. . . . . . . ..• . . . .. . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . .. . . . _ •- ,r,... .-.. , ... . VOL. 2. 111 1 fienititoinito':000,04it , PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AIORNINHI •By OVIATT & 3ARBOR,. SIVIEPHPORT; eabDITY, PA 41,60 in Aavaneo Rates of Advertising . . . , , . . „ , .. . . . .. . . 1 Column pbo year....:..,....',..;, - ., ~;.:.t ._- • $35 00 1 . 0-, - six •Mouilis.: - ..'.: - ,. ~ . ~ . :,....,..,. - ...i.„..'20 00 . .1; •,. ", •'' • ,'' ....., .. . , ................ ... . ...... One , sqtraro a 32 . 1ines or tess,,3 Insertion's,. ~. . .- ' 3 511 Each subsequent - insertion,_ "-- - • • • ' • •25 Biisiness Garde, with paper,... - .-;'.....,.:..: ..... ~- . ...:5 00 . - 117-, These Terms will be HtriCtlyiidhered to. oo_ 11 fluoiness Oirectorv. J. • BROWN, . . . SURYEYOt4 DEA FTSM A:` , I,"OONT ETA NCER an d Mattate. itgpnt. innikvi Ile Elk Ob.; • en n'.3 • • • • • —III6FOENCES-- & lion. Thomas Eitrutherv, W. •8. , Brownell, Eng:, 1t0n. , A.• 1. 'Wilcox, . . . ' ..- • • • :.• CARVER 'ROUSE,'. - ••••• - ; • Jotfti: n. rim Prnprietor-corner gr. Water.arid Hickory • Streetn, )17arren,.. Pa; - (I ene ral. S'tagn °Met, ' • . . . B.: p:. WEIGHT & CO:, , . Wholeiale and Retail Dealers PI Patinly Groceries. • Ploui; Salt, re•ed,, ...Under S. -Eitove.ture, East side of the ritblie Stpiare, Smethilcirt, .T. c. BAcKus ez Co ,general Deft!era in Dry do.ods,, Gr onetiert, Cro'ri:gry . ..‘',allY,'-Made Clothing, Wools nn.l.Shoes, lints and Caps' •2 1 C0., opposite, the Court Muse; Eroolhport . • 7: HOTMES; . . . . . . .. Wholesale and Retail Dealer - in ProriFiom , and Family • Grocerieh, Dry Good,;,,Doohi, Shoed liAts, Caps,,Noils, . Yankb 6 Netiell 4l , & e.; &c. 'Store one door west of ' the '/Cati)r 'louse.', 'retitle', C ash. . • FOBES HOUSE, . , 'llront . ing the., Public • Square,Olean, N. T. .T.kmmt.N. MILLER: Proprietor. The Fribes TlOuseis entirely new and built of brick. 'and, is 'furnished in "modern le; The proprietor flatters himself-that.his iteentntuola 7 tibns are not surpasSed.by anft• hotel - in WeBtern .Nw York.- Carriages rumto and from the 'Now-York and Brie Rail Road.' •• • • BYRON D. HAN.LIN, , . . . . ATTORNET , AT T.A)I; SM'ethpOrt., Witßan et.;ante. - Pa., Agent for. Mesgrg.• Renting cA C 9 .14 Lands Attend: eapeclilly.to the Culleetion of Claitns; Iliatn!natital or Laud Titles; Pa . ,aneut of l'ixet an I all linef-s. I e;,l- - ting tolltal EAtate. 'Orden In If ot.s :unlit' block: -" ; .• • • GREEN'S MOTEL. -: '.• -. . . • D., A_'.. Vi tills , Proprietor,—at Kiumia. ISnri , n county P .;','.. '4lis Table will be suppirti.l with the 1)0.'1 'the • country iifT,,iyi.l4 3 and hp sp.iTc.nu In - tiu:. In u'cconnirilctiNg ' his gmeato: " ..; •• . ~ . • •- , H. GOLD 1100 ER, • . . . „ . . . . . Attorney and C.tunaellor at, Lair. ii-,jll attend - to' .- - . - a col . leetion of "Olaima and tiecountaA n the Cat:tate. t'. Pot • tee; . I'd'Aead: Elk; JelTur.ton, and Clearfield P :Cr. *mull:Tort, M'Kean county Pa.. . . '; • ' . i7 - Boualrrow zLnar.p, , • . , Attorney . and' Couniellor• at.-trnr, •Smettiport, County, Pal •IbbOner,U entrusted,to, bis,• cure for . the co:NW:ales WW•eau, potterand ,Elk will be iirtimptly • ,Attended to. Mier iu.the Court IbUise; btu:ol'2,l.ll4er. WISWEIt, • . . . , Piiiiiielan an.l Surgeon, Sznotlif.ort, Pa,, will attend t.O . all professional calls with' promptness. , ()dine in dart. "well Block second fltior. •• ' •• . • ' • ' • ' • . ', • R. S. BUTLER & CO., boießale. and Retal Dear in , Stapht and Falb' Pry ' .Goods; Carpeting, Itiady'3lndu . .Clo.thin,.. ,,. , aiaki Graeral Furnishing Goods, 'foots and Shorn . Wall. .Pixpar; Looking GleoFeA.S:c. .At.oipan. N. Y. ' :• BENNETT TIOtiSE, . . . Stnethrkort,N'kerin.CO., D. BK7ST:TT, PrOrrje •• tor—oppOsite the Court House. A p riv,•ln•Ne 3 moat:mu and ', • •• • .joiiN ,BALI US, . . • .. . . Attordey and Counsellor at Law, Smb tltport, - IWK eau c n . ' Ps.. win attenUtO all lnisiness in hit ninfeFF•ion in the counties of M'Keatt,Totter and. Elk. 'Office oyer.C.L. fiartsynll. k Brothers' Store,' • ' : . . ASTOR' ROUSE; . . . I: 0", irotme.it, Prop ' rietor', • Snieilippit, St•kran Co Po - Stagem to and front Hite place stop Lore. Good onennt inodotiotni and reasonable,pricet. , . . . . C . 4IDEOV . IRONS, Dealer in Diy Goods Oratories .- Pork, Irthor..Salt, Fisl) Ready-Made Clothing, 'Witt Ant Shoes: Store in. Vl'. ton's old stand, Snaethpnrt,Pa, • Genotar Patent EACZNEY HOUSE, . , . • , Corner. of Second and bli)erty streets,. Warren, Pa. R. A;;BARBOR, Proprietor. , Travelers will nu& good an .... nommodatione and'reasonable charges . .. ; f ' • E. B.: MASON, Dee,ler,ln Stdietf, Tin Ware, Jammed . aide .oP,the - Public Sou Are," .Smethoort: Custom - . work done to order on the' Rhortest notice , and in the •• • most eubstential manner. • •- • • . W. S. BROWNELL, . . . . . . . . . Dealer in ill,' .00edsi.Grocerles;.C.rnokery;, flarde:are, • Doots,'Bhoes, fiats, Caps, Mass, Nails: Oils &e., Si'e. East side al the.rublie Square, Snietllpore,-.Pa. . A.. ,T; 6170,. .. . . . Dealer. in Provisions and Family ClincerieKgenerally, al Farmers Valle}, IP KOOO 'OO ', . Pa. (train,. Lumber', ' E Shingles, &c., taken in exchange for , Goods. Paten't ' Modicioes for sale:: , •., . . r . . . LARADEE'S.• HOTEL, . . , A. IA .11141)E . 6. Prop • riotor,—Allrglaly • llrid • ge, lq:Kean Co , Pa. , This llonoe Is piton ted Mani t wino tailoq from Smetliport - on Ilio road , to Oleau,Atod will botatital a . couvOniont wtoppi4-placo I ' ... .. . '. tmpo4ivm . . Ship Pent LEGRANI) COOK.; Proprieor. A•cOtomodioue rink woll-litrnbilied bodge.. Srango . rN tio.Toiers will• find good 4iecOnmodotion4; FARMERS' VALLEY HOTEL, • . . .13y T, Goonvt;•.;. . Thlo hones le situated about live mile . fr6mBmothport on the road to Olean. • P I na.n fe partio 6 : . and °thole can be accommodated on the shortest not ice, . . _ ._ •__ ELDRED HALF-WAY HOUSE, , . . NATHAN DiNNIS, Proprietor . , Thin housels situated hat •-way.butween Smethport and Olean, ,If you \ t. a good dinner thie ie the place to star , . ' . , • . • • • OHORDXS . CORWIN, ' Proprietor or:Alia Grief, Mill, at Mechanicate; Mo- Kean County Pa. Flour: Meal; and Feed,. constantly on Band and for mato, in large and small'qurtntili ee RAILROAD HOUSE, WII.I.I'.I3I.°T.REFITER . teprie tor , Norwich;' • 111 1 K On Co.: Good accolimpoilatious can - be - hasl there at .1111 PORT ALLEGANY HOUSE, . . . . I{"it.t.i.tm Ittgiciat: Peeprirtol', ut Pert'. A11..i0nv... Mo •-Kean County, Pa, ' This Hotel is idtuated ut the ~inne'- ' Minn of the Stnetltpnii +lit Allegany Iti'vee'to:!o, nine initen east of.tiplhport: ~.. . . . T. 001 C on the map of the U n ii n d , staces, and thenlookintO the old stand oryord .5c Smith and you will'. nod Ed. '.llfison's .on • . are an liorkit.eindor an , nocaricenlelfoliiiity in the following; which are really Tuite refreAhing;:es tiujes like when hitnilnr , rai'dg , are al ways prefwectl.wit4 rartoun . 4yliociltioal prOfeimionm.] • • .11416 . way; Pa, L. • NV wren; Pa. Empthport, •Pa Iluena.ViNta, 'pa. A FEMALE ROBINSON.CRUSOE A 'l'9l'NG • Pj.:5C1:17..D - AFTI:11. LIVING %.T/14r.1 • pr. 1.%:.;, 65`i, fi'D.rh'f _Editoro% thp ' Chimpo ne;yiid:'..-•. . . Th'e city was 0-day . mot agreeably disSipate.dly ibe arrival heie of tile sclithineroz•Tc,' Marrin•, master, oq board a:yOnng: lady., ...Miss: SOphin 16't rued); of eicelund,i 01,10, .'N'ryip; foe he IL“ilixee — yeiirsOla , s :b eei living in Soll• etude and u:, Willing' seclusion ~upon a• 'dc'solaic and uninbab : , ed island in I_.ke'SopCiCor,.:near . the 73rktisb - and in . a . nortlfweufcfrY.Atiren tionfrom . 1 . 3-I . e•Ro . y . •• • ' ..• chpian•.:\taryii l ; is an 014. at • valued. .fri . end oryour correspondent•,'was kind enough [6' tntrodnce rne .this yotO'g Lady, whose ad-' .venture,a' haze beerso remarkable; and.from . her own tips'llear . ned the facts. which Miss Richardson is apparently about twei,ty. two years cotintenance, b.•;-* big positi vely,ls'ands'orne;is pleasing. M. itseir lisession;"'and slie,,has the air and Manoer, of a well bredrperson, lier . .coriversatiph is that of . :an educatcif.'•latly4and'.althOtigli when'rf,ias.,•• her: she was arroYed' in ; gaSments that'' were. 'anythingl)o'i, fOShiGnable or elegant, it •possitl....4•notsto'see that 'she was•an And reiliectable young lady.• . • .It will' be remembered that in the month of iNfay,'l.ss6; the barque Mary; Captainlldwaids, sailed from Cleyelarid;- Ohio, bound for Green •fiay,witha.cargo of provisiOus The.cre'w cor‘sisted of eight men, including the, captain and The latter; Ni. 'George was theicausin Of the'ybung. • latly whose adventures form the subject of thrs'let ter? and it'was under his charge that she c4n - 1: .barke4 with the intention going Co Green Bay,.where - she expeeted .tO Meet her affianced husband; Mt.,' Daniel • Ashnell, wino 'had been '.living at the,Bay for a year..befOra that' time; and.td whom she .was,tote Married upon her arrival. : Miss Richarilio.n•.waa . of ri..rernitable tolerahly wealth}' tamilyy .' oilS site sailed well provided witlSa stock Of, clothing, etc., amply sufficient forlier : retlniremeMSfoir.a year or more, which 'atep*a . s..a prudent anti ecaricimL teal measure , ~chen : the: scarcity.and ;deafness 'of all stich'artieles at her destined future home nre considered. Among the carg,o.were.seve yal bundles of blankets, heavy .dotting, and buffalo. rabes,.and the '.remainder Of the lading was made up of flouf,..riork,'grocerics, and Min ing tools, The cornmencement of th'e Voyage was pleas ant 4nd. PrOsPeronSiand nothing occurred tede• stroy:st tielpations oflittppiriess indulged in by MiSs Ric idson, until the.vessel hnd peas ed.lhe lalands,.andvits about, to 'enter the Struts ,Of : Maekinac: ...chey Passed. the Great Manitouliei st at dark,. end diatelY:,afterWaid were atta . cked:bY , a •treinen- . dons gale of wind,. suifiessinglin.violente, Miss ,Richardson says; anything 'which she had b 4-. ilpfe witnessed:: DMing the.morning Of. that day,the captain had tapped ribartel•of'whisliey, .Whichwas•inhisenbiri., and of he . .end the mate „had , copiously drarik Contrary 'to. their usual' custom, they had both retired .6, sleep before dark, leaAng the, vessel in charge of,. sailbr .named ,c‘Dati," who: Was, :at the is now of . the opinion • that the: . Whiakey • back, circulated among the cii , w a's well as the officers, rito that they. were all more or lea under. its iathrence. : At all barque •n'as tiriyeri from her eourse,, aiid the ;stormy inv Casio n i iolence, the cap .taia..and rants o•e'e with.great.•diiiicalty awriL kencd and-bro . nght•on , deck.. .The captain np peayed t.6..grom-sober yery . :suddenly, .and . nonneed that thi : •;; hod been ariv..en r , ...10611 the Ti WA:O SONG', OF VAIIR The monntaln • ah_een.aras,liToter,.., But. the !allq•eheep•are•ratte.7; We-ther6fero duoined rneeoc' . To carry:oft the latter!: • We made on. expedition; • . • We:inet n host and ,quelled.l .• IVe forced 'n - ationg posltionj . : And 'MI143(11)20 . men who held It. . . Otillyfect , e,rieheet ralle.f; ' li'llere.herds bf khie were .1 roweiog, We . made a mighty sully' ' • .. To' furnish etir - earouaini: . }lerce.warrior's re,hed to meet uo," • .We met them and o'eribrew them; ettuggled hard to bent us, :1 But we conquored . .theru'Und'eleu . them . And Ice drore,ourliviza at leisure . ; The Icing ntat•alied out to catch us— If ia rage surpassed all mea s ure, • llut his peopl a eduld not match .us, Ile fled. to his • • , And ore dur:foree we led off Sense' sacked. hie muse' and . p(;llars,, • • .Whiledthera,aut • We there in fitrifu'Vewilder ing, •liqt.litigid 'enough to guilt/ 11 . .ori;lonrd ninny children, • • • Ata widoive • d .1 tinny. tvon'ien.. „ The eagles and the ricent --• We glutted facnie . n— The liCroeti and the cravens.. • itlic'spearintui undthe howifien Nye broul , ,l/t . awri,;•.from Rattle= • , And , much the land diennialied , thein— Three: thousand head of esittle, • :. And the head - of him wlm owned theta: . I.l%lnyfed,•lling, of Dyf • • - Ilia head was Lorne before uxi • . • II is wine and beatitv, , mpidietl . our (carte; Illsoverthrow our chorus. Dr.S.LATE 151,.15D . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . -. • . •• t. • . ilifili . Tl-leGie.r:;. - .11VM"3A&:...•07 . .0N.bi:;;'f) - 4.,'...Tti.I*SbAY . ;.i.ATAY now .opposite Sault St. Mario: Ife look; the helm, arid said that he' would endeavor to 'keep :did:barque beating, abodtyegnarneninon Bay until morning: Other he:Was • mistaken in his.' calculations, • or. ye :es' his kessel as he expected, 'for after a night of ..'terrific terriPest,the:rnorning . brokV,:arid they. iliscovercil•that, they •Wrire 'in 'the•neichborliood of a:large island, the name of which -.MiSs • Richardson 'ha's forgotten, which 'tlitain:aid •Wris_lero frOin.the . :Saul t . ..:This island wairtriibablYMichipieeten:: The stnrm,iiiipertrrid to increase instead of di : . thinish. in violence, and the vessel be'ga'n *to feel its ,-effeets.-' Miss Richardson great, alaiYrrC and - disinai; whieliwere• not at all less= eried when. her •couiin . informed her that the bark, was leaking badly, and that they . were in imminent of deat.h...•• • Sheitoesnot which .transpired after this, ris.ol in Midi. ItiSfrPF. liptir•ot mind an a l body, but abuut ten o'clocgr. she was..suthrrioned 'on ihMk,• and saw thatthe:vessermustSoon . trikeVpon. time shore of ychat•ilie told waa an island.. The.rnildcr . of the barque had pecome iinsldpped trroken; - ,licr'rigging 'was torn to tatters; and. the captain said their only .hope of life :Was -to Waittiritil the . Ship, Sti tick,' then tosteari into the water and trust to the. wades Is throw' then]. upon the. shore: • The'vessel: ; ,.was . their some 'hall. a mitt, firnm.tiM istand, betWeett which and • her arose a long tine. oftkok ;and . jagged' %liss Richardson liala• life•preserre'r, the n . nly. One o.n 'boar'd. The .baique stfnclti , force tu6n „thejocicsi, app'eared to -50 , k fest, either. Upon the 8 - 40, or 6eiweeri the ..breakers. Tlie ciaptain.awl . the c - re%v leapedf e e,loaril as she struck; nriil Miss ctardsdn'iliAl Tier cousin ,Nyere'about to follow whep• . .a:s-par . t7onl the hr6ken end .shattered hat •fell to the' striking they male: upon the: heat! u'uttiils' : Otis liictf ardson's cautaae foisook tier ai this ad - tol sight and she stalk. upon the dock in a swoon. Prot.i ibis point I ,giye iye • itt her • . . tva . %yards; copicii.froin• the pot es \•inc h I 106 k ,Cuting : uvrinterviwt. - • 1-low lung I remained unctinscictisj cannot Say;•but regained my senses, found tliat the . itcrni was dying away, ,and_ that the' vessel wail.istiekinglar..Where:she had 'first struck. At znyside.faid'George,.his facacuti; ere,' withblund, and his eyes:starinew . idein, ialtnciatfainted again at the Sight, btit, Wilk a::Stiong .effur . t I trepreased . nny „feelings, and gat lipon my feet, The 'waves--were yet rulling.heaylly; but I could see that *srOttn. 'was aver., and - as I looked upward the . clouds away, and- tite..,,un.benmed Own upon 't - ne: cheered me, - and down-uppri coinfianion-Wa to reflect.-upon' .what-: f• 'knew that the. Waves. more traliquil:as . night y approache.il;'anii thought. that if the entain, re'acti •.ed the land, they would endeavor to. come.dff to •t and' - tdorendeil into 'holtl,lAnd observed that :the leak did nOt, increa.4o'. wera.opi* and her timbers strained, and bi•Ohl.n',. but slie . appeared jariirneii in scC•tieitly hetixeen the rocks that.slie returned. . • on deek;and.sri.w that Abe wares iiv . ere hout,LY becoming calmer, and thrit,the'Wind, had-set stetidily towards•the shore. :I. saw a number of spars, barrels;ote., thafibakbeen washed, off the add:, float in to'n•iirdS theshbre . , 'thrown Op . on The bind by tbe,:wayes, are then ~ ca'rried' back the next: seal llsaiv that it I wa,s:on 'shore I' cool& Two: . • ho rs pass , d, by, and I saw - nothing of the Cap tain of the 'c'i - v . ...4.*a5' alone with the'deed. The thought .torceil iteeli upon me, ad dieptime nobC[6 . o)le: I went below again, and'saw•that. the v'es:Sc4 could.not'hold to:;ethef,muh rileterMMed to leave the . vessel and endeavor. fo're . ach:. the I brpuglii trun.lia from the' cabin, and . snecaeded. - in lashing.one tb..eaeh end of'a'siin . r.Whieh laid On...the . .deCli, and .then, With Mfinite.jabori I , got, thea - i over the side into the water, an !.sooti the pleas- ore of seeing Ahern float towards the breakers There were .}passages 'through ; the, rocire, be tsi'ett which easks dot! ,boxes.equld float, bu t.runk. : w . e.re thr . blivn tip against 'the break CTS, and lay beatinabbut there.;l finally sum mooed .up,all my • resoTutioni, and.•lowered my set r.ido the lake,. havi4t• first throwp:.oVer . . lioard•the yard which had nailed poor .George. My life . pres'enier supportecfTe'admirahly, and paddled- tuySelf towards the spar, which I' soon reached. The w.l . ves, bore' me , gently along foWards'the beerthers, until I reached the plaCe where myl rut kswere flouting. Regtirtg upon the.yard which:vrinnected - iheni, I suc 'ceeded' in gniddrig. them ;through . _ one, of the openings of 'the breakers, .finally . We ware throWn upon the shore.., I was much exhap.sf :-ed,.hut'ma.nagetd.iocl.4wl. up:on..the sand, out, `eftlie•a'saY of the returning wave, and then laid doWn - With.:a full and Aratetul Aftei renting for perhaps half,an ho'ur, I * returned -to the; N‘' iiterj . s edge, unlhslied.. l ,friy• trunk and . . . , . .tolled them up on ,theelank. The shore was . . covered" with casks s and ..boxes, a number 'of . .. .which..l, succeeded in Securing.: 'This fatigued me , exeessi'v.elyi f6r.t.was not .then so tobuit ns . . . (eNight nll6 now approaching:, My garments weie,Wati:end I : began' to shiver with coht and tiunger. I. had, eaten,nething . : save some whiehl bad: found in the captain's cabin; an:t U, had devoured bryrere leaving the.:wreek..• The loneliness . end 'danger of-my situation came 'upen 6. I kneW: not where was; "..whOther. the. Wand Was inhabitett,• or whither_l. tune the. only human beir*.uponft. Night' was closing ,in'upon - tne,:arid .. l . did not know-that a Should.liVe:till;:..morning.:•l .kiielt doWn 'Upon the sand'andttiOcfto pray; 'but no. words caMe : to my lips. .I arose in Utter deso-. Inteness.of.ficart an*wailted . again • toward the A dark befe was lioating,te‘Varil;the shere;rind saw thet . , by,sfeivpitig into the .we; ter 'a, short - dietafice it.' ..I did so,' " . and witli-soineditriculty got it;to:theiland; tint its weight prevented me...ficim ,ralling . it up the With .my ,ecissore cutoff the eovering: ,of 'the ..bale, end found' ttat it was cOmposed..of buffalo robes. . Nyith'gat labor I succeed,* in cutting thecords.that tied if to. : gethe . r, and otie - byotie..l lifted up fherobes and - carried 'them on the. shore. 'The. - ntiter ones: were wet, but. tWe. or.thrie of . the 'inner ones were .warm and dry: l .. ,now: : found large StotiOnrid broke opeifone of Myfrunks . ...l took off my . 'Wel'apparsl,..:replacad, it.with dry thing,. and'the'nrnnking abed of two of the buf falo . robesi wrapped:. myself in. the. other; and layittg_dovin - beside.my 'trunks prepared to pass. iny'firSt night upon the island; ,'•Tbe .t.errai of my, situation, alltl my grieffor the death of.mY .cousin, for a long time' kept me awake; but at lengthiny eoaustinn prevailed ; and I fell into 'a deep•slumbet, ,from whiCh• I. ditinet awake until the sun of the next Morning shorio . . .4 , 1 looked toward i'.iiehreallicrs;.batthe•Wreek had disappeareft;•• The waves were rolling high and it seemed that during the.nighr. The wind had. arisen great,violenc.e.and tossed the ;:es-.. sel to piec4 on the racks, The wind still, came towards the shdre,..:and , .everY few Moments a wave world throw upon the . - sand . portions 'of the wre'elc, barrels, boxes, boles or spars, .1 ,telt:strong and refresl2edi . .but , loOn Vegan; to be' hungry, and lo wonder or What 1 shOuld' mak!. ink : .brenkfast; I Walked . ..doWn :to the• water's. edge, and lieg4fir to renew my forme . r. label - of .rulfing,the barrels and boxes of the way of . the returning:Waves: myliandi.were torn and bleeding, ,and. my liMbs Semi 'began to ache with.tlie utiaceuStOmedfatigue; but T pereever:. 'ed, as I . could bothear tii ... ste so much property swallowed Op hy.,the-..waves. After aWhile' . a . box Was. throwa,tipon:theshere- marked f'Sar:- . dines." , HoW rejoiced I was!, I. rolled' it op to. 'my resting plate, burst' open the box with the, same . stone't laid used the ,night before,-and' feasted my .e . yes.on: my treasures:. But • shut .upin their lit tle:tirrhoies theywere as useless 'to. me r is if tlie.y were ot•the bOtto,m of: the lake.. Yy'huoger in.creased, and Teat down upon 'my . 'buffalo robes,' and ,gave way . to teare,'• Sudden. ly I:retnembered inOtreUfrny trunks I had newly' invented' chiSel.,for r . coPpor-etating, tiry .fa'th , t had giv'en:rneai a preaot:to 'Mr... Ashnell, who. was engaged-, io.t.herniaes.. :1 Mond . it aftei a .rirornen Cs' Searchi.broke npea one of the boxeS of Sardinee, - .anti.enjoyed lieions and refreihing meal.. Aiy loinger satiS fled, I again went dOWn to the shore and work ed all that day In saving such things as I' vvas aide tObandle.' , ,.When night cone on I again soughtl-the:refuge of m} .buffalo robes, and'slept soundly and ivithont disturbance.: "The next'dayl occtipled in collecting to gether- the thiogs whieh.l. had .saved.....l - found. had.Sectinedeight. barrels of pork; twelve -bar rels of flou'r, two barrels of augar,'seVeralibmtea . of:candy; Candlei,yalsinsi' 'and dried ,herrings, any , bos of . -Sartlines,another bale of "buffalo robe's, n box:Of miner's 'hatchets and spades, box of 'dry goods,. needles; pins; thread end Yarn., tWO boles of men'sbocits; some boxes'of clot hing'tiod a bale *of blankets.-'You smile et my 'Catalogue, but Lhad-in my trunk. ti'hundle oiwriting, iMiterials, and Sorne.days afterwards when 1 cornineneed,to: keep'roy , Joornal, I set doWn all my stock in trade. 'Ion: twill admit that.:l sus furniSbed• Nrith a• complete stock, but where were my customers? Hero is my joian* l. , • ' • • And' Miss Richardson . exhibited' to.me • a manuscript book, of considerable thickness, closely written.. She .continuedt-L.(I perceive that .wearying, your patience, and Irmust hasten'civer many events: • 'On the third day . 1 'explored tny island. , l found it to.be, as' could fudge, entirely uninhabited. The shore. veils sandy and barren.. About a ,gutirter .Of a mile froM the lalre there was a-small creek, - on the hanks and on the other side.of whichwere shori scrubby,trees, while further back appeared 'a Ceres!. While I'vras absent on this • exploring expedition, the wayes throw' upOn the land , the deed and liraisediimaiCs.AseVertil of. the' sail. ora, among their that. of mytpoor .. eauin..- . . ln his pocket . .I found a metal box containing fric. lion matches, which were , afterwards - of: the 'greaieet setviee to me. I •dug' . 'tt hole in' the sand and buried'the 'bodies as well mil' could. . • . . •It was ci..sad and 'an awful .duty; and left me very melancholy •and•depressed. • - icAt first, and indeed o for'mani*ceke, I was certain that a vessel would arrive and take me . . off the island.. But . Wlgen six weeks had . , ed; and Iliad seen'no sail, nor' heard. the • : voice of• any.humiin 'being, I began'to give. Way to reflect upon my future, and .. to, give way to the most . painful' agony- and ,fear.A. was' 'enabled, : fiqaljy, to. overcome .this, and as Autumn Broached; I had become, itia . .tteasiire . at least, reconciled to my fate, andbegan to make prep- -nritions to render my -exibte9cc. as)Oleral4e as • . . • . _ • " 26,..1559 .. • , possible, under : the circumstances. ' I :knew had prcivisions for : at least threeor : four years,. and I. Warrriot ready ae yet to:believe that , be fere the. expiration'of that time gome ,, vessel Would not touch the: . .1 had already learned Ai:lieatilt' fish, andin;,the woode;I fr;Und many birdie eggs. Th g ia served .to vari ety to roiiiare, : Of the.twelve:harrele Of flour, one: waientirely:Spoiled by the water; The. :others were wet around the outside; and began to mould. r emptied the spoiled one up.on'tbe, s t aa, l ind 'then opened The others one hi. One; took Out What was'goed, thiewra . v..ay. : 6e bed,. returned: the' good flour to the bariel:ind head ed it up. With' the frag:ments of the boxes and barrels Lconstructed:a hut, : targe . enough to adinlt : rnY. bed; : and covered it witirsind•to the depth of several feet. One end of this was cloired--the other was fi , tted . with dune made front the lids of iny two trunks. Over r &y barrels and boxes'of geads : l stretcled'it Sail; and fastened it down by meariii.of stalirs - . - : Winter approached, began to steel still more anxious and deniessed, but I made My. arrange, merits with as much. courage and furesight as . • . , I 'could *sten I fabricated from my . buffalo robe a. dress which I* fancied would -be Almost impervious Jo the cohl-7mY . shoes,. glOves and bat were made of :the. same :material. With the matches •I ~occasionally• made a fire—not oftener than•once a week, until the cold weath er 'Com,pelled nie• to keeplt burning ell the time. I finally discovered' method keeping'it fir. ' without the expenditure t,f much thus relieved me from many an anxious thought and cnahted lo husband. my friataliee.. haive six of them 31'111 left. •''-: • - .• [Anil Otc young.lady displayed 'her' little . match-'safe, with aix matchei;yet Withiri it.] .."The forest soilplied mo'.With wood s Anil es long ns the wentlter,continued pleasant,' I got along %refl.:- Duritiah early part of the first' wintet.l suffered terribly; ..but by . Ineans 'of constant exercise; reinlarity'itf mydiet, and a steady hope of yelease managed to.live ibroogli . . in the iame 'manner passed three entire Years; I'`ha4o kept a journal of my . life 'ring thiannhappy period; Lind this,ftideed . ..lSes the only. literair, pursuit in . whieh•l had the opportunity . of: books-,etion my left.dpen the. wreck During these three Years,; I ,saw but seven,' vestiere. 7 T.ley . all passed by,.atityrtittier did not see my signals, or .wonlill'idt regar4 then,. 11iP1 an gush on these oceashatis . latati.indiseriheide.- , :The theneits of horrie, and oc:the'friOnils'who were now no: donbt moarning for me,aaarrtong the dead, Woula upon . me with.' wierpOw eringlorcer and my Misery seem ,too heavy for nte . ..to bear. I Wondei now that - rny reason 4 .4 kt letig,tll. l 7,l know not on what 'day, bUt; according to'niy calculatibm . On the ?sth 'of February, iny , IslAnd . was . • visited, by a band of NfetMininee ,Inaia . ns, six' in number.. fitey had crossed on the ice from the 'British shore, and were ae much surprised' at seeing me, es.' Was didightea•tolook again uponm human -MO. We _could:not 'understand' each othet; but they . . made signi for-me-to go with't hem. •. I was in' their power; but I was.Williug to go, as I coO ceived by this, meastis I . might 4ally .obtain.re le.ue, anciNbe restored,to. my .friinds4 .They ielurntd with:meto.tlioßritith ahore,:which . . I..fancied was hot more than twenty. miles trim my . ,and.thea, by..short and .eaiystages, they conducted me to. a•FrenCh . .tradiag post, where for .the first.'thae iti three' years found myself in the. company ot.eivilizeci: man was received with. the, greatest kindness, and soonforivarded to Tort Williams, the comman der of which.post . entertained; Me hospitably .until the lake was open, wlien lie sent .me limos to .Alarquette„ frOrn .which point 'Caiit. Atari:in has. ,candtktedi me-hither. At the Sault I. letirnad. thsit Mr. Asholl had returnee to Cle'veland. and d dan • no.* on .. niy way thith , . Such, Mr „Editor, is this remarkable' and in: , terestieg narrative. : The.journai k.Fpt by the young lady is well - Written, - an f . ,yvoutd no doubt prove en attractive and tialeable book if published.' I intimated this to . her, -.but . her modesty appeared to dissent' from thtit.opinion.. She leaves in the; train . this : evening for Chien= go, from whence she will proeeedideleveland; where she will eppear as one risen from the ADVICB ABOUT IJOHTNING It is calculated that' at least fifty persons are killed by - lightning every year in this coup: try, and . -ha the seasedia. aPprOmehing,, when casualties of this kind are. imrin'ent, IL few winds of'advlce and caution npen.the Subject may serve as a Safeguard; if carefully Observed. • paring the prevalence of. a recent' .thunder storin which vislteid the town arid vicinity. of St..Petershurg,' 111., two men were suddenly killed by . astroke of lightning, which desCend ed the chiinney,ofthe.hous'e, One of the un fortunate victims was in the . act of winding a. clock that 'stood. en . the mantlepiece, and the other was standing • immediately. 'behind him when heTteas t struck lifeless: Two were, at the same amesitting in the room and escaped injury,as, they happened tmbnseated . sonie dis tance from the chimney. ••• ~.• . When the lightning's flash and the thunder's crash, are seeb,and-heard almost siinultanecuAly; it rs a sign that danger at hand; and the next bolt' may strike.the tenement - whieh,•af- toi'ds ua shelter. -.To knoOeitteldsea ii(;giuit...3,- . ost:saretrupon such. an occasion is. impqrtlf.Or... knowledge.. - and,ae a fait 14111...urioratoi, heard ,with 'attention'.. -• The eartli,and'atmesplietctireinttifiatid.tirittO electticity; ika'atatv'. of equilibiittin;'; When, this, comiiiitist ',Air • to rhed.' we have '. the. pheatirnepa..liik:thatidifi' stdrMs--,'whick is siniply. ,eNti'tt, Mittiiv4M . rtisto're the electiiC'egilikritii• between Mosphere - and: the earth. - TheattoPiPherei . :*iii' , . - .such cases is converted - 16[6* i hugiLeittlan jai; the. lightning is simply.. el isruPtiVei through the tutors airf and•thdtiderll - 14' sound caused by the. Violent . pression•ol long continued roll lilts the diecharge t ottittil fary. Lightning is thernost subtle .anti sistable power of. untUro.. •Ai singe flask cant . ' shiver• the; tall mast of'a war.ship that Might I bi l l e deliance to a catinanadei or . .rend .the lofty oak of • the.forest to splinters in an instant; and single'hoit has toppled the .tall .chutch 'spired' to the dust in the:twinkling of an ityke..*:.Witat;•' is the puny Power of man befOrisoch a mighty iiiitntl It is physically; rya'!" as , a feathetor, a:. trernbling leaf. Arrriod in the' panoply' Of ;OCt-t •. „ , ence,.enan, like . a weak hit skilful general, can , paricauyer his forces at ins!. this otherviiie-de— structive poster, and anyert dangerinto comi-; 'partitive safety. . :• : •• , ..r h i„ ry +vas. made ,witen proved th.. , h : his little kite,.. tricity p0iiv!3.3!..9 the . p.:culiarproperty of Aow .ing alongnr through . . what :tire cklledi (catidoc.4l.s;' ,- such 49 emper r aold, iron,. &e.;' and. tak - : ., ,r, ~ A l yantage of this, • the • American pliilosuph : r s . eggested the.. Creation 'of.tall rodte of iron or p,lipe'r Mt . :houses end shipa,. to lap the Lcyden ion of .the' attnospliere.,. add' conyer . their charges quietlye rid . safely to tha - Cirth;--: This suggestion carried out has. saved thoti-• sands ol li , ,tes.and millions'• wotth of. property;' hence oil liouses. should be pr,ovididl sSiau such. cOnduetdrs; but as• in ' the euse• now,. peihaps: the great •majority of buildings will always tss4 uneupplied with stch.agencies. Ln all such ca— . see, it rdiould nev e r be forgone:lk that the' light 'wing always seeks 'to . pass to tho..eerth.by the , nearest proinitient condUctors; hence we. balm 'an eiplariatifin of the cause .why .trees; Masts, of ehips, steeples of ch'urches, , *. towers and' ey are sa.of en struck, ndA‘hrthts. sons referred to above should' not have been standing so:near the . hre4plaea'on the . occttion . of a thunder storm which cost theun their liveek. In such storms, persons` in honsesihnuld . sit.or in,.some place 'saran distant asiposiible 'fipm, the chimney, and the most expoied . -parts orthe, walls—the middle of the;room, if, it. is: laigr,; Is s the, Safest: locality, Sailors .on. the: sea should keep as far from the masts as Poesible, and farmers In .the fields Should never: leek. - shelter under the trees. Horizontal itrOkei of , lightning.soniejimes take place, and several per,. eon's have' been scriclimblle sitting at an °pent wirndui;v during thunder-itormi; Very' Will. novii• of, a roam in, which persons ate sitting, such cases, • should 'be closed;' a flash of the• fluid, which ; vroUld,pass through an'opin doW into an , apartment, be conducted. dOvin thieugh the floor and wall to the earth, if the window is shut.::.• We.have thus — given some directions lo be foloyved'by 'all pirsoni. during Abe prevalenne and ive• have set forth the Briefly.° of, the question,. so. that all may not only see the reaionableiress et our remarks; buttheir seasonableness Scientific. American, • • Srrwriarewrs.4- 2 11aii. is en agrieablir world after . If wer:would only. . hrinie*— selyis to look.at the : suhjecte . that surround in t heir t rue light, we , ,shoul4, site besutrvyhati wo•behOld detortirrityi: hirritoriy where We behol d nothing but Ito he sure, their is a'gr,:at deal ketation and ant. ioty to.rneet, we cannot ,iaiton a summer. coast. liirever; 'yet if We .k.resCtlyiti Calm' Ore 'add a, iteadyhand, - We.Scan So. trims, our and manageour asp avoid the , quipit..- sands;andweather the storms thit threaten' shipwreck.j • We are' • members of one. 'great fainily; We are•travelling the seine sortd4 and , shall arrive at'the same. goal.. its breakthelthd same air, aro Subjects to the same beauty,,,etidt shalthe dovin.Upon'the bosom of Out eottat9ni mother, - It is ' unbecprning then that lizOkit should hate brother;' it is not.pr9per 1.1110 friend!' Shoulttdeceive frieild, it is not right thatrteighr. bor should rleceive.neighboa. •• • • • • • „ We pity the elan 'Who, can harller:s'eltr against 11i 8 re ! t?) ol' I ire; us tear from your eyes the erilaeiliOislibirsti;tbatt invests 'every object .with hue or jealousy arid suipicioau.: ta'arii',/eaf esti, to, suriiiiiel;• breathe a spirit Of charity , ,from 7• 6 s ll +' hearts; let the rik - iushihgs`••of 'hunrist 4ied ness..awel/ twits 'a Plantain, so bat the'4goldeni age" will beeeree. and the iSPetk4l lo ! ° • • the blesseil bloom inore then , i,llyperiani beauty.".• 2: : •, ••:•• • -• =• - ) . ye 'loran from ,t he Pittsburg paporSthiatlif !s$ Steamboats .were ionised ihe l ltonocifirifisila; wharf, on Satardai the 7th. them were partly tha , ,,eargOe . l . l ,441:, metro or less damaged.. , The Pro ~,orltia4eipba, tha ladles' cabin of one..of . , • P" : ;: :N0 . 60 .7. :: : . : 14Y;5 ' . ., : . :: - • 5: , . , ;..z , :' , ' , iti. , . ;..''A - . 0 k .., +;..,?.',