Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, November 23, 1882, Image 1

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vol." Vitt:
Bradlord Republican
Is t':d►iixl►ed Every Thursday,
$1.30 Per Anuava, in Advance.
Advertising dates- :t: cents a line for first
imitation. an i five cents per line for ell sub..e
queSt insertlatts. Reading notice &dyer:Wits
tcu cents per line. tight lines constitute a
square. sn.l twelve lines au inch. Anditor's
settees 12.50. Administrator's and Eieeptor's
notices 12.0. Yearly 'advertising g1f.0.00 per
Tim liclint4.lCAN is published in the 7lacy.
Moore and ilobles Block, it the corner of 3lain
and Pine, streets, over J. 'IP. Corner's Boot and
shoe store. its circulation is over 2000. As an
advertising medium it is -unescalled in its im•
Businets Direci 'cry.
a'NLEVEI.X.ND k McGOV . J. Cleveland
%.0 Wm. McGovern); Canton, Bradford County
pa, AU business entrusted to their care in
Western Bridford will receive prompt attention.
vJIITII S HILLIS, Attorneys-11-Law; Oftlo
1,,j over Powell & Co.
CJALIFF..J. N.,• Mee in Wood's Block, south
First National Bank. up stairs. joins 12,8
lABREE k SON (N C L'lsforee and L Eisbree.)
Otnce inAercnr Block. Park St. znayl4.7B
PECK. t OVERTON' (13exj M Prek and I) e Oivr
torn. Otlice over Bill's. Market 49-'79
MAXWEiJ: W•`- Office over Dayton's Store
VT ILT, J. .1)11EW. Waco In Mean's Block.
apr 14,76
WII I.•arrp - ihaa. L M Hai.) Office in rear'
. f Ward ILntrancp on Poplar St. (1012.75
DoiriESCC ...ONEY A. Solicitor of Patents.
AN+ Parthruiar att&ntion
.paid to business in
3rptuite Court and to the settlement of estates.
e3flice Ikl,ktitanyies Block • • .49-79
ft R c PliEttSpN & YOUNG. ( I. Meflterable and
LYL W . L Young.) Office month side of Ifercur's
Block., feb
Wiatasur, E J Angle and E B Buffington) .
.office west side of Main street, two doors north
.of Argus office. All business entrusted to their
,eare.will receive prompt attention. oct 26,71'
nays and Office in the
Mercur Dica, over C. T. Kirby'. Drug Store,.
July 9, 'BO tf.,i
TrEENEY, J. P. Attorney-at -LAW. Office in
. 1 •-• , ,Ilontatiye's Block, kikin Street.
Sept. 15, 'Bl-tf.
rrIIiOIdPSON, W. H. and E. A.. -Attorneys-it
4. Law, Towanda. Pa. Office. in Stercur Block.
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main
street. first stairway north of Post-office. AU
business promptly attended to. Special atten
tion given to claims against the United States
or POWOOLA, Bounties, Patents, etc ..and to
ollections and settlement of decedent's eslates;
April 21. ly
Solicitor of Patents. Government claims et.
tended to. - - 116febit2
JOHNSON. T. 8.. 1.D. 1 Office over Dr. H. 0
Porters's Drug Store. feb 12.75
NEwTO N. D .L.N.lz F. G. Office at Dwelling_
on River Street, corner Weston St. feb 12.'11\
LADD, C. s.. 4.D. Office .
lit door above old
bank building, on Main street. Special at
tention given to diseases of the throat said
INTOODBUItS. B. M., 3.1. D: Office and resi
dence, Alain street, north ot M.E.Church,
• • • -
Medical 'Examiner for Pension Dr•-irtment.
I,b 22.i8
DAYNE. E. D.. SI.D. Office over It-futanye's
Store. Office hours [rem 10 to 14 A.M. and
from 2 to 4 P. X Special attention given to
Diseases of the Eye. and Diseases ooct f the Dir.
1 20.77
' .
ilioncsorartnC. PlAssictur i Scaosoa.
Rt4ddenee and office just north ,of Dr. Corbon's
Vain street, Athena. Ps.
HENRY HOUSE. Main st.. next,corner south
of Bridge street. VNew house and new
furniture throughout: The proprietor has
spared neither psins or axpense in making his
hotel first-class and reipectfUlly solicits a share
M public patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
reasonable. Largo Stable attached.
mar 8 77 - Wht. HENRY.
'WATKINS POST, 68, G. A. R. Meets
every Saturday evening. at Military Hall.
GEO. V. MYER, Commander.
I. It. Errrurnar., Adjutant. • feb 7,79
nRYSTAL LODGE. NO. 57. Meets at S. of P.
NJ Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In
surance $2.000. Sensate $3.00 per week. Aver
age annual cost, 6 years experience, $ll.
JESSE MYERS, 'Reporter.
E. PlEncs, Dictator. ' fob 22:78
BRADFORD LODGE. 1i0.167,1. 0. 0. F. Meet
In Odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday - evening
at 7 o'clock. WAnszx HILL, Noble Grand.
June 12,76= - '
P -
F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders
J• will receive prompt attention. June 12,75
April 3; Itol2. For catalogue or other Difor
teatton. address or call on the rrhcieJF*l;
Towanda, Pa.
July 19,78
WILLI/018, EDWARD. Practical Plumber
and Gas Fitter. Place of • business in Ifer
cur Block nes, door to Journal office opposite'
Public Square. • Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair.
mg Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
romptly attended to. AU wanting work in his
ne should give him a call: ; July 27,77
14_17888 11 4 0. 8, General Inimmice Agency,
Towanda, 11. 081oe,In Whitoomb's Book
%tore. • July 12.7111
And had. One of HO
, 4 , f=rt notice end reaselatble cites
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,111,Scellaneous Advertisements.,
Fd. - Mooillesiux,
WiriVinerly with Handelman.)
With Swartz & Gorden's Store;
Wham he keeps FULL Assowrarrarr OF
Gold & Silver Watches
kar His Stock is all NEW and of the FINEST
QUALITY. Call lend see for yourself.
We keep on band constantly for builders.
• •
Fellows, Spokes, Hubbs, Thills, Poles '1; r:
- Carriage Trimmings. - ;
Also a full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, and
a full line of
Carriages, Platform and. Lumber Wagons,
Made by us with skilled workmen, and wairanted
in every particular.
Hardware Dealers.
Troy. Aciril 27-1 y 1
Alfred 'J. Purvis,
No. 131 Geneiespe street;
'AU work in his; line done well and promptly at
lowest price.
Parties having volumes incomplete will be fur
nished with any missing numbers at cost price.
All orders given. to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for
Bradford County, will be promptly executed ac
cording to directions. sep9-tf
Now occupies the Corne'r' Store opposite Dr. U.
Portor's Drug Store, Main Meet,
with a large stock of
Mr. Ross has ANOTHER STORE - ON Ramos Smarr
J. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores are
connected by Telephone. Mr. Boss can now feel
satistled.that he can give the
His experience enables him to select the best
goods. which he is bound to soli at a LOW PRICE.
You can always get a bargain if you 9 ,
I .
' All goods delivered in the Dori:ouch FREE.
FAIMERI3 will do well to call with their Produce
and get the C ASE. '203Pr52•17•
Next door to Dr. 11 C. Porter's Drug Sore
Main Street, Towanda, Pa.,
AND -10
• UTICA, N. Yi
Is still i to be found at the OLD STAND
wrrals FULL LINE ova
-- 1 A
.., { l'
J_ E W E,it. WY'',
• • i
Cld. Wateheiand pnridry promptly repaired
by an experienced knd.eompetent workman.
i t '
. 1 11
, NDELMAN. - •
14 , DEALER IN ..
i I 1.
' S'
I , .
ot ivory TorfetrAnd Sioctielso. S Portioul
/Motion paid to ropaitilia. . Shop la T Docker 1
Froasbt'a Grocery Stol.. Ididn Wrest* Town e spit
`New Advertisements.
s -
That is what a great
many 'people 1 , are. doing.
They don't kribw just what
is the matter, but they have
a combination of pains and
aches, and eaci month they
grow worse.
The only mire remedy
yet found is BRriN'S IRON
BITTERS, and this by rapid
and thorough assimilation
with the blood purifies and
enriches it, and rich, strong
blood flowing to every part
•of the system repairs the
wasted tissues, drives out
disease and gives health and
This, is why 13kowx's
IRON. BITTERS will cure
kidney and liver diseases,
consumption, rheumatism,
neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala
ria, intermittent fevers, &c.
so 3 S. Paca St., Baltimore-
Nov. z 8.188:.
I was a great sufferer frbut
Dyspepsia; and for several • ,
weeks could eat nothing and
was growing weaker eVery
day. I tried' Brown's Iron
Bitterl, and aril happy to say
I now have a good appetite, getting stronger!
is not a drink a4kl does not
contain whiskey. ), It .
~is the
only preparation!; of Iron
that causes no injurious ef
fects. ' Get the genuine.
Don't be imposecrion with
I ~~
In the Whole History of
No preparation his ever performed such
marvellous cures, or maintained so
wide a- reputation, as AYER'S CHERRY
PEcrow, which is recognized as the
world's, remedy for all diseases of the
throat- and lungs. Its long-continued
series of wonderfhl cures in all cli
mates has made it universally known
as a safe and reliable agent to employ.
Against ordinary colds, which are the
forerunners of more serious disorders,
it acts speedily' and, surely, always re
lieving suffering, and often saving life.
The protection it affords, by4ts timely
use in throat and chest 'disorders,
makes it an invaluable remedy to. be
kept always on hand in every home.
No person can afford to be without it, •
and those who have once used It never'
will. From their knowledge of it 4
composition and operation, Physicians
use the CIIETZRY l'Ecronsf.'extensively
in their practice, and clergymen recom
mend it. It is absolutely certain in
its healing effects, and will always,.
cure where cures are pOssibiel
For sale by all druggists. ;
Remember This.
If you aro sick Hop Bitters will surely
aid Nature in making you well- when all
else fails. • •
If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are
suffering froni any other of the numerous
diseases of the stomach or bowls," it is your
own fault if • you remain ill, for .Hop Bit
ters-are a sovereign remedy in all such
If you are waisting away with an form
of Kidney digpv_uA, stop tempting Death this
moment,,and turn for a cure to Hop Bit
ters. •
If you are sick with that terrible sickness
Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in
Gilead"; in the use of Sop Bitters.
I If you are a frequenter, or a resident of
a miasmatic district, ba rricade your sys •
, tem against the scourge of all countries—
' malarial, epidemic, billions, and intermit
tent fevers—by the use of Hop Bitters.
If you have rough, pimply; or sallovi
skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel
miserable generally, Hop Bitters will give
you fair skin, rich blood, and - sweetest
breath, health, and comfort.;
In short they cure all Diseases. of the
stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver,Nerves,
Kidneys, Bright's Disease. $5O will be
paid for a case they_.will not cure or help.
- nit poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister
mother, daughter, tan be made the picture
of health, by a few bottles of Hop Bitters,
costing but a trifle. Will you let them suf
Vatious Causes—
Advancing years, care,.sickness. disap
pointment, -and hereditaiy predisposi-
lion—all operate to tun' the hair gray,
and either of theta. inclines it to shed
prematnrely. AYER'S Hun VIGOR Will
restore faded or gray, light or rift hair
to a rich brown or deep black, as may
befdesired. It softens and cleanses the
scalp, giving it a healthy action. It
removes and cures dandruff and humors.
By its use - falling hair is checked, and growth will be produced in all
cases where the follicles are not de-,
stroyed or the glands decayed. Its,
effects-are beautifUlly shown on brashly,
weak, or - sickly' hair, on which a few
applications will produce the gloss and
freshness of youth.- Harmless and sure
in its results, it is Incomparable as
a, dressing, and is especially valued
for the soft lustre and richness of tone
it imparts.
AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Is colorless;
contains neither oil nor dye; and will
not soil or color white cambric; yet
it lasts long on the hair, and keeps
it fresh and vigorous; - Iniparting, uu
agreeable' perflime. ' - •
. For sale by all .ruggists.
Far GEN. DODGE'S bran' mew book. entitled
Thirty-Three •
Years Among
4 true record od the Auttuere TiiHrtrAnterrati Fenian'
Erpn,iesce aawali oar Itidirms. WM ea at& lettrodetetiota
- .
By 'Gen. Sherman:
Thlai sew wrote was at ewe subserilatifor by Pmegket
Avec* as adios °Wad., and hy Gem. Sherynam, Gem.
Orizee. Gem. Shcridea, Gess. - Mamma, and thossonds of Ztn.
hunt Yea. Gas. Gassy says:—",h it the test boa' on
bsditwl DA ever written. - Ills no,r Wits r (idetbodish ,
says_plt is a book elk:tame echo." , It is the may 4en
tie sweowit of oar Palliasse ever published. fully tellta
les their "inner life,' woe* doings, exploits. eta. lit is
' replete with thrilling CSPCTiellall be the Anther. end Of fa.
nemallasits, Trappers,. Cow-bori.' tillaers. Border hutrians,
ate., skridly portraying ilk In the Great West u it KW it.
434 thomenad impress. With Stied Severing* and F uprrh
*. ChlVam-Lithograph notes islg. calm ham photographs
nada by the U. & Government espreasty/or this greet work.
AIiSIT•I This greed book Is now orit-selliag sit
others 10 to I. No evenefiticel. Agents aver*Vllo to le
ordimi a der. We wane 1000 more wits at ewes. Es
choirs Territory awl Sp%;iat . Tama gars. Oar large drew
leen With toll tairtleulus wet free. • Ism Ilpethains Plate
seat Oa ochtslise toe a 3 cent stamp. addresethe sole paha.
A. D. WODUI/NOTON A CO, Ilassiosa, c0m...•
•v oats or Te.
We were a happy household doer,
On the pleasant Pentland bUls; -
land still when I think upon those dale
Sty heart to the memory thrills,
0 tor the twain the motmtaln beck!
The bees in the heather bells ! -
wind the cushat'sCall in the summer woods,
Andthe silent, lithely fella !
I was earliest up, and.latest out,
And always in some disgrace ;
"Twas a jacket torn. an =learnt task,
Bare feet, or a dirty tone.
Off to the woods at dawn of day. '
-And lost on the hills at night,
The little black ilieep of the household fold,
- And always Insome sad plight.
I had stripes to take on ever; hand;
• I had lessons In every boot.
But nothing troubled me halt so much
As my mother's sorrowful lona: ,
And o ft when the house was dart an d Wilk
. Angry add wakeful in bed.
I have test her kiss on to hot, dry lips,
-And her band upon my bead.
And heard her say: 14 Tor .Fact &waiter
Then What could I rikiburaiM"
Fling little brown arms about ber wet,
And whisper: " Intl"! ! I'll try I
try to learn. 'L'U try te be good.
Oh, mother. for your dear sake!"
And when I bird. I was sure to hear
In the night: "Is Jack awake?"
Ileum end gold to-day are mine;
Yet many my memory keep.
And wonder and doubt how I have won,
• I, such a little black sheep
could not stray from my mothers arms.
Was true for her love's sweet sake,
And if I %Herd or faH'd, I knew
4tie ask—" Is Sack.awskeln
Now I hare boys et ror own to guide,
And onelis idle and wild;
Do you tqnk I forget t'ae Pentland hills
The days when I was a child? -
Ah no 1 Ab No Imy little black sheep
More close .0 my hfurt I take; -
And when he strays, in the night
I whisper, "Is Jack awake ?"!
And very soon his little hot band
Seeks mine with penitent sigh,
Be ?QM I want to be gOO4.
To-morrow, I'll try: vD try I"
There is ins certain town in Connecticut
a small Bud pretty house which remains per.
pettedly closed, , and ' which is never, ever
fidornell, with a bill bearing the words " fot
ale," or " to let"
The owner of this bongo lives in Europe,
it is said, and will never return to America.
Within the closed doors the 'rooms are all set
in order and tilled with pretty furniture
fresh and new, And in the handsome best
bed-r:som of, the house stands a Saratoga
trunk' full of hulks' clothing, addle scrota a,
chair-back bangs a beautiful bride's travel=
ing dress of. gray silk, and near it on Ilk
table, hat, gloves, and vail to match. Ax
old woman goes into the house once a week
sweep, dasta, arid "marmiges It exactly is
the same e manner. Then closes and re-fati-
tens the doora and *windows.
The townspeople have grown used to the
house and its mystery; but strangers „who
make inquiries concerning it are sure bend
some one who can tell them the story.l My
informant was the old woman who.iprept
the. house. is
"There's a fund left, I'm told, t pay far
the cleaning," she said. "Anyway It is
paid for, and real good too. , Squire Lawton
got me the 'Wedding 'House to do; it had
to be a trustworthy person--and I was that.
he knowed—to do the Wedding Mime.
" A curious name ? Well, yes, it is. But
we've wn't o' got used to it. It was because
of tIA big wedding party there was there
tholay it wu opened. It was • built by a
gentleman that was going to be 'married.
And'the party. But there! rm begin.,
ning all wrong s tan' last first ; and you
want to know jest what the story is. ; That's
norm]. I' airs . like to know facto. Ef
you know tempt you can coat - redid them
that goes on talkie' without getting the
rights of things. 'Why, there'. !some here
will up and tell you the Weddin g House is
haunted. Why,l pshaw l I'd IL
lielre come
here at twelVe '' o'clock at nig tas not. I
ha'n't never done it, but rd asli l eve, seems
to me. Dunnoss everybody would. As
for talk, why, some will tell you there's been
a murder here. That's all folly, too. But
I must tall you from the first. !Diann aver
hear tell of the Pelhams? Well, their/ Anus
s good old fMnily ; but heart disease don't
spare high nor ,Icqr, as,l know of. There
were the fade br others, that bad the prop.
erty: between diem. Three of them died
suddea• like: , one on horseback, one ill
church, ono! at Lela, Isaac Pelham, he
lived and married. He was hearty and
'handsome, and never knew a day's Musa,
and was drowned at last, or he might have
lived to be eighty. But four of his five chil
dren, &upped dead, as their uncles bad, and
only *Jo Pattie took after him. She grow
up tali' andslim; and pretty; and lots of
Young men fell in love with her. h
"It was twenty years ago, and just before
the war broke out, that she engaged herself
to young Captain Deane, from West Point.
'lt was a love affair, if ever there was one.
And those' Lwo wore jest made• l for each
other. I used to kind o' get romantic my
self when I saw 'em together. More a
match, somehow, than of they'dbeen alike ;
he so dark and kind o' gloomy; the, soft'.
and smiling, and sort o' dimpled.
"But something alters happens to 'true
khurg. rye noticed that. The war broke
out, and the caPtainhe went away with the
others, and she went &bent lOoking so
I4der hopeless ,used to feel like cryiu'
when I.,saw her. And there was a
battle-,-I ' ve forgot which—aid there, in the
list of killed and wounded, was Captain
Eben -Deane's name. 'Twas an Awful
I was there when she got the news, doing
chores for Pattie's ma, and she was enough
toirighku: you.
" She Went down on her knees, and clasp.
ad her hands, and lcioked up at the sky. and
she said:
" Oh, Heavenly Father, if I ever .forget
;My lost love—if I ever give my • heart or
'my hand to any' one else, may I die that very
• " Her mother was standin' them--a splem
did'woman Mrs. Pelham was.
" She screamed out with fright:
"Hush, hush ! that is horrible! Don't
my such things."
" Motheil I mean it!' Miss Pattie says,
strange and solemn, and whine as ra never
seen her before--' I mean it. If ever
marry, if .ever I let any Una be to me whit
Eben was', may God strata me dead with my
hand in my kilter's! Here, on ray knees, I
swear to be his wife for eternity P and she
began, poor soul, to imam mind,
and any , the marriage ceremony through,
and promise all the promises there are is
that, as if she was talkin' to ghosts.
"She was sick for a great Iskille after
that, givaiiip by the doctors, and it vu a
year before she was well ; bat time Comes
and time goes, and folks get over things
faster then rum folks know. And when
Captain Deane had been dead Ave years,
Mr. Medway began to pay attention to Ml.
Pattie. •
"There was nothing he mid do ladidn't
do, and after awhile, as' was nat'al, poor
gal, she got to liking him. Vie day Ivens
over there rubhin' winders! I always rob
'em. There salt no avail jpgo . UNA' pub
at, velar over thit6gbrii iv wham
aline; iod.lirailitid it - thit: nutty altos
when lasi, Paha* Attie% Unt i l:tune in.
- 1 " Jana Goarly,!)* she, . 4 .y*Ore a plain s
Gafeerhe wesatiOand a • member. You
heard rattle Iska- Slat oath *bout' dwitys
being true to ripe Ottgetsin „Deane. Wow, I
think it is a thing bitter forgotten. I don't
think she was Wbabild accountable' then ;
sad she likes 14 jradsray, and he , a&ires
her, and I eh:n*lll44lo glad to see any only
atoll well settled. • Ilr ain't be God would
not forgive *Wax like that. She wesdel4:
ions four hours affsirinuds. nurwlat
ton think, 'Jane',
fil•Why not ask the domlaleP
• 4 "Ctsdy you and Ibeerdionly_yon and I
sliall'inms the ald. 'Pattie Mar law
aliflhoundit,ky ;
pet down lay:- *Mier and! set dont
es the window all e .sual I -looked inward.
afhw awhile mu :Iv Ms Pelham, It
seems to me thatef , de "nut wandering In
her mind, sbe sauft4'aceounteble for her
words. !-Ifebbiltu ; .hatlehould.
flat •
u 4 lbettiono," says. 0 •
but Pattie mays she Would cow* intuit'
breaking that oath.'
"'Miss Pattie oughtlo know,' I. aid.
" 'Oh, ;ape, I expected you'd be a corn•
fort to me e said Elm Pelham, and began to
"after.that ; I suppose they teased and
!worried her until she gave up; - for one day
weut into the Milliner's for a-ribbon for
my hat, and she 'ens , making the :prettiest
little bonnet, all whitibuie and orange bloa
dents ' Who's this - foi, -do yon said
she. . , •
have to tell me,' said I.
"'Miss Pattie PelhaM,' says she. dhe's
going to marry Mr. Medway.' • .
I held My breath and kinder gasped.
sadn'tsa:id, anything,-and I didn't mean to;
but it seemed awful to me. - I tried to think
- Pattie* was irandering when she took that.
oath ; bat you can't think what you please
—at - least, l nan't—and when I was helPite
'em 4et ready I noulkt laugh and . joke kb
the rest; but the w edd ing day was bright,
and the bride looked pretty, and the new,
sense was built and furnished like a picture,
and they 'were going there directly after the
wedding to stay a few days before they went
on a trip to Niagara, which Wu the place
for brides in those Aar, and. Pm told, jest
full of lotin` couples every summer, attire
on the grass kissin , each other and lookin'
at:the falls. 's .
t -
"Iliad my black ilk, s and my *kw boa.
net, and I went to Church, and I kinder Bd.
(ercated until the 'bride walked , down the
side leans' on her husband's arm.
"Then I says to myself : 'She was de
&ions, and wby should I hey set myself
agaitist her being happy once The
Captain' up in Keay,* game
"Over at the new house, where the car.
tinge drive, ldra Pellaun,had the wedding
treat ready. People were' eating cake and
drinking wine. The big trunk was packed,
and the traveling dress wad ready tb pat
' , Brim Pattie (I couldn't think of hes as
Mrs. 11;lway) came up the garden walk.
• "Mer, 'Medway -sopped -at the door.
'Welcome home, deafest,' he said, and held
ant his hand ; and his new wife . put hers
into it. Then I, standing out • amongst the
woes all in bloom along the "garden path,
saw her face change, and saw her fall for
ward; and ladies screamed, and men crowd
ed up, and I was so upset myself that , things
got sort o' dark and queer, and I had to sit
down on the grassidot, and Came to find old
Mr& Briggs holding her ammonia to my
"It was the wont I 'could hare': thought
of that had happened—the bride was dead!
" 'Hereditary heart disease,' said the doc
tor. So it was, I pew. But Mrs. Pelham,
pour dear, couldn't believe it. She' died
very soon himself. Mr Medway, rho mak
an Englishman. went home to his own
country, and before he, went he dyed money
so that the ho _ stay as it is and be
took care of. -
"It's a good many years now, but they
say he hasn't .married, and isn't likely to.
And the people here call this the Wedding
House, and _ there's them that thinks it haunt
ed. But . , pshaw it's only just the emptiest
ttOuse - that ever widr vait's lonesomeness is
tort of spookish, that's all. And the lone.
somest room lithe ono where the travelling
dress bangs over the chair, and the big new
trank—mark4d.‘ Mrs. F. Medway,
'Hotel, Niagara FaUs'—stands iu the - middle
of•the room, waiting for nothiug."—Mary ,
No one denies that the postal card is .a
peat thing, an d yet it mates moid_people
mad to get one. This is because we flatus
feelsensitife alopt having our cones
pondence open to the eye of the Postmaster
and postal clerk ? 'Yet they do not read
them. Postal employe* hate tt postal card
as cordially as any one else. If they were
banished, and had nothing to read but a
package of postal cards of a foreign book of
statistics, they would; read the statistics.
This Wild hunger for postal cards on the
part of Postmasters is , ' all 'a myth. When
the writer doesn't care who sees hie mess:
tige r that knocks the curiosity out of those
who handle those messages.. . A man . who
would read a postal card without being uno
pened to,lby `some stringent statute must be
a little deranged. When youreceiveoneyon
"Here is a message of soilittlo
portance that the writer didn't care who saw
it. I, don't care much for it myself." , _ '
he yot i look it over and lay it away and
forget it. .
Do you think that the Postmaster is going
to wear out his 'young life in devouring lit.
erature that the seitdeo doesn't feel proud of
when be receives it? Nay, nay.,
During our oflicied lespesience we have
been placed wherelre could have read pee.
tel time and again, ; and no one but the would have detected it, bus
we have controlled ourself and closed our
eyes to the writtan tg ca ge, refusing to take
edVantage of the confidence reposed in us
by our Government and those who time
trusted, us with their secrets. All over our
great land every moment of the day or night
theso little cards are being silently scattered,
breathing loving words inscribed with a
bard lead pencil and shedding information,
upon sundered hearts and they are si safe
as though they bad never been breathed.
They are safer in-snort: listehmees because
they cannot be read - bi'anybody in the
whole world. •
That is why it irritates us to hive some
une open up ''a , conversation• by saying,
Yon reruember what that; fellow wrote me
horn Cheyenne on that' postal card of the
25th, add bow he rounded me up for not
meth* biro thoeelgoods I" Now, we ean't
keep all those things in our head. It rs.
quires too mach of a strain to do - it on the
salary we receive. A man with a very Loge
Way and a tenacious inesiori - right kettp
run of the postal aviespcnienea i 22 a mall
*See, but we cannot do it. We tire net see.
ouotomed to it, and it-rattles and mita we,
O wake Psrilstr i dMbisteel HOME Was
It was anaturday night in 1859, while
Dan Emme ttt was a member of
Minstrels, tier: looted in Mechanic's Hall,
New 'York, that Dan Bryant came to
mett and : "Dan, can't yon get up 4
'walk aro d,' something new' 'and livelY,,
for neat Mo day night ?" At that date all
minstrel shows used. to wind up with a
"walk armrad," the demand for new ones
being Constant, and Emmett was the com
poser of all used by Bryant's :band2 Dan,
of course, went to work, but be bad done so
much in that that nothing which sada !
fled him l'p , ted itself at first. He at
length bit on the first two bars, and. any
imposer cait tell how, good a'start that is in
themminfacture of a - trate. By Sunday af
ternoen he hid the works commeecing "I
wish I was in Dikie."l This colloquial
as ex
was not, Most people imagine, a
I flouthern,pb.mse, but first appeared among
the eheee*Ple of -,the"-$ O 4 : . Pan s hgd
r. ' - • ... , "._, ' - •-''
&nth" aria «Sabred 'hyr - shimmen 'at
recites lying below-Mason and Dix' on's line.l
hi the early fall, when nipping frosts. would
crrertake the tented wanderers, the boys I
would think ,Of -the genial warmth of the.
section they were heading for, and the com
mon expression would be, " Well, I wish I
was in Dixie." This gave the critchline, and
the balance of the song was origirug. ,
Monday morning it was rehearsed and highly
commended, and at night a crowded - bongo
caught up 4ie refrain, and half of them
went home singing , " Dixie." The song
soon became the rage, and W. W. Newcomb,
13uckley's Minstrels and others gave Dan $5
'each for the privilege of using it. A Mr.
Wetting, CIO publisher, of New , Orleans,
wrote to llm ett secure the copyright,
but without waiting for: a reply published it
with other !lords by a Mr. Peteks.
'of New York; secured it from Emmett for
ti.ZOO, but Werling sold 'thousands' of liis
edition without giving its composer a nickel. ,
Not only was he robbed of the profits, but
the authorship was disputed ; William S.
Hays, of Louisville, claiming it as - his own.
Pond brought the matter, before a music
publishers convention in New York and set
tled the question 'of authorship,
,but Dan
reaped ne benefit frem this tardy justice.
Dan also got into, trouble about his song
during the ski. It was considered a rebel
song, and a sapient Maine editor editorially
declared Dan, a " secesh r and that he should
be treated esymcli, although "J)iiie" actu
ally 'appes. two years - before the com
mencement of the rebellion, nor, as origi
nally written, was there a line which could
be charged with any political hearing. The
crowning popularity
_of this ,well known
.ditty was secured in'the spring of 1861,
when Mrs. John Wood played an engage
ment at the New Orleans. Varieties. "-Po
cahontas" was the attraction, - and in the
last scene a zonave march was introduced.
AcreheansitCarlo Patti, Who was the leader
of the orchestra, was at a loss what air to
appropriate ; trying several, he finally hit
on " which as ho played, Tom Mc.
Donongb, the stage manager, shouted, "That
will do." Mrs. John Wood, Dolly Devon.'
port, Leffingwell, Mark Smith and John
Owen were delighted, . cam e,
touting marched on, led by Susan Denin,
all singing " I wish I was in Dixie." The
audience became wild with delight and seven
encomia were insisted upon. Soon after
ward the war brihs out, the Washington
artillery had "Dixie" arranged for a
"quickstep," the streets, - the saloons, the
parlors ring with "Dixie," and it became to
the 'South what the " is to
Prance, and' the author and composer of
"Dixie," hali, blind, aged and poor, is play
ing a fiddle in a small music room in. Chios
go to support himself, wife and -daughter. , -'
Boston Herald. . •
'", The usual crowd of Autumn liars were
petered together in the Store, occupying
all the grocery seats—the only gross receipts
that the proprietor took no pride in—when
a little, blear-eyed, weazen-facl4 individual
sneaked in by the back door slunk into a
dark corner.
"That's him," said the ungrammatical
bummer with a green patch over his left
" Who is it ?" asked several at once.
't Why; the chap who saved a
. train from
being wrecked," was the reply.
"Come, tell'ns about it," they demanded,'
as the small man crouched in the darkness,
As if unwilling that his heroic deed should be
fraught out under the glare of •the blazing
keromme lamp.
After much persuasion, he began :-
_ . .
"It wa s' jest such a night as this—bright.
and eleir—and I was going home down' the
track, when rlght. before me, across - the
,zty a great beam. There it was. Pale
and ghastly eels lifeless body, .and.light as it
appeared, I hail not the power to move it.
A sadden rumble and roar told me that the
night express ;wit thundering down, and
goon would reach the fatal spot. Nearer
and. nearer
,it aPpinached, till, just as - the
sow-catchier was about lifting me, I sprang
aside, played myself . between the obstrne..
Lion and the track, 'and the.tmin new on nni
harmed.' -
;Ths silence was so dense for a moment
that one might have heard • a dew drop.
Presently somebody said :
I - "What did you do with the beam?"
." I didn't touch it," he, replied ; " but
touched me." . : • -
" Well,"! persisted the gtiestioner, "if you
couldn't lift it, and didn't touch it, how my
thunder did the train get aver it ?"
" Why, don't you see ?" thmsad-faced
man, as he arose from his seat and sidled
toward,the door. ." The ' l obstructiOn was a
moon-beam,and I jumped so that the &W
-ow of my b ody took its place, and—"
Bang I flew a ham against the door; and
If It had struck the body of the retreating
beio, there would have been a much bigger
greasespot frescoed on the paneL—Drake's
Travekr_'s Maga rine. .
A yonag man in Detroit who studied
medicine, and was regarded ai an uncom
monly promising student, was graduated
last Spring from the Medical Department of
ithe Michigan University. During his stn
`dent life he visited the sick isseiOnously as
an observer and assistant, was engaged in
many surgical cases, and everywhere demon
strate:lbis remarkable adaptability for the
profession. On coming home from college
be one day walked into his old preceptor's
Moe and said :; I' I have traveled with you
several years and rem more woe that I even
dreamed existed in this world. Now, the
simple fact IN I shall never do it again.
The thought of spending the remainder of
my life surrounded by the wretched miseries
of the sick-room, and being forever haunted
by the piteous sights an active physician
must encounter, is too horrible to be thought
of with anything like indifference or equa
nimity. •rn not do it, and there's an end of
the whole matter." Remonstrance was use.
lees. He gave up the results of ,years of
study, and is now bard at work in a mann
facttoing establishiromt learning a new buitil
When the house is all alone by itself, in
experienced persons may believe that it be.
havesexactly as 'it does when there are
peopinin it, but'thst Is a delusion, as you
will discoverif you are ever left alone ia it
at midnight sitting up for the rest of the
family; at this hour its true disposition will
reveal itself. • . '
To catch it at its best pretend to retire,
put out the gas or the lamp and go up stairs.
Afterwards, come down softly, light no more
than one lamp, go into, the empty parlor and
seat yourself at a table with something to
No sooner than you:have done so than yen
will hear a litthichip, chip, chip, along the
'top of the room—a small sound bit persist,:
ent. It is evidently the wall paper coming
off, and you decide, after some tribtdatibn,
that if it does come off, you eisn't- help it,
'had go on with your book. )
As you sit wiinyour book in your hand
you begin to ho quite sure that some one Lia
am. 4 141 Yknvn- 6 taift!' 43 .1 12 eakfignook'
• . ilifif#Co*
iherir it) Mine but
the kitchen stairs. Sonsebodris coming up.
Bqneak--ahap ! Well, lit it is a robber
you might as well face him. Yoe get the
poker and stand with your back against the
wall. Nobody comes up. Finally, 'you de
cide that you are a goose, pet, the poker
down, get a magazine and try to read.
There, ~bat's the - door. Yon - heard the
lock tuns? They are coming home. You
run to
. the back door, unlock and unbolt it.
and peep out.. Nobody there?
But, as you linger, the'door , lock gives a
click that malice You jump. '
By daylight neither lock nor stairs make
any, of these noises unless they ere touched
or tr'od'den on.
You go back to the parlor in a hurry,
with'a feeling that the next thing you know
aomething may catch you by the back hair,
and you try to remember ihere you left off.
1,,N0w it is the table that snaps and cracks
as' if all the spiritualist knocks were hidden
in its mahogany. You do not lean on ,it
heavily without this result, but it fidgets
Yon, and you take an easy chair and put the
book on your knees. • *
_Your eyea'wander up and down the page
and you grow dreamy, when, apparently, the
bookcase fires off a pistoL
. •At least aided, fierce' crack comes from
the heart of piece of furniture—soloed,
so fiercei that you jump to your feet trem
.You cannot stand the; parlor any more.
yon go up stairs. ,
No sooner do you get there than' it seems
to you that somebody • walking onthe roof.
If the house is a detached one, and the thing
,is impossible, that ' makes it all the more
Nothing ever moaned in the 'chimney-, be.
fore, biit something moarm now. • There is a
ghostly step in the bathroom. You find out
afterwards it is the.tap dripping, bit you do
not due to look
-at that time.
And it is evident that there is 'something
up the chimney—you would not like to ask
If you have gas it bobs up and down in a
phantom dance. If you have a lamp it goes
out in a blue eaplosion. If you have a can
dle abroad plalnlienwraps the id* and
• The blinde_shake as ifs band clutched
them ; and; finally, a doleful cat begins to
Moan in the cellar. Yon do not,keep a eat
and this finishes you.
You preten4 to reed no longer, and sitting
with a towel over your head and face,. and
bearing something below go "show, show,
chew," like a little saw, you believe in• the
I old ghost' stories:
• Ten minutes, later the bells ring; the be
lated ones come home ; the lights are lit ;
perhaps something must be got out to eat.
- Peoplii talk and tell where they have been,
and ask if you are lonesome.
And not a stair cracks. 'No step is heard
on the roof ; no click ,to the front door.
Neither bookcase nor tal•le cracks. The
hone has ou its company manners--only
you Lave found out how it behaves wan it
is alone.
A remarkable meeting took place in the
rotunda of the Laclede Hotel the other day.
Captain Moses Hilliard, of Texas, had just
registered when the clerk said to him :--
"That old gentleman," pointing to a party
standing near, "wants to see you." Cap
tain Mose turned and said :—"Do you wish
to.see me ?" "No sir; I don't know you."
"This is your brother," interruptedi - the
clerk, as he introduced Captain Mose Hil
liard, one of the most extensive 'stock raisers
of Central Texas, to his own brother Captain
Fred Hilliard, of St. louis-Abispo,
whom he had not seen for thirty-eight years.
Captain Mose Hilliard was at one time part
proprietor of the Laclede Hotel, but is now
running 78,000 acres of stock raising land in
Texas. Captain 'Fred Hilliard is a retired
sea captain; living with his fatnily at St.
Louis-Abispo, Cal. In 1844 the brothers
started out from their Connecticut home to
snake their fortunes , Captain dose coming
West to Missouri, while his brother boarded
u whiling vessel and made a three-years voy
age around the Cape, locating on the west
coast of Chili. He then went up by the
way of the Sandwich Islands to San Fran-
Cisco, and took command of the first fleet of
coast steamers plying along the Pacific
slope. He married a Spanish lady, and,
tWenty-five years ''ago had . accumulated a
goodly store of this
,Forld'aigoods and retired
to his country home, iwberalas since lived.
The last news he heard from - his brother
Mose was from St. Louis, and be cording
ly East a few weeks ago to see - his
brother' and the friends of his boybood.
From St. Louis. he telegraphed Fred Hit.
liard, in Texas, but that gentleman had al
ready started ant for this city' , on business
xnmected with his stock ham, so that, he
hails advice of his brother's visit here until
the meeting - as above descolsed.7-Br. Louis
A Baltimore man who lbangkf, him a farm
two or three years ago was recently ap
proached by a friend who bad some money
to invest, and who asked:
" Can I Ur: s pretty fair farm - for $l5,
000 r.
" Yea, about that figure."
. "And want to lay out about $lO,OOO
in improvements, I presume'?"
"'Yes, fully that."
" And I can invest another $lO,OOO in
blooded stock r
" I think you can."
" And $5,000 more in grading, .filling up,
creating fish ponds, and in forth?"
" Well, you' may get . through with that
"That's $40,000; anti' now let's Ague
the income."
" Oh, you don't need pencil or paper,"
said the victim, as a shade of sorrow dark
ened tie face. "The income will be - about
$3 for turnips, eft for potatoes, $5 or $6 for
corn, and i almll calf or two at $3 a head.
To save' time, call it $25. rn see you again
In a day or two. Maybe rye forgotten
something which will add' a dollar more.
Morning to yon."— Wall Street Dail* Petit.-
Pm never quite alone,
Around each Step I and
Of the Eternal mind
' Some presence thrown. ..,
Though not In all MT heart, t
Yet ever neatis - ;
No loneliness I see; .4 i -
if We never; walk apart
Though severed tar from men
In mountain solitude
Or far from earthlApiod-- •
Oe's with me Own.
The peat, God-heart Is nigh '
To cheer mein my walk;
He fills the way with talk,
As heaven. high. • -
A Hew) Love Roosanee Bronabt to Liebe
by a Jewel.
A few weeks ago the•many friends of Mr.
George Hopkins, the popular detective' ,ot
the city, force, might hare seen, sparkling on
the little lbws on the left band' of the
APPEPSEN, liAllantpole,,aolitaire diamond
44,1 - :;:p 4l6l C4CrtglrcaelG l il* --4 0 1
piarginete - vi
,Hopkins' dress made it evident that there
was that ring. Once the detect-
lye remarked :—" There is a story - to that
ring "—and then he stopped. With, his
usual reticence he refused ito say another
word upon the subject. 'yesterday. how.
ever, a reporter lounged by chance into the
office of Charplot's - Hotel. A young women
and a little child were arranging their wrap,
evidently prepared for a railroad journey,
and waiting, it would seem, for their male
escort, who was settling his bill at the desk.
On the forefinger of the right hand of the
lady gleamed the peculiar serpentine ring
which' had erstwhile sparkled on the finger
of the detective. The reporter inquired her
same and history and learned the story of
her lifeln Denver and the detective's work
In the case. It wasd simple little love story,
but it served to illustrate the reward which
alWays attends patient and untiring love in a
manner seldom met with in the prosis.c
Walks nf life. Six months , ago the; lady
came to Denver with her little three-year-old
child. She had been deserted by a Worthless
husband,. now living somewhere in Arizona,
and left to fight %the battle of life alone:
For several months she stopped at Char.
polt's Hotel, for part 'of the, time as day
boarder only, and•ag,ain 'as, a guest of the
house. She occupied herself in legitimate
pursuits and was generally esteemed and
admired. An ex-hotel clerk of the_ largest
hotel in Denver" nis one of her admirers,
but he received but little consideration.
The lady dressed in black and passed as a
young widow. In Denver '
she lived under
an assumed name. She had • married_, the
man who had so heartlessly deserted her
against the'wishes of her parents. and it was
for this reason that she - wished to . hide her
identity, and her name. She - would not let
her people know the result of her miserable
marriage. Meanivhile she still had a friend,
who had been her constant admirer since
her girlhood. Rejected for the worthless
suitor, he still ,cherished her memory, and
was resolved te find her and win her for his
own. Ouelday the Chief of. Police here re."
ceived aretter from this long.suffering suit
or. The letter was dated at SC Louis. -In
it the - writer deacriled_the Woman, and said
he had reason to think she was in Denver.
She might be living under an-assumed name.
The case was put into the bands of Detect
ive Hopkins for investigation, and by means
of a telegram, which was called . .for at the
Western Union office by her in person, , she
was traced to the hotel firpt named. An in
terview followed, ending in a stormy scene.
The lady reproached the detective for fol
lowing her up, and declared she would have .
nothing to do with her present suitor.
."I never liked him," she said, "and ra
like him less 'now that he has put the detect.
ives on my track. Here," she continued,
"take this ring ; he gave it to me ; send •it
back to him and tell him he will never see
or hear from me again." The- detective
took the ring and wrote at once to his pa.
tron the result of his - intervym. In reply
came a despatch:—" Give her the: ring; I
will not . take it." And this is why . the " de.
tective wore the y ring. Neither party would
socejt it andle was in a quandary. A few
days after the gentleman himself—a St.
Louis raerchant,--arrived in the_ city. He
sought the woman whose face he bad cher.
iished so long. The result was, she consent.
ed to return with him. to her home, in St.
Louis. It was agreed that . she would pro.
enre a divorce at lice•and then they would
be married. Detective Hopkins was sent
for and rewarded with a fee for his services.
He gave the ring back to the woman.—Dsm.
tier Republican.
It is said that at some I'm-Ant in every man's
life he I will do something to surprise his
friends, but a chap in Detroit did more than
that the other day. He was a comparative.
stranger, who made hiA bradquarters in a.
Michigan avenue saloon. Ho , was "old and
'ragged, and it was not always that he had a
nickel bout him. .He brought in the fuel
for the stove, helped to scrub out, and ,was
tolerated on account of-. his good nature.
Everybody played him for a halt-wit, and
no one dreamed that he had it in hin: to
create a surprise, =dew it was by rattling
a think.
Two or three evenings since, a boy twelve
years old, ragged, barefooted, bareheaded,
and with the stains of tears on his cheeks,
entered the saloon and ,softly asked one of
the dozen men in there fora penny_ to buy
bread with. He was roughly refused, when
up spoke the old tramp and said:,
"Gentlemen, here is a poor orphan boy
who has asked for money to buy bread, end
been•refused.. lam only a peer old man
ragged and hungry and almost penniless,
but I can't• stand that. tve got' a whole_
quarter for that poor boy : 4
That was the first surprise. For a minute
no one spoke. Then eight or ten voices
cried in chorus : "So have. I:" and it
wasn't five minutes before a purse of $3.20
was made up for the forlorn and htingry
/ad. The old man rose seventy-five per
cent. in the estimation of those who knew
him, and the boy cried some more and went
out with the money.l Two minutes later he
and the boy divided the proceeds under the
gaslight on the corner. It wasn't exactly a
whack, for the old chap took $3 and left the
boy 20 cents. , When it was known in the Sa
loon fourteen determined men rushed out
and cantered up and down, and declaimed
by the great hoin spoon, but they didn't
find the big-hearted old tramp whose heart
had been touched; Ho had gone to refresh
himself with an oyster stew:—Detroit- Pro
True Gam ciAnrturs. --Artemis Ward's
grave is marked 11 a plain marble slab,
which bi the 'inscription, "Charles F.
Browne, known to the world as Merlins
Ward; died at Southampton, England,
1867, aged , B3 years.", And beneatk, this
- His tnemoryAwill always be a sweet
and tmfacling recollection." These words
were copied from . the letter sent to the, sor
rowing :Author by Mr. Miller, the English
gentleman who cared for the son in his. last
illness, and closed bis eyes when he ceased
to breathe.
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,ese, is Advmub
frtercialag Facts Coiled thoses'4lere sad
—ln Jackson comity," Georgia, an awn
bit his attacked his owner bit his ear off,
afterward swallowing it. ,
—Para grass grows to an ' us length
in Florida. Near Orange C ity somo is grow-
lag that is 181 feet long.
—The pension . agent in Topeka, . Han.,
recently .shed the largest pezutiou ever
paid out to one person in that district. , 11"
was arrears to date and the amount was up
',ward Of $l,OOO.
` - --A few days ago at Laixonner, W. T., the
infant daughter of W. H. Tattershall was
slightly scratched by a
_domestic cat. Py
temia,•or blood poisoning ensued, and the
child died the next 'day.
—The pop of a pistol dbiturbed the con
gregation of a church at Gloucester, Haas.
Little Johnny Dow brought his father's re
volver se a plaything with which to. while
I away the long hour of worship. _ •
Pcifice emit, has neently. *wed that an
unloaded revolver is not • deadly . weapon .
within the meaning of the statute forbidding
tho unlawful carrying of such concealed.
. —The Pall Mall Gazette accuses British
farmer:p r of buying large quantities of Aper
ican oleomargarine. working it up in rolls,
and retailing it in the market as a genuine
product of the English dairy. The prat ; is
very large. - -
—Quite mate in Araminta : " Yon • are
suejta strange girl!". said Charley, "really,
I 4 ton't know what to make of you."
"Well, then, I'll teit yon. Charley," replied
Araminta, " maken wife of me," Charley
did so at the earliest opportunity.—Boston
—A young lady was drowned recently in
a lake near Minneapolis, and a stainer was
Bmploy?ci to cruise about the vicinity in 'or
der to raise the body. This novel method
of raising a body proved successful, the stir
ring of the water by the paddles of the = boat
bringing it finally to the surface.
—;" Well," remarked a young M. D., just
fiom college, 7 1 suppose the next thing will
be to hunt - a good location and then wait for
something to do, like 'Patience on a monu
ment.'" "yes," said a bystander, "and it
won't be long after you begin before the •
monuments will be on, the patients."
—An Italian scissors grinder' at Colnm
- bus, Ohio, adopted a cl.ild from the Charity
Home for Waifs, and after keeping it for
three months tried to sell it for $3O. H
- was about to sell it for e 5, when the author
ities heard of his doings and recovered Abu
poor unfortunate. The brute was not ar
—" Well, Tom," said a blacksmith to hie
apprentice. "Ton have now been with me
three months, and have Feen all the differ
ent points in our trade, I wish to give you a
choice of work for awhile." " Thanklec,-
sir," " Well, now, what part of the busi
ness do you like best?" " Sbuttin' up shop
and goin' to dinnec'....
—A young man named names, While un
loading timber7near Glencoe, Oregon, bad
ei leg broken iii two places by one of the
timbers falling on it. "He reached th e ' . lines
while he waa yet fiar-ned - under the ' log;
tied a chain around the timber, hitched the
team to the timber and ;t was drawn off him.
_He then crawled around and hitched the
team to the wagon, elinibed on the wagon
and then drove home. -
=—A waiter at a'cafe ' Paris undertook,
for the amusement of me customers, to
swallowa spoon. idea was to pretend
to swallow . it, but, to 'iris surprise, be did
swallow it in reality Ho was conveyed, in
'the greatest agon , to a hospital, where he
remained awed ' the construction of spec
ial instronicn for the performance of an
operation. - Tlics was performed successfUlly,
the spoon which' was extracted. being 9i
inches long. -
—A • Connecticut thread. manufacturing
company had planned to exhibit at a Boated
Fair the old-fashioned way of spinning end
weaving cotton in the,South, but have struck
an mgooked-for snag. - Their Georgia agent
writes them : " I had arranged to have one
negro man and, four negro women go to the
Boston Fair to 4 f ‘ ipin and' weave, • and should
have been there now, but some ,fool circu
lated the story that they would be sold when
got them to Boston; and all thunder
couldn't convince them to the contrary." -
—James R. Airemill having been absent
from his home in Hartford, Conn., and ttn..
accounted fore during a period of seven
years, the law of that State presumes his
death, and his estate of something over
$lOO,OOO has just been probated.. He left
i ostensibly tomisit Europe, and was last seen,
so far as can be traced, in Portland, Me., on
the 23rd of September,_lB73. The. Menai
are satisfied that be did not cad for Europq
and are of opinion that he sought some s 4.
minded place in the White_ Mountains, thero
to meet death by his own hand. _
—A serious incident with a comialaide to
it 'happened on a Canadian railway the other
day. As a - -train was approaching Versailles
the conductor pulled the bell-rope as a si r .
nal for the engi neer to stop f the train. Vie
beli,-however; 'did not ring, so he left the
car and clambered on "the top of the wood.
pile on tho tender. Here he found a shovel,
which he - picked up and threw tO the ettfii•
seer to attract his - attention. Itfellbetwecn
the engineer and the fireman, and gio latter
having a longstanding quarrel with the con.
dtictor, thinking the, shrivel lied been aimed
at him, immediately picked up' a Winner
and launched it after the conductor,' who
was retreating to the cars. The shot was a
good one,_ as well as Others which followed,
and before the retreating conductor coal
reach ahelte:r be bad received tiro ugly cats
on the head.
No wonder the mule is a kicker. Were I
a mule, love, I, too, would kick. Every'
time I got a chance I would lift somebod3
higher than a kite. I know just - exactl3 -
wiz! kind of a mule I would be. A ba3
mule. . One of these sad.eyed old fellows
that lean back in the breeching and think.
With striped legs like a zebra. And a dark
brown streak down my back, and a paint
brash tail. And my mane cat short, and
my foretop banged, and ahead as long an a
flour barrel, and I'd be worth two hundred
and a half in any market, and rd wear aflat
harness and no blinders, and some dai when
some. man , hitched me up to a dray, and
piledon a ton and a half of pig iron, wand
Of weed, sin barrels of flour, a good load of
household goods, and a steamboat . boiler,
would startl i ng with it patiently and haul it
steadily until I got to the top of the grade
on the new road around North Sill, and
right abodt there and then falling maple
leaf, ilutteritutdown in a Omit of gold and
crimson, would ;Beare me all but to death,
end the authorities would have to drag the
Irtseissippi Rivet six weeks to'fbul ail of that
load and some of that driver, while- in three
minutes after the emente I vonkl be trait
(Filly browsing on the grassy heights that
smile, above the silver Bowing river. That
is the kind of a mule I would be. —Burling.
am Haickeye.