THE REPUBLICAN. cusDA,y. NOVEMBER 16, 1082. • 101 1 2,7 TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS ! • . EXAMINE FOUR LABEL! It „ill sh,n _you the month and year up to MIA your subscription is paid. Uygur vul.,ciiption is soon to expire, please send us $l.: ti a renewal at once, that ice may.s(,ll.l you the paper right alotig. Send in rCnewal without delay. —L. A. Wals'ter,is our general agent, solicitor, and collector. HERE AND HEREABOUTS. Tln y.•ar is dyirii p r ,,rige ! Oh, Lord ! Tier democrats celebrated. 'aid all of yolir electimi bets! lir. the snow, the beautiful snow Thi, sn excellent time to repair side- ME TittTe are two hundred pupils in the Sayre • z EN There aro now• ten newspapers in Tioga ISM Overton received but 104 votes iuWayne ME it will be time to hang up your stk king Christmas cards are out, and they are beau; i We'll scoop 'em in 1884. And -don't you for , t it Potatoes are selling at 70 cents a bash in ICel6borii. - . Cal Geiger shot four ducks on the river Monday morning. l'nele Tom's Cabin Monday evening Kirby'. The •41roelc s of prayer" will begin on the - ,th of January, 1883. * • - But two weeks left in which to fatten the Thank,zgiving Turkey. A liew locomotive - on the Valley Road is nanA "Howard Elmer." Farrar produce of all kinds, is-' bringing fair prides in this borough. , Th lie ple of Ulster have organized 'a chat tur..itm Literary Circle."' The Des . eiples at Leßoy are making pre= iaratik.ns for a Christmas tree, Funiters hai-e • been complaining that their fields tire too dry to plow. G e o. Griffin is building a new residence on his farm in,Capton township. ' .F. J. Calkins is6eating his residence on 4 Popular cast of paint. The ne.%; at Sayre is being pu,hed conkpleticin very rapidly. Monday waS the first rainy day exper i,;r,e,,l in ; thislection for some time. ' E. Stt.;' has traded his house in Can t.-.n for Ira Lindley's:farm in Leßoy. Sur. -Ryan will hold a Teachers' Exami at Towanda, Saturday* Now. 25.. The Blossburg Tioga county schools have been cbKod on account of diphtheria. A new sc4incil house is being built at Baiky's Comers, Gmnvilletownslup. II•: the burning of his granary, recently, Warren Scott, of Granville Centre, last r • property of the 6. M. Crandall Toy 6•1..5t 'Montrose is advertised at sheriff !AIL.. A ma.l‘ . l over in Tioga county has already ~ , , , I .lanshipped to market this season, 4,175 sht7efT-i is said that our noble Susquehanna is nw hiwer than it has been in the past sixty ME Tip.. recent democratic victory' has caused t.) advance from 35 to 'oo' cents per --; Tib• ladies of Christ church will ' hold a Fair in Mercur Hall some time , next 1 ),1.111 The hour of eveniteg service flat the Epis ‘ipal Church is, 7:30 Sunday, and ?;Friday MEE i',rs,•rvj seats • may` be) '.secured for Tom, at Kirby's on , and after Friday in orning Christma.s books this year will be the pretti•st rind daintiest the little folks have c". ,, ,on ',W e would like to hurrah' for something. rerly Free Press. Why, hurrah for Nel- Gilbert. -.The Pad Factory at. Athens is still doing a large, business, notwithstanding the Into nes, of the season. • A • hat by the parlor 'stove is fast taking the place of loafing on the •front steps or swinzing on the gate. Robert MacDonald is improving his resi, 7 .li.m.ri in Sliesbequin by repainting and ntlierwi,:e repairing it. ,another fruit of democratic victory: Wer ,,, encoil has jumped from eight to fif t'eu cents per gallon. That was quite a change in temperature that' occurml between Monday morning and Monday evening. The delightful fail weather thus far ei t6:rienced this season., cannot be expected t omtinue much longer. . , You may •be poor, you may be unknown, you may never reach distinction, still it is Your duty to stoat the door: Mr. Fitch, Greenback candidate for fiep re,entative, received one vote in - Granville t-wnslapiwhere he resides. It is expected that the Telephone line between this.' - place and Troy will' be in ~,i -:ration by the first of December. Thieves broke into Long's mills near Troy, one night recently, and a little over 14 in change-was taken from, the safe. A nGther cornet is reported visible in the ake f the one that has been on exhibition the lastern skies for, some' time past. T4re is talk that Ira L. Wales is soon to Kart a paper at Sayre. Ira has certainly bad experience in the starting of papers. Persons who find_ other people's mail in th-ir boxes should not throw it back over tv)xes, but hand it through the windows. oral of our citizens have more money t . t..ek than they had , last week, and ~r t•ral of our citizens hive less: Election. VenniHa, of Grover, has bought , Jut tilp firm of Saddler & MeKetn,and will o,Ltinue business in the large store occupied LS tion .. democrats had a jollification meeting at Athens, Saturday evening. R. A. Facker, d • F. Maynard and Wm. Foyle, were the ,r,eakers. vigilance committee has been organi=sed I lanifield. Tioga county, for the PUTPO upping the unlawful sale of liquor in place, • SPeaking of the recent-election, a friend c't did not -believe the demo- erata allowed a single i r majority to ierawni. $e guess so. t, There is , it trnive*list . revival 'meeting being held at Holiday, Tioga county, this week., Rev - . B. Brunning of Athens is tak ing part therein; • , , The. Republican came within 0,000 of the result on Congress.--Jimwebb's Reporter. And the Reporter came within about 12,000 of the same result. M. P. Murray has been offered any sum he may'set for his Indian miriositieS by it society . in There'smilions in it: ." About the hardest job of mendisig some women have, is mending the ways ota hus band. Such is peculiarily the ease with the average Waverly matron, ; - . • A stone culvert is being constructed across Hain street just south of the Ward House. It will; be much larger than the wooden one .= • fly there. The house of C. Spencer, at. Canton; was entered on Tu ►•y of last week, while he was ahsent at e ; lion, and about one hundred dollars in money stolen. The republicans were pretty thoroughly snowed under, but will probably coma 'to tho surface in 'B4.—T47Creriu Tribune. Genung, thou nrt a frrophUt indeed. The Troy Register says that an intend ed elopement, in which a *in of thirty-five and a girl of thirteen years figtires, is agi tating the minds of the Armenia people. The four last weeks of the recent cam paign the REPUBLICAN circulated eight thousand extra copies each week, Our advertisers had their words well,spiead. "Mr. Jadwin will be. the third than in the fight," said the editor of Jimwebb's Re porter, in his issue of November 2d.. The 'young editor has since changed his opinion. The Winter term of the Troy' Graded School begins Monday. November 20th. The term about closing has bcCa one of the most' prosperous in the history of the School. An exchange says it is easier for a camel to, swallow a whole paper of needles than it is for a delinquent subscriber' to go to heaven. 'And that exchange is decidedly correct. • The Hon. David B. Hill,. of Elmira, democratic candidate for Lieutena,nt Goier nor of New torir; received the largest ma jority ever given a State officer in the United States. ' Mrs. L. A. Wooster, has fitted up very neatly the ,rooib in the Oliver Block latkly occupied as a , music store and his filled it with a fine assortment of Millinery Goods. —Tray Gazette. t The Athens Giizette says that no building has ever made the rapid . progress in that borough that the Davies & Shaw block has' since its start. So much for good weather and admirable push. Says the Troy Gazetti: of last week: "S. N. Rockwell and Delos Rockwell. were sud denly upset and spilled out of their buggy on Monday, near West Burlington, by their horse turning rapidly. Five drops of the oil of cubebs upon a !piece of loaf sug4, ' . dissolved gradually in 'the mouth, will! inst a ntly relieve the most troublesome paroxysm of coughing, or the irritation of Bronchitis. I,ymin Vanderpool, recently caught from the Wyalusing creek,, two pickerel that weighed three pounds and three ounces each. They 4e said to be the largest"fish ever caught frlan that stream. , A debating club has been organized in Leßaysville, and meets Thursday evening of each week in the school building. If well conducted it will prove a- real benefit to the younglnen of Leßaysville. . • The.Waverli Tribune wauls to know. if Allen, of this-paper was ever a l chiropodist. No, Genung, he is not, and .never has been: He is now, always has been, apd undoubt edly, always will be, a ppubli&n. The UniOn Thanksgiting eervi . res of the various churches of Troy, will 'be held this year ae the Methodist Church, Nov. 30, at' 10:30 o'clock a. m. liev. G. P. &Wall will deliver the Thanksgiving discou*. Master Howard A. Hatchinsonl, .of Pike, presented the editor of the 4e4taysville Advertiser,, last week, with a' Sweedish turnip that %weighed seven pounds and eleven ounces. Quite a turnip that. Cary Horan, of Burlington, delivered a' load of potat4s toJesse_MYer, of this place, - on Friday at 15 cents per bushel. Mad' Beaver been elected Myer would - have paid }loran $1.50 per bushel for the same pota toes. '' We trust our 'correspondentS in the .dif forusz:t towns of tbed county will_ send, us; all the news itenis froin their localities regu larlp'each week. Election is over, and we will noiv for their communich- tions. Px?:4 1 :: past has in the cl , who for short time ig a musical convention Est Leßoy, gave a con• cert on Friday and Saturday evenings of last wee k , which was pronounced a grand r The first quarterly meeting for th . o pres ent conference. year will be held in the M. E. Church of Troy, 'Nov. 26, and On the . same day at East Troy and Leona. ..Th'e Burlington quartirly meeting will be held Nov. 19th. . Why should men diink because they are successful in a political contest ? And others, do the same thing because they' get beaten., Humanity is an anomaly anyhow. —Athens Gazette. So is celery, Charley. So is celery. , • •t. The teßayssille Advertiser piiblishes a sec tion)of the penal Code of Nevi fork, in refer encitto labor on Sunday, and says it is now in force in this State. Vtmgelder is a real smart man. Real smart. Re ought to edit a daily. : The Elmira . jitirertiser says there are in that city two women- habitual drunkards, who may be seen oil the street almost any day. The daughter is & well educated, Wand was . at one time a teacher in one of the Public schools.', L. Moran is building a large stone bake oven back of the store occupied by Tabcir & Co.. and will eitendsthat building to eke!. it. " He expects to occupy the building With his bakery busineSs be i tween now; and spring. —Canton Sentinel. Says the Waverly Triune: "The Du shore Record has been removed to Towan da, at which place it is soon to re4ume pub lication. They only_have five weeklies arid two dailies now, and the new paper will ;"supply a long felt want." , • The express train on the Erie' Railroad passing east at noon Thursday was held at' Elmira till physicians could vaccinate all the - passengers, as al !manger afflicted with symptoms .. of small - poi waif' taken from the train at Hornelhonite. The Towanda Republican 4as -"loony" last week, for Jadwin, as nearly every arti cle in its columns sounded his name.—Le- Raysrille Advertiser And a large majority of the Republican voters of this Congres sional District were just as "loony." An exchange says that those, who are troubled by having their potatoes , rot in the cellar ,Arill find that sorting them 1 our and then wring some sir-slacked lime over them will effectually put a stop to idl decay. T It Antsost nine to try 'the experiment. ,I- 1 • i- " ' - Albs conclusion of , the dememitic pared on Friday evening, the. Gergrumis Band sere n aded Chairman Tag, of the Republican County Committel, and Chair man Hicifs of the Independent C,ommittee. A number of 'persons are cirCulathig peti tions for the appointment as Postmaster at this place. Postmaster Powers coaunimicre expires on the 20th of 'Januarq nertt. We would not be a bit surprised if . Mr. Powell should be re-appointed. • In the Democratic procession on Friday evening last, we 'observed a . transparency that bore the , inscription: "Garfield Avenged." 'Ti, well. But the tramper ency should have also borne upon it the fol lowing: "We lied alxiit Garfield in 1880." Partisan appeals to "vote . the straight ticket" will henceforth be little regarded among Republicans, and many of the thick and-thin 'party organs that .have supported objectionable candidates under protest; in the past, will welconie the era of gu-as-ion please politics.—Pittston Gazette. Our farmers cannot certainly complain of the frost nipping their Einsers in husking corn Ws- fall. "Jack" has' only hit us a few times, so far , and the Weather for several morning past has been very spring like. P. S. We havti, changed our mind' since• the above was • Veit. "An exchange says: "A little strip of flat paper, torn from the edge of a, news paper moistened in the lips, and drawn un der the lid of the eye that is troubled from a locomotive spark or cinder, will, in near ly every case, remove it instantly. It is soft, and the sufferer 'doesn't feel it.. Almon Baxter and wife were thrown out of their carriage on Fridiy, the 3d inst., near Burlington and both quite severely hurt. The team took fright at a party of Italians some five 9r six in number, who; dirty, ragged and saucy had several bears along to give respectability to tho crowd. The gentleman who insisted on betting us that Col. Overton's vote in the District would exceed Mr. Jadwin'e, will be kind enough to Call at this office and settle' the same. Also those gentlemen who wagered us that Col. Overton's vote would exceeed 6000 in the District. The Colonel's total vote is . 5 ;6 75. It is said that wheat Will shrink in six months six per cent., and corn in the same time not far from twenty per cent. The loss by rats, mice and insects is nisi) great. The farther who sells earliest is theref9re the one who sells the best. Eighty COATS a bushel -for corn St husking is equal to a dol -1 larinext spring 4 i The Leona Cornet Band serenaded their new, pastor ono evening recently. His par ishioners joining with them, took possession of his home and poutided him with grocei ies" and provisions until his pantry was full and his heart merry.. The company, after a very enjoyable time left this pleasant home before the Wee.small hours. Says the Gazclte. of Troy: "The tele phone line between hero and Towanda 'is being pushed forward, all the stock having been subscribed payable in tickets for use on the line. The lawyers and some of our business firms have responded handsomely and the result will be a cheap communica tion between the various places along the line." Says' the Canton correspondent of the Advertiser tinder date of November 'Hebrew pack peddler has been swind ling people in this section, by selling them cheap and almost worthless • bram-framed spectecles upon representation- ,that they were gold. He is a short, thickset fellow, and people should kick him out of doors Wherever he appears." _Waagree perfeetly and 'entirely With one of our exchanges when it says: Marriages, death and births shoull be publish ed, but Iwe can't ' be prestimed to know - tha facts concerning them un less someliody tells. us. The editor has no time to attend . - tliei weddings and fu nerals, and no inclination to attend all the births. So bring or send us . the news. The firm. of Overton & Sanderso• 'n,.have rritten us'adiscontinue their card in the RE.Pcsuces - and! also their • subscription thereto. We 'do not imagine from this that the gentlemen are „going out oft the law business, or to Europe. Of one; thing we are positive, however: The withdrawal of theiripatrOnage will not interfere !with the future publication of the RErum.teas. Says the. Athens Gazette ,ot last week . : ,"m Mr. Gregg, who has beenmissing for some months past, and supposed to , be dead, was discovered in New York, by it P. Murray, sound as a dollar, and on Friday morning he came home. Reports ,say,ihat he. has ben in Mexico_-and..the _46aq:ern states a great portion of the time.' Me was not overly pleased with . his Meeting with Mur ray, =I On Tuesday the children , of Mat. Ward, of Newelltown, were playing up stairs, it is supposed with matches, and set the house on fire, whicli` was burned up with everything it contain ed: One of the children barely escaped with its life. It was a bad loss for I4r. Ward as.hii winter's suPply . of provisions, which was stored in the cellar, was destroyed. There was no insurance on contents.—Canton Senti3zet. The slate of the Bosses was badly busted in this . bounty on Tuesday; of last week. We have an idea that several gentlemen who imagined themselves two weeks ago as perfectly sure of the nomination for Sheriff two years hence, are not so sanguine at pre- Sent. Gentlemen 'twill be welly in the fu ture to go with public sentiment in this county. Jimwebb & go.'ti political machine is irrevocably and irretrievably busted. Notwithstanding the Inct that the Brad ford Argus office was burned out on Friday it came out promptly on Wednesday, being issued from rooms over' e' Reporter office. Although on the eve of nn t important elec tion, the Republiazi. and Reporter gener ously assisted their political opponent, fur nishing him with type and material, forget ting all political diffeyences when a brother scribe was in trouble.—WarSrly Tribune. Mr. Robert If. Sayre has ,determined ic accept the presidency of South Penn.' sYliania Raihmiiipand take full charg,e , of its'affairs - ..t His - resignation as superinten dent and engineer of the Lehigh Valley Railroad has been accepted, and went into effect last Wednesday. Mr. Sayre, 'however, retain his directorship the Lehigh Valley :Railroad and continue his friendl4interest in the affairs of the pany whose service he was so usefully and actively engaged for more than a quar ter of a century.—Pittston Press. It is not generally known that we have itt the,nickel fire cent pieces of ear ceinage, a key to . the tables of liseai weights and measures. The diameter of tho - nickel is two centimeters, and its weigh: is five grammes. Five of them placed in ri row will, of course, give the length of . ‘a deci meter; and two of them will weigh a deca gramme. As the kiloliter is a cubic meter, the key to the measure* of length is also the key to measure of capacity. Any 'person; therefore, who is fortunate enough to own a five-cent nickel ma§ carry in his pocket the entire metric 'system of weight and measures:! We give a key to the above in English nieasum., The meter is equal io 30,30 American inches the centimeter is $9 1000 tbs of an inch. The gramme weighs 16,433 grains avoirdupois, - • iniffered poipradiFT•lo. ! 12 . 1, 1 0 from the atom titlfondity hot. The friends of the Rev. Hillock 41.04, Fodor of the Presbyterian chusr..h of WeAs azuteohunhin, will maks him s done-, tion virtu at the parsonage, on WedneiliT evening, Woven:Auer 22d. • • Thaycningpeople of Willy and Gnat vine gave Mr. .1. C. Rockwell, of the latter place, a very pleasant anrpris' a on Wednes day e*ing of last week. Oysters and cakes were served, and ; aII had a good tune. . . We know several gentlemen, in this'lace who are not , near as • positive now as they were a few weeks ago , with respect the, Independent' vote . And we, know one getleman who is glad to the tune of over $5OO that those other gentlemen had such positive opinions.. In a, collision that occurred between train No. 9, and a freight train at; Caxton, Saturday afternoon, Pat Costello, engi neer of the locomotiveldrawing No. 9, and 'Pat McMahon, fireman, .were dangerously injured, and Fred B. Evans, of Athens, had two fingers broken. J. B. C.; ilanroeton.--You win the bet. The "Chronicles" were written by' the As sociate Editor of the RZPUBLICAN. X. Y, Z., Athens—See offcial vote of District in another Column. R. G.; Canton—Thanks for the cola plitnent. Saks an Athens correspondent: "Joseph Thurston has offend his silo,, constructed last summer and filled with green corn fc'llt der. The contents are in excellent condi tion and eagerly sought by his cows. Ti,e silo was constructed of plank studding Wi'llt cement' , floor and spaces at the sides filled with sawdust and the contentsccrvered with plank and weighted down with stone." , We are informed that the late Bosses have issued eiders that the 'Rama:mix must be crushed. All legal advertising- is to be given to other papers, and all good machine men are to be counseled to aub spribe for any journal but this. . Gentlemen, it was Isfohomet who commanded the moun tain to come tb him. Did the mountain come to him. Not much. • Proceed with your crushing.' Anthony' & Ellis'sideal Uncle Tom's cab in company are to produce Uncle Tom's cakin at Mercur Hall, Monday evening next NoVember 20th. This company is undonbti edly among ' the best now traveling, and those who desire to see Uncle Tom's Cabin presented in a first class' manner - should attend the entertainment Monday evening. Reserved seats maybe obtained at Kirby's drug store. • ' , We understand that the name of an catetuned . contemporary, i lormerly known as the Bradford Republica n will be hereafter celled the Jadwin Republican. Their pa per Aast week justifies the statement.— Jinurebb's Reporter. " We understand that tho name of - an esteemed contemporary, formerly known as the Bradford Reporter, will be bereafter called the Jinniebb Repor- . ter. The result of the recent election jus tifies the statement. Sbme person or persons placed several beery timbers acrosss Second street, ''on Friday evening last, along which the Deem cratic procession was to pass. The timely discovery of the obstruction no doubt pre vented serious damage to several teams that, were in advance, of the promsion, and that would have dri4ren into the obstruction in the darkness. The parties guilty of plac ing the obstruction in the street should be found out and punished. The proprietor of the :Oberon Misuse at LO9kßriusch, where Mr. Garfield's "family and suite,put up, has been heard fkom by the auditing committee. Although he generously refrained from Making. any charge for the bite President himself, his bill amounts to $llOO, is circumstance which will confirm the public in the opinion that most of those who had any business relations with Mr, Clarfield'i hit sickness are deter mined to make thebestof their opportunity. Those charitably disposed should seek out some needy family within range of their observation, and furnish them with a Thanksgiving dinner, e? :abundant that it will affoid ample food for the entire day. There is always enough thrown aidde_lrom the dinner tables of the rich and well-to-do Osupply every ,poor family in the town with an abundmice of the lest, and prepa red i in j a, way that makes it 0. treat indeed to thOse unable to gratify their tastes. ' Thanksgiving Day was not originated by the Pilgrims id Massachusettkf as some newspapers have erroneously assertedl, 4 lii 1680, two hundred and two years ago, *thanksgiving began as an annual custom in the Protestant .Episcopal Church,. and a service. specially fpr the occasion ' : will ) be found in the Book of Common Piayer in Use in that Church. It was 137 years later before it was adopted atran annual custom in Yew York, and it was `not until 1863 that it was adopted. as a national custom. To Abraham Lincoln_helongs the honor of incorporating it among our national holi days. The general opinion of the medical pro fession is against the propriety' of using catarrh guar, as productive of more harm than good by irritating the delicate mucous membranes .of the air passages; but, the least objectionable of: any is composed of equal parts of best powdered cubebs and Alety.poadered guni arabic. It is but slightly errhine, decidedly tonic in effect upon the membran4 and at the same time soothing and healing. Very many phyti-• - clans havs \ given this preparation their cor dial recommendation, as operating admir ably; especially where there is great ob struction bf ,the nasel' foam. Dose:—A pinch several times a day. The Deniocrats Celebrated their recent victory bin - "blowout" in this *0 on Fri day evening'.., About 300 men were in line with torches :and transparencies, and they guwched through , the principal streets of the village. The Sayre Band and the Ger mania Band furnished the music. Many residences and , business places were brilli antly illuminated. After the parade a meeting was held in. the Park which was addressed by Congressman-elect Post; and several of our home orators. It was a very creditable display, but not as large as many supposed it would be. The democrats were ail very jublmt and a goodly number of 013 - 11 trifle hilarious. Just a trifle. We expect to celebrate in 1884. Our demo cratic friends may then lOok out for a pro. cession as is a procession. Henry James, Jr., has made a new study of American character and manners in a brilliant satirical sketch, which will be pub lished in the December Century. The arti cle, entitled . "The Point of View," 'oculists of a series of letters supposed to have been written in this country by an educated En glishman and a Preach Academician, who; have come to study American insiMutions, and by Americans who have lived in Eu rope and who are alive to the alteet-cOmings of their native land,' By Way of contr• est, one of the letters is a criticism of Pariiiian life by an American. The remit who write the letters are clearly enough &fined in charrieter to give the sketch the intereet of a story. As a criticism of American life it is as noteworthy as the same writer's "Daisy Miller. PEISSON4 L i -rEsgii*thissiThllll;otB6,7S l Blo* C kfflAY —4lll POPi SISYSSIS S St iS *NM in town.' • DL- Welies liar gone 0.4 --41 S. Fitch goes to the,rity,,,t,darto buy Holiday goods. —ll.ra. F. F. Barnet', is visiting her !!r` ants it Carhop Bun. '; . 779huleflIffhlgt9n blia - lion. to. 14 sots to visit his broths*: - R. Ifsehrheis, is lonia** Ili of typhoid fever, * —NW Kitty Itsiknyder, of _Caw* 0, ts thc• guest opl[ss. John Pampielr. • ,--Voagreigimuljelsi4; -43t0. A. •Pat,- StisquehaaniOriti in town FA* night.: —Judge! Mayer kpreaiding at the argu ment Court., bei n g bold bere,:tbis week. —Vim Lydia Stewart, of Troy, b re turned from a visit to her. show is Suds, Illinois. _ —J. P. Coburn, of Orwell, received the highest voteriled for any csMdidats on the oeupty ticket. • ' _ ' —Mrs. B. hitch, of Sayre, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs., IL P. Moore, in this Place, last week. „ • —Was EA' Arnold is same° from Lima, health having compelled her ,to lawie the school for awhile. —Mr. and Mrs. Martin L B6ckwell, of gamin, who have been very Bill with typhoid fever,are recovering. • —Hon. Geo. Ostarkont an old resident of Tunkhannock; died in that place one day last week+ Med 49 years. —D. 8:Stowell; formerly .of Sugar Run, this conety,lbas eagssid.inthshemberbud items at Eiols, Nhusesota. - • —John O. Woad, et . the Zags Rotel, Waverly, took in the Democratic jollffice tier here Fridi . way/ming. • —Dr. T. B. Johnson, of this place, re ceived the highest vote of any- canilideteva the.democratic °aunty ticket. —Prof. E., T. Burge°, formerly, Princi• pal o'f the'Graded School in this place, died at,pltsville, on Thursday last. —Dr. E. D. Payne has removed his office from-the Mfmtanye block to the late resi dence of James Wood, Faq., on Pine greet. —Ex-Sheriff W. S. Dobbins, we regret to my is confined at home from an • injury ,canned by the kick of a colt.-21py Gazette. —District Attorney-elect ifcGahen, of Lusenie:county, is i native Of this county. Hii parents reside in Standing Stone town ship. - —Editor Bowman, of the Canton Sentinel, is going to Nort*Carolina for the benefit of his health. We trust his, fondest hopes may be realised. • . • . —lsaac M. Gregory, managing editor of the Gazette and Free Preis, left Elmira, on Wednesday, to assume the editorship of the New York Graphic. - _ the Republican candidate for District Attorney of Sullivan, was elected. He was the only Republidin that was suc cessful in that county. -Thos. Gahan, a native of this. county, wham parents reside in Towanda township, was elected to the Legislaturefron t LY l x, ing county at the recent election. 1, - . —Capt. J. Hurst, U. S. Army, after doing duty' .on the Western frontier for thirteen years, is paying' a visit to friends in this county. •He gave us a pleasiniCull on Friday last. !—Rev. H. B. Nye, of Philadelphia; has accepted a call to the pastorate of , - ) the Church of the Messiah, Universalist, &tibia place,, and will commence his wens here about the first of January. • —James T. Hale, Esq.,- of this Once, was appointed judge to convey the congress ional retithui -.of this county to Tunkhan neck, *here the return judges for, the several counties met and canvissed the v ' of the d'udrietnn Tuesday -W. 0. Wooster, of Me,' departed ,pn Tuesday morning with' his team - and two sons fora trip across the country -to Nauga tuck, Ct. His Wife and daughter go On the cars to join them there, where all will set tle in their home.—Leßapsvilk Advertiser. Nirooster takes the road next week for aui Sanford Whip Co., one of the lames whip tnanufictories in' the country, kiratetat Westfield, Mass. ,L. L. Sperry is one of partners , the company. Mr.- Wooster has had large experience end is an energetic; reliable man who will make friends in the businfss.—Troy Gazette. --We hear the name of Col. H. B. Mc- Sean mentioned in connection with the of fice-of Adjutant General under Governor i'attison. The office is purely a military one, and is at the disposal of the Governor,; and we sincerely hope the Col. may receive `the appointment. He was one of the ear ,enlisters An the rebellion—in April, 61—and served hie country gallantly _arid faithfully. He would, we have, no doubi r prove an excellent officer, and his appoint ment would be a gratification to liis many friends in ' this vicinity.--Jourent. We give a hearty endorsement tai the 'above, and sincerely hope the .Colonel may receive the appointment. • ' A CARD As it has not been my privilege to meet with bUt few of my many good friends in Brii;lfonlitounty prior to my election, .. I desire now to express publicly my ;sincere thanks for and my appreciation of -die cheerful support accorded me both in the Convention and at the poke, and I trust I am not insensible to the honor thus conferr• ed upon me, nor am I unmindful of the great, responaibilitiei which this honor in volves. But as it has been my pleasure to accept thb one, so shall it be my duty to as- Mme the pther. And here let me anent you that if permitted to enter upon the &- ilea of the office it shall he my highest aim anti ambition to merit the esteem and con 'Nance -with which you have been , pleased to honor me, and to this end I ,shall ear nestly endeavor at all timer to knoir and to do my duty, first to my God, second to my country and third to my fellow:mut. Re assuring you of my grateful appri3ciation of your suffrages, I am Your Obedient;Serrant, • B. R. ifxrcustz. The latest swindle on - farmers, which generally'succeeds• on thole who take no papers, is outlined in an • -exchange as fol lows: TUro rogues watch the Papers for, estray notices, and when one is published' one of them goes to look at the animal. Of course onapplication the unsuspecting I - fa r mer shown the beast and the fellow decides that it is not his, and then returns to his ' partner and describes the anitaliminutely, No. 2 goes to the fanner, and after proving by a thOpugh description that i he is the owner of the animal, says he 'can't take it away; offers f r o :Deg it at a bargain. The firmer buys,°;imd in a day or two the right ful owner coma and claims the animal, and of, course the finner is out of just samuch. ILook Dire, reader. • If you persist in re maining a rilmmleriteilds piper you -are liable to be "set down" on by the Bosses. The Boise* do not hire this journal. In fact they itilvir it. They are. going to try to crash it. one of • these; days. -you - are going to see a iumber of the , womb fooled 8081108 that ever attempted to dictalWisiomi'- ns. • • Infuses Saved is Gataall. Workmen 111111 economise iimploy ing • Dr. Pierce's Mediniani. 7 "Pleasant Purgetire Pellets" j am% "Golden Yedical.Discirrery" claim the 1 1 blood and system thus preventing fevern'and other serious diseasminnd curt*. an scrofulous and other hun. Sid by draggle& JP'4FLPII arpf VAN rHIS, 'Amax- = Pant, servant of this Maciko,„ !einepn. bent* thew kindly;, oa k Athens,, end isieleth'thee thesetradsi not °tuner.. latitm, for verily lie knows& :mit, tiremolaz tkm, at this hour bat rather : of. Ornise, in isminch as in th e of direr'` ml thou wart faithful 'to the mathbre;...yea, even though thou wait compastiel about by its' enemies thou- lumt proven -faithful,: even when its crank hest - been; broken' and its (muffler's dislocated. — Hence I greet t,bee with! L eolegraudirtiMm, Didst the peple a rias and cry, out againstthe machine, that lawtheeerfaithfed in its cause. It grieveth ma xnuelr that I canna speak the same Words that I speak unto you to the dwellers in Son* Creek, in Granville and in Albany, in Lffkry and in Sayre, in Monroe and in Burlington, in Wyalusing and Tuscarora, in Terry, and in Warren, in Merrick and in Asylum, in Pike and in , Franklin, in Canton and in Barclay. But amidst the gloom that enshrondest me, I panto thee,. to Troy and to Rome. As it is 'written that Ephraim was Pintail° his idols, even so it rejoices me much to find thee and Rome, and Trey, ma more greatly jokied to the Machine. Thou didst well. In thei r Kr row and gloom that overcasts Me, James and Andrew, faithful machinists, are, like wise enshrouded. Is my grief deep, 'truly' theirs is deeper. Duet try to cheer them, James mourneth over Smithfield, and bury, end Andrew inunvereth "Litchfield didn't do what she other." Verily, I fear me we are "scooped," even as the mighty sea !"scoopeth" the small river. Even Stepleronounieth, as the man mourneth who getteth not a government position, even Octet office - that he once had. 'Do Janie, and Andrew, and I, go out_ among the people I Not tench. For 'they revile us.', They scoff at us, and they cry out to us "where is Prestige 1. , And F. we go not to the public places, but rather condole each with the other. Verily "it is hard to kick against the picks. "And verily •he who lbelieveth that three men are mightier than a multitude, is not wise. If in times past the machine hest been able to do the bidding of those who t ` Wined its crank, it is no longer able to perform its diity. It grieveth me to write it but I fear me much that it is good for naught 'save as a relic. For even so the machine give the Colonel preferment, the people preferred Cornelius, surnamed Jadwin; yea, even by great mat titudea. And as the fire runneth in. the husbandman's August clearing, even so ran Cornelius with the people, whilst the Colonel hastened not faster than flame kiridld in the wet-wood. Do I cast up the column of those who were with the Colonel and of those, who were with Cornelius, verily I am ! Made sick. Doth James do the same thing, he, frequently mentioneth the 'obstruction that in other - years was placed across the river it this llace, even the dim"; and he speaketlyfamiliarly of one who tempted our common mother, s even •in the Garden of Eden. And' Andrew 'stumpy' 'to and, not up the columnsfet all. Verayfhe is as the Old man whose, hand tremideth and. whose eyes spe not. I would write thee words of cheer for the future, but 'of such words have I, none. I fear me that-heneefoith him whom the people want will they call, and he who standeth in the way of his corn ing'twere better for him in that day, that ho go out of his native country, even to a, tor eigh land-,New Jersey. It bath grieved me: ; sore to speak thus to thee, and Janies has read my words to Andrew, and they mourn as those who suddenly "loose a good thing," and they tell me that the mul titudes are crying out against us, 'and sai l : ing that if I, Pall„ or James, or Andrew, were before them once again they would make it "hot for us," even "red hot." And I replied to James and Andrew that I thought the people would even do se t and James said he "had no' doubt .of it,°, and Andrew said, "you bet." Sadly thine, A 'mote -Zip. "Will the darned thing shuts - 1" was the question of s it green looking, lank fellow with marble hat; as he stood in Dr. R. C. Kendall's office a few days ago and observ e&the vulcanizer steaming away over the fire. A few days latei: and he Would not have needed to ask the , question. • The "darned thing" did• shoot and did credit to itself as a destroying instrument, second only to one of the lately invented torpedoes. Friday last, - about 10 o'zlock, as Dr. Ken dall was "cooking" a set of teeth in the vul canizer, which is a *nail copper cylinder with an iron screw heiul, over which is slipped a ring to hold its place, . the imple ment needed attention. Fred Voelker, ;of Williamsport, who is the Doctor's assistant, stepped fOrward and tested' it to see that it was all right. , The confined steam has to be raised to abefit 320 degrees' temperature or about 40 lbs pressure,to the square inch, the vulcanizer being warranted to stand 90' lbs. Hardly had he turned the screw and stepped back when the vulcanizer exploded with ti loudkeport blowing,the glasi entire ly out of the large window,on the west front t of the building with a tremendous crash. The' t set of teeth were thrown out into the middle of the street and the iron cylinder head, a very formidable missile, was shot over to the _gate' beyond the Adamii . House, a distance; of ten rods. The glass showered the sidewalk and the roadln a novel hailstorM,_whih greatly as tonished the only person who happened to be oil sidewalk near by.. Jud Aspinwall was standing in the office. about Ltwo feet away with his back to the vulca;mzer but fortunately 'was not : hurt although the es; cape was a narrow tine. 'lf the fellow with the marble hat should call again, he can lie informed - that the "darned 'thing" did shoot.—Troy Gazette. P. of X. The last quarterly meeting of Srad' ford and Sullivanmm Grange for current year, will be held at the Hall of Waupasen- . ing Grange, Windham, •Thuisday; 211 d. The session will be opened at 1 li`. 1 )11. As the election of officers takes place at the Meeting, it is very important every subor dinate Grange in the jurisdiction be repre sented. Patrons will remember, that all meetings of the Pomona Grange - are Pic nics, and bring their baskets.. - W. H. Slim, Master. . S. W. ALVORD, Sec'y. • New Emotan# Mieper. , The ladies.of Wyalusin' g and vicinity will give a New England Supper at J. Morgan Brown's Hotel, - on Friday evening , Nov. 24. The proceeds of the slipper are to be given to Mn. Jalair. Woodruff, a worthy and elder ly widow, who recently lost all her property by fire and is now building a small house on a lot purchased by the aid of. her friends. Mr. Brown has kindly offered to closebis bar and give the use'of his house for the -oc casion. - Dediesture. The Methodist Episcopalrehurch at Roine; Bradford county, Pennsylvania, haVing been ;thoroughly repaired kill be rededicated to the service of God, Nov. 28,1882. Hon. George Landon will preach the dedicistory sermon at 11 a. m. Y. C. Smith, D. D., wM be present and rededicate the church at 7 p. m. =dial invitation is eitended to all. S. B. KEz.przy. Rome, Nov. 14, 1882. - ' A permanent restoration _of exhaustecl aial worn-out functions follow the use of Brown's Lt B i tters. • Try cranberry for malaria. RIPPLES Pam 8.1. Lr Jurzff. RICADWATIMS SALT - • " Novnim 9rs, TZAR vw ?as CAuutrry. , BerthUass Office Bogs Arrived here yesterday, was delayed con: riders, on the , way up, in consequence of haying:jai inexperienced pilot. All the' pilots fa*il - ar with the stnnunivere engag p4 in running . !titxits down the river. I came up on the Jadwin. She is a very trim boat, and had a large list of passengerst Nate Elsbree, Holcomb, Dick Angle, Lume_Putruim and a lot more of the boys were weenie's. We bad a very enjoyable trip, considering the' circumstan ces under which we made the journey. We weed the Ghetto* on our way' up. Al ihOugli she had but tow passinigersishe was the slowest running boat on the river, and Study ran aground on "Machine Bat." and was abandoned. Her passenger. waded &there and "footed" it as far as this plarde, which is Called the "Town of Disappoint niont." Tt is rightly named. 'Paul, James and Andrew:were passengers on the Overton. They had' bought tickets fora town about 80 miles back' from here, and denied on foot for there this morning. The Colonel had a ticket' for the same place and accompanied . them. Their each had a grip eackin one hand labeled "Oblivion via. Prestige," and in the other hand a piece of a cog wheeL They were the most forlorn, 4ownesst, looking curves, they trudged out of this' place for their destination, I: ever SOMJ I don't believe 'they will ever . • rxime back. Isaw Steve Alvord here this a. m. -`lle wee sitting down on the bank of the river reading a volume entitled "Daily Review of the Past." The contents of _the book did not seem to please him, judging by the scowl on his face. • - Editor'Marsh, of Jimwebb's Reporter, is here. He bad a big grip sack in • his hand when I saw him labeled "Public Patron age." He was a passenger by the Overton, and toldline he was very disappointed in the boat. Said he had to walk half the way. Thougit the Jadwin was much the superior cra - Hooker, ofthe . Troy Gazette, is skirmish ing around here with a grip sack that looks as though he had but lately hooked 'on to it labeled "Public Pap.', Hititon,-, of the Athens Gazette is also trotting about here with a grip sack labeled the same. Both of the grip sacks put to gether would not be as large as Marsh's. I said as much to Charley,*and s he seemed to be displeased at a bare hint-on the subject. -VanGelder, of the Leßaysville Advertiser is here. Ido not know how he got here. He was. certainly not a passenger on the And thoie who came on the Overton insist that if he 'was', a passenger on that boat he must i have been stowed away on.the rudder. He had in his hand the thinnest looking grip' sack I ever saw.'" He was wandering aimlesily about and di. not seem , to'be recognized ; by. any one. \ I pittied the poor old man. • Bill Lewisis-here, jovial , as ever. ; Asked him how he came here and he told me. that he came "across lots." There area great many of the other boys' from down your way here, but I . cannot mention theta all in this letter. They areal' dying to make the best of the situation, and already I can see improvements being made in the - general appearance` of the place. ...being put in the window sash where formerly old hats served to keep out the chilly blasts that constantly circulate up " A meeting was held last evening to 'make artungementa for .opening a public school. Several tough looking milkmen were present who claimed to be citizens of lowa, but who have been here almost con stantly for the past twenty-five years.- They created some little disturbance in the meeting by freqriently inquiring, and insist ing on being informed, whether or. no Pub lic School came in barrels or ins. Every one of theni had a probacis that look ed like a light house set near a maelstrom Where "schooners" had been frequently drawn in., , PAUL. A meeeting was also held yesterday to organize a town government'. Jim Terry was chosen Mayor, unanimously. The other officers will be chosen in the near fu ture. PerciVal Powell will undoubtedly receive the appointment as Postmaster, although BM Griffis, Steve Alvord and several others will try to get t. There must have lived here in the past -very large family by _ the of "Bour bon," as around every building there are numberless barrels and kegs, 9f all sizes, with the "Bourbon" name on. ' Some of them I observed had been received by "X Bourbon," and quite a good many had evi dently belonged to "XX Bourbon." I sup pose "X Bourbon's" full name is ."Xexies Bourbon," and no doubt "XX tourlxin's" full name , is "Xerxes Xenophon Bourbon . " There are- also scattered , - about a goodly number that had belonged to "Old Bour bon," and "Old Bourbon, Extra." ttake it for granted that "Old Bourbon," is the' lather of Xerxes or Xerxes Xenophon, and that "04 Bourbon, Extra," is unquestionably their grandfather. Bottles, with patent cork fasteners evidently grow here spontaneously. They growr lempty, too.' You can scarcely 'set your foot down without striking a bottle. _ The. lowa fel lows say that'ior,the past twenty-five years water has not been used here, to' their. knowledge, as a beveiage; and as I gatt on one of those lowans I firmly believe that the late residents here did not use water for any. purpose. That is, if they are fair samples of the former residents. But as this , letter has , already exceeded the 'length I intended it, I will defer a fur ther description of, the country and its-in habitants until another time, as I shall un doubtedly be compelled to remain here for a . year at least. It's a ; tough Country though. Longingly Yours, , ' Tan Assam= Enrroa. P, S.—l send this by Clint DeWittt, who is coming right down. He inadvertently got on board the little schooner Stark, near the, mouth of the river; to see a few friends lilt , and the schooner sailed up the river without his being aware of it until he got here. T. E. ME N. B.—A man . just came over . :from Ob livion, and he says that about thirteen miles this side of _thatplace, he saw four fellows. One of them, a short middle aged man had hold of the crank of a corn similar, that stood by the, side, of the road, turning it for dear life.- That a slim old fellow was "feeding" something into the machine, and that a middinsised smiling fellow was holding a grip sack at the delivery pipe, with the "mouth of the grip lack wide open'. The other manle , seis was, lying under a tree fanning himself with a manuscript that read, , "Official Vote, November - 7th, 1882." .He says the last named man look ed very much disgusted with the whole pro ceedings, Says he heard the man turning the crank ask the one feeding the machine what .was coming out, aral he answered "Prestige," and the man holding the grip sack said "I guess so." There is no doubt but the four men were Paul; James, Andrew and the Colonel, , arid-ihat the pas sion.t of their political life is strong in their political death. A. E. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks, and spatAtling eyes with all the cos. metici of Fraice or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health and nothing will give' you - suchl rich blood, 'good health,. strength , and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is cer ta4l Paid. IMO Lady Aawtijiars. XLIIIIIIID. ICELLOG—CLARK—In Syria Id, Pa. Oct. 81st, by Rev. T. Mitchell, Lynn Itillogg ‘ andMary Clark both of Spying- . ~ LUCKEY—JACKSON—At the. home of J. 'R. Wilbur, in Troy, Nov. 4th,:by Rev. H. C. Moyer, Mr. Nelson . Lackey and - Miss Dora Jackson, all of Troy. HUBBARD-FRENCII-At. the M. E. parsonage Nov. Ist, 1882, by Rev. H: C. Moyer, Enos W. Hubbard, and Miss Ida M. French, both of 6mithfiebt THOMAS---MARVIN—At the M. E. Par sonage, N0v 4 .1, -1882, by Rev. H. C. Moyer, Mahlon G. Thema and Miss. MattieMarvin,:both:of Smithfield, Pa. li"IIIIMA.N---.SWAZZE At the home of the bride in Aspinwall, Nov. Bth, by ' Roy. Phillock . Armstrong, ' Mr. Charles W. Furman of Austinville and Mias Annie E. Surarze. MIT Lrlir-BENJAMIN—At the Summers House in Monroeton, Nov. 8, 1:•:2, by Rev. J. Lloyd Jones, M. A; R. Miller and Miss E. J. Benjamin, both of Asylum. CRANMER—PEPPER—At the residence of Mr: Detrick in Greenwood, Nov. 11, 1882, by Rev. J. Lloyd Jones, Mr. Henry H. Cranmor of Monroe and Misslfrankie F. Peppek of Greenwood. .' D/ED. McOAERAGHER—At the ies:Hence of her brother, Minor M. Eddy in this place on Tuesday morning Nov. 14, 18W, • of consumption, Mrs. Evelene McCara gher, in the 71st year of her age. After services at the house her remains were taken to Wilkesbarre, her •former place of residence, on Thursday morning for interment. ,- KR ".In Ulster, Nov. 2, typhoid =Wild' fever, A. M. Kramer, aged .59 years.; -, I * " A true friend to the weak and convales cent is Brown's Iron Bitters. Tiy eating onions and horseradish to re lieve dropsical swellings. Try buttericulk for removal of freckles, tan and butternut stains.. •Women that have been bedridden for years hive been completely cured -by the use Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound„ ' BUSINESS LOCALS. iresadese. The undersigned will ,sell at his residence in Albany; Pa., beginning_ at .10 o'clock,--a. m., Tuesday, November, 21st, 1882, the following property, 15 cows, 1 three-year old full blood Jersey bull, 1 pair twin year ling steersl„3 Jerseys, 2 colts, 1 No. 9 Fer guson bureau creamer, 1 No. 1 creamer, 1 churh and power, 1 yoke of four-year old oxen, '1 feed mill, 21 sheep. Terms made known On day of sale. W. W. C,onsw. New Albany, Pa., Nov. 13. Step in at liosenfleld's and eiamine his New Stock of Clothing being received every day. - —Fresh lake fish and salt xater flab at C. N. Myer's market, Bridge street. May 19-tf POTATOES 'WANTED. Wanted 500 bushels, good Potatoes state kind and lowest cash price per bushel de livered. . • Its: B. Ovrtux, - Towanda, P. O. Pa. Norzes. MCI The firm of Lincoln, Welles & Co.; has beeni changed to the firm name of Welles & Fox. - • - A FALSE RUMOR. The rumor having been circulated to the prejudice of myi trade that other persone are associated- with me in my furniture business on Main street,' Fixiit Ward, To-, vranda. I take this opportunity to.say that. •I have no partneiship in the business and am conducting it entirely on my, own ac count. Szvxotrii Sum, Towanda, Pa., Oct. 11th, 1882., —L. B. Rogers has a large stock of Sash Doors and Blinds, also -Moldings, and is selling cheaper than any other establishment in Pennsylsatda. ' • Go to Wurrconifs for wall papers, bor ders dados, cornice ik.c. Hchas some of the handsomest wall and ceiling decorations ever brought into Towanda. Low prices tell and people tell low prices, call at tiosenfield's and , examine his goods and get the prices. - • Ma. O. A. BLACK, AO'T. - Dear Sir:—The "Davis" &wing Machine I botight of you some seven years ago (a second hand machine then) has given per fect satisfaction, doing all kinds of family sewing without any repair, except a new shuttle just bought: P. COMPTON. FRANELLNDAIX, April 22d , 1:.:2. • - • Ash Rimmed Extension Tables, and Ash Bedroom Sets,' are Specialties at the new Furniture Store, Main street,, First Ward. SETYOI7II. Sxrzs. Always liel4vti7ling. A delicious odor is imputed by Moreton Cologne, which is alWayi refreshing, no matter hoW freely Used. .As *Mal Rosenfield is the fi rst to receive his fall good& • =Go to C. M. Nyees market; Bridge street, the best mita of fresh meat: Bay - 19-tf r,- iiir . "READ Tuis.—Having purchased Abel Stieim Saw-Mill of J. G. Saxton located in New'Albanv Boron on the' Sullivan and State Line Railroad,ll am prepared to furnish lumber of every description on short notice. Bill stuff a specialty. Bates navigable. Or den solicited. I am also proprietor of the New Albany Ho t,where allpersons desiring accommoda tions can finkthem at reasonable rates. Gook_ stabling. J. W. WtLCOX. New Albany, Jan. 30.-1882.—Gm —Nci' . charge for . deliveringr i and done promptly from C.M., Myer's, muket, 13ridge street. Blav-19-tf The White is the stillest and easiest run ning Sewing Machine in the world. M. C, Wzma Sole Agent, Towanda, Pa.-M4.3m* : - Clover and Timothy Seed. I • mums amircr.b. Stevens and Long hiii c ie on hand a largo stock' Clover and Timothy Seed selected from' he beat new crops and warranted true to natie. .They have also a full Stock of Gar den /feeds in "Bulk" and in packages, select ed frOM the crop of 1881. Together with an assortment always complete of all goods in their "line," all of which are - ,offered at the lowest market prices and Waftatited to give -satuifaction. • . Mr 23-tf. _ • TOWANDA MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Cossetted every Wednesday., • STLYENS & LONG.i - • General Dealers in oßoaratiza Alp PRODUCE Corner of Alain and Pine OreSts. TOweactik. PA. af, Vloar per barre 1..... .:... = sack t Floor, 9 100.. 280 Cora Meal Chop)eed Wheat. Ittinshel - • 1050 1 WOI 75 Bye. • . COTO. " .. .. . Buckwhirat. • Oats. 9S Beans, .. • 200 • Potatoes. I. 4 3 0 50 . ¢O - ' Apples Dried. VIII.. ..... 6 Peaches " .. „. t o Raspberries Dried *V.... On Blackberries " " ... - 10 Pork. VI barrel Rams. V lb . Lard. " Butter. in Tubs • Firkins. 25030 Butter. in Rolls 2502e1 B 280 Clo M ver Seed lit bushel Timothy seed it bushel.. Beeswax, it lb - 22t1)24 H ' ease V barrel... Halt " . Altana Salt " _ Onions, *bushel. , 140 • 3 1303 09 75@ Auburn Farm Wagons , _ These splendid wagons ars wtantng golden opinions everywhere, sad will bear elope Wager- Sion. They possess many advantages. AU., are tally wansated. AiAburp4 Other 110- -. fcirni Wagons. Whitney and O'Neill Snagiea, open and top. la variety to suit, and pricer v.ry low.- All wagons warranted tint ciao. All parties desiring to buy regular ••wbalabono" wagons at airflow prices are invited to jive mo s call. Specisi la decsinents to cash buyers. ' Corned. Hocking Valley, Winton, New Tort, 'Burial! and other Corn Shalom In variety to suit fn ` price and capacity. Itacellent aheUera trona $04.4) and upwards. • I • Just received inotheiar rload of ibis spperior and warranted - ceme n t. Price $1.30 per banal. I Warranted to be, - AT THE LEAST, to the hest other pilot In the market. And sold at lees ririeee. Also Linseed OU, Pietty,ite. Wiard Chilled Plows. These plows everrithere, when brought tato close trial and cornmeal:4x with other chilled plows; have proved to be the best In use. 4,-, Towanda, Pa , 1882-U. Elmira Fruit Barrel 'Apple Barrels of Standard size, at wholesale, in quantities to suit. C 08,.. FIFTH STREET] AND Oct 5-1 m • Fanners will and that It will pay a good profit ( to cut all Hay, Straw and Cornstalks fed to their stock, - as well as ALL BEDDING. The expense or labor incurred in cutting will, be amply paid in saving handling and. spreading- of manure. Cut bedding Is much better for-the animals. The ROSS and Ross Cummings Are the best in use as well as thei Cheapest Farmers are invited to examine them. For sale—Baldwin's. Gates' Copper Strip sad Lever Cutters. and the Lion Cutter. - , Send for circulars and prices. Towanda, Nov. lat: If you want a FIRST-CLASS - swell oody cutter. the very best In the market. for use the coming winter, please give . me a call. Special: induce- manta to EARLY and CASH buyers. Bettrr buy early. - The stock in market is likely to be much r" less than last-season. Towands.:Ps.; Nov. 1; 188 a J.i,BUSH ARBESTAND BEST SELECTED' FASHIONABLE, '. .:: ) kFALL. STYLE Ready-Made , Clothing To be found in the market. ills stock Is select lid from the best makers in the trade: is of the* finest quality ana cannot. he surpassed in eh. wince of style. Being located on • by r street at low rents, he is enabled to giVe buyers the a/t -aunt's* of this in low prices.- ' BIS STOCK consists of every grade of Men's • DRESS SUITS.! BOYS'. YOUTHS' AND DREN. SUITS: • OVERCOATS ' I , OVERCOATS INTIItE STOCK FIItZBH AND- 'NEW: Bata and Caps;—the largest Like ever opened In T4E wands. A lull line oft I • , Nen'scnderliear an d Furnishing Goods Gloves and Mittens, Trunks, Trav eling: Baia, Umbrellas, &e'.,ace. We Wide Inipectlon. conadent that we sin pleasea the'closest buyers. - J. K. BUSH. Sept 21. Noe. 1 and 2, Bridge St. tiro f4tional Nat*, CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS FUND ' ‘BO,OOO This Bank offers unusual facilities toil ; the transaction of .a general - banking business. N. N. BETTS. SUSQUEHANNA.. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The first:winter term of the twenty-ninth year commences -MONDAY.. NO. VEMBER 6th. The faculty has been enlarged, buildings thoroughly refitted and heated by steam. the accommodations ineressed, and the school fitted to accommodate its growing patronage. Tbei- attendance has nearly doubled in seven years. For circular*. catalogue;- , or other Dartioulars, address the Principal. EDWIN qtretuix,a. - Tomei:ids. Pa. Ramo: , Malmo $6 0007 -1 75' 1 5061 96 F AR M FOR SALE.—I now offer my farm for ale, situated on the Iced lead. ing from South Hill to Wells Hollow, and son. talus 100 acres of good land, about-70 improved and Su well timbered, with house and - barn. granery, and fruit trees thereon. ". Said farm lies about 7 miles from railroad at Wysauking, and is well watered. This farm will be sold cheap: a proportion of the purchase money'down, and the remainder can remain on the Sarni. For particulars inottro of Myron. Randall on the ham, or theowner. LYMAN ARNOLD. Sept 7.18 To InUySeMs. IFs. 115.€t8C1 log 43 23013125 50 17 16 ipAILM 'FOR SALE. —Coutainin_ g 62 &arm, 47 wall Improved, orsofortabla buildings, plenty •Mmit: good water, ljg slaw from the Tillage of Tarrytown. 3 USW from Wyalustng station on L. I, B. &ann MYRON tact sew • Tarrytown. Bradford Clo.. Ps. 5 400 - #0 00 2 iso ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING I specialty at the Ilasss4= ME Corn Shelters. XX Star Cement. Pierce's and Other Miied Paints. R. M. WELLES. MADISON_ AVENUE, iiiraaA, N. Y. FEED CU'TTERS. Feed Cutters R.M.' WELLES. . CUTTER SLEIGHS. Be N. WELLES. AS USUAL AT HIS.DOUBLE STORM. NOS. 1 AND 2 BRIDGE BT.. presenti for the inspection - of buyers. the STOCK OF The BEST LDIE ever zw. TOWANDA' PA. • 308. , POWELL, • President ' tab. 1.'711. Cashier. r '