t, - „-•- (HOLCOMB & TRACY, Publishers. 1 • VOL. NHL Bradford Republicp b-Publhihed Every Thursday,l AT TOWANDA, PA., BY i i HOLCOMB & TRACY, $1.50 Per Annum. fa ddeceitiv. :• Adeerfisiog Rates—E4 cents a line for first. Insertion; an i lire cents - per line for allaxtb,.e. 'quent insert Ons. Beading notice sdverti.lag te n cents per line. Eight lines constitute IL squire, (mid twelve lines an inch. Auditor's notices 17-30. ,tdministrator's and Execrator's notices s2.or. Fearly advertising SUMO per column. ` : ' Tea lirrinxican is published in the Imo, Moore and Nobles Block, at the cornerlof Main and Pine streets, over J. F. Career's Boot and Shoe store. Its circulation` is over 2000. As en advertising =Odium it is nrisinened in- tin ars mediate tlel•1. • Tniranda B i tisiness Dirac+ ory. A TTORA EYS-Ar-LAw.,* (11..EVEL McGOV RN, (E. J. Cleve/and iVni..ileGorern), Canton. Bradford' County l'a, AU business entreated to . their care in Western Brsdford will receive prompt attention. AlsprB2-ly r 4-4 • S HILLIS. attorneys-at-Laii; Olno over •Powell k Co. CO. J. N. Office in Wood's Bloch, south First National Bank, up states. June 12;48 viLißitEE S,SUY (N C Blsbree and L Metric) Lu Office in Merctir Block. Park St. inayl4,7B DECK k OVERTON (Den.; Ai Peck, and D A Orwr tonl. Office over, Hill'• Market 49:79 MAXWELL W ' Office over Dayton's Store - spril 14,76 NITILT..I. ..DBEW. Office in'Mean's Block. Vv spr 14.76 CARNOCIIAN k }TALL (W T Dater: J./ W H Caraothan,L M hall ~) Office in rear 1.4 Ward nowt... Entrance op Poplar Si. &ILI'S vrEfiCC ..iDN/IT A. Solicitor of Patents. LVL Pc - U.:mar attention paid •to business in Orpluine . Court and to the settleirdint of estates. Odlce to hloutanye's Block • , 4949 ff c PFIERSON & YOUXG, (1. McPherson and ANL W. I. Young.) Office south side of Mercur's Block.feb l , 7B . , ITTILLIAMS, ANGLE h . BUFFINGTON. (H N Vv WU/in:lts, E J Angle and S D Bellingtos). Office West side of Main street, two doors north of Argue office. All business entrusted to their `care will receive prompt attention. oct 2G,77 , TAMES R. AND JOHN CODDI NO , Attor it/ ueys and Counsellors•at-Law. Ogice in the Mercur Block, over C. T. Eirby's Drug Store. Jul/ 3. 'BO tf. I. EE'4E I , .J. P. Attorne}-at-Law. Ofßce in 31ontanye's Block, Main Street. Sept. MHo3ll*' H, W. H. and E. A.. Attorneys-at Law: Tifwanda, Pa. Office in '3lercur e plock, over 0. Y.', Kirby's Drug Store. entrance o sin street. first stairway north of Post-offi . All business promptly attended to. Special atten tion given to claims against ,the United States or Pensloi.s, BOunties, Patents. etc., and , to ollections and settlement of decedent's es Mtea. April 21. iy HENRY B. M'KEilli t . • _ ANTOttlaili-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, P .k. solieltor of Patents. Government claims 'at. - tended to. • rlefebe2 PHrSICAPV3 AND 3CkGEONS TOHNBON; T. 8., M.D. Oltlce over Dr. H. C u Porters•s Drug Store. - . feb 12,78 NEWTON. Dr.. D. N. F. G. !Office st Dwelling on River Street. corner Weston St. tab 12,77 H.. 31. D. Oaks lit door above old bank building, on Main street. Specie, at tention given to diseases of the throat and lungs. ju1y19,113 WOODIRTRiq, 8. M., M.D. Odic° and rest donee. Main street, north ot 31,,Chnrelt Idedtcal Examiner tnr .Pension Dtrsrtment. 22.78 PAYNE. E. D.. M.D. Dace Pine Si.. opposite Jail. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 2 to 4 P. at. Special attention. given to Diseases of the Eye, , and Diseases of the Ear. oct 20.T7 frIOWNER. H. L., M.D.. 11011CLOPAT8IO PHISICUN & SUISGEOL Residence and office just north of Dr. Corbdn's Main street. Athena. Ps. '; HOTELS =I HESBY HOUSE. Blain at., next corner south of Btidge street. New house and new furniture throughout. • The proprietor 'his spared neither pains or expense in making his betel first-class and respectfully solicits a share Di Public patronage. Heals at all-hours. Terms reasonable. Large 'Stable , attached• map it 77 1- trlif _ HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES WATEMiS POST. tiff. 68. 0. A. B. Meets evety Saturday evening. at AUlitai7 Hall. OEO. V. MYER, Commander. J. R. Errrainnz .AcUstatit. - feb 7.79 _._ . . nRYST. LODGE. N 0.57. Meets at K. of P. w Hallisvery Monday evening at' 7:30. In surance 84000. Benefits $3,00 per:week. Aver age annnarcost, 5 years experience, $ll. II JESSE MYERS, RePorkr. E. Pies x, Dictator. feb 22.78 BRADFORD LODGE. NO. 167. I. sO. 0. F. Meet In Odd Fellow's Ilall.every Monday evening et . 7 o'clock. Waxily; Mu., Noble Grand.- June 12,75 norms AND fIIGN PAINTING. POST,' F. S. No. 32 Second street AU orders trill receive prompt attention: June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL. QUNIIREIANIZA comEoIATE iNsTrruis. 6 . 0 The SPRING TERM win begin lifondan April 3, 1882. For catalogue or other Infos. tsation, address or call on the Principal. EDWD: E. QI7INLAN. July 19,78" Towanda, Pa. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER tultira AMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber • , and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mer cer Sleek next door to Journal office opposite Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair. ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing romptly attended to. All wanting work in his no should give him a call. Slily 27,77 INSURANCE DOTSSELL, 0. 8, General insurance Agency. d ' U Towanda, Ps. Grace in Whitcomb's Book /tore. July 12,74 And bad One of Ms '25 CENT DINNERS filb26-em LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS NOTE LEADSoba. In the Met Mee of 11• an at the oat . • ' 7.• -- '-:'"-:--- - —.-- -- , - f; - : \..-:;, : .:,:,:.--, _ ___ ~,.. , ..-.: , ,--.-..-• ..- .-., - - ,-••-• -•____-Y--.: ,- -`-...------;'', * ,-..- -- ''''''''' - ''..; F: , :. 1 '` '7 : , ) - -:*; 1 -,1 -;', -- - -- #::::3,17:" , .. - - '1 ---.: -- - 1 - 3 - ' -. ".• - " . .. .* - .' ' ', , ' ',. `- ..'-', ' ' ,-'''. 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A AlleC' ' tkfl 0 ~ V ; ..' orr-„, * , , • _ .. „...... . , ~, ~ ~ . , ~ , ..,.,.. ~.- ...,.... : .... - 7 ...; . .. d r,....„.... • . _. ...,..... i, - '-' :Z .. 7,7 • 7 - - c -- •: 4 ' • • -r c_l., =.- • . 1111 - ;;- MtecellOeouts -Advertisements. NEW FIRM I NEW IFORE I NEW eopos Ed. Millesseaux, I (Formerly-with flondelman.) HAS OPENED A • - jeweitv,Store ma OWN N PAT TON'S . BLOCK With Swarts & Gorden's Store, Where he keeps a PIILL'Af3SOWMENT or Gold &Silver Watches CLOCKS, "- JEWELRY, .. • ' i. SPECTACLES, ETC. i sir His Stock Is an NEW and of the FINEST QUALITY. Call and see for yourself. • REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. deol6 TROY, ,PA. We keep on hand'eonetantly for builders; ; Lllfl, HAIR, BRICK, LATE!, • SRI:NOUS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS; SHEBTINGTAPER, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, .• • CHESPEAB NAILS.. also WAGON MASER'S SUPPLIES Fellows, Spokes, Hubbe, Thdls, Poles. Carriage Trimmings. Also A fall line of Shelf sad . Heavy Hardwire, and • 'it full line' of Carriages, Platform and ,Ltimber Wagons, stsaaby as with skilled workmen, and warranted in every particular. i• " BEARDSL4Y . & SPALDING, • Hardware Dealers. Troy, April 27-1 y BLANK BOOK MAN UFACTITRKR BOOK BINDER, • PAPER RULER; &a. - Alfied Purvis, .• No. 131 Genessee street, ' AU work in his line done well Slid promptly at lowest price. Parties baring volumes incomplete will ( be fur: nisbed with any missing numbers.at cost price. '-All orderi given to J. J.' Scanlan, Agent for Bradford County will be promptly executed..ao. cording to directions. -• I sep.Xtf * GEO• L. ROSS ' . • . - Now occupies the Coruei , Store opposite Dr. H. C. Porter's Drug Store, ?data Steeet, with a large stock of MOCERIZS, 1; ','`l • • SI . . , Mr. Boss Iris mamma STORE ON 131tIDGX STUNT .1. L. Schoonover Is clerk. 'The two stores are connected by Telephone. Mr. Bois can now feel 'Waded that he can give the __ BEST GOODS:Fon Tim LEAST MONEY Ms experience suablei him to select the, best •goods, which he is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE. YOU can always get a bargain if you • BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S All goods delivered in the Borough FREE. FARMERS will do well to call with, their Produce and get the CABS. 205pr82.3y. JEWELLER, Neal door to Dr. H C. Pcirier's Drup:Sloi:e FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS: J - EWELRYL 9 STERLING SIiAVER ANP 9 3' FINE PLATED. WARE, - S PECTACLII3 & EYE GLASSES, sr ALL OF AI LL EE BOLD AT THE ' ;FEET LOWEST PRICER, ClOclal.*stgitessasUrreirlDretklifir rePatf•d by att.xparlaacd and compistatt,worksaan. ' • A. N. NELSON • DIALER IN A WATCHES, (moors, FINE GOLD ADD PLATED JEWELER of over/ earteiff, sod Bpodo lea. : a ParDeul atootkos pair to olosolitog, _Lapp is Docks: • Vourkls Grocory Stors. 111= EDW. Tow= Pam. Main Street, Towanda, Pa:, SWISS AND:AMERICAN; ENGSAITING A SPECIALTY. i AND UTICA. N. Yj OF THE BEST QUALITY. M. HENDELMAN Is still to be found at tbeOLD STANDI, ALIII.V STREET, SITU A PULL LINE OF WATCHES,,.; CLOCKS, ritoit a CIEFAPEST:76 ' sm. Fir M. RENDELMAN. septl64l . . - 1' —' . :';'4,; Z ' ' ; i. 4:- : -.', i' ::% .. -',; :. c i`' ' ' ' ''''''''' . . 7 .--.'l-'.!".;:.: : -‘./.. New Advertisement:. BRQW/(8 .': i ' IRON :BITTERit-. rlleure dyhearthurn, male tia, hickey . deer,liver tOmpliiot, had other wasting diseases: . Ell BROWN'S = BITTERá enriches the blood and 'unifies the system; Cures weakness; lack of energy, etc. Try a lbottle. . , BROWN'S, IRON BITTERS is the Only . Ison preparation - that does not colorthe teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation. as other Iron preparations will. Ladies and all sufferers (mm neu ralgia, hysteria," and kindred com platnts, will find it witliout au equal. Advancing years, care. sickness. Wasp pointment,. and hereditary pOd•isposi tion—.all operate to turn the hair gray. and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. AYER'S HAW. 'lrs3on will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, asmay be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use falling , hair is checked, and a_near growth will be prod 'cad In all cases where the follicles not de stroyed or the glands d ayed. • Its $ e effects are beautifully " shown on brushy, weak, or - sickly hair; - on which a RV applications wilt produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure In It • 'results, it is • incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness it tone it Imparts. AYER'S HAM VIOOII is colorless; contains neither oil nor dye; and will not soil or color white cambric? yet it lasts long on the hair. and keeps it fresh .and vigorogs, iniparting au agreeable perfinne. • For sale by all druggists. ••.' are never imitated or counterfeited. This is especially true of a family medicine, 64 it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highestvalue. As soon as it had been tested aniffprored by, the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, - best and most valuable family medicine on earth, many imitations sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press and peo ple of the country had expressed the merits of 11. 8., and in every way trying to in duce suffering invalids to use their stnif anArtrunr en tha credit and good name of H. B. Many others started nostrum's put up in similar style to H. 8., with variously devised names in' which the word "Hip" or "Hops" were used in a way to induce people, to believe ' they were the same ae° Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures, no mat-. ter what their style or name , is; and espe cially those with the word "Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in any way con nected with them or their name, are inn tations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genaine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or clus ter of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggiste'and dealers are warned against dealing inilmitations or counterfeits. ' In the Whole History of Medicine No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as AYER'S CHERRY PacronAL, which is recognized as the world's remedy for_ all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series of Wonderflil cures in all in mates has made it universally- known as a safe and reliable agent to employ.' Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely; always re lieving suffering, and often saving life. The, protection it affords, by its timely use in throat and chest disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept always on hand In every home. No person can afford tci+be without it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition - and Aperation, physicians use the Cm:wry Picronm. extensively in their practice, and clergymen recom mend it. It is. absolutely certain• in its healing effects, and will always cure where cures are possible. For sale by , till druggists. Minted AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! For GEN. DODGE'S bran' new book, entitled Thirty-Three Years Arming OUR WILD'INDIANS 4 Eeocteaed,K the Wholes Tikklirrbleereasitronestel &spina.le mane orriodiws. obis bitroductii. By. Gen. Sherman. Tbh tue ow& els d oats stibsoihed be by Prwitatsi Arnim and (Wire Cbtaitt. tad by Got. &am" Gat. Gnaw. Gee: ',Sitoicks. bah lloaroek. tnd Gulownehat LW. bust Yrs. Gsw. Owe lwri 1 -' ll is ekt big Usk CO Wits Lift seer wises: limos Witsr. illdhoestl *Yip p.fltit hit book issorese oohs. - It LIU ottlyisetbes. tie soma of our loam trey lay wive& bay their "loner WA" scent &taw trplaibi tta If b inlets ugh Galas miis of Mt Author. and tar isoto bow% Thaws. *watts. Whiosi.Boxiter Bullass. it., *MAT Podalkibolt let Is the Gnat West as it tools. ASA dowsosit spow With Woe Zietswisgt sad lamb Chtosiontithoseash Estes Is le edam trots . phottetaphs look by the tr.s.oamasmteePresitrforiliisgrest wort. • *arms: This glad both is wow an others le to t. analampeaks. Arsbayarasatiman• ethics day. We want 1000 1111111Careati at asto, Is. desire etrreaty cod Special nor ohm Otskop Yaw law 'with talletrecoltra tad Om A list Spethota Thet sett itsditiewi far s emit !too. Allow Go ads park L. worraunrcrroSkat a Harman,l7llo. -a BROWrB IRON BITTERS Various Causes-- The Bad and Worthless _ - . 4 , '.• • ' • • ' •" - ' ilionmowma or PEQPIA '321*.,,n0' rim AND row Tula PEopix.. , L1. , ).=„4,i,/ 751 f, ''''4k;=4 ,Y • 1 , 4 - iygelblat a.01134d•- BRApir k . ti.oli SELECT POETRY, HER FUTURE. Oh, what wilt you doom , hule And what old you do, my sweetens • When trcaum's life shall come to 3rou, WWI all its grand aunpletoness? I Canna ten yon,-my tether,dear, And Indeed I often wonder; Rs each of the married Mends I know Iles made a dlstresslng blunder. You need not marry at all, sweet lt And you!need not marry, my dear one; Yet still yon may make that qte OiYntuz A rotmded,coMplete, and clear one. • 1 No, no. my father. your vrordii are Wrong; There Still would be something lacking; . A weary and palatal geese dies My brain and heart would *racking. - But it you ahoultmarry, my darling child My innocent, tender, and glad one, n I make a mistake, as so many dos Tour life would be such a sad one.- - I inink, end I think, my rather dear s ' That true lave Iv never mistaken ; • heskyrtrs tenses may I)o t unelenl, _.- • Whate 4 er may tall, - my flatter d ea r, Trtie love Is ever victorious; And sad and Utter though We maybe, To live and to love is Motions. I need not Imo asked you, ray little in!, Of your wows .i% hope hereafter, Per I see that your heart is already full ota woman's tears and laughter. —Edward Willett. MISCELLANEOUS. a a rm clear discouraged," lind as she spoke, , a tear ride of her nose and plash =1 on her mended cotton gloves.. Not the spar ing _dewdrop - of eighteen, but the nose-reddening, discouj relate, unbecoming tear of eight-and-thirty. When a pretty girl cries, there is always plenty of sympathy / Baran Old maid's tears are regarded with the most apathetic fei.enee. .1311 i Miss Clat:issa Beanpole moved her chair a jog closer to that of the middle• aged weeper, and Miss Patiy Jones said: "Do tell 1" while Melinda Moore, who did tailoring and had money in theevinc ed the liveliest interest, ; ' \ "I always knew ' o was 'ark o d miser," bir, said she. .1., "After working for - him ,en years, one would have supposed he might have a little consideration," remarked Miss I'atty., "A dollar a week andhotud am% no price at all," observed althea BettUpole. ;' "1 told him I couldn't iiva on it, , said Fanny Fos. '' I asked him for a quarter of a dollar a week more. And Oeclare, you'd have thought the world waS .sconting Ito an end!" • "What did he say, dear??' coaxed Melin da, who was round and platp an 4 had a motherly way _with her, elder ly maiden lady that she was. •• tie said he could get plenty to keep house for bun at Seventy five cents s' week, and that there wasn't hardly "anAliing to do!" answered' Fanny. "I wonder if, he calls washing and ironing for him and his feta' boys nothing ? . And baking and pick ling, and softLsoap making, and "pang and fall cleaning; and patching aid mending, and Cooking far Out biroa- man, and making, and the Care of three cows and for ty fowls!" ' • ",Ridiculous!" cried the three others in `chorus. "He said that Clarissa Beanpole would be glad to come and keep house for him on those terms," resumed Miss Fox. "rd like to see 'Myself at it," remarked - Clarissa with emphasis,. "And he said that now trade was dull, he passed likely Melinda Moore would take the place," added Pam. "Mould she, indeed?" said Miss Moore, scornfully. "Besides saying that Patty tones was out of a place now, and would may be come for her board 1" "Let him just try it, that's all," mid Patty. "I guess I've two hundred dollars at interest, and eanlifford to take my ease a little while, if I am oa eld maid 1" " And so he wound up," sighed Fanny, "by telling me, square up and down, that he didn't need my services any Mere: - And here I am, with winter coming on, and not a thing to do !" - otris,••• said Miss Melinda, "let's an strike for a dollar and a quarter a week,' Let's show Squire Finley that help ain't to be had for nothing !" "A dollar and a quarter a tweeir," said Clarissa Beanpole, " and Fanny Fox to have the first *I.IICO to go back to Finley Farm on those terms. Agreed !" And thus was organized the great strike at Corntown, among the independent young women who condescended to help the over worked wives and families of the farmers of the neighborhood. Every one hated Squire Finley ; he was s rich, arrogant, miserly old magnate, who ground every one down to the lowest possible point, and counted the very beans that went into the baing-paa of a Saturday night,—and every one avowed Fanny Fox's cause with energy. 'iSo that Squire Finley and his four awkinrd. half: grown sons found themselves, all of a sud den, entirely dependent on their ' t oirn czar. lions.l . Now the equireliked good eating and drink ing, arid he dial like to see everything in disorder around him. It was repellent to his soul to have to make his own bed at eight after he came up weary and' drowsy with, the day's labors.- .The four lads were stupid and idle—there was nobody to mend the zigzag rent . in his coat-ideeve, made by the ineffectual effort to catch the turkey-hens who would Persist in roosting 'up in the ap ple-tree, instead of going mmbly into the fowl-house as they had beeiwont to do in Miss Fanny Fox's tranquil reign,' and he forgot to wind the clock in' the 'kitchen so that nobody knew when It was time to get up in the morning.' "There's no use," said Squire Finley. " can't live so, I'll have to hire a girl!" He harnessed up the horse and drove in to Corntowi to see Melinda Moore "Eh 1" - said Melinda, with her hand back of her ear. "Keep house for you? ' "Wht, where's Miss Fox?" 'f 7 ." We couldn't agree as to terms," said the .quire, a little shsmefacedly. "I'm to pay a good stirring 'woman as much as seventy-five cents a week, if—" ; ' "fieventy.tive'cents a week eh,* ech. oed Melinda Moore. " And I wouldn't do a stroke 6 , work for the • readdent Mona - abostrof • doges and planer_ "lhen there ain't' no use'talking,* said the 'squire,. sitambling up once inoie into his wagon. "A dollar and a quarteri is folks gone mad? I 'know of plenty, I can get for fifty cents." ' "Well, you'd better try_ it," said Melinda, as the stood at the door and watched him drive away. He went straight to the rcsidence of Path ty Jones, who had the northern of being "a dreadful istomitwinker." - "Mho' Ames," said be, with a degree More of humility than be bad evinced to. wad Melinda Moore, "rm in sew& "of a casefulboosekeeper to take chose of my house. "Could yon -4 - lial "Mat &Is PO' ?" detiiibutalllas est* who was paring quineesOr marmalade. "A delta a week* asailqedre Finley. "Noy Pudoleft" 1 5 1 4401. "That'll shoutian wager. No k who respects herself will out for that.:" Besides, I've half promised 'Mr. Benajeli Gilbertson to keep house for him. Toi've toot many boys into the bergain. Ikla is a dreadful nuisance!" - = %thy* ft word of argument, Squire Fin ley once more entered his wagon and 'done away, muttering to himself: " What is this World coming to Actually turning up their notices! a &Bar a week?" But for all that, he windy resolved to advance tyska and tarn cents a week on his next offei, For he had la very distinct and by no moans an agreeable rememliance of the sticky hasty-pudslitirtstlle at home, the dwindling stock of eleaulhunr, the an. swept rcescorched steaks, and Inualdy, coffee that : 61 to hifirnalFuline sPit tam of pin& • WOWS. 4—sl* Vnitellt*fVoo4. l. 4 l ol 'ailidiolirtiC,V. 4- ` int they item woman? about a ,ho use . There - was Abel forgot to feed the turkeys last night, and Jabex loft the tea-kttle over the Sre until the bottom burned oOt, and Moses fed two silver spoons to the pig, and Philo hain't an faculty to peel potatoes in a satin' val. And Fanny Fox used to see to all these things, and nev er made ony fuss about it, neither. I de clare. if it wasn't for swatterin' my own words rd ask Fanny Fox to come back at a dollar and twelve and a half cents a week. But I'm too proud to go back on my own self." Clarispit Beanpole was the next" 'string to Squire Finley's bow. "She'll come," said the Squire. " She's plainer'n a hedge-fence, and -old into the baigain. She can't do the work that Fanny Fox did, but she'll be better than nobody, I guess." 1 1 He explained hisprvicament to Miss Bea l upole as lucidly as he amid. "1 3 `rnps you'll suit me," said he, can come at once !" linlil 'd Fanny Fox. , lied down the "I don't, know about coming," said Cla rissa. "I've promised Mrs. . Deacon Drum to go there and lend a hand with. the .iptllt ingl" . • • "But l'need you more than Mrs. Drum," - pleaded &iuire Finley. "And willing to pay a dollar-a week!" • IFiss Beanpole shook her head., gasped the squiril, "ru say, teein' it's you, a deillaiand twelve and a half !etas !" "I shan't go out to work nowhere ender a dollar and a half a week," valiantly de clared Miss Clarissa, improving on the origi, nal platform. 1 "Lando' Goshen shouted the squire' .-J 4 You're all in a conspiracy together! I'll go back to Fanny Fox, and tell her to comp on her own terms. That's the only thisig left for me to do." Fanny Fpx was helping Dr. Grimsted's daughter Mean peaches in the light, pleas antkitchen of the Grimsted house; as Squire Finley's wagon rattled up to the door. She looked up in amazement. "Why, Squire Finley," said she, "what can have brought you here?" " It's you, tmny," said the squire, finis. toty. "X-mug, juu 16.i.h. era 1:.,'..a. arter things. Everything is at sixes and seven& I'll give you a dollar and a quarter a week, cheerful!" "Oh, I couldn't come back, possibly,' said Fanny, standing with a ladleful of peaches suspended over a glass jar. ." I've other pans, Squire Finley." ' The squire opened and shut his mouth, making'feeble gasps like an elderly fish, end - then spoke out, i with an effort: ' "New, look here; Fanny ! If you'll come back, Flt make you , Mrs. Finley. There ! Now ! I want a capable woman about the place, and Fm willin' to make a pretty con. rdderable sacrifice to secure one." "Fm much obliged to you," said Fanny Fox, carefully ladling in the ,peaches, so as not to waste a drop of syrup. "But I don't care to accept your offer.", . • "Eh ?" said the squire, incredulous of his ears. " Don't care to accept, it ? And Why ?" - " Well, one reason—and perhaps the best," said Fanny, laying down the ladle, "is dint I'm to be married to Dr. Grimsted next week." I • Th e aw a r e amid tumor souther -word, but jumped into his wagon and sped himi home. And the next day he proposed to the Widow Wagstaff, o woman with high eheel4bones, will like gotta-percha, and a red not e. "I can't afford to pay fancy wages," said he, despairingly; ."and I must have a house keeper!" And the former Widow Wagstaff kept not only the Wait., but hiM, in regular military discipline, ever after.: , While Clarissa Beanpole, Melinda Moore, and Patty 'Jones,Of clime to the wedding of. Fanny Fox, and exulted , greatly over the triumphant termination . .of their great strike " There are times," said they; " whin it becomes every woman's duty toinn • dicate herself, as well as the lest of the sex I" ightley Browne,-; • A ZUNI COURTSHIP. There were two unmarried members of the house; a nephew and an adopted girl. The nephew was an - overgrown, heavy faced,' thick lipped, yellow-haired, blne.qed blonde,—a specimen of .the tribal albinism, a dandy, and the darling of the white-haired ".Old Ten." Ono day, after I had preeent, edthe latter with a pane of rained negative glass, she ventured to compare her favorite with_ me. My flattering aehnewledgemente of this comPlintent made decided winnings of the old woman's hitherto restrained affec tions. The governor spared - his youth no more than the others. With characteristic irony, he called him "The Pitsffy Milkman," or "The Night Bird," the latter term refer ring to his eyes; "which," the, governor usually, ,added, fl wiggled tile those of en owl, in strong stialight." The maiden was jolly, pretty, fend coquettishthe belle of "Riverside street." Her lovers, were Ina zw, but soon, of the long row who waited under the moonlit eves, only one was ad, mitted—the governor's, younger brother, my sympathetic friend. There was but one robin in the house in which the two could' hOpe to be left to themselves—mine. Sere they came night after night. They paid no attention to the lonely Ate EH; in .his !am mo& but sat opposite in ,the darkeners on -the-low adobe bench,lhonr after hoar, strait- In each other's hands, giggling and cooing in low tones just lice so many of my own people of the same age, only in a different language.. An occasional smack, followod, by feminine; indignation, taught_ _me the meaning of "Stop that!" in Zuni, ; and the peculiarities of the Potable kiss. If the blisdul pair remained too late, thislab door would rumble on ibs 'wooden tinges, and the governor, precedria lty a lighted , torch -of cedar eidintei would Ito* And, as near 321 I could make out, rats the young man soundly tar his wan of respect tothe Wash. *toms MaLlanta, whereupon the pair would vanish, the maiden *Ohm and the young man .l 'ran* - Win; rhe &taunt THE HIGHEST TRIHHHAL. Dem:tripslca e i f a SCOSIOO of the Supreme. In the Ceniury Magazine, E. V. Smalley mitre of "The Supreme Court of the Cal tod States "in an admirably instructive and entertaining manner, and the portraite and ebaractersketches of the coast in session finely supplement the text. The formality of opening the court ill described as fol lows : When o'clock conies, there are per baps alien lawyers sitting at the tablet within the bar, and a score. of , spectators waiting on the crimson plush sobst -for the unlit to open. A mete of silk is heard from the open door leading to the retiring rooms. At the other slide of the chamber Bits a young, map at a desk, who has. been listening for a few minutes for that. soma fie rises, and announces in a clear . voice : "The Honorable the Chieflinstice and As sociatts of the . Eltipreme "Court of thi , I #o4AtAtimic. n ,--„ILUTIV.O 3 }-*kirt: - spectators all get up on gt. rustling sound approaches, and there enters a procession of 111.120 dignified old men, clad in „black silk gowns that reach almost to their feet, with wide - sleeves, and Biopic skirts. ' At the head walks the Chief-Jus tice, and the others follow in the order of their length of service in the court. -They stand a moment in front of their chairs, and all bow at once to the bar. The lawyers re turn the salute ; then the judges sit down, the Associates being careful, however, not to occupy their chairs before the Chief-Jus tice is settled in his., Now the young man, who is the crier, exclaims, in a monotonous fashion: , • . "Oyez;; oyei r oyez! All persons hay. ing business before tho Honorable Supreme Court of the United States are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the court is now sitting: God . save thd United States and this Honorable cuurt 1" Business begins promptly and is dia. patched rapidly. First, motions nro heard, then the docket is takgn up. The - Chief. Justice calls the case in order in 'a quiet tone, and a lawyer is on the floor making an 'argument, while yOu are still expecting that there will . be some farther formality attending the opening of so august a 'tribu nal. ; " If you The proceedings are impressive only from their simplicity. Usually the argulents of counsel are delivered in low, conversational tones.. Often the 'rages interrupt'; to ask questions. In patent cases, models ,of ma chinery are frequently used to illustrate an argument, and are - handed to. the judges, for examination, - or a blackboard is lased for diagratns. Were it not for the gray hair and black gowns of the judges, you might almost imagine at times that the gentleman at the blackboard, with craycin in hand, was a college professor lecturing to a class. ' Or pr , may happen in when a laWyer in charge of a cue is leaning over the long desk in front of the judges, holding a conversation with one of them on some intricate point •in a mechanical device, and you would ' hardly think that the court was in se ssion . and that the ' conversation was the plea in a patent case involving perhaps. a million of dollars. The bench has long been only a-tradition m all uur young% riM.l. jumilua ut Um" ou premo Court has a chair to suit his•own no. lions of what constitutes a comfortable seat. Some of the chairs have high backs :to rest the heaa,'some have low backs; some have horse•laair cushions, some velvet, some no cushions itt all. ChietJustice Waite sits in the micldle of the row. • CLERKS IN THE OLD COUNTRY. Talking of Business in mercantile 'circles, writes a Carlish', Scotland, correspondent of the Chicago New, here there is observable a . pomposity and regard for appearances that is nuknown in Chicagot Appearance s, everything ; if n clerk reads the paper in tire office he is pounced on—it don't look cell; if a man has no work to do for awhile he must pretend to do something ; it don't took well for customers to come in and see a man doing nothing. It is not good form to have anything newfangled around, conse quently newly-invented office appliances are religiously tabooed. The head of the house has his blotting-pad arrayed on his desk ex actly square, each pen and pencil in its place, and every book' in its own allotted corner. Woe to the office boy if a speck of lust is discovered' on any object; he ie called up, shivering in his, boots, and just rebuke administered ' unto him. Salaries here are enormous. A real live 'assistant book-keeperor invoice clerk, of twenty.three or thereabouts can earn say $2 50 a week, but such cases are rare ; $1 73 is the nand lgure at, which this Sort of cattle can be aired. A well.edticated youth," which is what they, dvertise for, when they want a smart yotinixtran who won't mind doing an office boy's work, generally gets $1 or $1 50 a week. I was a "well-educated youth" once, just after I left school: I entered the office of a very large printing establishment. I kept the wage books, siioto bills and' let ters, took charge of orders, and docked the girls when they came in late.. Occasionally I lighted the fires and swept the- floor. For all this I got $1 25 every Friday ; the usual remuneration for beginners is $l. a week, but they 'gave, me "five bob " ,because I wore apair of kid gloves,when I made my application.' Apropos of salaries—a- certain Carlisle, young man, nine years ago„' en tered a law house in The City as their otlice boy or, scrub-about, receiving set enty-five cents niekly, as a starter. He worked r him. f eel( up steadily until a tow months', ago, `when be was holding a position as second book-keeper, at $5 50 a week. He had beeri itareceipt of this sum for the putt year,, when he &Ought it was about time' to ash for another rise. 'Doiag so, he ,was advised by his employers not to bo in too rig a hur ry to get rich. Making an incautious re joinder, he was by them instantaneously discharged.. . THE NEW YORK SOCIETY GIRL. The popular idea of a girl in society seems to incline to the belief that she leads a gay, butterfly existence ; flitting from ball to opera, theatre, and " high tea ;" riding and driving, with no thought of the morrow save what new pleasure it may bring forth; toiling not nor spinning. - But the . New York society girl is of . ; a different genus. Although emancipated, Perhaps for several yeari from the school.romn. her studiee go forward. She has lessons in German, French, and other languages, in elocution, music,-art, and other specialties. She to " mamma " (accent on the last syllable, please). She belongs to various charitable societies, visits the poor. is thoughtful for the comforts and rigida of others, and hat her day full of duties. She plans early in the Fell, and usually before she' returns to the Oft just what occupations she ' will re. same hit the Winter, selects the days end; homi for each, And then Ives up to her plan' through the season,. unless int e rrupted bar sickriees or other unforeseen circumatancet. While there is not so much talk of "cul lure" as the Boston girl indulges in, there is enough of the real article to give cause for jamb:may on the pizt of the ;" Hub " city. - Correspondence of the Courier-Journal. EU Voial. MI =BE El =I THE SERPENTs Carless Facts About the Reptile—How if Slit& It. Ski.. Many_peopla have been taught to believe that the serpent is a good emblem of cirti ning and miaow. We are averse to the idea, for the skullis'small and the brain' is also small and imperfectly. developed. The mouth is in every case merely a prehensile instrument, and not a killing or wounding one, for, although the stroke of the poison fang of a serpentla often of the most deadly character, it is only so through the poison which it discharges. The teeth of impinge are adapted for *icing and holding, but not for ,dividing or braising, and conic quently the animals belonging to this order swallow :their prey who!" What is_ *till snore extraordinary, s they !lappet be induced by the Most urgent sensations of prolonged hunger to feed on anything that does not ' give theta an .-indication of being alive. They 128V43r,imiler any clircrunstatiow feed .41)(4.00.044451,0 1 9:1*.A54 11 4-th e l..- The powers of &Emotion are Oil 44 lilt one meal, in many cases, serves for weeks, ' at even for-months. Nothing in scientific carpentry is to be compared with the Con struction of the under jaw, articulatiie . with the upper one, so aa to allow the openiog_ into the gullet to receive a mass nearly: twenty times the diameter of the tube doer* which it is to pass into -the stornach.t All the venomous species bring forth their young alive, in consequence of the egg' be ing hatched internally_ : =before it: is laid, whence their general name of vipers, a con traction, of rivipares. The surface of the brain of serpents is nearly smooth and with out sinuosities- of circumvolutions. , Their organs of touch, taste, smell and bearing apPear, to . be dull, if not - defective, while those of sight are sufficiently acute. Ser pents in this climate shed their skins an nually. In tropical regions many' of them pass through that curious, desquamating process oftener. Instinctively feeling the approaches of the period, they seem to be , less inclined fOr food, and apparently shrink into smaller dimensions fora few days, till the change from an old covering to a new, brilliant one is completed. The skin first peels off slightly within the margin .of the jaws, at the union ot that tissue with the mucous membrane. It gradually inclines to roll outwardly. When'at that stage the ser. , .pent maker. a coil of its liody,(through which it forces its bead against the resisting mns. culer coti l tnictions. It is literally squeezing the head through. After an effort there, is a short periiid of rest, when the thrusting movement is repented. Each time the loosened skin is rolled back further, being inside out, like taking off a stocking. The most active'movement is when it covers the eyes. The reptile then makes extra ezer tions to liherate those essential owns. Thus, by degrees, small harmless snakes, up to the huge African python, boa constrict ors of monstrous dimensions, and anacondas 'thirty and iorty feet in length, are subjected to the same law. Usually, if not disturbed by enemies,-the skin comes off entirely whole, but inside out. Even the conjnno. tive, the first tunic et the eye, is also de. tached ; and, therefore, showing the com mon skin to be as transparent as glass in crossing the optical 'apparatus, After being !ha mit . tirtar assexibsd. • they manifest remarkable activity, and are ready for the first animal in their wake, if not din. propOrtioned to their own size. Sexpenti can creep, leap, glide, dart, bound, grasp, swim, dive, suspend themselves 'and erect .hemselvea— Troy Times. • ARTICLES LEFT AT A HOTEL. "Ihd yon ever see a more raiscelhmeous collection ?" said a eke!: in one of the lead. ing hotels to a reporter of the Cleveland Ilerala recently. as the fanner was search: ing in a drawer for some articles. "These things were left in the house: from time to time by negligent guests and have never been called for, although the majority of things left are asked for." " Here," continued the clerk, holding up a revolver, "is something - with which we can shoot a man if he doesn't behave him self, you know. Prom -this old Bible, which; no doubt, was left by some pious guest end never wised, can be read the last sul rites, but I am sorry to my we would have to go to an undertaker for a coffin in which to bury the rascally fellow whom we, are going to shoot, for no one seems to him'''. so far forgotten himself as to leave that as., tide of which we all need one. We might, however, resort to a trunk in case of neces. illy. Here we have," said the clerk, count ing out, "one, two, three, four five pairs of spectacles and eyeglasses. This is a pretty good pair, you see, being gold bound. No doubt some old gent has mourned their loss considerably and won dered where on earth he could have lost them. Then we have tlne.tooth combs and fancy slippers and face powder boxes left by some fair, blooming dameel. Now, what do you suppose I have got ?" added he, taking up some article which he concealed is his hand, and, smiling, waited for the look' of astonishment . which he expected .tmtdd come over 'the reporter's facei as he diialosed a set of false teeth. "These were without doubt loft-after the owner had eaten. dinner." There were knives, bottles (empty), hand kerchiefs, pencils, keys—nearly , everything except money. , _S MILLIONAIRE MISERS. The misers of New York City, sari a wri ter in the Rochester Democrat and Chroni. de, have been chiefly among the lower class ea, and a number of cases have occurred where aftiii death amid great destitution large some of money have sometimes been discovered. The rag-picker, Samuel Leach for instance, wak found dead in a miserable attic. A barrel of diity rags stood in the corner of the room, in which several hun dred dollars , in currency were concialed, and also two bardc books. Tho entire estate proved to be 015,000, but the dead chiffo nier had for many years lived like a pauper. The most remarkable instance, however, was that of John Lewis, reminding one of John Lewis previously mentioned, who bequeathed $1,000,000 to our Government. This was the largest sum over gathered by a New York miser, and it was also the largest legacy our nation ever received. Lewis was an old man, and began his parsimonious habits early in life. He was at one time an engraver and had-a shop near Wall. street, but he afterwards retired to Jersey City, where b lived in seclusion and penury until at death his savings had reached the above mentioned amount. He was unmarried, and as hi hated his kindred, he bequeathed hie money to the Government. This, how. aver, is not the only instance in which the miser has benefited the piddle weal. The Roosevelt Haspital is due to a similar cause. 'George Mx:sevelt inherited an:estate to which he gave his whole attention through life. Be was a cripple and never married. His love of money increased rapidly, and at last it became a ruling passion. For many Years he never left hie room, and all his pleasure was hi winding his gains. As arca* in such easie r he hated his relatives, and wlten death drew as he bequeathed his thorn for the hospital which bears his name, - and which is a very valuable institution. RIM THE TWO FLEETS. The sun was bright, and the sea was bland, And the thlailaneed In as merrily, When a sallonsished his boat from the sand; And the waves kept trme with his homely glee, For the sailor hummed, "Tyro fleets there be: And ono sells over the sun.Ut waves, And one lies under the sombre tea." The mitres bland, and the sun was bright, And a Waring wind blew fresh and tree, And the less'ning sail disappeared from sight; • But the odd refrain still remained with me Which the sailor sang—" Two fleets there be And one sails over the sun-lit waves', And one Ws under the sombre sea." The tide danced out with the freight it bore; Ah, the tide came back soon smilingly, But - the sailors' boat never touched the shore ;- Aik I 04 to myself, for I can not flee -- Fveri the haunting strain; Two fleets there be: • And one sails aver the stagit waves, And one des under the somas! sea." An one b 7 one. tram the !Maw world The fleet sells down to the dirinal tea— Totimfleet where every sell Is tutted: And SW ltig lM hAldited% keepi MoeNikalle to the IMadhorw.het- OD kel• Indlet.te Abd ose sidlernerthe ass4t And one lies under the sombre am" Bo a little while and be who sings Shall hum no more Ins wags to thee; So they who watch his =Nat wings - Shall bear, Wchance, when they can not see The Lps wile stag; •Two Deets there be : /tad One tells over the BMWS waves, AM one use under the sombre sea." ° - —"gene Bolles, is thirpers MagazMe. THE BASIN OF THE COLUMBIA. firm Industries In the Treeless Regina of Eastern Oregon and Washington. Vptil a few years since stock-raising' was ',hdi principal irulastry of the great treeless regiou,of Eastern Oregon.and - Washington ; rut it • has now been demonstrated that. wheat of the best quality can be surely and mersaftdly grown °vela large area of • the usuiltrY, and that, too, as cheaply as any. where in the world, The bench-grass, an- Ince the pMirie-grass of the Western States, ?owls no sod or turf, does Inot need " break and the first ploughing• will produce a nap. We ask if it is profitableD ' Hitherto trans- ' Portation charges consequent upon the many handlings at the different portages have not left much margin of profit to the producer. The Columbia, open on a tidal level from the o c ean' e the Cascades, is there obstructed by • the first cataract, a fa of twenty-five or thirty feet, which is passed by a railroad pqrtago of six miles, necessitating the handling of grain twice, from boat to car. Another stretch of river Teaches to the Danes, the second cataract, passed by a rail portage fifteen miles long, requiring again :the twice hatallin of 'grain' , inaking;;With :the transfer at eich,end from. warehons:' e to ship. at least six Imndlings. The expense if these =mamas transshipments is being rapidly reduced. The Oregon Railway and. Navigation Company , have already com pleted a :line of rails from the Danes to Walla Walla, and:are constructing feeders in all directionp fromlho main artery to tap the grain-growing country. They are . also rapidly` from the Dallas down to the eWL 4 PD . and preparing their line from the latter place down the river to Portland. The Northern Pacific are - also pushing with great energy their continental line from the mouth of Snake Elver' eastward toward Lake Pea Oreille and the pass of the Bitter Red %fountain& - The- great need of. all new countries, the railroad, Will !misapply the rapid transportation of all that a new coun try wants, Transportation charges have al ready been reduced where railroad connec tions have cheapened the handling, - and the wile% farming and grain.growing interest has brightened tip at the encouraging pros pects df the near future. One is astonished to see the immense numbers of farming and harvesting implements and machinery, is aD their glory of fresh red and green' paint, crowding the boats and trains on their way to the front of civilization. And yet this country has barely been wrested from the control of the Indian, and ha still makes spasmodic attempts to cheik the overpowering flood. whites. Let us not suppose that all the advantages are on the side of the farmer, . for there are some irawbacka and disadvantages which prevent a man frail being an optimist . To enumer. ate some of these, we will find that water is not abundant, and often of poor quality, and the absence of forest growth makes lumber expensive. The winds blow with great force in the summer month's, and carry cloOds of sand •and and flying thrOugh the air. The nights l i on the highest lands are cool. and acandonli frosts are liable to 'occur. Nothing,. how. ever, seems to prevent the growth of wheat one season's crop often taxing the carryini capacity of boats'and trains to the utmost.— Cleveland Rockwell in. Hatyer's Magazine THE GRAVE OP BRIGHAM YOUNG. They my that Brigham Young's' grave is looking aebare and desolate_ as a boulevard now. Ai_f 4 irst, while her l g ri ef was - fresh, his widow used- to - march out there flat abreast, and just naturally deluge the grave with scalding tears, and at that time the green grass grew luxuriantly, and the pig weed waved ii the soft Summer ale ; but is she learned to control here motions the hu saidity of the atmosphere disappeared, and grief's grand irrigation failed to , give down. We should learn from this that the man `who flatters himself that in marrying .a whole precinct during life he is pulling up for the future a grge invoice of ungovern able woe is liable to get left. The Prophet's tomb looks to-day,like a deserted gaga wallow, while his widow has dried her tears and is trying to make a mash on the Utah ' Commission. Such is Die in the far West, %tut such the Siting resting place of a red headed old galvanised Prophet:who marries I squint-eyed fly up the creek and afterward gets a special revelation requiring him to many a female mass Meeting. Let us be thankful for what we Piave instead of yearn- ing for a great wealth of wife. Then the life insurance will not have to he scattered so, be ' ' ed the humi li at tp and our friends will- lug spectacle of a beret ii !Avowing herd of widow, turn loose b f the cold hand of death to monkey ' ' b.- 7 43171 Wild.' SAVED THE WRONG MAN. ' That good old Bible and pistol story seeini to be having a new boom • and it is with the utmost reluctance that we aim a blow at the venerable tradition by the fol lowing cold statement of facts : It seems that a young Deadwood City miner named Region was hi the habit of frequently read. ing from a hymn book, the gift of his moth.' er, and which he invariably , carried in' the breast Packet of his coat. 0/342 day last week ; while said garment was hanging on a bush at a little distance, a party !amines to readers as the typical bold, bad ran, came by, appropriated the coat, and impudently put it on at once. As it contained all the exemplary youth's money, as well as the hymn book in question, a tight was inevita. ble, and both men Opened Are without lose of time.' The bullet that should have killed the thief lodged Witte hymnbook and bled the despenido to walk oft _with a wort. legions grin on hie wicked countenance.— Derrkk Dodd. - WWii!.T.avilitliii - ioi.: `1 fatereataz Pict. Cana firm Una litd —Pantenger rates in California have bow reduced to four cents a nal: _ —A man at Denglase-ae, Os., nn malts two distinct sounds with 11s voice at the, same time. —Texas has fully 7,009,000 sheeti and the wool crop of the Feser.f. year will be worth .6,500,000. , —A six-year old boy broko ,his neck oni4 in Oregon county, Mo., the other day in hying to tarn a sower...Ault. Yet little boys will continue sonvrtanlts aa of yore. , —A foreigner on a Gerinan line, These lute had been- blown off, palled this string and stopped the train. On =OA* Ronigsbrrrg he was sent to jail in debuttled $lO. ' 1 • ' —lt appears from the record of marriage licensee gritted at Chicago, u published ie the neniSpepiri of that city, that the wage marrying age there is far below that of the Eastern cities. —A Canna Bluffs Man has two mecbani• cal birds, whose appearance, movements and singing are so natural that the beholder can hardly believe them artificial. They -are kept in 4 gilded, cage. —Dallas, Texas, is said. to be bunt over a graveyard of mastodons, and for five or six years past excavations for htuldings have seldom failed to bring up , bones.- Boma of the bond are of enormous size. • —" Well, Mae, have you heard OM they are going to *I with Barney Bumegan ?" "In.We and - I have," replied hike; " they*e going to &awert him for life; brit( I doiftlbelieve the poor by% will live as long as that." —The human stomach can "Stand 's mh tare of apples, potatoes, candy, milk, wine, coffee, vinegar, spice, meat, flab, brad, honey, oysters, beer, water, cake, cider, soup and . grapes, and not rebel. The periment was lately tried in Washington. -A lawyer recently lost a bride in a pea =liar manner. He appeared at the wed. ding, but on-being called to the ceremony he, .from sheer force of habit, protested that he was not ready to proceed, and demanded delay. And-so the bride got mad and die. missed his snit. —Boston is the largest market for boots and shoes in the work': There Were shipped during 1881 over 2,250,0p0 cases of boots, shoes and rabbers.to interior and coastwise ports, the eases holding from twelve to sev. enty.five.pairs per case, but cordaining at a low estimate, over .50,000,000 pairs. —A new way of making boys toe the mark comes to light in the Maine Reform _School Investigation. A boy testifies that whenever he used a " swear word " the .' officers put red pepper in his month. Superintendent Farrington says that. he . has adorited this kind of punishment on account of its novel. tY , _ . r.- —A canny Scotchmati, living at Ilacduff, who has seen at least seventy winters; in or der to collect a small bill duo him from a carpenter, recently ordered a coffin to be made by his debtor, and the funeral was duly constructed and delivered, ready for the time when the thrifty creditor shall - shuffle off lip mortal coil. -The "driver of a - stage near Cabman, CaL, a short time ago mute upon a fox at a tarn in the road between two high banks. ileynard, to escape, started town ahead of the coach, when the driver for- the fun of the thing gave' him a cat with _his whip. Curiously enough, the lash wound around the fox and he was easily captured. —An English paper tells how a wealthy North, of England man bought, tinder sound advice, a little before thr , depression began, an estate in 44 fOr $115,000. } :He died a few months ado, leaving directions to sell It was offered for $45,049 in vain, and now, with a tenant and $3,00•.) worth of timber thrown in, for $45,000. 'This is within two hours of London. • I - I a. • —San Francisco capanlis' ts are turning their `attention to the fishery. A steam whaler owned in that city has just re turned from the Arctic region with s cargo vah Also an old ;thank bark and bone. A second steamy port will be 'despatch. Pri'l fits years !are som der Ol ago, hardly a pound tif j t ed from Chattanoo. _. Th dealers in that city Will ' 4 H handle in the neighborhood of 750,000 . pounds. I , - —The 'Champion glutton has been found in Mountain Grove, Wright county, Mo. Three witnesses certify to the fact- that the said gormandiser ate in quick succession seven cans of oysters, two cans •of salmon, thirty cents worth of cheese and twenty-five cents worth of crackers. There ought no longer to be any doubt as to the `fitness and origin of the inelegant but erpressive cation by which the' Misscmrians are some' Itimes known. Asmara Damon Ovrn urn Mmusaeri.--6 The St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Manitoba Railway Company is building an extensive bridge across the Itheissippi below the Falls of St. Anthony. Of `twenty-three pear arches Which are to span the river, nine are already being rounded into their correct pro portions. The foundations of the twenty. three arches are laid, with the exception - of the twelfth', where the water is twenty feet deep.' The four arches in the river have 200 feet span. The granite of which the bridge is being built is procured from many points, but chiefly from the Company's quarry at Sank Rapids and; from the- quar ries near Des Moinet. It is estimated . that it w il l take more than 10,000 cable yards d granite to complete the bfinge, and it it be ing need now at 'the rate of • 200 yards per' day. Work will be continued through the Winter, so that by Spring they will have things all in readineis to complete the bridge ' very rapidly. The cost of the bridge will wafted $1.000,000- I= A Vzsrr To Arxwmva , mum= mart. -In the room at break:dm two tables were set. Mr. Stephens, rolling his chair to the head of one of them, lifted his hat and with bowed head reverently asked the blaming of God on Ids home and gnats. The break. fast was a bountiful one of tried chicken, steak, scrambled eggs, biscuit, rote:home. made butter, with syrup, etc. Nckleas than eight servants. by actual count, clustered about the table anct belied the gusts, while e majordomo of unyielding dignity directed their movements, and three pica ales stood by the open fireplace and watebed the proceedings with unagnised intend. A family - of Ave kittens .tumbled about the door, ocespilsg the rounds of a staircase that led from the dietitian= Into the 'second story, overlooked the some. —emit:ford:as Letter to Atlanta arestifes• Con. . _ .i; Iffnanliln ~-. ~ -. Ta 28 ITEMS OP INTEREST', There. ME the local Capitalists New Bedford the pro- .siness has grown rap. Dnring the past few \ fashville have -handled dried trait, and now was in the State .11113 esti in the same line. E , A _ i ma