',eitnfeige)*,for etifi I,y6:43eopr,Atteellerice of. the' Mattazine, .i.elt4Olitbeits.'4444 the oeiiiiitti of„rits:, 441100:410P-3,60/;_ititY-; need genera! the ,-"-- 2 -,*(41 - 461 . 4 'will-10: as t`olfo•We t TERMS; ''" olti'4•Thetti'*itt'lle't-Yt'C'll,.ilteee-4 year) 7.''f 4 f:Atitit -, 7 100 iit:lttnuatTai:d Seth , : ail& in, ' Oeiember, re!pectivejy, , rinafrta'a eix Oclathet,l'e*aeli vaime, ond tii9it'e`oinil' , ,re to elk4l",'year. gbyFnptions may eituti iihe at anytwo: ' . '' , ." - P4o9 ll 4liecTie B ;'• ‘.‘•-• $9,251 coi6r l Year, hen 00 one - year, "' Nft • 00 one' ) • 7.00 : to • ;- 9 00 s s oa ti 4, at the raw io the earn e Clo b. C he 9 , ':44iftWfoitiiett all& n , pde t`:,o frier° s. All be' in advahne... ' tibtiOnber `: to . the lee tor one ye4,l4 . ollheir r , of either of on r two' ire ' b ena ravings, 'entitled • , " .?"0 ,LaaPhinere,, , ipti ) ,Thcpty , ,ol the (deaf king, tied fl) rollers by Mail, ' ' ' • , "'AGS/1+5410 ~.64tity- A kins eaw inake; i‘iPo4llll:ll'AllefitOetY,'-eriehiOn'ePt4 "Pontte ..plietitio4gatatincthe„tetritpri.,ret,fairo. All Poittealthreßell` :cliltgyne rCitioe thOr i7o44-16eeive:',4ibe5;riotten;.whicti they, may: o:`loo.lidlektikkiyirit name and'aiiiiiees of sub-. 11Cittliqiiited'ileetiettet 25 Per :"eint s ..• „rch. the _ se„qo.qublialler of the ' • . .'4l,"''f-Vi s liffi:ii,f4ii4uranviitiirr 'tsw ear.' g , ~,,. „.,oc,, .; ~.„.,,,,,,---,--,...7gx,Eb A 7,, ,-1;,,P.57.,;44!..,,ifi-;liA,"*Vokth-, ' of - '.'.. .:.1.,:,-cirizens -..,..i,y • -",,„ •••..- eiT .E. : $: or HIS Goods, Ali he eels . i4jor Purchasers' to CA LL AND L° OT( AT liriEbt • • • 701: knowing that no one 1 , a've the Stoir empty hoided aftAr 6ne.e lonic ag . at and. Learning - the Price, AT WHICH HE SELLS GOODS. R-E . :M, i-.:M:iB:-.•_E...R.I. THE PLACE TO BUY Ready-Made Clothing Of every description, from common Overalls .to the finest cloth . Coat,' IiitAILRAITTED AS REPRESENTED. •• . • WE AND EXAMINE .V. 1 14 • • - ' • FRi'youtatilvee;aa we can fit anything' from a 'of , four years to a man of 400 pounds: ,-_ ,pfi:y...: . :. - Q.9: : ::9p. : .... 4. 'AND GROCERIES; CROCKERY, Add . in , faCt , gir.:eryttling)4r or 4old•in '''''',::.;;:-.:.'':' „ . - :.':-: - ,. 1 . , _':!;':',;:::‘ , .. - ::'-;-..':' , '•':.! , f , ' , .''' -;,-, 1 AT 'IRONS' , FTORN •jpalf, of•MaLn and State Streets, =ES TO"Two iloorgo west . oc,the Baptist C4urrcll,„zo :ti ~tTal'fii'f? ; ~t'!'; PA 'i:4.44t4.:;1*0 - tkO,liT:t):00.01 .::''-'• ; 2 .1 .!'!. 5W1 7, 3) , / Se r f t1111 1" 11elI T, 8° pri~e.l,D:centd;Jor Gent postpaid. -. the I r Obkishe . An'fo!p Xlvemps: ,puirocit, Exgitis% tion end;finkeffronijOdulgelloo— Infecf!fini `,Ntitiopil , Fe4fietinenseen of Mereory, IVitlt•the ntodkrn rnennx of.lenr4, By R. J. CEISEEIVELL • Member, of the RoyaShcolige,of Surgeons ; g c •117Sline rr . i ntoribceat e# 1 i1IOI•f Einiisions, linribtencf, ricztfrossicin of . .p,l,l•lis. Tirnid!l,y;lltitifis erfo r t h o Se x on) Corpus,' e.ti. Idi 0,0 i 011 so l9fMerritgn • generally, are, It:07)01v' and , by. tht. 4 l nicer.snueeesiful mode: of Are:Atmnot, 1;y:ir! , 01111 of valid c a p, f,egelo prismet withnitt recourse fri ilangeroUs anti medic 'nee. taneet.—“The best . treat. Ise ever written.Un Uenbjent of eitalimportance fa tcll.‘"inilhy'thP. . •• YePu tatiort.! . , • • , • • 'Address i he publishers. , & Ist Avenue, cor. 19th street, Pool 'flag , 4586; Neve YOrliCity.• 3111-in.... • • • - . ORFEIT `. , HIII , I.T,ER WILL ,;FO RF EIT to'-•• cure, :any cae 9 . f . 'Blof.tit.tijeeritie thir.may - corrio'oredfir his maiterA6w oto riding Or offli wiz! - .)::lfher . tieir,"ai&iti. ir.fpd • to This -Priyate . • Ftootne;:' , l4'NOrth.tler• St.,•Phllad'it;•;witlinft'fer`sof ; ;;iltetilifi:.• tiorr.lrilyrt arbor riati;lirsi: straligOri .1 vc b.;ho hove err uniortonftie' •!of a .r l'hy'siciori'are 'Wilted to. call: jgPOI:RNQY!...=-Through Priteitraitiall-:iii diffgenee of the' PaSsienSi. by:excess libuse, , the evils are nine'retia. Premature it» . pciteneyi, inVOluntfiriet•inihatillsOarges,;Wast ing ofthe-MgMisi loss - Of : ,Memoi3; . .;: a distaste for temalesOciety; general:Aehility; cOnati tiitienal derangement,:are sure'to ;Tolle*. : necessaiy, 'consult The. Doctor confnincei he offers a Peirect'cure•. • ,•••• READ, AND REFLECT.:- - -The : offlieteff. %vault! dolwell to :reflect' before 'trusting ; their health anirhapPiness, anti : in - Many casee : thair lives, thc , hanos of phYsicians :ignorant: 'of this'class of maladies:: it . is certainly jriposai r • ble. for one.. inan to• undartanff all the'illa ;the human family are suljeet to: • •Everirespecti-• bla'phy*iati hashis peciiliar tranch, he is more 'siicceSsful than his: brother', profesi4 : ors, - and • to, that he ilevotes•most:of hia'tirne and stady. • . • .. • •• • . • • YEARS' OF I'UACTICT, .•exclasivelf devo ted to the study and 'treatment diseases of the ,sexual fogeths . r*lth.plcera upon the . .body, throat, : pose, logs ? pains IW-the head,..or hones t .. mercurial rhoitmatiam, afilet 7 ; ores, gtavd, Irregularities, eJisrases''atising, from youthful 'exceSse's, : -. or irnmiritieS of, the broua, whereby the 'constitution • has beeitime enfeebled,' , ,enablea.Thi• boutOrrto offer !ipOe'dy relief to ail who Mak: plaei , themselves ,gritler . • ..• . ... -.: .. ~ ,T7•Medicir4 :rorwar.deil ~t.o anytiart,o,t .the •ilnitell e.taies,—Price Ten Eollars per-Package. • • Pan sale, DR: ..D.ICKINSON'S.• cEtiEBB,4„ TED 'MAGNI:T.(S-E LECTIII6.4IACIii.NE;--T .. , ,Na. acid iyptheC-ingyetlient.regeired I itspower beip Oliiiajaed fiona a. permanerit rnagi)4o . ..!,:-M? familirldiaulir.ke virithilut'ima. Piie, iai1i..51.9,;. : 1 0;kiia l laYtt i o : :: 4 41La i ggat.;" " .PatenteS. Sept . 4; - .185e; . ;, , ve.,V,): - ,:. .: . f.:iii•...ol:oslr::,s,ltfiliftt:::''.*: 'IVA4IBOARD • AND 713.EATEEV.ttrO , .the two fir4t: and most .natura implements.. eme 0.. `erer used Woihing Clothes"; ,N.ohvitbstoOd . = ing been ''tlie.,ctUdy of inventors tliem'nway, andfor f ; that piirpOcc sev:eral dred patents - . have• 6en issued, yetit.hes.beeir of no' effect. `They''hove failed , .in their tempt. Their rneChines been condemnki ahtt , thrown amn4,.tind .the•-:Wash' Bciartl4o. Beater agitin.USed irr:theit-sotend,' - . . . This; .machine corribihrs .thrirri—tnketherilte , tachert ,to'a, progressive 1 ver•in stieit'a . ..iriant4V as givei great power tbe eitber may be itsec.res thr. operitor; may desire: The motion, Of :the Be . ater.ir . 'etisy, the pre sore . gentle .111(1 . 'ii;iivertiii gives it efie ndyantegre orer;all' . .rilhefiridehines; and is scrderioleil by eprririefe"nl...joirigos:.. . , 'ltitintufartoreil inll Nivi;.httniribtfriz. lip s t • ' Mp.chorr:'estmrvi.Ati tr.L 18, rS6B; 1E4.0 W.Alti:), A-, .i)::.1) . ..I..1,:: pE L:f! 11,r4 • . L., o •+ a,blislief by. .„ speclelendove , " '..:trictif.'fi,r Ibn reli.co , .' 'be gic't 'sod affileted :with Tiro I ciit anCEPidenifeAfscases . . , Trip LA I eers...ns.nfilicted with c'exi,sl Dieeise4 -such Ai: ' A ?ORR: OSA', SE.MIN AL, WEAKNESS; tor I.',NrE - CONORIlll(EA,-'0LEET; SYPHILIS, - tbo. aloe of •ONANI - Slitr,ler SELF-Ai-IC.9C; The Hnwut , l ASsoeitition, in vieW Of, the 1101'1 destrite. , f , lairr6n: oituard by , Sexual end ; the deceptions , practised 'nnen,.the inifertunateJTjethate of; such disesies by. Quacks, several yottra,ego directed their. eilnsulting 'surgeon, us a crg ARITASIaI ACT, Wo.riby o• , their '.me, to open disponsary for the; trestirieni t hi•fl!iiil 4 o 6. PS• I n.ell their roilne, - . and -, to give,' :MEDICAL ADVICE 'GRATIS to , tll,irtiaPtly.lo , letter, nrithiv:desariplion,,Of their:,conditlen. ege 'creeps:oOn. habits I fllie Ac ,): end inonseof rAtreme - ptivorty, to fur:, :nigh medicines FREE OrOlLtriOß.. lt. IS needless tn add: that the' associatiOu'e.innutands the,' higheet.Bledieal ; %of the .go, rnisb the .thOst bpproved:,tnodern treatment. , .The•Direeters, on - a.reviete''or the past,,feel''SeSlYeed • that tho.ir labors ephere•of benevolent eprt,..have., bobn - iirOterit lietiefit to,the. elipeoialy,to - the jmntrig, and they have ri:t.;,ived :to devote •thellutelleiti with renewed zeal; to this- very 4,zn,tickt.abutt tan* dex Just published by ,th . e.AssoOlaiion, tt'Repert on Fiierni atorrlv,. or Seminal :Weakness; „the. •Vice• of. Onardsrni' .MaetorbatiOn., or Self Abuse,' and other DiseaSos of the; Sexual °ions, by the cnoulting: Surgeon which ,trilt. - be sent by instil On a Seriled leter.crivelopi3iTree of charge, receipt of 'tvro , stamne for, postage.' • - Address. for Report ortroatin , •,!.. f 4, OEC: lIOUN Consulting Surgeon, 1407:*1:•,:.,'. 'Association,. No 2 ' South. Moth Street,' Philmicii,hia, Pr, 3iy order of, the -• • • EZRA D• 111ARTikET1L :. pm). rAntortrr.u, .500 3 y ...„ •.. . • • ' , FARM LANDS FOR S'ALt, 25' MITES from:Philittlelphia..br Railroad'in , the State o New Jersey., Soil emengthe 'heal:ter Agriful-, turel purposes,. being,a getidlaara soil, ,with a clay bottorn... The lend is it large tract divided into small: farms, anti hundreds iiorn ell parts of the ,country tiro now.:settling and bhilding.' The crops can be - seen gra:lnm,, -Tehria, from al5. to per acre; payable within.fenr years :instalments. :theP. 1 nee"-Leave St. Wharf; at , Fhiln. at half. past 7, A.' M. liy , liailread turo for Haontep,', s ot address.R. Byrneit,•by.lettet . ,% . . - See full another column..-,',, - , • • TItE,TIAMNONTON:YARIVER. , • newsphiv , ideifofetto tiieintuni tinri:4 l 7, Octilture, also:Aetting forth full' accounts of the': new'settlernent of .Idairriontonii , in. New 'Tefiey_ can be subscribed for at pnly i ps cents per ;an.- InclOsepOstrige,stamin for the amount. - Ad dress tri Editor 'of. the .Foriner, Atlantic, county, New Teise y, l'hose wishing cbeap fand,'of , the ,bevt.quislityiin one. of the healthiest , andjnost detightful, climates in the: Ertiien,see adveitisernent.orlfarnrnoton Lands. 0 f:(i 'A tit,,N