M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 14, 1859, Image 4
)1E 4 af , 7 'thiqin ,00kiit.;40hh, P. 4ra/01 1 4 1 0i !", 11 dfity',4keirtiliti=focicck, A itifitrteb i g - described real alletalOtPiielPf tend' , in ,Ceres ACtfitieVatthtY• IYPS' on the efelet4 ll o 4 ,,tV 044 . ,1Settieeteet 'Reed , ex" cep! Otif*ti„atirta.,i hope lot,, the whole 'piece lehlrOliapkanded , s,S4ollaWit Beginning at 741A441g,..4i4.4tw° hundred end eeven ightitiliPpiches atirth of the ,e)Oriforifint'*s: 34 14, and ' 4- wartent, thence north one ty,;eir Perebeisaittl.five-tentbe 4 teornell'4h4tice east one Itrinine perches and . three. A f, :to meth .itelty cone bemired - end t Wen ty ,k.tenthaalk perch to post tat aner t :Mitidred , and eighty. Oreei'teethe.to the place of thalstlot,,,iontaiging ' one CM;4 portion;, of, said 414 rdad,'contairfing fifty-six Ait'aere " :Pieee or ;Parcel* lands lying V1 44 /4 41 4 60 Patit Rao, and 00,0 4 0 &MOW, honed- %Inning ,at i post, being the ort,•lcit conveyed , by John iParty to the. said - John P. Ev 7 1e. 4 344'4 . and being part of said `north; : : eighty: perches to a stsme.,,hundrefi. parchestoa tit „ . , -etght'Y perches to a Peet, Jame/MAI ~perches; to the place r 1404 twenty acres,•, strict 401 0 , more or less; ' . , mdatiteillt*3Rede,!geatYll at the time • ;sl'Ai??l;",r: r. Pxec'rs. 4 'IA 1144,v..EVENSi , . , tikstuouaL - Bair., ..,:', ~ foulinaso-onr _ ttr ^r'4lo he) giutr-4 4itirisAPiO %Ast4inaf ivoiaterr ;flhurisYi' .RltetuTts .4atogekt -1, Dleralea, ' d other rcitar •t-ching !In • • jet:, Fe ma l e Ooldfr 17,,kt.'1-".!...,-...1,4-t-v!1:.•5,-;....,,':_.'fr.'.'.'...,':..,9: ~., .:',.!..' S;r 7 ''''A r ' i ; §: * '2 ' , :.'i ',', "- ,. : , ,- ,,, ,, ,i," ''.:-,....'-'• :,:::;,,, :,. ' , -.., .. 6 , •••••,-, 4 '0i .i '''6,4 ` 511.3,4 A• i,L . ,: qi , # 1,-I . e i t---4.,..qto e t q•* i '• 4l 4!ttk:S!* - -7:! . 1•:-,-' , -v.f• ,, •,•;-' ,. ..": . •• ~ - • , •gc. , • ••••• -,•,--..----•.-• • '-, •• .__ - 7, q.74",,c, ngN1,4111%7 , , p, „ ' 7 , y, 1 ,,• , ' ; -... - 1 , ,V - - -: ,;!".. ,, i,.?;-4A ' ' . s. ' t. ‘ - -... 'i- . . • iii, ,, -,? -- ,g , ;4oo,lwiiiiiiikiii.toiti.„ 0 1 . : ;,, .1- a,4Mk.;.• VS 4 r, - 412 .. `1164.' gqiiiiiil 6 oi.. 'Fe It iiiio. ll 4 l ,a (l ".: 6 !u l'' D. is . il , ;' i stiteri-Drfriery, ,kino;:with never - foiling . 719- q. .ediet;tor'the.'epeedy eure'or dittoOloto of tvp,. ,: , ,iriite,itid , tletteetei cheraclei, . iticiaent to the , ilOlation'of. the,L , ,,avii 4 . l4" Kato!" indil',N , ...( l -: . ..i.' ttriti,!_e Ged t ' - - , - '.;q:; ,. . ' ~,'. • 1 ' ' .''' I • ' , chi, k „Or, ,k Nottk tile tor 64 tiOetablia, . V 1° kiln to be IhOr teC tat Oa Or., The:author of the above volume a ;graduate, and ;having'; devoted% a quarter of a _century.toi the study and treatment If Syphilis and 'Mara Jisorders as e-speciality, he As become pommelled Aformation :in '.r egallito the 7'''n'uu'V.l?r4Pf into vAffrlneCll6) comitaingthe N treftroquWafrigettce of thithillillefp bilsoffenta Alai randivL id.' Alt 'of the , osperience or the most eminent 'physicians In Europe and - America is thorough ly demonstrated in his own highly successful practice in the' treutment of secret diseases in manylhousande of_sen . w in.the city Pitila llelphia alone.l'-"ru 'T: '''" Testimony o s f the Pref. of °Wattle* in' Penna. Mike., Phila. re Da. littryran's Maraciat Marmot." The Outhor of this work, unlike „the majority of , those 'whir advertise to cure the diiessee of . Which it treats, is , a graduate-of one of the , best colleges in , the United States. It Winds me pleasureoto recommend him to tbe nttlattunate, or to the victim 'of malpractice, as etteeirsej ttl and roperieneed practitioner; in whose: honor end integrity they May place the Kreutest con fidence. -• JOS. S. LONGSHORV,,-M. D. Fount A.. TroodiOard, 1:)..; - of Pena. Miro. 84 $ Vdl.4' P .t 4 ; "'• m4os,; tiourt,Bso-._ eloirpor the Sheriff. It givi . ni me lileistire.to add my testimonyto, 'the professional •sibittiy;Of:the Author of . the cases of dis etseed, the 'Oeiiitir tighn . s, tiome;o6othem . of long irentlini,' havi? come *der toy notice,:in which his . skill,:hite:hs,ii.:,ttiiitfeat; in Teetering io:•perfact 'heattiOrk'sikntelitetispeerk. where the patient has beenCtitieiderOitielcUldinedical.aiC,. In the treatment of StiAllS' rl i%lielit4iiSes; or: die arra ngem tor :do :fittilitiOhoPtieduked by.-Bstf abli°lo Ex4 " , ) , ..f venoty4Aiiiiocknow the . !prefessiom, ;•1 have been ''ac quainted the-'Author, s‘trie thirty 'years, and' deem' it, no more than Justice, to , hire as, well.an a kindness ~ to, the unfortunate . victims of early indiseritien; to rectitnniend bimitione• In whose professional Atli and integrity they May safely confide .themseives; • ,ALFRDD.,WOODWAAD;,iII. D. One copy securely atiVelotied, will, bilotWard ed free of 'postage, to any part of the' United StitteS .for 25. cents, - or 0 copies ' for sl::—Ad drese, post paid, OOSDEN' Ps- Co., Publishers, box 197, Tbili4eliihia: CtlrDeoltsellers;parivassers and pook'4 genii *plied on the most'llberal tering.; `.'" 11R.INDR ETU , S:: 'piriLt • • , . • • PIIIRIET , THE :BLOW/ • • CONTINUED .pain or Uneasiness io any "tir. , gatt is generally cured. b y one : r More Anise of Itrandreth's Pills. ' :years' personal experienoe.by ; the undersigned fully iustify• this assertion. Drelsmetr Lill, PotsdainiN. Y. Says have cured •the moat deplorable costiveness , of the bowels' ' With ' randreth's when ivory other remedy":liad failed r ind, the, &tient was • gire nup to, , ' Odin in . veterate and painful' oharacter, such . as erysirot leis, ealtrhaum,Aetter ina.Oithmet-heat, I have seen, eradicated by, their Nur; cured _ the •rhearnatie;epileptie,.o psralytie and the eon. sumptiVe wit444oo),ficOiehtpgli atone." • ,; In jaundieCan4" , ..,olE - ,ifteitionifet the liver, djepepeiii'Ayseritirrf,...anil , . z ..diarrhans,' , pleurisy, -sadden.' obbtrites: OPllll j scorbutic even gouty and neuralgic •aftectionii,.-havi given'. way to the use Of this Medicine, and , noWi after tWenty years' experience,. my - estitnationed Pramireth's Pills continues' to increase.` ..'• ' . A' young lady, beautiful' and healthy', took cold, which caused terioui . , , ol;itructicin for two, years,; her , ; health was broken down and her, beauty departed. , - At length Brandreth'e Pills were tried; " eleven ,doses, of fioin two to font, were taken in'fitteen days pr,eceeding the' . usual was restored,. and her' health and good looks re covered. , '• • ' • WORMS. • - 'Branidethis Pills?'sare,'the beat ierrelidge,; they'; 111Te:icifOlibrq.',':A little child, six' years old, for some Weeks :Was drOopin,g ; its mot her, it. one of lilrandretles ;lingo:, coated ; , th e e-next dray there lame' away a wdrerrapttien itithesitnit• 'end chilOs The , child ~waa • away' from;lmet , wee -- te , en witb pletirisyt- 'de ,infiarriation'ao'terriblel fetY writhe witlea s gany. Eight,ffitind'reth!O'Pltir were .owatto*ed-i, Andwarm ' oir isfidisA Itkently; the pills ;operated;, 'and pain , 'Aras . ?.relleired s plenty : - of*rual was tiken, and six More: pills, and the 'Steen!' day' the patient *as ,turid, bistsonistfOe4ttabgt l l4:fliOe' Wt"ighcP prevent" ttie' Also ibirpooOvititdiiiokind.ito the' and precti ce of- bleed lig.' •.? - -11;0614,11)Frall: Breathe thos : Pills`'`care'soJi (;' at th e Principal - Office; '294,:.CannUstrtiet, , ,s:Rrandr,ethlsnilding, , at 25 cents per , box fand tho atimeisugar, Coat id, la eats,' wallantedlO kopP;iik :wen O s sip, ' " • ' sold also Sthetliport:': iiked4citsitit'ol,4 ,4mlll'OPri'in. 4 tTaatSk.' , ': AiFiatikriii.-si.teyip,- re linfit ; 44,inilimpitiaq is: ikieti'. *Opri• resumes iyi', t4i'•o.iiiii:.and. fey.di...44;.. .'',:i!. '.;•' ., :l ~;', . ~::, . Nei; Medical. Solt tainto 116-no More, no te*oviet from: the 'n4e,trimttope. it be Afaineitfrbm 'ony . kttle . .-inedieine for . , Cabinet. Shop inAlitoltanickburt . AW ; : •OLTERS..reSpeotfu ll y :mon p Cell - to . the - pUblie that, notwithstanding hard times, he , iktnanufaituilng and keeps cOo stantly on . hand all , kind's of furnitute, sock is DI - OTTOMANS, • -.4 . , , DINING AND ; ‘• BREAKFAST TAIILES; CHAIRS of illkinds and styles' Dane -, and Domnion,'Retii4Y-Kade CAIN, n.,: of the very bait inaiertaLtihd-noanufacture. -= Sinetltritt •-• i.ir Salt. '4iniDiuggist. abcpt 44; sAla... If ~• $2%50; riesiiitpfp_rice rstqktdfaig' hr..; bionic piekite. OR& CO.V A 4 . Bl,lltilaj' piptOX'r AdAt*l4:l, ' 1 40:1Eittstutt 11 :- :::*iiiiiiste 400 1 .`0 0 i::a II iiti!:!!of ' sitiiiii,.. illta,t9 , :i4'4 J,:-;,,,,,v,-,•:1-:-.,-A,..,,;N-,..- ,Ston,er -. .- trlll-ro.SUBSCRIBER keepe„oi hand for :sale •'• . .t , t'Stobe toil 'of , the beet qtialiti' at the - Igeihaniesbire Grald °Call ltitittitaketria4iichinie.' ,, ' • - • GIitYRDIS CORN,OI(;,:' fAivAli'v• , .„ Mop-isticksi e Imported:and nomnth Side .$1:1475;K::';.:, , , -. xi1f10Ri .,, .,: tk..0.,,,,;::.:, Wantivg• fdi ins, see'iitlveitisement o . , • PiIIZEIWKFMr 7 SIVE VENTS. -:OBSTRUCTION ; PlArcr,, FWV,IOIO-50. `P s tNNSYL*ANIAN , TIOMEEKLY, • # , - .AND, WgFACLIt' The 'great events el I he , irnmellat te future, en jitigelyeilettertiling,.upcin the 'boldness' and en- . hrgy Parrioclutic or, the country, call for*.t.he%•l . odestli„dlstemirintion• among , 'the people of idd.,fttets aritt'Ottunents' elucidating and austaining,the DemoaratietNetionalnolicy; .and the duty' ot indepeodient,,: , ',Dernocratic jettrital in!such ti crisis of, our hisiery'can only 'be'tully krt . (' advantageously discharged by , the octive • eo=operation of all who desireDerhocrat •ic success, in extending. the spliere„of its uia;.' The : . Penits . kiitanion has tor :otittir . "twenty-five -the' position of a -central organ in Pennsylvinia,.•• winning by.its boldness and ability, : the'conAtlence and warm regard of ;tkie Democracy of ,every State in „the Union; A n d the Proptietprr optpai..oNittkvzinfi. 644, tie 13 01aPratfOr Off "41;1 4de st : ilPg..notflo extend 1,40100100 wiasti lteence: He invites attention to .th'eq,ithiliii which' his paper eonducted; and the care exercised in all, its. departments. . . Aside from its high and Unquestioned political char- Acter, s no, paper, enjoysi i in t ,ti,, larger degree the fidinei '' of business : cOmMUnity. Its Commercial and'Monetary reports are*full and comprehensive; , its Marine List, ensurpasSed The':.., proprietor trusts to , cotrimend . .THE PP.NSYLVAI , ILW. to' the business:and rea= ability and; excellence, and solicits a critical - examination of _its merits: It is iiiikaiinJornike it •ti necessary vieiter in ti?e'Otintittetinatt, an, hotileOleunaalleiln the beiiritaricir; arrexperfent *r. - eydyliii'dilig and business interest, while as a, news , journal, it. Shill be "uneurpassed .for ''reliabilityi and - he would-also'commead ;t i ro, business :men as a medium of •iitiVertising. ItuDailY;Tri=Weekly and Weekly. iesues_guja „large: number s * into o very State i'n:the No Paper, either, in . Philadelphia iserlaW so largely circa fated and generally .ieauf in those sections.from •whichphiladelphia derive); , her chief trade and where it is specially important that our lust-. :fleas hauseifend interests should be known, and appreciated: • . The TAT--WEEKLY PENNSYLVANIAN is printed •eVery Tuesday; Thiraday and Satur; da, and contains all the reading' matter' of the DAILY edition's., The WEEKLY , PENNSYL VANIAN, Printed every 'Saturday,' and .is 'wholly devoted to News, literature,'Politics, Agriculture , and' Trade. • - • TERMS. • • . ,DAILY PENNsy LVANIAN; $ 0 per annum i iri advance TpI.WEEELT, $3 do- • do. h , ptice,of this ..VV nit PRI !MY LVAPI lAN is Or* DottAx p*e eannuolf but for p . urpotie of luifheftictiealitig the eireulationi.the.follots , - iidneitn'ents ;are,'Affereil ,to Agents • And ,' ;f • :', ,, 'Onet.COPy;,ontryeer; - $1 00 - Six Cupies,.. • - .5 00.. Twelve copies , . . - 10 00 Eighteen qoplei; ;ft ”.-• « 16 00 • Twerityi•five•Copiesi:' , --;• o“ 20 00. Larger Clubs: in proportion. . • • CCU. Innll casee,_ ordpre-fOr the. PPer must be accompanied:by'the cash: '.• Lettercto he addressed, post , paid . , to , , ' • • , .IVM; RICE, Pnopanrroa.. N0..1.08 South Thild street, Philadelphia. aitIRF'S.DOI33LE-ACTING SUCTION` PUMP Indi,a;pober Et4ll ,• - . rrIBE, SUBSCRIBER having . purchased the right to,•• make_ .and sell, this; New Pump, .feela a confidencethat his, efforts. to' bring it into general use, in: this , county, will be secon. ded by,all'who see itt - construction and operai ~• ,• • , • iimong, themany advantages secured by tife use of this' Pump,. the.tollowing may be, enu. ; double action by which firice the Wa ter can be raised at the same time. ••• • 2. Grattt-ease in ; working, thus adapting the .1 7 ;reti i'riizeiple to common :3. transformation, in a moment, of the P.limp:itito.aw•efilpient •vtuz rnat:rn, , tbusj ren detinglho loss of 'dwellings by fire, totally un necessary.. * • -• • ikatering gardene,' Lawns, or sprinkling, walks, washing windows, /kn., 'with.the utinost,ease. and thoroug,hness. • 5: Power` raise' water with labor to, any ,reasonable e height, ac in'aupplying tiers ' ` = l .- I'' ; • " 'O. The convenience of Having Pump in a kitehen;or other robins. ot your dwalling, with 7 out regard follie - loe.ation , 'of the Well or . „ . . . 7.. The easy' iirotectiop: - of 'Om instrument against Frost. • ' 8.-:Thenease with 7hiehitsmai.be, mounted on wheels, Or in other,liye.be made,: portable. .y.rhich ensures 'great dors.. .bility, protects it .from being tbrOwn out Of or-. der fi andrnaices,any repays ,easy, and of little v •• '•.; .4r . • 10. Great' checsiiiress:' for thel first time bringing the eest,i3l„,the - F i corce reMpiinto• the neighborhood' of the common . : Suction and Chain Pampa, while it is immeasurably super; dor to both. ' . „ anufactered and' for sale'by the subscriber; only, at his shop in Mechanicsburg. .. • WOLT,E • RS. ~...-.oecbanicsburg,,March 18; Ins. • . . . . . ...., . INI3I7RANCE , ,AGENOT. -... . - Farmer's Ihdoi Insurance Co., Athens, P. • , .q&ab . 9*Pital" • 44:,.." 7 4 : •...w: , :.4.:...».''" 4t 0 . 0 3 0 C , Q• Briar Westerri liiiiiiiice CO. - ,'Phflidelphls" Pa. 11apita1 , :ht0c1r.z.... , , , .,., ,, :, .: f. 4. 44. ..4 ei oeso 000 _ Wea Branch, (Mutual) Lock Bayou yir: • , 4 , , IniuTaicie etin be 'effected itytba: above r,etk pi:risible:StockCompanies 4y ~ the',aubsCriber Aifr'`c'oiirimanicitiort . 'addressed "to a Smethport, Pa:; vilt meet ailth'prOmp attention , B. F.DAyis, Agent ' Sthatimort; 1858. initOtt. TO jiit!SE-jIsITERESTEP: .....Vorsonii-indebtad to g: g... Mason by note .or °the ise; are reqneeted to *elk chick up like a en to the dough; and settle thesarpiwitliln,thii ty day?, tor atter ; the first ,of larivary:eollec Lions inust.beproniptlir - made..„ . • , • Sinethporti Dee. lat." Ata.".viativiut to 'emleate to'd mild climate, gond , aoil; and fine market; ace.advartiaament-Of. Hanimonton Lands. • • It if PAN, all; new and shiny—you ..can arl'sea an honest man's face in. them as soon , yOU,rity over the At, at MASOIVS:s TIN. tHURNS'and Japathyul Ware,. Stove PiPe . , and Till Cat .MASON'S: . 1 - 7,14010V1Ng - that "some things can ibe done 11' as . woll aiOthere,' theSiele Hill will keel) a good slimly of Groccrica and PreviaiOna;. i ~ .1'41,-,. , 4,llAlitifOßlttlinitt -P:' , A- I ."'t t . NI;11':'-elY04414.), , s.A77.m:410.-0.Z in:Air oilliolitiesritt:`—:,-i,p',:ttz L. ',X.ki ltrivllizi.fiV4RArs. 4 .in ahvaltbYP.lnce, ese ' s i i ii . / 0,.;e'./.4ol4,friirr) •Fbilittlelphitio , Oril the' `.C•iirilder's iiiid.4tliantia ritiliOack!liesZ:JeiveY; Aii.,ola estate h as iecently been Opined kir sale 'and the fii-sf ,:ifiyirtion'oflo,ooo,. acres'. divi ded : ; up into faiiiie , bf - tWenty - a ties . .ithit upwa rds: : The soil,,lic ul.tAe'bestAimliV. jot- the: production; lof fruits, ,graititi; &a. 'The price la sl2:'ii;s2o ;net IMO; :PAY-fkbo.4". a l-T -' 4111 ,:•,Y 6a Y 4r . i!i ;stalnents, - within" a- term ,of tour yeniii; with ::interekt;4.,-The-,tertna art{ madif,eitity x - fu oilier ;to instil-a th`C rapid , improveme nt 'nfithe land, :14 eriablilig every py(ustrimieutqt to buy afitrm. It is novv..ticilec isitensiVel3r' hieproyed byf go . ' r !toads; and "sotrin_Orthe librit'aitizeni.• (rem Ne ~ trigland and the, Middle ' ttites:iire erectin large irriiirdvierturtte. - '' , .',1t , ,15 - lii‘ scene of the greatest improvement • out, of Pheladelphia, 13eiiintY•OW litinaes•phniliiiblee ibeilEin • foer,; thenths ".Priitilal, fanners - ilia' bbeiriesti' 4 'reen' from thelengtb and:, breadth. oltheVnion are. 'settling there:: It is ..art.. iitMtirtane - bbairiess' plape, on account , of.ita beingin,the-miditt,of a • great Market. ',Very article 'raised iMoti - this land finds an, „ immediatn sale,: The, water ,is :excellent, and no slick thing' as •feveisis.krievin t , .‘The,soil is,n sandY_,oi:elay !mini with a eink, Sottiniund' iTtentine of nitantires. ' It, is' free . - Of.. stones . iitaleesily worked. • It abounds' largely iri the pliciimbatesened Such iv its fertility,,thar ;from thictelei intiiiiuced' , 'both.tipon.. this land and' the.large Brea adjoining. under dulflintien, it will..befouled, pot to be excelled anyWheve in the production : of crepe Most ada p ted 'to its f tearket.: , , , ,A-:: , .' - .T,;: ' ''' - tiwn•'' . A ; be . ' •.' The lead e r 'MO 'bewell re t the ear- . liest and tne beatfpits and-.vegetables' come :from NeW,Sevitey; . which are annualiyexported 'to the arnount-of ,milliOns of cillers. The lied lonilde,beingaccrisisible in 'every way• for teali. lip's, hes an abundant; supply of the. best 4ual ity of • muck ritanare, ,„ : ' , ,• ' Lumber, and building Materials • can be had on 'the spot at a Cheae'price, from the mills. -Other mills 'are now, beteg. opened,- and , hrickyarals being 'started Cm the grolirid. ' A person Can' pat Up a train° tenement Tor present convenience for one hundreirdollari. On- account of the 'extensiv.e emigration, this ,is, the best.course.to pursue in . ordefto get a place "to live in at first. Carpenters,,and builders are on hand .to Put, up houses on.thebest terrns.% ':' ''... ;. :..1 ' . 1 In-settling hare the ernigrant has many ad= vantages'i He is. Within.a.few,:hours'•,ride of the great cities 'in tbe' Middle :Stntesand• New England; 'he is in -'a settled country, where everkrimprovernent and comfort , of civilization 'is at-hand; :heisin a healthy plaCe,'and is not subject, to the certaiaty, of loosing -the greater part of his iamily and his own health, by those malignant fevers.which Make the graves' of so many rifillionvOf theyoang and ,hrirdy• - in far off, regions away from home and friends.: :Be side, he'has a mild climate and an open winter. There are three:' trains daily to: Philadelphia, and to all 'those who'impreve the railroad cone , pany gives a free 'ticket:- .:-. • .: • : • Th 4 reader mill at mice be ,"struck with ithe advantages'..heti jninieittedy-ited ask himself why the property has not been . taken up before. The reason is,-.it was never thrown in the market;. and unless the Statements 'were cot , rect,lnci one,would be - inVited to examine the land before purchasing... This alien! expected to do; • • They will seethe land tinder enitivation; they ,will meet •porsons, :no doubt,. 'from.tlieir own neighborhood;', th ey.will Witness the lin, provernents; and . caniudge.of the• ,character of the population. ",Persons Should come prepared. to purchase, es many. are locating; and loca tions-are not held on refusal.' , • - , • - • The Hamnionton Farmer, a monthly Literary. and Agricultural' sheet; containing ;full inforrna tion of Hammonton, will be sent. to 'each .iri'- quirer, and: can -b,e obtained at ,25. cetris per annum:' • ' - •. ".: • . . • ; :Title'indispucaller Warrantee deeds given, 'Clear o f all incumbrance, wheri purcUge money is paid. ' Route to tlro land;—:Letrae . -Vine' street wharf,' Philadelphia, for ,Hamirtanterilly ratiroad at kal past Seven, , A. ILL,,and Aalfpastfi le P. 111,; wherii: theire inquire for Ifr .- Byrnes. .. : "Boarding-conveniences tali be found: ' ! Lettera and' airilicestione. can be addressed- - to S.- B. Voughlin;l2o2. Sontit:PIPTH Street Zebra Wal , .. nut, , Pliiladelphirt.; - . Maps" , and information cheerfttilyfuritished. . ' • % ' - . ' . .._ . .. . • , 'TARN!. LANDS roit 'SALE 25' .miLEs. from Philadelphia - bi -Railroad. in 'the State of New Jersey:.. Soil among the.bestfor agricultu. ral purposes, being' 'good loam soil, with .a clay bottom,."':' The land is .alarge tract, divided into small farms; and hundreds from all . part's of the conirtr3V are now - settling .and building. The Crops can beeeen growing. .Termr, from $l5 to $26 per acre, payable:within • foUr yearii by Ambit ments... To visit , the. prace 7 r—Leare. 'Vine St.. Wharf. at Phila., at half .pist 7, A. .W 1 by Railroad' :for Hammonton; or' 'address .R. J. Byrnes, :ISY letter. See full advertisement in another holumn. . . . LEFTIOR COLLECTIOW -t rullg NW-ES c . ACCACC OUNTS . of lions & A rinstrimg, - . and hlno' , other notes and accounts - Of Irons," are left With Warren towing fercolleCtion. All 'those indebted as tibove;, are. requested to 'call 'on him and settle the same Without delay:. • '.Snnetbpert Sept;:" 9; 18013. • . . ' Ar.t *Aram; to emigrate to a good"soil; and fine market; see advertisement of linm 'mitten Lands:' ' , VALUABLE .00AL , LAND FOB BALE Ann' ACRE'S of ,'Coal and •Mineril 'Land for WU 'sate. '`: Said land is' .situated near tlie terininue Of 'the' •• Blifralo Si Bradford Ettiilroad. For' hirther particulars enluire at the Demo ' TAILORESS. MRS.. FLORILLA RITMSEY is- prepared to oo Pewinedt.sil kiedsat her' esidence on Main street, one . deor below :Williams' law of fice. She mill Cut and Malle.men's and boys Coats and kadis,.,Shirts,'BFc.;in:garal3atyle and warranted:t6; give satisfaction.; - - • Grain. and,: prOduin . .4ken ` exchhilie , fo'r work'. ' • - : Nov. 18, 1858...'•:: JDROP IN at the .IsTew. Opening in,the j gide Hill, under. Ed. Mason's Store ' , and examine a Intel 8173.4.R4 at Prieeii that cart" be beat. , 'I'RJA E,AMIIIOI 4 I:IVN'FARMErt, . . , newspaper•devieted kr 'Literature riculture, alsolephigfoitli full,secounts of the net, settlement ef3farnmenton, , in New Jersey, can be salmi:Hoed.,ftirat only . 2ocents. per an num. • . Encleic ,pestags .stimps :for the. amount,— Aildriese to Editor,Of the Farmer, Hammonton, Atlantic county, He is; rsey., " ,Those wishing cheap land, of the best. quality; in one. of the healthiest end, mo st delightful elimatee in the Union, see advertisement uf.Hammonton Lands. a3nr':'lCti iat`ss')Q ~ie;,(n:Ylbklys- tidue'p2`+i.`A';9f; ~1. ~a~~~`Aa:vrvj` ~.~ ~ r.. .. ~ .. a "~ ... .h~ik. o tr" ~..: ~:}wit i ':~il•:::jtp~l:`.l'r:J.ri .._ ?'u• , .r lIHEADOARTERS, 12 ,:1858. LATE AND IMPORTANT' ROM THE ,74POP1I', VtELD S P/: KANSAS! Once 'more On de lightning track of the far reaching wires, cornea the glad: tidings of peace And ceatenttriedb Amtaftil'of the • '• -; screarti ofthe death ;dealing ' . • mat:antler, or, the -chilfins: tale • . of tike,pidrAightifsatgit, f,r l -- • •". •-• f. WhO'' has". beeli,, lin- -j , • bruing his hands • •- • ' in the blood' • oVtheit • `,--• • young,.the - • beautiful, and "thetriiioceiit ' Now; " • - , •• • • instead of the-wild cries • • • • . of despair : which but lately_ . echaddfrom every hill Mid valley • of our wide-spread land,' bur ears are filled with the glid;sixonts.of old men and maidens, young 'Tien and matrons that are tinvally '' . , 11l 1 4 1/.09E1E0: TO THE Eiii9QOAETEES OF '•11 '.. S.D.A JUST ORENEP,py G. lIINS, Under the , sup'ervisiou and care of ~the; in= tatigablO jc,MILES," NOT.ONLY.TII.§E: . .,...BUT.JOAuy , a•portiori of the' SOIJ o and :uriyiecedentedly cimr-...i.v00p$ and Philadelphia cf . MILM; WISHES IT Mstindk Understood . . That he,does not intend to ape after„sotpe of his 'neighbors by. boasting of the . ...-• . • • •., . IFIR.ARIIIO 014 FIEMNESS,.. .D,MIABILITY, Cl3' .- E . :' . .A . :'P''. - N -s -' . ....,'5 . E3 Or. HIS Goods, seta is for Purchasers to CALL All . tD. - 4 .00: N, 'Welt :knowing tint no one will leave the store 'empty handed •after once "' • • • looking at and Learning the Price AT WHICH HE SF,LLS GOODS. -RE . M....E'M'B - M.:1i,..1. THE RACE To BUY Ileady.Made Clothing . . , Of every deecription;fro , tn COthITIOII Overalls to the finest cloth Coat, WARRANTED; AS} REPRESENTED. COME AND EXAMINE For yourselves, as we .eati fit anything from. a . . boy of four years to a man of 400'pounds 1L)1tY: i .,..,G-001)$.; GROCERIES .i.::: . ..CROCK . VUIr . • , 'And in fact everything kept or sold in this sectiop, ,irt AT DONS' , STORE, -30 Corner of Main and Sts4e'Str?etei tr2"Ttno doors west of the Bptist Church,;zu SliETiii -) Ow.r: PA Arttlirpubliehed 25thili — • d •• • • cl " • •-• • , e .envelorieiriee lent! iiitielrlA'.• : A SEDlcAL ), t.pait ,. ..it .; -and . - peciay'of framC froth :Itidulgineli; ,`lnfectipn;`.aiid the injati oni:iorisigneineee'. of #4 4l Witi4Pieisio. of OULVERWV.LL D ' • lilembet of the:'•froynt:Co ll ege'oflurgeeinit,ltO. • 02*SOirtnittoFthcear • or , itietninit: r,raissiurre i : Nerzoite DOiliiYyjinPo!"itejrrloeirOLEttergY, Depression of SOrits,Tirnidify,Dieeisil of.tkt •Se xu Sfrgn tie; and:'lmpedimente-toi'Miiri . lege • generelly . ,'oto pToigptly and;•e>Seetualiy cure d. b3r the • 'AnthOr4!"fioyet : ;,tindYmoitt , Auccesefol : mode of tieptmentrby, tiaeOui of vwhicli . ttle In= hejting recourse to danget - Oile:lnd , 1v kith 'the London LancitThe beet, treat.; Ise ever . writteri on a - subject: of :vital importance .exalted. tepii•- ltatioti . ." . . • • , ..; Addresi,the . ptiblisheiti: C. J.:C. KLINE & Co: Ist thinue, cisr. 19th street, - Polit'. Box 4586, NeviXork City: ~ .• . DOLLARS "lORBEIT. '; $5 IF IJ.failing. to ;cure' iny easeof. secret disease • 'that may come. Udder his care, nstmatter - imic . 164 standing . or afflicting' ,Either , Sex ere in vited.. to his Private - Tioome,'44'North SEV• ENTH felt Of'intirrOP= tion from otherotherpatientr.': , filtinitifirtind , others who have been .unfortutiatt irtthertelecticiii(Of -Physician' tun invited to call. •••( IMPOTENCY.—Through" 'unrestraittWin delg,enee'of' the 'pesidont, ..by''exeest , .or:ltelf• abuse, the tills are riunneinut Pretuiture .potencY, involuntary seminal ‘ditcbettgerii wait ing of •theorgans, teat , memory, a distaste tot-female sciciety, general'debility, ior..consti tutional derengethent; are sure to tollOvr: If necessary, consult the Doctor with confidncef henfferri a perfect' cure. . :• • READ AND;' , RDFLECT.7-The !Acted would do well to reflect' before' trailing their health and happiness, and in many , casettheir lives, in the "handa of ..physiciant ignorant of this clastOf ,maladiet. is'cettaitily itnpnesi ble for one 'man to. underStind , all the ille the human family. are subject to, F.l43ry respecta ble physician hathis peculiar branCh r in which he is toortsuccessful than his brother profess. ors 'and 'to that he devotes most of, his time ' YEA RS.OF.-PIIACTIDD, exclusively 'devo ted to the study:and treatment of diseases the :sexual organs,• " together with ulcertupon 'the imilYs throat, nose, or -.legs, pains in, , the head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, strict ures, grivel . , irregularities; . diseases ' arising from youthful '. exeeises, ,or irnpUritietof the whereby • the constitution hat become enfeebled, 'enables the' Doctor to 'offer speedy " relief io who may .place theinselies under his care: ' • ' 117 - Medicine forwarded to:, al* part . oi the United btates,—Price Ten Dollars per Package:, • For sale, DR: DICKINSON'S • CELEBRA= TED MAGNETO-ELECTRIC - MACIIINE.-- No acid or other ingredient required;'• itspower being obtained'fron a geimanent Magnet. 'No family should be without one.., Priceonlisl.o.• VALSIII2SZ . WILIKLSIII. Patented Sept 9,'1856:,' nr AIII4GEr TriliE,-WASEBOARD AND' BEATER. are the two first and most 'natural implemente ever used in Washing Clothes. sNotwithatand7 ing it , has been the study of inventors to: do them away, and tor . that purpose.several bun. dred'patents have been issued,yet kthas been of no effect. They have ' fitiled.in;their at tempt. Their machi nes Nave** eondernned and thrown' ; away, the' Walk Board Beater 'again Used in their ' : This machine 'Combines.theirk' tngether, at tached to a progresidee lever in such a Manner. as gives great. power M. seaterV'while either rna3rf be used as' the' operator may desire. The- - motion of the Beater..b.4tuick and 'easy, the pressure ge,ntle end powerful, which 'gives it, the advantage over all ,other rrniebines; and is so decided by competent , ' judges:: • Manufactured and , sold at Mechanical% by "Machanieeburg, March 18;1'858; HOWARD ASSOC'IATION .A . D . :E't P .itrit , Allenevolentlnstitution eitabibilied by 'special:endow , ' merit, for the relief of the sink 'fttpd diatreasel,.oo;l tritlf 'Virulent and Epidemic dismsalepi k.• : . Td all sensing a ff icted .- with •Beiie Dilesses'ineli se SPERMATORRIBILk," fiEIdINAL:BEARNAkIM POTENCE, -the vice a orwasar, OrISELP-ABEBE; = AO4 &t. oThe froward Anociationi In vie° of 'throttled deitrae .tionothentan life,•••clinsedhyßeanal Diseaseh;and: the deceptions, piacttned Open the iniforttinate ..vietinis of such diseases. by Huacke, several years ago directed their •coinitilting surgeon,- as a CHARITABLE tor ,w.etuir D their, name to open I::diepeueery.foitfie; treatment. o this class of diseases; thele.fOrecis, and to . e MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to' WI *he emplibY le t ter, lith a ,description ofthe* condition: age, neeepation, habits of life ; dce.) and in rameof extreme poverty, to fur nish medicines THEE pp.ouAnGz.lti talneedlea.tolidd thatthe assoolation'aminands thee highest Medical skill of the age, and erly p r z.,434' the molt . eppriiTfik modern treatment.- :. • • . • •• .; • , review , of ,therpact,:Teil assured The is forbid of ,thia. that their labors,in this splisre'of hoilittorent boeo of great benefit lo..the..afliiiite4'ospecialY , .to ,. the young, and, they have 'resolved to devola'lbenteelres with-renewed zeal , to • thie pised canes..: Ault, published by the AseoCiation o i Reperl'Oli:l3perm itclirlice, or Seminal Weakness,' the Of Onaniam, Masturbation, Or Self .4bude, and other Diseases of .the Sexual - Organs, fly the ensniting Surgeon, which will be Sent by mail (in a Sealed later enyellipeYgr,o r of charge, On receipt of two . stiimpe for postage. , .— Address, for Report, or treatment, Di: GEO,'"XI, HOUR "Conablting 'Stirgeon 'Howard Assoelation,..Xol South Ninth Street, - Thiladelphle, Ps.. ,pyorpy Ittho EZRADPHEARTW>aW! `:.Pr. .. GEO. PAIROofLD, Seey. • l • • . FARM L A FOR • SAik,': !MILES from Philadelphia,k4, Railroad'. , the State. o New JeranY.,l Soil Anicinglbe beat for Agricul tural purposes,rbeing a,:good loom soil, with a clay bottom.,,,The:laridia a large tract divided into small farme(and,h-indreds from all'parts of the country , are'o*:settling and .!milding. The crops can beeSeco greWinv;Terms, from $l5 to $2O per acre; payable, within, four years by instalinents .. To: visit the pla4;-4Geave Vine St. 'Wharf, at rhilti.'nt half "peat TrA. M. byßailroad, for Hammonton', or addiessill. .I.' Byrnes.,,hy letter.:,; Sep full .adveisisament in anotber column. . • • • THE. HA NIMONTON A.newspaper devoted to Literature and Ag riculture, also settingforth full accountrof the nevi settleinent of Hammonton, in New 'Jersey can-be subscribed for, tit.only pp cents. Pee an, Inclose postage 'tulips for , the amount. Ad dress to Editor of the Fernier, 'Hammonton, Atlantic county; New, jetsey...Those whihing Omar') lE6d, of the best- quality; imone of the healthiest and most , ilelighifut climates" in the Union, see . advertisement of Hammoton Lands.