THE REPUBLICAN. TOURSDAY, OCTORER2G, 11012 T() ,OUR SUBSCRIBERS E.r.Ouss Form LADJIL I It Will show you the month and year up t o which your subscription is paid. If your a scr iption is soon to expire, please seed us $1'.50 for a renewal at aeonhat we m ay send you the paper right . Send In rezieu al without delay. —L. .1. Wooster is our--general agent, ailicitor, and •colleetor. HERE AND HEREABOUTS, Court at Troy this week One week from next Tuesday is election experiencing a very severe , uth. Tuegday.being a legal holiday the barb were e1ty...14, • A ' nt store house', is being built at. the N a il Cork.. • Pinkeye is again troubling the horses in Tioga county. There are several eases of scarlet fever in South Waverly. Three dwelling houses are in course of onstrurtion in Troy. There are 150 pupiliin attendance at the South Waverly Saha) • The Grove school house at Green's Land g, is undergoing - repairs. We observe that a coldness now exists be tween night and morning. Fifty teachers attended the. Teachers' Institute at Wyalusing last creek. Now_gatlier your autumn leaves. coloring more than usually fine. 0. F. Ayer is_corupellOil to run his grist mill at Slle,liequin night and day. The Talker House, at Canton, hag recently betn supplied with new furniture. No school was held at the Graded school on aue,:dny, it being a legal holiday. B. F. Watkins is improving his dwelling house in Sheslie(juin, very materially. Con.haul - has .asorgham mill in full oeration on his 'farm in Sheshequin. The pews in the - M. E. Church 'will be rented onTnesday_eveping next, Oct. 31st. A. A. Jarvis caught a black bass one day last week that tipped the scales at 8 pOunde. \yin 6,-,riinn is credited with the caching of ailtree-pnunti black bass on Friday last. 31r.I t aotlon has commenced the e*eiva tiuni tbefoandation.s for his new' block Caut )T1 (Main street has undergone its annual fall eleanin,t, and• presents a much improved a) -)aranCe. Coffee is ::aid to produce , heart disease, yet many of the young men *ill chew it be ;' tween meals. Ile Sayre Butter Package ufaetnr ing company, have . reeefred a single order fur tubs.. : There have been several cases of diphth eria at Sheshequin, but none of the eases have proven fatal. r On and lifter Monday next, October 30th; Lehigh VaHoy passeng.&. trains. will run through to Ihiffalo. Quite a number ot pcirsons from this place ara attending the Bi-Centennial , celebra tion at Philadelphia. Sun Randal. Al Lapkat and Mel Os borne captured I gray squirrels on Pond Hill on Thursday last. hi). Baker fell from a chestnut treo at S•a;ar Nun, one day recently and broke his jaw bone in two places. . . Thieves carried away a quantity of shin= gle; from the mill of H. H. Taylor in Gran de one night last week. • The Troy RegiNter enters upon its second volume with its issue of this week. Itis an entertain little local paper. \There is that band pagoda we were to have —.llhens Gazette. Probably got into the ear of a Waverly editor. Wynn, Downs & Co., is the name of a new grocery firm at Canton. They do business on Towanda street. • Company A. of this place, will partici p*t, the Ili-Centennial parade. at Phila delphia, to-morrow, Friday. G. H. Estell has commenced, the erection of a buiLling on the site of the one recently destroying by fire, in Canton. • • Dein!)eracy has talked' jpst a hopefully for years as they (10 now. In 1880 they were going to carry everything. Joseph T. Bishop, -o( Sayre, has a rose bush in his yard at Sayre, that has grown fifteen feet - during the past summer. Ilerri ! : Congdon, of this place, caught to yellow bass one day last week, that tre4l4 in the.aggregate, 23 pounds. \o - otteropportunity was ever presented to give the Bosses of this county a knock down than the present. Vote for Jadwin. Ex Sheriff Peter J. Dean has recently completed one of the finest farm houses in Bradford. county, on his farm in South Curl•. Thy M. E. Church at Leßaysvillo has been treated, to .a coat of paint that im preres its exterior appearance very ma terially. - I. W. Carr; an employe Of the Lehigh Railroad, had one of his hands badly hurt while coupling cars at Rurniderfleld a few . (lays ago. lair to your chimneys and flies .and sit that they are safe. A ve7,little work now may save the building of a new house text spring. Jc , 1114-11orley, of ,Green's Landing, raised 'm tivr, plants this season eighteen sweet ptatees. Three of them weighed mud, each. It is said the new band at Troy is rapidly improving., and bids fair to become one of finest musks' organizations ifi Northern Pennsylvania. it comes its natural for a small boy to tattle a stick by holding against a picket fenc e when walking along as it does for a Lek to swim. In consequence of the absence of the Rev. /It Enos", no services will be held in the Episcopil church next Sunday or the sue cealing Sunday. The extensive furniture firm of J. M. Robinson s Son, of Elmira, made an as tgninent 161 week. Their liabilities are nil tv exceed $90,000. It I. is rumored that the editor of `the keNic opposes Jadwin because Jadwin would not recommend him for Second:As ks:ant Postmaster General. The le Nnew brick house of B.' M. Peck, ~ will not be ready for - occupancy Vais fall. Mr. P. will occupy the Abram Vontanye houe until next Spring. noW the Reriew is given a part of the public printing. - "Twits ever thus. He who would of public pap partake itu4 lab-,r for the Pappists stake. • Mr.i.vuell, of Sayre, has sold an inter est of his grocery business to a Mr. Wol "touvi the business is now carried on Uder the firm name of Wolcott & Co. or the first time in the ;history of. the Natfunal Bank of Towanda 41 re por t hit week shows over one million donors. y;¢ ' o 9 Gazette. Yes, it is a solid institn- The ladies of the Presbyterian church at 4tnens are to give a New Etstlaud Su he basement of their Church building, (111 Wednesday evening of -next week, Ye E• Remblimm • itor of the Bradford 44 E •1 ._ tu rentrk: "Try toinat6 itilee - tee " Suppose you don't WiSrit warts? 7,Aluk.itteriy Tribune. Then don't try the • • • • _ .. Y :-.. ".',, ~."' -.' ' ; 7 ;" ' -.` " ' 2' •-•- ii ' ' . `,'' ' ' .'- ..' . 4> k . 141 ''''',- -1 Of Chair *or 1 5 1 .0 ... 1 idilbe l"4 l o l 4 - . ' - 4 ) 11 .1t! illidtki liiii th e ' a 0011 a, .'.; white w.J.,youngok b , i,,voilt !rag; mtbq (*on, hbo curbs* ..*as rum into by a hoary wagon and Ounotitimbeele mum& Thallqutrerivas might 44 be. - The Minkhalm* Egoichird, .one ef the Demeeratiit paper' of Wyoming eatinty,lies tutiom down the name' of =the Dernoeritio eandighite far Representative and 'worts the Republican 'candidate, The meaty . commissioners oU Soupier henna county have advertised Be fora. bundiug of an Ausses te)-t= house ist Montrose. Bids *ill' lie received up to the 10th of November. , The Bradford Lean and Building Assn chition of South Waverly, that lea been in sueeesiful operation for ten yell past, quit receiving money in -July lest, an its business will mambo been& to s close. This is the season of mar 'whey the night air is very dangerous; but the girl face danger at front doors and gates),with the same henism whichlisuflidwere linen one of the chiefest *domino:os of the sex. A linsicailiutitute is to be held at the M. E. Chnicb, West Leßoy; , commencing Monday evening, October. 80,1 and closing Saturday ev November 11. It will be conducted by O. Etubtaisr, of Boston, Mask , , , v . 'The Athens Gazette says: "The "Athens Farmers' Association" have tendered the bridge known. as the Tozer bridge, to Athens township, but it learns - the Com inissioners will not accept it. Can't , be much of bridge. A liar , is one of the most dispicable crea tures on earth. And When, to his:lying, he adds slander, he becomes an enemy, to society, worthy only of extermination. Respectfully referred to several of Col. Overton's friends. The Towanda water works are' again in summed operation. whereat the saklon men' sorrow deeply.—Waverly Tribune. The saloon men of WaverlY are not affect ed by the water supply •of that village. The people there never drink water. The The first quarterly conference of', the current year will be hale in the M. E. Church to-morrow, Friday evening, :when the new Presiding Elder will be present. The Love Feast and other religious exercises incident to the occasion, will be obaisrved Sunday morning. • Says the Tankbannockt Republkne of last week: "A large deert vas chased into the river by a dog on Snliday,.nearly op. posite Daniel Newrnan'On Twiltteptneek township. Several shots were fired at it by bunters living in thee:Vicinity, none of them Wang effect. L. The Canton Sentinel did ,not hoist Col,„' Overton's name for Congress. The editor sarcastically announced to his readers that, `.`the Congressional editor is out of town this week." And Paul and James skid An drew insist that tho Colonel was the ark* of Bradford county. ti 1 D. McKean, who lives at IFisgah, says 4he Troy Gazette of last week, while palling 'humps on his place, received qiiite a serious injury by a lever which he was using which slipped and struck him upon the head, driv ing his face in the ground, cu ' g badly and otherwise injuring him. ' • I The Waverly Tribune says the diite of holding the Catholic Fair ' • t plaie, has been changed from Nov. 9 and 10 ;to Nov. 15, 16 and 17. 1 It is intended to Make it one of the best ever held ; by, that society. The Fair Will doles with a grand concert, by ' musicians from home and abroad. The Laporte Sentinel( says that Messrs. McFarlane & Thorne are • preparing the ground fors large addition to the Laporte tannery. Although at-the present time this tannery is one, of the largest in the State' the proprietors have found lty necessary . to increase its size in.order to 'accommodate the large business. ' While Jameol.Miller, Conducter on the way freight No. 86 north'arutNO. 85 south, was in the act of stepping from the car to the platform at Milan, on Tuesday i;if, last week, his foot slipped and he Missed' the landing; causing him to' fall heavily to the ground, breaking two of his ribs and other wise severely injuring him; David Messner, of , ,,,Bfodit House, lab; a resident of our b oro,and who has been 'af flicted with heart di sease and dropsy fOr a number of Years, was tapped and 16 qUarts of water drawn from hig. This makes the fourth time he has undergone the opera tion. He is now enjoying better health than ever, and bids fair to reeover--Canton Sentinel. The new Erie coal pocketi; 'soon to be built; will be located about a mile east of Shepard's creek, and oil the south side of their tracks. This will afford great relief to the Waverly yard which has beeti cramped into a narrow channel in tbe . vicinity of the old pockets for many years. The constant increase of business demagdi more room.—Waverly Advocate. This time a fellow comes along in a shilf ing rig, ,and sells carpet by the sample. fie offers three ply ingrain , at thirty-seven and one fourth cents. The farmer selects the pattern he wants; the . egent writesi out the number of yards and the price;. -the farmer signs the order 0) and the next Week he has his note in bank to pay, and be never sees or hears of the carpet, man again; ,The Milan correspondent of the. Adver tiser sends that paper the following: "We have a large yellow and whito cat, which, like Nimrod, is a mighty hunter. i , He not only catches quails, and lesser birds, but brings in woodchucks, chiPmul i t i t, and itic, casionally a rabbit gets entrap in his art ful clutches. Kitty does not wait on game laws, but kills his wild game when found, irrespectiVe of season. The Troy Register complains tkat Sugar Creek in that village is becoming a fruitful source as a breeder of sickness. The Register says: The water especially dur ing, this drY season, is black and, stagnant, and.the stench is such that ono in passing it feels like holding both hands over nose and running ' with all his 'might. The stream, instead of being a healthful conven ience to the town, as it should . be, ' - be come a public nuisance. Hon. - C. C. Jadwin was in Tow;a on Tuesday . ; and it is to be hoped ged with air. Overton in such a warthat the Re publican party of , the district ilot be divided on Congress.—Troy Gazette. No arrangement was , made , = Hooker. the Colonel is still a candid ate, and probably Will remain so. His. candidacy will not, however, divide the R?publican vote to a serious extent: The indications now are that the Colonel will not get more than , three or four hundred, votes in the county. 1 And the news from the' other counties ui I the district is to the same effect,. only more so. Don't worry about a divided vote, Hooker, Jadwin as going to get it all. We took a walk through the Sityre . shops on Saturday in company with !foram Wil liston, and found that many changes havel been uide within the pairt few mouths, in 'the shape of new machinery, and there has also been a large increase in force on eel count of:the repairs necessary to be made in locomotives, cars , etc. The work of im provement there is still rapidly advancin and inn few months more they com mence to build as well as repair ,locomo tives. We never Met with a more gentle manly ,sef of men, commencing with the foremen of the various departments. down the list of mechanics and laborers; thin is to be found at the Sayre ehops.—Athens Gazette. , ' • Mr. Oliver Evans, residing on Willow street, in this borough, has been , working in Haskins' plaining mill, attached to: Tlunnpson & Enche?s machine shop, and on Wednesday last was mini* the Oilier as usual. While he was changing _the machine in * order to plane some:stuff of . a different thickness, being , eivhat crouched down to more easily j ust - the bed plate , when he was through, rising up, he accidently threw his arni arninid, and unfortunately aim fingers o , his lef baud were caught in the knives,Mid three of them, with the palm of hie luid, . were literally chopped into mincemeat; land only by his presence of mind and Pityisiaal force in tearing froM the machine, did ' also a full Stiktk of oar den Seed. In "Bulk" and In packages. select ed from the prop of 1881. Together with an assortment ilwayseomplete :of all ioods in their "line.", all of which are offered at the lowest market prices and Warranted to give sattsfaction. Me 28-tf. Elmira Fruit Barrel Co. Apple Sarrele of Standard size, at wholesale, in quantities to suit. • • - COB. FIFTH STREET AND NAthBON AvEriur„ , inurszp - Probibkinis vote" enough to edict the Pro. hibition State Tiebet and members of Lee& Ware, to shut up tint dismaboce„ to 6:9 making criminals 'and paupers by law to save lives, taxation, ;Wary and nultkik; of money now, wont; than jointed. A real la me, home emi r seltproteosikak, the more who demand It the sooner we'll get ,it. Votes sent, by mak enclose sham. ; O. J. Chnntauci t can. Towanda - , Pi. • , - • ;;AP,444i:***.6....,''''",7'h.t.WtV14,4g61E,' SV,J FAIktAKEIVS;% etagps_:store. 24itieti.ffiNoii*libbtfritf the last WA- *ars .';more : than doubled 111 - 61:" Tiiidec' ; and. it civninli _noW•than' at an time before; ,_ - - *Yorks more smoothly; gives more ! general' satisfaction ;: [and 'sailers fewer. mishaps: .'-It? is : growing Easter - than ;eves`; and with• every appear ante, of a - .healthy girrowth. , EBecause people nd much advantage in trading 'with as that they send to pis .r whatever they, want; , atter how far away f e may be, if they ca .it, . "Tr for it. An unhealthy growth would be growth by , charlatanry.) - - Our building is still temixr "rat*.A part of it'N . vas once the Freight Station *of the Pennsylvania Railroad. It has been built around and upon, until it looks4nore like al'urkish mosque on the old side; while -on .the new, it; has so many Chest - n'ut-street,stOres, that it looks like any other - part of Chest nut street. We hav'n't made money enough in these five 'years to put up a building worthy -of the place and ; of ,the trade. • You will be inter ested in seeing how we hive. turned and twisted these old buildings about, and how many commodious and really elegant rooms we have, with . out so much as wall-paper ' between them. • We are sending, snore and more by express and. mail. The means, of trading with out seeing:are new and rude.' , , You think it strange, that it cant be done at all. You wouldn't think of buying a farm without seeing it; or a horse, or- cow, or , Alder,: How Can you buy'everything your family -4ears, every- , thing you use in your house, • without seeing ?. ;Why; simply because Iwe take the risk. _ ' , I JOHN W.ANAMAKER: Chestnut, Thirteenth andliarkett gret"gSirgtl! squar e,lgaea AGRICtILTURAL MACHMERY R. M. WELLES, Whole ale end Retail Dealer. TOSANDA, PA. Spring Tooth :Harrows Just received a car Iced of superior harrows. Now Is the time to buy the best harrow you ever saw tor preparing your Wheat grounds. One will pay for 'belt in one season. • The Improved Kalamazoo Floating Adjustable Tooth and Plated Narrow is the veryhest in use. Minces - :Sulky Spring. Tooth Harrow , With and without SENDER ATFAOHNENT. This is the very best Sulky Spring Tooth Nar row in the market. It is well worth the atten- Con of farmers. and no one should bays sulky barrow before inspecting this. It has important adnatsges over all others. and as a Combined Seater and Salty Narrow is without a rival; Send for 'circulars and prices. Wiard Chilled Plow, Tlds splendid D olow has invariably in all trials this season In cmpetitio with the other les& mg chilled plain, Sully justified 411 that I hare clamed ' Columbas (Ohio) Bu,„„om. gies. 1 , . I am agent for tite4 superior wagons, sine in vite attention to, their claims. can and us my. Whitney Open and Top Bug gies, Gorton Carryall, and Piatform Wagon,. I bwromagons as good u micas get • made to or. der, andl at much lets prima. All warranted to be durable " whalebone" wagons. Auburn Farm Wagons The beat Farm and Lumber Wagons In the market. i. • Grain Drills. Farmers' Amite and Pa=ten Grain Drills. U an brown wish to buy a good drill it about the wholesale prior Of other. drills, I can accom modate these. ' Special laducionenta to cash boyars of all good. la my line 1 • • A car load of /rash Cement. Sheathing and Building Paper'. Vermin Proof Carpet Lining Papers. PREPARED MIXED PAINTS.►, WritOorczrteeri and dentin, or all and see ate R. M. WELLES. Towlaids, Al , August 15,1882-i NBA D.V.STEDGE, Mangfacturer of and Dea Ler in HUMAN HAIR GOODS, UCH, /mimics. BANDEAUX, His Madly ChThattlinie naceionia To via ELIB Attention ms to COMIMpaS nottirirtilliarooloaa e toy. • • IPATTOMIS two $1 upwards. Also Agent tor Hilltetes In*bib% Fsoe POuder, - Madras Clarles Corsets, and Shoulder Brace psalm, sai-rsrUcular 'Mesita, paid to aroodot Wier bairst their booms or at lay plies of boutoora. re r lithlrotWa store. a0r11.6. - Ws. D. Y. tirEIDOIL VARM FOR SALE.— CoOtaining a sank 4 11 mil iinProvok °Oleo:totals buildLijos s fru% good mita. lg Who from who .ot Tamtanni, .11 man from ligatudikg46lloll, ea L. T. B i lL ai kato - Ood 5.0. Tarrytown, Bradtord Clox, A. ' • - • •,•• -; : f' • - • , 7A, e.' , - - •ix us toanz eroxiik, OS AND 2 B_BIDGE sr - N - to prisestattairmk LAN - IEsT AND CIEs STOCK_OF FASHIONABLE, :: - FAL':•‘- . -.gykko Iteady4o6 Plit)ig To be found In the market. Ma stet* le Wast ed ham the beet agave In the tenant be of the Suet quilt, and cannot be Inteposed. _ 4211 /•• pace of atm. net locate& one bparees st low rents. le Is enabled toe give bairn the 01 4 vintage of this in low pdc . • BID STOCK consists of weer grade of Men'e DUNI SUM DO TOUTES' aztp-fnme NE "- OVERCOATS OVERCOATS The nor um era aria In 11.• • num STOCK mut AND NEW.' lists sad Copse—the /ergot lbw ore, opiaed la TO. mods. AI toll Hai Zees traderweir audiosldthig Goods - Gloves mid "New t Trunks, Tray. War Bags ' • We hnite hispeetioa, easideat that we as planN the closest Mayen. '1 J. K. BUSEI: I i Noe. lend 9. Bridge 04 Sept 21. - r 1114 t THE RUSH FOR "is.„ ij:.A.C. 0138' 711:1; Old. Reliable Cloth-. ing Store, • ig to asinine his imonnso gnu impu PALL AND WINTER PAI3IIIONMILE Ready-Xade Clothing; He is prepared to offer bargains that will induce custoniers te buy. °copying the large and commodious store, No. 123 Hain street, formerly M. E. Solomon &lion; he presents t a full and complete stock in all lines of Clothing. wars; nuns' AND CIFILDBEICS SUITS - Of every grade and qindity. GEOVPITBEIBBING poops, TRAVELLING BAGS,', lIBUIBBLLAG, CANES, £O. OVERC(IA.TS Of every quality. , RIII3BER GOODS a specialty% All are invited to call and ware bargidns - JACOBS. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 3, 1882. STOP AT T. MUIR & CO.'S /Si - _ GROCERIES . '' ~:, PROVISiONS. lasso Thep to urn mow• b• mini cheap to at Maar Main and Fruddin iltresta.: 'TOWANDA. PA. Tap taapepttally aanoanot to the public that • they have a large stack • ,W B. kirk. ,011AIN: BALT, PThU PORE. aad PBOVIERONB goastally. • • is • • We Imo also added to our stook. vuietr of WOODIN Waage seek is burr Tl3llB. 11111 gni% comm. no. Just received a lam stock of Began. Teas. Coffees. Spiess. 11017LBOWS PURE 80A1. the best in the" market ; and other antes, of soap Snap and Molasses., which they offer at lee prices fortaeh. oes se Ti A , NEW FURNITURE AND RE PAIRING ESTABUSIIIMT.. ' SEYMOUR SMITH, Who ban bad 21 years experience in thefandfaue busines‘bas *paned a store and repairing oh", in Seidler. Block. Fret Ward,(opposite EcCabe's marble' yard) and solicits the patron age of the public., Hi has been in the employ of Messrs. Frost for the past eighteen years and feels confident that he an gin entire satiates. Hon In REPAIRING FUREMIRL both as to QITAIATY and PRICE. I small Mk* a stock of Now Goods, and will order per catalogue ter customers at • small ad vance from manufacturers "prices. Call and see me all who are In .want of Roipairing or New Goods. - I name/ ; - 11317MOUR SICITR. • 'LIARM FORSALE.—I now offer my farm for sale, situated on the toad lead ing from gonth Hill to Wells Hollow. and con tains 100 acres of good land. about 70 improved and 00 well timbered. with hones • and barn. granny, and fruit trees Amon. Bald fa Use about 7 miles from • railroad atWpauthinihzd is well watered. lids tares wOl be sold • s proportion of the purchase mow dyes, and the remainder can resin ca the arm. Iftir particulars 111.1411, of NTT= alinslall on the arm, or theownee. . LYIKUl t a= Elspt 111 Pa SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE The ant viably tare of the tealtyidWyeer eetesamees MONDAY, NO. VEND= fa. The faculty has been enlarged thorcalitatr matted sad Meta by steam. the , aeoinsuaodettons btereeeed, to the school attal to emomasodste a daub is tromp. The ettetulanoe has Berea cdrealsie.' on or. other _alarm the pal. ZD Z. firirizatz.L TOinkladiG Ps. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In re the estate of Chutes V. Welles jr..-decrund. Ta the hen Court of Bradford county. The as auditor appoiatol by the court to dispose of the armiptiosur fled to the anal aconst of bait IL Webb adminstrator its. of said decediat, berebtives notice that be will attend to • the Odin his appidatssast ou Pamiy 21'011. 3. Int at 10 o'clock in. the foresees.** his cilia. to Telma Borciugh, when ad when all parties is tattiest ars re. n=ol u t h o be present. BENET 1N11211=114 Oct Si NW , - Auditor; JO' B PRINTING 6 xi. ALL KIN% don at short solloisianessaatibi retie tibeitaantom Mice. • , • NOR' AND j, Blin - ' ' • - , , 't~~w. ; POWELL & Have received , their fall stock and invite you • an inspection of the largest and best sortment of goods ever exhibited. In their DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT MAY BE FOUND ZMI.3.IIbIDEIED - "-:DRESSES , . . • Entirely new, FRENCH BUITINGS in checks, stripes, Arid plain goods In suit patterns, French Sriteens, Black and Colored Cashmeres in ail qualities, with embroidery to match, all colors for trimmings. , DREES FLANNELS of every width and in all qualities. Wool Plaid and Stripe limn Flannels. Black and Colored Silks in all qualities. - 7t VERY CHEAP -AND IN ALL SHADES. Also Great Bargains in . SILK 'VELVETS, BLACK & IN COLORS, A fine assortment of Black and Colored VELVETEENS, with an endless variety of Cheap Dress goods, which a o ff ered at very attractive prices. • re In their'NOTION, LACE, and SMALLW WI DEPART/ KENT will be fond the best assortment and greatest variety of Dres&Buttons and Trimmingl in.Passementeries, Guipure and Spanish Laces, Fringes, Bead and Silk Ornaments ever displayed. I A splendid assprtment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Bordered - and Hematielted HANDKERCHIEFS, Silk Handkerchiefs and Sciirfs, Laces and Embroideries, the best variety of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery and Gloves, together with a large as sortment of Ladies' fancy Shopping - Bags, Purses, etc., new designs. , - • A large stock of Domestic Cotton Goods, Canton Flannels; Wool _Flan nels, twilled and plain, in all colors. Ginghams, Calicoes and Cretonnes in great variety.. New Carpets and Oil Cloths, Cloaks and Shawis. The stock of BOOTS AND SHOES is very complete,: and unusual at- tention has been , given to this part of the business. We-have not spate to ; enumerate the varieties of new goods in each de partment, and can only, say in a general, way that each departMeht is as com plete as time and our experience can make it. Towanda, Octo b er 5, 1882. SORCERER A COMIC OPERA, MODERN it ORIGINAL, . , : mERouR s !1: ALL! :.,,. IMI TOWANDA MUSICAL ASSOCIATION, . . , • . , • , - -- ~•. 1 , For the benefit ` o€ tile Towanda, Musical LibraTy, i Tuesday, n Wednesday --: \ -i:'l Thursday, Oct. 31, and Nov. • 1 and 2. THE ENTIRE OPERA WILL BE GIVEN EACH AND • EVERY NIGHT. ELEGANT COSTIiIII NINE SOLO CHARACTERS, and a ChonLs, of 601 Kale Female Voices. A FULL NAG BEEN GOTTEN FOR THE PIIi/POSE, Admission, • No extra chaige for ' resersed seats. Children under 12 ybars, - , Seats eau be - reserved at C.V. Sirby's Drug Store. =1 MO PLUSTEEB BE_ GIVEN AT BY THE BEI ORCHESTAA I - r CO. Po WELL 47 CO. ll=l / - 50 Cents 35 Cents M SE El =I MO and