THE .. iiREPUBLICAR' . . ` DSON 1101.4.30K8. paomagiong: a Aq. L. TEAM Junsom iroz.comn,- , Editor.. ICHAT. if. ALLEN, Aaaaolate Editor. "Reasonable lairs, honest apenditures, com petent officers, and no stealing.' harpers Weekly. " Enternlia the rost,":oMee at fewanda'as p) • IiErOND cuss miter- T URSDA.Y, FEBRUARY 8. 1883 Pattison has "pit off more than he can ehaw." • The National debt deereased about $13,000,000 during the month of Jan uary. His Excellency, , Private Seeretary Everett ; Lewis. C. • CaSsidy Esq. and Base Ball Bob, do __not seem tread ing a pathway ; of roses for some reps son. A bill is pending in the State Sena doing away with Mercantile Appraisers and making it the duty of Asessors to perform• the work incident to such office. The Indio:art - 3resseri3 suggests that if tlovernot Pattison wishes to make himself a genuine example of old time simplicity he will lay ita}de hiS broadcloth coat and wear a red jacket. This would give color and tone to the administration. , As Governor Pattison objeets to the prefix of "His Ex . 4lleney7:: - and as ithere seems tb be. an ternal fitness for a prefix to his name, wet- suggest, tl j lat of "Base Ball Bob." For notwithstlnd. ing ;Bob seems to :be a: failure as -a Governor, he was undoubtedly a rattle. ing ; good first basenian in his ball days) State Senlitor Kennedy Brill' please step into theaisle and get haiSelf read out of the Democratis . • party l .; If he thinki he4s going .6' be perrultted to cavort around among the orchestra of this „reform administration; :and pro test,. against the I:performance of =the chief sploist, he is somewhat the worst mistaken man west of Grover Cleve. land.-- Pee .4s. Senator flumes of Crawford county, has introduced a supplement to an act to exempt property to theyalueg WO from levy andwle on execut - . It twi . , .provides that no waiver or met.t to - waive the exemption allowed by said act shall be s'alikor authorize any levy,.seizure or sale of the property so exempted by said act, this section to apply only to Leads of families. - A statesman has introduced a bill at Harrisburg empowering; notaries public to perform- the marriage' ogre= away, lt is entitlid:"An act to itate marriages." 7 - 11 c Pittsburgh egiapit thinks there is . too much 6c ility about marriages now, and sug .g-4t.s that "a bill 'to provide for the les sening of rash , and anhappy . marria ges is what the present genkation needs. . Contested elections are rather ex travagant at& probabfy but few of them would be indulged in if the contestants ersonally paid 'the ei, !lenses* The Sessinghaus vs. F,rost. contests from , Afissouri,.. is charged" the national Treasury at about twenty Seytin thotusaud, five hundred dollars. -• It wofilif seam as if such matters could be adjusted at a much less :cost,. and certainly I.:Tom should be made to feet such a result. .The game is not worth the candle" 7, be The Minnesota Legislature Thursday t - k seven ballots for United- States / 'nator... The -ourth, ballot stood: Windom, 39; 't‘ f ilson,. 31; Cole, 15; Sabin, 33; Htit-ird,, 9, and 8 scatter lag. ,On the .ievelith ballot Sabin was elected, receiving SI votes, 69 be. ing neeessary to a choice. Mr. Sabin is a-prominent, and wealthy manufaet Aerer and' State prison' contractor, 14 lwater. He has never held an office Kqi 'in the LegisEitur'e. He: is thirty-nine years old :and 'a native of Conicticut. i' Governor Pa.tison' .differs from • Controller P - attiookl, in ladelphia, or else he is patting that i.entleman in. a curious position. The 'S . 'Governor say's that the Controllhiladelpnia is a county olffceolding , his commission from the Govrniar, and .he therefore clitims.the right to appoint lirr. Paige tO,fill the _vacancy of Mr. Pattison from the Controllership. Mr. Pattison was Controller for two terms, yet nei ther time did he hold a commission from the Gov - ernor, nor - recog,nize it as necessary to • rfect his, title to -the office. Theyo)lse has spent 'another week upoyhe. tariff bill, and is, not half thropeai et. - tirlre Democrat has an amendment t• offer to every paragraph. The Reptiblican. stand solidly, together and vote down - every proposition to amend. • Thei I):6"rrinerais of the ficluse have determined to Obstruct the bill by - delay and prevt. , =t, its passage this ses sion; Their ,trnics are :all directed to the aceouipli4nent of this e,nd. ", Un less :the pendipp, , i4l)Can be ,aced by the House this -- it umst be _lain asidi in order to pass the necessary annual appropriation bills. Tie s'te:rm orS unday last Nas one of tile moal - rdisastrous that 104 occurred for years.' -h extendell raver ' llinois, Indiana, Ohio` and ,the western part of Pennsylvania, doing great damage in all. _The mos l erious injury !as done in Ohio and Western Penn sylvania. Business in Chicago hai greatly interfered with and the vtole western country will estrar for a - Aune from a derazgement of the u4usi means cE•t•.„- communiestion. There is compaisation in ,the fact that 'though, the lower house of the 48th 'Congress will be largely D i emocratie, the Senate will be Republican. Judg-; ing fron the actions of the Democratil in the present -House on , the pending tariff bill, little of good may be expec ted from this - Source on the tiriff in the next House. The change from a Dem ocratic to a ,Republican Senate, and i l eln from a Republican to a emocratic I House suggests the thoght that the larger the aggrtgate of oeratic foolishness, .the More consp be their blunders, and in the the worse for the country Democratic party. ) Says the . North', 4 •n: "The refusatokhe Senate to .pfirm • the nomination Of• Mr. Page for Controller I • 4 breaks one of the carefully pitpared slates which Governor . Patisontook :ti with him to Harrisburg. .'took sev 1. eralsiates, at the Making of which several of the' most powe#ul slate breakers—,before the election—most diligently assisted, and it may; be the duty of the Senate , te .''brerilt "some more.")t was proper for -tile Senate to allow the slated Cabinet te Mi -go - broin. The Governor is . * entitled to selee his Political' familyL''He i5.;.4-not ._--„, , entitled to - appoint his o a successor until the Cotirts say 50...- . ..,1•_ I , A dispatch from Pottsville this State says: There is great excitement here over the revelatiops made in the special auditors' report to the cdurt. The auditors find that during 18142, 05, 7 000 or about half the revenUe for the almshouse was expended ostensibly for outdoor relief, but that many thous ands were spent to reward personal friends and make ~political capital. Orders for whisky and cigars, of which no record wakkept, were distributed to the extent of hundreds of dollars a day. !'Each director issued these orders at will. Directors Grant,. Niefert, Kauf map and Morgan, are charged_ with H. leghlly using $19,000. Gro ss 'mis management and lavoritsm in the af fairs of theinstitution are also charged. • - 1.1 , A tariff - that adequately protects home industry, promotes home markets for home productions, giVeit remuner-. alive employment to home ,labor, and fosteri all the material industries of the country, commerce, mauuractures, agriculture, and labor, all ; working in harmony and promotive o - ' the pros perky of the whole countr y, is advo cated by.. the Republican party, Such a policy under Republican administra tion has increased the material resoiir ces of this Country since 1860, when the last.Democratie administration left the legaCy of rebellion upon it. more thanlour fold. Look upon the con dition,e, the country from 1556 to •* - r 1860, under Democratic rule, and then .. .. upon its present condition as relating to material prOs - Perity, and th_en, con clude which, in`the light,of history, is Me better plan and the better policy. ' 'Alabrima follows Tennessee in pres enting the country with the. spectacle of an al iscoi ding official, sap, the Prem. The money officer; - of that Fs4itical one sided State, has a more imPosing, deficit to show., than his comrade of Tennes see. Three hundred thoß.sand dollars is a respectable sum to spe'cnlate With, but perhaps Alabama, which has been a 2, iv.ored uniMeptpted - Demceratic , ad. ministrations for six or ,tight years, eau' afford it. l the official' had been a Northern man, we should have been ;-kf'vored with much fine . and sarcastic writing on the part of the Southern press. But as he is a Southern •gen tlernah his i escapade will not seem' much :more than a trifling irregularity, in his neighbors eyes. The country . will watch with some interest, the out come of those two transactions in Ali bama and Tennessee, for' as- the 'Dem oerats have before now ' expressed grea!, abhorrence-13r the malversation 1 1 of public funds. they will, no, doubt I deal with Di. Coniin oterririesi with these. boh l i pecu l latnrTi,./ ' Now that General Welkier hes consented to take charge of the Census Bureau once more says the North Anicrican there is some chance of the. work being finished before the time for taking another cen s us has rolled round again, and apparently, encouraged. by. this hope, the Senate has voted another appropriation of one hundred thousand dot= lars toward defraying the expenses •of the Bureau. It .wilL'be a great satidaition to the public: to , know that Geneiel , Walker has reassumed control of the IdepartmOt, for since "lie retired fr • orn isi euPerinten demi* everything has,apparently been con fusion worse confoinded. - , . Now let-all-un difik elaborate schemes be set . aside, - and every effort be directed to the arrangereent of the mass of facts in whiete the public is concerned. Thstiu L iit:bat the: peOple want. nay can constriettleories for themselves. Says the West Chester Record : "When Governor Patilson was inaugurated he in sisted that it was a good thieg to return to the simplicity of our early shstaimien. HO he read thet.retrenchment is the order of the day in Norway, where the legislature is pre ! paring‘to , cut down the King's adaty. That is an ite m for Governor Pattison He takes Franklin for his -model, and Franklin said no publiC officer olght to have more than $4OO salary. Thais how the $lO,OOO salary of the Governor of Pennsylvania most dis turb the simple ideas of Governor Pattison. The salary of an official cannot be cut down during his teress4office,but he cap deoline to take it like Senaior:Everbiut .does the $3OO extra pay. What a beautiful thing it would be for Governor Pattison to turn over each year of his official term $9,000 into the State Treasury." ` An Associated Press dispatch states that the Marquis of borne started for Montreal last evening, and it adds that "he occupies two parlor cars." We 'had a notion, that the Marquis was something of .a bite - Man, aotially and perhaps polio fly, but that he physically_. so hFge,as to require the amount of railroad accommodation men timed is news indeed. The spirit of the ininraha ikitte always seems to be hovering *boat 5441.40rer 'royalty, or any thing rtmetablillg it, 9 7 4%4 AA PePuk4ican son, and consequentlir,We PP4yepPimirg the assertion of the entinxiasitio reporter PA d csaggeration. It is gaits a iabin g that the Princess Louise was allowed to Cot nail :ma Charleston in only one rr Tema • - t. • ." The receipts . into Treasury, of thli 'United Statm from ZUSEOM3 and Minima .& - revenue for the six letstaesidayt:.of last , week . wero as followec, - , - , Monday - $1,392.948.92 needy • - 1,1211,942.33 Wednesday . . ... 1'123 094.41 . Thursday' 1,01404.03 Friday . 1,189,511.35 Sturdy , 1,038,809.08 P Total $6,8841590.14 Daily nverago . 41,147,431.69 A resolution adopted by the holders of T nnessee bonds at their recent _meeting is N w York is one which ought in all justice honesty to be followed by:the acacia for w 'chit 'calls. Until the creditor of a State is placed in a'position to enforce his claim het his debtor when that debtor's :folk ulieta meet .his obligation Is attributable Solely a_dishonest intent, the American system of jtistice will bo incomplete. There is no goodwhy good reason a State should not, be'ari compellable to pay its debts a Mind= cipality or it private individual. ', ;cuous will kroportion and the WASHIItGTOIt ETTEIt RiPur .r (Special Ccbrreapontleace Of l 1\ As the second session of pa Potty-seventh Congress draws to a close; umberless Reso lutions, Bills, Petitions etc., crowd in • upon the;Atembers, and they begin to feel thSt their ilOes are indeed of a laborous °ham ter. VOupled with their labors. is the 'ever presetiptiaought that they are Making -up their record;. which will be thoroughly scru tinized, by their constit ue nts ,; and meet With approval or the reverse. lence it , is that most Of the members are, as it were, at present on their good be haviour. , TARZVP I,XGISLATfOrt. The great question -- Of interest before the American people, and which - is daily the topic of conve rsation is that of the Tariff. All eyes are turned toward4tho National Capitol; and the proceedings V Congress, in both branches , upon the,. subject are' Watched with• the greatest anxiety, and from:the fact that upon the legislation now hzarilePeridsin the highest degree the ad variOment or downfall of the different in dristne* s of the country, the - prosperity-of its manufacturing interests or 'their ultimate decay; and the general welfare of the people ortheir ruin. In `other woris, financial prosperity or wide-Spread bankruptcy and distress. . As you readers are aware , jthere are two separate Bills upon the subj ect now under discussion, and debate upon these have beedgiven the preference, because of a 'de sire to meet the demands of the people and arive at a conclusion acceptable to them before the time fixed by law for.: the ad journment of Congress. The Senate Bill relates both to the Tariff and the matter of Internal Revenue, adopting as it does the principal sections of the Internal , Revenue Bill 'passed by the House at Ale last session; with a few amendments, And including Mr. Morrill's Bill (introduced-at the last session) and Mr. Sherman's Bill of (December last "to regulate the collection of customs dit ties." The House bill is the one reported by the Committee on Ways / and Means, and . which is based principally on the informa tion given by the evidence taken before the Tariff Com mission; and the recommenda tions found in Its report.. 4 The- report of this commission was gone Aver thorotighly and carefully by the Commtnee referred to, and as a consequence; the popular mind is as a general thing more drawn to the latter Bill. The debate in both Houses has at times been very spirited," and on more than one occasion it has brought 1 forth eloquence from members Who were npt supplied to possess it, and well() were merely looked upon,. as plain mere matter,of-fact Personages' who had not the gift of kingttage4- or the flow of Words to Stir up enthusiasm' for 00 cause they advoceted and supported - The line of divergence between the Free4rade forces and those who hold proudly; above them the banner-of "Protection-to Amen. can Industry and Labor," has been plainly drawn. The American people can make no mistake in distinguishing each, and they thus will have an opportunity given of re-* membering these Congressman hereafter: :1 Section by section each Bill is being act-;v, ed,upon, the policy of the Free-traders or the .so-called Democracy ; being to delay i n action by the ma co • ual offering of Amend ments and of points of order. The debate in each ouse will in all .likelihood occupy two weeks of the four that now re main of the existence of: this Congress. When each .House has its Bill, of necessity there will be a disagreement, and a Commit tee of `,conference will have to be appointed. 'Font' correspondent believes that a bill will , be reported by such a Committee which! will pass at the present session, be signed by the President and become a law. -..' , 1 The time which will be occupied in dis cussing these Ttuiff measures, will doubt less cause many important bills to go over to the next Congress. Indeed there is fear that such bills as "The Presidential Succes: lion bill, the Bankrupt Bill, the Bill to es tablish the Postal Savings Service, the na tional Telegraph and Postal Telegraph Bill, the Bill to provide for a new Congressional' • Library Building, the bill proyiding for the •forfeiting of all public lands' held by the Land grant monopoly Rail Roads, the Ship Canal bill, and the bill nuking a new treaty with Mexico," may not be reached. . They 'may be passed however, but at present' all is uncertainty. The infamous treaty with Canada, and that with the . Sandwich Is lands, should by, all means be abrogated; but the presure of business • and the brief time between now and the day of adjourn ment, will in all likelihood -prevent action being taken, and these matters will go over to the next:Cone:es, but your correspon dent much fearsthes, e treaties will not be set aside until lafro when the Republicans will have a majority i n Houses. This latter statement is upon the opinion that the American people will become so disgusted with the action of Democratic Congressmen at this session—action which foreshadows what may be expected from the next Democratic house—that they will return to their first love and elect to • Con gress a large majority of Representatiies who have been true to the Republican • faith and the best interests of the country. Here too, let'it be noted, that the Demo cratic Members will make no appropria tions to build up r t the American . Navy. so long as the Repuhlicans have charge of the Government. ._. The Revenue marine service will not be transferred to the Navy Department, but will remain where it is, in connection _with the Treasury Department.. - z , The whiskey bill will pass the Hotise, and eventually become a law. ' Great reductions will be made in the internal revenue taxes, thus paving the way for 4 final abolition of the whole Inter nal &venue•system; _Judging from its past record and tile in di4tiotts of legWatidn yet to be had, the Forty-seventh Congress will close with credit to itself and to the Republican party. Had it not been for the filibustering policy pursued by the . Democratic members, many measures of true Reform would - ye been adopted, but for all this, the nsibility will rest upon the latter, and e people viiill Berko it that it be placed on their shoulders. The day of reckoning will be in the future • - :" HON. WILLIAM H. J4MIMING ` This gentleman, yonr neighboring towns. man, holds one of the most important offices under the general government, that of Commissioner of Ran_Roads. The position! is one requiring a man of inflexible purpose, stern 'integrity, and of great legal , ability: AU these attributes, Mr. Armstrong pos sesses an eminent degree. Thousands of, minions of dollars and thousands upon,thon sands of acres of the best. land in the coin— try are invplved in tbeinanagement of the 4:3kivernment Rail Roadsc,that is roads to Ouch the United StatiOas granted nib sidies in bands and public Asada. • • Mr. Armstrong's repmt. - 4 U the Secretary of the Interibr, showinethe operations the Bateau under his efarge is of an ioter‘ esting and comprehensive cluiracter. The business, financial condition, and propor tion of "net earnings" due tht Government for the past year, have bee thoroughly investigated. As the Statute in regard to „ net earnings" has not received ludicial construction as to the method prescribed by it in ascertaining them; Mr.' Armstrong has insisted that expenditures for new construc tion and nemignipment are not "necessary expenses actually paid within the year in operating the same and ixeping the same in a state. of repair," and since his taking the office, he has dcided tosettle with these upozitiny basis which deducts Such Wan. from the gibes matte, in ascer- Mining Pa*, airilizsgs.P It is well known to iise vublie OS At* rivlok4.* ever been slow .14 malaug yosylo,tii to q RiPurusci*.) Waaurnrorox. D. Feb. .5;,1883. Mr =I is Arvin lave nada it point to thimi toidi kinds -of tecludgedities , to avoid doing so. _lt mayhavebsen observed that Mr;. , Arrastremes ppinion upon these matters„linve with Congressmen all_ the force aal - respect of . judiCial ppinion, which-in of• itself a high iribute to his ability.i His report shows the legal mind, and stamps the officer ;as . a man who knowing hie duties, does perform them. 'To his credit'', be it said, his sympathies have ever, been with the honest 'Measures, and his' Ligh t sense of justice never permitted him to be the friend of unprincipled monopolies, Or of, pOlitical bosses and rims: '7' In • accepting his' leasition ,asCenunistdOner,, it being entirely unsiolicited t en his part, he did. so With the understant hat ; it would in nowise interfere wi th attending to the duties of his profession to Which -he is thoroughly devoted. In - him, the Govern- - meat hap secured the aervics' a of a • valuable officer, find the people of your section must indeed be gratified at the selection made. IION. ALEX.I weirs.. . - A movement has been entered into here and in the great west to brake one of the sorainlyour State the Republican candi date for the Presidency inlsB4, andahaady a numfier of prominent newspapers in -the West, and also in the East, have advanced his claims. Mr.:Raziesey was born'in Dan thin county, eat represented that District m the 30th Congress. There he made his mark as a Representative of ability, and at the close of ;his Congressional services, he was appointed Governor of- - the territory of Minnesota by President Taylor. Deserved. ly popular with the people, upon the admis sion of that 'Territoryps a State., he was elected its first Governor by a heavy major ity, and was afterwards elected an United States Senator serving folk a period of, fourteen years.' ki this position - his name became more familiar to the people of the United States, and( his course met With univereal approval ,and , conunendation. The next positions held by him'for a period were that of. Secretary of War and also of the Nary. Re now holds the, position of President of the Mormon Electoral Cm mission.' /12 adiVa pld& life for some forty years, not a blemish 'has for a moment - rest- ed on his character, •• 'llia aim has ever been to serva l his 'Government and the Pe*e faithful ly; and that he has done so is universally acknowledged. A man of . sterling worth, of sound common sense, her has in every position to which he has been honored, , exhibited true states manship and executive ability of , no earyli nary diameter. Ile is - emphatically a man of the people, and has never, 111 all • his - official career, been connected with ally Clique or faction whose object has been to force Presidential candidates opens „ihe Republican party. In early life Mr. Ramsey was devotedly attached to the Whig party and was an ar-, "dent and. zealous worker for the advance ment of its , principles.. During the Taylor and Fillmore campaign - of 1848, he was chairman of the Whig State Central Com mittee of your . State, and his able manage. meat and energetic labors contributed very materially to carrying the State for the Whig Party , • That, he would make a most formidable candidate is acknowledged bythe shrewdest Republican leaders, for not Only is he popu lar in the West and Southwest, bat through out the whole country and equally among the Germans whose language ho speaks most fluently. lit is -'calculated that he would • carry at least 90 per cent of the German vote of your State and eighty per cent of these are Democrats' in such coon • ties as Berks, Northampton,York, etc: Your readers may be '' assure that this movement Will spread rapidly. It is gain ing- strength daily,.and leading men are gradually falling into line, pushing it for ' comussrostza OF AGIT r ICULTURF.. The report of this officer, lion. George B. Loring, for the year 1882, is highly credit able to the department and bears incontro vertible evidence of ! its, usefulness and efficiency. Mr. Loring is a worker and doei`.9ot fall ' back upon the dignity of his position and issue his orders, depending-up v.. WS Subordinates to do all the work. He labs rs 4 arduonsly and,. untiringly himself, being devoted to the dutiesi of his depart-' meat: Durinm b the year, he made personal investigation of the condition. of farming in most of the great agricultural States of the Union, and says that he has been deeply impressed by the energy ands skill with which the industry is conducted and the manifest success which attends ! it), as evi denced by the prosperous appearance of the lands and homesteads-of the people. um TEX PLANTATION, Instituted in the spring of 1881, is progres sing favorably. Several • acres have been planted, and the plants are making a satis factory groWth, so that in. the course Of a fee? years they will be in good condition, to fairly test the question of profitable manu facture, which is in fact the only point now Awaiting consummation, the question of the adaptability of climate to the mere growth of the plant having long been favorably de termint3d. Itt - the microscivical division, investiga. , Cons haVe been instituted to diScover the primary cause of what is known as penrt tree blight, so destructive to the interest of orchardists in the Northwest, where some 'times a thousand valuable pear trees are destroyed by this diseiise in a single orchard in one eeasdn. ' The work of , the, chemiral division has been devoted largely to investigating the sugar producing qualities of sorghum, beets and other plant : ;' It would takti ultiot, much space in your paper to Mention other interesting matters contained, in'this report--suffice it to say, the department deserves Well at the hands of the government and should be liberally supported. GOVERNMENT PELISTING OFFICE. . This office is now in charge of a thorough going mechanic and, practical printer, Sterling P., Rounds,'" No man-has over occupied the position who has given one fifth of the time and attention which he has bestowed upon it since his appointment. He is one of the first at the office iu the morning, and the last to leave at night. There is not a 'detail in 'the vast establish 'ment (which is the largest printing office in the world,) but which receives his personal attention, and he knows and 'understands its numerous wants down to the smallest and most minute item. His value to the Government in this department can never be fully estimated, nor can he bo adequate ly paid for his , ' labor. Since his taking chargl, he has brought_order and system out a _ chaos and• confusin, and has made the various divisions and branches of his depargnent as near perfect as it is possible for mail to make a great. and extended printing office. • The report transniitted" by him to Con gress for, the fiscal :year ending June 80, 18.12, is of an interesting character, but it must be unddrstoodAhat but-two and a half months of the time only were ,under his ad ministration. ' The:,-next 'report will -show Mr. Rounds' methods of working, and the efficiency• of his department. He is well known to the craftsmen of "the art pre servative of all arts" throughout the union, and= especiallyin the:West and Southwest. • UV-morrow evening the President will give an evening'reception to the diplomatic corps and the officers of the army and buy. Aiacvs. `FROM\. HAItRISB , fiG: -A , : ;- .• - HAnnuonnui, Feb. 8,.1883. The fifth week of the Legislative session of 1883, was.corrimenced by sessions of both the Senate and Rouse of Representatives on Monday evening, the 29th In %I; Senate twenty-three bills wore pissed on first reading, which is a mere , formal pro ceedip.-. Among these were some, import ant nie4ures; as follows: - ' To prohibit the receiving and retaining Of-children in alms-houses and poer-houses, and to provide for the care and education - such , children ;'anthorisiug the exclusion of liiiid used for farming purposes from cities or, boroughs within this common wealth; to authorize the creation and to provide for tho regulation of voluntary tri-_ banal& to adjust disputes between employes 'and employed in the iron steel and coal ' trades. and to prevent the laming cif free paieesby railroad companies. At thieltionday -evening session of the House, Mr. Thorpe; of Franklin CO., pre sented a memor*l frozio the synod of the Presbyterian aura, representing" 873 ministers, iial.churches and 182,000 com municants, in favor of amending the state' Constitution so as to prohibit the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating liquori; another petition of similar import was also preisnit ed - from 4418 members of the Shenango Presbytery. The people areevidently aroused on the . subject - - of - prohibition, - aryl mean to be heard. A determined and °minima effort is to be- made here this winter, to_ carry this amendniiiit to the Constitation the Legislature, eashling the people' to vote t'g *Atter this amused powiriball co* =I Sailalaklieltisitlti ind - Tarddi -- not: - --,-. The t A senate 'resolution. to . properly observe i Iproject leittnatir fthindOlit, both the Senate Washington's Birthday, was,: concurred-In,- and •Ropariillit not alWaYs actijudil . ..-The:Cericite• OnThursdaythe first - inst., I rkftelr.c." l o-$llO - b 00.% .• A 1 411.'Pr,orrdioff directly kfter , bekeB eilliedi't° - order; - want l for a'mobtevotaniii thin anbjeat, - .. was in! into`. exectrAin • *mien: for the purpose of". traduced - earilia - the -- ilidion, .and as Soon . - Confhusing the nomination' it( S: Davy Page asthistandingietammitteen were' inimitano ? teleiController of ;Philadelphia. '...kwill be I edilrYtho Reforni speaker' of the :Reform" remembered ;that ' this is the..pflice which Rowe; threw weeks afterthe :organisation, was held on te - hy the new Governor, until it wasreferred to the committee onConti - , - a few .hours .before Alie was sworn in as-1 lustAiiiat,,.• Reform,- of 'which • Mr. - Steuben I:Governor. There i a di*ute as to cello I Jenkins!, GU:user:le county, - is' Chairman. 1 has the right to 'ffil 4 vacancy in this office,i . - The bill having been in : the hands of this ' the GOVernor•nr the Councils of Philedel-1 Counnittee seven days previous to this Mon. 'phia, Pattison wanting - ,to give the place. to daymght anion, and - it being proper to a "friend of th e government," held on telt on fora after five daysk Mr. Emery,.Re- - as long as he; could himself , and the next Publican . . of Lawrence county, -Moved that day or „ two _ l after being .. inaugurated' :as the committee -be discharged from its fur- GoVernor, sent in the name of. Mr. Page te ther consideration, • and the ,nieasure' be be his successor in the controller's office, brought at 'center before the': House. - ',This notwithstanding that - gentleman had • been Was forcing . the fi ght, but 'd4layed bad repudiated b , the people at the polls, at the management or-vrantnf generalship, es.the recent election., -.- 'result proved the'friends of prohibition were When the Motion prevailed .to consider. not in - shape or force to .make such a ' the nomination , Mr. Leo from the-Generall charge. The : Republican members. getter- Judiciary CoMmittee, to which the: subject' ally arrayedthentselves with the friends of had been referred, made,. a report of some . temperance. in demanding- that the bill be length .. concluding with 'a recommendation brought at once before - the' house, : while "that the senate do advise' and consent to the Demoinuts, esti rule, - opposed such ac- the *nomination of B. Davis Page as coin I thin. - The resolution wee , defeated! by . ..a troller"; but thisis, what the 'senate:did not, vote of ninety-nine nays to fifty-two yeas, do. the vote being yeas 31, (three Less than.; but this voterui net aperty one, _Air does the .tsvo-thirds vote) nays 4. ..! _, it fairly Indicate the strength of the tom ! Piesent and not voting--Messrs: Cooper, perance Note, 'since satiny, members who 'Grady, Greer, Keeper, McCracken, Me er° counted for the - - bill itself, if it *rez Knight; 3lylin, Smith and Stetsman. . comes to a rat and-say `vote, voted against Absent—Messrs. 'Adams,. Aid!, ',113A-gs, the resoulutim pending on Monday eight. Davies And McNeil. . . 1.. . -• • on the - pleb of: 'courtesy to the committee • The vote of . the previous day, by whiCh and its absent Chairman. I .; . 1 . ,t- • the point of - - order raised_ by Mr. Gorton, Arming .the bills introduced at this session theta nomination could not be referred to of the House, were two. dividing ythe State a conimirtele, was sustained, was reconsid into Conminkitiffdistriets. - ' The first is in Prod, the'senate thus piecing itself right on the interest of the Democrats, and was read parliamentary law. . . • ' - inplace by Mr. Zeigler, of Butler, who did It transpired hereon Thuraday,.after the it for the author of the billi Mr. Nicholson, senate adjournment, that Governor Pattison i of Jefferson, who had been called home by' had sent formal notices of ;_removal to be.' the death of is:grin:id-child: . .This % bill . puts serve upon Recorder Larie, and Sealers 1 Bradford, Susquehanna, Tioga end Potter, Black 'and Cranford. Ile' telegraphed the together as the•lbth d istrict.' Mr. - • Davis two latter to do no more Work. . The re 'Republican, of Forest county, introduced publican majority in the senate, as well as the other 'apportionment bill ! : It LP:based the 'disappointed denteciats, it will ' be re-1 on a population of 152,942 votes WA' der- - Membered, took the position as stated 61 trict, and tints Bradford, Susquelmoriikund the report of the Judiciary General Coin- Tioga together as . the' 14th district, : still mittee, that there - was no vacancy in the another bill- has since been . intreduced- by office of Reeerder. The• Governor appar- Mr. Parcels,: Democrat, of 'Mifflin county, entlyassumes also'that thisisoniciixeuse is but whilethere is thus no lack of bills on the only defence of, the republicans against Ithe subject, there are a good many people - Confirming , Iseminger and 'Remenderfer. l hero who predict that not one of . them will .He removes this objection by the three dis.- 1 be passed, fot - that the Cofigressional die . .. missals, making, us his support-MS in the tricts will reniSin as they are . . • • senate will -claim, three vacancies. The A . resolution that no WS in place be end. has evidently not yet been reached. fered after February lith, and that afterilust The senate, returningto„routine hOjees.s, Idate the Legislature hold afternoon sessions a number of bills were , reported - 4-favorably on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays,, from committee, a few others were. intro . Was laid over under the =lea. The Repub• duced, and a 'resolution adopted, After som e liters will force the. Democrats, if possible discussion, providing for &lily sessions on to carry out their much-vaunted programme and after Monday the sth instant. Sunda y s of hard workend an early i iuljournment. - excepted. ' - In the Senate onTueadyy the 30th ult., a The proceedings of . the House of Repre. large number of petitions frdm citizens of sentatives on Thursday' the : first ,instant;, Wayne, Elk, Jefferson,'' Lackawanna, • were of the usual routine character, no Schuylkill and Philadelphi a . counties, .were business of • general or speciat, importance presented; favoring an amendment to the being transacted. constitution prohibiting the sale and ituiriu- Nicholson's Congressional apportioninent -facture of intoxicating Helene. • ' bill, and ono introduced by Mr. McNamara, The following bills, among others, were of Bedford, for the 'apportionment of the . . introduced.. • , , • 'l , . State into senatorial , and representatir , e Mr. M'Knight, proposing an amendment districts, wore reported with an . affirmative te'the constitution, reducing the numberOf recommendation. The latter is a roper menibere of the legislature to ..fifty, and gerrymander in the interest of the Democ &Misters to thirty, and fixing the term of a racy. ~ . I • senator at six years, and that of a Member In the Senate on Friday the second inst.. at leer years. Theinembers of the legislature .the bill to abolish the , office of 'sealer of sikaltreceive a fi*solary',pir anwini,' the' weights and measures, passed second read din 6t of which ' not stated in the . bill. ~ , ifig. , . ,• .• • .i. Hennes, a further supplement .to an ;- •• The house, at thi,,Friday se•sion,. not to ac t ttOesernpt sewing machine‘S 'belonging be outdone by the netion'of the solute the tr to iiciamstresies, providing - that no waiver day before fixing dailySessions,"framed a or agreement to waive the provisions of mid resolution that after February sth sessions 'ciet;tand the supplements thereto, shall be of the house be held daily from 10 0. ni. to validfor authOrize any levy, - seizure or sale 1 p. m., except on Fridays and Saturdays, dile property so exempt by said act. when the sessions-shall be from 10 a. in. to Mr. Davies, creating a corporation of 'a 12 in., and on Monday evenings, when they second class for the purpose of motive power shall begin at 7.30 o'clock, Also, that after by cable traction ,to street passenger rail-..the 10th inst.' there shall' be afternoon ses way companies. . sions, except 'on Monday, Friday and Sat- After the transaction,•Pf other routine , urcley, from 3to 5 o'clock. The resolution .business, the - Senate went into executive was agreed to—yeas 110, nays 86. session to consider the nominations of Ise- If these good resolutions of the senate . winger and Remenderfer, two sealers- of .and house are honestly carriel out, it will .weights and measures, in Philadelphia, .in 'be a grand thing. • , . place of Stark. and Crawford, the present in- 'At 12 in. On Friddy, both houses adjourn cuMlents,who were appointed by Gov. Hoyt. ed until Monday. *veiling, Feb. - sth. The names of the new men wore sent in by the . DGGIJESNEE. ,Cii,l:l Service Reform Governor Pattison the nice youngemb who run the 'umble, hu mility dodge so far into the ground on the occasion of the' inauguration. The debate on these nominations was lively, lasting un til 'the hour of adjournment. It was an attack upon the administration by the Re publicans, 'and a weak defense by some of the Democrats. Duringthe discussion • the Senate adjoirnel . , •: The House of Representative s, on Tues day the 29th nit., after the . transaction of routine business, passed several bills finally, among which were the•follogring: An act to tatablish a more certain process by which..the proprietors or, managers of hoteli, restaurants or Other establishments in which boarders are entertained, may collect their:bills. . . An* act to - repeal an act'relating to sealers tif weights and measures, approved April 4,1877., [This bill abolishes these offices.] The consideration of ;the bill on second reading, entitled an act regulating thulia- - bility of employers - to make compeneation for personal injuries suffered. by workmen in their*Service t was then resumed and dis cussed, without final action, until' the hour of adjournment. z.When the Senate convened 'on .Wednes day morning the 31st ult., at 11' o'clock, the first business in order was the considera tion of the appointments of the Governor, .for sealers of . weights and measures, and it was resumed. Mr. Greer said he was sorry that the debate on - the day previous had been so personal• and he moved that the nominations be referred to the Cominittee On Retrenchment' and Reform. To this Mr. Gordon, of Philadelphia, who is the especial champion and keeper of the new Governor,- objected, and raised the point of• order that the nominations, under the rules, must be considered until finally disposed of; This point being *submitted to the Sepate,, was for the tithe, sustained, by a vote •of 24 to . 20, and young Gordon was happy , but his ' v ictory was for a very brief period. The vote being thus forced on the confirmation, was not what the youthful Senator wanted, but he was coinpelled to accept the. situa tion. • Twenty-one Senators, instead of thirty-four, the-woes:try two-thirds,: voted' . in the affirmative, while twenty-three vot ed in the negative. • ' . • - The Senate then for a short time, pro ceeded with routine business, when on mo tion of' Mr. Stewart, it again went into ex ecutive session lei receive the report 9f the .. Judiciary General Committee on tho nom ination of William IL Smith for * RecOrdet The Committee reported that the-office of Recorder of Philadelphia "is not vacant,' but filled by, Mr. Lane ; that he had 'not been removed; aird• therommittee - recom mend ' that the Senate non-concur in the appointment of Smith. :- The,Monvitatioir was then rejected, klya vote of I -t Vert' 41." e_,.. n yeas to twenty-six - nays. The inhaters voting in the affirmative are allDomperats, while the sin Democrats who , by. .notsibt- mg, withdreir;their support from an ad ministration' which has . denied its confi dence, and - prcipores. to fun things on its own hook, were Heal, Hew, Kennedy; King, Patton and Waper. This: bold, open, flagrant violation - of, everything like civil: , service retprm"-tarn ing men out Of, semi before thekexpiration of their terms; simply because they-mire republican, to - make room for "friends of the government," has been • most emphati tally and properly rebuked. .- •-.- .- The:senate once more resuming routine work, 'Mr. Emery called up on second 'reading, the joint resolution providing for the investigation of the o ffi cial acts of Sen ate librarian* John ..1. Delany. He referred to the in a number of papers that Delany is a public: plunderer, and that the committee was . a ...- . ted for "whitewash ing" purposes. - • , indignantly, denied , the allegation that sue . was the purpose , of the committee, and that if the joint res olution was not with its appropria tion of $ l,OOO . to employ a stenographer, etc. the comma wou ld ask to be dis cluAletb,„;,.The rati on was passed on second' reading. Mr. Everhart -I re! bill to prohibit the issuin of railroad pasim. was t amended on moon 'residing, sons to make it take effect Jan * 1, 1884. -Soniesena tor remarked, " orm next. year,"lwheri there was a laugh nd a call for crrder. - :1.... • In the House on edziesday the 31st nit., a large number of additional petitions from all over the State were presented, for the passage of the -prohibitory constitutional amendment. A ,goodly number of bills were also reported favorably from the va-, rious. 'committees. • These `will now printed, take . position on the calendar, and in future rece ive such attention as may be given them. Several new bills were also introduced, among them one -by Mr. Ayres,. of 'Bradfori, for the- equalisation of taxes in cities and counties. This :stile bill prepar ed. by the State Grange, Patrens.of Rua blindly, and the . passage of lit ,has been strongly urged- here this - week- by the vot• Iran - ..c granger (with bay seed in his hairj - Col. - - Victor - .E..' Mkt,. of- Wysox Pradta4 county. - . 1 - • , . . ---- PERSONAL ; POINTS. Dennis Kearney, of;§a' n, Francisce, is the' latest addition to theA'nny of women suf.! fra,gits. Ei-Governor.Hendricks, of Indiana, has, resumed the practice of -law. • Thomas 31. Bowen, Senator-elect from Colorado, is fifty-two and a native of lowa. Mrs. McElroy, the President's sister, likeS books better than Washington society, and it,is said will soon lave the White ,House. Attorney-General Brewster gives more elegant dinners than any. Cabinet . officer; Secretary Frelinghuysen the quietest; and Postmaster-General Howe.the fewest. Senator•elect Tabor, of Colorado, m 1878 was'a poor man keeping a ; mudl store at Californa Gulch, near .Leadville. . Sin then he has made .$10,000,000 and been divorced from his wife. • - Joseph Davis, ‘"the cattle king of Eastern Texas,"sold :30M1 cattle While smoking one five-cent cigar in Austin the other night. 1 4 .,•Pat" Caringle, a radclunan of the Indian Territory, who was the purchaser, paid cash down in British gold,' for he acted in behalf of London men of montli. _,Charles D: Brinker," Commissioner of Immigration of CalifOruia, an appointive office was arrested at San Francisco Friday nigh - ion three warrants, each charging him With felony in appropriating to his own use fees aggregating $22,000. Bunker furnished bail This office has recentN been investigated by a Legislative commit tee. Bunker and his friends clainithat frill investigation will show no misappropria tion. • PNNSXLVANIA PARAGRAPHS. A horrible case of death and deStitutioti near Wiikesbarre was. revealed • Thursday by the Ladies' AM Society: A nian - named Leonard and his son were found dead in bed, his wife dying, and two young children in the last stage of staiiation. 'Relief. wai given. There is considerable excitement over the discovery. General E. S. Gsborne, of Wilkesbarre, was Thursday elected Grand Commander of the. State Encampnient of the Grand Army of the Republic. The new furnace just completed by the Bethlehem IrtM:: - Coinpany was fired at 2 P. M. Thursday: This. furnace is seventy feet high; with.a bosh seventeen and a' half feet in diameter, and its estimated weekly yield is stated at 400 , t0n5.., This company operates eight blast furnaces, Bessemer steel mill, iron-rail mill, merchant - for iron and steel and a puddling mill, . employing from 2200 to 2500 men.' . Burglars haverbroken into nearly a dozen houses in Johnstown during the past - . Week. Jewelr,', silver and small sums of money were taken. . Daring the year 1::2 there were: 1,179 building permits granted in < Pittsburg. This number is three times as large as that of any year since 1873. Oil well machinery has been shipped to Jackson township, Cambritt county, to be used in a test well. Senator Emery, of :McKean, has - intro; duced a bill in the -Permsylvardalegis lature for the relief , of disabled firemen. In all probability it wifibecome a law as it is thought favorably of by all the members. A movement is about to be made by u number of prominent Pittsburg gentlemen to fence in a tract of land in Westmoreland county, containing 1000 acres, for .the purpose of a hunting park. The . Ideality abounds in genie, such as pheasante, wild turkey, squirrels, etc., and there are also two streams of water, which will be stocked with trout: The location is an admirable one and if sufficient stock is. suliscribed the property will be fenced in ~and a house erected for the use of a watelnian. The membership is limited 'to ten - gentlemen who will have the exclusive right .to hhnt and fish in the park. _Thisartesian well at the Harrisburg State Lunatic Hospital has been completed, and arrangements will at once be made for in troducing the water into the honse, when the supply obtained from the works •in the rear of the.building will be dispensedwith. The well is'Oaleat deep, and an abun dance of pure and good water has been ob tained. . ' Governor Prittisan has granted a reprieve for one week to Uriah Moyer, who was to have, been hanged on this 28th inst. for the murder of the Kintzlers in Snyder county. Wayne coapty has seventy-six lakes. Little Hickory Lake, in Preston .township, seventeen miles from Honesdale, - is . two thousand feet above the leveL,,Tbf the sea. Glass Lake froth whichHenesdale receives its water supply, is one thousandlfour hun dred and seventy, feet above tideJwater. • • Walter F. Pool, member ofpongress elect from the, First North Carolina district; is re; porgy dangerously ill at Illi".hounk'in-Riti- "Fivorito - 1 f Pr4aription't .perfectly and-....,perpannently'f: ettreriz*hogl iliseayea . peculii4F feniUles.! • tonicAnd.neryitie;• effectuallY 4 allaying:lld ,curing . ttinse sickening seniations thatidrect stoniacli'and heart .througit ,reilek tut .tipti. The back-ache,and "dragging tijirn" , • sensations allflitripcar under the strength-. ening - effects of this - great 'icstorativa. By druggists. .- • When au American,Senator rises in his place to indulge in a few clarinet:it remarks about the duties on spiegeleisen, it's just has intoresting:iui a - French . essay mil Greek roots : haveoliont concluded,. that the . heaviest 4f-dinicsrestiog on Fplekeloisuiti, - _. to chan&its name and become an Ameri can citizens • B: Wilton, Wrightsville, Pa:, rays: '"I consider Brown's Iron ..Bitters superior to any Medicine I ever used." • • The; Llemocratic party of Alabama elec ted State Treasurer. .Vineent to his third. term byai majority of 59,000. ; • 3. If.: Rocky:alter, PhCflii:TViik; Pa., says: "I have invariatltheard Brosia's Iron Mi ter; spoken of swan Oxeollent *remedy." ,•7 Was State Treasurer :Vincent, Ala-: bamd, one of those librrid carpet-baggers, or a ineinber Of one of "our best families?" • .- pelicate.rentalei. The:- exactions of society.-kadded Care4:of:maternity and the household, have tested beyond endurance the 'f'rail constitu tionslwhich have been granted the majority of .w i 'omen. To combat, this'.. tendency to premature decline,. no remedy, in the world possesses the nourishing and . strengthening properties of Malt Bitters. They enrich the blood, perfect digestion, stimulate the liver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative weak nem, and purify and vitalize-every function of the female,system. ' • • Charges of a very circumstantial nature having been made . or more news papers that friends of Senator Ferry . and the Managers of his Canvass at Lansing had • . appreached various - members Of the •Repub lican!opposition with offers of post-office clerkships, control of 'Federal! PairOnage, and even foreign appointment as `bribes to induce them to vote for'Mr. Ferry, in the pending contest, the...hiwer house of the Michigan Leg,islaturelagt Week adopted a resolution calling for'an investigation. #.• SK. . • INEY Eliq,lllllZenev.tli" rentores healtt t , g •r.: Dyspepoi. :;•^:".•••nce l)x.`.George FA; Rives, a'l?rominent phy sician-, and atiex-meMber i f 'the: Virginia Legislature,: 'toils arrested at'.'lll.s home , in Prinen (ieorgO county, • Va., Thurtlay' by ljniteri States Eteputv , ebargerl tvith attempting to buii - otes at the late ,el&:troiy. Birch., echo is a prOnounced rainier; was taken before United States Comthissioner Pleasants, at Richmond, for examination. _' . "fit7CUUS"AlliA.” , -,,Qniek, eon) ilete vll ignicgcng Kidney, w a dd" hr.! ' Urinary Ltw•u=l o.' $l. Drug fkiste. , Thore an old axiom which ~'seti 'forth „ . that 'l•betWeen two Stools one chines u the ground,7 - : and the indication' begin to multiplyi very fast that the new Governor of this State is one of thelpersone? who are .to,lakii a low seat suddenly proof of thus proverb, • 1, 4 kAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. this powder neitor..aries. A marvel of purity. strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the nrdlroiry kinds. and cannot be gold to competition with the multitude of low.tes t. short Weight, alum or phosphate powder.. . sold out. in cans. ROYAL I.laxino POWDER Co, 100 Wall street., N. .2 0 j ialyB2 Poi The- Happiness of Home. From a . Clergy man's' Rome . Conies a • Message: Contatin, • tag the 'Wisdom:l4Es. - • • '.periehce.... ; Rome is the centre of the social system. From it proceeded the best and purest in fluences-. felt in the world, and towards it gravitate the tenderest hopes of humanity. Foe Wail good men labor while their trork-- ing -- days, last, and around it their last. thoughtstlinger lovingly when those days are done: =!„ . . Yet home does not usually approach -in practice - its own ideals. The mother is overtaxed with household duties and' the refiring and training of her children, While theJather fights the outside battle to, Ewin the wherewithal to meet expenses. ScOner iv later care and toil leave their marks. - - It is true eiiugrh,' as Kingsley sings in - the "Three Fishers," that; `••,.,. "Men ti work, and.woun omit woep.'ow - ..., . • lait too much work anti weeping brush all the bloom from life's fruit. Mental anxiety and lack of rest and pleasure induce physical - diseases of. many iticids; whence the need o; a trustworthy tonic to give help and. strengthln dines of need.. Am?ng the good women of the land who have found such a sure anchor is - Mrs. A. C. George, wife of Rev. A. C. George, D; D., pastor of the Centenary E. Church,. -of' Chjago, whose': words we have her permission'-to quote : ' "I use PArxr..4. 7 e. GINGER . TONIC in my family, and can say that we are -highly pleased with it as a tonic. From my ex perience of its value, I recommend it as a reliable family medicine." '- Please suite: first, • PAREER'S GINGER TONIC LI not a mere eseenee of - Ginger; sec ond, it contains - nothing to create - an appe tite for into.ricating drinkt; third , it is a Splendid health restoratire for alt oho suffer from disordered Lieer. or Kidneys or any disease arising from ineltestion-and impure blood. Accept uo substitute for it. Prices, 4nd flper bottle. It is cheaper to buy the lamer size. Amos & Co. - New York: - , " - rinll' ,I'- 1 .FROWIAVASHINGTOIt 1 ...:....',-_. _ -.-::: . Leaving iltiniFburgt on ali earik train brings us to . 'Washing:ton at 11 a. in, Rain vvat falling heavily, ice' and • SOOO.' covered the [ sido walk on the South silk of Penneyl- Jvadia avenue, and the Whole city pointed molt cheerless and uninviting ..prospct. After a . - good dinner at` The "St. Jame a,• . inlteiithstanding the rain nral• condition , of that streets I took 'the broad walk that ent'ers the:Capital grounds from the Z=est side, and after some trouble succeeded id reaohing the House, which is now holding 'se/Inform at 11 a.rn„ - instead of at noon, as has for many years been the - custom. the ,ray this is ahotit the Only' -ymptain if reform; visible to the naked eye. - A goad many familiaffaces were seen on -the, Hoer •of the •Ilouse,land some were there for '.the last time frith the, close .4 the• present ses sion. , Stu.lh is political life, • with its possi bilities andnmsertainties, the "tidal %Vivo" - "reform" reached 'many, of them and relegated them to private life. Congress- Man elect, Geo. A. Pct, of, this District, was seen on the floor- of -the House. Mr. Post will be =Pc:A; theyoungest man in the 48th Congress) „ • •-• Our old friends Gen: Henderson, of Chairman of the Military Co;innittee, in the present Co egress has -eurvivec 'the ,"tidal wave" and is returned 'to the 'Next Congress: There are feW better rtipfeidn taoves than Gen.- Henderson, and the good sense of the people of his district is exhibit :'ed by retaining him in Congress. He would be a great' improit . 4nent on Logan at the other end of the Capital. , • . - Congrssman Jadwin, 'of this district was genial and full of.•business, and presented more of the appearance of a returned mem ber than a defeated candidate. The contract for defeating a republican . and a demoCiat in this district, is nat a light one, 'and it only fair to say that he came muchliearer success than any other man could posiibly haVe done, 3lr. Jadwin has- a clean re ord,-Mid,ilands Well with his constituents and IIFY follow members. 31r_IftliComb; Was found, iii' the House Librurf, where his work on indexing the bills is done. He is a popular. officer, and possesses a large acquaintance with mem bers from every section of the country.- Mrs. Holcoo and Miss Tracy are spend ing a few woks in Washington, ,and are agreeable 'whim whoin it is ever a" Pledsure t(.) mat. Geri. Wade Hampton, has grouwn gray, bit retains his vigor, and is the possessor of many friends in loth partif,,s,_ Edmundsis the same honest, able man, he has . s ever been andwould laopably make thestron gest republican Candidate for President that . could knOntir ,7 iated. CliM, McClellan is re- 7 sidingin Waslington,.and his Thursday re cePtions are attended by almost every one visiting the Capital.. There has been more snow inWashington and 'ithroughout \ r Vir ginia, than since '18:1;. Si one' of the old Virginians informed me. ~: he Potomac so much ifozen as to prevent mats from run-. ning.. Improi:ements around the.' Capital grounds' are noti . ceable.'not i withstanding the 'SHOW and disagreeable weather: The- the'reduction of letters lostagt.: to \ ts "tWo'Eents" is a ll the, iinpO4ant legislation that is likely'to be - reached_ at Ali' session,direetlV interesting the whole peo Ir. —I take this opportunity to bear testimony to the efficacy of your "Hop Eittes.". Ex pecting, td. find them nauseous and bitter and composed of bad whiskey, I W•e-•-werg agreeably surprised•at t.heir mild taste,_ just like ti•eup of tea.: , AlMrs. Cues isell Lind a Alts. Connor, friends, have likewise _tried, and .pronounced them the' best medicine - • •I • • they have ;ever taken for building up strength and toning up the systeui.. I was troubled Nir4h costiveness, , ,,,, headache and want of appetite. •My ailments are now all gone. 1 have a yearly .contract with a doctor to lo w Ok after the 'health' of myself and family4bit I need him not, now'. S. GILLILAND. . . - People'd Sleiicate, Pittsb'g,'Pa. July 25, 1878. A pew in Grke Episcopal Church,-New York; was sold at auction 'on Monday for $2200. -.1 .*lf Mrs. Lydia E Pinkhaur huts mit;renll2,; discovered the Vita, which, the . an cient Alchemists sought by so mitah patient research and persistent experittient,-! - Iter medicine seems,. at least, likely loco:114mnd an imtuense, - sale and universal popidarity iu the future. If rapid progress and end tient success furnish any hasi4.for a correct ju4gment, Mrs. Pinkham is te,titiost prothis ing competitor for such hOrable distinc tion as the alchemists failed to achievci, E GREAT GERM - REMEDY A literary Vermonter who recently' tried the power of the human eye on a fen bull 4:yecovering from his woun bridiCs, but has lost all faithL in such Ines meriArn. I . OR PAIN. :eneves and cures [ELT gAin sm. SZeuralgla, . f;1! Firetnageo Fortune. •:,, The ,S"Lta. Fraarisn)(oal.) . Chninicle, in an irtiele on the Firer - Department uf San Fran cisco, gives the following front - Asst. Chief Engineer Matthew Brady: "I have been subject:to an aggruvating pain in iny chest for over four I resorted to varioils • Modes of tkeatment to obtain relief. I haV. -Ittid my chest terribly bliiteretl. physie cian could tell what - was the matter with inc. Two weeks ago I gannuenteti t using St-Jacobs oil. It has cured me." tb' The Minnesota Legfiglature is considering ;••L a bill which. fixes 7 per cent as the leg al rate of intei*t... atica, Lumbago, DACHE, TOOTHACHE. SORE THROAT, SWEI.I.In:S SPRA eness, Cuts. Bruises. Flta‘,llllTF,,, ALTEINti, NCAR4IIII, All other )uKlily and TT CENTS . A BOTTLE. Id bvalttni9ts 7111(1 term. Dirpettons itt 11 uuges. : Charles A. Voifeler Co t. A. VAAilf.ig 'a td, 11. X. 1 Benson's Celery and Chaoloniile Pills, are worth their -weight inj gold in nervous and, pick headache."—Dr. A. Schlichter, Three.ofcers of the Salvation Army,' who had. received presents of gold Ratchets, from admiring:,,friendsi,4aya been dismissed by General Booth, who pronounced such proceedings-to , fie bribery 'and - corruption, and:unworthY'Of humble followers of • the Lord. - . . . . ._ - "Fire Dr.'s:- 'no end of medicine: AO re lief. Dr..Den'.' son"4: . Skin citre. has drireA away all eruptian4 and Pin nearly well." Ida C. Young, Hamilton, 111,-8. ..- In Chicago, a single pawnbroker has, du ring thepast thieiritionths, lent money` on twenty-puo hundred- revolvers. Who will say time this is not a bard winter; 1 ,,,..' -1 teople with gray hair . May conceal froth r the world the faet.that they are becoming aged,.•and passing on to decay, by the use' of Renewer. It is a fact tha; this article renews, cleanses ; brightens,' vigoratep and iestores.faded or gray hair tßoi its youthful color and lustre,cheaply, quick!' ly and surbli: For sale by . Dr. H. C. Por ter & Sop, Towanda, Pa. • A'l3 . ill.bes been introduced in' the Illinois LegisLatnre providing for'aii unif r o'rinfse' ries of eeirt,bboks iit-public 'schools, and author izing comity shperintetulents dos elect them. TIM Chicago-nines denounces the measure. • . .1 Owr Grandmothers taught their daughters that; "a stitch in time saves nine." pill in 'time saves. not . only -nine, but of times an incalculable amount of. suffering as we 11... An occasional dose of Dr. Pierce's Pellets . (Little g am . coated Pills), to cleanse the stomach and bowels, not only prevents diseases but often breaks up sudden atteupkts, v9iln taken in thii. By 4rnggists. h ut (.tie whole peo le. ;;TONE. A' roiee Pohl 'the Prciori - . • .rj ;-• • ?'!".1";:i • ;14 ri•-• MI MIIIM!III • OPERATES- WITH ENr.ROY t'Pro: THY, Km. NENS, TIO'ATIA, AND Pr 1101%.... OF THE fiRIN, NEUTUA Lil I NR. -A nsnittIINTO,AND LT. Pf:I.I.MG fir...ROM-7AM% rANCET:OI79, AND CA3B.Ert r HUMORS The cause of west lawman ills, STA curies; physicians. hospitals, and all other inntivp,is sad reinelles fall, Eerefuls or Evil, Glandili a , Hweningi. trjeare,OldX6rer, 3111 k rfrg. Siercar el affection's, Erysipelas. Timers, Abacenata, ca r . bunelest - Bolls,'Wood Vrasilngof the Kidneys and I.lvtr. COnSitipitioll; Mee, Dlspensla, and all luti t , and Sealy ERII PTIONS Of the Shin end Pealp.—such 8Y Ssh Panfuls, Tetter,itingwortn.llirb,r's I tch.staLi Head, Itching Piles, and othor DistitturiDg and 'Torturing liuntors, front a pimple to a Irrof• untie nicer, when 'Pala ted by evrtcur.t and Cr:- tcutts SnAP, the great Skin CIITICU A sweet. unehangealas Sfedlc al Jelley,•elcsfp, off all external evidence of 1.110 *1 ilufnrtc . s, ei tj away Dead Alt:Lao flesh, inotautly allaya net. log *ani,l, Irritations, Softens, Soothe, surf -If ts i. Worth its weight In gold for all Itchirg eases. ' CUTICIiRA SOAP Exiluis , te Toilet:Bath, and. Nursery five, - Yrsgrsnt with delicious flower odors and healfag balsam. Contains 113 la ino4litied tarp., all Vic virtues of Crriccaa. the great bkiu csrrs, and Is indispeusible to I the treatment of:At:land &alp Diseases, and for restoringzrpreaervits, and beautitying.the complexion and; Ain. m e only Medicinal Baby Ctrricuaa. Itratznixe are the only real can. lives for diseases of the Skin, Scalp and Blood. . COT/CDEA RESOLVENT, ILO per b6ttle: Cralcunx, We. per' box; large boxes, $1,09 : CII/IA MisLIC:IS./.' TOILET SOAP, 2.1 C.: Crncr k , MEDICINAL SEAMING SOAP, ILO. Sold ereryribtre. Depot, WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, 3I • r - ; I , ..•( P-• '..; _ • . 4 -C ,-•<.„1,..?!:44-'(4.,t-t-.4:, OM Sanford's Pc,.. -, r2cal TLTF GREAT AUFK .Q 4 BALRISIR it TION OF WflCIl ASILRIC PINE CANWLAN FI it, MARIGOLD. CLIO, ER ISIPSYA , k For the immediate Belief and Perunner.t of every forna of Catarrh. !tom a Pimple Ilea.: Cold or Influenza to'the Loos - of iimei), Ta . ste, and hearing. Cough: Bronchitis. and Incipient Consumption. IndOrPed by Physicians, chem• ists. and Medical Journal - throughout tl." the only complete eternal ass :lltrr nal treatment. • • ; „ One bottle iladleal: Cure, 'one' box Catarrbal Solvent and Sanford's' inhaler, nil in ono inc:- age, of all drugtxtsts for ask' for Ssnforws Radical Core.. ‘;''EliS a: rorrEt:, Boston. -- --- t,0LL1V , , ,.- Et.ECTRICITY 4 if ~., ~ .3 . , . --......2 , • v - ~:. Gentln - let Effective. ttited ---- k . 7 4- • - with Heeling lialsaM, .ren t) - ~,....1:- def. COLLINS' VOLTAIC ELECTRIC PLASTERS one ...---- 5- ,,. a , iv hundred times superior t. . 5 .-- - , - .. ~ 1.%11 other plasters for ev..ry :,-; - 'Pain, Weakness and 1 n tLitl• Alp 4 .% S 'ration . I'riee, 25 ,cp - L ti. — 44 STE" _• . SOid everywhere. • • -(/ ' 44 " IGHT RUNNINn !ABOVE All: ' SIMPLE Pr e kai F° J. ,T3l2llllllllol gt,g'' .0; Wit* MACHINEs 41.4 ti OSAT lr--z`44411h11. •SEWING MA CHINE ON SO rata MRS. vAri stra.urvei LAMES' TONIC. A Positive 'Cure -for . ell Female •Complaint.. • I • • I.a les • Tonle Is Iby tlie Women's !iff.r.,:sl •i.tate IlbtLtio. And has been 1,1,1, lashes (or years. It is a pa./ tort f. r ail 1' ,1 • 1 • 1 ' 5 anti Nervous II ea:is...le. weaknesses cause,' by those *stew-11...n:0.s v... .• •••:.mmoa to womankind. , This is no .tev•• • ' of sire/years of ex;•cocii.e. knewlaZ that it is tilgivJ uew IGc tai .i••• • - ,- ••••...t.ra not Or nver•vmuked mesa 5. , •• you have triad ttLer temr.ll,s u • 1 • •.t 4 ,• • •'',• 't Le tht-ouraged, but give •• L 11l 1••••• •Is trial. -elms Jodi to give 5ti.4.4 Ii YOUAlre trOeted with arty weakness er •'-intnen M ens set, !a , aside the do. tnr's pre r once. and try •• •tt Possti eel? oureyou. One Bottle to flutEciont. - Women's Medical Institute Is an Association , f • , ••1•1 AletAns of years' erperience, who give ails, Baer letters from ladles.fres: ss:e will be given for any case of Female Weak-, -• .sr suability which " Ladies' Tonic" will I, t cure. 1; a 4or Afida oiler. made by r‘seoeftsle 1%;!., h.• 11•01 "*.tre what - "LADIES TUNIC" cam •;••••• bead stamp for circulars. Sold by Dnyygists. Price, $l.OO. FLOREST.O.V, - COL 0 O N Excels the linen Sown 111/11611 la t , I . l3 Unew No odor Melt. Bs sass yoe g.t LORk-..- TON Coleys% Omura ofHams it Co., N. Y.. wycl Istmel. sa Vi-sts., at &sesta. sad Sestets is sef,xl, ADAINISTRATORS 'Letters of Adudnistratfon hare been granted to the undersignedllpen the estate of Chariell Taylor. late of-llranloin Twp., deceased. Notice Is tierdby glven•that- all pavane having claims against - said estate must present them to. me duly atteited at one.. and all persons °Cc*, said estate will snake immediate parm•nt• U. K. morr, A. lniatrator. Lathy Twp., Jia. 30,1833. --... ~ • re." • EOM F~ =~ £.. +s MM6 cialdreuin; of its pu.^.: iirftnc! - It Gray pair ral Color:: •r.dral! a • • hair. a