1191,C9nd TRACY, Publisher% VOL. VIIL --THE Bradford bililjp Is rithiished Every .Thursday, , • 11 AT TOWANDA, PA., BY HotiCOMB & TRACY'. $1.50 Per .4lastim, to Advance Adrertisisag Rates-81i cents a line for Ant usertion,an i illre cents per line for all sub...e. quint insertt DOS. Residing notice advertising flu cents per line. Eght lines constitute a square, anA twelve lines an inch. Auditor's uotioes $2.56. Administrator's and Executor's no tices $2. 00 . Yearly advertising $llO.OO per . column. Tar: itcrcettcss is published in the door° and :oblf..v Block, at the corner of Bain and Pine streets. over .1. F. Corser's Boot and shoe store. Its circulation is over 2000. As an advertising medium it is unasoelled in its tm mediate Add. imanda Buziness .4 TTORA EYS-AT-L.4 IF. iILEVEL %SD & McGOV RN, (E. Cleve/and ,\J Wm. ..11cGoreral, Canton, Bradford County Pa. All business entrusted to them care 10 Western lir tdlord will receive prompt attention. •_o:iprr2.-1) : • 0111TH & Attorneys-at-Law • Oillo mile Powell k. Co. , CLIFF, J. N.. Wilco in Wood's Block; sou th First Sational Bank, up stairs. junsl2;lB oVIBREE k.SoN IN C Elabree and L Marne.) JLI °dice in Mercur Block. Park St. myna PECK OVERTON (Bert] V Peek and D d Owr tonl Office over Hill's Merkel • 49-'79 rIVERTON k SANDERSON (E Overton and Jcits F Sand'r; e.j °Skein Adams Block•inlYs.76 W °act. over Dayton's Store april 14,76 WILT, J. A .11tf,EW. Office in Mean's Block. apr 14,76 • r%VIES, CARN , JCSANJr HALL. (W PDavier. w*L., IV H Carr o-Aan..L Wall.) Once in rear el Ward liou.w. .I:ntranceini Poplar St. (Je12.75 71n'E1ta7 • OSEY 'A. 'Solicitor of Patents. IY+ Perth-mar attention paid to business in Orphan.' Court and to the settlement of estates. office to Montanye'■ Block • 49.79 Tiff a PIIEI SOY & YOUNG. (1. McPherson and LYE W. I. Young.) Mice south side of Idercur's Block. feb 1,7 A • WILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFINGTON. (II IV Trilliums:. E J Angle and E D Buffington). Office west side of Main street, two doors north of Argus office. All tnsiness entrusted to their caro will receive prompt attention. oct 24,77 TAMES 11. AND JOIIN W. CODDISO, Attor. neys and Counsellors-at-Law. Otlice4rUhe ilt!rcur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug SUore. july3, 'BO tf. IrEENEY, J. P. Attorne)4o-Law. Office in Montanyc's Block, Hain Street: Acpt. , rpnomp.ioN, W. U. and •E. A. Attorneys-at Law, Towanda; Pa. Office in Mercur Block, over C. I'. Kirby's Drug Ettore. entrance on Main street. first stairway north. of Post-office. All !mettle's promptly attended—to. , Special atten tion given to claims against the United States or retodol.‘, Bounties, Patents, etc, and to ollections and settlement of decedent's estates. April 21. ly HENRY B. iII'ILEAN • - .. / ATIGELNEY-AT-14 - W, 1. ' • TOWANDA, PA. • Soliettur of Patents. Government claims at. tended to. ['Glenn PHYSICANS AND SURGEONS TOUSSON. T. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. H. LP Porters's Drug Store. feb 12,78 NEWTON, Drs. D. N. te F. G. : Office at Dwelling ou River Street. corner Weston St. feb 1241 LADD. C.. K.. 31. D. Office let door above old bank building. on Main street. Special at tention given to diseases of the throat and lunge. WOoDSURN. S. M., M.D. Office and , resi dence. Main ■treat. north of M.E.Chnrch. Medical Examiner for Pension Drrs rtment. 131)22,78 TYNE, E. D.. st .D. °Bice over .11 , mtanye's P Store. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. et. and from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to Diseases of the Eye. and Diseases of the Ear. oet 20.77 TOWNER, H. L., 51. D.. I.IOWZOPA2IIIC PUYSICIAS & Sunotos. Reiblence and office Just north of Dr. Corbon'e than 'treat. Athena. Pa. .11 OTELS plrENltir ROUSE. Main at., next corner south of Bridge street. ' New house and new furniture throughout. The proprietor i has spared neither pains or expense in• making his hotel first-class and respectfully solicits a share Mf Public patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms reasonable. Large Stable attached. mar 8 17 WM. HENRY. BURET soctsrzEs WATKINS POST, NO. GS, G. A. 11. Meets every SaturdaY evening. at Military Hall. GEO. V. MYER. Commander. I. R. KITTIIIDOZ, 44Adant. • - feb 7,79 CRYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meets at of P. Hall every Monday evening st 7:90. In aurance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver age annual cost, 5 year. experience, 111. JESSE MYERS, Reporter. E. Pirucr. Dictator. feb 22.78 BRADFORD LODGE. O. 167. 1. 0. 0. F. Meet In Odd Fellow's Hall. every Monday evening At 7 &clock. . WAsturs Kw.; Noble Grand. June 12,75 110 USS A.ND SIGN PAINTING POST. E. E. No. 32 Second street AU orders ,will receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDeO.4ZION4L ,Q,USQUEIIANNA cULLEGIATE INSTITUTE. °*- 1 The SPllEy'rElig will begin Monday, April 3, 1882. F katslogue or other infer. tuition, address o on' the Principal, EDWIN E. QUINLAN, fr. M Towatiolfr, Ps July 19,78 PLUMBER AND I GAS FITTER W/LLLW.S. EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. place of business in Mar. cur Block next door to Journal Mike opposite Public Square. Plimbing Gas Fitting , lag Pumps of aU kinds. a2 e all kinds of Gearing rompuy attended to. wanting work in his Ile should give him a call: July 27,77 INSURANCE RUSSELL, or 8, General Insurance Agency, Towanda, Pa. Grace in Whitcomb's Book Store.. • July 12.76 . . And had One of ' LW 25 CENT DINNERS hb26-Cat r. „ • IMiNIE .. ..,.:,,....,......- , ~ , J-_. ---,:-•-...-,:--,-.::'p.,._:".:., .",•,-.,-,--;:-,':•_.31.••:•-;:.:'-v,-,11.41,,„..... -- • ''-. ... il .. ••' ' ' -_-' ," - c -- -: - --'-', '- "' ---:---; ':• f-,--''-'”""'-'t;'r.,:7-...---;-.,-<-,----- t• -- Z.F;: , -- , ' -,- ---, - :Pi-.7;- - A-'-,,z,' : '- t t , ... -, .2, - ... -. z , ;.... ,,,,-„,„ :...,-..,... , - , -.,- 74 1- 7 7,.-- 7 , -,..% :, if ~ -.,,_ ~ -si - ~_:•-:,,,'--, ;.,- ,-- ,....r - ..L.: . 4 -- ;-,.--: - .- ,-...-.. , . _ ~.,.. ~,,... ,---•,' ~.:-. 'II , • .., --, , -,, '---= ~..',- '-,._„.,.'..,,.,,:,----..---'''...'" '' . ..1 - '- - . - q =:'-' - ' ": -:-- ''.: . if .-:, - 1 ._-_ '... . :'- ' -' , ";5.. ,' ,r ,3- '-'1 , ''''' ''-':" : i • r 'i . ' l ,.*:" ~': 4*.•,,,?-1..,. ',.. ,s . , 5.,.,:..•,-f ,-,----:j, '`-' - • , ;''''',:7 - . ' ''''',-, '"l, = •': . . - :'''''.. I , ' -- 7 . ..: ' ''- ' *- -- -.` . 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'' :,...... -,. ,I':' ~..,, , `P -.., ' 44. ~,,..,',....:.••••••'• r '- ' . . '..."' ' . '' ' :' '' .' -. '''- , L 4 • '.. 'il - 4... , . ''••,4' 5' . . 1' .e. 4• 44&- . ..L...../. - `'‘...:Manwia..... I - Miscellaneous Ativergsements. NEW FIRM 111 E; NEW .0000S . I. , Ed. Mouillesseaux, (Formerly with Handelman.) HAS OPENED.,. ... Jewelry Store ,on llte owN IN PATTON'S BLOCH With Swarth dc•porden'a More, - Main Street, Towanda, 1. Where he keeps& FULL ABSOUTMENT or Gold & Silver Watches SWISS AND AlifiltlCAN; CLOCKS ) , J 4WELRY," sir lilt Stock Is aU NEW and of , the FINEST QUALITY.L Call and see for Yourself. REPAIRING DONE PROMPtLY isorieviNG A SPECIALTY • ' MED TROY, PA. We keep on hand constaatli fOibuilders. LIMP, LATH, • SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER ' 1 - PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES/ CHESPEAK NAILS. 1. Also -;>. WAGON MAKER'S StriT itiES Fellows, Spokes, Ruble, Thins, Poles Carriage Trimmings. Also a full Bus ofl3helf and Heavy flardwure,und ' 'a (Minus of Carriages, Platform and Lumbr Wagons, Made by us with skilled workmen, and warranted in every particular. IBEARDSLEY, & SPALDING, 1 Hardware Dealers. Tro7, April 2747 i BLANK BOOK gANUFACTIfRER! BOOK BINDER, Alfred/ J.j"urvis, All work in his line done well and promptly at lowest price. A , Parties having volumes incomplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent for Bradford County. will be promptly eiecuted as to directions. . sepii-tt GEO. L. BOSS Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. B; C. Porter's Drug Store, Main fitereot, • with a large stock of • • • • • OF THE BEST QUALITY. •. • Mr. ROSS has ANOTHER 34011 r. ox Bninor STRIZT J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores are connected by Telephone. Mr. Ross can now feel satisfied that he can give the BEST GOODS loft TUE LEAST MONEY His experience enables him to select the'best goods, which helm bound to sells& a LOW PRICE. You can always get a bargain if you • • ; BUY IYOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. . All goods delivered ;In the Borough FREE. FARMERS will do well to call with their Produce and get the CASE. " 20aprti2-Iy. M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, Is still to be fotiud at the OLD STAND 441N` STREET, Next door to Dr. H C. Porter's Druflpore WITH A FULL' LING OF • FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER AND SPECTACLES '45'J EYE GLASSES, FROM THE trintAPIIST :TI37fIE BEST. Ifir ALL OF ERY LO WEST WILL . DE BOLD AT THE V. prams, Clocks. Watches 'lndiaWelry promptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman. -M. RENDELMAN. sepU64f _ • A. N. NELSON I 1.: •. . • • DEALER Lv' WATCHES,: CLOCKS, LINE GOLD AND PLATED • k.-4P JEWELER of limy varlet"; and Spectacles. Nir Partied Attention paid to repaieinS. 'Shop in Decker Vonght's CiroCify Store, lisin Street, Towanda, Penna., EN SPECTACLES;:ETC ~, 1 AND • •, PAPER RULER. &a. 1-4 Np. 131 Genessee street, UTICA. N. Y] Ern WATCHES, FINE PLATED WARE,: CLOCKS, MO New Adverttsements. B kl • ' That's a c.oinmonexpres sion a nd has a world' of measu r ng. How muck,suf feriae ts summed up in it. 1 • c I The/ singular thing about it is, that pain in the. back is ocensioned by so many thing.. May be caused by ' kidnei disease, liveir com plaint, consumption, cold; rheumatisni,dyspepsia,over- ; worlc, - iervous debility - ..., '. 4 ' • Whatever thecause,d n't neglect it . Something is Wrong I and needs, ',Rro pt attention. No Medic= , yet been discovered , at will ; so quickly and surely 'cute " such diseases las BROWN'S . IRON BrrrEns, and it does this by commen n tg - - it the foundation, and - ing the blood pure and rich. °Logansport. Ind. Dee. t,1 6 For a lon g time I have been a sufferer from stomach and kidney disease. My appetite was very poor and the very small amount . I did cat disa g reed with me. I was annoyed , very much bunt non-retenthin of ' urine. I tried many remedies' with no success, until I used Brown's • Iron Bitters. Since I used that my stomach does not bother me any. My appetite is simply immense. My kidney trouble Is no more. and my heah fe el b is such. that I general it t new non. After the useof Brown's iron Bitters for one mont h . . I have g ained twenty , pounds in wei g ht. , 0. B. Sattratay. LeSding physicians and clergymen use and recom mend BROWN'S IRON BIT.. TEES. , It has cured others L suffering as you are,.and,it .will cure you., I= Various Causes— Advancing years, care, , sickness . (M ickness„ ap pointment, and hereditary predisposi- tion—all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. [AYER'S HAM VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action.' It removes and,,Cures dandruff and humors. By its use falling hair is checked, and a_new growth will be produced in all cases where the follicles are not de stroyed or the glands d ecayed. Its effects are beautiftlly shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair. ou which a few applications will produpe. the LICK-% and srIP y :t... iatzai In its results, it is incomparable .as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR is Colorless; contains neither oil nor dye; and will not soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the" hair, and izoeli it fresh and •Igorotis, imparting, agreeable' perfume. . For sale by all druggists. , Hop /gaffers are the Purest and !Bets Bit. ' f totra Beer Made. They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buchu, Mandrake and Dandelion,—the est, best, and most 'valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other remedies, being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Rstoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the aged., and infirm. To all: whose employments cause irregularity of the bowies or urinary. organs, or who require an Apetizer; , Tonic and,mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are in valuable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without intokiesting. . No matter what your feelings or symp toms are, what the direase or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may save your life. gundreds have. been saved by so doing. WO will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Do not suffer or let your' friends-'suffer, but use urge them to ,use Hop Bitters. Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugg ed, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best. Medicine over made; the , "Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without them. Try the Bitters to-day. Oct26ly. In the Whole History of Medicine No preparation has ever performed Such marvellous cures 7 or maintained so wide a reputation, as AYER'S•CHERRY ItcronAC,--which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. , Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all cli mates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of .more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely; always re lieving sufferin.v,i and often saving life. The protectioeit affords, by its timely use in throat and chest disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept Always on hand iu • every 'home. No person can afford to be wlthoutilt, and those who have once used it never From their knowledge of its composition and operation, physicians use the Cumin( Pv.c . ron.tr. extensively in their practice, and clergymen recom mend it. It 'is absolutely certain in its healing effects, and will always cure., where cures are possible. - For sale by all druggists. Mnt•ed AGENTS AGENTS! AGENTS! For GEN. DODGE'S.bran' new book, entitled Thirty-Throe r Years Among OLIifiVILD -INDIANST .4 true record ()fibs Anther's IrAirep-Tkreerears Plersosat Experience almost oir ludiass. With sa ableintioductian By Gen. Sherman. This new wort was It ones subscribed for-by Pnendent Aarnea rout emirs Cabinet, and by Ges. Marmon. Ges. OratAGca. Sheridea. Gen. ilemeock, and tdosereds of Em inent Men. Gan. Gam rays r—"/I is Cie ben boob on 51 , ,me Liji seer terittra: Manor Wrist (Methodist) 1-....0 is a Woke iss . riieitte *Ghia" It is the only &when account of our labels ever published, fully reveal ing their "Ines Ws: aserf .doindir ano/Dith etc. U b replete Ira thrilling exPerienees ot the Author . . and of in nings Scouts. Treppers. Cciemboys. Minna. Morderautdans. Mr-, vividly par nyiag MS la the GrestWest as It now b. 424 thourand daphnia Witilittsel away*" and superb . Checeno-Lithograph Rates In no colors, from pholograplii sods by the 11, S. Govenuthat =promotes, Atigreat work. AGJENTSt ; Thli grand book , is now oebealliag ell others 20 to 1. No itasapetitios. Agents wreagelfito Mb orders e day. We vent 1000 mare natal at OEM Xi , ai 'PIN affilkeif 011 gt Special Tos, giros. Oar Inge ebea. lan with fall-pattleelers seer fres.. A Sas epultoes Ms nos Ilitadditisi tor 1$ tent damp. Address the idle pers. A. D. VOILTUINGTOS it CO, Murciano, CosrF./ - . , r i 1 . • ' . • 017 , • • - - TOWANDA -ItRADFORIYHCO-3 . • - 9 , , I am content To let the added rim ' I Mixt come to me ' Roll back into the past so far That memori Can ontyLllnd along the shore I Some perfect shells, abd nothing more. • lam content That seaweed, bits of wreck • And pebbles gray, Drift oat of sight into theses; For them to stay , I Would be to cherish grief and pain , I would not; must not,,,:teel again. , • I am content • That none of life' k Can ever be Lived o'er with seli'Atame throb and thrill ; • Ito more to me - • -;„ 'WW former song, or - book, or tOys . • Fill theinew measuro of my - joy. • , - . am I content To live an of today; • : And when I dream iet fancy revel in the light • I , . ; That hope bath seen A Masa, itweetly-iiecit'hing Star. I am content-- • ;For age upon the heart Can never, creep; And when, at last, In stillest night I seem to sleep, , A birthday comes to me In truth ; The gift It brings—lmmortal youth. MISCELLANEOUS, HIS MOTHER'S SAID. " No, I shall- never marry. And don't laugh so incredulously, Lottie dear,.; Ono eedn't be a confirmed old maid in years, mar ugly, nor decrepit, to have a buried ro. mance whose ghost would rise M forbid vows of loyalty 'lt any other shrine." ,'And, heaving d deep sigh, Nettie Clare sadly shook her pretty bead, while the dark blue eyes grew darker With the intensityl, of the feeling which had prompted her Words. 'lt was small wonder that her frfind should have greeted them with . a 'nary laugh of incredulity, for Nettie was- passing fair to look 'wpm, with a complexion rare and 'colorless as marble, eyes of Irish blue,' and hair black as the raven's wini. • _ . No wrinkles marred the 'owl bro w 'to mark the twenty short years Which had over her young head. No lines had impressed themselves about the sweet, sympathetic mouth to betray this secret sor row. As yet the ghastly skeleton bad left no outward: trace upon either face or form. Nevertheless, Lottle Armetrong knew and toted her too well not to know these words just uttered were no jest. but very sorry earnest. - " What are you talking about, Nettie?' she exclaimed. "Do you mean, to tell me that yont are a victim to unrequited love— you, whose life has been one long exponent Of Caesar's motto ? Nonsense; - ma Mere I If. through those mischief.niaking eyes . of, yours, you can by a, glance of indifference work such havOc, what would it be if they softened with areal feeling? Unless,' per. chance, the man is ;blind, aid compassion for his infirmity Lase won your heart; but how, then, about the low, musical ' voice erbetee'rwities,-2 fem.' 111fAirr: IaIiPabuSUISCCI Iv "Don't jest, Lottie; The man is neither blind nor, deaf to others ; both to me, for he has never seen nor spoken to me since I was five years old." • "Never seen nor spoken to you:" echoed her friend, is ihcredidous amaze. , "And you have loved him since your babyhood! Nettie, have you gone mad?" - " No, dear, I aril very sane. Listen, and I will tell you all about it. Our friendship is too dose and warm 'to withhold from it my confidence, and inasmuch as it is all I shall have through the long, empty ears of the future, it is due us both that yo should understand all this secret romance `of my life. "For it is a romance, Lottie, though very sad and very real to n i ll. arg Y az tu have heard me speak of my Aunt- t, who monied my mother's ' brother. When she married him she was a widow,* with one son. Cousin Harry,' I was taught •to call him, though, as ycsi see, he, was' in reality no relation. "The summer that I was flee years old I was spending a month with "my aunt, and ()cousin Harry was home, on his vacation from college. - He was then eighteen, and made of me at once a pet and plaything. • " Soon after , that, it seems some slight family difficulty arose, and I never Went :here again. But always Cousin , Ha&y wrote to me. Wlfign he . left college the joined 'the army ,and went out to India. There he ' distinguished himself and was promoted in some fight. , Two or three times he bas sent me photograplu4 taken at different places. • , " Yon Inn% thought me very kind to ,Itrr. ry Reed. He knew Cousin Harry, and' it is of 'hint we have talked. He has told me how bravo and handsome he was—how he exercised over men and women alike a charm which could not be resisted. in 0118 letter he discussed this nonsensical quarrel, and determined he at least wniiid not be a party to it. But, two years alp my Uncle Iteginald died. IHe had alWays led Harry to suppose that he was to be hiss heir. Instead, he left his wretched money aU to me. -IP This was bad, but he made it worse by ini'dmiatink that the money might yet be Hurry's, if he could win me for his wife. All was arranged just then.that I was to pay; his mother a visit, end he was coining home from India on leave, to see the little =win who had been his boyhood's pet "Instead, he wrote his mother a letter eke sent to me, without one softening word, but with the bitter reproach that I had schemed to On my uncle's wealth, and rob her boy of his own ; but Harry's letter was no less bitter, though more just. " lam glad Nettie has the money,' he said, ' for lam ii,man, and can make niy own way in the wort; but certainly I will build it upon no woman's wealth!. My lit.. tte cousin was very deer to me *IS a sister, not as a wife ; but I swear that I will never see or speak to her again nail shaTi or I are married. I never will put m3sellin the po sition of even the possibility of 'seeking a woman's love for the sake other money. It would have been better if; za* uncle bad never led me to believe myself his heir; but 'except for this, and the almost insidtbag al. ternative he leaves open to me, I do not ' 'blame him.' "This Was all, tattle—this and his moth er's reproaches ; but Imu'achildnalceutir., I Was a woman, and I bum that - always in my, childish and my ;woman's heart, there had been one Blaine,. ane hero I He hmed me, he said, as • little sister. r _l--trod help sue I—lovedthim with the one passion of my life. This was two years ago. I knew him too well to try ta change i purpose; but I have sometimes thought Oa piluipplir , haps if be bad seen me, if wellaft been thrawntogether,' all might lave been differ. ent. But you 'know now, Lott* *gib; never missy." chance for 31;m, Nettie I" cried Idian Armstrong, a, week' after the contrumation Net recorded had taken place. SELECT -POETRY ! .:,.: BIRTHDAYS ' And, aillti4polui: ; itio*iiit:ii Liiitin PAPiikilec blii!kiiik .=..• -,f-: .:''' ?--:,-;-..-., "Whit di - 04=mi rieht;iitiii.l .-•_.. I{A chance faclon . -to • meet - OW 11104: We midi; and hi he none the iiiiit.,-" et. Igahzil hew *ea .. -,..x.i0en.0:144 4, : !, :-. WANTED—A companion entyr4R • • ividki lady in Kent= dam tad refined. Address IL E., Teorbtuellodse, enS. 3L ThOee are your man hada* and surely I 411,8 heard you mention - Thorburn Houre Now I think you wilt 11ajl ;thaw Tuditicatkins,' and nays . 04. deOFI , to young lady aryoF Orme the salary. would be a decidedobjeet.” . But Nett did net echo the laukh Which flubbed Ws:9mb. •,"1,72 '• it is Aunt abuseetl" she ISA MIMI "and; though you are jesting; 'Logue, / think I will= malts the led; "lily- *MC Cousin Harti4l3; lad* i t 11 i; but illscias hire to - go again WO? dear alkyls*. even .n the Nositioil Mat Margaret word!' never recognize me, ball 'Mad fl 7 eo bird to mike hor lore mei wriOf Owls&Knight 432 0 44 consol Wier: bovi 0 4011 nt i Mil ka ilk it '' : 44 4`;':i1 1 .01,; ' f: 6l kltigas ' idetVallivealifilWad•Penk-' , . eats, deer:" • 4 , " Ah, blood will' tell, and Aunt lliarlpirid shall love me !" ' ' r And so it happened that a fortnight later, in pursuance of this resolve, kettle par e's eyes were once more gladdened by a sight of " - the defr old place she had expected to see never again. The welcome she received was kind, but it was `the welcome of the grind lady to -the youbg woman paid to do her service, though she saw the ahnott*perceptible start given by the mistress of the home, when her leyea rested on the slight graceful figure, whose air of elegance and breeding could not be disguised by the simple black dress the had assumed in which to masquerade tker role. " How came you to take such a position, child ?" asked Mrs. Ellison, ono morning, when Nettie had fulfilled her duties 'for more than a month. - She had asked her that day to read to her; but, as she listened to the sweet voice, she bad heard none of the meaning of the words, but had bean instead intently' studying the exquisite face which:bent over the book.' " How little I thoight, wictii I inserted my advertisement s I should be* favored r continued Mts. , ' Yon are very kind; miidinnt, to be pleased ,with-me," Nettie answered; "but you must not ask me of my past life. !shall be 'glad if by fnitiful duty I can brighten votes ever so littlit." • 4 • Theis was real feeling in the voice which touched the listener's heart. Proud ladrits she was, hipresence of this girl she almost forgot the social gulf' between them. She waa.ill and suffering, too, and she learned to tong for the cool White hand which bathed her brow so untiringly, and for the sound of the quiet step which told her her maid was near by. • One morning a letter I r astuaided bee, and Nettle saw her eyes glisten and team of joy mop on the Page: _ I • - "My. boy . is -cominghome," she mur mured. "He was to follow his letter almost immediately, be writes. Next week 'be will be MEL Why, child, what ,is the "Nothing, madam. I will go to my own 'room. I shall be bettelsoon." But when she returned; though calm, she still was white 'and grave. - "I must leave 'you, *is. Ellison," she said, sadly.. "I am not Buell, d find, and must send some one to you to fill my place." , s, . "Leave me!" cried the invalid. "Nettie, ; you must not think of such a thing. If you are ill, you shall be nursed as though you were my own daughter, but I must know you are near me. Child, what makes you so near and dear to me ?" • But Nettie's only , , answer was a burst of tears. And so when the young master cable to his home, she still held there tho position of his mother's maid. ." She is a lady, Hatch" said his mother. " I am sure of her birth and breeding as of my own, but can get her to disclose noth ing," to all of which the young man listened indifferently, Though he, too, bad started at' sight Of the rare beauty, and found himself listening delightedly to the tones of the low, as, .et voice. "I muiii go,". Nettie said to herself, when this had gone on foi several days. "I am only making my own misery the rater, find signing the death -warrant to my own happinesa! But 'resolutions are not•always made to be kept, and the next Morning all else 'was for.. gotten at Thorbnrn House but the' sudden illness of its young master. - Captain /tarry had been - - stricken down with a low fever, and who could nurse him, thought his mother, but her faithful maid? His spared:` The fight was fierce . tint short; and then followed the long, tedious ciays' of convalescence, or days Which began as long and tedious, but' Soon grew all too short. Captain Harry was , a proud 'mai, and it was long ere he would acknowledge to him. self that to this' poor, .nameless girl, his =times paid &Tel:dent, he had given his her; 'but once acknowledging' it, be was toil., honest and too manly to take refuge in any but an opent and as heatorableio(nree. "As my mother sald," he told Ithrntelf, "She is a lady. Every act, every gesture, betrays it; and better , far that I shoild marry where my heart has led than stoop to win a woman for her gold. , When' Nettie is mine we will invite the _other Nettie to Thor burn again. Will she come, I woruter? and has she, too, had love's young dream ere this?" . . That very _evening, Nettie listened to the , few, frank words in which Caitairr Harry' told his love—listened with'flushed' cheek and 'downbeat head. But when he would have drawn her to his heart, she resisted the loving effort, and held herself erect. ' " What is the love you would' Offer your mother's maid ?I' she asked. " The same that I bore to offer my mother's daughter," he replied, "if, my darling, you will be that daughter and my wife." . • " And what does she say P - Ask her!" she persisted, . "/Sho cams her son's prayer," . said a voice from the open-doorway. One swift gbince Nettie gave toward her; then, going to meet her, drew her il2O an easy-chair and fell on her knees at her !feet. " Listen first to mfeonfeasion," ribeisaid, brokenly, " and then tell me whether I mdit, so or stay." And then, in a quick,' loir voice,ishe told the story through. • " she said, when she bad finishe:l, ."yon know all: Must I go, or May I. stay r - Low and sweet wren angers whisper fell the answer from her ant's lips : _ ' "Stay, my derling,'as my daughter!" And'then it merged in words lower and sweeter still, as her lover lifted her to the khelter of his heart,. and Murmured : "Stay, My darling, as my wife !"- 4 4Tentry Wren. %qt. 021 : f."" 4.• -4 ,- ,-, ~ , , . .1_, . . ..,.--,,.;...--• „2„;-,:: - .... -..', - ,"'- •-_ :-- -...-:-;-,, •--, - - • ---: ~.., - ';- - ' :. - '--.-. - - - '- .- - - .... ' ' ''. " _ .. :7„ , r,,.7,1 1 , ~,; ~4.... :.. ~.-;, . .•;,?- '- ,-..,,,-, ,%;,.#,,, hA.o 1i...„ . .. , , .=, ,-' -, ,;... I', .., ..v. : ,... ,;-- ;„. f.,--, , , i,..... - -•.: .••; :: _. • •." l• , .' - ..., .. - • . •-I' 1- • ,''',,:-, ' -.,:'-, T; . \ , , _ ::. ... ~. 42-:. _ .^ . ' .' _ • . • . . , " . --, ' ~'-' - . • e' ; . . .., . " . . . ° .A....t .. ..: 0 '' .: '. ~ -:- !:'-, :," ''• ' ' ' ' " - L . . , - ',. 'l' ' - ' 1- ' .-- . '- ' , I • I L , -t' I • • FOE THE PEOPLE." VIELDIII4STO WI the Cattle Beelseee. . "I shall never handle cattlo any more," sidrinitrick Healy the other day"while talk. ing with a Wyoming stock man. "I gOt discouraged a good many years ago. r . heard that cattle Would yield 'all the ay from seventy-five to ninety per cent. Wilt," to I got SO head sad let nature take her course. • The following spring I started to , brand my calves and count up my profi*l My style of branding was laborious a4dr Wioudisfactory. I . would catch a calf, throw him down; build a sage brad' fire, heat my branding iron, - brand him and then start .after: another., This consumed "a half au hour to the iinimal, 'tbe best I could do, and it looked as though it would tithe till ahout Christmas to brand my calve& Howevei, the untiber didet hold out by one half, and `se Tins just . *slag the . branding, -meat _While cussing my lick in the stock basiness, rone day nothwid, with my field.glass, ,sev. Atratiiiles - swam-the plains; a. cow-boy,; , , , be alit& knollsusdwatoh "him.;'-Arirte: get niatier. I dimOvena thitt he bad a little charcoal stove Ottached to his saddle behind, atul l also that he bad a branding iron secured to a 200-foot lariat, which , he threw with wonderful accuracy. The cow-boy was au, employe of Mr. Tinnier,. a neighbor of mine who bad a very la,rielier(h of cattle and made the raising of cattle a very prosperous • "Instead of banding" sage sage brash fire and going throngs the tedious process of throwing down An animal to brand him,' he just heated the branding iron in the little Miner's stove as he rode along and wheU within one hundred feet or so of a calf,l just threw it with that deSilly aim of his stunk. Vanier was ahead a SIL animaL "4 decided right there that' I would not , raise any more cattle. • Science had the bulge'-on nature. eliatural incre„ose is till right where it does not have to compete with silence. I • I just went to Mr.. Tinnier and "said : Look here, Mr. Tinnier, I want to sell you my little bunch of cattle at a fair figures. I want to see you have them because you de. servo them. A man who can bring science to his aid the way you can ought to have this'herd, and I believe you will ultimately have the outfit anyhow. Things seem to, point that way - now and I want to facili. tate matters by selling you the bunch before' it is everlastingly too , late; "My cows feel just. the same as I do about it. They are willing to dO everything they can that is honorable in order to 'for ward the - cattle interests of the country, but they can't compete with your statesmanship. They feel hurt and very much depressed. by it 4 and so do I. .I" just want to hasten the result . by letting you have the cattle -.before they get too mucli reduced. ‘.` He saw that I was feeling very unhappy over my cattle deal, and he Badly took them off my hands. I have pever owned any cattle since that. tbave seen many of my neighbors' Secumniate Marge herds and big fortunes, but it had no temptations for me. I know. that with nothing to, start with but the wreck of a bull train and one .of those self-registerin' g branding-irons, men who didn't know the difference between a come millio' naires, but that don't -*Sect me any. I just squeeze along the best I an and raise sheep at a profit of thirty-five to forty per cent. It is not so rapid, of couple, as the cattle business under 'careful man agement, but a man feels better when he meets the vigilance comniittee.—Detroit Free Press. PREPARING FUR SKINS. The. process of preparing_ skins, is simple, and when received by the manufacturerlhey have generally been ' only stretched and dried,' with a solution of alum er arsenic ap. plied to tke tinder side. The dealers treat them to camphor, and when they are to be made up they are placed in barrels or tubs of rancid butter and trampled. by the bare feet of men, sprinkled with sawdust, scraped over knives to takeoff the flesh, and after, repeated changes they are ready for the fur- . tier, i who cuts them hire shapes desired. Unicruptdmis dealers often make up hand some garments by carefully matching small , pieces of fur, and so , skillfully is this done that the customer rarely finds it out until the garnumt r is, perhaps, made over, when the fraud is ',' exposed. A great many • furs are dyed, iiii:the muskrat, beaver, otters etc., mad the value of the seal-skin . entirely de pends' upon the skill with which this is done, the diffilty being to dye, the fur without having e dye reach the pelt . }lt is said that the, best skins are dyed in Lotidon, and that they can be dyed properly , nowhere else ; bet American dealers think otherwise, and to the American dyer is due . the discov ery of the process by which the fur4eal fur presents so rich a bruarn tint without hurtl ing the fur, at the same time leaving the pelt soft, pliable, and lasting. Certain of the monkey tribe are used, and the fur of some of the skvety white ones is extreme], rich, bringing; a fair price for trimmings. The monkeys from the west of Afrien, with long, .floyvinOutir, are in great demand, while other skins are rarely used. ..The skins may be quoted at 40,000!yearly, or from $611,000 to 1170,000 worth. Th3se, with the skins of various animals that are ingl‘ ur-bearing, would show an • enormous interest, giving somewhat of an idea of the dependence of man upon his fellowLanimals. —O. F. G. MADE HIM COME TO TIME. • About two yeas* ago a wealthy man 'named Paige, whose wife was still asleep in the fourth story of a burning hotel at Osh kOsk4 Wisconsin, offered any Tenon $5,000 if he would rescue her dead tlor alive. At great peril of his life, the assistant engineer of the Fire Department ; bronlght down' her dead body. After the funeral was over, however, Mr. Paige did not seem to appre ciate her at the same value which he put upon her during the panic and crisis of the calamity. So he refused topay the reward on the ground that tike fireman Was bound to do his official duty, and canki ; not con tract with a private party for a reward. The loier 'court sustained this view, but lovers of fair play and _haters of curmud geoncy will be glad to lmow that the Su preme Court reverses this judgment, and orders the reward paid, because his official duty did not compel him to risk his own life in ord7 to rescue others. Firemen, unlike soldiers; do not contract to risk their lives in the service. But although the decision Serves the mean man right, the soundness of its reason may be questioned. Firemen are not bound like soldiem to expose their lives uselessly, but it licher that if they never risked their lives their usefulness would be less than it is now. As a matter of fact they are willing to do it, and do it every week. Otherwise fires 'mild get beyond their' itontrol. The court should have heeded the old judge's 'advice about s court's being generous with opinions, but Stingy with itereasone, for the decision may be sound, the reason quite otherwis" e.—Defroit ME surt,pnias m Hew YORK. .! Forty in idle months for new buildings. Gotham keeps growing right along. The forty millions, though, cover improvements in.l3rooklin as well as New York' Broiddyn is getting to be " quite a ; 1 t as you possibly • may have learned the census. Its relation to. New York to chiefly that of a &cuffing-house, hut even ft boarding-house may be progressive. :Aside from that, however, Ihe puller of forty millions on new buildings in bine months is ledly remarkable. Many of tho buildings are prodip,icins in size- and - enormously en. pensive. - We don't build mere Lougee any more—at least not many. Mansions and pahicea take thO Oka - -of. obtfashioned homes, and the new business buildings are such enormous piles as were not tlicawht •of twenty years ago. Tile Mills tinilding on Broad street, for install* put up _at' a . cost , of $3,000,000 is a huge Mountain besiide any building created in the seine, neighborhood before the war. The new Produce change at Bowling Green. Will: be anotber s*.°Ai .4 4 4Aciatink*b#4 . 1:W.114 1 .***: ,Cyruslit :Field!" "Waskmgton •- • Indiana on the other side of the histOrkt' little park If a place that is never open may-be called a Park will cost abo ut _ !1 1 009,900.' The Same figure is named as :the probable, cost ; of the two - mansions whinh Kr. Vanderbilt ; is about to build near St. Thomas' Church for his two daughters. That eminently philanthropic monopolist will spend another L s:Gaon on a hotel opposite the Grand tral Depot. • , On the next block a hotel building that will cost $1,150 t 000 is -now giikrg np. The total cost . of the Metropolitan Opera House prably will not be less than $2,000,000 though the preientlsitimated fi gure is .$l, 800,000. That of the new Casino, hard by, which was to have been finished a couple of months ago,; but will not be for a month to come, is set l down at $ l lOOO,OOO. The pro. lector is already threatened with half a dozen law suits for not having the building ready for performances contracted ' for last winter and spring. The rage for putting up enormous flats shows no abatement. . A score of buildings of this class, of fairly stupendous proportions, are under way; The largest, as well as the.mosl costly,i be the NaVarro co-operative fiats at Seventh avenue and Fifty-ninth street, facing Cen. tral Park. ' The outlay 'on these will be about $5,000,000. Another gigantic pfie - is the enormous hotel fiat, nine stories high, that Mr. Clarke, of the Singer Sewing Ma chine Company, is putting up at the west side of the park, near the Museum of Nat ural History. , As to high buildings, though,• the eleven.stury flat Called the Knickerbock er, on Fifth avenue, not fir from Delman ico's, capa.the dual. A family living on the eleventh story :might be said to enjoy high life, anyway. The cost of the Knelt shocker is about; $1,000,000.—N. F. Cor. Aaron Press. IN A THILLING PREDICAMENT. A Steeple'•Cllmber Hangfu, in And.Alr Far Above the Ground. 4 - • "The longer you live the more you find 9" remarked 7511. Joe Weston,- the steeple cb.Mber, to a couple of newspapermen late. "I bad an accident recently_ which , " NOhatiras was simultaneous in- Tan% , 1211 "It was a carious one. Yon see I was ins top Of St. Paul's spire on Spring street. We bad rigged : ropes to removothe planks of the scaffolding. The way we do that is to fast: - en a block to a post or tree on the other side of the street and another to the steeple and splice the ends of the rope together to snake an endless rope of it. If you fasten to it anything you watt to,send below the weight of the load takes it down. I had tied the last plank to the rope and it was going • down. Diwore a handkerchief tied loosely. aroundmy throat. The wind_ blew out an end - of it and it caught •on the moving rope and wrapped around it. I was immediately: caught up,_first the handkerchief and then my beard passing into the block. Now, if I had an assistant in the street below.he would ba•Ve noticed the plank stop when ,I was caught that way; and as he . could not see anything' wrong above he would have pulled on the rope. Then 1 should have been choked to death by My, handkerchief and my beard and part of mr , face would have been tornoff. -Persons in the street below would have noticed, perhaps, that I was very quiet, but they would not have pas. pected that I 'was hanging by the neck. t "'flint pull stretched me eighteen inches. As soon as I realized the . trouble I reached a below and taking hold of rope pulled back on it until my. bandkerchief came out the sheave, and I dropped on to the hooks be low,: I could barely -touch , them then with ,my feet." T . "Do you mean to say that you had noth ing but hooks to stand on V' 1: "Yes, the hooks of the scaffold. --Ynn see, ova had sent all the planks below. was saved by the skin Of my te'eth."- 7 Cinila' magi Enquirer. A MAGAZINE'S SUPPLIES. Between: four and five hundred menu scripts are received each month by Thu Cen tury, nearly three-fifths of which are in verse. A little more than half as many are sent to St. Nicholas, and the , proportion of verse is lower, being abOut one-half.-, A record is kept of the incoming and-Olitgo ing of every manuscript, and since the niag &Tines cannot print more than fifty out , of the 700 or 800 received in a month; it is tip. parent that the sifting process regain* great care, and is ; the chief burden of the editors. It is common for persons of little experience in - writing for peblication to ask the editor to Rive' "the eve. MIA manuscript" s fair : reading, and Often it is Added that a criticism of the proof:teflon would be received is a special mark of ftvor. The editors in dulge in • very -little criticism in returning manuscripts, mainly for the reason that there are only thirty-on days in ° the longest months ;- but they , are always desirous Of encouraging young writers who show fresh ness and originality. Bid injunctions to, read- manuscripts are not needed. The edi tors would be fake to the first duty of their trust if they Should allow a single, article to leave the office without ambit examination. By a first reading the wheat is separated from'the chaff. The selected manuscripts are then usultOly put to the test of two hod even three readings by"different editors, who aim to treat the authors of-indifferent mann 'scripts With the same courtesy tharri Atte' to the old contributor or the experienced Writer. Not all poorly-written articles are rejected, nor all good ones accepted. While the editors are continually suggesting t topies to experienced writers and to persons hay ing special knowledge, many of the best ar ticles printed come unsolicited. Ins word, an article must be fresh in idea, masterly in treatment, or novel or important in informa tion, to meet with acceptance when at many active minds are seeking exPression in print. The editors always have threo issues of the magazines in hand, and must at the same time keep in view their probable needs for the ensuing twelve namtbs.—Ths Century. • ill NO MORE. Above 'the roofs and Chimney-tops. And throbgh the slaw.. November rain, A light from some tar attic pane.l Shines twinkling through the watet*opP , - Some lonely watcher waits and weeps, ,Like me. the step that comes not yet; • Her watch for weary [ hours Is set, While far below the city sleeps. The level lamp-rays lay the floors,- And bridge the dark that lles below, O'er which my fancies come and go, And peep and listen at the doors.; - And bring me word how sweet and plain And quaint the lonely attic room, Where she sits singing In the gloom, Words sadder than the autumitrain: - " A thousand times by sea and shore, In my wild driNitas I see him lle, With race upturned towards the sky, • Murdered 'and stiffening in his gore, Or drowned and floating with the tide. Within some lonely midnight bay, . Ills arms stretched toward me where he lay, And blue eyes starineflxed and wide. Oh, winds that rove (rainfall and sea! Oh, waves that lap the yellow sandal Oh, bide your istealthy,treachemus Wide, And call no more his name to me in' •• • —Kate Seymour Maclean THE FUR TRADE. There are very few animals whose fur is not used in some way--that of the muskrat (and over 8,000,000 and, sometimes 5,000,- 000 are taken every year) is used in On manufacture of bats. The New York musk rats are worth seventy-five cents, whlle.Del. aware and Maryland produce an itnbiud worth twice as much. The innocent limusk-. rat is often utilized by dealers as eft), and when died so passed upon the public. Many a lady who boasts okirere black marten set, or exquisi4 of hirnlrten trimmed coat, little cusp ,c . is that the rich fur bas perhaps once mounted the hen-roost of a conntry-cousirt, worn by the malodorous skunk. ;This fur, which is extremely beau tiful, is well on ibeinarket, and, it is un necessary to state. `not sold to advantage under its proper title, but passes Muster under the above *allonym. They are used for collars, muffk , etc.,- and somewhat of an idea can be obtained of the popularity; of the black marten from the fact that over 350,000 a year are used, and Atilt it is not safe to crawl 'under d strange barn: Ohio produces the most black martin* as well as Presidents ; the former and the animals raised on Orange County hens bringing S 2 50 apiece.. Cheap grides of furs are made from the Siberian squirrel, muskrats, rabbits, wild cats, badger, coon, and even the common domestic cat,' of which .1,000,000 and _oyez are killed yearly ; yet the attentive observer about New York is often reminded and forced to observe that the supply exceeds the demand. - Other animals used in. trim ming, etc:, are lions, tigers, and ;bears.' Ok She fOrmer 500 are consumed by the trade tvory year; while 20,000 bears, 500 tigers, 100,000 buffalo, 100,000 chinchillas, and 6,000,000 squirrels have been and are used' yearly in various breaches of trade. Beaveth to the number of 20;000' are yearly sacri *Ad and, used in imrious ways, and in fifty years it ie safe to say that thn animals will have become extinct.:, Fifty years ago they were common in Maixte; New they 's re, if not entirely gone, so rain that it does not 'bon foist iireenught'yetlity,' and It would seem that they will follow the same fate. At Triatin d'Adhuna the islanders (English) kill eVery,seal or sea elephant that can be found.., One vessel stopping 0i... , 1*8 12611 ,8ais Island killed 1,500 seals in a few days, and were chagrined upon returning the ensuing year to find themgone.—N. P, Eventing Poet. THE MAN IN THE MOON. The common account of the man in the moon, that he is the individual whom the Israelites atoned for gathering sticks on the Sabbath, is probably only a :remixed ver sion of a much older story. The earliest form of the many similar stories seems to be that the moon as a Man, and a far-seeing one, his a power over mankind which he can exercise at will for their hart or punish ment. In the Edda, the moon takes up two children, who mitre doing nothing more than carrying water-pots on their ehouldera. .In Swabia, children who look out of windiiir are still sometimes cautioned . against being: carried off by the man in the moon, nor are they allowed, in .n of the bAre in the moon, to make them.e of a hare on the Ms with their fingers. ; In the same dis trict, the giant the mini:hi the moon was simply that of working in his vineyard by moonlight ; while, according to another vat , sion, a woman was taken up for spinning at her window by moonlight, and her Sax and hair may still be seen there. To thigi day this primithe idea te i f sin against the moon exists in Swab* wEere itis still thought sin: ful to spin orsew in the moonlight, and it is 'a common thing to hear it mid, " LeaVe off working or yon will go to the moon." Stories therefore of the moon which coi nect the !punishment Si a residence there with offences against morality or Widen ordTnanceS, may be supposed tob*ve lest antiquity/ than themes which connect it with no sin ate all or with sin against the - moon itself. For instance, such stories as the Bo hemian;'sue, that the moon, having warned a thief gainst stealizi,g peas, took him up when h persisted in doing Iso ; ortdrs Tyro lese and German tales, that the moon carried off a Tamil who bent about at night stick ing sheep with s:` forks'? who held brambles before the moon to conceal his - theft of a horse, of cabbages, cherries, fish oecheese— ieem to be the adaptation of a more prim': tire belief to a changed and somewhat ad: veined State of thought rather than the ex pressioniof the earliest notions on thei =b jest. further addition to these stories u lls that theif or profane Sabbath.breaker bears load of cabbages or stick's for all etersthy; as an:eternal warning to mankin' d, seems an additional corroboration of this by pothesii.,--Cornla Magdzine. ..,. .1 THE NEW NORTHWEST.. , , Not ooly is the new Northwest " a goodly land to 114 in with and a pleasant land to see " for t1:41 agricultrwisto but mechanics and tradesmen, and skilled labor of any and all descriptions, find employment at ?emu nemtive conrsation without the slight difficulty, w e the common laborer at em ploynient requiring nothing ',beyond main strength and stupidness is cheerfully paid at the rate of $4O per month, including board. Cooks particularly are in great demand and receive from $6O to, s7s r Ver month. We refer to - rneri cooks 'who can prepare the meals by 'an open fire in camp, or more properly bivouac. Cooks who work for miners, loggers and surveying "outfits," and whale possess the requisite " profession al" ability.lo boil diihwatei:vitliout scorch ing it, are 'eagerly, sought after. - and not always found. Chinamen who are willing to engage as cooks at a rate of, pay consid erably less than that mentioned above are easily obtained; but - nearly ell classes of " white men" frown- on "Chinese cheap labor," and a Chinathaii fe'notengaged for any sort of an outfit where camping-ant is necessary, unless as a last resort.*Corres. pondfnce Troy Time. , $1.50 a Year, In Adnnes. I ITEMS OP INTERES laterestlim nos Cel:idpriamo Here well There. —They have a new woid in lowa, "flan: dayed;?'. meaning the tarrying over Sunday'. —AI colored woman wee killed the other day by ameteor which fell near Orange Clty, —Housekeepers in Kama ~.eannot keep servant girls, they are in such *mind tor, wives. —At a recent examination for clerkships in the London Nat Office 1 SOO women pm. Belated themselves. . . —A: case anicenring the title to sem e lard Was argued at Pittsburg the Other day width - was began in 1796. —When a Boston yonng lady willies express that she his the "blues " shesimply remarks, " I have azure distemper." _ —Some small insect got into the ear of a woman at Sivunnah and stung her. : Her heed began touwell and in i a few - heuze she died. • " —Girls in Kama hare banal .Hisi• bun Gabe and announce - that they Ural pea marry afl man who Roaches intoxicating liquors. . —A debating society is nerving its* up to wrestle with tho question, ." When a no. man and a Mme meet which is the matt '- frightened?" , —The Washington Postmastei has put a ' letter carrier on a tricycle, and if the trial is ince*ful the whole force will be mounted in the same way. ,T -A schoolgirl of Skowhegan, Me., who was whipped for not telling what case - fol.. lowed a - transitive verb or prepreitioni brought suit against her persecutor and was awarded eBOO damages. • . 4—A case of domestic scandal under d 4. cession a 'tea table :—" Well, let us think the best of her we can," said an Wetly -spinster. "Yes," said another, ' s and say the worst—that's the fashion." " —Old Chief Pocotello, now at. the' Fort Hall agency, in answer-to an inquiry relative to the tree Christian chaiacter of a formes Indian agent at that place, gave in very terse language the most acctuate deicription of a hypocrite that was ever given to the public. " Ugh i Too much God and no flour." —lf the Indian tea trade has an enemy, a stone ready to his hand may be found in as advertisement in - a paper published in the Punjattb. "It begins in these words:—" To tea planters in Dehrit• Doon and Kangra Valley. yor sale—Soapstone, very useful for 'coloring ;green teas ;" and proceeds to give the terms per maund at which . this now very useful article can be delivered at a cer tain railway station. - --Chicago has a considerable number of professional "egg candlers," who. examine ,eggs in dark rooms before small" . lamps id lien of rear candles.- The freshest eggs are sorted out ttir the New York marliet,Aosa tolerably good for general constirryfition, those with certain defects for bakers'• and so on. The candlers get ten centiLloy examining, a case or thirty-six -dozen, and make - $.3 a day or more. , —The biggest blasticever undertaken 4:111 the Pacific cOw,St was exploded on the Oregon - IttOadinFtiriniesaigiceig7Mles4leatt-S -the shock was so , tremeadolfs that' an adja. .cent stream was thrown out - ll its bed for a distance of half a :mile; -the' tlighway was badly ininred and effectr,a.. Uy blockaded .for the same distance, and damage was infli cted in the wo l rkmen's camp 900 yards away. —A min in Oregon has invented a way to easily remove sand out of a river.. He re. moved 22,000 cubic yards, at a coat of $l,OOO, While-, by dredging,.the Cost would have been at least $lO,OOO. The process is to load a steamer by the stern,. anchor her _ • head up stream, and then let her turn her propeller. This loosens the sand,Whic. - k is carried away by the current. A steamer in that way deepened the channel of the Co lumbia River eighteen feet by it width of seventy-five feet in twenty minutes. _ —Mayor 'Harrison, of Chicago, voted the =Evince shaking it a Crime for minors to buy liquor, put through the council by saloon influence to offset the State law against sell ing to them, but has -. approved a now rega 'talon to the same purpose which leaves the =fount of - the fine entirely to the magis trate. The theory is that under , this a sort of parental supervision will be exercised sine, • no fine at all imposed except in special cases, but it is feared that saloon keepers will yet find a way to shield their own pockets" - by means of it. —lndiana courts are asked to adjudicate upon the validity of Indian marriages. Three years ago a Wabash county red man named Shapp took Nancy Votary as his info in the usual fashion With- no regular cereo Mony. Nancy had a faim worth $lO,OOO, and now trouble comes because . she died leaving a child born during the union, and her sisters claim that the marriage was good for nothing, ant - that therefore they are her heirs. All Indian mraiages in the district are alike, and the decision in this case_ may open to diapite the title to great quantities of land. ;1 _ I= THE DEACON'S HIRED MAN. Lest'Spr.ing a church deacon residing in all interior town secured a.man of all work from-Detroit, and the place being an easy one and the. pay godd, the man was well . pleased, and took a great interest in his em. ployer's welfare. Some weeks age the church to which the 'deacon belongs had to . send Alm delegates to' meet three fibm another church to" arrange for a picnic. Daniel beard the deaCon remark that he , would like to be one of the delegates and that was eriough for him. There was to be a meeting•of the congregation in the oven- ing to select the three, and a score of people had scarcely got togethei when Daniel walked in, skunmid his hat down and re. marked : i " Gentlemen, thiki_canmas will' now come to order, and by your leave I will act as Chairman until a_bigger man is appointed:" • The people were, of coarse, dtanfounded. but Daniel felt as if he 'was once more on the heath of the "old ighth Ward," and he continued : " Gentlemen, we have met ,to nomixate three delegates,. and it.will be in :order for somebody to mention the name of Deacon Blank as theAlna t." Nobody did,. and Daniel's dander began to rise. "Ah ! This is a cut and dried affair,;' then, 'id it ?" he roared, as , he gave his hat another slani, " However, I !_pronounce the Deacon elected; and it anybedy-lni Here one of the. members 'arose to make an explanation, or to ask for one; but Daniel declared him out of order, and cleared . the' room and adjourned U 'the meeting:- At the door, as heiwas going out, he met 'the Dea con, and; giving his haul a irrin& he Cu. thusiastically cried: " I've curried the caucus for ye, - Deacon, and the opposition have been smashed so flat that a ,dozen elections won't wake? 'em up! , Rah !! Whoop ! It's meself that,can pun a minaidate• through or die stryingq—Defroel Free Press. 1 ' - NO. 24 '`