• • 7 - 7 eza .1 l e r r 7 • •:11 BENSON:R . • w cA p ciNE • pLAsTE; HAVE BEEN IM‘TATED And their execlrentroputation in jured by worthless imitatimiii. The Public arc cant i onedagairustlauy ing Plasters ILarng similar sound ing name:,. :.to that the word C-A-P-C I N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine POTOUS Plasters Aro the only improvement' ever made, in Plasters. Ond 4s worth More than &Oxen of any other kind. 1,, :Will positively cure where other remedies will net even relieve. - Price 25 \ 'cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made withleadpeisons. `4l. SEABURY & JOHNsom,,_ . Man vtactnring Chemists, New TOIL [MIR kit I:3tE It V - A T - 1:11 - 14C — Pries SM. MEAD'Slledi=ted CORN and BUNION PLUM UEENIitcCO. THE GREAT OPTICIANS, 92400HESTNiPT , STREET, SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE, • . SUPERIOR SKILL. SUPERIOR LE4SES Rai SUPERIOR PAICILITIRE Forinanufacturing.lll comtdna togive Our RPECTIp CLES and EYE-GLASSES a nation! repute= LOST SIGHT . NEVEII,4IEIIMNS. DI mt triße v.ith your eynt by Bikini IT:MUTT— ,. ABLE GLASSES. eatati.p,es 1 11,77n0rs or•o! nn apprievtiost rats V— l'ilatheanaticall,fittrurio.t4.,ollpamai. I'art.2—Optia4 7Tr+trumlatc. PLIt nitre', Part 3—Stas.ric Lanigan:o6llM Wrumeuts.BlOMlew - • CUT THIS OUT! AGENTS a • 5 : 4 540 MAKEWeaI.K Wehavestor, l eslnls leading from whiehronr agents obtain their suppliezquickly. Oar Factories and Prisicipal yams aro at dirge. Pa. Bend for our New-Catalogue and terms to scents Address MS NI LOVELL 9121.aciumanna Aire SCRANTON..PA.. HORSESend- 23 sots. In. stamp or currency for then: MED 3.l3rrtoit of "A Treatise on the Horse ind his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases, has 60 fine engravings showinhorses g BOOK poson bettes assumr than - can be taught in any other way, a table showing doses of all the principal medicines used for the. horse as well as their effects and antidotes when 25 et... poison , a large collection of 150 Tammuz =more, rules for telling the age of a horse, with an engraving sh9wiug teeth of each year and a large amount of other valuable horse information. Hundreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than book* costing $5 and slo_.' The fact that 260,000 sold in about one yesr before it was re vised shawl - bow popular the book' is. The re• wised edition is talcs mono riTgassroto Sown Fon A CIRCULAZ. AuENTS WANTED. Dr. J. B. Louden it Co.. go oeburgh Falls, Vermont. afar 11.1 yr. / LYDIA. E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a PoAttre Care Ps, all Oboe PalalYl Cesulalata ad W - • - es eciamma to ear best female pirpalitisat A 31edle4ne for Won'tl. banded by a Woman. Prepared by a Woman. itn Oredimill Baikal DUanery Mae. the Dame et Illitiorj6 COMrs:sties the drooping spirits, invigorate• nod harmonises the organic ftmetions, giros eliatietty lad . Emcee to the step, restores the natural lustre lathe, We, and plants on the pale' cheek of woman the firth , roses of life's spring and emiy summer time. • lllrPhyskians Use It arid Prescribe It Freely -ft * It retoores faintness, anti:U=7.6,o°7, all =ring for stimulant, end relieves ireaknessof the stomach. That feeling of bearing down,atost ed psin, weight (end backache, is eliral*pm-chanently to' Its use Far the rare of Kid e - ek Complaint* of either nes this C0a1,,0 'a mnaurpossed. virpft BLOOD PIIIIITIER' . . . . Rill eriul.cr.•3 • c ora 44 humors from, the Illood. and': ':o i'•:• ai , " the 11711t014 of man woman :.r on baring it twit the Comp-.m, I s stood Peril ? are prepared et =land= •i ~i • : L ane, Lynn. Yam. Price of - either, al. SiS Dot ti. s fcr gently mail is the form of pills, or of lori.ngcs; on receipt of price, $1 per bee for either. Meg:Mukha= freely snorers an letters of Encloeei:L.demp. Beadtarpamphiet . Ito tr.:1111y amid be without LYDIA E. Plittitrarti LIVER 1 - "!T.IS. They cure constipation; billonstics. and torpelity of the User. 11, cents per box. /KirSald by all Druid's:l6ln a . IMI THE RUSH FOR JACOBS -: AT TUE i 61,1' 'Re liable ing More, Is to examine his immense _ • . - rua ANDIwutTER FASHIONABLE Ready-Made clothing. -.4as He is prepared to offer-baigains that will induce customers to buy. 4 isupying .the large and commodious !o. 123 Main street, formerly M. E. Sol.. •";& Son, be presents a full and complete stock in all lines of Clothing. • --.: • RENS, BOYS', 'Yoirinur AND CHILDREN'S SUITS • . Of every 'grade and quality. GENT'S PURNISMNIEGOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, IMIBRELLAS, CANES, OC. OVERCO4TS Of every quality. RUBBER GOODS a specialty. Al are invited tdeall and secure bargains. N. JACOBS. .., Towanda, Pa., Oil: 3,1; ;3. EMI DM WIN . WhilPlo4 Cinger Tie leluss a Get Elatliftethe. .• A dozen years sgo a farmer IMMO ink) De. tsoit with a load at potatoes and sold them to a grocer. A' dispute arose as to the , quantity. The farmer' felt- himself cheated out of two 'bushels and he left they grocer with a black eye. .The grocer was a man who meant to keep even with all men. He therefore took his s4kvit to whip, that farmer within aminch of his life, and the longer he waited, e madder he got. At the end of a mei*, seeing no prospect of catching the farine''r in town, the grocer 'pro cared a horse and buggy and drove out to the farm to have it out. When within three - of the place he encountered a man on 71. ' • hway and inquired : Cen yin tell me where Cad Sliver lives r " Yes : going:* buy cattle of Lim?" " No, tilits•J'm going to pound him out of his boots :" "I guess not I I'm old - Silver's son, and you've got to whip•me first The grocer jumped out and a battle re. salted. He polished the son off, but it was a tight squeeze. He had not gone half a Mlle when. a • man who was husking corn near the fence hailed him with "Did you hare &tight down there ?" Yom" " Who whipped y" "Ida" ." Well, that was my brother you were fighting. And may be you think you can• wish; we. too ?" A second Apt took place and prayed a raw. The grocer was somewhat dlsoonrag- 4 having several loose teeth and a nose as oig as his wr,ist,4lMt he drove on to-the next house. A eitriiiying fellow about twenty seven years old! was putting wood it the ;ate, aid the grocer drew up and asked : " How far is it , to Stivei'sr " Which Stiver ?" • ' " Why, the bid liar Sliver's." • "Stranger, the man who speaks that" way .f my old dad has got to be pounded," re, narked the old clePPer, and a third fight was soon on the boards. This time the gra cer had his fill, and, after brushbig ta:e grass oat of his hair, he asked:— • - "How far is it to kr. John Stiver's?" "Two miles." " One more (itiestou. I've met and fought witli three of his sons. Is there another livijfig between hero and the old man's ?"-v --, t.-! l Another ? Why, there are three; and, te'side, there are two single ones at home 1t,i;:o could turn you wrong side out in twen secoulit!" • , The grocer drove slowly back to the eit) and went to bed fer a week. His mistake was in not-malting to catch the old man home some time when all the boys were , off fishing.—lktrost Prot Press. By calling at C. B. Porter's Ward House dreg store, you can get a sample bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which will relieve the most obstinate Cough or told, and.shosyljon what the regulai 50 cent, size will do: - • When troubled with Asthfaa, Bronchitis; ' Dry. Hacking Cough, Paisie:in'the Chest, and all diseases' of - the Throat and Lungs, try a sample bottle of this medicine. .4-E' july27ly. A. correspondent of the Philadelphii Times, writing about Mark Twain's Wash. Ington correspondent days, Says • . To Twain's room, however, the visitor was always welcome, for bynatt4Twain is so lazy that he will not ivork if there. is an eicnse for loafing. He -had a little back room that was a novelty, a museum, a her. tnit's cave, a den for a wild animal, and the wild animal was 'there. In this -room Clemens wrote his "Innocents AbiCad." I, wish you could.see it today; in the light .of Mark Twain's present 'reputation end his $500,000 of money. IlOn_rsther biniened now, but I remember , it lauicked me at' the, time. - .~ ~n~, ~ L=.ai The little drum stove' was full of 'ashes, running over on the zinc sheet,, which was covered all over , the bed seemed to be un made for a week, the slops hail _not been carried oat for a fortnight; the - ftothlt , was sour with tobacCo smoke, the ficklr, dirty . enough .Wbegin with, was littered with newspaperfrom which Twain had cut his letters. Then there were hundreds of pieces of torn manuscripts which bad been written and then rjected,,,q the author. A dozen pipes were alxiit the Sparta:mt.—on the washstand, on the mantel, on the writing table, on the chairs —everywhere that room could be found. And there was tobacco, and tobacco everywhere. One thing, there were no flies. The smoke hdd killed. them, and lam now surprised it "did not kill me to:.. Twain wolld not let a servant come into his room. He would : strip down his suspenders (his coat and vest, of course; be. lug off) } and walk backward and forward in slippers in his little room and swear. and smoke the whole day long. Of course, at 'tithes he would work, and when he did work it,was like, a steam engine at full head. Idc believe that if Clemens had not been - nude! contract to write for the Hartford firm hit "Innocents Abroad", he never would thave done , GREENWICH, Feb. 11, Hop Bitters wds given up by the.doctors to die of scrofula consump tion., Two bottles of your Bitterer mired me. LEROY Hamm. Ramsdell writes this story from Washing ton to the Philadelphia Press. It illustrates how our statesmen wed to play the national game: The days of official poker playing in Washington are gotib now. There is, I be lieve, i little band of army clews who take a band now and than in dollar limit games, Mt the big games went out with the golden days of the old pistrict ring. A gentleman from New York told me the other day of a game he onceparticipated in etWillird's Hefei. There were three United States Senators around the table, besides 'the gentleman I speak of and another whois tdo not know. One of the Senators is now dead, another is out of the Senate, and the third I knoir no. thing about, as twever beard his name. The Senator who is now deadbad been drink ing very heavily and was greatly affected by his-whit/on& Ido not know thatany meth. beret the party was sober, therefore, I can't tell whether the others "plucked". the)Sen ator or not. At any rate, he played. very recklessly. Hi, for example, would Lelia a eix.spot ;be would show the aix.apo and 'call for four carat, and lien bet $l,OOO. on his handbefore looking at it. This may be safe; I do' not know, but it I were playing poker, I would not bet $l,OOO unless I had four sixes pat. - Weilthis Sendoe(now dead; played until 3 o'clock in .the morning, anc: the boys around the table bad his "coups' (I don't know what the word means) for $17,000. He staggered home, and no menk ber of the party ever supposed he would re member anything that happened. Greatly mistaken, my Mends. He came to Willard's 'the next morning at 10 *lock, took my in. foment out of bed, hadailAt of his "coups" • and put intothe bands of my friend 17,000 in treasury notes and Asked him to redeem his paper:. My Mewl protested, but the Senator persisted and insisted, and so the money was paid. This b' a tree story, and I will swear to it before n Star Route jury —if I lime ta. - , ~;,.:: ISEM ASAD INISTAKIL FR Ek.,011! COST. A-WRITER'S WORKSHOP. ark Tsr:tkir4l7iittnit the "Innocents • .hltroad.” _ • GAMBLING SENATORS. How A Sporran IsKazum.—Whey &por ter cm a Pullman Tahoe car kenos that one of the pmeempiltii a " spotter "or detective for the oompini he maxis that spotter by rntling three mien on the bottom of the heel of one of his boots., The .portai Who next shim& the 'grebes be* sees the maxii,infonos the soots, arid they two I me hook es the *Wong 4- tecthw remain& ~ f.,6:, • r; ••t•:' ••-• '.-- ' , 1..' ,1::1,..-74 iliffM Eel , _ asan Jr). loom-orritp -Ones - all &Senses of the Stomach. 'Liver, .BoweisAidneyl.l3kin and Blood. Millions testify to its efficacy_ in . , healing the above clamed diseaheN and pronounce It to be the ' Best Remedy: Known to an, - . 0/ - • serAGENTS WANTED:sat = Laboratory 77 Weirad St.; New York Pity Druggists sell it. wied, fop. Hthersitattass. Rzamr's Vsuzy, Belford Oo.,_Ps. Da. CLahijoim M so. : A short trial of your Indigo Blood ' Strap bar elves me pest rellel for Rheumatism. It is ths best zorKllletus I ever used. _ JOHN VINO.. liffi . . .•-- ' . . . PNE.. . .• .. v.,..... , t. . • EL . . , , :.„,. _...• . • ..,... • .'.., r . ~ _ - . • '•? -. 4 . 4 ,1' , i : . „ . ' .41 111 ...... . , Taken internally lures Acute Rheumatism; ChrOnic Rheuinatism, Inflnmmatory_ Rheumatism, Sciatic Rheumatitim, &rotated(' RheUmattsm. Syphilitic Rheumatism, Whiskey Rhelunagsm - Rheumitic Gout and . Rheumatism of the tleart. Dpared enly by. JOHN H. -PHELPS PhErrinacist, 13cranton,'$Pa. TO TUB PIIBLIC.—I owe my lib to Phelpe Rheumatic Ellizir. During the past fifteen years I have spent over a thousand dollars ibr treatment of Rheumatism. and never received any penises , sent benefit, until I took the Phelps' Elixir. i consider it the beet rheumatic remedy ever offered to the public. , Respecttnily, bs 4 , OED. P.; BOW, Penn Avenue. Scission, Pa. • She Phelps' Rhonda* Elixir for me always acted like a charm. ithinit this fall it cut short a severs attectt of Rheumatism. I can endorstithe remedy after as a preventive or cure. - P al mer. ' lire. 0: 11 , :' PALBLIIR,O • lenburn. I% • . I,Nora.—Mrs. 6. W. mr is the mother of lon. H. W. Palmer, of Withetharre, our present Bats ? - Attorney General.) BrrHIMIZII. Ps., July 3.1581. • lir. John B: Phelps, Scranton. Ps.—Please send me two dozen Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir u soon as possible. I have Sid fill I had. lir. D. J. Godthalt, editor Bethlehem Daily Times, is taking K. Be sass I could tell my customers that it vas the "boss " medicine for rheumatism ' Toots, U.. z. ` . .... E. T. MYERS, Druggist. .Abli TOURISM:O3Iff FOR IT. PRICE $1 SIX BOTTI f IIIt $5.. • Dr. EL O. 'Porter & ton, Agents tor Toweada s ra . Has advanced:: \ l77e - still retail at the OLD PRICE: Bring in your cans at once, - 10. TO. DEM;t i itt,S—We offer_kerosene and headlight (Mit lowest wholOale prices. I I 44n AT THE OLD RELIABLE CASH /MVO STORE. • Dr. H. Clri7 ii - E . ,iiD, , :DTE: - :.'.1 HEAT I G & COOK S MAIN STREET AARRGE -STOCK I-show the LARGEST VARIETy of Mena Boys and Childrens V• E R C 0-A T TUBE FOUND IN TOWANDA ' - ,They areade of first-class material and I guarantee a perfect if/every I keep constfmtly on hand a LARGE ASSORTMEI4T . Of • - • GENTS - FUR ISHING GOODS HATS., CAPS, 1 11* . NHS, TRAVELING BAGS &o. MEN'S- DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS. Form a sp*ci,ALfoilture in my; business I take the lead in this Dejwitiient as well as all others.- I have no Plate Glass windows or polished counters, but I keep THE RIGHT GOODS : and the public apprecisteAlieir atilt value. lam safe in saying .1 STOCH CANNOT BE EQUALED IN THE canon. _ I have just received a large invoice of and f_Whattr Clothing I • ' -and will be pleased to show these goods. Call at r M. E. ROSENFIELD'_S - antt4uy where you see the Crowd. BOOthirshoes,..Robb - 0140 - . --, - 2 j , -,-,..,-, -:- _ -•/.•i-.-:".1.:,;•,',; t -,!-- : ,;`, 7 ;. - ; ,'„ ! . 17 . ^, ::, "%if' r , :' ,, 4 1 ';',: 7 -: ' :.:'• . ::: ' ,..7' -+I:-2:-..,3i-i..it,:-.-,-,•;:,1,4.4,-...)...A 4..i.:7C.,•:-.;-.0.,-.:..,...*:!::,:i..,:f,:.;.,-,,-.2:7,-f-,;,,'::-.., ',,,,'"-7,,.',4".,,,,.`,'",i'...7.,-i:.::-:-..ji:;..,:i.L...;-,75;%E..!...Z..;:,.Tri,::;.••:',:::•',eg.r.....-7.1;!".Z:".• ,!';'..-':L'-fAi.,2•,„.....,,,r,...,7:,-;....,.:;-,,,,,,F,',.. ,r.:-!„,,A4.,2-.;;;.........,---4.-' ':. - -::::: , ': - '4, , : ,- ;;;; ,, : - ... 1 ')",li.-5A-t'': ' -:: t'E , . ' 1: "''' • T?,,,7,-.,,,.1,7‘:-.::::•.".,..:.';';-.,;',.:, - , - ;;: c . ..: -,, , - ;:" . 1 . ' : it., , ,, , r'i....f.:fp',, , ,''',,i.'2",1,;?,- , , ; , .:: :;;.:, . , :.7-,,,-",..'.•,-!:;-.):::: ,::-,`.--`,.',.?-"..";,..:- V..:.-'-.1": ,;I: e - , -. 1 ' -.. i. ' , ', :':•''' '5.! 3 :',,-':' , .':-- • - •`- ' ' . .,t , ..: : ':, ' '.."''' ' ; ', .... - - S A. FACT wt Tan THE WHOLEIAtE PRICE . OF • KEROSENE OIL Xti'r Will C. Porter & Son, Corner - Main and „Pine Streets, Towanda. Pa: HAVE A NEW STOCK OF El DON'T BUY B EFORE INSPE C TING • . TBEIR STOC B= HUMPHREY BROSA TRACY. iEEWS,'BOYEL WOIREWB. MISSES- AND CHILDiEWS. i • 1 .___ _ voRNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, TOW.A. NDA,, 111 1111 Mil EMI and Wholesale Dada* in all kin& of m ors. }-- . ti t ,- I ' - IMEI TOWANDA; PA. SEEM IN z z ,.4MIIIIIIIITRAITBD .. - Itr. E 4.llmlneetpiper in tire Ceninri on " Fenton of theNdir North-wed," "dis. nines varies. oak* lad 'Eolith:el enhiects, Ink ipeaking' of thi Chinese inipaintkr), min in part: . There is a mistaken notkm in the East thrit the 'Chinese are splays bimble and eabinfseive, and Murk put upon and abused by: whites of the .Paciflo coast. There was is time when the hoodlums of San Fran cisco _maltreated the -Asiatic immigrants abar..efully, _ but that , time has gone by. Now the Chinaman, appears to ba as secure In *a *this of person and property as any body. . Instaulof being deferential end timid hels (dam 'pestling and insolent. He does net give way in the street. He hustles you - as rudely as an Forglieh navvy. body of Chinese laborers marching down a narrow street will crass Lunar into - the gut ter. The Chinese Merchante,`Aoetate, and otiieia belonging to tlie - better classes, areas polite es Freitibuiati, but the masses of the Ohineseripulation on The Pacific coast are rude and. ha ital. The chief thing in their favor is their habit-of per Send cleanliness; The railroad laborers, who are the poorest eint. moat "Ignormat class. wash thenisUlves bona head to loot at the end of each , day's work.• All classes are frequent customers of the b a rber, who gives minute attention to their heads, fact" ears, and necks. • Amen the oammon laborers there is little sympathy for :alai and injured • comrades. Its man is lady to becorne b burden, the otherinembeis of his gang want to° get' rid Of him nab* as possible. Nit commonly believed by the white boos* on thet:' rail- Ways that the ChinesbAocion put sick men unt'of the way IrY'poiecni when they think they cannot be streolY, cured. A case was told raw in Oregon of a • Oacdie • railway laborer who had an arm kaftan. It was set by the-eampany's doctor, And was doing well, but; the , manta comrades insisted On bringing a Chinese doctor . to :attend him. Thiudoctor came from a :distant camp and gave the patient a dose. In an hour the Ipoor fellciw Was dead. In such cases . there no investigation; nobs:Weans that them m... ! one Ohinaustr less. The death of a cart •is of much more consequence. One !great ditikidty the - elnployers or Chinese !labor have to contend with is the snpersti: .titni of these queer people. Their. teligiona siViship consists chiefly in propitiating the, malevolent spirits Of the - `dead. If a - Chi. nese domestic fancies there is a ghost in the beaus he departs at Once, and leaves ali in. scription behind to ware I 4 successork - It Often happens that it - fatnili will be unable to keeps servant longer than a single day.. Kan after men, will come and- go without giving any minion for his * abrupt departure. At last the warning sign is found in Me kitchen or the Servant's room and exptinge then there is no more trouble. Not long ago two Chinamen were killed in Oreicin by the premature explosion of a blast' on anew railway line. One of their fellow workmen declared that just before the explosion be saw two devils come to the opposite bank of the river and heaid them, talking. There. upon the whole gangof forty men dropped rnitoirtidtiould not , be induced, by threats or:pejsuasloni to return to the spot. H PIL ______ . _____4 Piles'n*lrequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, lobis and' lower part of the abdomen, causing the pStient to super pose he has some 'affection of . the kidneys or neighboring •orgiunt, At timpb:' syinp-: toms of indigestion arepresenttatuency, uneasiness of the stomach, etcAt moisture, like person, producing it - very disa greeable, itching, particularly at night after I l e ge g warm in bed is a.very common at t. Internal, 'External and itching .Piles yield at once to the application of I,#:i o's Pile Remedy, ' winch acts difikly 'upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tu .. . . allaying the intense itching, and c fedi . kis permanent cure . where all oth r rem ~. have failed. Do not delay un it' the . '. on the system produces perma nent ;* ."ty, 'but try it and be cured. Price 50 cents. Ask your. ffruggist for it, and hen you can not obtain it of him, we will it, prepaid, onreceipt...Of price. Lithium The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co. Pk*, Ohio.. Sold by C. B: Porter, Wani Rouse Drug Store. july27ly. AN ARTIST'S MODEL. , An situ it of my acquaintance Was sear* tug fors model in the streets of New cork. • qiissing Union 'Squire, he saw' the . .very type of face heyequitad. The crwtreinf the; , face was seated on one of the benches in an attitude of cheerful expediency. The: artist accosted the old man and asked # he would pose.. He iSaddy consented, went to the studio at fhb appointed time, . was emplOyed,- gave' satisfaction, and beanie' a slat, of retainer at the studio. His massive white hesd and large white beard, met with favor in (esthetic circles. -By degrees, items of his personal history came to light. He bad been . a gold4ligger in California in the early days. J 1-1 of the mining excitement.. He claimed to have experienced fifteen shipWre*. in the capacity of a sea-captain. Left aix orphan at an early age, be had been educated by a Physician, and bad acquiredrme knowledge of medicine. • Fate threw him among the Indians of the fai West, presumably i on his way from the gold ; rliggings, and be became a medicine-man. -He was learned in natural philosophy, and possessed a mineralogical cabinet and also a singular collection of roots, each twisted by nature into the :. shape of one of the letters of the alphabet. He painted shells skillfully, and had an ambition to go round the world in a canoe. This re, niarkablepersou also wrote poetry and • was a Yankee. It needed only a master.brusb to make this same representative Yankee as :lassie as a Millet peasant; -Charlotte 4dame, in Century. It is mid-that 50,000 people die annually in the United States alone from this disease. In some sections' of the country one death in every three is from Consumption. This can be, and should be avoided; our people are toocareless about an ordinary cough or cold, and other symptoms , of. throat and lung affections that lead to this , disease. You should arrest it• while it is in the germ. Two or Wren doses of. Dr. Bamako's and Lmi: Syrup will' relieve an ordinary cough or cold., It does not dry tip a `cough like many preparations on the market and ISM the trassnee behind it; but acts directly oaths thwat and bnuichiil tubes, remov iota, the phlegm and morbid matter that accumulates in the throat and lungs. It allays all inflation,ancl renders the voice clear and distinct. • Sold by C. B. Porter's Werd Rouse Drug S july27ly. I:4jI;fl We Louisa IL Altaatt, writing to the Boa. On Saturday Evening Gazette, gives some mmink‘nenceit of her early experiences as an tathor. She says: "One of the memorably moments of my ifs is that in which, as I tnelged.to thy little shooter' a wintry day, my eyes fell upon a rage yellow poster with these delicious words:. !Bertha,' a new tale by the, , autb r of' at The Rival Prima Donimm,' will appear in the Saturday Evening G 1 was late ; was bitter ;mkt ; 'people Jostled me ; I via mortally afraid I should be recognized ; hat there I stood, - feasting mr\tiyes on the fne ainating poster, and saying proudly to 'my self, in the words of the great Vinceit Grammies, This, this is fame!' That day my pupils had an indulgent teacher; for, rihile•they struggled with their pct-hooks, I was writing immortal works ; and, when they droned oat the multiplication table, I was counting up the noble fortune my pen' was to earn for me in the dim, delightful future. That afternoon my sisters made a pilgrimage to behold this famous plactud,' , and, finding it torn by the wind, boldly stole it, and came home to- wave it lice =a tri amPitsl banner in the bosom of the excited irsmily. The tattered piper still exists, folded arrity,ith other relics of these early bye, so hard and yet so aweet, when the Mt small victories were on, and the en lloadiam of youth' lent romance to UM MIS UM CONSUMPTION. -;- ALtkiltAat Statement '-- 1 mop—. - i3it A OF° tip CO* ':44 TV. Bradford Coady Pier Dliiile4 ...ti it N As examined, Adjusted And Gelded ... 1 he Board of ' Copan! A 41toris , tt FOR Tali' vs its - ) 1 ' t . : lBB2. !' , Daniel Bradford, Myron Kingsley and F. • Ilifilautu, Commissioners of Bradfordra M. Bradford COMity, in Account with Bradford County Poor' District, for the period from . January Ist, 'lBB2, to December 31st, 1882, both days inclusive. Da. To amount of cash drawn from Poor District Tressui7 'pursuant to- their ona.srs Upon the Treunrer of Bred•— ford County Poor District. tis.ll2 07 EXPENDITUSIS OF HUAI:WORD COUN. • TY POOR DISTRIOI% 1. - OIIT4KX)R RELIEF IX BM&LX , PDX CASES. . _ 'Curtaixo, Diumnro, &c. ottiniol% . ;.• Toinnds. , $I In • Powell,& Co. '• • trJ 641 • •••• E. B Pierce - d 00 H. Jacobs . F.lch k Co. , Decker Bro's. Evans k 111 Wrath ~ 'L. B. Rodgers S. Woodford M. E. Rosenfeld Cl. M. mark- to 50' pee. Marilee • Beath Waverly. 47 04 975 S 5 . (2) azocrasss. rskvuooss, 3c. Newmsn:e Alleckihnithficid. ) . , r‘63 93 Z. S. Tracy Co. " . 619 A. E. Childs " • ' 2 :is I. V. Nichols' ," " 4 96 Geo. Barnes, • South Waserly 29 24 thwarts &-Gordon. _Towsuds, "1 B. D. Mandell 245 A IL F. Dittsich is Co 0 • • 120 C. P.Welles " • 'l'3s S. F. Bovuistt. 16 74 316 45 - • - (3) Fria. aa. Ni than Tide ,Towanda. 46 GO • al. C. Manor 0 24 69 B. L. Jt. 8. 11. - #l. Co. 0 2 12 Geo. Dames • &nth Waverly, 6 89 • lA. (4.) '211T11111611, ASSIIITAUTS. /IC, . Eats Iveson Smithfield, $ 4 38 L. B. Smab, •Santbfleld iSt To wanda. . .. . ....... s2ls 07 prench. Smithfield .31 60 E. O. Kingsley, •• :Kr ;0 Israel Ptillsips, p•• • • . 41 Roth Everson, Towanda - • • 73 s ou C. kijetextun. ,t• af 00 P. Dail*,• • ...... 216 • 0 Geo. Eardee.et al o,otithWiiverly ;04 o Lottie Rowe. Towanda ' 50 0 P. H. Oillte, ••' „. (5) DIICOS AND MEDIOXES. • Turner k Goidon. Teems4ll $10;; f)9 ''' Ile. U.C. Potter & flon, .. • 19 90 D. G. Phelps. ScOthlleld, .... ~.. '4 15 . I. 11.;Sehn"oaisker..... ,_.. 2sl • .1 (leo. IlarnecS . J ,uth Waverly .....: 9 ...I . . , (8) MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. Dr. J. D Underwoo?. Smithfield $ :-.0 M) Dr. W. E. Jonnsim, South Wii-• verb! Dr. D. Pratt, Towanda (7) Buzau. J. 0. Frosts' Bons, Towanda. .. J. 8: Allyn, ligl. Geo. Barnes. south Waver's • • • • H. Barnes. Towauda Ira btepheoe, ":.:•.:. 8 C 4.01115. • •• •...• .... I'. M. Juries, . ...... . (8) MANSPOILTAZION. .saac D. Decker. Smithfield G. A. Miens. Towanda George Britton, B. W Lane, Johnson Willies Totil Expanse in smsll-plis asps 2:O:ELIT-DCII RELIEF, 46.0USIVE OF SIIALL-PDX CASES. n "•-• • et* ''',? %al CM= MIA BePPORT. Henry Eiffert, case of Catharine Eiffert $ 42 Ofi E. IL Jones, naafi of D. Jones.... 117 00 A. Watkins, , *". Mn. Shoe- • • maker ' 'Marlette Viace..t, case of salt.-.. Patrick Costello, cage of M. Cos- tello Patrick Costello, cue of 1'.:31a- Liana L. 8. Hoff, case of Mary lals Mrs. A. J. Maynard, cue of Mrs Maynard.... ........ ...... a 2 On Geo. W. Wells, case of Theron Wells 72 85 Esther. Hawkins, case of Thos Hawkins . . HenryS. 'l'; Lent. case of Henr Perks .W. W. Moody, case of Henry Parks 7 50. J. Chaffee.. case of Henry Patty— 'l4 61 klarialt. Chaffee, cue of Henry Parks. . 67 Helen Eiklor, cue of Henry- Parks .15.00 Norsk Crum), case of Ann Cro -I— ' 2 um' 70 , 0 Alma - Wood, case of E. Chllson 8 of J. E. Gillett. cue of Ira Wheeler. - 28 Au N. A. Black, case of Herrick him -11 00 Lyman VanGorder; case of Mn. DeGroff • 24 00 '` .0. Cook, case of G. B. Dirling 28 00 John Stafford case of B. Stafford. 25 10 M. W. Daggett. case of Henry Miller 40 03 IL Longwell, case of tonic; Brewer 18 00 Mary E. 'Huey, canto! U. Riney.- 12 00 A. Snell case of Mrs. Barnes 128 00 L. Lucent. case of Mrs. Estell... , 23 70 James 'ferry ? case of Bogen - drat "N 15 00 Mrs. 8. P. Whitcomb, case of • Mrs. Jeeder 15 87 Myren Kingsley, cue of Benja min boy, 10 60 .1 W. Owens, case of W. Corby' 45 00 A. E. Wilcox, asseof Mary D. Farr 10 00 Margaret Ac kley; cake of Vincent child ,t,„l ' Sundry Persons. au - of i Mrs. Monis... •V... -8 50 G. W. Brink, case of It. Pettori.. 19 50 Peter Snyder, case Of Znra John son James Sergeant, mum of S. Hicks and wife Lloyd Fish, case of J Elston.... J. H. Carey etal, case of Selman Women...::-... 4 S. B. Morse, case of Ann Eustaer. 0.; J. „Johnson, case of John Jonn- . • son :sit Norcouck, owe ul Win. Max. , el 22 00 Ornal Kellogg case of hd. (tdick. 21 uo R. K.Fergason, caseof Feather 15 thp A. , Vatiliuskirk, cue of Lillie Moore ' 10 LO 111.. EL lor, B. .1., cue of ,Chaa. WeimOre , .. . 210 C. J. Shelton, ease of Whitney.. 5 (hi Sam :Kingston, cue of Nancy shay . 150 A.. D. Munn. case of Fredericks family 11 32 Margaret Ackley, 4:115. of HIM:WM child - ' 600 (2) 0110 craves, PEWVIBIOI4B. IC. ' 4.4, Geo. Smith, cue of W. Miller $5O 97 CI W. Vincent, case of W. Miller. 31 50 V. E. Jk..J . E. Flollet case of W. Miller ' • 2 00 F, P. CoJper, use of A. Conrad. 2 7 61 H. E. Morgan, cue of Ann Cr.,- r" . 4A~ ~~ y nun Joe. T. !tested. case of D. ,Tones Jos T. Heated, cue of A.. eck bam....:, • " • /), N. Peet, case of Wm. Hock. well Birs. 8. P:Whitcomb, case of Mrs. . • ;ceder.2 10 00 Beltran n Mosher, cue of J. D. Garlick 21 of S.'ll Morsv. case of Ann &lattice la 00 Browning & Merrill, cue of H. Parks St 7+4 ' bteirart, case of H. Parks... 39 79 L.P. Blackman & Co. Caste of 8. M. Orogory... Ca G. W. Batley, se at 8. M. tire! 375 gory 20 63 L. P. • Blackman & Co. case of Mrs. Morris.... . 2 20 P. E. Woodruff, casa.of * ifs, Moe.. els . 130 GW. Itaile),case of Mrs. Worn, 7 42 - O.V. Brink, ease of Mrs. Morris 10 61 G. W. Brink, 'case of B. M. tire. gory W. 0. Bostwick, case of 1f ewman 427 • women 21 47 F. T. Page, case , of Wells 44 55 Burk, Thomas & Co, case of. J: Taylor.— • .• Burk. Thomas acIJO. gem of .i L $. .Fellows ' ' 6 ' 60 A. 8. Gordon, l code of Mt. W 62 • . e•Lornuf .4 o, ac. 5 13 D. Meehan. caste/of W. Miller 16 ai steddiegton at Leonard Co. case of Blackman •'• • 1 42' Carew a Viutuile, case of Zulu Johnsen... • •.. 14 a 9 G. Welts', cue' oe Theron Wells.. aOO , • ' (4) usoluars" Aso a4LDICAL arrissocees. Dr. Jas. Davison, ci4e of Wilier% Leyte ' Dr. W. 8. Lewis. case of Wailer 46 00 Lewis..• ... •• 275 Dr. 1). B. Intake, cum of, Miller - Lewis - 50 Dr. T. P. Madill, case of W. Mil- 2 ler 44 75 Dr. D. N. Newton, ammo, W. Mil. • ' ler . 10 00 Dr. D. N. Newton, case of Emma - Bennett', . 11 00 A. C. Cook. Bennett',.:..., of G.B. Darling. 200 Dr. Chas . ..yoorlds; case of J. D. - Gullet r 45 00 Dr. W. ILI Hokalmb; case of Ann . . ti -1421.• 104 00 Dr. W. H. Holcomb, case of Ass thirr4 20 "Dr. Woe. Bice, cue of N. Parks.. 4e a/ • Dr. 0 Conklin, case of R. Parks. 183 40 Dr.. Wm. Eirec'esse of Edwin V.- len. ' • 30 30 Dr. B.Y. Woodburn; case of Mrs. • • Barnes 48 go Dr. V. Homes. case of . John . • Patton ,-.2 00 Dr. C.H. Warner. case of John 7 - • Patton • 27 SO Dr. J. N. Furman. wept Z. 011.• - lett Dr- H. B Padinif• Mae OF aW. 10 00 el Dr. a. C. Norris. cue of Z. Jchn. " ) .r 1 : . 41:7 - : ,.. 1' 0 1 ,'': - -' Yj :.''',.,:','..i.v!',,7,.': MEE 1104 • • .• / 00 °°' DI% D. kreati,otsfiss Wee - /am 00 Dr;utat Reed, eau etUrs Var. Eason Dr. E. A. Everett, arse of Betsy Es*lmmo. . .. t . J 700 G. T. Etestitrsek, ale of Wells family.— • • . 63 75 Dr. J. W. Lying's, ease of. Wm. fiMsek .......... 24 75 Dr. 14: &dill, dire 00 . Dr - Levi Worse,_ cue of Freier. las tamest 00 1,197.1?5, (M amigo musts. A Watbins, ease , of 311 ii Shoe. snakes Coe 8 t Btri.,l, et O. ' r e . B .. lle Ot•Wat tar I owls ' 13 00 , E P Pierce, eta). assent Ao , Bro. .' ' nan 4 211 50 - A °Coot. cue of (I B IDarling.... 15 410 J 0 Pr.its' firms 3 awes._ 34 50 11 It Gates, at al. case of A Black. nun ' 222 Myron Kingsley, cue of Mary Crußlail ' • - 13 0) , J. If, Morey. case , of Anna Dean.. 15 50 Wtn Beeman case of Atari Vin. cent • 200 B F Ktesip, au. D Barrie .00 F Knepp, et al. case of . Lififil • • Moore ••• . • 1W JO A Brinnen, case of Mr C 00.4 10, • 2 00 Frank Heath; casesof Vanderpoot chUd 200 Thos. Barnet case of Unknown .• ss an 8 00 E 0 101 1 8 41 eY. case of W $ lima:. ley 700 E 8 Pierce. 3 cues 3/ 60 ' • o N Johnson, et al. cue of 851- . . tiregory. 25 00 18 Allyn. Agt. ease of Unknown roan ',• • 15 00 • L Barnes , owe of Ed Quick..... 300 E N Frost k Bon. case of Win V Harris • 17 00 C Tabor k. Co. et al. case of Bam- , net Barton . f lx.oo J Vanderpool. case of Pool Add. 150 Ebl Chilson. cue of Eerritchild 150 ' --5.91440 4$ 25 a 60 49 15 77 70 - • 13 20 4 Z 0 CM • (6) n 755. so. : - • • Vo.burg. cue of W Willer...s 15 50 William Lewis: case of,W Mlles: 650 V riv.l E Ploilet. meant W miller 500 1141,C ~,1, 4 1t. et al " "11; ; Parks 950 A Spill. case of live flames - ..... 16 MI Nathan VMS. case of Wr. Wiener 350 p E Woodinft, case of Mrs Words 600 61 00 Toil 'expense. exclusive of:small-pox cues $ 3,568 39 ..... .3 SUPPORT OF POiNZ 41T PO , lll, !IOUS& - • • 4-, . -0) onpqaugs, ployisions, sc. 11. II Brow .einegar 1 L V H R Co, treighg,,,.. I 81.1.11 R Co. freight .. _ .... ..... _ V E Piollet. pork and beef 2t4 IW II D Gr.etioiundrymdse......,', 1.0) ,;•4..w,ierry. 13tell '/.•..tC0; muray mdse. 30 as . C N timbr e on ..irt, rudac— ..... Allackwell Isms', e ai,.. puodrY i noise O'r Califf, onions II hart k ' otter. sundry mdse. 2.5 "la .'a Illoom..canne.l fruit'- • 53 Ubl.)111 - II o, sundry mJa .. 10. L N"bte mdse 27 00 C 1) Al' en, beef Jsc,b bold, p-rk. ' :WI 00 ti A bayt..n. fi•1tir................05 00 7' F Len , et al.. mdse 1 50 I 'et' ampbelt. rods..,. . 2. 0 $ it Vain'. r •• ck an ',Kw., 413 ..6 4 ii tclieet.y, name... ..., h , , , 3 ii' .1 II •allith•- barley • e.•;•-: ... 25 '0 (leo arth....iniew . .. ro.rk. .3- 21 :lc Al' Rocliw-11 rata ' . .2 f.t.. E D Itundell. beef ~, , 27 II AI J'ye k 1 , ,,.. 011;13ie, ll' '4 W'r Meal,and.,9 ' • . 600 Btevepa at °pie, riPlart. ~' _ .74n 14 lie^b•gtou k. Leonard C-'.. mrlseTA , sc.„22 6) Geo 1., Koss mdse "; `,....7.i'+ , ...••%i'l 9 9 U .$152 50 ‘4 ,.. 'l4 H Hlll wheat ' , ':. sti 00 . 44 75 ~„ .. Dunbar A: Vanutan, 'barley a - 4 . 14.):00. , , ivri wheat- - . f `...,.. .. ,- ... . , 30 I . ‘ ti. la; ' 1.W.1 Fletcber. osits..:... • 45 , 300 i 11ra Cll Brigham. apples . .2 on .. Myron Kingsley. mdae • . 9 , o • , 'M E Ransom. beefand bops --••• 25 00 . •,..,-,-• - l'eter Brock, coffins ..... ...... . - - $ 555,921 Henry Fiabor, vinegar ..... ...... 7,... c I' a-Woks. oil; etc-- - - - • • r .1 Smith, stock ,$ 500 ~. - ! Stuart Bro.'s. mdse ...... j,... 5.00 ' I DIIV11101: k qCC3bI9. mdse'_ ' --.. /7 55, 1 J 13 Stanton. mdse....• - • .',. ' . ; 600 \A,Delbart Campbell. apples, . 300 !Ft F Grinnell, beef.:- .- --7-,...; 8 36 55 i • . , ...4.4 "i•- $ 2.7iu 69 30 00 • -' !Xi!! 06 .. 270 00 .. 144 0.1 $-41s Zig) • , f , • . • (2) rLOI3SINO. C. - .1 m. flack, boo's and blinee •$ 9: • 5 ~_.,, Nkwbe-ry. Peck k ktn., m•lo t....• Ist) :t3 • ' k •w II D Green. mdse ..... ... ...... 4 10. • II Jacobs. m Ise23 94 - Evans Jr Hildieth. mdse ' 2oi In IM E Rose/Meld, mdse 61 20 Powell* Co., mdse , - bl 00 1.1 F Comer, mdse - - 34 68 • L Newman, 11:1111L0...' .' '. .... 376 . Humphrey tiros dr *1146 . Y . , mdse.. 32 40 . --.1, 720 . I aotoo , 10.0 q . - 73 00 (3) FURNITURE, SC. A. D. Dye & Co:, hardware, &c... $163 57 .. C. P. Welles Crockery. &c •. • 53 2.5 Beardsley a Spalding, cutlery, &c. 30 64 LT. Raymond. merchandise.... 600 Dobbins & Johnson, crockery, ac. 59 1 8 E. N. Frost & Son, chairs. 23 70 M. C. Mercur ft Co., hardware .... - 21 13 .. iE. C. Oliver & Son, merchandise.. 64'50 ; , ,,O. A. Black, sewing machine ' 25 00 4. H. Grant, clockai .- • . - 15 50 I . A. M. Cornell, carpet 13 50 Wm. J. Delpuech, brooms 1.5 00 i . , —...- ,S 491 27 (4) Prin.; Parsons & Stryker, coal. - 5394 75 : ~• —$ 394 75 1 - (5) wenicx.sks, onruS,' /ic. .B. 11. Mitchell , merchandise.... 11. Mitchell C. 11:Porter., H. ' . C.. Porter & San ". - 1 : ..)..'• t_ .! ti;!. 7( 6) Tit 4.lgsrony.4riow, &C 7. Sundry person 4 S , for transporta- 10 00 144 pa 21 5 9:1 V) 8 (.4 Account with the Several Collectors of State, County and Poor Taxes its Br adford Couniy flit. the Year , • • • _ , 8 0') Asylum.. Albany Armenia Athen • Township—. Athens Borough • Burlington Township. itqrlir.glion Borough.. 11.•:lington Bare , av • t'auton amoultil Canton Towtiship.z..... Colombia Primall9 Granville Heiviek ........ I.eltavKytilt, Lichfield • ........ Mo roe :II 'rough Mont oe - -Towit hip.... New Albany • . °venni, . . • Orweltd Pike "^ "Bldg .urv.... ..... home Borough • Bhm.heqolu Sylvania • South Waverly • Smitnfleid Springfield Slaws ingStone South Creek.... Towanda Borough I Towanda Towanda N0rth...... .:: Troy Township i Troy Borough.... ' Tuscarora Terry Ulster • Windham Warren - Wyainsing Wilmot Wells • Wys I= 47 flu 155 $ 1.519 45 1 00 42 1, MI • - , , - 7 - Min Treasuisi, Account with Bradford County and Bradford County Pool . i Dr. ; Bradford CoOnty. Cr. i! Dr; .. Poor District. ' __,...•• , , . • ll • . • — 7 -- 3. . • ji - , Satan: Treas. Jani s { { 'Exoneration* of ColPs for 42 -$793 44 'Balance In Trf as..Jan2l. '53. $375{6 Exonerat cons of enn's f"L: 9I Tax to on returned' Percentage of Coll's for 112.. 2353 Or, ;Tax rec'd on returned lands. 733 . Percentage of 0,11.• rut -'-'.... ~, Tax re• 4 o•• unseated Balance one tom Coil's, ' B2. 1734 21!;Tax reed on unseated lands. 213 53 Balance due from ( .0111 ..„ Di:pills .es for-VC. In( Supt. Ryan for Teachers' In. 200 00i Dupttc des foul: reas•••• ments Overdraft of year '33 6000_00; :Reed on policy of Itisnran - ce - . 8..)822 86 I B n c i n e d re 3 irt pa id ul d , li o r n h it 7L-' :g . . 1. , Court fines receive • from W. . Interest on_county loaf , ape. 500 00 i- ou poor -house.... T. li.irtiin Sivrlff 300 CIO Orders redeemed 41uring 'B:,. 34631 29 Irtoll3 Mrs. Hayden ', ests - Ce, District-Attorney fees recd . 121 00 ; TVeaaunira commlsslon. Ipc ; It) 00 Orders' Jury foes reed • 164 00 on 143313.52 ' 4:3 •I 3 Sale Fraley land In Wilmot.. 200 00 Tr. &sorer. commit...l o u. ~. loldental reeelvals... 39 49 Treasurer's clinmlsston, Ipr! ; From share of Palmy Johnson * on 435,417.42 ............. .• . on $41,3111.33 ' ' on account of go p v " ;..... 1.1 so Tre,,nain36;63ei;ise2cclu.outrilma.h.B.•.rl.loo:B..B. ::.: 413 SE! An estate of Cynthia John- Balance to Treat. Jan: I. '34. 6751 43 !-- son. of Staudt:kg Stone..." 236 is ..,--,-: • . • t ; • -;* ; I ;From /firs. Renshaw. for rent . - • . . ,• . i 1 of-land 20 00 • . • . - 'Prom B. Hall, for support of . Balance Inir.re/....,...14, .1. - 7 7, • . . • ! W. C. Vatillasklrk - 'lO3 94 •• 0 - l' . * . 'Sale of farm prodrinta -•• 242, 00 ,•• - Overdraft at Citizens :N 'I „13.. 2300 00 • • ---.—...... i 7 • • . Total - $33880 10 - Total ' X5388010 ' Total ' .._, IBalance In Treas. Jam,ll- 4 111. jaki 89 Tax tee.' on returned landi.'..,. 155 54 Tax rec , 3 0, unseated lande,..., 3077 84 • I„Dupllcatea foroft. Including . , n 42 I reasepe•mente_ ____ 51331 35 40 74 Statement of Indebtedness ofßradford County and of Bradford County Poor Dititrict, as of Januall County loan for 1621 110001 ran • Purchase of Athens 8r1dp,111112.. 12300 00 Less cash in Treasury Jan-4; 1133 ....... CH 43 STATE OF PENNSYLVA TIA, COUNTY OF BRADFORD. We; the , undersigned. Commissioners Of said County. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the receirals and expen ditures of the sale County. and of the Poor District which it composes, from the drst day of dasurary.4. D. 111112, fu the alai day of December, A. D. 1692, bbtb days inclusive. • , - Witness our.lumds and elEciabseal at Towanda, Pa.; this 56th di nar yof .Ina. y. A. DAM. - • " DANIEL BRADFORD, ItYRON ZINGSLEY, t complesioners. . 1 - • V. RANSOM, .Attest r.BA,WW. Byes, mirk. • _ MEE ... ... - 15 .. 71 s 2 , - • STAYS AND COUNTY. . - ' • f • • . . _ ''r, ' , : I : a' •f e I • . ! • - .. . - i•-•- • = • .- ' COLLECTORS., i ~ OS I I. ID ) 'II *R. I '' ... 4.) :2 la H . - - --" - 8 ` . ~ .- 8 • 0 c. 4 - , . . 0 - • .. 1 1 . , : ..1 - . 0 . .. ..t,-,,) • ' ..E 5 1 - B - 11009 29 $957 251 t ft 66 3,50 asi IM. !licks " ' A D. Wiliou - • 134 62 127 761 14 6 721 ,J.V. Jones ' .... ... „,,._ 555 95. 523 98 440 '27 571 C. H. Webler • ' 233 II 230 49 10 49 "12 131 • Wright 'llinham 2895 08 2710 14 42 10 142 641 . i John.'.][. :Jackson ' 1384 13 1191 07 130 28 62 ile; 0. S. Trawls , , -9 2 7 - 67 863 52 IS 70 43 45, Wm. M. Luke L ---,-- • 139 3s - 129 14 344 6 80. . A. A. Phillips .......... ..'..t.i.. 1 1 745 31 703 82 4 . 45 - .37 04 --. P.ttl..k Timiley:i. -- ; .- • 5.8 00 459 44 82 81 - 25 751 . Eiltart „z ..--i• f . 741 85 595 301 441 30 171 3du G. Mason 1667 10 1539 76 1 25 25 !.. ,•9 ......- ..... S V: Wilson 17315511637 16 `,5241 16 T. F. Jennings 5-19 Isl 495.52 27 tts, liB W. 8 . Paeitard.... ..... „ 1106 51i- 1034 89 17 16 1 16- .1). A:Hillis 748 441 .705 09 4 241 111 S. C. hantield . - 33 6 . 86! 3;3 62 it. 741 SO' c W. H. 4:armee .. •..' . .i.': 1161'961 850 00 ..1. 1.. A. Wooster - 976 920 25 7 46i 14' ~ ..... 1,.... it'. B. H allett ' ..- - .." 250 . 47 235 801 2 281 Its • W. A. Kellogg . - A 02.7•0 41 971 461 4 451 14: ~. - ' Pnilip Mann • •i . , 'a 321 69 00 1 - I C. M. Williams ' 371 23, 314 64 40 031 ;41 II: J. "'tittles ' • .215 761 •1249 - 16, 88 tli ' It: E. Beecher •i •1.... . 1 515 821 .1463 14 , 568 01 P. h.• Itrown .-% 1235 09 1167 70 - 594 151 '- 1018 214 ' 961 55 587 .... ..,...