M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 14, 1859, Image 3
e•• , •••• • .. ; ••T What the Prose, Say. • ~c osTA,s 'Extertninators . are invaluable retnediiefalclearing }mesas dfall sues of vet min:••• :e With' 'II* Conthlenie - We erecomm'eMl themt—N.Y. daily Slate Regesier. AtCosTAß's" remedies for,all domestic pees, such sta'Rats, Roaches, •pod-bugs, Ante,Fleas, &cArezinValuable; We can speak from actin! knowledge , cif their merits, Daunatsucand DasiEsts"abould send •their otders early, irthey would secure a trade iii them..-4/V. Y. JOttrNa/. •" 04 1 shall, write something, abbot yonr EXter. mintitors; as I Cando so with propriety. They ate eelling - rapidly here and destroying all•ver min.—Ed. oßanntr,'S Fayette Mo. • ' `Teeth:to all Vermin:l . • • As.iiriuNG-approached,, , f and-Rip/Lonna, 'Froth their:hales COMO 011tj , ' • .16. spite of 'Cats, You, in the• night, ea As on'the bed you slumber, WhileLlsacrs ctawl - Thro' chamber and hall, In squads': without number. , IT .13'!..T.RtTLY _WONDERFUL ' WITH whit: • certainty - Ratsilloaches, Mice;? Moles,, Ground Mice bed.-bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosqui toes', Fleluansects onanimals, in short every al:facies of Vermin, are; utterly,datroYed and exterminated.by, , "Costar's!! Rat, Rooth &o. , "olateratinator. "Cootares,',Bed-bugExterminator, "Costliest' , Eleetrio Powder for , Insects: Supplied direct, by , mail, to any address in the ;United stateit as follows: On receiptof $1,00; a box of the Rex, Roeon, On'reCeipt of $2,00, a. box each of the RAY, • 'ROAOII, &C. Exr., and • ELECTRIC; PCWD'ER, (sent postage peid;) sufficient to destroy the verinirion any premises. Sold by Daualsiars.and Elanuem every where. “COSTAR'S" PRINCIPAL DEPOT : 420 BROADWAY, . , P. 8.--Circulars, terms,. Bce., sent : by ntail.nn nppljeation. • ' • , IreNtiotAisAi.t.'AeksTs icni...PENNsyr,vfnAs, LCOSTAR'S••BRANCH DEPOT; ' . Noitheitst homer Fifth 'and :Arch Streets, . ;A:nd•Wholesale•Dertlers generally[ • . . . NEW : CARRIAGE:AND - WON SHOP. T AMES mepoN A LD would infottn:the lic.that.'hn-han fitted (ma shop at.thi'lower towO, on the pfemlies recently. occupied by•DT:MeAbuty,.an 'a.carding factory, and is preparedlO'build allkindkof •• . • CARRIAdE..ANO WAGONS • ' A.t.eliOrt*.motiee; a . .3.vorkman.like., manner, and at,reasonable prices.' having : had a hifge experience hi,the • iisineas,.. feels satisfied that.hia work wilf • fully peet the requirenients of all who will • faiMr him with' their Patronage • Repairing.promptly attended to • rrethport, April ; 40, 1859 LIST OF . LETTERS • pp EMAINIPTH• in'the . Post..Office at Smeth 1B ti. . . Clark,' Y.. • , Leet,'H. C. Dunbar, 'Joseph 'Lynch, Patrick, t DedrielF, .Luse E. , Buell ; Darwin Mather , Dr B. '2: Boyer, Matliet,:M. Fartey,,jarnes; : john, . . • Hamrain, William • . ..111asart; Miss Harriet . Havens, Jabin Slocum, E. D. HaVeis;llLinda-kfri. "Siveitintr,,Levvis Langton; John Lueore,'Arnold B. • Willer, E.„ Persons enquiring. for - . any of the above let tern say itadvertised."; • '-..• . • ' • ; ' S. SAILTWELL, P:11. . . • . „ . Tw.Gs'AßK.§;..early one. 40 feetlong, • 10 • . feet . wide, and 3 .feet,;;,high, suitable (or dia.:Allegheny :River and- Potato . Creek, and Pr ,, Y...'0412a11; to he delivered .ia Potato Creek, at Sme,thport, for'whipd . cask will. .be paid' on delivery, if a batgaio cari be :nada to auit ~.Addreas, 8EY..4N.17 ft TILDEN, I,a • At Eay . ette Corners April ;8; /856.. IxTE are pot in tha, habit Of telling. etriah 'TV:Aides; but , hadirgiit , MACKEREL, COD arid WHITE FISH, beside:9 hosts of TEA at 40 celits:. F. WRIGHT. THIS is to.certify to all to whom these pres enteshall cepa, 'that Edwin truCe, • the person nettled in a;.-certain :certificate or notice of the fOrmatiorrof' a,certain'; 'limited "Part tier ship to.be conducted under - the.natne of-Bryant Tildeti,'ln the township of,Lafayette, county 'Of Wlteiin4ind'Stafe - of , Ten aify lvania, Which -.notice .iciec'oldid in the - Recorder's' oft( e• o RCA teunty, iii Miscillincious.Reeords;Bdok B, 4.c.; has. sold,;, assigned and, tranifer red: '-to- eadi ar the 'three 'persons hereinafter rn#ined;;te ynt::ffofiriB:Tyler, of Boston,, in'the couritrOf Sidolk; arid CoMmon wealth' f Miss . achnsetts, Insurance Broker,: and Geo. W. Iletird;Mrchani; and itabert Firiek,' both of Ipswich, in the county :of- kiisex and - . Common-. !frealtli 'aforesaid; 'and their legal•'representa tiVes and. assigns,., one twenty-fourth part, being - three twenty-fourth !parts in', all of. this kaid Bidee's:lnteresfits' tt• Wearer partner th partnership aforesaid,' and 'lltt. said -Tyler,. Heard and Farley are now apecial..par Met! iil 'said"ptireriefillin' and' LA. , each', one .: tverity fourth Tarr of . the .interesVtherein obtiined by said''Bruce,' by the payment 'of the sum .of three thousand dollars; in said CertiBcate Men- .- . • Nadel and' severally signed, by the shill:pit.- ties, at Boston, aforesaid, for :the'purpose.of C•ompfyine With the lawe'of 'the State of Penn sylVania with reference tollie haws. ivfiereot the said - parriership 'established this - fiist day of April,.Eikliteen%Undied..arid fifty-nine..:. • -• c, TIRY,A.NT P. .TILDEN'.. • :".. • .'.EDWIN' BRUCE, • ••• - • • . GEO.. W. HEARD ' ROBERT. • . The above notice. is record e d.' the Record er''s 'office . Of. Mqr.ean county,',' • •—• • • • C,.K.SARTWELI 4 , Eccorifei.. '..• :SinithfuO, •• , 4-6 w ArriVaLarld.Departure of Mails:. ssia , rurparvbsT orVica.. • • . - 0/ean-. 7 Leaves every morning at S•o.'elock*; ar • yives'every avening. , • • Covdei.spor't--Lf*ves '''l"needay' end Saiarday : mornings ;•'arrives Monday tfild.rtiday Shippea-Leaves' Tuesday; Thursday'and Sat , •urday mornings; arrives .Monday, Wedilsa= '••day , and'Fritteiyieveningi; • •,. :Ridgway—Leaves' Monday s Wednesday . :and Friday mornings;: arrives ,Tdesday,' Thurs.- clayand'Saturday•evenings. . ,•• livarrea-:-,Lgavesirueeday tnorningaand r rriireti 'Thursday. Vvpiirigs. .-- • • • r • t SART IV Li„ A, WORD .... , ,1T01..: . . - :-.: . .'!..rtiiii6 . . BP , KNOWN:4'4k/ . , , N, 5 . .81e BUTLER - CO - - . ...OLEAN 'I • 1 ARE RECFIVIN9 ONE OF THE AitqEs'r sitoeics SPRING &SUMMER GOODS Ever offered (orsale in Western New York, whiCh•ls lust ADAPTED, TO . 140. ,WANTS •__ ,•. . • this'aectioß of country; CONSISTING: OF THE.LATEST FAstiON DRESS GOODS, ID; ENDLESS VARIETIES Which,neither. time nor spa Ci t. can 'describe SHAWLS, Of every desscrip.tioni MILLIIVERY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, HOUSEKEEPERS'. oops, KENTUCKY JEANS, dElsiT'S & tADIE'S C;LO4ES A.Ni) •FarmerV , eind.Mechtiniq CASSIMERgS; SUMMER Sttir FS; in great varieties, PATSs CA PS) LACES, YANKEE NOTIONS, MIRRORS, :WALL : A lip :WIItiEOW:PAPER; GROCERIES, BOOTS. AND SHOWS; PAINTS :: .OIL* •Lea,ther s 40., And a thousand ether Things which they can ands will, sell at, such piitep as to defy any small stock to compete *ith• us*/ . , , ns 'ha's seen for ilielaat year il . elieving . itfle . that the 'ONE PRICE' SYSTEM, Is theonly way to soli goods, with ronipt , . a s etteittic;n,'miithout . 41edeptioti or hiYm= to any one. 'Knowing that the PePtilti . ! ' at;‘e;;Ot4t',::''J4'diel *o cordially'. inyiteitil CAOSE CASH' BUYERS ‘TO I,OOK AT OUR Immei Stooie pefore purchasing elsewhere, ana we'w,lll GIVE . THEM THEIR MONEY'S-WORTH N. • .N' BUTLER 4-CO. C. It. (rite Prici,,Regulator yEsVNG 8, . . . . Bring . . . . .. - on your BUTTER; your EGGS and CHIOKENS Youf PRODUCE, and..in fact. almost:. ANYTHING BI7T. TRUStic , and.. we are in for a Trade.:.. :.., , .. • ; ~: . . -, DOMESTIC GOOD¢ . . E.ICAMINE . and PRICE. Our STOCK, and w can't please you; then the •e,cBIDE: • • • HILL" will “grease up" a n d.:, • uslide out" of town. . , the first dark • • • FARMERS'. . . , xecutoi- s Sale: •• . .. 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in pia 'IN ; suance of tut oider.issued out :of.. the .0t: phan's Courtof M'Keari County, we, the 'udder signed, Exec:Hera of, the. Eatpte of. Sohn; P. Evans, deceased; late of Ceres tow:4ll4i, will expoae at publics. vendue, on• the premises,. on ltionday, the.2cl day. of May non,: at 1 o'clock P. M.'of said day, the following described real estate, to wit: • , , • • ' , .... . • All thit poitidif or iteice of lted'in'•Ceres township. ; McKean Colinty, Pa., lying on the west sida of the .Smith SettleMent..: Road, e .., cepting the school house..lots the „Whole pie c ' of land being !mended its follows: Beginning. t .a post corner standing two ;hundred and seven perches east,arid eighteen perches north of the south-westcorner of , warrant • No. 3444, and being.pait olsaid .Warrant, thence north' one hundred and twenty-six.percheeand fit're-tentbs ,of a perch •tb a post ,corneri ;thence east one. hundred , and - eigyty-nine perches 'and' three terrtha of a' perch to a post corner, thencettouth crossing A.nitin Creek, one hundred and twenty six perch,es-and. five-tenths of _Et. perch to a post corner, thehce,' Wei( one hundred • and eighty: ,nine perches, and three r tenths to' the; place.. or beginning; the .whore lot ,containing 'one hun dred and fifty . , acres ; ' and that . iortion, of said lot o lking west pCsaid•rdad, containing fifty-six' '.acres rind seveh-tentha of an acie . . ~',„ ALSO, all that piece or parcel Of land; lying in Ceres township;, Witealf;C'ounty,. Pa.,, and adjoining the piece just above describe:4,oond= edtta follows: .13eginning' at, a post, being the 'north-west .corner efts lot conveyed by John. Keating and Company to the. said John P. Ev ans; in warrant No. 3444 and being partof said warrant,' thence north eighty iierches to a• Beech; thence east one .-hundred perches to a pest,, thence' south eighty- perches , to, a post, thence west one hundred perches to , the pie r ce of beginiting i containing twenty, acres, strict measure,, be the same more or less. . • •.. FAII3ROIDF,RIES; "CROCKERY 077.Tertris the time Cabtet Shop. in • Nepikanicsburg.. , A-*OLT:ERR' resiectfuffk announces...to . the itublit 'that, nOttvitltitanding, :these hard timps, he is inanufacinring,tted keeps con-. stantlx,on hand Atli kinds, of ftitniture, such. as • •: *. • • . CENTER,' • DINING AND " • • 'BREAKFAST TA.DLE r S,, CRAIItS- of 'all' kind§ 4 and •stylts, 'Vane. and Common,- ,Read3G;Maile - Ooffins,• the 'very Itestanatertaland trtanufattute, •- • , • Srhtthruirt, , Feb:2so:BsB, • • ".. t-tf, Sitf3SCliißFßk'eepi 'pn han' tot' Bale I :Stone - Coal, of 'the .beit .'ne Abe' Mechanicablirg; (Mull of all. kinda'taken in exchange.. • (.11.1QRDIS PikE's 'PEAK, PLOOItED . . , • • • • & •"11-t.t • sMETRPOT: • . • • - I°D HT • • ',• . OPENED^V ' lrvii 3 dittAgt 15PVELOPMENTS To Tiir, k'KEAlsi 'COUNTY .....ImONSATTRAqT,ION:..! . - :, At.,the IN THE. SIDE HILL . ! man PRIC.ES RUINER! , • ' OQ YISIIi IlEr nct,lXigb Pkiedis Voore. . . . • • A brighter day ha's ~ dawiled 'procd . 'Ahab, itatita of. TlorthernPenniytvania:, dark Chilidi"of,th'd Credit System, are: rolling rapidly CASH. tglirS'rgM IS .BOVNIS TO TAKE THE; LEM) Tl:ielv.iii tio,use ',ONLY.. I ..:TRITE System, and, with:: that for our motto' We fling • our banner to, the 'breeid,. and boldly,. W E CAN & WILL SELL GOODS CHE.A:PE~ THAN . ANY CONCERN llitegt.fOr. . . And we•idould here venture the.assertion that we'ha've-get a little the OTOEST LOT: OF Family Groceries, Ever broughtinto this market: GIVE A CALL. 'UNDER 7 t. S', ,111A,50*'S . STOPLI, Woot . Sidri of 'the ' • Bit. WRIGHT , Smethpprt, Feb. Ist, 1859. • - JOHN .P t . v,ENs, . farec'rs. ,TAMES C. EVENS, , Stane r oats '•-• ' •• ' - • -.,,.--;•.‘;-. 4.-z,'061,--4.-,•,.,,,,,,:;;:,;','"::•••:,:.......N...‘,1..'..••••',-...,:.,,-,;•.•,.:.',:':-IV'v...•'''',-.;.:-..-:•,.:'.--f-, '''V , .. :.... : ~-. . . .' . , ".. . ... ....AT ....-.... .:.,',..‘,..,...,-. ' 4' j! ' :. ' • ' i . i. ' -‘: '' ''± : i ' ' ''''' ' ,'; ''. ' ''' 'r ib it:: . pity ., o*- .'•":•...'".. /-' :-. '..•!.....'....-',- vS . - F - ...- '-. - ,ici;.• - • • ' ..,•• - .-''':--,-: • c.. -: - . -.4'. '.'... - iic,N- • • 2:Y . - '''' ' -.• , ' ' ••• - . r '•0 4 0•'" .. i..:;••'•'•-....',' .: ' ,:#;:....,, •• . ...• ,'• ..:: ..• , , .... '.' ._.....L . ',_ . ,..:, . •-•-. 0; ..,,..,-,- ...: ~,:...,. .. -,.`•`LIVE'.AND: LET. ~ 1 4 Xv- l i'•!, ~.-' . •'. • '•''' ~ ," •, V '• ;.'• :.- ... • .. . - 7 ;•"1.:;• , '• • '.• ' . : .. .• -.. • : • .-- .., . -•. .i ; •-: ~,,,:. „...,, , ,.:` , . , ::*.lit: - . ; ,i4t c , ',: . ' Ag••• - • , ' ....: ,' •,.•‘ ~:: . ~.• • .:.. • • • ..: ' . -• : ...• '.' .' '• , -:. -,' ,•'. • :-. t :•,;••' .:,." : :AV . ' 7 ..., • ', .:* - ......, -,.-. ... • ~ . "..... , ... .•. r ~ ~ • - '.. '.•. . • ;‘-',.., ": , W , '.7.,•:.p" A V. , •i\r•Art. , l ~ , ..; , ..: .;;:p . .. t. 1 ,.. - : . :4! • t , • : t z. .... ; . , t ; .1 . ::,..: :: ... ,4 . ' . ... r.., . ~- ; /4 , ! , >„,:',.. ?i, . ::, - , : i l. :: :::,..: ~1.e.)4, J,: . . , 2 : , : , j:', ;; i? 4 , ; , ', ..i :i' :': ....:,1,...,.....:...;.f...:::: -. . , :a: ,, , ,... , :.'... .-_-• .; , ....,..,,, ~ ~,,,,....:_.,..„,..,.. ....:.: ::-... ~.; :,- ..... c ., J .• • ~,:•:. . - , t -`• t'• .••'.,_ • ~ ~j •'•:.; • .:. ' . .. ,Elgt glob' oti....!ritte PUBLIC :§ti,trAitEi - . ',. 1- ,:'' ~y,.',':::, i• - . •.' '.:'....,,.. .._'. • •:.: sklituziaronz;‘,.p_4:4 . :. , :,:'„•.,: - .;'...... - .., -- ...:::',::: .-- November 6 , 18W... ..,, ..T(1141-PRINTITG, Offi Efrpit'irsor:Trirori; NEATLY, OPEAPLY AND 'EXPEDITIOUSLY TM) DENIOGii,Ar OVEIIC4 . .4rao wArcriao to emigrate to alnild-olimate. ) good ; soil, and fine market, iee. - edvertieement Hammonton . ol Londe.' :.1 • . , 0M:V.:.:':.222 . 41e. NEW GOODS JQ..f-IOLML,FS . ; 'liieroi',Nemooett.: TO MS . : NEW STORE, lONE. DOOR EAST OF THE A§TOR HOUSE, W4ere . tio is. Noww. Receiving A LARGE''AND COMMETg STOCK OF -.'.0.:g -, ...0rc.v.: - A. : ,][..-P,s:; • AICID P.R . (IITrij'S.I . O:N . S,:, W.hich:ho'ititendEt to selt'at prites,%schiOtt:ll4ll Defy Conzpeti,tion,. ItAvr, ADOPTED THE READY-PYA 'SYSTEM And cin - assure,The publio there is one lilacs bOy goods.where there is NO'JOCKEYING •• . Where you can send yon orderi abd . yofirerish and Wet your goods as Oettp" . as' • illugh yob came' yourselr• . . SUGARS, .-frein'9 . 1....2 to :15 di.. GOOD 110LAI3SEE11, , 50 cti. . . • CAMPHENE, GREEN AND 13LAthe - • sr.tcEs otall kinds,'SALERATUS 8 cts fe* more cheats of that 4•4 TOBA , 'And in fact 'ey'pryfhirig,.n . stiallilept in • , ' 'Grocery : Store. • vu — ,) 04 ; ....PORK; sk"...s2iirr A L w4.Ys:.;'o!g.4-tAWii, • • ;Colinty,pArqatory. • st,idgLirfori t rt. , cf. )Vellaf;oro . -.' • Associate :Taitge's ifp Lp. Decline, Smethpeirt, Hoy; 'S; Ho!noei; Hradfail. , -'• SiLerir-4oseph ,f . Prodioncitarly—Sarauel.C. , Hyde; Saiothport. -Rigistes. issid .qecordef—.-C. K. Sartivel4•Stnetll •Trealsgrer, (rro tens.)-::Enos P!irsorle,.prtidflird.' ; aintniihriop!ers.L-Dikriittl ::J. : KeYoe, ,Eldiedf,' • -. ..ff"..'‘Colegpove;-• Noiwich; Nelion", Peatibiti, I clonimissiopersi R. Ciiitchpick, Smeth-' Aitilito . ;l-"-ißi C. Corwin", port,' V. P. District Attornry.—Warrdn cow cs,,me Tor . • .. *or.EAN - : 4„4 4.,..11:14_,:.:.,8V:0...,:ik,..5:, • tx . . Two d ge , ?IV/ L c'.4 "A ,pri WIC 4=l. W VANED!;‘ IN , A , muriation IILaNNIER OreanilePt. 7 ; 185E1:' STONEGEC THNER & CO - BLINDS,..DO OR S viArDqyrk • AND &WINO, D A. E 12'0. 11. cl Factory Vani'and- int the Alltaay, Ofean, 4 0- ....46,,.1ronWalfle' Court of . Auk ei . Seosiions . ot.the COttuty`of - .3ofoctu::7' The prataingaest :i4SPaiti l iMi 'report, the? they :have. visited and ~essaipad, the ,; ; County end AO . preSent ;that it .ie:in .a . condition, oplit 911 purpoid.for, 'which i,t:4,s;,iutand.e,th, ,thg't is bacpir.,v,aqiiiiio,;. 1 . 9,14 that • ar ! „ ittrgetnent:end,construetion•,of. the .. priviej such. ii;.to e4t,ngfr,thel4dalth of "the, picseriers and of the Jailor's ,That . thie subject hatibeOf 'brought Co' ttie attent,i9. of theo.o4o - , by 'Present rnant , for ** Grao'd'oruriasi,,,batAat ,to this time :wet-, `Orti,haYefieenmaikae:V..thi„pouok.C.e . miniS-- [siodarila remedy Ahi,t,'OfeC.4! :•Ro.cnigitined=9i. therefore tii,repokt.the...prespnimenta liektef,tifa..o44o,,tnd askthe, .liaaershie„Clonit direet,,the Propr..iiit . eara...to`. have, tiao„ , Piiiietriente made . as'ate leg4itedi . ThO lany-Inquescfurther present; that. the County•„l3ri ovcr,tne Alteiheny.itiver, near. teribei 4 d,js piasite,.and• dangerous t'o the iiVes` and ,pr,opertY, bt„paisengers,2 and 'that it ShOuid reialva,ipjsediate,aftegion.ami repairs., , • The. Grand :also., O _piesont: • a( books of the. • Coinroissioners?. Office., do, not skew the County..: 4cgouati" hi an' and.satietiietory , :manner ; - and. We 'restieettelii, suggest aio Court some action the .1'4;4 ter, eithdr by the aPpointmenf..ef a.PrOpir, e.x• niiiinationj :, or. such :other method as: trx the Court May seem, expedient:..,.- '' • "/ ' • 'ii":1:011P; . • Sniethpeit; Match 2,.1859. ' - FLUID, • NCiaTII: 61'4 Bradford,' , 111'1.Koars. ~C.161.1T43-; •Pit. T. undersignedr,h4villg•Ptlefil_iss4,tito a &ore. .prolierty s is :l l6W PrepareCto•entortain the travel unit:resident boardersrs on reaSisAabte terrps. :lt ; will ; be his gonstaiir,iiitts TAT3LE, Kith the best the ceimery. elTbrcivi ' W " St a) Well Veatilaiet apaelou3 am. an a) e are,connepted with . the iiremises,latilla'eaftlel ijostipr eptiefaiined hopeno.44lromet 4"artleittitiii to the wants of his guestelfrirteritthik.pwfron agp p01ic,,,1r•14 ;sr '" . , P -'IIAG ririAKEN id - exchange Vend aecoaut. I,d ~ ,- , 4: , 5-f-et - PEWS-777,1rt4, - 4 41,,;ii I ihdli n o 1041 K d 4 this - kla_ 1)(4. tiplyamort, wool rrinitinetraythrnic Ip'inyline ifloi l iFlY,4 o4 ‘ , "" "0 chosP'4 ol al ahy otharjeqsbititurikslslo4o , pi11i t 0. 42 ,,,,,„,,, - 1 ONE pitia.ZeND , . 44 . #4T+,,igitrr ",' ' ' 4'04140 Shall Ito nty plane, and there pin ,w.I •ttall • -- 'Entitt - nracliitotto n4rB tide waitkettit42i '- •• ~ thtllo4 it(dEllitriltairnd, Inti'asojorart. , (Om 5: , I y Ric 'thong' or 0 60 1 , 1 70* . 41, ii i ii , * Aln tbin youllitroOna ont bit nt.ittli 'aping, :, -..,. - ..'.. .t• , ' -, ..?"'n:e.lll Sit VOA '' t'. '§nr4hDPCtt V . °13 ' 16 . , 40 1 '—t ' --ti:it . ' , 4 1P.t14,41*"q, • •'`. 2 2.-r-11•••• ittouuts jesT f,lAJ?itPiciit,l:lli, , ?. 3 t„ka l .,4 i le~,in , cwech 14 4 00$ 1 4, , . arta Ail!. oi l y,' • ".- , • or. three s l pt l ll 4, ;;'. A MEDtcAr ESSAY Oilq E prtiiitoeLl**Fittitiqx ND:IIEEAit•t)E7Ti I FRAME• i 'ainigep.. Iti•Mritilf Arit.tee f " Nrrtoi•t9f4, - ,. AND' 1/10114FICODrit. •.. sztly ocgt'oy Aittuottitar:4.. . $ ,t41,44#1.04- ' OP Polka g° 4 7 crt,'.Bt,etniritoitha47.4.eseiiiinit'ittniiiiioilif 'G4n I tit). eliti'lferiotii,DebiikiY;jritirMiiii y. iind.:' 'loss' "dr f gY, ttike It* ity, D 'ea of; OfltY .lF~nh`ringe, me k , s, 4114,14fifid ;Itietite,-to• removed tto guccegiful mode . of ";tleit ► iidntj ' t3by- tiileliNi of. which 'the in'i/alicl etin‘re/jefii . , prioffle.;44o l llik :-Witthoßt 'h4ving tO•dajtopeiciiii4yez.„:, ob ive irieiiicihe . ' ' . '.• " crrettt The belt 'tVeittifte . tiyo'r;4liltittitliftr;iatiltiet , of Vital,' Orionco to '1110)41P- , :iNtrthiolliffil etithcids'exalted riipu Mfdress the l'ittliihe'rii•fid.'lCLlNEtti - Ci& .tet -A:veritie; 10 fOitt6tif.P4tliiiiettlle; Nosy York. City itob"";"., WAGON AND tADETGit • D's.tErdAßD td the: lzorosof ihirt lie. • has esublistecle.:ivegold.,/iliiPlii..:theitNijOng. Tormetly'obetWod,lyMtcliOtiOutiar Shop, Frpt 'tare' pared to , all work; irfhit _omPt n-essi Ant) in,a:tv#ltnaifilikte#oll4"V*' Parifciilar aftoiktiOa ' pApoiring, • " arid.fo the' rririhufaOttiii:Of Sled .Yj'c ,G v:14.4434 3 14FiiI4RV-"Zcf i•alp hC4l2eherage“, for ' • 7 .. 7 .11 -N ; :•"$4.0. -6• ••.:41 riir 'refoiopte ort.0 rt. - ' I.i 6.;• . • • ;OE. t -. . o : l Y , 4 4, Mtitilitilibr''' • Be.nath imrt Oet,T2 4.85Eti. , 41q :4 rajLeoß 4 NitAftiffP:,?'''' s..tzu .imettavi, E LATE, Cyr , rigiv,YOßACgiya - A, witeeitio iliiicoliiice io"t - hatiiittiOtet ,t hat 'he is- r4 11 44.0.40iftx.. A.Y.o atligieffieWC ,,, Geatfaitll444-1.. 4 . ~jti.a-WorkniatillkireiiiktureVwt ......- kiPittreq Oak' tirriij(oll l f . ',itokit*" ' jit4iiihatiti gfit4*- 40 A, ,t,t , r,WPicick#4l . "eft ,- f 4 ... , ____.' , f4 4 7 ,- ifri , ':' , • .:TEit•iEARO It2i 2678 WYsir 14 111Etttc r ' In' alithet ditArentlitatiitiiii`iiiiikatiiiriiitte ..,. ~ l' l ,' ‘;',k.'-itheltatiel A,44(4,31Tg7;0.;„ 01 4 §l266.lA%§iiii„ifi }iiiiy‘Jrlfee/4Atitok '§'n:i . .=ib:p,o' it';;AAit(i4;:ieftot;a;;;:fi ' ",,:. ..,, 4 11 . 1 101 1 , IA Pli4. l'OttiMP4.7 i XrdllON.:4 , berlbif;giver:: , ,Atetlt,ittilintak,,' , :IN eigngdi,,Adinituparviit 4110.04000. n. Menai; deceit:le:l,la te . ascirittiab l ei,t*tifit . puiltuattpe of ansordet frgioNseiotilieffiseiiiif ,otil,4!.lcetin County folltinvilj*tbdpaStjl/4xt.i ,pose to sale at public veallub itt .000gouggr-.# ° . Rolmrt.inlttAth''.ol:,.P•7o,r,,MCV.toAAlgi . o( justr;'A; . in TOktig-10 - Ivkkibtor#4 r ,r `n, o ,x;,Pt , A. Li'Af,i,Pii ,1 1, . AtiA.:44iC4#4he ' n /14 , )41 . 6 e-i• e , 4 l=l"q, l ,*.M ll6 .P c . f 4. , ` , ; 1 4 1/ q 7 1 113 P2,,Eq!. 1 ,Pc •k ni , 1 1 4 4, 1/ #4 o 't ' ' ',t ~ CCY I A9ijKV444I/ Xbdilify,, ' Pgplifkify . ' ' ..' WolCbtt Won; bOtiadecl 13:0 thg' , .) - ioritrso,- ,s of ~robn .1.. Iticfg way; .ou Abe- e 2 kaGAnt,lvi s W i f l a il i l SWaYi , s ic " , a i eAT -311 412:#cCifi . - , —.A. ,g fl idgwa yr. a n 1:1, 0 a.,,t n e: west s:ar; ~. ' W, : 'E Wolcott , anil'iacoblgo'oft:44P,4"Aiti"e,,: Tdrois of sale: 'cash' iii .-. 44k44o6,Uriottkoesq, - , A 04.1% g 4.411114 , . '' - ~-. 41,04* . _itl',' Norwit h, i%le.rch, ,g 4,fft1ifi . 4..t....-V l'f '_ _ _ ~7_, ~ 7.- -- --N, .' FltßeriAler a rtAlttr h ' ' - bt, .rtlllq-..4.r.gain,.A0 #1114.44001:0001‘. . I, ‘q. c/ MPMAY,CIA9 I 6*O I ,I4*O4IO* " I ' ve YOV 4 . 4l natii.l,tk 6 l4o i l ihklel i tiMile" t u l i i r iti 7 l l s4. ll , 4 3o4 l 01 1 0...'” 11 4 0 i 44 i 1 ., t,Wf,'?i-.aoXllftkr*FlL:ll3Yo 51- t1e4:.4 .-. 'f'.l l l6.,titte.'o* - ~4 . 04 . - iidii( orth,: 44_104 , P . t4i Afti 11 4 iioiitv'Att pii )) l 4 o:ik l'..*);X 4# , Ttg„ , !: IV •,, iebbhiyh4iiftfa t4,ll. l l , ?siCe i hoTFeit!prtill; .' *,' a t iiriag ViißaP ' fii#4l#B. *44ittft,4 9 ,f, . 4 rdA, 0'0'001)4 tih)i ty .for so 61u,tivar.01„,„ .1 11 2' , ,, ..,:- • as fe ) p•LP , * a11 4 ,1 1.1:41t , •:? c , 44'1YR1,ii• Pjait!' , '._ ~,:,, Ifibina9 : l ; :l-14 % ,, V*Pik4: - '0.4.-. fe ` , stutlP : '.. , i t :, edriipaei iii gjkAtileki7artiqtll.4ll,4 a t t r,Vl l ,i' . 4,: - :, s''' secretary fic7.l:lj . ipeplngpv i lk fat:" !tki,'ji;' d , , , , , l', IN ihitituttlititatiefolifKk.,*, "rLr';Okl ,i t '/. 4, Ai 'lt',Fl't Fr 11.1.?r2).111VERMIPE tiOWeeri:"*.kt*FLY''...,7,- • •!"PaYalid cq'llit 'si Y l'. tOr:, M. ° ' ~,,•.4,; cal 1ititi,,t,4,1111.1t , ,,', ~. . , . ~.. ~?. . 4 ~':i ~ra~' ..