.T h rit . 11, Wide, P Negro `I , ittif.lo.4 ! ,Oijit . ,lll the Tree SAitising - Ai Ontior.be , e4lit 4 tP B P ,4 ! ktlerli 1 .; 1 0. 0 01 it4t . iolu AilikVO4rtit isiiiiieniintenti 1 0.0,titelPA is ) fers i ,o4.4 l l.fc it, c 6 mPea . . , s rnttif tillit'Orre AltespniSiPof the' . 1 !):•the-tikt, 8 ?-04Vi M i l I l At l dErvT° l/ tt WO / ritrid.iktill 1?/176,.ane: , b . gni igth ' end' ifilik*Sts , :'tiof *event irninlidiSiontirotninngen. 7 41 14 : itßP+o. 6 ,4 l tlrfagOA E , i# l ,r ( l//d. e° ig1ti. 1 .54 kbe tll l . / eVeVi l itie ' iir a fli e• filti!CAl the dtiniefie ,of --Itagolii-Itgerdtatei. 1, 1 /Ri df PstgilliitkPPe.oet 1, 1 4Ye90 . ,-. 1 14P 41 (q eiNitrx le 4l. y" we're' 'nt'eri of !arty agintilch it iid 11n d r't ha l. >tbey sareseded in% es : 4nsrickinto onelliatialP :;.el,Wjt. , ht . R 9 Pt i b I 0 4/ 44 t., ..,ejegiir oval kiiial intip: i l tidlitinger practicable 'fed tirett , iiPthn , lltirlh , anirthe' , ... ~.estiniitteinatkulofinn: l ieranonjonaly• in thnirinditicid action IT oh: ybol really ',O Isci ' qic 0 71VAP - ml,essit, fknit work to tto Sik 4 di Tiv ,i, ' sietigil abinnilltittoli drofie ' ffittilf t lirtife itictieflilniq. it •Ce.' itistadtearontien w,ha t definite , end ''. l `' o ,l4i,io.ls# to 'be ' attaill ' e'd, .bY kePllbld PP ii, °4o4Prvillqill,r-Sifivqr3l tllle?tiCo to Po toilitte t, oh Enli h tette it. '', '" "' -,"' ' ' . a '' t gd l ' r h.Yr"tiirl ;ziO t ilg f a "tiClOn . ' iU Aft' ' - eithii'lo'..ifivaAipit'te it:rltoii?--- Nieiil*tiSlikeslibtvof!eaetilrate tnier oldie itt" -- 11104,4f-VOrdatiattitWlt4 l 9,4l ~,xterAal j u ' i ' . - ' !' f A i re'fi t 7o.4 ° Pa t1i, 1 ' a "4... , ,-,i.. 1 i,u5 f lAil4 l , 4,00410 A„ ., 1 „.._ 4 ..,, , t e- o lett tito prevea. 1.,.0 „e ~ , , try, ntb f e tehttory. Will` ~, ~ ilfilii* 4tvaiiit'onttlie 044: r,l Melt 9. '1 11011000f.th rn t40.01=411ate ntli toyHAP/7 wit ''' '' • 'Wit r i`t ti fi t4 V.liite d Statee in ' 4: t'\ ‘ ' '' . ~ it'..itUCOCiiitllii,:eVt[tb . IMO* , ' ' 1~.444::144ta10i55:','49 ,1 4.1Aie Si :' ' ',° . ff.# , o l° ,4,P,Frit°97 ° v•erfi d I • kir ‘ i 1 Cornin'enilse p ' , lnuit' 'eventuAlly” to rt • / 7`, ~ it' . n,-. , ritigid'ltlitintliittntl ind".oregott is ' ~ 2 , tg,iat' oldgoiltastiirribroVid No. 40 411 PSIYPMt i l l i i n' lq,‘ , beersnAtitio. - 49 . 4yektit pi danger, co,te 11 .W4 1 I. 't it ' e3v exica 'Wkio'ian'serietiary Witt wolf , iiiiiShi'vefirdneti'lhoie' Adair. Iregrotie?' : It is iepre- 31111speek,..0 trooghle In New, "0114404i1d • I. 4. ' . leigutiiso i ;and that its Legislature,b,a,ve, passed a lw • . `":',A f ts;:iffy,, , This 1 . an ige . , of di , , it" filai',Ve thieite' Territorial Alt L iltifilli‘ itifffett tit:tiltitiedtistit triektry , i t illiiiiniiinliltie'detetYinetqf Aninetterliovirreign , t ' ' Vtili l 4SktivP rPP-Wef ,nn eatth Of t - . rig te,nittabliakdlttv:ery,ill e_ti..._ ',.:,,. vet is' but *',emiiit purt:V - . , ‘olsiito i atii" iii '"` h' 11'' II d'' ji, .it t',, T ,011 IN it a or a IntatindlifeWelligttillurVeddr 4l MRS ItVerheira , ',I 410.41011:, , ";:iiiiiiitteiiidisor desires tore ' ' : • ..1' ktP, li.APXoiic o 2_ • and . what t , , . . Ifi. , lkerkt,literet i ,., They would.: .. s k." t" '. l ' ~,Ir'!" ' leseliethdji :Iratistirtatiori tat '':",-;''''':,": / :, o lhVgititilidilitatig`teiniennf the' • . :-. • `'l .1 , 1111 4 0/itiesy nest :-etirithas t'''' : ; ' ‘.3,,, ' - *44',4014 1 . 1 01t ttrFitorifa 4f Att 'l4 . '" liittft.r . chOcti!iiitos diaivotti to q, , , ,: • s i , ,pry, , , , v.,! i iton they give up fhe oiltiiitiii;ityfetr:: ; ioi4ifici inflict - ourselves` 'l l l l l* ,- .40/***(41010"*ItIt 041St4 8 qf Re: al we iiiliC gii,,Ongl: t 6 o o kstgßlPP" , 9,1 e cl i 119°1 : at i '''Ari t t.lP r •Dr,ilct 4l o l iii ~Sre:v.ein , elliiinNliiiitly'eonfined - eo 16 •- littijsid ftlitlinlig'illcifhtve ni,alivis of 00604, " *,./ittatikeintlistatipgrant bitthehis• *Sala ' ' ',,,r , * -With all the convul - 9 tt l 4. l V l 4 l l l )r le t -- 1 1Pr i3 . 1 ' 4 P- 1 1 0 1 ) n ' ,1 '' ' F • ' .. a icorettie lidtsiOnri 11 c, " ' ' ii:tßaei-Afit'litiy`dold be -- ' -,'. ' - ''''faufliiiYit'J il 0 ; 103 %` The ut. - =rttkt!4erlPp...WP , ,. „ , ,4. '‘ , ( l . tni . stittgrid , 4asfs too gtowerfql lodging ,in the r, tett, 'o r e all; pot 4 • flie to 'extr a ct was abofin.tbo,rot. arrp, breaking thie bone and so' cf . :map - retch , ' shiVering.the 'arm / as fo,,i,equire amputation: 11 'was, 'Oft .at .tnn,fflpo net expected to Hite. . I . ll Q•ck, was ehot: in, the. face, hall, rikilk . g affect left ilirle;•of„ the:: di in .:ftiti right eheek 7 L•fue. NOT nithati wotleriL l . belt not • • ticrriea,;:the head;,with, clubs ; and ,gun 'grin • lierralik,4-lixealadg : Mr. H'ail's ;' • moved 'from _thisCirenti, some .yriare: ago, .to, rilairti idefght of Holton,: the 'riou.rjty : ,eriat ! Ot Calhoun' county, (Old: .I .hee ' 4 OO rafrilill.g. , ifli , .i4P l .o l nrr," riot faking , ; pail id. • any. of rrefriqlryi: :peaceable ricer: , and 'griad•citieene.noer-fele.l 'tire • of.. Edward , .Penre . .6l. this.:.county.:ll,la gives *the follotiving ea 4q .• , , •:; .;.k:canoi Convantiork kyea called to, :tricot at , •:Holtii: ea:Seidlday; tho 12thanet,ifot the poea.;,r ei)hoiritikg:.delegatea `to- thilCOfistittiL. tiorial Convention (iivhich;.e to . .tieer dritt) and; to,pordinate:,riountfloffte,e're± the :ate aaveher,et' the . ..frea4itate,; riled la' the .:county. trtilitiMlhetefottir d ,detad. - Otlk the Meier bt ican p 'Alentgaineri; Black'• Re-* publican 6 With the ':Peine :.er.ati.c,riarty c . o . d. daeh acgrate 'set af.;,.*oluitione„4,.. - .44to l. ork4trigkei l ; ; tßlack- Republicans ifie..,;0eni00** . i 4 p.09144344100/.rei,il; which tv te, ! :ve y 99.aht,,,411`if,PIOn,hllc n par ty.;l4#: 111 .41 1 1 1 .7. tb l c 4 l.l 10 .0 1 1 X .qlttle,(4..:AoPg with ' : t he . Fieitgbhcao The new, thieves en . e.ipkthey were the. jili,Pqfi s tir.i' , eeff*n9o,l4* - nJlac)c.' .oere;' a llT97, lll iYO,„i'Y;, , ,:, l 3l.*P'i'iP =Prd,e!'.to• brcak.up `tried to'resctie - fifth when a generernielde en eued,.,pietols; iyes i :,aea:,:nlubs.Aypie „peed, the eifyrefae foii . na, they ' *otila be,,Vvbil . pe,dliii. the , second well: the first,. t 6 !lenee of old Ray, or: Ip. Shariediflea'atieked 11toie,hitt 1 .krien,,,liikt. te*ln du Thiel'', tell ol hadabAut...69. ott the thieves;fii ad L.. ang. theineelvel.ldklerigdr. : the-ridßs,tte..they , had'no guns of ; theic own, ' tiled to'. rn 4e:their eelikpfiee ; .i?est.. they coutd... - The;aseesOneorn-, inene.ad.4firittg :t . lieir; and oyetnaled all as. above stated. - .F.lliett,ls.as..ltneOced 'down wi th'3l.. , ,elub,.andipd . ree.o . vering; frock I,ltn l hlo ti t ; :140' hirrwlf •earroundett „twelee..or 4f teen. , and with a: pleat; liPahri.Aooght...; he iiela , c49 4 . r i :,,t+iciriiii,f t roiiiiri.prez not hav,e heen,preeenti: . he, . rin9;bitlttAtwotly. titlvieink and . giving general ynetitornery..je ..pro\vl)n,t '..throu h,l ihei.ed Om-putt : 4:4ohp execut ";.iTtne.DirYz . ciaLAW'iii - hirnase. - Thell)i . yorce javr,otitidianiqatoameadici,.requires first, that the applieahb shell brave %been Alona ..fide yeti, dentorlhe State : donnWentotor , une •thitdv'-seavice ren or days;-joste n d '-fin,trt den; 'i ourtb,,if the totendant -lites A v2l-038 , petition, the. iftit he,,withd rarti;.•-by. ; the with dra 01; thEcitiglnal petition; - fifth; the court to 'decree .stich'aiimeny as eil cuttstanced 'tendetjtast and proper; divorce, on the aectiunt -;trf Inteeeittittet/ thei wife , . gives the huebanktlati saine4tit lea() her property as.if..ohe rere dealt. sect ion 'authorizes tbeopen. ing uribf Otterees in certain ;eases- within'' , two_ 'Years;,asici custody of. ehildren. and ailciwance bi alimony but not so as to marry theilivoreed a ptileate .•••r-. , • ~ • . . 1? - 1)n:trill or r , '„S'.., ilinanottonsr.—A - you ng„4- man - E..,,,:„y,,,,i,ltied,*.reindent ot Tally; Onom, agn'epual,Y,. was eagaged to it MiselLatiisg, .F.eldOir;90 , ' 4i1 . 110 0 0) ;• ;.: F,? ,0l9 9 0 - 41 ?oviiiiii 61 . .t0ippo,4 1 0da 10. 4'9N, ?cFprrefil br.i.goi ,-, . ?iyiltfii), , 4 l 2 , ,igtc ~ ,e?', . §iiitrdair,Mille..pakir;:o.; ,la . .ynns ,to !31,, $ )?a l tt.o.ti - ie,s4..dgr, Reed, tank , ap,a, 19,ttsr.gicl;r1i;i7,5.1.,,edikti3;pi - a?g',,i;:: ‘ , .',KfirOitli,tie 7,1 - 9colliidnikvikOPOPlF - * , i4- 7 . 1. 0u 5 . 4 1:10. 4 iI 9 P9gMX:S - 411fil,fiVtmtAiliP, ' b: 1 0§1 41 . i l il:° t ; 01- ' ) sw iri-'6 , aliesYg,o4' l3 PPefgllkll'ieli l i e- ! / §PqAK7'li it when - b hP' c Mgctie r Ar. 4)3, 4 l 4 4 4 . l4 Ceo,,eiidjhet.".he', `iw-'4 -4 Rr!r7isc.. `.: iicqiiki))4o . Ad eLl7;LX l 9.iid!ai . ittlev'erYleY''.( l "?ced, ,fer,liis:;MaTßYo9;.,!:,..t,j'e,.,#,ali ,i'liiisated.n.'hii . wedding; coi!nkel - fprThlii - L igc,ini4; . 11 . 0 s b,04 - aitaid.r6ll4s:We'd , : h.iin,io' gi.4:- f 4, 'M't?,--li : 1 ;ei"; I Itkricial ., :titti ! o; ' " ' - I,94tioxitivice„;p4 . dvo:ivatp of D0U4.1 Presidency, that,.it fo • St b'eliei t o; ill'ai - ProvidCnCe Will ,sriille,on 4. 4 • ' ',.ift' . .tieiiiititiiiiiiiii:Viiii - olitat: Thursday, April .7; 185,01 ik.. , 1)5.•• • . •'. 'lltiArasselVS(reity New York, mid 40 - Stilie'St. Bfist o6 - „. S. P 101' F . NOllit h 00., are:tliti'rAgee hi • for the 31'.RemiltESio0nAT end. the went' inlhionl.l9,l flOd largeet" circulating Nowepapereiti the Mil Led %%Seised the Ont. "iyhte:: , .!They „are centyact - ter UR " Ott r Democratic 'age' Non*itions TOR Atillrl'Oß ItIOIrAP:DSOX L. wniorer; IDEL==I FOIL ougviE:YOn.:9.E;6Eß,#!.L.,.:t OP'; T RAvI: f : TN ~;O6VNTY i 'Tim "FrOtit'tiliparts''oftlie StriteDemoCiatOrhose . names , are :attached.' to the - a,al of 'The ; Forney: thinauneing the iridve . rnent, and INting that their : natnes 'without :ail- IliotitY, s and, that they, heartily acquiesce 'in the proceedings o'f the•lateponvention.' aho took exceptions to ,:the' ,. Conrse Of the ma; jority : of theinirtY nnit - the, Adfninietration on the,„Kansa, question but •v‘ ho. did not make •thity single difference . aq: - Cictiie for going over; tha,crienk.and aiding itytha election ortheir Cantlidatea,:codsider.„ , the'. action .of:the conyen , tint, as eminently right and proper, ,and.Pillie expreseions'lrarn - ,suah-men are not wanting - to bea'r us out in,these . assertiOas. . The disaffec tion; be :called s.ch, is, chiefly Can-, fineifto thoSa Who .acted tigaiust the regular noniinnei of the, party , last -, f4W- -and to, those Wholnever:mada,:any pretensions to Democracy of the press , which taive. fallen tinin.the. trail .of the renegade Porn ey,,‘V:e notice first; the Her ' tiaburg Seyqn,i/,'•the editOr of- AN',hich was . lately Uptiointed, - Surieritntendent of Public'?Hitting by: ,Governor Pa'cker,'Which clolicy'L' the Conven 7 tion could-not, endorse; .. secand,: the,. Lycoming Gazette, 2thehotineorgan of the aavernbrosikich 'from its . Peculiar sena iti veness - and.back,handed euPport of the•Perrocratic ticket last fall, we. • tyere . lel. to plebe: in' itir.tree position, in time to.pre•vjnt.disigreealtle'.cousegitencest ificErie_..rapreigb.the.,Den•teciaerof. its editor datiorfroin his; failore to: receive' ,the non:rine', tion for:Aisernblkiri the Republican convention of- arreii county.last «roll These , illustrations arc, aufficieurto show the_sharacter. of ; : thnse engaged'in the Work's/ purifying the : Demo , eratic, These are tdc crre-endorse the Old,fashionrie cieetl;": And it will . . be, rather iniusing,tainow by' what : . means.they are ,tp , ascrtain , .-it..- )3ot-them, iierhaps):,Fo!pey find scithetbinp;P•old=fashioned" Olathe bits, not .. • repediated,'and 'can tell,the , raw reernits'•all about it.. We' strall „seer.. AORCST OF,A FUGFFIVO AT tinititisßuna.- 7 0n Saturday. morning last considerable excitement was created ,at Appoty,. Milted States.AlarshalJerikina arresting a,.colored man nathed-,,Dathel *chalet, under the pogitiye Slave Law. He.was ~taken before U. S. corn triissiont.rLOngstreti4of Philadelphia, on 111on day, and hie identity. not being ;satisfactory, the cithe MRS 'adjourned to the .nexl day - for ii. ttirther,lthayingi, There was,,an evident deter; ininatior.arnong the, peOpla both•at Harrisburg and , Philadelphin to:.forcibly rescue the. negro, but the - decided attitude' assumed by, the Mar -81151 'left no doubt that . the first - than-who late posed did.so 4t the peril of his; life: . The alleg ed owner, of,- the fugitivcrivElizaheth Simpton, of•Lowden couthy, 0/1 the announcement. of . the. arrest - in: the House, Irish took occii-, lion to deliver a sensation harangueoind'moVed the Consideration of the, 'Personat Liberty bill, the great hunconibe,. gas-discharginktheasnre of the present session, which motion was' lost, ,and aryl soriie,exci.tenient Wednesday evening was fixed upon for the discussion, of, the . • We pub)ish . this:week an extract froth eX gevernor Hunt's late speech.at the ,old•line Whlg convention, , -'Strong . efforts are 21eing made ju several ofthe States - to re-' rive the,old whii iiarty; atid:partieftiaili at, the South..• The' object of the , moyerUent seems to be' o,organize the uppositiensuporta . national basis ignorkWg the intb•shiyery ductrirmiof . the‘ Republiatts apd,the prosariptive'notions Americans, 'and: campaign Of 1800 Upon : common-sense' , issues: But then such a meVetuent . pus . necea . earily destroy the usefulness: of the-Seward ,faction, which tleilerids . ,.whel)i on wool-speculating ex citeinent foreXiSfeM4',' and such efforts,. as the one at New llrric only'huve the effect' of conseivatiyer men of the :epftesitien over to .pernoerac, TRIAL OF SiCRL.ES . FOR 4111 E :MURDIEW The trial , of Don. Dogelt.:Sicklet, for the murder of Philip Parton itey'cam . .inepcp.inthe critgoalcourt at 'Washington on Monday,. , the 4th Inst., Asiodieted with Mr: if/old,. the Dis trict Attorney, is Mr. on half of the people. Sickles has employed Y. T. ;Brady, of New-Yoric city,; J. P. Sieger', of Pittsburg, and others,' at' cogisel. Five, jurors Wore SWern-in grCiviooday, Yrirerrthe":penel of lthirty Was exhusted, and, en order illEl issy,ed le'surionon,seyenty.rfiye telesmsp,, from• Which ,nuiriber.three eddltionehitiroTS, wexedrewn on Tuesday,, a.nd sev,eno .. ..five nadditiOnal.telesmen , were Ordered' to be .summoned. . Moat itir the_ 'jurors summoned were strongly biased 'in feyer ; The Warren-. Ledger eaYs: YLast week' a i(ttunketi,sPlati:tciek pliaa r ia rinzua .village, at Clarke iThtel'. The rot/tidies' took .'Complete PPOMsi9t l btf'ihBll6llse, and when'a jtisticao't the P,egce,. , j ndectook . to„quiet thern, he, was quite seVaretlf Beaten.. Nobody blame but • • - linteitncliailrottehfigt Wailgittion Conipahy. At'tha'anniimi ialeation•f or President and pi. rileinit.'of-thisG f ecnpan heldat,Smethpart the Ate ' initi.:l4fe untai ;,trinusly ele4'l4: . ; r,-, . ' . .r . ealtlent:—Swrit•A. , ::!pigicr..rs". • •' ' , C. COlibil, 'S. C „Wk., .; . • Baialin, • 'AV! .116bert Waylay, ,• Arrioi PferikeY; v., • 4; • N.. Jones - • S. Ainold. • . ;• •• 14ews Las beeii reaeived at:NeW Yorkof , the peaceful settlement Of our .ditliculty with NI.; •eguay.. It amiears,that, si;eedy,and satie .factory•adjustment-has;:in a measure; been at- Cornplished through; the friendly. offices, of prestdent„Urquiza, chief of, the ,Argentine Confederation :The Precise tepria upon which, iheeettlement . ,.is :based'haNe• not f been:: Made public,- but it , is . .. , ichOWn that: ample, , ihr '4prlntlity is cOnceded:to* thet, , farnily of - the Per ron killeilon.board the :Water Witch, and Also .to ,the• company represented by Mr. Hopkins, : The.' Aipublieane Connettioot. Rbbifelailtitij I .l l:ednOciak of this week, and theyCre . .a.nxinhe toeleei all their Coniresarrienlimie; . end Mintieta : . ta,. rind then. "Oh :the 'aid. of siiiihii 2 teciiniiitoh Demoprate - (7) thei2 . l . vtll . have a majortfy:of one .to efe'et a Spectre'''. in the: hexi . Biome ,allePre lentatiiree. What a pcty Ike : ifthey don't earryStinnecota..:- Oriini?4 , —A'inannarrieti Swift, While floe t leg bags,,in the .Allegany . riv . er, about three mileihelo* : Pnrt Allegan}!, ' . on Satnr4a3i,"4ol into the NV ater.iiiid was drOvrried before assist . : ance could reach him.. 'His body;.we learb; has since. been found: • :Re leavea'r - awifp and' The enterprisiiig.ffrrivhf N. S, Miner & Co., Olean, are on hand ivith their usual promptness, with a full:stock -of 'Spring and Summer. Goods. We feel It it.pleasure to recommend this lirin . • 0 . to the readers:of .t he bele:acme, ' being every. .tyiky worthy their Confidence 'and: - patronage., Those who hitve dealt with - thee—and they are not few—will bear us our in this statement: See qvertisenient, .-• • • . Our friends 'dOwn town • are decidedly impro- Yin . g the appearance of that hitherto 'neglected vartof.:tho . ,,l3orongll.. ,I'si;ei'sonMedbu r 'rihas builf:a neat and tasty ferice: , in ,front of his reaidebee; has:aleo improved premiies lay neat fences, .and: in ienernilir At : the Stare electiba 'in tonneetictiti on; the 4Eh Republicapp•• elec!ed all four *of their .Congressrpeni .their, tate lidket, and a majority o'f- the legisiatUre. The returns thus far receiveil ihest , a . Dedivieratic gain. The National Hotel, ,toiethei: with. several tine blocks of hi . . DalaVille, were destroYed..l:Ytire: . yesterday.: The total lose exceeds" $5O 000. Al thetheteler c.rectiiiri in Louisville' the ih tneit;;llie"olincsttion Vecteel their 14Iapor f old i_majiniti'of "the ceiuncit; Both Houses of the pennaylvania legtslature have resolved to adi,urn on theldth inst. . • • .H6rl:l. thiOugh this ptac.e . on•Tueidi`x, in'ioute• to Ri4iviia. TELEO DPPiATION. yesterday, , affoVd rne 'crThis svie . eta' of Social ,intercouree;' , ': friend ship's cup ~.9f 4.44,-jitrej . endhring,cif nil:present ,Pastorial rejation; and also, a providential' exPressign of God's. favor. thank regards.autt gifts.".:" I would . -? Return loVe for loye,". rind fOr i3eneficente,.blets you' and pray that irciu may !qn . orp.blesseci to, gill!: ,than, toreceive. ) !, rthank you heartily, ,as tha . ipstrumentality,pf good .to ,rnpre, I !The giver of'.every . good .ond:Terfect, gift;" . and gratefully after Him myself, and am, byes-:. sed,indeed. Conia, : Myfrietirisijat pri give our hearte:to and experience: hie, perfect' lilies, of ; giving ,a1.1.' . ••• • • Verity, Totiis; • • J., • R`CiBE . RTS Tat. S...MAtiol•;;•nd All' tite:rest. - ....Parspnage, April 8, 1:859.; ...• • T.1.1E HABIT E.OF TUE '"ItVANDEE.EIt." ' NEGROES. correspondent ''of the Southern Recorder, '.writing trout JaCksonville, Ga., gives the 'fel abcoutit-of :the "wandering, Africans,.". that:were 4uiessfor,sorne days at that place: The most of these negroes.ar,e very likely, and "from six are tO'lWen. • tp-one years old; there is' only one e woman - 'Minot • them; They 'seern perfectly happy, mid' as c'ontented and-free from care,.as..if. roaming their; native wilds.. They remain , jail.only at .night; 'during the day they, are -permitted. the freedorn of the yard.— Some.of there aroquite smart, and 'all are quick .to learn. , " At first they Could not-speak a word ot - EnkliSh; 'several of! them,- since they have . . 'beCn here; hay.,e mastered; many words. Mon, ey..andiciii,skry are .fav,ortte, words with t hem— ",all lova rno,rwy,.a . nd all appear to love whiskey: I'll'4 ne'ern io'hcive a knmvledge orthe vtilue of ;coin,.but ;rice e of: "out paper '• currency. .1 gave out an.order fur sornothing at . , -a Store, .since which time ell scraps of, paper are,imgreat de mend:with them. A newipaper. wait: torn inici 'stnall • pieces: 'and 'carefully'lnit .'`away .rihey. thinkingif will•anal/ref ihe- same 'purpose as Money. , Their . dances ,and • sports ate. yery amusing, and original. Most, or the, older . ; ones are, quite. ingepions, making knivesl'other things out; 'Of Iron'hoops And Saidincbciies. 7. They, are" lend Of fine 'dress; anti some 'of..the 'boys of the; Place.have.put gay riban,ds through thS,Mel in, Otejr •ears, whicfi:Olkes ti;tprn gitlte prOnir think they haye anYidea ;of Gtiii."'. 2 iinve4alten - some piles 'to.•find •out their•befieriti-i Supreme let ng,;hut'ha've failed.: . They, are' from three' (Rfiek - ent nations or, tribes there, heing three different . -mark ' s or. tatoos among them,lndleatini,as - 'theY"say, different nations, or.imih.aiii 'ow:more 'reasohable, - differ. ant-tattles; ,Thersorm learned some 'profane words, bra,being,told. thatit.was sy'rong to use thkm, ,it is seldom : they will do so,. saying "marfir, bail, when Osked ter repeat them. , Tito llcm6iine of AVOttifin Bound in a Soap Box On Wednesday last We annotinced the discov erk Of, the remains Of female . at : . the oiliest of . the Hudson Biverltailrattd.*lhjs .- eiti„in... a soari:bai, horribly. manglad,';atid•in a deCayed The fact of their ,laaajfng been shipped frori ,New York as extra liaggage,..and directed . - to WRippe, has . .ltracted the atteiff ion of the 'special-detective;force; of Mat selt& Co., N.. Y., who list evening deapatched .Mr.; McGrath, to, city::: iliv.estigate. • the matter.' When be left; st rbhg. suspicion's Were entertained •;in ,Ne - vV York that the remains of the deceased' *ere those of Mrs. Brannan, 'wife Of Dept.' 8.',,0f he ;United •St ates;army:, who; at the.titiae ..of. her .disigipearrince,- resided 'on, Staten Island. ..She:has baen;Misideg. since'the 20th of. July' last., and. vas last .seen upon the Bland, and is Supposed 10, hav'e been.mu Will he recollected. ihat:Coroner.Dean -se; Moved the card trona the.bcii;and.on the'oppo `site,side he found,;. printed".. W. J.: Sarne , . 5,11.8 and 120; Third avenue . , corner of - Fourteenthalre et; New York.' l, The annotince- Meat of this fact , tend to strengthen the sus picion that. the: reirfaiiii in queitien are; those of. Mf:s:Brennan, foralia hinffriendiresidiag near this store, and was in :the habit of frequently visiting theni: She 'is sUpposed to . haye bcen waylaid 'flight; ra:vished'and . then -murdered. 'in that vicinity. 'Mrs. B, ,was of prepossesSing 'appearenee,asitisibetit tiventy.six years Of.age; Mr; M'Grath . brought with him a daguerreo type of Mrs. 8., and.this , morning. %the com .pany of,Dr. Armsby and.Coroner , Dean, 'exam- Med. the contents of the'soap box. .They fOund the . remains Arra clecayine State,' and so' muff. fated that the docter'coUld not.give alihough he. said that they might he those, sought after. : Dr. Crane ,'Of 'New York, brother of. the'ile ceased; is expected here . course:of. the day: lie may ,throw.'somelight mum. the mys tery,..as these are marks, upon the inane, and .fingers of the, deceased, which, if it be •his ter, he 'can identify. • Coroner Dean' .is deter- . .minecitO - ascertain, if possildc, whose' these remains are, 'and leave. no stnne turned that will: tend to throw'any light upon the rte:Sent ,mysteridus - affair: 'lttlete4ttn4 - liifoitittttion 110 tivc• to Eauttis 'Lnud.Warrauts. . • ' • The'iblfoviogli: a 'copy ol r t de cision Wi ) ich'haz. jus(enianated.frornthe:Ge rat Lo:Orl . , • TiniCthe bounty:land warrants issued by ( tho rinfen States are dy , 'act of co . ngress,appro‘;'ed JLine 3, 15 . 58 ; lobe personal . „ . 2. That such warrant 'cannot- he'sohl .by admihistrator of the estate of`thedeceasea.war-. 'rante; for the -payment of•debte'cOntracted by That.stich warrants,. w henissuede during j.helifetime of the warrantee, and not disposed olby.hiM . ,.b,ecome, it he dieintestate, the prop erty of his heirs at taw, accordance, with . the law of domicil, and cannot be attached and sold . for,the p'aym'ent of-his debts.• [lf he die intes tate, see sth paragraph following.. . _ . . 4. , . Warrants' issbed alter 'the%death' of the warrantee, but upon prOof filed during his life time.; . be.conte .the, property, of his widow ; if there . be one.; "and if noWidow, then - the prop erty of his heirs - at...law; without regard tei their ; . 5. The proceeds of the. sale of 'a warrant, made byy an administrator , is the absolute prop erty of the widoW heiself, or.legatees,.Without regard to-any debt : Contracted by the warrantee;, but the practice of '.this office has been to 'rec ogn;se assignments properly made by anadmip istrator: for : distributhin of the proceeds among the heirs at law, after'. payment uLtlie ..funeral • and' proper Court '.expenses. . , G. The rules of this office require s inall cases wben;a, warrant has, been 'sold by an executor, that a duly certified . copy of the. with let- 'ters tetatiienta.i . Y, 'shall fie •attach6.l: to the warrant: ind incases where a sale is made by s'an adneinistrater - . or guardian, that. certified copies'otthe Jetters of admidistration or guar dianship shall bi , attached; and that the, sale has been. Made for the use of . tho heirs only ...mast be shoWn either in the assignment or: the papers s,ubmitted,with eacb'case.:'• • ' , Resetlsa - ; RonnEnvl—We learn from, the . Pitts halt 3ournal of Wednesday, 'that .on Tuesday :morning, the llon. Arnold :Plurher - arrived by the one o'clock, A. M.. train.of the Pennsylv.a pia Central R. R., and laid his-hand trunk down' on the .. platfortn of the . pasienger depot. It was soddeul,y "missing, end as it contained .papers ,representing $50,000 dollars,.and about fifty doll'ars - worth•of clothing, Officer Richardson of 'tlae - Railroad p ; In;stantly reported: ite,•;lois. to Legan; of the -Night w ho Went annangst.his m.en and ehilnired of each'lVhether 'they had seen any one: carrying such an article.. .Watchman :Johnson' .reported that he . had seen . a man named-Michae)•Flannigah, who lives:in the: FifthoWardynear• the canal,hcidie,‘Carry ing a hand-trunk:shortly after it was Jost, , The :Watchmen want at once to :the honse . rof nigan, arrested,hits,: and recoietect,-.the.fiand .trunlruninpired.- • • . THE MILITARY ,FORCE OF ECOOPE.--The pres foree of EtiroPe numbers' pearly free . millions'of men, and thenaval fbrce'over a qtraiter or a' Million. ...This fact will 'give Some idea of the immense cinat'of, maintaining the Present 'political arrangements in that quer .ter of the globe.' EverY liitla . State . and cipality,' us. well . as ; eVery great power, is Theresa ing its armed'forces, till the number fully equals the siith• of , the. entire population. . . •.`" On Monday exening.last a collision .oceurred on:thaOhio River.,. below Cineirinati, between the. st - eamers Nathaniel Holmes and David•Gib sori. The former sank almost immediately, in 40',ffee t of Water; and ,the latter sunk in a short time, in 25'feet of.water. '.The cabins of both brills parted' from . the' vessels and flnate'd down. the strearii,,;and thus triOst . .of the. pitssiglgers ; were. saved froin a - watery gralre - , otierilorty live's‘were lost. It was one of •the ,mOst disa'sters that;bas haripened on the Ohio for some tiMe., • • • WllritT IN 11.L1N0j9.-7A than who—travelled last , week through six counties lif Central Illi neis re orts.to.thei , Cliicago 'Tribune thh.t Win ter wh[itt prornise's to make a fine.Croti, end that.th farmeris.feel greatly.encOurage'd.at the' prospect. . the'fCarlinville Peri - merit says . .of the wheat in.that portion of . the State (near the'Papitaltha.t the.,erop willbe a little short of an , average 'crop, although the breadth. of wheat sown last tall Avas much loss than usual. The Jewish Chrenicie states. that, the . ion); nants of JewiSh colony hays, AieenAoind - at Kai-lungfoo, China. ' cinnrpunication is abOut to'be opened . with these sons of lirael by th air British an& 'be requested to sernU;two:Yotttlis to ., Englantl to receive'. a European .ledueation.. 'They - have been• separated.from- all intercourse with the remainiter race fora'period of six . . . . . , LAWS'OP ilit'llAtrii4o.—An exchange solo the foilowing,poiiits, irripoSrt4'nt if true, O Rail Fikad•Coinikipie s wen.its..tp :rail-road travel-. 'ere', hfivef.been settled by,l4ahletiiiions:'- ',..:: , "It hao:bOoti legally deolled, thatipplicant! fOr tfeketi! on railroildsOnn'be ejoetOd froth. the cars if thOY do not'Offei ths ,exeLOCamount• of their faro: 4 :Condtiptois are not hinind to; make: . : . "All. railroad "ticket S.-are gooU: until used, and .conditions; ..good for this day ,Or Otherwise genuineneas; are of no account. . - - • "' . . . ... . • • c