Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, December 07, 1882, Image 3

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It will show you the month and year up
in which your subscription is paid. If your
su b sc ription is soon to expire s :please send
us $1.54) for a reopul at oe, that we
m ay s e nd you thtf paper right along. Seed
i n renewal without delay.
urt convened on Monday,
Twas a quiet Thanksgiving.
Good time to form good resolutions
Venus Will transit to-day, Wednesday.
The Montrose jail contains eight prison
Sperid your money at home, where you
earn if.
Of course you'enjoyed your Thankagiv
: iurkey.
It is always best to pay, for a triwspaper ,
in ti4iPee• .
Efgs seem to be a scarce artipia all or;
t h e country.
Thd first newspaper in Pennsylvania was
issued in 1719.
Thanksgiving was never intended as a
day of debauch. ,
Torn and Jerry we re fiegneattlq called for
I . '
on T4ursday, last. ,
. , .
Harris & Co., have opened a new meat
xnerket in Canton.
The fall tern of the Leltaysville schools
closed on Friday last. •
"Go ,it on a nail and hatch tacks," is the
latest juvenile tarbatnn. • '
The telephone Line between thisplacuand
Troy was completed on Thursday. '
An extraordinary thing in Waverly
/tidies' bonnets—an unpowdered face. Z
Two new freight engines were put to l
work on the P. & N. Y., road lest week.
. Henry Walbridge haS established a mar
iet in the First Ward in the Kellum Block
The annual rental of slips in the Presby
terian church at Troy took place on Mon
day last.
The Enterprise Manufacturing Company,
of Troy; is reported to be doing ,a very large
Young men afraid of soiling their hands
with manual labor never amount to much
in this It orld
Young America has thrown hit first snow
ball and taken his first sled ride of the aril -1 7
ter of 1882-83.
Ornnl Kellogg, sold last week a span 'of
mashed bay mares to a gentleman of Clear
field county bit $7OO.
Never attempt to raise a family with
out a good' newspaper. Therefore subscribe
for the REPUBLICAN. -4,_A
The Knights of Hono4 of Athens, will
discuss the tariff question at their Hail on
Monday evening next. •
The matrimonial market is brightening,
with fair prospects of a heavy increase as
the weather gets etddet.
The collection at the Thanksgiving ser
vices at the M. E. Church Thanksgiving
day, amounted Ito $44.65. 1
The Bostori. Ideal Juvenile Comid'Opera
Compapy will appear at 31 . erenx Hkill Fri
day and Saturday .
pronilxterit physician says an exchange,,
states that the prevalence of typhoid feir , ei
in Elmira is truly alarming. ,
W. F.'Elmendorf, Sayre's druggist, has
moved into his handsome new store in the
Packer block, in that village.
Wm. Black has sold his blacksinithing
business in Canton, to Jacob Hartranft,
who will conduct it hereafter.
It is said the commissioner of pensions will
ask congivss for $100,000,000, the same
amouut as was apprepriated last yeir.
Several of America's . , noblest sons have
died this year.—Warergy Tribune. True.
Too true. But then; Noble, ue still live.
-Things have changed, since you
lied in Waverly.-Wacerly Tribune. We
never lived there. Never, never, never.
— lion. H. L. Hillis, of, this place, will give
an entertainment in the Herrick Preaby
terian church, this evening, Decemberith.
The Jury Llommisuoners have been humg
the -"wheel" for the ensuing year,, r this
week. Seven hundred names were ptdin.
It is estimated that there =kite_ 240,090
commercial j drummers the Unite 4
States. What an army .of ,impprtunate
• -
It is said the young ladies I ,of Waverly
change color twice a day—in the morning
when they put it on, and at night when
they wash it off.
The sleighing, or what there was in that
line, was made the most of on Thanksgiv
ing, and many joyous parties were out for
I ride on that day.
Mr. Arthur Roby, of Troy, who has been
employed on the N. C. R. R. lost three of
his fingers coupling cars in the Southport
yard one day recently.
The Troy Gazette says there is a great
Many sick thereabouts with pneumonia and
other lung: troubles brought on, by the sud
den changes in the weather.
Go not upon the ice when ,it is new and
has not attained an adequate thickness, for
more than likely it will break through and
surprise yon with a cold bath.
The Knights Tetiplar of this Place bad
a banquet at Seeley's Friday evening. The
'nipper is pronounced. by those who ps,ramk
of - h, as having been very fine.
Sealskin sat vies are shorter and fit closer
to the figure than last season and are not
made with pockets. The darkest shades of
"sealskin are not only the best, but the post
fashionable. -
New is the time your wife begins to look
mysterious and hide something when you
tome in.—Waverly Tribune. Itis probably
her last quarter, and she doesn't want to
lend it to you. • 4
Yes, and, now the
,Towanda Republican
credits our items to another paper. Specks !
Waverly Free Press. May be we found
those item in another paper. Some papers
IL not credit at aU.
TIT ladies of Towanda,-when they go out
el oPPing, Pretelia_ to .I°4 bag-legged
stockings for their husbands.—Warerly
T rantne. Kinney you are too old a man to
tits trifle with truth.
An exchangeisysjt baa been found by
experiment that a crevice under a door large
pont' to . push Et penny through will let
enough cold air into a room to require 400
extra pounds of Malppr
Dennis Cooney, whivras on trial at hlou7
trate at the recent term of Court for-,tha
murder of John Decker. at Great Bend hot
pleaded guilty to murder in the
"cowl iffgree, and was' sentenced by Mr
McCollum to eleven years and ten months
the Eastern Penitentiary'.
Ottambee'f 'the of
Zustioe Rug are given tofivinently quoting ,
-the following lino:
"010 what a'tangled web`''. weave,
When first we ventnre to deceive."
The editor of the Bradford If/ is
evidently II man of great mind, baii. some
tow he doesn't' always have it. Ilya' lihn.
--Witeerfe Advocati. Nags will be pub.
hsbed of the conflict as it regrew a.
Quite . a nti nber. of one
trent tothe ;Olds henabouts rarl'hanks
giving Day,' They brought litre their
guns u general thing. TwOLcof them
came near getting lost' in a Uneasy :acre
forest. '
The Disciples of Christ will hold their
4th Quarterly Meeting for the year 1882,
With the Church at Aliss: Meeting will
commence on. the evening of the 22t, and
Comb '
continue over Lord's day. Co7 - one,
coma all.
' Mr. Jiver Clark, who is working at the
Old Huntley shop on Fltuirs, street, has just
completed a new invention for irtitunimg
saws, which is pronounced by competent
judges to be the best now in use.—Troy
Register. . , ,
lairs. Henry 'Auld, of Westfield, bas re
cektly made three .bed quilts, with 3,125
&flea in the first one, 2,274 in the second
and in the third.--"Wellsboro Gazeite.
That woman must have a good deal of time
to fool away.
s aw; the Troy Gazette : "The Troy
&emerywilkWcal - up this week MOB next
spring. Mr. Heywood will spend:the win
ter in- Massachusetts, at hid , home near
Worcester, and S.W. ) Lester will remain
in charge of the works here." .
Union I;ervices were held in the IL E.
Church on:, Thanksgiving day. The Rev.
C. T. Mosi p pastor of the Church, preached
an able sermon. Rev. Mr. Nye, •reached
at the Universalist church. Rev. " ash
ington preached at the colored Ch.
Thnrlow Weed died ' worth $2,000;000.
He was a newspiper nun. At - forty years
of age he was not worth a copper. Young
man ! you who are panting for glary, hon
or and• '
wealth, think of Thurlow Weed;
Come to Towanda and start a newspaper.
Mr. A. P. Wood, of Monroe, 'assisted by
his wife, succeeded in killing a' fawn near
their, house one day last week. It got fast
in the \ fence and Mrs. Wood held it until
Mr. Wood went in the house, got a knife
and cot its• throat.--Tunkhannock Repub
lican. -
The Geneva Ithaca and Sayre isalioad
company are paid $6,968.72 for fainhuiing
cars and carrying the mail between Sayre
and Lyons, six trips per week. The dis
tance is 92.62 miles, an average of $76.24
per mile per annum. Cheap *enough.—.
Waverly Free Press.
Chas. Allen of the Towanda Republican
has busted the Republican , party and •sent
it with all\ its faCtions up Salt river on the
"played out" boat—"vote for 4adwiti."
—LeßaysVille Advertiser IA _is seldom in
deed that iranGelder is ftinny, but when
he is, god gracious !
Mr. Joi. Merberker of Stevensville, has
been complaining of poor health for a num
ber of years. Recently he took some worm
medicine, and was relieved of a tape worm
12 feet long and one inch wide.r , . The pa
tientus_ said to be improving finely.—Le-
RaOrtlie Advertiser.
The mortgage of the Williamsport and
*orth Branch railroad company late
31uncy Cree k railroad, in the sum of $l,-
000,000 to the Fidelity Insurance, Tritst
and State Deposit comPanyof Philadelphia,
has been recorded in the Register , and Re
corder's office of Sullivan county.
• The telephone line was e k tended to East
Troy, from this place, so that piimmunica
tionas made ion Saturday night. The
line was completed to Burlingtoii, on Mon-,
day, and the. inStruirkentswill' be. in and
complete communication established with
Towanda this ,week.—Troy Gazette. ,
The Crandall Toy Factory was sold, by
Sheriff Pope, to the First National Bank,
of Montrose, on Friday,] Nov. 17th, for
$9,500. B. L. Baldwin and W. F. Cran
dall have purchased 'the ,property of the
Bank, and will continue the toy manatee
tuting business.—Montros Republican.
On Friday evening one of the Pools
stabbed Wm. Bolan, at the tatter's saloon
in the First Ward, inflicting several severe
but not dangerous wounds in Bolan's head
and body. The - Pool was drunk sand
quarrelsome. He made good his escape
after the stabbing and we learn has not as
yet been arrested. • • '
An exchange says that a couple of t frmias
traveling under the, - name - of W. C 3. and
ta___l..L.-... ..tame crarinalfrier
diers' widows in neighboring - counties.
They claim to be government pension
agents looking up persons entitled to an in
crease of pension. They demand $5 in ad
vance, to look up the case. , ' •
£ child of , F. E. Weller, of Greene's
Landing, aged one and : a half years, while
playing in thoistore one,day lalit week fell
against a red hot stove. As the side of its
face brushed against it the skin was burned
off andieft on its surface. The burn and
quite a large one is not deep, and
will probably not leave ttbad scar:,
While a party of young pmple were
ing on Thursday evening, on the 'hill on
Main street at the junction of Locust Ave
sue, William Decker, nephew of W.', W.
Kingsbury, Esq., had his left leg broken
just above•the ankle joint, by his sled run
ning aguinst the cross walk about half way
down the hill and forcing his leg under the
plank. •
The Athens Gazette .understands that
Kellogg & Maurice, . of that village, will in
the spring commence the erection of from
fifty to sixty dwelling houses, near their ex
tensive works for the use of their employees,
whiCh will rent for five dollars :per -month.
That is certainly a very commendable move
and veil have the effect of =cutting rents
down to some,extent, .in that town.
A well dressed fraud is traveling through
the eastern counties soliCiting subscriptions.
He claims to have been washed out by the
Blississippi floods during the summer, and
says he has a wife and several children Who
are anxiously awaiting his ' return. Any
money given into his hands for other suf
ferers by the flood he promises to hand over
to the proper committee.
Says the Canton Sentinel of last week
John Turbety, aged 65, for the past twenty
Rye 'years a track walker on the N. C.
Railway, while seaUxt - in Bnr,k, Thomas &
Co.'s store last, - Saturday, fell from the stool
to the floor. Dr. Davison was called and
pronounced its case of exhaustion. He
was taken hoine in a helpless condition.
The Boston Juvenile Opera • Company ap
peared here, last night, in "Olivitte," and
gave an excellent perfonmuice. They ap
pear in "Patience," to-night, when it is to
be hoped they will be greeted with the at
tendance which they deserve.--Correspon
dent Rochester lbst-M:press. At Mercur
Hall, December Bth and 9th. • Tickets at
%kb • s.
The 'Flat Presbyterian church of Canton,
(now comprising the congregation at East
Canton and Canto bOro); was organised
Deianber MOBBt filemsrlos' s coennsemo
relive of its life - of fifty years were heM at
the Fast Canton church on Tuadal , last,
beginning with an historical address at
1010 and folkowed cater appro- I
priate exercises during the day.
_ • .
The Waveiirreve .firess - wanta a P#Stary
'tatted. bilhas'4 , misc' It'nye: "It is
well known that only a few': pais ago, a
lioswan done a cataditailbie Unhinge in
the tasumfacture at einelt‘ete., from clay,
which • he olAained near Ahe It
would require but a suudl outlay of capital
to start the busime; if the clay:out be ob
tained insuifichaa quantity. - fat 110111*011e
investigate and most svadta.! , ,
On Wednesday a woman said to be the
wife of E. Barrand; mimed .bizber, who
has a shop next to the liquor store; become
inward teA a - boy of Polk Watkhts, where
she bawled, and drawing a revolver she
attempted to shoat - him. A. bystander•
seised the weapon as she fired and the'bul
let miss 4 the bOY. She
• . summarily
ejected from the house.. Wbotlier any la,
gal proceedings will be finstitutal nimainite
be seen.—Canto* Sentinel:, .
Among the crowd watching the seals at
a int:logical garden Were a newly married
couple trim Waverly, on a bridal
They gave all the best Cif the &Anvils the
go by to observe the the stone basin
and it was a full hour before they grew
weary. Chilled by the raw air, and imps ,
tient over the
_waiting, the:husband said 3
"Come, darling, let's go =dose the hyenas.
The feller who said then? ‘-iesals world fly
around and sing at 4 o'clock either lied to
tut or else this 'ere watch has gone ahend on
me eiclil2.l. - •
It has been a long tiuni, since the people
of this vicinity have lad an -opportunity of
gathering in Gibson hill and witnewhig as
good an entertainment as that given by the
Boston Juvenile Comic Opera Cempany.
"Olivetten was rendered in tine shape, both
the singing and acting beisig of high order,
and these were not alone the attractive fea
tures, for the faces were more than ork
narily pretty. We hope that this troupe
will make us another"visit in a short time.
—Phelps cor. Elmira Sunday Telegram.
At Mercer Hall, Friday and Saturday even
ings, December Bth and 9th. • Tickets at
Kirb • 's. . • •
A new dodge is being played quite luc
cessfully by tramps, The gang, which
generally consists of four or fiveoeperate
when getting near a house they have spot
ted, part going to the front and part to the
alley in the rear. Those in front suddenly
get into at livey dispute, which generally
emli in a shim fight. This of course at
tracts those who live on the premises to
come eithei to the windows or to the doers
to see what • going on , and while they are
paying atte tion to the street troubles the
parties part who. ,
have goner in the alley 'enter
the ho the rear door and mske off
with what ey can lay their hands on.
At the *mud meeting of Franklin
Steath Engine Company, No. 1, held Fri-
day evening, December Ist, "the following
officers Were 'elected for ensuing year:
Presideni4-E. Walker, Sr.
Vice-headent—E. Frost,
Foreman—James A Bull.
First-Assistant—George Fairchild; 2nd,
B. S. Shuffier.
Eugineer—J. C. Lang. -
Assistants—E.' Walker, Jr., W.lll. Nutt,
H. Walters, Jas. Shelp.
Secretary—H. C. Powell.
Financial Secretary—M. DeCker.
Treasurer—J. V. Geiger. •
Pipemea—F. Griswold, H. L. Holcomb,
Joseph Taite, E. Williams. .'
Trustees James Bryant, O. A. Black.
Member of Fire Board—E.:Walker, Jr.
"Olivette" was sung at the Grand list
night by the post= Ideal JuVenffe Opera
Company.:; Worn as threadbare as this
music is, it was given n novel effect last
night by the youngsters, many of whom
show 41 genuine talent for their work. The
best efforts were those of Miss Schuman,
Miss Lowell and Master Daniels, the latter
of Syracuse. All, however l contri b uted a
fair share to the enjoyment of the , enter-,
tainment, which moved off smoothly and
intisfactorily. "Olivette" will be repeated
at a matinee this afternoon and PPatience"
will be the bill far to-night.—Syracuse
Standard. At Mercer Hall, Friday and
Saterday evening, December Bth and Bth.
Tickets at 'Kirby's.
The prevalence of diphtheria just now
and the number of deaths from that dan
gerous disease which have occurred render
it important that parents and others who
have the care of children should take all
the precautions which medical science sug
gests, and should be on their guard against
the appearance of the malady in their,
families. It is not safe at a time when it
is so rife to neglect, the first trymptomslof a
throat' trouble, upon the ground that limey
not be anything serious and may be left to
cube itself. The only sensible and prudent
plait is to call in the doctor as Soon _as any
such indieatiens as may be the precursors
of diplithezia are apparent, for the sooner
better , the chance of recovery. tis far
better to pay a doctor's fee unnecessarily
than to run any risk. '
Perhaps it's because Athens is so near
Waverly that the Athens, dazitte, of Fast
week, contained the following two items :
"The drunkenness that' is prevalent, and
the inefficiency of the Police fere° and regu
lations is a disgrace to the town. If our
council cannot pet in and pay for a compe.
tent police force,that is not in the interest
of liquor sellers end drinkers they hill better
vacate their offices, irnd give place to these
who can; for
i there are about twenty-five
men in tow that need "snatching bald'
headed" andsending; down to. Towanda,
and on to Allegheny. .Messrs. J. M. Ely,
Hylen Drake and Ben. Sherman have given
baS for their appearance at court on a
charge of assault and battery preferred by
policeman Ennis, alleged to hive been com
mitted last Saturday night. For further
particulars, wait for the trial."
List of letters remaining in the Pciit Of
flee for the week ending Dec. 7,1882:
Adams, Miss P Lymn, Alice
Bailey, Addle Lee, Lugar;
Bostwick, Mrs A J Lend, Harriet D E
Burgess, Julia Lane, .7
Chilean, W E 'Lewis, l llattie
Crammer, Mrs T C Mom, P W
Comlal, Ur' ode= Mace, S H
Conklin, Theo dore c H 31
Collins, Mary Murphy, Mannie
Dislane, Hannah • Maooy, Jno
Dislane, Jno Magill, Gee 31
Dinison, Lizzie McKezman, Mary J
David. Dora (2) McCarty, Deng-
Fogert)P, Mrs H O'Sullivan, JnoL
Gine', Annie (2) Place, Geo
Gorman,Maurice Post, Mis D
Grimy, t
Mary Sypher, W H -
Griffin, Ella Sundns, Purley
Grassi; C FStrops, Estella
Harris, Jno ' Sweeny, Maggie
Johnson, Abram Scho fi eld, Jno
James, Jeniatte Stage, Georgia
Jones, Mike Jr SAanik, Kaitie
Kuhn, Jas S . Strange, Thar .
Kipp, Perry • Sage, l Mrs Chas
Kennedy,-Hilon .YrinWhy, 31 L
KennediMinnie Welsh, Wm Jr
Kipp, • on Weavec; E E
White, m Watrous, Rev G P.
Tenons calling for any of the above will .
please say "Advertised," giving date of fist,
P. Poiram., P. U.
There wall be a "•Slapjsck" party at the
residenCe of C. T. Hallowell, on State
street,, tomorrow, Friday evening. All
are cordially invited be attend,
Jew Yeses
The awnpeng of yourself and INV b so
licited at a New Year hop to be err at
Height's Hall„ Asybui Centre, Tbiniday
,eirening,./keember 28th: Hiked mute will
be in attendance. Bill $1.50.
G. L. HAlgr, Prop.
laggito4.ll-12 Ileitis ginAtheas.:'- '',
O4*-IP. Young; , fll .hilbsi . - 11 . ! - ..ii*ily .
- 111.', - . —,- 71' .:::- 1 , ':- :- ..-::: - - - ei : ', - -.:-.' •i '' , .::-1.,:-'-:...:::::•-•
D. Man.,
—R. A. paakier has gone to inceids, for
$ brief wit. .
," — EllerY IngestE*Ft LaPFeep Vent
Thanksgiving in town. - - I
ICS. Lou Coburn, of Towouida, is visiting
at E. 111111L—Athess Gaistle.
lem r itheelli Dean, et South Creak was
Into:ma the first al the week.
+-t. Overton 'Nard i of Smola, Tent
with (dead" here. -;
—Hon. 4. Holcomb returned to Wash
ington on Satimlay evening lad.
Bohn MCWWW COMM Tam from . College
to spend theThanksgiiing holiday. ,
—MI flanah,llahm has setinned from it
pleasant Tint to friends in Catmints;
—Wm. went to 'Washington on
Saturday to resume his Wilda' duties.
J. Sampeon,.of Wyoming county is
inbliahing the t3ailivan county De„pux;rat.
--Coctunitioners Clerk Lewis, .has been
"nnder the weather" for a few days last.
—Dr. B.- F. Henkion and wife, of
Waverly, N.Y., are visiting `at S. W. Lit' ,
—Mrs; Win. Middaugh, tot Sheshequin,
and her five children, are all sick of &ph;
-Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Broadhead have
returned from their wedding trip to their
home in Sayre. •
—Mr. Homer Baker, of Troy, has moved
to canton, where he expects to go into the
draying business. - _
--Supt. F. K. Lion,4 the Barclay
Road, has been quite fOr several days
put, but is recovering.. -
—Miss Edson, of Detroit, , Michigan, is
visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Collins, on third street.
—Miss Age Adams was quite seriously
injured -on Thursday evening bit; while
coasting on Pine street.
—E. A. Rockwell, of (ltrvillerentre,
started list week for Vrmoonsin to visit his
mocker and sister who reside:there.
—Prof. D. Phelps, of Casenovis,
Semim4, occupied the pulpit of the lat E.
Church Sunday Morning Ind evening.
Mrs. Orem, of Auburn, N. Y., is
visiting her nisi*" Mrs. Lyman Blackman,
'and nephews, G N. and C. S. Taylor.
—Bev. E. J \ Maley, of Scranton, has
been appointed by.the Bishop, as an assist
ant pastor of SS. Peter and Paul', Church
r of this place.
—Warren Edkin has been appointed
Sheriff of Sullivan county, to fill the
_vacancy occasosed by the death of the late
Sheriff Deegan. 1
--Miss Mattie playing in a
game at the Institute one day last week, in
which her hands were tied, fell and was in
j. quite seierely.
Sa • the Canton Sentinel of last week :
"Ed. Sutton, a clerk in the railroad office
here, left last Thirsday for a position in
the dice at Canandaigua.",
—Marshall M. Ballard, formerly of this
county, will soon establish himself `in mer
cantile busincis near Bradford, McKean
county, probably at Kendall. - '
—Rev. J. T. Brownell, of Mansfield, for
merly pastor of the M. E. - Church at this
place, has gone to Florida to spend;the win
ter, in hopes to improve his health.
—Prof. L'Amereaux closed his dancing
school here on,Friday evening last. The
small attendance of !cholera is said to have
been' the cause of the closing of the , school..
—The Rev. W. H. Sawtelle started for .
Minnesota on . Monday evening- last, to be
absent about two weeks. The Rev. W. B.
Thomas will supply the; Presbyterian pulpit
during his absence.—Athess Gazette. .
—Dr. H. D. Baldwin having resigned the
office of Coroner of Susquehanna county on
account of his recent remo ral to Syracuse,
N. Y., Dr. W. W. Strange, of Montrose,
has been appointed to fill the vacancy.
-Hiram G. French, clerk in 8. Wood
ford's boot and shoe store, ToWanda, spent
Thanksgiving with his parente in this vil
lage. He reports a good' situation there,
andbusiness•good.—Warerly Free Press.
—Mr. H. L. Rathbun, and Wilily, have
'removed from °wee, to Sayre, Pa., where
he hap secured a position in a large menu
factaring establishment. Owego loses a
good-citizen and Sayre gaius one.—Owego
—Lincoln Welles, of Wye'lasing, spent
lad week among the hemlocks near -Rufus
Hopkins. He brought in a baCk weighing
145 pounds, and some other game, as
the result of his week's work.—Dmr bore
C. F. Mortimer preached his fare
well sermon hut Sunday. He has an ap
pointment near Wheeling, Virginia, and
grin reeeive a Salary of 111,000 per year.
Some 'peopU appreciate gum preiummg.
Canton Sentinel.
--Charles. Bewley, one of the recent_
graduates of the Waverly High Sc hool, has
been appointed, through the kindness l of
Mr. Elmer, to 'a position as ranway. postal
.—clerk, with headgearters at St.-. Louis—
trurerly Tribune. •
Faseett has secured the position'
of assistant to J. T. Fowler, at, the station.
Newt. is the right man ir►' the right
place. : May he, •eventu'ally rise in
the estimation of the Northern Central un
til he becomes, superintendent.—Canton
—John W. Guernsey, one of the most ROI
minent Lawyers of Tioga county, Pa., died
at his residence in lloga,onThursday last of
pneumonia, aged , seventy years. Mr.
Guernsey twice represented his county in
the legislature, had held many other posi
tioninf honor and trust, was a republican
of the strictest sect, fair-minded and honor
able, and occupied an enviable legal and
social position. . , - •
• —Wm. Lewis, Eq., who has bona Clerk
to the County Commissioners for the past
seven years, has tendered his •resignation,
to take effect January Ist, and the Com
misionets have 'appointed Barn W. Buck,
Esq., to 611 the vacancy. Mr. ; Lewis has
filled the place in the most acceptable man
ner,and his retirement is generally regretted.
Mr. Brick is a member of the Bar, ,is thor
azghly qualified for the
_position and we
have no doubt will make an efficient and
obliging officer. 1 ; 4 •
—A very happyarul pleasant ; event was ,
the crystal wending of Mr. at:4We. John
B. Thompson, of South. Waverly, which
took place on. Tuesday evening,• Nov. 28th,
on which occasion their friends tcOhe,nutn
her of about fifty, pakl them thf*.nmPects
and renewed the ties of friends*. that
silken cord which binds heart4O
After a very pleasant art:ring's entertain
ment, all were invited and piiitaxik of an
elegant rePast. Many beautiful and valu
able presents were bestowed uptut, the wor
thy couple. All were profuse in their good
wishes, and ails charish for lonliesUe with
kind remembrance the pleasulyi or that
evening.—Waverly Ate Awls:
Says a
of the Mindra
Gazepe "There has long existed in the
Lehigh rued, a long, sbayp and troublesome
curve at Milan, and the company have been
=able to Straighten. the same because of
their inability to get the right of way. The
PtielleP ofirehsg through the !Wage bas
at Let been granted, and the alimony are
about to begin running trains on upwards
of a mils of new track. They will mon
constrisct a, new brick depot, and altogether
the village is to be congTatulated on the
Imink'convenient and emnfortable railroad
facilities obtained.
- ).'4'.:lllAW,'NFlank ,
- _
AED . :../40 . 34Z
There liras a bad:wreck on Atif.
Y. Ihillreadort Tuesday mcoitiagll4:Aster
Iturnmerfield,astwed by the eoUld, *far Nigh*
.Express oasis NO. 6, and -IPril train_ No.
67. reporter of the ,Adrerthwr who
visited the scene Wily) dieseter,:sikOntly ai
ter the Collis:km gives the folloWhikomount
of the calamity :
The Lehigh 'Polley railroad hoe , ' disable
truck as for smith .„as lisimineellogd,! but
south of there, only* foraome
distance: --:l3outh-bound, ands:moperly
standing on.the eastern side of the &able
troche, about:thirtY feet north of,,tlo).,NriO•
Caon with - the single track, -freight .train
- wail held it the time in Tenth leas
waiting for north-bound .exProis arida
number eight,(doe in E h ire at 515 a. nr.,)
to pass it oaths west or nortkbocreddouble
track. An old man mimed Dunnliiis the
switchman la charge of this junction: It
was his duty While so holding rigl'freight
train, to taro or switch , the singleigrock so
that a train coming north on it shoidd take
the west or fiord:elm:o track. ,This, for
some unaccountable mason, or for no rea
son atsill,,other than ' „
neglected to do. , It was the sbity . of H.
Warren,:the engineer in ehame of theloco
motive diiring the express train, :;to ob-
serve, first, that his train should bei Allowed
down to a speed at which it might be easily
controled in appmeldng the junction; sec
oiullthat the WOW to ffoahead beffkron bytLs
switchman at the junction; thir' d i thStii green
or safety Wilcod him askelbot4 earth
(or 's red light in"gcdng ion* over the same
switch); and fourth, that he answered "au
right" with the *loccanotive_ whistle before
letting off the brakei and on the speed
agaiiMHe observed all these rules, with
thepossible exception - of that relating to
the different colored lights on the ' switch
signal-post. Thii red light faced him, and
he either did riot see it, or else bemire con
fused temporarily, for the red , light meant
safety to him the day before, when he
drew the train in the - opposite direction.
The switch was not turned to the west
track, but connected directly with the
east, on which stood the freight train.
But the old switchman evidently thought
it was all right, for he signalled - the engi
neer to come on, and the latter sounded his
whistle twice, in token that he understood
the really
- The train, which bad been- held down to
a speed of twenty or twenty-five miles sit
hour, was released from the pressure of
the brakes; and darted ahead. At that
rate, it took but a go thirtyq.feet
on the wrong track, yet somehow Engineer
Warren managed .to turn on the air brakes
again before, as if in a flash, he foundhim-
Self tpinned fast on the wreck of his loco
motive, which had mounted and ridden
over the confronting freight engine. The
express car nexebehindfiim 'also mounted ,
and rode'over the freight locomotive, per- ,
tinily overtopping his own engine as well.
Next followed the cone fined mail awl 'bag
gage car, which,, incapable of riding upon
the already high pile of ruins, broke into
and toppled over upon the west track,
'spilling all its contents, and, most' miracu—
toasty, throwing the man agent and bag
gageman out where it broke in two, . with
out seriously injuring either of them. The
express messenger also escaped from his
ahead,' totally demolished our, without
much harm. . The Ilochester
WhiCh goes , as far as Lyons, .waii -1 the next
in order, and it also left the track and ran
into thewlreck. Its thee lone occupants
iDICAPED to 13014 MABilriL
Next was the BriffaiO sleeper , Ofipas-
Bangers, but neither - this nor eithrol of the
three coaches behind- it left the truck, nor
were any of the passengers injuri '7ery
hadly, although one man who would neither
give his name nor submit to medical exam
ination, claimed that be was badly h in
ternally. \
But now conies the terrible part of the
story. Engineer Warren of tho passenger
engine 'was cut,. out of a perilous Place,
whero_lie.was pinioned, just in time to es
cape the flames that had enve)epexl the
mass of wrecked hay-cars, engines, mail
and express matter, etc., within a Ire few
minutes after the crash. His •
Davis, was finally taken out of the p* e, in
jured terribly and, in all probability, 'fatal
ly. Ire was subsequently conveyeto,his
home in Wilkesbarre . On the' bo atra or
freight engine were faithful . Engineer N.
Foulke and Firenuin Leander' Kiiigsman,
both' of Waverly. Before.the traiamen
and passengers, who had turned resclizers, - :
could reach or assist these two, Aey'Were
enveloped in dames. , singimian wai• in a
position easiest to be reached, but lib was a
crisp, blackened and unrecognizable corpse
before taken from the debriS. Engineer
Foulke, with his right leg pinioned so fast
that nothing but amputation of it or a re
moval of the great mass that held it could
save him, -was first to see the -
that awaited him. There he stood in plain
sight, yet already enveloped in flames and
hot, escaping steam. Coolly he asked the
crowd to chop away the cab and get him
out. Desperately , his railroad associates
endeavored to save him ; bti4 they were
either entirely overcome or forced back by
the intense heat of the constantly growing
fire. The rwadt was that while the many
wity in s either looked on and wept, or
turn sickness away from the scene
which they were powerless to au;rige, brava
Foulke bit his lips, stood Grin and met death
without a single outcry, although the painl
he suffered must have been of the most ex-)
cruciating conceivable. His and his fire
man's burned bodies were taken qo • the
homes of their griet:strieken families at
Waverly, htter in the , day. The .former
learnt a wife and three children ; the latter
a Wife and , two.
Aimistant:Superintendent Broadhead was
inunmened ; 4on Sayre,,and Was on his way
with a spe' I train toward the scene of the
lynch, within ten minutes after the colli
sion. 1
All the mail, express and baggage matter
worth mentioning was consumed by fire,
with weer.] Cars and the woodwork of the
engines. The los*, in addition to the ter
rille sacrifice of lives, will aggregate many
`thousands of dollars.
Poor old •,switehmtur Dunn is too bewild
ered to knxivr or tell Much about the disas
ter caused by his oversight.
—The wreck WWI cleared away. and
trains were running at about 11 a. in. •
--It was the worst accident , that ( pas
ever happened on the P. & N. Y. Road.,
The toes is .heavy. ' -
, —Twelve bags of letteituail was burned
and maiderable other mail nuslAer::: Nen:-
Wall of the goods in the Express ear were
—Anson Dunn, the sWitchman, hai been
lathe employ oflthe road since it was:open
ed and has alwa ys been considered a 'care
ftd, truaworthy man.
—The Naiad Fire Engine Of this- place,
'and a number of theicompanyi were tilom
to the wreck ea Train 8, andsuccseded, in
putting out the flames after two or three
bowie work.
• ..ftelneaT Team wee a on of Jos.
Foulke of West Burlington, und;waeoon--
`aideretione of the bid engineers co' the
about4oof and
rut : was ',sus age, linnommee Precasted.
a - wife and three *Wen.' Gray hairs aro bOnonible but, their
-Asst. sap*ieai*t*aahaaa and tura argennince - :enneYing. Park . • - . •Babruninevents the annoyance lit
Thald - anew_ " 6 restoring 'the youthird agar. -
the scene of the eqedri.stat gave Personal - •
direction te the men *gavot in Clearing
tho teach; and absi kiiiinarafter tie) carp of .
the mju.ed l T;
—The remains of , L 6 - iwo• so
charred ilkk-Mirecograw
weni gathered utitnninn inquest. held
°ironer Hon* and-tias following gen
dinar imunnoned by him: C. L. Stewart,-
91,! L VariNess,' .L I Irvine,
Jair. Ikmalme and Al, Nesbit We have,
1.P4-leesneil.Y.Nlust the finding, was.
Nearly eiof our citizens will remember
s k band of nomads who passed thrOugh this
placeaCoupleof months ago: Theffollowing
ip reference to,thenz is from the Washing
ton (Pa.) Critic 1 "One of the eight little
children belonging to• the gang of Arab
wide" was killed by the large half-starved
black bear at' he gypsies' camp, twenty
miles from here. Several of thechildren
were teasing the animal, who had been
chahmd to a sapling. by its master, when
suddiny a three year old youngster, who
had been poking a stick at Bruin, approaCh
ed too' near and was seized suddenly by the
animal and crushed to-death. One of the
num hearing the animal growl, tried toiave
his infant, but arrived on the scene too late.
Whereupon, eeizing a large club he beat
the polir bear nearly to death. The child
was: buried a few hours later. by the mad
side, and the band packed its Inggage and
moved along hardly mileing, the little dad
infant from the motley throng of bi:ars,
monkeys, dogs, donkeys and villainautlook
ing humans.. .Thecerenumy overthe grave
of 'the infant wag a very gurims ate. The
entire, band, taiag hold of each other's
hands; formed a circle around the open
hole ( —for it was certainly not a grave,—
chanted a doleful melody, and then= went
around and 'round. Suddenly stopping, one
of the men repeated a jargon prayer, then
in comae, ,men women, and children
chanted "Melah "Melah 1" "Melah
Thil ended the ceremony, and all hands en
gaged in covering up the corpse, which' had
been placed in the grave on a bed of dried
leaves and covered copiously with the
snine."t °
Church of the Stesstah
Rev. H. R. Nye; of Philadelphia, Pastor
elect of thil Phurch,has preached here for
the past.two Sundays, and supplied the pul
pit, also . on Thanksgiving day. Mr. Nye
has returned to his Church in Philadelphia,
but expects to commence his ministry hero
early in January, perhaps on the first Sun
day.. The Rev. Asher Moore will. preach
for "The Church of the Meiridah" until Mr.
Nye returns. •
Rash Deed at Ithaca.
IntscA, Dec. 2.—Ed. L'Amereanz, aged
twenty-eight, who has clerked 'a year or so
for S. Harrison, clothier, was discharged
yesterday for intoxication. At noon to.d,sy
he swallowed nearly an onnee of laudainp.
having previously told Mrs. Harrison that
he would kill himself- He took the drug in
his room at the Tioga house, audit was crier
two houribefore he was discovered and a
doctor summoned. There is a slight pros
pect of his recavery. L'Amereaux came
here from Towanda, Pa., and \vas a fine
fellow and much respected, until 'whiskey
began to get the . , Let of him five or six
months ago.
Buined to Death.
'Alice Donovan a daughter of . Dennis
Donovan, who lives near the t_ died
a temlle.death on Monday,. She was a
child of abcint ten years of age, and Intel
been weak - minacid from birtk." At the
time of the accident, she had been left in
the house alone, when in some manner her
clothes took fire" from the stove; and before
her screams for help could bring assistance
she was burned so badly that she died in a
few moments. The unfortunate child had
always shown a Passion for playing with'
fire, and in .view of this 'lad, it seems,
strange that she should' have been' left in
the house alone for any length of time. She
was buried "on Wednesday. Athens
' Sight Restored
For the paid, file or six years -----
Strunk, of Wyalusing, has been , . nearly
blind, so much so - that, he had to be led
about. A few days ago:while dressing him
self, he stooped down IS pick nroone of his
boots, and doing so , his head came hi con-.
tact with a chair; The r blow hurt' him
severely, but all at once ho was able 'to see
as:well as he ever did in his life: His joy '
knew no bounds when he became assured
that he had actually gained • his vision; he
leaped, about the rooni, alternately, laugh
ing apd weeping and could harilly believe that
he was not dreaming, until assured by his
wife that he was . awakend in his right
mind: Mr. Strunk was in town one day
last week and received many congratula
tions on his almost miraculous recovery of
his sight. •
Done up Brown.
On Thursday last; at the residence of Dr.
C. W. Brown, on West Church street oc
curred a familyreunion of a pleasant/ na
ture... Mr. D. W. Brown, of Brown Own,
near Wyalusing Pa., has sons 'as follows:
Dr. Mel., of Syracuse; Dr. Watt, of Ithaca;
br. Done, \of Sayre; Dr. Chas. W., of El
miraj Fremont and Theodore, of the drug
store; one daughter, Mrs. George Myer, of
Towanda. i All theses with their better
halves, (tIOe who have them) and . , their
children, ; &vise who have them) were pre=
seat. It rMiuired to feed them a twenty
pound turk ey, several chickens; some Oya•
ters and numerous other eatables tooprofnse
for enumeration- but all managed to , get
what they wanted around three tables./ In
the afternoon the Brown family attelinied
the performance of "tfriele Dan'l," at the
Opera House, \ which is the probable . .expla
=tient of the hitherto unexplained large
audience fort matinee. The festivities ex
tended far into the evening, enlivened by
music,raided! and abetted by JolinSally of
the United States EXprms office, and Mr.
Allen , Bf` the 'Drainers' College.—Ehnira
A Smithfield dispatch of Dec_ .2d, to the
Tetegican says : "A party at the hotel on
Thursday evening was seriously interrupted
by a ging of, roughs from Milan, who at
tended the dance for the ostensible purpose
of creating a row, and, as they termed it,
"to clean Itrt ,Smitbileid." Soon after:their
arrival, and after laying in a sufficient Turn=
tity of the ardent to stimulate their desire
for heroic valor and deeds of powers, ' they
`preparedti demolish a- young _ boy named
Loomis, w o was deaf and dumb. W. H.
Allen,li. who opportunely entered at this
moment; very. naturally remonstrated at
their tree ent of the mute, when! ti ex
pectedly the roughs immediately
Allen, and the ' fight became neral.
Young .All,n is a 'man of powerful' build,
and the hammer blOws dealt to his
assailants, together with the assistance ren
dered • ,soon convinced the worildise
heroes ofs' that they , were only - " , httle
EOM!), ' "standing before the Friar
Luck. of ilmirbfield. It , was short s lively,
bloody and decisive, and as the aegressors
looked at each other's, beefsteak-looking
countenances they concluded quit they
were "too sweet to live a mbsit„" in
a Smith
field,. least, and sadly roamed . eastward
toward the land of Milan.
E. A. Waltime; Wrightsville, sa
"A few doses-iffßrown's Ins Bitters'
satisfy a4gione - ot its remedial effects." r
'Breeftwit ammo, reacher.' Instlistfr. •
The next sespion wifi be, held la the
Gra4e 4 Selimst; . towsuids, amlunenchlg
Dec.lB, 10 a, m., and. closing Sisturday,
Instnictors--Dr Jr.. - Higbee, Supt.
Public Instruetkar; •Dr. - J. H. &maker of
Cluunberabuig; Supt. B. E. James of Sin
quehanna Co.; and leading teachers of the
county. 13ecticur drills and - nurtigids of
Lecture S. - Copeland of hull
lure; Hon. E. E.,Higbee, D. D.; Bev. J. S.
Stewart, D.D.;4odirree Bruce of Pough
keepsie; and J. a. Shinnaker, Ph. D.
DI: 0 4 0 W DO, Tuesday :Teachers' se**
'ions in Section rooms. Directors' Son
iq High School Boom commencing 11, a.
ni.l Supt. Mew will addrem the directors
and 'answer cpm. Subjects of great
importing* to/School interests will be con-
Mood diScuised by the directors.
Evevy director within reasonable.. distance
pi . Towanda sluxild endeavor to lie present
and Boards in remote notion should at
least send reporsentativet
Teachers are entl*d to regular wages
while attending thi Inset& • and, as a
Coarse of Study for Ungraded Schools is to
be adopted and methods of Machin& prac
ticall3r exemplified by clam exercises, it is
hoped that a catalogue of the P c :imitate will
show every teacher employed in_the county
present. G. W. Rysii,
'`‘ County Supt.
Inthenmathea,,Coughic eatairhiand pee
moMikt• resulting from colds,' maybe Mired
by Ayer'e Chain Peptaitd; It ellays the
inflammation removes the irritation and
soreness, scales the organs, and restores
the sugerei to health. For sale by Dr H.
C. 'Porter 4 ?ion, Towanda, Pa.
oEmA noir WANTED.
Of the present residence of either Darius
Leonard;•Jake t O'Neil or any other person
_who was a member of Company H. 7th
Pennsybiania Cavalry. Address Bradford
REPUBLICAN, Towanda, Bradford county,
Pa. Exchanges please copy.
Mrs. Mulish E. _Haupt, Sunbury, Pa.,
says: "I have taken Brown's Iron Bitters
to purify my blood and it has done all that
I could wish." '
.—Daniel Everitt, died - Nov. 17,
in lilimroeton ' of paralysis, aged '76 years,
9 months andls dap.
Farmers will And that it will pay a good Profit
to cut all Bay, Straw and CornsMlka ted to their
stock, as well as ALL BEDDING: The expense
or labor incurred in cutting will •bo amply paid
in saving handling and spreading - of manure.
Cut bedding is much better for the animals.'
The Boss and Ross ,Cummings
I Feed Cutters
Are the bestja use as well u the cheapest.
Farmers are invited to examine them.
For sale—pildwin's, Gates' Copper Strip and
Lever Cutters, and the Lion Cutter. Sandia
circulars and prices.
• „
Towanda, Nov. lat.
A large stock just
opened in Colors
Black, with Plushes,
in both Silk and Wool
in all Colors to inatch.
WICOI4. 1= I ).AXMT.
.Clll RNs
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache, Nadia' Toothache.
aka e m•as.SwelThesoNalarsiles.liewhaes,
Itimus. Scalds. Wrest Ram
Odd by Drug*.an dinat Dealers
In II ava
Lan ryirbere. 'UV Canes bo t ln.
o:Le guage&
(dionsa ta A. POOL= km) Italidnem WA, ILL A.
• .
Lap Robes.
We have just receiv.-
ed a full assortment of
Lap Robes and Horse
Blankets. ~ I
If yzu Inuit &TIM-CLASS stroll oody cutter.
the vary best In the market. for use the coming
mints/. Venni inive me' a U. Special induce.
mesas to TABU and CASH buyers. Better buy
early. The stock in market le likely to be much
lesn,than but season.
Nov. 1, IsB2.
IeABM vpR SALE. Containing
.1;fl9 scree„ 47 well improted„ comfortable
bonding:a; Wentz - fruit. good wefts. I% miles
from the irMige of Termttown, miles from
Wialnelog stetlospo k E B. B. , Apply to
Oct lt;liw Tarrytown, ingdfOrd Co., Ps.
Dee. Band 9.-with eiMelal Indies' end Obiklren's Matinee Siturday st 3 30'p. ta.; Receivied Every
!here by Crowded end Delighted Audience".
. .
'Reba !dui . build!. Soils loofa lempay I
2 IiIETIBII3.-23. Duatenteed by the management to be the Best Juvenile Conks
opera Company Ever OrgaMmd.
Friday Eveffing, Dee. B.Ther4Ziott.tallulligiritt 9 ? k rer Parti . l". 0/fretted
Saturday Eire., Dec.. 9.9l7o l r u iL i Ts=" l ll= l " Patience! .
In addition to the Oyer' belresented at each performanoe our %AND Noviku
thAtt l WM. A. i tlfe N liinlors U ravende 131= 1" . S Mama malles t
Artistic Dulcet; TEE IDEAL JUBILEE KALE QUARTETT E, Bob* hodine.beakihr sad .
Wells, , Our Eastomei an sal New_ nd Elegant. .We carry our own Special Scenery.
Popular: Pr
• - -MATINE, and 25 CENTS.
Populces• EVENING 35 and .#0 CB-, NTS._
• I :ll,e' t served Seats at C. T. Klrby's Drug Skire.
Strayed from the premisei of the under.
signed in Wysoz township,l on or about
November let, a large black and white
Shepherd dog. Has a white ring • around
his neck, and has a crooked tail. Had a
strap - around his neck with an iron ring in
it. Answers to name of, Blaine: ' Finder,
will be rewarded on return of dog or for:
information that will lead to his recovery.,'
lona Timm. ,
Wpm, - Nov. 20, 1882.--tf.
Agents of both sexes, to sell the new. and
novel Toy, f`Ano Kato." A first-class
amusement for young folks.
Address, B. aumsze,
Inventor and Union gate],
litbiton, Pa.'
Step in at Rosenfleld's and examine - his
New Stock of Clothing being received every
day. - ' -
—Fresh lake fish and salt water Ash a
C. Id..)3yer's market, Bridge street,
• Mai 16-4
Wanted SOO bushels, good potatoes state
kind and lowest cash price per bushel de
livered. JAIL B. OVERLY,
The firm of Lincoln, Welles & Co., has
been changed to the film name of Welles &
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer.
It is entirely different front all others. It
is as clear as water; and, as its name-indi
cates, is a perfect Vegetable Hair] Restorer.
It will immediately free the head' from all
dandruff, restore gray hair to 'its natural
color, and produce a new gro wth where it
has fallen off.`
.It does not 'an any manner
affect the health, which Sulpher, Sugar of
Lead and Nitrate of Silver preparations
have done. It will change light or faded
hair in a few days 'to a 'beautiful glossy
brown. 'Ask your-druggists for it. Each
bottle is Warranted. SKIM, larnz& Co- -
'Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and , Hai l
& &Tim, New York..- '
June, 1, 1882. I.y.
The rumor having been circulated to the
prejudice of my trade that other persona
ara,,associated with me in. my furniture
business on Main street, First tard, To
wanda. I take this opportunity say that
I have no partnership in the bu.iiness and
am conducting it entirely on, my"own ac
count. SEirmotra Swag.
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 11th, 1882
411.. 8.-Rogers has a large stock of Sash
Doors and Blinds, also Moldings, and is
selling cheaper than any other establishment
in-Pennsylvania. .
, Gki to Wmir.oxa's for wall palters, bor
ders dados, cornice &c. He has some°
the handsomest wall and ceiling decorations
ever brought s into 'fowanda.
Low Prices telitand people tell low prices,
call at Rosinfield7 , o and examine his goods
and get the_prices:
p. A. Bi-tcs,
- De?rr Sir:—The "Davis" Sewing nu-bbrte
I'bought of you some seven years Ago (a
second band machine then) has given per
fect satitifietion, doing all kin& of family
sewing without any repair,. except a -rew
shuttle jUst bought. P. ComproN.
FRANKLINDALS, April 22d, 1882.
Ash Rinuned Extension Tables, and
Bedroom Sets, are Specialties at the new
Furniture Store, Main street, First Ward.
&mous Sirrs.
Ahrays Bettreskisig.
A delicious odor. is 'imparted by Floreston
Cologne, which is always refreshing, no
matter how freely used.
—Ne charge for delivering, and done
promptly from Q. M. layer's market, Bridge
street; May 19-tf _
Clover and Timothy Seed.
Stevens and, Long have on hand a large
stocker Clover and Timothy Seed selected
from the best new crops and warranted true
to name. They bare also a full Stock of Gar
den Seeds in "Bulk" and in packages . , select
ed froni the crop of 1881. Together with" an
assortment always ccmplete of all goods in
their "line," all of which are , offered at the
lowest market prices aid. Warranted to give
satisfaction. • Mr 2.4-tL
Corrected every Wednesday
Corner of Main and Pine Street..
Flcnir p6l barrel ...... ....
Flour per sack
Buckwheat Flour, it 100.. 280
Corn Meat
Chop Feed
'Wheat; VI bushel 1000110
aire. 6 ",t4 'i t
Cora. • 150
Buckwheat. " -"
, .I. 043
Beal* -
Potatoes. " ' , 43050
Apples} Dried. 1 61 9 6 7
Peaches " "—.. .. 120
berries Drie . .. 022
BRasplackb d lik erries " " lb
... 10
Pork. VI barrel
Ham*. IP ID ,
Butter, in Trios • Firkins. 25(630
Eg ßutter in Bolls
ge. i . • - , 29@130
Clover,Seed bushel
1 11 x 14 ... = rood * bushel..
. * _
Sync. _gait *barrel...
itfatilian Salt 0 - '
Ashton Salt -
Onloaa, V bushel. 7sl3
. '
th* largest circulation, and is the most Mu.
cutlet newspapeerr of its kind published in the
weld. The advantages of such a notice every
patentee understands.
Tldslarge,and di illustrated news.
paper ispublrat 1:110 a year,
and is d to be tho best paper devoted
to seieueemechanics,inventkms,
works, - andother departments o a f=
'progress, published in any country. Single
dmalimpesn s lry mail, 10 cents. Bold by all new*.
Ad=ll lm limu Cm, publishers of &duo
" 261 Throway, Nem York.
Huldbook a u!, Wont, =ailed free.
taRCP.4: - :':10.14,11:... L. :2100IN.!
Towanda, O. Pa.
PATINO. 11:14=0.,
, $5 75W 50
1 800
1 73
23 - 00025 0 0
5 400000
3 750
... 22@i24
1 40
2 7503 09
Efc- 0
i T/ lid
tzr 0 cA
r . 3. t l q Oa
g - cili as
0 A .
- til .ti
Youths' and Children'A
Admili Farm ,Wagons `I
:S. • •
These splendid wagons are ' winning golden
opinions everywhere, andwill bear close twee=
tion. They possess. 11 . 2115, advantages. All are
Sully warranted. -
Auburn Ili Other Plat-
form Wagons.
Whitney and 01WU Biggies, open and top. In
variety to suit, and prices very low. AU wagons
Sarrarlted first class. AU parties desiring to--
buy ugular «whalebone" wagons at very low
prices are invited to give me a all. Speciel in
ducements to cub buyers. ;
Corn Shellers.
Cornell, flocking Valley, Clinton, New York,
Britiall and oilier Conlin:idlers in variety to snit
in price and capacity. Excellent libellers from and„upwards.
XX Star Cement.
...112st received another-carload of this superior
and warranted cement. Price $1.30 per barrel.
Pierce's and .other.
Mixed Paints.
Warranted to be. AT nix LEAST. equal to the
belt other • paint in the market, and sold at leas
prices. Also Linseed Oil, Putty, 44e.
Wiard Chilled Plows.
These plows everywhere, when brought Into
close trial and comparison with other chilled
plows, have proved to be the'best
Towanda, Pa., Nov. lot, 18.92-U.
Just received, in all
colors and qitalities,
and which will sold
at lower prices tlian
Writing Inks .
SEYMOUR S 'l td7:.. _ -;
4 -
, ,
. .
Who has had 21 years experience il: e thafurnitiuli
business, has opened a store and pairing shop
in Bentley's Mock, _Fret Ward ' (opposite
McGehee marble yard) and solicits the patron.
age Of Ugh public, Es has been hi;;Gte employe!'
Messrs. host fur the past eighteen years, and
awls confident that be can give entire Batista&
I shall keep a stock of Ere Goods. sad ill per custorc a small ad
vance from aitalogueler
manufacturers priceere at
s. CO sad OM
ens all who. -ara in want of ReptiziliC or NM
Goods. .
21aug82 ',- ISZYMOUS 11111111.
INSTITIfTE. The drat winter leis of the
twenty-ninth year corninences YONDAT. NO.
VIII6IIF.R 6th. The ihenity has boo sabirged,
buildings thoroughly - refitted and heated
by steam,
school etted
its growing patronage. The attendance , hes
smarty doubled fa seven two. For eireulum.
Astslogus, - or other particulars. address the
Ptiuolpd. ED_ MZ. QUINLAN. t.W,
Tawsplie - rs- -