Scranton Wochenblatt. (Scranton, Pa.) 1865-1918, November 01, 1917, Image 12

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    Conrads neuer Laden.
lil« Wyoming Avenn».
Die neuesten Moden in Männer und Knaben
Steifen und wnchcn AUz Hüten. Hemden. >
AusSassirungen. Handschuhen usw
Organifirt in IBBS
—,«r nur SS Jahren-hat die Trader « National einen Rekord svi
gleichmäßige« und deftiwdige» Wachsthum. Depositen sind insgesammt jetzt
»der viervndet-ehalbeMillionDollar »-sie haben sich mehr
wie verdoppelt in den letzten sechs lahren—und sie wachsen immer noch.
Trndcr 6 National Bant,
Ecke Wyoming Avenue und Tpruee TtraHe.
.Gefälligkeie unsere Losung.'
Für Ihren Tängling
,r ein ,ute» Nahrungsmittel nöthig hat. oder fllr Ihre ftamilie, wenn Sie
wünschen reiche, reine Milch, gebrauchet
Dr. Lange's Lactaled Tissue Food.
Es ist nicht, was wir sagen, sondern wa» die Milch thut, welche« die ganze
Geschichte Ihrer Povuliiritiit erzählt.
Fraget den Apotheker dasUr oder schreibt an
Nr. SAnsr,
»I» leffersou «venu«, Scranto«. Pa
Das Bier von Bieren
! seit über dreißig
«W höchste Errungenschaft in
der Braumeister-Kunst ist ange
nehm und überzeugend demon
ö ZW Robinson'S Söhne
Pilscner Bier
Es ist ein wirklich gesundes
Bier mit einem reichen, vollen
Geschmack, der ganz sein eigen ist
—k'" fehlerfreies Bier, das Sie
nicht mehr kostet, wie die ~gew
ohnlichen" Gebräue.
„ / Kuset 47V „alte»" Rufet 542 „neue»."
»>.. Lvsi'v.rsd-I«' ol liiizpspo,
»«oll co.» r^LrVc
Carter s kleine Leber-Pillen.
Sie können Vicht au Ein Heilmittel, das
Berstopfuna leide« bewirkt, das, m°» des
and glücklich sei». «ebeus froh wird.
b« Un..,chr>f.
Carter'« Gifen-UiUen
MI» >» »PkÄcl» er
izoo c»»<n-. Vori
' MI ».» V-».
O beim nächste» Bedarf, daß die Accidenz. M
7 Abtheiumg de< „Scranton Wochenblatt" ?
eine der besten m der Stadt ist. 7Z
i Wenn Sie ermüdet
z und durstig sind
Goldrne Medaille
Stegmaier Brau Co.
l veide Telephone.
Wm. F. Kiesel «K San,
Notariats-Sesch äst «»d Fe«er-
s tS Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Gebrüder Scheuer's
Brod. Cracker und
Cakes Bäckerei,
ZtZ. 3t5 und 3t7 Brook Straße.
gegenüber der Knopf-Fabrik,
SUd Scranton.
»Sicherheit--zu allererst.^
Peoples Tadings und
Dime Bant.
H.B. D»nd»m, Vi>« Piäsldiat.
S I, t!»nru, Bij» Präsldrat.
William tawlc», Aa^firer,
Die größte Ttaattaak in Pe»astzl»a»i»
Ihr s»»ti, gr>>> »de« killn, !K ir»ii»scht.
Leitender Optiker,
SSÄ Lackaivanna Avenue.
Z2S-Z2S Spruee Straßr.
.Elub- Frlihstlick.
Dinner und Kaufmann'» Lunch
11.30 bi» S.
A la Earte immer.
Theater Gesellschaften Spezialität.
Prompte Bedienung.
George I. Rosar, Eigenthümer.
Henry Horn <
N 3 Pe»« Ave., Scra»t««, P».
Mich« ixtneitelen Speise, «niaxgeii^ir-
Aaufna»»« leat«.
Ab««» «arme, L»»ch—Schwei-
W. s. Vaughau,
Gekauft, Verkauft,
Ofsice, bso Spruce Straße,
Scranton, Pa
—Pursuant to an act of the General Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "An Act Relating to Elections."
approved the second day of July, Anno
Domini one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-nine, and also the acts approved the
thirteenth day of January, one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-four, and
twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand
eight hundred and ninety-five, and the
amended constitution, it Is made the duty of
the sheriff of every county in the common
wealth to give notice of the time of hold
ing the general election, and In each case
to enumerate:
First—The offices to be elected.
'Second —designating the place at which
the elections are to bo held; therefore,
I Benjamin S. Phillips, high sheriff of
Lackawanna county. Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and
give notice to the electors thereof that an
election will be held in the said County of
Lackawanna on
And I hereby make known and give no
tice that the following is the official list
of all candidates with parties, or policies
represented, whose certificates of nomlna- j
tlon and nomination papers have been filed
as provided in Section 6 of the Act of June
10. A. I). 1893, and who are to be voted
for In the County of Lackawanna at the
ensuing election to be held Tuesday. No
vember 6. 1917.
J. R Schlager Republican,
J K Schlager • Washington i
iJ. R. Schlager Citizens'
J R. Schlager Workers;
Jim Reap Democratic
Jim Reap Keystone.
Alex. Kazynsky Socialist
William Repp Prohibition
John B Griffiths Republican
John B. Griffiths Washington
John B. Griffiths Citizens
John B. Griffiths Workers
John T Loftus Democratic
John T. Loftus Keystone
Thomas Moffatt Socialist
John G Hill Prohibition
Recorder of Deeds.
Peter W Haas Republican
P. W. Haas Washington
P. W. Haas Citizens
P W. Haas Workers
Joseph F. Conrad Democratic
Joseph F. Conrad Keystone
Robert B Snyder Socialist
Ira E. Davis Prohibition
County Treasurer.
David R John Republican
David R. John Washington
David R. John Citizens
David R. John Workers
Joseph P Jennings Democratic
Joseph P. Jennings Keystone
J W. Thomas Socialist.
Edwin S. Williams Prohibition
Register of Wills.
Thomas Beynon Republican'
Thomas Beynon Washington
Thomas Beynon Citizens
Thomas Beynon Workers'
Stephen Clpcer Democratic
St. phen Clpcer Keystone
Fret. W Edwards Socialist,
E. F. Altemose Prohibition
District Attorney
George W. Maxey Republican
George W Maxey Socialist
George W. Maxey Prohibition
George W. Maxey Washington
George W Maxey Citizens
George W. Maxey Workers
A. G Rutherford ..I Democratic
A. G. Rutherford Keystone
Clerk of the Courts.
Oomer C Davis Republican
Oomer C. Davis Washington
Oomer C. . Davis Citizens.
Gumer C Davis Workers j
Jacob Eckersley Democratic,
Jacob Eckersley Keystone
Daniel Wels Socialist
J. Foster Hill Prohibition
Jury Commissioner
Luther Lewis Republican
Luther Lewis Socialist
Luther Lewis Prohibition
Luther Lewis Washington
Luther Lewis Citizens
I.uther Lewis Workers
Thomas P Boland Democratic
Thomas P Boland Keystone
School Directors.
George B Carson Republican
V H. Crlsman Republican
John D. Davla Republican
Mary E. Fay Democratic
Mary E. Fay Prohibition
Rebecca S Hill Democratic
Rebecca S Hill Prohibition
P N. Messett Democratic
Edna Johnson Socialist
Adah M. Mussel man Socialist
Charles A Ward Socialist
George Woodman Prohibition
School Directors.
O Frank Couch Republican
G Frank Couch Prohibition
George W Evans Republican
George W. Evans Socialist
George W. Evans Prohibition
Daniel L. Parry Republican
Daniel L. Parry Socialist
Daniel L Parry Prohibition
P. F. Ca vision Democratic
Thomas F. Curran Democratic
Michael McCann, Sr. Democratic
William Coons Socialist
Alex T. Connell.
John F. Durkan.
Harry E Apgar.
Timothy E. Burke.
Thomas J. Davis.
Thomas H. Saville.
Gene A. Tropp.
William Wirth.
P. F. Carden.
M. B. Connor.
John S. Davis.
John Davison.
Edward J. Healey.
P. F. Langan.
Chas. R. Munn.
Henry Matthews. '
And I hereby make known and give no
'tice that the places of holding the afore
said general 'elections In the several cities,
boroughs, townships and districts within the
County of Lackawanna are as follow, to
First Ward. First District—At the hotel
of Rose A. Moyles, In said district.
First Ward, Second District—At the house
of John Nanewitz. in said district.
Second Ward—At the house of W. J.
Dougher. In said ward.
Third Ward—ln building owned by John
Scobllck In said ward.
In the Fleetville hotel, Fleetvllle. Pa.
First Ward—At the office of S. W. Ar
nold in said ward.
Second Ward—ln the Borough building
on Main street in said ward.
Third Ward—At the Borough Council
rooms on Blakely street In said ward.
Northeast District—At building owned by
John Palko, in said district.
Northwest District—At the house of
Mrs. Anna Farrell. on the Plank road, in
said district.
South District—At the house of Hugh
Battle, in said district.
First Ward. First District—At the house
of B. W. Dix, In said First ward. J
First Ward, Third District—At a booth ,
owned by County Commissioners on grounds
of Dennis Finnegan, on Fall and Brook .
streets. In said district.
Becond Ward, First District—At the cor- '
ner of Spring street and Seventh avenue at
the premises owned by Mrs. Bachman, in
said ward.
Second Ward, Second District—At P. F.
McKenna's hotel, No. 38 Main street, in said
ward. 1
Second Ward, Third District—At the .
house of Jameß Gregg. In said Second ward. !
Third Ward, First District —At the build
ing known as the Thomas Hendrick build
ing. in said Third ward.
Third Ward. Second District—On the '
premises of Patrick Y. Moran, at No. 7s 1
Main street. In said district.
Third Ward, Third District —At the house <
of Mrs. John Moffltt. in said Third ward. 1
Third Ward, Fourth District—At the of- 1
flee of John Glbbs, on High street, in said
district. <
Fourth Ward, First District—At tho house i
of Michael Cannon, on Pike street, in said t
Fourth ward.
Fourth Ward, Second District—At tho I
house of A. Battle, In said Fourth ward 1
Fourth Ward, Third District—At the
house of James T. Murphy, In said Fourth t
ward. i
Fifth Ward. First District—At the office
of L. I. Bunnel. corner of Belmont and l
Canaan streets, in said Fifth ward.
Fifth Ward, Second District—At the house
of Frank Clune, on Dundaff street, in said
Fifth ward.
Sixth Ward, First District—ln the store
room of Lafayette Lee, No. 61 Belmont
atreet. In said district.
Sixth Ward Second District—At the
premises of Thomas Hart, 200 Dundaff
street, In aald district.
At the hall of M. S. Frace, Clarks Oreen. I
At Shillings' hall. In the second story of Q
the wagon factory owned by T. E. Shillings, j
fronting on the State road In said borough.
At the Grange hall in said township.
At the Dalevllle townhouse, in said town
At the office of F. M. Francis, in said
First Ward—At the Borough building. In
said ward.
Second Ward—ln building on the corner of
Lincoln and Jackson streets, owned by
George C. Coon.
Third Ward—At Hose house on the east
side of Main street. In said ward.
First Ward. First District—At the house
of the Neptune Hose company, on Drinker
street. In said district.
First Ward, Second District—At the hotel
of Martin Gibbons, on Drinker turnpike, in
said district.
First Ward. Third District—On the prop
erty of Domlnick Loughney, situated at the'
southwesterly corner of Boyle and Warren'
streets. In said ward
Second Ward. First District—At the
house of Niccola Grecco. In said ward.
Second Ward, Second District—At the
house of Martin O'Boyle, in said ward.
Second Ward. Third District—ln the
building of Domlnick Viccaro, in said dis
Third Ward, First Diatrlct—At the Inde
pendent Hose house on Blakely street, In
said ward.
Third Ward, Second District—At the out
building of Mrs James McAndrew, near the
corner of Sixth and Mill streets, in said I
Third Ward, Third District—At the house
of Electric Hose company, in said ward. i
Fourth Ward—At a portable building j
erected on property of M. J. Hennlgan. 1
southerly side East Drinker street, in said I
ward. «
Fifth Ward—At the house of R. C. Wills,
In said ward
Sixth Ward. First District—At the Ex-i
change hotel, at the corner of Drinker
and Blakely streets. In said ward. I
Sixth Ward. Second District—At the housa
of Emma Blogg rear of lot. corner of
. Jefferson avenue and Groen Ridge street. |
| Sixth Ward. Third District—At Ruane's'
! hotel, on the corner of Qulncy avenue and |
Grove street, in said ward.
I Sixth Ward, Fourth District—At the house!
of Domlnick Dempsey, In said ward.
At the office of J. Knickerbocker, on
Front street, in said district i
First District—At the Coalbrook school- !
hous>-, in said township.
Second District—At the town hall in said ,
, Third District—At the Grattan Singer
i Hose house, on the easterly side of Main
I street In Simpson. In said district.
I Fourth District—At the Richmond school
house. in said district
At the schoolhouse in said borough.
At the schoolhouse In said borough
At the Greenfield townhouse. In said
At the schoolhouse. known as the Red.
Oak schoolhouse. in said township
First Ward—At a building owned by Mrs.
George Edmonds, on the easterly side of
1 Main street. In said ward.
| Second Ward—At the Borough building on ,
Second avenue. In said borough.
Third Ward—At the house of Mrs. Jane
Baker, on east side of Main street, in said
! First District—At the booth on vacant
lot belonging to Mrs B McDonough. on ,
the corner of Main and Elm streets.
Second District—At a portable building at !
the corner of Main and Blake streets, on lot
owned by M Gibbons. In said district.
At the schoolhouse In said borough.
At the Pine Grove schoolhouse, in said
At the Grange hall In Madlsonvllle, in said
First Ward—ln the building known as
the Whitmore hose house, in said ward.
! Second Ward—ln the building of Nicholas
Clclo. situate on Poplar street. In said ward.
Third Ward—ln the building of E. F. Ed
munds, situate on Lackawanna avenue, in
said ward.
First Ward—At the hose house of the
Moosic Hose company, on east side oj Main
Second Ward—ln Patrick McAndrew's
house, corner of Sack and Spring streets
Third Ward—At Mrs. M. A. Lewis' house,
on Main street, in said ward
Fourth Ward—At the Greenwood hose
house on Main street. Greenwood
At the building of the Odd Fellows hall,
on Church street. In said borough.
At the house of F Van Slckler, Bald
Mount, In said township.
At Town hall, in said township.
First Ward—At portable booth on the
property of Louis Salerno, on Moosic street,
said ward.
Second Ward—At Sibley hose house, in said
Third Ward—At a portable building on
lot belonging to Anthony Blancardo, in said
Fourth Ward—At the house of William
Walker, In said ward.
Fifth Ward—At the building of John A.
Wood, on the corner of Main and Mil
waukle streets, in said ward.
Sixth Ward—At the house of Thomas
Stevenß, corner Oak and Williams streets,
In said ward.
First Ward—At a building on land of
Thomas Gavin, on Dunmore street, in said
Second Ward—At Hotel Mahon. on Lactca
wanna street, in said ward.
Third Ward, Second District—At the
dwelling of F C. Pilger. In said district.
Fourth Ward—At the building of I. H.
Polhamus. on the easterly side of Lacka
wanna street, In said ward.
First District—At the hall of the Echo
Cornet band. In said district.
Second District—At the schoolhouse near
Mayer's farm, in said district
At the schoolhouse. In Bald township.
At the township building at Montdale, In
said district.
First Ward. First District—ln building of
George Archbald. 1911 Wayne avenue
First Ward, Second District—ln a porta
ble building, on a vacant lot owned by C.
E. Cooper. In the 1900 block on the Boule
vard road, In said ward
First Ward. Third District—On the prem
ises of Harold Biddleman, on the corner of
Parker street and North Main avenue, in
i said district
First Ward. Fourth District—At the prem
ises owned by Griffith E. Powell, at No.
2147 Wayne avenue, In said ward
First Ward. Fifth District—ln a building
owned by the commissioners on lot of Mrs.
William Wells, on the west side of North
Main avenue, near Marvlne crossing. In said
First Ward, Sixth District—At storeroom
of Joseph Ralne, 2505 Olyphant avenue. In
said district.
Second Ward, First District—At the ar
mory building of Co. H. on North Main
avenue. In said ward.
Second Ward. Second District—At a booth
on property of Mrs. Mary Haggerty, No. 1501
North Main avenue. In said district.
Second Ward, Third District—At a portable
building on a lot of land on Sanderson ave
nue. between Breaker street and East Mar
ket street, in said ward
Second Ward. Fourth District—At the
house of Jacob Racht. on the southerly
corner of Brick avenue and Green street. In
Second Ward, Fifth District—At a booth
on laurel street, on lot owned by Ellen Mul
herln. in said ward.
Second Ward, Sixth District—At a booth
on property of Alex Puchowskl, Providence
road, in said district.
Third Ward. First District—At the house
of Owen Collins. 1027 West Market street,
In said ward. _ ..
i Third Ward. Becond District —At a portable
building on lot owned by Leander Von Storch
West Market street, in rear of Cusick's hotel.
Fourth Ward, First District—At a portable
building at the corner of North Main avenue
nnd Price street, owned by A. and J. Fritz,
in said ward.
Fourth Ward. Second District—On a va
cant lot on the northerly side of Swetland
street, owned by Mrs. Julia Schull, in said
W Fourth Ward. Third District—ln a building
owned by Mrs. John Burke, on the north
west corner of Price street and Garfield
aV Fourth Ward. Fourth District—At an Iron ■
booth. No. 355 North Lincoln avenue, on the i
lot of H. J Davles, in said ward.
Fourth Ward. Fifth District—At the prop- i
erty of Charles Pitchier, 1817 Swetland <
street, in said district.
Fifth Ward. First District—At the build- <
ing of H. Goodman, in said district. I
Fifth Ward. Second District—At a porta- i
ble building on the rear of lot owned by i
C. A. Macussl, situate on the southeast cor- i
ner of Main avenue and Washburn street, I
fronting on Washburn street. In said ward
Fifth Ward. Third District—At the French \
Roof hotel. No. 1610 Washburn street, In i
building owned by George W. Evans. <
Fifth Ward. Fourth District—On the prop- <
erty of Mrs. Margaret Jones, at the aouth- 1
west corner of Thirteenth avenue nnd DITI- I
slon street. In said ward. i
Sixth Ward. Firat District—At the housa
of Mrs. Bridget Lawless, In said ward. 1
I Sixth Ward, Second District—At the
houee of John T Lynch, In said ward.
Sixth Ward, Third District—At a porta
ble building, changed to lot of John M.
Jones, on Corbett avenue, in said ward.
Seventh Ward, First District—At the
house ef John R. Kelly, on the easterly side
of Capouse avenue, In nald ward.
Seventh Ward. Second District—At hout>e
of John O'Donnell, on Mineral street. In naii
Seventh Ward. Third District—At the
, buildinK of William Coughlln, on the soutu
; erljr corner of Capouse avenue and New
street, in said district.
Eighth Ward. First District—At the Davi
• dow building, corner Wyoming avenue and
Spruce street, In said ward.
Eighth Ward. Second District—At a bulid
. Ing on the corner of Franklin avenue and
Spruce street, owned by Harris Frank.
I Ninth Ward, First District—At a portable
I building on lot owned by T. F. Leonard, in
Kressler court, south of Mulberry street. In
said ward
! Ninth Ward, Second District—At a porta-
I ble building on the easterly side of Adams
| avenue, near the corner of Olive street,
owned by A. W. Schrader estate. In said
Ninth Ward, Third District—At a porta
ble building on lot of James F. Donnelly,
wes} side of Madison avenue between Pine
and Gibson streets. In said ward.
Ninth Ward, Fourth District—At a port
able building on lot owned by John Reyn
olds. at 912 Monroe avenue. In said ward
Tenth Ward, First District—ln a building
owned by Herman Klause, corner of Ash
and Cross streets. In said ward
I Tenth Ward, Second District—At a porta
ble building on lot of William Knoepfel, on
westerly corner of Myrtle and Irving avenue,
in said ward,
i Tenth Ward, Third District—At Wenzel's
barber shop, In said ward.
Eleventh Ward. First District—At Hotel
I of Chris Koepple.
Eleventh Ward, Second District—ln bulld
-1 ing at 920 Cedar avenue, owned by Joh.i
j Eleventh Ward. Third District—At the
property of Dora O'Malley. No. 924 South
Washington avenue, in said ward.
, Twelfth Ward. First District—At the
! house of William Nealon, In said ward,
i Twelfth Ward. Second District—At the
i house of P. H. Quinn, in said ward.
J Thirteenth Ward. First District—At the
office of Alderman T. J Price, No. 1311 Ca
pouse avenue, in said ward.
»j Thirteenth Ward. Second District—At Si.
I Paul's hall. No. 1435 Penn avenue, in said
I district.
. ' Thirteenth Ward, Third District—At the
I house owned by George B. Monies, No. 1553
i ; Dickson avenue, in said ward.
I Thirteenth Ward, Fourth District—At the
r' house of William A. Fetzer, 1618 Penn avj-
I Fourteenth Ward, First District—At a
-portable building on the rear of lot ef
Thomas Cosgrove, at corner of Price street
and Main avenue. In said ward.
Fourteenth Ward, Becond District—At
Mary Gibbons' basement on northerly side of
West Lackawanna avenue, in said district.
Fifteenth Ward. First District—At a port
i able building near the corner of South Main
avenue and Eynon street, owned by Williams
, & Co , in said ward.
* j Fifteenth Ward. Second District—At Fel
lows' building, on the corner of South Main
I avenue and Luzerne street, owned by 1.
'i l Fellows Mason
112 | Fifteenth Ward, Third District—At the
I house of Mrs. William J. Williams. 909 South
n | Main avenue.
I Sixteenth Ward. First District—At the
? Eagle hotel, occupied by Thomas Coyne, in
1 I said ward.
Sixteenth Ward, Second District—ln th
j | Terrace hotel on corner of Wyoming avenue
, and Vine street
Seventeenth Ward. First District—At a
t building known as No. 202 Kressler court,
J In said ward.
1 Seventeenth Ward, Second District—At the
storeroom of Stonler's Apartments, 911 Mul
berry street. In said ward.
Seventeenth Ward, Third District—On the
> property of Jacob Baas, corner of Mulberry
Btreet and Ferber court, In said ward.
Eighteenth Ward—At a portable building
on Railroad avenue, near Seventh avenue, on
lot owned by P. J. Donnelly, in said ward.
Nineteenth Ward, First District—ln the
basement of Worklngm«*n's hall, on the cor
ner of Alder street and Prospect avenue.
Nineteenth Ward. Second District—At the
house of Margaret Kramer, corner Prospect
avenue and Maple street. In said ward.
Nineteenth Ward. Third Dls* .let—At the
house of Charleß Graff estate, at the north
east corner of Irving avenue and Willow
street. In said ward.
Nineteenth Ward. Fourth District—At the
house occupied by Charles Beck, at 822
„ Meadow avenue, in said ward
Twentieth Ward. First District—ln ths
building at 1710 Cedar avenue, owned by
' Joe Grunkowskl.
a Twentieth Ward, Second District—At the
house of S. Pots, corner of Prospect and
Cherry, In said ward.
Twentieth Ward. Third District—At the
' house of Ellen Callery. on the upper side of
Blrney avenue, in said ward
1 Twentieth Ward. Fourth District —In the
house of Kate Boshek, in said district
Twenty-first Ward, First District—At
portable booth, Albright avenue, on grounds
of P. V. Scanlon. In said district
s Twenty-first Ward. Second District —At
the barn of Sidney C Mears. in the rear of
' North Main avenue, on the corner of North
i Main avenue and Mears street.
Twenty-first Ward. Third District—Port
! able booth building on lot owned by James
i Ross, on Dorothy street.
Twenty-first Ward, Fourth District—At
, the house of Ann Y Jones. In said ward.
Twenty-second Ward or Lincoln Heights
District —At a portable building erected on
1 lot on Schlager street, between Watson and
Sloan avenues, owned by Justin T. Smith, In.
i, said ward or district.
First District—At the building of A. C.
Courtright, in the village of Clarks Green
t borough. . _
I Second District— ln building owned by D.
W. Colvin. on the road running north from
. Clarks Summit to Schultzvllle.
Third District—ln a building owned by
, Paul Gunther. at Chinchilla
At the Grange hall In said township
First Ward—Oak street In said borough,
at the house of Michael Belenskl.
, Second Ward —At the office of T. J.
Davles. on Main avenue, in said ward.
Third Ward—ln the Taylor hose house, on
Main street. In said ward.
Fourth Ward—At the hose house of Taylor
' Hose company on Grove street, in said ward.
Fifth Ward—ln a building on land of
, Willard Atherton estate, westerly side of
Main road, opposite property of Ira Ather
ton. In said ward.
Sixth Ward. First District—ln a building
owned by Christian Janes, In the village of
Archbald, situate on the corner of Wil
liams street and Keyser avenue, in said
Sixth Ward, Second District —In a booth
erected by county commissioners, situate on
1 the southwest corner of Ix>omls avenue and
Reynolds street, on lot owned by Michael
McDonnell, In said district.
At the new borough building, In said
At the Vandllng Hose company building.
In said borough
At the Waverly Band building, on Church
street, said borough.
At West Abington Grange hall. In said
First Ward—Property of A. E. Bell, in
said borough.
Second Ward—At the house of Michael
O'Connor, corner Bridge street and Olyphant
road, in said ward.
Third Ward—ln the rear of lot of hotel
owned by the Reddington estate, on the
corner of Church street and Clarkson street.
I also make known and give notice, as
in and by the thirteenth section of the Act
of July 2. 1869. I am directed: "That every
person except justices of the peace, who
shall hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust under the government of the
United States, or this state, or In any city
or incorporated district, whether a commis
sion officer or otherwise, a subordinate of
ficer or agent, who Is or shall be employed
under the legislative Judiciary or executive
departments of this state or the United
States, or any city or incorporated district,
and also that every member of congress and
state legislature, and of the select and
common council# of any city, commissioner
of any Incorporated district is by law In
capable of holding or exercising at the
same time the office or appointment of
Judge. Inspector or clerk of any election of
this commonwealth, and that no Inspector
or judge, or any officer of such election
shall be eligible to any office then to be
voted for, except that of an election officer.
Also, that In the fourth section of the
Act of the Assembly, entitled "An Act re
lating to elections and for other purposes,
approved April 16, 1874. it is enacted that
the thirteenth section "shall not be so con
strued as to prevent any military officer or
borough officer from serving as Judge, in
spector or clerk at any general or special
election In thla commonwealth."
Also, that In the fifth section of the Act
of January 30, 1874, it is enacted that every
general and special election shall be open at
seven o'clock In the forenoon, and shall con
tinue without Interruption or adjournment
until seven o'clock In the evening, when
the polls shall be closed.
Also, that when a Judge by sickness or
unavoidable accident Is unable to attend
such meetings of judges, then the certifi
cates or return aforesaid shall be taken
charge of by the Inspectors or clerks of elec
tion in said district, who shall do and per
form the duties required by said Judga un
able to attend. _
Also, that In case the court has since tha
laat election made changes not mentioned la j
this proclamation, then the eorreet polllsff
place will be in the place designated by the
Given under my band, at my office at
Scranton, thla 26th da? of October in the
year of our Lord one thouaand nine hundred
and aeventeen, in the one hundred and forti
eth year of the independence of the United
God save the commonwealth.
Lackawanna County. Pa.