/*so' . $ . 9 , 23 ' F ri fbo ` , 4474q,'": Y ear. 11'11 'woo #'* 00 on . 1 0 0 0 • i i i ith a rate r sain tionatcopies os • '1 1 ; fri e d Ito - the'sikisfe Club. Clubs tedisoilt , Toit-01.1kii‘ isniiiit,44o , l 4 2iStkaneei • 01111.-Entill l'lT:.llmtl.l -11InttinIne for one - '2104 H- fillitenTh'iii tither' of 'our two at Get.. idatottirtubst Kit," iSlitsiskionirt ` by man• ~~, ,~ ~. ~,,.. r . .;~::,: - prerept. 10 . :igh vat. 4 44514 , 1411,, Ike or 0441 iiiet4 r.tiet l ol*Ork• of the AkilekkilstY toriistoisl* wed . . . itioit. of 'f;:titi _ .- .„. ... ~ , '...!,i , ' ,, ,, ';.•:i,P.z,:',',".'!'.7-, • a year; ; 0 it"l 11 4611, ' , andt* ren la S ili *AW 3lo4 l l4 l 4 ii 40011 1 1 wat t, tittlottovo to tions Ahoy**lance at I=NMI mike 0 0 1y4) . iiiit ittivis at r) piottworici., **lo. ll4 olwil 4 1 .41..1 1 . , 0400; i • . i• ~„ **mask int • nnt 3 t *if *"' I .30-.lll* 4911 11.1k.*1 - o.e , above 44,creitartain'Ibe debebiarderii `on ild*OistaSidin PFZIEtte atal f te .„ Aiiii4iha tit areal.: attention, er•lVelit r! 4 lPatr i ?nr", • MMOCHOirr* • raw ipottcf . to_the eit 'rich* .tf;thiLt he io -t ; budding t*:44§ pre 'o4lo. prompt- I Repairiiig, —l 4id'cLu mbei ' • • *OP' :Pr. AAAtit*L'' ittf(k)ooo.".ihal774l Pi (40 1 410 4 00: 6 4414 „.. n delicAte t :.Atieracteyi, ! . ,incident to the 6 . ffieletiOti*VracXoiiti=iitsiNetere:ntitt of ,4sTe, .: The author of:the above .ititkhnOev. ►y end treatment kindred trti'tte* 001014 ; . - XeirOirr? . iiiereiteee . d .eiketf:lo,:e . gardtri the' isms, a nd to l `go eowpfepintoade : mecum cettiOetektfm:treir.geMitertettee:'ef..inedieill eel ttiii:3lotirtintlin/ijeef4::4o4 the re; , eb o ookoinW , :icolke t s;oo l o*nent Pea ctice'in the'.trMititeitt ntieifret IMenytttonsitidit - er. cases he:City . 04 0 00.4.44%11'Af. 6'044' ;«.10c.; : , iftirreen'e;:, nitliki%.4l4 . ,triefority,:of s ertni'ittiverti tci:e • t dieerise 'of ] l 'erhiett . :letreitityls..itiertli . net' of 0ne . .01.01' beet .ooliegen Unite d It affords .Me 'Ple.aletiettiteeittiMen'd,hiM:tcatheMVertnnaie or as yee4rul irird rrp.rierieed practitioner ,; ire whose honor. grid inteititi,thet Miy:pliectheilltenicif con-. 0.41:011011PRr.; M. P. ft gives Me-plena te. add ;my:testi:nee y..te the professional --'sbitity_ef :the. ..4tethor,of - the •21Cedieot - Magitil:!?: . .:Okee e a. *ak of the ;Genital , Oigeriertieme ''them long itandiemy Ititye ennteinidef,iniftintice, in Ohichbie reklll.. has beep- .menifeet in rested lig. to,.perfectghealth, in:ebine. , in denten:le heri..the ttetietittaiii,kenn'entielderielbeynnd medical Inftliktriatnient.nflteininitl , weaknese;or 'tirmngement "1:of ,010 (Minions iiroduced by qell-• istoue4:pr Ezra,, of !ientfy,' I. do not know his e}rprrin~, in the profession:. .tte quaintert with:the Author 'erne,' bitty .y ere, ' . and d entre me . ittore.: then: jn to' him Ete well no kindness :tit the - infortenate ;Otearly;,indlicrettottito recommend him is. one. ih'iiitosti - tiktifisricinit - 0611 end - integrity they mey safely confide theinselvee.. ALFRED :VFOODWAIRD,..II , f. • • Pnirtopriecurely enveloped, will he forward ed:free of , postage ~ t o any patt :of .tha United Stelae: : for: 2$ •oenta;vi,6 . coplei 'for $l. Ad dresii post paid, COSBEN• lh Co., Publishers, box .191,PhIladelphiii, Mir Booksellers, Cittivaaaere and Book• A gents tupplied on the amt. Jiberal tertrie. : • • AlladMilE TM , PILL. . • 11133 BLOOD. • - • - CONTINIIED pain or unisittnerie m? 'a or; gatkis generally•cured by one or more . doses bf Brandreth's Pine. Thirty years',personai undersignedexile eaca .by he fully justify this assertion: • •-z , J "•"1:1e. 'James Lull, of tioisdami .- tec T., .says: '' l have giised the mist deplerabie coitiveriese of Os bowels with' Ilikadretit's' Pills; when every'otheriternedy'had failed, and the patient wee given up to die. Skin diseases of an in. veterate rind painful eharictet;, such aa•erysipe laa,'sait'iheum, tatter and 'unmet-heat,- I have seen emanated by their use. I have cured the. rheumatie, epileptic; the paralytic and-the con. sutiritiveiWithihemeexcellent - -pille•alone."' In jaundice and- all affections of the liver, dyspepsia,: ilyientely and diarrhoea, pleurisy, sudden pains and inflidnitions, female obstrann tions, scorbutic and scrofuleus, even gouty and 'neuralgic antler*, hays giveri way to the use of ibiir mediCinj, ind,now, after.twenty years' experience, my estimation - of Brandreth's Pills continues •to increa5e..... . .......increa5e..:.. . . • !--OBSTRUCTION. , . , ' • A young lady, beautiful. and. healthY, took. old, which: calmed- a serious Obstruction, for tem.- yeast let: health Was broken dawn and het beaky departed: At: length Brindreth's Pills were tried pleien doses, of . froth two to four, were taken.ii fifteemdays preceeding the usual period. - ;Regularity - was.restored; and. her health and good looks,recovered.' ' *. Branrdethis row are: the best' verrnifuger thevere infallible.' A' little child; sir years old, forioms weeks wan , drooping fi#ls. tnether gave it' one of, Drandreth'i sugar coated pills ; the neit r day there.cithe away a worm'sixteen inches long, and ati'largti as a child's' finger.— The child weir: well: . • :. • ' • • • ' ,1 1 ; ;." , , • Kgentlerstan,: away rn ?sea . ) t ionaei taken switk•• .pieutisk; the infiaaticin was terrible • very' breath 'made hiin . writhe with agony.— Ight,llrandrattes'pnwt/Cre z , ,,aielloweil, and .Warm oil '•applled' f the Pal a. operated, and- the Mika was'relieved; plenty of gruel was taken, arid el.c•ilicire'lpills,Arid the second day the patient Coed; • . . • These 'stateinents; , eheald , have: weight, and prevent"the'siiii'-of poisonous drrigs, and stop the sad practice of ,bleeding. trandretli's Pills are sold; at• this 'Principal Oftlea, , 294 , Coast street ; Brandrath At. 23. cents per and the aims, sugar coat id; 13 centsi warranted to keep as s ilrell,as • the .'-: • j • Sold also by ii. HansUifteCo.,.Smethport. • Stylist' . .• /SHE BP, 3,keeie s,4:land for., sale Steno' Codli'beef . lualitiriift the Grist Mill;" Ne'eheniesbiiii. Grain of all ,takert in exchenp.. • ' • • GRIMMS CORWIN. IRON APID PAPERAGS Pirt-iitiViliacassie tot *iron my itore, ,11.,0 or 404m:60e. E, 2144 soN. t ' o4 I . lo s,stfhi , sate. wrceoicerimpoited ati4'Dornea tie ikt'i,rkireelkhelW retail at the S'cl" 'Tnt'fLeat F Walt, • • • "i4(ll*Slif A nenispoper t doyoteil e wl aerators in A i sg- OgnltOrOcillo'ffithig*thjun iteviJettietnent '"ntiniistint,:inbiewJentiy; ,enik* eniteetaki4 for at oily '4,2,eviinti(ileevio , A Peetnge , stamps:,for 'the Antnnitnt,:4.• of the F,atner, RtintilltnnON AtiantW*9oli , ; ;ehiiiiilandi"of 'the boot ' qttaiiti, in cihit . of the in`:the , nion f luniNiijiittitintent r)ia rn lien n Lands. „ .j;• r• • • •4,:” ;•• ,f • .•i'i•ii , :i'::ii:g. 4 44'-'L;''.Aii.xA. - i4•l. c•:' t.-:T•1 i.. .1 - ,rt . ''il . ' ... l'sii.iciii . .' - -1'..... r ......''': : :: -, .....:• . . : •';•' ! • P '.:- - '''- -,',.'•: : ',: 7 -,-...., : ,..,: . . ~ ,,i•- • :....-• • .....:,• :,•!... MN lii,*EiltLy ~,, , ,, T he great.erents ot the immediate future, so largely upon the : . holdnesiend err :Orgy of the;Democratic._partt of . : the Canary, .eall-for the widest.. dissemination among-the peciiile of alt - fait„ii,',4nd: a rgutnedie; elucidating and"eu - stainMg)heVemocratic National : itni,.. the . ..duty,;: . or an(iailependent''Demacratic iournaljilisuch a mere of, our ; bistory ; 'can only I:rorfallyiti,!'erlvanrageousiv ilisehargedly the '40,0 eo-operation of all who desireDernacret litstraceties,)ifixtetiding the sPhere.of.its . .use- Itelnesa...' The'. - Peniergioaufaa.yhas-for over twenty-five" years . - occupied the PoSition of 'a 'een) i tal. organ irs ,- Penntylvsnie r ivintiing!).Y its biadoeStrand ibility; - the'confiderice and Warm' regard of -the, Democracy of every State in . the Ititionj.eo4,thej'i9prjeterreprieals vii*eopti. : . darieit4ii° tic* Illeintereey , * `the criontlis'Otl,4e . - - iitritiiiitrer 10 eittenVitill; more ividelr;its iii.: , Mame*, .411 'lnvitee attention to . the ability with Which.his 'paper .ler•conducted ' ', end the :care exercised in all its 'depth:haute. Aside from its high and cher actor, no paper, enjoys in A::,iiirger degree ,the 'confidenie of , the .basiness ComMility.' • Its' Cemineicial and; Monetary. reports are funeral coniprebensive; its Marine List unserpassed . The , 'proprietor frusta .• tii ' cotlimend THE PENNSYLVANIAN .to the business and rea ding community: for. its 'abilitiend exeelleriee, and solicits'a critical examination of its merits. It is his aim to : make it a necessary visitor in the,,couritinghourie;tni honest counsiliortin the bank parlor, an exponent of every trailing and business intereit; while as a".news journal, it shall be unsurpaesed .for' reliability; '' and' he would also.corameed it to . business ' men as a Medium, Of 4drartiaptg:, 'lti Daily, TO-Weekly . and;WeeklyAssues . go in: ; large„ournhere into every'State in thellnion. - No paper, either in Philadelphia or New York" is so largely eireu eTrot leted and generally r din from those sections Which Philadelphia d . lies h r chief , trade and where it is spedally ness houses and:,:tetert(ls alanald Be knoWn and appreciated... _ L: ...: . .. , ,•;:,;'',..,-;... „ !. •, • • - The TRLY.EtLY. ENNinrLVANIAN' is printed:every - TiesdaYo',Thutiday and Sam day; end contains*Wthe reading matter of the DAILYeditiene.,:TherVEEICLY,PENNSYL VANAN,.IIPrinted ,every Saturday,' and is wholly'devoted to` lklews; Literature ; Politics, Agriculture and Trade. : ... . • .-. _ • • ,DAMY•PENNS*LVANIAN, s6per annum,in advance . . •• The price'of the Wcast,l , ParAllsyr.varnsir is •Oila Dout.an peraininnin butfor the purpose of fitrther increasing , the cireulation; the follow ing • inducements are offered to Agents. and -others'eo raise Clubs. • . One Copy, one yeaf; -•-. $1 00, • . 5 00 Twelve &pies. - io 00 •• Eighteen Copies,. - -'l5 00 Twenty-five Copies, - 20 00 Larger Clubs in proportion:. . Clar In all cases, 'orders for the paper must be acConipanied bY the cash/ . Lettera to be addressed, post paid, to • . 'W. l ll..ll.loE;Paoraisron..', No: IoS South Third street; Philadelphia. 13170'1'10,N &'roucz PU • rnP T -HE SUBSCRIBER. havSmtrchased the right to Make ,and sell t s New:Pump; feels a Confidence that, ht's efforts. -Wining . it into'general tile; in-this county, will be . seem'. ded by oil ~who see its, construction and 'opera- Among the Maniadvantegenaecured by the ate of thiefttnlp r ,may be enu.. Meratedi ' • double action, by whieh-tWice the we ter can be raised at the'sittne time. 2. Great ease in working, thus„adapting the Form Prinqpfr to common, wells'.. '' The ,transformation; in a moment, of the `Pump into an efficient rine numn, thue 'ren &ring theloss of divellings by fire, totally un 4. Capability of • watering gardens, .Lawns, or sprinkling walks, washing windows, &c., With the utmost ease and thoroughness._ . Power to raise water,with slight labor to any reasonable; height, as, in. supplying cham- . , O. The eenvenienee 0. 134 ' 1113 g the• Pump kitchen, oiother,rootris of your dwelling, with oat iegard to the location'of the Well or Cis:. .7.,.The 'easy: protection ". of the - instrument again*, frost.. EC. The ease with which' it may be mounted on; wheels, orin other-ways-be-made portable. 9- i.'nsplicity which eniares great dura bility, protectsit front being thrown out'of .or der, and. makes any :repairs: ;easy and of little , , great' . Cheapness: for the'lfirst. time bringing the' coot of the roree Pimp into the neighborhood of • the common Suction and Chain_ Pumps,while it is imineasurahly sure- Manufactured and for sale bY'ftn3 aubsCtiber; only, at h ettop , in MeeliapiesZuwriL` ERS • ' ifeclienteabure, Marcia 18,. 1858.•. B. BRANPR,ETEI Personi indebted to E.S. Mason by note or . otherwise, are requested to walk up like a chick en to the dough, and settle the same within thir ty:days, for after the - ffrat• Of 'January collec tions must be.promptly made. • - Smethport, Dec. tet.,..1858. . • Cabinet Shop in Meoliameeburg. - :' hk WOLTEIIB respectfully"'announces to "..*,the :publie . .thati notwithstanding 'these hard tinies,.he is rninufaeturing and keeps ;eon stantiy on hand all kiads'of furniture, such as '• 810 IrsitS ' DIVANS, ,; „„ , • , • ; OTTOMANS; • ,•• •• ; A - , CARD, CENTER, • PINING AND, • , . • .• ' • TtREVCFAS'T TASL,S, CHAIRS (if ad, kinds - and • styjes Cane . end Common, RiadyZacie Colibut,!&c.) of the. beet ,mettertni and •rnanu facture. . Smethiort •Feb 25 1858 • -' • I..tf , UST. PROP IN at the New . Opening in the 'hillivrider Ed: Maion'a ~Store, and. etninine alcit of,SUGARS at prices that can't • ..• _ • all 'lowan& shinyr-yon s can . 41YJLisei in honest ,iinan'a'face, in them , as Seen You pay, °in' the'ilee,,at :•;• MASONIS:', Ware, .Stove 114.,..nd Tin Cat HllURNS'and Japanned at - MASON'S. •J.. '1 5 4): ',aole! . ==MAIMBE=ME • PROirePhTtlikein . 410' " ' ` 4 ' • JEFFREY'S DOUBLE-ACTING wrric " . • India Etibber Ball 'Valves. TO THOSE INTERESTED, ±lloooiCtiO D ' S ..' • 7. • J NEIV-RAteulyp : sErri.EV.E.Nz-' ItARE , OPPORTUN .TY ;—;'l' ' LI: • IVANTING-PAIZIIIS—in a healthy place , • i wel oyfine.'iliiits from . 'l6 Camden and,. A.thintic. rzilroad,,,New Seeley', AA 'old estate tia.i.ieeently . been 'opened hie Sale 16'Ft/se:first' division of 10;001I/ acres '.divided farms' of twenty .acres and upwards', yr' e Soil' is - 61,4 As beat- qUality. for the,nroduction iif.fruita,. 10100, TbN lance • is.sl2 to's2o. per acres, payable ~qtraetee yearly in-, slalments, within a term. of &ie.' )reni,p; With. terms nee: made' : easyi, in':.order to'insure the rapid ..iMptOvereient ofthee.land, by eriablihg every in' dtwrioi4 man .eo. buji. "qui: It is'now. being : ext e nsivelyl improved 'by ginicl roidei.ithd . lloMe:Of - the citizens (rem New 'England .and , _the : filiddli,Sfatee are erecting , large f I iripio ve m epte. , >lt is a scene of..the greatest improvement. out :cif, Pheledelphia, Seventy:five houses hayi been. built four nicfitheiymeticset, (armies '',sf ., bd brilsinek.inen. fiern the g th`,.irMt Zattif, Of the P are elk bintiniss' place, on account of its being in the midst cri, a: great marieets Eyery article raised upon this land,hnderan immediate sale.. The water is: excellent, and no.such : thing as fever is known. .The sod is a 'sandy ur clay vvith a clay. toitaiis'a nd wren:live 'of" mann It is. free of.' stones arid easily swerked.. It abounds largely the phosphates, and,such is its , fertility that this crops prbduced . both upon this land and the large.area:adjoining under CUltivation, , it will be foundUcit to be excelled anywhere in_ the production of crops most..adapted to its The 'reader may be well 'Ware that the ear liest end tne bist.frpits and vegetables' come Irani New Jersey, whiih, are annualiy exported to2the . amount - of Millions of' dnllars.' .The , land. beside being.becessible in every.waY for &kil. lieu, has. an abundant supply of the best (Oat. ity of inucrmanure. ' • • - •' Lumber and building materials can'he. had on the spot at a' cheap price, from the milli. 'Other mills are now, being' opened,. and brickyards being started' on the ground. A person cars put up 'a frame tenement; for present, convethence for one hundred' dollars. On' account of the extensive emigration, this is I he'best course - to pursue in order to get.a place to live in at first. Corpenters and ':builders are on hand dr put' up houses ore the bestterms. . ' • . In settling -here the emigrant has many-ad vantages. . feir boars' ride of the great citiei,in the . States and New- England; he is, in'' .a -settled ,country, Where everyirriproveinent and comfort. of 'civilization is at hand; he.is in a, healthy place', and:lS riot subject to the certainty. (If .loosing the greater.. part othis family'and his own health by those malignent :fevers which, make- the:graves of in many milljons.of the young and •hatdyin-far off regloni away : from home and friends... Be-. side', Olimate and an open winter, There ;are three .--trains daily to Philadelphia, and to all those who improve the railroad com— pany gives e free ticket. , . Thdreiiderwdtat once' .struck with the advantages here presented,, ..and ask, .himself Why the'pronerty had not been taken up before. The roister!. is,: it, was nev , F 4 l%. thrown in the. marbek and unless:the Statements were .cor rect, no:one would be 'invited to examine the land before Purchasing' This ill:lire expected to do. _They Will sea theland under cull ivatiOn; they wiltmoet no doubt; .tiom their own neighborhood; they will. witneas theirri: proiliiiriantia, anal ian jlidgcrof • 011etracier . o( the poptilation• Persons should forne prepared. to purchase, as_ many are locating,...ond loca tions.nre not'held:on refusal.. • . • - , . ' .. The Harinnonton Farmer ) a monthly Literaty and.Agricullural sheet,• containing full informa tion of Harotnobtori; vrill be seat 'to cdch in tjuirt3trid can be, obtained at. 25 -'Cetna per Title' ' .IZzrreinto.e :deeds given,' , clear of ail iaonirtbi•antoi when, Purolias , nionep to", the land;—Leaae Vine 'street wharf; Phiiadtlphia; for' Ilaninuniton by railroad at half past seven, A. M.; . an4 . lzeilj Ass; five P. when,. (hero • - Boaidini ,coniv,s4nfos . will he fonnul:' : rtelleis and :'applications' On, be addreated,:::to.. Coygblin,.262.Bo4th 'nut, 'Philadelphia; --Mapi • and ' i7iforntrition. elte'er,fidlicfarnisho4... • s' FARM LANDS FOR. SALE 25 MILES front' Fhiladelp* by Railroad. in . the State . of New Jersey: Soititiong the best for agricultu rat purpoaes, being a good loam sail, with a clay bottom. %The land la a large tract, divided'into small farms, and hundreds' from all.parts ot the country are .ninv Pealing. and building. The crops can be seen growing. Terms, from $l5 to $2O per acre, : payable within four, years by instalthents." : To' visit. the place--L'eare Vide St. Wharf at Phila., it half .past 7, A; M., by . Railroad for Hammonton; or address -R. J. Byrn'es; by letter. See full advertisetnent in another hi:dump. , . • . LEFT FOR 'COLLECTION. HE NOTES "ANL,I 'ACCOUNTS of troni T &Armstrong, end •also • other. notes and account's Gi Irona,-:are left With Warren Cowles forcolleetiori, All those indebted as above, are .requested to call on . him and - settle the same without'delar. * .. • ,S. ethport, Sept. 9,1858. ' ' A L WANTING to emi,grate to a mild clitnate, goot soil, and fine market, see advertisement of ammonton Lands: VAI 'CABLECOAL LAND FOR SALE ' f i ' a ACRES or.Cotil and Xineral Land . for W . sale. Bald land is situated near' the termi u ? s of the Buffalo & .Bradford Itiiihroad. For Mrther particular's enquire: alt the Demo • - . . . Am. WANTINQ to emigrateto a mild climate; good soil, add find market; iee ad vettisetnent of Hammonton,Landa... ' • • • • . . To Au viratitihg . farms , see adv,ertiserlient - of tiannonton . Lands. • ~• ' INSURANCE: AGENCY:' Farmaea' iinton itsarsinc.e c•;olltheni c Pi. • Oath POO,000: Giant weitern insurance . 4'o. P. Capital .8t0ak.... - • $1,000,000 *P ll %lira*P•i'MPitiMilYilikll l " . o l AE'a.;• '.-Arieuranc'ee dan •eiftctecticiAtif:aboic res., Palsible Stoak'PPMiPaaiaii Any, Bnietiipeii, Pa.; wilfnieat,iVitt D: F. DA-V.IS Agent.: sthethpoit., Dec. 0; tn4oif.J ,• - • TAItORESEL ' • ArRS". FLORILLA RUMSEY is prepared to d o Seva II lii,brkinds pit her residen4eini Maid streef, , nne floor below. law or. fee:,,latke,ivilt Pit and; , Make alen's and boys Coatsiond*P4nts,..Sbirts, &e , in good style and Warranted to:give eatistaction.:.. • ' • Grain and produce taken . in': ezeb . ange for work ; Nev. IP : ItteS: E==a MEE ''EM)QUARTERS . 12, , Lttig AND:IMPORTANT 'FIIOIYI THE BLOODY',?!E.x.DS Qnce more. oe.„ the lighining track of the far reaching Wireei , comes the glad, =ti dings of "peace andsontentment,;instetnitif the , acre* of the death dealing', •,:: . :snareader, or the : Chilling tale ••• of the 'midnight - • who has. been , Im 7 ' binfitg his halide'. 'lathe blood the young, the' beautiful,;:••end,, the innocent. Now, instead,otthe wild cries'; of despair Which` butlately , echoed from every hill and valley of our wideospread land,-our ears. are . filledwith. the , glad shouts of old'en and' Maidens, young men and Matrons that are con. FLOCKING TO I= 118AMWANTERS OF WatAD22 lit - JUST. OPENED BY G. IRONS, ,Under the :stipervisien ina:eare Ofthe in- fatigable cc MIL:ES,' NOT ONLY TOSE BUT TO BUY 0)114 1 andunprecadentadry CHEAP GOODS • : . , .• " Which liehas just received trom New Yuri and Philadelphia egMILES?!•WISHEIT Distinctly Understood That he does not intend to ape aftetsoina of his neighbors .2.i5ita..,,L00.1i FIRMNESS, DURABILITY, CHEAPNESS i . 0...:0::.:.0.......4::*.....:; All he asks for Purchasers to CALL AND LOOK AT THOL knoWlng that no ono will leave the Store empty handed aftei once .earning the Price AT RICH HE SELLS GOODS. '.R....X.Z . ...M.: . :13.-E'R-.! THE PLACE.TO BUY Ready-Made Clothing Of every, description, from common Overalls to the:finest cloth Coat,' WAIRANTED ASI REPRESENTED. COME AND EXAMINE. For yourselves; aa me can fit anything from a boy of tour yearalo a man of 400 pounds PRY:- . V.Q . 9::P . , i ; GROCERIES, ettOCK.gitY Aod in fact-everything kept or sold - n this •• • . • Option is • ' Or AT IRONS' STOitt, ala • Coilser Cl Mats snd State Sires 13f7:w0 'doors west of,tl4e Bar 'sr Churell)..oo St . METHPoII 'T''' PA n portion of the OF Ws looking at and - /twat WiT/Iotif PHYSIC S'Pirtze`Erlarg on'*ie,' Oita TITST - Ptiblialied, the 25th thOusand;in a Joe+, J, e d enyelope, price - 10 Cents' or sent . PoetPaia • hi. the Palietiere. fdr,.3" stamps: A' MEDICAL Ess~7 • Oit,TitiiPtitstaan" Ind.Lion!Decay Of the 'fraiiiifram'lndalgence Infection, ig,the - Injarioni:Corileinencea of • Mercury, :Miff: rhe'ineiAi4 aleabeetenie. • , 'By It 1. CIILVERWELL; D. • " • Member of the,. Royal:College' of Surgeons; ke.' 07'Spermatert*ea, or Seminal Ernisehine, Nervous Debility, Impotency, Lose DePression of; Spirits, !Fttnidtty, t Disease' of the Sexual' Organs, 411 . '1 . Impedurtents ro Marriage Or .Energy generally, are , promptly and 'effectually cured by ',the Anther's novel -and aucceuful Made Of treatment, by me ans Of Which the In. validean regain pristine, hialth,withouthaying recourae'to dangerobi.and expensivernedlemea: From the London Lantet r ,--“The best, treat iae ever Written on a subjec t , vital importance to, all; well worthy the .. A uthor's exalted repu- . Address theimbliebers. C. J. C. Kurfe . SlCO. Ist Avenue, cot._ 19th atreet, Poet, 13cat 4586, New . Atork City. . . • • *." 1 , 11-1 n; •,. - ; FIFTY "DOLLOS I 'FORFEIT.: • LiR..HUNTEII.:WILi.•' FORFEIT,: $50 : 4,F. failing..,to • cure ."any 'ca s e Of. Secret diaesse that 'may • coMe under. his, care, no matter how long standing or : afflicting!. Either. sex are' in vited •:to his '• Private Roomi, 44 Noitb,sEir.. ZN'I'H St., Philatra; without fear of from other patients. Strangers' and ethers who havebeen.unfortunito in. the•selectioM of a Physician ire •inVited to-call:" IMPOTENCY.,-,-Thiough • .norestriirred' dulgencof the. passions, by excess: or' self abase, the evils,are.numerous. ?rennetore im • Poteney, involuntary seminal discharges :uvesi ,ng . of.. .the, organs,lose of , Aiemery, a distaste for female society, general debility., or consti tutional derangement; are sure.to If neeessery; consUlt,the ;Doctor With confidnce; heoffers A perfect 'cure. • • READ. AND REFLECT.--qh - e 7 ifflicted would do 'well to reflect before trusting; their health .and happiness, and in manY•cases, their lives, in the hands .'ot • Physieitine ignerant of this dais of inaladies. 'Ws certainly imposai ble for one' Man to ., Made:stand all Stheills the human family are subject to. : Every respecta ble physician has his peculiar branch; in. which; he is more.successful than his brother profess ors and.. to that _he.devotes Mott °fide time YEARS OF PRACTICE, exClusively, ted to thestady•and•treatment of diseases of the 'sexual organs, together with ulcers Anon the body, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism; strict ures, gravel, irregularities, • diseases 'Arising tiom ,youthful, excesses, ;or :impurities of !the blotpl,. whereby the constitution has :become enfeebled,;, enables the Doetor .to offer speedy , 'relief to all who may .place themselves under • 1I Medicine forwarded to any part AA the United. btates,—Price Ten Dollars per Package. For sale,. DR. DICKINSON'S CELEBRA TED. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACIIIPIE.- No acid or other:ingredient - required ; ituriower being obtained from a permanent magnet.' No family should be without one. : Price only . $lO. Patented Sept 9, 1.856. .111.114 Er &arils TE ~WAbHBOABD, :AND BEATER.itre the twe' fi rst and Most natural implements ever used in Washing Clothes. Notwithstand ing it has been . the , study.of inventors to do theni away, 'and for'. that purpose severe' hun dred patents have.'been issued; yet it has beep of no effect. • They. have failed in their at tempt. Their machines hove been condemned' and thrown avray; and the Wash Board and Beater'egainred in their stead: ~.. This machine combinei them together, at. ttiched to a progressive 'Wench a. manses. as gives •'great poWer to the :Beater, while , either may be used as. the operistor.mardesire., The' motion of the Beater . ir quick:and-easy; the pressure gentle' and p6Werful, wbich sives iethe iii Vantage over all other'machines," apd Is so decided by competent judges.' . :- _ Manufactured'and sold at Mechanicsbnrg,-by; JVlechanicsburg-, March 18, 1848: • HOWARD - A.SSOCI ATION PAIL A - D.E L PHI A.. . _ .Alleasinlent Institution,istablished by specis& endow , mont, forlhe relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted. with Finilent and Epidenliodlseates. • •- . . . . , T 0 ill:persona aftlieted..with Bethel 'Diseases, stick as • RPERMATOREHOIA,-.BESII - kyr .i.OTENOE, .CIONORIIIIMA, vice of OSIANISM, or SELF , AbI • The MOWard Aseccietion, vi .tion nf Mullen:Ate, causedbylli deceptions 'practised npon-thc eubh.diseases by quacks, several eonsultingunrgeon, as a. OZIARI their name, to open a :disponsc this Class of diseases,• ti MEDICAL ADvloz. GRATIS D with 4. description of• their tot habits of life, do.) and in.cese of 'Ash medicines FREE OF CRAM that the aasoalation cominandif of the age, and will:furnieh tin treatment. • ' . „ Tho Directors, ': . on a'revieW that the it labois in this sphere c been orgrbitt benefit to the all yoing, , apd: they; hair). resolver with repeWedspal.,lo- this hers pined ease.. /wit published by the Asada' atorrbie, or Seminal Weakness, hlasturbaticini or Self:Abuse gni Behtal„Orgalui. by the chatting F sent by mail (in a Baled lete'r et on receipt of two stamps fisiposti • Addresi, for Depoit or treatme TIOUN Consulting 'Stitioti,' Ili South Itioatitreet, •Dhiladelphi Directors: • - • • • " EZRA QEO.;SAIII6BILIY,,Sec?i; FARM 'L'ANDS FOR from r 4 Philadelphia by Rail New . Jersey:. Soil among tura' 'pu'rposes, clay bottom.„ ;T o landis,l into small farm ,' and buoi of .the country are nowee Th c rims a an,top, $lO to $2O 'peeacro,TriayaliJ by.' instalrioeneti. vial! Vine St.' Wialffs ot:FM,Ia• 40 by Railroinlforjtammantoi .Ryrnese by, leitei. ;See full / 141 1Yellise!ril , another coining:. I ,' :THt .HA MMONTON FARMER , • A,newsporivr reiroted,to,Literattite at - ricul ty re,'Also • settinn fort4lulticedints new settlement ,of Harninotittinain , Nket", can' be iiibiCled•for,lat; 0n1Y7:2,5 cenfej ''''-i. i h i Inclose postage stamps for the am 01414 4 . - 1 Limes Aci . .-Editorif the • • ParrcleriNacil liA Atlantic county; New ''.l6s,ey: . '"Thleik' . ' g cheap, : lind; of the beat :": quality; titiality; in onei healthiest and most delishtful'elfinati Union, see a4vertisement of Hamrnoton -, ~3 ~`~~d . i:x'