Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 18, 1883, Image 3

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Tfiltltii DA it: iiiNUARYI.Bi-,1883
. • 4xamlivi rorm LAS= .
It will show you the month, ant Year up
to which your subscription ispaid. If your
s'ubseriptiou is soon to 'expire, pima, said
us $1.50 for a renewal , at once, ;that - ..ire
may send you the paper right along. - Send
in rplowal withotit delay.
.-\:,Vho'saii anything about !E'rtiattige*
• -
The miners at Barclay are.•*orking* full
4 The fir of April comes on' Sunday this
year. •
The Merenry issued a Cerineat holiday
Don't lend this paper to your close-fisted
Borough election next month. Put up
the best men.
A lady tO-lie in the fashion must wear
wide linen 'collars. ,
Apples aro scarce and dear and not of
extra quality either.
- '
Coal retails at Viaverli for !$.l per tcnt.
And delivered at that. - .
Geo. W Bailey has bowht Fred Bhickia
house and lot in Leßaysville. •
On the first instant the indebtedness -
Tiog,a county was only $6,500. •
The Germania Iland will give a hop in
!demur Hall at an early date.'
Semites are being held in the 31. E.' and
Baptist Churches tilv9ry.4 evening.
. .
Four degrees below zero is what the ther
u-ioineter Said'Friday morning last.
-1 4 The Bostwick Brothers, at Rtuntherfield,
`4r' selling large "quantities °Dead.
; valuable horse belonging to Chandler
Brink, of Pike, died it few days ago.
Prof. Miller 'kill give a conceit in Mon
rocton Saturday evening, jannarTWth.
The expens6s ofitho TroyFarraprg'
lair, year were sl47.6iNaboye its receipts.
It is believed that quite a lively building
`•boom" will be developed in our town• next
The editors of the Owego Gazette and
made are engaged in calling _each other
A horse belonging to Stephen Edsall, of
Pike. dropped dead in liellaysville, one day
The Philharmonic Society will give a Oon
vert in Mercur Hall to-morrow, Friday
The _trfats has got a new Power!Paper
Cutter.. Are the shears to he *tired,
Ashram' : . •
Woodford Clark, of Granville; has
his handsome. new residence there 'nearly
'i•ompleted.• •
J. N. Wolfe has sold hia;restatiranthusi
ness in Canton to a Mr. Cartionler, of Wells-.
'burg. N. V.
There is to be a meetirig - of the Bradford
county Agricultural Society, an this place,
It is reported that there were six deaths
f •atn diphtheria at, Asnot,. Tioga county,
tifi Monday of last week.
W. N. Lane, of Tioga, N. Y., sold
ing the year 1882, milk, butter and cheese
froin seven cows for $41 3 .
Information in regard to the whereabouts
of Mrs. Christine E; J. Huff, is - desired at
the RcricT office, this place.
. .
Frank, son of Win. Clapper, of
rQra, had both of- his arms broken • while
rMing down hill a few days ago. • •
.1). W. Butterworth has 'retired from the=
••(litorship of the Pottii COunly Jciurnal,
anti is succeeded by Edwin Haskill • ,
The Waverly Frec Press is positive that
W. F. Elmendorf; Of Sayre, has the neatest
drugstore in ITorthern - rennsylvaniaT : - - •
The Winter •rm of the Leßaysville
Schools commenced on - Monday of last Week.
There wasliarge attendance of pupils.
The Enterprise Manufacturing Company,
of Troy; recently received an order for five
hundred of the powers manufactured by
them. . -
The famous and - wonderful Engle Clack ;
qt Mercur Hall, all of next week . •Go god
Admission, children 10 cents,.adnlta
15 cents
,The problem'of self-help amon!-. women
is the theme of Mr. Howells's "A
woman's Reason," ,began in the ti'eb uary
• 74.
Towanda maidens trea t ed New Years'
1,4:q1 hnckleberries.-IVarerty Adro-
Y;nite. 2 . l,:n.,d;Waverly maidens treated eel
end tbi ,Ipyorter has yet G:) . contradid
its asseriti4hat Jadm:in recommended the .
tippiintmerit of the present postmaster at
East Smithfield. f
David B. Sherman, of Columbia X Roads,
has recently- purchased, a number of short:
hnrn Durhain cattle, of 0. H. Price, SChuy 7
ler county, N. Y.
A" P. & N. T., brakeman by the name
of Chas. MeCutkheon, had one of his bawls
i liadly crushed While coupling cars in the
! - I%k 7 averly yard; Thursday last.
1 In the Coking's political fall
They sinned all—
' . Andrew, James' and Paul.
There will be a' donation party Jan. 25,
ISSO, iiitthe M. E. Parsonage, in Rome,
for the benefit', 'of Rev. S. B. Keeney and
-family. All are - invited to attend.
It is rumored that a party from Owego
his rented the store now occupied by J.l.
_rorser, and will open therein; about the
lirst,of April, in the clothing hnsinesa.
A number of Waverly capitalists ilikve
startol a Bank at Sanford, Florida. , 4VO
li fail tiSMott. the.naine ofLan editor of Waver
=._ .
y among the stockholders of the concern,
The 31eyersd4 . Conimereiot has adopted
es:11 'payments forali kinds of job work,
and wlier;3' . the parties are not known the
u- ,, rk must be paid for in advance. Semi
-We. .
A tapeworm, mes,smii3g thirty' feet in one
cqMinimus piece, liniides as, much more
came away in links, was expelled,
lust week, from a gentleman a resident of
I hrego
• The Nainds'-of Towanda cleared . ibout
2 2,,by,their New Year-is eqtertiinment.—
Warerli / Adrocate. You just add another
f t rure 2 and yeti w2ll be pretty near right,
(.ienung. • •
Elmer Bennett, of North Towanda, a
S , rakenum,en the gravel train on the Valley
had the fingers; of one of his. harrils
crushed on POW while cel/P
-ling cars. •
house owned by Selimsirby, akath
Waterly, was slightly damaged by fire one
day recently. The, fire is thought to have
been ':set by the careleislumallingOf 'matches
'by children.. ..
1 11 1 .19 1 1: 4
n".111111"10 , ' di n 4.111 0 1
tollb. tlu4;to
• 4-•
-The teacaeriat Barclay; anti +Gibes_ Run
have *mina a Distriet Inetitateoilth Q.
thirlisont- kniiheo, -Ana .110. , ;jones !; *
13e9natry. The next metlingsiM be held
en the Nth dtis tuciuth. ,
Km ilaudSeille _fella few
stsikifig her fult,weight ou= hei,-.left wrist,
taeakitig and laidgarit 'llt-_Cleve.
laid set ,the ton 4 and she it vimprolsrlrw
Napidl9 : --4barow Setifinft. ' • -
As B.
A. xi. Smith, of Ulster, was' deiiiiind
ing the hill between his home arid . tiie,yg•
LW, a fe*AgYs ago his wagon bro
down throwing him pot on An . ,
the frOi*
grixind and brubing quite
will be a Oyster Supper
at the bowie of 11111 V. 'D. C. Barnes, pear'
East Herrick church, for the benelltof
Rer. R.-Angel. - All are, cordially ineit
_ By ordir of
'e friends df the Rev. J. Lloyd Joizee
will make hinHi a donation visit at the E.
Pareepam Monroeton, on Wedneeday
emdnig, Jan. 24th. All are cordially in-
Tited toattenk By order of Cont.
There be in exidbitiln. at the M. E.
Church, in Prattville, Wednesday evening,
Jan. 17th. The Neath Band will be preseni
to furnish musk: Proceeds for the benefit
of tlie,B. School. All are Cordially invited.
Rohe-'timed_ be9rigilud-rarTitlYl4
in the Daily /brief pie .day areek.
The excitemen t !Linde the readers.. ot
paper is not nearly as intense as might have
been expected over an occnrcence_.of the
kind. •
There was an alarm of fire at the Gnided
School building in Trciy, one day limit week,
caused by papers in the register and air
flues taking fire. • There was no damage
- done, and the children were quietly
Constituen4, of Mr. Jadivin, who visit
Washington, peak in
.terms of h ighest
praise of the courteous. treatment • they re
ceive from our member of Congress. It is
a pity so good a representitive was not re
elected. -
A. Towanda lady... Wonders why trunk
lines can't carry a few. passengers as well
as all trunks.--Warerlti Atfrocate. The
innocent old lady had 'never gazed on a
Waverly woman's foot, or a Waverly edi
tors ear. •
The rece - ' ipts of the Universalist mite So
ciety. last evening weiv $80.05. Dave
Coleman says it mite have been more.=
Journal.. Of course it mite. Had three
br foriC of the Journal editors been present
it mite have been $30.06.
The editor of the Waverly Tribuu? is
anxious to knoUr - if we are "spiritually"
acquainted with the editors of ,that place.
Slightly. Only slightly. I- On one , occasion
'we, participated in a bottle of Ginger Ale
with one of them.. We, paid for: the ale.
e clip the f r ollowini notice from the
local, columned the Leßitisville Adrertiser
"Fomils, Shells , Wood, . Minerals, Ivory,
Meerschaum, Amber, • Statuary. • Also,
Gold, Silver, Copper, 'Brass and tinware;
effectually repaired at the Advert tser office."
The East Smithfield Town Hall Associa
tion will give an oyster sup Per at the, resi
dence of Lark Bird, in STithfield, om-to.;
morrow, Friday evening, Jan. 19: . The
proceeds of timsuPper will be used M,Wards
building a town hall. Everybody L. 3
Says the Waverly Free Press .of - last
week : new passenger engine, NO.
288, ntumst‘R. A. Elmer,' completed at the
Sayre railroad shops on Tuesday, made its
first trip Wednesday morning, and is said
to be the finest engine on the Lehigh' Val
J. W. Stone; Esq.; of Canton, was ban
qeted at that place; on Friday evening,
January 12th, previous to his departure for
Jamestown,. Dakota, where he is to-engage
in the practice of the law. The affair
proved a very pleasant one in every par
le Borough authorities of Athens are
putting on city airs. They have recently
passed an ordinance prohibiting the erec
tion of
_wooden buildings within certain
prescribed limits of that Borough. There
is wisdom in such an ordinance for a grow:
ing town. - '
And it came to pass that the rumor went
forth that Panl, James, Andrew and the
COlonel had felled. And when the scribe
head the rumor, he straightway set him
down at wept. -For the scribe was sore
afraid that Prestige might be - called and
. The ladies of the Church of the Messiah,
will give an oyster supper; in the parlors of
the Church, on Wednesday evening, Jan.
24th. ''Supper commencing at 5 p.L . Im.
Will hayle music, recitations and other` en
tertainment. All for twenty-five cents.
Come and see. • '
L M.; Han, Fag., of t h is place, has kind
ly consented to supply the place of Rev. A.
W. Hood, (deceased,) in the lecture course
at 'Camptown. Snbject—"The 'Preach
Revolution." Ile hqure will be delivered
!e-morrow, Friday •bVening,and we promise
our Camptown friends a rare literary treat:
Lehiiii Paeftger train 7, came
near having an accident Thutaday morning.
On arriving at :Waverly it was discovered
that one of the axles of the tendet was
brokert - It staid upon the track however,
till another engine could be secured, which
~was. d one at the junCtion.-LWaverly_ Free
Press. . •
This is the I 'teat item goitig the • rounds
of the, country press: "A daily chie6o,
train has been started on the Penusylva•
nia railroad. They have a papeiger
Cochin the rear and a locomotive totrullet.".
The. Huritingdon Jounial says: "When
desirable this train will carry Legislative.
In the year. of 1883 there.' will be' Jour
eelirose6--two of the sun and tiro -of - the
mocni..Hifontrolie Messenger. .` Ton are
slightly wrong, -neighbor. - There will be
Sva eelipsei, this year. The 'fifth one will
be the eclipse of the Court Houie Ring of
this county: It will be-a total 'eclipse and
visible to a11.Y,,
If there is an • editor of a 'country news
paper in America who can send bills to his
subscribers Lad still retain their friendship,
we wait patiently to hear from him. Why
editors are deprived of this right we cannot
understand. especially as other tininess men
are not.—TunMannock Republican. You
will never hear from the editor named.
The Secretahr 'of the Treasury has auth
orised thr coinage of a five cent nickel
piece Cif.a new design, which is considered
as being'more in compliance with the law
as regards weight and inscriptions than the
present nickel piece. The new coin weighs
tWenty-one millimetres, (one more milli
meter than the chin now manufactured
contains,) and is .s little larger and thinner
than the coin now in circulation. On the
face of the new coin is to be a feumle bead
surmounted with a fillet upon which the
wind "Liberty" is to be inscrlod, the whole
to be umnounted by thirteen stars. The
reverse side will be stamped with a wreath
aturnanding a Roman numeral denoting the
value of the coil. , • '
tainmentt`to be.given by Mir ifrarbe Cole;
the"ne young Onu*H4l4
'W 11141 1 1)4 Sa t ni 4ll 7 eveninlitrxt.
'correspondent of she Leliaysvate
j _llys• Able_ Plat& et taieY ,
mu*, - w h o has bean Wad, for Adz
112021tha has returned from xem York whtr‘
she has beat nailer traumata of f)r.
Agnew. ' She lout aat tank: t MUMS" tmm
her eYet and, night nacre& an geed as be-
The Femme Mains Telegram Baby Shim:
will be on'esllAtion it the Excelsior Band
Room, in Sinrcietaii, 4:annum:fag
day ":Junuary 13th, 'and ending with an
oyster. Sumer at the Summers:House, Fri
day evening Jan, 19 - Benefit of the Pm,-
hyterian churl&lAdmindon _to Fietuie
lery, to eat& - popper 50 cents By
order Committee. ),
lavid Bruce, a young fellow about 19
years old, was arrested on Sunday last, on
a liitrge of baying attempted to commit ; a
rapetan - it little girl, aged about four yeas,
and a daughter of his uncle, George Bruce.
At a hearing before Justice CoddMg, Mon
day,. be walcommitted tio jail await tilt,
action of die Grand Jury at February term
oftourt. _ ' 4
• An exchange tolls the little folks to tit,'
this: "Take - a common twine string a
yard long; tie the centre around the-small
part of a tablespoon and whet the . end
around the fore finger of either hand. and
hold_ the fingers in the ears. Now
thespoon until it strikes the table or other
Lard substance andyou will be !woke(' at
tho result." • .
' A German girl, by the Mum, •of Emma;
Bing, employed in twiny of C: D. Huns- .
phrey, became suddenly and violently in
sine, on Wednesday Morning orlast week.
It is supposed ;religious 'excitement was the
cause that led to her derangeMent. She is
a sist+fof MM. A. Loader, of this' place,
and B a as taken to Iles. L's house .where sh o e
is bein g _ eared for.
And now it, is reported that the irrangie
overt the post office at this place-has created
a dishirbance in the' Court House :iling r
This - is bad. Gentlemen do not quarrel.
Suppose you "compromise." _ A compro
mise is a splendid thing: You are adepts
at the compromising business. You Imo
cticed it for a • number ,Of year'spast
Try a compromise. - •• i • I
The annual electien of directors -of the
Citizens -National Bank took place on
Thursday. , - The following 'gentlemen were
chosen to serve the current sla6 E. -T.
Yoz, B. if.. Peck, Jas. Ifacfifrline, Wm.
Dittrich, S, W. Little, B. Kuykeirdall,- and
P. R. Ackley. E. T. Pox and Geo. W.
Buck were continued as President and
Cashier, respectively.
the police would prevent loafers
"from congregating on the street corners
they would win the eternal gratitude:of the
ladies of Waverly. The noisy, vulgar
crowds that assemble on the corner by
Ctipipbell's and by the Bank in the evening
oq Sundays is a disgrace to our village.
Trarerty Adrocate. And that is the kind
oa yillage Waverly is;
There is some talk of formim, a stock
company in this place, so as to haVe a tele
phone line between here and. Towanda..
Three hundred dollars have already been
subscribed, by three men, and it is hoped,
that our citizens will take stock and help
this laudible enterprise along. We hope to
have •more to say about this hereafter.
—LlRaystille Adrtrliser.
- The following named persims have been
elected officers of the' M. E. Sunday School.
at Leßaysville, for the current. year : ~
Supt.—J. J. Gorham.
Asst. Supt—W: NV. White. --;
Sec'y.—H. L. Ellsworth. . t
TreasurerP. H. Buck. - .
Choirister.—Ler.dy Coleman.
*Wit. Choirister-3hos. Wilson.
Frank Mayo, who is •acting through the
west, .has sent liome from San Antonio
the frame work of an easy chair, made
entirely from the horns of Texas Yeattle.
The -elixir was sent to the establishment of
J. F. Robinson & Son., to be upholstered,.
whence it will be sent to - Mr Mayo's resi-'
dance at Canton, Pa. The horns are highly
polished and the , chair is a beautiful piece
of workmanship.—Rmira Advertiser.
The focal editor of the Republican , talks
about "miang manuscript," in connection
report of the Naiad Recept i on. 'ls
it possible their reporter was one.of. "the
besi'yoiing men of the place," referred to
in the! Mereury l—Reriew. No, it is not
possible. 'The reporter:who "wrote up"
the toilets on the occasion named, and whose
manuscript was mislaid, is a young lady. .
' The stockholders of
~the First National
Bank of Canton, held their meeting
on Tuesday of last week. late following
officers were elected, for th current year:
Vice Piesident—Hon. B. S. Dartt.
- Directors—Adam Tunes, B. S. Darti t Geo.
E. Bullock, A. D. Foss, L. 11.431eason„
Kileon Packard and Dan'l
Cashier—Goo. A. Guernsey.
As, follows are the officers of [Leßoy
Grange; Mastev—B. C.
,Holec . imb; Over
seer—R, D. Bailey; Lecturer—Mrs: E.
Lilley;_ Steward—D. M. Lilley; Asst. Stew-
W. Clark; Chaplain--E. Lilley;
Treaimrer—L. E. Palmer; Secretary—J: N.
Holcomb; Gate Keeper—B. Turner; Ceres
Mrs:; D. M. Lilley; Pomona Mrs. R. Ma
son; Flora-z Miss Jane Williams; lady
Asst —Mrs. S., W.,,Clar k.
'At a recegit ince ting the Troy Farmers'
Club elected the ,F ollowing: named gentle
men es o ffi cers of 40e Club for the current
year; President—* IL Thomas; Vice
Presidept—J: B. McKean; Treasurer—S.
W.. Pomeroy; f Secretary—O. id. Card;
Reporting,. Secretary
_and six directors to
fill vacancies, namely—B. L Rockwell, S .
IL . Case, Seth Sherman, Theodore F.' Por=
ter, William Sinia, W. F. Baker.
In 1883 there Will be foir eclipses, tWo
of the sun and two the moon. On April
22, there will be a partial eclipse of the
moon, which will, be .visible on the Pacific
Coast. I The hat eclipse will be that of the
sun on May 6, it will not be' visible in this
cqnntri. The third is that of the MOOl3 on
Octoberi 16, and can be seen all over the
United Stateat The last is that of the sun
I i
and occurs on October 80, and a X7l only be
partial on die . Pacific coast: •
• The following, taken from an exchange,
we publish for the information of the hotel
and boarding-hottse keepers of Waverly:
"To make beef-steak tender,' put the
tablespoonful of salad oil, and one table
spoonful of vinegssi,,. well mixed together.
on a large flak s4sh,...and on this lay the
'steak. Salt must not be put on the steak
before it is cooked. The steak mast lay on
the: tender-making mixture for it lest" half
an hour to a side; the toughest steak will
succumb to this and be perfectly tender
when: cooked.. „
The . following named gentlemen have
been elected officers of the Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Company at 'Tuscarora for the
current year: Directors--• Win.Bliumway,
A. B. Stunner, J. H. INA, B. W. Wood,
KAtiley, D. Ackley. A. Lyon, H. H. Gil
bert, H. Met., S. E. Dodge, H. M. Blocher
and D. Edinger; Presidentr-Wm. Shinn;
way; Secretary. - --' Ferris Ackley; Mee Peed
dent—A. B. - Sumner;
H.Black. _ •
' _ • •
'-. ilkiittipi r iaeffiiktptamilkiid*milier
Saiik RiliaTii*ratioo-iicquira 400-
*ire: 436 40 i I *- 4 " l 4oeCti 'I I —1411t4 ". 1
The tet44 41 ) 1021 ,et of 1001 361 . 2 4rfair 4 1 4
ear was riposted at $10,247451 the i
death chime ter theloolo #14141591-B*.'
002 Th e ka t , .
,In..ipw olio , •. ,
Of theusocitio6; has a—i liatt 4141ii t .. - init
twenty nine cents -0! *teak Illenher- -. The
mix:lath" hee pain b!4eatbi , , - _
its stsminition; iliteetil eri
,nrie, $l,-
180;03.00; It has 11,590 ' , in the
&at dewy which pays,ooo ea th death,. ea nbetn,
and, 974 embers in the emetereleeet l'iiiih
minas dollar tot each member apt-each
death. 1
_ There itimidently'songethingirmaggllan
member of thetourt thguse Ring his di,-
omstinned subscription' to the Bgernsti-;
can.within the kit Week : . A whole week?
site beide to feel-.'anzions.L Gentleman;
there are still one or two: of 'your number
who are - tiling our paper, Marge come in
and order it discontinued.; : Whenever one
of pie discontinues a friend :of ours goes
out and gets is five `,new subscriber. You
don'thlethe firmatacesr. a dad gast
ad, meat, paper . It isn't afraid to speak its
sentiments "right .:out in, meths'," ai it
were. - You Vltter discontinue. And,
besides; via knaigtwa will ; 'get $7.50 wary dismitinue your $1.50. Business
is business. - _
On Tuesday Illei:Joho Davis,ll Irmo aboui
iiiity.five years of age, residing in' Milt:
grove iewpshipe took his gun and left'
hisne saying. he *as going to _the eimah
hunt. -As he did oot !Warn -at:lnight his
family beanie and was
beennl):7- HefvrlP 4 4 0° lid
about Weight; 10 0 1 0.-dietenee : hair thiro
house, dead,• - with a bullet bole through
his head; his empty gun near, 1-Coro
ner Chaffee impaneled a jury and lan in
ilaest was held.- The jury decided that he .
came to his death by own ' hand. No
cause can be I assigned for this rash act,_
other than insanity as several Members of
his father's family are , or have 'heeninent
tally deranged. He leaves a t irffe and two
children.—Duihore Review. •
At a yekular mietinki4 Towanda Lodge,
No. 290 K. of P., held on Tuesday evening,
Jan. 1893„; the°Howl' rig officers were in
stalled' by D. , "C., W. B. Kelly for the
ensuing term :
Past Chancellor4H. E. Babcock, • (re_
tiring.) ,J • .
PastChaneillor—p. G. Johnson..
Chancellor Commander—C. J. Coolbaugh.
Vice Clumcelkir—W. L. Carpenter.
Prelate—Wm. LaMent. •
Keeper of the Records and Seal—J. 11.
Master of Exchequer—J. A. Mears.
Master of Finance—C, C. Mower.
Master at Arms—W. F. Johnson.
Inner Guard—C. P. Welles. ..
...Outer Guard—l. .C. Aldrich.
Trustees—O. J.. Chubbuck, W.
J. N. Calif. -
Judge Mercer, of the Supreibe Cond it a
rendering a recent decision, gave the Lan
des of Coroners. He said: "Itris the duly
of a COroner to . hold an inquest when be
has cause to suspect that the, decedent *l6
feloniously destroyed, or wbeX o bis death
was caused by violence.* ens * ' "The
object of.the inquest is togieek information
and . secure evidence in ease of death by
violence "Or other means. U there is yea
sonable, ground to suspect, that death Was
so comic& it becomes the duty of •the -Coro
ner to ;Hold an inquest.* . He says the
dortinerhas no right to hold an inquest
when it is known death resulted from na
tural causes, and "there is no reason why
the county ;should pay for unnecessary and
meddlesome services."
•c> •
There is no long courtship or nonsense about
the marrying business at. the Poor House.
A. Mi. damson, of.Wilmot tdUrnship. s came
there Monday last, about 4 o'cleck in the
afternoon, stating that be wanted a wife
and !lad a preference fora Miss Shoars, an
inmate of the house, whom he had seen but
never had
.speken to. The lady was' con
sulted acid expressed heyselfi as willing to
assume the responsible positiOn.- The oblig
ing Superintendent madethe necessary ar
rangements and they were married' at 8
o'clock the same evening. The couple staid
over night at the Poor House and Mr.
Johnson started fOr home next day ex
prising himself as highly pleased with his
new‘ wife. —Troy Register.
The Journal hid a spasm of truthfulness
last week and in referring to our b '4f
article, giving them credit for so muchNif
our account' of the Naiad Reception as re
ferred to a description(?) of the ladies'
toilets, says :
• i
"We are awfully wicked. - We should
belie been hung."
The ediiors of that paper are .evidently f judges of their own short comings;
and what the,requitite amount -cif punish
ment ought to bejherefor. In passing, we
would merely hint to oar brilliant Park
street contemporary that a little italic plac
ed at the bottom of its lending editorials,
Would frequently be justice to some of its
city exchanfes. Before the Journal calls
any of its contemporaries a pirate it should
haul down its own flag, on which a skull
and cross bones have long been easily
discienible. •
The Seranton Republican of Friday pub
lishes the following which it wfil be well to
bear in mind: .• "The parties who so cruelly
hred and swindled the children at the
ten cent show in Landmessr's hall, on Tues
day afternoon, have been arrested by Officer
Tammy and taken belcire Alderman Wocid,
.who fined each of • them $l5, which. they
payeitand then decamped. It seems that
they are going abofit from place to, place,
advertising an alleged performance, going
through the Landmesser hall program, and
then, to use the professional term, skipping
out. They came from White Haven hither,
and were going up the -.Valley road into,
New Yolk, purposing to repeat their per
formance at Towanda, Elmira and vicinitY
They are worth watching for. Their busi
ness is no more nor less than robbery, and
deserves to be advertised as such. . -
.It may sound like einggeration, but the
Most impressivii exhibition we have attend
ed in some time is that of the Engle Clock.
The operations' of the clock are explained
in which may be termed a continuous lec
ture;' but the visitor becomes absorbed in
the clock and ceases to hear ;any voice'
except that of the, clock itself. , One looks
at, the soldier Who'paces his ceaseless round,
and fancies that he is alive, and finally falls
into the idea that the clock itself is a living
thing; and it does certainly seem to know
more about history; sacred and secular,
and astronomy than the average human be
ing. . Altogether it isa wondei, and it is a
duty to the patient g4nius who devoted so
many years to its construction to gio
see it. An hour with the Engle Clock "
hour well spent.—Philadeiphia Lniger.
Thitwonderful clock will -be exhibited list`
.Mercur Hall, for one week, commencing
Monday next, Jan. 22d. The Hall will be
open: frord 0 d. zn, to 10 p. m.
The February number . of Illemorest's
Monthly Af i agazire proves that this Ameet
leut publication is steadily progressing. -, The
present iisue is unusually varied and
tractive, many of the poems and Promo arti
cles having espettull reference to the season,
of St. Valentine. The articles met wirtby
of note are "Proposals of Marriage," ".A.
Visit to thy Home of ?null gayne," "Now
we Live in New Yore;'! by Jennie June,
"Society at . thelDaPitid," "Frenedi Wed
4rukCh" "Artistic J'iresebig," and . . "The
Young Aare of NeldOn." Ttie department
._.._........, , :y..v.04,,,•,.5.-_,.., 7 7.,,-,.y:1,-. 4 .
iiii - 4 -, --,,"-., loilialtieiiiitliiit".iial
*I - L' 1 4000. 10 5 4 4. '-
---, ;•:.....7 1 _0,1
ou rst ro l i t
, 1 :04 1 00A4 i,q*,
Lo#o - ',.„ - iiiiiii iiiiiitioiriiiicitilf AA WM
, - [h ilt
TW*iooud Ka* ot" - the
Noithent.**9434ll64`- 4 1 10,it*
wilt af . - is
The ek . ,,,Wiaiiiitii4oo4 - daft - flifiv
oyis#44 L El 4: It 6 1 *.
* ll .:9o 4 ***;_taildait*: : Piitiret
schingt4ll I*lolllr#lit44,stattiss
trPisix*,,:ac 4 40 11 =7. = . , •
iTho load meant the_ Ws ds
" e 44 'Adroa
dip* hilian ja; . :taift ind' scribbled for
ithl P l *# 4lll4 4 l the stri
The - --4 ,1 'Mow istftlin = lira4l 'env:
Reinghtiedis .4;riades - Allen;•_jiosired as
a Now from his amplqsr, - a
Bendadvance in his salaiy. Mr. is,
a pusgeat tad voinasinoos writer, and one
of the ismakaremrsapontheassatry prow,
matt& h a merited noognition•of hh s
e er - .
Audits* of tiaf Free /tent, Was' more
than magiitlOCaltured treated ye
to the
The propilehms the Taiessidiqitspub.
Rae made the eisediate Mites of that pa
per Sprelektretiti hleliese et'eii sly eten,
mewing with Oki New - Year.' A yeomen
dabeltiet,ha _
withoutiloubt, Idghly op,
sifteieteab the worthy his:ll44as.,
thief lettess their gat Of Bce !
foi tile r- Shia ending jan.:l7 - 18841:`: - '~
Atimus* Seth_ •- Heepan,AnizaF -
Ackley, Hannah Xelly,.Hary , -2- -
Allis, Jacob Lowman, Webedei
Mania, Hanna - Loney Lock • •
Adanis, Notion - lane , Jima F
Bostwick, Cleo •Lawrence, Ella B •
Bennett, Hattie Morgan, Harriet '
Brown,- Ruth Anne! Morgan, Mrs Harriet ;
Bennett,Sabina • • McGill, Geo
Bally, Bev hiceracken, Theo •
Carl Israel ' - Newel, Emma
Conklin, 1 1 t4Senvisisds
Cummins, J Qua Ev a • '
Donahue, Jno Liston
Gallagher Ellen lhumms,
Gibbonsi, Patrick.
Howard, James , D M
Herpds, Sadie L T y, Frank
Howse, Henry j rumen, Mike
- Wax!, Andrew E. P
- Perions calling for ay of the above will
please. ay "Advertised," giving date of list: • , P. Po ara TOL
In liPeaki4 of tha destmction of timber
the Meyersdali
.Commercial makes. these
sensible remarks; and they are as aPplicrble
to this and other Muntka as to Somerset:
"Every saw-mill, whose steel teeth are eat
ing out the 'hearts of our 4 Somerset forests,
is not only banking on our principal, thus
destroying all isiiies of _ annual returns,
but it is impoverishing the
_future sons of
the county, beside- subjecting us to those
baneful allude influences that the. whole
sale destructio' ant forest trees 'always be :
queaths. Ten years froni now g at the pre
sent rate of progress; our bflhs plains and
valleys will be bare of trees, • unless a sys
tem_ of replanting be vigorously adopted
and folloat. There are thousands of
acres in this county unfitted for Amy other
purpose, and the wide-smile twiner, who
desires to leave children assured coup:
petency, has the means at hand and the
metluids pointed. out to him. Our present
forests aradoconied. The future 'ones are
, entirely -dependent upon our will." -
sine Best Pairrettaid Art Meru hie."
The'Art Amateur for ISS3, judging from
the publisher's announcement, will amply
inaintlein its high . reputation as the "best
practical, art magazine" of the day. To an
abundania of beautifed, full-Size working
designs' for painting, embroidery, wood
cirving, and, other art work, with copious
instructiois for all claims of ama
teur artists, it will continue to add . a pro
folsion of chiming illustratOes of , porce
lain, furniture, needlework, aiidhr i c
together with an endless supply of enter
taining information on decorative and in
dustrial art. Numerous artist retches
will be published as usual; the lesiding ex
hibitions will be largely illustrated and"
piquantly criticised, and artists of merit will
be biographically noticed. "A series of
beautiful embroidery designs from the
South Kensington Royal School ,of Art
Needlework,. end a number of articles on
china painting . 4.....10 . 0; McLaughlin of Cin
cinnati, wit) be Phed during the year.
It is not tod muckto deelare, with the Lon
don Acaile? ay (which places it above any
magizine of the kind is Engleild), that
The Art. Amateur is a "marvel 0,4 variety,
beauty, and cheapness." This opinion may
be readily verified by sending thirty-five
cents for a specimen copy, to- Montague
Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square, New
York. The subscription price is $4 a year.
It is riot to be denied that t a good sewing
machine is oneof the most important ep
purtenences of the modem honsehokl.
We thought we had a good machine in
our household until one day the agent of
the New Home :priisented himself at our
door and proceeded to deliver au oration
upon its chirs4uietic merits.
"But," **Answer; "our machine • serves
as nicely and snits us well, and we do not
care ter another."
The agent, however, begged the privi
lege of leaving one of his machines with us,
"for the ladies to try."
The request was not unreasonable, so we
granted it-but more to oblige the agent
than Anything ehnvi'or we really did not
want the machine, and had not the remotest
idenof bnying it. -•••
The machi'ne once in they house, it was
nataratthat the ladies should look' it over,
they illitscN and . as consrrcpience fell in
lovit with It They say that without the
slightest wish to decry or disparage any
other machine, this, all things considered,
is, in their opinion, the' most drsirable one
to be had. - ' •
The upshot of the whole matter was that
the old machine - Was &paid of; and the
"Light-Nanning New Home" installed - in
aur hoisehold„ It is pronounced a genuine,
beauty and sieiX Comfort, and "our folks"
wanted us *Wit* folks shout it.
This unrivalled machine is manufactured
CO., 80 Union Squais, York,
° who
wish say distill who 'will send for
Abair noir Hluatrated catit4igne and enclose
their adveriboment (printed on another
will receive's' met of fancy advertis
big novhatiee t ol Take to thole collecting
Chstrek ite the Messialll.
The Bev. 11. It Nye, °panel the pastoral
care of this church ori Sunday last, preach--
ing in the snersting, from ed. 1, 28, on
".peeciihq CIO azal ita the evening up
on the question P"ls the Bible a Unitarian
Book ?" 'Services inn held- in this Church
Sunday aS:10:30 a, m.," and 7 p.-m.
The Sunday Wheel meets at 12 M. . The
putur will act, fair the present, ailifupetin-
Lenient of the set mei; A Thursday even
ing devotional fievvit' s will be held every
A goat ilig,Wclergyman of: Berm, N.
y., a strong tempenmeettan, suffered with
kidney trouble, neuralgia, and (liminess Al
most Mbliridness, war two years after he
was told that Rosi Bitters - Ikeda . cure him,
lbecause he mu afraidnf mid prejudiced
against "Ilittem." - liruiaihil 'cure ha says
none medlar b 4 trait ie Hop Bitters.
7,7t " 17- fY s t ii: r li q .
'4llo:Dtfirriefrit • 441116E:M, t
E_ bbree
visiting in Band.
wickAimm. - •
*-fi 7 . t .' t _
1 -FgruleljdruL: s
4 hi s
1 f--:4ol4Denigit to
s**ft.abiteig„,- t"
W,l r i l ialgt ": -
iailiabridory - -
Maspon returned in o y the
WestonTbOrldrrYiast; - •
itetta Rockwell of WO; is
ing.friends in Lyons, Y.
hiss Sledding and,Ms Smithi teaelers
in tire Oradea SOW, are - , .
• - k -Brown, :Of Home; wrutjariornly
. *g -
injured by a; fa ll A low daYs m
==-Nr and firs: Wolk: Irirsvirk hay! re
tanwl hien` their *Ming trip.
E. A. kno• _ , the
Northesuuarn"OonvocatiOn at carbandaie.
—Senator Davies returned to Harrisburg
Holiday; Mmirt, lecoarPriged him:
Miles. Horton .of Shealievin, ispaying
iiskt:tar brother;L Horton, in New
torio -. • - •
Mr.-and Mrs.:-H. :Noble's have pus;
toTnpelia, Mutsu, to visit relitives and
k •
- 4 1°13 * E 7. r• Nieboislos
Ipapiese be 6:ignite/omit.
772_ trafrabetrion^
&Rasa will lerviras a juror
lathe triiits, •tettelo Court at Pittsburg, in
Ftbrii 6 i;
—kr. and 142. C. D. tlolcomb t of Mans-.
Held, 7141 giounty r wero Vielting in Leßoy,
last week.
-4ohn Tizrner hal bought an interest in
the grocery and ballerY business carried an
in the Argus biulding.
_ Et trifena, formerly of Troy, this
county, haS taken the city editorship of the
Williamsport Banner. .
—Ex-Sepresentative J. f. Gillett, of
State Line, is recovering from .a severe at
tack of cenpstiire chills. _
• I: B Huniyhrey, of Humphrey Bros, -
& Tnicy4 waiv i in. the Eastent.', lest
%Week, prlutsikistock
—R. Ac Paclier: has been elected a mem
bery of the executive branch of the -, demo
. cratic Central CoMmitee of this State.
—J. M. Collins has resigned the position
he has so long held in Powell & Co.'s store,
and will teike a position in the. Five - Cent
Sir: aid Mrs. R. A. ?demur rejoicti in
the 'advent of . twin daughters, ar4
and Mrs. Ben. HJp in the arrival of their
first-born; a daughter.
Mr. ad Mrs. George 0. Holcomb, his
mother, and Mrs. Ekazer Pomeroy, mother
of Mrs. Holcomb, of Troy,' paid' a visit , to'
Washington last week.
--Dr. E. D. Payne .talked tiny the history
dunes of the Graded Schoolon Friday fora
noon last. • His subject was the engagement
~between the Merrimac and Monitor.
.'l°--A number of the. Mends of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Hendelman, treated them to a sur
prise party at their residence on Huston
street, on Tuesday evening of last week.
Ira Smith, one of the 45 years
ago pioneer preachers of Western Bradford,
is holding revival meetings at Dist Troy, •
with,the pastor of the 11. E. Church, Rev,
A. king. ,
—Rev. G. D. Stroud, of this place, left
for Suspension Bridge, N. Y., on Tuesday
Morning, accompanied byhis son, Edward
who will enter Drew MRitfiry Academy as
a cadet.—TunAlusenock Republican.
-Mrs. J. Holcomb and Miss Helen Tracy
are on a visit of several weeks at Washing
ton. 'fheir friends visiting the Capital may
thul tliOsht the St.. James Hotel, corner of
- Pennsylvania Avenue and sixth street.
ugen'e Baker, who has men in quite
orhealth for the past few'months, start
.emilfor Florida on' Monday morning last,
whereto will remain until , Bpring. His
aunt, 'Mrs. S. B. Tidd, accompanied him
on the' journey and will remain with hhai .
for several weeks. Gene's many friends ;
here'Wis' h him a speedy restoration' to per health. -
-1 4 Portrait of Gambetia
is to be the frontispiece of the ?arch Cen
hiry. which, it is promised, will also _ con
tain as'iM leading, feature a paper of an
anecdotid and political sort on the French
statesman, by one who for years has • had
excellent opportunities for an intithate
study of his character.' A portrait of his
father will also be Omni!:
The Sheriff advertises the -following pro- .
perty at public sale. Sale-at Court House,
Thursday February Ist, next at 1 o'clock:
One-half acre in. Canton township, all
proved, with framed house, framed barn
and a few fruit trees thereon; sold at suit
of E. Pomeroy vs James S. Brown.
Four hundred and eighty ,acres in Le-
Roy township, nearly all wood• land; sold at
the suit of Burk, Thi.eas &Co vs Russell
Lindley. . . • •
One-half acre in Rome borough, all im
proved, with 1 framed house thereon; sold
at the suit of Clarissa Brink's use vs J. W.
'puler and E. W. Townni.
,Sis acres in the Susquehanna River op
posite the borough of Towanda, all improv
ed, withyl framed house and fruit trees
thereon; sold at suit of Benj. Kuykendallys
Adam, Stemburg. -
Seven thoussiul five hundred square -fee
of landtinTAtliens township, all improved, l
with 1 1 framed house and dut buildings]
thereon; sold at suit of A. A. Manners &
Co vs A. J. Carey, Norman Shaw and Ben
betrJones, T. T.
• The , undivided ane•half part of a - lot in
Towanda, borough; sold at' Suit , of Wm.
Mallory vs Douglass Wilson, Doughiss Wil
son; guardian ad Num of James IT. and
Lotus A.l3,Clark and Charles =and Sarah
Stewart. • i
Ponssona Grange.
The regular quarterly meeting of Brad
ford. and Sullivan Pomona Grange'will be'
held at Rome, Thursday February 1883.
Ai officers for the ensuing year, and other
imisortmg business will be .'transacted, a
full-attendance is requested. In the even
ing an open session will be held, to be ad=
dressed by Rev. E. J. Morris.
W. 11. SMITH, Master. •
S. W. Arrow; Secretary. ••"-.
O iWSLL. •'
ED. Rgrusues.s:--While the dwellers
along the river and ereekslutve been grovel
ing in dust and ashes, we of the hills are
haying very good sleighing.
Messrs. Case & Baley are Moving' their
staves and hardware from the Metropolitan
to Leßaysvale on runners, twelve loads
have already gone and yet there 4s much
more to
Mr: Cowles will keep a general anon
inent of groceries, drugs, znedicines &c.
Lather Ntalletnn it selling off the old
Skocktif tin and hardware belonging to hi s
broth, Mr. Pendleton, allof which is sel
lingontch below cost. -
. Hr. Cason in changi n g` hill place of busi
ness sad business relations, will cavil, with
him the beat wishes nfhis'.many friandiksi
Isis Stamm and' future Welfare. He does
IK4 01780 to move his family until next
1 00 *
Von. •, ,'m idol hai h" ,
t a fe 'da C 4 Itedng . of the *
f e dr u kiwi r , , k
, Th e Labe c the IL E.
Cinuth lint eying /*ran esjetahunea
at II admisskinfoo et" tosi cents. The
ant of which was Christtniiii night which
was pine. success. The next will be on
Friday evening the 18th inet.i at the X F.,.
*burin Seemlobethe order now.
The hit was bela at the madame of Mrs.
Cyntlia Noire; nearly forty being present
and all leaving a small but substantial to
bona their minis, which is very - nom= `
readable linuinuch :as slag is a. eobliers,
The w*nt of water is felt more and. More
_cold irmAtillie imam's"- - Psocimes.
Jan 9 I . '. '
:pxylifof'flonie and vicinity dcePlY
regret the departure ,of His. J. H. SH
ing, H. - D., but higldy congratulate the peo
ple of awdand Takeo, N. Y., that it Is
their, jood fortune to- have her place of
abode with them. She is without doubt
One of the most efficient and
physician* in our country and,ber shall con
firms it'Her ride has been very extensive
both near and far "during the six years
practip.. seldom losing a. patient Her
diphtheria catitiat be excelled,43 it
harbown very ptevident herein its worst
!taps for the past few weeks; she having
bSen Celled in most , every instance with
nstil* success, losing butone patient from
tittivist number'. ',habits diseases which
were pronounced incurable by nearly all
physiciani were headed through her treat
rment. There* one instance in our own
town ot a latii who had been treated for 8
, 'years by ; many eminent Pysicians with. no
avaiLL She at 'last applied to Dr. Spalding
aid the result was a cure. These are not
alone'her excellent qualitiei; but dub . , is a
very amiable ledy and highly esteemed by
all with whom she:forms an acquaintance.
How much we shall miss her , from our so
ciety an* also the mirth which transformed
the gloom of the midi room4o sunshine.
The entire community are rised and all
are perplexed with I the seine query.
"Why has she . left 6i, when her rush of
business is . so enortniFus i" The . unanimou s
wishee of success go%with heri 4'ut such sn
expression seems - useless for all are confident
of this result. ••-• X.
Prof.- Homer, of Hind:a, will hold another
singing school in Troy this, winter in the'
Presbyterian - church. Ali den?minatkms
will join as *7 did last winter and a fine
class may be exi i *cted. 21-
Sheldon C Clark, of Boston, gave a fine'
entertainment- - Thursday evening, He is
an.elocutesult of mneh'inerit , give
reaclingifin-Yvarions places in i the . county.
As he waikirmerly a kesideneof the county
he opughtitafeceive a welcome from his old
A new firm WM .soon occupy the store
jigt vacant by the removal of DeWitt &
Ballard to , the Oliver block.
' R. M. Johnson, of East Troy, is prepar
ing to move to Troy where he" will be able
to attend to his business more conveniently:
George Casper will return to Kansas this
week. ,
Reuben Johnson had a house full' of
guests on Saturday last, to celebrate" his
fifty-second birt •y. A very pleasant
time was the erdict of the comiariy.
SAme of Trojans who ars visiting in
the west, • ..rt the weather much colder
than it is here.
En. REPUBLICAN :—The over welcome
New Years' day has its pleas u res and bright
ianticipations of future joys, but not 'less
joyous than:the day has proved to the satis
faction of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hinds, who
welcomed to their hospitable abide their
children and grand-children by the sco
and were received with a cordial welcom
After the many kindly greetings a happy .
New Year eipressad by one and all Mr. '
Hinds presented to his four daughters, Mrs.
John Brink,. Mrs. Eliza Eddy, Mrs. Ella
; mum, Mrs. Adc,d — Hinds each a set of
silver knives, earl expressing their , thanks.
to their generous donor for the New Years'
gift. Miss Manthy Hinds spol4 a very
pretty piece doing
and friends much
credit. Then thei were seated at the table
which . ivas loaded, with the , substantials
that an epicure might envy and certainly
did credit the worthy hostels who Rap
pily entertained the visitants. After ;par
taking of the repast one and all congratu
lated each other for their happy meeting,
feeling thankful that they Hie in a land pf
plentkAnd appreciate its blessings. They
then departed for their respective homes
leaving their best wishes for the parents
.who had welcomed them to their home orir
92" e. Osit.wno was
74... Tan 1; 1883.
Dr. Pierce's "Pellgti," or sugarcoated'
granules—the original "Little Liver Pills,"
(beware of imitations)-cure sick and bil
lions .heidache, -cleanse the stomach • e,nd
boivels, and purify the blood.. To get gen
uine, see Dr. Pierce's signature
.and por
trait on Government stamp. 25 centsper
said, by drUggists. '
Farmers and otht dAiring a genteel,
lucrative agency ess, by whicb sslto
$2Oll day_can be earned, send address !at,
once, on postal, to 11. C. WEEMS - SON& Co.,
195 and 197 Fulton Street, New York.
- •
lAgents of both sexes; to sell the new and
novel Toy, 4 t. f tno Kato." A first-class
amusement foqoung folks. -
Address, r H. Lmtrots,.
Invetilia'atzttaTr. l Knicm Hotel,
. 4 ' L Pittston, Pal
,Step in at Rosonileld'a - -and examine his
New Stock of Clothing being received eve 7
-=Fresh bike deb and salt water fish at
C. el. 2.lser's - matitet, Bridge treet.
• May 19-tf -
Watsiest Zear Hai • Restorer.
It is entirelpdifferent f .. all others. It
is as clear as water, and, its name indi
cates, is a perfect Vegetabl- Hair Restorer.
It will immediately free . - head from all.
dandruff, restore_gray .• • to its natters'
color, and mediate anew h where it
has fallen offi It does in any manner .
affect the health, which S.: .her, Sugar . c c
Lead _mid Nitrate of SO er premai ,
hive done. It will change light or ,fatitg
hair in a few days to a beautiful gi s zt
brown. Ask your druggists for it.
bottle is warranted. Si,m Kr.= &C. - 4
Wholesale Agents,' Philadelphia , and Hail.
Ruciatt., New York. • -
Jul?" 1, 1882 . /Y•
The rumor haviqg bean circulated to the
prejudice of my- trade that other persona
are associated with me in my furnitute
business on Main street, First Ward, To 4
wanda.. t I take this vportubity to say that .
I have no panne:Alp in the business and
am Ware* on my own act.
count:. • Szpootra Siam.
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 11th"; 1882.
—L. B. nageTa has a large stook of Sash
Doors and Blinds, also Moldings, and is
selling Cheaper than any other. establishment
in Pennsylvania. • .
do to 'Warman's for wall pspews, , bor
ders dada., cornice &c. -He has some of
the handsomest wall and ceiling decoratiOns
ever brought into Towanda.
telt apd Peale IPricee,
; M th a4 Eridne goods'
N. A 42 •P.c.i,
DanUttf—*-Alavis" sewingXachine
I bought of your acme' SeiVn year.
saceenl.4o.:xoOliatlien) has given per
fect qatipfactiA, 444. 'all kinds of fatally
sewing withoiiiany repair, except anew
ahfittle - justUnght. P. C:4111793% .
FtiANKLINDAL; 22d, 1882.
_Ash Ilitteraxi Esteradoa Tables, anitAsh
bedroom Sets, are Specialties at ' --the new
bliraiture Store, lirs!a.street„, Fink Ward.
- • SErltOun Siam.
Almws ROmtslking.
A delicious odor is imparted by Floreston
Cologne, which is. alan3n , rafMshing, no
matter law freely asvi. , ' ,
—No miner) for delivering; And dons
promptly from O. N. NYvell, market /Wile
street. •
rider in=tt
, -
yo 1 2.?4- ' SILBD.
Al. MBBARD , FEROI76ON,--At New Al
bany,Jan:l3, by Itev.'B. Joces,Mr. Cher
i& A.- Hibbard and. Miss Mary M. Fer
guson, both of
KELLEY—RIGCIS--In Leßoy, Jan. 1, by
IL S. Mott, Esry., Mr, William Kelley
and Miss - Ehiura K Riggs; both of Leßoy.
Jan. 6, by Rev. J. L. Jones, Mr. E.' J.
'sCratimer and Miss H. L Gerlaugh, both
' of Monroe township. •
ki.a.T4--NKSBIT—At Camptown Dec.
13, by Rev. E. C. quick, Mr; Edward
Pear - of IWyalusing and Miss Mattis
Nesbit,.of Herrick.
b*Rev. E.C. Quick, Mr; D. C. Rolfes of
Camptow - y, - / — uul- Miss Floience, Roes, of
Herrick. -
BILES—FAIAt residence of officiating
Sunday evening, - Jan.- 14, by
Rev:l,C. T. Hallowell, Wm, L. Biles,
Lime Hill, and Nora L Farr, of W~not.
Corrected every Wednesday.
Corner of Main and Pine Streets.
• P•Tnaa. Brunei. ,
15 25447 25
150@1 85 -
2 AO ' '
Flour per barrel..
Floutper Back
Buckwheat Flour; 11'100:.
Corn Heal -
Chop Feed, -
Wheat, VI btuthel • 100@110
Bye.: • Co®62).'
CetlM. 65(47
Buckwheat, "
Oats, ..... •• e• . •
Apples Dried, *lb .. • .
Peaches .
. .. • 124
Baspberries Dried.W 021
Blackbeiries .' . 10
Pork.* barrel
Hams. 11 lb •
Lard. - 12
Butter, in Tubs a Firkins. 2 5 @30
Butter, in Bolls ' 2542 G
Eggs . tig2 B
Clover Seed.* bushel
Timothy seed 11 bushel..
Beeswax, W lb
Syracuse Salt lip barrel...
Weldon Salt " • .
Alibtotrtilalt '
Onions; II bushel.....
Still enlarging stare and fa-
-'6lities. - . Doubled both in the'
last two years ; more than
doubled them. ' Trade \has
doubled ; it crowd's less
now than at any time befoN
wOrks moreesmpoolly;,; gives
more 'general ''satisfaction ;
and suffers fewer• mishaps.
It is growing faster _than
- ever ; .and with every appear ,
ance of a healthy growth.
[Because people..._find
`much advantage in :trading
with us, that the, - .send . to
us -.for whatever they want.
no . .matter - how far away
.they may be; if they can:
wait for it.: An',;unhealthy
• g rowth would be growth by
Charlatanr3q; •
Our building is still tempo
rary. part of it was once
the, Freight, - Station of._ the
Pennsylvania Railroad. - It
has - been built around and.
upon, until it looks More like
a Turkish Mosque on ( thr. old
side; while on. - the ,niki, it
has taken in so many Chest
nut-street stores, that it looks
any iither part of Chest
nut street.' We hau'n't made
money enough in these five
years to put _111) - a building
:worthy of the placo .and of
the trade. _ You will be inter
ested in
. seeing how 'we have
tunedand. twisted these old
bUildings about, and . hoW
many commodious and really:
elegant rooms wehaVe, with- .
scrmu, , ch 'as wall-paper
between them. .
• We are sending more. and
- more by express and mail.
The means 'of trading with
out seeing are new and rude.
. You think it i strange that it
can..-be dbne: at all., . You
wouldn't think of buying a
farm without, seeing it; .or a
horse, or cow, sheep.
How tan you buy everything
l'your family 'wears, every-.
! thing you use, in your house,
without seeing ?
Why, simply because zqe
take the risk.' • • •
. .
• .;.JOHN WA&A m A Kt:N.
Chi‘stnnt, Thirteenth and Mark; t
btre!ats. and r,itytthal
1•1111:61611.1kur. -
All 'testamentary baying been glinted to the
undersigned, under the last will and testament
of Jadin IL Scott, late of Monroe township,
g ow, all persons indebted to th e
estate bf satd decedent are hereby notified to
flake hamadiam payment; and all having claims
against said utile must present- the same duly'
authenticated to the tuidemtgwed tor settlenisnt.t
I ' • _manna eclair,
Monroe, Dec. 14.4 t Izectitora. *.
- Sti*i_,..l;..4 - ‘ . .::'','L-Oiii:-
g ;;•:es 1^ k—g - V.
. .
A .1!
_ ,„.
'Arts old stand of re; atonal Is iierell4
They invite attention AO their Complete
I Utl
I C 5
assortment and veq large stock of
2 0062 50
ig . 35
Choice New Goode, which the/
21 03(423 CO
I 3
7 00(47 CO
2 750'
2 75@300
And Cash Paid for Desirable ;Binds
call theatten-,
tion of FARMERS and
others to his large and complete
Open & 'F(4) Buggies
- • .
..„ all of his -
own MANUFACTURF, and war. r L
ranted in every par-
Bryant's Flexible Springs used In ell Plethora
Weems. The sashed end best In nee.
- -;
Leak at these Agates - •
Two Seated *times Mg l-, t
.; . . c... $l5O taint a
Photons, one seated 123 to 150 7
Top Buggies 135 to 150 '
OP= Dollen " - - • 00 to
Democrat Wagons .._+ SO to 'lOO
110 ,
Remember that the above areal folly warrant.
ed. Irst-class or no pay..,
Repairing prompt/P *Mended tont 25 par °sat
below last, years prices. .
Ofilceand Factor: ear. Math sad Ilititheils Oa.
i. ila4iar
First Class Doceries
Vain Street, opposite C. Porter's
And Bridge Street,
From-December 23th; , 1882, -I will Ors epeeis t
prices to all sad azi extra quality of all kindso .
fetter at wholesale all kinds of P. Lorillard's
tobaccos. also cigars, candles. soap. sale:anis,
tea, coffee. and apices of a2l kinds, and kerosene
oil, etc.. at mannbetureisrices.
• .1-
- 1
i i -I-1
Who bas bad 2f years exper in the 1 . ,
ilture (opposite
bonbons. has .posed a store and,
ill BenUere Block. Frst W zib -
McCabe 's marble yard) and aollate tho patron
op of the public. H. has been be lb. employ of
lfesars. Frost for tio past eighteen yea% sad
Men maddest that he c a n ere oaths alithao•
QUALITY and PRICE. • - • •
I abaft keep a melt of New Goode. and will
order per catalogue let roamers at a =glad
mace from petaalbetzuore prince. INdl sad see
me all who or• la want Ilapablag or 'New
floods. • _ ~
24 . 1168 1
- ,:..,,.::
.General t6l -- in
4,•:1:3 i•
have away, on hand.
To the
el°. encsmare.
Cheaper thaa ever at th.
OLD zsrAaussmsmr
Fro► the beet roller
maims morn.
. ; ;,t.