M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 24, 1859, Image 1

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I :••
„ .
. .
. .
;.• :?!."
itiltican toinitlf Miinoqut.
PUBiakifED 4v.,ol4.:lll:ii4DeiY:BipiD#o;
` & BARBOR '
in : A4vaine,
. . .
Rite - s''..of. Advertising
Icon. one year....::.:..,..• $35.0.0
;" • . 2000
• .I. ~ six ...... 2000
. 1 2 00
oie squire of 12.1iee8 Or lefts, 2 .. .. I*, 120
Each skibiequalmt insettion,'..i. • 25
Business Carder with paper • • '--- . 00
.:04-,The:e Tering nil', 1)2 strictly adbeti.d to:.E[i
f3ti9iJie,6....: : .Piic400.;
. .
• • • • ..
CARVER .110.1313 E,. • -
loci H. UULL Proprietor' corner ot:WAtpr awiThelsory
• • ptroets,•Wayren -Pa., General Stage Office ~• •
B WRIGHT & 00.,
, • .
- . . . . .
, . ,
Wlieleo . ale'andltetail Dealers in F amily Grocerle.: Peiic,
Ylour,', Salt, Feed, ho., &c .," Tinder E. S . btason'a
.'Stove Stott: gni aide of the Public Square, Stnothpoo,*
.. .. , ,
7,'C: BACHUS & cd4
•• •. • • . -• .
'General Dealers . in 'Cif . G . oods,' Or ocerien; crockery;
Deady-Dlad.. Clothing, Booth and Shins, Hata Ana Caps,
&c npposite tho Court Sinalhport Pa.
_ .
. . .
tholeiale ',and. Retail Dealer in:Frovisiona and Family
•' Grocariee, Dry Goode; Boots. Shoes Hate, Corte, Nails.
Yankee Notions, :leo • &a.Store ona door west of the
' Aster Apia... Terms: - Gash: ..• • . :• . '. .
,••...• •
trolithnr the Public are, Olean'..N. Y. 'Yana§ id.
KILLNR. Proprietor:. he Babel; Muse entirely,neor
and built of brick, • end In furnielied In modern,style
The proprietor , Muter,' himself that hia'accnininda!
, Arens are not ,surpassed by any hotel An WeittArn
' York. . Carriages run to and mom the . .Nen..Yorlc :and
. .. ...
~ .
AtTouNgi ,
hi .1,04 Snietbpoirt,, 111 , Itian: County. Po:,
Agent - for 'll4epars; Keatin rk 'qo's Lands ;Attenlit
, ispeolully to the Collection ot. Claims; Exarninatlon of
. Land Titles;. Payment Of..Taxen. nut 01l busineid rola
' ling to Real Route. • Office In Hamlin . Block: . . :• •
• .
Wittawr, - Peopeieter,—at Rinzna, . • * - arren eannty
Pa. Ms Table will be supplied ',with: the •best the
• 'iducitry. afforda,.and.hii spare'no pains in aceetnodethig
.. . .
Attorney, and 0 mneellpr at Law, will attend to' le col
:..laction of.clalms ani.accountsin the Countio• c Pot
• ten,. iff , Kean, 'Elk,' Jefferson' MA .Cleartleld - . r.- 0
• . Smetliport, Witten county Pa.
. . .. . , .
.... . . .
Attorney and Cowriellor.' at tax; limethpitt‘t,
.111 , Hean
.County,': Pa. ttus - ness' entrtieted to hie •oare for, the
eounties.of SlMeati; Potter and ink atilt be promptly
` • 'attotided tO ." Office td the .oourt'Llouie, , keeled fidor.
PliVilicia:n iiiiitt SitrgetrY; Smothport,lia, will attend to
"'ill ileofeiodonal callaWitli firomptnees,..
Office iiittart- -
. .
. well Block lr tocond . Ooor, • ' , '
dihOleAale and'Retal 'Dealers .§taide and Flinty. Dry
(Undo, earperinn; Ready Nadu i7lothhi4, and .Denernt
. Fur Wu n,odg; Boots. nttd Shone,. Wad I and, NV Judea
..-Dappr; tootting9taeien 5r..9 At Olean. N..
-•. . . .
Smatkrbri, 317gehu Ca:, Pa. n.. U. 11F.7tSETT, Troprie
tor-,cippasite the Court I.lnuse.• .k lieu, large, torn
......mottioue.and welt furuishell house... - .., .
Atio'iney aril Cokutellnr*. t flor, Binetkport:kl , Kenn On
• p a • .'4'ilt.,l.tend In all hutiptiEs in lii4 prntesginn:idthe
' eiluntii,rniMlEman, Pntter anti Elk.. 'Office uver .
filutwell .k BiotlierslStote. ..' . •• .*: . • ~ '''
. . .
• . , . .
J. C. Etet,itgrt, PrOprietor. Brothriort, .111'Ketin Co -Tio
-Btagem to and f roin'this .n Fitrip Cold (moon!
- trodntions:onA..rpasoint , to -„, • . : •
• "
poalerlnfrat.vid.,; PRIV Fish.
' llo4lloT'idn.Clnthinz.,. l 3iintiuni Slicing . • Sinr'n in El. ,
tnii , n nil stAndl, Sinothpn'rt On. ' Gennrnt.Pnient
tionAgentn,-., • . ,
,* .".
tirrier:of S:eonn4 sin(f. Liberty fitoets, Watire, Isn'.
Minnoß . , iProprietor:'Trnicler4 ,
and - g:4304
6ompnodatiOnB:and epitsonablo:eli:argea: ''•
~..• , . . .
. . .
'Dealer in.Stvaa. !Pin ,{Fare, - : Jiiipaited il'ete.• ke.. west
.- eldo or the 'public! tlir,.ro', Arnetheert, pa. oo n toyn
, wok dons. tj.. eteter nO the shortestpotjeo, sindin Vie
most sithstrintiel. . nlitOnei.. .;,' •' - . •
, . . • . . . •
~ . .
tialer;•th O
'bry mitla: (traceries' ovielierv, Itin..n.twp.rci
''BoOteAtioe , i, liftts, Chipig, GlamQ; NDibi, OliW., no., otp .
ZaJlt7'iidil. 0 , .. •t e, Plll.ll(3.Squlit;., Btnetltport, Pit.
A. 1, OTTO,
- ..
... a • . . . .
:/tbalffir. in Prilon And .Famlly ' Grocerii . s generally. at
Farmers... Valley, 511Kaan 0o:', TB: :Grain; Lumber,
.• . Shi:atleß, ko '; taken In. eialia - nge fdv . GbodH. Patent
. MedleintiCtrir , qata. • • . . .• • • ' ' .-- •.• -
wtnErs AoTyx,
..• , ... .
B. Laa'A Die.' Ivroprietor, - Allogheny Brid,..te I)l , l{Pan
Co ..,%Pa.. l' hre'house is iitivredabant nino, wiles frion
stnethport.. on tali road to Olean, end will ,bofnund a
coovenient stoppin-Illaca • • . . ' ~ - '.
. ~
' EMPORIUM 110118 E,
'fibrPOn. , l'iPßoan'Oo., P.: LEGR:IXI, ConK. Pr.iirie''or.'
':A . comliitidiouli.ntyL*ol-furnished lintwo Strfing
azid•taavelere alll tyndgood acconrncriltifkrui. '•
. . .
By T. Oonot Thls house 1s sit tinted shunt live miles
from Smethinirt on tho road to Olpsn'.. PIC asu re part let
; and 'othe.e can be accommodated on the shortest laotiee.-
..., . . . . . .
CiAilla DONNlB(PrOpyietOr - Thiß houße is' altented flail
-way between .F.lmetbport nnil Mean. if yen want a cood
dinner this is the place to at0p..... • . ' ,
. . .
. . .
••. . . .
.. , .
rpopriotor of ' the Grist Mill, - at Mechaninabuig ; Mo.
; Heap County Pa. • Flob.r. • Meal, and .Feed, constantly
ou hand and torsale.in . large"andsrnall quantities, , .
. . ~
. •
' •• •• RAILROAD - HOUSE, . • •
WILLIAM STRIEVFM. Proprietor', Norwich, bi , Trean 00.1
Pa.. - 'load aucommodutipoe can be hud tiler° at ail
. . ~. , . .
. .
1171t.t.tht Ti 7 titiost.L . .ProktotOr, ArPorl a Allegany ' Mc- . Kean County' re. This Hotel IN eitunted:at the 'jtttio-
Aloo of thelfitiethport " aod Allegany Hivet! toadeitatie
'tolltiti east of Smethport: • . .
100 B cEl S : l d E ti r d f pni eTe p a A t
rh PES :„ . . 7 l l _ Bt _ re
Feb. 17.
. . .
'LOOK on
the . .map of.the United State's, and'
. thetilOokinto the old stand Of Ford BSSenith
And you will, find Ed. Matien'l:lln Shop all on
19),. eat'. . • • ,
ThPre . are,'..perhaps, tin set :tit men, ho orr .
ganization, public ors cret; , religt,iue
'eal i :thet attract as thudlt, , aity'rit one draw forth
as many. stirmisgS and as to their
doings and objecti as the'order of the 40n4.0r .
ilaving the. facia. before - I,srn
pate .to place before our tenders a short .rie
en.nnt,Of the order of,,the
. the year', of 'eur'l,ortl,loo4, , some mer
chants of ',Memphis trading Cl) the . LeVant, oh:
iai , !ed.leave of the Caliph .of to erect
a, house - for those et.ho .vrent on pilgrimages to
They erected . a hospital for the
sick A D. 1104; whence they'obtained the
, natne o r tibsowiers.. : 16 A.D 11:18,:fheY . be
cemea.military order, and many person's' of
. ble blood. entered their ranks.': -After theThris
tians hadlost their interest in *.he East,' and
Jerusalem' was' . aken, the Knights . :returned to
lytarieett;:and then to Acre, - whichl.tbey'defett
ded in 1250. of:Cyrirus. then
them . . Linnissonr. which country ova's: tie r
'neathed to . therri, and ,became _ their home ttl
till . , in which.theytoOkH.hocles, and the ,neat
year defe,rided it, against ° the Saracens. Since
then they have had. for motto,. E.,
Foriites#6 dm" Rhp tqiudi; Hinies, how=
ever was taken Srilyrnait in .1552', when Ihe
Knights returned into Candle; arid from. thence
to Sicily. Pepe Adrian Vt"etented them
tetbo, : :aa' a retreat, and in 1630 Cheriei V.
granted . them the'lsle of Aid ta; ; •
• . . .
• -The ordei of the Sons of Malta., which etp..,
braces so many of our distingtished . felloW-cii..
izens; understood: to be the present represent- .
alive of, this formidable military religious or
der. The hospitality which once .greeted , the .
pilgrim on the shere of the holy • land is. now
dispensed with liberal bandifn: the lodges' of
A mericah cities, to' the, natives, of. every clime.
The motto remains the .saine as when Grand .
COMmander •Eoniquei de v.alcret held Rhodes
against enemies.altbOUgh' some writers as
sert'. that • the-F. . 'R..T. is interpeted
the modern Sons of Malta as Eu . nny Exorcists'
of Rueful TI:.-7gbts.- The interpretation of the
motto D. : M. 0.,1. S. L. A., which appeaFEgi
.their initntory tablets' remains: lecked in, the
breasts of the accepted Sons E 4
.Malta: •
The Isle of Malta is still in the possession
of the '<Sorts," who rent it to the British gov
ernme.nt as a place of deposit for military
stores. It ishowever, contemidated by the
.Grand Lodges in the Union, — lriey baying the
controlling influence, to frect there upon a
magnificent scale, a retreat for those when)
long service , in the order and old age have en:
. c•Son,''...faroiliat . with the' faster) , of ,the.
theOrier,,yvtll riroetpber. that it . : Wa3 one, of
the of:- enferuf
fained,:tri the "most hospitalble miinrier,
'on, the lelaod,
verfAnee derive.; fhe..natrie;' y
luidiv as"be heid:aikk:offite iti thg ofder,.iut he
is,deseribed n; the “chief opt] of the Island."
. . .
The'Bonscif Malta e'vidently have a deep de=
sign in the Organliation . : • They • may
day : ' startle - the • World, aelfleY
merit so b . rilliarit'; having all. the'atributes' of
uobt,ne . ss 'and . iity, Witisth pre ;'the. priirie
the 'order, that ill .mankinrd..
took rin with hlessing and. ripPfanse.• Man'y of:
their : wonderfidiarities'jareArnoWn :to 'th'e,
world, but ;flow 'manY More remain' Secrets lin
the order; and with, tilose that rfivive... yi;rily;
it Is:. hiese'd to gladden
.the , desolate heart.'
Among the . Most 'notod soils of he order ',in
this noun try" fir; y hr mentioned' dtir Moist Ivor.;
thy ilre•ifterit, , Jatni , s Buchanan, '‘e.hcf' b-;.;
novr 'folds th.-; respOnsible: office of 'G. U. ;
,T ! A .^:.All .the Cabinet Officers 'ari.'uembers,'
and some Of: them, Mr.. Cobb iVe believe, holds
a-very high office. Among the SentitOr'i prom:-
inently'!.stantt. Douglas; Seward, Hunter, 1- 5 0;;h';
Ittt hO.Houae, 'nearly every ..member belongs:6,,
the Order.; . •• . •
-In the ditierent States, nearly all the.dover
not•3 have'Veen initiat. 4 d . into the Mystic sestets
ot the order, and there• is not a.town of any
•siie whirl\ the order'‘is not
. grovOng !.% ith
rapid'i , drides. It promises to.beeonhe the most
lortnidablecrder.ei/eiknow.rt to the world.. • .•
.ME.uorty' ,TrimAstiFEs.--Perhaps she liee
3 nedt.h . the :clods of the bitt does not
menru;ry,over'faithful mernery; beckon yilfri'on,,
breathing in your eer •• the seine 'familiar tone
:with all its former love and .tenderness? -bees'
it hover whispe - r the same mayor you' fisped'at,
the parent's
_knee; tempting you egain fo .
up yOni.Voiee• with'chilli trUst . to.yeurmo-
Oier's GOO . 4.iid;::yehen insliqed . to .vi4o.4r.
6;361 the paqui , ot: yod not teal • the
Soft . haptl:paeeettlightlir over yetirhroWisoork
I tig nerrnoit soul .. to rest? . Do. you not
deed feaget
. Ihdt you, ore clreetnlng of the _'past,
not of the present. . . • ..• . •
, .
But 'dream . Imagine that .saina fstthful
hand' guidingyou through' life's rugged
.way 7 thOse prayers still ..asiending to; ;leaven
iti y o urhehalf.._,lirearns which point.to you
pie counsels , and inspaCtions.of a • salnieo 'mo-s•
ther will not unfit thee for life,
and he.ll betler may , Play be, illy.guisle
whilet . thondost sojourn here below, and be the
instruments . Gail's hands of Openini the
pearly gittei to feceire you. . •
"' ^L _ r' • • •
-4'er . ' • • 7":' :1:4;
• t' • • , 4!
- SAL&HPORT-4 . jVilifi'AN.l ,- COOiTY,;7e:A PA., :TOVR.SONY, :VEP
: •Prom ttio VaUG7 41in, ;
//St 'Or TIIE
DOpnisi Goti•C; . *Prct . i' .Pr:;sident . s; and. i
, •
dint of .
- • .• .
• • From the date. of. ds grant to tl)ianr Penn'
by: Chorles II; King Of.:Englatid, the ilth'day:
of. March, 1681, to the Present the
na he . Aterimis . Secretaries. and Deputy
Secretaries of, the l'revincesand Conittionvvetrith
duiing;the Same. Peririd.:„ T his list waa•prepiir::
ed by a• itomptitent oirreer•reCentlY implOyei, in
the office ot:t he Seeriory oi State, ant! mny
relied . .upen • as' being' entirely: correct::' It is
•worthprescrying t .and, those of our . Subic fibers
who do-not•ftle our:papers, will do Weil to'Cut
it our. odd keep it for'fiartiiiiirefirence.
. . .. • .. .
. ~ .. ~, . .
A pril 10, ion, - It .. Depni y, b'uiieraor, ' .
tn 'Oct. 27: .11382'S ' dapt; Win'. MArtaut.rd. -.
Oct. 21'. 1682;I . Proprieinr and Goveinnr,
to Aug. 12,-1684 .: WILLIAM . PEIVIt. '
= . ..Cltrks, to Couneil,:l3li9tAitu Irruirci,-.
. .
Secretory to. Governor, P'nttiv T.l..,EttntArt:
. ,
An. 12,. 1684 I: Deputy .G.weinor) -
tv Dec: 18, 1688
. . • ...• - • Presq.Plov.incial*Couhcil.:
,•••• • . 'Clerk to Colwell; .Itionittei)
Sicr , •tarirs• to Goyeroor,
To Muy .28, 1686,
.t' . roln May 28. 1686,.
18, .1088 . t Deputy...Governor,'
to Feb. :1; 1689-60 f J;.llll.Acrtivut....
Speretary,. Capt.. Wat.llAr.roins.f.
Feb...1 0 '1689-0.6 t Dep . tity . Govertior;.
to Apr. 26, 1093 Luna),
•'. . ' Pr.es't Proirioeial CottoCir,
•, • secipfttli , ,,.6apt . ..Wit.•lVlAßlSllAM.
•.• •Untler'llut Btaialt Crniuts.
April 260793 •. . Governor, • •
to MaTeh,.26,.1.695 c REto. FLETOIIETti •
Lieutenant Governor} Col:1 1 1m. , IVlnattnAm
' • .Clerics to Council', .DAvio JAAIISON, •
~ - Uoierer Wi lliam . •'.
•• , .
29, 1686:t ..• Goyptoot . ., .•
to peo.• - 3,'1699,•f'„': tor.:W . st! MAprznin
Doc: 3,
to Nov.
Nov. 1,
to Feb
Feb. 17
to Feb.
Feb. 1704-L5 . D6putf,OOVit . rno,r,'
to Feb; 1709.44 V. • • Jotrx
•• • •.. -Secretari JAMES LOaAN
. .
Morel), 1709 ' . -Deputy Gcivernor,
,May 31, 1717: V •
• SeCrqtflEy JAZdiS Loolot
Mny 310,717 . Lieutenant Governor,
to J,one /.
22;17.20 . Sir •:.
• . .
. , • . zecr..lary JAMES LQ'GAN
.tine 22, 1726/ • Li etV, . G9reroar)
.to. A tig.' 5, 73C.1 Po . p.uor.t, ‘ •
. ••. • . Seetetariei, .11011:S Lai:AN.
From Sept..ls, 1726, Roar CiTARLEg
Ang. 41, 1736 , . Deriut,y Gavernor, •
to Aug. - 1, 1738. y ..• I:4(iGAN,
^ • •Preet :Provincial Pontieit
.•: .• ' 7Secrir ry,RoBT:AttLES
Aug. 1, 1738' • I •• Lie It. Governor • .
to.Jtin 0,• 17 , 17 V: • • . •Gruct7. - I'momAs. •
, .
.- • • • • Seeretaries
From Atli. 1, •1738, Tuomni LOwit.l4:,
•• From July,2l, 1140. PATtitort 11./ono,
• • FrOfp Feb',, RICHAit.DPEtEns.
June 6, 1147 • • '' Deputr Gover nor, • •
to, Nov. 230148 . ANTTIONY PALMER,
- : • P.res't ProvinCial
• •
.Secretary; Ittotimra. P . wratls.
Oct. 3, 1764 ..." Licot...Governot,:
to.Aug. l
20, 1750 RouT. Mounts. •
• • • .Seeretary, iticridtittOurr.rts ,
'AUg. - 20;.17 . 36 • t Lfeut. Goveroor,,. •..
to NOv. 17; 1730 s Capt.-Wilt. DENNY.'
SOcretarY,•itiehlktril Pe ters.
. •
Nov: 17075% ' I..l*!tit.:•Povernor,
to Oct: 31,'1763 V . %'• ' JA'uels
. . .
•• ' Secreta.rh.s: . Richard Pkere,
. • 1 7 ,iorirJan , 2, 17.62; Josnph Shippen, Jr.
, .
Oct.. 31, 1763 .• . Lieut., : ,Govrrnnr, ,
Co May 6 c',.l7llJ.Orn PEN:
See.etary, Jos. Shippen, jr,
. . • .
May 6,'1771 •I .I.)eputyGover! , or,
to Oet. 16; .1771 S' flotli f Torr, •
•• • . . Pres't Proidncial'Councir.`
• ' sl.c.ietury, Joseph Shipp..o,',lr.,; •
Pct. 16,•1771t : . Governor,
to. Aug,. 9, 1773 5 • •• RicuAtur Pv.rss. ••
• •••••• Secretary.. Joseph Shippen,
Ao s !,.. 30,1773 1 . Proprietor. and Governor,
to Dec. 9, 13. JonN
. . Setretary,,JOseph Shippen jr.
. ,
Under the Conottitt4 of Safety. 1.
- • ,
July 3;1770t .
to' ep. 6;1777,
. , Secretary; Wm. Got
• tro4fi• th. Sapid . * .Exeititive
Marc11.5,,1777't ' Piesaeut,
to Dec. 1 2 '17'78'f . , Tuo:UAUWimurmg, Jr., -
• Vice GEM(GE
SeEretury d .
pec. 1, 1778,'•
tp t
14, 1781 - JOSEI:II REED.
• .' Vice RiesiOnts;
Oct. 177, • ... GEoßc4."l3tulix,
Oct. .12 sto 23,•1770 , : liinxTii ß,w
Nov. l o 1../70, to :140v...14, 1781,' • Wae. Stolid
, • becrettry,. T.inititty.'Matlack
prov. 7, 1782 PresitrCnt,... , ,
.t.ts:Pct. 18,1785 ".Toubt . DxfpOrNsoN.
.• ' • .-• Vice Presideiitit,.
ToNoir. 6, 1.78 , 1,. • • Farads Ewing,
N0v..5, 'B4, to 0ct. , 10, 4785, Chalitldlei
Oct. 1,17 to 18,,1785, - ' James Irvine, .
. . ,
• • . • SeCretuFies,
:"I' Fr ci - oni kstr ,, ch
. •
The E nglish Crown In ',Maio:lll;l6o3i tonic' from Win'.
Penn his right to govern his American ,MaTegeintia,. and
IVl3olnted Col Fletcher, the then-Royal Governor of Neir.
York to be Governor of Vonniylvailizi end • DidaWarO.
Pennle nithority - waa again testnredi# him In Atignstv
1894;and he in, 19Q5 appointed. Col.'W...llatithank:ine his
Deputy . •
• ..
Timothy "Atittack
.J. Arthstrott; Jr
. • .
OCt.• 18, 1785. • • Preei * dent, - •.
to. Noy•.'3,•l7ps- 1
,Vtic .'Prieittente,".•
'Oct. 1.8, 1785 to 0C.t.,31, 1787;• )6..1431,6 . -.:
00. 31, 1787 to•Oet 44;1788,
OCt.'l4 to Nov.. 5,. 17.58 Dcvid . tfetheki
• :* • -• • • ;....
To Nov 7, 1788, • John Acreittteciti4 Jr •
From Nov. ; 7, 1788, .. ,;,. Chortes • Bitidle, •
• . • •••
• •From:Nov.l2, 1787, • • James
Nov.. 5; , 1788 , • • •
r! ) .Pc. 2 9 , 472 0 .$
Vice Oeisideht,..den#e
Secretary, CFiarien ; Riddle.
.• Deputy' Secretary, 'Jen. Tremble':
. , . . . , . . • ,
• tinder. the Cortatitittitni i)f,:l7oo' •• •
•Vec.llo, 1000 • • GOvetnor.,,,
to Dec. 1199-
. 7"stomls liDrywN.
"To ,fap.r-lit, 1791 . • • Mirles 8W,d16,,..
Trom. ' • -.. • •
. ,
Deputy Pecrtary, Jantes Trimble.
DPC. 1709 ' - •' Governor. .• • •-•
to Dee. 1808 t • • • THOMAS MICHAN.: -
• • Seprotarks;
Der.. 1.7, 1790 to April, 1801 ;A. 4..130 . 1a,11424...
Apr. 18,48041 . 0 Der 20, 'O6, T.M.,Titoritritioif
Depiity•Soc.retaiy, .J.atnes Trimblit
• • • • •"
DeC; 1608 .• .
.• • . •Govornor,•••-
to it.eF. 1817 1, . StliTON SNIMER.:
114..211, 1808' to . Dee. 16,'11,.. E.' Bollenit.
Dee.'lBl7 . 1 . . Goverhor, ; ''•
to Dec. 18 20 r -.• *Ds. •
Dec. 16;1817 to .1111v1819; - s T. Sergeant..
JOY 6, 1819 D'ee; 19;1 . 8204'; S. D .
. . Seciittarr;r,
mi ,
c,..1p20 • • - paYPinai r ;:
to Dec. 1823 .Josgrii HElirtit.' •
Dec: 10, 1810; to Dec. 16, 4 23,,441rew,trege.
• Deputy..
SecTatatf, James TriraLle -
Dec. 1823: . '• :•;;GOveinor,' . „ •
to. Dec.. 1829. 'Amu ••.. •
. .• • Seeregaries
'23 to.Jan..-'26, 'ltlolton C. Rogers,
to :Nov. '27, -I. D. Darnapli..•
'27 toDee. 16,•,'29 Datvin, , Blythe,
Deputy , Sectetiry,•James Tririitile
Gion Vi"tat.p.• •
• . 2 Seciteturiea,
'29 to .Dec. 33,, 'Santinet
'33•10.-Pac.ls; 3 5; - : 'James
Deputy Secretary;
' . Governor,
'35, to jun. 'l5; '39, 'T.ll,..Burrows,
. - •
Deputy Senietarietl,'
ToJan. 14, , 3d; • • • . Same" , Trimble;
Jan. , 14,'313 to Jan: 15, '39, Jos: Wallace;
Jan. 1'839'. ,GoVernar; .
to Jan. 1845 .) DAVID ••11:1
: . Secretarics
Jan. 15, ',70 in Jan. 22, , 41:?..Frpop.is.11. Bkaink. ,
'42 to Feb: 20 . , '43
F-b. 20,:."43 to 'Jan. 21,.'45 . •
. • . • , Deptity Secretaries, ,
Jan. 15; '39 to: 1in.2"_",.'42.' H. Pet rikeni„
Jon. 22;,'42 to r el):20; '43' Hut Ver,,
Jan..l2„ Jan. 21, L. Wilson.
Jan, .1845.'• " Governor,,
o, July 1848 j" • ' 11..5n •,1 . •
, '45. to july Jessie
'• • ;',l.).cputy 'Secretary,. •••
to July 29 • , 18,
July• 1848,• C. ,Governor, •.:
to Jan. 1852 . Jourwron. '"; •
July. 29, '4B, to Jan.: "• -Townsapil Haines,
Jan. 25; '5O to Jun. 21, ts2' A. guaeell.
*Dennty Sec;retbricit •
Atli. 7, '4B to Uan. - 25,:'50'
Feb. 1, .'5O toJon; , A ..W. Bennedict;
'Jun - ...1552'-''' • • Governor '• •
to Jan: 18551 /' . • Wit.i.d.,or Byor..Ett,•, • .
r ' . • See'ri•taftbs
, .
Jon. 21; '62 to'March 14, '53 iF'.W;linihe .o
March 14, ;53 to' jati. 17, '55 . C.• A ":.131iirlt
Deputy Seeretary; Ellehu.B; Goodrich
. .• .
Jan. 1 . 855 . •
tb Jan:4ssB'f .
Jan. 21,
if r :s -I';! r i O n LT? "
OCK. .•
Seciptary; p..cliiqn;
Deputy .e . etetoty,.,T;
iiin• . 4.sS". ' ,-GOrttatit, .;
t o ;War. F.: . • C
, - Secreiory,'W.mv•M.
Deputy SOeretaty, H. L:'Dafienbach.
The Roytil Chotter,:cii Deed:ftir:Pentisylvn
niO,' bears. date Marehq,loBl; and
Agreement of A tt fifes of EnliF talon . p ' . wos
mado in tnitlOnd,...lnty ol some yeor, .he
tAyeen- Penn and: thoAo speretins.. whti
'then agreed to reinotie . to . and settle in the
At the. tinie ortite parcbase by Penn, Tames,
Duke of Ylik, after wartis"James 2d.ot Engittrat,
had.ti claim to ilarrof the la eit'rranted to Penh,.
still zilch to the counties` o! NoWeastle,: Kent,
and Shisc‘x;'llow.ihe Stafe:Of Pela Ikare: This
faim nn. afterwards .porehased,. and . in An.
.mst, 1642, !he Dtike.of York: conveyed ell his.
claims. to Penn ; and thus made him sold propri
ettir ii r f film Province of. Petirtsyiyunis. and the
present St ate . 6l..tlelaware.
.• The. provincee-af
t. rwards continued'. 'under :one 'government;
thettub part of the tune hid dillertint . Aiserrtblieg
Or Legislatmes, until the thi;
three lower eountie,s,.. or, Pekaware,.becarne. ra
: . The first rr , e'of . v,erti rant& for, Tietir4V.
rO . Ocie. in On'
ril 25; 1082:
'AWL! the first ,for • the province.were :there
:,45o4greed nparr . oh the tit. May of the lame
The' first . i.sseenblyftsrtlie, Province t:as
at ohetiter, Decentiter
'William Penn dietli:intittle4ul.lll , l7lo,land
threo'tions;inhn;lVinai tnidlltichnrd then
Delm'v'eFe .
rot ) Eidepildie. : Rrt4pn OTtlnn:
-'John Penri died , in 1740, andleft : his !hare to
his brother Thomas. Thus Thorne. tin& Rich
• • • '
ocs4A?l,os7s9:Trfl'Pet °,s sl , t : . a.
, tlyo,ootip s Sohn a,14140 41 " 1 • :, :• ,1 0.0 ? ? ,tur i s 6 P's
Goierner aipoluttneth:tifrhi
cl iiA3(„4l#fitiO
,th o deathof, big. fottie - t, to , w hoso ; . oshtd
ceeded..y Sienn; bioiher of'iSehnt. and:
igiinipron of y ‘ illiiitti,‘Vonti,"'ions governor frotni
Oct. `14;',1 4 7'7,1, Aug.',34;:,1773,.'A;it 4;10-
nt Of his sbrothor John, enditecle,;Thilenos.,
1 1 ,hn . t>eirigatn • o,tuettior frCim
34, Until Oita tirenbing 'Oil or
lite',po -- i'ver . ',. end .authotity
eea s ied, to, be:, reopf c ted, ~ and :
.. roty dto
England booting 'with him on aiktrens fram.the:,
podple'llete to Ihe ttlithorities t ,
toe Suitor - Axe 'Soilli=•itirtge Steyr 6t
Nevi Ho vien p ,conhiet fe'itt;iintre holie'fitl'Sttrtiottl
nf a attn.. One .Itidge'•Std
• .. 6 •
his Eton, were sitting on, the piazza otthe oCat-
erect Nouse," at gara',. and:the following
conversdtion took plac'et • '
• ttveltat .ere
yoo going. to: do this-rnorning? t
"I tell Into - ehtirehi it . I can
one,'".- whir ilte,refily.6 :-I , Where wall Yoe go;frt-
s4llend tilink•of taking a walk; ' , lit tint I
'will find my • Umbrella) -•Whieh•l ~inielaid .:last
iffilferinntliekin pi arrival." •,• •
Jieparaind ! •• , Samuel - , JiiPP • a
•••kort.refleoliOn ! •thouglit he would elppinlp
her room •' ands.indulsce• in a abaci
Tplign' of his •aiirprise, on entering Iffeisfiiritrti.in:
find his ‘v.Ortliy . 'fattier t •Ahe. • same,-
It ie p;!i•hcipe rieedlnea to•add that, after; :that,
the most prrfifq cinuidenec4us Maintained be
tween - fatiler and
, The Jtislg'e was a regultir, attendant, at-the
Finseepal Church; 'but iiot eo with„hie""ionfig
heptirule' One "Sabhath Sem eppeereli it(, the
iliui)r-table` with an, exceedingly ,rebicuti
ridgy sinetul o'er:his nose.,," ~„
- .lWhere did" feu go to church?" 'asked his
«I'o' the Second Afeiiroilist Church repfiee
. • No, More was. Said: . .'t tke neict Sallhath.,oatp"
appqated With 'the same: peculiarity , - opint" . hic
nasal In reply to the same
hetote'the satice.answee Was' Ittitnri. 2 r 6 4pciind
It tieeMsitat,the :fudge
kept a damijoim in and Sim had a
way of [4in - riding - his Sabbaths in company with
ihis . deinijohn"; Ono iitte;' , 4ON his 11'040' .. .hifil
aSinMed'an " red hue, the ikte of
the ease?!.iiasheci upon: the .tniinl ihe 'Mtge ) ,
so he , resolved to Tint , an lead . toitieh'idninge.—:- ,
!kw Ini . .went to ,Work the setwal
Tho t ? ex t , Sablint h Sam, to his w,Onied
place of •wed:Ship, and, found theiletnijnhn seal
od and a,'Oard•iittaelied, having' on it thole
word?: The Second Methodist Chir'rici is closed
to:repairs. Thus, .entled, his attendanco at
theeconti,Methodist,Chuich, , 2,
. -
Elghtn Annual Report ot: the. Illopoger To
the Sta io kitolder of the Sunburynifty ,
road''• The history-of: the Sunhittiand
compan)-tis , the Annual Rqairlit
heretofore presented ': to the StockhOlderi, has
one of the 'persevering;lut fruitless ef
fott646olitaitiVubscriPtio'de to Its capital stoilt,•
sufficient" to accomplish' , the object for vAidt it
• It is ft source •of much= 'gratification to the
present Board Of Managerftthat'theY canttaw
chogratulaf,thCatecklinidetiiipOn ,
provement in the affairs of the, CoMpany.aerin
sures. the sPeedi sii4.ectinoiniCtil'eOMpletiim of
the-Work 'crirprnitfed
By-',nuact of thapetie'rel m''l4 of this
porprponweeiltii; tipii . `roved,,by thC.Goyernig.on
the. ril last; entitled Itin ' Act for the
sale °Ohl` State Canals,
~this Corripftni :Was
outhorlaed to 'purchase. ilieState.of Nen. ,
eylvahla VOsioni,the Lower
North Branch,. bivisibe,:..th; _lappet' North
13ienth.Diviftlem, and the:Watt Byanth
its 1 an Gort'al
far the auto of ,fhree if:tot-
sand dollars"- ' , The. ptirchnse -Mundy. was to be
paid in the five per cent. bonds Or ihe'COMpan=
ny; which beetle' t ‘ he oornMitiy Wairatithitiqzed
to iftscue to theitotitiP(of 0,00,090,, .ftecitn4
by a,mortgage of the whole line, or the load,
finished end ;unfinistiedk:finin , Sdnbury to; the .
harbor of Erift.,'OONVer was . ikl#Olitypii to r the.
CorTiPAaYI-14 cate : ir: should make the pur , chase;'
to sell the property, or any, pert ocil, to.ochlw
corporiiticiris; or-to •aisociatiOre of individiials
to be inecirperatil,'ceithat, ir::the
same, sliciill(he'soltf,roi;it'largo;shin'iling the
price yald, to the Siete, 'fteventy:five: Or Cent,
ern of .the excess shOold be-pftid into the Trea's
cry orthecot:mooviioithr , : .
tha tritd?a# ol a,raada
I ,lia:Parahafie P 1 iliti4p.;;'-Plor#Ardm They Pit
seed. seven millions 01- ' live per cent. bOndsi sad.'
executed a,TriOrtgage of 'th - e road . to 'ftecurfitie:
of !fun
Three. milions ' ftve hundred ,; thousand doflatri',i4
sajd_hathis were Paid to ato
lba Otese,t9eniesit:
of ih e ptrchafte'Money,Mi4
to be, epp!'opriateAtiiihet t eaficfrOi:krigii4l.o,
tiie , const ruetion•of th:e'4o4l 4 :
The ,manageri••liavieg'„'tticeiv.ed':froW'ttiec
• Governor'the necessary, dfteds, of.
~ .;,----‘, ,7,-.. )ri1 ..., 41 ..... 4 ..,
..., ~._
VoYett other Pit itti *Wit 1 4411 "T I TAN..
.. 0 f 453 8 ,# 1 : 404 - 10 4'1.* , 4) . 1 Ittil!„ - -Og?
ti Plie
_Ai nAlgOliirk * ' i4.4:44 ' ff 4 t l i7S .
Ni Chthdkehrotialtth#o -2- # 401 1 )01 0'
I*Will "-,.
.'otit Orani '.an
Diehliont to int r .reltlkittilolll).o4 4 +. l O:; -',, ,;?f...
SaaquehapmaetlitOolli*Waii '''
,Therpttlit-tyliti'Difiaidfi r, :li'."-'-'"'
aware c Ol,ri -
~ ..
..'Pi;,,Totil amboritowiffi*. „ , 000 , , ..-,
.. , Tii'6 , Novis . piaill'ediioe,...,, , ;, 4 _,
,' -":
;yiti,ttro . r s o iii ihe , Wioming ~,to. n altraff ,
trait part o f rnttt„*11)1 11 "011. 0 0:
Wilhelttitie 1- 5,q4 11;11 4 :1 .t. 1 14 1 .14. -ftr
* I
p ß epo vr of ! „ilAWo, yieeit,i;by'aitisist , Amu'
managers, vractudli:l 0 . 141 ,4tC1. , _, , ~,,
rouovilli ,„ it ~ , „ ‘
..,•, , Alttt:',' , ! :::.‘, i:. -
16.'00' 4 , North 'liirineh`ClierPtt.7 l l 4lotri, , ';.,., ':,
By' ihitlolyitinitlrCilliii ontria 14„,„\ 4 14* ,
H . , f; fry , "
~,',.; ' '..
~, , t,, • • ....'..: ,' ' 44,c4.t . ' '.
1, ,4,- , ;. 1 ,,t40,....47Aitt5,.% , • .
r ie it .
fhp proceed. 'ibqat- svitAlL,Vsk.„,,,.
eatceetiedlhe amount o : .:pittteb#l!4(ol, o o7oAiro``.
tit the Illtite, lif , stit; o 9 6 l:.* 4 'iti.* k . ‘....* -
cente'in'`rif the'e n io.llll-"4,11 1 2fIlle f e7teto-
.04 1
,; i'reeetner on t,)' 4147 .: ,i i,ii °PL. ,..40. 011 ...
compliance with' th e. ; t ' 4 lll
:ortilat payment ; $29 1 , 0 0 0 ' If'ii . : l *.littlikOlc , -
1 of the Wyoming 'canal 6rtriefetej'enff 00 '6 4.
' ti 4. diO 4 .f o.°•-kiailaitso ll 4 VIOR
ietiorth in the,Opital memmittg,ibe,'Alete9 '' p
, ~,
nor to.the'Leglelatiyihriow li . ! ittlotifg4flo . ~.'
they had been 'cloaedottid_,##, c iVitiriklir:os77,l
'FoTllkaqi wer,eo. 4
4ttiek,o, l 479 f, itl i t:* : ~:- : ], i
canals, ihtt tote Board of,ONlet4PoMto.hOefr ...'"'::
wertradvided by cattail) 0111*?!.his-illAti*IbIP ."':+ - ' 4,
sale"et the'egialetwafiAiifelitilietiMikft*iii ;,,,,
. , .... ~, 4 , .. ..4a,kke ~/ 1 ....,„
in violation et tha:c 6i titt',ll.Pllk ~, tats` ! --
l'lili'ittV?itfit*nt,trit" . l ,r4.44 11. 4 , , , ,' ,1 "! .. , : b 0,?;
paPers,threstenettte emoireae= 4 o l l)eorterl
the operaticie of ~the eettilehfitititt.4444-01
welted's: gr ill,'i,tlik•, -1 .T!! , i ' 0 1 4,1: 6 ,C5,:# 4 ii...*" 4:
fore; , vrelleitiite,Mteßekof oriiiiof 91;04 - ~>
nity that , offered, ,fo frit, tl4 ~ licit 011.b.ppite• . ....;
ceedingahi the ; Supreme Court 'i
t 9 4c l i ffir "' ?'"'}
wealth:-::lt''was'. argued •Litt'foreiheCiiiittkeid' .
thevalidity or Oh' Act ' , 4 '' ' ' 'l , ll :. oiiit v ilift(o4 l4 . .
unattlesus'opiates or „intlgfestihY'4olitC'ro,
a ,decree to that effect wai,lned.oo4,..eitier :
In compliance - with
the iir9viiions .artliti„
tio i.,
,a 'Act of A!taot4y .'there'hieel 6 ekql
ited In the State.Tiee44464loo,ol,pq. .
, •
'ea olleal OoloPentee, itfi!nteekikiht;:litidtii
a$ foiloWav- 2 ,- !'.,. ;.1t ',',.!•:)0-r\t12.1'..4W4414.4 , sii'W ,
Of the Oellii"Wiie &vision ti'illf o.ill'O
kao littieii .
Of the ',Writ Brothen, and „Suinittigkrr.
i , Cenal 0 1 11.0,74, ''..''''':' 4.6 1004 ,
or the North nidrot, ,L,
Of the. Wyeittineelnit , CoMilefF- t 7 1 1004 00 :7' '
):' ' 'ln tha aggregate; • - ' • 1 -'‘' . " 4 s2i, O f A°°
-:: 41 1 - I;attAlOtitt all betel.' inteieil it thg4 two
six pey cent„per annual, tad ire - .to bmeo,lo
- to 'thicOOMPlPYli.fltie.belf,that', o o:4 o o. 4-4 ^
line:or out" toodlhatte , b:c Iradeireie*lfOgetC; ;
ready r( ll `l l "liliW i t tl a elt ‘il r t aitii• Y rO t ali f i:
~,, ..4 ~.c, to. 14
port tet e ut fi of' th e tne vn
4 , astisilaiky,., a;idencir te:Ptods44 44 4 '40 ;
ernor that there .te (leetiretrigOliiitlao. ll4;,
acilptione to` the afoile bf Opit.:Cohlkotne $: , :,,t
I' cc;itea . eti i`t . it itpiAieeinite*4l4W ,z ' ,
work, one,noWloo,of,doile no ' , llt:* l 44l o tfil.: ll klr'
amount •now OM kr?? andiho OttnOtikiiihoo.
int'iin iiietiiirta':iltiftnii!-Offipo4o
, ii , ! Otke", reedy f",*°;•4lo4,oo4t4iii'44rii:
It wii s(!tea in the iit ' er.4 l tltt ' elliit., Piot._ .... ~ ,".
all :the largo contracts feitAirielt'on:thte*lleili :i
nhd Middle ' , Divalent , iiii bgoo! , - - iiit'Opitrtlitti. , .
tlieen'teent Of itiOittiaititill, 6 gitir Attliel
d o
1 4 'd i;'' ll'Y -` 1. •) ~
Ile e ~., .t bi t o n , 0.'.1 1 ,i g2 ,, ,1i k • ' ,
atotete( boainese, in thevolint9rhis
in the coat of.:thirwerrktoetd***tlidt
°''' ' n l i l o' el " i4 :l 6 o , o 4 tr il f il l# 4 (l[4
1ine,,,114'1 1 104 1 0 4 .4r 4 0.6ri1b,t4 , , , t0 t i
!A: i 414 0 01),Pf ili nit thql,shiga#o:ooo o 4 lll tY
or . the , work,.,-- or: 'matetlalli . l7;iiiireuint: , the .
length - :of,,the' road :, t.,! , 4 . . i =lf:
, .
:,: We , ilWiaroi tr . stifethiititllfft.i"",
' .
:ociaui:iAi:ttloi;il 010 . riltiW
:oticed.*, :The Irad4 l llAlitkilltiloiehlt4o o "
of the. work. bet ween%ifilliatnejioittendr'ffico,
. I 'itt ' ':' o 4: 4 eitliei l : tti, , l. Y' lr !t i t
lit ; i?';nirl .' ili 3 tiiifl ' ohi;' • Pi l. . t t i o: 4 4 -40,,
t y ,
1 !1ati:470:6.1 lie' i'Oiti .. . hetween: .-17 04 40 # ... '''4,
and the.„trctiatn of the liirMemehoeingi* , ,...Vok'' ,
2gth 4 dfyia kit eeet leaf;''' A tflieittllsPll':.'
lettings ti:' v dry tar& !ntiiiilief. dfllif 61010*ilo. ~ n,
Fiftchtlar add etreifnicollkegf N '
~' .:.:
i'rf'pre;iniedbial;(o,4,:#ll4lll4 , ' 7 1
the arerageat which„soclkwo Af
iofitre performed hllmo enrittl*lr ~. :14.'..4if ~
this ermitttryi':'4hrilhif Vokilliii4o#ifi ' --, y , .
- 'i h 1. •- i,i iiiidtkirtehiliqiittlSiirtalkl'iint PT',""
t " le 1.121e4114 -4 4 , 1 #,AP! 1 ) , 19 ~,, Yt , . i,s,
"nti"" a r; 1 1 , 0 4. 4*4 141 ,- 0 0??4 , 2*
'mile. , :Tht,f , ;%, l l4,lo'-, :- .l. ii , i i- F , :!:100;t4. 1* , 0 - tql,:t' : : .
: :*.,!ioi,:#4.l,, , Aff: f li,c,.4qii
~0: ~,,,rrl•
t.t. , e , :s#:o4 , ;*=-;TO:1019,1g 1 0440441'-i'lrrt'
iallds 4 /11ii;q4# 4, 0.t0k . :,t0711: 11 m , ;1P ,01° 1,; .:4, '
di'voll:T:9lol.W*466fikii*,*ikfitC, f.
contracowilicaNiya44*4l4a ' '''''i
4 .i"? 1 00r0 1 , 4,-, 1 01,fligt' t ..: .k'Xifpip i *ro? ,,,,, i
Ideifywdotx,Nit4Avdp-42.c1At_..,,,,4 0tt ,,,.,
~,: , w , g oiviiii, 4 o4, : i:k,*o4:.;•.i..voi-11 , i, 1 r 'A
i t ,
1 .,, , ,,, , 4 „1., , , ot, , .
~, , ,Av
Nr i -7ret.:rxtypg?k , trltt.4l,lo - 4 , 4 \'''
4,91-t0rt0*14.4(.4.* ',,,, V :
1e"."41iT,.11 4 4 40 #1
kAiliAtttair k it' ,
~,, 1 , .0 1 ....1 . ;i
' .0 ,41 14 044: 1 5:e . :,..- ,-..: i4 0 rn Kg
-A : V',', : :;;;-.',g -t- zi ; ; ::,0i04 4 V ,, ,t tf- , M'
" , ': , 5.,,?•• , •",, , . ~ ,.n?"'"''. ',•(l':',lN'm., „ olifi
1 4' •