M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 17, 1859, Image 2

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    ''''.*P;rtl4ll4-14'w•Itif',,ntiiii..‘1‘,.alierde an- be ;
l3Ar{i 3b 00 . 4 idd s Ay?'
Ilngai • *op
extend ; their.
1001C: 43 1.1%00 tliOdt l ot Eli roti6.
for,; Oa ce; h e . - 41T a
04110;tbittaoti.;"Erents 'Mid Austria 'hive al-,
..btirdeps war;',.:•thp for;
*Orit• II:Skald: his propound . 'a loaeruf
.lhiady. More than
have been turned
mita to tie' eon's u m e ra, of t
s Land; aiicla 'to ,
events:..• •" • -I ;
I:•,..4lolta . 'nederreete us that tliejlOited tateS,
Ihdill'efehl : to the. tii!Lln tOninee : Of
',74440 - 11,..:eitnirt be injited by 'war.
' may be.
:::'Fogs".4,t(apreducers • for_ Eur Ope..- We may le
•td,;feed their, afinies:' The• giain•
of our Co'untrY are certain to
,;:jiklsiitiefitetli. and, as - nue n:cottonl . pioduct is a
-,....;vitiitielentierit; in the industry , and clothing of
pl es , nastiraned.l ha t . the
,'::'.: : lle.tp#nd';•kr,,it,•voll:Upt be elnientially : diminish;,
.•:...,0,; ,- It.,Wei;thed, Should ; inflame . Europe; its ,
4440, will ifet`fall-Upodns:.: It will add :e m: ,
'Moine tdthei give rntnents involved in if;
Ortheifiecu It
will lessen the 7, maintenance of
,capitaliati'Eto thole sources of
which ,afe nbUndently .
• 110 '; ill , Olii'tcOaat44 • ;It is riot id be denied'
:•!:. tlns4sAltiCal: 'considerations enter into nearly.
negotiations between, individuals:
governments.:,Neitily all the States, of
O*l l ,diiiitlitiiiit: involved :in' inextricable
the 4 the' . nterest of capl-'
'1%145 such views
and state secir hies:
; _,.'•::'Thit'Aititele-coliiing• When the latter will com
,c4infidenca. is ineipliCable
hive been liePt below the
iibtidaMt 'EurOpeen ignernments.
iftaifitoibil'lre del •. " • .•'; • ,
A li.no*. CHiNA 'EP ;.,.
- - ' hir4' *ii AutosM„diieati4 that,dZsLineri.
'''•'''''.llitt'"' '''
'6li•':.l-Nirelj 'ed by the ° E:
''l4.kliiiir-Pk:lier4ii.r.'.rees.iv • Robert For •
", -,,eire's"7--,-..... - yes te rd ay '
ber enclosing
" 611
~,,-ot,P4tenllik‘ 66Peeem ; Tea seeds
rilion.,,-,‘ ?,..4.iiitlint,,, ~ .., :
irAtitien 0.,
kiot"WA!' liliiiq )arAe 141110"treco-aq us leetW
a9kl!iairtiii itiinagzlnei....,rung.oil
' ' •
• ;PIeVIO.L,,,_ rati-Oltt*-Iq,i,•'fing-tme ilonmg"ii,
47.,Irliosigiiiiii..'"`',- itariiait; the d bv car
.-.ol:ft 11.441. 'fiChintro -.43% 4argelY need dang 'is
in4 '
Introduction ?o r
=;,111-91WhSt ,Il,r,nts ki. e iiient: , The dth e South
~-,$ P!,
~,," iifid'ilit:orn. te'Floridh arz for more
'-p,-J4l z •. • .nliortrec lit,
41. "r—• hie' Aiet'll''..C,.? tno direct me would
; • , moo 4,—eari,4o-(i ,r,•repent,,that
~•;.' , > ',- t . akelt - .."'• r '' • Ntre to most
illthdre ' Y 't•-• - 1" tell" ": derstand tt! l , l r.
' *liiivlfP 'eninimeess•
*ld • ' ztpon ;t h e
'..' ' •. t!..se•S.l7ffic-elnie 'eree! :i
.ono,', thempina.
. " thi11T 46 .1 4 0..' ? ..inieva houSe °,._...,th,', ,ger,
hey will
'lelr'''.-., liktMilll4°' d seeds , where ' • itatory
liejl7fijin.iiine'eloPrlsh errive.,.Prer '‘,„Nich
tAitt‘_,44'ed'iti4oPrt.-s-& Afge locolitigs in d , i 1 ; -
~., tofri:47siiiina to.oCo,t° -,e'firektioti er!aeiti.
' loi
~ i• 14,4.41it,.;tirth,!?tradee,-.:.lsTatieThal"'"
4111' , tli,,w,iiiilii bp ill,
Agoolito ttio„ v•-o
w. 1,4
- iftntee OF IC
', - e ,t4,1•""1.'
~ ittAte#l4' • dent of
4 ittrnitst'.l- '.... -' ' . rorrespon
'gAt'-4.7.:;' 'longton - . . wing funny
,-1,1T<#,A.,.,- the folio
4,#, '":"' 1 - ',... - - relates _
7 -.MI 'a
you last, :gaiety=hes
4,ria crowded ,with :strati
mot bride and a groom from
lit great'deal of, ainusernent.
iheibuse 'When they 'Made
I'd look.; their "seats in front
• 1 4 0 loving'tillisbUtuf Put
clekt hierlov„e, and draw-,
as *Bible': to bini, looked
nialrerif dot* it • point of
in.atrangtisan; exhibition at.
A general, ike, sun
black-cpatud-assemhly be.
on, gdtheiing
ir:±iiriulUtu a roar. Thu Atv
‘ioit'ittoilfitits- dignity of
~ iiaiiccel iii life to the gitiv-
IVO*;4oogtlcor his
_ foitiot-$4 ) 104103 , c0t0 What
• •,. • ,
11 'lip it . '9l,e ,kriptortlety •tri , the g et ter y c :rhe
greQ' snw
"" 11 .00.!Ct*-' l ` . urlleta`a;ri` excel'
'ought. ,
lI r • :t.ri ie - -4•13 . : 'c;?( . 4 -fivel; , ir.'.coi. , i. :k , , the lain ritig,*:Nilinkio,WaNPllrdi,.
'..' Jffl,ti r illiU." ' i qP,N l F d ., - 1 1 1 . . Ug L t.
' ''''''''' hir ied; titttho'J:liii'stnE!!ilg de ve , Ip th.
1 , 1 13 ...; ~ • rl.
, vy , ' iiiiiii ig to n ... liii i his t: 1t.1 , ',; C ../ 1 „...,_
: 61. '..iEff r 4t P. •• 9 " "•,t" , disthict met of, Pe9l 6 *
4 A* ) ...; t11 .. !re V ! - `,, i- r.:th l ls'i l ; . :. rho of
Per.a" -
thif4til. , let:cinli!.l,,P..-
, ;f . the : nu b.)
lile:,' .-.`‘.'''-ain•is"..:lyrespecti.,( . 'd.c. j; r i s ..
Ai r ftlo'il.„,a 4 4 at," , :,iOber,.V._lrt . u d o,u .i st il a n n Th . eity tr
'' ' ' ' r 1... ii.; as id' to:.be , foun .a 1 y .
a IP
' ..
levoted ChrisAlans
1 64
. . T"9" are
' • I dl ethe
~ .'it i !iii6‘ --a il'ir— d ie. s;:yiAlo:have i s lib : oirchectil other .is
tali:9111;i tibil of the' victims.
Ittis i
g X
, ,
4.Pansterit porijilotton, on Many of-whom there
ie little restraint, antlnver wfiomthere is often
I f'principles - Moat of-the
. ,
;broils Awl public. .disgntecs are .-
caused by, this
litter , •
Then :.with - all the 'conventional: proprietaia
"of Ariterieen''siiciety, there are those 'ore- tioth
liiket , anaong the.yiiiitorsi Who indulgeln
Arias tit 'which:Virtue and,decorurn might , well,
stiecairrion 'Of - partieif,' receptions,
'dinner's; Inspir e -balls, soireei„ 'and:: the like,
~servei Wonderful?) , to 'inflame the garnet
tile's-and passions of, those _who engage in them;
Sand 'prepare the way for the indulgencepf the'
grosser' form ' licentiousness.;: lieentiousness. The Sabbath:
is ignored by:many, of these People; nail you
perceive. it was On that day that :the *recent
was provoked and . Coen i tted.
different from the.rohle,•piourr father of the de-
Perried—a patriot and' a ChristtinnL--Fiancis S.
,Itey,who,wris au - ornament to'Washington-io
',clety;igl a m@mbar of the church, an active
friend Sabbath Schools,
.and : who; 'as ;Dia-
AffOrnei; zealously engaged in his. time
in the'iVorlfpf.'elearing out the A Ogee n 'stables
of frostitutionikthe met The :teem-
Plished-cOusin of Key, teroiwasthe wife•of the
late Dr.,WllliaM . Nevins., of Baltimore. • • Here
has been a Ilagritiit much in-
Iquity is maSitcd . under the mantle of fair ,
lutechos, 'polite manners, and fair professions,
' not undertake .to say;"` brit I- tell you
there:is great need' of reform.in Washington.'
While'l say this, I do not, : mean. to be' under
stood.• as impeaching the perity : of the great,
'body of American ladies who' spend their Win
ters in Washington.' .But tile: vanity of some
hasbeen inflated; net' only , by the , dandy Com.:
plimente of. those. Who frisk about them, but by
those inconsideiate letter writers of certain
journals,. who assent, to. describe the persons,
depict the beauty; and d'eljneste-the very mo
tions of certain gay and fashionable - belles,
printing theirnames, or so much of themPsto
provoke inquiries 'who these ffattirred and fa
vored'ones are: The recently fallen`one was
thus-shonm, tip by the gossippers of ihe press:
r:GlOwing euldgies" •en the 'seducer are pro
miunced in the. District 'Coen, by the lawyer's;
and these are riconcurred”, in by, the Judge.
Is this. justice, :or the grossest wrong? Is' it
truth, : - or 'is
,it ' , falsehood? A,s community,
boWever,- - popular as Key was in it, it condemns
this mortifYing development of corruption and
profligacy. , The gay season; any how, is over;
Lent on us, and all parties, by custom, cease
at that period in the thrae Cities, at least among,
Episcopalians and ROmanCatholice, so that The
gay, transgressors, will have. a chance to: feat
and prey, and'repent of then. sins. .
The American people may ,well be proud, or 1
rather grateftil, that - while such obnoxious and I
disgracefel exhibitions are Seen in high plaCes,
in the hi4lher reigns the spirit ;of: , moral :purity
and propriety.' Whethervirepeleet the families •
`of 'Polk ; Taylor; or Buchanan, we find the;do
mistie hearth sacredly guarded ; 'the domestie
affections beutifully'developed. Fair and loVe
ly women have - reigned there;-aye, some , of
Christian women; indeed, thui hitait ever been
in o u r. (rllepefilican"Court."
The wife of One of 'the- Prcisidents, once 'gave
the writer net-views-id foll;'of *hot. a Presk
dential, family odght to be, and her happy influ
erica has ever since been felt in that high place.
We: do: not indeed expert that the scenes of
Chailes-11 - ..; or Lonie , XlV.., will be re-enacted
in this coniitry,:but. there is danger. of the cor.
ruption of private and public morals, arid' the
public, press must act as' a conservative,, povier
to' restrain and chastise. the
,first approaches of
so malignant a spirit and practice. The pulpit
does not reach such transactions, for they - keep
out of its way; but" all people read the papers,
and thus they become, in an important sense;
'the guardians, of public' virtue. I. might add
that;So far as my observation and inquiry have
extended, the domestic virtues and :felicities
are exemplified in the families of the various
_headsof departments, however splendid and
ii ternpting these /rips. which they.give.'
Mr. SiCkles, in jail ; Passes his time in lead
writing, and receiving the .visits of his
perionalfriends, numbers of 'Whom call - On him
every hour in the day, end up: to a late hour at
night - Nfrc S, Is confined in the jailor's room,
for' the _ConVeniencn access' to his friends,
sozne of whom - are almost always* in .attendance
uraln - bim"....He'canverses freely with all who
address him, Hiardress is 'a light _gray sock
coat and - pantaloons; and a figured vest; and
his , general 'appearance ; pa he occasjonally
walks up. arid - clown'. the wide passage in .the
liasement of' the jall, - is that' of a person whose
mind is entirely ,easT,.. • ' •
The rumor about tozvn last night that Mrs.
Sickles - hail, beet) arrested, to , he. detained asp
wjtness In the coming trialy is untrue Mrs
S., still hinains at her,hume:lii the west end'
ITUTIGNAL.-A n - important ,deseision was
pronouncee l in' the United States Supreme court
lately by the :Chief ' Instke, in the case
of the United States vs Sherman, Fl. Booth,
the Supreme Court•in Error to Supreme - Coen
:of . Wisconsin , The case involved 'the right : of
Statecoups-to release : on • habeas corpus, par
ties in'•custncly natter process, of the United
Std . tes for•otlences• itflainst the laws of the.Uni
ted:Staitis. • This was thine by the Court below
in, the' instance sof, en , arrest under judgment
by' _ the District Court of the United States, for
violation of the Fugitiv e
: Slave LaW. The
whole corniuet of tbi'iourt below was held to
he totally illegal and • virtually revol'utiOnain
thaCthe Marshal had a right, and : lt was his'
duty,'lii resist hY force,any such interference
•tin: like pi : rt. of the State powers; and that the
I.'dgitive'Sfave act wit's. Clearly constitutional.
:This , is a mere outline of the. opinion, which : is
hinder toa d h ave "been : .unanimous. ;It must
'put an end tor the future to all•contesti between
Om : 14140 Staie4 and States as to' the .eonsti
-lutinrAlity.cif 'the Fugitive Slave law; and all
ittenipts - herealteeby State Coutti.to interfere
With - officers,of. the
: Dnited : States in. :carrying .
it'out: wiltdbubtleSS be regarded as;revolittion;
I ,IIY ", •
. . .
TrOiT.i.:'., , liiiliii_::
..:40.1 . ua i y,..,
.44W 0 rIY-.'J..iiri
- 14:05iii;Iktbi,
ititOlik 7 )i±iiii%
..!:#4 , :t*reiOcu
4polyeip.,,:: , siiititil;
4 . ,4loiiiiiiiiiiik
. i;',iik
:.;3:S:''.•: , -.'.'4:,
~,.......: , ..r4 7. ,,,,, , : ., v,: ) .-,..,
diaaorrads . fire oecurred ip Bpffalo last Sat
, . •
Prday night; destrovin;; property to the amount
S. Goy - ef, formerly U. 5..., Sena.;
Adr.fram' Missouri, 'died at Si. • Louis , op `the
annouheed la a . srieeCii
Keinekapati a leis , eve nings , shit.) his final" re ,
.firormat - froni •
ioutity neinocrat
Merr4g, MOoh 21;18.59
Nes:ley Sre
tet, New : York,. and lo .St, ..13
8, St. T.Hrrr.l 4 anl.i.,St tho - ,Agenht the the
brltsis Tiesepakr and the tenet. ltithiehtlal mid largest
circulating Newsktpers In. the Vulted States and. the Oral , '
alias. They , are 'alithorized to contract for us - at' oily
ir . oilviiTigy, me. vgR N:41) L'Abgia.--.C/iaries
1) - :Ilikelinet :to Le
:Piiq *46-04 fiintto'vrd.
We noticed the' appointment of Mr.lliriellne
same days' since, but.. were incredulous as Co
the tact, until .thu action `of the Senate 'made it
certain. This is. a'strange Appointment, and
we think it will strike every Democrat as such
when the following facts are censidered. •
. . .
Hipeline is ,not n. citizen' of the State of
Pennsylvaniiii : citi" hale notnciw a tight to vote
ia this' State,= T heintifingiin Iv a fewiweeks since
remove() his fatally train the Statitof New Je; : .
soy, :where he. was *a citisen and . a voter,
... • • • ,
. .
Mr. 14 - was:a ~ca tididate nomination 'be
fo'ie the'reg,hiar DemOcra tie Cohvention of the -
Fi!st Caagressioaol Di . sitriet'Of New. J . efsey,..
test frill,; and failing' to obtain the nOrniatttioii,
Used Ida...influence and voted. o4itinst the Deino ! .
erotic apviiima ) . and-falaver:af the .13100.Repub ,
egoditlate; wha, when in.the'Neiv•Jericy
Lgulature, supported a bill gtotug
,t te.rtg• It of
etoliit;g to apgroes.,. • .
. .
Considering these' facts; it is indeed strange
that Mr. Hineline• should be'tppoin i ted'at all,
111100:linger Still that ; such a man as Mr.. Bar
rett Should be .•supereeded by. 'him. Mr. Bar
rett has been a life-long and tleva'ted Dsmocrat,
has discharged :.the' - duties of the . officeto the
entire satisfaction -of the community, and. no
desire was expressed in - :any quartir for a
• . We repeat, t he appointment of Mr. Hineline
is %strange one; and think the Democracy of
the gtate•Will agreewith `us.--1 3 "ennaytvania.d. •
IYe do net think . . •there• is anythihg sttange
• about , it ; the cohttary,.it is in perfect keep,
ing with Governor' that, ig
noting hisobligations to the . Densocratic party
of the State, and to s the :well-iried men Who
cOmPose: hOw'se,ks, bteedin g disseitsione
among us,' to Walter, his selfish. purposes and
pamper a set ofiimpireithats hip vanity leads
him to suppose; Will be endorsed : by the Party;
because WIELIA.3I7 PACKER, 45.y .. the grace of
God' GovEitsolt! . ! will • • . •
Mr. BARRETT has ever.. !ieen a 'firm and con-,
sistont•Demociat he and Pianism battled to
gethei for the . party In .the memorable Pos.Trat
and RITZIER catnpaign of 18.18; and he, has 'been
a working printer ever PAcanit, Since
theri; has waxed fat .on contracts and. other
public plund`, and Ma over-indulgent:fiienda
have placed'hini in a posyion Where he ean.now
kick his-InsX. unscrupulous .- co-laborers out of
the plaees tlieirivnefits have won. • .
' Whir should he not displace BARRETT and-ap-•
. his hireling, lituctarm ? a mercenary
Jerseyman„.whU,•as he pockets his ceromission,•
iwithin' a few days of. the meeting•cif the State .
Convention, is suddenly 'seized With most lamb. :
like meekness; and-hopes . the •
.democrat s when
in. council, Will say nor do, nothing .that Will
ruffle •the feithere of his patron.. • ' .
' A Governor win) can.fly., in the face of the
chosen•Adminiaireiion of:the parlY, who has
• fol his chief adviser, an : Attorney General who
•• ump S .. the. State making • lack Republican
. eches, and . keeps itr office a 'Flour Inspector
NV bls the tool .P4',llol'sli ought most assur
ediy to give - all .the patronage be can to a print
er' who will flatter his -vanity:and be the sub
servient. tool. of, his ambition. The Jersey
nigger proclivities of this favorite are an addi
-1 tional•reCommendation. : , • ' '. •
• , At the late sessien s of the tegislatore, an aet
was passed .and approved by the Governor pro-
Viairig for the 'formation of a Constitution and
State: Government for theStateof KanSas.—.
. • ..
,The previsions of the law are as, follows:
First: An . eleCtlonpn the fburtb Monday of
Ajarch,.at which the people shall vote for or
against a Converitton. -- 77L. . • .
• Second: Should thisAuestion be decided af
firmatively; then the periple , elect on the first
Tuesday of Juna,lfity-two delegates to a Con
stitutional Convention . . •,. , • • .
Third: The Convention to meet et:Wyandrit
city On' the 'first Tuesdny,of
Fourth. To submit the Constlitition to a vote
of. the Vyhole people, for; tbeir ratification' or re
jection, on the first Tuesday in 06tober;
Fifth. Officers to be 'elected under said Con
stitution, if ratified by the 'people, on the, first
Ttiesday in . December..
Biicth, The Governor efettettunder said Con
stitution, on tho receipt by him of ptlicial irrr
formaticat of the admission of Kansas into the
Udion, Asti call tbe Legislature together, and
proceed to . do other'` things :necessary
. to
eomplete a State organization. '."2.
Tho Courtlifetime at Clartott Ruined.
The Clarion ffawier of .the:ll.th eaysi
Wb stop the rheas to 'announce the "burning of
the Court. House. ••: • • •
4t:abouf, o'crock, A. M., on Thursday
Morning, the alarrnoffire was given and it was
discovered that the Court' House: in Raines?
Thecitizenswere soon, MI the ground; and all
the records saved, bUt every effort to save the
lMilding . was futile. In two hours • fiont the
alarm the splendhl tnißding was a mass Of:
the 'cause of the is attributed to (l'efective,
gins, whiCh . i . few dollaremighhave'ieriaired
and thus tOie;one of: the Gue s t. buildings of
the icioain'tlie country:'
` The Court House was built ' in 18i2 at a coot
of•ebOut $ll,OOO. •• , . . • . •
,The,ltii•krance on the building is about .
07;06 l' - $5 - ,000 being in the•Lyconoi4 Compa
ny, and V•?.,001) of, which 'was taken on, the Ist
Mair.'h,, in'tlio Yerk.insuratice.C'empany;
;The followi~pgj , artielo rom the:' Pittsburg:
lies/Teal) eilitlict to, which publie:.attenti#ti
, is T:m.1404y; directed,: and th e ret~iatlt~:are
par tieutartioPplieuble ' to 101Cesiii .
All that.etin be 'said of the:',alitindeliclraOopP
voiene.. , coal' in Other Purtek , pf Wcititern
Pennsylvania ..trueof
. With this im-..
portatit addition that 'we. are within 25 mike
of thopolic . ..wolis of New .Ykrlr; ..by, whieh:
the'inannieclitr:Wpit:can be .most
tributed the,noithero ond•lake cities re as
well as supplied to the great meriet the eitjr
of NeW , , . . . '
. •
.• Scieneo is constan , a ing . sonlething new
Jo the wealth producing reisoureeemt
try. ; , Within a few *eFs. pot th .tnpyfac
tore of Gilliam coal:has - become of importance.;
The discovery that coal could be made
brilliant; beautiful and safe lumintitori'ancl alsn.
an oil welLadaptento the . piirpoieof lubricating . :
is one of 'great 1144104.1 o.: jut 9f,:tiur:ccial
triets of Pennsylvania The :most thorough
aril carefUlly: Made exPerlMente, have
that. the,.oilMictilti *OM of - excellent
quality forburning in lamps. • It•gles• a Clear,'
steady, bright light,..anir . .when the . • oil is.prop-.
eily•manufactured it is entirely .fiee from dan
ger froth coxplosion and ban not •the. slightest
'disagreeable , odoi.• - •It is ...dheeperthan. sperm
oil or'camphene, and one gallon will outlast
two of the latter... Accidents - Cannot • Possibly
- - occur in the Mse of , this oil, and its consumption
is daily on:the increase, '
• Lamps Adapted exchisivety'to. its u . se.have
been'invented and introduced lair all ,parts of ,
the country, and it is nosy a regular article tit
trade..lts admirable adaptation to•the purpoi-,
.ca of illirminaliontind its cheapness, safety' and .
convenience; Must continue' to increase:the de
mand for it. - . The .manufaaturing of coal oil
'wit bout doubt - destined In occupy large - share
of public attention.. The prodUct can be made
Cheapesjwhere the raw material can be had at
the least cost - of and labor, and Western
Pennsyl.vinia presents peCuticir advantages for
carrying on, this branch of manufacture. We
shill Mot be surprised. in
. a, few year's to see fac
tories ,established among our mountains
'mouth of . our coil pits , to turn their:material
woalth. Into gold :through - the means — of this
commodity. All about: us it can be •made a
'most prosperous branch if industry.: The coal'
is' all Omit va, and the' oil can be readillmnd
cheaply extracted without the trouble cif . trana,
• porting the' raw .. material. -'Already factories
have been established in Western Pennsylva
nia where the •oil is . being' made with, .great
profit and ad - vantage. , This new -branch 'of
manufacture* will , ultimately tend to the
' still
further development ol.the mineral.of the State.
If One ton of coal will .produce, as - it is said it
vvill, forty : gallons of oil, worth one dollar, per
`gallon, it is' manifestly.a . .prOfitAble - business.,
The: of earrYing the - manufactured ankle.
to a Market is lesi than that Of transporting the
rawmaterial,and its market value is ten times,
as great. ••Ifwe,allow • fifty per 'cent for the
.expenses•ofManufacturing - ,,,5ti1l the profit he's.
liandierne one. , ,
-• •
The time is nbt rar distant'when this branch
of business will
,become. of great imPortave.
It is still iii its infancy, but as experiment im
proves'the quality, of the prodUct, the demand
will increase. It; -will tie appliedsto new uses,.
and Our coal field% favorable to the production
of coal oil; will be•covered•with factoriee filled
with induatriohe operative* extracting mineral
wealth from the products of bilis- and vat.
It is a qbestion. of
. utility, and as the demand.
incrbasee; the, businese'of.rnanutheturiug
increase.. .Wehavo nci'doubt thia,ccial oil will ,
eventual ly. bp one tkiq staples pfPeritiiylia - m
nia.,—Pittibure•,..nst• ' • •
. .• .
- 'ln a recent number of the DEstoomer,we gave
the resuii'of several testa of our-Coals for the
manufacture .of,'Coal, Since::that_titne,
further ,trlttls. have been.made,both forcrude
and refined oil. .These examinations have been
made with-great *are and in themest complete
rnaniter,'by the firm of N. STlti'rEvArer & 'CO.;
a. house. well.. kn,rwn in the Atlantic . cities as
one ‘of,. if not the most extensive'dealers in the'
anthracite.coal;marlrg. The results have been
such that thee° parties are convinced of the
superior merit' of our: coals, for making oil, and
that no point affordi the advantages of position
for the establishment of works for its mnuufac
tore equal to All.K.eati.County.- •
These gentfirhen 'have given - the best proof
that carebe fiiinished:of their belief in this,,by
embarking in the business .Bert; 'and we are
now. enabled.to aunotilull the gratifYing
gence that they havessecuredaronst
site for the , location of 'their werks_near...lhe.
mouth of Wolcott Erook, riffles • from
Smethpnrt, and are actively engaged in prom- .
ations for the •constiuction of the; requisite
bu'ildingS,..'openirig the, mime' ' 'constructing
We understand this their plan cif
contemplates the manufacture .
,both of, crude
and refined oil, and that for this- purpose,.. the
works Will be upon a large scale and of the
most, substantial
.charicter. . ' • • •
. .
. - - •
We' congrattilat th ople of oar on
the success that has it last attended the per.
severing efforts of- t . I;O: OW enterprieieg. tnen
among us to develop chi hidden 'treasures; in
our hills, and ~hail thiV "as 'the harhinger, of the
brighter day that is, sow -`dawning; As these
works•progress, we shall"give our renders froT .
time to time an account vvli fifi iegi n tireVn
a business so nevvrto•- ie'allt : . 1 4 tdvii 4 ;pt ?
to believe-that . derin tliW-coming'•,ll3lz ~s it;
will he our pleasant d ty,46 announce' iiirec
tion of many ethers 'l lilklifneliok,and .kin=.
ing Coal; now that thti 'attention of the right
kind of men is drawn lo the grear - adviiniites'
of Ms region. .. - 1 . •' '-
While'on this aubje4 hatfo •to 'culd that
our 'friend Titniri gociff progress in
his oil works' itt'Lliftlyette4that some of his
buildings have been allerOy..raisad;on4 "that, he'
is, now , 'having ltisi:ottrts cast . "at Olean . . 'We'
sincerely hope that'T'4.nan may. be Ohle'to send
off the„ rat barrel of Ifltean Coal Oil.
• o • no
David Curry, an - Irish - laborer, • shot John
foster, an. Englishman, at Dativia, N. Y., nn
friday'of last Weak, fir seducing' hie Wife.—
Foster died in a few pours, and . Curry was
empitleil to jail.
. .
Piesident liltchartin'slief • ndorsed rthe
4- Democracy o!lttie . xelOine .
:The Democratic State Viievintion; Met
Hkriabart.leilrfidnealat, , . the 16th at
16!ejelocic, - *:1144'
'recess, ‘4l,..rnofd: Plurrier,.-of Yenango,
was selected . acriermanent chairman.:,.'..;
r.Vilkilai - the •Corinn ° were preparing a re=
port son , resolutions, Mr. Snowden; of Philadel
phia; made a.,ipeeeli in flyer : purchase
of cnba;•,.tindendursed.;..tlie :policy , of Mr. But
chanan';. He ,wanted- no concessions to
sidere; and. was in favor of a bold stand on na
, .
Mr.'llegers, of Sornerset, replied to hini, and
was in.favo(ol a .coileiliatory course, and . op- .
posed to the;Thirty_*illiorrCube.riropositien.air,
a bad spectriation:,
The resoliitioni adobted . endorse : to the full
est extent; the pOliCy; of the President; inset-
Oink the. diffictitties ,with Great Britainin ref
erence to'the freedom- of the seas, and in'set
tling the difEctilties in Kansas and Utah, ;and
in regard to the protection of citizens abroad.
They advocate a revision of the tariff 641,857,
also the acquisition of the 'island or Cuba by
hondrable and petiieable means, as being 'of
vast importance , to the interests'of the cotintry
and recorninend . investing.the' Presi'dent..with
full, power •to open and protect routes 'across
the 4,thouts. They also endorse. 66 . dOctiltie
of popular sovereignty and, approie the,course
of Senator Bigler, and recommend en indepee
dent State' Treasury„ on the prinUiple.or the
Sub-Treaeury. •
All .t!ae relolutions endorsing the'course and
policyof Mr. Buchanan' Were ,adopted ivitheitt
di3centtnf saes. •
The only resolution that aroused any debate
was the endorsement. of. Governor Packer.—
The resolution endorsing. the Governor 'was vo
ted ?dun n. by yeas 37, nay '
s 84
The Derimprary of Pennaylvithia have taken
the. entire polick-of Mr. ,lltichanan as their
platform. At our iast adVices the noniinatione
.for State ofßbere hnd 'not been made, and . the
Conventibe was still iii, sesSion. ;
• The ERIE ORSERyEE. comes•toliZ; th i s
in an entire new dress; Since Mr. Sloan be
came the , sole Proprietor. he:seems , determined
to make it the .best look ing, , as well as one
of the 'ablest conducted papers idthe State.. • .'
The DISPA.TCR, also of that' printed
on new type, and"is, i 1 possible, sharper than
heretofore. In addition. iithe Ezzazss, a:pa
per reCeotly.started, which' in .appearance and
ability 'can .vie with ,the best. • The citizens
of Ere have.reason to be ptoud of their public
• JStnori•iitur jiits
. jr;
Chester' coiintY„ a few .days ago, hauling
a load of hay, and owing to tha bid condition'
of the road , tie upset, and in some way broke or.
injured his arm. • He brought . suit . agamstthe,
AuyerViiors of the township,fo . *lounge's, and,
on Saturday last
,a jury •mulcted4liemia
and Costs. , . .S o let the - supervisors.see that the
roads . are in 'a traveling : condition-at all times.
JOSEPH, Hon*, 'of Kentucky; hair tinily appoin
ted Poitnhasten-General' in the plithe 'df
BROWN, 'deceased, Mr. Holt was forifiirlfi
Commissionei of Paicirits, is, a man 'of . great,
husiness qtraiifichtiOns, and is most efficient'
officer. 'The Senate has confirmed hiS appoint-
..• Henry 'Jumpreta, the Chicago murderer', who
.put: the reitiaine of.hie wife into a liarret and
sent them to New York, has been eentenced to .
.be hung' on Friday, May 6. *,
,Marsena 13aker,,a member of the New .
York. Legislature froth Cattarauguit county,
died . on Monday last .at the iesidCnce-of,bis
brother at.Paliner,,Atass... • •
The Smethport Literary Snciety their'
last &laic session oft Tuesday . evening.. The
Academy was crowded, and the exercises Were
Lake navigation, says the Erie Express, is .
now fairly open; and . boats have,. commenced
iiiking•their regality trips butween the,diftet
ent'points along•the lake. • • • •
NtiMOE FROM THE lintinunass.l ) -Hosy,
doe, the Lycoinirig Gcsi!fee like . the oho from
Hirrisburg, on.the lAtivinstUnt? •
CAUGHT IN 'THEIR . OWN Tirse.—Politicians
sometimes, in attempting 'to play smart, get
Caught in.a„trap they •little dream of,-and ,this
is the case with those of the:Republican stripe,
in:'lllinois. As for example, the . republican
members tor the legislature of that State run .
'away from the legislature to• defeat the ' bill
rucking a new apportionment : of the State, as
theY , ::!iskdd last fall.. It was known that Pov
ellioeßilifidt' would veto the bill; andif was
filsreti;,lhatth'ir Democrats Would pais it 'ovar
hiSC,iitoi:;they, therefor", cleared out and left
.the Tegislaturewithout theluorum required by
the'cauiiitution. They, however,,left too soon..
Ae there was no quorum presepe,..no business,
.of Course,'coulif be transacted, and wheri ihe
PoVerrluPevetomessrge, was .sent in it could
not. be,,receiiled.. The :republicans were - lief
present to make a'quorum within the
,ten days
which'the'Governorls.allowed taeorieider bills
'aid if therefore became a'law Without coo=
sent: , Thuo.the republicans, - .M , attempting to
be, shrewd, were completely Caught : ink their .
wn ancl.they should.Mow.submit grace-.
. • , • .
Thp Tragedy.
~ Mrs . . Sickles has returned to • NeW. Ycirk, and
will roe* in :a house at Blootriingdele, the nee ,
Of which is granted to,'her brj ? Mr.`Sickles, as
long as she remains' under her , fatber!s i proted..•
tiara. Her little clati hter will remain 'with _ her
for the present • '
• Hon. Edwin'll , l. Stanton, Of pitteUurg 'one
of the most distinguished lawyersin thellnion,
will ,he the:leading counsel of Mr. Sickles. ..It
is not, expected thet • a very bitter antagonisth
will'be'rnade 'by the prosecution' - in this . case;
but the ,defence .ernply prCPareil far' ill:corp .
• A Quatt, Tilapted.tiorrox.—: , We learn, says the
rt l ,f t°tl 'ePOnstn‘that:On' , ;' l oto.o4reveni.nt list;
4.; eitith of ,pkiiiipswitt,-.*:,sol,44‘e_,,itstmid-:iPe.Bt
ed four
'ehillyektind his',hbusiSld.'an4,ll,itnhintiltiini
~411,•,1 fifty
cents ciih,"and a• - iieelikhand Ohth coat.:
'The puOfiaser Otlhiv . Valtiahlelitirsorliit estate
Was e,ytfedng genPetnifn,liof soma itiottneis, who
Was consultedin. the irrangeinentis notlttated,
but it.is genefallY believed tha the ;transfer
was acceptable: to her. The' fl;inieit'part of
the story is that the husband tiftel lt ivi es : th e
bill or'sale;late:in file hientrig`Of. Saturday,
lottging,44ltily rkevcc , ylrsiiirietor, ,
of the . 'goods -4titi, ellatteli '
~*ib" ttOotruida - -
ted with Itt portion of
• the ..bed „of..tyo of the
eldest. dhildren, Where"hC'snObsdd"away quite
eomfortably;',untir morning, . Whin hi left the
preinises,in perfect„goodhnrnor ! . ; , , • • • • ' •
FRpla FEDI rIONer-The fol
lowing is lin eitiact'frOM,a refer froth the U.
S. ship Sabine, , off Montevideo -
.on-the, 20th of .
lanattry . lasti
'l4WhetherVe are tiihaV s e ,n:fight,or not; I
ern, yet, in 'tioubt,•- ;Therels,it desperate effort
on the part — of Brazil,_ .' through 'through Minister
here, : who . his goite . up to have a talkwith' Lo-
Pez, to , prevent "a fight:- .Net that . he tares el=
ther for uti:erfor I..opez; : but they detet .knovo.
but that we wantth seize upon Paraguay: Ri
diculous as_the idea. is,. these people or . their.
government really think So.- All of the neigh
'boring governments hut!, also, through • Span
ish' politeness, 1 suppose, o tendered their-medi
ation. This is.of . a piece; With - old-Lopez:am !
gance. and fitinning policy: , 'Rer4lonbtless has
prompted thern :to it; aricr . 'Mere th a n any
thing have heard, induces me to believe that
he will .not.fight. o '• . •
Phhoricht AsintiaasidaTioN..z--The" tirectiCat
workings; freguently seen.. .: -The marriage
of a White girl to .a black in Michigan; the 1
marriages. of white women to "blanks in Was
sachusetta last:Year; " the inarriage"dof a'White
'girl to a bleck,iii Mooklyn,N.:l%,.fast menth,
attended by eight blacks all withwhite'wives,
are followed ,by . an 6)p - ea:ant in Tantori;
Mass., lastWeek,"Of. a black inan With ,white
dirk here is, more of iti—The"Montrose
(Da.) Demoertit gives' an aecount of the recent
Matriage of a. white:girl in -that vicinity, to a
negro. In accounting. for• the circumstance it
says:.: •
derhe only - e.tplanation of, the matter la that,
her mind was poisoned by•the influence of thogh
engaged in bringing about the marriage, who,
R . seettis are too fully enamored of the. modern.
doctrine of 4Negro:Erjuality.' "
Such events are getting tote of-evdry day
occurrence.' - They . owe their.frequendy V& the
prevalence of Black it epliblican principieis. • •
The late municipaLelection in. Leavenworth,
Wyandcit,• and other towni in Kansas Territory
have resulted in foyer of the Pensocrrits; .It is
now belieVed that since .the: slaveryissua has
been withdrawn, the Democrats are in ina 7.
jOrity in the territory, and will secuiethe Uni
ted States' Senators when It comes in . as a
• The stearnO'tireat 'Eastern is '(o
be finished . intinediatelyi- - iii..51',50(1,000 have
been:raised, and the first instalment 'paid in: .
English jotirnalii Mitre.' of this
Monster to liea arar.airrivertiancii'aiirraiikecial
ly 'designed for carr ying irriopsi_Streit'and'mu-
Ystgiing!dii ridgy
jast : betweei Mr. Magraiy; ,forTer;Superln ten
.deilf '9f . , the .I,a 4ffic Wagon Afoad
I ; o E 4 ri ; his ;;:successor.. M graiv ;.assaulted
',Lotiree with a •
pi.441-641Z%- ''•- b
wiiat,umo- --
valua le
remedies for te.riiiiunsite!*,..9f
c;e: l4. , . wait •
. 2 “_C_oerAn's"..kimediei alrtkortiestie pests;
siCh‘as Rite Roactir.,ll64-b.tigs;„;'Anti;- . Pletts,
.we can speak' from' actiml
knowledge .of their, 'write DRUGGISTS' and
PrAtarta should sentr:their orders fiarly, if theY
woultt'sectire a•tradelit tbeM.4N,r. 0.044.
shallfwrite - semetking about ydnr:Eiter
minators, as I eando.so with propriety.
are selling raiddly:here ancV destroying , all ver
min.-Ert. cc.i3annan•Fayetier.lifo...-
"Death . to
As Srinrio' appiniehes;
'h • '..Airrs"and RoAcams; -* •
Frotn , thefr'.froles-corri6 chit;
And MOE and RATS, '
In,spiter of Cats;
Gailyskipabout,-. .*
lUD-Bond bjte; •-•"
YOu, in tte'nigtit,,
-Ai on the bed l you-slututieri
• •.• Thro'*cliambir and' '
. 4 In iqUa6 without nurotiel,:. • :
IT IS . , ..T.H.111..Y WONDERFUL. • 'WITH
What certainty 'F.ats,.,lloachei,,Mice, Moles,
'Ground' Mice, bed-bugs, 'Ante ; Mothi,,MOsqlli- ,
toes; Fleas, neeco cOrtlinals, in •Short•eveiy .
species of 'Vermin, .dre,utterlytlestroyed and
exterminated bk. • • •'• " • •
"Costar's" Rate Raitali&O;Sitiniainatox.
"Costar's" Beit'Plig Externiin l o6
"Costar's", EleeOlo Ro*det
SuPplied4Creer, by mail, to any ittlircils in . ..the
, .
•United Stetee as follows: •• ' • •
On receipt of boi oethe T
RA,. Bonen,
Ci, 'EXT.;
On receipt :of $2,00, a' box . = each • of the •Itsio
Resort, . &c. Ml., and &atomic Poway.,
(sent postage paid,) auffiCient to, destroy the
. • vermin on any.premises. • - -It . . •
Sold;by DRUGGISTS and Dnaß.4,lo6y where.
S.—Circularsi terms, &c.; sent r bymail on
application.• • • .
. ,
Northeast corn e r Filth 'end', Arch treat
' Pritt,komiarA,' • •
And Wholesale Dealers . generally. •
I, L. nowig,
, .
Ri D4PTOIAN, , OONVBIrdNOER aid Roil ,
'l'rsta,te 'AgOit; ()Mao; Willfaraaviqa; *lk Co., PA!,i,a!oi.
• Haw,' Pliop3an • Strathera, Pa; I
W. 8.
. Hon; , Vista, Pa:
„ .E.
,i ME ETIN9 of • tba .t .. gei.lolollleti .
M'Keen Rail :floaii and :Neivigittiiik.Coith ,
pany will be held, at the Office'of the
in t heltorou gh
4th diii'ilof :A pril'hext,'af 3 o'clock
said day, for the policies of Cleciiiig,a - P,r41 5 1;:
dent end twelve Directors to Sel:Ve for the
ensuing year
, , S. C, HYDE;fierreiciry.
Snlfllipart,,MaiCh 141.69. .