Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, November 30, 1882, Image 1

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    lineo3lll & ULM Publishers.
•k • .
VOL. , - 4 -
Bradford Republican
s Published Every Thursday,.
31.5 0 Per Annum. in Advance
..fdrertising Rates—Six cents a Usti for first
I tfertion, an t give cents per line for alisub+
qUent inse rti was. Reading notice
ten cents Pet line. lines constitute a
square; and twelve lines an loch, Auditor's
notices $l5O. Administrator's and Execiator's
notices $2O. Yearly advertising $llO.OO per
Tor. ItErnstacsx is published in the 'I racy
Moore arid Nobles Block. at the corner of Main
and Pine streets, over J. F. Comer's Boot and
%boo store. Ito vivails:Wln is over 2003 - As in
advertising medium it is rinezeelleal, _
its lin
mediate 1561.
T:wars . .a. tusinszs
rt_LEVEL %ND IicGOV RN, (E. J. Cleveland
‘J ileGorern),' Canton, Bradford Couuty
pa, All business • entrusted to their care in
Western Brfiilord will receive prompt attention.
1..2311T1L S 1111.1.15, Attorueys-at-La* plc
over Poeell A: Co.
CXLIFF, 3. N.; Office Lu Wood's lilbet, sou th
First Sational Bank, up stairs. funs 12, 8
11... 1 1MEE k. SON C Elsbree and L Elsbree.:
A-I (Mice in Mercur Block. Park St. inayl4.7B
DECK k OVERTON (Benj If Peck aruo A Oeer
foil. Office Qver Hill's Market 49•'79
M . ...NAVELL W•;:, Oftice, over Dayton's Store
WILT, . A .aIiEW. Wilco Mean'a Block
spr 14,16
nAVIEs. cARNoCUAN k HALL. (IV T Davies.
1J Wtt Carro-Aan. Lat Halt.) Mace In rear
of Ward Itous, Entrance on Poplar St. de12.75
t rElta ~ DNEY h. Solicitor of 'Patints.
.11l pa7t:.:untr attention paid to business 'in
Orphathe Court and to the settlement of estates.
(Mee in Nlontanytes Block. - , 4949
Mc PIIEIIBOI.I & YOUNG, (7. McPherson and
IV . 1, Young.) Office south side of Mercur's
feb 1,78
VV IVi22iamr, B J 4ngte and E L IhOngten).
Office west side of Main street, two doors north
of Argus oftice. • All business entrusted 'to their
care will receive prompt atten Eton. oct 20,77
ej neys and Counsellorimit-Law. °Bice In the
lirreur Mock, over C. T. lilrby'a Drug Store.
. jnly 3. 'SO if.
trEENEY , J. P. Attorney-at-Law. Office in
Moritatzie:e Block, Blain Street.
Sept. :5, 'Bl-tf. • ,
TatomPsoN, W. H. and E. A.,• 'Attorneys-at
Law, Towanda, Ps. Office in 3fercur Block,
over C. T, Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main
street. first stairway north .of Post:office. All
business promptly attended to. Special atten
tion given to claims against the United States
or Ninsiot.s, Bounties, Patents, etc:, and to
ullectious and settlement of decedent's es rtes.
April•2l. ly
TiftiANDA, PA.
Solicitor of Patents. Government claims at.
tended to, --, i_lfifebB2
JOHNSON. T. D.. M.D. Office over Dr. x. C
Porters's Drug Store. teb 12,18
NEWTON, Drs. D. N. kF. G. Office st Dwelllug
• on River Street, corner Weston St. fob 12,77
Lon, C,L. M.D. Mc, lot door above old
bank building, on Main street. Special at
tcntiuu given to diseases . of the throat and
I , thes. Ju1y19.78 .
nrooDBURN, S. 31.. 1.D.3 Office and road
v v deuce. Main street, north of
iitdi al Examiner for recision Dc"artment.
:ab 22 7fi
PYSE, E. D.. M.D. Office Pine St.. apposite
Jail. Office hours from 10 ,to A.M. 1104
from 2 to 4 P. Y.. Special attentien given to
Diseases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear.
"clot 2011
TOWSER, H. L., BL.D., •
flommovernic PLIT6ICLIN k SUMGEON.
fiesiplacs and office Just north of Dr..Corbon's
Vitn street, Athens. L.
RESItT ROUSE Main at., next corner south
of Bridge street. New house and new
furniture throughout. The proprietor has
spared neither pains Of expense in making his
katel ;4st-class and respectfully solicits s share
tf Public pitronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
reasonable. Large Stable attsched.r.
tar a 77 WM. HENUY.
WATKINS POST, NO. 68 , G. A. B. Meets
every Saturday evening, it Hllitary Hall.
GEO. V. MYER, Commander.
J. H. Errvarnur, .4d,jutant. feb 7, 79
CRYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meets at S. of P
Sall every Monday evening at 7i30. In
litrance I'/,000, Benefits s3.ooiper week. Aver
age annual coat, 5 years experience, $ll. •
JESSE MYERS, Reporter,
E. Nance, Dictator. fob .112.18
BRADFORD LODGE,xo.I67. I. o. o. F. Meet
In odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday e vening
MI o'clock. WAIIIIEW Btu, Noble brand,
inn. 12,75 - .
E. No. 32 Second street All orders
recetve prompt attention. June 12.75,
The sI'IIING TERM will begin Monday,
April 3, 1K , 2. For catalogue or other infor
mation, address or call on the Principal.
Towanda: Pa.
WILLI. I OI9, EDWARD. Practical Plumber
and Gas Fitter. Flue of business in bier.
tr,r Block next door to Journal office opposi te
helm. Square. Pluzubing, Gas Fitting, Repair ,
tirPiOngs of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
troniptly attended to. All wanting work In his
tliould give him a call. July 27,77
RrssELL, c. 8, General Insinuate Agency,
Towsuds, Pa. Office in Whitcomb'. , Book
Bort, July 12,16
Ahd had One of Hts
tk ,°Tr• RFADs, ac. printed in tbe best style
"tat tbeiterniziour once.
. .
1 , ,
. , k
, I
f f , -
t'. ~` .? A. . ' ,- 4.,..' .... ' ..
, \ •
. 1 4 1r Ik' • - ,
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. Alhum •
. .. 41 I" . ...r'' - l igil l i. il 111-10.174.31) 4.7...7"1ttit:a0,, • '
. , I
Mlscellaneous 'Advertise ,;tots.
iFfirmerly with itendeliain.)
eio air y St ore
With Swarts Gorden's Store,
Main Street, Towanda,' Pa.,
Where he koei4sFVLL•Ag9OII7IIII2IT op
Gold &Silver Watches
ifir Ins stock is all NEW and of the FINEST
QUALITYand see for yourself.
We keep on band constantly for builders,
`,Fellows, Spokes, Hubbs, Thins, Poles
Carriage Trimmings.
Also a full line °falloff and Heavy Hardware, and
a full line of '
Carriages, platform rind Lumber Wagons,
Made by us Witliskilled workmen, and warranted
in every particular.
~• Hardware Dealers.
Troy, April 27..3y
Alfred J. Ptirvis,
- 'All work in his lino done well and promptly at
lowest price.
Parties having volumes Incomplete will be fur
nished wi_tb any missing numbers at cost price.
All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for
Bradford pounty. will be promptly executed ac.
cording tOldirections. - sep9-tf
GEO* L. ,ItOSs
Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. Et
C. Porter's 'Drug Store. Main Steeet,
. with s large stock of
J. I.,, , Schoonover is clerk. Viet two stores are
connected by Telephone. • Mr. Ross can now feel
satiiihed that be aen give the •
His experience enables bineto select the best
anods, which he is bound to sell at•a LOW PRICE.
Ton an always get a bargain if you
An - good' delivered in the / Itorongh FREE.
FARMERS will do well to call w 4 their Produce
and get the CASII. 20apr82-Iq.
. .
Is still to be toned at the OLD STAND ").
Ne.ti door to Dr.ll.C.Torter's DrOtiStore
j E W t.:.LR -r,
. .;;
Clocks. Watobes and ;smelly promptly repaired
by sp esperi*wad and rropetetit morkomn. •
' M. 111EN15EI24AN,
of every variotynd Spootscloo. Sir Portion'
&tuition pit 2 to repoirinn. Ebop Doan
Vought's (Moist Stole. Milo Woof, Towium sapi t
OF 1148 OWN
o. 131 ' Geuessee street,
-liew Ad,vertisetnentz,
New Life
is given by using BROWN'S
Winter it Strengthens and
warms the system; in the
Spring At enriches the blood
and conbluers disease; hi the
Sumnier it gives tone to the
. nerves and digestive organs;
in the Fall, it enables the
system to stand the shock
of sudden changes. "
in no way can disease be
so surely prevented as by
keeping the system in per
fect condition. BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS ensures per
fect health through the ,
changing seasons:it disarms
the danger from , impure
water and miasmatic air,
and it prevents Consump
tion, Kidney and LiVer Dis
ease, &c. , •
H. S. Berlin, ET., of the
well-known" firm of H. S.
Berlin & Co,, Attorneys, Le
Droit Building, Washing
ton, D.C., writes, Dec. sth,
Gentlemen: I take pleas
ure in stating that I have used
Brown's•lron Bitters for ma
laria and nervous troubles,
caused by ovcrivork, with
excellent results.
Beware Of . imitations.
Ask for IRON BIT
and insist' on having
it. Don't. be imposed on
with 1 -• something • recom
mended as "first as good."
The genuine is made only
by the BroWn Chemical Co.
Baltimore, -
RENEWER is a scientific, combination
of some - of the most powerful restora•
five agents In the. Vegetable.kingdoni T
It. restores' gray hair" tor, its original
color. It makes the'. scalp white and
clean. It cures .dandruff and ,humora;
and falling-out of the hair. It furnishes •
the nutritive Principle by which the
hair is nourished and supported. It
makes the hair
,moist,. soft and glossy,
and is unuripsSed as a hair dressing.
It Is the most economical prepafation
ever offered to the public, as its effects
remain a long time, making oily an
Occasional. application necessary. - It is
.recommended and • used by eminent
medical men, and officially endorsed by
the State Assayer of Massachusetts.
The popularity of,Halfs Hair Renewer
has increased with 'the test of 'many
years, both in this country and in
foreign lands, and It is now known and
used in" all the c ivilized countries of
For kale by all dealers. ' '
flop Rette4 are the Purest and: Beet Bit
., term Neer Made. •
They are - compoundefl from Hops, Malt,
Bachu Mandrake and Dandelion,—the old
est, best, and most. valuable medicines in '
the world-and contain all the best and moat
curative properties of all other ' remedies,
being the greatest ' Blood - Purifier, Liver
Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring
Agent on earth. No disease or ill health
can possibly)ong exist where these Bitters
are used, so ' varied and perfect are their
operations. ' • . -
- They give new life and-vigor to the aged
and infirm. To 'all whose employments
cause irregularity of the bowies .or urinary .
organs or who require an Apetiser, Tome
and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are in-
1 valuable, being highly curative, tonic and
stimulating, without intoxicating.
No matter what tour feelings or - symp
toms are, what the disease or ailment is, use
Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick,
but if you only feel bad or miserable, use
Hop Bitters at once. It may save your life.
Hundreds have been saved by ,so doing.
$.500 will be paid for a case! they will not
Icure or help.
Do not suffer 3r let your friends "suffer,
but use urge them to use Hop Bitters:
Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugg
ed, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and
Best Medicine ever made; the `_`lnvalid's
Friend and Hope," and no person - or family
should be without them. Try the Bitters
to-day. _. . Cict26lY.
Nothing Shalt of Unmistakable
Conferred upon tens of thousands of
sufferers could originate and' maintain
the reputation' which Ana's , sAtom.
PARILLA enjoys, It , is A compound of
the best vegetable alteratives, with the
lodides of Potassium and 1r0n,. 77 -all
powerful. blood-making, blood-cleahsing
and fife-Sustaining—and is the most
eflbctual of all remedies for scrofu
lous, mercurial, or blood disorders.
Uniformly successful and certain] it
produces rapid and complete cares of
Scrofula, Sores, Boils, 'tumors, Pim
ples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all
disorders arising ifrom impurity of the
blood. ; By its invigorating' effects it
always relieves and often cures Liver
Complaints, Female Weaknesses and
irregularities, and is a potent renewer
of waning ,vitality. For purifying the
blood it has no equal.. It tones up the
system, restores and preserves the
health; and imparts vigor and energy.
For forty years it has been in extensive
use. and is to-day the most available
medicine for the suebring sick.
For ea* by all druggists:
For GEN . DODGB ' 3 bran'• fotEellas!
rear& Among
A erne record at thii4uthoris map: YearsPersasai
E.pperienceaprigarbassaw WI able htrodatika
. She man. . nail.
This are Sark vii at ohm eabectibett for by Poriclent
Akroca mut cadre MOO, sad dy Gess. Swaim, Gen.'
Grit, Gee. Sieuidesk, Gew goori;;ad douretalief Ern.'
hunt Wes. Gas. Omits soya ts the bat book rui
!mike DA awn written.' Disospek Wuxi' Methodist)
' is boat/ istmense wade. - Ilt•le the only withal
lid account of one Indians errs pnbllihed, fully erreel
ins their "Lima -11 fa; Garet Waµ asked. rte. It Is
replete with tloiltag amalgams al thiAathou, lad of far
snout Snouts. TraPliertiColPboyadiflatos.Dorder Ruffian.
ate.. slslly portraying We to the Gael West as It hoc is.
4341tholonad larva With blest /Cagesslags and Superb
Cluano•Llthograph Plata In 16 colors, from photocrsphe
rosteby the V.*. Goentonest apasayfir :Usenet trot*.
AGERTIII This 4ntnd book le sow oullainst all
others 10 to 1. No comwetitios. ' Agents average 10 to 110
omen, a day. We want 101110 mote sputa at saes. Ls
desire Territory awl Special reran pinea. Our lam date.
late with fall petticulare rat las. A Sae Opeduat Plata
aint amid:riots for 3 cent stamp. A44rsas the sole pabl.
A. D. WOI=IIIOTON a COilturfroak.Comts
4 4 a
- tiorae slay I shall be dead. • *
80m0 day this tired head,
With all the anslaue tboug4ta, r. tow.dvAL know.
Shall be laid lotz.
This body. paid-Meted. 111. ,
Shall lie at length,- ar.i still.
tinder the Clover and the wind-swept gran.
Nor hear you pass.
tad Fome, and go—even you—unhetint of me
As bird or bee.
Ones° wayworn, or trouble se oppmst,
-18 glad of teat
O'er this unquiet heart; long yen With iroe,
Heart's-ease may pm.. •
Who laves me will not
- When that I lie asleep,
sat iatber.loY to think Mich SUM" may
Have end seine day.
=lsabella Grant Meredith, In Ilarper's Maga
Why they called it "The Toner," would
have puzzled an archmolqgist. For, it Was
not a tower, never had been al tower, and in
sil probability never had been intended for:a
It was a cottage; one-storied, straggling
comfortable, with a semi-circular parlor
;in front, which, topped off with a comical
imitation of wooden battlements, was .half
covered with waving sprays of woodbine and
dinging sheets of ivy. ;
But "The Tower" it had always been en.
titled, and after that lawsuit came up it ac
quired a sort of celebrity under the old, hi•
miliar name.
Yes," said Miss Isidore - res, "The
Tower is mine still, and I intend to keep it
Everything. else they, ,have taken away froth
1120, because some logger -headed old anew
ter of mine signed his,riame to a deed John
B. Robinson' instead of 'John C. Robinson.'
As if one letter of the alphabet could make
en) , difference!: I've no patience with two.
pie! The majesty of the law, indeed !
Pshiw I"
"But if the rest of the property belongs
to your Cousin ,Robinson, so does The Tow
er," suggested Mrs. Milroy.
"I can't help that,"-'said MIS Pidara:
" Hers I am, and here I mean to Stay, law
or no law."
Mrs. Milroy opened heir weak eyes. 'Fee
ble as a kitten herself, she could.;scarcely
comprehend such valiant resolution in anoth•
"Bnt if they come here with a sheriff,
and spew comitatuk and a writ of habeas
corpus?" she faltered. , _ C•
"Then," said Miss Ir i tidora; "they'll have
to clear one - again. Common senseils com.
mon sense . The home ie mine, and I mean
to keep it. Tie got new Dolts and Awe to,
all the doors; and I keep a kettle ,of boiling
water an the stove night and day, and my
Mend, Mr. Jeffreys, who is a clerk in a law_
office, has given me the hint never to let in
a man with a bag." ,
" 'Why not'?' breagesii' vestioned Mrs.
" Don't you'see!" Raid Miss Isidora, snap
pishly. " BeeSase it will be full of law pa
pers. Writs and summons, and alt that
sort of thing."
"Oh I"' said gra Milroy.
Thus, acting upon the hint, Miss Isidore
turned the, plumber's man away, and reso
lutely declined to have anything to say to
the book-agent and the tract-distributor.
She considered herself in a state of siege,
took tint Morning's bilk into the window
with a tin-pan $l,l a chain, communicated
with the trades'people from behind two'
: equate inches of doorway, and took . every-, ,
body she did not know for an enemy. The
Tower was hers, and The Tower she meant
to keep.' And Rebecca, her little maid, was
stricken with breathless admiration of her
mistress' warlike qualities.
"But, of course. ma'am," said she, "no
' body can stand against the law."
rn see whether they can or not I" so
Kiss isidora has. "Be sure you keep the
kettles well filled, Rebecca, and don't let the
Brea eft out, day or night."
And wheairrer she received :through the,
post a letterwith a legal appearance, or an
envelope crested with, the flrm.address of
Messrs. Mtpe dt Stringhain, her Corwin
Robiwion's lawyers; she invariably poked It
betweep the bars of the' grate, andbmiled
vindictively to see it blaze.
"What are we to do with each a cilia se
this 2" said Mr. Tape, when he heard all
"•Pnt in , a Sheriff's Mai at, once," said
Stringham. "The woman is a trespasser,
and has beerk ell her life."
"She's a woman. No harsh measures. It
is Gideon Robinson's express injunction
that all courtesy be shown to the defendant.
try something else before we proceed
to extremities."
And one pleasant October afternoon, when
the air was all blue mist, and the settingsun
shone as if through a medium of opaque
gold, the landlord of the Toplady Arnie
came,pulting up the hill with a stout, pleas%
ant.faced gentlemen, and rang the bell,
which echoed like a double chime through
the. tiny Tower. - P
"do away!" said DEss iddora, from the
irindow f spying the tope of two hats.
"Oh, my, ma'am 1" squeaked Rebecca,
over her shoulder. " Will I get the gtm ?"
"I beg pardon, ma'am," said the stran
ger; but—"
" po'sway,.l say I" sternly repeated Him
Lddort Ives. " Rebecca', bring in that het.
tle have you to understand.that I am
not to be trifled with l" -
But by this time, mine host of the Topladi
Arras bad simultaneously recovered his
breath ind his presence of mind.
“uovEienomor OFTV* xor ppl PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.”
That were, Indeed, strange sleep,
When oven you might weep,'
Nay, sweetheart, any! believe'
Here is no mute to grieve.
Pere=lce, when that releur
Bath wrought Its spell of peace.
"No, no, no," said Mr. Tape, blandly
"Miiss Ives," he puffed, dertorous4,
"don't bell:Wasted l only Israel Ja.
" Blass the man's heart in said Min Isis
dors, "why didn't he say so before? And
what on earth do you want here, Jenkins 7"
"It's a lodger, . bliss Ives," Bald Jenkins,
who had ritarried Miss Isidora's old nurse,
and somehow felt himself to be connected
with the family. • -1
"A—lodger!", repeated Miss Ives.
"Tbis isn't a kidging-honse, man alive 1"
"Ireem—lint quite war, of that," said
brad, meekly:4 - "And where no offense it
intended, it's hoped as none will be took.
But, knowing*" you was all alone and
proteced- 4
"I don't know what you call unprotect.
ad," brusquely interrupted ?Cm Iles.. "
got a loaded gun and a. an-gallon kettle of
boning water here, and—" •
"And," mildly went on Israel Jenkins,
"this 'era gentleman, a Mr. Mamba, of
Alabama, wanted a pi/saint lodging, in the
lidehhorhood. *AO - meals could be took at
the Toplady Arms—though our apartments
ir all oeoupied with ths gentry as acne to
ash and shoot, through October and Ha rem.
' ber—ond tt night be a arcooletion to you,
MIN kee l to have n galloon about the
reinnieiv •goooday pagthodar mom,
mead him so very qedit ind docent."
"Good grackour:- siddijitiss , Isidava.
"Why don't the man sposh.l4l fpr Won& ?
to he destaal dumb yt, 1
It irotdd be a veil kW** ma'am,"
void mr., ariquil4 of 4iibeas at this dirt
appeal t - ,
Wee hoe bidtoted, -;!!
"Well," the eald abet, "1 don't how
that roe anT_Ajottione., Iltdonoca, unbolt
sod oneltela tbe door
And eo the Toter garrison lßas strength.
sued by an addition of one.
Of course, Mies Isidore- 17es told - Mr.
Marshall the whole itorY Woee he had
dwelt twenty-feu boors) behind the queer
little wooden battlements or the Tower.
Mr. Mandnill listened quietly. '
"Isn't it a clear ease of t swindling and
extortion rvehe demanded, cOltedly, will
her duet curls (parted 4m 0n4041414 like a
ti t
o= l4l ,
utthtrWPWasli...itriehopktreddene4l,ne Gel jr ,dontied.
"I shoulA think so," said Mr. ?darslael.
"Would y* submit to it ?" she asked.
"No, I wonliMit." said Mr. Marshall.
"And all because , my great-grandfather's
name was written John 8.,, instead oi John
0., in the deed," persisted Ms Isiders.
•• Why, any ischool-boy wOnle be ashamed
to avail himself "Of an equivocation like
that!" .
;i I
Mr. Marshall provSd himself a quiet • and
peaceable member of the little household.
He liked 'dogs, and allowed Miis Ives' Icing
Charles spaniel to sleep, undisturbed, amid
the papers on his table.
Be was partial to birds, and entered, ai
once, into the most friendly of alliances
with the parrot and Cita macaw. He graft.
ed Bliss Isidors's orange-tree' for her, and
showed her a hew way to train her wax
plants- •
And at the end of four week, Atisslsidora
put into execution a plan which she had
long, been forming. t,
"MT. Marshall," said she, "i t's a great
deal of trouble for you to go thrie times a
day tramping down that long hill to the
Toplady Anna and back again. You are,no
longer a stranger to us beret. We have
learned to respect and 'trust Yon. If on
chboselo take your-meals wius here, I
shall be quite willing 'to admi you to my
frugal table, as a friend."
• Mr. Marshall's countenance h ammed odd:
ly. He made a curious sound . = his throat,
as if he were swallowing something.
"Muss Lidera," said he, ''l - emit" -
"Can't r repeated the lady. I
"Nothing could induce l nz rs t eat salt 1111:
der this roof," said Mr. 1, incoher
allay: ,
" Bless and save us I is the man mad ?"
cried Miss Isidore Ives. •
"I am, socially speaking, a fnuid," said
the stranger—"a forgery."..
Miss Ives sat down on the sofa; in a help
less way, and stared at him. '
"But your sweet graciousness and kind
ness have conquered me,"'. added Mr. Mar.
shall. - ;I ,
" What do you mean irfsaii Mimi, Ives.
"Just this," Raid the stranger. "I am
here on false pretenses. lam your cousin,
Me velum. Sly Berne Atarsban, • Mit
Gideon Marshall Robinson."'
("Ma'am," whispered the heartless Re
bases, who bad turned absolutely green on
hearing the nano of the family enemy,
"shall I bring the kettle of boiling water ?"
"Rebecca," said Miss Ives, "hold your
tongue, and go out and feed the young tur
keys. lam fully competent to manage this
matter myself."
And Bebecca, feeling Wen& 'put down,-
" I came here," went on' Mr. Robinson,
"to look into the facts of the case for my
self. I have heard of your prejudices
against me—"
" Yes ; I should think so," interposed
Miss Ives.
"And I do not blame you for them,,' said
Mr. Robinson. "Now that lam personally
acquainted' with . you, Miss Ives, 110914
could induce :no to prosecute this—"
"Iniquitous claira4" interposed Isidore.
"-Iniquitous claim I" acceded Mr. Robin.
son, with a repetition of the swallowing
sound. " Just what you please to call it.
I:aspect you us a-lady, bnt I appreciate you
as a relative ; but, of course, knowing who
you cannot tolerate me longer as your
Mend. I will pack my bag and depart at
once. I can only feel regretful that I have
deceived you so long : I feel myself to be a
hypocrite and a swindler r?
lie waited meekly to receive the lull tide of
Miss Isidora's chrbed worth. She put out
her plump little hand, with four dimples in
he four joints.
"Don't g4l" said Miss Isidore, in a low
" What ?" cried the incredulous plaintiff.
" There's - ho reason why we shouldn't be
friends,". said Miss Ives, in her odd, brusque
way. "Things seem so very different, now
that we are- acquainted with each other.
Couldn't we—compromise r
"Isidore," said Mr. Robinson: "we're
cousins, you know, twice removed: I may
call you Isidore 7"
" Oh, certainly 1" Said kros3 Ives:
"We are the two last seeming heirs."
"Plaintiff ;and defendant," nodded Isi
"Exactly so. Now it has just occurred
to . me—l mean, rye been thinking of it for
some time—that if we were to unite our
"To get married, do yon mean?" saM
Isidore, bluntly;
" Yes, precisely. •It would put an end to
all litigation," pleaded Mr. Robinson.
"8o 'it would," observed Ms laidora,
" Would you be willing to marry me ?"
said Mr. Gideon Marshall Robinson.
" Y-yes I" said Lam. "Ithiiikriihonid.
Pin not young; but • then six -and-thirty, is
not! absolutely old." "You are ft.. vase In full bloom," said Mr.
Robinson, enthusiastically, "and I myself
am not a mere boy, it must be remember. ,
ed." i f
if people should laugh at us?" :
" Why, we'll let 'em laugh," said Isidora.
" And we'll laugh, to," said the middle.
aged lover, cl*jeztally.
The fire a* allowed to go down, the keb
tle.cover taken off, the charges drawn from .
the gun, and Tke Tower pronounced 4o be
no longer inn state of siege. .
And this was the way in which theismons
we of Itobinsor yrs Ives, which had prom
iced to swell thqeed of lawyers innnmers,
ble for the neXt ten years, was removed
from the court records. And no one was
lorry, except thp legal gentlemen aforesaid.
—Helen Fo .Or - '
Wes or Acm.—An ImEanapplis colored
man was challenged at the polls on account
ct his youth, but insisted that he was twenty
= pars old. Z "How do you know?"' in.
viral the, challenger. " Well,' I've had the
seven-year itch three times," was the cheer
lafreply. He was allowed to vote million*
Martin's way or nallaiFerocames Bengt*
A • Curious history, and ono that shed*
many gleams of light upon the character of
.beasts in the. Menagerie, is that' of Henri
Martin, the lion tamer, who died, 90 years
old, quietly at his home "among his collec
tions of butterflies and his boois of botany."
Martin, according to his own letters, began
to cultivate his gift of control over animals
In the days when he was connected with a
circus, by acquiring an extraordinary power
over horses, which he taught, every trick
known to, the profession, and semi; of which
havehardly been exactly paralleled. From
thii he went on to taming wild lbeasts, and
I soon after he had started • business' as Part
proprietor of a menagerie he had labored
eight months in training a royal tiger and
bad taught a spotted hyena to pick up his
gloves. He was never seen with a whip
his hand ; but he crossed his arms and gave
his animals the word of command , to leap on
land off hie shoulders,- and betonsidered his
method infinitely superior to that ; Of the .
trainers ;who go through their• business
chiefly by the terrorism of a heavy whip and
a revolver. 'Their beasts obey then;; but,
he said "they are net tamed ea mine were,
and when one of them rebels You can judge
the tragic result from • ,the tragical end of Lu-
One day Martin told- his wife that he an
ticipated trouble with his lion Cobonrg, who
was then in a dangerous state' , of excitement.
She begged him to put off the
but he said "No ; for if-I should cio it
once I should have to do it every, time the
animals have caprices." next night his
forebodings were fulfilled. Instead of per
forming his part properly, Coiscarg, -crouch
ed low and dug his talons into the stage,,
and his eyes flared. Martin had no weapon
atat command except a dagger in his belt—" I
hit've said never a whip." .
_' Instead of obey--
lag orders the lion leaped at Martin, and a
'combat occurred, in the course of • which the
lion took Martin up in his mouth and shook
him in the air. Martin' struck-, the animal
over the nose for a second 'time, and then,
feeling his strength exhausted,' gave himself
up for lost,Ond turnedhis back to the beast,
sothat at the next spring it might attack
I the beck of his neck, and so - "make an end
of the business." But two seconds passed
r--two seconds that seemed to mi 3 an eter
nity. I turned around. The lion'S mood
had changed. He looked at the audience ;
L •
ho looked at me. I gave sign to go.
r He went away as if nothing had happened."
It was fourteen weeks before i Martin
could perform again, but then the, lion
worked as - well as usual, and continued I to
do so for four years without any' Moro,. ca
prices. •In taming one of his tigers Martin
began by l taking the brute's attentlonioff the
door of the cage, and then, armed 'with a
dagger,,tic - it - rapidly into the cage kand stood
loakingtat the tiger, which, for some min
ntes„l4 Motionless, staring at him. Then,
feeling a,shifer, and knowing that if the
tiger saw it all would be over with, him, he
went sWiftly_ont. At the end of a fortnight
he went again into the cage, and this time
stayed therO half an hour: , A third time he
payed' the tiger a visit of ,three-quartersT of
an hour. II," The fourth time the - tiger,
tramblina lit first. lar Arm? ht-fore. the Pigmy
who braved it." To tame a hyena, Martin
wrapped his legs and arms' with cords and
protected his head with handkerchiefs, and
then, walking into the cage, went straight!
to the animal and offered it his forearm.
The hyena bit it, and the tamer, looking
steadily in its eyes, stood motionless:. The
next day here pea ted the experiment, sub.
stituting a leg for an arm, "and all the time
Martin's black 'pupils were flashing into the
gray eysis of the hyena. The beast gave up,
cringed and smelled the feet of the master."
nartin tamed his subjects. by his personal
influence alone, and Charles' Nailer Once
said of him : "At the bead of an army
Martin might : have been a Bonaparte.
Chance has made a man of genius a director
of a menagerie."--Baitimore News.
Coloimdo SheiiffEllEoupters. Fi cree
man and Barely - Escapee Death.
•Charlie Boyer, Sheriff of Grand County,
while Egeria Park, had a 'close
call from being captured - by a grizzly bear.
The day before Charlie and his brother had
tilled a couple of deer, and on going up
from camp the next momaing to pack in the
deer they found nearly a half of one of the
deer eaten up and the remaining half and
the while of the other hadbeen cached. Snow
being on the ground they tracked the grizzly to
his lair. The boys, on finding him, opened
volley of shots from their rifles upon him,'
Ilene of which prove.l fatal: The bear made
tracks at a lively rate for a distance of three
miles, his pursuers following , closely in i his
wake. - When they first sawliim helatas not
over ten or fifteen yards distant higher up
the mountain, etting in a pool of\!water.
Charlie immediately fired at but
the shot took effect too low and';'ineceeded
only in breaking his jaw, which 6 .under the
circumstances that followed proved very for
tunate and probably saved the hunter's life.
As quick as he had fired, Charlie slipped
another cartridge into . his rifle and at the
same time the bear gave a terrible roai and
bennded towards him. Three leaps brought
him nearly within reach of the end of the
rifle, which Clurlie bad again aimed, but
the cartridge:wigged fire and the next 'sec
ond the bear intuited on him and knocked
him some eight or ten feet down the hill.
While these:movements were being,ilreze
=tea, the whole of which occupied but a
fraction of a minute, Harry was
. a short dia..
Lance away, and as Mr. Bruin jumped on:
Charlie, after knocking him down, Harry
drew his rifle and with a well-directed aim
sent a bullet whizzing into the brain of the
enraged . brrite, which immediately rolled
over down the hill, kicking his last earthly
kicks, while Charlie picked himself up and
indulged in onwof the longest and sweetest'
breaths on record.—Central City hegira r.
"I want. a relignny my friends," said
Brother Gardiner, "dat kin stun', tempta
shun. I want one dat kin meet Satan at the
doah of a circus an' knock him colder than a
wedge. I want one dist will let me play
euchre an' yet keep me from cheatin'.
want one dat will go wid me to. the theatre
an' enjoy what aip good an' amdemn what
am bad. I Want a religun wident any dye.
pepsin or fiber complaint in it. If it am •de
sort of a rag= dat a dance am gwinp to
peel off, I want to know it in time to look
fur a kind dat will stick by'mo frow thick
an' thin. A 'mason who am afeared dat de
mint lie begins to smile his religrin will' be
gin to crack like new varnish must be in an
uncomfortable state o' mind._ Let be
tempted.'. If my religun am strong nub to
resist I shall have de glory of victory. If it
am not, let me az fur forgiveness an' tight.
en up de bolts and try rigain. Be good.
Itespect de church. Reverence true Chris
tianity an' try an' faller de teachin's of de
good book, but be keerful bow you clothe
yerselves in armor dat will be shivered by de
sounds of a fiddle an' fall to the ground at de
sight of a circus proceshrin."—Detroit Frai
Press: •
At a recent fashionable wedding, after the
departure of the happy
,pair,'a; dear little
girl, whose papa and =us l were among
the Poets, asked, with a child's innocent in
quisitireness : " Why do they throw thing
at the pretty lady in the carriage?" "For
luck,' dear," replied one Of the bridesmaid.
" And why," again naked the child, " doesn't
she throw them back ?" " Oh," said the
young lady, "that would be rude." "No,
it wouldn't" persisted the dear little •thing,
to the delight of her doting parents who
stood by : "ma does."
"Do you pretend to have as good a judg
ment as I have ?" said an es4ged wife to
her husband. " Well, no," he replied de.
liberatitely ; " our choice of partners for life
shows that my judgment is not to be coma
pared with yours." In matters' of (mutt*.
versy, however, the woman usually has the
best of it. A witty old author' advises men
to avoid arguments with ladies, because in
itpluninglarns-anion-salkw and 'Minn a
man is sure to be wonted and twisted ; 'mud
when a man is worsted and twisted, he nay
consider himself wound up. :rho above re-
tort might be matchc by a dozen others.!.
culled from domestic controversy, in which
the woman has' come off triumphant. "Its.
ally,-my dear," said , a friend of ours to his
better-half, "you have sadly 'disappointed
me. I once considered: you a jew,el of a
woman but you've turned oat only bit of
matrimonial paste." " Then, my love,"
was the reply, " console:, youself with the
idea that paste is_very adhesive and in this
c...aee will stick to you as Long yen live."
' "See here," said a fault-finding husband;
"hive must hatfe things arranged in this
house so that we shall know where everthing
is kept." " With all my heart," sweetly an
swered his wife, " and let -us begin with
your late hours, my love. I should dearly
love to know where they are kept." He let
things run on as usual.. It is' not often,
hOwever, that ,ono comes across such a crush
ing retort as that which a Sheffield husband
received from h i ss wife the other day, through
the medium of the public press. Ho Over.
tised in one of the. local journals that he,
Thomas would no longer be answer
able for the debts incurred by his wife, who
seems to,have been a truly amiable creature,
if one may judge from the advertisement
which she- published next day in reply :
"This is to notify that I, Elizabeth A—,
am able to pay all my own debts now that I
have got shut of Tominy." ,
Some!4usbands would be obliged' to con
fess, !itlibey• told the plain, unvarnished
truth, that ,when they led their wives to the
altar 'their leadership came to an 'end.
" Your future hisband seems very exacting :
he • has besa, sipulating for all sorts - of
things," said a mother '.o her daughter, who
was on the point of heilig married. "Never
mind, mamma," Said 'the affectionate girl,
who was already dressed for the wedding,
these are his last wishes." This is a com
plete reversal of tho laid down by the
old couplet :
Wives are our heartfTwe should be head slimy,
Kan, loveithy wife; thy husband, wife, obey.
In many , instances, _the 'State of the case is
rather something like -to following : "If
!I'm not home from the : party to-night by
10 o'clock," says the hus'band. to his. better
and bigger half, " •:'t Wait for me.''
"That I won't," replies the lady, signifi
cantly ; "I won't weir, but 11l come :for
you." Ho is home at 10 o'clock precisely—
Chamber's Journal.
Let ns now look at another and very nu -
merous class - of, patients—namely, those la
boring under fixed or transitory delusions.
Some patients, although quite able to do
easy housework—able, iu fact, to perform
the duties of everyday life, and to occupy
themselves:or engage in games with appar
int sanity and pnopriety—are; when ques
tioned, foam:lto labor under the most ex
traordinary fancies and ideas, which to any
one not accustomed to the insane - 1 appeal
preposterous and incredible. There is no
end to the absurdity and variety of these
perv: s erted imaginations. A man will con
verse with you quite intelligently on the
leading article of to-day's newspaper, on the
last budget, or railway stock, and then sud
denly inform you that his head is -made of
brass, and that he has no inside—that it has
been all .burni,ont ;f . and no amount of rea-.
soning will convince this man to the con
trary. Indeed,l there is no more hopeless
'task than to attempt to convince an insane
person of the falsity , of his delusions. He
believes as firmly i in the tenth of them as we
do that we live . ; his ideas are the concomi
tants of strange and altered feelings, which
have a real existence; and until these fan
cies pass 'away, - they are not to be removed
by demonstration or argument. Some pa
4ients, though good circumstances. will
'imaginetliat they are financially ruined;
others oil the most , blameless lives, that
they lmv,e l committed sins for which there
ks no pardon, and that they are eternally
'Delusions are not,lhowever, always of a
gltuy nature; on the contrary, in one of
the commonest and mbrst fatal forms of in
atnity, exalted dehrtions aro the leading
feature: There are rtatients exhibiting in
countenance and manner a feeling of well
being, ,a conviction that they were never
better -in health, and never stronger, al
though able to place food in their
months on account of increasing iaralysis.
Their extravagant notions know no bounds.,
One will tell Its that be is a king, a marquis,
or a duke, nay, even - at times the Almighty.
At one time he is possessed of millions of
money and property;' at another, be is go.
ing to pull down all London, and re
build it to-morrow He invents Wo)iderful
machines, which Will- make his 'fortune;
discovers peipetual motion, or how to
the' circle; and imagines that he has been
Senior Wrangler at Cambridge half a-dozen
'times running. - the atiYlum in which he
lives, the imagines to be a regal abode ; and
the other patients, courtiers and nobles ;
and, "last scene of all," when Strength is
failing, and he can scarcely stand or raise
Via hand to hie head, he tells us that he can
write his name an the ceiling with ft five.
hundred-pound-weight hanging to hie little
finger.—Mcniber t ‘ JOurnaL
Es•Gongressman Bill Slemmons.tells of
pair of feet that must have been objects of
great regard in their day. One day a party
of men, including JaCkson, the man of big
feet, were preparing to attend a political bar.
beetle. It was soon - diScovered that their
was no way of conveying Jackson, as all the
vehicles were full.
"Let me ride that mule over there 1" asked
"There isn't a matiin the world that can
ride that animal. He'll work to a buggy or
plow, butUo man can stay on his back"
~ rn try him, any way," aid the deter
mined macs instructed severalnegroes to
catch the nude and hold him. The animal
plunged'and kicked, l but finally Jackion se•
cured a seat in the saddle. Every One ex.
petted to see him dashed against the ground,
but the mule looked aroand, 04 the man's
feet, and walked peacefully. zatiey. go
thought he was between a pair of shafts.—
Arkansato Traveler.
My lady% mouth is like a me;
Is like the.little budding rasa
Before its 6rimsort leaves unclose:
And sweet - her rippling laughter flows.
Her hair Is like the light that strays ;
Is like the amber light that strays
Through russet corn on summer days,
When o'er the gold a zephyr playa
Her akin Is like thedrlfted snow's;
Is like the distant hills of snow
That take the
vesper glow
Ere evening shadows come and go.
But, a, her heart la like a stone;
Her little heart Is cold as stone, ,
It gives no answer td mine own;
;And so I sing and sigh alone, •
Alas ! her heart Is like a stone.
litUltima of Blvd* Slaughtered to Ornament
the Usti of Faaldoirable Women',
'A reporter for the Mail and Express as.
certained lateiy that fully a half a million
iir4are imported in this min* in nsingte
Month for tee purpose of Intim thetitten th •
era toskicorate the Data which on -the' heads
otwomen seem to,;the unsophisticated eye
the Chief charm' of the (=tame. There are
, about, half a dozen firms in this city whose
average import of birds is a million,,a year.
A well-known importer of feathers Said this
morning that the great popularity Of birds'
breasts for dicorating ladies' hats and, bon-.
nets has made the feather business' one of
the most profitable in the country.: "We
can purchase," said he, " the feathers of the
mat beautiful birds in Soitthern Europe for
prices which to you would seem ridiculous.
The only , expense we have are the custom
Wage duties, whieh are very small:, The
, ainofints we receive for a feather range from
tw;lents to fifty dollars, and for breasts and
,wing's the same.. They come, to us in cases
and are packed in salt. •
" Yes, there is a fashion in leathers as
well as a fashion of feathers. A few -years
ago the long ostrich plumes were :Ea a pre
mium and sold for almost fabulous prices ;
now they are•comparatively cheap, although
an exceptionally fine_ 'feather will always
bring its value. Fashion now prescribes a
multitude of smalyeathers, giving the effect
in trimming of thn entire plumage. It
thus that we utilize the The South
American humming-bird, than which there
is nothing more beautiful on earth, is the
favorite. Oise tiny bird will bring us from
$5 to $lO. 'Besides these there are the tou
cans, the ariicaris, thrashes, ravens, wrens,-
larks, alectors, curassows and _bluebirds.
They all are killed for the same purpose—
that of adorning women. In South z .and ;
Central America the birds are usually shot
by the natives and are purchased by our
agents. In this case we.-are cOMpelled to
prepare them for the market ouragves.
"The manner in which we make them.
marketable is very peculiar—too peculiar
fact for you to publish, because it is the se.
scret of our trade. We are moio careful in
dressing the American birds than they are
in Europe, and in consequence there is some
difference in price. A South American
humming-bird' dressed in Jersey City 'is
more valuable than a pheasant from Algiers.
In this city we employ women to do all the
work attending the dressing for market., It
is sometimes with considerable difficulty that
we can emt a sufficient number of girls to, rin
the work, ler it is rot of - the pleasantest, and
the smell from the birds is not 'particularly
sweet.— It requires also ri - velry delicate sense
of feeling to flay them. The flesh and skin
are so close, together in a male bird that
sometimes the most expert taxidermist de.
stroys a really valuable specimen by not pay
ing the proper attention to ' the strength (of
the skin's resistance. -
"Then ; there is also the cleaning of the
feathers.%* we get the birds they are yeti
often clotted with blood that•has dried ; upon
theii plutoage after they have been killed.
It requires the greatest care to remove these
blood-stains without damaging the coler of
the feather. I suppose you understand that
the plumage of the most brilliantly-colored
bird fades very easily and' quickly after its
death. It is because of this that the fashion
of dark shades has received so• much en
couragement from us."—New York Nat
and Express. • .
AN Occurrence In Guateinals Folly Report
ed by an Energetic Journalist In Oregon.
A Btandard reporter yesterday heard the
following story from the lips of , a well-known
'Adieu " While in GEtteraala recently 1
wai traveling from Esquinthi to the capithl
city over one of the most rugged and villain
ous roads to be found prebably the
• wide
world over. On neariog4he summit of a
high range of hills, where a turn the road
revealed an immenitniiiine or chasm some
five hundred . feet deep, I overtook a Mexi-,
can riding a mule, with a string of five more
attached to the leader.' The custom of lead
ing mules in that Country is as follows :
Their tails are tied in knots, with a bunch ofni
grass or cor talk leaves fastened to each -as
a bait. A strip of cowhide is firmly tied
from the tail of the leading mule around the
neck of the one following, and so on to the
last. The rider. mounts the leader and - ur
ges him on by a vigorous application of
whip and spur, the baited tails enticing the
cast to follow.
"The leading mule stumbling over a
boulder, the rider commenced to yell, whip
and spur. This unlcioked - for indignity
made the mule lash out, reaching the head
of No. 2 with a terrific whack. He, aroused
•and insulted, did likewise, • with: like result
to No. 3, who 'followed suit on to' No. 4.
Ditto. from 4 to 5 and 6 to 6, who, being
last, had to kick at vacancy. Here there
were six mules all kicking behind,• as mules
never kicked before. The Mexican swore,.
spurred and whipped to his utmost. 'lt was
soon evident they were . backing . down the
hill with the sheer force of kicking. It was
the most ludicrous sight I ever saw. I ex
pected every moment something would give
way, but rider, mules, tails and cowhide
held together.
"At last the edge of the precipice was
reached by the bind mule, who tumbled
Over, dragging the next after i him—still
kicking. He pulled the one preceding over,
still kicking, and so on until ,the Ark was
reached—all still kicking. Look4g down
the ravine, I could dimly discern ' the mass
of mubmity all in a heap, still kicking, and,
for aught:l know, are still kicking there to
this day, as a'Guateicuda mule never tires Of
kieking."—Portland /Standard.
Ma. McWnurrza Hu. Gosm—Thom
as MoWhirter of San Aatonia was at work
in his yard.. He toot off his coat and laid it
across the fence, without considering the
proximity of his robust and resolute goat.
PreseiAly ho turned around and beheld the
coat in the Mud and the goat on the roof of
the chicken eccop, joyously_ munching what
loOked precisely like the red morocco pocket
! book in which sr. MeWhirtei had placed
$2,000 in Government bond& The thought
cf a' $4 goit eating a $2,000 breakfast al
most drove him crazy.- The goat saw .blood
in his eye and ran, with - ilcVithirter in pur
mit. At last the animal was caught, killed,
tod . dissected, but almost the only thing ,not
found in the capacious stomach was the
bonds, for the very good reason that they
were safe at home in the pocket -of another
',oat.--fialreaton NW&
$1.50 a Tar t is Advaaea.
- .
fatereatiaa Faeta Called Irma Hater - aid
—'Thery is saicl<io b' in increasing do
rnaral for land iu Florida.
1--The Michigan Blau Prison is making
216 daelion wagons per week: • "
...41,seientille journal predict, that` m il k
will shortly take the place of
,I?eer as a bev.
and washboa r d. a must be painted
red Or blue to have any sale among the col
ored people of Georgia. -
—*Columbus (GM) boy who climbed up
a'cage in a &ens to get-a better view of
themonkeys had two fingers bitten off by
one of the vicious little Darwinians. -
—The fish in the striamelof Montana and
Idaho in the vicinity of the railroad, are be.
ing destroyed by the wholesale, both whites
and Chinese 4Fring giant powder to effect
their destruction . .
—A resident of Kirkmanvills, By:, is a
cousin to his own children, haring marled
Lis aunt. He is uncle also to his_ brothers
and eaters and cousins, and . brother-in-law
to his father and mother.
—There are aboas 150 firms in eincinnat
engaged in the mannfactnre -of vehicles.
There are. thtee firms that maim a speciality
of children's carriages. One inn sonnufac.
nree not
2 ,
but wheelbarro ws
--The p ° vision made by FL L. Landes, of
Mount el, UL, for his wife and children
took the form of punting -100,600 . walnuts,
which, with proper care, should *duce
trees fifteen inches in diameter in twenty
years and-yield an independent fortune. -
—Within two months of the opening of
the St: GOtluird Railroad the-export of Get
man coal, which was nothing, has risen io
forty thousand tons, and many other ex
ports have risen similarly. Italy, on the
other hand, is finding a market for all sorts
of garden produce and wine: - - *
r-America is responaibla for haying intro.
duced the Tice
. of "chewing : gam into Eng
land., One American port shipii AO,OOO
pieces. of spruce gum each week, thus, sup.
plying 10,000 moderate cliesiers with a day's
allowance. Ten thousand women chewing
and only one portheard •
—The person who, under all drown.
stances, can answer an important question
promptly is fortunate indeed. At a - recent
are in Ottowa some one sent a telegram 'to
the owner, who was in,Boston, saying
Premises all on Ore ; shalt we do
The - answer came - promptly, "Pit •it *lt."
--A curious problem hai suggested 'itself
in Winnepeg. Vide 14e about 600 ;owe in
and around the city, and thOse produce 1,200
galrons of milk per day. Yet 4,000 gallons
ofiznilk are sold. The question ,is, how do
the milkmen perform the miracle -of selling
4,000 gallons of milk out of the :1,200 they
get from the 'bows ' The easier is said to
be, "chalk, lune, salt end *A River Ira- .
—A Cincinnati man is now siting for AL
vorce from his wife to whom he has_ been
monied only four days. He took her unto
himself after a very short - Courtship begun
with an answer to an advertisement - in one
of the local papent His desire for. single"
blessedness is tlifirpfrira ' , lnt to stssago es the
fact that he has twice before been legally
separated from "omen upon whom ha has
conferred his name.
—The efforts of the temperance advocates -
are telling upon the consumption . of
in England, and the falling off le - 60 mani
fest that the value of licensed stands. is
diminishing. Formerly they brought great
price and the holders grew rich tiipidly.
Now the tide is turned so sensibly against
theliquordealerathat they arebandingtogeth
erformutual protectionand the promotion of -
their common interests, and are appealing
to the public not to ruin their business.
—All the members of the family were
gatheied in the sitting room, - where they
had spent a pleasant evening, when the new
hired girl opened the door, pat her head in ,
and said :—" I've done - all ye tolled me to ;
hung up the dog, rocked the bird to sleep
in the cradle and tied up baby in the
back yard. What'll I fly to next 2" , It was'
the family that did the flying 'for the next
few minutes. Then they discovered' that
the hew_ girl had not transposed &tide, but
metaphors, a way she had of - mixing lan
guage after a fashion of, her own.—Detroit
Free Press.
—The late term of court at Fort Collins,
Wyoming, developed a remarkable case of
love, jealousy and attemptect_murcler--one
that would afford a novelist abundant mate
rial for an interesting b0ak...;,! A young lei •
low named Earle loved a young lady. He
bad tero rivals. 'One of them induced him
to believe that rival NO. 2 intended to kill
him.. Ho thereupon shot at No. 2. It- now
turns Out that' No. 1 was scheming tce,,get
one rival killed and the other hung for Mur
der, so he would get the girl" Bat Earle
made a poor shot.and tho plot did not sac.
coed. The fair one clings to Earle and visits
him in his prison cell.
—Who ever saw a negro s minstrel or
traveling doctor or a boss canvasman whose
head was not crowned by the conventional
"plug ?" Clergyman, ptetessonr and men
noted for their professional deeds usually
wear the same style of hats, but - thin rule is
not infallible. A Quaker
,or a Drinkard
carries witlehim always the insignia ~ of his
religiona creed in the shape of a broadtiiim,
and the Western cowboy, although of 'a
somewhat different nature, is also noted fat
the ample protection he furnishes his head
and shoulderi. Within the
-pale of civilize.
tion, however, eicepting the classes named,
people do not as a rule cling to any pardon.
ku style of hat.
However great may be the heats by day,
which in midsummer often rise to a lain ,
dyed and five in die shade, ther•-nightii ) ers
always' cool and refreshing. , Neither'is sun•
stroke known. Nor are the viola-itthunder
storms with which nature with us `e - ndeavors
to restore the equilibrium after having
boasted its utmost efforts in the way of op
pressive warmth. The great drawback hire.
—as there must be some drawback from
perfection everywhere—hi occasional hem";
winds, the "northers." The northere some:
times gather up the dust from the dry wer
faces over which they pass,• and produce
Painful duststorms of •two or three days'
In autumn and winter the temperature is
ehilly enough to make fires a necessitYmorn
ing and evening, and even all day long in
apartments shut off from the influence of
Ale pa I was astonished to find' the air'so
kaen at these , times, and the thin n o rm of
Lie forming upon water in the -mornings so
formidable even as far down as San Diego
and its vicinity. The cold has &penetrating .
quality far beyotul di& of its register by the
thermometer; This is usually overlooked,
and it is important to , be' Ill3d0131br; sines
fuel is very scarce and correspondingly deer.,
ragbts made from prunings of the cotton
woods, sycamores, an/ mesquit-trees along
the beds of the' streams are the principal re
source. Such coal as can be, obtained Is
both costly and of wretched q .—Wit. uift,
itanulfenry Blshop, (ti itarper'sliVolsid.
NO. 2 7