Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, November 02, 1882, Image 1

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i t 0 jp.)l TRACY, hibUshers.
Bradford Republican
Is Published Every ''Tlignloy,
$1.50 Per Annum. in-A.drance
.4deerlising Rates—Six cents it line tor , first
Insfrtion, an I five - cents, per line for all sub.*•
quent insertbna. Reading notice, advert•ing
'ten cents per line. • E.ght lines constitute •
square, au.l twelve lines, an inch. Auditor's
,letters $2.50. Administrator's and Executor's
uo tices $2.0 ,1 . Yearly advertising ,$ ir,0.00 per
THE ItErtiaacsat is published in the 21nc7,
aioare and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main
and Pine streets, over J.. 4 Coner•s Boot and
sh o e stare. Its circulation is over 2000, As an
advertising modhun it ia unexceUed in its tm•
ruebate ftel•i.
Inarand4: Bwainass Direci cry.
LEVEL% Nll . & WOOS' RN, (E. J. Cleveland
Wm. .if,:Gorern), Canton, Bradford County
ra, All busnwes entrusted to their care in
W,steru Br idiord will receive prompt attention.
s MITII . 1 % 0 1
,4 1 . 11 11 1.. & 18 60. Attorneys-at-Law . Ofilo
CAmri', J. N., OAlce itaVood's Block, south
First National Ilauk, up stairs. June 12.78
L'iL 4 BREE tiON iN C Elsbree and L Elsbree.)
officeiu llercur Block. Park St. may 31.113
DECK. S.: uVE4TON. (Benj M Peck and D A Owr.
foul. Ottiqo over Hill's Market . 49-'79
(VERTON & SANDERSON (E Overton and Jraii
t'Sand , rpm.s Otnee in Adania Block. j ulys'7B
W •,. WU. over Dayton's Store
.1 1 1 1
WILT, J. A i MUM, Office in Mean'a Block
apr 14.76
rovi CAgti9CHAN it HALL. (w T Davies.
Farr LAt lIaU.) Office in rear
Ward ;:n trance on Poplar St. (jei2.75
, k/f, EMT • I)NEY A. Solicitor of Patents.
IYI per.u. war attention paid to business in
Oithand• Court and to the settlement of estates.
()dice in 31ontanye's Block . 49.79
c PHERSON & YOUNG. (I. McPherson 4'1,4
w. I. Young.) Office eouth side of Mercer!'
Block. i febl.7sl;
E J Angle an E D Buf/ingtes).
WILT west side of Main street. two doors north
of Argils office. All tininess entrusted to their
care will rocrive prompt attention. oct 26.77
p) n. v and Counsellors-at-Law. Office In the
Mrrcur Mock. over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store.
July 3, 'BO tf.
trEENLY.. J. -P. Attorney-at-Law. °Dice in
.Moutsuyo'■ Block, Main Street.
TuompsoN.• W. H. and E. A., Attorneyttat
Sao. Towanda. Pa. 01dice .in 3fercnr Block,
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance'on Main
street. first stairway north of Post-office. All
businL•ss promptly attended to. Special att n
tp,o civ•m. to claims against re United Sta ea
..r. reuilioL•, Bounties, Pate ta, etc , and to
uflectious and settlement of decedent's eal,
April' 1. 1y
i‘o kttor of Patents. Government claims at.
tt,dt , ,i to. [l.6feba2
LiNsoN. T. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. 11. 7 C
u • Porters's Drug Store.. eb 12,78
ME.WTON, Drs. D. N. F. G. °Dice at Dwelling
or. River Street, corner Weston St. feb 12.77
LA' C. 1{...M.D. Ogles Ist door 'above old
baut building, on Main street. Special at.
ttntiou ; given: to diseases of. the throat and
inuas. : jn1y19.78 -
I ,Tro , WM:MN, S. M.. M.D. Office and reel
WW &glee. Main street; north ot M.E.Church
Examiner for Pension Lic , ssrtment.
• ifeb 22.7 S
AYNE. E. 0.. M.D. • Office over Ni intanye's
.Store. Office hours from 10 to 12 •.12. and
front to 4p. Y. Special attentioni given to
I.laessc.siof MO Eye, and Disease, of the Ear.
oct 20,77
TowNER, II: L.. M.D..
lionotorsrtitc PIITHICLILN k StraGiON.
P. , sidruce sud'oftice just north of Dr4o"rbon's
main street, Aihens.Ps.
H ESItY HOUSE: Main IL, next cbrner south
of Bridge street. New house and new
furniture throughout. The proprietor has
spared neither pains or expense in Makinghis
butel first-class and respectfully solicits a share
of public patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
etxr - .... •
- name.
99 STEINS POST, NO: - GS, G. A. R. • Meets
every Saturday evening, at Military Hall.
GEO. V. MYER, Commander.
J. li. Eirrainas, Adjutant. feb 7, 79
CItYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meets at B. of P
N.-• Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In
aurthee 52,000. Benefits $9,00 per week. Aver
age annual coat, 5 years experience. $ll.
JESSE 11YER.S. Reporter.
E. l'itatcr., Dictator. feb 22.78
B RADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet
to Odd Fellow's Hell, every Monday evening
It : WAILREN Hum, NoUe Grand.
June 12,75
priST. F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders
•A• will receive prompt attention. June 12.75
The SPRING TERM will begin Monday,
April 3, For catalogue or other. ' ardor.
tuition, address or call on the Principal.
Towanda. Pa.
July 19,78
WILLIAIII3. EDWARD . Practical Plumber
and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mar
cia? Block next door to JoUrnal once opposite
Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair.
rag Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
?unaptly attended to. All wanting workin his
Ls should give him a call. July 27,77'
RUssEll...O. S. General. Inonranee Agency,
Towanda, Pa. Office In Whitcomb's Book
store. - July 12.71
And had One of His
Seb2e.c, m
, r , 1. ,,,,,,, 4 =1 F , M7 , 4 1E4,
, ;;i . . , w, , L_ . ,..;.,..;:7.,;,15 . ;.: . .. , : . :.:, „ 1,: r , , ;. , ..: : :; , 4 ,, ,, , ,,:. , .,... 5 ,.1 r -,-- 1.,, , t ; F.. .g;. 4 -: - ::; ? i t ; „: - - .. , : ;;; : , :; ,, ,.., , T ::::: ',',f. , ..:' , : „ . 7 .'f .: :;f.a. ;; ,'If.,_'','.j . 7,5, - :.,t.5,t . .iW, ,:f , t o_ „. o : ., t<1 , t;6xr , !fo - , , t,:q -. 4_ -, i•.,5,.. . 2
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HEM 000081
(Lorinuiy 'dm Handelman,) .
Witii,Swarta &Tdorden's Store,
, = -
Main' Street, Towanda, Pi,
Whore ho keeps" FULL ASSOUrLEIFT or
Gold & Silve l y. Watches
CLOCiCS I ' ..'••••• jEirE4Y, ,
Eis Steak Is ail NEW end of the FINEST'
,QUALITY. GII and'eee for yourieU.
We keep on hand constantlY for builders,
i •
- Fellows, SpokSi, Hobbs, Mills, Poles
Carriage Trimmings. ,
Alio a full - Lie of Shelf and Ileaviliardware, and
a full line of
17 • .
Carriages, Platform and Lumber' Woes,
Made by us with skilled workmen, andwarranted
insivery particular. I r
Troy, April 21.1 y Hardware Dealers.
. ,
Alfred J..F.'4r-y-i-‘.--,
All work in his line demo well MA promptly at
lowest price. . L
Parties baring volumes incomplete will be fur
nished with any misting numbers at cost price.
AU orders given to J.J. Scanlan, • Agent for
Bradford County will be promptly (Meade& ac.
cording to directions. sep4-tf
Now, occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. 111
1 C. Porter's Drug Store, Maio Shwa,
with a large stoeit of
n' ~-
) a l OC znirni
A RI F .7
• •
J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores are
connected by Telephone. Hr. Rosa can now f e
utiafted that he can give the' ~ I
DWI. • it. JUILMI.a M11..1./16,71.4
His experience' enables him select the beat
goods, which be is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE.
You can always get a bargain it you ,
BUY YOUR gitocE/res AT ROSS'S.
All gorilla delivered the Borough FREE.
FARMERS will do well, cell with their Produce
and getthe CASH. / 2Oapra2-Iy.
Is atilt to be found at tbe'OLD STAND
roxt door to Dr. H. C. Portr's Drip Stor4
1 • .
~i WATCHES, ' •
' JE.
Clocks. Watches and Jewelry promptly repaired
by an stputinced and competent Workman.
-,_--- A. N. NELSON
. , 1 11 lik .
Il i t r
of inirfenrhitr.and Spectacles. Sr Portion
&Amnion paid to. Shop In :Decker
Vonihrs 0 ry Walalltralt, . Tinra!nA
Pena& • "7"41
w_~. ys~
''';'''':i. ,- .,';*; . :''''',: ,
No. 131 Genessee street,
'1 -
• i:'
4) I
- «4' • ,t -i
. , _ .
~ . •
I NoTo
DR. JOHN F. Hmicoc .
late President of, the National Phar• ;
utienlAssoliatkoof the United 1
States, says: - -
"Brown's Iron Bitten has a ,
- heavy sale. Is conceded to be n fine
tonic; the character of the menu
Leuven is a vouelher for its purity
and medicinal escellencs.” I
l'rciident Balthriore Phmircentical
Coilyge t says: •
•"I indorse it Sae 11 ' ;edkini,
reliable as a ramagthedints
. trot from 4obolic paisoas.
. . . ..
• . c • -
• • DR:' J. FAuis s _Mooitz, Pu.
A.. - Professor of Pharmacy. Bald- :
more ollpg4sitys::.•
, ...
- - 1 '.. : .. 111mne-ii-toilitatiesteiiiiiiik'-
-- ..1'" sad reliable:
. P ' ../- treefromalcoholicpoiwas.andcas •
: 4-, .. ,,. 4-4 ,=be asstosiotfor MI
• '. • ' ' " anto i rag= l o oppose alcohol."
ii 1 ' • •, ' •
3 -1 4ecretary Ilalcanore.Cogege of Phu
firciacy. says• 1
1• - -
i "I InOoms IS is l an excellent
1.. nedicine, a good digestive agent. •
end a non-intoxicant is the fullest
• . sense!! .= , I •
one off Baltimore's oldest and most
reliable physicians, says:
-"All who have used it praise is
standard virtues; and the well
, known characterof the house which
' snakes It is a - sufficient guarantee
of iti being all that is claimed, for they are men who could not be in.
duced to offer anything else but a
- reliable medicine for public use."
• ' 4.1
, A Druggist ;Cured;
Boonsboro,illd., Oct. ta.
Gentlemenßrown's Iron Bit
. ters cured me of a bad attack •of
Indigestion and fullness in the atom
ash. Having tested it, I takepleas
.., •
ore in recommending it ,
to my cut.
• touters, and am glad to say it gives
entire satisfaction to all."
Geo. W.Jlovr mart. Druggist.
Ask your Druggist f or BROWN'S
. J.aoN IttrrEas, and take no "Other.
'One trial will convince you that it
is just what you need.
Nothing Short of Unmistakable
' Benefits -
Conferred upon tens of thousands', of
sufferers could originate and maintain
the reputation which AYER'S &nu-
PARMA enjoys. It is a compound of
the best vegetable alteratives, with the
lodides' of Potassium and Iron, —all
powerftd, blood-making, blood - cle ansing
and life-stistaining—and is the most
effectual of all remedies for scrofit
lons, mercurial, or blood disorders.
Uniformly successful and certain, it
produces rapid and complete cures of
Scrafhla, Sores, Boils, -Humors, Pim
ples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all
disorders arisingfrom impurity, of the
blood. BjP its invigorating ellUcts
always relieves and often' cures' Liver
Complaints, Female Weaknesses and
Irregularities, and is a - potent renewer_
of waning vitality. For purifying the
blood it has no equal. It tones np the
system, restores and, preserves the
health,,and- imparts vigor and energy.
For forty years it has been in extensive
use, iind is today the most available
tnedighs for the suffering sick.
F • -s or eby all druggists.
Hop Raters are the l!sirest and Best Bit-
tors Seel! Made. •
They are compounded from Hops, Malt,
&Lehi] ' Mandrake and Dandelion,—the
est, best, and most valuable medicines , in
the world and, contain all the best and most
curative ! properties -of all other remedies,
being greatest Blood - Pitrifier , ,Liver
Regulator/and Life and Health .R e storing
Agent ou earth. No disease or sill health
can possibly long exist where these Bitten
are used, so varied and perfect ate their
. •
. ey give now life and vigor to the, aged
infirm. To all whose employment
cum irregularity of the bowleg or urinary
.organs, or who require an •Apetizer, Mini°
and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are in
.-Ehrakinteilicdfidilyntagy.:,&_.tonic and .
.:No matter what your feelings or symp
tom are, what the dissase or ailment is, bse
Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick,
but if you only feel bad or miSetrable, use
Hop Bitters at once. It may save your life.
Hundreds have ;been saved by so doing.
$5OO will be paid fora case they will not
cure or, help.
Do not suffer or let your friends suffer,
but use urge them to use Hop Bitters.
Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugg
ed, drunken nostrum, but the Pu rest and
Best Medicine ever made; the "Invalid's
1 1 Friend and Hope," - and no person or family
should be without them. Try the Bitters
today. Oct26ly.
' By Universal Accord,
1117.0.'s CATHARTIC PILLS are the best
of all purg atives for family use. They
are the p roduct of long, laborious, and
successful chemical investigation, and
their extensive use, by , physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized na
tions, proves them , the best and most
effectual purgative Pill that medical
science can devise. Being purely veg
etable no harm can arise from their
use, and being siker-coated, they are
pleasant- to take.- In intrinsic value
and curative` powers no other Pills
Can be compared with them; and every
person,; knowing their virtues, will
employ t therh, when needed. They
keep the system in perfect order, end
maintain in healthy action the whole
machinery of life. Mild, searching and
effectual, they are especially adapted
to the needs of the digestive apparatus,.
derangements of which they prevent
and cure, if timely taken. They are
the best and I safest physic to employ,
for Children and weakened constitti.
lions, where a mild I but effectual
cathartic is required.:
For sale by all druggists.
Far GEN. DODGE'S bran' new book, entitled
Thirty-Three ,
Years Among
A tree retold et the Authors ?Air*ThreerearstienEetta
Experintoratmeste ter Mises. With an able Intmdiwxion
By Gen.
new' merit maa at ;Mee anbabibed for by PMektre
Mrtlirl and mire Chisineh, and by Q. Shement. Ges-
Goma, Gas. Meriden, Qea. ikll/04, and Momandsof Em
inent Wen. Om. Gem sayst,-'ll the beat beak as
Idiot Zips ear avittua- Davos. WILLY illethalish
asyst—nt is st boot qf immune team" It is Meanly when,
tie amount -of our- Indians ever published. tally levell
ing their .hiner ilk* secrea dolsgs, empkdo4 ste. It Is
typists with Whiten experiessees of the Author.and of [--
moot &oats; Trappers, Cow-boys, Mans. lionlei TioEtne,
vividly pottniyist Lila in the Great Weft as it soy is.
4U domed ahem. With titielEngraiins end f u;,erb
Ebneunriaibeitmeh Pinta In 7ti colon, hem bboticraphs
toads by the U. IL Government cpreartgJwtiirpieat cord.
AG t' Thla grand book Is now ontaelllng all
others 10 WI. So seafgrstitina. /seats army 10 0.00
orders s daj. We Rant 1010 more agents at saes. La
chesis* Teritory and oporal 1 Eew. giOen. Our law dice
lass trithlull partlenbus antra. • Gas Sped:Bea Phis
awl dealt:Abaft e s ant stamp. address the sale Pub's.
r r~
i 4~1~~~
..., - ...P. ..
_llll-!JlSt e ift
-Little by little the time
Mort if you sing throughlt..
Little by little—an hour, a day,
Gone with the years that have 'swished away
Little by little the rare iS run.
Trouble and mdttni ind toil ate dcmel
Little by little the skies grow clear;
Little by little the sun comes near; •
Little by little the days smile out -
Gladder and brighter on pain and doubt:
little by little the seed we sow
.. Into a beautiful yield will grow.
Little by little the world grows strong,
Fighting the battle of Right and Wrong;
Little by little the Wrong gives way,
Little by little the Right hassway;
Little by little all longing souls,
Struggle up nearer the shining Sind&
Little by little the good tii men "• -
Blossoms to beauty for human ken: It
Little by little the angels see
Prophecies better of good to be;
Little by little thf God of all
Lifts the world nearer hie pleading dill
If Miss Natty (Rice had mined mite slum
breakfast, she had yawned a wore if times;
and even Pretty Eveleen was growing drowsy
over her embroidery by the window. For
it was a hopelessly rainy' day in mid-Otto
bar, with the , sky *Wed in dark gray mist,
the tinted leaves tioadng down into matted
layers of dim cola; around the columns of
the piazza, and the tall dahlias newly pros.
trated by the steady down.poor. No walks,
no gathering of ferns, mosses, betties, in
the still, delicious woods ; no dreamy mm- ,
bles to the mountain-tops—and, worst, and
saddest of all, nothing to read. ' •
"And I won't be - deluded into working
worsteds," said :Idatty, " nor - Tat into crewels
AndlEensingtozi stitch. ' Eveleen, where is
that delightful little book that 'papa was
reading abmd.out of last night r 1
poi l g
"Do you mean the A Escreations of a
Country Parson?'" said Eveleen, cam
two shades.of roservolored wool 4
"If that's the name of it—yes."
• "He took it to the city with him," said
tveleen. "1 mw itsticking ont of his
coat:pocket, when he was running for the
train." i
" How provoking !" sighed Malty, clasp
ing her dimpled hands above her hied;
"when it's the book of all books' that I
should like to read mt& day like this."
"Mr. Winton hays copy of it," said Eve.
leen, threading a worsted-needle with the
very darkest shade of garnet.
" But wiat.geOd will that do mo r said
Malty, disconsolately. •
"Borrow it," suggested Eveleen. "Eve.
ry-body borrows everything in a 'place like
this; and I'm sure Mr. Winton would be
filed to oblige you."
"Bat how ?" urge.' nutty. " The hotel
is .at least bait a mile away."
"Bend Nora."
"'Nora, -indeed! I' don't suppose Non
ever didlan errand in her lite," said Natty.
"Then it's high time she began," "gosh.
ingly suggested Eveleen. " Write a note,
and--" j
"I'd rather send n verbal message," sae
Matty ;'" and I wOnldn't send at all,' I
wasn't dying to read tho end of that any
that mina began last night."_ " "
Nora,' ; deep in the angle ocimpatlink of
blacking the kitchen stove, was summoned
tip stairs
"No? said /fatty, impressively, "I
want yon to go to the hoteL TOD know
where the hotel is ?"
"st 6 sa' I do, -miss," said Non, with
Irideopen month, mad eyes of intense atlas.
don. I
And, ask for Mr. Winton, and tell him
hat Miss Natty Moe sends her compliments,
tad would like to borrow the 'Recreations
of a Conntry Parson." '
"Yis'm," said Nora:
"You're sure you understand ?"
an' why wouldn't I?" promptly
retorted Nora, rather nettled by this implied
aspersion -on hestowers of comprehension.
" Aud come back as quick as , you can."
"Bare an' it's me that will," said Nora.
And presently the two sisters caught a
glimpse of her stout Silesian figure, be.
neath the folds of a rusty vraterproof cloak
with 'a mammoth cotton umbrella lido", over
bar hand. diatinnAariiur _behind the huge
leaves of the rhododendron hedge.
hope she won't be long," said Matty
" Why should she
.?" said serene Eveleen
And she went on composedly with the
pomegranate blOssom that she was embroi
dering, while . Matty sat 4own to ..the little
cabinet-piano] and tried to pick out the
notes of some dreamy little refrain, which
had haunted her ever sinceihe hear it at the
opera last winter, with Patti smiling on the
stage, and the full Orchestra thundering out
its strains. •
. .
And Nora, plunging down the ravine, like
anything but a wood-nymph, plashed her
way to the hotel, going a quarter of a mile
out of her road On account of a spotted
snake, and stopping for a good chat with a
fellow-Hibernian who was ion his way to the
post-office. .
" There," said Nora, its she turned away
from Teddy O'Hara, " an' Sure I've &got
ten the name as clam as if I niver had heard
. " Whcise name was it, sienna r consol
ingly demanded' Colonel Ross' coachmen,
whose soft nothings had put the meow so
completely out of Nora's head.
" There was scrmethin' ;in it about the
`Rectory of a Country Parson,'" 'said Nora,
twisting herself into the letter 8, With the
'violent attempt at recollection to which she
forced herself. 1 , '
"There ain't no‘ i rectory hereabouts," sold
Teddy. "Sure it ain't built yet! I But the
parson he's up on the hotel steps.!. I seen
him there as I came beyant A . tall young
glatleman, with a high vest—for all the
wurreld like Father itockwell--alf spec.
taeles as gintale as yo plaza. Is it A . roes.
_sage've got for him, Nora, flavour.
p •
nem ?" _
"rm to boiroW him I" raid Nora, I thing
her doll,! glassy glare on Teddy O'Hara's as.
tonished face
"To—borrow him 1 1 ", repeated Teddy.
" Xis, sure Nors answered, doggedly.
Teddy tdteied a wlds;th).
"It,s the quarest icon as iver heard 45i,"
said he. "An' ifit'als fair question, who is
wants bim ?" -
gMiss Matt) , Rice's compliments," re
peated Nora, with parrot-like promptitude,
"and she smuts to borrow the parson."
Teddy explodectinto a laugh. •
"Sure, an' if iewas leap yeah said he,
"I should think it meant something. 1
skiver heard such a message in all ma born
days before. But I must make baste, or
the post will be too late for me."
Away trudged Teddy, stopping ever and
anon to laugh in the (hipping auto= woods,
while Nora kept on to the hotel. all =eon.
tam of the miens transformation that had
Wan he:bakes message.
"7s. the parson here f" dernanded she,
Ong her umbrella imt2 it Sent forth a
*0.44 111 e mattmeout M.ll,yiag drop, sad
urn olgh;
Thihotel 1i pige .
aroi c att to
glance at the._ itofig# ittof -the
i t l / 2
rum ham, 'al iie - :” I ,ollol_
glad ; Jibe abet eld ilio. wee
eralkhig eliiiilliine la* to phi
their daily toto:ligialit '';' dap*
abort; 'Old .a' - - 7-4 00 tokidilli
Young man, who woe = : - "attil .4
JIM bey° l 4 gill*. "Mitillatilitali"
that he wenpereomitill 'll4leatalL ' . `-
" Lova seat t/iii4iiiiiisr mai the
hotel eta*40010**41411111*! '
"le It a Aceepeseitif
ra be manin'ieyto iblikitt4atortat Nook
tielliPObt to bititttali 040" 01011 bebg
made g a me_of t:- ::(4t l Z - 1
"I am tha .0*1011100,4:14. - ..the, epae.
faded rottemsoi 440110114 0 ' ' ifttlO_
______._ l °r•
ward at Ws iinAti***Pgro rm li
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4 i*ii You!. n.*•ilitt. Atidnk
"toit' 4 's tot 0.01 1 :“Wolltotl lutaetttl° 4
Yolk 11 4 good **so" ''.: , -
, r [l l l a 1 6 1 5 11 1 3 3 g g e
said. Nora, somewhat 1, atftootott,
wants to botroi you."! ' ' '
"But what for?' mid the 'person, 'gum
lag the titters of thei - oov:which
,wan now
fast gathering on the ienuedah;
"TO amuse beamed wit Ude rainy day,"
said Nom. " Yon* to coma blot yid me,
prase. I was. to twins you. ''Mims Ugly
Rice's compliment; anti—" -
" Really," add Mr. FontaLue;" this is
"The Rims live in the:little . Swiss eolllqta
b y 111 ? di r. F 1 10." AulliPital hotcl
clerk. " raentlenian goes ap and down to
the city every
-day Keeps alittleiloriy car
riage, with—"
" You're to come back wid mu, Please:"
said Nora. " ' The Rectory,' or The Coun
try Parson." Miss Matty Rice's compli
ments, lind-r-" s •
Mr. Fontrdne, Irani:idly surveying the
situation in I bis mind's eye, decided that it
was better to obey thijetrange behest.
And Patting on his Water=proof Wasp, and
arming himself with a light ink umbrella, ha
accompanied Novi McShane, to the great
buzzing and whispering of , the group on the
verandah. •
Mini Rice was Wanly welching Eve.
leen'e, embroidery, as the door bounced open
and Nora rushed in, acchd:zdrqg : _
" Here he is -I've brought him i"
" Brought whom?" said Ratty, in any.
prise. .
"The country parson," said Nora.
"There wasn't no rectory. I inquired for
it, but it wasn't bunt." _
"i'hat on earth is the girl talking about?"
said Matty, in amazement. •
• And then Mr. Fontaine walked in, hirkling
his bat in bis hand.
".I am the clergyman,"_ mid he. "Can I
be of any use r
Natty 'colored a deep chary -pink.
"Oh, dear, I am so sorry!" she faltered
"but there is some dreadful mistake here.
I sent Nom to the betel In borrow a ticiolr.,
and shekaabroughtnse back--a man
- - -
_said Matey, *in harder and
harder to keep back her laughter as the
condo side of the circumstance famed itself
upon her. "!The /*motions of a 43ounte,
.ramon.' Mr..Patd Winton boa it."
Mr. Fontaine began M laugh So did
Matty and Eveleen ; and in five minites
they wero the best Irienda ' in the world.
Mr. Fontaine stay4d to lunch, and they
never' kneW how. that long, rainy morning
whiled itself away, until at last the blue rifts
of sky spread their banners above the' pine
trees on old Sky-top, and every shining drop
was bansfoimed into a tiny rainbow.
.Idr. Fontaine came often after that. 130
did Mr. Paul Winton, thekoiner of
.the gen
uine " Country Parson." And when the
family closed their cottage and returned tc
the city, the two, young men discuiered that
the journey to l'hiladelphia was not such a
very long one. :And there is every probs.
bility that the basking rectory will be built
in the spring. and that the country parson
will bring a pretty yogng vita there; at least
Try pain Puvuu- - --
"Dear, stupid old ?fora?" -says Kam
Rice, "it was all her doing. .. And she shall
have a home with Sae alive."
" But blunders don't always terminate so
successfully," Eveleen inn , * remarks.
Matty shakes her head.
_She will not con
cede this to be a blunder st all Only—a
coincidence.-Seta► Forrest Graves.
There have ralways been a number of
queer peoPle in this city, says a writer' in
the :Philadelphia Record, - but crowded St
OW ' streets are now Utile attention is paid to
them,. I remember as a boy to have seen a
quack doetor who paraded the streets in the
court - costume of President Washington's
day, and who wore a Wig of long, flowing
white curls under his cocked hat. The
smiles of the passers by and the jeers of the
street Der made no impression on him—it
was all a Part of ' his 'advertising scheme.
Fora time be made money, end as soon as
practice was assured him hitdropped his vel
vet suit and imea:breeches and took to alai
work * ordinary draw '- Ifte coat time was
imitated about fifteen yearsirinire by 'a man
, who ism a most striking resemblance to the
portraits of Benjamin Franklin,' and, who
went about selling his own photogiapba
In 1867 he invaded the Aseembly Chamber
at Albany and attacked the members ,of the
Constitutional Convention. - For a time he
got along pretty-well, for his face was jovial,
and his old-fashioned snit of, buff was most
becoming and piehweVapie. But; after he
had lighted upon Mr. Tilden end found all
blandishments thrown awaY, he shook off
the dirt of his' feet against the tinkers of the
Constitution and sought 1 ftra Metropolis
again. Forty years ago the; two eccentrici
ties of the City_were the "Blue Man" and
the "Limekiln Ilan." Tbey , were as well
known as the City Hall clod,; "and followed
their orbitawith quite as much regularity.
The "Blue_Man" was tall and thin, had a
face of violet' , hue, ghastly as ,death, and
waved rapidly through the .eets, as if he
wished to shun observatiOn. He was a
clerk in a dovnOciwn Stareind was of good
parentage, but his physical Peculiarity made
l ie
him notosiotishi the littlo, ty of ' a quarter
of a 1 million inhabitants . "Lhnektirt
ha t
Man" stout
,and it .fp , complexion,
with it ten beard reachini t o his waist,
Be s history, but. no one ever heard it,
and know how he Ira:, His clothes
bore witness ,that be slept in the limekans
in the upper pert of the)city, but he answer.
a no qaettiontandnever-telmwel to want
for food. TO the &Jar** wan object
of awe. He died as he had. lived, and tie
mysterY of his life paseit d away with him.
Had he btilonged to s later generation he
might have pissed' along unnoticed as 0
tramp ; but heF was a man of education
and ratiiril.refinetniiitt, wborn some whim
wind of foltaiii bad adveti kW occentriok.
of the greet
this section are Prodigious.
. ite Min that certain men are able to
_a herd of • cattle from the, no rt hern
ties of the State to San Diego, at its ex.,
tftne southern sad quarter the ani
sods every night upon their own ter r itory.
/leggin, Cam, and Tevis, whose property.
Inn privileged to examine considerably in
detail, hare some, four hundred thooesn d
aeft. Mush of tide Iran secured fora mean'
while in the condition of waste land;
and afterward redeemed: A neighbor who' ,
had accdral a great estate of a similar kinds
mainly while holding the post of Surveyor.
general the United States, drew forth one
of the best bon mots ,of President Lincoln.
"Let me congratabte you," said Lincoln,
as this gentleman was retiring from office
n derhis
,administration.- - "You have be.
Omni monarch of about all you have survey
.The, Owneeirdo not ofterr fie upon their
411 bit lease them in the hands ot Rum
'aridAsieztberrreermee:'-` The Hood;
:0 11 4, 11 :4-1 16 .***tif!Jkl$68 1 2:-Olki'lk
mmeglitile*lWitq**** -2 eSilk with Its
*lperintadeili. The *Weis
parish, so Wird, is the centre and focal of
authority for the whole Here is the resid
ence and office of the general manager, and
here are assembled fiforce of book-keepers,
engineers, and mechanics, who keep the
accounts, map, plan, stipervise, construct,
and repair, and give to the whole the clock
work regularity of a4lreat commercial enter
prise. The numerous. buildings *institute a .
considerable settlemeni. There is a ' store" .
of general merchandise and supplies. A
dormitory and a dining-hall have been erect
ed for the laboring hands. A tower-like'
water-tank, surmounted by a windmill, and.
sceeenmodating a milk-room below,' rises at
one side. There are shops for the mechan
ics, capacious barns, , andilong sheds filled
withlm- interminable' array of agricultural
implements. It is .worth while to take a
walk past this collection of reapers, thresh-
ems, sulky ploughs, and' rakes, and study •
out their uses. The immense "header and
separator" rises from the rest Me some
awe-inspiring leviathan of the deep. A
whole department is devoied to the "road
scrapers" "buck scrapers," and ploughs of
various sorts used in- the censtlietion and
dredging out of the irrigating ditches. The
soil is, fortunately, free from atones, ind'the
work is far the most part quite easy. tree
enormous plough is seen which was desiseld
to be drawn by sixty Yoke of oxen, and to
cut aßpnce a furmw five feet wide by -fear
deep. Like the famous steamship Greitt
Eastern, it has defeated itself , by pure bulk.
and is not now in use..' t , ;
More than, $500,000 haa,-been expended
'on the great estate in theitem of fencing
slone. An average of four 'hundred laborers
is employed, and in the harvest season seven
hundred. The rate of wages is quoted' at
from two and a half to three dollars per day
to mechanics, and ono dollar per day to
common hands. This seems low as' com
pared with information from other sources,
and that which appears in the chronic com
plaints of the scarcity of farm labor in the
California papers. -
No great portion of this ,domain appears
to be now in the market at, the disposal -of
Settlers of small means;„though the inten
tinlia-rienWrd of nfforina annws in. Ibis"
way when all shall have been thoroughly re
claimed. Numerous trusts, however, are
occupied on very favorable terms by renters,
$1 they are called. They' take from 120 to
600 acres. Very many' f them are ports
geese and Italians. They are nsnally un
married, work in companies of from six to
fifteen persons, and wear' he red Garibaldi
shirt. The renter is provided by his land
lords with a home, an artesian well, a credit'
to a moderita amount at the general store,
and the use Of some airs. He has the milk
of the criers, but most give their increase to
the estate. His lease runs three years, and
he pays as rent one-third of his. crop. In
stances of large, profits are frequent among
these persons, and no doubt the. same op
psturrities are open to others who may wish
to follow their example.— William Henry
Bishop, in Harper's Magazine.
Peck's Bun tells the following story about
two Grand Rapids partners in the produce
briainess, named Spofford & Cole, who sent
two orders to be filled, 0120_0f 3,00 u dots. to
New York'lnother of 16 dole. to a Michigan
firm. By some unaccountable mistake Cole
sent the 16 doL draft to the New York house
with instructions to place the amount to the
credit of the firm, and the 3,000 doL draft
was sent to the Michigan firm with instruc
tions to send the worth of the enclosed draft
in apple-butter. The New. York house was
disgusted at the small remittance, and the
Michigan firm were scarednut of their boots.
It was the biggest order for apple sauce they
had overheard of, and they started men out
all over central Michigan , buying. up all the
appk3-butter they could find, and it the end
of two daiii tip shipped four car-loads, and
wrote they would ship the . balance 'some
time during the week. ' Cole was away
shooting pigeons when the first load of
apple-butter arrived. Spafford was, probs..
bly as near crazy as any mau can be who
never tried to edit a newspaper. He looked
over the eleven wagon-loads of apple-butter,
and when told that there were several car
loads more at the depot he turned pale,
leaned against a barrel of boons, and fanned
himself with a codfish. He rallied; however,
allowed the wagons to be unloaded, but told
the teamsters that was probably all the op
ple-butter they would need that day, if they
economised on it, and they need not haul
the rest till the next day., The next day
Cole got back, and was astonished at the
number of barrels in front of the store.
Spafford watched - him a few minutes, and
then called him into the office, and told him
it was as good a time as any to dissolve
portnership ; that Cole could take the apple
tuitter, and be would take the rest of the
stuff, and they would separate. Spafford
said, at his time of life he didn't want to
establish an apple-butter reservoir to supply
tiro whole of Wisconsin and ' Minnesota.
[The firm finally got out of the applehtit.
Why shipping it over the State to , be sold
on commission, and shoving it into tho
woods for the lumbermen, and the traveling
man •who told us about it says the firm actu
ally made 800 dole. elear on the apple-tratter,
because they had unconsciously cameral the
A Vasa Map BMrtmer.—An Anstin - Jus.
Aloe has the reputation of being very severe
on vagrants, hence when Jim Webster was
boiled up and ailed if he pleaded gufity,
ha f ieplied: " boss, I pleads may."
Now he expected to be tined at $5,
as is usual in such cases, but how great was
Ins — sarprise when the kind-hearted. Justice
told hiuk that his sentence would be mitiga.
ted by putt* him at bard work on the
public streets for ten days before he would
be allowed to pay his fine of $2O, in default
of which he was to be confined itulefinitely
in the county jail on breadand water. — Tex.
de Egiting&
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111iiaida. -.
A. shoe'dealer said to a reporter last even
ing that the majdriti of mothewi exhibited
more vanity than judgnientin the selection
of shoes for their young 'children. " "One .
will bring her baby in bore," ho continued,
"and ask Inc to try a pair of shoes on it ,
that will look ' real sweet.' I know what
that, means, but I'm always sorry for the
babY, who is =nail* in its filet short dress
'and as skittish, as say oldimaittabont having
its feet meddled. ith. ; don't say that I'm
going to put a shoe on it * size larger than
the foot seems -to be; but Ido ; at least I
get it.on as Well as anyone could fit a foot
operated by a- perpetual motion: power.
Then I trust to the mother's sense for Di
anna If it's hers brat baby she will be in
dignant and my that ishe • doesn't want the
Treasure' to 'irk sloppy in, its shoes.'
They must fit exactly •or she won't take
thim. I insist that the child's weight will,
lin& the foot oat least a fourth of an inch
anitthat the shoe it! jr* *ht.: It , she
.., again /cSis'e - Alt." . .
it 'lttissee. The foot is tweezed' i n to *tS
Shoe 'and the - halri proteaht -by 'squalling.
tithe. says t h e seraph. le ~ teething or colicky
othisn't bad its usual nap, and she shakes
it hp vigorously, while declaring the shoes.
are ' just ktv.ely '*nd that its papa will be
delighted. - 'i•
"The chances are that when she wants
another pair she will leave the baby at home
an bring down its shoe literally burst oat
at he toe. She wants several pairs to take
home for trial, and I notice that the Only
ones I considered inimitable are the, very
pair she prefers. Children would hive bet
ter, looking feet if they had wiser mothers
and the fault lies in the first shoes worn.
One pair too short will rain the feet, no
matter how loose subsequent ones may
b e ;"'
•'' Then somewomen learn year plikso
phy ?" • . .
'Yes, but '
after the little people have laid
a ! f oundation for corns and bunions. I knosi
many, children between the ages of.two and
three years who have both these afflictions
becauge their mothers wanted them to look
cute, as they term l this &sae of • foot sqneez
ing.,, .
"Is there no change in the shape of chil
dren's shoes?"
"None. , There can't Well be, becauie the
Sole must be sufficiently broad to stand the
wear and tear. Square toes are preferred to
round because they allow freer development
of the toes. ,The spring heel, which was ,
troduced nearly two years ago, is worn is
early as two years of age, and has recently
become fashionable for girls in their teens.
It is nothing but a slip of leather inserted
~between the solo and that part of the shoe
pressed by the wearer's 'heel. It is seldom
that a'smaller than No. 8 , 1 is made with a
regular heel, and that is on the common
sense plan, low and broad. These and' the
Hidl4l er sizes have a higher top than has been
for several years." . •
l ' Tell me something about baby shoes.
w high are they numbered ?" -
'Number 4 is the first shoe out of baby
"hood. No. 0 has a soft sole of white kid
and pasteboarl and is the ( successor, of the
little knit wool boots that are sold for babies
in long dresses. l Nos. 1, 2 and 3 have what
is Called the turned sole, sewed together on
the wrong side and turned -oat. 'There are
flow Yvu, to live bvt.64orait osi Idao glide mall fob
Week tassel is now fastened at the top in
front. The latest is 'to have a vamp of .
Fiehch kid with calf uppers ; or what is still
better, a 1;41f-boxed round toe tipped with
patent leather."—Bt Louis Foil Despatch.
-- '• - -
In a very elegant palace car entered a
weary-faced, poorly dressed woman with
three little children—one a babe in her anus.
Allook of joi crept into her faco as she set
tled down into one of the luxurious chairs,
bntiit was quickly dispelled as she was asked
rudely to "start her boot."
smile of amusement was seen on several
fac as the frightened group hurried out to
. 1.
ent one of the common cars. Upon one
young face, however, there was a look
which shamed the Countenance of the oth
"Auntie," said the the lady beside
" I am going to caity my basins! of
.'t and this box of Sandwiches to the poor
w. man in the next car. You are willing, of
no opoke eagorly, bat oho 01111ZWOTta
I o&t be foblish, dear, you may wed them
.ureelf, and perhaps the woman is an iza.
"No, I'll not need them," lie answered
edly,-but in a very low tone.
"JYon know I had a' hearty breakfast, and
•nt need • a lunch. The woman looked
auntie, and so tired, 100, with those
! e little babies clinging to • her. ni be
kin ' a minute, auntie; >t know mother
. eo . uld i n't like it if I didn't speak 2 kind
.rd to the least of these when I meat
The worldly aunt brushed a tear from her
eye after the boy left her, and said audibly :
"i ! lust like his dear mother.'"
About five minutes later, as tbe lady
passed the mother and the three children,
a4e ~aw a pretty sight—the family feasting
.ai perhaps they had never done before ; the
d4in i fy sandwiches were eagerly eaten, the
finit basket stood open.
The eldest child, with her month filled
with bread and butter, said, " Was the
pretty boy an angel, mamma ?"
"No," answered the mother, and a grate.
tel look brightened her faded eyes„ " tat ha
is doing angels' work; bless his deer &aril°
And we, too, said, "Bless his dear heart!"
—Peoria Call.
The "properties," as they are termed of
the theatre, that is, the unused scenery and
also the machinery and fixtures of old per
formances,:gradually form an immense accu
mulation, Observes the " Hermit " of the
Troy Times:, The machinery used in "
danapalns " was of very great bulk, and is
now stored in the rear of the theatre, where
it may remain till called for. The storage
room in the Booth Theatre, is of vast extent,
and embrac i es an accumulation which, no
doubt,: cost $lOO,OOO. It is in this manner
that the profits are so often sunk. A play
must, before it can be called profitable, pay
for the expense of getting it up, and hence
a large risk is taken. "Sardanapalus "is
mid to have cost. $30,000, but as the play
had a t = the outlay proved a first-rate in
vestment. After a few years it may be
lived and have another run. At present;
however, it is almost forgotten. There is at
the pita time scenery of more than 100
plays : g idle, and most of it will be paint.
ad .over. Scene painters are now very 'busy,
and the pest" artiste make $5O 'per week.
They work with rapid touch, and acquire
great skill in this specialty. The drop =-
tains, however, are very elaborate, and are
often highly admired. It is estimated that
25,000 persons attend the theatre everi
night, beside those who attend other placisi
of amusement. One reason for this is found
in the homeless character of New York life.
Everybody' wants to go" somewhere to be
amused, and hence the theatres are crowded. .
With Very fleuf "Mmes.
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Last week I put ti4t 1111111 S ONO'
For It was time. PM Surf You'll say. '
/Or one so Ohl to go
To sehoo4and learn to read and spell
And I sun dOltsg very.well ;
Perhaps youNillti to hear me tell
How many things I know.
Well, It Mill only take a look—
Yes, Ulla 1s tt,--tbe last I took.
Here, In ley pretty picture book,
Just near the purple cover : •
Now listen—Herehre one, two, three •
Wee little letters, don% you see
Their names are 31 and 0 and O ;
They spell—now omit 1-01 d Rover!"
L.-Sydney Daps, In St. Nicholas
Steam hoistenf one' kind or another foe
the lifting of freight , have been in use for
perhaps a century. In America the first
man to manufacture platform freight eleva.
tore seems to have been Henry Waterman,
orNei York city. As early as 1850 one of
his machines was in rise by Hecker, of New
York, The Tathami bed them in 1853, and
ntabout the same 'time: either Water nan's
UlAebi nell .Ir4l l 7 0 .00 : . them were: n
tillet is the estaiMilittent of Harper and
Ikt:Mets. The elevator wait operated by
mesas of a levetirithii the car (ol rather ;
within the frame.workni the platform ; the
first closed ear WaO designed by Otis Tufts,
of Boston.) The liter took-theplace of the
modern hand ropc ,(or shipper rope),' and
served to throw the.driving machinery into
or out of gear. Waterman's shop was in
Duane Skeet: near Centre. About tho same
time that be was making elevators in New
York, George H. Fox and Co., of Boston,
were also building them, and sending them
to various parts of the country. The worm
gear was used by this latter , firm in 1830 ;
wire ropes in 1852, as well as the-rack on
the guide beams.
In 1557 the firth of William- Adalns and
Co., Bbston, •put sixteen freight efeVators
into the then just built granite xvefionse
called the State Street Block. These! eleva
tors were at first worked by hempen-I, ropes,
and the shafting that conveyed the power
extended continuoitsly through 'all the
stores of the block. Other -early inventors
and patentees of portions of elevator ma
chinery were Mr. E. G.' Otis, of. Yonkers,
New York and Mr. Cyrus AV. Baldwin, of
Brooliko, New - York. ' The experiments
and inventions of the latter gentleman hare
brought hydraulic elevatom-to a state of
great ierfection. .
Accidents were continually happening to
thei early elevators, owing to the breaking
of ropes. It was an accident to an elevator
of his own make that led Mr. Albert Bette
ley (of the firm of William Adams and Co.,
Boston) to the invention of the i air-cushion
safety-device, considered by many as the
best of such devices. The accident alluded
to happened at the store of • Emmons, Dan-,
fOrth, and Scudder, in the State Street
Block. The elevator platform, loaded with
seven boxes of sugar, had fallen from a
great height into the" cellar beneath the
hoistway, and the pulleys and gearing at the
,top had been finng clear over on to the
neighboring stores. Mr. Betteley was sum
moned to the scene. He of course expected
to find a complete:wreck in the cellar ; but
what was his surprise to find the boxes
of sugar scarcely injured ?• He set his wits
te,work, and soon reached the 'conch - aim
that, as the cellar was nearly the
rapidity of the descent of the- platform had
compressed tne 141" sv an to form an , air-oush
10Th, which had broken . the violence of the
fall. After experimenting with a model;
and satisfying himself of the truth - of his
'surmise, Mr. Betteley took out a patent for
an air-cushion. Otis Tufts uad to jocular
ly call this ".patenting a hole in the ground,"
in allusion to' the air reservoir formed be
neath the elevator. The object of the in
vention was to, gradually check the moment
um of a falling car by making the hoistway
nearly air-tight, eritavating an air reservoir
at the bcittom, and if desired, braiding the
bottom - of the eIF in a .parachtuo form.
This air-eushioh device is now universally
used in connection with dumb-waiters, and
also somewhat extensively" in . connection
with passenger, elevators.— W. B. Seined*
in Ikupees Magazine..
♦I. Movable Mountain of Pare Sand Formed
by Nevada Zephyrs.
In the eastern part of Churchill county,
near Sand Sprints Station, on the road from
Ilraametni.o w Ctswasoll WC, ittaaCh uttnme ..rlm.4,- p
Ave miles from the former 'place, is a=l
dune, which is remarkable alike for its pe
culiar formation and moving propensities.
As far around as the eye can reach is a vast
wilderness 'of greasewood and stunted sage
brush, with here and there abrupt mountain
ridges; or a slutrio, rocky' peak, evidently
placed there long before• the mythical per
sons left their mysterious footprints in the
mud, now hardened for the annoyance of
the State prison. inmates, and for no other
apparent purpose than to deceive
. the unac
customed traveler as regards their distance
from any place he happens to be located.
The dune, or Eland mountain ridge, Which is
about four miles in length, and covers prob
ably a mile of greasewood in width, was
perhaps formed by the heavy winds which
prevail in that section, blowing across these
deserts through a - natural opening in a small
range of mountains and depositing the small
particles of sand that were picked up in ''a
heap where -the wind's course is disturbed
and an eddy formed.. " •
In the whole dune, which is from 100 to
400 feet in height, and contains . millions l ot
tons of sand, it is,impossible to find a pull
cle much larger thin a pin-head. It is so
fine that if
,an ordinary barley sack be filled
and placed in a moving wagon, the jolting
of the vehicle would empty the sack, and
yet it has no form of dust in it and is as
clean as - any sea-beach sand. , The mom.
- tain is so solid as to givi it a Musical sound
when trod upon, and oftentimes a bird light
ing on it or a large lizard running across the
bottom will start a large quantity of the sand
to sliding, which makes a,noise resembling
the vibration of telegraph wires with a bard
wind blowing, but so inuch•, louder that it is
often heard at a distan ° of six .or seven
miles and is deafening' t a person stand
- ing within a short ' 7
ce of the sliding
Apecaliar feature of the dune is that it is
tot stationary, but rolls slowly eastward, the
wind gathering it up on the west end and
carrying it along the ridge until it is again
deposited at the eastern snd. Mr. Monroe,
the well-known surveyor, having heard of
the"rambling habits of thie f mammoth sand
heap, quite a number .of , years ago took
careful bearings on it while sectionizing
government lands in that vicinity. Several
years later he visited the place and formd
that the dune had moved.something over a
mile.—Reno Gazette.
A• lifvuxa EXPEIIIIIMiT.-4 mild-eyed
youth wearing a dessert. -spoon hat and
polka dot socks went into Middle Park the
other day and claimed to be a mining expert
The boys inveigled him into driving , a stick
of giant povider into a drill hole at the bot
tom'of a abaft with an old axe and now they
are trilzito get him'outof the ground with
ammonia and a tooth brush.—Boomer.
any. k
, I
$1.50 a lrear g li blase&
• • . 111111150P111171111111.16 , ' ,-, -
Isterest;agg Faejs Culledfrail .;
. .
. .
—Trades is the Immo of a Oecigia Pat
Office. • - -
—The Sandwifh Islands Iwo
gent liquez law.
—lndians at the Yankton Agency,. Dakota,
are trading off theirponies for sewing ma.
—A faintly of white negtroes, with yellow,
kinky hair; is reported to be living in °COMO
=WY, pa.
—Boys and legislators will rejoice to gear
of gieat .peannt crops in Virginia, ;North
Carolina and Tennessee.
—A Michigan farmer, witha taste for what
is tasty, 'is bulling a barn of black walnut,
butternut and whitewood.
—"Misery may like company," says a,
bolored philosopher, "but I'd' rather ,hab
de rlituraitis in one leg than hab it ilisbete.•
—There - sag a notable wedding , at Sher.
1111113, Tax., the other , day. The groom
Iras sixteen parki old and the bride rm.
---An ' escaped 'torrid isadvertise' dln
Maine as six feet and semi inches in height.
As no further Aescription is given, no ex.
tremely tall man can enter that State without
danger of arrest. A
—One evidence that the desire for *oil.
eating drinks is decreasing in England is the •
actinisition of a herd of cows by one of the
great railway companies in order to_ supply
fresh milk to the travelers on their line.
—The mails in Tennessee are overcrowded
with circulars of various i matrimonial and
birthday inutual benefit association& 'The
Attorney general of Tennessee has instinct-
NI the Grand Jury to indict the mamagir.
—A visitor to a baby. show down in Mains
thus sums us his conclusions : " For punk
.unadulterated fOolishness "about a baby, s
father can ' otd-foolis,l' .all the rest of this
family, yes, and I will throw in • the vend
mother on the mother's side, too."
—A remarkable operation has 'just be=
performed in -Paria, Peter Geniscainmai.;
lowed a coffee spoon and Dr. Felixet, after
vainly endeavoring to draw it ,but with
pincers, opened the stomach and extracted
the missing utensil. The young man is now
entirely rebturea to lieulth.
—Judge James Bell, of . Gainesville, Ga..
who hus a goyernment commission - for col.
letting specimens of birds, snakes, &c. ‘ foe
the Smithsonian Institute, has bn actively
engaged in this work, paying for the same
ant of his ow 4 private fands, for which he
receives no remnueration. He has shipped
to the above institute probably thousands of
emakei of all species known toFlorida.
—A lady and gentleman : "Id this wo.
man your wifo ?" asked the Justice of a col !
ored man, pointing to a Woman. "LE what
my wife ?" "Is that Woman .your wife
•" I don't see no 'oman. I see a lady, an' di
lady is my wife." "Is that 'man your bus.
bandy" "Oat gentleman is my husband.*
" Well, ladies and gentleman, I have hives
tigated this cane, and have decided, to sent
this lady and gentleman to jail for lliZ
months."—Arkansan 2 rarekr.
—There are some children . in San Fran
cisco who daimn the unique distinction of
having in their veins the blood of the Ave
races into which mankind is divided. Their
great-grandfather was part negro and part
American Indian ; theirgreatipandinothez
was a native Sandwich I s—hence their
grandmother was negro, Indian, Malay.
She married their grandfather, who was a
Chinaman, which added a Mongolian strain
to their mother's llood, while their father, a
white man, contributed the Canoasion ele
ment to their - compound organizations.
Hence, they might well be called "colored,"
uniting as they do white, black, red,. yellow
and brotvn.
—A Thomaston, Ga., boy bought- some. ...
thing at one of the stores the other day. In
paying for,the.eatrre Young America took, •
previously to taking the money from Lis;
p, - )eliet, three receipts—one for making bnir' - '
dye, ono for making
.hair oil and one giving
the proper seasons to fish. Resides were
taken from his pocket.) two- inives—one
large, the other small; box of matches, • -
piece tobacco, ono clay pipe, two short pipe
stems, piece of knitting needle, one horse
shoe nail, three coramonbails, two draughts
men, Ole marble,;3two rusty • keys, piece
English rosin, one top, linnch' twine, three
corks, five lead pullets, one small mustard
Meal, imilinnertfar _ _
pants, and piece cuff button and - _two
els.—A flan ta Constituticm.
—The greatAnestion betireen the farm.
ing and mining interests , of California will
Soon come before the L Federal -Court for
solution. There is very bitter feeling . .
among the miners Uwe:a the farming inter.
asts in the valleys which are, endeavoring to
prevent the filling up of the stream by the
washings of the miners,, which is now going
on at a rapid rate. It is said that 60,000'
cubic yards of debris are daily deposited in
the Yuba River. The matter is far more per.
plexing than - the Chinese qiestion, and vast.
interests are at stake on both sides. If hy. ,
draulio - mining goes an ia the old way ; nav
igable streams will be Made useless' for
such purposes, and a large area of prodne
tire valley land destroyed. If mining in.
dastries are arrested, large sums invested in
these mines will be as good as wiped out.' •
Ur. Faresh Furman, formerly a member
of the Georgia State Senate,. retired from
politics five years ago and went 'to-planting.
He owned a considerable.tract of scrub hod
/a Central. Georgia, which he bad leased to . '
tenants; who bad cultivated it on the old ex
plan, and left it nearly barren and
worthliiss, valued at less than 8.5 tug acre:
It was this land that Mr. Furman took hold ",
of and resolved to cultivate on an :_ entirely
new system for the South. H er determined
not to farm muli land in tho wasteful
r i
Southern 'style of t enty, plan, ago, but to
-take only a few sic • He began his exper
iment with a field f sixty-five acres and
planted it in cotton. The first year's crop
was disheartening enough to have discour.
._aged any other man—only. eight bales, or
one to every eight acres. The land, he said, '
was very poor and needed . fertilizing.. Ana- .
lyzing the cotton ho discovered its chemical
tonstitnents; and at on ec . ,.yroceeded to man
ufacture a compost that contained just those
;übstances that the cotton plant extracted
from the soil. Using - 500 pounds of com
to the acre, ho increased his crop in
1879 to twelveVbales ; in 1880, with 1,09C.'
pounds tolhe airs, to twenty-three bake ; in'
1881, with 2000 pounds, to. - forty-sevear
bales ; while this year, with 4000 pounds, he
will produce between ninely and one bun- -
dred bales on his sixty-five-acre tracCor one
and a - half bales to the acre on what pa
known as " scrub " Georgia' land. He - has
this conclusively proved the advantage of s i
system which, he declares, will, in time,
yield three bales per acre on any land, how.
ever Poor. Mr. Furman's compost cost&
$14.20 per acre, or $942 for the whole farm
this year, and the total expanse of raising
his crop was $2,300, while -the net profits
were $2,725, or $4O an acre. l7 -At/anta Caw
stitution. ,
mss, t 3 f
' •
, ~,
I -7.