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'.., ';,. ~:; V 2,1 - , • :,,,, ~,..',,, .• • 6, 'r:.: A - ' -,.,:i -,",, ~, I . - . ',. " '..."'..•?,', , I. ~h- -, , ,, , - . .. ... ,_ - ..•••=--...._.--= KENO itVtic . awslotitibi.:.Ptnic4o • PIIIZIBLIED monlimup• By (MATT &"BAIITIOTt, SMP:TIIPORT, • WKitAN COUNTY, :PA - $l5O in Advance •. . • • • • . . • • —••- Rates. of Advertising, 2• • • i•ocaum. one y0nr...., : • gm 00 • 4 3,• ' . .. , . .. 2000. "'. • . ................. 1 tF .Ili months • • • 00 One square 0f42 lines or leap; 3 insertions,....... 00 - 310 ch ouboequentWon, .. .. .; 25 Butinene Otirde, with,reper .. .. . . . .... • . 00. 1177 These Terme will bo strictly, adhered • 13Usittc.op',.1.111,;t,td . ,' J. L.-.BROWN, . BUI3VEYO4, DRAFTWO N,..oONYEYANCER and Real. . ratite:4teet; • °glee, El k .oo NUM'S • -REFERENCES"- ...Chip in' k Doyle;; . Tllopa . as;Strutliers, , W.. S. Itrowuell..... Esq., ..Hon. A: I. . . . . .. , . : .. ' ••." ' CARVER ROUSE,; . • ~ .. - ... .. .. , . . .. . . . . . . Joni H. Mitt. PrnprietOr, denier or Water_endlliekeiy ,litreete Varian P.a.' , lG•eneral Stage Mee,: • • . . . 13, 1% • NMGHt & CO.; . . inioleiale aria Retail Deniers. inParoily Groceries; Porn. •ylour:;. Salt, Feed, &c. ...Under Stove, East sige of the Public Square, Sniethport,' L.O.' BACEVS'& .ca. . . General Deale'rp in Dry. Gooda...Drpcitrieg, Crackar , '; "lady-Mad.'Clothi air, Bontaand 51i04..a, Dais and q 4„, te.c:,.orpositil' the' Ctiurf,ll.o*, Sinelbpoit Pa.,• : .. . 7.. C.: HOLINIES, Wholenale'and:lfetail Dialer. in ProvAr•ions nod 'Famil,r .Groceripe, Dry Geode, Doots, Shoos Rate, Cepa, Nailx, yankcioNot,ions. Ace &c.. Store Ores 'door west of .the Astor ileum). Terinn, Dash. • FOBES HOSE, . liroidlng the Pithlie ' . Ennare,. Je ss, M. ,MiLt.,nn: Proprietor. -The Polies Mouse is entirely new , and built of and is furnished' iti modern' Style • The nroprietor, tlsOers himself , ant his acconntiotiti, lions are not surpasied. by 'any hotel ,in Western N.w York.' Carriages run to'and rots the 'Nor York and 'tool.: 38-tf.' , :8 4 TR . ON n: RAiitlrr; , . . . Arroiarru. AT LARI Smethpoiti: ld'Kean . ..Agentthr Me Firs . rs.}Conlin . ; de - Co's Lands' .'Attoalla espoNlally to tho Oolleotion. of:Claims; ,Examination of' •Land Titlea;‘,l'ajmout of !fakes; and all busioeis rola tiag to ItealAitate,. Office,lo.,ll4inlin. •. • • .. GREEN'S HOTEL , . .. .. . D A-.,-,Witortr, Proprietor, - -,A...Kirr . Sue. Warreneetinty ; Pa. lug' Table will. be supplied- with the , best . the 'eountry.effords., and he spare no pains In aecorood.then : : hie gitesta. '-, ' •' . '. ' ' - , . . . . . ~ . .. . . .., , .. • • '• •H :(TOLD Eo EES,: Atiornny 44 . Ontinsplini, ',Law,. 'Ali attend to! ao col lectlon of °lntim anl acconntn In the Contain , 'Y 'ter, . Jeffnrant,, girt • P.O. gnietlipprt,"lilPltesul. county'Pn.: - . ••• ' • • .-• E.,BOUGIITON tr.l)mm, . Attorney.and Ootinse'nor at .Law, 'Bniethpor,' Itl'lceatt Oonnty,. Pa. ' 11atelle:4a 'entrusted to his, care for the countiea of atifteao,-Potteti. awl .111 k *ill he . promptly . attended to 9fftee'ln the Court floukyi, Bacot*. floor: .•• • . '••• • WISNER; • Pkinleia'n and Sii*nni Smetlippri',7n .to Alt proiVaiinnal with iirtimpintui_ 01.11ce inEart well ' !.• .• N. B. natal'WboWholesale and . . Stifle ,and Fanny. Dry Goode; Carpeting, .119tdy Piade Ctothipg. and fienArnl - FurnlguirT (.16045, Boots - sod' Shoos, Nall and: SN'ln*)w ~I!aperi'Lookiiig Gramme &A.' ' . . • ' • .'." ' , BEN TT HOUSE, ' • anipthpOrt;6l.,Kinu:oo.; IliztNerr, Proprie , tor--opposite the Court 11eu5e.....k pew; lar'.7e,.coni .raodlous and l!ell 'llll.lllomi house. . JOHN c. BACMIS, 'ibitortleianit °onlinelltif at Law, Spied.' 111 7 .11ean Oo Pa.. Wilt attend to an bunt - rim in ida profelfon to the' : • cauotiee n.f 3VRea'n, Potter and Kik. • Oflica'aver 0, K,. Birtwell o k Bratherp' StOry t . • • • ASTOR HOUSE, .•, . , J. 0. Itei;stes; Proprietor. gnietilport, Iltrgean oo:; Pa. • Stages Xo iii2d from Oda ; pleeeetoP here. apoCaccom, riodetiorie issrcUreiSoneble prices.., . - . OMEON IRONS; , , ~ G .. , . Dealer to Diy,Gonda,'ioiertio, Poric, ,PlOur:'Salt, Nell. Beady-Made Olothleg, Boots and Shoes Store In 'Bs= tone olo.eteed4'Scoothpoet Pc , GoritelPatent !Weill . .. .. . ~ HACKNEY '1.10178E, . . . .. . Oornei. orßacalid and .11Aborty aiieata, Vinrrea, 'PA: , B,' .A. - BaanoniPropri . etor.:•'Xravalorl%will find gocl.ac cenninodgiona and'Timonatide charges,. 2 ,' •• . : B. MASON, Pester littrFes,. Tin Wsrei dappaned Warn, west , nidn Of the;Publio . .Elqiure,.BmethpOrt; thistom work doge to order cm the 'Shortest.notice, and in the /tioSt'suhstantial manner., . • . , . . _ '• • • • ' - :' , .•••• lit:.EL , -B . ROWNFIL,' ••-• .. • . eater •! n' Dry' Ooodll,.(4ooeriee.-Crockery: Flei.theere ;•Boota,Sheee r geta, Cape. Glass,..Nailn.,(lllo;,&e.„..dee• East . side of the Publie Square, Smethport, Pre. A. J. orto, . , . . . . , . . . Dealer. - In Proifeinne and'Pereily Groceries 'Parinere :Valley 111 Mean :Cie: , • Pe - . :Grain, , Lumber, Shingleei &0., • taken' in exebango for; 00.04. a. Patent Mediotnen . • • •'IARABEE'S HOTEL, . B. itaaadiik. Oroprlitter,Allegllon* fledge, WICK= • , 06 Thialleues is situated about nine milee train Hinet,liporti . on. the road': te.Oleau, end dill be Oland a . • oeilteuletat• stopping-Ouse, • •••. • . - . ^.` EMPORIUM :liousz;:::. . . . . . Bhippen; Wrenn 00 . 4 Ptl• LIEIRAND Onna; Proprie' ' A 'commodious and‘ rn [shed house. Btraugsm. • and klavolers wttl Bad gOod accOmmodations. . • :i 1 4111011,5 1 . VALLEY B:y , onpiiwix:, ThlP beano lP situated abnet t h e tellog frotaSalethport the'roid to Oleani - • 'Please repar iteit .. - ,'and atifelaean.be seeornmiKhtted on the shortest aotico:" ELDRED' _RALF-WAT 110tf§E, .. , . Nkritik Oehme; Preindidor , • This hohse is Situated half , way hetlietsi'firneklipOrt and Olean': IT you want a Sood slionee this is.the.place'to atop. ~ • • , GHOBDIS CORWIN, rroprletor of ttie , QdME Mitt,' :Maclintitcsburg, :Ken» County Minix; Neeri, obroditoily ' band and toys.* ap.-liige, 'RAILROAD HOME, . „ . - WtiddAwdruarese..Peopr4bor, Norwich, - MMearl • Pa.- . Good .aeedketeodatledze.ban be bad Moro' . 54 a . .•.' •.' 1 !0 11 .7 AILEGARY.III)IIBE, WlLLlAwrrAiwki.t. P,rdarlotOr; - at Pori Allegany, Me, Kean pounty : Pa, ..T4ta Motel laaltuated at the jpa6- Mon of the. Synelliport, and Allegany•ltiveriandis,,nine, lalladeast - of Bmethport. , • • • _ T :COX - Op:the map - Of the. Crnited States ::aod ttion 1450 k info the'olditand of. Ford & gm'ith and •Ed. Ma.sop's.Tin Shop °Won a' .Tlie ' tein that qm4l.l* , spaikAnter, Ridgway,. 'fa Smeth n Ot t . ' Pn Vista. Pa; TO Young Nell Starting in Life. . . The.first great' lesson n.yo,ung should ka ra.i.s--that he knows nothind. The earlker aitiN he more thoroughly thiis lesson - is• learned the better. A hOthe-hred youth, growing 'up in the light 9f porpntal adroiration,.with thing to, fester hie:vanity' and, self-este v einfis . surprised to find; .etpd often:-inityilling to r . tic: knowledge, the. superiority, of other .people: .But he is compelled tolearn .his insigniii ca'neerhi'spirsare ridiculed, his hlunders. posed, his Wisheit . disregaided;' and 'he is nnuie to cut a very.iorrifigure, until his'self.conceit is, abased', acid he feels that he' knetws nothing.. When a young 'man'has lhorougbly;Compre-.' hended the factihat: he knows nothing',end 11int is but.of littlit'tialne, the : next. lesson ils.that the World cares uothinh about him. 11e . iat he subject of no man's over admiration; 'neitiier , petted :14, the one sex nor' e6ried by' the ether; he has to.ialie care of.hirriself: ;'Be will not be notiCed till he becomes noticeahle; he ..will not. become no :ticeable till be deessomething io.proye . th,at he 'is • of,- sorne,ue 'to 'soefety., recommends=: tions,,,cr will give him this,...or ought_ to give him thiiL he: must do. something to be roc,ogni . so somebody . There,is; pieniy . of.roona, for, visa in the -world -but there is' no r:oqin for'idlers.. 'Society is not very'partienlef . vVhat a Man doeptto long as he does SoMethiniusefUlto - prnve himself to niaM.hut: if will rot: take the matter on trust.: There is no surer . sign of, an unmanly - and. .cowarilly sPirittlimii. a vague. : dasiif for help= ti:wiati „v.) depend; to lean on scirnehndy,.and joy the fruits•of other people's imlustry.., There are multitudes . of young men . .4hio . indulge in drOms of 'help from Some. gunk er, "cumin g in itt'a convenient memeiit; - ;fo:eniitle . them to'se 7 lure thi..uuccesi in life whicia . they iThe vinion haunts theM of 'some benevolent nld:gen- .11 huin,*wi4ll a:papt full of tnoneY, a box full or scrip, n'itithk full of Mortgages , ;:and apreind retriiiiyabiy 'appreciaoc'eof meta-end' genius, who will, 'perhaps, giie . or lend; them from one •thotsanti .: to ten thonsand'.:pounds, with which they may commence business, and, go . cifiaim Perhaps be will take a . .different turn and send them to college, f ro m which they. will . . . emerge inta ecclesiastical papularity,ltnifriaa rip to , a fat deanery; at , leiisf 'One' of 'the ;mast': painful sights in the :world le bin young: man a• strong •• . • • . tiOn and' a presentable fignre, standing with.his hands in `his poaktr loriging . for help.. There `are positions. in" . which s ehe :moSt independent may gracefully may, in fact, us a choice of evils, desire.iti•biut tor man vi;ho:is able'tn help himself ; to , seek help Yoll3,:cithfi,is.Poiiitivn:prolit that . he has` been unfortunitiely trained, and thaFan . indolent bias exists in his character:: Let us not be piisuir;. derstOodi . we Would not ineulcate.the'Pritle'l rwrSoMitindependMme;'Which - in its - Sensitive-, ne . ss' repels the'. good offices of , - friende- 7 whet we ccindenon in a young man is, the habit of pendermewhiry makes hiin enxiouetO accept as a favor those things ;which , be; might acquire 'by his owr indt4trial 'milli who assistanee,: espeelallY if he. has applied' for it* invariably' hinaself . to his benefactor; unless his patron happens to.be man,. . mao(gense, 'who la giving'; abeoletelrnee-. essary assi,sianie 'to' one whom he knows to be both sensitive anti honorable. . . . • yyhen . R young man has ascertained' the fact r at tie knows ., mithing; cares nutbills about Mini that hts success ?Fr life must depend his awn g,i6ereisolisti and . 1 ha t Ile must look ,ttiliins.elf, and nok: to others •for issistineiz,!hivis in if.fair:lmsWOn for treiinnitig. The next leison is thai s of patielfee• ' A' map mimi'leffin to wa4 no well an-to Workt.andrbe content with those Means c4.:nflvaricettient life villich he may use;velth integrily and honoi;: Patience is ode of the, most f6cuit lesions to learni It is natural for thc.m . ind -to look •far imniediate ' ' . , this; 'then, be undorefoOd ituitingt that Ale ibitiarkeonquest of - . :lliißialties 'i•jse in regular'and:legitimate ehannels.cri;blisi nesa and enterprise' is not only essential: .curing the success 'which a young ,titlin - seeles in life; but essential also 'to thatireparatbaii:Of the mind requisite for the rinjoyment.orsuccess .sAt.ET.iipcoRT . ,:3I..KKAN,-c0uNT : y,.',P4.,4...;'3 . 21.1 V. It$RAY,'..l4-RA1L4„:.7.-i...15,45, - Frain , Nev;• • Yorit' SMILES AND'.2BABS: BY 3n RBLL¢~• • -Mayte, froni..:lirlef or 3e•p—.'i netekelliiirejietrt;eoeleg tle;•.•. trighi . aegefel • The Onl above strong paselon . , e ej)elli • tlit It sci9therl the throbbing heartSull well( Eiulightuiniflash had riven., , • , , Tho Emile that , . ' Ao haibioierforjoy;'. : May ttliibirottohavo - j . t.B wonted *hen' but ix w in ton toy— The blocking;flndishtutseofdcotn, Thy hypooriticleir, r base coquetry'! "gilded thorn— Avitunt: yo'ehtde thejear, , , ,. • ' . . . . . . . . Thit„whon Ermlles wittleareporpblne.- ..,, ' .' ... As So's rays spun thF.gdptlo'sbovyAr, A n : uptial wi#aty s il.)9 - yitilioy•tlvixie ',..- •• - '. Around th 9 ei!ili.Valunnortal biiiset : :. ...: '':.,_ Thu stolc:lna.y utit doullt,..oip liegxl;: ....,. • : , . rbiv beiut,y , to .31',Intiterking glow; Poi Trn tli . kknd Po'rity:hrniliirt . " , :. ' • .. , '• . ' •- • • • , . . ~• , ~ -, Theicicettioi.Pikradieo, below; ...„. ,:. ' n. . . . . . tiO n loy wlletVptined.,:=wt lir the giTerarnile;, tkiat-anerbefil sticoesi It tethe rule•elso that the process Of eardini •• • • „. • . • . • . eitheceas'sliail be , 'the , preparation for its.conyer• tiat Oct' kin enjOyrnenti:: Sti,.:.a.y . 'hy :day, and: Week by weeki`;so;-'manth- aft4r • Month; • and veer afilt . Yeat; !;verkOM'add.in hatprecess gain strength' and syinthetiy,tierreand knowl. edge, that•when succeel,brivelitadd patiently, atinited, shall he".yoais; it shall' &HI pre: , pared tm teceivt.: a ini :te , keep . it: : . °Vhe divalati 'mentof youf - inedial s inad' . ietSl 'qualities . . the..brave hettle,of atriply•tettatd. you • fut . the struggle. .1( will belp . to make than. of .• , . yo and ord you net self , respect but the respect, of );011 - rfellows and, ilict A. Survivoi :of Fulton's. First Stomp:boat , . . . A •carrespotident _of: the :11•::.Y.....,T0ntna1.0f Coinineree has obtainedfrom capt..MeXinney; of Deer tine 6(0) . e:7940'0W the Bair of Fttruly,cant who was 'one .1 . 97 crew when When that inireptcir tried hielrst steamer, the . Clermont, the felloWing inieteSiiiigaccount'of that .c raft 'and her first trip toAlbMiy:in The captain is:said to be be . man Oyetli weithy . of of, •• • : • ."Capt. McKinriey•eays the boat was hot tiny hundred anti :fort y feet -long: ' , • Sho; Was flat :bottonied skiff, sides straight like A •ScoW; stem like •11 , skiff. 'She was-painted lead color.' .Th; eferniciiit cliew•-.1., inches "of waier,::and the rudder went below the bottom of : the boat... Tolhe rodder...past:.two pieees - • of wood were . fastened,:: These Projected' Some font or five . • ieet,•atiti a holt •ei i tendeil across .them..to prey -Vent the rudder from goiog• -down !ewer than. it>ought. ' lO addition, theradderwai so ark ranged reMged ?or shoat Water-fhatii"&itild holifted the suitaeeiftiecessary.,•:ljer wheels' eitend imiew the bottom of tke:boat: . . ' A'fly,.tvheel wes .attached to , 'the' paddle Wheel, having a HO) . totAr.inehee 'which Mi.: . hclisop, the• engineer,' told,Cipt. Mclrin 7 ney.!wps to mOte.the iiddle. : wheel:pies...the oentre.withont'n .Thete:was huh , continued . Cept. McKinney, .just. inside; the . boat, intowhich the :shaft fitted. It could he' Unshipped crewbar; : and:the .ievolution of. One of •the wheels !topped When: they:wonted to . tarn . - the, he'et' around. There;wei.e tic() rowa of firebricks which the holler restedtp.. on.. These brietts:iiqe imported., from' land, and cost. six cents. each. ' The boiler was of copper, top erched;..the,:boilcim'curved is a rd . ... The The Captain's ' description of the:machinery I will'he:both musing and instructive . .1o; those 1 who 'have watchedtbe - PrOdrese'or this branCh 1 of mechanice. Pis own languige;:mied in de-, scribing the . apparatus fOr...arirlying Water', Id" ! the boiler, Will 'give. a .far. More :graphic idea 1 than we could' hope to - convey. ' "- i i‘ A; grind itene.weis simpanded fioin its can- ter by a wire inside 'the boilerl} , '. 4. .lead pipe • . .. . • ran from 'the boifer to-the 'water. The top of the' - grind,itone Was- level with the water in:pie boiler"; es, , tha water' boiled away, the' stone would . , frilly - all the hoilerrwas filled up, the . ,stone would rise:: Machinery, workitig like epuirm" handle, connected grind=stone with the. cork of the water pipe outside ; o the ' boilerr.. 'As the grindstone fell, it .would open the cock -wider and the reverse , ific:, c .., .. . ~ &." , cititt: McKinney says that whee the' Clef- . mont itatted'On :her . triit to 'Albany, she _left Nfils: ' York, according ' o "hi t s: recollection ,' about' 11l o'cicick in'tbe morning; and want Up. as lar as the LiVinistati Mariar'rthe'frst day' : "There she remained all night, and, received - pa stieh:, gerit—sonie': of the - LiVirtgatein 'family.. Tbe 'next Mornind.the proceeded on her journey, and arrived at Albany late,* the afteincion. All'the way pp the river the steatithoatattiact ed great two ! -People thronged the banks ' o r pulled out' intattia streaM;Aot„havika closer l'ook at this , new monster,•%. The , Clefmont nut& abouvsix ' keets le •-hotti. — Ort this 'first triPthejeireW 'corisiStad;of - only - half 'a dozen men,..while those, whom eapt. McKinney took. to be passengers, might number, twenty-Ova or thirii persons,' At. Albany he'otutys that Ful. ton'. went itthere, telling hiritte lei` no One'ooMe, , and the boat, was pushed a 'plank's length from the sbore. : .. P at thaangineeidisobeyedisaoon got i'ulton' wes out of light, end' admitted peo, pie at s a York ' shilling heid. They...came - oft: board so'fatii; that in6e;minutes they de toi twelve dollop!, Ifio many cams . at last that .they were Obliged to turn the'. - tide'M - the oPPO ..: ,site direction; and - order :theth.tgall 'ashoreultritis qaptwin";. Says' oar he ." .F ct . ; : witis ' named Hunt; autton the:passage f kowd,'wis : bili;eil(so Madame.Eampr said)` by :the sloop owners, to 'run' - the 'experimental , steamboat ishore.'•An aecomPlishingthe wish of the skippers. tree( t lie ;wheels was broken' and , the tleimoo'lloti , 'navigated to New:York with one. wheel'. > , !Wit unSeintifie fermei ig apt to, think that-the toter of the,,eoil is en '4avor its 'fertility k and that ts'hirtek-soil' must . Othir.thiiiiiibeini;equilitt black soil 'more heat, "and ,retains it many soi4 IsMithlese,.until they hie - exposeit to the atrrMi.. : . and"ileeorm;tised.' ''Thurs'inuck is'-like Oat; a. species of vagetable .that growei and a : farmer may }veil -plant among . rhe .ireen •, .• • ni u ntil j;..isroit(ea': •To ef: fe . ct this i the round . shonid the surface • dug _ up dugsnd.:Plkeed . in'heaps, with time tbe:Seeihdus ter in iti— , the:sueithut.:;let,:in,.on,thit-subsoil to warn) it; end . when: the: hieps . .ve•"Sell rotted,: they ehould be spessd over. the en!face,egnin, andth*bejtortpe*,tti4.ii,iii•pridoot for'ageii:,;:,Tbet4).:4".limetlilt • ' of .164 some times coned tinelti that- is productive'-,Withotif totting;:butit is„not ‘ - it is :Calcal:eous every.' farmer. should; know hew to distinguish between the tsio; isihe.e.ery beet of inanure-:-unrotted mock tie The DE - Says he worn We heard this" on door step, - eyed'chilitsaid btighT, glad4beett, beau iifulchild;.-JShe'smiled as 'altsi . srioke::.-Ilerli t • • , ile hands Came together in glad clasp. -..:There )reas.t.look:et heaven' in the eitieet expression that told.ot timre.tbaitone jaytufhiart in that • • rqbe 'doctor eays he - won't 'Was it I the' babe? ihe:tender, lisping babe? : we e'aw visiOn'of the 'cradle, Ind , the -watcher Who had set wearily beside it all through the night.: But iii each cheek there was the earn. son touch of hope, and in either dim eye a tear• Upspringing,from the deep- fount of joy; :That was -the•mother. , What other. face orreaith 'could hlend - that loingling of avreof 'joy— of, ,tenderness? And tha babe—his lips were parted linktnaist—and the -color' ,rhe • ro l e bud faintly , straggling out of its . ; green sheath had•crept over, their delicate Outlines.. -• The darling, bands no longer 'ley' in rigid rest; the glazing of disease had fallen frOnt the blue orbs end hehad studied hia'farewell 'to the angels' who had conic 'to envy' him . .to' their children's playground; where blossoms .• never fitdo=lf it had been thimaster's . , 'The doctor says be won't-diet' • . •,' Ohl. what a throb in the 'mother's' heart when thesn - Words were spoken:. ' She ;will press him again to'hef Mother's breilist—wateb bit» - in his fitful sleep---hold • his little• in her bosom—make the white tphe--Eut not fur Ids co,ifin! • pid'eiiei. foots*. strand' so gentle as' thoie •of the kind' physician as he moves saftly from the rbornt„ ;:. 'Was ever Wmother so blessed b'efbref Did God. ever seem. so' gieat— so good'? 'The lector sake he,tiont diets It mighl• have been the \ fittilet : —.--the strong man -He Came horns ever s --ta Ids bead telt strangely; he could eat :nci , supper... pushed the 'babe kneehe 'Was not .wont to do so: The ; ife looked 6"tis .and when. she tirimotlied the' riilfow on the .lounge; felt an utinatufat iieat. The morning comet . -he said ,he Must ' . .gottt work, .but :his band'trinbled,--hie limbs refused/ tO do .: their office; the'ecist was'not taken '.frOtri "the will 'that‘dayf his cane stood 'in the corner—a car- , doge' before 'the gate ! Dawn. ( after dawn .whitened -the heaVens and' the earth, there,was :no chinge.' • The wife; slept 'not.,.her love watched init.:waited, and tried: yearningly to God for' his life: But there ate glid. - tidings; rejnice as you treroblid, , sweet ,wifet .. • goThErdo'ctor says htryron't Perhaps werAtd cot : hear aright. ' - It - may be be Child exclaimed: - :" •-• . . ciThit_doptortease)le won't diet'k* wits thi. - inot . befy„ . f3ha„ upon . •wbose hands; whos e fot, wbosoeVory faculty: a litfle wt . :4414144 tar its s unshine almost for Ito cantratianOoi, ifoubly , daaft gq:a;tlO'aaaptine of the good doctoy.; es'er. feel: a silence . ' ineie:eppirestii;le and Oniinons than reigins tliebeisehehrv4 . 'hin , etekt " monrns,nt .his :Olay,:tha"childien look about , aksn!ty in; 0 :hi`qielesa'.kinti*Or way, - the iery'furnicuie setmi riintaly asking. whe're she . is . whose care ic has; •Solong known.. Every 'footstep echoes hoi ioiiely r .!very heart' str . l9ea i and ampule asking of keel/if:li had dor . iir ihipt which greebthe woettr .. Crinileinti. . There piaYekioing up all over the heiiise, 4 . the busliiiirkeorpes hurriedly p saki no'qiiee- • • . . . . ions 'oitietleil but SOis tfeil tbily e. .d , . to tiriirlietted.•:..eliaitiliescioditere, perhaps, wheri head and licips:..ii?olt.d,sert him, ho hears the bless/if:ll,4i • “The docroi.:eiiye . . lie looks just crave wlien‘ht:. opa down; he tells tho'neltigrivety'to• the thwaipb, but 'seems brighter as be leaves ' tbd hoeee.. There . . is not a man ho calls his aneinil'he'llitiles OF' , • • he enters the stare r theie • blassediittiswith=' in his bosonvsuch as he nevor felt befote, and strangers say w hen leave hitm . tqsaire . .ie.. something , • unusua lly riboat Oat map:" So there ts(!' •they right there. That vision of a grave his gone', sad flower . * are springing iry ' does noeshiver when he posses the , *yrkidtiii., *Sire the cairns stand v iel s iie'dOritor 5164'814 diel" . anithei - has faith. ".' .."Thus light spring up in darkness, and anti, . , iherOnrow of Right s joy -corrietl4‘44oopßA /iffirg.Wing• =ME The, who;•tried to clear bf aria seienestiO an , egg;is now' endeavoring to Kith yeast,' Uhe fails in this, itlt b r ie aellbe i rate intention to blow boy his brains with a pair of bellows;a4iiinkkintsly lit° the arms of:a 'young lady. . T.IIB , :itARIVNt Just as the century dietsi'Aixti.Aluift;•zVit* circusestancee'riecurred to. psuilnest**banlol,lt bij lilt thav the werld:whitlireesine:Wwn'eUkiiii4 a theusand years frow,theliavltititdirth.Wisse, expired.;: The.Yees 910 , 4 1 4‘theieidtir144#d' upon'as 'the htit'Shy' one Uri . 'ever.: Atignitßor ShoWni in jitraien and resrthi-4aol.4ifilith'''Air." this; centerY might be pardoned for believing: that tlify.'Were:frnade visible . tUthent:, Evert the breahing Up.Of'thertnorals : and wide . deluge of sin. Which overskead'ill'..lands, might , betakemthat were deemed unfit to: fincupy tim'alitth any • ' DV addition •to these: appalling. eymptentsi, famines were renewed from year tocyear :in still. increasing;' intensity,- and; Ibrought i• the: plague 'anti Pestilence in their train. • . The land was: left . ',unfilled; the houses • unrepaired,' the right, itovividicatedi for who could take the use.: less' trouble of . plougbing'or'bullding, or :quer; telling about'property, Whin so feW months were to put an end. keel! terrestriet interests? Yet even for.the few remaining dayl i the • tulles must be fed. Robbers frequented every road, .enterec evert .into walled towns; ,and there Was no . authority left to prot ec t . weak,' or.bring the wrong -doer .tcr punishmept. 'orn and•cattle were at length embanked, end in.inoet •pl-the continent frightful Mitrethiiies Nere en da and when endurance could go nu futthes, the last desperate expedient Was resorted to; the human com Manl y, Pne man went so Tar as to vim= it foe risk rif "a populous Market taWn. „The • hokror•of,' open cenkesinif.br their. deede::was so that' the min barned;:l6( More feu itio. Of . hieCurdttO(fiiih for his inheierit. guild Even When .:food' might have been. the 'ititiated 4iitetriiide - iirevado'lif its depra vation,. nn women, soilo. Jell . ;ware e and roasted in • the madneiti • 01", t 443 .uith i erofq feet'. . • • •Neentivie,:getitter neteres : 'Were von to the wildest excess of fanatictsin'te. find treat fro m tlie . impending 'faditnent: - ,: and Emperors begged - at, minuet ery doors_to he admitted brethren 'of" the, order. geory Germany;andlteberf Of, France were „state according to'f he notions Or the Wale* end: even now deserie :the 'restieet . • nis'ultlnd 'for the simplicity and berievelenee, of - tiler ohartteteri, Henry, th`e: emperor,' succeeded fn being la : mitred, itsre Monk, and sWo . re nitedience on the' 'hindi of 'the gentle•ahinit, who'hed filled , from turning hini from his rmrpose.. , ''. , Sire," said' he, at last, "rreireeiMir .ttre der my orders, and" have sworn to.bbeir Me, I command you to"go forth 'and .1'01111: the duties of the State'to'VOleh'God'hai :tic) forth al'iilonk . to•the g 4bber'or..iSt.'lfenne; - t" emperor or roo Robert Of,Trance:, the sOttrOf . 11412 pliced hiruself;:ir;hed, anti crowned,, ,Choristers df_Sf..7Depis,"aitit ~ te. musicians •iri 'sing peal s ` or- hls 2 eWir.; , Conipostt I *LoWer ipso were eatiified Sao ritiCini the marks of their knightly -- Tand . 'seigneriaii and' Uliieetf:liardslati 'fi):llt 'iniardirop the altars, ands before images of saints.' 'Emile Mantitnitl ted serfs; heir ser . stikheittOtoed large Serifs _lepton' e riiablittriiate . ,% - enriininettig- their ile"prositiOn with Worde-itoplyilethe:!spttiasehing "eicil or all.CfoS4ll;:oCciitiiMOtOieeple' . .viould'''eliep nowhere' airiClitifery hay huilaingsr fi_oll*.limpita*';or . do.m . aioo; 1 160er . and nearpri4reistei•effitste'!;sreire rinider: to up 4 pease the wrath - Of leitYnn;• . Aiii_ 2 _l l . o 9 . r` claimed between Wednesdey vight till Mond* evening of . each, week there was to tie jirk . ;ittoietidic:rif-:eninity, of .*4r in>all t he' I anif::'•ll truce of . Andithw'eanin thedreadfuttir hoped', teryeer, The 'SWIM Thanker:it eiimineheed i 'aila held their bieath tclritO'lghl! , t would th'irneiitt: ri •.44And he laid hold'old serpent - which is :this‘ , titiv 11;: Arid' ••Satan, end bound bloc tortithoUsand years, And cast ' into'the bottom le s s :int; and' int. e":sest hlm, that he ' : should dineivii4.:the: nations. no ,nnore,!till•the thOusend-,yeare. -should be and . attei."thet. ) he mus.:. bitlobrisedr little' , . , xx., 2, X. ••••••••••!'n. With this teal ell the tiulilit's in Christejidatii 61414 . iipinging for a whole generation naithei'pitiPits only, but the reflection-haltkef convents, and' the ioliatos of the starving 'peasantry: Into tho castle, elan, of. the noble we hive s een it perpetrated; anditluyiroseikP., !set terivilisrasidee the supei'atiiiimeitkile deettrate...dir %fresseld;.edliblijed" iteelf'amldttlemesises of the popullithasiiailet-'? -trig and insubordinition. The spirit ; a little season was to be let loose • ful world; and when tho observer loctifedAredait at the real condition or the people ofall. idol* of firope—et the ignorance and deiriAilirtitili of‘tiii 7 multitude, the cruelty Of the' liardift,sinik. vii-Cbria; len - ambition and • prseldne of the clergy- 7 -it must hare' • him how to imaginesa :worse state or LA '' t even when ihe'ehaM wag' loosened old serpent,"•arid thry - tworld plaearFarallishit.• inly in his folds. Ifetais if men'h:asltiilithiaik . now reached the lowest point, thirty's's/6 pee petnal rime from this date. When the•firtit day of the thousand; and - firer year shone *ion the 'world, it seamedthat in all.thanntions the tor _ por Of the past was • to as.tarowts.' arr. • r neve •were strivings .everyw h er e afteia new order of , things,' • • • • .The first Joy of deliverance.. Worn expected destruction impelled all' - classeiFol•suaiety in a .mare honorable and useful patli than they had .ever hitherto traili.;4TVAite's. Eight -2m Chris ... , . ... „. . . • - - Spanciyt 4.;T11043 . 01 ouer„ - ( Pa.) •co mf v ! , I gives an account idtto los*Of it little pcy.fopt‘ years of Of, ige;' - ft ion of I'il re.. Oyiler - , of Cumitei.' latid,.conoy, lie strayed I - roof - twine ond flaif - ,iihoto .. neighLorlicioo: . :started" : out In - iwiteli; , I •OcOtitin'gibe-'9oioundtifi'niOnntoiti .thioNtk tei day : . en* i d ii ofy,infej ight ie Ftott . lai.iffi liit i t'f ; i IftOf tclittinV,hlg4ttile:litilitifiniio.:Of •tiiii4iiiilNsiiirli — ffnejii l 4i 6 ll l 4liilifil lielittfeifft;',whialOit! t eri. At . iAlii :fittei s erid , .*hf . 'has' . :l!criint*loi iiilrd itniaid. faiititil.jo6 6 ;Y' . . l / 4 .4oWifriiittsfif; the child's bosom; iith - hi# - hie, ftitliiiiii.tfto I 'hiiccdd i n 4.. ii fotesi..... iiiiii6 - i:3.6 , :4401 1 / 4 0toti: •hfld..trainti.e4- • , itiltir 144* -itoiiio"triiixroeti t3O - ify, 'of chet::itkip . ite..lngoiWittii . ' . .ihoi. , ;•tiiiiiioloo. • - the nfrdcji fon --- which .ft - !bidlor4tlC - :;lftitti;eit. its - fond .i . iiinsitii- hi it'll eke 4. liifekliiii ktfill , :tificiti. i . this child's , Cotillead. ?If • ''? :•:.' - i, :.-- 1- •-. -:'.!- . .:' . . ~!.4''''.';',', - ~ . - r . ..-. - -,'- ~ ',;:.:,_ 1 0 !:?,..-i ',':`,?7,2';..,-,"4f,t'.',.'ir,l: -''''''::, • ..;:. 4.-4.;:t1i,..?:'..4 -.) RIMUME - . , ;.;viiorprkiitu ; .. - „.... it o ,„e -t- ; ,,,,- .A .,1, - , - , • , - ~..•:,,,,,,,,,- ~,, , •.,., ,, ti, , , i , a ,.... Ski, 4 84 ,, i ' , "rt' , r4 S'''' , ~,•-,,,,:::. •:r 0 .1 1 , , ..!.rpM.!)......T....,... ..N . Idir,w . eketzA(.4..'.'.',. 44.0yikook,thiki:4ok .., ~,:, ,t A.,y,,,,„•,a , .. --.,:t•.i,, _•Pk,' iii);lkOttiotOtalc . p c ....,ti,i4,1_,,,_ ,, ,„ -4 :. - '' ,_ ~,„...1.,..., , v,,,.--...,, ..q; . ,2- 1 , , ,.. 1.- ~...-. ...::‘,..,.;,.....;-.. 40t.?*1 1 0 ) M4 1 % 4 1 0, 0 . 4 10).. ,10,0 X , .,..,:. , . ( ..... , -.4004:44A , timii5444e., .'',: ifi .t itiiiieigitilPlPAT ... ~ :ft,;v4..00ama.,.' , :-':. - '44nie4P.Q.Nrill!iftii .. . 4. ~, , ,tA, O , . ~ p.1..4*.Z;:, ..,,,-,.., ‘ - 'isokoil.* .._,„ jj , ... 3 / 4 io44''.'s . "' ihiti!.' bia041*01 1 47e.1.4 : i54 1- ',,,,„,, 4 .. 4-1 . ~.lie'.tillit- • :':44kt*..ir•..\, • ,.t . .,e ,•%-- ; 1 :4t . '45,, , ;.•.••'' , •.•• ;I -•: • . ~„,4 :0: t : ..1 „ „; , ,, ~., 4. r ~, , k y. , , . - ..• PO.r!Pm.PIIM. - ..,!LTVtt • 'f ' • : - 'irg4 , l4;4 , 4 1 1 0•0 11 .0 1 4 4 ,1.001 1 k- --.... 3 1 :,.A . AiifVO- -; ,'•;,.). , :jj4oe.ii; l.l oo/0iii*,424, 1 *- . : , .94 , 44 , 1 :til:oo4iiioloo 6 4 ll #4T . 7 l i,' • ' 1 . '14i 4 701a , '....;::: . . iCA 4 OO4iA*OO I O 6 ' ' , z .,,,',; 9 4,1..., , ,41. r1;1;. - .6 , . , . , .°:• , f.f:' ' ~iiiiiiiii:.,-? . : -: - k"'"' 1r :` '?`':: . ,: N:f. :Hen.o l iiigrkf , th , ..4.bi.of.- 4 - 4.,, . :; 14.-4 , • : !.4L I • • - Ii• - i . ;'•l74oligtiOpiiiiiil4l 4 : .'. - • .: 1 mil fY,I.PO .. - 'Oilifei:1(1544110 1. :04.11411 .. f>'.3 . a! rl l l,. .., ..._ , ...1,., „.,. 1,...,0., ~, .., ~,,,•:.- i,%'- , L,..,..` . ' , 4 , W4 , 6M0, -. . i ii UlXiii'W.'::llol.our.o,r,, -'.!!.',44!.I;1!•;!!!1•4•r...,:v•41•-•••...:•:•. o.iidi,•• : orii?o***** - , • ' li o . -:. 1 4 4 -t '''. ( pliist6'i';''it.iiii,4iliitiikiiiii r 4.10: . 4 .w..-. i l t ' establish .:.,,' gr.Ai'fi*'. :•.::' .gaiiiiirt,...igit ti..q4.1 .1 0.0.; 1 . . ..t# 1 4.1..,..7: f- ,7" -'-- '. 1 :.., , , . ritintiiii4j*il,f;iol iliq 4111 4! , ,,........A„*: . 41, .i‘ , : ..: '%lliCtir:FkiliiirloititeC:tni.4., :2 : ::.'t t ! eti. • ' .'i ii ! . ,o, - ,t - „4 0 4",r0 10 *.i. - .. - w,twt .:.. , ioi,:i4iii(.4, - 4i,„gp,19...4.F100pptiA ~... bait; but Oetslr.:.l4 laiit*4ol4oll 41:',i0i4" ~ , , ,• . _ ... • ... ,:, :. ~ .....s-, . :,: ,,. .4.,? , .14,-.„.70.4,0'2).`.4.1 otliiif,...ide,;::' , :!:- - ,... , :: .....!!:!..,:.:;,.. *:.:.;;'„:. ~...., i - '...„4 ..- .. 4 i ; tll'''. taa' ':iitliigit 44164 - e , u‘ . ,. .... --0. :0 eII ;•• ~,.:,-,•',, . .,4 ~, .I'o, :,-' - iAliOili-04 . 000 1 ...!ie.i . 4ei9 1 -rt( ~ . et .'. • are iis : .iii#,T : liiil4 l ;*.lt t 41 1.1 ... . ..., ~.. ~ • 7:....i .iisitkii,..b:uttli*.Jlliio...er: C i t : Por, l 7.,l 4 I bitnis'hitit . ,MOif4 . o«sptis ~ ~,t,,,,..: ii:,ti;il::o...i:oi.jig94ilvx - Aff*, .44)41.,,,„„,.., .. , ,,,;t:•.! o:4* .gi o ik. t - 44,iipiiiy E r ir,eq:.b.*lievii..4l i ge.: ~. s,ztd i1e ) t a t . P0 t „ . . , '.' . !i1! i ,1 0 ." , :r...rri,. 1 1,,,,,f4' , -';' 47 / :. 'piiiii:e:iO 4 * . ni) o o:7.*: l 4lo ll4 ' . : ' lt'Al f .; . . Tittlinna; To', , Pnoitnintent.thtepir h,„ ne,..kg:ii; :pittitiltifcle'liti4l;4 l 4 l .4 .f ti; lit :1 tiMpi * 011 . 44 'F ,!okai:liOciiii;lttit' * . - 4:,_ . , sly: nhinenr 4,elnlenvelnitAit; tlitlitta T umnt pightet! derkies nt.thnt, titsion;riti#lihnitairt ' cone Sunday tiioitlinii lll .o l oll,# : f ili4r: e , tvea4hr Plintiil l : ' • e li t4 o , MPY , ',4 7 4 • ..— "i rM'Pr4 horrpr !o_4olefr V Win :- iken.,lll,ll* - 411, i APRWISI patel4 Slopping hinetineelinet fi I L tftiftiiiiti li l'esid 01:0 - 00W-s!:'-'''''“ 4, 4 : i ';',P .4. i l l. t ii ° , f4,4,iiixiciirl;n4iiiinati?4t4ikilifelliril;- e ' Possible_your Irma' ineeftth:rce ~, ~ , ,7,,,T boron' the tord'i hoIY , (I4eRC - 4:44e044Wr0 ' .4411 r: 1 0 1 ''kliqr!'lltisti,T*. 4ll4oo /0 101) t; 1 4 iriiiif 'be, ill) iiiiteilli:. , kao4l6: .. ,: jo ;k ,w , ~, - • .., ~.„ -.„,„., , , 6 ,.. , , , t - , # ` ' , 1 40 1 .44; - P i l'et il 7Y{ rf *A4,-,4 , , ..„?„ ' -+ with,impoillimi apen.:14:1;10.; ,Ip4OW, 4.64'111* ' : . : :.Worse: O , 11 : 1 14a0! 44 #S 16 Y lo o l . l ** .eal!int Uil'blijiiii: ri : , :tfititii* •* ' .i . tiiil;Vndilot e :,friii4ie i i*_/:3 . 1 -C ''• '' ‘ /f ,s p u fie,g,?„,vt9r , ~ ,,1%A0,1 , 1. fz 11.r , 140p 1100* 4Wei!,ou #0;411:144: t ',.. • „,'... , 'itil*l4 -' lll o l 4 4 4o4,, t ;OisCii#o;;:o 44l :Orit . btiad..;, , ,',..;,, , 4, : .`:,;;,:c.,-,.. , i, , T - 4 1 .44;,"•'.4.-,4;4.xd : ti-kirtai 014 4 git.o4titizAlo, lo oo , ol Ow' you - f 4 1 44 :f tti.•:l;oo;i:Viii..4o#loo4giibiiim hi.' ileatiii'd - 'tie' dirt'ici" 44 ` .. - 41041 'A d t o . s r . , i3nl ,t., 11 ,t n ,,..! 1 ,-' f,. - A'''' i"'' 14 . .4iirbiWintite inelyiel#lniWikitatn aia * ailtia co*, sofivlvOiltti,t*,44 -, itAkittio • ,0: Tritat ,' t 4 ,, ', '‘PiovOtle!ii4o-iiitorialW" 4 ott .(Thikt:-4,40.i04444 viiiairhireAkV , , ..,. ~., • . r.. .. , ... , .a...1,11 , ..1-5-s! , Malsti44kta, agen t ,Ait'itnentenft in i ' ifig'ger On die 4 1 4P.tat0, 11 ,#* -46 1 10 „,,r , . his own froerpa tal. , leWrAt mr ' (foie e; ;i.lif 11 • . ;.., ; ~ ,r • .'r'. , .. - ,VPV ~. ..k , , 9.,,,„ : 10., T bi'mio - fottaiy'r oftottiiv ptagiptty k pet1!.t. 1 1 11 !.4043 4 #41k* some , ,c gnntlennti..eanilitit i 4 oi4itWitPl4. "' itict not cntefolinnkiiilittkiiii**4oigitil iiitgiiicr'''':';' , 4'' ,. '''''''l'l 4 :s: ; •;/44' 6;( 14kriit ::, 'j.3' Y! s:/1, , 5 . j W e' , * : 1 : 46- o *i4 * 4l o -1 0 1044 0 . : 7 t„ , -44 , 1;ii' i l rilti t iOn'; 9ll * l .eliA9! '4 , i th 4 o. *MO . 0111:k do4t;Zl ) V 4 Oni-Pielotingo;o46 4 ko' ' '-' giylai:444 ii4ifiiiiii-sit -,,,, .44th or; OK ) (Dg avepay tie 1.,a the' iy 41 1 i the *nit A) " 4* 11 ** WOO WO rein hiSfir . iite« . . .