in a lii MI PI J 11 IS 211 MI SOLID IIUCCICIM The surest :tied to ewes' in life is that Of posh: tent and thorough work. Speerdno tors, wart make , money rapidly, generally kw it with equal rapidity. It is_ the- pt tient, steady plodders who gain and keep fortunes. Mr. William a - Webb, the great drip-builder of New York, is ample for the young men of the United' States. • His father • had won a fortune in ship building; and like many loving fathers, wished an easier life for bis favorite- boy. Set the young man •preferred his , father's trade, and determined to master -it. _ He went into theahiplard hike a common workinan, beginning at the foot of the lad . der, and acquired great, skill in the use of all the tools. Soon even 'the experienced hands did not equal him ,in nicety , of work. He was nulla young man 'rim his father died, but he continued the •businesa, and won in it a high reputation. lie was the first man in the yard lin the morning, and tholest to leave it at night. ' • With his own hand he drew the model of • every Tine" built therein; wrote Ii book every specilkation of the building, and marked ca-the frame the place- for every . dirk of timber. No better vessels, either -- tor war cir commerce, were built in the world thin came from Webb's yard. Of the hundred and forty built under his own eyes not one proved a failure. Sir Titus Salt, the great English manufac turer of alpaca, naottoboasc whet — lie was & millionaire, that he could at a moment's notice take the place of any workman in bis vast factory. Ile was master not only of the financial but of the machoical part of PILES Piles are freque = ~ ---r . :-. by a sense ~of weight in the back, oins and lower , part tfosethe abdomen, causing the patient to sup he has somenffection of the kidneys neighboring organs. At times symp toms of indigestion are present, as fkituency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like perspiration, producing a very disa greeable itching, partiFnlarly at night after getting warm in bed, is a very common at tendant. Internal, External and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bamako's Pile 'Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tu mors, 'allaying the inte itching, and ef fecting a permanent mire where all other remedies have failed.- Do not delay until the drain on the system produces perma nent disability, but try it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Ask your druggist for it, and when you can not obtain it of -him, we will send it, prepaid, on reeOtipt of price. Address The Dr. Bosankii -Medicine Co., . Piqua, Ohio. Sold by C. B: Porter, Ward House Drug Store. , july27ly. DOWN WITH Till - BLitt - 6 BRIDLE. /The American 'Farmer, in speaking against the use of, the blind bridle says: "We know.;tot irho invented this instru ment of horse torture, but we know that he not understand the anatomy and physi ology of the eye of a -horse.:Hamad vision Is binocular—that ft, we see the game ob. sect with both eyesq,and so adjust the axis of vision. that the_ object appears single, though Seen with.both eyes. But the eyes of the horse'are placed on the side of the head and the axis of ~each eye is nearly at right angles with the longitudinal line of the body, so that it is impossible that the same object can be distinctly seen with two eyes. Now, by blinding, the eye in the direction in which it was intended in its construction that it should see, it is forced to use an ob. lique tisioa, Mif we should cover the front of our optics and be compelled to see only by the anger of our eyes. This unnatural toad constrained use of the eye mud, to a . greater or less extent, impair vision, if not entirely destroy it. The object for which the blind bridle is used is not accomplished by it. A horse is more readily frightened • when he cannot see the object of his dread than if he can have a,`--fair view of it. But it is surprising Woberre with what tenaci. ty men hold on to an absurd and cruel prac tice,' when a moment's reflection would teach them better. Nineteen out of twenty homes you see in harness have .a blind bris dle on, and if you ask the owner to . ' explain its benefits, or why he uses it, he will be ut terly unable to give a rational answer. We are not surprised that draught horses aro subject to. diseased -.eyes—we wonder that ythev are not all blind. CO2 Suater.rox.. • It is said that 50,000 people' die ann .— nally in the United States alone from this disease. In some sections of the country one death in every three is from Consumption. This can be, and should be avoided; our people are too careless about an ordinary cough or cold, and other symptoms, of throat and lung affections that lead to this :disease. You should arrest it while it is in the germ.. Two or three (lases of Dr, Bosankp's=,ough and Luirig Syrup will relieve an ordnftry cough or cold. It does riot dry.up a cough hire many preparations on the market and leave the disease behind it, but acts directly on the throat and bronchial tubes, remov ing all the phlegm and morbid matter that accumulates inAhethroat and- lungs. It allays all irritation, and renders - the voice cleavand distinct. Sold by C. B. Porter's ,Ward HouselDrug Store. july27ly. nUrCSNTREIOF POPULATION./ The centre of population. in tha tilted States was twenty.two miles from Baltimore in - 1790, and has Moved westward at the av erage rate of flfty.nne I)2iles at every decade, never deviating to this' extent of a degree' north or south of thsi thirty-ninth parallel. The greatest progre f oit was between the years of 1850 '60,, when it traveled miles from a poiiit in Virginia to twenty miles south' of ketullicathe, Ohio. The - movement was caused by the settlement of the Pacific coast. The centre of population in 1870 was forty-eight miles northwest of Cincinnati. According to the last amnia, the centre had advanced westward fifty eight miles, and deflected to the Booth Bloat eight, being near the village of Tayloreville, By., about eight miles from Cincinnati. It is anticipated the next census will find it in Jemingg county, Indiana. Supposing the westward movement of population, the cen tral point should cross the Mississippi about 1950, not, far Prom the mouth of the Ins scrozi. It is considered probable, however, that it will never go so- far westward, as there are large areas in the West which are only adapted for mining and grazing por - traits, and ill support Ind a scanty . popula tion.. The increase in the region beyond the flibmisippi after the close of the pre. • sent century mayt not murb more than counterbalance that of the rest of the comb. try, in which case the centre of popilation will remain almost Atationary in southern Minas. Delicate Yetroa les. The exactions of society. added to the eareirof maternity and the household, have tested beyond endurance the frail constitu tions which have been granted the majority of women. To combat this tendency to premature decline, no remedy in the world possesses the nourishing and strengthening ti=sof Malt Bitter'. They enrich , perfect digestion, stimulate the liver and hadr . teys, arrest ulcerative weak-' ties, and purify and vitalise every function of the female system. t , h i I! s his Aa as Wran :—lt mast have hien is Memphis. Moses, the younger, sat in the stazi'llmangele ereEkillg paper, and all of a he called Ott : , " Fulda i Fad. der "Vat ish it, my.sonr "A case of yellow fever only six raw away!" " Mo ss r "Yes, Ladder" " Pegin to packhp dent coats and Tests! By tomorrow dot -.yellow frier 'shill be in town and shill be telegrardid to New York un by der net Amy we max' fail and Mies to pay twenty: cents att der toiler: I vhas looking for it all last week.!—Dstrolt Free Preis. . .• . i . - ----::r ~,•--.: , zatk_ • • . . Ache ..... POSITIVELY CURED BY Benson's Capcine Porous Maga. I,. '‘''''' ' r • ~ i - , ... - -.4,-, - •••••• , .....-.. , , !„,..,-, - ~,, . -. ...,... . , . , .. , . 4 - l • *' '- 9 ' Sanford s Radical Cure_ THE GREAT AMEICATHALSAMIO DISTI T/ON OF WITCH HAZEL. AMERICAN • PINE CANADIAN FIR. MARIGOLD. CLOVER BLOSSOM. ETC , ~ For the Immediate Relief . and . Permanent cure of every form of Calarrh, from a simple Heed complete Cold or Influennsio the 'Loss of Smell . Taste. and hearing. Cong . Bronchitio, and Incipient Consumption. In reed by Physicians. Chem ists, . and Medi Journals throughout the world. as the on complete external and inter-. nal treatment. One bottle , Radical Cnre, one .boi Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in and pack age; of all druggists for $l. Ask for Sanford's Radical Cure. WEEKS k POTTER, Boston. tOt. 1 8 , ELECTRICITT Gentle kit Effective, uniW witli-llesling Siam, Ten der- COUINEL: VOLTAIC EI.ECTSIO P ES one hundre4 times superior- to all °the; piasters for every " • Pain. Wpakness andlinflam :Wl ....eCILS stion. u Price, 25 cents. . •Ws.sWl us- Sold everywhere. TIENDALL'IrSPAITIN CURE Is sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does not Witter, yet is penetrating, and powerful to reach every deep tested paint* to remove any bony growth or other enisiOnenta, such as sparing, splints, curbs, callous, elgulns, swell. ings and any lameness and all. enlargements of the Joints or limbs, or for rheumatism Inman audios any purpose for which a liniment is used for man ,or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In its effects. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues.- remedy Las ever met with such unquali ft ed ems to our knowledge, for beast as well a man. Price Al per bottle. or six bottles for. $5. All Druggists ha addr e ss get it for you, or it will be sent to anon ripeipt of price by the proprietors, Da. B. J. Ism:4m & Co., Enos. burgh Falls, Vt. t • 1 • Sala by a ll Druggists. MO HOWARD A. 3410 W, Solicitor of ASEERICA . N. AND FOltElekN PATENTS. CHF STREET N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C., (Successor to Gilmore, Butith & Co., au. Chipmsni' Homer & Co.) • Patents procured upon the same plan which was originated and successfully practiced by the above-named firm.; . Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon receipt o stamp. . AnovBl MRS. STEDGE, Mant4fadurer of and Dialer in HUMAN HAIR GOODS, UCH AS wica,BANDEAUX, the popular Chatelaine Braid, • EVERYTHING BELONGENG To rat HAM TRADE WrBP•eW Attention given to COMBINGS Roots all turned one way. IMMURES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Pouder, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. ,q-Particular attention paid to oressing ladles ..airst their homei or at my place of business, mt r Etans k 11110retb's store. ovlB-6r Vac 'P. V. STEDOII.. THE RUSH FOR JAC • BS -:AT TEIS:-. COW 'Reliable Cloth ing store, Is to examine his immense ' __,' IFALL AND WINTER V:):10Rti0A)1 4eady 7 Made Clothing. _ • He isimepared to offer bargabk that will induce customers to buy. Ocupmg the large Sod commodious store, N0.,123 Hain• street, formerly H. E. Solomon & Son, he presents a full and complete stock in all lines of :Clothing. BENS', BOYS', YOU AND CHILDREN'S SUITS ,Of every grade and quality. " GE I,TBIPURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, &C. OVERCOATS Of evert4ti ialty RUBBER GOODS a specialty. .All are invited to call and secure -bargalni. - JACOBS. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 8,1882. Stevens & Long • . • - . . moinnoris, COUNTRY PROIWCE, COB, MAIN AND PINE - STS• (The old ptatid of los. eieveas k Illercar4 : . . They invite attention to their complete asaortment and very large *OC o' SPECIAI ATTENTION GIVEN And Cash Paid for DadrablnAlktda Y. Z. LOO. ni 1865.1 i T. ItUIR & CO.'S _ L, GROCERIES "'-1-1 The slue to Mn Lona b . oughts clump Is at Ocrses kat" and ?stall's Bless . Taw stepeettally eaeassee to the pablhs that _a they ban a haws stocarot_ nso, =AL.' ORM. ighlX.' PORK. and PRO peaerally. • We bays also added our stook a varlet/ oit, WOOD= Walt& ea as sterna visa; 111 ADM sro. , Just received s bras stock of Bagers.; Tess. Coffees. Spices, ItotrUmWB FORIS SOAP. best In the market. I end other metes of ioap Syrup and Ifolsieek-kfwhteh they offer at los prices torpid'. . oet he 11 Wagons &Carriages ;_~~, ~~ 1111 rm rrATO : 1 01: (11l )0 To their new More, =MI '• • • Ohoice New Goods; which they `a have alwayv on taunt To the PRODUCE TRADE GZO. 1112411201. STOP AT .6 -km PROVISIONS: TOWANDA. PA. ! , Cheaper Mal inor at the ) OLD ZIST4BiZSZEMBNT JAMES BRYANT, would call the atten tion of FARMERS and ahem. to hie lame end complete ;assortment of • Open Sr. Top 131.1ggien PLATFORM WAGONS all of his town MANUFAMTE and war ranted in every par- down Vs Floulbla Elp •laud in 4isioss. Th e erjr 1111 Plsuo set and best la us. NOW , IS TOUR TThLF TO BUT .Look at Uoso fignsos . Two nodal °mom Arms hl5O to hits Photons. one instal - - • 125 to 150 T O l l 8 0 11000 .. • ~ ISS to 150 _OM 2111 Coll onoosiss _ was 00 to 'lOO 90 to 11,0 • Itstsonbor that ths aboso In OH Mr vsneat. ed. Itstelssa os aoyy 20 1 11 112b0t siodol to at 21 pa 0014 below Isst yam p itt low - 01kesM riacter. ear. Ws sat 11100.0 INN 'ma. altrAlir* , WOW JOB :PRINTING OF ALL RINDS u . theis at Oen *Mks" mul Phlsi las Rmaigaukellat- THE maim SUCCERSIITI. ' :• 4 ever , ft is airtain in its amts too 0 ,.. roT i rDster. Also - *scant Iv Nuns* i. 71 388 D MOB BELOW. - • -, PROM COL. L. T. POEM Youngstown. Ohio , WY 10th, Ireo. Ds. D. J. Em ma= k Co: —3 bad a very wh s . Bambistonian cols which I Prized eery ma. • it. he bed s large bone *min on one joist sat - a small one on the other which made him Tin lame; I had him under the charge of two veteg, nary surgeons which failed to cure him. t aw .one day reading the advertisement of Headaws ' .gpayin Cure in the Chicago Express. I detenow. ad is onus to try it, and got our druggist s t en to send ter it, they ordered three bottles; I t oot them all and thought I would: give it a Wring% trial, I used it according to directibna and to fourth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps have disappeared. I lased but one honk and the colts limbs are u tree from lump a a t as Smooth as any horse in the state. no l a t , tirely cured. The ours Arse so remarkable that let two o f my neighbors have the remetai at two bottles. who are now using it. • Very gespectfully, a - Mara' kendalfs Bpavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH: Patten'. mug. Wash'ton co.. N.Y., Peb.2l,.a. . Da'. B. J. Isurna••. Dear Sir:—The pgru ctu ease on 'which I used your Kendall'e grata cure was • malignant ankle sprain of sixteeu mouths standing, I had triad many tbinp, but in Va. Your Spaeth. Curs pue;the foot to the pang again, and for tbe 11sat limo slam bort, In a natural position. Yor i family liniment it er. eels anything ever used. . Yours truly, IiKV. Y. P. BELL, .- Pastor of Y. E. Coosa!, Patters 11111 s, li.t: 7 • Pries $l. par bottlo. or six bottles for $5. s i ii , Driggists have it or can get it fer ion, or it.;; be sent to any address on receipt of plea . propburgh Inns. Vrietors. D t. Bold K. at P.NDALL k CO., L .. . . Dr. H. C. Porteei Ding filer._ KLINE'S MARKET. A.R3E1,04 13 LO CK Main_ Street, First Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, HIVING REMOVED HIS MEAT &VEGETABLE Id A.RIEET o a more convenient locatior:and establiited himself in the Carroll Block. opposite &tiro Hotel. is prepared to supply his pettcous with . , THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. _ FISH, OYSTERS IN THEIR SEUGN, FIiESH VEGETABLES. . DONEITIV nun, lc., Sirßol.ooNA HAVEIAGE;s specialty. All on d., promptly delivered. You need not Die to Win EC THE MUTUAL ENDOWMENT ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Of Pleb, N. T. • Yon receive one-half of Your lin/or/nee. cording toi the American Life Table, when ' thirds of , yonr life expectancy Is finish& illustration. a man or .woman joining the dation at 3d Years of age taking a certifies, 12.50 e, receive/11.275 when ►little over 56 of age, exactly: the period in life ,witen financial help is generally more needed any other Moe. BLADES & ROGEB& Minaret Agents tot June9tf Tietv. ToWanda•kl,Sto MAIN , STREET, NEXT DOOR TO FELON la,Treparod to, offer a complete assort went, of DRY. AND FANCY 00008, Crockery', Glassw WHITE and DECORATED dIIIIL Latest designs and patterns or MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATcHELS,, For the coming Spring Tradt adhetv as heretofore to our estai principle—that a quick sale profit is better than a slow one , large yrofit—and therefore our pl in any- line of goods will cor favorable with the prics of an house. SirWe endeavor to sell the article .:for the least possible MOllf tf 10EWUS & FREI myr.. SPECIAL ANN JAMES McCABE gASRFKOVED 3118 GROCERY i3V,933110 :soirra-zairr CORN= OP Sils. ,AND BRIDGE MEET& Win g HE HAS ESTABLISHED k. Head Quart eueum, &c. CASH PAID for Desirable dnce: Fine BUTTER and specialty. wallies ID/ BESlbuidn4beli:owty tstettr C needed. We irttl start yon. AM a dal muds made at home by tbe..induetzW l women, boys and girls vailad 6W . work for us. Now is the time.. Tor spare time only or give your whole leuelneell. Von can Me at 2'oE3Bllnd - No other business will sy In 01411 No one can hill to make enormor Vklt once. Costly. Outfit an( : lI =11:1* Stet. easily and i h 03 ; Pee march'? AND G LY THE LTh o► lIIZI