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'- . , , , , ~ ,1.- - ' R.M KE N OUNTY' . Pki, TLT SDAY, v p i n .i., .‘' '. -. • e ' . ' . ' " .. " " ' . . '. . ' . ' ". s ' 4". - iii ': . 1 . 0.4 ' 0 •', ,4 ",'" '-• '; ;,.:,•.,„,--. f ~,,,—: „,,, Al'„ficcio_:.:lltoiitg -. 3 . ool!iocat. • PIIIILIBEIEDAVIiiiY Tat:MD.IT MOBNIISG, • By onArr BARiOR, sm E mpoit IWKEAN COUNTY, PA - :111 50, iiLidirance *!it,,es citAdvertisirkg, 1 Oollium , one year';‘l,.:. • . ' -*six • monlhis One. Fiquar's 12 lines or testi,..3 insertion, • !iubstiqbetit ingel;thin, Pards.,With paper • • :•'.. Q • jar The4e Terms Ira , Do mtfiatly Olen, d to:;Xl] VO,pi.t,oo.:,,,l3..iiitOrn'.' 3: C. HOLMES, . . . . . Wholosaleindeltetall Deafer .I n ProrkWm- Rod. FaHAY GrOceries,.Dry Goods, Boots,'S„boes.ll.lts, Gaps, Naile: ' Yankee Notions. &e &o. Store one' door west et - the Astor Mole.: •Terros,„Casli. :.. .' ~ • ~ . • " FOBES g 01181" - - fronting the 'Public ' PORTO,. 'Olean. N. It. ' , . T.llfEs MII.OIS 'Proprietot. ' The Pubefillense 4 entirely dew and built of brick,' and is.Turnished;.in modern style The - pron tie , or fleitera himeell at' , his accommodu. • tons are net; enrp'assedby any hotel in .Weatein N 'Terk..;•Clarsiagea.run to and Tom the , New:Turk and Nile Flail • '• •' • • 3e-tf.•.• BYRON 11, HARLIN. . 'ATIORNIIT AT Sthethport. , ll'Rean Cou nty, PO:" ..Ageat - for bienara, Lands . " 'Atten . ls. e!lpitoially - tO.t.be 00114 . ,, ti0n - c,f t:x . Aminatlon tivid Tit lea; Payment nt. Taxe: on-I nil bokineek pag ; to into Offloti i'n' R *Block . . GICEEICS HOTEL . . D .A.-.Weionr,%Preprietor,;.-at Kinzua. Warren county :-Pa.: His Table will he :supplied - .wittr.the be,t the • .country affords, and he spare napalm! in acoomodatleg •• • • • .• . . •• . • • ll.'ool f D RIMERS, Attorney'and 0 )itaaeltot; at' Law, Wiil attend to' tt ordb lectlan of idainia end account, la• •he .Conntle• • , Pot • ter, ' M'Kean. ,Elit, .teffarnan, and • 04artiold .. ' 1.?: 0.. Emotirport, lit'Keati dainty. Pa: . - • : . . t 110116140 N SLDRED; . .. , .tittOrsiey s erid Counsellors:at 144,,..9n1ithn0rt, WlCesin CoUoty, Pa. • . Otis mote • ent,Netect to hie. carefor the counties of Bl!Keep; Potter-and ,Elk will be proinptly • attondell to Mei In the Court liou.ie, 'aegond floor • • • . . , • - e..rrl Surgeon, Stnetbptirt,'li, will ailend to. I professional cal with' promptness. 'DMus in nart irell Illoolk,•seeond.iloor. • . • . • . • N. 8. BUTLER ik CO., IVholesal4 and Riital jiiaiers. in Staple' and 'Panty - Dry Goode; Carpeting, Ready Made' clething. and General .Farnianing Gonda. goats and 'Awes, Walt and INlndo'w • Paper, LaakiDll.9laasea.4o .AtOrean:l4.. 7. .' • SAMBETT H011.13E, . . . . . . . .. . . . . thnethport,l!dr'Kean C0.,.f05. • D. A.•Deennrr, Proprie '. tor-,—oppoeite , the Court Mune'. .'.A. new, large, cud' worth:we end' elt ferulithed.house .' • , . ~. . .. . s' . . 1" ..• • ; lOUS C.' 3& U 8 . ::.. .'"..• . , , . . Attornl4 , iimi Chinisinor at 'taw', Bmniliport; lir Kenn Co . Pa, 'Alit 'attend 'trio altbusineimiethi4 pinfeinglan in the emirate!, of Pd'Kean.frnt,tee aid Elk., Olifeitovei U. It: 'Sartwell..t. Brothers' fitnre: '• . .' , ' ... MOE . ROUSE, . • . . . - • notitsit,.Propiletoi. Smethpnit...Witean . oo Pa. . ltages.tn and front this place stop here. ,Good' aCeoier . • modations and rgeogitiabt6 prices.. • ' . ' • s. fisttlWttt, GOnerel. Denier' .Dry Conde.," Orpeerfee, . Crockery ready-Mette Clothlmr, Boots and Shgpn, Mite end Cape •. &a,.., - oppOniii the Court Howie, 'OIDEbti IRON% . . . Dealer in Dry flendaiGrocarleir. P4rlc, Pinar Salt, Pleb . 'Ready.lll4de,Clothing, llnote.ani ,Phoen . Sinre in .I.ili . ton'enl,ls.tand, Snaethport, Pa., • General : Patel:4 Medi• . HACPIEY;totrtz, . . . . ~ . . „ . Corner'of 9eonn4 and Liberty streets, Warren; "Pe: 'A. A..llAntott, Proprietor.. TravelerA.'wtll find good an ceenitodatione and reasontiere,cherges: -- . • .. t B. MOON, . . . . . Dealer ip /Daiwa,. Mtn War:eoJanpaned Ware . -ha.; *eat. aide of the • Dal - dia Sqn.re. - Smethpart, Pa. "Coat° PI work done to order on the : aborteat notice; and in. Vie mostaebetant.DP *rnanpel.: .. ".• ."' ... . .. W. 'ego Wa).J.L, • ... . . , Dealer in Dry' 'Goods, Groceries' ,Greckerr. •Frnydware Nets. Shoe!, Itali . 1011110.. plaio..,..linita. 014 • &o.,dic . EfOr side of the Pnblio Square, Sinetbport,.,Pa. •" • K. I. orro,, . • .•.... , . , Deafer lii• Prorlaroah a,iid-Pamify, etroperiaa, geerally, at Partnere Valley, .1 0 P Kitiin . 00..,*: Pa-... .Gra In ' Lti tabor. • Sitt.rles,*e ~ takerito each's* for Dodda, Patent ';l4ol9inea far. sate. : ..,..•. •-• *.; .. ' '• .. ' .• ..' ' '..• Wulbws Itoftt„ PmprJetor,—Allegheny , Biidgo...3l , Knou - Oo , Po., Th 9 bonen hi.kituAted oboutnine mile. from 'Sinethi+Ort on thn•rond..to Olean, idd.oill•bn foiisnlsa oonyentent, stopptnnoe • • ••• •• '" "EMPORIUM' HOUSE, . ... , Lana t ... ~ fiblpneri..2.l!KantrOwi . V.lin: Otioi, Penpria'ar• hi conanandlanw and -well,furnishad , liantm. ,fitrangera and pavelera,wlll find 'good 'nceniTitnOdalons. .•: ... • I!ARMERB' . VALLEY.HOTEL, . . . By T.4looraMae.. - This . house IA satiated abent fare mile , . from thnethport en the reed th Olean% Pleeso re parties and the:s een.he acepreinedeted on .the Shortest make. XLDREII . IIALVWIIr HOUSE, , . .„ • frivaios Ders , Prpprielor. :MIR house is altnitted'hal -way tletween Smethport and Olean; If you want a goad Onner thief,' the place to atop.' •. ORORDIS conwOr, • • . .. , • - , . Proprietor of • the Griot: Mill,. At . Meolunititurit.' frfo - . Ilene County Pa - : Flour. .Meal, 'and' Feed, annstantly '..... on hand and for sale, in large and small qizaotition., RAILROMJ kayos . . . . . Wilhiax,Staastas Proprktor, ,yotwieh, .14tliteatt .00:• Pa, (lead ttactonantodatipor cart be had: theta ".at . , • 'POET AtligiaNf HOUSE , ' • , liqt.Li Lfte4f.t. oit POrl •Alregoor, %eon Oooity ..Pe. Thin Hotel Isidtuated at the Juno. thin of the'Smetbpoit aid Allegany oadi; aloe miles cant of . Bxnethport: •• • • ••• BRA OFORD 110 USE, NORTN'SIDIG OP Tat PUBLIC SIZUARIC, , . riradfoid; • Ci . ittikt.y, Pa. RE'undersigned 'having purchased the,alitive . PiNverty, now piepared to Pnteitiiin the tt"elinrcommunity and' iesident Vositters on " ag°la bTe ,/i Will' be iris constant aim tb have his -,• ' • • • • • • -• TABLI 4 *.•.• , SUP.P.I.44tr with the best the country attOrds. ‘ .aad - Captious - Rant ant Stable are connected ; with:the premisei, and a eiteful Weider will alwaye,bei in iaaitina - • ' The undersigned dopes, by prompt, attention to the wants of his Apatite to 'lnerit'the 'patron age ottl4:public. • ,•-• 11. ft - •HAtic, Hoittic 'WEIXTTIER„ON BJJRNS. At the Burns 1164rvit in.lßoaten, the, folliiiving poeut .:.closed in's letter; was ideeli , edfroinJehni). Whittier - :pee , sereetlic*;i9!) "•• ' Fronaskiute and martyra . • The gavial; of tritihiphal •, • , ..; . Abtrie the ihoriy eriUve I - The choreipreise,.the eluilited prayer's? L . . by - • :The . hinitee 'etalu eite; The byres that Luther aueg! • • • 0 . 3.1:101 20,00 12 00 yet;'jarrin g noUthe heripalk notes, The sounds of earth aro heard{ - As through tho epen toinider floats the on of ttriqe an 4 rtotless tlie . wonder, of theski' • , That daisies i.loore 'below; • , The hyena etogeon , though toed and high. The efend,:r orgam3 thew ' • •. • , : And it .the tender earbejlirted .. That.l , apfy bedre by:teima • • . Thafialhtly . haTio:of - chily'a . bard, The pesters!. pipe f . Berne.' .....Nodiscord mare lifall..uleCt Who gave them bot h p tongue, • : . .rov.hd alio . ..atop the lov Trielove of God bath mug: , . . . . . . . To-day by every fault, forgiven ..:. . , ...: - .01' him in 'whom we joy; . -. • ' ' . ". ' We tiike; with 11)ablia,Aho :gold of hots:veil, A'nd,lea,ve.theeartlea all*: Decors Isla matte as of apripz t .' , , • Iliwsweettitse au of fiiiwerit, •.. - . . '.:- The songs the bard Illmaelfiolghi . slog - .l.ols'olier ears oi...is:Colin. •• .; . • , '. .Sweet airs o [ iOre Auld home, the .• Of household ideludien • Come 'dogleg: as the.'robtne,Gome ' . . . To eiug in'dobt-yard tieea, *-- • And; he 1..t .,, rJ heart ; two. natiOna tiara • No rival wreathe tri But. blending An green; • Tina holly and the PMNG (jrz . vES ON SANTA ANNA 'AM MciDENT OF TiLE,TExAN WAN: . . The eloquent-,and graceful style in which that hereic' per-image, General . •Don Antonio Lopez de Santa, Anna, has;on all suitable occa sions, tolked.of frisking a martyr of himself; 'for the sake of. his countrY, .together. with the. ease'end facility with which he has managed to elude the pains and .copsequences . Of the as sitinption. Glair interesting'i character—thus appropriating. alf the•gfary without any of the inconveniences of the Martyrdom—will' tm dOubtedly.constitute'oneof the most remarkit. 7 , ble features'of the life ofthe "Hero of Tarn.: pieo." Had he . 'died c a s 'often as he has; Pi-, pertaining to the feline ifiecies would be sud. deli annihilation in compa r rison. Burtuckliy or Unluckily; ' . for , himself' and for. his Ipeople, all. his resolves ,upori'death hive been, met by 'counter inclination's - to live, and so, thus 'far, upon 'every approach of the . king of terrors . , he has 'cootriverito 'give ..hint the go-by... The World is beginning ft, suspect that the vainglo--, rictus Mexican is not: half sorivilling-to ihrittlW off this,MOrtal coil as he w's* :have them be lieve; in which eeincide; r --or rather the world coincides'yrith long beeri, dotting Of his •cOurage.' :Hiiving hart fife honor toile present,"lny,self, when- Sants• Anna was possessed of one of his deadik:rese. lotions; I will endeavor to describe briefly that verY'aWeeting•scene. • •• •• Tht •writer serVed, a, Campaign, 'and a 'pret ti long .one too, in the Te . xan revoltrion'ary army of 1836. Tbe company to WWeli.J wag at. Inched, in'. conjunction ;with another, charge of Gen ! '§anto Anna during . the latter part' of hisiMprisOnment Oi . azinitto, a short distance above :Columbia on. the Brazes:, While • We. were - here the, arm y took it itito . their heads, that in cen,equence of the' many ,bloody massacres ,he had committed on 'their friends, StintO Anna- deserved to; be hanged, and they passed a resolUtion to that °fillet, and sent a request to Ge,f era' Rusk that he 'would .cause him' toile brought to head (Osiers for the puipose ofbeing eicecoted. •The General, hoWever, har , ened - to entertain ilifibreitt views frorrr those Of 'his intelligent cohorts; :end 're fus'ed to comply With their wished trinching the ,lite of their tlititinguished captive; bet sent an order to have him irOnertand kept close con, finement..• The Older , Came in a few•days, and neighboring ,blaeksaith soonsharnmered out a rude pair of , gyves - with which -to:pitt it :in executian f , . • The senior officer being absent, Vie 'duty of superintending t 4r -ironing operation deco) •ed upon our captain,' Nick Dawson,. Who was see: and in cominand: Rawson expreised sortie em.., barrasement as to how the order. should he eax• cured; as he wag totalli ignorant of the Span ish language„ithil• every other under heaven, save the vernatular of the'etimberlatid..moim tains, and being pur.dy 'is man of actioni had never had much ocCasion . for even , that.' The captelh, however, was not tile man toheiitate . long shout anything' in which his duty Was con would have undertaker. to chain the . very devil 'himself,' it general Rusk ertlered . So, taking his griat brisket-hiiithr sword under hisTartii, and followed.* the grim vis aged son of 'Vulean, , he . prlieeeded towards the quarters of, our illustrious" prisoner.' Without Nzalint his ..brain any farther, lies had' (Olen upon a plan :iectiliaeti:hiniself, and that 'was to 'do the buiiness iii ills p:Rtinest, straight-for- Ward mann'erlioseible. Atrived at the,.thior, they opene&it without any great sholk'of ehd'elit'rehed"ihtir the, mire; wb'el'e . they (guild Santa • Anne,elene, apparently' .too much aheorhect 'Wilting:to 'netice'. their' en ,trance. Dairoon tapped Mtn gentlY 'On the ' shoulder attrtict hls'attention„ , s'nd'iMinedi atelf commenced manipulating the air... With. signs indliatiVe the2ohjeet General stared-at astonish: meat Bfeenlirnefhe' etiittlY upoifthe floor, and depciiiting hie iAjevvelrY"rbey his. side, he laid ~ his inntnense paws . uPon . :the delicate shanks Or.thepris6ner...Santa Anne's . , aitentlen Was ettratted hisleat.4liere ..the blacksmith was,.withlreat :deliberation; rang,'ng , ' his irons, preparetiry.tri - fastening them on. Instantly deviriing their 'intention, he Made a single spring which, placed shini . be yond Oicii immediate: reach,and. 'getting:: the • table-between him 'and their, endtched . iip'e -huge glass inkstand,- which he:flouriehedraund his bead, ..;wearing all the time, by every saint in the' exieen: . calender; that he . would . die. a .. • , thous. nd.deatkelather than . sulthitto•such an. • Fortunately . for Santa Anna; Alrriante who spoke tegliShretnetkably Well; ittree r ted• by the.noise,. Came in NI . see what tbe , .toatter was, just abOtithali of wson'ssWord fni)ind•its . wey ?rein ,the begged . hiM to flesier, With Which . he immedi ately complied, retUrning.shle.dword to: its paWson tole..Almonte toeay to Santa : Anne• that did ,not wish to use.foren or ViO . It'nc ; e, arid. that. he should: regret tO . ininip • him in.:any : Way . , "bitty" - Civininueci ;The, captain; !"my orders era to 'place flim.in irons,and. if it shunt he done—fhat'a certain.? . Ahrtonte atated..rhe matter as„ordornd; Find 'en dea vored.t& remonstrate,•• but the General' : im patiently waved him off. with - one, hend,•whilst With . the'ether he • flourished the big glass ink-: .stand;„. • • • , • . Capt Vick.Dawionx.s:patience was entirel y eshaueted--remOnstrance, was at .116 .1 end—be hattale known was a pi . • most ileattly hater . of anythiatittlie-0 11 PF,".': a Mexican, and, partteulArly Sautti:Aritta;r mer • "Sliforider artrist' . ''Ordered the captain in an exeeedinglY'calm..and steady : Voice: ,• ; 's , rteadyt"—up Went the 'muskets to'theeye Went thalocks. .tAitiirt a dead . silence here ensued, whilst . an expression of supreme satialactlon, settled tipond he:stern features of the ffentnckian; ad' his eye:glanced ay:me:the blightbarrel. Santa A nna•grew de'adly pala,.and seemed to totter. bewson hand . a ponderous silver watcht , l givelyon half a tni . nitte to consider—, .if - at`the eird..that tirne.:You dCrrioi.subrait'yod : aroa dead mu whiCh' his. eye rested again on the dial'of • his ‘'‘,.:tratch-.• Thoroughly !tightened by this !idle', he .rioadeit •gesture of submission, eat doWn:in a chair;:atitl leaned his head on the heal, over which he dreWa blanket, and placed his feet in a ... PoSition to be shackled . When rhe iinris were • fastened San, he divested his•head of the blanket; and asked if he were riot ashamed t o use the Presid , Yl4,the treat Itfeiican Nation thus. • `.The President 'Of 'the treat' Mexican 'Dia fion be,d growled the ffentuckiadiSas he,brotiOt hia.masket &OM itisshoulder. • . • facel—marchii' cried the.. captain in aquielc, sharp inica. The rdopt was 'cleared in:an ii stant,. and'. the cap'ice Pre4ident was left to, his own ttielanchoPy)rellections •• 4.1 i, . The next we. ironed Almonte—but Al inente was a .philosopher of the right stamp, and took the. Metier in perfeet good linmot.: Be . • Made jhke at =the expense of the smith. Who Was riveting' or.the'attine,..tvhicli set every one in a roar, and ao . tirkled,the.eychip hiMaelf as to render tiitiftinfit for business during several minntes. • • It was the that 'Alninnte . Slipped th.; Ironti off the inomeht our hacks, were turned—in fact that he took them of and put them on at pleasure; hut. nobody ever, in quired.inf'o' the.natter closely, for Almante was a favorite with us all._ . • ' • • DTI 50111 t. STors.—Do not rcstoe nt the dram shop. -. Merry .lattehter may ring. out from it al you paaS by, and . trokes sot - friends . may call you to enter. Within it shine brightly with light thrown back fromltolished . mirrors, and gleams from' crystal bOttles; and, the voices of mirth and . . gaiety may be heaid therei but "stop" not; there is, danger in, its brightness. Those gleaming': iotttes contain potions that lead to .-poverty; 'dishonitir and . desith:;.. the , tneriment that's, is the laughter of - fools an may end in.tie hOrrlhlelaughtOr . of themaniac.. AVoid'it,:pass :.it, turn from it;ancl pass y:voy. ;,... • Elo not i‘sipp'i at theiamblinglicitiSe those close shutters conceal treacherous fascinations, you may find yourself too week to resist: _ ' _.., • . No!er'displite about trifles, even tliongh yob are certain of being in the right The truth will.co►ne to light . ..m;Oner . or later,''and' then your oitnonent will'not only resriect your wis dom, bet lave your. meekness.: ':.* Philanthropy wits. said by ihat 'reyhrend jo kat.; Sidney pftie the oitiieretil',.senti anent ey'llhoi blotto, 6:at,' 'WhittnoVel' A sees V. in trottble, •tilvErtys',wititi : o.'to re _ Tle. IPMEIT ftitEAT LIBRLICT , i,he: Patrol of 'finorta - anti Ofiittrarlis, iii,trii i.., iMpOitant bran'cli of 161 ' 6 whitlge:. We prOpose lo give a short , aCcountvf the, firit'great library f t tie ,woiliyialled c alled: Aletrandrigti . :4ibiary, imtit Alexandria; in giPt; telifiCe.t;iitlitceethe hooks were collected.. Thia - kiltiitry,,iahati into xiattince in connection with te alloying lits• lorical eyents. Ptolemy tagiis was: a 'son of chiliri of Macidon, by Aiisinor; a aretlittp irin, , !A of rtfe giPai'tnis riliif ddeintplighments, but / I t hi, -wftel. flefnie; the'hirth of 44e:chili!, 'Arising? was married, to a..greCian of,, no great itialinictlon,.by 'the namegi Lagos; from whoni Ptblerfti derived his parentalname, Ptalemy was a child ofmuch promise,,artd, discovering ralents)bravery, and adesirpfoi learning,,Nvie w.. 11 educated at court wider the dlrection of. Philip; ilia father. He rai eiebtrin Years old urthan Alexander the Great t An renowned son of Philip, and being attached to Alexander!, golly, As a•tronirninding afflcer s in ihe Persian 'war, he became oneorthe fogr'chief gneral,.. Ptolernyiytai an acco4liiihetiOrecian scholar, had a ,t4te for the arts;nritt. , a strong thiiet tor . , knOtyledge of all 'kinds,_which *kg greatlyt'in. : creased by his eastern 't ravel, and enpeditlolig witli Alexantle?. ' . ' .. . ' After ieigning twelve Trois antl.'eigh months 'Alexander died at'Eabyleni the 214 . 32 4 3' El 4 - C in the thirty-second Year of his age. His vdst empire the four'great geperale.dtvided among thennielveioind Ptolemy toole.Alexan ilcis end all Egypt as-his part.:.Ba proved to he a wise and goad king. lie. ficauvagi.d leur ning'and thC,fria; wat •gettercitie and just, as P • ruler, anti was the father of the: whale ,dynesty of the. Ptolemies, thirteen of whoin • reigned on the throne; of Egypt, - extending thiotigh od of two hundred and yearis lhhis ditnesty of the Ptolemies : Were thetirest est lovers and •,patronsof learning s taken as : e whole; "that ever :graced the thrtme of • any kingdom, either ancient Or modern. . ' Ptolemy collected. and ..fat,iaded a .. library,: an( ,wrote with his own band a ,lifecif Alexander,. whielt . waf admired for Ale truthfulness and li . eituty. : His son and successor on the throne, Ptolemy IPhtladelphus; einployed Seventy of the most learnid -Jetrif andcracks to .makets.per fect translating. of iiwilebrevi Scriptures into greek, thr this litrery i ehich, hipre his death, increased to . two hund.ed thousind volurikep • Bnth . he and his sUCcessOrs bought the' origiput thides of all important books that could.beTotind and:often :had copies .rritfeh - oat for 'ihe.riu. . thOrs. ;:The . third Ptpiemy paid.; out to the rl theai has „a, large sam of money for parmiasioa to copy the original rnan . aseripts o'f ./Esehuylo, 14 ripirlei arid Sophoalea,..tbemaa't riiitingulah.. . , ed tragic'poets of - qr . ee t .. 2Esebuylui wrote . . ninety'•traiettieiaorlY :altV . bleb' too p ublic 'prizes. They ware tectfOr' the Aleanti 'grist); only seven have come down to us.. .Euripides' wrote •seventy five., .hut only nini.teen. Sophoeles wrote ode litindred and • twenty, OF of.: which *pro : copied,. brit only seyen remain to .the .'`his tot-as in'creased. the Prolernieit ill it : reseheit the enormous , 's i ze of sevefl hundred fbonsand;:it °lntros, •P,Ml.eOntain r;(l.ii copy nearly dieryittiport Ott:hook then in he world, anal many of them thti,only copy. 11 . 0 fardbintlihrnry . was injured atid partly tiestroYed . by..Tolitis . CMsor, : who set it *on fire • to extricate' hinutelf . from intrigues an.lAliklleni- It is hove e ver, • refitted. by 'Cleopatra, the - lost 'reigning . princese.of !he' Ptolemyjdi-. temeke. tip !he loss of hooka, she pfocuted - a &Oleos • ,library tvVeo hundred • thousand voliirties at..Eergamtis,and tranaptirt edit..to EttyPt to erritit and sidocti this collet- . tion. Cleepntrti diedthirty•years Egypt heeanse' SRoman Province; the library wos generally car;dfortry.thellemir c t tioVern urs,and some additions were tnake.to The..firet 'Christian achohls, ,and the Aral learneo men of the Christian church - Were dm Pred aroutiff•thislibrary,and thelea'rning which tr.diffirSed4hrhugh .Alexandria, Egypt and all No.therd Africa, that for the Ark •three or fnur hundred year's of the Christian era; the most learned fathers and bishops orthe church ;were Northern Afrlca. In the year 642, thaMahotinedan army under.the command of A mron; entered Egypt . and took the . citi,ol lexandria, which' was. ernprese of ,the.Weat, . the Mart of: Eastern commerce , - the; seat of learning and.the arts, According to:AmrOa's Fetter : to the caliph Omar, it .iontined , four thoniand palaces, four thotrien'd baths, tbree . hundred tiaetities, fweli , e•thtintsarld: shops . fcir the, , sale of. forid,:and' forty_ , thousand Jews:— Buntrietli- Pretierited. their prayers 16..Aniron that the library might be. spared froroldestrtic thin, He referred the ,matterto..Calipb Oinar, whoanswered that if the boOkaeofit:ait)ed what_ was written in. the Korau,• they were , useless if, they, contained -anything they . were false, and ought to be destroyed..,.Tkio.fainous library was given.rip to: the homedan soldiers, and used them to heat, the baths for bathing, and . served thnnu fot . fuel more thin six, months,,:i . The. art of ,printing was yet Unknown. 1-tere 'the ,most.impertant knowledge which the Worlil gainekbY.fonr thousand'six hundred yearti'of study, and erne .rience, ind'toil;_wan zolletted in manuscript books. Here, daulitlesai were hiaterieeof'the Plutraolis said the Ptoleinies, of .. .l3abj , lori and F i l iliqal; oflbe old it:ellytiiitt,:.en4:tbe 'Neap iind' ' Tlitt! 4 ''of,7,'ij',oi.s;4l4 . 4it,'llr.P;aig l i . " ..141' e ' ttitle.. t i • ea i/ 7'' E o :Oti; : .4 1 (8 63 f;l0 1 E; : '!! 1 ): ite : l;pie4;till,:.tie-etf. :1 1 eie , :ge, theteo,t, , , #.rov : , ,trti' c m l 'thkidlideitst 'over • riptillg :46 % 141 ' spread ; it rp Otki fit;l' that 'doh ni ed ': I i hilitt#6.- li„ heti Iti it Iliefteicid'i;allli,".24ciheii,4ti;iiitii , frUiti lbi , over I he.cityi, : religifin cnOttineil,..autAtpgrily , Minion progrete ettiod egbaut;', and 'lbellehint, 'or , the World:Went liack'n .itioluitind iiare, and Much.of it went into utter opiivion never to bv recalled. 4 , Sic traois 'euriti vilpfdi."' The world had to begin . * * new, and it is Duly from ouch Sources as tlie'eatacombe 01. FdyiPflis atitl di' tuine of Ninniiieb tiiiit. ii . ''Pw broken' iragnients of that knoveledgecen You withered Up, by, life4ong . : labors; whickwiteduirti a'cul!jr collected et greet expense, sprend put' in scieh titto Order, end trtidu plain andof iney'acceee by beautiturcbtirogiaphy.. , ,;;,..• : . - . -.. : , Fettextiotrorir.--Ir a min.': faints away; in stead ot.yellingout ci.,tatirriog to him 16 liit•,hirn up, loosen the clothing„ push Ihe growd away to give and let - ,hina alone pOtii!i g Water * over a peison aim ole fainting lit, Is a larrrba tityriennlf, mini; ; 1111 * clothing tirineCeatteril-)." be PtiiiOarinby of a t'aititing-fir is, , tfiri heart fails to send the: proner supply 'of Wood t6-..the brain.; if.the .pereon is erect, that blood haa to be tbro,rtnpliill,hyt it lying down, has ,tnbe Projactedhoriiontalr require lesa:potver; is apprrent. , ~.; If a person awalltriirs,a Poison, ,delib#rately or, by Chirgre;inetead of breaking into multitti rlinOuti, and incoherent exclernations, dispateh . °sonic. one . for a doctor ; run laN'lle kitchen and • get,balf a , glass cri . weter ally thing that in bandy, Put into it 'ltintiptionlial of salt as mtieb,grotind.' mustard, etirit up in tininstant, catch ~a,: firm bold of 'the,. person's nose, the mouth Will soon .11i open; then down wilh the mixture, and .in 'a :second or two up +will come the - poison.. This 'will ,anewer in a. larger number of cases than eny other. If by I this time , the physician 'has not yet frillier), make'lbe patient swallow the white of an:egg, toll'ovved hy & cup of' st rang' (beerruee these`. nullify a larger • number of poisons; then any other aeceisible erticles,) air antidote" for , poison,remaining in the,stomaCh. ' , • If'a limb or any other part or the. body ea .•, verely cut, the'blood comes Out by apiece oejerics;r; salt:*; as doctors say, be ioa hur ty, ory he prraon 'will be in .five Minutes.; there is no time to talknr lend for a PhyJichin; say 'nothing, out with your bandkerchiet;ihrovir it . around thir limb, tie two ends toaLther, put a"stick through them,`liviat kr artitipil; tiglitCr and tighter, until...the blood ceases to flOw.; But stop f it doer no..good I .WL"Y'I a-severed artery throve Wood oat in , Jett, 'and ti..arteries get their blood , from the heart'; ; hence, to atop the. Hog", the remedy must be eprilled bet the hert'it and. the, wounded • spot—in ot her •words, above the.Woun'il.. It , a vain hatl.,,been VPre4, 'the'blOod would bave flowed in a regular stream, and elnvr,.and,'on the other hand, the tie should be.applied , beFew the wodrid, Ormithe -other Aide of, the wound from the frearl, because the 1460 in - !be veins . fowl trivittide tire' heal,- and ter6 Is do need 01 such a hurry, .„„, • A,Nr.conTs Moßiny;—V4PUris coirrespojl (lent of ihe„Notional Intellisepeer says :' .tiThe fullovring Story.. had been rslited tO illustrative of the' u genie which:etjoyp the fraditicifial admiration of Dr. Frattlilin,:us . reduiririth the eieition of every.Or iginatitig .faeuliy of tbe-,mind.. In the Co;tiiiie of one of the guinea between` *niers, Murphy .and Aediessen,.-a move Of forniet:eiteiteif much sut'prise artiong the bystanders . ; lie bad' . • - • . declined to tali . a puce, which, although aO parently an eichange . cif' knighte,•Wrinid butte resulted, it, was thought, conc 'in ;his laver, The. game proceeded, nevertheless With 'out verbal comment, and : was rapi d ly won by Mr.• Moiiihy.. No: sooner did he deliver the than one ofthe most intense look, ets.pii, breathless with.pent-up. emotiin,. ex. claimed; AFor . the love of heaven tell me why you:did:not teki.the - knight.'• fltecatiseeveliid M . Orphir;''all . •filivis to the Maori . ..„ b i r rieed''S 'concern, Wes Cdeep !hid In a few movin.'l should have. Icrietheigaitte"tir a stalemate." Mr. , Andiesiirfpaw the gatim•lsMs desperate,` and le-plUnned s*totying, he. replaced , the pieces.+lli:o4lod bien'at the.critiol':moriient;abil.dertionstrated the. result. by a aerie's of 'MoPeer'siihiCh:"WM& hive heiiiioifivituble'had . he,tiiierf - 16.ktilihi, Was rnof right ; . ijOculaied the , bewildered gentleman,;litinking possibly that the Prince of was not WI thou t i shire. i Itit'COMPOiition of thif erg • A Priest' was u Pon , tri: f ast r ..the., barren &lila' of his parishioners; :pined frorn•one'nnahisura to anothatoind p.trniatinance ! , his benediatiOni- until he cantata: lentiOst Prom4inee 4 " .. 11 ?:1!YeYel in despaii, , to pray here,',this ixee l 5 nntatireli 7, ' , ," • A`Du tchman's,heirt T renclipg !olitoficy;pli cubed thus: : I , She'lkifio , .Stiort better% as because hC!if , cot ,coOplAidolliis: moic us I '"::' rii 144riii‘ . . ~: - 7! -....,wir77gr4A31 , 72M . ..' I proeireda o f the nigitiglnnittkifilL , i ,, plitw:i. • • t s tl. and t hr . In fa 0 .. ,F#1, itrtie tfißtifittlai,,f4l: ' r ' •:-.' ... . a drink. Bot a n ili t .ttalinsidOrtittni f ikt .l. • ' whet dlitere.idi , felei t plitlielailfiai . W - ~ 1 1 *...... Ohlkarn ditieoreisirdiViUit'AlYa ). io. ' . , '......-.. t ing "ktilk l l4oittnelt'en i(irief 'Of flt .'-'-',.• 4 . be!enAtsigbth street itosilfillt '' ifitpin. - • only :iitailti*r tban a nutn'i•i. "' : dWellinii. ;.. ,- 1 4t • •.# Alial . am t ,it An excavation ' bad Ait,:‘,..'" T i. ,, !Tl,' -- T1 — ......:bi room about 141 7 60 rt srpsait. ' in '' etsiii& t iZ,•• Ings'were walled like a vault', fiill'ik iiiiir; 4tderithreskill in its ',Peaa)iii - Wiol44; : i-•,: _et rti'O tion. floina-riiiijft lltonlilit se . laid .. 4 ' r , i ' ..:::.';.." ...:A 4/ 4 4., I rot ' ifoorinir. - Li . .thisfjelkiitricist span ''‘, there base beeti:ll4sllll,Sathapatad two shins fivo;iiOdilPrioi4iiibafin!tiii...l4os.: weinaili. I'llityietkaW oidgiffina iiiic:infir:Witittp,re.4. :think ttiey have Orpt staiister, itla tornitelitP ibr,.'snaTfintidwinvi:oilifitery,4).[Firmed With. :` liti •Tunintletts War iiiiffieflifillrit Of this ininitall 'tweak* . snit sthe ~stidensite OCC Orin t 0 Oa at -; ill . itiot if . .: *Firomejiriliiy:;_ met nln 11 mails al , 4.1. . ..... iPentino..o47,pijitoci:ivl'mr men: sail *so Ivo. - , . man: imie kmitir isi4l;44od*,tkrither ' alien thi . iikiliy.s . iimiv . ' .iiiiii.i;;t iiiteftiOkri'vetor ' riingl...e*Xept the'reanti wearing - !&riq each 'hail on..'e.Tite first. three gays theli'ittrifitfiren ' as I relanilliiiitif the fonrth man is k lifrenefurttlx. . , the WolitawirketSiinnish origin , "they have long ii . 4ii.iiiikilging, airl Were on idle;,illgltk.. itig and driinkon /frt. . •-• . • . How - - --- -• ,--- 7 — ,. , TO co To Ulo.--11.9 1 144rnal of health ... . . ~ .. in•PPltaking !PI 1 .4 1. .0,0 0 * "V" ' 46In'friteitn :- gYfir tuns 2 Ilium le no fire in the,:tpom,, 'and: there ought •aiit•ft>4 .. ipears yota . : o,•.quitlxn,layglid;. - But . it In 'Reg 410. IT:: Waif, •.; draw in ge again, iinti into .the: room .:`, e; jurfiginto bed, bundle up; .• . • held rind ecru 'giJ4tr • serer foe a miinifts . ‘:e4 more; until you :AO sorer your head; iriaffdraw off your elor'kfWiti,:... straighten out, fain Ofeion Your filtht al and go to 'sleep. If sinew or chilliness timed ov e ryou on potting- Into bill,wtt(-11-regyt; - .7 rte you on injury; and its repetition ; inciesseg.; • the ill effects without haring any Intuit! tiri ea; ..:, itherden" you. .Netore ever , abhe4,rioienes,..:,. We sin never shocked into good Nord usage makes no garreient , .• - --4 0 ---- -,--- - -- r-- -, ~. , i -• STAA 't:.h g I; iIY th 'heirikiii say that"of ten a stir•&aps e out of_ - thelrnistinittPC or dies thre,•anit is lost to sight foi'eg,etNiffiii i ~ It may' have been thehrigfit ' SO* it!, cif Irtigia many ,s; mariner on' the uncertan t Air PS 4104 its calm, gentle radiance inktheriii sfritf loot( cheer and; comfort; . . tottetit' ;FA, tt;;ilarlii vitt ) doubt ( aid intkrove.i,nd tlrea4l; . ',Like•Atto'silS 1 drooping, dying statsi not loit4t,.,ilts**liwaY; , tram oar sight: The steit;ttf ourkoe. , 16 ,- 'OOl- _, ambitions, pirtyers,'Whose /IghtSlAttel.of , : b!, , 'fore 119, feeling oh lila aitt' . filot,,AttdPlO ,- fi lit itC' frorn the firreaMent of,..,otteheartsi ind';tFeli ' plum! is entlltY.tn or dark '''''' A rnothei! ' f titooii seq . , inCt nest ' light, tha i heamed • thtanAtcall, - on! 4i/1114 and scirrittoisr i 'frtiterla. , st‘otic ... ~ • ~, qinek light, that kept • our? feet (torn•stritgi llg an tbe dark am) Iteltollo ' 'otts, waist' -11 ',* 1 i, .. 1 1,t ,1 '0 light, so miff!, iso pure,sh conOttirit'antls'O'lltlgs shining upon tut fro* gentle living.•i'yer iin4 persuading On: to grace anit'goadireiSt',.,kkiesitjt.:.,.,. er's light, Wight, and'bobi;*and tili'llOriiil2OV er's light, forever sleeping loots! . souttinWstlit f e" miaatlng our goi n gs aDtt eimAillgst 1 , 1 ,...',,ttP 1 ,1W0, Ile ht, true and trosty-rginertittH foraXtli-0 4 0! no! :rh4 light has !lot' filnoout;',..i.-ItyikliliitAttit beyoniftle ftftril tVls4eXe,the ' riki, l oi4Pl l ol4# l ..Aff darkness, forever,n4"fnl'Og,og•:t;.i.isi;'itt:i:,..:ii'-5a,,i21,. - - it• ''.':T:: , - i-, li ,ii.e", -,, :,, - - - hin:sfi . ilts'estalotti . ,l l ll o -: -,oo tlt.ttig,t l 9 l l.-ot.til, Immo tons pieee,;ot astlitikagetibililftlitOttoOt , ' iiil' by th,s fierretary Of „War, whkeis,-,grill 4 ,oohiti: bly be casti at the Fort .ft;ilJ':'',W.PiktS.'ll4':-=e4,11" • burg.' It; ooto.blnell 6 0 12 ii;`, f ) t 11 .444 1 , 61 t0 fat both the t 'Ashigt!tn"alf4 . "o,olttnif l lo/" , :girno, and is tialc4la t et{ to Vi,ll3,9cllfi4iirykthijejaitleif It is to be,or fi(tOl ( lt. Illok , •14 11 )#61iittl1 1 :04Y 4 " Bier of twentyeigist 'sort slialtine,hei..o o l,thei muzzle, foi t y.:o4e)i . A ` cl it iC*C ti ? e 3qoaci4iliif an eXtretnelettlith ,of ftillOOlii fge ,- Tiso,-.:tfi# ; will rfiligh between roo:tilitufr,illl7l4(?9, :' ' dreil'anii fifty ponildi, r,e4tOing 511 ;itaor,v, ._, ' .. charge, of ,:pcivrtter., The estimated' weighttili ;.,.,,, the gue,&tostween.twenti:.ki3O.,tittitittrYtttlikiti,,'"', •-,,,,-. , , 'l i lt"' . ~ ,i- 5 ".t.,', ,, ‘; ' l'O':ii..„:9t.sisi — not o IS 't,Piooo,o4 - :' ' pliin talk to ilia girls, by an annnynentno,. c . ,, which, is worth a libtotr ?f,`1941 1 4,. It if . . Friends; or. Whatever 17 , 4 Is6l . .l! i tt i ip-41 ~, , ir, wi' by washy tom Dori +' ~ f&' ei i i---. 'benefit of that interettihig*ttitls,,au . -, inowcommunitti ,..- : ,-c,,;,0 - ,14,..f.c , ,,',4 4 .-!044 4 4,„,„ 4,h.,.„-,, , ,„,,,:00 r -,,, k,v,„ ,-,-, r 0,,,,,,,,,,,,..„.„„:„,,,, , ! yo4titi, - ..64? With a - l4l t wt ig 4 with c'ol 4i t : iN this it li'l farnilsF and 10e are: ES= seem tit neeiiii►j fettilihßt it tipOir *lll c*t 6ltittoo 'fir Hid* 6014 W Or VrotlO •c*