4:kintS‘tiotutics: El • Theskr is Qreat tie shadows as. • , f And in the wind the tesneheit cry. hty sptrtt shrinks with careli dolt 1510. 7. Silly flints day so drew: 012, Irby? - r Vino knows? We lOok In Tata for purreltight ; We grope tn vain for daffier MU.; One cries for day and one for night; • AD I what can make those misferies bright • Who tams? - - God knows The golder&West4, . Breaks from the darkness Godknowa best:- He Maker; the desolate wayside blest; And whispers through the darkness, rest. He knows. Oh! etring t4inclies. in your cI7 The great crescendo or my sigh Seems like an anthem from on high, - Slang in such a sweet reply, He knows" —Fannie Bolton, In Chicago later-O*an. INSTINCTS OF vim DEER. 1 Where the deer is much hunted* his ears become exceedingly acute. Mr. Van Dyke has Seen 'oneirpring from his bed and run awatat raCehorso speed before he was within two hundred yards of the animal, al thonOthe` had touched not a single .bush or, twig inlipproaching, the game, and although he was positive that ii man could not at twenty yards distance. have heard the soft treed of moccasins on the light snow. 'Deer, tar; are able to measure with intuitive Correctness the distance and character of sounds. They will often lie all. day within beating of the normal noises of a settler's cabin, the mina of the woodman's axe and the Clouts _ of the steamster. As a rule, toe, the crash of rt squirrel's jump; the roar of thmider, the snapping of trees with frost, thetrineakisigor ham% to 4113* wind, aeon not aLim them in the least. Yet the faint int pressing ofthe leaves the hunt mooisininay instantly send them fly. ins A deer can also , see a long way. ' - On one occasion Mr. Van Dyke saw one watch ing a brother sportsman nearly a nsile away, whose motions he could hardly himself make out.- It is true that for recognizing an object at rest, the eyes of a deer are about its dull as those of a dog. If =alarmed, 'he will not distinguish a man from a stump on open ground, if the man is seated and per fectly motionless. On the other hand, to catch a motioni a deer's , Sires are mailellons ly quick, and the fact that he is getrandly at rest.wlaile the hanter is Ineving gives,"hins an immense advantage. Even tits do* lift ing of your head over a ridge, orl i the slow dragging of your limbs over the .trunlir of treat, or the slow advance of yoht creeping body along the aound, is almost instantly AleteetectNuless the motion happens to be made while the deer have their hews down, feediag or welldOg. PIL l'S Piles are frequently preceded by a_ sense of weight in the,back, loins and lower wt of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup-. ..pose he has some affection of the kidneys : or neighboring organs.. At times, symp toms of indigestion are present, as flatnency, uneasiness of thit stomach, etc. 'A moisture, like perspiration, producing -a very disc-' greeable itching, particularly at night after getting warmlin bed; is a very common at-1 tepdant. Internal, • External and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tu mors, eMayrng . the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure where. all ether 'remedies have Ailed. Do not delay ,Until the drain.stur the system produces ~• ,• - - -Dent disability, _but try it and be i;' , " Price" - ;"50 cents"; Ask your druggist for it, and when you can not obtain it of him, we will send it; prepaid, on receipt - of price. -- Address The Dr. .Bosanko Medicine Co., Aqua, Ohio. SokEby t'. B. Porter, Ward House Drug Stores _ jrity2ily. A COAL MINE SHAFT . . A mile or two from • POttpille, says a newspaper . coriespondent, is the chief coal shaft of this region, owned by . the Pbiladel pliia and 11 - ettding Coal and 'lron. Company, and named °the • Pottsville Shaft. Though Opened onlya few years ago, it' is famous throughout this *hole country for the,com-, - pleteness of its machinery, Its extraordinary depth, and the light shed by it on the shape . and direction of the strata below. 114er 'Isendicular depth of the shaft is 1,576 feat— as I am told, tie deepest coal mine on'his continent., Fiord its vast depths, almcfst, a, third of a mile down, tWir-hundied cars holding about four tons each are liftg4 each day. The cars are run uporr a platform tuid4then the what) weight of say six tour hoisted at a speed that makes the head swim. - The time oc:cnpied in lifting a full car and at the same time letting down an empty one, through a distance of about one-third of a mile, is-taittle morel* a Minute and a quarter.' A few figure» will show that this cars bass up and down at the rate of about a mile in four - minutes, fifteen miles an hour, 4ar;-_'eay, the ordinal , velocity of a freight "train on a surface track.. Standing on one of the levels c .l 1,000 feet Own, the cam "snap" past, upward and ' `down, with - a speed so great that the human eye scarcely sees them as they pass. r - The Belgian engine which does this lift- ;rig is beautiful late of mechiOnn, with its drum twenty feet in- diameter, and its / Dire rope which has a thickness of :two • inches, toiled aroundsa centre of hemp,:,tlut allows a nicer adjustment of the wireitprien ostretched by use. The dramatic figure of the _ engine.roorn is the cligineer, a man pickedlor his skill, his stMi.sess and so. • briety. Day after. day throughout the year the fate of ever -ininer hangs on . his 'nerve r , and steadfast attention to duty. ' Monotony mn.t not make him careless, Ina strain of responsibility must not weary him4; : bis eye must be quick for the signals far down in the m4e, his hand must be trapto its cunning in slowing, up " and A e'sittr4g,"‘on each of which depends his "costly machinery, or, it may be, precious Alves. Not , often ' are the idea and ideal of 4nty more visibly incarnated than in this si lent thoughtful fellow, his hand on the fever, his restless eye on the signals or his malkin ery, and his whole pa of ' seem; .317 dull routine filled with care and accountability. LER VS QP_COST!_ By calling at C. B. Porter's Ward House dm store, you can get a sample bottle Of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which will relieve the most obstinate Cough or Cold, lurid show you what the regular 50 - cent size' will do. When troubled with Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry, Hacking Cough, Pains in the Chest, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, try a sample ..bottle of this medicine. . . july27ly. A SMALL STORY or Two .BOGS. Lemma /AMMO tell yer," exclaimed old Nathan, arising at , - an edneationalmeeting and addressing the" assemblage; "dar aint half as much in eddy catic' on as a man in a moment ob 'throes's= snout promulgate . I raised two lons. Jim, went ter sibooi an' got a good eddyes; Lion, bat Tom sthyed at home an' nobler looked inter-n book, but :Fit he nialo'n quicker iihowin'• dnn Tun.":2-,' Howl'" egad a chorus et r roices: "Why he beat inter de r enitentiary by two days," eielaink ed the mauls be sat down with . the air of one who teas' that the weight of evidence , is in his fater.—Opie Reed CONSUMPTION. 11.9 It is said that 50,000 people die annually in the United Suites alone from this disease. In'some sections of the' countryjme death in every three is from Consumption. This can be, and should be avoided; oar people are too careless about an ordinary coo& or cold, and other symptoms of throat and ' lung affections that lead to this. disease. You shoulkarress it *hale It is in the germ. Two or three doses of Dr. Boaanko's :lough • and Lung Syrup will 'Wilms an ordinary cosighor cold. It does not dry up a cough many;like preparations on the market and leave the disease behind it, but act. directly - on the throat and brooch** tubes, ream ,- sag- all the phlegm and morbid MUM' that - eemmaulatee in the throarsad hwy., It ailays air:it:ado; and renders the vole, clear and distinct, Sold by C. B Porter's Weed Home Drug Store. jaly27ly. Bfflson's rf.. __Al 4 44 c ita ii a. n t•--. e ..- - ,A p 6 , Porous Plas - The Best Known Rented for Backache or Lama Rack. Rheumatism or Lam° Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Nouraizia or Kidney Diseason. LuhiboaoctioyereAchosor Paino Par a° Weaknoss. Are Superior to na other Mari*. -' Are Siperior to Pads. - Aro Superior to Liniments. Are Superior to Ointment* or liaise,.. A re superior toEleetrielty oranivaniv.a They Art Immediately. ti •'They Stemation. They Soothe: , They Relieve Pals at One. They Positively Can. Benson'aCapelae Porous Plaa- CAUI'ION tars harabeen Imitated. DO • not allow Tone dragri..t . ,palm &gnu other plaster haring a solider sounding mine. See that the-word Lien..iied C-A-P-C4-N S Price IS eta. SEABURY. It JOHN manuracuirmectirmino. PLUME. 11111:311EPV AT LAST. Pr.. 6~ MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. MICROSCOPE'S TELESCOPES STEREOPTICONS THERMOMETERS BAROMETERS " Catalogue, as follows, sent On appliasUon: Pitt la: —AI , PM , t:cal Instarmants, Hz! pp. Part 11-1141 al Imtratueats. 189 pp. Pict 11—Fitereairtiame — am1 Mule Lanternm„liAlpp, Part 4th—Phreical and Chemical Apparatus. PA pp. Part ;Cs—Met.earalogiczl trie n zn PP. QUEEN & CO. 924. CHESTNUT ST. PHILADA. CUT geTi S HI S OU T 4 ! MA NT r.§BOW P EK. We havp storeA 645 lei:Wing Cities, from aticliorm agents Welt Wet ttilickil% Our Factories sod , p _ cm. et Erie. Pa. Segel for our ew Catalogue and Mimi to agents A &treats . . , • . M 3 fNs LOVELL! 3 'Wieling., 130 RSEoT n c d urre 2s n c e t Pfo l itheat ILMb unrivos ot , •A Treatise on the Rorke and his Diseases." tt gives the best treatment for_ all diseases; has 60 line en gravings showing BOOK positions assumed sic/ hones u taught inisny other way, a table showing doses of au the principal medicines tuieu for thy horse .sa well as their effects and antidotes when a 25 poison, a large collection , of IMP VALUArtat SZCZIPTS, , files for Ing the age of a horse, with, an engraving showing teeth of each year and • a large amount of other valuable horse Information. .lturdreds of horsemen kkve pronounced it .wertt more than books costing $5 and 1110. TheAket that 260,000 sold in about one year before' it was re. Iced shows how popular the book is. The re vAsed edition is sewn sons martini:num Skim ,IPOS CL111C17143. AGENTS WANTED, Dr. J. B. EendaU /1 Co., EnosburgigFalls, Vermont, Mar 11-Iyr. //' _ LYDIA E. PINKHAIIire VEGETABLE 0011 POUND. Is a Posttfie Cure Wasp 'aria Pal I Camplanai and Weakening se eestmeateker best female i)ledielae far Woman7lisrented sitellesn• Prepared by a Menial. •. • . Its ihistest lancet nliewery Wes 4. Biwa et Illstars. • Olt revives the drooping Spirits. hirlipwates sad harmonises the organic fandleas. Choi el i reacal annum to the step, restores the maw* bitty to the We, andplasiti on the pale elaxdSof woman the frlUb roses of life's spring and early Summer time. fairPtiyticlatia Use It and Prescribe It Frilly It renscsree faintness, flatulency, destroyil atletaring for stbstalant, and relieves weakens. of the stomach. that feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight end tweleache, la slings permanently enredby its use. !swift ears of Kidney Csasphdate of either sew Obeaspowalommmmm4 LYDIA Z. PVILIDAWB BLOOD PIINUIDIER Win eradicate every vest= tl W l Eumors from the ,--11good.and give tone and tO the gram, of man Ivo:man or child. Inaist on Ting U. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared 233 Mil Ed Western Avenue, Lynn,-Mass., ,Price of Mther,ll. Blz bottles for $& Bent by mail Mike form or pins; or of losenXes, oa reoelPX of Pelee, jl per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose act. stamp.• Bend tor molded. No hantli &mild be vithoect MIL E. -4: . LAVES MI& They ewe eonstipation., • . and terptalty of the Iner. Scents per bee.. alrlikobl by all Draggbaa.9iii a) NEW 113131! LANE Sr, DECKER, , . OP Livery and Boarding • Stable, Washington Street •pelow'alain. The best rigs to be found 'in anratsble iu the country', furnished at reasonable nisei. Mn. Damen will ern thehnsiness his personal attention. and invites his friends to call when in want of livery. B. W. LANE. EDi DECKED. 10ang82.' - ,frist f 040 f Oh, TOWANDA' PA. NEI7L PAID IN,. $125,000 B.llThilh 8%000 This Bank Wren unnsnal frilities for the transaction _of' a general., ' Winking business. LL. N. =MB, QUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE. 1 .7 TM Ant dater tarat tbs twenty-nbatli year commences XOND*II; xa VANUA eta. Tbs final bas bananarged, bandage thoronably matted and basted by Steals. the amaansodattana Inatosed, and do school Attad _to *manmade IN Pow*, Patrnmee. • The sttendswei tna seem Ileettnad ai or ohewr oy*l t Ter cas h" per . u rsriaddres tki rhr IDWpf Z. vanax. aag, • • Tomei. FS.' EMEE FBA - , , ....- .- -1 - .'... r - tit-iiiill =H:j . s, .- .. ' - rd. 0 --- -_ - 4....iim ~ . - -- .,--.....: '.:_, - ---,-.--.‘:':. .f.:- : ,,,,.. -z. liiidian Mottd - Syrup , -of- the `stomach; Liver - - Bowelk Kithmot. . Owes ill 'diseluiell -* ' - *aft the:abov e ' . load Millicats testify to-its efficao.ii in . ~ *--- aimed ditatasca, and pronounce`it 03 he t ~ ~,,, Best ,Remedy Known- to , Man. . -._ id. - - sorAGENTS IPTAN'rED,* * ' . `'-'" -- --"bora tory, 77 West 3d St., New Yiirli(l ti. pinggia,se#l . y. - ' - r_ v tar - - ItiAtiellitilart mama co - 2s. Ds. c ionsmost ; A short - for joar Inaba Blood ArruP hil,JlivanZga il ae►tld. ads. im. _ . . GO V: 1101*PS ENDOIISEMENT... - Executim Jiansion, Harrisburg, Pa., June .7, . 1882. I - JOhn H Phelps, Scrantcn , • • 7fy Dear Sir:-..P.roniptly upni th f your - Elixir ten days, since, .1 entered upon its use according - your directions„ stopping my redid Potaits.; Ph - os. A, 7 miiwni, and Wine of Colchiuni. ' At that time completely disabled with gout in both feet and rhtutna '" tient in both knees,..cmd .helpless. Now I comfortably hobble about the house, and expect to be out in a u!lik. .It may be a coincidence, my amendment - and the use iof your mediine. /hope for no occasion to try it again, brit if need be I rhall try it again in afresh ottaclr, with. great .confidente: . Very truly gaunt. -1 • HENRY N. HOYT.' Ph , dps' Rheumatic Elixir cures rheuuntism in all its forms. Dr.:ll. ,Porter d SO, Elnaggidi, Agents for Towanda, k. I • IT IS A. FACT THAT THE WHOLESALE PRICE or KEROSENE ;OIL Hits advanced. We still retail at the out PRICE. Bring in your cans at once. TO y DEALERS—We *offer kerosene and headlight oil at lowest Wholesal l e prices. AT THE OM RELIABLE CAM DRUGSTORE. ' • Dr. Ho'C'.'Porter &- Son' '_ Coi-ner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda. Pa. CVII7IIO A.- MTN r MAIN STREET _ 4 l OVER:OOTS TO BE FOUND IN TOWANpA. They are made of first-class i 1 aterial and I gliaiiintee a perfect fit every - ..I keep constantly-on hand a LARGE ASSORTMENT of • GENTS_ FURNJSIIINd GOODS HATS. CAPS, TRUNKS. TRAVELING BAGS &c. MEN'S DRESS' AND BUSINESS SUITS. Form a special feature in , my business I take the lead in this Department as well as all others. I. have no Plate Glass windows or .!polished counters, but I keep THE RIGHT. GOODS and the.publicrappreciate their extra•vidue. lam safe in saying AY STOCK CANNOT BE EQUALED IN THE COUNTY. have just , received a large invoica,of aria' Winter Clothing! Fall M. ~:' 110-os-;Shoe0R.:001)0to,:,.:40_, KW. rOWELL t - • Presioent t• 6. MEI • • •-• , MEI IlAft A kEW *STOCK' or Doi!, ~,,,t BEFORE- INSPECTING 7 T n i.l" og*. , — 4" s ; "lc A . _. LARGE-.1...5T0C1i I show the LARGEST VARIETY of ,liens Boya and Children and will be File tsed . to show these goods. Carat E. , ROSENFIELD'S and,buy *here you the Crowd. HUB pllß BRO• s & TRACI -J Ilantthienueri and Wholesale Dealora in $ll 'hinds of, M KEW% BOYS. iIiTOXFXO I KISSES AND OgUADIUM CORNER MAIN . AND -ELt”RETII 4 1 406.rtr0,t, En 111 & COOK STOVES. RI ~ J _ , i .. ~ . TOWS NDA, PA. II • ci • $ 0 410 1 ) 4 00 1 . 1111 V 14. 0 1, d' dm mod Idedisiblimilli 'idiots-PO* B ft mow* I* teddlimm**444 l 4 -ikmmi. mem * I " l4o "edadtkok-litidimatmi lalo Olt/ log Airtiel:r to' l- aestliodoo• The Immo a tualinto sway, aad eau- Roe be art46l4 _ll;eity et-this - - elan are putout tueekleet esseezieet, - -; , who, :;) Mike; ban "'Vellum 4i iivildap.“ theSerests mhareaome Ott* elan are pen- dead by kind lelatimmivim are la better: 00,1 tO ths belikr up. oftee,entbeedew te*, we find the dit used gently Maiegvettionime is *eyries apt hopes, asd earning a *tame ealiktiest Omit from the stmt. us nr ids te trhltit wealth and learn. tag are abject* lifiraidd that it &es not kb kw to labe iittrtap to the bottom. The Ad retard k 601 -IMated' to" AOlatak• Wakge &Ott waitgot-to ,. have his paned eon prerided tor by a (Wein:tea clerkship ht Loadea, width be held he died, sad which atone eared :hiri from IstoPedooL — Nese York Letter. - • ME whwakroo l thts.- , Tao =Lock= otiocilty. added to the cares of milftrnhy end the:household;- have tested beyond endoiance the frail constitu tions which have banigtented toe majority of women.. To Combat eh,. tendency to premature deelineteu -remedy in the world pommies the wurislithir and strengthening epertiet. of Malt, Bitten. They enrich the blookierfect digestion. - - stimulate the liver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative Weak :tan, and Muifpandvitalise aiery function of the fenade system -- • - , A. 0111C11011Tillt84.—Put, a tea. 'sportful of dour pf atirtnitoDe in a wine glen hal of water arid stir with the anger instead of It 11111001 . 0111 ? ille sulphur does not arnalgarnam with water. When the WPMr is well mixed give it as a gargle,: and in two minsdes the patient is onto? danger. Brim stone kills every species oi fungus in man, beast or plant in a feir mimes. Indeed of spitting oat the % gargle, f swallowing is better. In extreme case" when tho fungus is too nearly closed to alkiw , gargling, blow the sulphtm through a goal into the throat, and after the fungus bas shrunk follow with the gargling. It the patient cannot gargle take a live coat,..; pat it on s Andel, end, sprinkle a spoonful of brimstone upon. it and let the sufferer inhale it by holding his bead over it. SKINE% MEN. "Wells' Health nettatrer" restores health and vigor, cares: Dispep•i• •••'•ence Semi Debiliti. How To WAial Cow 'Fs:sr.—People who write all i. day, or rather those who take but little exercise, only warm their cold feet withoui going to the fire. All that is necusary ; islostand erect and very gradu ally to lift one's self up upon the tips of the tom, so as to put all the tendons of the foot at full strain. , This is not to hop or _to jump up and down, but situp `'to rise—tie skewer the better-;-itpois tiptoe, and to remain standing on the point of the toes as long as pcmiaile, then graduall, _coming to the natued position.,; Repeat this several times, and, by the amount of work the tips of the toes are made to do, in sustaining the body's weight, a rztlititent and lively circulation is set up. ' Even the half-frozen car driver can carry this_Plan - Out: It Is one rule of the 'Swedish movement": , system, and, as motion warmth is much better than fire warming, persons who steferwith cold feet at night an bylliis plan Just before retiring to rest. • . 1 ; i ••ROUGH. ON RATS.' Classiest , ' rats, attics,. roaches . Hied. eats, bed•bags. *kanks;chipmunkii, gophers. 15c: Drags:tat% • Jar= Jomnaila SNAIL Joss.—Spillkins brought home . monis lihrlia , mehease,•from an . A O4lll ilrober,:whicil 'is full Wf holei: He partook of it very Morally, but whew be eiunplained, a few days afterward, of a feel. lug of emptiness, little Johnny, who is one of the smartest boys :in Austin, srsdie up 'and said "I know what makes you feel allay, pa. It is them - big holes in thi 4m- • you ate the other pay."7-Teras..9(fir 'BUCAUPAIBA.' , Quick. complete cure, allannosiag Kidney. Bhidiier ~ad Urinary Disc-ma. 1L Drag gists. • • Time black peoile who live-in and around Beaufort, & C, are eminently happy. They sing, they . dance,' they. pick on. the banjo. As I wri t by nn open window', that overlooks the river, I hear the faint swirling of the ebbingitWagiinst the docks. It is dark on the.risee. \ There are a few points of light there tallier° the boat lanterns are hurtdsig'. totidei.; down the stream,, the camp fires oZ the bands employed at theliaw milliard the phosphate works btirn brightly. A lift of hewn logs, that slowly drifted down with the ebb tide it yesterday, was snubbed up to.a live oak tree a mile down the river, and the great- flaw, built on the earth hearths on the lumber raft glow red. The silence of death is . over the river. Away off, probably at the saw some two mites distant, I hear the faint notes of a banjo, cunningly _strack. Softly it: floats over e calm water. Now a strong, sweet voice begins singing. Another banjo twangs;' more clear, powerful voices break into song j more baojoi join in ; still more voices. A wave Of music rolls over the dark Water and into town. There is life and joy and gayety on , all the boats, at all the works, and the black people of tho Sea Isl. ands are happy. • :' = Hop BittErs Co:;—gtas—l was given up by the doctors todie of scrofula consunip tion. Two bottles of your Bitters Cured nie. • 1..x419:F Bnzwnn. Gema FOUND Li A illm.tnrr.-;- . Major J. O. l:lbbb, of Lineolnton„ luta+ been presented with a enrkisitY /that iiritrorth noticing. It it an ordinary titdant , which elates greww, intand a lant,get of itald or the nugget grew in It. At imy it ht,.the gold is there, deeply embedded in, the Aernel.--Chartotte iObsera . LADIES', TOMO. 10 . Ors — of Pia"e . .'• : CoMphOnb. bffivad - by_th•licawsualkatin. eh 11111411•0 beta used successfully 4 it s Fenn . 4••• • - 4 gbelgetallintatitiCS l are - so issue Swirono... • -‘ stwaSsus cif espedissiosid term • • • • Wesereeddlchreeiefellfetoanybrokee . stm'• eireeetdftleideeembereftbeseu. UIF. a bin`s ; Met Mbar mud 14mIrAtbast mem. do aot MAO UIES,'TONIC • I s MOS sysor lO tieermiciteadleriese• •-- • . 'vases sedi as instsems ist . essplalst csasisti . aSes lbs domes stesomptios I . .VNIKI6 ' sir cum tar • :" . ••" ; %‘'y' 4 , 1 ‘, fila isa=l6 oa ftli a l Ot • • - SS, Ws. Viviar i ssa , „. • 0% Vr e de s 2r it s a lcolms - tidies Wiledeave 7 113 ":" 7 co° El ~ = HAPPY DARKISH• Gwaraviieu, Feb..ll, 1880. :ir';',:s'!f . i l ;.'_;2. , : ~-:..,.,:fi,:,....,-„c,:' Mai . 6 ' , • Mint Mater UPO K TUE KID ZEES, T IVER. WIER ROWELS:AND PORES EZETRALIZTNO. ATINOTRIING.AND EICPEI.I.IIqO . SCROFULOUS. PANCEROUB, HUMORS- The cause of most human Ills. and curing when physicians. hogpitals, and all other methods and imagine-fiaofola ,or, Eines STlLGLandular Owenlults. Ulcers; Old tore. Milk Leg; Mercurial Affections. ErysiWas. ors. Abscesses,' Car !machos. Boils, Potions,' BriehVe Disease, Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver. Rheumatism, Constipation. Piles, Dyspepsia. and at itching apd Scaly 7-- ERVEVONS Of ,the Skin and fladp.4-cmcb. as Salt abeum, Psoriasis_ ,Tatter,ilingwonn, Barber's Itoh,ficald Mend. Mama files. end other Disfiguring and Torturing Humors. from a pimple to a sera'• alitio ulcer, when assisted by Cuincona and Cvr. ICIIMA BOAT, the pest Skin COIN. • CIITICIIBA- • A sweet. Unchangeable Medicinal 4elley. clears off all external evidence of Blood Humors, eats away Dead Skin and flesh, instantly allays. Itch ing and Irritations. Softens. Soothe. and Heals. Worth its weight In gold for all Itching , ' easeL -7 OUTIOURA SOAP • Ants s iblist e Bath. and Rufseflf-- Sat*- , dye. nt with delicious flower odors sad Whaling . Contains in le modified fonds AU the rings. of Cuncona. the great Shin Co land Is Indispenalble an the treatment tifiatin and i lksin Meese*, arid 'for restoring, premerviw land beiinft 'only Modloinal -ing com ßaby Soap.pkaton and COTICIIRI Rlrss>sa are the only reel L itres for Weems of the Attn. Scaly , end Price: Conctrae ResoLviser, SI M) per bottle; oortooke. tee. per box; brie Dozes, 11:00: Con cuss: Itirorombi Tot= Soar, 25e.; 11.3=7116 MIDICUIAL Siam* Boer. Ito. sold everywhere. Depot; WEEKS k POTTER. Boston, Rase. . cAtiL . ,6,....:. r , L -- : : ,-.• , • . . . . , L .: : ,...i, (7`, - • ,• • .• ... . ......°1111.5.i.„,04,-" e"- Z•11 "...s ‹ . ._.' 1 1) : ... ... - • 1 "...,,,,,. .'., ' ~.-....': . . Sanforts Radical Cure'. THE GREAT AMEICA*BALSAMIC DISTILLA TION OF WITCH HAZEL. AMERICAN PINE CAN WEAN FIR. MARIGOLD. CLOVEUBLOSBON. For the lutuildlats Belief UM! Permanent cure of every form of Catarrh, froM a simple Used Cold or Indium to the .Lou of Smell; lute, and bearing. Cough. Bronchitis, and Incipient CozWaroption. Indorsed by Physicians. chem. fats. and Medical Journals throughout the world. u the only complete external and int-r. 'naltreatment. , _ . One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal :Solvent and Bamford's , Inhaler, all In one pack; aire.-.(ifidldrnmests for $l.. „Ital for fiantnrd's RadicirCnre. WEEKS .k POTTER, Boston. 061. I 8. ELECTRICITY , . ...... , Gentle yet Effective, wilted "' with Heal m, ran: ~ .1. t t ... der COLati Ia VOLTAIC ELECTRIC PLASTERS ono ~ 'i 4 .....bundreal times superior to Hl oilier, plastarai for every Pain, Weakness Ind o'6=- 641%45106 Itdtoil°n•i Pries, 2% cents. everywhere.. • ' I KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is sure In its elfecteonild in,lts action as it does not, blister; yet ts penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove any bony . growth or other enlargements, such as. swim splints curbs, callous, sprains, *no and any lameness and all enlargement' of the joints or limbs. or for_ rheumatism in an and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man .or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used,acting mild and yeti:attain in its effects.. , • 9,nd address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positives proof of its'virtnes. No remedy bee en/ suet with such unqualified nc.- cps' to our kkowledge. for beast as well a man. - Itice $1 per bottle. or six . bottles •or WI All Druggists Dave it or can get it for you, or it will be sent tO any address on receipt of price by the broprietorkins. B. J. Erwn*nn &Co Enos. urgh 11111 s, 9.014 . by all .Dnaggiais.. STED,GE, Mantifacturer of and Dealer m HUMAN ' HAIR r GOODS. CCU AS WIGS. BANDEAUX. the Poritliar Chat,e!alne Braid. ErnLIMING BIiLONGING Trim nAmplApE grSpecial Attention gts in comeitias Root. all turned one wig: BwriclijiB from $1 upwardi.i Alio Agent for Hunter's Invisible Fiuc P f nider, • , A Madam ('Lark's Cornets, and . :•1! Shoulder *ace Elastics. •, . • ' farTartionlar attention paid to Greasing ladles at4bely. homes or at my ..!place of business. Dirtmut Itilaretb's store • kiss. D. V. !WEDGE. , / I ESTAIILD UCD IN 18634 • HOWARD . -.. , SNOW, • Solicitor of i :AMERICAN AND FOREIGN pl A. 1r rif ria S. 6 ' 31 F SFREET N. NV .. 'WASIIINGTON, D. C.. (Saniessor co Gilmore, Smith & Co., Chip! .n, Roamer & co.) • Patents procured upon the same plan which was originated and sumesvfolly practiced by the above-named Arm. Pamphlet of sixty page' sent 'upon receipt o stamp. Inovel THE RUSH FOR JACOBS TUE: Old Reliable Cloth lug. Pitore, Is to examine his immense 0111411 41.41 PLL ANI) wrwrEß FASHIONABLE Ready=Made Clothing. He is prepared to offer bargains that will induce customers to buy. Ocupying the large and commodious store, No. 128 Main ,street, formerly M.E.i Solomon & Son, be prftents a full and complete stock in all lines of Clothing. • • ISMS', BOYS', YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SITS Of every grade and Tudity. GENTS FBBNISKING GOODS, TII,ATBLING BAGS, MIBBELLAS, CANES, &C. _ OVE RCOATS Of every WADES GOODS a spegialty. 4il# are hWited to *land secure bargaigs. • N JllOlOll, • Tosigadi, Oct: tr; MBE Stevens -A big; 11 MEI GRocznms, COUNTRY PRODUCE .COs• MAIN AND PINE TS tTII. oLfatind Yoz.Btsvenia They invite,attentieetotheir comp,4: iet 7. spc,ortitteut and very large stock of SPECIAL AtiIENTION GIVEN • PRODUCE TRADE And' Qai►L 'Paid Ica vet,irable Kind• 11... J. LIMO. ow). amass. Wagons &Carriages JAMES BRYANtr 7 fall the atten= tion of FARMERS- and i Others to his large and completr • assortment of -.-• i Open Az Tel, Buggies ' PLATFORM, WAGONS jail of id,s own ALINUFACTURE, and war ): ranted in every H par ticul`ar Bryant's Flexible Springs need in all Platform Wagons. -Tbe easiest and beet in use., • NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Look si these figures Two deatod Carriages* trom ........ 'slso to 075 Ptuetons, ono seated 125 to 150 Top Buggies - 125 to 150 Open Buggies 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons . .... . _ 00 to 110 Remember that the above are al l . fully warrant: ed. Bret.class or no pay. Repairing promptly intended to et 23 per cent below last years prices. • Oficearolyactory cos. Main and Illisabethlits. JAS BRYAN?. 2liebarr Geo L. Ross First Class Groceries Mein Street ; opposite H, C. Porter's And ,Bridge Street, nom December Rath, 1882, I will OpeCis . prices to all sod az extra quality of all lapis o• GROCERIES, AND I CHOICE FLOUR > I o il ‘ er at wholesale all Ito& of P. Lorillard'. tobsams. also eiguir,, candles. soap. uleraltts, tea, coffee. sad apices ot all kit da. and Puttee** oil, date.. at saaambetarses• vetoes. A NEW FURNITURE AND RE• PAIMIIO EBTABLIBILYENT. SEYMOVR Si4rat 7 - ' Who has had 31 yearseswerienca in the firnitutro basins* has oi%pd • store and re airing shop in BMWS past ward, toppeora llcClba's marble ) sat solicits the patron age of theipahli.. Na Iwo been in Oa sod Nees*. Plait fur the pist felghtaen Yawl MU confident that be can give entire sa lion In =mime ntivantrai- : bath t i t fostallirsadTateil. ratoll kap wilsock_or New (Mods. sad 'MI order womb= ter'onstairms at a met adz ividA ThaCID ideas _ ISMs prim. Call sad sus swill "(yin is was es Repairing or New 2 , 1 0 ' - ::=-AriNC 4 / 1 113111 TL , US =UM CZ Dtuderiu L tit: p l amnsions, - HAVE REMOVED 1.111 MI now t t,_, t Chmee Now Goods, which they - IZI s yr al wfty t• on hand =I Chows/ than leer at the - • t I,7}i OLD saraziziagatzwr would -DEALQA IN -- „ - From the belt roller ,mllll Eli EWE „Ling ski OF INTEOEST. Issieriiislll4 ist rt;i Crow I (tie; pit "acre. - —Of courso . won adctin keep , a sicret, but it takes& good Many of then to doA. • a. - -:Ono lawyer at Des ; ]Raines, lowa, bats pat through 189 divorce:cases within a yew. —4 shower of small pebbles, continuing -fifteen minutes, feint) Watseka; 111., recently. P.tAtfaU Gazette asp that it is as _ „ 6:Aural for. an Eaglishman to grumble as - for au Arnericanto whistle:.' i tasty. iron box, recently found at tho roots of a tree in Gwinnette &mot% 4 Ga., contained $2OO in gold. - I—A young lady writes that she is not en. gaged, but'sho sees a cloud in the, horizon abort the size of a man's baud. , is - ;, l .—Sonatmi David Davis, of Illinois, owns • 9'lo-Hero sheep farm in Gxogia, well, cover , ed with blue gness'and on-which 2,000 ,eaf,. ceilent Sheep tea grazing: - , • whakmakei t you such a bpd - girl?" "lirelVmamms, God mat Son jtuit the best children ho could .find, and if they don't - snit You l can't help it ?" • t I—Young loier asks : "'When is the best 1 ' time to travel !" " When you, see the old man sad his bulling coming Tonna . the corner, g!r,dravVor, all you aro worth. ' : 1 1 —An elephant on exhibition 'at Barnes. vine, Ga., was so enraged because a negro imp him a pieco of tobacco' that he struck theffeniler a fatal blow with his trunk. young man bought an accordeon and took lessons. A month Later•his wife pre. --4k-mted him with an heir. Not 'being able to hold its own the accordeon is offered for —"I told her I'd never smoke =tither cigar." ho_said. softly, "and . I won't! A pipe's plenty good enough for me," and ,he gEicefully drewl match over the leg , of his trimmers. . I like your.nes, hat very lunch," be " 'chic' there's a sort of -‘ abut. don.'—" " There isn't any sort of a band on it," she said, pouting. It's a real ostrich feather." - ' —.Some 'bop; played highwattnen at Ureere, 111., The first man whom they hid fan with carried a heavy cane and he struck blow imuckd earnest, fracturing the skull that liit —When the girl who has encouraged a young rosy for! two years stkideuly turns round and tells him she. catiiiiiier be more than a sister to him, he for the first time can see - the freckles onher nuso.. ! —The eLlest Mr. ltlrenthal, bank er of Burharest; blew out his brains because he thought ho had lost ic 1,03 a of father's Four days late'r his mother found the money in the lining 'a her son's front — : -.TudgeTlelps, the. new, ,Frituittal magis trateD of itimore, has alreMy acquired the nickname 'of' "Ind,geTerrizir..2, He bolds court day and niglit'and imposes the heav iest sentence i s which the lsw - •'-The county of ,Piekens, in Alabama, is so foyers:belated with debt that it is almost impossible to even give away property there. A few i 'llays ago Bns acres of .fine tiMber land and mill in , goal condition sold, fol.' $2lO, •owing to the financial straits of the county. I • —Pete, the - 'krandfather of Mashesb,.the B.Astatorthief, Of South Africa. bad the mis fortune to be'iaten by one of his friends, or enemies, the story .doesi.not say which. The cannibal was captured-and brought be. fore Idasbesli, - mho was urged to, Jill him. "No," said lalashesh,. " why should turb my graofather's grave ?" FOR. 3P-41.12V. R E 8 Rheumatism, neuralgia, SciatiCa, !Lumbago. Backache. Headache, Toothache. SoreThrost.SwoUlhogs.OpnOlas.Unalseo, Bursts. /Scalds. IFToot RUA*. ASII ALL MU= BODILI PADS MID Antra. Bold by Druggists Rod Dealers everywhere. Piny Celts' bottle. Directions In II Leitrim% TUE CHARLES A. COGELEU CO. 14. ctl UIItACO.) BiIIOOSOM tog. A. ME D. S. EW NC; Gl• nziees. Ainilf.NT,, 11V Cbeatnut Street, r - I'l FIRE AND" LIFE .INSUBA►NCE • • • COLLECTIIJN AGENCY • BUNK ! c BU LeThly sunk. Pa . Will writ* Policies for ka in Fire end Life I t nuance. Collect. Claim cite sngler promptness. They represent nonlibut NIP FIRST-CLASS commits! Miqsalicittlisoonadtitos patronsie of tbosi beaus business in llse. and yid missy(); in merit it. Appit to or address ins 3 tr ONW/1 BMX, LonsiarUl•.Pfl. . . = INDELI CLAIM AND m THE Hfkri . isEocbstsFUL stioiLly; covered, as lt Is certain In Its effert t of .bustre. Also excellent for har t , EDAD PWOF BELOW. -- • FROM . COL. T. FO4TER, Yonngatowu Uhl •..%l y 1 '4,131 1-50 Da. D J. Aar DALL ir4o:-.4 Jac! ble Harohletonfan •Colf; Willa I Pr , izt'i v r ti p ly. bi bad a large bone:l44lin, ou a small one an the other which made T :4 WOO; I hadblm under the 'charge id two veag, nary surgeons which fared to 1117. Lim, 1 QUO day resdLog the tadverttsetut Sprain Cure In the ebicligo Esurr%s, trrn4ty; at once to try it, and got our . to send forit, they orders , three liottir,, t ,;; thornall and thought I would give its t:: rmao trial. /used is „ co rdin g to ditto/01. s aa 4 ts t fOn.th day the colt ceased to be lame, uai 11311aplibas'e dlsapitearet. I used uut and ;he colts limbs ire as free frrm, as smoott as any horse to the ',tat.. Wets cured. The core see r it I let two o!' ceighbois bare the r. Iwo betties, who are now uslug It - I Very /aeepeOrtlay, . 4 roNTEIt • Kendall's Spa Vin Cure ON HUMAN ., FLESH. vatten's Mina. Wash7trin co.. N.y . F - 0, ..,. DZ. B. .1 KENDALL, Pfar Sir:— 11, . art.pwar Imre on which I used your fieudid,',. s 10.:r. k ,,,, wsu s malignant ankle sprain or bit..,, :.., 4 :E, • •niuding. 1 had tried many thing.. i,t:t 1:, ,i, D. Your +mein Cure put th e fo-t to t, gr ~,`,„i NOM, and . for the drat tithe sine, Icon 1% • natural position. -For a tsuilly iithiLi,•Lt ii, .1. c*liii:Spythil.oB weevernsed.- - . Yours truly : _ .. , lA_ irk.V. M. I' 1:}11.1., Pastor of N . r i mertch - , hitt,,, ..,, to.. N . l Priced, phyhp, st. or -ix bottleo 1 , r 45. A a c o 13 D rugi on s Fiore:it t , get-It f.q. 3..4. , r it iiiii be sent to any adds - 0 recer--t 0: ; n .._ b. th t proprietors, DR. P. e.kr£l4l %I.L ~,, i t , 4 burgh galh. Vt. ffold7a,t • - Dr, I 1.. It • i till ier4h f it t , it KLINE'S MA HK El. • CAIRIIA)L. 131 .st Main Str4t, Fir - 11 Ward JOHN .%'. KLINE, ERVING#MOVED HI 3 MEAT &VEGETABLE ARKET, o amore conConient location. sod eA Lamm"lf in the Carroll Block,'oopsosdr wi l y llotel, to prepared to supply hia pa t rua THE-CHOICEST OF MEATS. Fllll, OYSTERS IS • TIIEIR SEA:i! )s FRESH VEGETABLES. DOMESTIC FRUIT. &E.; ,BOLOG'A sArgAGE a ■yecislty. An der promptly delivered. you need no, Dle (0 , 11 ili IN .THE MUTUAL. ENDOWMENT AND AC:IZENT ---A3 Jawa At.r•v •i • •.- - Of :Bath, N.Y You receive ?no -half of your insurance. ke cordLtig-t6 the American Life Table. stab tare thirds of your life' expectancy is tic illnatration. a man or woman joining the Alta cllUon at 36 years 'of age taking a certificate:Ts SLSOO. receives $1.275 when a little over :4; yam of age. exactly the ,period in - life whet a I , nn financial help is generally more needed; tlaxst any other time. BLADES k WxlE.B:lee - Gerieral Agents for retris itine2tf. Toiada s'cl:Store MAIN Sgril ; EET, . . . FF.TT DOOR TO FEL(.II Is prepared to differ a c•oraple'e Inc nt of DRY AND FANCY :60001,.. Crockery, Gla's - .s; ware, WHITE and RECORATED (1151 Latest (lesions anti pattcrt ; ..f MAJOLICA WARE,, BIRD CAGES, For 'the corning, Spring Tr:i,le."..se adhere as heretofore'to our, principle—that'a quick dale with a •znal . profit is better than a Slow (Ale I.: it'll large profit—and therefore our pricts in any line of goods will convii favorable with the prices of any otl:er house. Ser endeavor to sell ti., , 11,t article for tl:e h ast f o3sible wy64l LOEWUS &- FREIMUTH. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAM,Es - AITARE • HAS IZEMOXED HIS GrOCERY P.631NE.45 THE 801ITII-EAST CO3NEII :415 AND BRIDGE STRUMS. WICENE HAS EST &BLISHE6 • Head Qtiarters FOR - EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF OREM, MOVISHIS, &c., • CASIi• PAID: for Desivible Pia dueni tFine BUTTER I trol EGOS a spceinity. , • , . KENIIALL'S SPAVIN • CIIRE • Is sore to Cure Sy:lrina. SP aili l ' ' rb, So It temoves ill unuatursi • ' sulargiaments. - i. Does Nor smart • !S Das no equal .fSr any Ismeness ca beast or man. It has cured 1110 0 W ~. !. merles" in a person 11 b. • bad iu , , feted tit years Also cured rheutna: . r time. -corns, frost-bites or_ a 1 !venires...a or lameness. Wallas no equal . . I. ` r any blemish on bosuns. Send for illustrate' circalmoithing Posrmis earns% 'Price 41. A/ DRUGGISTS bate it or can get it ‘lr 5' 3 . 1)1 '.. n , ° v . Kendall k Co., Proprietors,. E., os oorgh Fa. , v . ertirODlL U. C. Pancs. Agent. Toicaad& ra• B b u tt 4Tw. n oeforo tr h:pubrF, i than at ) ng else.' : Deeded.