Köstlich! Stegmaier s Stock Lager Stegmaler Brewing Co. «>,»« SS-B. Häuser, Landschaften, Zimmer, Maschinerien, Familien- und Kesellschaftsgruppen Henry Frey, 521 Lackawanna Ave.» Union Ticket Agentur. Union Ticket Agentur, Neues Pdone 303, altes 6dO-5. "DieOSire." 102 Wgoimtig Gevlgr Uinliark. Cigenthiimer. Wm. F. Kiesel, Paffage- Notariats- und Bant- Geschäft, Zseuer-Lrrsicherunft. lKtablirt Deutsche Schön Finberei, 3Ü7 N. Washington Ave. Neues Telephon IKII. Alle Arbeit nach bester Weife vollführt. Geo. Tchmidt, Eisenbahn Zeittnbelle. I» Krafi t«n l. Juni t9»Z Büdlich -Berläßi Krranl-n sür Nr« Zorl NM 2.»b.».2U, « Ub B.M. IU.I». V°»m ; 12.. Tv, z.t» und Z.Zz Nachmittag«, N>« doro. S.>i' Nachmittag«. Rörllich jjuffai« um l >5, 6.22 u. S M M»r.; 6.Zz und tl.»> Nachmittag«. Km t.SS und 6.AS Nachm. gür Plvmouid um S.VS Nr» ?or> um t.SO, Z.2i>. k.ftb nnd tO.tV Morgen«! Z.tv und Z.ZS Niedlich gür Buffalo um t.tS, und «.2Z M«r.-> 1.5b. 6.3 S und lt.»' Nachm. g>» Eimlra und Z«ischrnfta>i«nin, >0.2» Vor ljackaiianna 4 Wyoming Valley. (Laurel Linie.) Trat in Kraft am I. Znni tS^ö. Zjjgi »erlassrn?cranton um I M, 2.ii>>, Z M <.öv, 5.6» und 6IX» Mirgrn«. lim ü »i Mor di«'" "IIu'l»« N^>^!«!" W> l- Kaiser Wilhelm verlieh dem russi schen Premier Wille die Kette und da« der mit der Republik abge schlossene Handelsvertrag einstimmig gutgeheißen. Mau, Rußland, vor einigen Tagen 22 Personen kiiegSgerichllich prozessiren und erschießen. deutschen Geheimräthe Hofs veröffentlichen. Im hohen Alter von l»4 Jahren starb in Toronto, Ont., Frau Rebecca Präsidenten Madison. werthen Schaden anrichtete. In Konstantinopel ist Ka ralheodory Pascha, der der Be denr des sächsischen Schützen- (Füsi lier-) Regiment« „Prinz Georg" No. l»8, welcher jüngst in Dresden plötzlich aus dem schied, soll nicht eines augeblich yon einem hohen Offizier im Duell erschossen worden sein. Eine von Wien ans verbreitete Meldung, daß unter dem Vorsitz des Kaiser« Franz Joseph eine mit der un garischen Krise zusammenhängende Ge »eralconserenz staitgesunden habe, zu welcher alle Coipscommandanten beru fen worden seien, ist. wie von maßge bender «eile versichert wird, vollständig Prinzessin ehemalige Kron prinzessin von Oesterreich, die früher dem Fürsten Henckel von DonnerSmarck gehörende Besitzung Carlsburg um de» Preis von vier Millionen Gulde» ge laust haben, um dort ihrer dauernden Wohnsitz auszuschlagen. Vermischtes Inland. Bei Hoicombe Wisc., wurden bei einer Kcisclexplosio« in einer Sage mühlc sechs Personen getödtet und drei verletzt. Die PiltSburger Börsenmakler sirma E. D. Gariner 7 Fuß lange Petition für die Erhaltung der alten Fregatte „Constitution- zugestellt wor — Chicagoer Sozialisten nahmen in mehreren gutbesuchte» Massenversamm lungen lange Sympathiebeschlüsse sür ihre kämpsenden Genosse» in Rußland an und erhoben eine Collekte, die?lvu ergab. Nach einer kurzen Krankheil starb in Alameda. Cal., der pensionirte Flot le»rapla» John Singer Wallace im Alter von 74 Jahren. Cr war im Jahre 1863 von Präsident Lincoln zum Kaplan ernannt worden. Nach einem dem Gericht in Meadville, Pa., zugestellten Bericht der Commission der Counly - Auditoren hal sich in den Rechnungen de« frühe ren Schatzmeisters D. N. Scott cm Defizit von 5A>,«74 herausgestellt. Die Nationalbeainlcii der „United Partei der irischen Nationalisten in, alle» Vaterlande sl«>,lxx> überwiesen, damit sie die Cvnleste bei der letzten ParlamcntSwahl erfolgreich durch kämpfen könn ». lock? und dort Versuche gemacht "zu ! Der Vüstliug ist bereiis 7?> Jahre alt. ' —An RX> Männcr nahmen den > richlSgcbäude ini Herzen der Stadt Hopliusville. Ky. Der ?!eger Halle samslag Abend einen kriminellen An > lry versucht, die er niederschlug und an den Füßen in eine Alley schleppte, > ihre Hilferufe brachten aber Nachbarn herbei, sodaß der Schwarze floh. Cr Reuer »Stern' entdeckt. Madame Calve. die berühmte Prima donna. die in Seattle. Wash.. in einem Concerte auftrat, hat einen „neuen Stern" entdeckt, dem sie eine große Zu kunft aus der Concert- und Operndühne in AiiSsicht stellt. Die angehende Künst lerin ist die 17 Jahre alle VoSi Feurl, die vor Madame Calve und mehreren Mitgliedern ihrer Gesellschaft in dem Hotel, in dem die Primadonna wohnte, sang nnd durch ihre glockenhelle Stimme nnd Grazie so entzückte, daß Madame Calve dem erstaunte» Mädchen erklärte, sie wolle sie adoplire» und in Paris zur Opcrnjängcrin ausbilden lassen. Neber hundert Personen im grau sigen Zluthengrab. Ein Spezial-Correspondent de» „Post Intelligenter" von Seattle, Wash.. lele graphirte seiner Zeitung aus Port An geles, daß das HilsSschifs „City os To peka" ein des zer trümmerten Dampfers „Valencia" mil achtzehn geretteten Personen sechs Mei len von Capt. Beule gefunden hat. Die Geretteten befanden sich in einem be klagenswerlhen Zustand; infolge der aiisgcstaiidcne» Gefahre» waren sie so erschöpft, daß sie kaum zusammen mit dem Dampfer »lindeste«» ISS Pcrfoiic» in die Tiefe gesunken sind. Alle rühme» de» Heldenmulh des eben falls umgekommenen CapilänS des herrschte/ruyig blieb und nur Reltung Anderer bedacht war, und sa gen, daß, wenn die kopflose» Passagiere couver Island, woselbst in den letzien 4» Jahren 56 Schisse mit 71 l Men schen untergingen. Innerhalb der letzten David" mit 7 Mann und „Paß Melfvrt" aiit 26 Personen. Bericht Controllers von Lacka wlinn« Connty. Am l Jnnuar lWii. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY. FROM JANUARY 2, 1906, to JANUARY 1, I'JU6. Cash In hands of Joseph A. Scranton, Jan. 2, 1906 $ 17,743 55 Cash In hands of James Young, Jan. 2, 1905 107.207 24 5124,950 79 RECEIPTS, 1906. General county fund $367,078 97 School fund 962 27 Roud fund 462 42 Poor fund 238 88 Redemption fund 1.421 87 Dog fund 1.807 22 State fund 23.666 00 Bridge fund 8.928 77 Seated and unseated land fund 316 33 Sinking fund 36.421 43 5441,308 16 Total $566,253 95 SOURCE OF REVENUE. Collections on tax dupli cate. year 1896 $ 100 56 Collections on tax dupli cate, year 1899 550 00 Collections on tax dupli cate. year 1900 97 S> Collections on tax dupli cate. year 1901 966 69 Collections on tax dupli cate. year 1902 10,068 88 Collections on tax dupli cate. year 1903 43,183 06 Collections on tax dupli cate. year 1904 130.166 54 Collections on tax dupli cate, year 1906 129,756 42 til 4 tiSX 40 I Road 286 75 Poor 134 74 Redemption 5,969 41 Seated and unseated land* 725 45 State tax 20.106 82 5120,216 64 RECAPITULATION. Cash on hand, Jan. 2, 1906 $124,950 79 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FOR 1305. January $ 62.567 14 February 12.851 32 March 38.312 April 48.146 55 May 8,540 68 June 24 939 10 July 2T..189 K3 August 36.311 38 September 24.214 36 October 48.065 30 November 60.444 07 December 61.727 86 5441,303 16 Total $565,263 95 EXPENDITURES. By warrants, 1906 $446,038 31 Balance, Jan. 1, 1906. $120,216 64 In hands of J. A. Scran ton $ 17,743 55 In hands of P. F. Con nor 10C.472 09 5120,215 64 EXPENDITURES IN DETAIL. Assessment of Taxes. County tax $ 5,311 39 Printing books, etc 352 65 $ 5,694 04 Audits and Statistics. Auditing state tax $ 185 00 Registration of births and deaths 26 60 Registration of school children 2,195 86 Military enrollment .... 1,087 67 Publishing Controller's audit, etc 1,060 00 I 4,545 13 Bridges. Advertising for bids, etc $ 21 70 Re-erection, repairs, plans, specifications, etc 617 37 Inspections, etc 1,118 32 S 1.656 39 Charities and Corrections. Scranton Poor district ..$ 143 50 Lake View Poor district. 68 25 Stute Asylum for In sane. Wernersville .... 65 28 State Hospital for In sane, Norristown 136 50 Btate Hospital for In sane, Danville 114 25 Pennsylvania Industrial Reformatory 1,844 98 House of Refuge 766 94 Removing prisoners to penitentiary, etc 1,574 00 Conveying prisoners to and from county Jail .. 33 50 Eastern penitentiary, Philadelphia 4,016 55 $ 8,793 75 County Prison. Bedding $ 198 13 Clothing 681 4.5 Drugs and medicine .... 324 83 Disinfectants 20 00 Expressage and freight.. 1 00 Fuel 881 36 Furniture and fixtures.. 51 00 Feeding prisoners 16,818 25 Hauling 22 2e Hardware 9 25 Ice 22 56 Incidentals 26 51 Insurance 16 25 Light 829 71 Printing and stationery 31 75 Conveying prisoners 232 50 Repairs 1,044 25 Sularies of warden, keepers, matrons and physician 13,280 00 Shoes 237 50 Supplies 288 63 Telephone 88 b5 Water rent 798 72 Prison grounds, etc 211 s>9 $ 36,149 II Court Expenses. Court officers, tipstaves, etc $ 8,791 50 Advertising 1,721 62 Constables' returns 1,066 33 Expert testimony and special attorney fees.. 3.213 50 Grand jurors 1,826 70 Petit Jurors 8.468 47 Traverse jurors 8.198 35 Referees' fees 1,818 30 Supreme court costs, etc 398 96 Stenographers" fees, etc. 10.552 71 Interpreters 983 03 Office rent (Judge San do) 225 00 I 47,208 47 Commonwealth Costs. Justices' fees (court cases) $ 3,428 56 Constables' fees (court cases) 4,501 59 Witnesses' fees (court cases) 8,422 53 $ 16,355 68 Justices' fees (discharg ed cases) $ 6,611 20 Constables' fees (dis charged cases) 6,095 85 1 12,707 06 Dockets. Printing, Advertising. Etc. Dockets $ 1.220 00 Printing 1.585 50 Stationery and supplies 1.785 57 Advertising 3,351 93 $ 7,943 00 Election Expenses. Blank forms I 510 25 Erecting new booths, re pairs. etc 1.258 25 Constables attending elections 631 00 Delivering ballots and supplies 711 85 Division of election dis tricts 164 70 Election boards 8,247 18 Erecting, storing booths. etc 482 66 Ground rent for polling booths 213 50 Printing ballots 600 92 Printing registry books 195 50 Rent of polling 4 places.. 1.347 45 Registration of voters... 10.380 53 Computing election re turns (official count). 715 00 Advertising sheriff's proclamation 910 00 Supplies for election boards 224 79 | 26,393 55 Miscellaneous. Lackawanna Co. Agrl cultural society S 100 00 Carbondale city Institute OO Scranton city institute.. 200 00 Lackawanna county in stitute 200 00 Burial of Indigent sol diers 2.285 00 Interest on bonds 23.980 00 Bonds redeemed 80,000 00 Sinking fund tax re funded 18 50 Interest on temporary loans 2,718 75 Expressage and freight. 23 17 Incidentals, postage, etc. 239 53 Rewards 221 97 Detective fees 64.65 School Directors associ ation 100 00 State tax on loans 4.661 53 Public records, etc 3,822 60 Rental of safe deposit drawer 15 00 Railroad fares and ex penses of officials 129 30 Firearms, etc 22 60 Extradition of prisoners 99 78 5119,711 22 Public Buildings. New furniture, fixtures and repairs $ 912 73 Heating 2,654 10 New tools and Imple ments 33 92 lighting (electric) 2.727 72 Telephones 571 82 Water rent 422 58 Improvements and re pairs 2,824 83 Insurance 829 00 Repairs on elevator .... 61 06 Janitors, elevator at tendant, etc 3.842 00 Watchman 780 00 fare of tower clock, etc.- 160 00 Metallic cases, etc 662 00 Supplies 783 36 Hauling rubbish, etc. ... 89 50 Incidentals 843 54 Charwomen 2.594 00 New typewriters and re pairs 495 36 $ 20,487 50 Prison Board. Salary paid secretary...s 100 00 Guards 18 00 Tobacco 119 00 Hardware, tools, etc. ... 71 13 Blacksmithlng 9 15 Hauling 14 00 Extra food furnished prisoners while work ing 338 75 $ 687 33 Court House Grounds. Mowing, sprinkling. etc.s 2.139 94 Grading, laying side walks. etc 10 00 Lawn seats 215 36 Shade trees and trim ming 14 00 Lawn mowers and re pairs 40 50 Incidentals 109 85 $ 2.529 65 Roads. Views $ 840 80 Damage* 275 00 Surveys, maps, etc 1.818 00 Disbursement of Funds. School fund $ 2.000 83 Road fund 1.178 52 Poor fund 722 27 Redemption fund 416 12 Dog: fund 976 30 State tax fund, 1903 and 1904 3.960 95 Refunded taxes 168 96 Bridge fund (for new bridges) 4,299 25 Seated and Unseated Land Tax fund 655 00 1 14,358 20 County Offices. County commissioners— Salaries of commission ers $ 7.Fi00 00 Salaries of clerks 15,066 00 Salary of county solicit or 1,000 00 1 23,595 00 Controller- Salary of controller ....I 4,000 00 Salary of deputy and elerks •.... 5,320 00 Salary of legal clerk .... 600 00 $ 9,820 00 Coroner- Salary of coroner (13 months) $ 2,166 68 Deputy coroner 3 11 Coroner's expenses 124 26 Jurors' fees 852 00 $ 3,146 05 Clerk of the Courts— Salary, clerk of courts.! 3.999 99 Salary, dep'y and clerks 4,158 34 Advertising liquor li cense, etc 1,070 80 $ 9,229 LI District Attorney- Salary of district attor ney $ 4.nnn on Salary of assistants 3,000 00 Salary of stenographer 780 0,1 $ 7,780 00 Recorder of deeds- Salary of recorder I 4,000 00 Salary of deputy and clerks 7,748 34 Register of Wills- Salary of register ? 4.000 00 Salary of deputy and assistants 6.509 09 S 10,309 10 Prothonotary— Salary of prothonotarv.s 6.000 00 Salary of deputy and clerks 4,640 00 $ 10,040 00 Sheriff- Salary of sheriff S 6.000 00 Salary of deputies 5.989 94 ■ 1 11,989 94 Treasurer- Salary of treasurer for 1904 and 1905 | 10.0(10 00 Salary of deputies for 1904 and 1905 6,000 00 1 16.000 00 Jury Commissioners— E. P. Kingsbury $ 500 00 P. H. Golden 500 00 John P. Mahon, clerk ... 250 00 $ 1,250 00 County Detectives- Salary of county detect ive $ i.g-,n no Expenses 532 87 $ 2.382 87 Total (446,03s 31 RECAPITULATION. Disbursements. County prison $ 36.149 11 Trust funds 14.208 i) 9 County officers, etc 116.375 25 Road damages (order court) 275 00 Burial of indigent sol diers 2.285 00 Interest on bonds 23.9*» (10 Bonds redeemed 80,000 00 Interest on temporary loans 2.718 75 General county expense. 170.047 11 Grand total $446,088 31 CLASSIFICATION OF FUNDS. County. Cash on hand Jan. 2. 1905 $ 87,677 21 Receipts- Cash from county offi cers $ 50.K39 66 County share of liquor licenses 39.451 98 State personal tax 24.337 42 Rail forfeited 4.035 W Com'lssloners" land sale 682 51 Treasurer's land sale... 1.382 23 From other sources 270.831 83 5391,561 03 Total ~.*179,23X 21 Disbursements. 1905 —5409,452 31 Cash in hands of J. A. Seranton 17,743 55 Cash In hands of P. F. Connor, treasurer 52.012 38 5479,238 24 School Fund. Cash on hand. Jan. 2, 1905 S 2.125 55 Receipts. 1905 962 27 $ 3,087 82 Disbursements, 1906 $ 2.000 83 Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1906 $ 1,008 99 Road Fund. Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905 $ 1,002 85 Receipts, 1905 462 42 $ 1.485 27 Disbursements, 1905 1,178 52 Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1906 $ 286 75 Poor Fund. Cosh on hand Jan. 2, 1905 $ 618 13 Receipts. 1905 238 88 $ 857 01 Disbursements. 1906 722 27 Cash on hand. Jan. 1. 1906 $ 134 74 Redemption Fund. Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905 $ 4.963 66 Receipts, 1905 1.421 87 16,385 53 Disbursements, 1906 416 12 Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1906 $ 5,969 41 Dog Fund. Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905 $ 200 00 Receipts. 1905 1.8*7 22 Transferred .. 423 85 $ 2.431 07 Disbursements, 1906 976 30 Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1906 $ 1,454 77 State Tax Fund. Cash received. 1906 $ 23.665 00 Transferred 517 89 Disbursements. 1905 $ 3,900 95 Transferred 116 12 1 4,077 07 Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1908 $ 30,100 82 Rridge Fund. Cash on hand, Jan. 2, 1906 I 1.355 60 Receipts. 1906 8.928 77 Transferred 6.855 78 $ 17.140 15 Disbursements, 1905 4,299 25 Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1906 $ 12,840 90 Seat«>d and Unseated Lands. Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905 $ 964 12 Receipts. 1906 316 33 $ 1,280 45 Disbursements. 1905 555 00 Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1906 S 725 46 Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905 1 26,013 67 Receipts. 1905 36.421 43 Transferred 49.890 5K 5112,355 68 Disbursements. 1 9 05, bonds redeemed $ 80.0QO 00 Transferred 452 30 Interest on bonds 28,980 00 Refunded 18 60 5104,450 80 Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1908 S 7.901 W EARNINGS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF COUNTY OFFICES. YEAR 1906. Clerk of Courts. Credit balance Jan. 2 1906 1 5.875 16 fash earnings. 1905 7,263 61 Fees charged to county, 1906 8.117 50 $ 21.266 17 Salaries. 19<16 $ 8.168 33 Advertising liquor li censes, etc., 1906 1.141 40 1 9.299 73 Credit balance $11,956 44 Prothonotary. Credit balance Jan. 2. 1906 $ 542 » Cash earnings, 1906 9,222 95 Fees charged to county, 1906 25 76 1906 1,571 75 $ 10.699 M $ 11,086 90 Salaries, 1906 10.509 19 Salaries, 1906 10.640 00 —- Credit balance $ 190 84 Credit balance $ 396 90 Recorder of Deeds. Register of Wills. Credit balance Jan. 2, Cash earnings, 1905 $ 1u.674 19 1906 $ 2.271 93 Fees charged to county. Cash earnings. 1906 16,338 19 STATEMENT OF TAXES UN COLLECTED JANUARY 1. 1906 Year. Name. District. Amount. 1897-G. M. Wallace Fourth ward. Scranton $ 1.387 96 1899—Wm. Reinhart Fourteenth ward. Scranton 1.049 73 1899— W. G. Williams Fifteenth ward. Scranton 687 28 1901—Chas. Terwllllger Second ward. Scranton 1.131 98 1901— B. Davis Fifth ward. Scranton 1,212 87 1901—E. T. Sweet Ninth ward. Scranton 2.227 73 1901—Thos. Coagrove Fourteenth ward. Scranton 797 98 1902—John J Coyne Lackawanna Township 1.066 44 1902—Chas. Terwllllger Second ward. Scranton 1.6T8 68 1908—Thos. M. Morgan Sixth ward, Scranton 998 09 1902—James Twlss Eighth ward. Scranton 147 8S 1902—James Molr. Jr Ninth ward. Scranton 2.«48 ftl 1902—James Atherton Thirteenth ward. Scranton 1,152 » 1903—11. G. Smith Benton Township 566 73 Fees charged to county. Due from tax collect -1906 758 60 ors (estimated) 268.389 40 —s 19.368 72Furniture and fix- Salaries. 1906 11.748 34 tures. courthouse.. 36.415 00 Court house grounds.. 200.000 00 Credit balance $ 7,620 3SSoldiers' and Sailors' Sheriff. monument 63.590 00 Credit balance Jan. 2, County prison h'ldlng. 125.000 00 1905 $ 5.138 01 Co'nty prison grounds 80.000 00 Cash earnings. 1905 6.630 86 Furniture In county Fees charged to county. prison 3.000 00 1906 9,308 11 Metallic file cases and $ 21,107 01 other fixtures 14,537 00 Salaries, 1905 11,989 94Due from state treas- Credlt balance $ 9,117 07Due from ex-Treas- VALUATION OF ASSESSABLE PROP- urer James Young. ERTY WITHIN THE COUNTY FOR mercantile license TAXABLE PURPOSES FOR YEAR fees. l!«M 1,255 00 1905. Due from Treasurer Real estate $42,978,908 00 P F. Connor, mer- Exempt from taxa- cantile license fees, tlon 4.315.587 9ft 1906 8.561 00 $ 1.077.977 31 Real estate subject to taxation $38,663,321 00 Total assets $ 1,198,192 9€ Occupations, etc. ..$ 3.262,950 00 Liabilities. Horses, mules, etc.. 408,646 00 County bonds issued Meat cattle over 4 Dec. 1, 1896. at 4%.. .$135,000 00 years old 91.615 00 County bonds issued 'Buses, cabs, etc.... 4.706 00 April 1. 1902. at 41.. 225,000 00 —s 3.767.815 OOCounty bonds Issued May 1, 1908, at 4%.. 150.000 00 Aggregate value Temporary loans 45,000 00 of taxable prop'tv $42,431,166 00 Due Boroughs, Townships, etc. GROSS REVENUE FROM TAX ABLESchool tax 1,006 99 PROPERTY. Poor tax 134 74 County fund at 6 Road tax 2% 10 mills $ 251.586 99 Seated and unseated Fund for redemp- lands 726 4.* tlon of bonds. 1 Redemption fund 5.969 41 mill 42,481 17 Dog ta* 1.454 77 Bridge fund 12.840 90 Total revenue at 7 Due sundry officers... 9.497 01 mills on the dollar $ 297.018 lOState tax fund 20,106 82 Total amt. of taxes —~ collected in .1906 Total liabilities $ 607.021 84 on 1906 and prior ——-• duplicates 314.888 40 Assets In excess of liabilities.s 591.171 12 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF LACKA- Edward A. Jones, being duly sworn, WANNA COUNTY. saith that the foregoing account is a Assets. correct statement of the receipts and ex- Cash on hand— pendltures of the county of Lackawan- Jos A. Scranton, ex- nn for the fiscal year ending Jan. 1, treasurer $ 17,743 55 1906. as the same are set forth In the P F Connor, countv dockets of the controller's office. treasurer 102,472 00 E. A. JONES. $ 120,215 61 County Controller. Courthouse building.s3so,ooo «0 Attest: CHAS. P. SAVAGE. Deputy Controller. 1903—Thomas Wetland Dickson City 190 'Thos. F. C'ullen First ward, Scranton S.ZI3 04 191*:—P.tcr It* gun Second ward. Scranton 3.660 37 1908—John J William. Fourth ward. Scranton 3.3MW IMt-James MU> Sixth ward. Scranton 807 3.1 1903-Timothy linrki Seventh ward. Scranton *.«» »} 1908— John J isiftus Klghth ward. Scranton 18.»48 15 1903—John J OBuyle Ninth ward. Scranton ».£*<» 1908—Kreri Schwartz Tenth ward. Scranton 11.U89 78 1908—\dam Ni'lilf 12th ami 19th wards, Scranton .. 3.40.1 t; 1808—John T. ll.illeran . . ..Thirteenth ward Scranton 1908—John II I.arkin Fourteenth ward. Scranton .... 2.775 71 IMB—John Vanrton Fifteenth ward. Scranton I.WO 33 19n1— Thos <' Walsh . . Sixteenth ward. Scranton 4,579 19 1908 i* j Uingan Klghtei-nth ward. Scranton 4f»2 07 1903—Michael Mctiarry Twentieth ward. Scranton ? ?5 1908—Michael Koche Twenty-Unit ward. Scranton .... 4.UK b8 19W-H. '}. Sndth Jr" 1 "" Township «•} « l-m—r C. Ph.'lll- Blakely .... WM 89 1804—R J Tan field Covington Township JJL lrnM-'C Howell F'sk ballon WW » 1904—Theodore H. Wetland Dickson . tee " 1904—Peter F. Rellly Dunmore 5.074 bb 1904—Daidel Grimes Mmhurat US 31 1904—Put rick tllgglns Lackawanna Township l.llj W 11414- A. A. Chamberlain Township 114-4 1904—P I' Qnlnn Mayrtcltl 417 ui ISO4-J W. Sir, 11 li North Ablngton -W 9b 1904—Koto, rt Johnson Oil 1-orge 1 3 -39 U toi.4 John O'Connor .Olyphant I.UUO 00 McPade i":: li! !" ..Kourlng Brook, Township 744 81 1904—James P. Wilson Scott Township li 1904—August Ollondlck Tbroop " 1904- W. .1 Letson Wav«rty » 19W—Peter 1.. Neary Carbondale 1904-Thomas J Jennings Scranton «. 8,389 40 BALANCES OF ROAD. SCHOOL AND OTHER FUNDS IN HANDS OF TREAS URER JANUARY 1, 190»i. School. Road. Poor. Mlslan'oua Archbald Borough 1« 28 20 3 13 9 22 Benton Township 2 91 4 21 6 03 17 53 Blakely Borough & 34 30 75 2 14 14 06 Carbondale Township 26 32 35 87 3 10 15 32 Clifton Township 5 92 13 02 87 3 60 Covington Township 3 61 1 66 1 29 Dalton Borough 43 39 .... 8 41 1 08 Dickson City Borough : 13 12 .... 4 79 50 43 Dunmore Borough 26 10 2 70 .... 14 79 Elmhurst Borough 12 96 42 .... 223 Fell Township 8077 3&8 17 68 7598 Glen burn Borough 75 :tf» ..a. Gouldsl>oro Borough 337 2 40 .... 24 Greenfield Township RR 81 Jefferson Township 66 57 52 12 36 17 Jermyn Borough 4o 79 1 40 398 26 56 I*acka\\anna Township tiO 11 1 26 3 25 21 63 LoPlunv* Borough 1:-2 .... 49 147 Lehigh Township 6 72 1 90 .... 92 Madison Township 34 04 62 62 880 Miiyfleld Borough 102 794 9 18 918 Mor sic Borough 63 S9 .... Newton Township 7 31 367 99 1 G8 North Ablngton Township .... 1S Old Forge Borough 18 38 4 47 60 36 25 Olyphant Boro igh 137 S3 27 12 1 96 121 15 Ransom Township 18 83 8 77 .... 38 04 Roaring Brook Township 67 78 13 65 .... 179 Scott Township 401 06 108 181 South Ablngton Township 119 :t3 37 82 9 93 22 87 Ppring Brook Township M 15 16 26 8 06 30 » Throop Borough 24 86 .... 8 96 149 53 Vandllng Borough 2299 371 675 1899 Waverly Borough 4 68 .... .... 46 West Abintfton Townshio 1 60 1 35 1 46 80 Wlnton Porough 21 46 879 .... 16 68 Total 1,000 99 286 75 134 74 725 45 I Fire wardens 708 84 Sinking Fund.