHAH/LS,. , Of every description; MILLINERY GOODS, CLOTHS,. - • VESTING,SI, HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS, KENTUEKY -JEANS; AND HOSIERY:, r AINTS, Faimera'.and Mechanic CASSIMEBES, SUMiVif:R STUFPS,.lrt'gfeit LA6EB, YANKEE NOTIONS, MIRRORS, wINDoNy. PAPER, GROCERIES, .AND SHOES, F*AINTS, OILS. Leather, 4t0., &c. And kthousand other , things which they can TUBING, and will sell at aucli. iitiee.as to defy . emYa‘tock_ to compete as everybody flas seenfor the lest year Believing (het the ONE TRICE; SYSTEM I 5 pie' otily .. -ity to Bell gotto, with proitipt attention, without deception:or . hum-. bug to any odh. inowing that t-the-Perople a'i.e Best Judges, we cordiallq.invite all CLOSE BUYERS .TO LOOK Immense Stook = -- Before putichheiog.' elsewhere,. and ; We . will GIVE tiIFA THEIR .MONEY'S WORTH itri,En 4 t ..N. SARITLER &• CO:. ,c:ll..rintir:..s • • ' .One Price-Replator Ptaime. DOMESTIC GOODS GENT'S & LADLE'S GLOVES FARMERS' iIATS, CAPS; kmplioiriEftrFs, CROCKERY wilh wry JiT OUR ':4P.:17.g:; - v . ...: 4 : - .- .. 0,:: , -;, : p. , : .-.0::. ,. , , ,f) i fiv s,‘. . *." \ikty ' , . l i FOR . 01? p , t 4 5 91.0 . I • 1). 0 4f#1.0 - ' . -- - -.- ' °S ' ' t• - 4` %St ~ g: 4. is THE TRUE INTENT , OF > AJ.L MERCANTILE.DE,ALINGi At the ,Cooh- EAST SIDE OF THE PUBLIC 1-SQ_IJARE; SMETTIPORT, PA.. November 6,1858, ,TOB PRINTING-, rasclfirilos, NEATLY, ..6801 ' , Y.: ARV friLPED ITIcitYSLY: EXECUTED At . TIIE. DEMOCRAT. OF,EICV.., • ALL wataxtio to. emigrate to a mild c4mate, good soil, and...ftne trarket, sae adv!rtiiiement of Hammonton Lands.., • • .411. MY :...ZWOW: AND : tti, NEW GOODS J. c. HOLMES, lids Removed TO HIS•NEW S'TORE . : ON.E.• DOOR EAST OF THE ASTOR HOUSE, Where•h'e is ; . NOW -11,C.eiYilia. A'LARWAI4D .COMPLETE STOCK ,OF G.R...a.C - R-R.I . E . ,'S. ;: PROVISIONS, Which . he' intends to sell at' which will Defy : Competition. ADOPTED THE fitiwypyA . ..:TEm And . can•essure the public thereis one place to buy goods where, there is NO JOCKEYING ; Where yo' can send'you orders and your Cash and••get .your Goods as 'cheap as* • ..though you came.yourself. • • SUGARS .from. 9.1-2 to . i . . .5 t f.s. 6601 i MOLASSES, 50 di STUAIT'S SYRUP, • 6/01PRENt, GREEN AND BLACK.TEA, SPICES .of all kimIs,.SAT.F.RATUS 8 ctsi, A • few mure.chests at:that ct. TEA, . • . TOBACCO atoll kinds; ' • RAISINS, ' • • . NUTS, •And in fact everything usually. kept in ci Grocery Steie:, • FLPUR-: : poit.ii: 4..,-OALT: :-.:' r,.:Nv - '4. - C , ON. Wi , SI D.: . INSNRANCE AGENCY. ...- • • . , pussinigton Insurance Compani.: Philadelphia. Cud. . .;.. . Fartreiew Union Iniunlitee Cor;YAt~eul, Pa. Mph S:00,000 Greet Westatis Inkttiance'Cce, Pialaidelphka, Capital Stack $1,000,09 4 )! West' Ititemieh; . s'Aulttiti) Leek, Haven. Pe." 2• ' In9urances effected in the above ics- 1 , ponsibl9 Stoat Companies try the sub scriber: ! An communication addressed to hint, ' Smethport, Pa.; will ineetivith promo . attentiOn.l B. F. DAVIS, Agent. 1 Srnethport, Dec. 9; ISSB. (n4oif.J . • DRIED APPLES,. - • . 100 BUSHELS DRIED APPES, Just re ceived and for sale at the Feb. 17. • ,• • SIDE HILL sToTtr.,. "LIVE' AND LET LIVE" STONE, GENTHNER & d~LAF;. CATTABAUOUS . • COUHTZ N. •T M NUFACTUAF.RS BLINI).S;: . : , DOQR.S.; WINDOWS, VLOORING, CEILING AND SIDING.74AND DEALERS IN LUMBER Factory. Yard and Mee near the Allegany . River. 'mean, 11358. 22-tf. . . , . •• : • • Citzteit4 IAALEN IN, • • FINE: AN D .: SILVER • • • . .. • . 11 . • . .• . NV 'A fr C:E S '- • . . •• •• • . 1 /4 • • ro, g.h.s • • • , 3•I h : rn • • • - . to • • =1 'FANCY 000D1l, !LOOKS AND. • MUSICAL - . ;INSTRUMENTS ' AL• Y.. • : • . . . •.. ...• • . . . Repaiiittg 0" Watches : and 'Clocks do'ne in good style and 4artanted'; *.' • . . . . r f . HIS is to certify to all to Whom these prei ents.shall come, that Edwin Bruce,., the person•tramed ceitain:cortificate or notice of the.formation of a , dertain. limited partner ship to' be conducted under the. name of Bryant P. Tilden, in ihe town's.hip,ot Lafayette; County of IVl'Kean and Slate of . Pennsylvania, which notice is recorded.; in the Recorder's . .Clitce. said:county, in Miscellaneous Recortls,'Book*B`, l page 245,4 c.; has ,assigned and transfer red .to 'each of the :three: . persons hiroinafter named, to wit:. :John S.. Tyler, of pgsiceni it 'the county of Suffolk, antrCo'mMonwettlth . of Mass-. aChusetts,. Insurance Broker; •and. Ge,o. Heard, Alerelibril, and Robert Parley, both" of Ipswich, in the County of Essex and Common-t yeedlth aforesaid, and their legal represents . fives' 'and assigns, one, twenty-fourth .partil being .ihreetwenty-fourth . parts in all,M this said Bruce's, interest as a special partnerin the partnerahlp aforesaid, and that..ettitt*yyler, Heard and 'Farley are. now special Partnets in said partnership and hold each one tweAty fourth part of ' tire interest therein obtained by said Bruce; by the payment of the' sum. of three thousand doliers,..in said: CertifiCate meit- . Mede .and severnliy.signed, hy_the saidpar ties,r at. Boston, aforesaid,. tor .. the purpoie-- of complying With the laws of Ihe - State of Penn- Sylvania with' ieferenEe to Il e tests whereof thiaiid.paineiship'.eitablished this first d.ify of April, Righteen hunched 'andlifty4tinet.,• • • . • ' . . , ~- B RYANT• • • EDWIN. BRUCE,. • •.• ~• . . JOHNS, TYLERi :••. • • • tiEO: W. HEARD, ••- RifYBEItt'FARLEY. • .The above notice is recti`rdeif •ift die :Record.; er's office of M'Kean counti. •. . C. K. SARTWELL; Recorder..:.,. • -'friethriort, April 7, 1'856. :•.- Arrival-and Departive .of • smtfuronv POST OFFICE.. pie;rn.—Leaves every morning it 8 o'clock i. ai yives . every evening; .• • , • *Ce'irderniert—l;enves Tuesday and Saturday tnoirfiregs arrives IVfonctaY edit Ft'iday eves. Shippur—:-Leaves Tuesday; Thuisday and Sat: .• urday moinings•, arrives Wednes *day and Fridayayenings. Eid4nr . ay—Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Pridaf mornings arrives Thurs day and Sptuiday Ifrarren---LeavesTuesdaY mornings and 'raves Thursday eveninp. • • • S. SATITWELL, P. M. FLUID, . . , , Pres't R: G. White; W.ellsboro . 'Toga Co: Va . . • • • • " • ' • Associaie,ludgoi Darling, Smethport; • . • Hon. S. Holmes, Bead fora. .• ' • Morie, . PrOthandiarii—Sattitlel.C. `l4:ide, Siliethriort; gegiitei Recorder—C. K. SzirtWelf, Srrietfit. •Trititur . (7, (pro . teni.)- - -:-Enos Parsonii,..llradfin(); . 'J,. ltey . ex; J. Colegrp've,• Norwieh; , riatioo; „ ~ • • e 0 vi:aioners' Ch a ,rwi Smethport.V;:P • Carter,' Ceres. , • - • District Attorney.— . —Warren Cowles, Smethport Coronne.-3arpes'l3ontl,. Lafayette. . . , : Store, NOTICE. COAI/V Dir,ecto,l7 NEW GOODg - JUlaigilli Fr israt st Ilt tAitt.El TO TO oishoti.sta tatual TaoPa" sobvinAli r•siie Mag, sitioniti,6lo6Aeltlinii . of. this Catuty that mtwilbetandisig.tliced OW . halo he la op bind arpikild, wing tilk • voilklutiot tiguito . „ PIN. .WA Whiob htls W* ti MUseq Chair Ur ii •• • . •• •• • ••• .. • 'READY PAY • ONLYg Ookair for' We' years, I Wire Willo3o tko orioloakia 00 I goo so loa'. tor do biai ll e , di tM 4 l,l' ; ' • r• • And t . 1 2 0 41i 4Wliiiiiklied orMWn s. !.mu wbllnß orirklag Mello* ego but good work, "RA ws clasp as slimy Other'sotiknoklwat ortko • • ' ONE' PRICE AND'READ r , ONE" PRICE , . . • Shall be. my hiello4iiihi yat erl4 . alwaya . Then ,biaetlae.ati oar* thla iirat•of ' • 'Called 'aettlaik abavad, but save 'oar .By baying cheap for /sag pay,,• • And: thou you ,will coma out rigt!ltiiith l Alj • 4: O. 1-tf,'• • ernettipg,tt, Re!),:26, 186£1 37 - THE OLDEST, WIDEST CIAO:MA TED, and most.COMPLETEVCORRECT sad RELIABLE Batik Note 'Reporter In ',ensue"' THOMPSON'S . BANK NOTE AND caiiiiiegi orceatt•ii, EDITED BY JOHN. TIICIMPON..' Quotations c'orrected,by• lutists' - sox Batrriaste, ' • 2 Wall Strait. • • itibliitied b . f . C1!';4 . ... BLoriipit:t;; 1,1 . 7 FiiiklonSt TRAMS Or SUBStitIitTION itDiteSCII; To, mail Subieribets . • , Weakly, ...1; liletui-monthly,.. ..9l I To Pontinastere or °there, who form 'ilia)* and fS. ward .utt the money In advance, we' will send the Amor; 'ter Coin Chart 11fameel., and Descriptive : Liss.u fol copies, of th,O.Weeiely, op. Year... . ;.. . $8 00 enp;ea of the Smill-monthly...„ 4 A —.190 of the Monthly" • ... •6 00 • We forward gratuitously to any, person; s'entlinga ell& of Op , the .ttbote rates. at any one'time, 'our Arderiedos Gold• Cold . 7"cii. THOMPSON Bartliers; • No. 2, Wall. Ste N. 17.;,Propristort.' HINSDALE MILLS, FLOVR,....'::VM: . ANTI.:MEAL -''..'Depot!_ . . . . , .EN . .f.. MATHER would .'infoFm' ihe phblic' 1-/: alai he has permanently . eitablishest in' thim place and will keep coWatatflY oh' habit large iparititlea a- . .. . .., ~. Flour, Feed & Waif •For sale by !be lead or' anilines. qbantitibik ROWS AHD I[IDDL~H(3BI PORK. By. the: barrel or paund, FLOUR'.'ANti....::SALt. F..'l - .8 'HI Col Fish, White Fish, Mackinaiii Trout, • , Mackerel,. , jligasses, i • ~: The 'beet. : .TA74 . - ih:' . 1 1 00 ! :• . ..:: COFFEE,. • CANokEknick.,..sl4acs TUBS, PAILS, tANDUES, 'ANU,NUTS, And every derefilition 'of _Family Grries; ige , which will bilerd at • BEETER. BARGAINS . To:puich than can be,hatl,:it , eitabliahriient in the country:: HEM v Bttekg Xnd:o6;eis' 'res'i b . • '• ','. • SUPERIOR zOttitsi" . colhir - ',111411 4 -10 i at the nOld'Caah Stnre,". mit tlatir*O . '1 the Actor Heim baiidias; end 122t1.1iliWIIM . °r A YPur ' Sinethiwt, , May 24, 11321 ,24 k Sll. BOA R Pails' ' , if t etkalk litsiOte,, 47: eh dice Tisporiiil ,eigath at ‘4ll6leoale erfitlitiat' . #C 6 o l o 4o" , • ,4V-; . -Vlt • ~S.II`!ACJVII ~ ('i ~, 0 . 9 0 Bi:ilie:tqiiiel'iii 04;