~ ' MEN THE REPUBLICAN. JIT NON HOLCOMB. t p uiparrrous . d Mt L. TRACY. JeDSON HOLCOMB, Editor. CHAS: H. ALLEN, Associate Editor. "Reirsonatie taxes, honest expenditures, com petent officers, and no stealing."--- Harpers Weekly. ' , Sir; Entered Ii the Post Oh!ee at Towaida as I SPCOND CLASS lAMB. nbMDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1882. to Nominations. Pittivileipbts Convention. Republican SW Harrisburg CusTeatkm• 0 teenier JOIN STEWART . Lieutenant-Governor, LEVI S. DUFF. .fouVe of Supreme Cour GEOBI3E JENEIN. Seey of htlereeed elffairs, GEORGE W . MERRICK Conpretnw.i•at-Larpe, WILLIAM McMICHAEL JAXER. A. BEAVER Ltestesant-Gosernors WILLIAM T. Dia=B. Judge of Supreme Court, WILLIAM H. It&WLE, Seel of/sternal 4pirs, JOHN M. cuxu. Cosimesnium-at-Large, ARRIOTT, BROSIUS For Congress. HON. C. C. JADWIN, OF WAYNE COUNTY. Republican County Ticket. FOR 11,31M153 NTATIVE JAMES P. COBURN., E-_3. A YERS."'I I B. 13, lIITCAELE. commtn. DR. C. E. SCOTT. JURY CONXLSSIONEIL NELSON GILBERT REPUBLICAN RP:MINOS T.TMR HlLlr—Friday, Nov. 3. Speakers —John F. Sanderson, M. E. Lilley, SILVARA—Friday, Nov. 3. Speakers —B. M. Peck, John N. Calif. NORTH ROME—Friday, Nov. 3. Speak ers—R A. Merenr, John W. Codding. WARREN CENTRE—Saturday, Nov. 4. Speakers—John F. Sanderson, L. M. Hall. STEVENSPHLE--Saturday, Nov. 4. Speakers—B. M. Peek, John N. C*o'. • Vote for the soldier's friend, Hon C. C. JadVein; . By voting for C. C. Jadwin, you make the district safe. No Republican who desires success in the district will cast his vote for Overton. " Tuesday will close 4p the.. battle Do your' duty and vote for C. C 3adwin. A vote cast for Col. Overton is thrown away becauie he stands no possible chance of an election. Vote for Hon. C. C. Jadwin as an endorsement of his faithful services in behalf of the people without respect , to party Vote for lion. C. C. Jadwin and with more experience he will seAT the people better in the coming Congress than in the past.. "Revolutions never go backward." This will be true in relation to Con gress on Tuesdarnext. C. C. Lbw's will be triumphantly elected. The drift of 'popul4 sentiment is all toward Hon. C. C. Jadwin. None can be so blindias not to se' it and know it. Put pita votes on him -'and suc cess is doubly Col. Overton talked with so many men and made so many promises to Mr. Jadwin's friends, that he has no idea what he 'did say. We judge this to be the case from his roundabout statements. How did it, happen that after saying to Mr. Jadwin that he (Overton,) "would have been satisfied to have'Mr. Jadwin carry this county without op position,"' he becomes the only candi date against him and compassed his defeat in the _conference? Will Col. Overton please answer. The great bulk of the RepUblicans tnogressional district repudi- ate the nomination of Col. _ iOverton. Had Col. Overton regarded the pop- . -War sentiment' of the district with decent respect, and refused ,to listen to advice inspired by malice, he would not have placed himself in the embarrassing 'positien he now occupies. One thing is positively xqrtain. His election is not among the possibilities. That is conceded on all hands. Mr. Jadwin can and will be elected. Every Republican who would make Republican success doubly sure in the district should vote for Mr. Jadwin no matter what their pref erence may be. The Democrats cannot poll more' than 10,000 votes in the district this fall with the best effort they can make for Mr. Post. Mr. Jadwin's total, vote in Wayne will not be less' than' 4,500; His total vote in Susquehanna: and Wyoming will not be less than 4,200. His total vote in Bradford will, not be less than 4,500. Making his total vote in the district 13;200. This is our candid judgment of the 'situation as it now stands, from a careful survey of the field based upon information from reliable sources from every county in the district. - It dem3iistrates the non sense of throwing! away votes on Col: Overton, who stands no chance of an election, and whose nomination is the cause of all the trouble. It is the duty of all Republicans to stand squarelytup for the people's choiee and cast their vote for C. C. Jadwin. x.,44) It is preposterous for Col. Overton and his friends at this late day to be making insincere professions of his willingness to withdraw in case Mr. Jadwin will. It is an acknowledge ment of Col. ,Overton's .weakness as well -as of Mr. Jadwin's strength. After securing a nomination which in no wise belonged toltim, and which by precedents and of right belonged to Wayne County and to Mrf Jadwin who is the unquestioned choice of the district, he, (Overton,) Professes a willingneis to withdraw from a field he has usurped, provided he , and his Iflll2ll M IMSIE friends'are allowed to Mime e a can date, and that he be a Wyoming or a Susquelumne County man. :He has all at once been struck with won drous mniosity for those counties. He had none of this while Wayne' county was standing by him. . He hopes to get votes' in Wyoming and Susquehanna by such an insincere offer. The guise is too thin' and will deceive nobody,. Would you be will ing colonel,i".to withdraw and let Wayne County name - the min? Wayne County has named ,the man. What-more Col. Overton do you want Wayne county or Mr, Jad win to do for you to entitle them to y our support ? But, there will be no withdraWing, uuless; Col. Qverton shall make upjiis mind to redeem himself in the estimation of thousands who would under all proper circumstances be his friends, and leave the field to-Mr:lad. Ain who is the people's choiCe. Gormwr Reasons for Supporting Mr. Jadwin. He has obtained at his own expense and sent to every part of , j his district ten times the number of public docu ments which , have been furnished him for distribution at public expense. He has answered every letter: sent to him, and attended promptly to every request; standing in the front rank as a working friend - cf the soldiers, and securing for his .sadier constitu-, uents more thtin twice the , number of pensions obtained, throngh ',any other member of Congress. He has served the people of his dis trict withbut any distinction between Republican and I Democrat, high and low, or rich and poor; recognizing- all as his constituents, and , alike entitled to his services;' and laboring for a the poorest crippled veteran,,or the help-, less soldier's widow, as promptly and energeticaly as for the most influential Members of his constituency. Having served foi. one 'term faith fully and acceptably, he is entitled to a second term, by the established usage of all parties , ; and until within a short time' previous to the County •Conven . tions, no one in the;distriet was men tioned as a candidate against him, while the people ,of I all four counties were overwhelmingly in his favor. Bradford has had the nomination three times out of four, and is not • en titled to it four times out of five; nei-, ther have the Republicans of Bradford asked for it at the :'resent time., Col. Oveiton has hadthe - tominatio'n twice, and is s not entitled to three terms to Mr. Jad win's one; nor have the Re publicans of Bradford asked it for him. On the contrary, a large majority of them, Imd of the Bradford Republican Convention, were:in favor of giving Mr. 4adwift the second'term to - which he wss juStly entitled:laid understood that he w,as to be the nominee, of. the Conference. --Mr. Jadwin has opposed • bossism wherever he could strike it most effec tively. His constituents have- never thought it necessary to instruct him when he has represented them in Con ventiOns or elsewhere. but have uni formly\trustedi hhn to, exercise , his own judgment as to the Course to be pur sued, and have as uitiformlys. approved and endorsed his course.. At Chicago he aided in defeating the bosses. His (iwn defeat in the recent. Conference, in opposition to the manifest will of the people, was the result of boss hostility, boss methods, and boss dictation. He was defeated bra._Combination of ma chine leaders, who have long been do- ing the work of the bosses. His de. feat is an outrage on the' sentiment of the district, and the nomination of Col. Overton is repudiated by a large majority of the Republicans of the district. The following extracts from a letter aaaressea uoi. Overton to Mr. Jadwin, August 34 1882, throw a striking light on the situation' 'at that time: "Has it occurred to t you; that your fences in this county mtght,need a lit tle attention? Searleiis here. 'When he came here he , was rather desirous that I should be a candidate for Con gress this fall, but since looking &little of the ground.over he Itsi some hopes that he can carry ...Bradford if no one here is in the field." "I had supposed up to within the past two or three weeks that you would have no opposition to speak of. AT would gave been satisfied with this "I think you should come here as soon as you can get away from Wash ington." L We ask again, how it happens, after such a statement to Mr. Jadwin, that Col. Overton becomes the o nly Jaand - date in Bradford against him, and then bargains with Searle for his: own nomi nation ? The only answer is, James H. Webb and P. D. Morrow told him to do it. Rep:ablierma of Bradford, and of the district, you owe it to your manhood to rebuke such duplicity' by giving an overwhelming vote for Mr. Jadwin at the polls. Nobody will pre tend that Col. Overton's election is among the possibilities. In a -letter Written by Col. Overton to Mr. .11dwin, April 27, 1886, 'while in Congress,in::explanationof his action in going to the President and aiding Senators Wallace and Cameron, to pro cure the .. 'appointment of a Democrat to' an important office, Col. Overton says: "In brief my reasons are these, for do ing as . 1 did. Wallace has done me a number of favors, he is a better man to_ tie to than Randall, stands by his friends better. Cameron was getting cross, AND HE CAN CONTROL THE MEN I DEPEND UPON IN BRAD FORD." • 4 READ READ READI HE IS CAMERON'S NAN. i Democrats are appe a ling to Republi cans,, to vote for their candidate Post, in view of the Republican split on Congress. Don't ' you do it. Put your votes on C. C. JADWIN; who is sure to'be elected. ' =I ~ ~ ~x'.. _ .'~ leff=ME We sag last - week'that - is case qbl. Ov erton would affirm his • statement, re ported; ii published interviews, over his OWN signature, we would ; contradict 'it by the evidence of reliable men, to whom he had made the same Statement, or :statements of the same import, as those given by Hon. C. C. Jadwin; N. C. El:three and ourself. We now give confbanatory evidence of the truth of the above three statements, from six more reliable men, making nine against - hint as follows : To the Editor Bradford Republican:— We have read the statements of Hon. C. C. Jsulwin; N. C. Elsbree and yourself, in respect to 'Col. Overton's promises, inten tions and purposes in miring Bradford county to name him 'for Congresa. We have also' read; Col. - Overton's published statement. Col. Overton's talk with us prior to the convention was of 'the same import al stated briar. Jadwin, Mr. Els; bree and yourself. L. PUTNAM, Jr. W. H. D. Gam; H. N. Vitna.uns, s' • JOHN F.-:I3AMMHXN, J. D. Jomssos, - H. B. RiLBORNH. • The truth •of the . .matter is, that Colonel Overton has "wired in and wired out,", and made so many 'short tin= tArreach the diff honorable position in which he has placed himself, that he very little idea what he did say in his efforts to delude those opposed to his nominition. • , The Reporteir for:Jadwin I Hon. C. 'C. Jadwin' is, we are informed, a candidate, for renom ination, being 'willing to serv,e the people a second term, aecore ing'to the usual custom ii dis-' pensing Congressional henore As a member of CongreSS, Jadwin hasdistinguished himself as a worker, always ready to , do work ,for his "constituents ; and while not among the most fluent debaters, he has allvays voted right.. So far we know' Mr. Jad win has done his duty, and has come home witli a clean record to ask his constituents to return him. _We do not propose to take part in contests for nominations, but unless there should be, reas-, ons other than we can now see for supporting some other man, we : would urge that Congressman Jadwin's claims be recognized: It has been usual to give the office two terms. Mr. Jadwin is an honest, industrious, 'efficient officer ; :and as Bradford county cannot well claim the office this year, eve think a majority of our ' people will be in:favor of making a ,re-nomination.—Bradford Re porter, Aug. 3: The above is of :le i same date , as- Overton's letter to Mr. Jadwiti;; and shows that the Reporter Was in accord with Overtoitat : that date,,both in favor of Jadwin's'nomination. More of Overton's Pettifogging. We have read Col. Overton's letter to the Leßaysville Advertiser, in which he charges "Holcomb's REPUBLICAN" with stating a "falsehood," in stating that he 4,Qverton) recommended the appointinent of Mr. Gorham to be postmaster at Leßuysville. Nnw why pettifog the case ? You know that you asked Mr. Gorham here in Towanda to take the appointment, and you know , that we Can prove you did so. Wyoming follows Wayne in an em phatic repudiation of 'Col. Overton's candidacy for Congress sand indorses Hon. C. C. Jadsiin. . Bradford also, practically repudiates Col. Overton,. and Susquehanna will divide her Re publican vote about equal between Jadwin and Overton, Wayne is' nearly all one way for Mr. Jadwin, and he will come out of his county with a majority of at least 4,500 over. Over ton and 3,000 over Post. The vote, of Wyoming will be as five to one in favor of Mr. Jadwin as between him onA overtoy ! , .11 , 4 he wi ll beat Mr. Post in that county by a decid4d majority. He will bell, Mr.' Post in Bradford and Col . , Overton will be the last horse in the race in this county. With Wayne 3,060 against Mr. Post he stands no chance in the distrisE, With - Wayne 4,500 against col.' Over ton, Wyoming against him, 'Bradford against him, and Susquehanna; evenly divided, he will be 6000 votes - Short ,of an election in the district. We state here what we verily believe to be true. In view of this, there is but one course for earnest Republicans to pursue, and that is to vote for C. C. Jad win the only Republican candidate who can be elected. • CARD FROM OR. ELSBREE. 'Editor 'of tie Republican:— Referring to Cot Overton's statement, in which he sari: "Both Mr.-Jadwin and Mr Holconib knew before Mr. Jadwin left To-. Wanda at the. time .of his interview with me, that it was not proposed that Mr.- Els bree should be a conferee, but on the con trary that it was determined that he should not be. Mr. Elsbree was much offended and Mr. Jadwin tried to pacify him." This is true, but4,does not deny the main fact, viz., that prior to and until after the ar rangement ! between Mr. Overton and Mr. Jadwin made in my presence, Mr. Overton did not inform myself or Mr. Holcomb or any other person,,,so far as I am awe* of his intention not' to make -me a conferee. But after the arrangement, at the instance of James H. Webb, who objected to me and who his been the ' nstigator of Mr. Overton's perfidy to his pledgefs, he changed his mind, and so informed myself and Mr, JedWirk and perhaps Mr. Holcomb. I was indig nant that Mr.:Overton 'should, after the fall understanding was made, be dictated to make the change at the instance of a man who failed at the election in Novem herlast to carry a majority of the Repnbli votes of Bradford county, and who-has been his adviser` for evil all the way eking ,tortuous pathway, and so expressed Myself to Cot Overton. lim satisfied now . that Col. Overton, , at the instance of Mr. Webb, and two or three others who stood in the background pushing him (Overton) up to do an unjustifiable and indefensible act, kept his real purpose concealed from Mr.- Jadsvm and his friends, with a mental reservation to achieve. by treachery and deceit what he could not accomplish openly, viz., his own nomination. ___ - 16000 IHfferenee. If Mr. Jadwin should now withdraw, Post would beat Overton by sopa votes. If Mr. Overton would now withdraw, Jadwin would beat Post 8000 votes. _gm ~,,,itztrITAWFM.A.v.,,,c--- ? Y et' . ~ , ?7,, • -,-- ,1,' 't.".., - ;:_', ,L , ,-, .;4- - - •,,..,.-;,-,:...:,-••:,:-,71:-.;,-..-,,,..:, 'IVYOIIIINO --- - DECLARES •i . FOR JADWIN IN MASS idEET.IRG AT :TUNKHANROC FIVE TO ONE FOR J WIN! _OVERTON NOW ERE / The Representative Men E Wyoming Spada • I. The Ifollovang call was -iss#ed on Saturday laSt fora meeting to , be held on Monday evening', in Tunkhatunock 1 i 1 for the purpose therein stated . A. ReWdican ineiitbig will be held at 1 Piatts'i Opera House 'on Monday eveeiing 1 -for the • purism of forming a - Jadwin Club and furthering tho election of Hon. 9. C. dtidiviii as a Member of Congress from this istrict. 1' Speakers froth Towanda will be resent' and abbess the meeting. All fri i, of the movement, of whatever Party, are urged to be pres Lzwns sent Li, - Damn. Wam . emil , W , ocx, I , W.,D. Wriztaxii, Committee. a In response to the above call, Piatt's Operf House was . filled with, representative republicans from every district in Wyoming county. • . - The meeting was 4r g anized by,, 1 the election of Hon. F. C. Bunnel • 'as President, with the - following 1 list of vice-presidents represent ing every dptrict an the county of Wyoming : • ; ,c,' Braintiim--T. B. Vosbnrg, B.W.Edwards. Clinton—D: N. Mathewson, Dr. A. ;T. Brundage. Eaton—james Frutchey, Irvin Wheelock. Exeter-4. W. Roberts, Heaekiah Smith. Falls- - -Thin: Giles Roberts, W. G. Palen. ' Forkston--Griffin Lull, Henri KreiVson. Lembn—ll. H. Mitchell, David Hunter. • Mehoopany—W. H. Swetiond, Wl3urt Barnes. Meshoppen Twp—H. C. Bunnell; 'A ro LA. Dawson. , l' 0 Meshoppen BoH-Dr. Nathan Welli, it S 4 Roberts. , ' , I Sionrc*--4._D. Sulith, B. M. Stone. Nicholson Boro—N. iiiffanY. • Nicholson Twp-a-HarVey WE. Reynolds: , North Branch—:Charles Give H. B. Miller! Northmorelandj—Hon. Martin I Brunges, Horton Wood. I , Overfield—Asa H. Frear, F. M. Gregory. • Tunkhannock Boro—A. P, Williams, A. a Mott. . I; Tuakkaaitock_Twp—D. J. Bardwell, F. B. Hight. Washington—L. M. Pose, G. W. Fur- , Windham—Mark Keeney, 0. B. Shi4. The following secretaries were chosen : B. W. Lewis, W. D. Williams, S. S. Hat field; P. C. Burgs, A: E. Buck. On taking the chair the chair' , man stated the object . of the Meeting and the causes which I impelled the Republicans to re pudiate, the nomination of 'Col. Overton and support Hon. C. ;C. J4dwin. , He proved , that such a Course was necessary, as . Mr. Ov erton stood no possible chance of an election. N. C. Elsbree, of Towanda, was then introduced,- and' vigorously presented the causes which led the Republicans of 3radford `to support Mr. Jad win, stating th ai. 'he_ nikultiihavit a -Majority over Ov Mr. erton ik • , - that county.' His remarks were enthusiastically applaud d. ! The chairman then r lad the following letter , from ' on. B. Laporte, of Asylum : ' ,• _ ' ,-,--, . Asirtnit October 30th, 18n. . 1 , Hon.. Frank C. Bun nell : ' 11 1 Dram Sia:—l received your dispatchllin Saturday evening too late to reply on that day. I cannot attend the Jadwin meeting this evening, but I; assure you lam in hearty sympathy with the object of 'iti , -meeting, that is, the 'election Of Jadwin.' He has been a faithful representativ the people:of this district, End true tot principles of the Reptiblican party. He hi i. performed an amount of labor for his r. stituents, in the post-of fi ce and pension e partments as we ll as . in Congress w ' few men would undertake, and no on e! u 1 alhorough business man could arcomp h. He has done his work promptly and ell, and if ever a man deserved re-electio to Congress, Mr. Jadwin deserves it; and t was unquestionabli the general feelitiO i of the people. .ti , zegura - tins attempt of Col. Oierton to seize a third term for himself as wan • in every principle ofJustice towards the !o er counties of this Congressional distri ct;: d of every sentiment of gratitude and • ess towards Mr. Jitilwin personally. Daring the' last twenty years Bradford county has. had the Congressman eight , terms out of ten, and during seven of those terms the incumbent was from . the both of Towanda I Mr. Overton himself 's twice nominated by aid of - Mr. Jad ' , but in place of reciprocating the favOr, he procurei the nomination of the Bradford countyconvention-ty a false pretense, and holds our conferees away from Mr. Jadwin until the thirty-eighth ballot, when &quo-. hinna '`caste her votes for Mr. Overton to punish Mr. &thrill for having been ' the former ally of Bradford county I If selfishness and ingratitude qualify a man for Congress, Mr. Overton is remarka bly qualified. The Bradford county Con ferees, well knowing the public - sentirrient of this county, were ready to conform to that sentiment by voting to nominate Jad win whenever. Mr. Overton consented. It ' was Mr. Overt:ill's part to withhold that consent for two, days until the expected support of the Susquehanna conferees came to him through the management of a few men in Bradford and Sumnehanna, skilled in political intrigue and bitterlylifistile to Jadwin. • The whole transaction is a "put nit job," a skillful nianipulation of the party machin ery to defeat the will of the people. Ap pearances in this minty Indicate that this dark mil disgrace:A:ill trainee:ion will meet with a repudiation at the polls unexampled in the history of our politics. Yours truly, B. Lsroun. The following preamble and resolutions were then moved by B. W. Lewis, Esq.; and being sec onded were . enthusiastically adopted : We believe that the nomina tion of I Overton of Bradford county for Con:_...:,was maxicagainst the real wishei of a lare majority of the Republicans of this district, by means of an unfair and un equal representation in the Congressional Conference; AIM WHIZZ" His nomination violates the sense of right and, justice of every voter; Therefore be it Resolved,. That we heartily approve the Course of our . Wei .Congressman, Hon. C. C. Jadain, and point to the record hahas made with ju stifiable Resolved,. That we heartily endorse the nomination tendered him by the Republi= cans of Wayne county, and pledge to him our earnest and hearty, that he is in every way worthyof our gut - fare ; and is justly entitled to a renoini nation, by party usages and customs, as well as by Timm of his excellent rec ord as a Congressman, and his untiring 4 votion to the interests of big ccauttituents: J. Holcomb, of Towanda, was then introduced and seated in brief the situation in Bradford, N. C. ELSBREE MEI ‘..`" s • - „ BE OIDORINGI C. C. JADWIN. •-• • • •-••<••- ••k:- •-••:' - 4, • ~te.e.v 4'-.44'Ptr'i'•“•o•`P.-"'" ".*<.' • 4 , -5 , " , - w — o c - - 7 4 - - - ixv 4 , -' •• Y• , : • •• •. •-; • , - e t :, • •-•'' ••• • - 7) t , _ ~.. i04;440014eit-nietcoti Ak...**4, - ,otlw- Or , ing 8401,4 1 4 - :- : "..107: 10140 . 1)7" Leii4; , o44 - ina =reports - from the 0 - evesid'Olizictit*ere called Jor. &Viral 'geitlemen from ,various , Parts - 'of - , - Wyoming county rose and'etated that the tendency was all ottel,viy,in some of the districts ten, to one for Jadwin, otherS five to. one, The essenee of the whole miAiriieetned tole that. Colonel Overtoffilrould not . get 500 i votes in.WyoMing county, and stood: no difini;eotan''eiection.' The senti inent _Cpf meeting was enough to make the told chills run down theliack of an Overton man, were thereliny. present ' . _ By oraeoliitbm of Congress, adopted Aug* 5, 1862, the tee of the Rotunda and adja cent,Moina ot the Capitol was - granted to the mciety of the Arley of the Cumberland fe'r a Bazaar and Reception, to be held from November 25th to December 3d, for the purpose of raking funds so erect a mon unsent in the National Capitol. to the meni ory of the late President Garfield. ,Col. F. A. Seeley, of . Sore tale, -Chairman of the Pennsylvania` *isisliary Board of Com udasioners In Wahingtina, has aside:used' a circular. to the people ' of the State ; inviting contrite** from manufacturers, merch ants and Mhos% of articles for exhibition or isle, mat of _ money. Articles designed for sele or imbibition Will be displayed to thebeixedesMtige, bearing the name and address of tor , until the Close of the Biziar,'wben .all gifts will be meld for thishericfit Of the 'fund, and other artic les restored to th* owners. Fell details Maybe obtained by addressing the Board of Directio' n, ilOolos 94 to 90, Ebbitt House, thishingten. . Cohan' Overton, of Bradford,: begins to, see that he baselopped over the Republican' Congressional pan, and now he'would de cline if Jedriztiwfil do likewise. Bat why should Wain decline in favor of any other man in preference to Overton i lie isn't fighting Overton; he is fighting the, Stat. wart methods which denied Jadwin a re nomination atd i nsed Overton to unite Jad win. ;Boss methods are crowding home to roost in droves this season.-Philadelph ia Times. I An& the People will Naito the Bosses lop and thlgh, by , voting fo! , 17 t HON, C. C. JADWIN'iI letter of accep tance, is sho ' rt, to the point and busig Haas like.' lt is characteristic of thi3 min, Who thorough, trained bus - = ness !'an, who knows the wants of t people and is ever ready to serve them. He deserves the votes of the peop e without respect of party. He has rne - ited your indorseMent r by faithful ser vice. Vote for C. C. ; JADWL 7 "aptil yen will vote right. ' Let the result ,On Tuesday show that you haireldone Col. Searlc; of Susquehanna, spent Saturday and' Sunday in this p i l4e . , and he and Oel. OVerton condoled with each other over the disaster; ofl the I't. `situation. 1 01. Searle eatest anxiety was to Lino w whether I. Qierton was going to "hold his men ' so t; as -to be able 'to deliver his promises 'and make the good to Searle t, , to years hence. Col. Searle went home itliseonsolate. 4• Lertheini - kiek respOnse of Mi. 'Webb at the conference to one of the conferees, who suggested to him that Overton's nomination would cause kicking. Here - we have Webb's au thority tor kicking; and thill Republi cans of the county are tlbout to respond toi his angry ejaculation by a majority aiainst his candidate. It is the judgment of all well ye e persons in politics that .when' a candi date who claims that the forth of his ' f nomination is regular, is repudia by IS the voters of his party to that ex nt ; that the defection is at least three times 3- h the majority .of the parts, that he..ought . It to get out at once. ; 11 Wyoming, repudiates.Overton. 0. D. Falkenbnrgi Chairman of the Siis- Reiniblicaa County Convention, advises the support of :Mr. Jadwin. M. L. Tracy, member of, te Republican State Committee, ,appe is to the Republicans of the district to Support Jadwin. Col. Searle is extremely anxious that his conduct which was fiatlY against the outcries of his constituents for the past siXteen years shall be ratified by his Montrose friends. Be begl them to stand by bun or he will be politically ruined.. That job Cokmel, was con; summated at Tunkhannock. Now "kick." Boa Welk has given permission for kicking ,'on Overton. He says "let them kick." Take him at his word and-vote for 9.. C. JADWIN. Be ' ;at` the la early; organized to poll a voti for HON., C, C. JAD- W , llit Make his election - certain and Col. Overtoes defeat overwhelming. Tarn out on Tuesday and Vote for lion., C. Jadwin. Overton is no. where. Swine a: Republican Con , gressman by voting for C. ;C. Jadwin. Our political' equinoxial will come on tuesdai next, and it will be I, some thing more than an "April shower" against Overton and for JADWIN. " If any district has failed to get tick ets with C. C. Jadwin's name in them, send at once '!.o ;the Republican, .Office for them. 1 - A vote for Overton is a vote thrown away. He has not a ghost of i chance a;of election..' ; Webb says "let them kick." t hiorrovr'Webt dr, Conpanihad bet t,er get in Out the wet. Their "April shower" : promises, to be a' del uge. - - The appeal is to the source of al power, the people. Vote for C. C Jadwin. - "Its only'an April shoWer," says Morrow. Give them a good one. Let it rain. 'S'-'- ) ,?..c.' ,, / ,-,6 :: - •'. , '.:,1'..:',.:'..;i?.1,:'..W•::. El OVEIMISBEATEN The Dish** , APainst Hifi! NE CANNOT CARRY A SIN- READ'THE EVIDENCE Oierton Should Withdraw THE ~,PEOPLE ALL FOR JADWIN. W4T : NE SOLID I Wyoming Five to 'One! Susquehanna Three SUSQUEHANNA SPEAKS. SUBQMIZAZINA Drear, October 80, 1882. , To the litpubliectna of the Fifteenth Con vrrssional District of ihnasyteassia:-!- • FrairiV EXPVIILICaIts:As 'chairman of the late republican conventksi Cif - Soigne lumna county, held at Montrose Sept. 11th, 1882, I deem it a duty . 1 - owe the party to say to you that the nomination of Hon. Edward Overton of Bradford - county for Congress, effected at the conference-at Tunkhannock is not acceptable to.the great majority of the Republican voters of Sus quehanna county, and they 'repudiate the same and are determined to' support Hon. C. C. Jadwin, the present member, at, the ensuing election. They declare that Mr. Jadwiti was not only the second bait in re ality the first choice of the Republicans of Susquehanna county, the nomination of Mr. Searle at 'the convention being extended as a compliment. sv That Mr. Jadwia as ad mittedly entitled to a_ second term in ac cordance-with party usage ; and that it was expressly understood by Mr: Searle to be the wish of his constituents thai, under no circumstances should his conferees vats for Mr. Overton or for a candidate from Brad ford county, and that he accepted the nom ination with this understanding. They th'erefore' regard the action of the t a conferees as a gross misrepresentation of their co Incas, as well as a . flagrant outrage n Mr. Jadwin, ( one, of the 'most meritorio members . of the present Con gress, as !to record and efficiency), which they cannot indorse. , It is obvious to me, judging from the determination expressed by Republicans in our county, (ascertained by .a careful canvass) thit 'Mr. Jadwin will receive over three-fourths of the republican vote of the` county, and that every day givhs him additional strength: therefore consider it the duty 'of every Republican voter in the district desirous of Republican success, to unite in support of Mr. Jadwin, as it is evident that every vote . cast for Col. Overton is lost to the Republi mn party, and can only, inure to the bene fit of the Democratic candidate. • . 0. D. FALICENBURT, Chairman of Republican county convention of Susquehanna county, Pa. Pa., Oct. 28, 1882. To the Republicans of the Fifteenth Congr4s- The Republican' of *ape county, in open convention, lump repudiated the nom ination of Col. Overton for Congress, and have placed the Hon. C. C Jadwin in nom ination as the people's canaiditte. The sentiment of the party, throughout the, county, is substantially unanimous in sustaining this action of the, Convention, and the Republican vote will bo practicilly solid for Mr. Jadwin. He will also receive a large democratic vote. Since ?ft. Jadwin's nomination, I have been in g j ommunicatioe..with the principal points in \the other counties of the district, and i lliaye ,easo made a careful personal ean vaintherc4n., I have found the prevailing 'sentiment among representative republicans' in those counties strongly in favor of Mr. Jadwin. I found, further, that it , luid been use general' expectation twat he would re ceive the' nomination of the conference ) coupled with the opinion' that he was fairly entitled tint! The indications appear con clusiv that he will be supported by a large majority of the Republicans, and will also receive considerable suppOrt from Dente crate: The Democratic soldier vote, par ticularly, will be mainly in his favor. In view, therefore, of the justice of Mr, Jadwits ,claita to renomination, and . the pre orating sentiment in; his favor throughout the district, I feel it my duty to urge upon the Republicans of the district the importance of supporting him, as the only means 'of securing the election of a republican i congressinan. In my view; *very. vote cast s for Col. Overton is practi- Odly lost to the party. M. L. TRACY, Member Republican State Committee. SSG GLE. COUNTY ! To One I, FOR JADWIN ! WAYNE SPEAKS. .siona/ District' of Pennsylvania A CARO FROM MR. LANCASTER SOUrff STEIIIING, Wayne Co., Pa. November Ist, 1882. To the Republicans of the Fifteenth Congres sional Distket of Pennsyleaßia A 'private letter written by me to Col. Overton, in relation to the :013gressional campaign in Wayne county, having been published in the, Bradford Reporter of Oct. 26th,"1882, and said, letter not having been written with a view to publicatien, I deem it proper to follow it by a brief statement on the subject. The letter referred to was written after a hasty view of the situation, and upon information as to the sentiment 'of the party which I have since found to haie been wholly erroneous and Misleading. The view Stated in that letter was based on my desire that -the district 'should not be lost to the republican party, and was writ.; ten in good faith as the situation then pre sented -itself to me ; but. a /careful and thorough. canvass, since made in this and other portions of the county, has satisfied me that any feeling which may have -exist ed in favor of ; Col. Overton on the ground of regularity of nomination, at the time the letter was writt,en, has since disappeared. The reptiblic l uins, of Wayne are now con sOcui that Mr. Jadwin is the strongest Man in the .field; and Colonel Overton the weakest; that the contest is really bet Ween Mr. Jadwin And Mr. Post ; that the only hope of saving the district tathe republican party lies in supporting Mr. Jadwin ; and that every vote for Col. Overton is practi cally thrown away. For these reasons as well as front Mr. Jadwin's just claims to a second election, the republicans of this county have become Substantially unani mous in his support. Under the cbentn stances, therefore, I feelL it' My duty to the party to withdraw the statement contained in my leiter to Cof. Overton, as having been made on insufficient grounds, and not - - berms anstsdisPL_by,tlo now wet wighig mosair . sepublksma is this county, mad to Mr iU my ialloalics In support of dadwiss as the"'real rsproasstidive rOgaddicsas seatimam, and the ontreas date justly entitled to' lopubbesn mire. F I tiro. IL LANCASIZIII, Member republloaa:eounty committee. Attest: • ' lin Milan L. Tanor,:., 2 . , ][ember state ciounittco for Wawa. county. H. J. TAMIL; Chairman republican.county committee. • C' • Towaatta, Nov. lit, 1882. Edwin `,s. ?broil, Heaesdale, ' Oyertorfle. sad hie triends:bere are elsiin— that be, Overton, will hays one thous and votes in Wayne, sad aft, there is a bad tweak there on Jadwin. • HOw is it. H. Allen. llossioaLs, Pa., Nov. Ist, 1882; C. H. Ark's: There is no truth in either statement, and if Overton receives two hundred votes in Wayne, I 4141 be grsatly surprised. E. F. TOARZY. WYOMING SPEAKS. -Faun, Wyoming Ca Pp. Nov. lit 1882. To J. Holcomb, Editor The feeling in Wyoming County is very strongly in favor of Jqidwin's election. Probably five-sixths of the Republican vote of this County will be cast for him. His praii)ects are growing stronger every day aid it is the almost universal, opinions . here Mai the only way to =Ts: theltistriet- to the, Republicans sto unite on-Mr. Jadwtis. T. Fon" Member of Republican State Committee. The Peepla? Candidate! Letter oe , Acceptpice! A RIXOING IX)PUDIENT HIS RECORD IN THE AST A GUAR ANTY FOR THE FUTURE. To ' PAUL SWINGLE, \ Chairman! of Ole Republican Conivntion of ' Wayne County I accept the nomi ation as the people's candidate for Congress,. unanimously'tcndeTed me by the Republican Convention of Wayne cdunty,,dn learnini the result of the Congressional Conference of 4 %t,b district in nominating Col. -44 yerton of ]radford county. ,The nomination tendered me by that Convention has been fol loFed ,by declara tions, on_ the Part of representative Republi= ) cans In the other counties of-the district, of such a character, and in such measure, as to show be y ti that the action of the confArence was 'in opposition to then popular will, ,and that; the ,great mass of , Republicans in 'those counties are in full accord with their brethren of - fin matter, and corldially indo* - 1 my candidacy. . 'that ledthe Coi .t le reasons , Jun, COnvention to repudiate the nomination of Col. 'Overton, and to tender ,me the nomination, have already beei! set forth in the resolutions w . iCh it adopted, and T need not here repeat or dis cuss's them. It is sufficient to say that they are iicceptecl by the great body. of R4ublicans, as fully justifying .the ! 'action of the Convention; and that that action is emphatically seconded by the masses of the Tirty through Out the district. , I accordingly accept the nomi nation, as manifestly expressing the first choice of the people, and as tendered .me in the cause of popular rule. I make my appeal to the people, regardless - of the bosses and their henchmen, and submit myself to their decision: The record I haVe made as a Re publican, in maintaining the will of the people, against boss rule, and; as a, representative of the people, in support of measures , proMoting ,the public inteiept, against extravagance and job bery/ together with careful atten tion to the wants of my-constii uents, and ready response to their demandS, is the beSt guaranty I . . - can offer of continued devotion to the same objects. • . JADWIN. .1 - I(dESDALk, PA., Oct. 21, 1882. F • I:iv We re-publish the following state ment mtule'to the reconvened Republi can county convention of Wayne county at Honesdale on Wednesday evening, Oet.-11, in response to a res olution of the county executive corn- Mittee. "Else here in these columns we state what Col.:Overton said to us. These , statements of Col. Overton's promisewill be corroborated by fifty or more of' the most yeliable , men in Bradford , county, showing that his nomination was procured', by con cealment of his real motive.. The republicans of Bradford county feel, as they ought to' feel, that they ate dis honored the action of Col. Overton in taking a nomination by stealth that did not honestly belong to Bradford county, and which he could not have procured in an open and fair contest. Read Mr. Jadwin's statement as fol lows , Shortly before 'Congress adjourned, I received a letter from Col. Overton, - sug gesting that "my fences in Bradfor d need a little attentios' i;" %hap Mr. Searle was there, and bad- some hopes that he JADWINS STA=WM. ME ° conLl Carrythe noun* salt. advised me to oometharess loom ail ootilr get away boas Witibingten. • As soot themater as . .my . dtdies would went to.TOIMMIda, expecting - that Col. Overtaa's atiitudetoward me would be stated is sabstatially these terms: "You and youroounty have given Bradford the Compensonal nomination for three sue cameo terms, and for two of these terms it was given to me. Oa this last occasion your county gave me a second term by directly naming me as its choice, and the conferees from your county firmly resisted a conceited attempt on the part of Satinet,- henna and Wyounn,g to defeat my nomma tion, followed by an organized bolt against me. I now feel it my duty to' return the' ocsaplimeilt by parrying Bradford county for-you t ! • - • , , • - On ZII/Mith;g Cot Overton, I romenneed that' I should not in - any event be Ai candi date against him in his - Om county.. Ile said that he had not - decided to be a can didate, and should have no pomade 'object in becoming one except to preserve his prestige at home. If he ran; it wetdd be for this purpose only, and not with a _view to,prevent niy nomination. He had be said, one or two objeCts in running. For instance,- any Other aspirant who might secure the nomination .by the Bradford convention would be in a position to con trol the patronage of the therefore, said he, I must prevent this by controling it myself. Then again, said ,he I. must keep myself in li ne, and keep other's opt of line, for the nomination, when it, again comes to Bradford, some eight or ten years hence, for I may then feel like re-entering political life. This conversation took placo I Saturday morning August 19. It was then agreed between us that-we shopld meet on the following Tuesday evening, and that he should then decide whether he . would be a e.andidate. Something, however, precipi tated his decision, for on Monday afternoon he announced himself publicly as a ouidi-- date. On Tuesday afternoon we.met, and he informed me of his purpose. He did this in peculiarly apologetic terms, He said - that he never felt meaner in his life than at that Moment, in eonsequetme of his =Omit, that be was :about doing the most ungrateful and dishonorable!. act ) of his life; that his conclusion loci whply de; , - 'rived him of his sleep the previous nigh,. _ _ at that he could not enter into any ex planation further than to "say that' he was invoked iwsomplicaticms as to promisq to other parties, and must-run . Having heard his statement, I esponded that there was nothing for me, in this situation; and after sonic, furtbek' observa tions in the same vein, I said thatNhaving Come into thwconnty I could embrace the opportunity of visiting some of my friends in different localities. Duiing the next three days I found a strong sentiment pre vailing in favor of my re- nomination. On the following Friday, and again on Satur day he assured me that he had no desire to go to Congress then, that he • was only a candidate for the pnrpose of maintaining his prestige, and that all his conferees shoukt be for me as their second choice, and he desired me to arrest 4 the growing boom in my favor as the candidate of the county, by assuring my friends•that we had reached An understanding satisfactory to myself, and that he would guard my interest* in in respects. I therefore parted froin Col. Overton with this assurance, and with the conviction that my, canvass required . 110 further attention in Bradford county. On,ray return home, many of my friends were skeptical as to CoL Overton's purpose-of being a candidate in my behalf. I need not here repeat the current comment on the 'subject. - I declar ed my fill! confidence ,in Col. Overton's good faith—also authorizing the publication of my views on this point in the Honesdale Citizew , --ind did all in'my, power to re-assure the - Republicans of Wayne county ',in this matter. , i ~ Between the date of my return and the meeting of the conference, however, I learned that Col. Overton was inventing excuses, ' and grasping at every pretext, however . trivial, for taking an attitude of hostility to me; and that he assumed to hold me responsible for every view that found expression in any form, adverse-10 his can didacy. • !, ' Nevertheless I went to Tinikhanficteck ex pecting in be,nominated at the first session of the conference. But it soon became apparent that my confidenee in CoLOverton was misplaced. His conferee's were mani festly gentlemen of high character, intelli gence and independence, having at heart the best interests of the Republicans of Bradford. The terms of their appointment bound them to support CoL Overton while he remained a candidate; but they all assur ed me of their support as soon as he giive the word releasing them from their oblige:. tion to him. - None of them had been given to understand by CoL Overton that he was not an earnest contestant for the nomirka-. Lion, and there was nothing - to indicate that the "prestige" theory had ever been presented to them as the fciundation of his 1 candidacy. - On Friday Col. Overton assured me that he would that morning give the word for k his 'conferees to vote for me. But it was not given. At a later hOur• he inquired when the afternoon trains left, and propos 'ad that my nomination should be made so 1 that we could leave immediately afterward. Before the afternoon session, however, it became manifest that the Susquehanna ' Conferees had in some unexplained manner been wo over to Bradford. I was the more rised at this, as I had - received. numero :letters from, prominent Republi cans in Susquehanna assuring me that under no circumstances could Mr. Searle carry his conferees over to Bradford. Col. Overton's, conferees asked me what I .re garded as their duty in View of this purPoose on the pit of Susquehanna. I told them tii - e`understandin g that they were to stand by him until he withdrew, it would be in famous for them to desert him. At the afternoon session Col. Overton was accord ingly nominated by the votes of Bradford and Susquehanna . __L MEI Overton, has made no,propoqiiion to Mr. Jathiin, either direc t or in4irect ly at Montrose or any other town to withdraw in case Mr. Jadwin would. anwabb's hopeful young' editor of the Reporter @lushes around in the chair of the lamented Goodrich, but does not fill it. The people will vote for Jadwin and he will fill a chair in .Congipss. "Let them Kick," says Jimwebb Jim Webb said at the conference, let them kick !" on Congress. Only Two Bottle. Messiv Johnson, Holloway- & Co., whole sale druggists of , ' ' Philadelphia, Pa., report that some time age a gentleman handed them a dollar, with a request •to send a good catarrh cure to two army officers in Arizona. Recently ',the same gentlemen told them that both the officers and the wife of Gen John C. Fremont Governor of Ari zona, had 'been cured of catarrh by the twoibottles of Ely's Cream Balm. Ely's Cream Balm reduces infliima t Sores in the nasal passagel are healed in a Jew days. Catarrhal headache is dissipat-, ed. Sense of smell, taste and hearing-are restored. Price 50 centk . Apply into nostrels withlittle finger. _ Wcing a nap in the au. . are gag. to be out late in the evening. Hots Woolen Woxid Vote. Were women'allowed to vote, every one in the land who luta used Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Pnwiription" would vote it tciy be an unfailing remedy for the disease lima* to her sex. By ilniggiati. Try breathing the fumes of turpentine or carbolic acid to relieve whooping -cough. Skit; iw the Workshop. To do good work the mechanic must have good heal* If long hours of confinement in close rooms have enfeebled, his hand or dimmed his sight let km at once, and be .before some n organic trouble appears take plenty of flop Bitters. iris system will be rejuvenated, his nerves str engthened, his sight become clear, and the' whole_ constitu tion be built up to a higher working condi , • egorklirip Eves:r l .Rosy cheeks and cler r eetti accompanying gocid health. Parker', Tonic better than, anythin g ,, rich blood aid' brings health, -1/ Arend t and beauty. Ledifis- ,Presirlent Arthur registl,rp,i al place in New York last svp e k . • Ex-Governor Coburn. of en $40,000 to an academy in C. C. JADWIN "NICK !" moon if you MEM I New Advertizenik WANAMAIcf.', St ill! enlarging_ store cilities. Doubled both last ,tivo . years ; more doubled them.. Tra,ci e doubled ; and crowd,, now than at any tiittb, re works mo smOoth'y ; more . genera`saiisf; and suffers fi It is., growio• ever; and with ance of ' - a. hey [Because . , • people ,fi ; Much advantage in with us that . they s' en , `us for .whatever thq no matter - how far 'they may be, •if they :Wait for it. • An - growth )vould be .groi v th charlatanry] ,• -. Our building is still rary, A. part..of it was - the Freight ' Station lof Peimsylyania Railroad, has, been built ar-oun( upon, until it looks moi a Turkish mosque on the side while . on the, nee has taken in so many ' nut-street stores:that it like any i other part of nut street. We hau'n't money enough in these.' yeais to . put pp a buil worthy of the. place and the trade. , . You will'be-int ested- in seeing .how we I ra turned and twisted these buildings about, and many commodiouS and_ elegant- rooms e out so much as walli between them. .We are sending- more morel by express= and The means _of trading" out seeing are new and: You think it strange that can be done at all. wouldn't think .of 13uyin farm without. Seeing', it horse, or cow, or =sl How can you buy everyt .your family wears, el: thing you use in your hot without.seeing ? • - , • 'Why, simply ,bectuse :take the risk: JOHN WAN:VMA Chestnut, Thirteenth and 'Meets, and Citv-liall Philadelphia. p;OT 4 ._.AKI .1:_rowo Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies: A marvel of ' strength and wholesomeness. More coo: than the ordinary kinds.-and cannot be competition with the multitude of low td weight, alum or phosphat6 Powders. Soli in cans. Row. Basrxo biwnsu Co"., street., N. Y. I`4 THE RUSTI FOR JACOB -:AT THE:- Cold Reliable Clo r ing Store. Is to exkunine his immense v . ‘%, i . i., , , , ,) , qi li i ' FALL AND WINTEE FASHIONABLE Reddy-iga,de Clothi He is prepared to offer bargains thm induce customers to buy. 00111 ; ' large and commodious: store, No. 1 street,- formerly M. E. Solomon &See. presents a full and complete stock ' lines of Clothing. NENS', BOYS', YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S Of every grade and quality. GENT'firITRNISHNO GO ."TRAVELING BAGS, lIKBRELLAS, CANES, OVERCOA- Of every quality. RUBBER GOODS a speci?&tY• All are invited to call and secure beg"' Towanda, Pa., Oct. 3, 1&42 ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING specialty at ea Kmaicis dim H. JACOIt