t 1, i 111)1.4'410 A. TRACY, Publishers. VOL. VIII. THE--- Bradford Republican Is. Published Every Thursthiy, AT TOWANDA, PA., fly HOLCOMB & TRACY. $1.50 Per .luuua►. in . Advance Adrertishaii Rates-81x cents a line for drat i u'aertiou, au I tice_cents per line for an subse quent inserti3hi. • Reading notice advertb log tcu cents pce line. Eight ling constitute a t.piare. atki twelve lines an inch. Auditor's notices $2.50. Administrator's and Executor's n otices $.1.09 Yearly advertising $150.00 per cohnun. Tar Ram:unman Le :- published in the lLacy. iloore and Nobles Block at the corner of Main Ind Pine streets,_ over J.-F. Corner's Boot and Shoe store.' Its circulation is over 2000. As an advertising medium it in nnesesital LA Um Ira - mediate - ::,wanc . :a Business Zirew:ry,', ArroßA ETS•Ar-LAW VM.EVELAND k McGOV UN, (E. J. Cleveland Wui. .11..:Gorers). Canton; Bradford County Pa. All business entrusted to their care in :Western Bridlord will receive prompt attention. 1.1n0r12-ly to MITI! It HILLIS, Attorudys.at.Law; Offto 13 over Powell & Co. CLIFF, J. S., Wilco in Wood's Block, sontli C FirstSatiunarnank. up stairs. June 12:48 ELgBREE k SUN /N C Eltbree and L B/sbrre.; Office in 3lercur Block; Park St. may 14.78 . DECK A: OVERTON (Resj Peek and D A Owr total. Office over Hill's ilartet 49-'79 MAXWELL w t- Office over Dayton'■ Store april 14,T0 riTILT. J. -DREW. Office in Mean's Block aprTl:76 .Vv • ThAVIES, CARISOCHAN k HALL: (n" rnaites. Wlf Carr LY 11411,) .03Ilee in 'rear of Ward Entrance on Poplar St. (.1012:75 IufESCC 4 ,DNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. 1111 Parti,ruar attention paid to buainesta in Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates. OfticeAilrontanye's Block 49.79 Mc PHERSON & , YOUNG. (I'. McPherson and tC. J. Young.) Office south side of Marcus's Block. febl.7iS TrTILLIAIIS, ANGLE & BUFFINGTON. fH4 VV Witliosu, E J Angle and E'D Buffington). office west side of Main street, two doors north of Argus office. Ml business entrusted to their care will rec,ive prompt attention. oct 26,77 TAMES IL AND JOHN W. CODDING, Attor vi neys and CouneeHors4l4-Law. Office In the tiercur Block, over C. T. Kirby'. Drng Store. July 3, 'BO tf. - SEF:NEY, J. P. Attorney-s!-Law. 'Office in Montanye's Bock, Main Street. Sep t. :5, 'tq-t.f. rriIIOMPSON, W. H. _and E. A., Attorneys-at I. Law, Towanda, Pa Office in Morcur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drag Store, entrance on Main street, first stairway north of Post-oelce, All business promptly attended to. Special &nen-. Bon given to claims against the United States or l'ensioa.s. Bounties, Patents,- etc., and to ollections and settlement of decedent's es haat. April 21. ly HENRY B. ;CREAN, ATTOR'NEV-AT-W, iiolicitor of Patents. Goveinment claims at. tended to. 1161eb82 PiIYSICANS A.VD SURGEONS TOLINSON. T. 8., M.D. Mee over Dr.. 11. tl Porters'. Drug Store. - feb 12.78 EWTO N. Drs .D.N.A: F. G. Office st Dwelling 431 on Haver Strekt, corner Weston St. feb 12.77 T ADD. C. 8.. M.D. Offici lst door above , -Cdd batik building, on Main street. Special 'at tention given to disnases of the throat and lungs. ju1y19,78 WooIMMO:, 8. M., M.D. • Office skid resi deuce. Main; street. north of M.E.Church Medical Examiner for Pension Dr ~a rtment. (3b 22.78 iIiNE. E. D.. M.D. Office over Montanye's P Store. Office hours from 10 to 12 •. x. and from 2 to 4 P. Special attention given to Diseases of the Eye. and Diseases of the Ear. Oct 20,77 rpOWNER, B. L., M.D.. 11031HLOPATHIC PHYSICIAN k SURGEON. Et silence and office just north of Dr. Corbon'a Main street, Athens. Pa. HOTELS HENRY HOUgE. stain st., next corner south , of Bridg•- , street: New house and new furniture . tbrougbeat. e proprietor has Ipared neither, pains or expitagii In making his hotel flat-clan , and respectfully solicits a share ~ . 1 ,1 10 rm....macro MIIILLIL at all hciuni. • Terms teaeonabls. Large Stable attached. mar 8 7a. WM. MEISMT. szavEr SOCIEno rx - T ATKINS POST, NO. 68, G., A. R. Meets vl , every Saturday evening, et - Military Hall. GEO. V. MYER, Comultesuler. R. Ktrramoe, Adjutant. • feb 7,7 SI fIRYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Iffeetw.et K. of P. " 13 , Hall - every Monday evenineit. 7:30. In surance $2,000. Benents $3.00 per week. Aver age annual cost, 5 years experience. $ll. JESSE MYERS. Reporter. . E. Piencr, Dictator. feb 22.78 ICp.ADFORD LopoE. N 0.1674. 0. 0. F. Meet In Odd Fellow's HaU. evnry Monday evening It 7 o'clock. I WARREN 11n.z.. 21 - oble Grand. 12.75 HOCSSAND SIGN PAINTING. POST. 'F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders will receive prompt attention. June 1473 EDUCATIONAL ,QUSQrEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The SPREiG TERM will begin Monday, April 3, 13.42. For catalogue or other tutor• mutton, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda. Pa. July 19,78 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mel'. ear Block next door to Journal once opposite Public Scitiaie. Plumbing,' Gas Fitting, Repair. ng Pumps of all kinds. and all kinds of Gearing rotopsly attended to. • All wanting work In his Ls should gly•lizn a call. July 27,77 I8I1841‘ ; 'CE. litSilnin C. 8. General Insurance Agency, Totranda, Pa. °ace Whltcomb's Book ltoro July 12.76 And had One of Ms 26 CENT MINNEEtEI fetai-i' m jOI PRINTING OF ALL KINDS done at short notice andb e rata ImpFßracmt Mee. nue" 1 • . - •- - - - - ~ . - —•- . ' -' -•- '-- -' 4"- - 7 ''--: ••::,---,---'-:-• f'- - ',"-:, --. •. r - I - li -z 1 , `1 1 ..f, -r ., - !"4• .. q-'-',IT-- -. ',.',1 1 4* ~;;-r.:..Ki-ff---;,!..".::''-::: . -- ' l- : I- • ':-. I. =•-,i •' - -, ', .- • I • -,' . , ' l _", -, " . ' ' : 4 , .• ' *, ~- _.. - -:, -4 - ` — 4, '. •- ' - ',-I, -- -- - 4.',,1 1 •. ,e;' ,. ., - . - ; /4-', - -.4'-. ,- '.'. fr , '4 . .,_, - ,l• ' "I - - - , . , 1 1- -. - ,`, .. • 7 „-,'..' 4 7. , i4F:r4 - ' .• 1 . - ,-, •' - , .4 - - ,4 - —__ _.„ • •- ~ , ' , "" 4- `' , ,' i 4, • ' , • .i. , .0 i , ,•,,, , •,,..._,, -, , ~, ~, t - . . 4 4 -`,",-`.',,, ~ 1 :-,-.?", - 4.. --- , , , ~. . . , . . .\ _ I . 1 4 - ' . - • • - f . N it .. ~ -,,, . ..:_, _ ,-.... , - ' _!' `,,,.. _ ,''. ". - ' w "." tr'''',:n - ~.;,,,,,- - , -'•i_.,,..._ , ~_ - , ' '' 1 . '-` .. , i . ... _. . . .._ • 7 • Atl -‹ ....: ,-t. _ . , •-46x.e.5.-%h- < b 's f i , ,' -'- 1 E. ~-, _ •_ : i - ' •----• • , -' - •2`. - _• - •.=.- :,,;:;-- .4_. - ,:••:. .. ' . ,i,- .- - r• " - _. , ME lifscellaneoui Adverttsemenis. NEW FIRM ! , NEW STORE! 1 - 4; NEW BOOBS ! Ed. touillesseaux, Jewelry otore ' OF "1118 dWN i• . PATTO N'S_ BLOCK With SwartB & Gorden's Store, Main Street, Toivands, %Imre 11. keeps a FALL ASKIETZENT cv,r old& Silver Watches SWISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, --- JEWELRY; Sir His Block is aU NEW and of the FINEST QUALITY: Can and see for Yourself. - 1 REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. EXavavlNG. A SPECIALTY. • TROY, - PA..• We keep on hand constantly for builders. JIM; HAIR, BRICK, LATH, ' SHINGIZS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER PAINTS; OILS, VARNISHES, , CHESPEAH NAILS. WAGON NAME'S SUPPLIES Fellows, Spokes Mills, Poles Carriage winunte. Also a fall lin• of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, and a !offline of Carriare, ii,.Platienn and Lumber Waitons, Made by na with Workmen, and warrinted in every particular. , : I I BEIHDS I LEI SPALDIN.4:I , Hardware Dealers. Troy, April 27-17 'BLANK BOOK MANUFACTIT BOOK BINE4 Alfred J. Pur TOW ANDA, PA AU work in his line done well and promptly et lowest price. - Parties bavimig volumes incomplete will be far. Matted with guff missing numbers at cost price. AU orders given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent for Bradford County, will be promptly executed as to dkrections. 41 1 sep9-tf (EO. L: FLOSS • New occupies the Corner Store' opposite C. Porter's Drug Store, Main Steeet, with a large stock•of • • • • RoczniEs • •!. OF THE BEST QUALITY. . Mr. ROSS has ANCYMZE SToat ON .7. L. 13414•001.0.0 e is, oioric.i Tha• two stars& tiro connected by Telephone. Mr. Rom can now feel satisfied that he can give the • BEST GOODS r,ou Tux J.FAST MONEY His experience enables him to select the best 'goods, which hi is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE. Ton can always get a bargain if you . . BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. All goods delivered in the Borough FR - E!. FARMERS will do well to call with their Produce and get the CASH. 2OsprS2-ly. M:HENDELM AN JSWEWII, laattil to be fotind at the °Li) ISTAND STREET, Next door to Dr. N C. Porteee Drug &ore. FINE AMERICAN ?ND SWISS J E-W EtR Y, STERLING SILVER AND FINE .. .I:ILA-TED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, - FllOlll THE MANI= TO THE DM. fir ' ALL OF 1117:107 'WILLA! SOLD AT THZ Clocks. Watchia and Jewelry promptly repaired by an erparianawl and competent workman. • M. IiENDELMAN. septl6-tf _ .. A. N. NELSON tp: , DEALER IN 1 ("4 - - WATCHES , . CLOCKS. ME GOLD AND PLATED JEWELER • of every verilikr. end GAvoilmilm W Portico! Malabo paid to repairing. Shop in Decker iroughtl Grocery Store. Vain Street, To Pe ans. ' IBM MEE (Formerly with Rondalmaio • NAB OPENED • SPECTACLES,' ETC Also AND PAPER RULER,• &a No. 131 Geueesee street,_ UTICA. N. YI SITU A FULL LINZ OT WATCHES, cLopKs, = EEO 4 New Athreittlemente Soffit. no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,loss of / Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers,ri&c, BROWN'S IRAN BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. lkitlon.Novernii;r s 6, , , Drown C.mmacat. CO Gentlemen :—For yens I bairn, • beenaigtataiffererfross rlyry and amid get nomlieffltaving wind emythingi which was recommend. ed) antra acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefit:id by Biomes km - Bursas, I tried a bottle. with most surprising results. Previous to taking Suomi's Isom Brrrnas. wrerything I ate distressed - me, and I suffered - greatly from a burning sensation in the stomach. , which was unbearable. Since tak- lag Itacrines Isom lirrrzas,gll my . troulahrs are at &nem!. Can time without any re. lam 2 another pasts. • I. W. 3. TIMM, yo Maverick St., E. Boston. • BROWN'S IRON BIT , TERS acts like a charm , on the digestive organs, removing all 'dyspeptic symptoms, suall as tast ing the ' food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacked the teeth-,,0r vive headache. r o' .Sold by all Druggists Brown Chemical Co. Btiliiinore, Md. Sze that all Iron Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Co.. Baltimore. and have crossed red lines and trade. mark on tra p per. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS MEI By Universal Accord, AYER'S CAntAxmc 'Pits are the best of all- purgatives for family use. t They are the product of long, laborious, and successfal chemical Investigation, and their eztensive use, by physicians in their practice ' and by all civilized na tions, proves them the best . and most effectual purgative Pill that 'mediCal science can devise. Being purely veg etable no luirm can arise from their use, and being' sugar-timed,. they 'ge pleas:V39 take. In intrinsic value and curative powersi no other Pills can be compared with' hem; and every person, knowing th'virtues , will rot. employ them, wheal needed. , They keep the system in rfect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which thei prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to' ;employ for children and weakened constitu tions, where a mild ; but effectual cathartic is required. - For sale by all druggists. .... Ell The i nad and Warthieas are never imitated or counterfeited. This is especially term of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested- and proved by the whole world that Hop * Bitters was the purest,. best and most valuablSfamily medicine on earth, many imitatlis sprung up and' began to steal the nottitirs in which the press and peo ple of the country had expressed the merits a TT_ B. and in every way trying- to in duce suffering insanits to use their stuff in stead, expecting to make money uu tizo credit and good name of H. B. :.Many, others started nostrums put up in similar style to H.. 8., with variously devisednames in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used in a way to induce people to believe they were the 'Rune as 'Hop Hop Bitter& All such pretended remedies or cures, no mat ter what their style or name is, and espe cially those . with the word "Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in any: way con nected with them or their name, are imi tations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genaine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or clus ter of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers• ore warned against sialing in imitations or counterfeits. • - I ItALL'S VEGETABLE SICII4AN RUB RE). - EWER is . a scientific combination of some 'of the most poweribl restorat i live agents in the vegetable .kingdom. It restores gray hair to its original color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and ' humors,_ and ihlling-out of thelmir. It Ihrnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It makes . the hair . moist, soft and glosSy, 'and is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the most economical preparation ever offered: to the public, as its effects remain a long time, making only an i l i occasional `applicati n necessary. It is recommended and used by eminent medical men, and o daily endorsed by the. State . Assayer of MaSsachusetts. The popularity 4.4 all's flair Renewer has infreased with the test of many years, both' in tbi country and in foreign linde, aad i is now known and used in-Mt:Abe. civilized countries of the world. 1 ' For sale by all d rs. ' ufr n if e d AGENTS! A GENTS! AGENTS! Far GEN. DOD( 3E'S brace new book, entitled Thirty-fthree Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS ! a trae mold at the .Aittbors . 21irtp-Three teeirs Pc!•sktmar, Riperiairt amigo a ir Adios With as able Intraliactiam. By Gen. Sherman. This nes work arse el oneerentacribed for by reandelt Annus and east -no • Gabled.. and by Gee. Sherman, Gen. Oran; Gess. SAeri lea. Gat. Restock, and rAceeonds of £ inad Yen. Gan.. Gamic says:—.ll as tie bed bent on .hdien Ass ever screttes k - Manor Wsulr (Methodist): sayes—'o4 • bea terissesour vans. - It is the onty authen tie account of o ar Indians ever published. fully reveal ' ins their "Inner secret doings, ezatoita. ete. i It is motets with dull nag experiences of the Author, and of fe mme lbooute.Tr. mere. Gdshoje. Itinas. Border Rudisne, etc, vividly par: "yin Life in the Great West is it /sue 4141 thcissamt ir teem With tittter Rograviags'lind Chrocno.Litbat stet Males in 16 eqoa.friscu tihotsivaahe zGsby the 1L..1. Government et4presdefec this great r a ni lniTS: This grand book I. nerd ouSselling all 10 bill.. So conaddion. Agents seems 10 ha 00 soden a day. W. Tent 1000 ware agents 'Seam Er eiries Territc fry and Apeciat Ihraegrkess. Otir Isige'etren lantettle fall pardonless' ant free. • lee Ittiedineallehe dentlaiddin* as fora 3 cent stamp. Addis's gut sole pub's. W( lling/sat= a CO, Marton% Cons 4 I 17} - ' -L • ; - • • • TONT . 1)-A. I MEE WI A shadow came over the infantine bloom and frmbness a Rosa's face. "To defer, kw.' martinge,, Pkreice ? can't imagine what you mean." "Lilian, Rosa; anid I will tell You. My uncle bas just comb from California very poor, and a confirmed invalid. I am his only surviving relative, and to me he natttr. appeals for protection and companion alirp:- I mast give him a home, Rosa! You kr%w I-had laid up just enough „to begin bousehouptur, In a quiet. ecomonloal goat of way, but this new plan will necessarily alter ill my arrangements." "I never heard of any uncle before." "Ho, dearest ; I knew very little of him— nothing personally, as he never _ visited my father during his Rasa's face was turned away from Clar-: enee Hyde's ; .she was silently twisting a bit of paper round and round her slender fore. " Rosa," he said., after waiting a minute cir two for her to make some remark; "tell me honestly, dear one, which would you prefer—to begin - housekeeping on this new scale—one humbler and more frugal than I had originally hoped and intended—or to defer Ourinarriage until I can earn enough to carry out those original arrangements She d was silent fora moment, then she an. swered, in a Poke which seemed .to chill Ca:rice's buoyaot young heart " Neither !" "Rosa," he exclaimed, "I do not un dorstand you!" " I spoke plainly enough. Neither!" "Do you mean that--"—" . "I meSethat _you must either give up your uncle or me. Afters]] that bat been said and !mown of our engagement, after its publicityiand length, I certainly cannot con sefit to it 4 further postponement. And we shall be poor enough, if we marry immedi: ately, without filling our house with a !host of needy relatives." Clarence Hyde looked at his fair;fiancee, in perfect amazement. Never in the whol e course of their - acquaintance had he been this phase of hez:clutracter. He had fairied her all that was sweet, Eur, and womanly. Could it be possible that she was cold-heart edifuth, and; deadto all the sweet ties of mature? "Roar be said, mournfully, "is this to part nal?" ' 'llr you to say." "Do you wish me to give np my poor, dependent uncle?" "Either him wine," Rom answered, in. differently. "It will be had—very boa, for me to iy wide the blighted Wishes of my life," he aid, earnestly, "but Baia, duty is .my first object. I awed lame my ramie to VW out hia few remaining days in poverty lend solitude." "Very ve1,1," answered Boss, cuelemily stooping to pick up , the odorous purple blossom which had fallen from her hair, " then we will . consider our enpgement dissolved."' "And you can give me tip so readily, Rose r "Oh," as* Ross, is Ma Impatiently, 41 where's the me of being romantic shout it? Yon have chosen your part, I have Chosen_ rofic , So let it be I" asrateu Hyde took his leave, dejected enough. It is not pleasant to set np a fair idol and worship it with all the strength gia tenderness of your nature, only to And, after • stUOVEIMIEEINT OF TILE PEOPTiItIIPIt. , , , I, AND FOB; THE PEOPLE." • y • IMI SELECT PbORY, -1 0 T, SCHINALL LEETLiC. BAST. , urue as I 'elev. most !telt day' I laugh me vlkl to saw War vay 3ly scbmall young baby dole to play— pot tunny leetle baby. Yen I look of dem leetle toes, Und see dot funny leetle nose, Und hear der me dot roaster crows, I schndle Ilke4 vas may. Sometimes dere comes a: leetle scbquall • Dot's vben der vindy vied vill crawl, it bbs leetie stebomack adman. _ Dot's too bad for der baby Dotniakee him Win¢ at night so tichTetlo trnd gorry barric be oust end.' End I must chump spin .. - s• my feet - To bele dot leetle baby. • lie bulls ring nose end kicks my hair, I tied Smwis me oferieterynere, • lied stdobbers mel-but vot I care ? lives my sebinall young baby 11.reimd'my bead dot leetle arm vas schqdmin me so elm nett vann -0111-111117 date ItetetHcome some.usrm Ul4lol:lolitinieeklet alb!. • ' . .l3liitries Pollen Adullg. MISCELLANEOUS. UNCLE CUTHBERT. "Hash! it is Clarence Hyde's step in, And Rosa Eldon sprang to her feet rosy and smiling, with the freshly plucked hello trope- trembling among her glossy brown braids, and her pretty blue dress floating round her like an i nzure cloud. • Only eighteen,' - and very fair and InVely was our little Rotia—a trifle spoiled andwilli ; fat, perhaps, but what else could one expect? Every one petted and made run& her— every—one smiled at her pretty kittenish ways—cud Clarence Hyde thought her the fairest specimen of feminine humanity that ever the sun shone on I . Lizzy Eldon made room for her sister, Lizzy. just_one yea'r ',younger, and scarcely less fair, yet very different in character. Lizzy was quiet. and sage, and demure, WIall:.„L lan rattled away like a merry moan ta' st flowing over its mossy stones -" r. ought her sister perfection; while Rosa was always lecturing Lizzy in a apri cious fashion, and laying down the law to her idler the most approved manner of elder sisters. ' " How nice it taut be to be, engaged!" said Lizzy, with a half encouraging smile, as Rosa paused at the glass to' adjust her hair. "I wish I were engaged!" , " You ?. Oh, you are nothing but child," Ran said; patronizingly. " The i re me my pocket-handkerchief I" ' ' And away sho went, light and lithe as a blue-winged butterfly. - ' darence Hyde was in the parlor, anxious ly awaiting her coming, but Clarenoe had rather a disturbed face. He was a made, handsome' young fellow, with laugh ing wine-brown eyes, straight features, and brown hair thrown back from abroad, fnink browi . . " Why, what makes you look so sober?" wa.4 Dose's first arch 4u‘tion;hen the l ceremonials of greeting w go fi through t v with, and she had had rs' to a goof. er . ; look into his face, , 1 ' ~ " Sober ?DoI ?" I' • il, He was playing rather reitlessly with the crimson cord that looped', back the white muslin draperies of the, pretty bay-window that made Mrs. Eldon's cottage look , like one of the lovely rustic habitations you see itiold English engravings. • ' . , . "Exactly as if you had the toothache or a bad conscience." . Clirence„laughed in spite of himself.' " You are wrong,- then, my little guesser; I too afflicted with neither die one nor the other." " Well, what is it, then ?" " Rosa, what should you say if it were to become' necessary to defer oar marriage for some time Elllll 3. Itlidithi &Stipa ..booated - " diddled F5:01944. lds brier: wood nuanashatini bjitba ,irindmr an airianie ants:ed.-a - *Oars, hiattiakapkinie little Old, matt, with -seamed" dasiti wrhddes on his. I brow, , and rigbor; :isorbruag eyes gleaning as lira opt& benefit bir shaist. brows.) - - 7; ", I gardad his nephew. in slatoei for. awhile. "Tall the old uncle whist it is." ` "I have told you sheaf BUS Eldon, & well, she and I era---indhat, he all mar be. tiresnu!" - - "fngagsment broken,- all? Past the power pate.bing tp?" : "Ti., undo , • " Aid it was Onioy =MO Nay, boy, don't :turn can die truth in your cies. So 'she's piged . roa Mull" "We aro parted, scale—ia not that enough r " aaroleel my boy, flo*tbbalk boo loos "Tr: be said, brtuoitlobViafter* book To `"Wonilos"PeilVori' It 'lllll yell y o n focmd her out in time, &mom It's for tbe best, my toy." - "" Clarence Hyde was passing down the vil. lagst a day or two subsepiently, toward dusk o a mellow August evening, when • slight orm glided up to him and a trenzi..2 le lons luind was laid upon his own. He lean ed at first, but quickly recogniced that': face and figura. "Lice3rrEhion V" "Ql, Clarence, I could not' rest without teßinialyon hortvely, eery wrceig I thought Rosa, and how sorry I am for yon." , . " ~'Tianks, Lizz3r. Ido not think she has treated me exactly right." tizzy ! burst into tears. ' "HOw could she be 'so cruel—so ' un wo. manly ? You ' were right, Charen ce r-Lyou acted nobly ! I think Rosa will one day live to , repent it."- .(ls plarence stood therilistening to Lizzy - , A )21119a1a impetubus 'words and holding her sot lath) hand in his own, ho wondred that he hadldever before noticed how Very, 'very pretty, he was—a softer, more subdued style of beauty gain Rosa's, yet not less bewitch. ing in its way. - -' - -- • . .They haunted him all the night long, that oval, earnest face e those swimming blue eyes ! 1 !, • Day by day Rosa's image waxed fainter' and more faint in his memory, and - tizzy's shy; gentle looks grew 'pore eier present in his heart. "I do believe I've falletalnlove with the girl," he thouglit. "I wonder what she would say if I were to propose to herr Next to.the wonder came its realizatiou. Otie Sue October day, when :Aug strayed a little away from ,the gay nutting' party, Whose -voices made the old yellow= leaved woods musical, Mr. Hydtiaskedl.4zy, Eldon if she would accept the love her sister had slighted, end Lizsy, smiling and *elm= bling, answered yes! "You see, Uacle Cuthbert," said ,Clar ince, eagerly, as he explained the new ;peel: Lion of affairs to his uncle that evening, after ha bad safely escorted ;tizzy home, with - her basket'of nuts only half filled (and to welder, -all thing's considered)!Ailt twill be pleasant!eo We shall alllivertogether, and lazy, says:she will love you dearly. tizzy is welt a. famOus little housekeeper! She thinks it Will be so pleasant to have you sitting! by our, hearth-stooel and, uncle, you will go to see her tomorrow, won't you?" l• —;" • • "Yes," said Uncle Cuthbert, briefly, "nu got" &A l es next day Lizzy was surprised at her sewing by a brown-faced tittle dd whO abruptly took both her hands in his, and imprinted a kiss 'upon her' crimsoning forelud, just as if ho were the oldest s se quainhuice in the world: ' "Sa you're going to marry my nephew, Lizzy, are you?.', iatia Uncle Cuthbert. " Yes, sir,"„ "any made answer, timidly. • " Arid you love him, Lizzy r " Oh, yes, sir !" • "And you , won't object to having the old man lumbering round the house, helpleis ;and feeble tbxigh!he be?" = " I shall be so glad to Lava you live with us, sir,' for I never remembered my father— aud—and You° will be like one to me, I am sure." Uncle Cuthbert kissed her again, and walked away as abruptly as he bad come. "-He's 'a very fanny old gentleman," thought " but I know I shall him him.' . Bose conteriplatedC the present state •of affa factirs irery coolly—aßttle contemptuously, in .1 If ru choose to adopt all Clarence Hyde* piior +relationii, ) Irby, I. can only wonder i at your taste,", said she, loftily. But Tizzy only smiled, anddoubted to her self whether Rose could ever, have really loved Clarence. "No,l no; no I" echoed her heUrt. The-day df the wedding deed near. Liz. zy's wbite dress was nearly Walled, and modest'little presents wereliegkining to be sent in from friends and neighbors. "Here's my present," said Uncle Cut& best, lidking in one day and tossing a little box of carved wood, into Liars lap. "I cut culposo wooden flowers myself when I was in California." "Oh, =tele, what a dear little box," said Lizzy, her bright thanks, while Ho. se elevated her nose rather soornfuDy..' " Well , but open it; lins4l beautifully." persisted the old man. Lizzy obeyed. " Wby, there's a parchment chart in it, smcle,"l cted the astonished Clarence, who was I PA g over Lizzy's shoulder. "Of 1 1 4::ourse there is—a deed making over fifty thousand dollari tor Lizzy Eldon, the day of :ter inarriage," answed Uncle On& Bert, dryly, t " and rye got ji* another one for yolat home, Chiron*, my boy! Abel the old uncle wasn't so very poverty4stricken, after You mustn't think , , iny young lady," he added, turning abruptly to Rosa, "that gold isn't gold, , because i it's 'a trifle rusty nird tarnished. Appearances aren't everything in this world!" • And so Clarence and Lizzy , began the world rvith the fairest of prospects, and true love enough to float, the bark of life into its sweeten haven. lio64ldon was somewhat chagrined in her secret soul, but,she wisely kept her feel ings to h i mself, and old Uncle Cuthbert was quite satisfied with the choice his nephew had made. I,' • "Shies worth twice handrail &maid dollars Diu her own await self, Clariimo he said, confidentially, ,to Mr. Hyde, Junior Helen Forrest grarce: WHAT •'0 IDO .14111 C—" This mud be a tornado," remarked traveller' in lowa when ha saw three or "tkr houses flying through the air. "Oh, that's nothing but s little breeze," answereir an lowa man. " Vali ti i 3 you sees city ' flying pad with all the t lamps stall blaming then it will be time en ugh to hunt fors hole to crawl into; for that it a sure sign that a tnenado is some. wherein the neighborhood."-4/itladelphin New. ME -X 31 - OV 11 1882 •Vi 4 • ESII En impAstiu 8 NAPAttrE. Ther..carier of silo #eelebraferl Ballhasen Benoit—Her neasidenos. - Baltimore has krolenjayed a - wide reps tationifor the beau and grace of its. wo men. i This distinction was acquired in the beginning, not so much hem the number of Itsheautiful women as for their celebrity. Early in the present century there , grew up , to - womanhood. a fair lialtimorean, whose betrutyand fasciae - ton realized - Tennyion's "Dream of Fair Women," and whose his. tort' Was more strange and romantic than -the pages of fiction. The daughter of an Irish adventurer who made a fortune by lucky speculations during the American rev olution, Elizabeth Patterson became, by her rash but ambitious' marriage with Jerome Bonaparte,, the sister.in-law of the greet Emperor, and'although her husband was a king she remained a crownless and deserted wife. But after the fall of him whose genius hid raised them hire satellites to shine around'the imperial throne, .the Bonaparte family retuniedio their original obscurity, while Madame. Bonaparte entered upon, a social career in Europe more brilliant than any. American woman had previously en. joyed. In Paris, Bomb, Florence and Ge r neva she reigned queen of all hearts and the mistress of her own. Sailing rerehely on the top wave of European society, ".bean-t ties envied her beauty and wits dreaded her wit, kings sought her acquaintance and princes claimed her friendship." Paris, ever giddy and fickle, received her • with open arms, and what she appreciated far more, with the open doors of the most exclusive circles. Her harsh treatment by Napoleon bad made her a l heroine. Her grace and beauty blade her a queen in the Parisian world. Wellington admired her beauty; Talleyrand enjoyed her wit, Madame de' Steel praised her grace, and . Chateanbriand, Sismondi, Humboldt, Canora and other cel ebrated men were numbered =Long her ac quaintances. In Florence the Grand Duke paid her most distinguished attention. She' was - at a ball every night, and shone as a brilliant star in Italian society. From these gay and dazzling scenes Madame ‘.Bonaparte shuddered at the thought of 'returning to the "dull, little trading town of, Baltimore," as she contemptuously called her native city. She had written to her father that, after marrying the brother of an Emperor, she had nol!equal in America ; that she could not be heppy, there, and to return home would be tosacrifice all that,she had valued upon earth., But she did return to her home, after reSiding abroad, altogether, twelve Years, and - from a life of brilliant social sue. cess on the continent she began a life of saving in Baltimore. In thirtY,years, by ,Close economy and judicious investment, she ,accumulated $1,500,000. . "Once I had everything but money, now I have nothing but money," she said in her old age. At length she died' in -the ninety•fitth year 'of . her age, retaining to .the , last some of the traces ,of I that" trauscendent beauty which more,than three-feurtlisof a century before .had, led captive the . fickle heart of Jerome Bonaparte. She left her .immense ,fortune to her two grandsons, Colonel Jerome Na ipoleon Bonaparte and Mr. 'Charles. Joseph Bonaparte. Colonel Bonaparte' was edu catedot 'West Point, and after, the coup d'etat of 1881 that placed Louis Napoleon on the.thrcme Of France young Bonaparte :resigned his commission in the, 'United States army and was appointeffo lieutenant iottre French army. He was a soldier of fortune and a fortunate soldier, for he die., pgnished himself in the Crimean war, 'mi t pmoted to.,the rank of captain and decor. aced with medals, crosses and - honors by Napteori. ILL and other sovereigns of Europe. - He came out of the. Franco-Prue. elan war with the mirk of colonel, and after the fall of Sedan -and the overthrow of the second empire!. he escorted the Empress Eugenie to England;returning to Paris to take *prominent part_in the defense of that city. .At the close of the war he returned to the United States, and in the summer of 1871 married Caroline Le Boy Appleton, the widow of Mr. Newbold Edgar, a grand. daughter of DanielWeriter. ' Since his mai. riage COlonel Bona pa rt e has generally pissed. his winters in Paris and his summers et Newport with an beiltraional residence in Baltinyfre and Washington. He has three children; a son , and t*o daughters. One of the lattir is named after the ex-Empress,! of whom the Colonel is ispeeial favorite. Ile will soon occupy a beautiful house in Wash. ingtortlbuilt in the French style, with a court-yard, etc. Mr. -,harles Joseph Bonaparte is . twenty years onager 'than his brother. He has the dark, swarthy complexion of an Italian and a wild, nervous manner, and attracts at tention on the street by his eccentric op pearanee. He is said. to possess ,legal tal ents, bat as yet" - has chiefly distinguished hirratelf at the Baltimore bar by - numerous libel suits, in which he. has invariably repre. sented I the plaintiffs. He married Miss Ellen „Channing Day, the granddaughter of the celelbrated Dr. William Ellery Charming, of Boston: He is chilffiess. Madame Bona. plate was buried in Greenmont Cemetery near Baltheore, in a small lot .selected by herself sumo years before her death. Her grateful grandsons erected a marble monu ment over her grave at a cost of one thou. sand dollars, instead of four hundred dollars, which 4tie bad in her will assigned for that purpme:-ZPltiladelplda' Timm. Out i4Faritanlt, Minn ., there is a nice girl whiil one diy recently got it' into Mer head that she would like to .show her lover that she know a thing or two about art. At an eastern seminary, from which she had returned a few.rnoraths t hefore, she had been instructed in•nrod43g. After much !recit ing and filling,Nher-young inan consented to have his bust taken from life, in plaster. The fair' artist forgot to grease her subject's lice, and the plaster, ambitions to do its part in the'exhibition, clung to the youth, and hardened and fastened upon his classic fear. rues. The ; goase.ggik through ,;which ho was to pump air to his lungs slipped, and the plaster, rushing in' to ; fill the vacancy, nearly smothered him before it could be re. moved. It became evident, before the work hid been in progress an hour, that the ex periment was not an entire success, and the beautiful sculptor laruhirtook to relieve her modeL The cast was broken bff piece -Meal, bringing with it snatches of whisker, patches of skin, a sample of moustache, the tip of an ear, and so forth ; and at the end ofeight of the longest boars - of hia' life the model' es. eyed from the artist, and setting what was left of his nose surgeon-ward followed it to the doctor's for repairs. One !might fancy that the lass lost her lover as well as f her subject, but she didn't; for, as Mrs. Broivir jug saPi lave strikes higher with his lambent ttaeue Than Art can pile the fagots. • HE. SPOKE ITALIAN. —The' other day a youth who had been studying Italian stepped up to the keeper of an apple stand and, with an accent that /would have done credit to a native, iagniied , "Sono buoni i mela, Signor?" The swarthy son of Italy • looked up in astonis' hinent and almost paralyied the young man as he 4clabned, in the purest Greek, " Matte:ye:soy itEl GIRL WAS AN ARTIST. THE It HATTIE% to LAST RUN. A IlltiekaAekihninervo Deliterate ?dr LAW Charleston Ilarbor. • The steamer Heflin was the last runner in or .out of Charleston.. She was a small ves sel, Clyde-built, furnished with powerful en gines, and she made' , more trips than any ' other vessel engaged in the business. ed men in Charleston who knew all about her to aghast° the wane of the cargoes taken out and brought ill. Cy this one vessel, and their figures were $50,000,000. On several occasions she brought such -muni tions of war as the Confederacy ts!s in pressing need of, and at least three Slinks were brought on by the munitions for which the Confederates waited, .and which she landed safely in.their bands. Plot after Plot was formed at Nassau to get hold of the Hattie, but none of them were successful. She slipped inisiOnt Wm a phantom, tak ing the most dsi*Srate risks and being: at tended by a spirit of good kick quite orbs oplinary. The last entrance of the Hattie into Charleston occurred one night in February, 1863. The Confederacy was .the on its last legs, and the Federal fleet off Charleston numbered eighteen'or twenty sal It was a Starlight night and at an early hour that the Hattie crept forward anions the fleet i She had been freshly paintedU blue white, her tree made no smoke and not a light was permitted to shine on board. With'her en gines moving slowly, she let the wind drive her forwirll. There were eight or ten ves sels outside the bar, and as many within.- Those outride were successfully passed with out an alum being raised..— The Hattie ran within 300 feet of two different blockaders without herpresence being detected. To the naked eye7of th e e look-oats she must have seemed a isize or mist moving slowly along. The little steamer was quietly approach ing the inner line of blockaders when a' sud den fire was opened on her from a gun-boat not 200 feet distant, and the air was at, the nine time filled with rockets to announce the runner's presence. At that time the Federals had the whole of Morris Island, and Fort Sumter had been , so baitered to pieces that monitors took up their stations almost within pistol-shot of it. As soon as the Hattie was discovered she was given all steam and headed straight for the channel. She ran a terrible gauntlet of shot and shell for ten minutes, but escaped untouched. Then MUM the real peril. Just below Sum ter, in the narrowest part of the channel, the Hattie encountered two barge loads of men stationed there on picket. Her mire ordinary speed saved her from being board. el; but the volleys fired after her wounded two or three men and cut three fingers off the hand of the pilot resting on the spokes of the wheeL Two hundred yards ahead lay a ,monitor, and She at once opened fire and kept her guns going as long as the Hattie could be seen, but not a missile struck. It wail won. .derfal, too, considering that the steamer ran so close that she could hear the orders given on the monitor. THE BOSTON MANNER. Talk of culture in connection with the Boon Brahmin and you talk nonsense. Carfyle Would not be tolerated a day iit a genuine high -caste Boston household. It is ancestry, family, ;blood, gore, carnage, that give distinction and manner in Boston. , Tho Governor either bath it not, or bath alio too much South Shore " gumption" to: keep thinking abo{it- it - Has General- = shall 1 say Gpvernor ?-llntler the Boston manner? I trove not. Deportment is not the strong snit of our Uncle Benjamin's lutnd. Has Mr. ,Arthur ? I took a good look at him hist 'week, and with pain and =sorrow I must write it down—No. He is WV' :' mely and graceful, as a man shonia'64` 1 he bath a plenty, but. the Beetint-Afeii Dm! 0.4 201111 oonspicuowhy its Styiepte. . fret his e I presence.. Inybolizift aceej*/ 8. ons pen pictures of " Cret*tis` one of the boys "of New York is sadly mistaken. Of, Presidents I lutre seen Johnson and Grant and Hayes and Garfield and, to-day,. Arthur. The first had a strong, plain, masculine face. D - -need'ed 'no biography to tell one that ho had not been reared in the lap - of l' .—'.'-' In person be was as different from th: other. " accidental President" of to-day , - could well be imagined. , What's in a name ? All the difference be tween courtly 4 Chester " and plain " Andy.* Grant we have all seen, and his face is fa miliar to every reader. Of the Boston man ner heis as innocent as B. Butler himself. 'Hayes looked like a country deacon in .pros. perous circumstances, a Western deacon with the physique to correspond. College bred, as Garfield also Was, both of them missed the fine distinction of manner, ac . - , cording to the. goSpei of Boston. And Ar thur has it not. " Where then," you exclaim, " may we find this touchstone of perfection, this je ne sails quoi of-gentility?" Como with me, in your mind, 0 reader, to the dry -goods shop of 4orden, Marsh Co., on Washington street, and I . will show you the only speci men on public exhibition. He is -in wax, the work of a cunning craftsman whom Madame Tassaud should secure at once. His masterpiece is a family group, and the .crowning glory thereof is - a Boston Brahmin at his own.fireside. The Brahmin is taken 'in the act of doing nothing in particnlar ex, 7 cept gazing at the Invisible Infiniti, with two capital eyes. He wears not glasses, the, only anachronism in • an otherwise •flawless Work.. Much meditation on his own per fection hath warn the locks from his. polish ed brow even to the apex of his shaiely head. His mustache and beard are trimmed in the Anglo-Bostonian fashion, a careful parting in the chin giving squareness to the face. He is better than the life itself, for life has emotions, and beeswax knows no change. Whene'er I take my walk abroad I loye to stop and admire !IA waxen compendium of the Boston- manner, for I know a score of men who might have eat for theoriginaL—Bostrnt taw. DetroiSPrsa,i. THEATRE TICKET SPECULATORS. "The above reference to this deb," says a scribe of the Rochester Demoirat, 1 • leads me'to say that the opposition of the manag ars having proied a tultutt, 'the speculators SOW find their chief danger in their own ri valry. - As long as the number was limited :here was a good chance, but of late there has been a very unwelcome increase. The specastors were not more than two,,, - s 7. en, and hence bad / the business to than ;elves. Tbeir nretled of obtaining tickets was very -ingenious. As the best' theatres will not sell to speculators,, the latter are in the habit of Bending mes senger boys, or wo men in cabs, or young men of their acquaint-. ance,'ho :Ake parches* of- choice tickets in this artful maim= • As a matter of nurse, the speculator always selects the beat performances and.takes the risks of bad., weather. Having secured his tickets, he makes his appearance in front of the theatre and announces, • tickets for sale.* If it be a popular play, there will be a Argo number unable to obtain tickets at the box office, ; and hence he will Sall out at a handsome /profit." _. WAIT, The valuterrsearce was over, some snowflakes tarried yet, t IVhen la a garden corner A little root I pet. The friend. who sent It promised That it should surely bring To me some fragrant treasures Before the night 'of spring. - And patiently I waited As April came and went, And May taught all the song-birds A song of sweet content. But bonny Spring departed, And June the roses brouglit. And, save two slender green leaves, The rootlet gave me naught' -And so my memly lost it, And summer also passed, er? When in the garden corner, One day I found, at last, A very pearl of lines— And snow-white dower gem— With conscious beauty trembling Upon a graceful stem. Oh! weary hearts, take courage, With. Faith and Patience wait; Though sown to blossom early, Fun many PIZ bloom late. • . The teem= due Inswing -time May linger on the way, , And like my pearl of Hiles, Make sweet an - autumn day. ' Margaret Pytiuge. WASHINGTON'S MOTHER'S - HOUSE. The Old Resldesee Still Masai. at Fred. erleksburg It irill be borne in mind by most readers that George Washington's mother resided in Fredericksburg during the Revolution. She had lived there for some years previously and continued to do so until her death. Her old residence, situated in the westerly part of the town, is yet standing and occupied, and lain as good a state of preservation .as the average dwellings of the town. It is - a wooden building i .of two - stories, with one story wings projecting from either gable arid dormer windows. built into the roof. -It stands at the corner - Of a square, flash with the sidewalk with a porch projecting nearly to the curb. The entire building is about seventy.five feet long. ,The fear walls' of the wings are; curiously enough, constructed of brick although the house is framed. The farm owned by the Washingtons at that time lies on the opposite side of the river, just below the town, or at the point where the First andßixth corps, under Smith and Reynolds, crossed the river at the assault upon Fredericksburg in 1862. It is said— and every reader will remember hearing it during the days of his boyhood—that Wash ington was the only youth that ever succeed. ed in throwing a stone across the river skirt ing his father's • faith. I have only to say, after looking over the, ground. that, George Washington or any other man could not throw a• stone half way across the stream - at any point at which it touches the Washing. ton farm. Common rumor, as handed down to' the present day, represents the old lady as not being especially amiable, a little im prudent in the choice and use ofvbeyerages, and rather free with the rattan among her servants, sometimes following them out into the street in her frantic applications of the lash. On the occasion of her son's victor ious return•to Fredericksburg at the close of the war,. and when everyone else was on the streets in gala dress to welcome him, her own heart was not sufficiently Stirred to in duce her to leave her room, until he entered the house, mid sent a request that she should come to him. Eight years hacfpasse,d since - they had mot, and her formal 'greeting was : —"I am 'glad to see you, ;George.• You have altered considerably!' E lEstorians wrotenf this as a simple exhibition of praise. worthy firmness, tinder which she concealed her real emotions. Aniong the old records on file in the clerk's office here is the fast will and testament ofthe mother of the A'Father ~ o f his Country r " It is quite a remarkable instrument in several respects.- . THEY DIDN'T SELL STOVES. ...-?rour or five weeks ago a woman with -an .undecided look ocher face entered a Detroit haidware store, threaded her way for sixty feet among coal stoves of every pattern, and timidly inquired " Do you keep aiaires here?" " res'm." "Coal staves ?" yegem..ll' ph, , She said she had been'thinki . n g of getting a coal stove for the winter, and the clerk took her in hand. He showed Ater how .the dooraworked and how the dampers' were ar ranged and the: flues situated, and he talked of double drafts, great savings,.. increased cheerfulness, reduction in price, and all that, and she said she'd think it over and drop in again. • In abent three days the woman reappeir ed and inquired of the very same clerk if they sold coal stoves. He replied that they did sell one now and then,' and he cleared his voice and began•the usual thirty minute Lecture on de Michigan, the Detroit and the Peninsular base-burners: The beautiful nickel-plate, the plaCe for the tea-kettle, the ornamental legs—the anti-clinker shaker— all points were touched upon and praised and explained, and the woman said she wouldn't take one along under her arm just then, bid would call agahH She called again that same week, heard ,the' same lecture from the same clerk, and started for the bank to draw the money to pily for a base-burner. That was the last seen of her fora week. Then she walked softly in and innocently inquired : - * suppose you " kip coal stoves r 4 No maam. "rot any kind ?" "Not a one. We • to, but went out of the business a y ago." There were tweniy coal stoves on the" floor, but if she saw thezi she. didn't let on. She heaved a sigh odisappointment,w,glanced around her, and went slowly out wh.t. • the re. mark: at Well, I don't know as I i want to buy one, but I thought it wonldn'tdo any. harm to k:f at •some of the latest makes."-..De troit ,Free Pres& 1 THE WRONG KIND OF EMOTION. 1:.1 A few , days since s laborer, w mut. at work on John ft street, fell into excava tion and broke his leg, and amon tho crowd which gathered was one who took it upon , himself to convoy the sad 'intelligence to the man's wife. "' , "Break the news as easy as you can !" groaned the victim, "for my wife is very emotional and may be compleMly upvet." The bearer of the message .hurriedon his. • way, and in his excitemeut: knocked at the 4oCir of the wrong house:. It was opened by a woman who remarks:4i tiat she didn't want to buy anything, and she was closieg it with 'a bang when the man protested : "Madam, I have a messagli for you!" "What is it?" "It is in regard to your husband. Don't get excited, and don't be frightened, for it is only a trifling accident. I came to announce to yau that your , husband has had a leg "He has, eh ? Been in hie grave three years ad had a leg token, eh ? Now, you, rued, fly through Oat gate or ra break every bone in your body!" She produced the hickory club necessary to keep her word, bit the man Sew. He wasn't prepared for that kind of emotain. $1.50 a Tear; is Adaiume. rt - '4• ITEMS OP INTEREST. Interesting Faris Called from Here and There: —liision hag fortpone theatres, with an "aggregate stating capacity of more than fifty..fire thousand; ' youug man at Patoj - Titite ~ Tea.; though but twentylyears old, stand/ 7 feet inches high in hie boche. _ - ' • —A man in South Media.. Ohioorho re cently celehrathis onehundred and second birthday, is said hav, , e, attended always to his own business. - 7 • . r1 , ed 116.401 —"Kissimee" 14 th name of a thriving town in Florida. /Young ladies living there do not dare to name the place of their resi dence in the hearing of stranger*. —The President .if the f3ocietT for the 'Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Wash ington caused .thel arrest of two men the other day for carrying live chickens home from market by thci legs.' •i. —A definition : I"Pa, whatis an employ. went agent?" " Why, My spa, he is a - man who is very anxious to get work - "for others to .do. He hinting doesn't want • any.— • Louisville Courier -journal.- ,A, young man recently died in Ohio, who was engaged to marry four- yoring ladies. The fact Ivas developed when the four went to the funeral. U that young man had lived what a politician he would hive made ! ' 1 • -The Texas paperg tell re marvelous story of a young tian named Harrison, who was attacked by tliree cow boys mid three In dians in the Indian ration, and, after a bloody battle, won Ole field. The Indiana were killed and all the cow boys wounded. —A queen bee in the height of the season from two tolthree thousand eggs in twenty-four hours. ,i The , man who ,will dia• cover how to graft a queen bee on a hen. will make money enough to buy out the whole cont entin six menthe. —.Philadelphia News. • Teacher—John, what are Sur boots made of ? Boy—Of leather, sir. Teacher —Where doei the leather come from ? Boy —From the hide of the oz. Teacher-What animal, thi4Pfore, supplies you with boots and shoes, and gives you meat to eat? ' Boy —My father. —The Virginia City (Na'.) Enterprise says that among the tiutes, near Austin, is sa queer one-legged Indian Boy. lie wash= that way and is otherwise perfectly formed. - The' limb is strong, stoat and symmetrical, situated centrally between the hipa. So' that - the child when standing erect on his foot is perfectly balanced. • • —Nearly $9,500,090 - is, invested in , the printing and publishing trade in Boston, and the yearly product is - valued at 1?5,46f,000. This does --not include the amount paid to writers who furnish the matter for printing and publishing, and which, if added together aggregates several hundred dollars more.— Philadelphia .irezes. - —A Lancaster (Pa.) man, inliricing an _ Altoona man about the . town, showed hini the former home of James' Buchanan. " Who's James Buchanan ?" eaid the Altoona man. "Is it possible you never heard that he was once President of the United States r asked his friend.. " Oh, yes, nail forgot ten,"- said 'the Altoona man; "what's b• doing now?" - --Span-glass napkins are a recent adds. Lion to the supply of luxuries which people who indulge a taste for oddities will proba bly not consider 'too high' priced at sloo.a dozen. They are of pearl shade, the size at an ordinary breakfast napkin and almost as pliable as silk. The- felling consists of mi. nate glass threads crossed by a silk chain, and the fringe of glass Ebro is about two inches long. • —There is a theory advanced by scien tists that: if You -whisper in the ear of asleep- - jug man, thejuipression of your words will - be conveyed to his mind as if by a drew. We recently experimented with this theory and found it worked very satisfactorily. A noted 'Western scout, who boasted of having slain 200 Indians, was stopping at the hotel where wo reside. We entered his room and "- whispered in his ear :—" We are •attacked by Indians! The red devils are upon us!" Did ho spring up, grab:. for- his knife' nun blindly rush forward for the fray? He did - arise from tho bed. And he crawled under it. There can be no doubt that the theory Is correct. —Radon Post. There lives in Heady county, Vat, a ne gro man whose color ten years age_aras dark • brown, bed since that 'lime has gradually whitened, - nntil to-day he is as White as the average Caucasian. The change Commenced some years ago upon the hands aid extend; ed gradually to the limbs, body and face,/ and finally altered the entire appearance of the man. The subject of this notice, Jack Preston, by - name, once a slave of the late William Ballard Preston, is sixty odd years old, in good health, and lives on the ''Chest nut Knob, iwsaid county. Jack would pass anywhere for a white man but for his hair, which plainly betrays his race.- To many this ma g i be hard to believe, bat the fact it known to a hundred of his neighbors. • " 1 . 1 - 7 firiiders have rimuerons enemies, and much of their clever nest building is design- - ed for protection against ,tfiese Toads and birds destroy them by. the thetas...- ands, and a littie,para.site called the ichnu- Men—a small 'fiy—lays its eggs in-theeri: coons pf the spider, and when the larva ap. pears it feeds first on the eggs' and later on the young spiders. Orb . weavers and line weavers desert their eggs when laid, and meet their offspring, 'where 'they live so long, as strangers. Another bitter enemy of the spider is the mud daubing wasp, Which•harra process that-might be valuable to humanity, if could be discovered, of • keeping a supply of fresh meat. When" they capture a spider that is, not needed for prisent use they sting it in such a manner that it lives, bit has no power to move until such. time as the captor is ready to devour it. THE - KEENEST, - ENEMY OP • WOMEN. Quit says : "A man's foes are 'those, of his own household, and the keenest enemy of women are women themselves. No one .can inflict such hrimiliation on . a momair as a woman can when she chooses ; for if the art of high-handed_imubbing belongs to men, • that of subtle wounding is peculiarly femin ine, And is practiced by , the best bred of her sex. Women are always more or less antag onistic to each- other. They, are gregarious in fashions and emulative in follies, but they cannot combine ; they never "support their weak sisters ; they shrink from those who are stronger than the average ; and if they would speak the truth boldly they would confess to a radical contempt for each oth- er's - Intellect., which, perhaps, is the real reason why the sect of the ' 4 emancipated' ceinnuFds so small a following. half a dozen ordinary men advocating 'emancipa tion ' doctrines would do more toward leav ening the whole bulk of womankind than any number of first-class women. Where they do bland by each other it - is from in stinctive or personal affection, rather than from class solidarity. And this is 'trite of the most striking distinctions- of sex, and one cause, among others, - why men have the upper hand, and why they are able to keep it." CS I