oPi A 7 i : l i flte ... Z 6, NAT n 4 , i " ‘t r mi, ' w lw o - 3. C: it flil , f 4-,4 ' ,0/ 76,011,e' 4 . " IP I et, ri,f41,0 1 ,-14 11 41Fil a Ael i tS itiZeit see t, kt i 1 1ig,P,P0 1 49, Ii , ipaptt,,,V,Oillitititfo h 4: Ort.lol*. = ~, " 1 11))eater ' 116 :4 1 40004edi;I:Oms" 7,-;11 ' 1 . 404014;i4t ' 1e 'Nothing 1 0 'rw t rillOTAttfatol ifintiiV Pi , AO - . ' o If o fio'l.7. Atittioicgadhqiiiillt s , 4140tikwrwkip.19,i,k but *tyrtf9P4APr. Ptyttiptilf.i, 0 rty i,, so lid r lib table ~i. WC Aat tlitintirteWlitt , ivii I trkoVidi Marsinoo ' , lwer-lawr, ? 1, #l446o4•4o4onoymitrUtalei oraloMpat,itAd4PAP',W-111 4- ) , ttArt 4 1 :2,na l zemograt 0 .,,, • ovit., - 1 p.711 'iiiikarAitiol'iltieFliol4l3 7 rerkutlifitigUiski iiotOrilt** utop ' ' 1010001 t , itatkvetio inost4ufi. 4 2 , kgaro-10 ,4 4tA ,4 & boreti* '4 I VA-11:tot t i, goo 'lF 0 4 `ll,iiiiiiAikei4vtitaf , tikkilPiokf ti*fir:iftadag ;kr,-,ti-v 401,1 4 4.4 1 i1MAAL1 01 4 litPlini,AtisinAtsi ifirSi Ili i ll hiiierttiktiVillibo ler6f 7;064'4,00 AN /*OW r 5 4 4 011 514, i 41 ictt tz,64;4loeS* l l6o9 4o4 eo i ,Ekt Ntrit# ti lt estAn. ,t hero ik it terieetvi.o,oo4( 14 Atiaottiotomouitig *moot which aoi ot tbile (i.!AntirtteSfonfilkl ,44 , 080Pgillityplopgh " P# 9c ' 0 he, piparrels,' at tilt tle , ianternear Hie leitt,tv rildOta 01 1 111 41" 40 1 4 1 "4q 0 k55 1 1 14 7, IP AlSity,x-Pgfifsl, he tilt lliNitiheniAllif akblriegef H 6 "ibila7s? litelY:fitie lie4llfi mike ~ ii*nesairthst ttiq co- , it04,01 1 Fh194.,t 1 1 11/S 1 : 911990 A fe Oriel; "it; `He a' . ilie;iire 41 *Jfifii - ' l4 d l 0 1 . t9 l 110 wary tirtlit'illawer e*t zwAtri ~ , 74-zort. Moe number of, them yr'',o, i n n .:,! 9r I Tian whom theY 'ii7,WitAi to 'talk of the tTitioji. :iTords do l *slaty when one it; not , 1 c414 cof 4)1,0„ kr ....., .But tng, to iiiok,beyotid, the; ireitififer;ltastli ludgei 444 itiffse 10 ;brilliant! 016140. fPieigthantt,loalt rgif.t°, Pr' '' in flotto, 4l l o 4ery t esii , 411, do - 1 1401) 404461i:5r.' ''" i ,dt*v kIAtV, ,4 I.*.h/ettP l riOr°l erteleetidetifi 1. e elk ; tiftliglifeiefi ‘liidgil tsq ), fora, A . , iligst* on Iti A .rN ;a at 'on : leittle 4,, • ''' . ll.la or - , tie s' IV so W . .13' !.' trigsm spe ~,_—.llotisl lieu—. '4 I . micwis 404.audtiatio:4441.1sited..diott-w.0.4-44ni. -Fief, n ec eiiiirmitblifiltiktiffebrthilikineW tiliMonse4f:rheAme O r positia(ma*i7chlt the Adniliiiitintiois: with extraYilaneer t hey oros:11 11 , , 0 4:- .to ther ffi, j 1 0 1;t:, , etw iit l tt it io ri: f iz: A r o appiirpnex. .t....1)... t 11 W rih#9iiih'Voillir Alteleitirli d tr 40' ' AIR. eassiffy TifgareiwilieoFhtttivol le. , jiyihe gedttetrian.2 . , ,, v..4 , y. 1135 .1.4.„ ailjirg,,ipsoccial shiggen: ttkez.tkses,,lsspet. 010•Ae9e!fiLaTtlig!ttn7RttilPIOR O n i t 'i. striition:iirehis :cigedlith 41004116 i money' till , AliTitiii Tioiti 41illylnlllihtilWilsifin'lildnitill-' ' ;iette:siintielly.4 4.lfirstitifilithorislickle The: Op:. , mttlen - .. - .o.o4 l lllitinli PCoOls Pick. Ix• th ': drern " 4 "l7% Tti ° lll.ll r eiri t S M l del li twine hct,4..et to in le tws . fs go( utteicog t.Va l irviteOtti iOnTifteatio'loe tilit'hVte 'Ana i figures of the lost approptletielv , bill As'aliii 1 1 .190t.t.• We. billeieclu4tnethembfiliessitfito • }}sustain the Poet Office, will not reaohAftyti !throe mil lions! What do these rrien,i6canAiy • 4niini'thet"'`.4e . ' idnriltilitiiithiin ekito(ilitte !eighty or a hundred rnillionst Mrse•Thi.Velfirl ' turchAaaStutittio,P4 'l 6 a3fitt'OP.r WO .thtt/litibi . / toorelve 4 kflO it4A+ 3 F/1 : • 1 t li il Ilzol 1 9- 7,4kcf tild:revenee. to neet:the virkee e pap- - , dltureisl4).ottiis4Vid`'lifi aniterL A little lire : ego the *tudir:doppo s eiti64 ttibel4riefe' •billihcif• i ;nig OthdlWiltitiltirte 4041“19e11114boTt*W.-• liivaoneyovitt.wi#4.,llo :jqcfstir A tiritutygli t t _h i ,r et a a breve e Was 7 .m.t it imq yy.,A fl 3 ,-4 s ill t, - a , :belt edt.:" as vi e trit e t fast a ct s gth •• lortini ,, :siurortifelt)hatia, feistil**9eiiielifißlA i Pect seta poked Svii4d444l l 4SolPoklbanW times is well nigh over. .Vosktp‘ol24 l ,9o+4o¢. ' end e l- A h. 4 .3. 0 ,t t .: he ..,c) illy, twilpitytp.polit 'l44:l beWatokuis— , ltat'rrielirolle. ' Thiitutlt. it fralititert e t 10414 z'-' trio'ffi at itaiiirear , 'Aidite , iitiratiiint Munn thwade Invitclnritowet..lll‘l! ' thpnke* 14 !"SteltatakPkepßeatt Bgqiviospeg, IF* bill, .otiall,,,werg, ,Krae,14,15,d...0-ikie. etr4ff Wo4l4'be t)iii liiiitea; 01T101111 t Otilli. eV • iiillaftitA.lha l ifieh . icaeneon to betleie•ilkiiit' tglu Ve tt :fall steliVivil at the , -etfd 'or - itho"tii . i . iill 'relirx,t ! . 1 - 3 ..1 44 ) 4. :- ',- • ; :•.. ,er'' ' '..: i 1 47 " .. ; :Igiri c -ThiASVlsdikai,Ctuß.o7.-;lstriir o 44ll4rtit asjot Arpfp,sh 4 ;bol9co4,,:- Iti,,„wo ,neitc,tpub.. thenhial'thlitellero, neiiiiifitentotaft)6= . liticai causes of illiaCiiiiiiiiifelitif ilte'.4ihtiOng. o:lacono:were/ never hiora ...eiuordsat'ailjtanti alaudh,44.thiligtOft 460 Y, tkrtatehrt '4 l .oous. n itii . pis) . jlifficupy.: have. y9ttsbe;l,;ltefoi* I. WieirelllitisliattishiOtif,!Yise•tiear Qat 'MA itiii? fititiikt'jiiitthieniieWo ll'hoijklia ifiii6l:, cation'oV*aliniiit sillatitstligi:7 J lll4674od 0'44; ip a rrteas_ l 4744.lll.o4l 4 .l l 4l4.:olgetqfpioitich•isi on i kpliqpi-pgq?ctogucurora , °.gir. ' I4 9VEIf rabJetrft . tOilkii Or. coroyaslittie Ihilt.penlipc . p,,,ettc 14 tit* fdititiiiloll4. itirattif •ot . out' 'pile' ittatll s e'r, AirciftbetOilislesir , bleibing:te on , tspitalistel cif tilitilentni.t Or'a004111.93:11)11ti war by other :oaf 19ss • catittot impc.de Ayr on Ira pt I ppit4liff t w WI it • thou ; Wallii4taly rici' li evbrarnaPtill:bu,rden to bliikleliatilit l ests Iffilfo. ''''''.4... :'+C!'" 3 ' 4 ' 4 ft . ",..' h, 1- ticeei , Wee:4ll;C letiltigerot 4 Mlthelfrei iirovahtlagaisoksay ,idtatnistritikat tooteusto. fOnldibli Poler.w.lA. , llielgttioil • lEa9C4 -..b4 11 a.at IltiiA' thit;grisi(l:tist Smell an ap. is spending mon 7 oyitftlii ritikat iatiloi le hundred ihillionaa . tfitirV '' , ll . fieginkfti *lfO'hislig"th'iiiie , iiiiirtion6 jamtotleliesetthesit ~ 4 Aixdsth,s,paople• ter.whosfi 10'1' are ulatil l / 4 001 111 °410. Ilic.o-F4o9!vt ki ligiKtt c gr*' ll 4l-43 ° I'Vrkr % .;li ''''''.'. 111 *OO vouttatftilitk 0-tYr 4 11 ) 1 91 1 1 1 1 - 1 4.,Vioni 4149rpioni: "tat )" ikti(ln 160 LOWfut 4 tior) , Yearirkey timit,o4.violattitcP fir: ei - Nll.o9.l'9Lti t l P 45.000 41:t i t iVt l itrtle ik e g Alielippdahrd*of tt(i, # l l O O-44 C t.* iSO4.I I ‘ I I 9D AVVA 11."'CUPOMPVt0hay VfilieetalgetOirk 000 4 tiltkititAilo olhisYs'.to the,l4se i fil "'then' ethillociinfe*S l4 : 7ifitht.0414 14 , 1 ,0; trt !met 41 1 ..5.97 b ot 'e :egitit.Xo 4 VlOke-Tokl:i IVIORA 44clirin Inp94 'M4140664• 40 1 0!ii3aPitikte hqUeit Ae'Nati: eir itlirOent. igli!Vii.rdi 'xl.`l~`~'pi"JJ tri i A l / 4 1tr.f, 1 %itelttivf i • ...:,` ...4 iiVitia% J iiiii•ult atihhe woe -, lioidliour* 'itsC::‘,. gt- • 1 !. rit; iiii , -. 5t ' • VillihOlik ie:4 ftilqatit. siiodtbrit4; ligrallOrOf , AT. j 4% likiclied ;h!fif, ill 1 01; vCO3 : Ile •,.t.. * 'bait • or- tem' or' gli e., • j • Tb 6 followers ti p 146 Tpretnent bre delagd'Whell th'e:v r pl46'tfrat'3l3Ar, Dobglakeetnitentinee's it ) or tioft ft Wilradiana s hip foftPtg; The west rolibblekorgant *auk gkkifl9, Pitt i t9 s t a c i a 9'F er °, 2 S",lc4r any neetton , or„e7gyv ywithjue treseu 4 6l? ue iiiniae the diboreenlzgeln tftie'Sitit lObbealreitid 4146. : 111t, : tf10 weight• of •Fiftellyiefotiyoullitbreak i ;°,104. 9f .thairlePdP . ! of ouple,bre unnOldink ttke'di‘biziqzera, 144 !ieetialt lea a the roliott Arashrtig.l :010 1 PA: - DifuglA4l III5M0411 , 40) Coliforriog • 4 0,p f j t l I P` • IiM nI3cr4 4F . "0 4 45"et b 4 Pi r f9 Be i 61if ea ,66(tIsnc or:nedo i. itl i'greitnklpon ,eome Nftttigo6 Sf e tteiloifi r di ii ftitufe, i. Mitt' 4sitexitfabi4thir-Iddioatielte 4teiChliift 1)44 9i4E4 6 43o:Rogglai , s 4Resalot ictlAt 9.630 Co•fui tu r CO`c 4 V i i i ." !Sl*. TS!"-f at lc Pirt ,3s - 4nd ,hat thcis`e w tift ls iiigYfijiectito:ptafl" Ofifi, o e v; A l* . ..:. ,,,•u: ; tviin , elVeoeittintafeeethoi. Votifoyj • 'lli"°!'"nit IltliogkOWS-flotAk.lol:_hio;.politkoot tra? A 9 0 , 4 11 110 . I .Rklegkf uPe. p is,pitr , ovid of ilftienotiitaiideeiiiiitiloi;raiinurneit ate coif ' •ihowdk:troakiiiallitoPAt itiblidi;OVtikoriti: 104:141,P110100111./* inOgelner4flintlAT .thrs inierf 64111'414 ic„roit'ovitigeot f s t u i k e r pf s6loritt, 11 1 , . theme 15 op. ap,a, l atiii, notqtbetti bv. ve • s• 41,4r.•: . 13irrhe larfoOly girtrwhoitolbAtelat froacatoil iittP.• WithAbc , ilk gaigimovuttimellit3q viAili s considerable talk, Is now in Caaada,`Urip wi t h hitn,-kavJag _again doper ked,her home liti • IVliiiili. .ifila't lie l*bitilsi s if•tif her TfOrtlielibipe a4eitt4hek'tfailtitValaMttittbe l r ‘• reetalra ad let :Wit4.4treoktllo,l4atittatillol l abirt,to ; Rid i k al where, a Illy . oreAywip” Übta,k9d4d i §hp .ffep !ittile•W.i;ti ilita afartircialniat, ant litiewckk alma abelialtilift, l %%ilk Sr 'id& 10.014-i'di lieniA °mist isaiirifil did. eitirilleitliettbit; 4 4 tOroasing• :Asa-Amert .hilsrotib*Areiliaad don? sweirmilt49l 7 mi,ttr_leoOr fhe—lllsf•AlkOirfVe 6 4 2 ,4- 1 Ecietw•ilatra4 ii) the:. ttf49anabik . bsopt4lo7.l'ile tittilag'iold , 'hle%eftair *ad A Ilitt-6 Ellilinblife:'fdiatthii liiithi'llie'prb - eVi'die • Ilailbeguatial farcoltlet4attwealauintristart . eilkvi44rtriglAt,E4l lll / I Xo2l , ll l q ac l i tl. •. well e ducated , 111411400 YAM CA'91 3 44 o.' `•' irr tip tnalrittg t o relatiiin - ,ivith klinia . ait'd'ltbch ' itiii,,blcrrititer, stiriller'lneprittroka'or lbalt. l tOtattalfraftll ht‘thindaettlarratighblailielsLath ottacAllril;) , o.o9 , litrP44 l - 01 *.4404 tiYe,o.9li' 41#11t4PerPi,,,E414 Vkill,ftl4,bela.F4pol;, Attat ta ers;lt'wb mtixtelievi aka ilit;ei t gat ,:fils t ..%6 • CtidePerS4ltablViatilzilai3r ' watt sio l itione.ol4ll4. , ..foydria tlw,:lritlaact t ,r..,1,rs iltiYafrotilll#lllo.oo l l.:4 l aSairtAtapw la 11494 it, sad Ni,a lll "*A94 l9 94 l l 4o. ritS" h e-P.o o * The delectable ,totifirttitie living in the lie jr, quattorol•viripp?iptlidlretheobiget of muck •ifotkii\ittilleitiitiloaltt.tl i•Witietria . ofeg the quAtenitOkiagiOticipataeroritablOitittbott 4 4 givldtAassaiNWS • „ffo . ls ,l4 4ot r AnYii ti M* B o nd; 1041pol t ql o ctitipAMI . . 1 t!(94 6, , uttillitilif;4 o ' 1 , e . 5v e 1 , eaneste Itit'Arects:aril4talitti,j4Flt 414.30. /I'o I. illAttltwelt; , 4,gooddlcipect , ktiml l lP: lol 6 o I r 4 Anii7, - ..lllA4qehostes, A 4. 1 141 4. • :gbfr",44*!kor' tickivl.At that INill'AiAlt67 ~t* fltrErt°4_°,K;lPLlkPi kil,.4.Cliitnln•N tPI ':::: - Ft!eY 'were' Taoiii" 'Winter It6obeit I `faciltles ti.""feW' , ilayi alike:: -' : .; • . 1 ."..-.. • ',.. ti . : iii . . l . : ii 4.40.4t0t.;i7-P*4j. .''~,, '. ucstlay~~Ys7~~~ ,+ ~~ ~, ~) •',, , 'C : 8 , /. 5 prrTE NOLL „ / 0 1 r,, i l ADVERTISPM 'AGENCY , . V vit , „ 110WarrailAgert, New York, and 10 St ,St. Boatda 8. 4:-PiiiMINGILL & CO., own 'Cur iikento far 100 Milisus..DialocitNlAs4,lo4,wast ,Uillq,atlql.l9(klar.ggalt eltbullattriteNetrip4peThikr tut ljnltewßuttes end the USD. witom #.1`11242. a l. no stllnir loin 0 lAA, . „, li s . r. . 4, . .1 4 ,r.t . ~ ,41.1 ' t ' 4 • ..2. • • if - a?*•1 4. 1 ef.iti ski . l , 3teit ti V hs. :4lC A.'."'". il : : ) . 1* AWIFI I . P!t r •TqtirarT " :T4N :{ . . S.i ri , /i AO/ ..;:t 44 * : . 4 ' tirini: j o l iginOSßEAS4 8 • r ~tr,') :. 1• i 61174AltieltARNO, iIIaWRIGNIV - : ...' V ... . 1 0•74::..t;: 4 6 . I,:iticaiiithiliii;;,:ia.:Vaiac..L- ...I.l' ka:fi 1'...:5• i: ~ • : ' ,.ii.tlC*• • •,:, I 2: " I(.. r r : TOrt •.7;.ir ;: 1 1: f 1 . ' MA I :TY:A Y , 9P; Q , k i t T I M . . 1 it:ici . 4.l:;! ° , • ...: T .‘. l; , ,'?' ° ' hlaWirclAo l 6 rll ,•.' o '' '; . .V.V . 1.V..;t 4 ;. i*ttki l . 4 4 .• ; ort•lll4i4 itelli ONO IN .1,.:1.1144 ...r giikt?4 l o l , o tVY-thS•P ro PPfq -bold .* ;.*,s,B o lPPS l l.s l ol.ltri: RI"; rrrtir Oeir ..'{Yi nn~e s~an~ t~''~~Q ~fl"oli~'se' • .f~'e'lioiii~ to`give'oveV tlY"e. fit(kM ? i ii!diis'tiobf" td t 1 o Xito'r':Houee'k W : las~ell, 6t ?oft ' lle{lip~:~ . . ,0ne7d1..the15001P09.13411t 4local. 041fer,41,q 7 :otirtreadwit the thoNtul-Jir0v9,414 1 , ~. • !soda N4w Yti - kNitclicileW-Y-"9ck-t9l.lg o Kta . , IC4ijef , 's - 14,f0143,7Ctii„. 414rdanadlairfieff• C°nY a o 4thaleii:JolfoitaW - 1 1 .)1 • :' t ai St'. ~`rn f a a ii i r d • ••:' • dieleglits,l•44loo.l4tifqDijkikir.iili -tnenTo 6 ;o4 llo iNif ;8 4 i*". l lWrrr*r i i t il l i d . e.d * tt ski Willi opSeirtOM on 4 t0.V471.-r .•. . .* . • lzeis, ( iiiit o p i gre,4: l itt34 wAI. • ~.. . , .v.: oiofl.!.1 1 . ;Wei% t , 44N2,g,,,,:•;710graF.; sna unflinching a aerg* s ea ea p 1 right. -qtgivi.it 4 Ht- viertfitl4 6 0itiv.- ~.A4 . 8 r Wwfl 'movie : 4i 4.,Pdt4.4.0ibx, Jo. soy. 'Rlfskgit"R•hilatioo. l 4l:3C If tt.KS, 4 ( 41 9Y! ITT . 14.0.i..i.k.myi ....,- • :..-.,..,.... k ~..;,;? l it :::,•;•,-,, .*: -• • • • a'yertiittlonle like ', the tliailitoiettf-thiVirott Iliettijekikiieto Wet (kr; iilitikifit4iiiidirtifliir. l ,4l.4lE4l . 'Ate. : Pit jet*k tiVirCenitif. l 46iihia efitiloculklitellNiliihit • we' • and Oblikeif iii "abatidodtit''o6'tYFcblii►~t%'o"f `:Hi • p tOtih!lar, 014.1.90/20 1 11*Pinktst94 Antivifilkilifig iral;e's Piro isRAY: l 4 lO O l :4*.cfjPOllOM4 1 4 'W.o4l4l l. oatt trwita,rieldgf,!ilt. l o#4ot . po . dAjilto)tktfellmok : 111, 0 MVIPPAY OR t k e *Oi ri taidY• 111 0 1r Wakinfi b On 41 1 ,4190 V fposinieki. wAriplei.44.4ooaillitlrmOkt.+:" 311 , 14 ' rr°l•!ililigglintSll.of:3olA PIX4I - 1 414.0 4 itel*tfincte A1hP.4 1 4 Agin= At ivLill * 1 019444nt 41; as' • • •liiiii: ts ik i ,l , . l.4llli.,;(i t iii. Y i f i ...: 44ol ; at his liiidaetiC ). 4 ia bliiiiii i iiiititf; il itgal'ii'.}le.iiqiil 4 "' !4-?.. .-. - 1111"1.* fli) a &§a a\ iiiiii' id mittaas ,Iti ro ap r he . rp) 1 . .. VtlAte", igk lif.iitiki 'O . , ro l fWano she sitlijk "cof t iend rarAgeo4,4 . r thNiiillit •ll4.:l4 - " ••-•• .1 1 7 1 41.... ..0 - r . • f• • i- , 1 ia at ajitietti t 4 k t aa,oli c .p ilitAl4t, l'!!ti iiiai.v4hol.:qyina t iftyfoWiltAre,X4.l4l49iii? li, 14 46;i60 h ('' oi l it ii'fiii,:ii:*Pii . `sitiei, aid. WU jitsi . ais leaokh4ed 'lli' I(.it ) nripit, f0i :,a,...a, -, •••••• -7 • , t I .• 1 . .r..h *tea , ' 14 ...': ;77 ward - ttinegv Demo rat - •••• • • . ilt *Nit libriiiitbinilevaiiillVOl tintlitldivßel iffit:pf4ho 14410! iilloofit : , VerflOsi4;eo elution; i tlf ! febititOlifabili heriiiiMaifitid-1414-',grabi ... • , , i Btlizet (jot ficeititlVttliteilOpi to44l4l(dttliKluii Itgar for Ilia dointitin,nAbeiligeet otifieAinief,A ~ tiftt,toos as` is;`!itdfl Iltiweinikitt tartaisarni:•loll4lmt imolmt.of funds to:phreha se the:eitate•olinibintl tVirrinembra4ing ~ the tomb •of ,Washigitosi;l' $209,00b in't'he Beni...raga - ire& of: which $1805,1 4000 , he1l already.' beeninalditthe •balarice lifino Idue7y,4lb; 22,.:0624 , andrthe fenewed.eflortmowi beitigunadermill ,- doubtlrsi nature iterccinettro motion. All iontributions of 'whatever artlatit 11+41ibe+ ticiltoWloilikeil In thtf :Mount Verho7 *tro4,. - CfbrThilietifrabli hea lh Phifidelphil, iiii diititeifito 'the I titerliitieT 'the Aitioiiitiiiii: •Mkiiiiilipilthil 'O6Ol or M'Keert eogati*ilitteti Ilivild 0'1)10611y vt&the' 'elipehl it 'of the ' inititiltr ' 1fiti114441i6.414 : etigited hi this jaudibli and iiityiiiiili*lttencivemehtt ax .1. , 6001131 4ur4slttioi. . 1., .1. ,, .. A ' . ...4 .. , 41•4•:: .1. :I vAt• A • tAt !: 1 t,i 0 , te. 1 1‘ 1 q 4 " 11Kb. 1t 4 " 752 tii t l l i A 9i ft ! If ; S ,D4 .‘ 4l N h i t t s4 i n i " Ail M.cfri° 6 P.vonA Tria9ricr. 1 *ttPt ° 4 l4 Rfilltifjibi ilt.F't t P,l°P,Q BO l.f.t,S,Mqt. - #/##r9aditi,, , bnet:P4 l l , Pluimotn;lsil 6.ll4oqvilriOn: PY.O4, 4 1sep Inki,e1 ,3 2401 1 , ig 019s,c151imion!: t i ? TfiiistOke 1 , 1" , i 1 °1 4 : Pl'l 4 4 1 0paiOMMA i s i .4111 0 PA str4 1 : 1 9 . 1 4° , S a fri 3%.-thciutikitathei Po. WATYPII i!!!niTIONNI (eburthlshVio.,biouAlit slon,t4rAlitocept suniti tell n l t M ArehPl49 3 :4!RVSlY,ZNe t irnli ltk FARPA r AVn tl i e N l P/ P ci r WAßtl i Pt i Al IL'O c !tr ) ?Is flqctl9/nel l tA4lV oPS% 0 diecharg,9 l 4 4 ° okuliwt !.o.,°°!F,ln3lo l #o 0 • Asap_ d a eupea.A.wAnowpottikat 4o llsk 00 1 11 ibiesitmieioomg(le Papua frttot.Ptitargolt 40Wor 1 1 4114 1 0 1 4 1 thelfri :IOW) ;Ph% 118 1111 1 0 1 11 rift 01)410.110•PW/ft Pith 'oPsrhdoqrs, ,, sometbing p*ktksf iiislfteryor * factioNe :ti)wri - msetsnti ,ibm ve dlOpistthe lanclidates frts ;Treasurer had -beittiftitt4oollllo9ditud vicoitutfia, (owing •frii 411,410c4rr,Of.ditti‘letitot: tite:pityApu boardi "ol24ithigifts.erlatithiAtaltWildriiguis colllUt Itrilits4l**titecticiiirgbil'of :Ilid toliknjwlmi ilOctinleftrAthetPteest A: 0 41 1 )/ witikkpilli itsip4orytkell t linibafsotbspositery mind tidlr,iut uldratd tit; tilde. Itiiiilhat, the Gloom /60 , **a astorsti, fro* thl inmost. etiogd f •Ak. i thb og h of return 4udglit's4:lll fully satisbf. abllt - thlt:Zetign.Wia urftmotto _ink tim4t4lit lakiipfilunabt,evideure' , ti:i.Otatrfunt itelottroc,=. dos; phich WAS CjeilTl, lir duty, a majoritk sutered themselves to be influenced by a few Of our smart-Ittin, whri;roThiettheM to . allow 44tqiiiii io' . - thTicitir's ' it'. . • '97401 4h"" ant claim" „ , !Think Q w 4, „vo ,„ flibliian l o.. • ""iiiitio)t 'foil ' Atte...anti ... , . . Et e Doan!, , ted harshly on Wird: I _ , j*..l. ;el impark*Ustic'e, arul the elles; be!,lr l ; ''. •' . pf the stiliker.too moita Om' ewtirew,. ntk i to I) 01 ie 14 . ;ti.litt . sl4:::l ll lreOil obtaineAirfraud- ttlent.a:ooiti.ii i Ind ltrer;l74o : 'totl::Ati. prjsatlhatoOrlortfer;thefddeßmitleeithpilact. of ii toiSgriitteat6iiiiMeAhdiektild niiotiihiiolir f irro3}ti4 i , ogrAkeitorigol . .t his friuti tot -Irn Porte et . ChilMi 44 .:l4ipl- . g.l' : iVel :l ; .. .: • Lit'Y Intl'4 4 ( 6 ' :the ,fa . OiltrAiiitot!t 9(467l:fiet • Trio m a e v . c ail Is r w BstirAtiAltierty. itownaltitt; icitald ; hateoOrirf'-'ledlititiell.t l lo.lolluch 'lel* "stitch: liif.bilite:tiii`difhiitliiPipihititiltlileo; than wliiiicieffittattliii.giifilkftiiittkailtnii;thetiote: Oiltileflafilliiia.PeWhaVititli4trilllni Ahe;ion-' fr,; . l 4 ltlitillke - lidtediirlolPalthatrititim34 ,6 pilliFfittkiiiiiheqiefoliptleiir;4lTtrin'Me. B ilia 0111 2 13 tretiliflilleiatliattithei4y i the'peopto.: lie' merely ' eitili.ditishil the r a*intidg• ,pberifritind kite p r e ference giien to Parsons on the:around. 4 •,, I.tif,hile holding the offlei bra frandulenticartifi kit/unit the distiriction-atteraptiedttpittl: Made, li t uit‘the degree of, fraud iri thelfraiiitgenitromi litiOrdouti is cif co account. It lirplitreiteral igkiediStlthat ,there`wes no choiciii...inethac' IthifiditiirithOulddievit so:decided:4- :,i : •: :.,:•:; • 4 .lfilierd!..*** - 4640:by .the•Orople-itiwsipi • liiiilliity,zitihrie . tbitii . *:.se 4 .deci* told' lelivix 1, the. appointments tcP the Calm t"J • Cowl 4 liso 4)1.44 i•iiiiieoltotiiiit Is to appoint alPropei - pereore fo • ii!OliSYnhileldy until :the - : St`extielitetiOk.' - 'Ae it 2 riy.`thi peopled of this ; Cointy hisifti!treainrer • toilichOhiy 410 . .1Kit- 2 -0'44'00 wilyhiveilii:payi !the costa' of fi he speinbetiuri. If hie:. Barr wee ; I .notilestilly,slectbdilifliOttluf :opinion Of the • Montt ti . iltritot•justlirmitititled,,to I he. odlce for • ;which he initituted the contest;if his prosticu. iiiiitNroetsiitliittitildittitc)illdit for, then he should ' lik;fril*SwilltV•Lhill.t.cflii*ritintediat • hero es.-:' :tateoshed.W,lll4bllvd;ootiattlitipi miin':whe , fsees etlifisentliet.lfildie?dlisctiiin, • howriar '.-pet.ty:• : •thi °One; the privilege of so doing at 410194'841r Oftneelliadfft . a4:.hartheised oti - Atritiniitir. - . :V* •-, ' WhdlAtottOelegicrao any at tetriliiiii-brfatt;i4. eptlitsi,'istAtist!ito• bite disrepute, eipeeit;ll it . ..thole. .of.lantianort, firiiivial or imaginary catesea; ,jicifiliht , diati' silt .7 Oisinfot. fess over ..iyithotie de- Idliitibtri i draiiltrt lith* ;tot the' plebliils-Soni. . • • .. • • wrongs are alwayrrlilited it theilallittAtexer. oritutistri irell airOiher Min Itro•luliblie:trealluir; burhiierelliterit tothererieiVtis-iiiiirti*Ottihilit OA* iiitintle eI:..W 'F.4 - .lllstaniii,'."* . hohj the Judie tells tie !the t , one:: ef the Bartone who .vu: ted - fliefiribil# tit.Ctt to 1 o vim s h iP add , . velitillei 1. , dedfand*lsltiAtOter in .Eld red was cot Otsch•of Mt Maks! vbti;viiii,nieriiii•••fie•tnight '6114 :voted ; ' in:-Eldred,"Ortill4*-vi Obliged- to Commit •a gross fraud on ihe elee;tive franchise; ive might conclude thatri.titan • Mikht steal his heighbor!s lone ‘, iP. he' hadt:oite:.of 'his - 6Wu and • aital.llo hbliged to ' strif:AtPsviithodt!: conning Vlreitli• in content ivith'shollesir f igainst .horse;stoistiitgi . And when .hi teils , thittiaier:ogoe.helrldey Oaud. gent. tenure .:givsisltgoc- holder i'clit*Fiiisiti:- Mount to his•competitor.tolrhotrv,it legallrbaz looltraftei:tithtlisdifit deltirkeutad t and.; those clitim;iaistrAlither:,aiongestilkOm;thit• ; aioniiiiti .s#4• tie ipt ti‘tliisciivoilttruiigef:hrthe•fince;" OEM stirVir, , GRAND JURORS .-' 3 - ; J.'Drakei .Liceole,,Sablatis Walker. • Rictitiond: 13e11; bideen 13: 'Gillett; Gee AT Ci H.-Smith, Win. Flairscin'Srititir :Jf.'s',Geo• ,Q: Wrlght. , 1,• , Barrett. .Libert•k,,-Salro,J. Abbay,, E. A ustin,-12;.:112 ••% rl, Lafayrtte.--';Llttber • S4ippen..--,ificlue ,P;reerrian, I.:. T., Moore ; • .! , ••, , I *R-A,lrtrifr. ,Itragfo r d.- I .g, '4l. '14916, ;John Corwin, T. NeWeili'llenr,Mitibittli; Spericei ibbetto/ 41011,„H. P p Cerner,,Tanies: C. Evans,go*es; Itiquek;' ' ' -" - • ' 1 : ' /dr'id, - ,4 2 P. FilatiokEobev. t ecndolf-rr