BOLCOM , & TBACY, PablbleA. VOL. VIII, I=M=l Radford Republican Is Published Every Thaisday, AT TOWANDA, PA., BY HOLCOMB & TRACY. 31.50 Pp Annum, in Advance Adrerlising Itates--Slz cents • lino-for Atli inaertion, en i five cents per line for all anWre quent iusertt DOB. Reading notice advertit ten cents pee line.; Eight lines constitUto a tousre. and twelve lines an inch. Auditors notices $2.50. Administrator's and E#cutoi's notices $1.(10. .Yearly advertising slso.oo per column. Tun REVD BMW( is published in. the 'Juicy. Moore and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main and Pine streets, over J. E. Corse?. Boot and Shoe stole. Its circulation is over 2000. As an advertising medium it is unexcelled in itai isn• mediate fiebi. Tcwan,la Business Dineen. A TTORA EFS-AT-LAW. . riLEVEL4 NI) & McGOV RN. (B. J. C/evelaud %I W. McGovern), Canton. Bradford County Pt, All business entrusted tri their care in Western lir gglford will receive prompt attention. & WILTS, Attorneys-at-Law; OfHo S over Powell k. Co. CALIFF. J. N., Office in Wood's Block, sou th First Satiurial Bank, up stairs. June LRBREE, SON (N C &three and L Elsbree.) V ()nice in 3larcar Block. Park St. may 14.78 t o, CS k OVERTON (Benj M Peek and D A Over font: Office over Rill's Market 49•'79 k . AXWET.L - W %T. Office over Dayton's Store: epri114,76 WILT, 'W Office in Mean's Block. : j • I'D 1 1. ; spr 14,76 nAviEs, CAANOCHAN & HALL. OP Davie:l.- 1J w (!arro•Aaa. - L H Hall.l 'Mee in rear ef Ward Iloilo.. Entrance on Poplar St. 5e12,75 Tifi.Encr. .)DNEY A.' Solicitor of Patents. Parthmar attention paid to business in orphame Court and to the settlement of estates. Office in Montanye's Block 49-799 M - cPLI.EI:BI.2 & OYOUKG, tint( (1. Miller:as W. I. Young.) Office month side oflferctir's Block. :. , feb 1,78 WiLLIAII9, ANGLE k BUFFINGTON. (Alf Williams, E J .Arigle%and E D Butiugtvit). Office west aide of Main street, two doors north of Argus office. All tusiness entrusted to their care will receive prompt:attention. oct 2d.77 TAMES H. AND JOHN Mr. CODDENG, Attor neys and CounsellorsAtAaw. Office in the ticrcur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. july3, 'SO tf. KEESEY. J. P. Attorney-at-Law. Ofllce In Montanye's Block, Blain Street. Sept. :5, 'el-tf. .law. W. H. and E, A.. Attorneys-at Towanda, Pa. Office in Mercur Block. over C. T. Rirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main street. find stairway north of Post-office. All business promptly attended to. Special atten= lion given to claims against the United States or Pensicaot, Bounties, Patents. -etc., and to ollections and settlement of decedent's esUiteie. April 21. ly HENRY B. MOAN ArTORNLT-IT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. Solicitorbt Patents; Government claims at. tended to.• • ['Glebe/ PHYSICANS AND SURGEONS. JOHNSON. T.-11.. 'A.D. Office over Dr. H. O. Porters's Drug Store. fe1q2,78 MEWTON,Tors. D. N.J.: F. °nicest Divining +. ll on River Street, corner Weston St. feb 12,77 LADD, C. H.. St.D. Office let door above old bank building. on Main street. Spocial at- tention given to disessol of the throat and lunge. Ju1y19.78 , . ' TrrOODBERN,• 8. M., M.D. Office and real V v dunce. Main street, north of M.E.Church Medical Examiner for Pension Driviirtment. tab 22.78 PATNE, M.D. Office Pino St.. opposite Jail. Office hours front 10 to 11 a. at. and from 2 to 4 P. mfriSpecial attention given. to Diseases of the ETC: and Diseases of the Ear. oct 20.77 rpowNER, H . L., Id .D:. IiONCEOPATHIC PEITHICILN & fibanzoit. Residence and office just north of Dr. Carbon's Main street, Athens, Pa. HOTELS. 10.111rENRY HOUSE. /Hain st., next -corner south A-L., of Bridge street. New bonze. and new furniture throughout. The ,proptietor has spared neither pains or expense in making his hotel dist-class and respectfully solicits & share of public patronage. Meals at all hours.. Terms reasonable. Large Stable attached. mar 8 11 ' WM. HENRY. Bzpazt OCIETLE3 WATSINS POST, NO. GS, 0. A. B. Meets every Saturday evening, at Military Hall. -4; GEO." V. MYER, Commander. J. R. ItrrnaDoz, Adjutant. tab 7, 79 CRYSTAL LODGE, NO. b7.' Meets at K. of P Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In al:trance $2,000. Benefits s3.oo`per week. Aver ago annual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. JESSE MYERS, Reporter. E. Prencs. Dictator.' feb 22.78 BRADFORD LODGE. MO. 167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet in Odd Fellow's Mall, every Monday evening It 7 o'clock. Wssams Hum, Noble Grand. June 12.76 _ HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. - DOST. F. E. No. 32 Second street Jul orders will receive prompt attention. pine 12.75 EDUCATIONAL. SOSQ . LJBHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The SPItING TERM will begin Monday, April 3, /882. For catalogue or .othet infor mation. address or call on the Principal.' • EDWIN QUINLAN; A. 31.2 1111 7 19,78 Towanda, Ps. PLUMBER 4N.1;) GAS FITTER , EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Ga s Titer:4lw° of busineal in Mer e= Block next doer to - Journal office opposite Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair. ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing romptly attended id., - All wanting work in his ne should give him n call. July 27,77 INSCRANCZ RUSSELL. 0. S. General Insurance Agency. Towanda . . kak".. Office in Whitcomb's Book itore. ' ' • July 12.76 And had' One of His 25 CENT DINNERS '' leb2S-6n) ETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS . 1 - 4 NOTE HEADS, ate.• t tajated In th e bteit style tif the art at the Itansacai , , , . .. .., ~, 1 / 4 , -`..., , , . , _„, . . . _:= •„ c „;', . • '•- - 1 , .- - - % ~ ..t.,,,,,q,,....,,,,,z.......,,,, -.- ~,--...,,- - ....--‘----- - .... ' " - . ,•,,,,,„,,..,—;,,,,...............-:..,-,>....--,---9.---V---.""-.: t'-1-4.,7f, ~ . . , .-:„.. •' r- ... ' - I '. l i , k-t , St Nis .... tsik. ) . .. 4 ' :*;: ' ; , . ... , ,_ ... r .„ - ~. :',1., ..>1 . .. ,: - - ..; '3•l--- . ~ ,- ~..i v i ' .'... , , . ..:. - ~.,4- 7 _ .... . " -I , c .s _ 7: - ,r,:...iti-L. ,_ _ ',' ' I ,j~ fi 1z; :i , - 3 I ' t -' _ r",. ' '-',"- ~ 4t.....1r...., \ - 41 Isvowu...:„. .A , 1 1 1110; 4(..,L,,, , ,c, , a.. : , l isk o: ' ' ~..`:,..-:,-., : 1 , 1 7: 1_ , - : i:: ~., .-' 1 . 7. i .,.. 1 7,: . ~: 1 - '' ...-::-..,,,, .„T,‘ . '..:, ~.. a' , - -:::..---"'" 4 :;1 7. -A- _ '.': 4 , :., :. tP I; t: ' :, \ _i ;.:, .fi 7 . -Y ,i 1 - .1 .':',- --' '" R • ., ~. 4.......„.. .." .„... -:' -.:.,„ • . ... ,—.,..—:- ..,:...... ~.. , ~ .. .... . _ : • _.... ___,....,_1_,_,...,..„,„„...,.,_......, .....,. ..,,, - s ....s.s , litstellaneauks Advertisements. NEW FIRM Is Edr - tilii,oll . o, -- eailx . , Jewelry Store OFHIBOWN IN PA T T i ON'S BLOCK With Swart & Gorden's Store, Main Street, Toivanda, Pa., Mom he keeps a FULL ASSONFIUUIT or Gold & Silver Watches SWISS AND AMERICAN COCKS,JEWELRY 9 SPECTACLES, ETC. . thr Stock is all NEW And of the FINEST QIILLITY. Call and see for yourself. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. Gm VROY, PA. We keep on hand constantly for initilprs;, LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PAINTS; GILS,", VARNISHES, - CHESPEAK NAILS. +3l. WAGON MAKER'S SUPPLIES Fellows, Spokes, Rats, Milli, Poles Carriage Trimmings. Also a toll line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, and a full line of Carriages, Platform and Lumber Wagons, Made by us with stilled workmen, and warranted in every particular. Troy, April 27.1 y BLANK BOOK MANUFACTITRER BOOK BINDER, Alfred J. Purvis, = • All work in his line done well and proniptly lowest price. • Parties having - volumes Incomplete will be fur. nished with any missing numbers st cost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for Bradfbrd County. sill be promptly executed so. cording to directions. sep94l 3EIO ItOSS Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. H. • ' 0. Porter's Drng Store, Main Steeet, with a large stock • • GROCERIZS7 F-z• OF THE BEST QUALITY. Mr. Ross has /morass STOILL ox BBIDGIL Smarr J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores• am connected by Telephone. Mr. Ross can now feel satisfied that he can give the • -BEST GOODS FOR m ?NAST MONEY His experience enables him to select the best goods, which he le bound to sell st kLOMPRICF.. You can always get a bargain if you I • , • BUY -YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. r. All goods delivered in the BorOugh FREE. FARMERS will do well to call with their Produce and get the CASH. 20apr82.1y. M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, Is still to be. found at the OLD STAND Next door to Dr. 8. C. Porter's Drug Sture FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS :J Ei W E ~L .11,:y._,,, STERLING SILVER AND SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, FROM THE CHTAPIEBT TO THE ar ALL OF WHICH 'WILL EE SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST MOE% Clocks, Watches sad Jewelry promptly repahld by as experienced sad competent workman'. , septlbtt A. N. NELSON /14 DIFLUM Eli WATCHES CLOCKS. Mil AID NAT= • - A nn_ tugki 7 -Of itirierticue; Ufflitiouldad AO. Diliftiast. Sem to( Decker 7: visathi Omianstari• ;Oat; Ter= . , ME NEW STORE I NEW eons 1 Wormer!, with liendebsisa.) HAS OPENED A ENGRAVING A ETECIALTY.,i &Is° BF.ARDSLEY & SPALDING,. Hardware Dealers. AND PAPER RULER. &a No 131 Genessee street. t 'ma. N. Yj MidEtt STREET, . - wrm s m=. LI ,or WATCHES, FINE PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, M. RENDELMAN.I 0 New Advertisement'. =1 W hiskey if DROWNS , IRON DITTER, is 'one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed moistly of alcohol or whiskey, thus: hemming a fruitful source of inteinpotr ance by proinoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON . BrrrEßs is guaontced to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will itt swirly may case, takeltbe**o4. 4 l l liquor -- and at',the-Sati(edme abso lutely'kill,: the desire for whiskey and, other intoxi cating beverage's. _Rev. G.W.XicE,eclitor of the Ammtari•eldistian Re view, says i•f-Brown's Iron BitterS: BROWN'S' IRON BITTERS has been thoroughly tested for dyspePsia,' , indigestion, biliousness,weakness,debil ' ity, overwork; rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles:4x., and it never fails ;to render speedy and permanent relief Nothing Short hf trnmistairt.OLl Benefits " Conferred upon tens of thousands-of : sufferers could originate ,nrid maintain the reputation which : Ares , PARMA enjoys. It is it compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with-the lodides of Potassium and Iron, —all powerfhl, blood4inkth i g t blood-cleansing and life-sustaining--atid the most effectual of all remedies for' scrofh lons, mercu r ial, or &clod disorders. Uniformly successful and certaini, it produces rapid and complete cures' of Scrofhla, Sores, Boils, - Humors, Pim pies, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all disonlers•nrisin; 'from impurity of the blood. • By its.; invigorating effects it. always • relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and is a potent renewer of waning vitality. For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves the 'leant?, and imparts vigor and energy. For forty years it has been in extensive use, and is to-day the most available medicine for the suffering sick. ..For sale by all &twists. l 17aa Bad and Worthless are never imitated or counterfeited. ; is especially true 'of a family medicine ; and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved the whole world 'diet Hop Bitters was - tWpurest, best" and most valuable family medicine on ;truth, many imitations sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press and peo ple of the country had expressed the merits of H. 8., and in .every way trying to in duce suffering invalids to use their stet in stead, expecting 'to make money on the credit and good .name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put up in, similar "style to H. 8., with variously devisednames in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used in a way to induce people to believe they were the same as , Hop Bitters: All such pretended remedies or cures, no,mat ter what their style or rime is, and espe cially those with the • word "Hop" or ."Hops" in their name or in any way con nected with them or their name, are imi tations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genaine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or clus ter of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. HALL'S YEGETADLIC SICILWt Ran Rwmwstt is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorap tive agents in the vegetable kingdori. It •restores gray hair to its o r iginal • color. It makes the scalp whitir and clean. It Cures dandruff and humors, and falling-out of the hair. It tarnishes the nutritive principle by , which the hair is nourished and supported. •It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It IS the moSt pri s paration ever oared to the public, as effects remain a long time, makinglndy an occasional applicatinn necessary'i. It Is recommended, and 'fused by eminent medical men, and officially endoiskl by. `the State Assayer of Muturchusens4 'The popularity •ofilall's HaLii Reneweii has increased With the test :of many! years, - both this country and in • :I foreign lands , and' It is now -known and used in all e„civilised countries of the world. /. ~ '1 - For sale b 4 tis, dealers. - ' tented AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! Far GEN. DOIriVS toad new book, misled ThittOiMaree . Weaa Among ii OUR. WILD NDIANSI 4 true mama ol Ilba mdkoia,TUFAriaresotentrioid Experisoos airy aor kikao sa dh labodamellsa By Gen. Sherman: 'lbis sow work was Si Wm istowdbod foi by ?milks* Arum and agina (kbisd. sist b 7 GS- Strivaii4Gels. Grant;Goi. Sionides Ode. Howeek, ousi tbowael oaf ts tmt nos. Cos. ClsoSs mist - :"B “tk bag "lb a &Nos ZVt net wrings' Manor Wass alotbodlok osros-onto book itf i e imbit. - Ws the asks WM& tie moss& of wor 'Published. toky wed glwk "home NV *WS tills =skit. Ma •1111 f.situw t tlm siPorkswin oe the autherAnd d fo am Swift TrogswOoristroallswojkarbsPnikoss. its. TWO' poolowtak lib Is So Grad Indio It now AMA awwwwit iojwsos Witt Stool Basiwrisso mad Borst (Awowspetogswk Moo bi Is SOWN. ism plowings wads by lb. 11. L Goronusyst esynakilbrlak great work. 4111113111 t 15i. wad book by saw embanks di Sin lo , ilkoesinsdidan. - 414anissnompkile 1011. a day. Ws west 101111 awe spill as OW' Ifir!:. ' ftrOkolowid Awn giim:-JOsillwasdsiS. kw %IWO, pweesisto *Om abeligednalfkis daiiiindediefin wised milalkiadelf" A4lllll l palairplOX 6 00.114alloaram „ . • ..» •FORD6IIIIItI4TY,I ) )L 'IIIIIRSDAY . 'DECEMBER- 14 - _ •_ • : ;_; .77,-. • • -.1 0., Nov. r 6,11181. Gents :The foolish west ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity.; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resod to saloons for temporary recuperatios. MI 'PEOPLE BY TBE;n1101 , 01 7 :AND'FOB TH BlX)Pialtir fi ~, SELECT POETRY. j TRANSITION. I said tonne' Just from Death's bonier land, Whose feet, Indeed, had touched the bound'ry line. I, "Did none extend to thee a friendly hand. • , Nor any welcome thee by word or alga?" He answered me," The Sacral stlll Is kept, I heard:no coke, I saw , no becktidng band,, This dwelling I Inhabit must hive slept, While I was 'candling In another land." "And now I am. n this dear delft Again, The Mystery is hidden in God's band, Ot-why I went, or came. or how. or when,-• Or what befell me in that, other bunt" I wonder, will It be thus. when at last Death keeps thienional part itithin his pant. Will memory perish with the lite that% past, Nor bless, nor area us, In that other land? • - - Moon. MISCELLANEOUS. TIE3IEB TROUBLE. , . "Ewan he come yet, mar , . „ dear, - not toe Two demur, white hands toned the hot pillow. The sick 'man waa too to notice that all the ringiOnt one were gone from He sighed impatiently, and soon lapsed into-the uneasy insensibility which was hard ly sleep. It was a young and handsome taw upon the ho!' pillow, with loose hair drooping in ebon rings upon theflushed foiehead ; a perfect profile—tichin bite ?tuts's. Its beauty bad 'never struck Jack Ash coUrt's' wife so sharply as then. when she sat watching the fearful fever settle down upon her lutsband=they two alone ; and penniless in a strange land. • She, too, was young and beautiful, with something of the same firm, proud cast, of face, but essentially Womanly and very fair, with rings of gold ° hair shading the blue eyes. ;1 ; - Tht4incess by which a highly-bred Mner ican girl had Wei endowed with this peen liarname,.• was by the pervendon of Elira. bethinto Libbie, and finally into Tibbie ; but it was too late to mend matters., - A doting old uncle and an adorning hus band bad used the ,name too long -4t had . been associated with too much ° petting and happiness—to be cast aside' ever; Tibbie would remain Tibbie to those, who loved her to the end, Yes, , she had bilan, an old. man's darting, as she was now a young one's, and the er perience bad hardly fitted her for the rotes ant situation. The care.:free smile was banished' utterly now from the pretty, pink month ; it was drawnriike a grieved child's ; but the stead fastbluereyes resolutely refused to shed their Weight of tears. i , , Jack Ashcourk was very Sick, and hie wife `knew it. On her unaccustomed sheulders Aided the very preservation of his life ; and avoid increasing his fever by excitement. was her first instinctive care. While to him she said, "Don't worry, Jack 1" she was herself consumed byanxiety and apprehension. They were in respectable lodgings in the students' platter of Paris. .Ther were vrith mit money or resources, needing the - where. withal to pay for food, rent, and physician's attendatice, and, strange as this seemed,• it bad all come about, in a very natural way. Their elegant lodgings of a month before had been devastated by five; which had con sumed their clothing' and money, with the exception of a few dollars which Jack had upon his person (having driven out of the city with his wife at the thne of the dises- ter litraltened by want of /means, they were forced to take bumble though comfortable apartments in the students' quarter, where Jack happened to know some • young men, and were on the eve of sending home for n3imburaeinents, when a letter arrived from libbie's uncle—the indulgent Uncle John, who had been more than father to her— that he would set sail immediately to join This delightful news appeared to wash any exertion on their part' unnecessary, for Uncle John was a Census, and all .that he bad - would be Tibbie's. • • He had insisted that Jack should throw ap his situation as book-keePer. and go abroad for his health ; and the sea:vo3rage baying cured Jack's cough, our young cou ple were as happy as the proverbial king and queen, until sadden misfortune over whelmed theni First came &fire and the loss, and •then . Jacks illness. *hat had caused the dent; °Omani of the; fever which consumed him he could not tell ; he only know thatlips and throat were pitched, his head a ball of lead, his blood liquid lava. with snowy blinds and tender eyes, bent over' him, watched' and tended him in vain. Daily he grew ,sicker;' the cool laving did not abate the fever which scorched his vitals; the choice 'iamb she had obtained by selling her lugs did not tempt his appetite. And day after day went by, and Uncle John did not come. • Jack started up suddenly on his pillow. • " The rent I • I thought the people turned us out Ofhe this plaiie for the rent.' It is due, isn't it? 'T rent, you know "Hush, Owls I Lie down. oIAT dresi4g." " Mal you any the money waa all goner a • "1 hare a little. Vey not to be ao ner vous, halt. Go to sleep again." • "Oh, dear, I feel so strangely! And you are all tired out. Poor, little Tibbie I Stretch yourself on the outside of the bed and try to rest. I need nothing now. I an get the water myself." libbie glancrd at the clock It was just wen of the plisestit autumkerening. She was so weary VP& would 1* "11;'inlet to lie hseat down, and she ld not go b`yaleep. She stretche d on the Edo of th e oel, and laid slim, cool Angus upon her husband'. „Amelia& He breathed a sigh of momentary retie How fast the Skis flew after that until the one on which 44 saamad.l to be dying! There was hardly any puke. In his wrist, and the frier iras supplanted by a deadly "I tiro so faint, libbie l I could' take a nip of cream, I d(rik, if 'it were cool and nice. I feel as if 'were g." It fleshed over Ribtde that ty), fad bid turned, and the cool wealmesiwin a favors. bb sign. 'Jack could not lift • a hand, but be turned his gnat, hollow eyes toward the ume mina. Tame was not a particle of fad them. The jelly he could not take she had been forced to , take to keep herself from dinin g' 8 4 0 bad !!!ifea. Weft eke- for twenty.four bars . . The mom seemed to swim 'mad. Seek mud have nadah' meat. Cream, wine, tender-desk--he most bate tbe best, and at ones, ce be would die. And far Jack to die— She wept to a' mintlow and Moiled Out span the twinkling lied , : Thenrim money enough. It mu hie light to have idol be angel. -Untie /aim woo* oome;•._10 vault be trio bite.- • - She stood there at the wieenr ' with tbaz *Able ply gam*. Akre Mut e tormidli onger. She hoevod alteltuewWiit' .bin people .61 such Sinn as We*: titit:iraia, not seem irrong; It was, danist—tutt Jack would die else, and itltitl : Stmt - seem wrung:, • - -- She turned toward the bed, at bust.. • Jack had fa ll en asleep, * .poor,-: lime in shadow. She gave aay sot` ; Irrang' ter hands. thAsa she set her: White teeth, and haled illehtly to UM' :apart menmeat. . , -• . , Her Malian& clothing was 'a wardrobe—the, suit he had , of when he lay down upon . he was to languish so long upoit4hr death. bed, perhaps. Not while she'entitt*rent it—at any cost ' • Her face was white and'aet she , removed put ef• her -clotldigi*ltetend herself in' her hasbatiTs. ' dftql the soft felt bat wendown and went cut into the night. She treaded her way vaptprithiewsh the lighted streets until - dm , tadankilne -lea frequented. There was anzartinnwi-IP' Ttio shadow of a • tree, and how # iiiiiWistieitid . , !w4sdfrthsit'thft*arasek ,;mvrworteaiiirio'-otiarussen-- maidens' pumsr-by; there was another glitter in her hand—the handle of a veva This pure =Ma meditated roldnry, murder. WO not? All the other lira in sue worinwers not worth Jack's, to- hen Riney she would have, menet the cost of anther's life—money, money ! . A man went by, a Maly fellow,: rolling beavily—paxsed in safety. She waited for the int. There' shuttled by, an invalid, poor and threadbare, and - coughing dolor. onsly. Another, a lac', who probably had not s sou. It was a long time before more 'pedestri. assn passed. Another big, bulking fellow ; but they were all able helpless -under the power of a revolver. But this one , was spot By-and-by a slight, spare gentleman, wearing a rich broadcloath cloak, came down the sidewalk. He bad an orange in r his hand.; he paused an instant to throw the paring in the gutter. He turned and looked inni a pistol's month. •• ". Money! 'Y'our money or your life !" Tibblo saw plainly his • white,": shocked' face. She even felt pity for him, he looked so alarmed =CAL - He was evidently a gentle and kindly ; num. Bathe fumbled at hisp,breast and took out 'a portemonnaie. It was wet filled.' She grasped , it,, deliriously, triumphant ; en a fierce hand .gripped her shoulder .m behind. Detection, arrest—and sack aack pining in that lonely chamber. • 1 • de haa m eamal rake np , dear —ha' has come!" - Her husband's low voice—footsteps, eee, e knock the impatient opening . - of , a door; a hit r y exclamation of "Bless' my soul !" 441 nolo doles big beard brushing tier cheek "111thice, darling! Jack-40y, 'Tack, are you sick : ?" libbi‘ struggled out of the nightmare, with a 4agping breath. 'Oh, 'oh, oh !" uras all she could say at first. ."Why, what, the dickens—" cried Uncle He took his niece in his big arms, and sat doirn in a great chair with her. "Now tell uncle all about 1 1ibbie pressed her hands to her throbbing temples. "Oh,'Uncle John, such a horrible dream! Jack is sick—we have no money. But all, that horrible dream—the worst of all!" "No money?. • Gaol Lott I ',Yon are starving here I" cried Uncle Juka, utterly shocked. He banged a big purse down upon th table with oral. t .h force, that the long-tied meshes broke; and the yellow sovereigns rolled about tM &Or. "Here ! whme is your man, your maid, your servants? Mug the bell!" ringing it 'furiously himself. "Good heavens! why dide I know this! 'What a sight you are, Jack faint, Tibbie ! There, cry, d d u•- " -cry I Do, deer-on old Uncle's shoul- Zhe 1 rionetei.go entered.n • Get the best of wine, oysters, beefsieak, milk, eranges—evetything you can think of - to eat-,...huitautly—instantlyl .Don't Jet the grass grow under your feet until ytAlliiis i ,. here. Money? There is money: These people belong to mot This is my niece ; dot, is' , my nephew. Start_ your ; _isx4s cried Uncle John. in emphatic but tinnaVail ing English.: ' - And libbre.was forced to dry her tears, laughing hySterically, and repeat the order, in a mottled form, in French It was 'obeyed with creditable speed, ;and hi a short time plenty reigned. " Uncle' had come. Tibble ' s - trouble had end She remembered-to look at the cloCk; 'She had dreamed all that horror in half an hoar; but in half a lifetime. it ,was hardly era vivid.—Eather Bak Kenneth. LOCUSTS OF CYPRUS. The locusts in this district chiefly directed their consist toward the points-set to south. I took. by. compill„ the- direction in . which 6z ,_ differenktermies were marching, and found that 2 Were steering: north, 6 north. east, 12 east, FlO soutb.east, 18 ,southi 4 southwest, 5 week and I,worthowest. I • have seen two armies 'marching in *mite directions meet one another;, the 'mailer seemed then to turn and Join , the- !sties. Nothing seemed to stop , these columns; they kept on their - course through villages and yes walla, and even stream did not stop them ; tho latter, which had been filled by the rains, produced Demotions columns of la mete where they had previously been desYuy= ed. The locusts: in trying to get across were drowned in numbers, but they can keep afloat for a long time, and_ very many were carried perhaps a mile ormine down the stream until they reached a place where they 'could get out. total' number of 82,220 pits were filled; . of these 4,280 were filled in Muck 11,188 from let to 15th April, 14,741 funs 16th to end of April, and 1,011 in May. On an average each pit con. Weed abotit one cublic yard of locusts, and weighed about 'BOO ekes ; • the total weight was then abort 12,100 tans. Ido not think the above figures are exaggerated ;2 s tr late one aflame the head , of a• about 400 yards. &idea, - from;: : lie of , screens, where atone One 10 pits had been dug Joining one another. The next morn. ing at about 1 0 o'clink I passed thew taps and found them *bent two:third' fiilL have often seen,' too, pits crier which no traps were placed, Red and filrusg with. 10. amds; they were coming Joao fast - that With their own- numbers they were - mothering one another before,they l d time to crawl out. I have thned the Ailing of -pits, and , found that when the km* are ooming fast they in about one hour; and a • half. At Aya Serghidissi and other placeless ground in front of many of•thew:resit was covered With pits, filled with locitsts `and ws =there was no irson i tto dig other., the - Screens. had 40 litibittOback.—PirlipuMag "vim • You were BM SEM RACING'APPER REINDEER. OFR; A%os ataxia hi as silids.l es. bpi*. A *4er-in thkiloskez Com Menial Bull& fits - gives following account of catching reindeer in Siberia : This, was surprised to find, pis task of honor' duration. - I was to have a deer faun, a not a . tan. dtua this,thae, and akin th famous -recipe . 534 roast , the that essential Ares "find witch row blire," so . now in prescribing a minder rk& the important'preliminarystap was " firribatchyorwrzdndeer." The deer were wandering about in herds . tiedbrg in the snow. They have a wonder fully acute, smolt smell and can detect the grass upon which they feed-even when it is buried two or three feet under , the snow. When owe they have located it they are, perfectly crazy to get at ft, and with antlers and forefeet scatter the snow right and left until they hale cleared it away down to the much coveted grass and. can feed' thereon. . Thus they were engaged that mondng.- Every individual in the community , took a -12524 1 11 0 0 'wOrk of ftettin. deer *rid . chit. drewtriOnd ord. - 11 re heed was fipprolleh ed, but scenting danger from afar and hav ing no desfte for the harnessing which , they hifithieftveOmee was in Mori for some. if • not all of them, put their noses in the air and dashed away. Then began the excitement of the occasion. Every, individual in the company, save myself, pushed after' he deer. I stood still snd waited calmly so as not to ccimpromise my dignity and high standing distin guished petit. Beside“ rather wanted to took on and enjoy the fun of 'the scam When their wonldbe captors would Push for- Ward, they woulddash away and tear around indaround, just asyoungpolts inthe pasture, run, - curvet and din* their'heels in air when any attempt is Made to - catch and bridle them. I The faster the people an after them the faster the deer would mi. The crowd be gin to yell and made a most frightful: din, keeping up all the time as long as their breath lasted a continual stream of sholiting and screaming. Even attemptedX sup : pose to see if the deer could not be terrified into submission, had no effect. For aught I know the chase might have been lasting to this day oven, had it net been for an agile youth of eighteen or twenty years •who evidently thinking skill of more consequence than noise had wisely / kept his month slint.arid his eyes at work. • Getting, to the windward - of the herd when, its atten. tion was attracted by the , ' noise and 'wild actions of the company of pursuers, at an opportune moment he dashed;gip to the nearest, animal and 'seizing bile' the antlers; with one spring' latided on his back. The deer was startled and plunged and kicked like ajnad aniinal. But it Was of no use, the fellovii stuck to his back air: though he was glued here. In a Mir moments the animal finding that it was impossible to dig: lodge the burden upon him and reatizing I that ho was caught, calmed down complete. ly, and in the most ()Odle manner allowed a couple of the men M cOme up and put tler harness on him. Once harnessed he was* meek and patient as a horse. -1 , I ACTORS SHAKESItARISIIiati4 Only the most enthusiastic, love of tpeit drofesedon could possibly have sustained- the neophytes in the misery,-slavery and hard ships they had to go through before their obilities could attain any recognition. In: those days the stage-struck youth or maiden cold not, by the aid of a friendly introduc tion and a few' 'mons from some well known actor obtain an appearance upon the Lon don stage, and disgust a critical audience • with their inane lispings and raw attempts. No, the- young gentleman , or lady, be they who they might, _would have had to rough it as their prototypes had done before them. Besides the fear of starvation, there was the fear of the law, which sometimes drove the poor wretches out of tow if they bacl been lepers, and sometimes consigned them: to ti prison as vagrants. 'heir poverty was sometimes appalling,; tuleitti shillings would' be regarded as a good nigld's takings, and yet when all charges , were paid the cotnpany seldom got more than would pay for a stock supper; sometimes they licoild not - obtain oven that. A shirt and a pair of stockings between two, which had to be shifted as each was reqtdred upon the stage, was a common Condition ; and clothes had frequently to be borrowed from good natured patrons before the ladies and gentlenien could appear for their delectation. Romeo would give forth his impassioned utterances standing in a muddy pool formed by the rain dripping thrOugh the broken roof of the barn, and if the ground happened to be of stiff clay, he sometimes found it impossible to extricate his foot_ without leaving his shoe behind while ' Juliet babbled of nightingales and poinegranate trees with chattering teeth and -nose _rasped by the piercing December blast. The promotimfrom.this to the small 'ci s milts, even though' he pay of the leading actor seldom pitiAeg i f ed one gables per week, must have seem6d like a translation to Par- dise. ' The manager leased some half - do fen theatres, more or less, and in' passing from one to the other, continued to seep his com pany employed thrcinghout the year; the same pieces, all sterling comedies and trage. dies, with at a later date a few melodranias, w#re repeated overind over again.; this was a great advantage to tbe actor since, should be ever attain the dream of his ambitiun, an apeanurce at-themat Linden theatres, he wadi be able , to adict one of his best stud. led parte for his debut., a nes runrrein nauctilOUlS There is no better. way of finding out whet . Winthrop and his hien& had in mind *hem they came to kfassachusetts than to wroth their own written words: And when we do this we see at once that , tiwir aim was the construction of a tUoa4. tio state whieh should be to Christians,.tuider the New Tes. tament dispensation, all that tie theocracy of Moses and Joshua and Samuel had been to the Jews in Old, Testament days. They Should be to all intents and purPoses freed from the jurisdiction of the Stuart king; and so far u possible the teat of the Holy Scrip. tures should 'be their guide both in weighty matters of general legislation and in the shaping of the smallest details of daily life. In such a scheme there was no room for re. ligions liberty as we understand it.. - No doubt the textof the Scriptures mai be in. terpreted in many ways, but among &these men there was a substantial agreement as to ail important points, and nothing could have been further from their thoughti than to have found a colony which should afford $ field for new experhilents in the art of right. living. r The State they were , to found h as to &insist of a united body of believers; izenship itself was to be oo.extensive with chUf 1 nienthership; and in such a. state there was apparently no more room liar heretics than there was in Rome or Madrid. This was the idea which drew 4 Winthrop and Lie folkowers from England at a -time -*hen Claw might-hive staid there aid defied per._ secutkul with lea trouble than it Cost them to cross the man and found a 'new Ain Ask In Haria g s - THE SWORDSMAN OF THE SEA. , Some Newlelsia:Absettioillfau ell Warrilergif lb, Derv.. . . . , . Lieutemanz Wood'glves sense Interestizig facboonneetedwftheassrordlishorhich of later= hubecome quite aebanstry on the New-England coast. =; During July, Au gust and . September Many smacker are fitted out for the capture of thee° Ashes. Part of the past summer the . Lookout devoted to investigating the grounds they frequent and disareering new localities where they almond. The swordfish is taken by hat 'pomihig and Vary_in -weight from 100 to 600 pounds apiece. • They are armed with a flat sword about the feet in length, with which they kill their prey, cutting it up by a horizontal motion of their sword before eat ing it. The meat is white and delicate and kings a very good priatin all the Northern markets. - ',The lizpion is used with a• 46 .taamble head; to which ii fastened abode :forty fathoms of line about one.third of el: inch in thickness. To the end of this lino is 100ned a email keg to act as a buoy. The smack is provided With a temporary Platform stabs end of her , bowsprit called the " pulpit." Upon this ,the' harpooner ' sten& A lookout is stationed at the n masthead to discover 'the fish. They are seen feeding near the surfice of the water, usually' with the long, curved dorsal fin and upper per. tion of tail showing above the water. • The smack bears away for the fish, and the man, in the "pulpit," if' he gets within reach, planti his harpoon as near the centre 'of the body of the fish as he can. The harpoon Pole pulls out by lamina' of a small line at the uppo end as soon as the ash starts off, the harpoon line and bony being thrown overboard't the'sane time. The fish is then allowed to exhaust himself by towing the buoy for a greater or . Wier time, acoord ing to kis size and the way be was struck. The smack in the meantime cruises about for other flab. When it is desired to take the harpooned fish a man goes after it in a,small boat,, pro iided with a short lance, Much like a sear lance. He picks up , the buoy and gradually *4 in and playa out the line,-exactly as c 4 might is playing with a salmon, until the 'fish is 'worn out, when the finishing stroke is given by lancing. it through: the head and gills. With all this care the fish are frequentlyoost, owing to their great strength and Nagar and the delicate nature,( the flesh, in.which 'the harpoon is embed ded. Lieutenant Woods states that one was caught by the Lookout this' summer which weighed, when dressed, four hundred pounds. Ho says he has noticed as high as twenty, arenas engaged in 'this fishery with- in a radius of six miles. - Among the speci mens on board the Lookout is the sword of ono fish measuring four feet from: where sawed -off at the ! head to the point. It varied from six Inchesrto two inches in br'eadth and about two-sixteenths in thick ness at the sharp end.—Baltimore Bun WHY KEROSENE LAMPS. BURST. Girls, as well as boys, need to uriderstani about kerosene explosions. A great many fatal accidenti happen from trying -to pour a little kerosene on ithe fire to make it kindle better, also by pouting oil into a lamp while it is lighted. Mod pen4ons suppose that it is the ketosene itself which explodes, and if they,are very careful to keep the oil its& from' being touched by the fire or the light there will be no danger. But this is not so. If a ean or a lamp is left abrint half full of kerosene oil the -oil 'will dry up—that is " evaporate —a little, , and will form, by mingling with the air it the upper 'part, a very explosive gas. Yon cannot see this,gas any more than yen can see air. Bat if it is , disturbed and driven out, and a blaie reach. es it, thete *ill be .a terrible explosion, al though , the blaze did not touch the on. There are several otber liquids used in houses and workshops which *ll produce an explosive vapor ir(this way. train° is one; burning fluid is another '; na the,' alco hol; other and chloroform may do * the same thing. In a New York workshoplately there was a can of benzine or gasoline on the floor. A boy sixteen years old lighted a cigarette and threw the burning match close to the can. He did not dream there was any danger, be." cause the liquid was Corked up in the can. But time was a great explosion-and he was, badly hurt. This seems very mysterious. The probability is that the can had been standing there a good while and a good deal of vapor had formed, some of which had leaked out around the dropper and was hang ing in a sort of an invisible cloud over and aroma the can : and this *cloud, when the match struck it, eiptoded. Suppose a girl tries to fill a lierer,rene lamp without first blowing it out. Oicoarse the lamp hi nearly empty or she would not- care to fill it. This empty space is filled with a cloud of explosive vapor ariaikik from the oil in the lamp. When she pirshes the nozzle of the can into the lamp, fills the empty space and pubes the clad of explosive va. por tip, the , vapor is of ecl to pour ont over the *p, at the top, into the room =V. side.: Of /gorse it strikes against the Max. ing wick which the girl is holding do'Wn by one side. The blaze of the wick sets the in. visible cloud of vapor on fire, and,there is an explosion which ignites the oil and scatters it over her clothes and over the furniture of the room. This is the way hi which a kero sene lamp bursts. The same thing may happen when a girl - -pours the oil over the fire in the nue° or i ldove, if there is a_ eland Of vapor in the upper part of the can, or 'if the stove isbot enough to vaporize quickly some of the on as it falls. Remember that it is not the on bat the invisible vapor which explodes.' Taking.ade that the on does nes take fire Will not protect you. There is us safety except in the :role: Never, pour on ona ere or into a lighted lamp... , Otristian Mi kes. SOCIAL FEATURES OF THE SOUTH. All Southern towns and communities con. fain their offensive elements, but they are confined almost exclusively to the black pop. elation, says a corrawndent of the Buffalo Courier. The white men in the &nab 'rise liquor freely, oven a greater proportion of them than in the North, perhaps, and it' is not an =usual sight to, see men in public under its influence ; but it is a rare thing to see one who becomes boisterous, or_ who in any manner intrudes upon or annoys other people. Whiskey does met overcome their natural politeness of outward manner or inalVhem appeai each absolute brutes as is the case with the people by whom ram now surrounded. There are other social features of life hire whicht any, more plea4et either by cow • or as distinct facts.'• In the Southall menial services are performed by negroes, with whom you are brought in contact ordy in that relationship. Have, let the hotel table, the header and the bar.rodom porter being white, take' theic places 'alongside of the guests in their shirt. slecives the one smelling strongly of the stable and the other of stale beer and cheap cigars. I might go on to eacuieeiste a hun dred annoyances connected with life in this ssetfon which do - not present themselves on. 41C-wthe social chasificatiotat that obtain is thimaceased South. .-. = *he anaemic* coming, ono by one, - THI the boys were tire and the - girls _were :.nd the big brown house was navel:with tun From the basement Doer to the old red tree. ate garden flowers the Ilitte ones grew, Nurtured and trained with the tenderest care. Warmed by love% sunshine, bathed in its dew, They.bloomed intobeauty, like noes rare. But one of the boys grew we ono day, And, leaning his bead On his mother's breast, He said.. I am tired and =mot play ; Let me sit awhile on - Your knee and rest." She cradledbini close In her fond embrace, She bushed him to sleep with her sweetest song. And myturous love still lighted her face When his spirit had Joined the heavenly throng. Then the eldest girl, with her thoughtful ere% Who stood where - , "the brook and the river meet," Stole softly away into paradise • Bre "the river" bad reached her &mills- feet. . Whilethe father's eyes on the grave were bent, The mother looked upward beyond the gales ; " Our treasures," she whispered; "were only lent. OM' 'Wings were angels M earth's disgtdse." The years dew by and the children began With longing tO think of the world outside; • And is each, 111 his term became a man, The boy ir: proudly went from the father's side; The girls were women so gentle and fair That; loveis were speedy to woo and win; And With orange blossoms in,braided hair, The oitthome was lett, new homes to begin. 80, One by one, the children have gone— , The boys were are and the girls werstluee And the blg brown house Is gloomy and }one. With but two old folks for its company. They ULM to each other about the east, 1 As they sit together ai evenUde, 1. And say, "All the children we keep at lest Are the boy and the girl who In ClUldimod died.", , What is quoted as " heuse4emse" is' fn-, qdently nothing more than horse-habit; showing what almost any anima can learnby, practice ; but ,it is true that . the modern' "educated" city fire-engine hones,' a it rule, do wonderful credit .to their trainers, and also to their- own intelligence. The team of No. 12 Hose Company, Bann Highlands, are good specimens of this. - They are handsome animals and as noted for their remarkable intelligence as for their fine appearance. Under :the • care of the members, the horses have become very tractable,, and are obedient to the slightest word or gesture. A•few mornings ago/mine evidences of their understanding were wit.' :leased,- and are well worth detailing. One horse, ‘Nbarlie," had received no food since the night previous, and when he IMO given his morning's supply of oats, he began eating with great zest, but the words, "Charlie,' come here," spoken in . a km tone from the rear of the, stable, caused him in dandy to stop eating his tempting breakfast, and to back from his stall and walk to the person calling him. Each of the horseq did the same thing without hesitancy, and ;at the command, "go back," each trotted to ,The hainesees were reproved from the horses, and each one'was told in =cession. to go and Of on his . collar.; The co ll ars were &wakenend, so that tha ; heads could go through,ind each horse walked deliber. ately across the floor and wriggled his head into his collar. Without the slightest aid. After this they poked their heads into their bridle; which were held for them, each horse opening,his month and taking his 'bit voluntarily.' „The main part of; the harnesses can be hung in any part of the room wits the as surance that at the word of command the horses wdl walk to the exact spot - and Place themselves in imeh a position that' the her- ear t be readily d ro p pe d i r do owe., The endeavor of the animals to secure a position favorable to the easy adjustment of the Collars almost compels Cue to believe that they Are endowed with reason —Bostoi& Herald. ‘.. Time Magalatent Cathedral that Studs Under the Moors all of Southern Spain was converted into One vast garden, with Perilous . cities, gorgeous palaces sad mosques, manufactories and schools. oordo'4 became the capital of 'the Moorish Empire when it declared itself indePendent of Da r , mascus, and later on 'had its alcazar, its harem, over - wren hundred mosques, as many schools, and gardens end bath-housei without dumber. It was during this period thektlwy built the great mosque that Was to outiival the most magnificent ones of thM East 'and draw pilgrims to its shrine from the whole Mohammedan. world. IS is now a cathedral, with much at:ibi original beauty' destroyed by the OhristiOs, that they might put out of sight' the 'Work of the hated Moors. And yet enough :mains' of that' most elegant and delicate of all architecture to make a picture that has no equal in Eti. rope. lusrea it covers over 800,000 square feet-67,000 more than St. Peter's at Rome. Over 1,100 columns of evetircolor and shade of marble, black green and white porphyry and vatiegated jasper from Arabia, Mica and. Constantinople supped the •multiltude of horseshoe arches that curie gracefully down from the roof to meet thkon. - The sanctu ary, or mih-rab—the holy; of holies—stands in the central recess, enclosed with delicately carved lace work walls of whiki marble and enamelled mosaics illumhisted from under neath with gold and blue. • The roof is of marble, formed like a shell, from the centre of which once hung the 1,700 lamps that lighted up the beautifully blended colorings and filled the space with odors of their per fumed oiL Underneathsks* the altar of ivory,' precious woods 'and stones, 'studded with gems and inlaid with gold, from which was read the famous Ortbmanfo Koran te l the seasatbled faithful grouped on their knees in the great masque' beyond.-4L i Louis Globe-Democrat. • About six months ago Charles Sacramento,- CaL, eon of Mrs. W. IL Coker, of Auburn, carried home a bunch of lxinanas. 4mong the bunnies ha found a small egg, about the also of that of a canary. Wm *tie took the egg and put it in a small covered toy dish on the maiiilepiece. Dnr ing fair week Mr. Addinuton!s sister went down from Manna, and white'm her broth er's house very naturally inspected the toys and ornaments in sight. 'She lifted the lid of the said little dish, bur Aroppirig it, with a scream that attracted' the household; Jen:sped back and tremblingly wanted to know what kind of an animal they had in that dish. " None," they all insisted. • After due argument and not . a little amusement a what was believed to be iiister's Hon, the lid lies carefully raised, and sure enough out pipped an aninul. In the excite. nient of the moznent Mr. Addington put his foot on it and killet it. It was of the crocodile species, twin four to five inches in length, and it had been hatched from the little egg put them some six month z. previousl.* - Pieies of the eggshell still remniined is the dish, but some bird seed that Iris in the dish when the egg was put there .had all been Consumed, and on this aka* had the animal subsisted. Asa case Qf batitni and sivniended animation this would acid interest to the sitatistm,—Pkwer Rau dd. THE CHILDRHK WE KEEP. HARNESSING THEMSELVES. !'..` THE MOORISH CAPITALS Cordova. HATCHING, ft CROCODILE. $1.60 a Year; 111 - ITEMS OF Itrf:EMSOTs - NtAnNiiiel . se Vane 04144, fro* ufff• 11114 izza , —An Oregon Hoiltou...boli been wasted for polygamy. ' —A tots:pm-old be Y* jail at Haider. son, Tex., for murder. I • —Hamill% Tenn., /um t factory where buttons are made of mmektibells. —DiseassiOn of memilion in England has brought out many advoitates of the prao. lice. —The Chinese language is spokei by about 800,000,000 people,,,Engijah by. about 9;1:00,000. . -IL ie said that the idol worshippers of 'many heathen lands now vonhlpidids made hi New England. . —A six-year -old boy broke Ma il wieck' in Oregon county, Missouri, the othe yby A 4 "trying to tam a somersault.. —ln lithe Valley,' New lifer ice, w rope and a post are used to secure prisoners, as tliere is no jail is which to other them — The mide hie the rePtitadis hiving the smallest and dantiest feet for its site of all hoofed animals, but he is' dreadful handy —A:gr . pcer in -Columbus, Ohio, caught a ' nit and - put a bell on him, and • teu days afterward the identical'rodent was captured in a warehouse in Cincinnati. Do rats tramp ? —The state of Puebip, Mexico, has en acted that all persons engaged in the °airs lion of cotton shall be exempt from the pay meat of taxes or personal contributions for ten years. —There is no let up in the rage for buy ing cattle and starting a ranohe in Western Texas. The mania has rim cows to fabu lous prices. A few years ago they sold for $lO and $l2, but now for $4O and 50. is estimated that since Ina has been opened to intercourse with other sus. lions the population of the country. has• fal len from 260,000,000 to 250,000,000 as - the result of internal war's, etnivatiatus and fam ines. • - —fieven.ienths of the Unit mattc r patched at the Washington Pest Office goes free, rider frank or in free envelopes. Thus : ttt expenses of the office are in. mused and the revenue thereof is not sulk minted. ' —At Knoxville, Tenn.; recently, a happy =vie were entering the Clerk's office for a .anarrlage license, when j the - bride was so yer_ipme with lxvihfuhiess she an off up ,_thestreet 'With the aid of two clerks she was headed off, caught and pit through. . —Virginia comes seventh on the list of 10 -Producing &nee, the oyster , menhaden And shad tiaberiesHhaing the three branches c'Phich ha . citizens - are most extensively thirsted. Her Menhaden flsherie' a, are of origin, but have developed rapidly. Mobile lawyer who bought • a rocmd zip ticket to Niagara Falls and w a s put off, m his return, by a conductor on the .'lron Koznitain Raid, because his ticket should 'Jaye been ccemblisigned by somebody at Magas*, has recovered $2,000 at law from :he railroad company whose servant tdm: . ejep t ed 1 —A'jgentleman living on John strut, Providence, paid his grocery bill on Monday tll in pennies, there Wag 6,200 of them, a water pan more than half full weighing for w.eerven pounds in all The grocery man "kinked " at having to take the coin, bat he received them and tinned them into the bank. The nest day he vas skinnishlog ironed among the stores in the *bait" to pat enough pennies to make Usage with. —A number of distinguished gantlemazi visited the Natural Bridge in Virginia, and one of them tried to imitate George Wash ington, who threw a silver dollar over, the bridge. A second attempt was made and a second failure took place. A third - dollar was about to be sacrificed, when William Y. Everts prevented any farther waste by- sug gesting that " the dollar of the present time will not , go as far as t h e dollar of our dad. dies." , —The city of Wheeling, W. Va., is 1131 im portanecentrentfurniture making. and has five or siz large factories, employing a great number of 'workmen. The business ,is steadily growing, as the supply of some of the best walnut and poplar timber in the Union is large and near at hand, the pied being comiequently !ay low. A large busk nese is done within a radius at 100, =Hai of the city in cutting loge and shipping them to Europe. —A statement is in circulation in the Western newspapers that about six menthe ago a cavalry soldier at the Walla Walla gar. rison invented a breech-loading army car bine. He was recently Washing ton to submit the improved weapon to the Secretary of War and a board of officers ap pointed to consider and report upon its mer its. The committee approved the mot and on their report the soldier received:4)6o,ooo out of the national Treasury for hiniinven- Sam " - —Many persona not acquainted with the teebniciditiee of the tailor's craft hare ben puzzled to understand what elan of work. men entailed for in the signs which appear from time to time at the dorm; of oar cloth. ing buses--" &wham= wanted." Such indiridnkt are refined to the explanation that walgiTen the other day IT one of those men who never will confess to the 'existence of anything that they do' not know, -who, being asked -the meaning of the term, re: plied, "Oh, they are - men who get-so much a bushel for sswineon button." LANDMARKS IN NEW YORK: Venerable Got/omit= with rhfte hair and gold headed canes may be seen mar day , regretfully watching the tearing down of the old Post Office building on Nsenin steady' says a correspondent of the Iktilaki Costrier. It is now 'all &rem , Some of the old gentlemen talk to other spectators on the sidewskolilmit ttio pity it is to reniove so ancient and interesting a kndms*. "I . used to attend church there," said one vet. man recently, "mil it seems hire parting from a life-lore friend to see the old &cif 'going." It is more than a generation ' though, since the building was used as a church. The congregation Pre it up 'Pug before the section , where the fe4donable churches now are wee populated ail aIL The chief - lib:Wksl interest connected_ with the Wilding belongs to the revolatknory period. When the-British had possession of New . York they Used it pertly as a prison and.partly ass stable: They Lad no amp. les as to which of these purposes it was put It was again • place of worship when Wash: ingtan took the , oath of Oleo al President at the corner of - Will and Nassau streets,. Many of the Knickerbockers- had pews there; and considered it not ad, if Imam= 1 but an ffeistecntki edifice. But landmarks 'lksve little ohanoeln New York Very few 'awn to care anything about thins, and -the lbw who do care have onlymtabstract intern. est: One after another Owyhee@ of ands* note pass away, and In a little while they' use wholly forgotten. Bamockena is the *irk of the day. Hard cash is the thing: sentiment may go 'Lang. Then an pliF,Oer at many** would sell their geniikthinr tombstones if they could indlkSpee. NO. 29