TIE REPUBLICAN. pfleatiDAY. FEBRUARY 1883. • OUR SUBSCRIBERS I. • k: YARIIOE YOU LABR2I9 . ji..siiitArx you the month' and year up ivkielt" your subscription is paid. II your snliz;nirti..mi is-soon to expire;, please en d 61 . 0 ,50 for it renewal qt • wire; that we nns' send out y the paper light along, . Send Cri i•eliewal hout:delay. • Hi AND IIEtqABOUTS, nJil‘i next Itiontlay e v ening Creamery is soon . uur. ou averly _ A private dramatic club has been at Sayre. . . Abram .llorley Will erect, a , dwellinge site .of the ono burile4, near., Altieris. One hunared additional lock-Wies have lien ordered for the Athens PoiFOlrtee. Tak tare to wrap yourselves-lip 'well he vis:z. out of the house this cold wea ther. . • . They are drussinOrater into Arnoi; Tioga cannty, on the__eais.- to ouPPIY some of the • fymilie- ep your horses roughshod, so that no acciaent may occur fixim slipping upon the. it v road` Joseph Fl 3, of Athens, was so tinfortu n ate one day last week as to have his ankle diilocated. p.... Holcomb has sold•his farm in Fox, Sullivan county, and removed to Leßoy, this county .The q uestion of removing the depot at "iVralusing to a more eligib!e point is again Itin_ a; itatctl t•ltoicT crops of tobaeecr have been di,po=c,l a in. Tioga eotinty at fourteen (-ers a pound. 021 Tue::,isy morning of last week;. the' thennotneer at Canton registered 17 do- g f t ys belt)';‘• . 7.2 . ri) '_-__l; Many a man owes his sueeeks in life to the of hi; enemies n4lier -than . :the phiu itit. of his friends. • • A ••Aiess and check#r club" has been 61Tanized in . : *i.hens. It occupies rooms I.,ver Unger's store. . The "Williston Island," ,ne,arAtifiens - 1 s4,ld on Saturday for $1,300. C Harris ‘vas the purchaser. Thi• Caputo Axle Works, near Sayre /94 NITA reduced their working force - 9 v nloyees from forty to eight. Th..? Union AgriuulturaL Association of Cant,.ll., 14iv,e decidedlo bold th l Or fair this par ‘.ll-tiei)teinber'l9; 20 and 21. M l'; Seward and Fred K Lowe; have iforined a partnership , for the manufacture' (I sash. doors and blinds at,Sayrei • - lii"re mending crockery .at the Le- Rayscille Adrerliser ofray.. The boys have got the Sheriff Sales4A.thens Ortzette. .Protruvted meetings stilt*ntinue at the M. E. Church in Eastroy. Snlitfi ;assisting the pastor Rev. A. King. - _ Tht;_ colored residents of 7 Waverly and S,;1 0 1' Waverly have organized a ehtifeh kty, ,t, and lave services evert SundaP. :y_p , club wit all the leading periOdidola ttt, reauceil rates. A.ny of our subscribers wishing anyinagazine or paper will/ plearSe Mform 11A. On Stinday..night last the clothing store i)f A. Unger; at Athetis . was burglarized. No mon i ey' eras taken, but a - quantity of is missing. Yk rang man from the-country, when you 6ou s .t . t , to town don't hitch, your horse on the strett.to freeze, whileybn are loafing arotind . saloon-room stove... - . L... . "- • There trill be a ;meeting of the stite Mara of Agliculture and the managers of Fail l / 4 -and Agricultuital societies throughout the State are requesjted to send delegatei to Harrisburg nett Mot p. Rumored that a nevilweekly paper is - to 1 .tarted in Towanda.—Canton Sentinel. Only oue : Good gracious !..Ave supposed there were to be about 8;*. The thermometer at Arnot, Tioga.mqpity, on Tuesday morning of last week, register ed ei.;hteen degrees below zero, and at 1:10:,:burg 20 . d e grees below. , A reeipe..foi . making a lemon pie vaguely add,, -then sit on a stove, 'and stir -.eon=. tant.6 . .." Just as if any one (*lid sit on toe without stirring constantly. .t I: it not 'about time for: some 'confounded lunatic to arise and prophesy manii4,of disaster and pestilence and tribulation - 1 40r the coming, months of the year • i . Jude Ingham, of Laporte, - is announ ced to lecture before the Christian Union Temperance Association in Wimlusing, on Sunday evening next, February 4th. The Laporte Sentinel editor says: "We knnw a young girl in • this .neighborhood, only IG years of age, who has 'helped her fathrr eat 108 cords of wood." Valuable girl that. , . Mrs. Ezra Keeler, of Pike, has been quite sick-of late, buts re are gkad to state is ilow ly improving.L-Leßaysrill Adrertiser. Why are you glad that the lady is slowly improving I A bill repealing the outrageOus law, per-' witting juries to impose costs upon defen dants who are acquitted of misdemeanors, has: 'passed the second readiiig_in the. House at Harrisburg. . : . The wagon and blacksmith . shops 4 'Rogers & Song at Glen Valley, near Athens; Were destroyed by fire one day , last week, together con t ents.' Loss about $90,. No insurance. It is the Waverly Tritriute that under stands that . General Passenger Agent By ington will soon issue an'oider making mil eage tickets good' through tojkleisr.. York over the Lehigh Valley., The hotel clerk who - etin give every guest a room oil the first floor will be as popular fur awhile as the newspaper foreman who • can put every man's advertisement ut the top of acolumn, and next to reading mat ter. A Mansfield boy has a ealtibroken to Ur ne.s, and it draws the yotingster about on a Elea. ` If all ealves ! couleonlye be thus !--Elmira Adrerfiser. • Why, in that tvept, several Elmira Editors would go in hmrness. i• e • Efforts aro being made to establish a tele phone line between Canton and Towanda - It is hoped - fat'citir business men and law- Yer3 will give it some encouragement, as it kill be a great convenience to them.-.-Caa t 'Oen tine/. Senator Davies on TResday pre mto a 4 ' Aition in Abe Senate;i4sring that annul ,,ers be prohibited 4 from' peddling in this /village without license, and that the license /he not.less,Oan $1.00:'• The petition Wa_ a S igned by the :nem:haute of our Bonnigh.e. - And now Chas. Alton, of the-Repabliciat has another Xing'. fight---ti terrible) t.ng—the Court IrouseAtingl Let the giuncler roar Chas. let 1041ar.--ieriatfuilie Advertiser. • GrailtSCOtt Mut i* we ever done, that the Vanilidder'S Amid fan i nto Paying us annigimenti 1 ‘ ME ME l*at 14186, - - .111 "The Reconi hal "bulk& • 4 f --- --. Alvin AyeeS er - . • , Chtnaredl4 at < ~,,___, u . ~' .J . u - stab* ,- ;` 'f 1 leadh3l a "Sad of 1 00 Ile was engaged ' ,`!` , " Eihesbecdo erne a " T Y_ - ; I , . 1 un drawing for Ifachet Brothels, the Add slip* 1. taw , Ism has i i mr --i niniste - -- miste rs ,3t t h e,r pod Dada log.rolled over his giOtl3r, break- t ingit Suet above the 14" m A ye r The. "Server" 101-. not set the bones and at last amaint4 r ! _. '- - „ a „ ,•g. 1 37.1 • - ' \ "as itnproving.—Canten.,Sentinel. ___ 31 E. Jacob Granteer* isays th e'pinH ton Seatinet, ' Th e revival meetings at the Y . Closio t 11 met with a serious lma one day fast . week. are still continued. _ _ ____ _ _.(.._. _ One-o f his valuable yo ung hones w as P la Y' . IfuniphreY Bros. & Trail"); are nemnr°W.47ing. ing in the barn yard skid stepped uPoo the twnea in thei.maimificen edge of au as find cut. Off the large ',"cord in the emkleinown as the' leader. The luioe was worth abOut two hundred dollars, An old nianmuned Billings Wanda, of Sheshequin, was killed 'near . that place on Monday of last week; While .falling a' lingo "pine .tree• When he , chopped down the tree, it fpll lawn anothor , near by, and' up. on cutting thti second ttee, the large 'pine fell upon eru.shingilife out instantly., near With a view, probe*, of rendering it difficult for liquor dealers to obtain signers to their bonds this ypar, there, is a Move ment on foot, we understand, among the temperance people of this Vicinity, WI pub lish. the tiames , of all those who oridoise theselsonds. Whether , this atop will have its desired effect or not, therbearfints will tell.—Cauton Sentinel.' - - -The Carroll bock in . Athens narreirly escaFied de4Faction by fire ,on I . fonday of last week. The Gazette: "It: orignated; cre bclieve,-from the bakery, but was dis covered before much damage 'wzm.done:.• Protection gas° was promptly , " on' Inind to do all-the service possibleunder thecirsaun' stances,- yet i withall onr,; , imEiroved Machin ery for fighting the flames , there came very near being a largetritorecord." A lady in our village'desires to know- the ' object of thosdrdog carts in Towanda; and adds that she suppose:A they were for can ines to ride in, and in which -case there were enough there to keep them loacied all thel time." -- Leittystille Adrertiser,'' Whether the above is intended as sarcasm" or as a joke, an anxious world - will perhaps never know unless a map of it be issued. , An exchange says harness should never be kept in a stable where manure is con ses.ntly generating large quantities - - Of am monia. This ammonia is rapidii' absorbed by. the leather, ' •ond the effect upon the har ness is about the same aswould'result from saturating it.with strong lye In a word, ammonia rots leather', ;and hence keeping harness. in the table is sure to result in ..its being damageltmore or less:- Lehigh Valley train • three; whia near Wyalusing about 6 o'clock 3fon* morn ing; had to be stopped in consequence of a looso wheel under tlic third coach. The wheel jumped the r io land . , bumped along over the ties somt ,sixty rods; but a btltkernan train and ii.was slopped before anyl other- damage was wrought. Roadmaster Tinian and a gang lof men soon got the 'disabled car in •shape • to Move away. I • : -lAn unproved fire grate designed to _stir the tim_and open . 1M a space in its'center i to allow the dischargEKiir: escape of pieces" of slate or clinkers, his been. patented by lilrT rEdwartLp. - JohnOn, Of Troy, Pa. - The ' vention consists in dip employment of curv ed radial arms pivot e d to the grate„4nd having pins moving in oblique slots or aper; tares in the grato'supporting frame, where by the desired result is attained.—Scien tific Aintrican The contest for postmaster in do, is causing more , excitement . and keeping more strife and bitterness than a dOs'eh Presidenthil election's. The Republicanand Independent papers of that ancient to wn , are allinterested in advancing their pati cular friend's interests, and are not carefitl how they talk about others' occupying op posite likings.—Williamsport. Banner. This is news indeed to the newspapers of our "ancient town:" - To prevent injurous effects from smoking a pipe a medical journal "recommends the follow*: Fill the bowl of the pipe one-third full'of table Salt and press the tobacco hard upon it. The result will be satisfactory. Durir the process of smoking the salt -sol idifiesrwhile remaining porous, and wheit ,the tiara lump is removed at the end of a day's smoking it is found.to have absorbed so much . of the oil of tobacco as to be deep ly colored. The salt should be; renewed daily. - The First National Bank Towanda', has just issued and'sCnt to their depositors -a beautiful illustrated annual Containing a -report of thud:lank which is a credit to that institution.' The statement on the second page shows the Bank not.only to be sound, but one of the best paying in the country. Its'surplus fun d on' hand shows the snug, little sum of .s9s,eidg.V. This bank _ is al ways' obliging and accommodating to its customers—hence its great succesS.—Le- Raysrille Adreritscr.`• . Writes the Athens correspondent of the Waverly Tribune : "The viewers ap. peinted to eiramine and report ..te court re erding the 'necessity for building a new, or rebuilding the / old bridge across the Chemung nem. Tozer's, will report in favor of a new bridge -, upon the site of the old one. kr. Hireen was very anxious to have the" loCation changed to a site near his farm, much farther up , the river... Bradford county will not build a bridge sp near WaV:erly, for her accommodation, without she shares in, the expense of maintaining it."• - A gentleman in a neighboring town says the Wellsboro Gazette, had several horses die from the effects of mill i:Minds, when one day an - 014 - German c'doctoiadvised him to use to - voodoo, the application to be applied as somilas- - the nail is withdrawn. This he has 'done for the past fifteen years and has never lost a horse so treated. Arnica,he states, is also good:'' The wound, , heals in a day- or two after the - applicatiop, wherilard or tar can be used to good purpose. The remedy is simple and worth trying. By a rery i recentdecision of the Post master General only first-class mail matter —letters 'and postal cards—can be "for warded" free of postage in the mails, from the post-offiCe to irltichit is first addressed, to any oilier post-offce, upon request of the parties to whom such mattor is addressed. It has)een the Qustoni4ieiofore of the Post-office DeOtm, ent io allow: second, third and fold` &Class mail matter also to be "forwarded" free, but now it .can only be done by .again pretaying the original tunouut of pott4ige, which postage must be t paid as often ; the matter is desired to, be fcirwarded by to parties to whom it is sa -1 drew& j • " - List of rex:alining in the Post Of fice for the ending Jan 1883: Adams, Milton Kerrick, Joe Brown,4 C. Kennedy, Mrs.' 13Owmen;Lampman, Jno Consadin, Mary rialsfiey, Philip + • Cotter, Min / Maloney, Ina Cr y, Jim litcLaman,T_Cornelius Cummings, Jas D Bayn, P Davis, Jacob , ' 'Ryan, P Edwards, Alice. Smith. David Sam'l Shafer,Hanna thistiti; Sara . Smith Lizzie Genh,-Dani Smith, Ed Gough, Anna . Shores, Milton Griffin, Anna Smith, Um Chas Ominous.); Artimr (*Whitfield. Jnu W Noitcs, Mrs A J Welsh, F Kennedy, Annie • Westover benzo(2) Persops calling for any of the above will please soy "Admithlid," giving &teed list. •• P. Plivmm, P. M. BM t • KC OE A- number of • ••tbe balls and rooms in • •• • • the Ward ,- }lousi are being papered and Ai cord ng to the Leßaysville - Adcertiser there is bitkoneTunoxupled dwelling house in that viiiege. The ainuition for the !smelt of the,Rev. Jones, at Mouroeton, last week ntaiminteti to • s72. • By a fall on the ice on Friday last, Feriey, a 6ve year old eon of H. Scott, broluihii leg near tbff thigh.. The name of 3. - P. Keeney, Esq., was ~ .t to the - Senate on Friday last u Post master at this place.- . , . D[: yireiye tete fitted op .an offioe in the rarm4.6tiely eecupied by Justice Codding, over the 99 CAC Store. . - Twenty dollars were thfnet resat of the Presbyterian rooms of lira.; L. M. Osborne, Monday evening, It is said the new paper 'at Sayre will make its appearanm this week, and is to sail under the, name of the Union. 1 Ed. Islorcenck had three fingers on one of his hands,considernbly manglimi in Maks ,factory ati,W_ednesdaY of ,last'week. It is ritimred . that' the Lehigh Valley transfer office at Waverly will be removed to Buffalo in the course of a few weeks. . , Aarmi Post, father of Mrs. Lew Marcie, .of this place, fell the other day, near. the imidence of his son-in-law, on Shores Hill, breakingone of his legs in two places.' The old gentleman is 82 years of age, and in feeble Health. I • , A 141415 the. name of Wm. Brick; . who resides near the upper depot, was arrested one day.last Week, for stealing s2l, from the store of Turner & Beverly. Officer Stephr‘Ms interviewed the lad and succeeded in recovering the money. There was a largo attendance of the parents and friends Of the pupils Of the Graded School, at the - School building on Friday last to witness . the "Scotch Day" exercises. For want of spaCe we cannot speak of the exercises in detail. Er`er3r thing passed off pleasantly and credi4ibly to all concetned. • • :The BrsUlfortl .COunty Medics' Society will meet at the office of. Dr. D. N,lNewton, in Towandi, on Tuesday, Feb. titli t instead •of on. Wednesday as heretofore, at 1:30 T. B. Jou*stiu; • Cuss. K. LADD, President. Sccretary. A dispatch from Troy, dated the 30th ult., says : "Charles : ' Stanton, a . boy about twelve or ,thirteen . years old,. while coast jmg near ,Loug's Mills to•day, ran into a eep ditch and broke his leg close up.tt. his !hip. DEIS.. Paine and Tracy were called and set the broken limb. Jt will be .some time before the boy will be out again." The senior editor of the Review, in the! Mondare issue of - that paper, gives its rea ders his.difinition of Political Principle. He calls it `!'Cheek."_ - Accepting his definition we unhritatins say that the senior cditor of the' ) Review has ' a larger amount o Political Princi* • than any other ' man within the limit of our acquaintance. ! ' On Tuesday last Ira . Stephens was atj l tacked by a severe apopletic fit, at Cato? s Hotel, near the Barclay depot. . He was conveyed to his home on Canal street where he remained in an unconscious state until Wednesday morning. Atfitst it was thought that he could not recover, but we are glad to state that it'll now thought that he hail fair chances Of recovery. +Fred Milliscin, of Elmira, aged about years, ran away from his home on Tuesday morning,. and ?ame to this place. His 'father came after Mtn, and by. the help 'Of Chief Dimmock, soon had• the.: youngster, hOrneward bound. I Be had engaged in the l eale of rubber stamps, with a view of se curing the requitite amountof funds to "go West" and "clean out the billing." Dime novels. Geo. P. Upton, in the Chirago Tribtine says of Remenyi, the celebrated violinist who is to appear at Mercur Hall, Monday' even= ing next : "He is the peer of any living player ae hav4eard.. He sweeps criticism and every sort, of -.objection" away. His technique is simply boundless and equal to any emergency. It is simply electrifying, strangly fascinating, and as majestic as was that of Rubinstein as compafed with Von Below. His bowing is often eccentric, and there' is a grotetknerie at times in his ' work that closely approaches the sensa-; tional, but. there is no opportunity to criti cise such a player. A man with the tem perament of an iceberg might perhaps dis sect his playing, but unless , he is at that degree of frigidity he . can remember littla, else but the protent spell of the fascination which this great player weaves around hini, the exquisite colors, the Jazzing bniliancy, and the absolute abandon of his work: . Milk and Miner. The troy Creameryjnis made some et perimehis on the numberof pounds of -milk. required each month to make a Of butter. As an illustration we select . . the dairy of S. 11. Case numbering 21 cows:' The record , run as follows: April 21 lbs. of, milltriziude one pound of butter; AY 23, Jane 20, July 26, Aug. 26, Sept. 23; Oct.' 201, Nov: tqi, making an average of 23 lbs. during eight months: , Reuben John run.with the following average: He I put 30 cows into the creamery and during I April his average was 22 lbs. of milk, 'for a pound of butter; May 25, Jane 26. July 26, Aug. 26, Sept. 21, an average of 241 dur ing six months. Abe Freese's dairy of 25 , cows gave an average of'one lb. of hatter for 24} lbs. of milk. S. P. Tinkhani with 21 cows averaged one pound of butter for 23 pounds °lrak. C. , N. Pomeroy; with 24 cows got 1 lb. of hutter from 23i pounds of milk during'? month: L. M. Leonard 10 cows for 8 months got 1 pound of butter •for an average of 21;, lbs.- of milk; C. B. Strait, 15 cows; 161. pounds of milk for 1 4b. of butter during 8 months. z His , was tbe `highest bred dairy on the list of the crea mery. S. J,-Saxton,, 12 cows 8 months, 22 lbs. of milk tel 1 lb. of . butter; A H. Thomas, 10 cows 8 months, average 22 lbs. milk to Orke of butter.—Troy tiazetteZ -,-, : Bini4og Evening Lecturer The Nye's first lecture of his proposed' gam was largely attended on last Stunitiy evening. , The second will be given Sunday evening, Feb. 4, (next Sun ,day,) at': o'clock. Topic, "The owner ship of Lost Souls. To Whom dc;"Lost Souls Belong r . • --- Sydney Sinith being ill, his phyakian ad' vised kith to "take a walk twin - sn empty stonkach.m otrixsiAshoee "I asked.Sphm. Still better . steps to take would hei.lthe pur chase of. Di. It.• V. Pierre's Childais Medi• cal iliWnovery" and "Meant Purgative Pellets," which are nape:halve:dug& to thole' who are obliged to lead sidentery lives, or , are afflicted With any chronic die. ease of tie:Awns& or bowels.- By drag .:,!.:,!;)•7.Zir-,,•,!,,i._.:•,-.,,,,,,,_,:,,,,--=--,,,, ,--,--- __ '; . !: , : , r ,,- ,-.,.=4.. -1,- - , :.;'_ i:,::-:': ' ; i2;•f,f,'.';'., , , , , , ,`. 5 ,.4 , ...*' .1. ;...r': , .f,: , -t.-..-Ay-:-:-:-_.::,.:-_-.-:,,;,r.:_'--;,,,:;.-i-.,:,:.::;'::':,:::..-7.,:-.',I--.:.;}:;:,.:7•:=,-;:-.'i:..,,,- ~~~~~~SI` ~~~ MEE = Miu piusuk l larvis N ew _ York. 'Means statitt fik 141111ailait- l4 rksie Mende Ingbaiii r .of Liirrtepis visit., tirs.,43; F. Mason's. gx-Conisnissionale MA.; Wm. 'is sApidly iimmvingts health. ' ; —Frtulk Eva* ofSylvania, b ittending Aliens BusineaSCollege . ,:Eltairn. „ . - ' —keleg Peck, of Sylvan is contemplat- ing another-trip to Arizona soon. ' —I)..T. Event and VV ; G. Gordon,' hive gate on a visit to Minneapolis, Minn.,. —Rev. Mr.Folivell, 'of Athens, whn has been seriously 111 is now ,convalescent . i ' —John Griffin, one of the oldesiiitisetis of Athens, died on On Tuesdayof laid week. N.' —liev. E. S. Erown, Of Idonmout N.' h, , has accepted a call to the!LitchilOki Ha • church. ), l' v. 1 , , ''• '`Styes; —Ju li us Hayden, , of , v r r went 6 Florida last week to take,oh4 of Col, 411 A. Paeter's orange phuttation. , ' 4 1 , -Mrs. R, ; - A." Packer,- ~of ' Sayre,w4l,.. e, treated to bitih-day "iutinilie"'im :Mimi , / I day evening , OVlast week; by ain unll of her frienda.,l‘ l 7 1 2 -E.! A. Coolbaugh, Esq., of iiVysiet, Isms pro Anted bY a paralytic strok&on fliat r uri day list. 4 He was unconscious for some ' little time, bgt has almost intirely.recover i. od irons the attack. -We are . informed that the 1* B. Bruning has been invited; to: remain. another year and to peach morning nad evening instead of turning :My, and , Oft accepted. ;Athens , Gave*: • --Mrs. S. W. Buck, of Me; while going from Mrs. , Vance's residence to the sleigh on Saturday last, slipped and fell heavily upon the ice, slimming her back, and injur ed her otherwisef--44taysrilie, .Adrertisitr. -:-S. C. Stevens, of '4lrowanda, visited his, mother, Unice Stevens, lastweek, who is in her' 4.th year. ' She has resided where she now lives 60 years. While here 'Mr. Ste vens made us a friendly eall.—Leßaysrille, —J. H. Harris, Esq., City attorney of, St. Louis, who returned to that, .city from this region much improved in physical con dition, was taken ill again after his return and was informed'he must seek some war mer climate to restore his health. ti Accor dingly he has gone to Cintral Ameriea in hopes of permanent recovery.—Troy Ga zette. --Hrs. Helen Sawyer left for dire west thisweek, to look after bushieSs connected with her extensi v e land claims at Decatur, Illinois. Slim claims to.hold a cleitr title to the greater parlt;ol the land on Which that town now standii,.?:,and. has been-litigating for some ye - ars to establishher claims. The property - is estimated` to be worth about half a million dollars; ceitansly worth; trying fot;ind we - hope she will be' successful.—Athens Gazttle. . 4 41 . —Saturday last- being the 32d birth 4lay anniversary of our esteemed tswrisnior,lr. R. Hampson, some twenty of his friends and neighbors made him a visit ih the eve ning. * , (The a ff air had been kept a ;aectet and Mr? H. was taken completely by Or prise; but the evetiiegimsell very pleasteat ly. The host was the recipient of it mainber of 'handsome l . and. eppropiate preSents, whichwill. serve as reminders of the . ood will of the guests and the erijoyable occa sioa . • ' Last MOnday; says the Athens Gazette, of last Week,' Peter Wabrc!in, of New Albany, purchased a tenni ofl horses of John Pete son, and started - wstlr them for home, ac companied,,by his son-in-law Leroy Jones, 'of this &Co. They' drove one horse. and led the other behind, the, carriage; While going through . the lower part of , the . l Ulster narrows, a large' log slid down the bill•above them, and struck the rear wheel tif the wag on , - throwing it -Over the lower ,•••• side 'of 'the road,and knocking the lead horse down the bill also. The men, wagOn and hose rolled down the bank about thirty feet and labded in a pile of brush. The other horse was freed by the accident, and ran to' Ulster, adhere he was caught. Walbron was badly cut and bruised, but Jones escap ed with slight injury. The wagon was a complete wreck," and the horse also injured. It seems that men 'chopping trees above the . road were in the 'habit of shOoting them down the hill regardless s of consequences, and it is surprising that no one has been • huit before. . , piaaoerw:-..} FEIZIEI2 ' t'arelesnaessi. Lurk, Athena. Arricigements have' been made to start at this,. place within a few weeks an exten sive lagbn and carriage factory.. i. The -31 well ' own manufacturer, Mr. Frank Dai ley,_of Leona,' this 'coupty, was in town 'early tithe week, 'lurid made all arrange mentsefor removing *his machinery from thafplaceto oar village. , The factory 'fill be near the railroad, and will nbces sari] be quite extensive, as hp/expects to manufacture abbut • one - thousand wagons per year, 2mploying some thirty 'to 'forty skilled i mechanics. Mr. Dailey has been looking,,over both, Waverly 'and. Towanda, but' concluded that Athens "ea 'the best point for hilt to locate for many'reasons, an . important one being that we have citizens enterprising enough to give such industries superior inducements to i locatb here. ' Our neighboring towns must wahe np or Athens will soonlesul them as '' .. iar in pbpulation as she does in manufacturing interefts; The ' old town that has slumbervd between the two rivers so many years is thoroughli aroused and the enterprising men within it are deteimined to push forward its growth . , to the utmost. —Athens Gazette. Aftst i ory of Batty Dungan. Trars4 JO well known . that there are in tie hays of persons in this 'and Other iitatils many journals kept• by oflicerrvuul prisratet in, Sullivan's campaign against the Six Na tiOns in 1779, poisessing, great interest and valueus connected with the incidents of that memorable °dent. General dark of Auburn rind Rev. David draft of. --Nirvana in,g, Pa:, have perhaps more of these jani nals than any men living: It is proposed to collect these journals and publish them along with the prom:dings Of the centen nial in-1879 of Sullivan's march throligh the wilderness of . the galley of the north branch of the Susquehanna, and the wilds of Western New York. . On the 29th• of Angust„lB79, a mann meat was-ixompleted on the :battle ground of the battle of Newtowno six miles below this city. ;I : Upon its completion vorious ad dresses were delivered. General Taylor honored us with presence, as did also the governors of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire, rind many Other per sons of distinction. On the ad o(September, at Waterleo, on the 16th of September, at Genera, and on the 24th day Of September, at; Aurora, N. Y';','issimdar ceiebnitioruitook place. - The addrtsseis of Bev: David Craft, of Wyalus-,. Pa., delivered at thew' cele embody a vast amount of historical matter / which inight, but for his indefatigable re smirches, have passed. into 'oblivion. The poem of Judge McMaster of Bath, deli on the 100th anniventary oe i the battle at Newtown, desems a' lies anamg the best things of the kind in the English language. General Sherman himself in his remarks' on Ample; 29th at the OeletwatiOn of" the battle of Newtown, gave Ekdlivan's, cash paign preetnience over , his own "March to the - Sea," inasmuch as . Sullivan had Air I greater obstacles Wreteome, leading - as • , *kap goi• 404000;:**44,:6:_is aoduinunot bkodildrity.funi.:; ' - A 1 0 3 4 11 In .to this ingE4 l4 i* l o 4 611 h: Pet tialarlizeio"-*O i omi- -.. -***( ) 11 ! crixitgo4o *air 4 4 0 11 1 4 12 ` - *** - conduct during ttielrinthitni* . *i;o/ P eni # lll44li r n ; itki r lieved :and fuinrs _ generatiooik will 4', ivdbrifi the memory of the man , and d o nobisiw" meats of which he was ..the In;- cordance these. Mesa a 411,Izazilleen drafted and is now in tha hio#l ons_ fur aniesnblynnin, 3fr,Otainor;_.: lt an:act: to'pzovide for thaocanpdationi , an* cation . 9 t the joudi of , dition Statist=their In 'the year 1779; under the Coad sbe, net of Major"Peniral John &Mum. it :IA be -hoped - , that it Sol pair bath- honses without El I,nedjereteeenstii reee4ers!,oBfleektien. - , lite next r gale= Mietal4; of tbe;Bred.; foid County Teitibere' Aseociatioscwill be had et airsick; Feb. 9 and lowing Provanune will be ineeenisel: tfirithe's method Case—Cl.•P.- ' '="‘ - Mothodsin Science in Conutins' - ' - tlassDill in Minibus-1 Leta7:_laiuthigis. Industrial. Drawing-41X kethods to Geography—AnniaiL.Mrie. Analysis of Words-IL S. Naomi. Sentences-IW. LE.Stainleast:: Trade Irladd *ad Often - OWNnt117:111gli EasaYilthE:`:~ioo~:a Lectarer—Dr. C. K. Ladd. Itecitatitins bagiyantiy Frank` mv don I.thd S i annie Roqkwelli, and dedoPia don's by A. Dunham, C. X:Alnteliimam, IL F. Lea and H . 8,. - Patmun: - Conimitieo on Arrangementa. 7 3 , , Camp, Frank Landon, Mo ll ie Ifittan,lterair Blocher, and Richard Nesbit.' . - Committee on Mnsio—Belle . Counnittee Queriesr.—Blbt - Spalding; Annie M. Petrie, Lilla A. Brink, and Mrs. Addie Lain. Teachers' are requested to pinion quer- . ies to be submitted to the committee, as special attention will be given to the. sub ject at this sessiol. 1 _Cites. W. thzit.noe, presiden t rtilf .4 Rana, 'Secretary. " ' If a deliberate swift act of suicide is gill: sidere,d a crime and a cowardly - ac n,, what name should be given to a slow lin gering and painful, &Strudel' of s man's life, by his own hand l . And yet such *WO happen all around: A man over taxes hiii brain, his stomach, and his nerves, -day_ after day, week after week, .untsr. at hot, ono fine morning he is utterly broken down. Then he gets himself patched up somehoW or another with an .artificial medication, while it temporarily mends Alp one part of his frame, fatal:y bilious another and so he goes on until he drops of his own accord into the open hand of , death. Surely Sui cide is not too severe a n a me for this. And when therefore & man finds himself on this road, let him pull up sharp: and seek some natural divine remedy, pine enough and simple enough to bring him back in to a natural hale, cheerful state of health. At Ae, present day there is but one remedy which is ancient esiOnglt and simple enough to dd this, namely Di.. ; Cleric Johnson's Indian Blood syrup. Being purely com posed of indigenotisr herbs, it is the only one capable of touching the inspired delicate fibres of the body, with sufficient gentleness,. as well as certainty, and what it will cer tainlY do, am be said in .1 few words. It irAtorates the h Pinair' " the blood, Tonei the stomach;. Regulates' the bowels and kidneys, quiets the nerves; and gently opens the pores of the skin. The wind storm on the 18th inst. did con siderable damage in this place, it blew the weather gauge from the steeple of the Bap tist' church, also the roof from the barn of Ogden Varney, besides doing other damage. Oblresidente say it was the matt severe storm ever known here. thir jovial and gentlemanly merchant; N. -C. McKean is doing a good business. Mahlon Allen has been doing a good busi nesslately, biying and selling horses. Oisr schcokistanght by Miss Emilia Web ster, wbo is a thorough and oim of the best otteachers. • • " . The Sunday School of the baptist church is to be continued through the svinter Horace Spencer has just ;drifted a singing school at the Union Church., Judg ing from past apikuaiutunce with Mr, Spen cer we beipeakgfor him success. Miss Debbie Wheat, of - Tuniduumock, is visiting at Mr. A. C. Fairchild's. The drouth still continues in this Section, some farmers having to go at least , a half mile to water stock. More anon. Jan. 28. =I SVZCIDZ; COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. WIH T FRANKLIN. MILAN. Miss Liley Mosher, has• retnnned from a week's visit at her uncl _e's,•Professor Ryan at Towanda. MESS LIZZie Elliot, cd;bantpit, is visiting her grand•parentsr Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Davis of Athens, and her aunt Mrs. Jennie P. Snell of Milan, several week's. - Mr. Bert HolComb, of:Ulster, was a pleas ant caller upon friends in Milan last -Bab- The mums isinereased by three new ar ' "wds. A lliaby boy at Mr. George Page's, one at Mr. . Henry HMI'S and one sit ; lChas; Anthony's. - Loch out for war, When _the new year presents,ao many for sailers: Mr. and Mrs. It 8. 1 lirarner, celebrate their golden wedding next Monday Feb. 5. ••Miss Dellis Sear* daughter of Dr. Sears of Marshall, Texas, arrived at her ' grand: 1 parent's, Mr. Witzner's,•Tuesday evening. She will remain' sometime. • Mrs. E. A. Marsh, and daughter Mabel, of Ithaca, Mrs. earland, Perpolds, and daughter FloY, of Can were guests at Mr. A. 0. Snell* last. Their, • Our htrmers who are deprived of water by the failure of their srall, are trying the driven wellOnat. Stincessto,em. The recent rain it is boiled ‘rill fill mute of the dry Wells. - As it bfbe Most of our farmers are supplied with *lbw and their cattle's use, by dravring it, tram tie fiver. A cold and laborite% bainiMi Ilir — tigh the pad severecold weather. - , Oar little folks pie more eaciel than those of cader,griietk sebt nek They had a gleam, .stn prise party 'it Mr. , Nelson Moshbr's, Thursday • evening for Master Frank , and one' maid , Saturday evenineat Mr.Rbert EihMiton's, foram; ter Bruce, abd'his cotethi, _Joey Sulliven,:. who is visiting him. - :lir. Anson_ Moot* ,• and fait* have remoied from Litchtkid to Eider. 'Anis!' 00410111 4414ta1c Mi. and Mrs. T.R..Davini, iintrarii of their - mai . ri4p) at their old Lome is AthensTannety - 244: - ' A tmmber oir their ',itbildres • grandchildrin and great 'l:uMihatild heing•Premitt - Witk;othei Mends ice fl or Ili* them enek an *Mud evil& -11# poke of :the -tr .nrnesdist elm* Yt a , stud* aide; haw , eating as did Mr. "416'",;('-sgt- •_ t 't l , - ; • - - 4 , - • _. ~,,, • ' -- 1 , ‘...'- - -" , 717, --"•• i -•--', - ---.71— • --' ',- - f ~7 ,:,.7..r?, - --,-, =- , = Thrdiali*"l:4/reli*X-. .''''''-" ' - •'_':.A7r4l.lw airmoyi. „. 1 *Pilit;ritho o l 6o *** l ..: . - 14 5.-.l.ll__Dl ;.:The - itilioitii;iingtoiliiiirdidatad;..toilsk itatinotleieoj 4 4 l 4r l 74Wml77 l iwit":riiejudiciorairtrads.that othei,'-pexim - i* Vl*.Their -4W* ' 6 3 90 r .i :S! i Vizier* . esociated with 'me la.iny-z-frunitaus .iniitheifi t Ojet" - **024011812, - earnalg*lnaliesel-ort - -:„Wain stook l'lrst Ward;'-'lb ti4llCartiiicf`theinnfinCiiinz itc*- -wr ia 4 :J aa k etbkie ß ecti/ Ott isosi o V/ 1 3 4 14 ~,., -•,_,.._, a - -I ;have ma partneriddp In they 1.0.7..Paing tnn cried , u.. l2ll ."Mis!fufs-c*,., - , "Ps, am canducthlgit ontuely on ray,:asda- ac trc nr* , :- -- - ~..,:,- 1 - - -. 4 - - L.- -, I- .-- ' ; count. -• '•,tiritcm(lfitol4:,:•- - .-'Mr. and Mrs.iSainnel L. Anthotw.--hive -- Towanda,l%., 'Oct. 11th, 1888::-.. -., 'returned train an extended limit Sonde* ' _ , ..,„__. ~ . f. .1 . 1 . : ,:-.- __. f .._ N. - Y.a-whete llibcf - Antts o 4- laa 'a ' latter ; , ilolt; Zar l i t tlrsdnitso' VairgV i anni m s Mie, 'Deka, farmerlyief -Bradford. ennty. . selling ewer than any other !imbuement Tie. 80th, 1883. ',..;;,-.) ' - ...7. F._ : B.:i in Pcnnoiranin., _ , - ..,' :. : -- -- - - , Scula,,l N. Y. , Dec : 1, 0 - 1879." , . , Go tO-WiinuialueP for wall papers, bcr ..,...,-.. .., a. ti...a.,& Ch urc h dere dodos , ohmic e dm. He has some. of ofacyfhe ' ,,r‘wfwr ' ma' the a•••r"*"" the handseled wall and ceiling deanstions here;l44-en lellaceted P h Y liklul .,,, J ., a aaat u," ' l a ,s,' ilin ever brought into Tomei*. ad in practice ; huS am my ..R... ••••••••..7 r“y - 1 and atrial in:.many elvoniaT owes. - f' -- , , ' crnYcor 'I reconmendedi Yncir -1 1 4). . . f - 'Bitters:in* wife, - whin lii been ,-- Low pried tell and per _ tell low prices under,ruediced treat/licit d'Albany's bait can at_ftweineld's and ermine brn goods physicians ravend years. She he become. And germ" price 3-: thmetnthly, cured of her various coMplieW ' k ed by their use. We both rem- Mn.' 0. A. BrAcc, Aev. • then to prig Mull* marry of twinen bear Str:—The'"Davie Sewing Machine have also been cured, of , tier ;mhz,m ail- ,- , - "nu by t h an, , . Thaf..-E. B. w annna.. , a bceight ,. of . you some seven years . ago ps , . ~..., I ~r second machine ) has gm= pO - Akmao Crittenden! Tn. at iontielent cf, lecbiatisfaction, doing all kinds of family I the Packer' Collegiate Institute! And in niwing winucit dorrepair, except k- new New York last week:, fHe was sight-Y*4m shuttle just bought. i P. ,COSPT6if: old, and began life as : a teacher iti,-tbe Al- -Fl bony FemileAptcpm*. LOW baidmma President of the richer Indite% , - idd held the position tip to the timeof hie del* *Whewthe' fountains of life 4sre not cor• suited andepthittered by seep: lgt whip. the functiona l Of Womanhood ' 'Oleg"- narnud, womanlife is ble dunk with no diecord to jar her delicate sans ties and break the vital and organic huninsy. But many t'iWho suffer front vital and ',functiand **tlii! bay. fou44 inimPdioe. Flakt!ind a iisimatieukiaire ' E. Ilidthaus's Vegetable Compund, When the Senate. was Wad to Wednesday of last Weak, Mr. "Butler, of South Carolina, ; was the only Senator ,pre sent. The Vice President said: "The Senator from Smith Carolina will come to crier," and after the prayer was delivered* Mr. Butler moved a call of the Senate.' . Meyer Bros., Bloomsburg, Ps., toys "Brown's Iron Bitters is giving good satis faction 'wherever it is used." _ Wm: M. • Marrison, WrighleVille, says: ""I have found Brown'slion Bitters to be a great appetizer and healiii-restoring medicine." Judge B. F. Coleman, of Columbus, Ga., has written to Governor Stephenw protest ing against the pardon of so many.denviets. "Dr. Benson's Skin' Ctire erndioatedliny pimples. They used to break aut,,,i.ontin natty." Steve. -T. Harrison, Hi4ester, N. • • al*: . • _ Gki - vernor Bates, of Tennessee wawieft an orphan in early life. lie sen - iiid :on` giTsteamboat between Ntuihvillitind New Orleans; eidiated and fought, with- honor through the BlexiCan clieea studii ed law, and practised till the 61W:t / virtu.. be gad, glut, when he enlisted =II a dial tbitiished soldier. To Conniiseptirig, or those with weak lungs, spitting of blood; bronchitis, dr kindred affections of throater lungs, send two stamps for . Dr.' It: Pierce'lC : treatise on these tnalidies.: A . d• dress tlie r ,"doctor, Bufftdo, l N.Y, General Grosvenor,- Of Ohio cannot be ausirfwith" being a "pension frand.?' He was feriently awarded nearly . 'under the Airears of Pensions act, but he - ; has turned theentire amount into the Treasury. Wrecked Manhood. Viciani of excessive indulgence or youth-1 ful indiscretion* and irpiclous solitary practices; suffering froti;Bremature DecaY or old age, Nervous Debility, Lack of Self confidence, Impaired Memory, Loss of Man.' ly Powers, and kindred symptoms; `should send three stamps for - large illustrated trea =tise; giving means of certain cure, with I numerous testimonials. : ;Address WoriWs DtsPrasaav MEDICA!. AOCICIATION, Buffalo, Rev. Dr. Lowell Smith 'end wife, who were married at Brandon, 1rt.,1 4 in i 832, litelY celebrated their golden wedding at Honolulu, wheie they hags been TOusiml aries for many years. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Cficimo mile Pak' Are prepared 44 PresslY f;? . eu re and will cure Headache of all kindis, :gen ralgia„Nervousness and Dyspepsia.; 'Pro ved and endorsed by physicians. 1 lm. A $.OO ,Bcecard The publishers of iiictledge'iMordh4 offer twelve valuable rewards in , their 3is;cathly for February, among which thesollow- mg: T We will give42o.oo in gold to the *Mon telling us which is the middld verso in the Old Testament Scriptures by February 'loth, 1883. Shduld s two or more correct answers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded te the winner Febieary. Isth, 1883. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no Postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which the' will receive the Hum+ Mon thly, in whiclithe name and address of the winner of tlie;rewurd and, tho correct an swer will be published. This may be worth $20.00 to you cut it out. Addrem: 114T LEDGE PCBLISIIING • COMPANY.-, - Easton, Penna. j ' L.R A World of Good 4 One of thepiost popular mdaicines now before the Antirican public, is Hop . Bitters. You see it everywhere. People take it with good effect .It builds them up. It is not as pleasant to the taste' as some other Bit- tens, as it is not a 'whiskey drink. „It is more like the old-fashioned bone-set tea, that has done a .world good'. lf you don't feel just right, try Hop .Bitters Nunda News, BUSINESS LOCALS. Fartnemand - othera. desiring a genteel, lucrative agency_ business, by which Cl to t2O a day can be earned, send address at ones. on postal, to H. C. WILKIXSON & CO., 19:i and 197 Fulton Street, New York. D20826m. Agents of both sexes, to sell the new and novel Toy, "Ano Kato." s A firsi-elass amusement for young folks. • marei R. iic;ngs; Inventor and M'f'r., I;rnioii Hotel, • Pittston, Pa. Step in at Rosenfield's and examine his New Stock of Clothing being received every day. * —Freak lake doh and sit water flak at V. M. Myer's market, linage skeet. 4 ; I Mayl9-tf lraiseut ZetV /lair BO:Sorer. It is entirely different 6=1;0 &Item It is as clear as water, and, as its name indi cates, is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will,immediately free the heed hum all dandruff, restore gray hair' to its natural 'color s and produce a new' gr owth where it has fallen_off. - It dons not in any manner affect thalsealth,. which StaPhort Sugar of Lead and Nitrate; °fibber- pesparatiosts have dam. It wilt change_ liettAr faded hair in eV few days to_ a.beautiful grtssl brown. Ask your druggists for it. bottle is warranted. Ste, Kullz & Co., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and Hsu. & Rumen., New York. June, 1, 1882. I,y, BAsh' Rimmed Ext,fw . Tatdes, and Ash edroom Sets, are •-mil•Wit* • at the new . Furniture Stare, hirdristseet, ,First Ward. A - delicious . Floreston Cologne, which is direr refreshing, no metier howlreely unxi. 1' ' • ' ALDIHOH —ln Towanda; Dec. 27, of diph theria, Leon Lee Aldrich, son of Brad ford.andL Elam Aldrich, Aged 2 years 6 • menths and 16 days. [Re f' luakflua $0 au - . 103 flu - 0t Leonlitie ' *n*Waiehodlihnhreathing &tough the night "Iliat breathing soft 'and,low, As in his breast the wave ef life • Kept•heaving to and fro. So silently we seemed to speak • So slowlymoved about, As wo had lent him half our.powers To ekiihis living out. Our vett)hopes belied our fears, , Our fears our hopes believed, We thought him dying when he slept And sleeping when he died. For when pie morn came dim and sad And chill with early showers, His quiet eyelids closed—he had _ Another morn than ours. ' Life's playful march for him is done, He has gone home for rest, Oh, weeping friends forget your grief God knoweth what is best. II Er WAYITIICD; 1 ; DIED. TOWANDA s MISCELLANEOUS• MARKETS Corrected every Wednesday • STEVENS & LONG. ' Oeneral Dealers in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE Corner of Mein and Pine Streets. - TOWANDA, Pi. • Rome. 13u.t.ix0.•• $3 2367 23 • 15061:05 1 71P11 1•,(13 1006110 t 4623; 566t0 •• 43645 2 0062 50 Flouulper barrel ... ... Flouttper sack Buckwheat Flour; Ti l 100 . Corn Beal Chop iFeed Wheat. VI bushel , ja:4l . • Bickwheat, ** oats. " gewa ** pc:newel. " • -.• Apples Drieo,• 14 lb Peaches • f• •• 12 Raspberries Dried 14 lb.. Blackberries " Pork.. -0 bnrrta• • •• • n 11612 Lard. • - 12 ** ..... , 22627 Butter, inTubs a Firkins. Butter. in Bolls " 22@25 Eggs • r Clover Seed 9t bushel 27028 Timothy seed IP bushel—. Beeswax, If lb 'Syracuse Salt VI —. 1 23 .Idichlgan Salt "barrel 140 Ashton Salt 25'3 00 Onions. 14 bushel GsOrp SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INfiTrItTE. The teo^nd winter term or the twenty-ninth year commen.x43loFDAY, MARY 12th. The faculty has been enlarged. buildings - thoroughly refitted and healed by steam; -the accommodations increalsed, and the 'school fitted to accommodate its growing patronage. The , attendance 'ban nearly doubled in 'seven years. For circulars. catalogue, or • other varUculars , addresi the Prinelptr. EDWIN E. qtrundix A. N.. Tomos; ps. • . . pRATT .T. SMITH, D. b. S., • . ~ . t. (sicotro noon 15011,111 or irowri.x. k co.) ~.... All kinds of Mecttanical and,Operative Dental. Work done intrusted to his care. Treating dia= eases oT the Gums and dive's' a specialty. Jan. 25.'1883.—1y. I .1 ADMINISTRATORS. NOTICE,— Letters of Adiainistration have been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Charles Tayloi. late of Franklin Twp.. deceased. Notice is hereby given.that all, persons having: Claims against said estate must present theni4o eee duly attested at once, and all persons owing said estate wiltynake immediate payment,: • - H. H. MOTT, Administrator. Leßoy Twp., q. n.. 30,1883. 7cr The Happiness et Home. • • From a Clergysisan's "llama _Comes a Message Contain.- in; the Wisdom tot, Ei; perience. Home is the centre of the social sistern. From it 'proceeded the best and purest in fluences felt in the world, and towards it gravitate the tenderest hopes of humanity. For it all good men labor while their work; ing days last, 'and around •it their last thoughtir linger lovingly when- those days are done. • • , Yet home does not usually approach in , practice its own ideals. The • mother is overtaxed with household duties sad , the rearing and training of her children, while -the father fights the outside battle to win the wherewithal to meet expenses. • Sooner or later care and toil leave their marks. It is true enough, as Kingsley sings in the " "Three Fishers," that '..7den must work, and women must weep,' but too muck work and weeping brush all the bkiom from life's - fruit , -Mental amdel y :t i tg i .lick of,. Tit it , sad pleasure wh ndues tre need of a diseases ° trus tworthy tonic to give help and strength in times of need. - Among the good women at; the land who have found such a sure anchor is Mrs. A: C. George, - wife of Bev. r; t h. C. George, D. D., pastor of the Centenary M. F. Church; of Chicago, whose words we have her permissionto quote: „. "I use PABIZR'S . GINGICR TONIC in my family,' and can say that we are highly pleased with it as a tonic. From my tex paleness kilts value,l'recommend it as a reliable family medi c ine." ' f' 4 _,. ~,.4 , . Please note: first, Psnxzn's t ,, UINGEn TC)rir is not a ?sere essence of Ginatr; sec ond, it contitins nothing to create an appe tite for intoriaztinl drinl.u; third, it is :a splendid health.restoraiintfor all who super from disordered 'Liver or Kidneys or any disease arising from indigestion and impure blood. Accept no substitnte for it. Prices, 50c. and $1 per bottle. It •is cheaper to buy the larger size. Hiscox & Co., New York. - Flml . I tit% I abut fad TOVIANDA'_ CAPECAL PAID 1N...5125,000 SURPLUS FUND. 80.0% ;los Bank offers 1111: facilities fc the tranesetiOu of a • general banking btsiniise. EZTTB. , _ - -.4 , •- - -;::.' '-'7-- ' 7 ,:',' , "!7.=7 , 7 , - - ` 1 :" . :-... _, „,,, -,„ , ... ~ . . . ..... . , . 4 .4,- .. .. ..- , . .:.,. Norma MS tAKII4 6 POWbER . Absolutely' Pure. • • This posider never varies. - J. marvel of purity, strength and wholesoinenele.; Ilore,teonondeal than the ordinal,' ldndt, and cannot be sold In competitten with.De multitude Of low test, short ;weight, Own or phosphate powders. gold mar An cans. Rout. Hamm Pownia Co.. 108 Wall street, N. Y. • • 20july82 LICENSES.--Notipe is hereby - given that 'tbe following applications far 4 license for .Hotels. Eating Rouses, and Merchant Deal• era, have beeen tiled in this' office and 'will be `Sessind for allowance at the Court of Quarter ons on Monday Febnary 5,1883. at 2 o'clock nomt.e. S.ll. Brown. * Towanda Dor°. Ist Ward. Sainuel Walbridge, do. Atr. Dit Ward. Henry_ Grace. do. ,;do. 'lst Wart. Geo. 11. Stimson. Athol.' d0...1et Ward. Chas. o.lholtb, Monroe do. Cleo. H. McGonegal, Troy do. Geo. 11. DeWitt.; Canton do.. James". Fox, do. - do. Ira H. Smith,-Alba ." do. IL IP. Pitts. Sylvania, do. Chas. E. Bartlett. Wysor, Twp. Joseph Causer. Springftfld Twp. Der.nis Dond, ..Graver," Canton Twp.: M. a. Forest, Ulster Two. Jno. A. Briggs, •Alitayrs" Athens Geo. Litzleman, Borlingtoe.Boro. James. W. Willcox, New AlbanYilloro.," : %rstuniatrr net:sta. Jno. Sullivan Towanda Bozo. 2d Ward: Michael 4 4,!ddlay. Athens do: lit Ward. Lynch analkanitn. odayre" Athens Twp. Jno Cummiakey. Athena Itoro. let" Ward. 0. L. Jordan. Athena Boro. lit Ward. - iirsCl HOME. Fred L„ilmlW 'Towanda BOro.-lat Ward. J. F. Carman, do. do. - 2d Ward. ' ' Wm Bolan, Alo. do. Ist Ward. Jag Noma'. Jr., $10.4 f. d0„...,2d Ward. James B. Vanneat, LeltoT TWP. • • O. D. Holcomb, do. - do. Geo. 0. Donnell, Canton' Boro. • Walter M. Carpenter, Canton Boro. Jno'. O. Bennis. Barclay. Smith L. Nichols, Burlinguni Boro. • _Jan. 9, 1883. GEEL W. BLACKMAN, Clerk rXECUTORS' NOTICE.— Letters 14 testamentary having been granted to the. undersigned, under the Eat will and testament of John H. Scott, late ;of Monroe township," deceased, all persons - indekted to the estate of said decedent_ are hereby notified to , make immediate tiayment, and all having Claims against sald'estate mist present the same duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. - CHAS: SCOTT: - • WINFIELD SCOTT, • • Monroe, , ',scent:ors. 2 40@950 25 10 21.00@23 00 • •15 15 7 BOOS 00 2 74® 21@25 N. 8„ EWINC, moms: AGENT; • 1127 Cliestnut Street, • - • Philadelphia, Pa aoa.towzzz, Preside reta.l.°72 MEN'S AND BOYS' ! te lei icci 16 .‘„,„;, ow . I. IN4 5 . lA: ta ,4 )21 :itd ir 1 iii 0 , 4 6 . ' 4 tcrel-:- - ell Q 1 -, , 0 , N0;:0 'lO 11l ' 04 0 l i ` . ---.4 ap Q - I P - 1 lII' I l i la 'L I pm 'd •.3 ,_ 0 &41 riik • 0-1. 10 , 3 0:a . , ILI . w ....? ' Youths' and Children's lIM " '. l • • • bla. 112 1. " eitßiuw tit toviVtoisit."' . mix -Tuft , - -- Or - 4' Mee'. Usti.: LI up - ......„,-,-.,......,.:„.:-.........,—.,_ ..- ,-....—..............=:,........' i , i P. 11431.! .: ' ~ - "ii -- ' • iAmiILIP-M :,..: ~...1. naot ~ /.2oiAr. • ..*:. Towanda- e `' . D 4.1 0.11 e,, S.Vt ± % Alit: LOCUM. ~. Monroz i,... 1.1 ,- 4 , 40137.426 G.Or 9.01,.1r,, ..,' .111otirto.. , . Dtp,i.,,Cll! 2.31/ . I .- I ift r il. 11.158'i. 'WM: " - I .. its/onto ... • 0 i O. 41; 2.341. i , A,531 8 - .11! '' .- .. Green . ' .. ' 4 '=4.221 s.eo-q . - --i 5,44. 0,46. o ~ .....Welltatik. . i 't 1 ' l . Oll la i ' Rumatt , '„,.. - 4 - 1. J., , ; - 4 1,301 4 /B.lt " ' .14Fil=b;.."-. . . 0 7.1t2oLitos , . , 5 31, 5.3 c •. T iptigg% a _too '• I . I.* -4.02:- . I 2.40! o.ltitorp... Foot of Mono. - Av. ''. 7.37 . , 4.111. ' - 1 Lint*at's that tr4tai 00 iint.tiop , „ 4:- Y. v. Lro* - sainiga4 zrort. Airelay. vs.-, 11=11 • . . EVHICiIIt VALLEY . * PIINSUGAND- A 7/ • 11111EW,,YORIL RAMROADIL - ARRANOE4 ' lET — lsti 7 l RAIN— TO TAKE EFFICOT ACT.°'3otl4 T .11132 : : - EASTWARD. k . !AT101111. ' Rochiesitut Geneve.. Ithaca. •• 'i Auburn. -- 1 . '', Owego Waverly Arena P , i 0 i Whin . 4 Millar . I , rowanda Wysauking a,••••• Standing-Stone annurterSeld. - 1 .. 1.......... Irreneh wialusin town ig . .. ''.. , i.....r.,.. Learyville • ' : - 41.43- Skinners L'4y , - ' 1..., .k. , , I .1 Weehoppen U eboopany :. 1 . l'inkhannok - " 112J1.2 4.a LaGrange _, falls au Lk U'June's .._ ,:.. ..... I 1100 101k:•-Barre • 1.30 Wanurithunk' ' 3.40 ellestown .4.. - 4.; i 4.37 Bethlehem ' 4.55 Easton (o: Philadelphia ••••• 6. 5 0 llew:York 7.35 4,11. 111912 WESTWARD* -. BT4TIONS.t Sew York .. •••;• 1 0• 55 i •••i • 8 • 011 P.1CA.11. 1 41.)1 1 Philadelphia 'r S.OO l .... 940 _Easton t 0.2 p.. 10.20 Bethlehem t ' 9.00 1 . : 1 10.46 . Allentown • .....10.65& ....'10.54 Mauch Chunk... i 1.1 0 1.111.15 Wilkes-Barre - l' . 1.15 71.1 1/ ,2.05 I. k B Junction ,1. 14.0) 2. Palls 1 .. . 8.20, ~ LaGrange 1 .... E 4441 Tunkhannock ....... .3.21 1 8.051 ffehoopany l ' 9.19. Ileshoppen ,i I '....1 9.261 Skinner's Eddy..li.. - .-. i ....i O.‘M. Lacerville ... • t 5.10 1 '9.50; Wyalusing' ....t10.10; Frenchtnwn ; ....'10.22. ertannerileld • 1.....,10.31 1 Standing Stone' , .; ....110.37 1 1 Wysankingf .. 111.40 Towanda .... ' 1 1:00 1 10414; Ulster - ' i .... 1 '.11.12, Milan ' 1 ....11L22 1 &then. ' 1, 4.3111.311 Sayre.: ' 4.40 1 11.407 Waverly ... - 14.50111.55 'Elmira 6.41112;40, Owego • Auburn tham Geness • Lyons Rochester Buffalo 4 Stbsga=Fans - 321e6ves Wyalushig it6:oo, A. M., French - town 6.ls.,Rnmmerffeld 6.2 J, Standin Stone 6.31 Wnauking, 6.40. Towanda 6.32. Ulster' I.pe, Milan 7:16 Athens 7:25. SaYlw 7: C. WA*. Li 7:55. arriving at Elmira 8:50., A. M. N 0.31 lessee Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 1:00, Sayre 6:15. Athens 6:20. Milan. 6:30, Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6.t53, WY...tanking 7:05. Standing Stone 1.14, Rummertleld . :22, Frenchtown 7:32. - anti, tug at Wysinsing at 7:454 P. M. Trains 8 and 15 run dally:' Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between Nbigara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. • Trains 2 and 9 %11l run through between Buffalo andliew York and Philadelphia with parlor cars attached. STEVENSON, Supt. Wars, rA.,,0tt.;0,1882. k• N. Y. U.U. - • Auburn Faun Wagons These splendid wigwam are winning, golden. opinions everywhere, and will Voir doss inspeo. lion. They possess many advantsgre. ,All are folly warranted. Auburn:4l-.9the.i'llat:-. _.- - . forniAVaiions.li. - -:, - brime3o and O'Neill ibiggiell.-oPen and top. tII variety to snit, and vices very low. Au wagons warranted Ant elan. AU parties desiring to buy segular - "whalebone" wagons at very low prizes are invited to give toe a call. Special.- in. ducementa to cash buyers. Cord , ghellers.- _ `..:. Cornell, Hocking VsEley, •Clinton,'- New Tort, Hunan and otberCornghallere In variety to mat in price and capacity. Excellent skeins from $640 and upwardi: ' a XX Stail2ement. Just received another Carload of this superior and viarrs4tod cement. Price per barrel. J - • Pierce's and Other Mixed' Paints. "Warranted to be, AT TIE LEAST, equal to the best other paint hs the market, and sold at less prices. Also Linseed OU, Putty, if: Wiard Chilled Plows. These plows ererywhere, when brought into close trial and comparison with other "chilled plows, have proveid to be the beat in use. - Towanda. Pa' ;Nov. Tat, BUFFALO, WOLF, GOAT' _AIM OTUZ3. •- . Fancy Lapliobes Carriage and Sleigh Robes„,,B4e. Xsts. Bells, Horse Blzultots. Bnrcingles, etc." . HAND-BADE HARNESS. Of excellent quality. st prices to - fskit. It you went &COMPLETE sw .lrir of Carriage or illelgh—all but the for theIGIT-. BEST CASH BARGAINS . cell me. , •;- •t - .• • I. R. IL WELLES. Towanda, Nov. 29 . - • - CUTTER SLEIGHS. • if you wants FIRST-CLASH swell oody cutter. the very beat in the market, for use the miming winter, please give me a ail. " Special induce. merits to EARLY and CAM buyers: /3ettn.bus early.. 'The stock in market le Likely to be lunch less than last aeuon. ' • Z. WELLES. Towandi. Ps., Nov. /. 1882. - PATENn. 11:rAnl! A. Font3 l .4 i nessepatilir . . Look re,, sr Ten year'ezioertanno.-. pliantl maker so an Dimon for no services 4aaless ,a. - be grted. Prelindurp wcarainatiOs the Patent (Mess to the patentability otos In‘ Untion nu. Bend' sketch or :soda OW: dio Nice and s report. will be :Dade u to Ingowo* billir aobtaining a patent: special sits:Mow MVPS to rejected apdtice• tions in the hands of-others. . • - • • H. B. Holston :lion: Geo. P. Ttiorandis; - of Vermont ; Hon. Inivl4 IM*l9 sad Oes.lobai a. Loon, of Illinois : Boa. IOW; H. Mk of Hoov es; Ross. L. Q. C. Lunar. of Xissinon.s M. Milani. &mot Illinois; the Heis.Coniadsollaw ' oliPstents aha Cotps of Zzatplallal sad timi vistor stab Msgr. - 1 for Wonky and instriouons.- . ' •-• giou•.! larkaiTC.; OrATIONS 1519 T 14: "re , 1 7.62. .... 711 111.4 a - 2.21 1 1.15 ~.... 9.70 ....• 10.00 • lit l . A li. 1 1.55. 944 2.ollupaal Oat _ _, .laut --- iiil l lols sat am 143 10.51 11.03 5.21. Iliad • 121 11 1.43 SAIL •; It 6.01 10.13 • 12.1 I, 1.10 _ " 4 1.26 • 1.25 ' 8.01 0.33 • 11.00 ."-- :-• 12.00 12.15 * -- zio—_ P• - ' 2.16 6 1.14 1.34 PX lEE3 6.1 640 6.66 2.33 6.16 2.461 10.1 , 30.14! 1 lab !-0.07 0.2.51 P• 5O 10.60 11.001 P.Y. 8.85 1 1 9.24 1 PX. Cal s 3.05 3 231 3,25 BB OM lii i 4.56 5.391 .... 8.3 .... f 6.1$ .... 17.41{ ...., 8.17 1 ....I 9.50: 6.101 111.40 j 8.10 . 11.08 i 9.281 P.M. P.M. IS R. M. WELLES. (A.B. AXD 1011,12011. Ell E 2 EN Ei EE El 1121 I IS 440 4.34 MEI 8.00 9.43 A.X