HURTING IN CHESAPEAKE BAT. A largo proportion' of the populathm of Havre de Gtaite which is only a few miles above the flats, i nitdce a business of fishing in summer tur ir gting in winter. The legis lature of d. has fixed the time for the shooting to begin On the Ist of Noveniber, each boat being required to take out alicense, and gun only three dilys in the week. This is done to prevent the ducks from being driven from their feeding ground. It is only on the fiats that sink boats are allowed to be used. These boats are very simple construe . lion, bilinnothing more than boxes long enough for ti man to lie down in, andhaving canvas wings on a frame attached by hinges 'a the boat, which by *tans , of pieces_ of, iron, are sunk to a level with the water. Decoys are then put out, And, drawn by them, flocks of ducks come so near the gun ner that be has no difficulty in killing them with a gun of small calibre. As many as - five thousand have been slaughtered on the first day of the season and carried to Havre " fe Grace, to be shipped by rail to different cities. Duck shooting in this way is not re garded as mere sport, but as 'a' means of gaining a livelihood, it being anything else but a pleasure to lie for - several , hours in a coffin-shaped float, with a cold northwester blowing and with a driving snow storm blinding and wetting the hardy gunner. River points on which comfortable blinds have been built are the favorite resorts of the sportsman. Nearly all the best points are rented by clubs who build a cabin on the shorennd repair to it as they may have the opportunity. An evening spent in one of these cabins or cottages is an occasion of tare enjoyment. Around a warm stove or open fire three or four congenial spirits gather. The prospect of a favorable wind and good shooting in the morning is his cussed. Each one has a &Wiry to teat, or some wonderful achievements to relate con cerning gunning in ye olden • time when game was more abundant and professional gunners scarper. Towards bed time some one suggests a pot punch and none say nay, but excessive drinking is not indulged in, for to be's good marksman one must have a " level head and a steady hand." The dawn lug day finds breakfast over and the sports men in the blind waiting the first flight of ducks. , Very often it is a day of waiting, for adverse winds dO not incline the game to fly, or they do not notice the decoys; but anticipation is pleasant, 11114 bracing air and 'exercise is an; xcellent appOtizer for an early dinner. _coIfsVMPTION. It is said that 50,000 people die annually in the United States alone from this disease. In some sections of ofd the country one death in every three is from Consumption.l This tan be, and should be avoided; our people are too careless about an ordinary cough or Cold, and other symptoms of throat and lung affections that lead to this disease. You should arrest it while it is in the germ. Two or three doses of Dr. Boamko's ~ough blid Lung Syrup will relieve an ordinau hough or cold. It does not dry up a cough like many preparations on the , market and leave the disease behind it, but acts directly on the throat and: bronchial tubes, remov ing all the phlegm and morbid matter that accumulates in the throat and lungs. It allayi all irritation, and renders the voice clear and distinct. Sold by C. B. Porter's Word House Drug Store. july27l BRIDES AT MT. VERNON. Place Wbeee Neal,. Married People aro Snie , to Go. There- have been in the city, at a'q nick estimate, more than fifty bridal couples dur ing; the week, and in one hotel yesterday there were_ sheltered eighteen brides and husband& But they scatter while here, and ono meets them even on top of Washington Monument. Bat the trip to Mount Vernon concentrates them, brings them together as it were; for, by the mysterious inspiration Of a newly wedded life, it has come to be felt theta trip to Washington is special hap piness, and a. visit at Mount Vernon is a specially good omen. Yesterday Captain 131ake took thirteen couples down the river to the historio spot. `, Perhaps the prettiest sight of the day was that witnessed at the ,tomb. The eager, 1 pushing throng had gone np the hill ahead, and at the tomb were entertained by a very red-nosed man, who had seemed say about the sarcophagi, and who aeemed to be a self . appointedguide. 11\ihad` - led the throng away when the younk Married people reach. ed the tomb. They "formed a phalanx in front of it, and the accuracy with which they ranged themselves .vvisball the more strik ing, because it was unpremeditated. There they were, man and woman alternating. standing before the tank of the. father of his country like thirteen couples before the altar. The dresses of the brides were .of variote shades, russet brown predominating, and all wore jaunty hats.-i A little, slender bride oa. the extreme right actually laughed, but so merrily and innocently that 'the sound did hot teem any more irreverent than the song 43fthe bird in the oak over her head. A giant bridegroom seemed constrained and looked diffidently at tho woman at right, ' who was the other man's bride ; and the boyish lookinggroom at the extreme left, in the pepper-and-salt business suit, seemed to be saying sentimental things to the girl in drab onhis arm. Now, the strangei feature *of all this was the utter unconsciousness each couple seemed to have of the others presence; but it was to bo noted that when at last the giant and his poach-checked bride 'broke the line and started leisu,iely toward the house the others were not clew to fol low.—Waxhingioi Capita. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back; loins and lower part , of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup - pose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symp toms of indigestion are present, as flatuency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like perspiration, producing a very , ' getting warm invdisa greeable itching ; part' c ularly at night after very common at tendant. Interne, is and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tu mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent; cure urliere all other . • remedies have failed. Do not delay until I • the drain on the system produces perma nent disability, but try it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. AA your druggist for it, and when you, can not obtain it of him, we will send it, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address The Dr. , Bostmko Medicine Co.; Piqua, Ohio. Sold by C. B. Porter, Ward House Drug Store. . july27ly; " SPORT g" IN SCOTLAti "Sport" is at its height in Scotland now, where all the 'wealthy men-of Great Britain have big deer parks. The-way they go after stags in this country would drive some of our genuine hulters in America frantic with disgust - Deer are brought up here for the V being slaughtered: They are fat. - 4 like prize cattle. They human Janis divine— .and they don't begin to until they have been "Stalking" in Eng consists of l walkirig up rinti. range. of your game, If you don't hit ie more. That is to or fifty, yards nearer. ongh so there is den ! hair off your stag with ‘. he sometimes Shows kind of hunting is a )ut into a barnyard and tt has .one advantage. - yot yc . game by shooting,-yon can take a club and knock his darned head oh. 'Thus you can be a hunter in England or Scotland, no matter how little experience you may hal/ previously enjoyed. The , idea of being able to stalk six real min .one day—stags at that—is one of till) most oamio notions I have struck in a good while. -47orrag•oncleace Chicago Ileum ' Y/1:118ATILE TAUNT.—"Do you want to hire, an editor?" inquired a dapple.f4ed man with a proMinent nose, who bad just kicked a strong oak batten off from the door and walked in on us with the gall .of map peddler. "No, not to-day. We are quite sober, thank yon," - ins the gracious reply. " Don't ? Well, can' I'almel in that pile of coal down on the sidewalk, and why tle ycr give ?" . Quick, complete cure, all aueolltig Bladder sod Urinaq Blame. $l. Drug. _ Tax ORIGINAL JOUR 111 Dzark.--A man' is going about the-streets of Lammie claiming to be JOhn the Baptist. Ho hail light hair and chin whiskers,. is stout built and looks like a farmer. We desire to warn thoseof our readers who map be inclined to trust him that he is hot what he -purports to be. We have taken great , pains to look the, mat ter up and find as a result of our research that John the Baptist is dead.—Bal Nye.' "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigoi, enres'Dysytept.i* ••=*—stenee. Bestial Debility. . • :Lt= ton Boxanonir ELSE.- " Please tell me what time it is ?" asked a little boy of an apothecary, who was much troubled by Each inquiries., " Why, I told you *the time but a moment ago," snapped the apothecary. "Yes, sir," said 'the boy, but this is for another woman."--/Vocharter Post-Ezpress. VZI2fM •'hUCH U PAIBA,'" SKINEY MEN. Beware F raud BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE EtEgN . IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthless imitations. The Publie aro cautionedegainst buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing names. Soo that the word C-A-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are-the only improvement ever inecle in Pleeters4 One is worth more than &Oxen ell" any otherkind. I Will positivelyilcure-where other remedies will not even relieve.'.. Price 25 cents. Beware or cheap Piasters made with lead poisons. . SEABURY £ JOHNSON; Manufacturing Chemists. New Yedr..l. SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Prig:end& P MEAD'S Mediated CORN and BUNION PLANTE& QUEEN fk CO. THE CHEAT DiIiCIANS I 924 gHEsTriu.r. STREET, ....13".r - - S3II7PEILIOIt KNO":77.1:11;GE. srrr. r: I; I; , i.r.xsus and ~~::'::1LIOR FACILITMS For tan Indti , enmi Jim togive our SPECTA chIis LAsgrs . . Dat4bnal reptititica. "‘l. , 1. 7: T si r. :V ER RETURNS. BEi PATENTS. (11. S. A. ND FOREIGN. Frank A. Fonts, Attorney-at-Law, Lock Box, 356 Washington, D.C. ' Sir Ten years' . experience. - . • I mai° so camas for my services unless s patent be granted. Preliminary examination in the Patent Mice as to the patentability of an in vention 7111 X. Bend sketch Tor model of the de vice ands report will be made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. Special' attention given to rejected applica tions in the hands of others. - • P 4.4 .11 E. S. Senators : Hon. Geo. P. Edmonds, of Vermont ; lion. David_ Davis , and lien. Joh A. Logan. of Illinois ; lion. Benj. IL Hill,.of Gear- OA; ,Hott. L. Q. C. Lamar. of Miss; lion. BM. Cullom, Gov. of /11inois ; the Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro. prietor of this paper. Write for circular and initructione. 3novtl • CUT THISOUT! ACENTfq S To 540 MAKE mir WEEK. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from stitch our utte i obtain lk9jt lua e ei s quidqi Our Factories a nd. Priem's= Itrie,.ra. Scud for our New calalowie terms to 'acute Address " M. Ns LOVELL 3I a 2 CItAN Minim TON. na Ave .PA, IA amp HORSE c a ni s ren e rs ta;. fo lli r Leal view =mos of "A Treatise en the Horse and his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases, has 60 - Aso entcravings shoring BO OK E,Trb 1 .41.7 - thi.e 4 blan'tee taught in any other way, a table showing doses of all the principal medicines used for the horse as well their effects and antidotes when a 25 c i s , pois cr on, a large colreitlecrtoesn foe telling the age of _a horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year and a large amount of other valuable horse information. Hundreds of horsemen have pronounced .it worth more than books costing $6 and $lO. The fact that 260,600 sold in about one year before it was re. 'wised shows hos; popular the book is. The re. *hied edition is mum moss irreareriwo. 1411:8D ton • OIELITLAIL AGENTS WANTED. Dr. J. B Kendall & CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. Mae 11-lyir FIRE. AND LIFE INSURANCE , cum AND , _ COLLECTION 'AGENCY . . - :ZEINK & BUCK, Leßaysriße, Pa. Will write Policies for risks in Tire intl. Life In surance. Collect Claims with care : and promptness. They represent none but FIRST—CLASS COMPANIES They solicit theconildence and patronage of those having business In their line. and will endeavor to merit it. Apply to or address inSi If • BUM& BUCK. Lellaysville. Pa. 'NEW MEW LANE DECKER , • • PROPRIETORS OF Livery dnd Boarding Stable, • Washington'Street, below Main. • The best rigs to be fonnd in any stable in the country, reasonable rates. Ma. Dactim thebnsiness his personal attention, and Writes his Mends to call when in want of livit7. B. W. iANE.ED. DECKER. -10stig812'. IIARII FOR SALE. Containing 62 acres, 47 well improved, colnfortable buildings, plenty fruit. good water, 1% mils from the village of Tarrytown, 3 miles from Wysluaing station on'L. V. B. B. Apply to MYRON BASCOM, Oct 5.6 w Tarrytown, Bradford Co., PS. A PATBNT INBDICINB"PARABIBB. If the negroes. of the South could read ham would be such * demand for patent medicines, porous plasters, pills and stomach bitters as woild force every manufactures to double his help sad capacity' The negro is always ailing. No natter how healthy he looks orhow strong he aoems,• he believes himself afflicted. If he could read alnumacit and circulars he would think so twice as strongly: • Dalton, • At Dalton, Ga.,4 saw a big fellow pick up a barrel of flour as canny as I could have lifted a twenty-fire potuid sack,. and when I complimented him on his strength he rep& ed:- , "Yea, boss, - I seems pcnrerful strong, but ypu doan' 'mow what a hard time I has of Ire' go fiber complaint, dyspepsia and consumpskun, an' I reckon I won't nebet see allow IIY Agin." I asked him what remedies be bad 'been using, and he replied that he had been tak ing the dust of burnt leather and udzhsg it with cold tea. Nothing whatever ailed him, bit if he could have got hold of tea dollars he would have used eight of it in buying medicines. I was in a livery stable at Marietta when a man came in with a bottle of prepared Ist maks Ginger. One of the colored men ployed &mit the stable, who hadn't test a lay for years and who looked as ragged as mountain. looked at the bottle three or fonts times and then asked : - " What ye got dar,,Rnmel?" "Something for apoplexy," was the re- " Would ye mind giiin' me a sip of it, kale my apoplexy has been takin' on in de mons dreffol manner fur de las' week fb "You can taco a pull if you wish to." The cork 'was drawn and the negro lifted up the bottle and tooktbree heavy isvallows of the fiery :MX, ;The next thre4; minutes were the langest aid hottest ones be over saw. but as soon as he could speak he, re. marked : "Ah I but dat stuff scums to hit de . right spot I I reckon it will cure up my apoplexy all right, an' like 'miff I may light on sum. else good far congestion of de lungs an' water on de brain I" The exactions of society. added to the cares of maternity and the bouseholdi have tested beyond endurance the frail elinstitn tions which have been granted the majority of women. To combat this tendency to premature decline, no remedy in the world possesses the nourishing and strengthening properties of Malt Bitters. They enrich fithe blood, perfect digestion, stimulate the ver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative weak ness, and purify andvitalize every function of the female system. • You can purchase here, writes . a Saxony correspondent of the Chimp News, if you wish; cigars ranging in price from nothing in Americap,money to about 121 cents. I say "nothing" with all that the word im plies. • Gail smallest coin is one cent. Thera are 4 and 23 and 4-5 100th pfennigs to the cent. Cigars can be bought here for 2 and A pfenigs.,, It is not until yon have invested in two or three of them that they begin to cost you anything in American money. It is no exaggeration to say that env ; is ' more smoking done in Chemnitz, a; city [ •Of 106,4200 inhabitants, than in Chicago, with a population of over half a million: ~ Every body smokes here except women and chil sdren. It is as mach of a habit and ' custom; is beer drinking. Formerly, the -Germans, as we all remember, were the greatestt, pipe smokers in the world. 'The bipe is sinoken `now only in the house. It is almost entire. ) ly discarded by the better classes; indeed, I might say it is about entirely dikarded by - lite poorer classes. Cigars, are, so cheap that.all can afford them, and the ceahm , uence i is, as' l said before, everybody, indulges In them. It is not an uncommOtathing here to see a laborer digging in a seller excava tion with a cigar in his montli. The hod carriers, brick-masons, carpentf3rs, and pies. Onus smoke : cigars while et, work The hack-drivers smoke cigars. The messengers resole cigars. The merchant:, mannfactur srs, and capitalists smoke cigars. A cloud of cigar.innoke arises every day from the city of Chemniti which' would in itself be almost sudicient_to hide the sun, if the other clouds ever gave it a chance. 1 • Thm, who can afford to 'do :so smoke nearlY all the time. I have met awe habit. nal inveterate Smokers inl: than evetbefore in my life. I m smokes who are never contented unless r ey have the end of a cigar between their eth— smokers run like General Grant, for instanee, who throw 1 away the stamp of one cig,r o only to in 'sdactively light another. LI _..... I ' II -_ 6y ~ ~~*~~ T t-Hr.•• UNSUIT Mffl ••• • • Tx.n terns, 112 ututaita.l22pagela S._ . FREE OF CqS • 'Y .ti•••.-- . ca l 1 1' By vatting at C." - . Porter' Ward 'House drugstore,you get 'a ka p le bottle' of Dr. Bosan k o's C gh and ( Lung SYrip which will relieve e most obstinate Cough or, Cold, and show kyou what the . regular 50 cent size will do. ' When ' ' übled ' with Asthma, Bronchitis, - Pry, king Cough, Pains in the Chest; arid all ' glum of the Throat and Lungs, try' a sa pie bottle 'of this medicine. .: inly27ly. WOLVES IX Iris'.—A correspondence writes to the Indian Pioneer ,ej. " Tho wolves are carrying off children eta terrible rate. A poor little child Was taken away and eaten :May the lower part of ono leg being found) from the lines of the Twenty-seventh run. jaub infantry a short time ago. Another child was carried off • and eaten (only the head being found) from the door of the house' of a poor, old, half-blind coolie: Last night an ayah's child was carried off from inside a walled enclosure in an officer's corn. pound, the Wolf jumping over two , children and taking a l third lying close to rte mother, who, poor cre#trtre, ran shrieking after it. The children are apparently always seized by the throat, so their cries are not beard.' Don't condemn a-good thing because yon hove been deceived by worthless nostrums: Paiker's Ginger Tonic has cured many in this section of nervous disorders, and we recommend it heartily to Such sufferers.— Delicate Pease/ea. THE SMOKER'S PARADISE.' Heartily Recommended. LADIES' TONIC. A Positive Cw ' for all Female Complaints. Lakes' Toe* Is peed by 'Prosser% Medical Is. setae of MAO* It. Y. and has been wed successfully L 1 ladies for yearn. It is a owe ere for all Female Complaints. Sias aad Nato* treerhatte.. Paryeesta. and all weaknesses causal b theteltrecamasses which are so common to This ts so 'ain't Illarriae. but is wowed. after yeses of experience. and man usended.knoeing Matt vele*** life* anybsukno down. wonsout or over.oveked 'manlier or Ore sea. If you have tried other remedies without success. do AWN" distomaged. but give " LADIES' TONIC" f 'Owls trial. It anorjrattr to 'tee easialandorrona. eel* rare, If you are troottloduitti.osy iretkoiets of complaint common to our Is gads the doctor% prescrigerre bur Mal. and Ise" Tosic." which ze u lm ta tee will poetises , aloe youk. AWN* la Women% toodwirloselltaaAssocistiosot Weer and Mankare of years' entrance. who give advice sad answer late* bass ledles,,fret. gyoo will , tit hf loms for any_case of Female Weakness ' Tonic" st.o mot crue. This Is a iturseAk offer. ei% 4l 4e:ladies sam know frogs ealkerikegyr *bat •• . • TONIC!' as do. ser3 'tamp foe tirades. scld b &mut.. Noe, sLoo. Dr C JO - • 0 Ilan -Blood `ftrup all diseases of the Stoinsoh,- B 0 Kidneys Skin and Blood; Millions testify to its efficacy in healhg the above nailed dineases and 'pronounce it to be' the - - - Best:Re'rliedy linowilo , , Man. • • ,serAGENTS WANTED.IOI Laboratory 77 West ad St:, Nevi York. City. Druggists sell it. Sum% Vassar. Bedford Co.„. Do. CLARA Joassor : A short Mal ot your Indian" MONS Wrap bar Pas nfittnit *Mg itm Shouutstiom. It is tbo but Esodfoloo I twos sed. .JOHN ' PNNICL.. OV norrs ENDOI4 SEMEXT. Execidim Mouton; Harrisburg, Pa.; June 7, 1882. John H. Phelps, Scranton Pa:— My Dear Sir:--Prom ptly upon th • receipt of your Elixir ten days since, 'entered upon its use according to your directions, stopping my lodid Polass., Mos: , Ammon, and Wine of Colchium. At that time / was completely disabled unth gout inloth feet and rheuma . tism,m both kneesi and helpless. Now I comfortably hobble about the house, and expect to be out in , a week. 'yourmay be , a coincidence, my ammidma i nt and the use of 'your medicine. "hope for rio ooFcestcoll try it again, but if need be I diall try . again in afresh attack, with ' great confidence. Very truly *Qs. s. •r • HENRY Of. HOYT. ti Bheumidie ,E7ixir Cures iheuwatifawin all its forms. 1.- - Dr. H. O. /toter d Son,Drtaggists, Agadir for Towanda, Pa. • 1 A , ! , , razz iA. - F . 1 'IC Yr THAT TUE WHOLEBALK PEW 081 I i r l KEROSENE ) IL , as advanOed. We still reta il at at the OLD; PRICE. Bring in your car at once. 0. TO DEALERS—We •Offer kerosene a 1 d headlight oil at lowest wholesale prices. AT THE OLD RFUABLE CASH DRUG STORE. . ' 1 1 - . Ir., H. C. Porter & - Son , " Corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda. Pa. 1 1 t i C 0,117 -f 73 Am Da HEATING & COOK STOVES. DON'T BUY BE - PORE INSPECTING THEIR STOCK. N STREET MA STOCK LARGE O 1 1 show the LARGEST VARIETY of Mens Boys ' tid Childrens ~- TO BE FOUND . IN TOWANDA. ' hey are .madeoffirs't=elass material and I , gu rantee a perfeet . fit every :time. . ' i ri - ~ I keep constantly on hand a LARGE ASSORTMENT of • GENTS FURNIgHING 'GOODS ' • BATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS &c. . MEN'S DRESS AND - BUSINESS SUITS. ' Form a special feature in my business I take the lead in this department as well as all others. I have no Plate Glass windows or polished counters, but I I keep THE RIGHT GOODS and the public appreciatm their extra value. lam safe in saying , MY STOCK CANNOT BE EQUALED IN-THE COUNTY. - I have just received a large invoice of ' - 1 Fall and -W1 ter 'Clothing I _ - and will be pleased tO show theie goods, - Call at' 1 ; M. E. ROSENFIELD'S •, and buy where you see the Crowd. HUMPHREY BROS.& TRACY 11 , 1 rTIn ligj 80,014- : 8h088,R(ibbOr08/0 CORNER !JAIN AND ELIZABET H ; STREETS, I MIMI MI DYE r • • HAVE A NEW STOCK: rrcrwAnnco.A., 13-A. si & CO. ' 't r ..' . it IN lii TOyVANDA, , , il 1 ME TOO ISALUIM OF AN ACTOR'S UPS. The life of an actor is by no means the honersintsedi affair that the silly school hoping romantic school girls thhik, is the spinkatiiired by "Joe" Howaia in the Chi ng* Nevi.' Ifide end female, they straggle against the , tide. forced to appear at their best, regardless of headache, stomaelische, or heartatiln. What d , conical Position it most be for an impecunious actor, fearfully hard up, his salary anticipated, his future even mortgaged, and he cut in the role of. a 1 Wilke; playing prince, counterfeiting potentate. But no romance dreamed of in 1 'the wildest imagination out equal the sober facts and the dull militia of the stage itself. One of the brightest, merriestonnartart wo: men I ever knew, whole line is that of the. laughing Comedienne, was compelled, by necessity and the carelessness of a manager to provide all understudy. to appear in the, role Of a frolicking. laughing, higlidaddy widow theyery night on which her brother died in her &ma, for the two nights follow. nog, and the mgrse of the week ; lids with his dead body reposini in the •coffin, she on the stage creating screams of laughteir, Out body at home surrounded by weeping mourners: I don't know whether the young people of today read Dickens or not, but if they mint to- find a pretty picture of the everyday life of the average actor, mac or woman, let them (read that beautiful story of the clown and his dying baby. That may have been a tifey sketch, but it was based on Dickens' I :4`nowledge of the realisma be. hind the ideal. . AU is not gold that glitters on the stage, and " . property fowls," as Mrs. ,Jarde marke t do not mike a very untie. EMI Waisted Leaf Hair Restorer. It is entirely different from all others. It is AS clear as water, and, as its name indi dates, bra perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will immediately free the, head from all dandruff, restore gray hair' to its natural color, and produce a new growth where it has ellen off. It does not in any manner affect the health, which Sulpher, Sugar of Lead and Nitrate of Silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded ,hair in - a few days to a beautiful glossy ,brown. Ask your druggists for it.. Each bottle is warranted. Sum, KIJNE & Corgi Vholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. thurvorror4 New York. J June, 1, 1:•:2. ly. NSW YORK_CHURCH EXPENSES. New York's total church expenses foot tif about $6,500,000 each year. The figures belt& the pay of pastors, the building fund, the cost of running ' the various churches and the outlay for missions and all benevolent purposes. The,Roman Catholics lead the list. They have some seventy-five churches,Wnd their:totsl annual outlay is es. timated at $2,250,000; half of which goes in charity. The Episcopalians come nest. They have seventy-nine churches and chap. eh; with 25,1)60 communicants. Their out. lay is $4150,900—5600,000 for chnrch ex- ponies and $530,000 for benevolent pus popes. After the Episcopalians come the Presbyterians; with sixty churches, having a membership of 21,500 and an expense list of $705,000, something over half of which is for "church purposes." The Methodists have lixty-flve .churches, but their member. ship is only 13,300, and their total expenses are set &Am at 0243,000-4200,000 being for church purposes. The Baptists, with thirty-ax churches and a meMbership. of 12,700, expend nearly $lOO,OOO more than the Methodists, their entire outlay being $328,000. The Dutch Reformed and the Lutheran combined have churches, with a membership of 16,000, and their ex penses fait up $363,000. The Congregas &mallets have only churches, ; With 2,440 members and a total expense list of $96,000. Next come the Jews, and they make a very good showing. - They have nineteen taber nacles, with a declared membership of 3,006 (the regular attendance, though, is at least four times that number) and an expense of over 4330,000.—CorrespMdence Buffalo Annoyance Prevented Gray hairs are honorable but their prema ture appearance is annoying. Parker's Hair Balsam prevents the_ annoyance by restoring the youthful color. A °MOUS POIINCIDENCE.—One of those curious coincidences which keep alive popu. trr superstition has ebited , considerable in. turret in Georgia. Everyhody who visited the Senator Hill at his home on Peach Tree street in Augusta remarked th 6 cedar which stook in the front yard. The tree was planted Ity, ',the flentitor, and he took great delight in tits rapid growth and its beauty; During his sickness a blight fell Upon it; in spite 1:4 the gardener's most as. arduous care the disease spietul, and the last sign of life disappeared with Senator 1611's death. .It was recently dog up for re. moval and found to be decayed from top to roots. b*ROUGH ON RATS." -_ 1 Clears out rata mice. roaches. flies. 'ante, bed-bugs. gun . chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. Nmtsr. as a Cossomt..—A new baby recently arrived in tl e family of a Louisville jouri;talist, and papa was exces• 'lively proud wirer the event. Turning to the old black nurse, "Aunty," said he, strok. ing the little 14e, " this boy seems to have a journalisticbead." "Oh," cried the untu tored 014 Armiy, , soothingly, " never f, you mind 'bo l d dak; datll come all right in time."---Louisvilie Courier-Journal. '. Avvice.—There's a pleasant lit. tie prevarication going the yotmdi regarding Rev. Dr. Talmage who, being examined by a'strange physician, was told he ought to exercise his lunge. This recalls the story of the Post Office employe who, when advised by a doctor to take out-door exercise, ex. claimed: " Great Scott I Why, Pm a let ter carrier I" YDIA E. PINKHAM'S -r 'l 3 :i A A Sere Cure Oar on not= WEAR. WEISMIN4 lan Lemorrilmist Ir. reirslar ask Patdrlillenstranslea, InOunniaden slag Viesratiirief tio Womb. -11ording, PaO. LATOVAIMCM Ace. tirllorrestonourri.rorarker sod boutillato ta lb affect Ilatittla% tat so- infra pies dodo, letatateletietalar gatioda .1 Pluslcuinsint nanroduir IT laza. erste exolieesemee a do iteeerattre irittes ,et either az, IS to sweat to so temedytbat bey era two betas the polika mad tar all Mara, of the Zoom lib Wks gotated thornily to the World. Ini"KIDIEST cossrwarrai aliases. sex NW Great 'Wens /to Di. * zise.iptssamire BUMP 1131111131 ant ot Maori trots the oat a --- ereLte i nittre teas sad arum& to theamenia. , deatereelkies elpieitheaoelpasect, ~13riaktlistlaapethdeal IllahliPertlke , eve sme. wed et Itt sad spi Wain* Mae% Ws. Ism Mee se attmer o llt. boniest/r*. The Commute beset *mil Militia of tillbt,egt imam= me* atigicri Orr Us for Wm* Mrs. Psalm relay soma an Lens of tart*. Merida teat slastp, Sod Melts talbittpre. sk l arma.. ll " . Ll 'annsoroWerrther"" * .=. swam by in vragebesoss (!) t y :,. I= OPERATES WITH MOOT UPON TIIE NEW. I IVER, BOWELVAND PORES OF TER SKIN. , NEUTRALIZING. ABRORBING,ANIS EXPELLING SCROFULOUS. CANCEROUS, AND CANKER 11 • HUMORS- The cause or most human ills, and curing when physicians, hospitals, and all other metbodi and remedies ail, Scrofula or King's till, Glandular Swellings, Ulcers; Old Sores, Milk Leg. Mercurial Affections, Eipdpelaa, Tumors, Abscesseciesr buncles, Bolls, Blood Potions, Bright's Disease. Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver. Rheumatism: Conoillotion. Piles, Dyspepsia, and all itching and Scaly , -ERUPTIONS , • Of -the Skin and Scalp.—ancb as Salt Rhenta. paorlaaia Tetter,Bingworm, Barber's Iteh,Scald Bead, Itching Piles, and other Disngering and Torturing Humors, from a pimple to a acrof nlitic ulcer, when waisted by Caticuna and CUT ICORALI3O4IP, the great Skin CUM. CIITIOURA A sweet, inchangeabls Medicinal JeHey, clears off all external evidence of Blood Hrimors, eats away Deid Skin and flesh, instantly allays itch ing and Irritations, Softens. Soothe. and Heals. Worth its weight in gold for all ItChing CIITIOURA SOAP AU Exquisite Toilet, Ball 4 'end Nursery Seni tive: Fragrant with delicious tower odors and healing Wpm. Contains in la modified form th: virtues of Cyrscruas. the great Skin Cure, sad is indispensible in the treatment of Skin and Scalp Diseases, and for restoring, , preserving, and beautifying the complexion and akin. The only Medicinal Baby Soap. CUTICOSA Entrorzsi are the only real cura tives for diseases of the Skin, Scalp and Blood. Price : Cca2ctnis Ersormurr, $l.OO per bottle; Commis, 50c„ per box; large boxes, $1.00: Caro- CIIIIA MSDICINAL TOILET SOAP, 25c.: 02210171 A Ifisincissz, Susvneo Soap, 15c. Sold everywhere. Depot. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, Mass. CATARRH Skford's Radical Cure. THE GREAT AMEICAN BALSAMIC BISTILLA , • TION OF WITCH HAZEL; AMERICAN • # NNE CANADIAN FIR. MARIGOLD. CLOVER BLOSSOM, ETC.. - For the Immediate Relief and permanent vire of every form of Catarrh, from a simple Head Cold or Influenza to the Loss of Smell, Taste and hearing. Cough. Bronchitis, and Incipient Consumption. Indorsed by, Physicians; Chen lets, and Medical . Journals throughout the world. as the only complete external and inter nal treatment. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one pack age, of all drugglits for $l. Ask for Sanford's Radical Cnre. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston. oat, INe , ELECTRICITY ~-. Gentle yet Effective, united with Healing . Balsam. ran .6"-7 •S . t., y ..- der COLLINS' VOLTAIC I - •ELECTRIC PLASTERS one 1 hundred times superior. to . , all other plasters for every - • Pain. Weakness and Intim pgii . 4 ... a 6 ation. • Price, 25 cents. n., I SA' Sold everywhere. or faded Nair Parker's Mir Balsam is fineY perfumed and is warranted to przventlfalling of BIC hair and to re. move dandruff nod itching. iiitScoX & Co.. N.Y. SO& rod et tint, at deslns fa ibvp sad stoitetats GINGER TONIC allepalativellsalth owl Stress* lettere& If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork. or a mother run down by family or house. hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. . If you are a lawyer, minister or business man are hanged by mental strain or anxious cares, donot take Intoxicatingstimulants,butuseParker'sGingerTonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheum* ism, Kidney Conylaints,pr any disonkrof thelungs, stomach. bowels, blood or nersies,PARIMLR'S GINGER TON:C Will cure you. It is the Greatest Plood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Carl Eva Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or . any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once I it will Invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives: it may tare yoths. CAUTION !—Refule all inbettlates. Parker's Ginter TOMS la compiled et the best remedial scents In thawerld,aadheatleatC Merest hone preparattcus of eager alone. &lad ter shady.* Mites k Co., N. Y. tioc. kII lam at deakes In dropc: , GREAT SATING DRYING DOLLAR SIZE. FLORESTON Its rich and lasting flagrance has 'made this • delightful Perfume exceedinglypopuhr Thera is spades Me It. Insist upod FLAW. Toff CoLocas and look for signature , ideA;SOC2 2. W . oolo' on every bottle. Any &milt or dealt* b whim; esn .uppir you. Is and 71cent Mom ; • • - LARGE SAVING BUTIIIO re. s COLOGNE. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does not blister. yet is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other'! enlargements, such spaying. splints curbs,`tallons, sprains, lugs and any lameness and all enlargements ciE the joints or limbs. or for rfienmatiste 14 man and for any purpose for which a liniment is use 4 for man or beast. It is now known to be the best linimen Cfor man ever used. acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Bend address for ,Illustrated Circular with* we think gives positive proof of its virtues., 1.4 remedy has ever met withsuch unqualiffed Ac cess to our knowledge, for beast as Rolls man. Price El per bottle. or siz t bottles' for $5. All Druggists haie it or can get it , for you, or it will be gent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, Da. B. J . Elmo Ass & Co., Enos burgh Falls. Vt. Sad by all Druggists. iESTABLINISP tx 1883.1 HOWARD A. SNOW, Solicitor of • AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PP - A. IC IE, Pir S 631 F STREET N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C.. - (Successor to Gilmore, Smith kro., ala ' Chipman, Roomer& Co.) Patents procured.-upon the nine plan which vras originated and successfully practiced b7the above-ntined Arm. Pamphlet,of sixty . pages sent upon receipt o stamp. - . , NATHAN TIDD, gineceosor to Yr. Mama DEALER rit PITTSTON, WILKESSARRE ; AND LOYAL SOCK GOAL, { TOOT or Pnni irmezr. Witkß cot= gorse. TOWANDA, PA. sir LOREETY PRICZS 70.11 'C.dgl. • Tao of my old Woods and the p 'etflons4 L sollelted. nws ig4l,lu= CArinol4 - 1 31 . , C 0 C 14 . M*hi Street, lint Ward. JOHN W. KLIN_E, MEATAVEGETABLE ril Ataucwr o. more eotiveiristit loestioir. end established himself to the Carlin Sleek. opposite tleely's Rotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with TSB 'CHOICEST or mrxre. FIRM own= IA THEM SEAS°. N. FRESH VROBTABLZI3. ' DONEBT/C FRUIT, kc.. zrzoLoolie BAGBAOks MoriAlty. , AU or dor% promptly dollvorod. - ' • ' KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Afmls sure to clue Spairizu. Splints. rb. ho . It removes all minibus' sulaillements. - Dams Nor sums. lias no equal- for 'any lameness on beast or man . , It has cured hip joint lameness ins person who bad suf erer, la years. Also cured rheuma tism, corns. frost-bites or and makes. cut or lameness. It has no . equal for any blemish on horses. -Send for illustrated circular giving roman rstlv. Price Pi. ALL DIIIIGOISTS bays it or can petit for you. Dr. BJ. Kendall k Co.. Proprietors, Suosourgh Pills, Vermont. H. C. Pomp. Agent. Tonmada. Es. BESt$ ess sera: r osy fast at wo;: i - tr i ti)T p us ot awes. me will start you. It a day &situp wards made at hem by the industrious. Nen. Women, boys and plat wanted everywhere to Work for us. Now fa the three. Yon can spars time only or give your whole time to the ',sinus. You can ve at home and do** work No other business will pep you nearly.' wed.— No one an fell to make CUOMO= pay oy en- Owing at ones. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Money made fast. wily and honorably: Address, - Taus 3 Co.. Augusts. Maine. _ Deo 15-Iyr T. MUIR & CO.'S GROCERIES The plum to save MOW. 11 trains duo 1a at 1 11 , .00euer !fats and Fritiaktia Strata. tney respectfully stuiounii to the Pub/lo Stud they hers a large stock of FLOCS, Inn. KCAL, OBAIA. BALT. pau POLL sad rßOlfllllogli gestefolly. We have she added - to our'coot a "defy of WOOD= WARM. suck as 11W/TIM TUBS. to ZINO. CIUMIO4 iro. ;ant dressing zd by those usedit, to any article, ott ito. its superior m and purity. ins materials . are beneficial f.calp and hair vs Just remised a large stook of Boon. Tess, Coffees, Salome, YOULSON'S PURE SOAP, the best to the market, ad other maims of soap amp sad Nolana„ which they oda at for pilaw for Cash. ' oat 26 Tr Stevens & Long GRocznizs, COUNTRY. PRODUCE COIL MAIN AND ME STS ITU Old Mood of Itox.ll t,giruts igiteless4 They inviteleitention, to theireomplete assortment and very bur stock 'of SPECIAL ATTENTION 'GIVEN •i I t 4 PIiODUCE 'Ti:AiDE And amb Rid for Oliwd. Kinds. ■. a. WIG. 9. • lIIVING BEM OtrD 1/18 • 7 saarelll7- STOP AT NUR AND PROVISIONS. TOWANDA; PA. Geberal Dealers in PROVISIONS, ‘t. ! Art HAVE REMOVED In their new store. Choice New Goods. which they t have always Q , mod. To the IEII wagons GC* :1 cheaper than oyAr at the , OLD ESTAZILISHNIEIft JAMES 11,11TANT, tion ofFAIINIERS atd others to his large and complyi assortment of • pen Ar 9N)13 flu PLATFORM Tgo 0 1 all of his own MANUFACTURF, aria 'ranted in every par. tietdar rr7Blr Flexiblee Springs used. In CI Irairowi. The easiest arid bey la age. NOW IS YOUR MIE To. Brit boot at these figures Two gaited Ournagea from ........ nu to, Phieton‘one seated. 124 to Top Belleau , 115 to Oro Buggies to to Democrat Wagons • oo to Remember that the above are sir ad. first-class or no pay. Repairing promptiy +intended to at' below last years prices. • Ofaceand Factory cot:Mato and - EhiaL - • JAS ,BEIYA-Ht. 24feb82' I-IF Towanda 5 ct. Sic ivi - AAN writ EET, `NEXT D9Oll. TO FELCH . 1 Is prepared t9;offer a complete ment of DRY AND FANC!,,GOODS, Crockery, Glasswa WHITE and DECORATED Latest desig,ni and patterns of MAJOLICA` WARE, BIRD CAGES , - SATCHELS, IC. For the coming Spring .Trade, i t adhere as heretofore to our eitablishei principle—thaka quick sale with aititt". profit is better than a slow one with , large profit—and therefore our pricTi in any line of goods will conapvt favorable with the prices of any othe house. - siirWe endeavor to thekt article for the least possible money. ca76-tt LOEWUS & FREIMUTII. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAMESPWCABE- HAS "REMOVED MS GROCERY BUSINDHI THE'SOUITt-EAST CORNER 017-1105 AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE Head Quarters FOR EVERYTHING IN THE LINE 0? 1101ERIE3, MUM, CASH PAW for Desiiable Pm dace• Fink Bti ITER and'-EGGS a specialty. :You need not Pie to Win MUTUAL ENDOIy,MENT ACCIOIINT ASSQ:IATION: • You, receive one.lislf of your Insurance. sc cording to the American - Life Table , whin , pro thirds of your life expectancy is finished—fur illustration, a man or woman joining the Assa dation at 38 years of age taking a certificateM $2:500, receives $1,175 when a little over 56 St' of age, exactly the period in life when a littls financial help is generally more needed than st any other Um& • ; BLADES k ROGERS. june2e. ' General Agents for.Yenn's THE 14081` succrsarm- REMEDY ever dlr. covered, as ft is certala to its effects sad den pot blister. Also excellent for human Ugh .pitill9ol" BELOW. • 00L. L. -T. FOSTER.- =I Youngstown, Ohio, May 10tb. isso. Da. D. 3. Aitaated.t. k Co:—I bad a very Isla' ble Hambletonian colt which I 'mired very WO• ly, he bad a large bone • spayin on one joint and a small one on the other which made bins Ter lamb; I had him under the charge of two veters win surgeons which, failed to cure him. II" One d a y reading the advertisement of Eendstre. gyve's' Cure in the Chicago Express. I d.,!fra ed at once to try it, and got our drugg ists to send for it, they ordered threebottlee; I ra` ) ; them all and thought I would give it a thureala trial, - I need it according to directionsawl the fourth day the colt ceased to be lame. awl lumps have disappeared. I used but OD* POW + and the colts limbs are as free from lamps's.' as smooth as any hone in . the state, lie is wo tlrebl mired. The CUM. was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors base the remands% two bottles, who are now using it. Very Respectfhllyi -L. T. I'OsTRE. Kende4i's Spavin. Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. Fulteles Mins. Wash'ton co.. N.Y., Feb.2l.'A. Ds. $. i. KierDALL, Dear sir:—The particular case on which I used your Eendall'e Spevin Cure Was malignant ankle sprain of sixteen mouths standing. • I had tried many things,but in rSis,- . Your lipsvin , Curer put the foet to the ars"' again, and for the llnt time since hurt in s natural position. For a family liniment it el• cell anything we ever used. ' c • yours, truly. REV. M. P. BELL. - Pastor of Br. E, Caurch, Fattens Price $/. Per bottle. oils bottles.for A A! Druggists -bare itlor cart get it fer you, or it sso be seat to any addressor' receipt of price by the gns ll9 / 411 , DR. B. J. KENDALL k CO.. Falls. Vt. &id at , Dr. 's. C. Porter's Drug Store, Irl would cull tbe atUh. HAA. ,ESTABLISHED &ea, Apri! 29 37 IN Tip AND Of Watl4, N., Y.: