4101**Ortil 4 ,e ?1 ; s .O O l l 13 1 14114.7,*0rk: Magazine Att'sd Its, .';f4altiona -,. , - 4 1,Ahe v:olumas it.ars *gsa each, emu , — *int* itiVitrip , 4a-muting in 41e0104tY nosPietividy, making six 4itidiaioNata. end twelve numbers to 'may ;eokitinene at ai.y. -‘-' . , , ' ....i 4 •'' " ' . `ma il ,3 00 AMMO t 16.111.141, e ar sent b/ ala 300 ,1411frsi.e611 Year7' * • - , 7, 00 - , ,V,,,,arkai I. i , • .I''rrrios=; 01111 ~* - 4 3 '1(;, , w,-v ; r'fiste et thCre.te ~ ~iiiiditionit caPta 900„„ plib. , 00 '‘"iAljtl4o.• titikiat .i 0 t IP% pint-Nigel', ;. Al l ' '. '''-" '4"htertat. aildiCO. , ,14* -310* ' ` iiiiikticeimild iii ONO .. '4-" % i , '' ' 4 i ": INlBlttrieeha for ;)0,11 .-MAUI -, • lig ."' '- -.,,- ,; ' ;_, ::,1 04 , ,, ar Ober ail'6ll. t.,','', 'ffil'f ittis!e!l•n• ', . ' . . e •;,"Sore , s t rri.” ~ c 4 1i. .1 o r d o Great img.' , ' 4 . ~........,'' -: DOLLARS' ' 1,... mall ~ t.-I,:ttaittifA4-I,7vVAL, ~ ~,,,nt on roller, -.7 - '., „', `,,,,,,,-, , ' • • ' Lloirdt,,No. 41+40 - . ,Nn make - 4 al i, 7 " it :64sa*ASSER.S b upon V " ' 10 •'46;41110604 :In'ag.ernati:ired.": '• . 'liberal l#'° "la terr"l7 "11 area uthor piliforoi= ...3; dpernmep..mo„ ,'. " llll 7- mo t Hwy / 4 07 „, vialawa , - x,igibo4oo4 Isoresire/ tat!" 1214''Zitiriel ow In int: lei their erweven,u, ,le ir All° '' NOW 25 pe r , `,c , .' " ' 't100,14.00.771777r0;;1n : ., i ini . - on, its, - co., , p 0, 1i,, 70 i: the; . `,"liAlc:stegistoll''' oftv H OUSE,', ' Or' ' ii t i1t511;791419 VatiA 1 ' ' --7., ' , - ' ' P. ~k/40414"i''' C43la t t rii above 4 411 011 :4 111, te lltPuir e ies tz tha :en boa tert rd iii st ii i. i tit he savenellall. "...-...._.' .. I will be hie c onstant aim ~. r - ' ,I.mili%. ..:17- ‘ iliWitt4t. l k&';'';"'":`SUPPLlED --'-eVithiil4 IIiVELZ,,i, S P o r' ir -, '`''''• 1 bewssithoOstri alN= 16 .- 4 Stable . : Ye:4 Ii(04111; lan MI -stet . . ~, ,:, * - o, ,, , s ii : , i' l ir i f l p it i ii r ls i tis t ; . , and a Tt aierd , oklan4o 4' I. t 'atteatibb ':• 1116100110 2 111- , 1 11 1 ",1 1 . - her ' 0341/ • , • te,„. weltsbop? . • ,'..'''';'lliereisttlier Sit iiii4looOo 4, ''l l :..iigigad ; ;jir-, ef:gtailentiti ' .' 1 0 111 4: 2 .) 1 0. 6 1$ : :; 441 T 4 ;i45 . - a' f riapti : 1 4004 , r,witRitt74 1 1$ 0 . '. ..,Al. ' .ti., l o,:ti,'S#Petcqtlityt . ,4i 3 E.:',;,-... r , ‘ ,.,--, f r:; l.l 6l,httiltecosteittniseeptut L' l iattfarktkWaA-4, to . Y.111 4 #'4, ( a40 ,C,: ki4oll .iitla.*,,iottl llilWa . Yadttl*cil*, gistolltlitt tili'lltut.)tillitheUettee of Wittiest kV' eittiniut. l4l .' l -' l O/POrtaat abilfect:tilid milks rei". ,illir Ott - OtetitiONOC.OVillii • '4loll4.,:tiloinutlt 1* , #) 1 1 1.5 4 14 1**00r AalifialSo'lliorougls= Aleskatrateit'liltle4siiii*Afehljo4eCisiliaftil '' , Orinetietibl,o4. treatinent,ofiiiierst , diseases in rriOt.-tiltikisoldll Of ottiolCiti'thielty.ot Phila. ' 6l o* 1 . 1 0 1 14 ,' - . - - -- '4';'-' . ..",'' '," " r'' '' ' . •. ' - 714iiiisirrejr•ettiti :•i,,tiP,O4O,fPiSX-etOboyetr-,'ia in ,P `: • a n' -..se. i; ifgita„Zi'i : , .4 l ftiiiiioO:6OtStltiiiti'it.:°' ~The' Sather or,lbie-erorki unlike ' .4he majority of 'tinge -;Whoi:adtfertliie:,-Air Core, the ; :dieitires ;of ebieh.it treiti,s e'gratleaga dune of the..best 'eOliegSts lir the "United. States.:" It .airorda the 'eleeitnirto wieortinielid liiiiilis the unioriopistis; `Or It: Ole 0'4 64 4, !It. 08,0tiroO4 iii lifs'ito I 4 Neesio./o) strid . repsriseciw, praetltione *hose honor 'sad, integrity • they'merplaCe tb‘s greatest con- Aden* j ', - ,=-:;'JOS. ' 8 .. 1 .01 4 011(C1RE,. M. D. dfrisie A"...-triiiiiwiii - vt,' Iffl . l l :;e):l4`int,' Unite,. ail; Rifile:': -.. .. - ' - :It giviiegis.plansitis to, add; sarteatiosony t 6 We professional ebilitY iif the 4.iithor of tire ir/Wiret itterruel:",.,ldurnitrOos cosOa of dia..: Seitf• - -tlet : Ueliitai Orgenii So*" of ttieM. of long atanding,"have come_ imder my : notice, in Which his eltill'hie been , manifest in restoring to perfect -in soMet, instances where the! 1 patient haa beenconsidereil beyond Medical Md. InPltreitmrit otSey!ipti . ,wealtireini,,Or dis arrangement, of thirhinctioneProdiiced by Self aura, or Excesa. of venery, I do not know. his smperiot in:rho:profession, I hive been 'Re qual hted torith" the :. Author s ome . thirty years, and . deem ' it .no more than . justice . to him as well as a kindneis to' the .tiefOrtunate Victianr of early indiscretion, to recommend him se one in *hose proleisional • skill and integrity: thiy may safely:eonkde themselves: ' '!. -- -, •• ' . -. ALFRED 'WOODWARD Al D . One copy seeurel'y enveloped, will be forward . a free of, postage. to any part of the United . States. for 25 cents, or 6 copies for $l. •Ad drese, post paid, COSDEN & roblishers, box . 197; Philadelphia. . prßooksellim, Canvassers and Book Agents. supplied on the most liberal termelr ' • :SM*O.AS I4I W 4 ,' : : 1**4 1 ...5. I :7' ' '' . : - ';'? ' !'.'z''.'. ' .. :P#ld:n f Ti ' d .. iiiioli.'''' . I ,' `-. ': . .... CONTINIIED-nainOr uneasinesOin ally i;r gari iir generally cured by one of more doses _of 'Thirty years' personal experience by the undereigned lullY justify -this Dr: James:Lull, of Patidam, Y., ways : I, baye cured . • the, most: deplorable costiveness ,of „the. 'bowiii with ^Drandieth's; .pills, when every other 'remedy, had filled; and the patient wah - giventip to dic •Skin'disesses of en in veterate tind painful.charactei, such se erysipe las, ealt.rheultl, letter and summer : •beat, I have seen eradicated ;their use hive cured the thetimatie, eniteptic, 'the paralytic and the con sumptive with these eicellent pills alone." . ' jeundiee,,and all affections of the liver, dripepilaolyientery .and;diarrlicea, pleurisy, sudden palni and indentation', female obstruc tions, scorbutic icrollilous; even gouty Ind neuralgic'affectlonse have given way, to the use of this medicine r and now, after twenty years' experience, my estiMatiop;Of Brandreth's Pills continues to increase.; ' .-• ~.„OBSTRUCTION. "A • rating' lady;'biatiliful :and healthir • took cold, Tablet' caused . a serioue obstruction •for two years her health was broken 'down and het beauty departed... :"At length, Orindrith's Pill, were tried; eleven 'doles,.of froirctwo to four,. were taken hi - fifteen days preceeding the usual 'period. .;Regularity.; was•• restored, and her health aid good leoks recovered. . . , , . , .. , ..., liraardethoe` 'Pills . are ' the heat. rerniiftige I they are, lefallible,: 'A little child, six years old,' fee Some Weeks wino drooping t , , mother, giv+,il: - aate or Brjuidrettet Bogor tbited , Oils; nex the ' day there came "away a warm eixteen lodise ong, and- if large as .a , child's.finger.— The chi d.was well, " . ',' ' - . - ' : , . , , . A .gentlemeni:- away fro* home, Was taken wit,h , i pleuriio the ,itiihnnation . Waif terrible; eves* breath Wiede - hini Writhe With'agony .Eight Brandreth'e Pine 'were , swallowed,:'—' and :warm • appliak-4keallV tlwpills operated, , and' the pidn , -was- felieve4l , 4lleniy .of gruel Wilvtahen, - and sin 'more, pills, and the second daY'the.,l l oent • : ••• • • These.stainmenta should have weight, prevent tke. ; ttei ar.poiennona ; drugs, and. stop the: sad Brandre,th', Dille,. are:Sold at the Triacipat ,294„panat street, Brandfetit •at:2s cents'per box end...thcsaine, : stigar I,3,..nefite;wairinted td keep ae well as !he plain:" • • • • [n30.45.14n.] Bold also - hy'lf. Hamlin:Bc co:;•Stiselkiatrt. in) Sftlethiloq) Stn,4h. ..,mrsonecilriidttord. Nelsen 'Peabody; • Sraath. _.„.. ~. airone ems,. fruE,SUߧcliltElt keeps 0 - * "bend '.o. ,F•tone,. Vaal, of tit" h ' a ' for sale Gtiei Mill; 'by pieehLiu: 1 4 'AluditY , at the kindi , takenln exchange s ! '"g... Grain o f all ~- - 3•: •, , GRORDIS CORWIN iifil:P.iii .it '. Pi :';.'''-:•", : i', #i:iiij.*lttlizipit. 4 811- S O ARDS,.. Mop . ..sticks, &tie- Attie and Choleh Imported and Domestic fiat warilimile or retail at the Side Hill. T l4 L or4 l n Ind c .,..gLogge_,lit.,_:‘oA, *lei* Akr...coipteted their luiwo7o Olt'llo.0Oblo„ them to *how purehas -4,4l,l:4havotair ~±l},na quality of the, Integral teigie r afte itifWthelik tor isle tit; actual set tier, it *ea low prieee; ',The trality of por -404 itOtAieligHo.l4 for ,agt . 1 14 1 10 1 1 14 14 6 ,04 11 01 1 0.,#014100d, be recommended hi those rho are, desirous ot pro cYitlß 4%1 , 1.6, OrOdini.oo unusually *9ooCo4lowtf; s'it - ppros and . 't OPiity to T.i au Of th! Patsy la Elk .Co . PA;i,or to William Biddte, totatY.4 the ComPtknY. 110 or the Po nk• 1611196404Vhillataphie;;'' ":24:1 nia:M.loll C 4171 PLEURISY. WHO 1!Y B, SALE OICIAP • , DAILY, I , IIEI P9_ • ° ARI-WEEKLY, • . Thigreet ' d' events of the imme otte,futere, so, largely depending upon the holiness and ea. ergy of 'Democratic party '.of the countay , cill.ter:::the ~ widest dissemination'airlock '_the Pekolle; Of , facts,: end arguments; elucidatini and sestainieg:ti*Demberatic National policyr I and ',the - "ilaty:jittiti:- Independent. Demogratic kernel id such'ei of-one history can only be fultitanik4dtitatageousli,'discliereed the active iti•operitiott of all irhe . ditairetDemoerit= le eleiees,'ln extending the sphere of its use fainees., The rem!ssetlaniars his for 'ovet , , twenty-five, year. "Oceneied 'the position of ,:a central, organ' ia - Pertaiyivania,' winning by its lioldnesrand ability, Ihiconfidence. and warm regard. _of,thi Democracy of every State, in the Mahal; and the pthprietor. eppeale 'with con& dine* twthe Democ*acy at:, the country, in de.' nitligturer 404atendiatill more atithily-ihr.M.; ilikitialt. loaitei attention . to % ability` Oh" Which hie 'Paper is condnitell, and 'the caret exercised in itiv departments. Aside froniits high; nd • unquestioned political :char. . . acter, in'payer 'eujOys a lny'ger degree th• confidence Of Abe :%bluliae# ~cdmoMnity., its. Commercial and Monetary ' . yeporti are - full Ind, - cOmprehensivii: its'Marine • List insurtutsied The proprietor . trusts to commend THE PENNSYLVANIAN. to the tiusiniss. and rea , ding commuoltY fer its- abilitYjand excellenee, and solicits a critical examinatton of Its merits.' It is his aim, to make it a necitidary visitor in the counting-house, en hones: counsellor, in' the -bank parlor . ; in exponent:of every, trading and bnaineseintereit, While as a news journal, it siball :be upsurpasseAlos reliability; and he would also commend it to. businese men as' a medium of *advertising: Its Daily, Tri/Weekly and Weekly' lames ,-go in' large numberi into every. State . in the ; No paper,; eitherin Philadelphia or • New York; is so largely cireti, lated and resod In these sections from which Philadelphia datives ; her'chief, trade and Where it - is specially important -that otir.' buil: ne4 betties and interaste should be known and TheTRI-WEEILLY PENNSYLVANIAN is .printed every, Tuesday; 'Thursday and Satur: • day, and . containa•ell the reeding matter of the. DAILY editions:. TheMEEKLYPENNSYL VANIAN, 0604 every §aturdiy, and : Is wholly devoted to Newsi; -Literature, Politics, Agriculture and Trade: TERMS- . . DAILXPENNSYLV4NIAN, $6 per annum,in advance . Tar.WEEELy,. - - $3 .. do' • • do The price of , the Virsear.v PENNNYLVANIAN is ONE; DOLLAR. per annum; lot for the purpose'of furtheeinciessing - the circel tion, the folio ing ;:inducements are offered to , Agents and others , :to rain clubs:- •• , , • One CoPy, one year, - $1 00. Sitt'Copiei3, - - - 500 • : Twelve Ccipies • - • 4 • • - 10 00 Eighteen Copies, - = 10 00 . Tvrenty-five Copies,: - t 2O 00 . Larger Clubs in.proportion. • ' 07" In all cities, 'orders for.the'paper must, be accompanied by the cash: • „ • 02" Letters to be addressed, post^paid; to . . WALSICE, Paorairron. No.' 104 Bondi Third, street, 'Philadelphia.., JEFFREY'S, DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION fc'PORCE PUMP India, Rubber Ball Valves. Wilt SUBSCRIBER. havinetiurebaied the 1 right to make and aell'rthis "New Pumg, feels a conffdenie that his' efforts to bring it into 'general use, in . this county, Will be secon. deff.by all who Lucite.. copetrution and opeq:. lionl -•:' , Among the miny advantages secured by the inte.of thie:Pump,theltilloWing May be eon.' *irate& ' ' „ . . .„1 - . double ection;,ll,whielctitriee Om' wa ter'ean be ritieo at the slime. time. ".. ' 2. Greet eise In ,. - working, thus adapting the FOrie Printiplo to common well's. „. ' , 3. The transformation, in a moment, of the Pump ittto.en. eflicient,rtia.. wins,thus . ten deringthiliiii of 'diiellings by ire, totall y int- 4.• Calability' of , watering gardens, Lowell, or sprinkling wpilts, washing windows, iitc4 ith the utmost ease and thoroughness. •'' 0. Powerto,raise soster with idiotic labor to any rOasOnible height, as in poplYing chain ,bers ice: • , . • ' G.: The 'convenience' orhaving the Pump in a kitchen, or other rooms of Oar dwelling, with: iiittregard tii the location of thi: Well or Cis tern. -• • - • ' 1,- The easy .pxoteution Uf the instrument "'Malt Prost. • - '• ,• , • ThiSease' with which . it may be .mounted on • Wheele;or in other Ways .be moan- Portable. P.. A. *implicit's , which ensures ' ' grit. bility; protects it froti being thrown "piat orli' der, and makes any termite, easy_iint;',l4,littiOrl „19. Great Cheapness:. 14' the I bringing the stoat of the Force Pampet to t neighborhood of ' the •eotnuton chain Pumps, while it t, ismhatuttirubly- 'onpe;" riot to both. •• Manafactured , and, fbr Mile, by the subsciibei, only, at his shop itillechaniesliurg., • ' :Cabinet .iihop iit Netiitnifislinrg.. I%rOLTERS. , respectfully announces„ - to . th e . : public that, notwithstanding these bard tithes, be is Manufiteturing and keeps con stantly on hind all kinds of . ' fOrniture, such as' , . , •,S . , S OTTOMANS, • , CARD, :CENTER; . \•,. • DINING AND • . . BREAKFAST , TABLES; CHAIRS of all kinds and'••stylel! Cane and CumitiOn, , Rea4rMade Coffins, -8ge•", ° Cit h e' very h e at 'matenal and manufacture," •-;. Smethpart,',Pet42s,loB .„ I.lf, DiSURANCB.AGENCY... • aranieralvatiiiimpritickNo.,AAkeits, Pa: Ptah exPiPti••••• $ 200 , 000 . Ores{ Women% Inisiraice Co4.49llllslsiphla. Capital , . , . . .. $1,000,009 West .nrilleht ( 06 1 1 a/i / 6 •oe'' * - titi'ra* • : ~ ' Ausuraiicei can 'be effected to the , ibtiVrtert paneible Stock 'Companies by , Ihrt Subscriber. Any; `communication.. addressed to him; it, Bmathpint, Pa., will meet with pramp attention. : .. • D. F. DAVIS, Agent..." Smetbport; Dec. 9, 1,858.: • ' ' :(1141/tf.j ' • Atu WAtaINO tO ei tip/1010 a.mild good sop. and fine intrket, see advortisernerit of HaolOmitoo.Lasidg, : • j. IpAll wanting farms, see advertisement of .fiptpmeeten Langs. • , . 4 - 'lVEnflkNeit44tiiio - Sk*T.LEMENT. ItAAP' 0 poottriirrt-4 0 ALL. I ' WANTING FARIII0: - -;in sAicalthy plate ric4nryijit/i4-.'.4nifss : ' from ..Philadelphie, - 4in 9 i1 4 0 I cariiden Ind .: Atlantic railroad, !Nem, .Tersey., An old estate has recently beerrojiened forr.sale 'ind . thefirst division of 10;602 acteii" divided , up, into . forma of twenty lien:446nd • tiriviatils: The loifie Of Me bait quality for the production , of(fruits . grains, - The price. is $l2 tet s2o' per cres; 'payable lit easy, „ quarter yearly stalmente, term' `Of four :years;, with; intermit.. The terms , are :made easy, in. ordit! to - insure this . rapid iniprovenierit Of the land; oriarryPoduitrions man rp - bay. fariss. ;t is now:being, ,eztensively improved by•goodl roads, and , some of the best . citizens from Ne .England . and ,the , - Middle Stites ire. erecting; titig: large' linPretr . erients - :' iirr'a•'%cerie of . greatest: improvement PhOladelphia,7 Seventy-five housee'...,haVtebren b uilt in four AND WEEKLY months, Practical .farmers and - buai - nee's men from the length and , breadth, of .thillpion are settling . :4ltere,y,lt. is Irriportantr. business Vice, ott account Orite . hilagip-the of a great Market,. EverTarticle raised upon-this land. §ndsetn' immediate sale:. -TEN) water is exiellenti and no inch thing ai fever is, known: . i sandy or Clay !Cram with a day hittancand, riteurilis of manures...lt is free of `stones and' easily:. Worked. It aboundi largely • in the phOsphatee, and such is its fertility that from the, crops produced. both tipon this land arid the-large area adjoining tinder cultivation, IL will be,found not ,to be excelled anywhere in , the 'production of 'crops.. most. adapted to its The reader maybe well aware •that the ear liest and tile best fruits and . vegetables. come frtim New Yersey, whiChnre"annually exported to the amount Of millions of (loners. The land ; beside being accessible in every 'way' fon Anil-. ixers',,haa •abundantsupply of the best OM ity of muck manurc.' . Lumber and . bailding materials Can be had on the spot at .a 'cheap ptice,frcim the mills. Other Mills are now _being, opened, and brickkards , being started on the ground:7 - A peieafcen up a frame tenement-for . ' present convenience for One lu t uo4red d011ar5....00 account of the . eitensive emtration;this is the, best course to pursue in order to get a place to live in at first. Carpenters and builders are on hand to put up houses on . the best terms. • " In .settling here the emigrant has many. ad vantages, is Within a few . honts' ride o the great cities in the Middle States and New England; he: is in a settled dourtiry . , where every improvement and comfort of nivilization is'at hand; he is in a healthy place, and is not 'stiliject to the certainty of loosing thd greater part of bis fimily and his own health by: thoe malignant fevers,which make the 'graves of so many millions, of the young and hardy in far off. regicins `away • fioni bonne and friends. I3e aids, be has cl iiriate - and on open winter: There arelhrea trains' daily to,Philadelpnia, and to. all those. Who-improve the railroad com pany gives a free ticket. . Thd reader Will at. once be struck with ;the advantages here, presented, and ask hinself .why the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market; andbnless they statements. Were cor rect, twine would be invited to'examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected They will see theland under cultivation; whey will meet persons, no doubt, from their ow* neighborhood; they -will Witness the im provements; and, can judge of the character of the' population. Persons should come prepared .-purcriasp, fildby,ltte: - Tocatifig,, "find 'loca tions. aro not held on refusal. • ' ' ' The 'Hammonton Farmer; a monthly Literary . and. Agricultural sheet, eontaining . full inforMa. tion of Hammonton, will be sent - to each in quirer; and can be obtained at .23 cetns per . Title • iniliqiutable: 'Warrantee deeda.giver, dear of all ineninliraitee, when purduts..nzoney is paid: Route 'to pie land,p-Leetae• Vine etreeti .toliarf; Philadelphia, foi• .tilatnraontoiz by:rallroisd . at hal (past ititini;it. andfiuz/fpart :Av/ R. 111.;: when, there inquire for . Bogrdiyg. ivilvfnienees 'will Letters applicatipns..• oris , 61 . . addressed •'to If:. B. coteghtiu,', 202 South EIFTH Street :Lel oto Wal ~ur of the far reaehing tvires; . comea - the glad tidingis of"' piece:and'contentinenti instetottif the abrill'scrianilof the Verith dealing marauder,Or the chilling tale, T- of the midejght aseassin, who has been a brning his bench; in the blood .•. - . • ; . young, the ,= < • - beautiful,' and - .. • . • , • the innocent, Now, • instead of the wild cries ~ o f despair which. but lately 'echoed from:ei , ery . hill'and valley of our wide-spread land, our 'ears are • • filledwithlhe glad Shouts of •old men and • riaidens;yoUrig men. and matrons that are con • • - • • • • ' FLOCKING To Tas . 112AIXIIARTEREI OF Wiacfirb2l JUST .OPENED BY G. IRONS Under the •aupervisiou and care"pf the in- fatigable gs NILES," NOT ONLY TO SE • BUT TO BUY a portiOti.of tha 10$1 1 Mi l MHOS and unpreeedantedly CHF,AjE , ..GOODS Which he hai just received Item New Virk And Philadelphia. , "MILES " WISHES IT Distinctly Underst—oi - , That he does not intend to , ape after some of .) his neighbors by I)asting of . thp Ell 2 0 2020 g V. FIRMNESS, DURABILITY, C 1-1 E A. P.N - s S. OF HIS Goods, All he Rake is 'for Purcharerr to C ALL AND LOOK AT THEN, . - W ell that no one will . feare..the Store elnoty 4anded after oiee / 13 ° 1 ci n tb