, 4NfitqtatariMAlGErfqii?:. re .Cl rer t a i.Velei,"#r*eS o .o , the.elir Z. ei,000;000 west Br4lA; 4i-ouraticee can be effected in the. ebove:ree-, poneibleie,Stoeli Con'ipiniet-hy ;he : eebeeriber. Anr. ,, totnmeniention , ' , :acidreseed Smethpoit;Pa.,..willmeet:with',Finiti3p;itiOtioti. • • B. ra:PAVIS,.Aileni.. §xnethpeitivDic. 0 $ • In4otf4- . , ZANDSY,OR,:SAXX . Al'ltea if, and iind Jai prov,elp e ti t ' ted ..- • -„ having .Act • • surveys 'as to:enalde theni onow-Als,Putotlo , ers•the• chartieler „ and ,ckattlity.'6,olie., Seiefal , * 7traets,' nove offetlvin,fe! sale, ,te,.riettlor-Pe.t.7 .tlers*.viTy lew'pltleo; • •- •,../lO4tittlitit.of Fot7 ' 'firma. of ;the land held.99milltttY for yieultural :paiposee,,is„yory good and, can be locartime'rided_tolliose who are,deOrOus of :pro; curing' cheap; as affording, am nauseally, • gedd oPportuniiy•foi so' oing. For fittrtieulars as tolitdee fermi., of payment,, „apply' to ThOrnas,., 'Geologist'. add :Agent; of, the •• CohnpeOy in Elk"Co.'•Pa., or to"Williain Biddle, Secietery of he Company.' Hall'a the Frank. , SHERIFF'S' SALES: IDDY VIRTUE;of sundry.: writs of: Venditiont_ .1.1 .;R:vpoias,' , wil l expose to public ..yendue or. outcry at-the court, liotree,, in SrnOthport, on Monday, tbe 28tb daY - ot. Febrility next, at 10 o'clock. A; 11i. 'of said'•dayi,'t be ;following. de scribed, real:estate; to wit:' ' _ , , The following described. real estate:- situate in Lafayette , township, :;/VPlCetin ; Confity, Pa., -. bounded and described as - follows, to wit: •On the north . ,by lands, -formerly. articledto . 4...,—, t 3 lat' by Bihgharn.lands,loush,by:lands formerly -ownedby . TimothY, Tai titer, . called ,the Mill lot, and eliCir,b3 , , the kittaning road: cotitairi 7 ing one hundred .. .rind • twenty and: nine4entlis acrea s being part of:Warrant NO. - 2257, - oxigin . 7 contracted to. George, ; 'Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of Han). _Bullock , at , the 'suit" of, Charles -ALSC) 7 -- . followingdescribed rent. est a te, situate ia the:.sillage of Bradford,M'lleari county,yrm btoandeCand described as. follows,..to Wit:: It beinkthe oraitb-east carrier. of Village .lot. No. 46, in said village,- twenty-nine feet. front an& sixty:six: feet ~.daep, yltb -a.' frame building tbereouy twenty-two. •feet Wide • and fifty.. feet deep', and two stories high, designed for aiotore below. and a ball abovs. ..• . , . . §jized and - taken:in 'execution . as the proper ty of C. N. Ferris, • at,the suit of G. F. Peck , . `,The following described.' real estate, situate "in the village of -•Tarport,--Bradford..township; MlCean county, - Pa. bounded, and described 'as' follows, to wit; On: tlfe'north by : P. M. Filler, on the east by the. road from Tarportte Little ton, :on south-by lOC deeded to ilarriet A. KUoz,on.the,.west, by lande of the•lots:of John V. igleiein . ,,coneeining about three, safes, im proved, :one fratnebarn ,and one bleckamith ehOP•therenn.••• .• Seized.,and talc:attire execution:as...theProP:er iy of Geoige-_,W. Knox and S.-P. Lincoln_ at the suit of Bethuei' M'COy.: • (i)••••• .•• • • • ;*The foßnwing . ..ricicribed'real:. estate, situate in•Ligerty- - toWnshift; M'lteala eOunty,'Penn'a, b9unded'and described fp)bowe, to wit: • Be . ginning At.a:iickft,on: the - inerth bank of the Al legheny.,,River;; bearing south Afty-seven de , grees west, one hundred and ninety-two tretch 7 , es frein the north-east corner of. patent No. .2181, thence : 64ooe jinadredfind forty per post; . thence wes(fifty•-three perches to 'post, thence' south 'one' hundred and 'six!) , - perchneto a poet on * the north :bank of the . legbenY ; River, thence.up-the. said river by the aeveral :courses thereof to the.place of begii ntg; 'containing fifty-three acres, strict mess=' ufe, : bethe - rsatne.more'or. tase,:on • which is a double one frame house, one frlinne' barn, and' about 25.-fruit.•treea,:-all•• improved. Seized :ittitl'taken in execution: as the proper ty of NathaniOl L: Dike and A. Benton, at the silitat'JOhh C. Knox,' et-al. -• • ' - ' 2 .. Thefollowing . deseribed • real estate, situate • in3S6rgeant township,,M4Cean 'County, Pa:, 'boundetEas followS;.to.'wi6:beink-rot No: 94 in theitirt/iy'made-by.J. Colgrove; .beginning at A sugar trea'corndri being the:SOuths-west:cor-, :her of 'this tot, and of, the north-east" edifier 'of th . 'Conveyeitto'and•owned :by 8...8: Coop-. er, thence .east one Nindred rods to :a'post;cor ner, thence morth one • hundred and sixty rods •‘ fo post conier;• thence.' west one hundred rods toit poSt Cerner; • "thetiee sbuth'orie hundred and sixty rods, to' theiiiace.qt beginning: centain-' i9q:ene:liandre'd',Ueres of land, mere.or , lesei it :'being The same', kind :deeded • Bobbins, :guardian, to .T.Ohn Gliiver—abotit el:140.11110es iniproved;'tWo 114 houses and one log 2.'biitrt, en the , sarrie • ' in-executio9 iiS• the' proper-' t y . oiloian''Gloverat the"suit of Nathaniel bins' and .Mary. J. Pit- • 'The folleyjing described estate;; ivitt ..,The. undivided halt What:hind:lies ore the north side of , - ,the, road' leading.. frour North Felt's,: in •epuntyiTc, part of warront‘ll6.L 6.1.08, , beir4 all _th'e ; landa ; onthe Upper side said serv . ing therefrom five acres'; ,commencing at' •litilister'irtUri, folly rodiorf the road and twee= o,siods: up The. con ta inidg :fiffir:t - Yvco'" acres or:thereabOut, about.lialf an acre7insprOved, ' ohe .'finin'house' built by under. E: 1» el t, 'yr slid tele i the ,preprietor ?of the other undiyided• half ef.seidslot.' - • •'•' Seized'and fakeif execution ty of literriek • Smiler, at, the suit of `John C., ALSO . ~... . . . '' : .4110 fOliowinir,'..deser . ilieci real eetife; situate ', ittiiiitocentiltiti of E'fili*l'i &Plpiliti county; liii., ":.bounded .ite:telloiee :;piimmeneing at "the north :_ ealit!noriter of . land 'noire eyeir by 'John • .Ceiiting & On.ito'•Caleli. CtiOfieliblet '1N6. 162; .'Eldrecl' ``;ttii , ,nitiii,' the ii 'CO:icirth.fllty-fi've 'find five-ten th linitheir. tn . *. pot noinef • in'the eolith :lien of Iliadti',Of Ati Qiiii sfiettl; lot NO'.'24.4',..thetiep vise t infilthilittli . ;ainfide.iii'perehee'..tiy • o',poet, : cer , , • ner:ihr,tlie ihter Of 'the , titliptke ., -leading froth. ' , l3.l : ean to '': ' inettiptitt; :tittinUe , by :said ,tarnpikitt .. . "solith' eto ty Itletieeif , OreUt,iifty-iiik'',perehee-to. 'alikiiit'in : flid'hOrth' 1 iii e r 'o f lot Nti.''.lo2', - . .therie by said line eaiit,eno.hdildred; and fourteen and eight-tenth . lierilies- to, thel; plOee. of beginning;_ cc in t i iiiiinCthikty4eightaild flee .Aiint h: aefee; - !sittict measure'i'lihd; heft rt part of *arrant No: • -3448:kindInti ; No. 1 03 4'ithont.:three ~acree jai,. preyed , and log.tiouse . :theregin..;' •• ',.;; i - S pl ied. a nd. tolten•';in:exectition - actheproper=• ty of EcN, , .ard .kaliher at the ..- suit of. fl.. Eaton: 0 1 ;; . .137 - ,Cistslritietri l i be.abefori Aloodware a e.::. 4 11, - kfl W1edgted,;, , ,a , .!;.:;r,‘[. ,... .: .. , .-`; .',..,,,7e1.V,:,`:.3i ',-.J OS'E.PH4I6.IiO;; ;;;S It eri tf, , :5 'ffhi:oi fi Cei‘flinethpori, : c -,, e ruary Ist,' 1859.: . .t.. - .,•i;,•••,- . , •: :; - .:.; ' .-I PIKE'S;;`: PEAK ....: - .}. I g, , AMTOPOJIT ,: : .;. '-- --,-.:..: " HILL" .: - T'.•.''."' ..':' . ' , . OPE:V . ,tif‘''.''''- . .''' . .':" : 110ORTAAT. DE4t.I,OPMENTS, TO ;THE OfTIZEIsiS OF 11110EA14 COUNTkI " .. - ,,: . ,: - IM.fogNsi: . .TTQActioN,•.:z .. - At - ihe...Nplt.:'-:00p0.0g; IN. THE SIDEHILL ! HIGII PRICES RUINED! OLD FOGYISM . DENOUNCED, And ,4igh'E'rieee kicked out of,. doors. A brigbtgr day hue . daw,lied'uppn tbe inhab itants of Northern Perinsylifania., The ,dark clouds of the Credit System are rolling rapidly foirhe ••••• ' CASO - : . 'SV:STEM,..' -, :. IS . .SOUND - , TO ' tAZE THE LEAD 1.. . ' There..is no use _`to Ready-Pay aotbo TRUE • • •"..•; • • Systeni; ani3;With that for' our,rtiotle we fin • otir baithOt tkie.l;reoze, proclaim that'' ' • • -• W CAN WILL SELL GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY CONCERN THAT • Takes TRUST for PAY. And We ,wcinhl here venture ihe assertion that we huve got a little the NICEST LOT OF Family aroceries, Ever breag,l2t into: this market Bring on koiir BUTTER Your•EGGS and CHP:WENS, your PRODUCE, • and.in tact• .almosb sANYTHING • 13,11 T 'TRILTST, end . . we, nre in 'for a .Traile. ' GIVE US . A CALL. . . ~. EXA,MTPIE And PRICE out - STOCK; arid .. '-. we'ean't please you, then . the' tcSIDE, , • • ' ..-HlLL"will,elgrense up" and. ~ . • ''.. • • ' • - “sliae:nut?? of 'to'wn ... .'.. • •• ' '. . • •the'Srst dark . . ... . . , 'night. .. e • . .• • .. . . UNDER E. S. fiIASaS'STOii.E, WOO, Side of tie u blio Squere ' B: , F, WRI6111" &`CO. Smethport;-FO Ist, „,- are not. in the habit of telling ifFish VV• .ateries, but,vve have - got: MACKEREL, COP an . d.WHITE FISH, besides hosts. of. TEA . qt AO cents. • . B.F.;WRIPBT Sz.Cb . .. • UST DROP IN at. the New 'Opening in the J ..Side • B under ga. 'muBon*store, and exarnine a lot of SUGARS at prices that can't TxTASH , .BOARDS; .Pails, .Mop-stieht, Sale .V, V rate 4nd"Choite Ittiliolteil and bomestie Citars at-wholeaale - or retail, at the ,Side Hill. 17-NOSMOr . that “scinle.'ibingi bedone as 'well as othars," tlie Side Hill will Irefl a gaga! sapply cilGracelies • and Provisions: , . riIIiE•DIFFERENCE between tbeOr [jay and Credit Systetn o can be .seen by calling tt:the • SIDE •HILL.. ‘ FIOQB4CC.O 'Of kinds; Indigo, , hl'utnieis and Washboards; at the. SIDE . HILL. • .rriHE.DEST 'SyRUP in town nt the • . SIDE ;BILL STARE 'gip g~j :; wanting :fiyrail see adiertise . ftient Of. Hammonton Lan& -^ .• HEALTH WITHOUT PHYSIC i.. A Prize Eiezep On'Atervoiis Dlieases. TUSTipublislie.d, iCe the 25th. ce thotisana,lin 'a seal jr , ed 'env'elc*.pr ICrnts;:o'r i3enepostpaid by the, Publisherefur.3 stamps: A Msingir.4:ssix : ott 'Van PlivsloAr. Lion and Decay of the frame from Indulgence Infection, aid 'the, injuricull consequences lot . Mercury, :With the modern means of cure.' By R. J..CULYERWELL, M: D. •Memiler of the Royal Dolleiepf . Siirgeoris, 007Spirmatorrhon r ,or Seminal Emissions ? Nervous; Debility,' Impotency, Lass'', ofLuergy, DePiession of , SPirits;•Timiclity,'Disesies o r-the exual Organe, and Impedinients to Marriage ge i riernlly, are' proMptly 'and - etfectually.,cdred by the .Authpr's novel and:most:successful mode cd.treitttnefq ITln eallic of. AVhjekiktrs'lni• -di id co:,:xegifikijilts h'ealt hp l ut rectiurueZ,to4rtger9urtand p4P'elialSti,mediclne s s, 7 . , Frog s t the toritiop , ' i #4, wr I Or On ISO ArnOu rinnce Author - 4 exalted „,„ • ' A ddr9es'i riUblis s lides: C dOttaivEs, Ist AVenne, Cyr. ,106, street, Past. Pox 4186, ..• : TAILQRESS irRS..FLORILLA REIMSCY is prepared to I,Yl,dd Sewing of all kinds at her rettlikke i on `Main street; one docii belavi•Willitims',llof fice. She will Cut and Make inen's anti / Nye Coals:and:Pants; Shirts &e , in . good - eYSlle'and• warranted to give_aitiifactienv • • • • . 'Grnjo: rursi : pro - dun Inicen . ,etchange.%or • brit: " • Nov. 38, ' ••:A• • - • • , . , • • = - it FOR `PAY , 4 1 t,e • ANT " 1 0 A te, _ 6,1• Y ^ e• • "LIVE AND , 'll6 4.316. 6 , 18' THE rittiE INTENT'. OF ALL MF.IICASTILE the • cash ore _ 9 EAST SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE, SMETHPORT, PA. Noveinber 6 1858 JOB PRINTING, OP EVERY PERintiTION , . . . trEATlit, EXPEDITIOUSLY , EXECtfTED. AT , T11:4 DEMOCRAT OFEIOE ALL WANTlird,fo.ernigtata . to a mild . alimate, good !oil, and fine tr. arkat, ape advorttaemant of Harnmonton.Landa. ' ox...vri.:o..lizix J C. HOLMES, Has .11einOved TO HIS-DZW-STORE, ONF; DOOR EAST OF THE AS'I'OR:•HOTJSE, Whore iie.6 Now ,Iteceiviog A ,AND •cOINIPLETf. STOCK OF qjt..p.c - Iti.:::.g:s'..; I;O.N:S ; Which he intends •to sell at prices which will Pely:..:.foOpeffifon. I .HAVE AI).OpTED THE READYFPYA . ,SYSTEM Arid can,isouto the . publietheie ,is one placti to buy oods vlberelliere•is so.4 o o l 4:Yllig.;',' Vfiere you Can send you arjers and yany Cash and:•get pass Goode:as cheap:as • though you came' yourself. • - • ,S . l.JOARS.; , ,fiiiin - q.: . 1 .7 2 - t0:.1:5,ct5.; ,- 1 :1; . 09.0•* 01 4§5t5.,..P . ,4i; STUART'S` SYRUP, ~•,- :', :,.: •'.• c'4lollE:Nr f , G4EEN'ANI) .11LACICTEA, SPICES of alllinda,•SiltEßATUS 8 cts., A few more . . r chests ' of that 41 et. TEA, TOBACCO -'of all kinds, . • • RAISINS • • • • • • Anti•in fact everything:usutilly kept in .a. Grocery .Store:-; , . . FLOUR, PORK & ' SALT '''' ,l2 LWAYg' ON lepartnie',of MO; ‘. • . • POSToirrfcri: • Oroag- , :-teives every morning at 8 o'clock; Ayes' every' evening. '" .'; COialorsj'?!.l - 74;Pv6 Tuesday and' ' ,Saturday. mornings . ; arrives' ittod,dasr and, Pridny , aVes. Shippen—Lerives Tuesday p l'hutsday: and Sat ... urdiji-rrnirnings.; arrives,. aunday,- Wed nes , y .. a :day and:Frjdavenings. , ../tid,gre4—tenverr, NendaY,, ,Wedriesday and Friday mornings; arrives Tnesday„Thurs.: - and Saturday eveningS:' Ifra'rreri=Leaverl'ileaday'moininis and' rrives • Thuisday 'evenings.' S.'SARTWELL;;P. To all:wanting inriol; Ego . ' acl vtitisemont of arntronton f,antiv, • O , L'E A ..MA 4,1 p: ..i:'t1,....,:,:.Ny.,.:p..::*;5.11 • By y,L: , ; F15H, , . ' : :.',: . `.... Last of the Livery j 61 C T. 11 \. E-. ''16)111*. -co PA . . FINISHED IN SUPERIOR': MANNER' blein, Sept.. 7, 18:58.: • , ; " "ITONE I ' INTIINER 78i.: CO; OLEAIf, CAW/di/MOO COUNTY,.:2f. -Y. • . . .• • BLINDS • DOORS .4INDOWS, AND, - 4 A L, E IV- I:0 M. -. 8. R Paitory.YO andlikii4r 0"e Allegaiy• plea N . Julk; 1553; — . ; 22-tf, . . L IST OF JIIii,COUI - drawl). fo Fpbrintry • . GRAND • P. M. Fuller, • • • • Ebenezer Baiden, David -Han t, •• • r .• .::- "C. C. Melvin; •A. T. Aldrich. L. R.lratighan" • 'Keening. Boro. , • • • ; Clifford Beady . Ford; •• . • J. , L. Bean,';: . ;_•,:. John Hall; • • Otis ironi. N. F'..Jones ' ,: • m W., Y. McCoy, • A. S., Arnold, • Ratner, A. H. Barnaby, , Ceres. H. 13arnaby, . • Howland Barber, . Paul Hull. , Isaac Perkins. :," ',.§l4pern. ' ' • • Corydon. • .4* ' Seneca Freeman,. • .E. Templeton. • Kellogg, Hubbard, Jas. Pierson. • -- TRAVERSE JURORS. • .../Ceating. • Amos Bishop, • - Wm. Acre, O. E. Haven, K. B. Hall; Manville Tuttle. ~ • - Daniel Bellows, - • Cole. Man. Lafayeteei- • • G'..W.Votrous. A r oru'irAt''' •,-. ' .. .l'ris'Burdick,: Delos 'Burlingerne,! Wm.-Bitumen,' IV, Er Walccitt. • Jlratbrorrl, W.I. Curtis, Lorenzo Drake, • H. W. Glass. Mark Hortir, D...Langmacle i Silas Sutton. Jer. Chadwick, Geo. Darling, '•• C. Hainlin • L. Rogersi_ Daniel BuckleY, 'Rota. Hinds, • Jar, Riley. Wm. firoven, !. • W 11 1 .4 LOVejOy; ~.. •' '. • John Chatie,... : Jgroine 13. R. D. Miller,'. :•,D. T.Morrison:'•:' Anson. Rice: " . • = Domitiost:' • 11. , A. :'Toby. • M.• , The: ahoie. named at' the Court House j. iri.Bmethpo"rt; on .Tnesday the t".Bttid4y or February; nextint; IG o'clock A-. M. • - JOSEPH .MORSR 'heriff,'; Office,- Smettiport).t . • . January' 2s th2 J8.419. - t7' - • ' FLUID, T 00K oTthe •nirip Ihe 00itegf§tat&O;Onii L' then olil,ittand„:of'.Pohttle an i you'4ill:find Eiti•Mason's Tin Ahini l all on the nip-iya.. . , 'T all vvatitipg;fulms„.sue.4l)yeritis.etput of. THE BIG SHANIVTORE VACATED; . _ . . N. S . But - -CY ler , - . 4* 0 HAVE RE 0,1 :TO THEIR 1141 1111.1. %ElditO I 1 iF „,...,:...,. ~ ~. ~,... ,‘,..., e,,, , ,. . ~2,... ..., 0; rr., ...... Aig i„.,.. .. .. ~,,,,, , , , ,.,.,.?,,,-,..1 ?. , Nearly opposite the !Big Slierity)''sfrhere they' re c eiving tho GREATEST SUPPLY . General IVerelaatidkie That it has aver been t4it;ploNture to THETBUY ALL , . DOMEST t o , • • Directly of tho Monufaciurer,andtill, Imported tiOods OF Ti-m INIPOR'rERS FOR NET CASK Thernforothoy foelsafa In saying that NO ONE . : OAP PPP R GREATER INDUCEMENTS CUSTOMERS. BOTH Hi : VARIETY & STYLE THEY. AHE ON- HAND WITH ; • iiiiiit...iijOist4f*•:tit,::' p4:t§:.. , ,..00j)5:;. : .. (WITH TRIMMINOS.TO MATCH);;_ 4,e: : •, 'And LARGE dc. •DRY . .GOODS ANO . - 0 . .*.;0..7.7,0-.....0i,..:i..4.1: . ,....0 . -. : ',0,i.:; , Bought PIPte4 B IY to S E ~ I Upder the Market, Lots of that .50 . .- . i . (TNTTEA CROCKERY,. ,50111 E •LATt; SIYLE4S 119(T.1\%.:•11:94'.5''',.' E P e A 'T E AND IN F,ICT FYERYTHINC 1:0:1; E A SE ; TrtE*YE;::. ; . EEr A PERSON . ..IIIf Offilfill3Al' (AND AND TO S.ITISII TIikiIVISTE. GO AND SEE N. S. Bb.tier ...• - • • . GREAT .MARIE , ~0 OM . ~,. •,. ..,,,......!•••• -..,: , .:. : : 47 . J. '-•.,- 49. tahirt.** iif TilitG AND 111Am:ix's '-, . . .;.,.. . ~ ... . i . ! . „. .:.,.' '. : ,; . c • .,... : 4 , ••• . , ~ -B ' :•iJLOi 0103 A N ' • ' NrrVt 7 . • o-;, F 3 ;: .0 d ,, it •• il4 N' . 13 ........ 0pe.,Pric Oil' . - -- ~..• .--.... : ~‘,. . , f th,:t4 • r 4 ,E 4 A,..4:trekiliatt.4lo, .._ .. liii h, is runnefeinethinjefte 41 .144.., 0 VAr'' . - jr.% .... 444tiir , -......... „,. 4 4.,. .'':-... ti tit • tot:tkiiiiiSltiii•;,loii44*.s .. , ,$ • . . .. Then practice, kpl . . t .. 1 , , 6 4117 ,. ........ • , Called getelnshat . Bibnylifeeliedpi IIiVE. ' , 4Avi Ai,.... '....;-:.:- Sig; .if 4 14 ! 4 vA1m" 1 1 4 r.10,.. ,4 . 1- '.. i r ~.,. ' 9l :-.f :;1 tlik4i 4 V-..if 1 " : :,.. i . ' .; ,.. j . ' ‘ ! l !: : . ~.: Allt - i,Z% - , 7. t . -4 , . t ." .... ..7'7 : NA*4los . .tilj,,,;ile qi • ::" • . .t0c.,11 - LIMIT d0wnf0xtv4 1 4,1449:09. ,f pfp l3 ll/ 1 1t5ti• '.... r Atk Monday, 21!111 4 1 7.'- ' ' , - 46 - I . :1 . 1i -...; Illeutcy.ttate - n . Win, .. _ltell ",,,, • ~,,,.. . . 0 J "have .- ••• . - ! we' •Itede ,l3B 3 ll .lot' - ; -4, '`•4,-,4 ir vlnnbdditi.., ~„.,,,viik. Paitr Al f: ili , ,tc '.. - 'T'"- ,• k kt_ sett ."11 i.134,t/islo / "„,i 2 ~..„,. , :It Comstock ' ' ' ' till neoris'A - Ell '4, . :6.101 SI Minor - , vs ,Lissleast -..• • J I..klectin3 , vs Wirtettiate!ks„ ~1 4• ' :. it J Robes . to 0 filLO€ 1 1 1 0••,, - '7,... rw , Al 3 Allan ' " vs /T ofintritlr i ".;,._. 4 •, ~/, E . . WoortibeM -• ' ‘• . • v 4;. 44111a11r , 0i,=e14 , i',N-Ictg - 9 t , , 14.11orrlsok; . • , vit • f, X 4ll4..olr i ltd i lik4 , 4', ' ' • J Datllng ' .. ~. , v l l AL' A Fmk .k.' -13' - , ~ ~, :..1 IP Cowles •• • • . ` z. ' ye' abh sewieliftivp, Ask ./'- • .... Ifimtar Downey. -..*, ... ;,,Al ,, ,l,ll4lopplii:loNlit4t , . - . 7, F. tibertabuer.i,,,-;..t v -/ 1-Pitil,4lll:9llll4ridsA.• ••••'... Prat Medlin , 0 1-.44.' .44. 1 .-Pa , '•• am,o , - , .. _.. WarVllplithijit,4!;: . ..:(4i 4 st , flollirlittball*isslikg4(4 ' ::' John'/Holtnilf. , , :.‘.123,/7.,..TilsrlithisestSV -.t.!ei:: • *...! vi,alquumali:,• : - . ,..-: ; ,, A Ti ~ ,,v,9 1 0 & & A net)110 , :p...,;: . • :- k t.... ; • , . -, ./f d .lrl.' ~,' C. 6lTl:ljc, trot - r T. • :... • POtp ;1.4t1 ,yr. O fSearallyittPit- ,-,-,,, 0 • ' '• - - ' ' . . ....... . .„ , LIBEL IN DIVORCE. x ,-" gitIOS ORPLINIC JOU 11 10 0 X;14Y4 1 ),C. litlift , pi ty • next friend Dann 04'410.. . t.t e W s • _•• • .` • vT. it , i .143. g POI SA)tur,telir, Jonator i .i:ftil.l.. 1. HA , WHEREAS, subrndkiollllllll6it tn. 'Ave beittlioineaktirellttiletsfilitieilkatilint'erl ea, reirponfinitt Mitt fonntiOrSlieiritgl Samuel W. s .'.Tobrisen, respenithi pOn theli ti entitlediiiiniiin f itreberetiVetliefdo to .pear :before our 'aiiitrcourt, tio , bei-teld af Ilinnitlipeit7 ' - en' Monday,