CURIOSITIES OF TASTE AND SMELL Hunger, which is usually associated with the "nth watering " and*dr palatal in *cations, is really located in the stomach, and can only be appeased by the presence of solid matter there. Some tribes of In dians show their recognition of this _fact to swallowing earth when debarred from food; la the Southern States hunters take with. them pills made of calcined oyster shell, for male case their provisions. become exhaust. ad while crossing the prairies ; the trapper of the far West mixes lair (which is wholly incapable of digestion) with his pimmican on ',similar principle, superstitiously insist ing that it must be the far of the very ani mal from the flesh of which the compound has been made, to impart its peculiar vir tue ; Kamsehatilalea stir up etwduat to give body to their brat-oil when they are re duced to live on that exhilarating beverage : and ,_the, Cmgalbse Veddaha mix pounded proodlibre with honey when they can get' 'bathing else. Thirst, again' really belongs to the stomach, in spite of , the dryness of the month and throat which ails our at tentien to it, this being engendered 4by the lack f due fluid proportion in the contents of the bloodhvessels. Both human beings and nnimals have ' been seen to drink till they could drink no longer, without slaking their - thirst, when the throat was cut and I'lW / wed the fluid to escape. Many animals neverdrink, but absorb. sufficient moisture foitlieir tissues from the air or from their food thereis a parrot in the Zoological . in Regent's Park which has lived there fifty4wo years without a drop of en ter.% Snakes will go a year or more without food or water, apparently angering no lin. convenience, and a beetle has lived three years without either. • The to and smell of many things are identieid, so to speak; so that either sense would Immediately recognize them, if they had only,been exhibited to the other previ ously. This is especially the case with vie lot, rose, orange, lemon, and most vegetal:Cs essential oils. If we take one long " sniff " at the musk-plant, we cannot detect any odor in it at all on a second inspiration ; and there would seem to be something peculiar about the scent of sweet-briar, since, it eludes many people's olfactory nerves alto gether. The idiosyncrasies of individnalr with regard to these two senses are number. less and entirely inexplicable. Some faint at the perfume of certain flowers, 'irfiS e dis. taste amounting to utter abhorrence' of cer tain ordinary foods has been knoWia to be hereditary in families. The reflex action of mental association may account for this in some instances, but certainly not in ..all. Heat favors the acuteness of both senses , and' old blunts it, it being' notorious tbat the delicate flavor and bouquet of choice wines are destroyed by, over-icing them. All the Year Round. -II PILES Piles ate frequently preceded by a sense bf weight in the back, loins and lower part of, the abddmen, causing the patient to sup pose he has. some affection of the kidneys or neighboring orgaris: At times, symp toms of indigestion are present, as flatuency, Uneasiness of the Stomach, etc. A moisture, like perspiration, producing a very- disa greeable itching, particularly at night after . :getting warm in bed, is a very common at tendant. Internal, External and Itching Pilesi yield at once to the application ,of Dr. Bosanko's.Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the' Tu- Inors allaying the intense- itching, and ef fecting &permanent cure where all other temedies have failed. Do not delay until the drain on the system produces perma nent disability, but try it and be cared. Price, 50 cents. Ask your druggist for it, and when you can not obtain it of him, we will send it, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, Ohio. Sold by C. B. Porter, Ward House Drug Store. july27l y. EARTH'S LOWEST LAND. • Visit to Death's Valley in tie Desert Ile. glen of California. On the 17th of July last, with a train of Ave mules and two companions, one of whom was partially familiar with the coun try, I climbed_ the summit of Cerro Gordo. At last we gctic:x 1 upon the lofty ridge of, the Telescopes, a dd beheld below us the fateful valley, which lies 280 feet below the level of the sea and extends , for a hundred miles northeast and southiest, with a width of from thirty to forty m il es from east to we st. Upon no landscape can one look so deeply into the interior of the earth, for it occupies the lowest point of dry land upon the coitti nent,-and, so far as I am informed, of the earth itself. Before us it lies, a long, deep, Side, vast basin, its shining patches disclos lug through the distance its beds of soda, salt and borax, which cover thousand of acres and blaze and shimmer and burn in the steady blaze of light. and heat -which pours upon them from a cloudless sky. The valley's deep declension growl; upon the senses and becomes more marked* the eye is held Steadily upon it, and it is empha sized by the declivity of the iodising mountains. Drear and desolate it stretches its full lerigth along in a framer of painted mountains, .whick, define, in strong and mighty lines, its aspects of terror. Though leaving the summit at 3 P. 11. and riding steadily down descending trails night settled upon us before we escaped from the canyon and reached the borders of the valley. By the brilliant moonlight we were enabled to trace the trail along the rocky washes as we rode on into the night. At last, worn and weary with hours of rid ing, we reached the centre of the valley, known as the' «Big Role," the point of greatest depression. ?Though time and exploration have drawn from out the ancient story most of its fear ful threads, this r is stall Death's Valley and is still and will remain a region of dread. In diana families with its _ face from infancy know its treachery and cannot be prevailed 'on to go into it beyond their time-worn bails. To the lost emigrant it was "the Valley, of the shadow of death." Who daring• prospector enters it with fear. He knows its terrors, and the bleaching bones of many a skeleton warn him to Ixtirare. Once lost within its embrace, and a man's doom is Written. Without water to cool his ferered frame, the sweltering air drives him to agony and bewilderment. Confused, ha Warden without aim. Beason, unseated by fantasy, gives imagination rein to play tricks with his judgment. Beholding heaven at last in the mocking waters of the mirage, he sinki to die in the dam of ,the desert.— / f etter in the Ban Francis& Chronicle. FREE OP COST. By calling at C. B. Porter's Ward House drug store, you can get a sai! bottle of Dr.' Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which will relieve the most obstinate Cough or Cold, and show you what the regular 50 cent site will do. When troubled with Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry, Hacking Cough, Pal= in the Chest, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, try a sample bottle of this medicinti. july27ly. = "Loss Twaioa uta Moat; Fates."—A pitereqpir over the Richmond, Fredericks. .barg and Potomio Railroad relate:: the fol. lowing :, The airs were pining over a trestle, and just in front of me sat an old 'dared woman. who showed great alarm, and, as it afterwards turned out, imagined that the whole train of OM was flying =the air. It was not many minutes, before the cars paned safely - over is treat* and as soon as they attack tern boa the old woman drew a sigh orielief and enclaimed, in a To Dear tone of Osice i *.Thank the lord, 'she's lit 1" That resiinds Si of a - Very nest pun by a country gentle. man on a similar occasion as the atm& 'When the trestle had been. coned some tidy owisarked : r " Well, we've struck tetra Row " Yes, madam," said the old gen. tlesill In his brusque way, " less tenor and noes armer."—Ncnielk Virginian.. Sutton= or Dna nr run FAn SWOT.— Some Ma of the great slaughter of deo _which annually, takes place in Odeon* Nevada, and Oregon may be gained from the trade statistics of the hide - dealers, One Front street aped house in San Francisco has a pile container 8.000 deerskins in its warehouse. It fanales annually over 75,000 skins, and estim atc.s the annual number of deer killed 4'2014000z The largest portion of the skins come from Northwestern New& da and Southeastern Oreipm. As ,a rile in this State deer are slain for their food 'es well as their bide valve, while in Oregon and California, large numbers of tbLanimals are left to rot, the skins being all that is desired. It is a shame that so much vane. able food should be wantonly wasted, nape. daily now that deer are becoming scarcer every year.—Sall Lake Tribuwi ~ ••BUCHUPAIBA." Quick, complete cure, allannoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diaesies. $l. Drug . Over sOOO Druggists AND Php'efrins Have Signed or Endorsed the Following Reniarkable Document: Illreestellestetry & :abeam, Xsnalletar• lag Mandate, 21 Platt et. * New Task: Sadism= :—Per the Past ftrwyeezeiee have add various breads of Payees Plat tam Plaratataaa and the Piddle wider Benseale CS • • - Parsee • to' an others:We =udder tan:rase of thorny tew reliable household remedies worthy orandidstee. - They are superior to all ether Porous Plasters or Itisdrandosin dates:al use. ' 4 I. M! le Plaster is a genuine Parzoaceuthiel product, of the highest ender of noir% and so recoodned physicians 44 druggists. When other rinnedies• h4l get a Sao Capcino PlOtei. • Yon swill bo disappointed it you as cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Elea trieg Magnetic toys. 1 • SURE REMEDY A LAST. IMee Seta AMEAD'SMaeda" CORtirand BUNION PLASTER MICROSCOPES TELESCOPES STEREOPTICONS THERMOMETERS BAROMETERS Catalogue, as follows. Nett on applitition: Part lat-" Mathematical harm:ant& IV PP. Part 2d--(:)pticsl lastramenta. IS PP. • . Part ad:-Eitertoptlems and Magic Lanterns, Wo pp., Pait ath—Pkvaleal and (liemicslApparatua, ia9 pp.i Part 6th—Netooraktrical Instrameat% LI) pp. QUEEN & . CO. 924 CHESTNUT ST.. MILAN. PATENTS. (U.B. AND POREMN. Prank A. Fonts. Attorneyat-Law. LOckll(^ls6, Washington, D.C. 49 - Ten'cars' experiesllCO. I Make so mum for my services unless a patent be granted. Preliminary examination in the Patent Mice as to the patentability of an in vention razz. Send sketch or model of the de. vice and a report will be made as to the probe. bUlty of obtaining a patent. Special attention given to rejected applies. Lions in the hands of others. • 311271211121CFJ1 : U. S. Senators: Hon.. Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. David Davis and Gen. John A. Logan, of Illinois ; Hon, BenJ. H. Hill, of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, of Miss; Hon. S. M. Cullom,. Gov. of Illinois; the Hon. Commissioner 'of Patents and Corps of Examiner, and the pro? prietdr of this paper. Willa for circular and instructions. Sno • f /. .- • CUT THIS OUT I. ACENTB PE MAKE Sl5 E S4O WEEK. We have stores In 15 leading. !Cities , tom wh Faictories d ch our an Wats riati42o tragie 3 Our Erie. Pa. Bend for iTtirgew CataZo li gne and terms to agents Addroo MI IL LOVELL 312 Lacks/was ea Ave - SCRANTON.-PA. HORSEe . Bend , 25 cis. In stamp r currency for then* 'Tram carrion of .*A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all disease., has 60 Ane engravings showing BOOK arsesat be tter . as umed by ti ck be taught n any other way, a table showing doses of all e principal medicines' used tor ths hors* u well as their effects and antidotes when a 25 \cts, P = a. a large' collection fo il; telling the age of a bone , with an ra. engraving showing teeth of each year and a large amount of other valuable horse information. Hundreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth •more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 260,000 sold in about one year before it was re. Tined shows how popular the book Is. The re. vised edition is mom nonce tamtaxgriss. Rum roa • oincriAn. 'AGENTS WANTED. Dr.. J. B. Kendall k Co., Enosburgh IliUs, Vermont" Mar 11-Iyr. ' FIRE AND LIFE. INSURANCE cunt AND COLLCTI BRINK dr ,PIJOK, Raysville, Pa. - Writ write Policies for Hake in Fire and Life In mance. Collect Claims with care and • ' promptness. They representuonebut . FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES Fheysolicit theconfldence and patronageof those having business in their line. end, winendeavor to merit it. ky to or address tufa tf DUCH.Lepayerille, Pa. NATHAN TIDE, (Successor to Mr. ItcNeiul,)- • iitum PITT7ON, WILICESBARRE AND 40YAL SOCK O 0 . 11. Lo ; FOOT or PINE STREET. NEAR COURT ROUSE. TOWANDA, PA. LOWZBr PRICES FOR CAW. -Es .The patronage of my old blends and the pub eenerally is soltelteNt. Peep :8 NEW MUNE! LANE & DECKER, PROPIRTZFOR.S OF Liirery and Boarding Stable, Washington Street; below Main. The bes_t rligs_to_be found In any stable in tbe country, roamed at Trasonable rates. Ma. Dzcanwfllatrs thenvisineee his personal attention, and invitee his Mende to. cell when In want of livery. Yl4. W. LAWB. • I ED. DEO= lama. A PAAHIONABiatAIIAWACI.OIIII2II. What a Warners Taller libido id' SR Avelii. age MiacaUse Wardrobe. " 'What is a tailor's delluitkin of a flesh. unable man in asked a wliertor in St . Louis. "That would be hard to give,“ - said nu Olive street tailor to whom' tha question had been addressed. "I count a man who has a wardrobe of a dress suit, a swallow -tail, a Prince Albert nit is oloth; another 'ninon. ad, three or to button . cutaway and a isuide of English Walking or sack coats for business purposes the , owner of ,a fashions. ble wardrobe. L can't say. what goes to make up a fashionable man, nor :what goes to make men look dressy on the street or in the parlor. Onoman will look well in any. thing, another will not look Well in anything you can put on him. I have -one customer; who fs almost indifferent about the goo& ai make-up of his clothes, and I venting to say you could not finds better dressed man in a mile walk. Men get a fenny frequently and will only wear one style of drew Stout men have a fondness for norm coats, and yoneannot get many of them to wear any else: Others will have the latest styles; but they are not fops by any ruins. Now what the line between. a stylishly. ilressedman and a fop is, is another thing 1, can't tell. One man ins certain* dress will be nothing but a fop,. while the identical same clothes would be exceedingly Isom. ing to another man. I hold that it is in the MAD and not in the clothes; and that the tailor has nothing whatever to do with it. A man 'iodinated up to dress from his boy. • "Are not tailors authorities on men!' simpler 4 , Well, yes, they ought; to lie, if any dam of men are. " Many a man who prides him. self di his shape and wins the 'admiration of the ladies is the creature of the tailor. rive men in seven are physically defective. I One is stoop4lunildered. - Another hie hollow shoulders, laving a demon behold tai apes of the shoulder and the bremt.bone, which the tailor must remove to get the credit of making a good fit. Another man has a well-developed paunch, about which it is no easy thing to gracefully drape a heavy Basque coat ; another has a good abdominal devekipment and a breast as fiat as the side of a brick." • cossumprzorr. It is said that 50,000 people die annually in the United States alone from this disease. In some sections of the 'country one death in every three is from Consumption. This can be, and should be avoided; our people are too careless about an• ' cough or caother: d, and symptoms `,' r and lung affections that - lead to this , disease. Yon should arrest:it while Ms in the_germ . . Two or three dotes of Dr. BOSEUIkO'B ug h • and bung Syrup will relieve an ordinary cough or cold. It does not dry up a cough like many preparations on the Imarket and leave the disease behind it, but acts directly on the throat and bronchial tubes, remov ing all the phlegm and morbid matter that accumulates in the throatr ond lungs. It allays all irritation, and renders the voice clear and'distinct. Sold by C.IB. Porter's Ward House Drag Store. july27ly CALIFORNIA ORANGE CULTURE. The orange.tree gro the time. c.Thal Lto be thought of. ve, calls: for the frequent cares which are its due as Well in winter as in summer. Not a few persons of the in. valid class who had looked upon its culture aka mere pastime have been broken dam , through this cause, and having taken up more land than they could manage. The lesson of such cases is not to attempt too much, but to keep to the five or ten, acres perhaps within one's personal capacity. Mir has it been politic to put everything in to the single crop of oranges. The smaller fruits, peadhes, plums, and especiallY l apri cots,. for canning, Which come into bearing quickly, are useful in 4iding over the rather tedious Period of: waiting for the orange. trees to mature; and are slave in profitable demand. Alci:start existence comfortably here the newcomer should haven capital of from five to ten thousand dollars. Peculiar energy, of course, will do, with less. It requires about nine years to bring -an orange -tree from the seed into full bearing. On the other band, it is found that b:y deftly inserting an orange bud into a small shoot of lemon-tree Flitted in an X shape, and setting this in the ground, a tree can be obtained which bears marketable fruit 'after the eec•_ cud year. - The controversy= rages as tc whether it is worth while to do this, since the product is but a dwarf, like the dwarf pear-tree; and though it yields early it can never yield _much, and its fruit does not stand shipment as well as that of the , seed ling. Against this it is maintained that. it lives longer than the,seedling, yields - choicer varieties of fruit, more uniform in size and quality, and not subject to the; singular form of destruction 14 , 1)1dt - sometimes overtake[ the seedling, that of being dashed against its own thorns;.—William Henry Ridley, is Harper's Magazine. Delicate Females" The exactions of society. added to the cares'of maternity and the household, have -tested beyond endurance the frail constitu tions which have been granted the majority of women. To combat this tendency to premature decline, no remedy in the world possesses the nourishing and strengthening properties of Malt Bitters. They enrich the blood, perfect digestion. , stimulate the liver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative weak ness, and purify and vitalize every function of the female sjstem.• Tax Iltszn Miles Herr: Box.—A Swat fah farmer had a : pretty daughter, with whom his hired man fell in love: The old man refusing him, he determined to emigrate to the United States. The old man, unable to persuade him to stay, went to-the 'steam. ship to see him off. He offered to help him *any his. big blue box on the 'steamer. "It is pretty heavy," said the old man. "It will be lighter before it gets to America," said the young man. And so it was—the tame minute. For the bottom gave way and out rolled the pretty daughter. She blushed and explained, and the upshot was that her father pronlised the young fellow that if he would.come back with some money in his pockets, within two years, he should marry the young woman. mum viat liar. LADIES' TONIC, A Positive Care fbr Xll Futile Complaints. toadLadles' Task la_migend dialWourestif Medical Is. at re N. Y ., awl Ma been seed saccessfally by ladles Ise je Is • ogre awe rot all Fatale su Loconaldr i ts. Sith aased and simom br aissti an d jo solo to animism& Ms Is ea Patent Magint ire. gdsastpand. after yen inpeekace. an COl9- knoothir tlist i minibus srellises any bro et ken. doom. worn •oot or creme/orkma menthe. Mae sea If you amended o th er remedies without success. do non tit 'Sisllessaged. jive " LADIIES' 'TONIC rows trim. as ocat jogs to ON groichasclipmeso swot nay: it ims us email! gal dry ireakseti or_ amplaJat common to our ' adds dr doctor's prescraaboa ' aace. &ado," ' Taft:* Wilda we tee wiLlipoidthrti Bottle Is IL - wasen's isa•Mseriatka of and M•eauffiet rairs • egairlawk, ullo give atrial sad llama latem tram irombe /low km *arms eirjraireirelearso or "USW Tonic" ea cure. Alb =d regoraktaik blor*roupgib TOW ma dth Wks wee know ogooree=s7tit. • bl► Wood.> Pries, Ufa ,•_ Indian B ood Syrtip ,Cures ail diseases tbs . tiver; BoWels. Kidneys Skin and Millions trtiftto its efficacy in healing : the above namexi diseases; and_pro*ttee it to be the - Best Remedf - Known_to Man - waNTED - .4( ser.A. Laboratory 77 West 3d St:, New Yoik Druggists sell it. - - Relleieff ' _ • Vazunr, Bedford Co.. s.' Du. Cu= 4101"801 A short trial of Ism Twilit' Blood Atm boo strestute post rebel for Rheumatism. It ta the best stolid= I ever , used. . • • - •h • JOUR NMI% , mmannanammusining. GOV: H0Y.7"8 ENDORSEMEiIi7. .Haxeutive Mansion, - ' Harrisburg, Pa., June 7,:1882. John,H. Phelps, Scranton,: Pa:— - My Dear Sir:—Promptlyypon.thq receipt ci your • Elixir ten days since, I enkred upon its use according to your directions, stopping my bend Potato., Phos. , Ammon,, and Wine of Colchium. At that time completely disabled with gout in both feet and rheuma tism i n both knees, and helpless. Now I comfortably hobble about the house, and expect to be out in a week. It may be a coincidence, my amendment and the use of your medicine. hope for no occasion to try it again , but if need be I shall try it again in afresh allack,,witit great confidence. Very truly yours, . • , HENRY Phelps' Rheumatic l /i7ixir cures rhetitoatism in all its forms. •. Dr. H. a lirter *f Son, Druggist*, Agents for Towanda; Pa. t i 13 A FACT THAT THE WHOLEHALE PRICE OP • KEROSENE OIL Has - advanced. We still retail at the OLD PRICE. Bring in 'your cans at once, TO DEALERgd--We offer kerosene and headlight oil at loweSt wholesales{ prices. . AT THE OLD RELIABLE CASH DRUG STORE: 4 Dr. H. C. Porter .8i Son Corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda:. Pa. • I3TOV~S A. LAyo'. DYE CO. • 0- \i• , "r HEATING & DON'T BUY. BEFORE INSPECTING THEIR STOOL • MAIN STREET LARGE -STOCK 7 show the LARGEST VARIETY qt Mens Boys and Childrens OVERCOATS • TO BE FOUND . IN OWANDA. They , are made of first- laks material guarantee a - perfeet . fit ev ry keep constantly on hand a Lilt E ASSG#MENT.of GENTS, FURNISIING GOODS = EATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, TRA L FELING BAGS &o. MEN'S DRESS AND BUSINtSS, SUITS. Form a special feature in my, business. I take the lead in this Dep2rtment as Well as all others. I have no. Plate Glass windws or polished co4ters, but I keep THE RIGHT GOODS and the p ublic apprecia te tit extra - *alue. lam safe in,saying ' , KY STOCK CANNOT BE EQUALED IN COUNTY. . • I have just received a large invoke f ' Fall and Winter p loth!ng and will be pleased t 9 show these gdods. `Call at - E. ROS.ENFIELD'S M. Mil ITUMPHREY B:ROS. & liblatbiattmos and Whobapda Dealam in all ]SEWS, BOYS, WOMEN'S. KISSES AND BOOtO, - -shoOg i . _ - .ROtib CORNER VAIN AND ELIZABETR STREETS, ) r I TovvANpA., FA HAVE A NEW STOCK •OF EK STOVES ME and buy where you see the-Crowd: IMO TOWANDA 7 PAI TRACY, 'kinds of 7771 Inii rs ~~~&c ~:. ~ _ . __~~f IMI PASTIMIIB OP WIALTHY A Muses bar Atrial.. adlilhrni Is All Aorta Canyon guess what is the newest fashions. bin divendoceforyonng women of wealth and Want Dressing live thalls. nit is to say; Aortae toys of little girls—eisteM, nieces, eO ins , anything in the shape of a little gid will do, if she be, comely. This las suddenly become. sage in certain , drolei. ; know an only daughter who, having no little girl relative, uses the three.yeai.old offspring - acne of her papa's pooi tenants, a pretty little chit, on' whom she places oast. ly =Munn with all the' ardor of it fresh Fmk. The Child is as ewe as possiblwin ICata Greenaway german* - and my . lady takes delight in . dressing hot aster some quaint picture. Two or throe afternoons a week she is impel in something wool and taken out for, a walk or drive. Of course that will not List long and the child will soon bezettnuel to calico. lt is not right for rich women to divert thenlselves in any such way, nor is there any excuse for it, now that it is fuldonable to do art needle-mat. - "Some ingenious girls of my aapuiintanCe are Making their own awes. Muffs mid cuffs byeying togetherlancy feathers, from the wingi 'and breasts of lathe birds, which they fasten to,thin silk or muslin, line with satin and edge with border of feathers, ar ranged a. a fringe. Decorating with, feath ers, in fact, is greatly in vogue for amuse ment. Some are wearing collars and small muffs of dark velvet, bordered with their own buds with feathers, than) of ducks, pheasants, peacocks, eta., :being employed. The pkunage intended for trimming bats and bonnets is also Purchased and taken to , pieces to fancifully decorate other artioko of weter.--Neto Pork Ldter fu Vis anabinaff - - watssia Leaf Heir Restorer. It is &timely different from all otherrr. It is as clear as trater, and, as its name indi cates; is a perfect Vegetable /lair Eeriti?rer. It immediately free the headlfrom all dandruff, restore gray hair to its unsuHral color, and produce a new growth where it has fallen off. It does not in any manner affect the health, which SOlpher, Sugar of Lead and Nitrate of Silver preparations have done. It will change light43,r , faded hair. in a • few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggists for it. Each bottle is warranted. Stare, nun & Co., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia; and C. N. Currizrrros, New York; June, 1, 1882. ly. A FLOOD OF WEDDED 131.1E1 The city is full of brides. There hasn't been for several years such a flood ol,nesilk wedded bliss poured into the ''city at one time, and the capital city may be said to' be wreathed in smiles. There is nothing Inman about a young couple cia a wedding tour. They are happy, ancl4they, want everybody else to be happy. As a hole they go sight. seeing Merely as a matter of form, and when a guide gets a young married couple in tow he has what is technically known among the fraternity as a soft snap., The guide, if . he has bad experience with 1 these kind of visitors, very . Soon finds a cOmfortable seat in some quiefilace and asks thew to " wait until he goes lin permission to enter a cer. fain room or building.. The guido takes bit departure, anctknowing that he would( not be missed for five or six hours, embracer the opportunity to attend the funeral friend,,or playa audit with other guides who have also bridal couples in tow, and, in the latter part of the day makes his appearance before his employers, whom he finds beaked in the same place, apparently having for. gotten his existence. When he apologizes for the dela} , he is smilingly told that he was not very:long away, and so the sight-seeing is resumed. The bridal couple scatter hap. pines around them,wherever they go, and as there are about forty couples now in the dty, the amount of happiness that is now being diffused in the community can readily be calculated. It has, in fact, assumed such proportions that no doubt Mr. Doff will soon designate it as a business, and levy a special. license tax.-4Vashington Star.. Don't condemn a good thing becatise yen hove been deceived by worthless nostrums. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured, many in this section •dot nervous disorders; and vt,e recommend it heartily to such sufferers. News. WHY HER HUSBAND OBJECTED. A very good fiery, and. what is more an Ofthentiested one, is told of the wife of a wellAndern and respected Nottingham man- ufacturer, who, being with her husband in Paris, and occupied with, the colonial shop. ping which such visits seem inevitably to entail, fell in hive with a lace Win of ex quisite, fineness and delicacy, which was of. Eared to her for the moderate sum of -24 frame. She would instantly have purchas ed it bad she not been deterred by various mysterious signs of dissuasion from her Ws., band, which surprised her not a little; as she knew him to be a judge of good lace, and wondered therefore at his lack of apprecia. Lion of this beautiful specimen. She exam ined the Sohn again, half doubtfully, bat it was soft in texture and beautiful in design, a very cobireb in execution and anything ! but dear. She cast one beseeching &be at, her husband, but he was - grave and iniiaxil;de ; so with - a:4h of resigned egret she turned, away, and the moment they left . the shoji her disappointment broke forth : "John why .did you keep me from buying that lovely thing ? And only £lO ; I am sure you cannot think that dear? Why did you not let me have it ?" " You are quite right my dear," was the reply; of the unmoved John. "We consider that a very superior article, and the ream, at I did not want lon to buy it is because it has come from one of my own frames, and I can let yon have ai many of the same kind as you like for 15a. apiece 1"r-Bkiekwoods Magazine.. and I A NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOI/AN. srw.r.Ztttentr— •mggo,steagood Memo of Nis Lydia IL Rai Irgi; Of Lgo4 ll am4whooboroollother homin being, lag be truthfully oillottbo"Dair Meador Woman," ammo of ha ecompoodinto lovotoema her. Rho loolcieehr devoted to horivorit, 'Webb ehooateosse of o. llifoolhedy, sad b obliged to hoop ate kdy eridate‘lobtpheransworthohego ceim:oes which deltrpoarohl upon her. each boodooto woad hordes ed oofforbe. or jO7 q rokometecom U. Her IregobbioCompound lea inadietio for good owl not aril parsomeo. I Imo peroonoU7 tareegpedit and lundiUdod od the troth of this Oa gooount i of !Comers OtOrdli. ft Is reachneodod and pninathed by Unfelt plcreictaus In the country. Goo sem ea "oda Eke a charm and sons much iota. ItvdlAcre cuilrely themes* form of Salim of the ate* Leucanhan. brooder and pinta Ohnotrumdloa;sil Ovarian ?loofas. leasinoonton sod fThOttstionatoodlnge, an Dhplacemente andthecae- Ilegendeplaslionakotenand Is ospecidly 'depict to Pasele OWL. Diatatthot soda Parthd of eee tram and aim theresaadvigod u remove &Salaam, dalakaar,, thoithDell Mather for stimulant; and tames weak- ' Wie at the domeeh, D aues Illoathar, Beadadde, Damp Preddthea, Omani Detetyalmaimmema DthlandssalthDtkodloa. ghat teeing at Weans diepeteorefthst and hmeknobe, is always math by Imam II aral Mid times, lad gth a rsl didunetaammaet In haraday with Umbra thsammeaus She &mole system .' `Thum oak*. Par bottbs or dz tor th, and Se dad by sthithiata, AsySidake read:edam to mathd mask NMI, them= of aim who have been restored to pamith the Vegetable Commmadosmil of .byeabbeeibm Ms, SP., with stssoritor reply trar home la 1714 Dm; ildertectittheth °falai/rasa tbla composad le aalsthelemd as sbandastheatinandala thaw: ' l lllm, Italduati Uverr, PUIV ass oao writer, rare ~bales the worth forth. case of OCMIttpWOII. BRIMMOSO ;04 ToMddity of the U, for Blood' >hemamerka sad.estslramodellnemadbidstatrl dempel the Campond is tbpopelarft. • • AMMO rigid barman Asset °Maw whom sole =aka ill ee dolga to Gem Ilaide.*Y6 11=21 ileartily. Reconimended. (From tin Boston Mono] Mrs Ja IL'fik OPERATEi WITU =22C/CAGY UPOK KM NEIB. tIVER, BOW !AND PORES : --• AXPTHESKIN, ' Np 7 I I2 ,LreNG.ArairGWEHM4OII ND CANNER • .. , -----HIIIIIORS=----- The cause' of moat human ills, and curing when physicians. liospitals. and aL other methods end remedies iall,Bcrolula or King's Evil, Glandular' fiwellitupi, Dicers. old gores, Milk L,. Affections, Erysipelas. Tumor. , Ab su , Car - Dundee, Boils, Blood gallons, Brieht's ease, Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver. Rheumatism._ Ceneiliwilen. 4 raw, Dyipepsis, and - all itching and gaily I - - • ' ERUPTIONS Of the Skin and Sealp,sucb es Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Tetter,llingworm, Barber's Itch,Scald Head, Itching Mu,and- other Disfiguring and Torturing Humors, from,. pimple to • a acre& Oak ulcer, when assisted by Curictma and COT :ma Saar, the great Skin Cures, , CIITICIIBA :• A sweet, unchangeabls Medicinal cleari off all external evidence of Blood. NIUDOTIP, eats away Dead Skin and flesh, instantly allays Itch his and Irritations. Softens, Soothes , and Meals. Worth its weight la gold for all Itching Dia- CMS. . CIITIOVRA' SOAP An Exquisite Toilet, Bath. and Nursery Seda tive. Yagiant with delicious dower odors Mid *ding balsam. Contains in Vmodilled form sll the virtues of Cuncona. the great Skin Cure, and is indfspensible in the treatment of Skin and fkalp Diseases, and for rmitorink, preserving, and beautiryinhe Soap. complexion and skin. The only lif edict:ai B aby Cirrictraa. Bkamarcs are the only- real, cura tives for of the Skin, Scalp and Blood. " Price: CIITICIIIIIA BZISOLVZXT, $l.OO per bottle; Covictrat. 600. per box; large boxes, $1.00: Con- CQaL Tottxr 110aP t 26c.; Orncinu ltrancurtt. Smyrna Soar, 15c. Sold everywhere. Depot, WEEKS - h POTTER, Boston, Kass. - CATARRH . .••• • ..,• • ',Sanford's. Radical Cure. THE GREAT AMEICAN BALSAMIC DISTILLA - TION OF WITCH HAZEL. AMERICAN . PINE CANADIAN FIR, MARIGOLD. CLOVER BLOSSOM. ETC.. For the Immediate Relief and Permanent cure of every form of Catarrh, from a simple • Head Cold or Influenza to the Loss of Smell, Taste. and hearingi Cough. Bronchitis, and Incipient - Consumption., .Indorsed by Physicians. Chem ists, and Medical Journals throughout the world, as the only complete• external and inter= nal treatment. • , • One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Sqlveint and Sanford's - Inhaler. all in one pack age, of all druggist. for $l. Ask for Ranford's Radical Cure. WEEKS k POTTER, Boston. =I COL "IELECTRICITY Gentle yet Effective, united it with Healing Balsam, ren , ts 8, der COLLINS' VOLTAIC • rj 't ELECTRIC PLASTERS one hundred times superior to ~ f.. all other plasters for every z. • - Pain, Weakness and _.,.. Inflam k Bold eveowher_. -4, PARKER'S AN. ...aped and is move rand ittscii ag tx Et Co hair aad il,lll ism, end St stun, at deans In drugs aad makings,. PARKER'S \GINGER TONIC• A Ileielative leak ad Strength Rates. If you are a mechanic or farmer,, wean out with overwork, or a mother sun down by family or house. hold duties try PARICCR'S GINGER TONIC. If .You are a lawYer, minister man 'ex hausted bymental strainer antiouseants, do not 'take hatet*atingstismiLants,butuse Parker'sqinger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia; Itheunta. - - Ism, lf,i dney Complaints, or any disorder° f the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves, PARKER'S GINGER TONICIIIIIICUICyOU. It is Ilia Greatest Blood Purifier Lad the Best and Santst:Cough Cure Ever Used. U you are wasting away horn age. dissipation' or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take Gummi TONIC at once: it will Invigorate and build you up front the first close but will never intoxmate.. It has saved hundreds Oflives; it may save yours. CAUTION I—Rotam ill mbstautes. Parker's Qinrr ToMe Is A composed of the boa ermectial egrets to the world„Mid Immtbely Merest from prepantron • of &Fir Send for ciroolar Duos • Co., N. V • ' ILENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE , Is sure In its effects, mild in its action u it does not blister, yet is penetrating and ' powerful to reach - every deep,-seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such u sparing, splints -curbs, callous, sprains, swell ings and any lameness . and all, enlargements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment Is used for man or beast. It 14 now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Bend address. for Illustrated Circulaiwhich we think gives positive proof of its . virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified uc cess to our knowledge, for beast as well's man. Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles tor $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, ora will be sent to any,address on receipt of price by the , proprietors, Dn. B. J. Emus r, a: Co.. Enos burgh Falls, Vt. Sold by all Druggists.' Mumma, is DSC] HOWARD A. SIN•OW, Solleltor ' .6l AMMICAN AND FOREIGN II PATENTS CU B STREET N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. 0., (Successor to Gilmore, Smith k Co., ay • Chipman, BOSUN, k Co.) • Pateriti proms& IMOD the usme Pb 2 'blob was originated and sucmissfully Practic by the aloore-Aamed Arm. -..--, PamPhlet of sixty pages sent upon receipt o 'stamp. - ~ lnorill - MRS. D.V. STEDGE, Manetradurer of and Deal's' in • HUMAN HAIR GOODS, UCH AS WIGS. BANDEAUX, tbe ponlis • Chaste'alike Braid, ZVEBITMNG BILORGTNGTO nallAMTitapp Attention given to COMBINGS lici ll ori=ed one way. SWITCHES from $1 upwarda. Mao Agent*, 1 -, Hunter's late Face Pouder, Madam _!]art's Corsets,- an& i - .. Shoulder Brice Elastics. arirParticuir attention paid to dressing ladies bait at thole howls or. at tar place criminals. vet Drama Illbtrotb's store. norWer p. V. STlpai. Stevens. - &1:.:. -.Gong 41 t General Deafen - in GrtocEnms, COUNTRY. PRODUCE COB• *AIN. AND PINE 13TS. ]The old OW of Toz. Remus kill/our.) • f They invite attention to their eomprete aasortment and very large E4ock of Choice New Goods, which they ; SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN .egant dressing; erred by those Psed tc4 112 / article, on an— cf.its superior ' and Ins mate PPri ral.Ys al , . are beneficial scalp and hair it Faded Nair AA Cash Paid for Desirable Kinds. 3L ' 'i. LONG. T. MUIR & CO.'s GROCERIES • ANI)6- The piece tc Mee money b buying cheap to it Denser Kiln and Franklin Streak '4 TOWANDA, PA. Tasisespeethdly announce to the public that they have a large .tech of FLOUR; fIiED. NEAL. OLAIN BALT; 1 / 1 88 • ,; PORK. and PROVNIONB we have also added so our atocy l a nclety of WOOD= WALE. such aa 811=1 TUB PIE aup'etnnzza, rrci y . , Just received a large stook of Sugars. Tele. Mines. Spire. hfOllLBO3lll Male 80AP. the best in the market, and other mates of soap Wrap "aid Molasses. which they offer at low prices for Cash. ' poi 26 TT Wagons &Carriages 16E1 OLD rarAirizeirmszir JAMES BR,YANT, ' would call the atten tion of FARMERS and others to his large and complete - assortment of Open ac Top Buggies PLATFORM WAGONS all of hie • own MANUFACTURE and war , 'ranted eVery Par'` tionlar Brystit's Flexible Springs used in all MHO= Wagons. Th• eldest and best In use. NOW IS YOUR TINA TO BUYI 1 . Look at Cass !gun ' • Two Banal Cannon nom $ llO to $l4l Phatots Top . Gas sta n d l2o to 110 Wi ll s 000/1_ _ ' 125 to lal - 80 to 100 aamonat teas ....... Ilas*sast the aba ors aU iiprvansat. ot io an _in Ir - • 2 , 4 i esa P 7O lO 7 atttsadad to at t below las pars p 001comal Factory on. ltais sat 101/abot4 eta. tUsbine OAS BRYANT. - JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS don' at short no*. sad rfasaage is Rpm 's. I '4 PROVISIONS, rM /:i~~ ~ : ~I ai,', ~~~~~ ~ i To their new store, .;?' MI OM gin nave away, OD .hand. To the PRODUCE TRADE 'Gan. aEI VINO. STOP AT FOR PROVIS lONS. d • m , . . I L Cheaper than agar at the AND 1 KENDALL , ' pq • THE mow ottoman% . twitted, as it is certain in ita esb,. net blister. ollen for hu ms READ PROOFB EL OW ; .FROM COL. L. T. POSTRI . _ Youngstown, Ohio, Xs, o r Da. D. I. k Co:--I bad bier Rambletonlan colt which I pi /Y. be WI large bons sPasin oc A small one on the other which my, lame; I bad him ithder the chug s o f car, surgeons Which failed to cure 7 one day reading the advertisement Sparta Ours in the Chicago Er esi. " atone s to try it, and got Our drl trisend for it; they ordered thresboi them allang thought I would give trial, I WNW it scoordlng to dlrectloss !mirth day the colkciatied to be i go m, lumps have disappeared. I need but of grid the colts limbs are as free from It as smooth as any hone-in 'the stale, Weir cured. The cure was so rena l I lit two of my neighbors ~ h ave; the two botties. who are now,iiiing It. 'Very fiespwitfulty T ' l Kendales Spavin ow HUMAN FLESH. Pitten's /OM. Wash'lon co.. N.Y.. Fel Da. B. J..lfssners.„ Dear case on which I used_ your Kendall'e g l was a malignant ankle sprain of crue l . standing. I had tried many things, hot Your iipsyto Cure put the foot to the again, and for the that time since bark natural. position. For a Wally liniment It cols anytMna we ever used. Yours truly,_ REV. M. P. BELL, Nato, of Y. E. Csurcb, Patters Mills r , Price ; 0, per bottle , or slx bottle. forts. Mutest* base it or can get It ter you, of be sent to emir addresses( receipt of in' propr i burgh elnns., torsß. B. ld at J. KENDALL 41 V D t. S o l d .. Dr. H. C. Porter% Drut Et, KLINE'S MAR K CARRUL r 3 Lo Main Street, First,il'ar' ■ 401 IN W. KLINE, MEAT & VEGETABI Ziff RKET o a more convenient location. and anal. himself In the Carroll Block, opposite Bet Hotel, is prepared to @apply his patrons rah ,112 CHOICE= OF 3IEATS,, • PIESH, OYSTERS IN THEM 'JEWS, FRESH VEGETABLES. DOMESTIC PRVIT, kc., sorsoLoaNA sergArvp dam promptly den sPeclalt7 vesed. .„ You need not Die -to El MUTUAL ENDOWNE., 4.cuomnr,ASZOOIATIt or (Bath, N. T. Yon receive one-half :of your . insurance, cording to the American, 'We Table, V.- - thirds of your life expectancy is Senn illustration, a man or woman Joining ti elation at 36 years of age taking a certbion 62.500. receives $1,275 when a little our at of age. exactly the period in life when dmincial help le generally more needed any other time. BLADES A - ROGER* june2tfr General Agent. for EMI Towanda scl. Sig MAIN STREET, NEXT DOOR TO FELCE I= Is . preparod to 'offer a complete assort -+7 meat of DRY AND FANCY 00008, , f Crockery,. Glassware, and DECORATED Clint Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE , BLEU) CAGES, • SATCHELS, it For the coming Spring Trade; we adhere as heretofore to - our established principle-that a - quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow one with large profit—and therefore our prices in any line ~of goods will ; compare favorable with the prices ,of any other houSe: elideavor to sell the best article for the least possible money. -I.OEWUB £ FREIMUTH; myG:tf SPECIAL ANNOUNCFEM JAMES McCABE • BAS REMOVED ma GROCERY BIIEVEMi' Tffe sotrra-varr CORN= OF 31,111 AND BRIDGE STREETS. WHZEM HE HAS ESTABLISHED Head Quarteps FOR EVERYTKLNG Di THE LINE 07 MIMES, MEM, CASH PAID for Desitable duce. Fine BUTTER and EGGS a , specialty. -:1 al I ALL'S SPAWN CUBE atls sue to cure Swint KrM 11 !: . Am.- U removes a ll rumoMro aulourgernekte. nogg nor surli* Basn o equal for any lameness or beast or mass . lilies cured lap.joist elms In a person who had a at hid la years. Also cured rheum. Wm, corns. frostbites or IPA Deities, Cat or lameness. It has no equal t s 'l any blemish on bone.. lianii . for ' li no eingarll3lll4l MOW/a floor. Pripe $ l . DuPtIGUITEI hive It ok merlin for you. EQ.... • Kendall k Co.. Proprfe4te. Kuosourgh raw , Vermont. 11... C. Pownm. Agent. Towanda. lb. BESTlanainen now beiOre the public. Di can make mony faster at work into than at anything else.- taPikort i needed. We will start you. $l2 a dal anu.,l„ wards aide at borne by the industriowa_ , women. boys and erre wanted everrirml.'" work for u. Now is Use time. Ton an rim/ spare time isais or give your whole lime to tam bulling. Tog an live at bomsand do the work No other bulimia. will goy you nearly as isalL — No one an tall to make enormous pay by 01- wing at once. Costly Outfit and tutus tr"." - - kinseT made teat, evil, and honorably. Mum. Tim k Augusta. 21PF4t , 16-01 HAVING. REMQVED HIS f aurebl7 IN THE AND THE o &c., &c. April 9 17 se , I