Scranton Wochenblatt. (Scranton, Pa.) 1865-1918, February 02, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    Bikior Koch.
Gegenüber dem D., L. 5 W. ?ah»'»oi.
Lackawanna Avenue, Scrantvn, Pa.
Union TiSrt Agentur.
Union Ticket Aftentur,
SV4 Lackawannr Ave., Tcranton.
Neues Phone 303, altes k-v-ü.
"Die OKre."
IllS Wyoming Ave.
George Utnbsrk, Eigenthümer.
433-435 Penn Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
M,l>ag»mab>. 2' <l., Mittagilunch, IS il.
Wn». F. Kiesel,
Paffage- Notariats- und Bant-
Geschäft, Fener-Versichernnft.
iGtablirt »«,».1
357 R. Washinftt-n Ave.
Neues Telephon ISIS.
Alle Arbeit »ach bester Weise vollführt.
Dem Reinigen und Piiilie» spezielle
Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Arbeil abge
holl und abgelieserl,
vte«. W. Schmidt, Eiqenth
Eisenbahn AeittadeUe.
«el»»»re, L»S,w„»» »»» Wefter» «atz».
Zn Xiaft ei« l. Juni ISUZ
Sütlich -Virlajl Snanlon kill Rc» j>o,i
NM 6»>b «.M. lv.l», V«,m ; 12.-
tl>, 3.40 un« 33b Ra»mtiiag«. Au, Ri«
Doli ». Phtia««l»dia. um B.' t) «. w lU^Zoim.,
-SW«'uß-'° u« l IS «.Nu. SW
Mo, > l k.3> und ll.l>> Aa«minag«. Au,
«»» um S./2 «or. >ä°l> lägiich. au»,«-
liir^Ro»»umdl,land um u,3d, Iv tu Nor.
«i»llch-»ü« «,» S-rl u» >HO, Z.2«>.
k.Oi NN» Vi-Igln« I und 3.ZS
Nirtltch Aiir Buffal« um l.l», und
«,iZ M«l., l db, K.Zb und ll.ltt «a»».
Hü, ilini» und Z«isch«»stali»»en, 1».2ö Vor
Sl»,»«t» I Scianton
,«»»,»»» t «»»mi»» v»IIe,.
(«,»»> lj«»ie.)
Trat In Arasl am AI Juni lgOt.
»nlalsln ?l,a«ion um l N», 2.os>, Z (XI
t.W. d.»O »n» L M M-ra-n« Um «AI M°r
>«anl°/M>nu„n, und um 7 M M-rgin» an
Sonnlage« und -lii n-chsolg-' d» Mi
nulrn bi» und trklufive 12 ONachl», ,n Wil-
IU Minulin an W-ch-ni-g-n »»»
Z.W di« > .<(> Nachmittag«.
Ervnßiüge »«iaffin Scranlo» laqlich, au«g».
ncmmkn Sonnlag. um 6.3 ii 8 Ik und Itt.Zö
Der „donnernde Uauch,"
Dienst der Industrie spannen, die Fälle
Gesellschaft ist zu diesem Zwecle gebildet
worden und sie hat P 50.000 bewilligt
Etwa 1.24 Meilen breit ist der San.«
Diese von brausenden Wassern er
füllte Schlucht verläßt der Sambesi
durch einen Kanal, der nur 297 Fuß
breit ist. Dieses enge Flußbett, in das
sich die Wasser des noch vorhin 5940
Fuß breiten Stromes einzwängen, muß
senkrecht abfallende Helsen, die sich ZW
bis 495 Fuß über den Wasserspiegel er
heben. Zum Vergleiche sei noch er
wähnt, daß der Niagarafall in zwei
Armen von 1089 und 1997.4 Fuß
Breite in die Tiefe von 146.2 bis 151.1
Fuß hinabstürzt.
Man schätzt die Kraft, die der „don
auf etwa 35,000,000 Pferdeträfte
menge, die zur Erzeugung von 100,000
Pferdekräften nöthig ist. ableiten soll
ten, so wird man diesen Abgang an den
Nericbt des
na Cnunty To the Honorable, the Judges of the
Court of Common Pleas of Lacka
wanna County:
I. Edward A. Jones, County Con
troller, being duly qualified according
to law, submit herewith a statement of
the receipts and expenditures of Lack
awanna County from January 4, 1904,
to January 2, 1906, as required by sec
tion six of act creating office of Couta
ty Controller, approved 27th day of
June, 1895, P. L., page 403.
The past year was the first in our
county's history for the entire corps
of county officials to work under the
salary act. It was naturally to be ex
pected that such a radical change of
system would be productive of difficul
ties In various forms, but the ready
compliance with the law on the part
of the several officers has materially
obviated the complications that other
wise would possibly have arisen.
The attention of your honorable
court is called to the following:
In the matter of the collection of
moneys known as liquor licenses, the
present county treasurer, James Young,
followed the custom that was in vogue
under the fee system by retaining a
commission of two and one-quarter per
cent, on receipts, and two and one
quarter on distribution of said mon
eys to the different cities, boroughs
and townships. Inasmuch as the ques
tion as to whether the treasurer could
charge a commission in the first place,
and In the second place as to whom It
belongs If collectible by law. is still
undecided, the controller cannot take
action In the matter until the case is
Mettled beyond a peradventure. If It
be decided that the treasurer under
the fee system Is entitled to the com
mission, then the controller will move
in the matter and direct that the
moneys be placed to the credit of the
county, to which It would belong under
the salary act.
In the matter of mercantile licenses
an additional fee o( one and a half
dollars Is collected on each license.
This charge, under the fee system be
longed to the county treasurer, but
under the salary act the county Is
undoubtedly entitled to It, and In sup
port of my opinion I cite a section of
nn act approved 31st March, 1876:
"The salary fixed and provided by the
foregoing provisions shall be In lieu
of all or any moneys, fees or perquis
ites which are now or may hereafter
be received by any officer named In
this act: and all said moneys, fees or
perquisites received by them as com
pensation fees or perquisites from any
source whatever shall In all cases be
long to the county and shall be paid
Into the treasury." The controller,
therefore, declares the said county
treasurer, James Young. Indebted to'
the county of Lackawanna In the sum
of three thousand, two hundred and
flfty-flve dollars, being 1,170 names at
one dollar and fifty cents per name.
RrfHpta and Expenditures of Lacka
nnnnn County from January 4,
1904, to January 2, 1905.
Cash In hands of
Jos. A. Scranton,
Jnn. 4, 1904 $ 17,743 55
Cash In hands of
James Young,
Jan. 4. 1904.... 40,261 59
$ 58,005 14
Less warrant® outstanding. 346 30
Controller*! balance Jan.
4, 1904 $ 57,658 84
General county
fund 1418,621 76
Bridge fund .... 9.170 22
Dog fund 1,027 13
Sinking fund ... 18,111 82
Stnte fund 22.374 23
School fund 2.069 63
Bond fund 889 00
Poor fund 480 38
Bedemption fund. 644 94
Seated and un
seated lands
fund 844 35
5474,233 46
Total $531,892 30
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1896. 325 00
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1897. 307 43
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1898. 3,111 73
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1899. 1,504 09
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1900. 2,299 03
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1901. 9,841 04
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1902. 42,176 83
Collections on tax
duplicate, 1903. 123,032 25
Collections on tnx
duplicate 1904. 168,417 ,,
Lands returned $ 8,639 07
I*ands redeemed 644 94
Booth rents ,25
Automobile licenses 11l 00
Jury fees collected
byC. H. Schadt. $ 695 90
Jury fees collect
ed by Frank
Becker 97 33
Jury fees collect
ed by John Von
Bergen 174 00
Fines collected by
C. H. Schadt . . 1,875 61
Fines collected by
Frank Becker . 1,013 00
Befunded by state
treasurer for
ex t 1 nguishlng
forest fires as
per act of as
sembly, 1897 . . 500 65
Witness fee re
funded by Geo.
Keehan 2 00
Received from de
partment of In
ternal affairs
for making re
turns for 1903. 110 00
Refunded by John
Hagan 67 60
Juror's fee re
turned by F. J.
Gallagher 2 25
Bank loans 45,000 00
Sale lawn mower
to L. B. Fowler 12 00
Liquor licenses
(county's share) 37,015 15
Cash fees col
lected by coun
ty officers ... 42,289 75
y 128,755 24
Total $474,233 46
Comity * 87,67? 21
Bridge 1,355 60
Dog 200 00
Sinking 26,043 67
School 2,125 55
Boad 1,002 85
Poor 618 13
Bedemption 4.963 66
Seated and un
seated lands . . 964 12
Total $124,950 79
Cash on Jan. 4,
1904 $ 58.005 14
Less outstanding
warrants 346 30
Controller's balance $ 57,658 84
Justices' fees,(dis
charged cases) 6,459 70
Constables' fees
cases) 5,478 32
11,938 02
Dockets, Printing, Advertising, Etc.
Dockets $ 640 36
Printing 2,035 27
Advertising 166 26
Stationery and
supplies 1,423 30
4,265 19
January $ 17,120 18
February 13.679 20
March 14,793 56
April 60,336 04
May 58,953 96
June 12,920 32
July 24,084 60
August 35,853 97
September 52.770 53
October 52,836 70
November 60,182 19
December 70,702 21
474,233 46
Total $531,892 30
By warrants, 1904 $406,941 51
Controller's balance, Jan. 2,
1905 124,950 79
Outstanding warrants: No.
3445 10 00
Treasurer's balance, Jan. 2,
190S $124,960 79
Note, In hands of
J. A. Scranton. s 17,743 65
Note, in hands of
James Young . 107,217 24
Assessment of Taxes.
State tax $ 15 00
County tax 5,665 69
Books, printing,
etc 670 45
6,351 14
Audits and Statistics.
State tax (audit
ing) $ 185 50
Registration of
births and
deaths 10 10
Begistration of
school children 1,764 90
Military enroll
ment 677 56
Publishing con
troller's audit,
etc 1,335 00
3,97$ 06
Advertising for
bids, etc $ 230 30
Re-erection, re
pairs, etc.. mak
ing plans, spec
ifications, etc. . 2,173 09
Inspection bridges 1,772 20
Making name
plates 75 00
4,250 59
Charities and Correction.
E. S. peniten
tiary (Philadel
phia) $ 4,766 41
Insane hospital
(Danville) .... 45 75
Insane hospital
(Wernersville) 39 14
Insane hospital
(Norristowa) 91 00
House of Refuge
(Philadelphia) $ 1,534 10
Industrial Re
(Huntingdon) . $.344 29
Scranton poor dis
trict 42$ 75
Removal of pa
tients to asy
lums 14 00
Conveyance of
prisoners to
and from Jail.. 127 00
Conveyance of
prisoners to
penitentiary .. 658 54
11,048 17
County Prison.
Bedding $ 138 28
Clothing 1,153 66
Drugs 276 85
Disinfectants ... 160 31
Expressage and
freight 2 06
Fuel 1,437 85
Dry goods 11 50
Furniture and fix
tures 217 12
Feeding prisoners 15,867 75
Hauling 8 50
Hardware 43 98
Ice 22 11
Incidentals 16 75
Light (electric).. 791 93
Printing and sta
tionery 97 25
Conveying pris
oners 115 00
Repairs 1.054 46
Salaries 13,175 34
Shoes 509 30
Supplies 212 10
Telephone 123 80
Water rent 824 17
Repairing time
detector 60
Prison grounds. 147 00
35,907 67
Court Expenses.
County officers,
crier, messen
gers and tip
staves $ 8,570 50
Advertising argu
ment and trial
lists 1,952 01
Constables' re
turns to quar
ter sessions .. . 1,323 41
Expert testimony 35 00
Jurors (grand) . . 2.357 98
Jurors (petit).. . 8,445 04
Jurors (traverse) 8,150 71
Referees fees .. . 2,641 65
Supreme court
costs, etc 9 00
S t en ographers'
salaries, trans
cribing, etc. .. . 9.542 94
Interpreters 639 00
Office rent (Judge
Bnndo) 43.967 24
Commonwealth's Cost.
Justices' fees
(court caseB)..s 8,398 24
Constables fees
• court cases) 8,856 08
Witness fees
(court cases) . 8,704 01 g . g 33
Election Expenses.
Blank forms ....$ 671 40
New booths, re
pairs, etc 1,168 03
Constables at
tending elec
tions 324 50
Delivery of bal
lots and sup-
Elies 645 64
ivislon of elec
tion districts . . 10 00
Election boards.. 6,899 47
Erection and stor
uge of booths. 669 40
Ground rent for
polling booths. 140 00
Printing ballots . 1,228 18
Printing registry
books 376 30
Bent of poll
ing places 2,471 00
Beglstry of voters
and delivery
of books 9,899 33
Computing clec
tion returns .. i25 00
Advertising sher
iff's proclama
tion 1.090 00
Supplies for elec
tion boards ... 171 93
New ballot boxes,
repairs, etc. ... 1 00
26.391 18
County A§H
culturul 80'
doty $ 1W M
Burial of indig
ent soldiers . . . 2*400 OO
Scranton city
institute 200 00
Fire wardens .. . 470 43
Interest on bonds
(coupons) 22,320 00
Expressage and
freight 56 02
Incidentals, post
age, etc 463 72
Rewards 170 00
Public records,
etc 1,151 50
Surveying 220 00
Bent of safe de
posit drawer . . 15 00
Traveling ex
penses of coun
ty officials ... 76 28
Firearms, etc. ... 25 00
Extradition of
prisoners and
expenses 156 46
School directors'
association ... 100 00
State association
of county com
missioners .... 5 00
Detectives' fees
(Warner mur
der) 298 62
28,228 03
Public Buildings.
New furniture,
fixtures and
repairs $ 306 62
Heating 2,136 00
Light (electric).. 2,690 72
Telephone service 588 85
Water rents .... 426 10
Improvements and
repairs 695 85
Repair elevator.. 13 40
Insurance 475 98
Janitors, elevator
attendant, etc. 3,532 00
Watchman 845 00
Care of tower
clock, etc 171 50
Soap, brooms,
brushes, etc. . . 310 33
Hauling rubbish,
etc 69 75
Charwomen 1,802 35
New typewriters
and repairs .. . 302 08
New tools and
Implements .. . 130 47
Incidentals 417 74
Prison Board.
Salary secretary.s 300 00
Guards 2,298 00
Steam roller .... 3 25
Hardware, tools,
other supplies . 61 45
Extra food for
prisoners work
ing 1,300 00
3,962 70
Court House Grounds.
14,904 74
Mowing, sprink
ling and shovel
ing snow $ 2.000 23
Grading, filling
and laying
sidewalk 40 75
Shade trees, etc.. 25 60
Bepalring lawn
mowers, etc. .. 14 00
Incidentals 105 21
2,185 69
Views $ 437 20
Damages 25,455 00
Surveys. maps,
etc. 199 90
Burveys, etc.
(state aid
roads) 377 30
21,469 40
Temporary Loans.
Interest on
loans $ 1,068 75
1,068 76
Disbursement of Funds.
Bchool 9 1,150 98
Road 227 03
Poor 68 26
Redemption 96 68
Dog 877 45
State tax, 1904.. 27,165 62
Seated and un
seated lands .. 250 88
Bridge fund (new
bridges) 10,428 65
Taxes refunded .. 1,374 01
41,618 95
Salaries of com
missioners ....$ 7,600 00
Salaries of clerks 14,712 88
Salary of county
solicitor 1,000 00
Legal services
(O'Brien & Mar
tin) 800 00
28,512 88
Salary of con
troller $ 4,000 00
Salaries of deputy
and clerks .... 6,529 56
Legal clerk ..... 500 00
10,029 56
Salary of coro
ner (11 mos.). .$ 1,833 32
Coroner's ex
penses 157 74
Deputies 15 77
Jurors* fees 571 00
2,577 83
Clerk of Court.
T. P. Daniels.
fees 1903 $ 4.642 63
Balury of clerk
of court (11
mos.) 3,666 66
Salaries of clerks 3.391 66
Advertising liquor
licenses, etc. .. 943 00
12.643 95
District Attorney.
VV. B. Lewis, fees
1903 $ 4.000 00
Salary of district
attorney 4.000 00
Salaries of as
sistants 3.350 00
Incidentals 14 50
11.364 50
Becorder of Deeds.
Emll Bonn, fees
1903 $ 77 50
Salary of record
er (11 mos.) . . . 3.666 66
Salaries of clerks 6,585 00
10,329 16
John Copeland,
fees 1903 $ 1,607 95
Salary of prothon
otary (11 mos.) 5,500 00
Salaries of depu
ties 3.840 00
10,947 95
Begister of Wills.
Balary of register
(11 mos.) $ 3,666 66
Salaries of depu
ties 4,799 24
8,465 90
C. H. Schadt,
fees 1903 $ 10,509 34
Salary of sher
iff (11 mos.) . . . 5,500 00
Salaries of depu
ties 4,573 75
Incidentals 123 92
20,707 01
Jury Commissioners.
E. B. Sturges $ 242 50
D. J. Campbell. . . 250 00
E. P. Kingsbury. 500 00
P. H. Golden 500 00
J. P. Mahon, clerk 250 00
1,742 50
County detective,
salary $ 1.750 00
County detective.
expenses 385 62
— 2.135 62
County prison ..9 35,007 67
Triint fund* . .. 40,239 94
County offleerw
(fees 1903) .. . 20,837 42
County officers
(salaries) 91,123 66
Itnad riiiiiiajte*
(order of court) 2.%,455 00
Durlnl of Indigent
soldlerN 2,400 00
Interest on bonds
(coupons) 22.320 OO
Intereni on tem
porary loans 1.008 75
General eounty
ripruNi'H 107,589 07
<;rand total 5l
Cash on liona Jan.
4, 1904 40,388 73
Receipts, 1904-
County officers,
cash fees $ 42,289 75
Temporary loan. 45,000 00
County share of
liquor licenses. 37,015 15
State personal
tax collected . . 22,7.74 23
State for extin
guishing fires . 800 65
Dog fund 149 68
All other sources >93.816 81
Total ."$481,534 40
D I a b u r s ementf!
1904 $393,857 19
Cash in hands of
Jos. A. Scranton 17,743 55
Cash in hands of
James Young . 69.933 66
481.634 40
Cash on hand Jan.
4. 1904 $ 2.609 03
Receipts. 1904 9.170 22 j§
Dlsburstments 1904 10.423 65
Cash on hand Jan. 2. 1905..$ 1,355 60
Cash on hand Jan.
4. 1904 $ 200 00
Receipts, 1904 ... 1,027 13 j 9 .,-
D is b u r 8 ements
1904 877 45
Transferred to
county fund ... 149 68
1,027 13
Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905... 200 00
Cash on hand Jan.
4, 1904 $ 7,931 85
Receipts 1904 . . 18,111 82
Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905...$ 26,043 67
Cash on hand Jan.
4, 1904 $ 1.206 30
Receipts 1904 ... 2.069 63
- 3,275 93
Disbursements 1904 1,150 38
Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905... 2,125 65
Cash on hand Jan.
4, 1904 $ 340 88
Receipts 1904 ... 889 00
—————— 1,2*9 88
Disbursements 1904 227 03
Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905...$ 1,002 85
Cash on hand Jan.
4. 1904 196 00
Receipts. 1904 ... 480 38
676 38
Disbursem'ts, 1904 58 25
Cash on hand Jan.
2, 1905 618 13
Seated and Unseated Lands.
Cash on hand Jan.
4. 1904 370 65
Receipts. 1904 .. 844 35
1,215 00
Disbursem'ts, 1904 250 88
Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1905.. 964 12
Cash on hand Jan.
4, 1904 4,416 40
Receipts, 1904 .. 644 94
■ ■ ■ 6,060 34
Disbursem'ts, 1904 96 68
Cash on hand Jan.
2, 1905 4.963 66
Clerk of Court.
Cash earnings.
1904 (11 mosT). 6,516 18
Fees charged to
county, 1904... <.289 i0
Total 13,805 88
Salaries. 1904 .. 7,058 32
Advertising 872 40
7,980 72
Credit bal. .. 5,875 16
Recorder of Deeds.
Cash earnings.l9o4 (11 mos.) 12,523 59
Fees charged to county, 1904
Total 12.523 69
Salaries, 1904 10.251 66
Credit balance 2,271 93
Cash earnlngs.l9o4 (11 mos.) 7,508 20
Fees charged to county, 1904 2,079
Total 9,582 20
Salaries, 1904 9,340
Credit balance 242 20
Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans*
Cash earnings, 1904 9,282 70
Fees charged to county, 1904 8 20
Total 9,290 90
B*»»r*ea, 1904 9.290 90
Cash earnings
1904 (11 mos.). 6,682 17
Fees charged to
county. 1904 . . 8.653 54
Total 15,335 71
Salaries 1904 (11
mos.) 10,073 75
Incidentals 123 92
10,197 67
Credit balance $ 5.138 04
Real estate 39,395,915
Exempt from tax
ation 4,423,332
Real estate sub
ject to taxation 34,972,583
Occupations, etc.. 2.588,175
Horses, mules, etc. 383,100
Meat cattle 95,190
Omnibuses, cabs,
etc 8,370
Aggregate value of tax
able property $ 38,047,418
Gross Revenue from Taxable Property
County fund at seven mills 266,331 93
Fund for the redemption of
bonds at one mill 38,047 42
Fund for the erection of
bridges, recommended by
the grand Jury.ut one-half
mill 19,023 71
Total at eight and one
half mills on the dollar 323,403 06
Amount collected In 1904, on
1904 and prior duplicates. 336.014 21 !
Cash on hand—
J. A. Scranton. 17.734 55
Jus. Young .. . 107,207 24
124,930 79
Due from collec
tors (estimated) 237,218 54
Courthouse b'ld'g 350,000 00
Furniture and fix
tures in Court
House 35,500 00
Courthouse g'nds 200,000 00
Soldiers' and Suit
ors' monument- £3,590 09
i'ear. Collectors. District. Amount.
1896 Patrick McGeever Fell township $ 458 42
1897 G. M. Wallace Scranton, 4th. ward 1,387 96
1899 Wm. Relnhart Scranton. 14th. ward 1,549 73
1899 W. G. Williams Scranton, 15th. ward 747 28
1900 John H. Evans Scranton, Ist. ward 1,218 01
1901 Charles V. Terwilliger Scranton. 2d. ward 1,131 98
1901 B. Davis Scranton,-sth. ward 1,212 87
1901 B. F. Squires Scranton, Bth. ward 2,844 31
1901 E. T. Sweet Scranton, 9th. ward 2,517 73
1901 Thomas Cosgrove Scranton, 14th. ward 947 92
1901 John M. Beaumont Scranton. 18th. ward 130 58
1902 John J. Coyne Lackawanna township 1,065 44
19u2 W. M. Stevenson Mooslc borough 1,998 75
1902 John McDonnell Scranton, Ist. ward 2,046 93
1902 Chas. V. Terwilliger Scranton. 2d. ward 1,608 69
1902 Thos. M. Morgan Scranton, 6th. ward 998 09
1902 Janus Twisu Scranton. Bth. ward 147 85
1902 James Moir Scranton, 9th. ward 8.946 99
1902 Adam Neuls Scranton, 12th and 19th w'ds 979 20
1902 James M. Atherton .Scranton, 13th. ward 2,402 20
1902 Patrick Murphy Scrunton, 14th. ward 981 43
1902 Luther Lewis 15th. ward 434 95
1902 Simon Sigel Scrnntoh, 16th. ward 1,259 20
1903 H. G. Smith Bentoit t*»wnshlp 766 73
1903 D. C. Phillips Blukely boroUgh 867 96
1903 R. J. Tantield Covington 553 31
1903 Theo. H. Wetland Dickson City borough 674 7i
19<j3 P. F, Kelley Dunmore »/*, 4,964 69
1903 Daniel Grimes Elmhurst 94 13
1903 P. H. Qulnn Mayfleld borough 344 32
1903 J. W. Smith N. Ablngton 200 26
1903 Robert Johnften Old Forge 3,791 91
1903 John O'Connor Olyphant 1,95} 65
1903 James McDude Roaring Brook 717 19
1903 James P. Wilson Bcott 1.396 84
191>2 W. G. Letson Waverly 462 0*
1903 11. V. Lawler Wlnton 1,439 39
1903 John G. Bridget .......Carbondale, Ist. ward 2,243 48
1903 John M. Barrett Carbondale, 2d. ward 1.824 71
1903 Wm. Passmore Carbondale, 3, 4, 6 wards... 3,269 32
1903 L. V. Stockman Carbondale, sth. ward 2,022 25
1903 Thos. F. Cullen Scranton. Ist. ward 3,273 64
1903 Peter Regan Scranton, 2d. ward 3,650 37
1903 Thos. F. Saltry Scranton, 3d. ward 1,691 91
1903 Jno. J. McWilliams Scranton, 4th. wurd 4,319 67
1903 Michuel J. Kainey Scranton, sth. ward 9,763 86
1903 James May Scranton, 6th. ward 997 33
1903 Timothy Burke Scranton, 7th. ward 3,518 64
1903 John J. Loftus Scranton, Bth. ward 23,079 20
1903 John J/ O'Boyle Scranton, 9th. ward 13,838 80
1903 Frederic!* Schwartz Scranton, 10th. wurd 2,039 78
1903 Theo. Hesslnger Scranton, 11th. ward 1,071 27
1903 Adam Neuls Scranton, 12th. 19th. wards. 3,453 47
1903 John F. HolUran Scran-ton. 13th. ward 4,500 42
1903 John H. Larkin Scranton. 14th. ward 3,775 74
1903 John Vanston Scranton, 15th. ward 1,940 33
1903 Thomas C. Walsh Scranton, 16th. ward 5,579 19
1903 John J. Maghran Scranton, 17th. ward 6,071 34
1903 P. J. Langan Scranton. 18th. ward 452 07
1903 Michael McGarry Scranton. 20th. ward 3,306 10
1903 Michael Boche Scranton. 21st. ward 5,103 68
1904 P. J. McDonald Archbald 2,317 81
1904 H. G. Smith Benton 668 79
1904 D. C. Phillips Blakely 1,880 57
1904 Patrick Casey Carbondale township 1,060 21
1904 Clifton township 316 58
1904 B. J. Tanfleld Covington township 677 06
1904 E. Howell Flake Dalton 905 33
1904 T. H. We Hand Dickson City 2,892 52
1904 P. F. Relley Dunmore 7,009 74
1904 Daniel Grimes Elmhurst 272 75
lj>o4 Joseph White Fell township 6,056 11
1904 Napoleon Nothwcker Glenburn 109 81
1904 Henry C. Hoffman Jefferson 218 73
1904 John Avery Jermyn 1,417 20
1904 Patrick Hlggins Lackawanna 1,116 99
1904 Geo. W. Patterson LaPlume 64 08
1904 A. A. Chamberlain Lehigh township 112 88
1904 L. E. Noack Madison 723 64
1904 P. H. Qulnn Mayfleld 1,192 83
1904 John S. Metz Mooslc 1,024 09
1904 James M. White Newton 1,076 00
1904 J. W. Bmlth N. Ablngton 299 96
1904 Robert Johnson Old Forge 3,149 48
1904 John O'Connor Olyphant 2,000 00
1904 I<ewls Powell Ransom 361 48
1904 James McDade Roaring Brook 743 91
1904 James P. Wilson Scott 847 96
1904 Geo. P. Pyers 8. Ablngton 919 14
1904 Wm. A. Price Spring Brook 395 99
1904 Joseph Davles Taylor borough 1,988 78
1904 August Ollendick Throop 799 74
1904 Philip Fries Vandling 220 Si
1904 W. G. Letson Waverly 127 49
1904 C. E. Finch W. Ablngton 86 11
1904 H. V. I>awler Wlnton 1,149 73
1904 P. L. Neary Carbondale City 12,449 64
1904 T. J. Jennings Bcranton 139,817 00
Total $390,074 54
1896, duplicate $ 458 42
1897, duplicate 1,387 96
1899, duplicate % 1,197 91
1900, duplicate 1,318 91
1901, duplicate 1,715 19
1902, duplicate 22,869 72
1903, duplicate 127,172 91
1904, duplicate 196,994 10
360,074 54
Less amount for exonerations, commissions, etc. (estimated) ..... 121,159 09
Probable amount to be realised $117,211 64
School. Road. Poor. Miscell&n.
Archbald borough $ 89 16 $ $ 8 25 $ 21 74
Blakely borough 71 07 30 75 16 06 7 27
Benton township 18 82 2 20 5 32 19 01
Carbondale township 15 69 69 03 66 19 11 14
Covington township 25 94 26 00 6 16
Clifton township 1 00 3 20
Dickson City borough 61 11 24 92 16 54
Dalton borough 28 51 6 66 19 20
Dunmore borough 88 97 9 68 56 26
Elmhurst borough 68 77 9 26 2 48 9 U
Fell township 176 01 161 17 72 83 49 64
Gouldsboro borough 8 87 2 40 24
Glenburn borough 75 35 16
Greenfield township 68 21
Jefferson township 101 47 114 05 69 64 1 20
Jermyn borough 41 23 1 06 4 74 22 90
township 26 90 6 96 2 d
Lehigh township 17 04 5 53
Madison township 82 04 62 62 6 60
Mayfleld borough 22 69 7 94 9 16 12 64
Mooslc borough 1 80 2 60
Newton township 19 72 32 58 2 06
N. Ablngton township 39 2 26
Olyphant borough 130 26 26 16 20 83 112 21
Old Forge borough 16 61 4 47 5 49 25 60
Soaring Brook 88 20 58 70 17 05
Bansom township 171 81 183 47 10 69
Spring Brook township 69 85 123 40 23 32
8. Ablngton township 113 85 110 94 68 01 12 60
Scott township 2 21 06 68
Throop borough 126 62 69 75 252 86
Vandling borough 4 07 2 80 3 31 8 20
W. Ablngton township 1 60 1 35 1 45 ia
Wlnton borough 405 64 17 49 131 28 220 42
Waverly borough 4 68 45
$2,126 55 $1,002 85 $6lB 13 $964 12
County prison
building 125,000 00
County prison
grounds . 20,000 00
Furniture in Co.
prison 3,000 00
Metallic flies and
other fixtures.. 13,975 00
Due from State
Treasurer 20,000 00
Due from County
Treas. Young,
mercantile li
cense fees ?,256 00
1,061,530 64
1.186,489 33
County bonds is-$
sued Dec. 1,1894,
at 4V4% 80,000 00
County bonds Is
sued Dec. 1,1896,
at 4% 135,000 00
County bonds is
sued April 1,
1902, at 4% 225,000 00
County bondß is
sued May 1,1903,
ut 4% 150,000 00
Temporary loans. 45,000 00
Due boroughs,
townships, etc.:
School tax .... 2,125 55
Poor Tax 618 13
Boad tax 1,002 85
Bedemption f'd 4,963 66
Dog tax 200 00
Bridge fund . . . 1,355 60
Seated and un
seated lands. 964 12
Due sundry of
ficers 13,000 00
5659,229 91
Assets in excess of liabili
ties $527,259 42
Uckawnnna county, as.:
Edward A. Jones, being duly sworn,
salth, that the foregoing account Is a
correct statement of the receipts and
expenditures of the county of Lacka
wanna for the fiscal year ended Janu
ary 2. 1905. as the same are set forth In
the dockets of the controller's office.
E. A. Jones,
Attest: County Controller.
John Morris,
Deputy Controller.
Sworn and subscribed before me this
24th day of January, 1905.
John F. Cummlngs,