Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, October 26, 1882, Image 2

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NINON HOLCOMB.' Ttopiurroits.
Cil &S. L. TRACY,
C2L4I, S. ALLEIG Associate .114literm
"Reasonable tazes,honett expenditures, COM.
peleta dkern; and NO stealing." —Harpers
or Edema Is ow Pad Odes at Towanda as
Mrlirn!= . 7 ' 7 ., l
Philadelphia Cosintles.
VILLIat DA • $
.7rdee of thipreati Ceart
OECOME Mint. •
fist's f Zaknisi_ Affairs.
Ipsidse Cecil.
an,itflistenial Aftire.
2'Por Congress.
OP W41r103 COUNTY.
Republican County Ticket.
'pa inalumarrAiriz.
• E. J. AYERS.
ARMENIA—Friday, Oct. 27. Speakers
—John F. Sanderson, J. P. Keeney.
LTItHEIELD 7 —Friday, Oct. 27, after
noon, 2p. m., at Grange , Hall. Speakers
—L. M. Hall, J. Andrew Wilt.
SHESSEQUIN—Friday, Oct. 27, even
ing. Speakers—L M. Hall, J. Andrew
BENTLEY CREEK—Friday, 'Oct. 27:
Speakers—John N. -Calf; R. A. Mercer.
SMITHFIELD— Saturday, October 28.
Speakers—Col. E.Overton, B. M. Peck:
28. Speakers—John F. Sanderson, J. P.
Oct. 03. Speakers—John N. Califf, A. C.
Fanning: ' ' - J
WINDHAId CENTRE-310nd4, 0ct.30.
Speakers—Jolut,F. Sanderson, M. E. Lilley.
BARCLAY—Monday, Oct. 80. Speak
ers—R. A. Meson; Johu W. Codding.
BERRICKVILLE Monday, Oct. 30.
Speakers—B. M. Peck, J. P. Keeney.
SYLVANIA—Tuesday, Oct. 31. Speak
era—L. H. Hall, J. Andrew-Wilt..
ROME BOROUGH—Tuesday, Oct. 31
Speakers—Hon. E. L. HiMe, M. E. LMey
ORWELL HlLL—Tnesday, October 31
Speakers—Cot E.,Overtoni,t, John F. San
BURLINGTON BORo.—Tuesday, Oct.
31. Spetikers—B4d. Peck, R. A. Mercur.
LE RAYSVlLLE—Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Speakers—Col. E. Overton, B. M. Peck.
AIQNROETCiN b'Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Speakers—Jas. H. Codding, M. E. Lilley:
NEW ALBANY—Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Speakers—John N. Califf, 'John F. Sander
lon. '
AUSTINVILLE-Wednesday, Nov. 1
Speakers—L. M. Hall, J. Andrew Wilt.
NEW • ERA—Thursday. Nov. 2. Speak
ers—John F. Sanderson, M. E. Lilley.
CANTON BORO--Thursday, Nov. ' 2
Speakers—B. M. Peck, L. M. Hall.
. CAMPTOWN—Thursday, November 2
Speakers—Hon. E. L. Hillis, Jas. H. Cod
LIME HlLL—Friday, Nov. 3. Speakers
—John F. Sanderson, M. E. Lilley.
SILVARA—Friday, Nov. 3. Speakers
—B. M. Peck, John N. Calif!.
NORTH ROME—Friday, Nov. 3. Speak
ers—R. A. Mercer, John W. Codding.
WARREN CENTRE—Sadvday, Nov. 4.
Speakers—John F. Sanderson, L. M. Hall.
STEVENSVILLE----Satnrday, Nov. 4.
Speakers—B: M. Peck, John N. Calif.
The result in Ohio is more a rebuke
of . the disrespect with I which the
memory of the lamented Garfield, so
fondly -therished by the true Republi-
cans of Ohio and the nation, has been
treated by the adhearants of the ad
ministration, than a falling away from
the principle 3 of the Republican party.
The same feeling pervades the Repub
lican party in Bradford County _ and
the State.
We observe that our contemporary,
the Journal, a pretended Independent
paper, joins in the crusade with Webb
& Co. to smirch the political standing
Jadwin and supports . Overton.
This course is a-kind of independence,
• that the voters of the county= do not
comprehend. How long cioep the
Journal Propose to be a. tag to -the
kite of . the bosses and help them to
' force their jobs on Ithe people?
The !Republicans of Susquehanna,
may as well understand that Mr. Over
ton will not be able to deliver, so fai.
as Mr. Searle is concerted, the goods
he has promised him from Bradford
two years hence. The Republicans
cf Bradford will not again be betrayed
' into placing the destinies of the county
in Col. Overton's bandit. While they
are ill favor of ( — dealing justly with
Susquehanna, they.will not ratify Mr.
Overton's bargains with Searle.
1 _
• When Mr. Overton's friends charge
that Mr. Jadwin is a Cameron man,
just point them to.his record as a, dele
gate from this district, with 0. D. Kin- •
ney, Esq. at Chicago to the Republi;
can National Convention.. He was
there an active supporter of Blaine and
voted steadily until the Blaine forces
broke for Garfield, when he voted for
Garfield. Don. Cameron was a mem
ber of the Pennsylvania delegation at
Chicago, and exerted every possible
power, first by dictatorial threats, and
then- by profuse promises, to induce
Mr. Jadwitt to vote with the 306 for
Grant. He refused to wear the collar,
and bears no 306 medal on his person.
There was no perfidy in his case, but
he stood firni as a rock true to the
sentiment ! of his district. •
We ha read several published in
terviews purporting to give Col. Over
ton's statement respecting his candi
dacy and nomination for Congress,
none of them bearing his signature.
They are the merest pettifoging sub
terfuge. He employs the quibbles of
a lawyer and does not meet the points
— at. issue. If be will affirm the alle
gations contained in these published
interviews by his own signature, we
pledge ourselves to confront them with
the contradictory . , testimony of twenty
as reliable gentlemen as there is in
Bradford County. - Mr. Jadwin makes
no statement which he is unwilling to
affirm by his own signature and take
all the responsibility.
The cry tin 1880 with Cameron,
Conklin aid their cohorts was "let the
party die u ) ith Grant I Last year :he
bosses put up Bailey, a three-hundred
- and4ixer for State Treasurer, and
said, "take him or nothing I" "Let the
party die with Bailey !" And the result
showed a majority of = 45,000 ' the
,~~; ~ a ~_..
~,,-t .. ~-'
popular vote ` sigihu!t ihifs 11ti,14:4 1 i
',red by, a plurality:"...of Attie :lever
4,000. . The cry of eitadWirtism-14
the plty Camelen r 'lttosithe
to be m its death throes in the_ Stabs;
and in conseorience of just this kind of .
ruletzhip. In this district after pat
ting up a job in the nomination of
Overton, the cry of Morrow, Webb Ai;
Co. is "let the party die with Overt as I"
Last year it was "let 4 the pat)? '.die
with. Webb I" How near it Coale to
dying with hint let the returns of the
vote answer. Republicanism will sur
vive-the political death of the bosses.
Mr. Jadwm who is a faithful repreigen,
tatiye of the peonle ' will be !elected,
and boss rule will rebuked by "an
indignant people.
The People the Slime of Polio:
It is stated as a fi rst principle inthei
immortal Declaration of Independence
.as one of the God-giren 'rights of man
kind, accepted as e"self-evident"lict,
that "men are : endowed .by their Cre
ator with certain. inalienahle rights
that among these are life, liberty - and '
pursuit of happiness . • That to secure
these rights governments are instituted
among men, deriqing their just
from the consent of the go
.We will . be pardoned for Analog
from srdocument that his come - to ,be
treated.* obsolete by a dais of. politi
cians in4'ennsylvama, since the politi
cal control of the State has fallen under
the rule of primate Cameron, and the
herd of smaller henchmen and bossed
who follow his dictation in utter • iris
,regard of this wishes of the; people who
are invested primarily: by' the
• 1
tutionon pursuance of the Declaration:,
With all power. .
1 The ;tight is denied ')y ; a close;. of
Republicans in Penneylania, and' here
in Bradford' County, 'who adhere to the
dictation of the Cameron !dyMisty, to
such Republicans, bnd they are a, ma-,
jority here, as have year tidier year.
protested against the methods ekercised
by political bosses to mahitain the rule
of Cameron over, the party; (to ;expreei
• their dissent by !a refusal to support
nominations made in defiance of their
protest. Repeated warnings that the
party would suffer ,'by a continuation
of the ttaurpation complained of have
been treated with contempt. here and
throughout the l State.
The present p rising rising and revolt in
Bradford and. t his Congressional
trict is in Consequence of lonj continued
machine rule over the. party; as exem•
piffled in the nomination of 'Colt, 11 Over
ten. ;- people'' are abdut to enter
their protest in such positive form by
their.votes as will forever [nit' ari end
td boss dictation in this county and.
district. They are about. to. assert
their God-given rights as men and re. •
fuse longer to be enslaved. They are
the source of all power and their!will is
soverigt in republican government,i'
higher 'than caucuses, conventions or.
conferences, when these. representative
bodies fail to reflect their. sentiments..
The action of our senator and repre
sentatives from this county in the ;
legislature, in the contest. for: United
States Senator in iBBl, in acting bide - -
pendent of a caucus nomination. set up
by. Cameron, was unanimously, indorsed
by the Republican convention of this
county which met in September follow
ing. The three members , of the House ;
and our Senator, the "kicker. from
Kickerville," from this district, all
joined in the appeal from. the legisla
tive caucus set up - by Cameron for
Olive; to the joint legislative conven
tion where the battle was foUghg l out by
the representatives of the peopled
Their action was indotied .by our
county convention unanimously as
"Resolved, that we approve the course of
our Senator and Representatiies in the
last legislature; their independent action
relative to the choice , of United States
Senator was demanded by an 'outspoken,
pronounced sentiment or Oieir constituents,
and in acting with r*.ic: t to that senti
ment, they - but performed a recognised
public duty."
Here is a precedent, sustained , by
. 4 1&.1 - 6ft 4-4- •
- - '13 4 •••••• . it.S . t•- •
- *At., 4 - • .
the party of this county, upon which
Republicans may defend themselves M
refusing to support Col. Overion for
Congress, whose nomination was pro.
cured by a covert trick in violation of
the precedents and usicn of the dis
trict, and in contempt of the popular
The thing that seems to be most
troubling the minds of COL Overton,
Jim Webb and a few other political
jobbers just now, is ! the question of
w,ho shall control the Federal patron.
tare of Bradford county. ' They go
about attempting to excite prejudice in
the-minds of the people by asking them
if they want Elsbree, Williams, Hol
comb, and other friends of Mr. Jad
win to control .the patronage r ef this
county. As though the qu4tion Qf
"spoils" is' all there is in ,j the, con_
sional contest. The conferees rep're
sentieg Overton put the question 'to
Mr. Jadwin; as to "who in Bradford
would control the patronage ; in case
of his nomination ?" Mr. Jadwin fun
wered squarely: "
- You gentlemen,reon
ferees from Bradford, may name a
committee of Republicans of ' your
coduty with whom 1 may confer, Ica. .a
reliable and honorable man with whom
I may advise." Here is an example
of the fairness of the Marl. In' s 4), far
'as the men named as likely to, control
Mr. Jadwin are concerned, not one of
them have ever mentioned such A sub
ject to him, or attempted to influence
him in relation to it and have no such
intention._ There are higher and bet
ter purposes, which more oonceni the
'people at large involved in this eon
tees. Col. Overton may attempt to
I belittle it to the standard that rules
the boss system hi *Aides, but the
people will not fail .to see his motive
and estimate the fallacy of his attempt
to excite prejudice against individuals
in order to justify the wrong he has
' _We understand full well who at-
templed - to control the Federal patron
age of the .county since Mr. Jadwin', '
election to Congress. Mr. Webb was
in the conference two years ago, end
asked a pledge-c i f! Mr. Jadwin that
Col. Overton, as the
. formerßepresen
tative in Congress should be allowed
to control the Federal! patronage for
Bradford County. Being a' compare
tive stranger to the people of Bradford,
he must rely apon some one for cor
rect information, and assented to. the
arrangement.. Trodble thas arisen in
respect to several !removals and_ 'ap
pointments - of postmasters in this
county on the advice of Col. Overton.
The removal of Mr. Morse, at Athens,
was recommended by him. A vacancy .
!slurred at Leßaysville 'through the
interference and upon charges preferred
by the friends of Mr. Van Gilder, an
applicant, and the appointment of Mr,
Gorham was recommended by. Col
Overton to all the vacaney.4 Much
dissatisfaction ensued , not so ouch on
account of objection to Mr. Gorham.
Who is a h*hly reputable citizen, but
becatali- 140 itatralatiOl:- 14 04T , 'Calra
generalWere,rot.'oonimlted., - -;::
eall'Oart0 11 * 0 ; , floar - J -10 : 1 4.4
under ;AM adaliper, , JadWin *And
himself Ope n theiely safe and defer=
Bible ground; that hewouldnimend
'no removals except for cause ~eitah:
lishcd by proofs, amino appointments
except upon the expreised, wish of
Patrons of the office to - be affected.
Then the trouble began. Mr. Webb
wanted his town man appointed' at
I Edit Smithfield, in defiance of the-pro=
test of over WO of the liatmns, „while
only ninety were in favor of his Man.'
Mr. Jadirin refused to obey the con
temn! 'and hence !dr. bitter
Opposition-to him. He has , ,pursued
hisresentment, and nide Col. - :Overion
the instrument and tool "of his
machinaticei much ,to Wa r , injury and
to the injury of the' Illpublican party.
Candor Better Than illsrepreaestattons.
It having been attemtited through the
papers of this tixinty sumsrting Col. Over
ton, to prejudice the Reside in to
the action of Yr. Jadwm su Kr.
Keifer, of Ohio, for Speaker o the
he forwouds us the fing k4ter written
by him in response to'one trom CoL Over
ton on that subject.: - It will be Observed
that the letter is dated six weeks Ow- to
the assembling
. of Congress in December
"Office of C. C. JADWIN,
Ihaszartaix, Wayne Co., Pa., Oct. 20, 1881
FatmniOriarron:—l return to you the
letters of J. Warren Keifer and: Hon. W.,
IWoods. , I think the Pennsylvania &dep
th= should be annit on the Ilipeirkershin. I
shall work to that end. My- inclinations
Ire towards Iriso3ck, and I shall support him
in the caucus. If he cants* . carry the
caucus lam willing to:support any. candi
date satisfactory to the Wort, be
be sound on the tariff trait a Penny brat&
standpoint._ A solid vote. Pennsylvania
given for Speaker may insure anlmport
office ID the House. Should we get one
I will be Content to acquiesce in the selec
tion Of any man tho caucus_prefers."
Yours, C. C. JADWIN.
The inference from the above is plain
that Col. Overton favored the election of
Mr. 'Keifer to the Speakership and had
written Mr. Jadwin on the subject.
When Congress convened it became ap
parent that Mr. 'Hiseock was weighted with
the' numerous important_porations then held
under the administration by New York,.
She had the President, the Secretary of the
and the Postmaster-General. It
in come:pence of this *that 'she
was not entitled to the , Speakership. Mr.'
Hiscock failed to secure a united delegation
froni - Pennsylvania, there being but seven
out of seventeen, including Mr. Jadwin in
this seven, for dm. In view Of the impro
bability of securing any recognition for
Pennsylvania in the organization of the
House with • the delegation divided on
Speaker, Mr. Jadwin, who was an ardent
supporter of Hon: Edw'd McPherson, of
Pennsylvania, for Clerk, went to Mr. His
coclrprior to the caucus, anitinformed him
of the situation, and withdrew loaf implied
obligation to support him. He went with
delegation for Mr. Keifer, of Ohio, en ardent
supporter.of Garfield, for Speaker, and who
ihad President Garfield lived, would hive
remainede one of the warmest supporters of
bisadministration. He joined with a ma
jority of the delegation , in securing the
nomination andelection of Hon.. Edw'd
McPherson, to t he Clerkship of the House,
thOuth he was bitterly opposed by Senator
Canieron by all the influences he was able
to bring to bear against him, and two
members of the delegation, special' friends
of Senator Cable on, walked out of the
MUCUS and refised to participate in Mr.
McPherson's nomination. It will be seen
from the above facts; what consistency or
honesty there is pi the charge made by Col.
Overton and his friends that Mr. Jadwin
compromised hila independence of Camer
on's rule-by voting for Speaker Keifer.
A liemoeratie Paper on Hon. C. C. Jadw
We copy the' followbig
_relating to the
Congressional estion in this district from
the Herald of r 14th: The Herald
is the organ of the Democratic party,pub
lished .at Honesdale . The article is of
course written from a Democratic stand
point, but its points are well put, and go to
show the mama in which Mr. /Minn. is
held in Democratic circles fpr the faithful
Performance of his duty as a member: •
We' notice: that some of, our Republican
contemportiries are urging the claim for
Continued radical ascendancy in this con
gressional district on the ground that i the
Hon. C. C. Jadwin has 'made a record at
Washington which cannot be successfully
assailed p-ithin or without his own party.
This claim is based on the following points
in his official career:
First, that he voted for
1. A commission to investigate the ale°-
l ie liquor trade.
2. A select committee on woman suffrage.
3. The agrienbaired appropriation bill.
4. The antipolygamy.lhM.
5. ,The Geneva award
6. The rejection of George Q. Cannon as
delegate from Utah.
7. =protect innocent Users of pat
8. The extension of bank charters.
9. The return of the JaPanese Indemiity
d. 7rf
10. To reduce internal revenue Mastic*:
11. For the tariff commission.
Secondly, that he voted aQaiaat
1. Chineseimmerration.
2. - 11fe river and harbor blll in all of its
stag -
34 The Senate amendment giving Sena
tors!' extra mileage at extra sessions.
We are reedy to admit th a t in the main,
than , votes are all creditable to Mr. Jadwin
andisatisfacbiry to his Wayne county ion
stittients. But can the same be said as to
the entire district--4 rather the leaders of
the political organization whiCh he immedi
ately represents I If so, why do we find
the republicans of Bradford county renomi
nating Mr. Overton, *hose renrd on mat
ters of public and private intend, when he
was in the, House of Representatives, was
almost diametrically opposed to that of Mr.
Jadwinl And why do we find the radicals
of Susquehanna county still ;farther com
plicating the matter of the succession by
putting forward Mr.. D. W. .Searle, who
has as yet no record, ood or bad I •
This nutter t of Mr.-Jadwin's reconi is a
sword which cats both ways. If it is to bo
paraded as showing that the public can
safely trust n Congress a than who 'man
their interests his own, and who is idirayis
to be found voting against say infringe
ment of their rights or squandering of their
money, Whydo we not find' a universal
sentiment in; fiver of his being •returnedr
especially aeL What Come to be regardedes ,
part of the unwritten law of district 'polities,
that' a meniber of either the Natal:mil 'or
State Legislature is entitled to a renomina
tion if he has discharged the duties of h
trustwith fidelity I As between Mr.. Jad:
win and a Democratic nominee, if that
choice may yet be offered us; it is neadhis
to 'say that we shall do what we can to'
compass the defeat of the former • but as
between Mr. Jadwin and any Re p ublican
of the stripe of the small' pohticianewho
find him unsuited to their uses oriin the
way of their petty ambition in the dontest
for a nomination, we'are free to . " ny that
our sympathies are entirely with our towns
man, And in saying this we know we .are,
giving voice to the general - sentiment in
this county, Democratic as well as Republi
' And by just the strength of Redikal'` op-
position to the renomination of Mr.' Jadwin
in the place r , of his adinitedly creditable
record are we enabled to judge of4dan
ger of retuning tot:rows= any can-
Mate whom the Reptibtoans mareeket.
By common usage and political courtesy he
is entitled to a remornination ; his failure to
receive it will be proof that his course
been unsatisfactory to his party, and in - the
event of his defeat in convention they will
'not be permitted to traderzqion his nem!
in the campaign. If -he is repudiated his
record is condemned, and the only logical
at which we can arrive is that
thepublican . party of, the .15th district
for the future to send only such
pe to Congress as will always rang
nin and miss noopportunilies to
the odic= and tyrannical rule of =
A professor of one of , the most eminent
institutions of -learning in Perowylviuda,
forme* a resident of this 'comity, writes
as as fws.• can't resist tellnit you that
I feel ratified in the extreme at the pid
tion the liartratacsx has taken with, re
ference to the eongressional . light is
district, and still more so ,at the •
have almost taken and seem ly, to
take in the fight for the peo* and true Re
puldidinhon in the &We • 7'. ,
110Rft.444 0
petteeot. - Acceptexteet
-. •
To Pew, 'Svasgs,l ChOirincto - : of
" the, Repuhluxin..tlonvent -of
' 'TVyne aunty:
I incept thOnominatiOn :as the
people's Candidate for anima
unanimously tendered mehY the
Republican4o , nvention of I , ,Tay ,
county, on 'learning :the resul t of
the Congressional Conference Of
the district !lin . ' I . iorninating Col.
Overton of il i tradford county..
7he noinination tendered me
by that Convention has been fol
lowed bys' declarations, on the
part of rep*entative
cans in the other comities of the
district, of such a character, and
in such ine.autt' a, , es to 'show be
yond doubt that the - aetiOn of the
conforence WO in opposition to
the popular
and that-the
greet - mass; Of- Republicans in
those counties are in full accord
'with their brethren of NV-Nile in
this matter, and cordially indorse
,pay candidacy.
The reasons that led the County
Convention to repudiate the
nomination 'pf Col, OVerton," and
'to tender nie' the nomination,
have already been set forth in,
the resolutions which it adopted,
and•l need not here repeat or. dis
cuss theM. It is sufficient - id say
that they are• ampted by the
great body of (Republicans, as
fully justifying the action of the
Conventio% ; anfl that that action
is'emphaticaltylseconded by the
masses of tlib , party throughout
the district.
I accordingly , accept the nomi
nation, as manifestly expressing
the l first choice of the people, and
as tendered me in the cause of
popular rule. ,I, make appeal
to the people, regardlea.s of the
bosses and their henchmen, and
submit myself to,. • their decision.
The record I have made as a Re
pubA&M, in maintaining the. will
of the people, against boss rule,
and, as a representative of the
people, in support of measures
-promoting the' public interest;
against extravagance 'job
bery, together with carefuLatten
tion to the wants of my constit
uents, and ready response to their
demands, is the best guaranty I
can offer of continued deVotion
to the same objects: -
HONESDALE,TA., Oct. 21,11882.
The announcement that General
James A. Beaver, Republican candi
date for Governor. lion. Wm. H.
Jesup, and others !would address the
people here on Tuesday last brought
together one of the largest ,mee tings of
the campaign. Delegations began to
arrive early, in the day, and, the Re
publicanl of the county very generally
turned out to welqomel the soldier can
didate. ,
The s pe cial train from the east ,
brought aboutsoo at noon, and many ,
were left hehiiid in consequence of a
lack of cars. 1 Long before the hour of
meeting -in the afternoon Mercur
Hall was packed to the full. An over
flow meeting to aecommoda • the
many who were unable to fin d En' in
the ball,' was held at the ' -house.
After music by the band , I. McPherson'
Esq. was made chairman with numer
ous Vice-Presidents, and called the
meeting in the ball to oider:
General Beaver, on being int,rodue l ed
was greeted with - hearty appladie.
directed His to
speech was vindication
of the Harnsburg Convention,_ a
;strong 'ilea for suppoit of thlt, ticket;
His remarks did not-occupy more thin
forty minutes. and was to the point of
his subject. ' He made a good impres
sion upon bis audience.
Hon. Wm. H. Jessup, was introduc
ed and warmly refuted the charges
made . by Senator Stewart and other
Independents' in respect tr political as
sessments.- 1
The meeting at tb — e Coirt House
was addresied lby General LIS. Os
borne,. and biii speech was listened to
with marked attenon.
A large meeting,, filled Mercur Hall
in the evening, at which Gen
eral Beaver and' others '
again spoke.
ThO meeting was a success and evinced
the interest, felt for the maintenance of
the Republican -.cause.
IF/r8,20Y8, WONEN
Ina letter lOW' en by 901. Overton to 164
.Tadmin Ang.B,inviting bm to visit this min
ty to lOok after his inWe, - Overton uses
the following lamas.: I had supsined
upto a within the Present two or three weeks
Ron would' have no opposition to speak
of. Twouid have bees iiitisikd with Lida"
Here iton's s the stgaspost evidence of col
Ovar y and tremdmry. If he
wed& "luivebeenistislieethatlfr. Merin
et'that time should have this coops,' "'Nab
no opposition to steak of," how did it hap
pen that he; (I:Mem) tarns up - his only
opponentiumi bargains for Snubs com
bat= Izt Ilasaphlie bin! t
, - •:' ,. . ; , •_;,• ; . : ,:5 mr .i.',J.-_, ,,
.7.t , --•.:,;? .. --_. :
~ i,
1, ,, , .. 7 ~,..,...
~,.. ~,,
: 52 "-` , •:: -. ',. - -- '''. '.. ' ~ _ ' 1 .....- . .:-''; -.
Xiii4llqlalili: '' ''" - '4:•:'.': -, ?°: , e - ';2* - .: f -.--
„ , f•jitiii.;-I`- - ;:lhaiOc ,
4 1 9 11 -faillth*Cookt * - - th lil*tterAtilh.
day 11 1 1*;40014 *lift *I favorite
cellist/ fkiff46 7 .Saidill#4.'t lOW **lila
lowitins-lartheysigOkiefibeisor 04 4 .
, *nil hi - PAO* 'ol.o4ls4*Alttilifisweindi
asidertiC PeOir,l L liihimeltht'prebiatie
tctionytithir. - 4** Indepfti
licensind*. . Wil,(lAtihrtft6W
CW4OO I 4firAPPV ***WO-NW*
a /
of my own, %%WV, .. *ralinirta ' girl as
ay tunead.iiiialfrimaimm A od . apeatait
of cause thit my fiecedts: Mori' the &fear=
nal. 1n4. 1 .:,.b1i' :.,. -;
~ '' .. :1= 'milt toiEnn,
so ot report, AA* dieuhrhi#'
in • conflict flair , pflielies--. - ' ~ Rat in
itilatiiiaie '” that ilfweprisiied
favoritisatta' — si 'aii - Ctlief ihe , imPer
Was in Overta'abteiest; and then again&
little' daib r is::,*. sod '-.4 - t4P Journal alio*
which propelled.. to -beissieff ' for i short
time, a whiehlealie issued lii'Overtint'a
Listener,. ,`, Oa looking' the thing over t was
certehdyanfinneW And to think that
the Journal weigoing'for:Orarton after all
WI heretcfure Profaned Independence for
men, and hi famiof theSinfair and unmanly
manner by ,which Overtonpawed his
amobudiatif ourtainly • was nonpiumed ad
in a state of wonder s and reedy : tio 619 11 0 1 ,
" What , next l','" . ' ' •••,: • • ‘' i
Happen* to meet : a friends day o f MO
ego I readily:inquired of him what the
Wafter - could, be with m_ y _ print, the
Mirada Journal, and he laughed and mid,
i. l .9s'hy, air; we are not I very communica
tive peopb up here a m ong 'twin Athens, as
you *e ll know, but you have`hot advanced
*blithe , tinies." -.-- I replied. that my desire
was to advance with that portion of that.-
piddle= party who weals the independent
movement and in the - support of Jadwm
for Congress, ,
_," WhY," Mid he "theJour
*di.' it -Is repeated,' is WWII IN THE
MUD, and can't, rare • *ea" " Well,
well, what , does , that mean," I :replica;
To which lb alluded to the trial of Patrick,
Harris and' othenil ageing the Lehigh Yel
ler Bar* 004 in *Woke claim ofmaw
thing overlialf.nleffilon dollars is involved,
and which'was a proceeding in Chancery
and , was referred to` he Hon. Simnel Linn,
as Ea:liner. . The,eiseinvolved the print
ing from day to day .
of the voluminous tes
timony taken beton), the Eicatoiner to be
used as a, paper ; book in the event of the
case going to the Supreme Court.. Messrs.
Overton and others were attorneys for the
plaintiffs, and - Messrs. Danes, Hall and
others attorneys for the defendants. The
printing of the evidence, of course, was un
der the +matelot the attorneys and through
them was given to the Journal. There are
four printing establishments in. Towanda,
the _Reporter, Republican, Journal and
Argus,' either of which ram are could do
the work and would have competed for the
same, if they bad been afforded an oppor
tunity to do so. Instead •of offering this.
work to the lostest bidder it was given to
the Journal at a larger sum perhaps than
either the Republican, Reporter or Argus
would have done it far. The _book when
completed, I am informed, will make up i
about 2800 or 2900 pages, which will amount
to the
-same in dollars, which work as I am
informed, could and, would have beendone
at the rate of. fifty cents per page had it
been ..put up for competition , which,
would m that ease have amounted to $l4OO
or $1450. Thus ,it will be seen that this
plum was thrown 'to thejournal through' '
twalgentlemen who are now eialid . ates on
the tickets of the bares. i )
1 This accounts -for the expression made
by my informant that the Journal is "stuck
, in the mud" and can't go ahead.
I submit to the people and to all men of
fair dealing if' this is consistent, with inde
pendent journalism. I don't bbime. the edi
tor of the Jounial for getting the work and
making a good ' birgam, but I think the
editor is lowering himself in the plane of
journalism when his actions'are inconsistent
with his professions.. And thud handi
caps his actions on the watch tower of
the many readers of the Journal and pre
vent its usefulness. The people have, a
right to know what is the inside work
of ',those who 'seek to mislead them.
Thin may be all a mistake and it is hoped
that it may' be so, and I mat say I can
hardly believe that such a transaction has
taken place, but there is evidence sufficient
for the people to institute an !actin', and,
Journal Journal, the Independents
and very man others from both the Regu
lar modled , can and Democratic
partieawill east votes _ for 13. C. Jadwin,
and he will *diktat -,, :.leniristsracwr.
-Anntria,-Pa., ME '28 A /18t32.
Mandioinrens anti
I came home late Wednesday evening,
August 23d, and learned that Col. Overton
was then announced as a candidate for
Congress. The next morning he came into
my office and informed me of the fact, pro
testing-his sorrow, and stating that he,did
not sleep any the night after the announce.
ment, and that if I had been home the next
day I would have devised some plan by
'which he might have withdrawn from the
field, without 'sustaining injury by reason
of his having become , al candidate. He
, complained of parties tor whom he bad
done favors being against. him, when they
ought to be for him, and claimed that Mr.
Jadwin and his friends' had been saying
that they could beat: hie; and that he did
not see how he could get out o f the field
without admitting his weakness , and asked
me what he had better do. I told him that
on account of my absence from town for
several days, I knew nothing 'of the situa
tion of affairs, and could not advise I.2iLti.'
On Friday morning I sent for him to
come to my office, with a view of bringing
about an adjustment between him and Mr.
I told him I had sent for him for that
purpose, that I was -satisfied matters were
getting into bad shape and there ought to
be a compromise. He said he did not wish
the nomination; that be wanted Mr. Jadwin
nominated, but if Mr. Jadwin stayed here
and made a fight i he would have to beat
bins if he could. I replied, "if you mean
What Jades n
I can stoplhe fight and get
, _,
How it Amiersts an hidePendellit Mr. Jadwin to go home." I He gave servers'
.segntar. reasons why he did , not wish the nominee
_ I • and among others, that there might
Editor of. the Republican:— ' be a doubt about his election'as the party
Stai-L-_ You and I, brother, are independ- was much divided, and said if he were to
eats. "Although " it might , rennire a good run for Congress again he would much
many thousand dollars tn ,render us lade- prefer it to be inn Presidential year when
pendent in a financial pointef view, we are wile lines were tightly drawn; this!, if he
perfectly independent* politics. We wear pi),
th e coun t y h e propos ed to make
no man's collar, we follow no man's leader- me a conferee with others who would act
ship , unless lie
v llad in the righ t direction . with me, I told him I would see Mr. Jadwin,
Are are • the sla es of no Party , although we tell him what he said, and I had nOdoubt
are republicans. We. are not of theta could bring about a compromise.
nor o- --meeker; (althingh there is nothing He th en as k e d me no t t o gay t o Mr. J a d w i n
wrong in holding or seeking office); nor have that he had said this as - he (Mr. Jadwin)
we ever . held Nivea. which we feel bound might use it against him if no compromise
to pay for, in party service., We 'are' en- was made. I told him' 'I would say it to
tirely independent, and• free to act as our -Mr. Jadwin so that he could take no avail
judgments direct and our consciences dictate taw, of it, and asked him to come to my
but we know that the affairs of a, free goy- office again after dinner; that I would send
eminent always! have been, and always f or Mr, J a d w i n an d we wou ld t a p e th e
will be administered by a great political matter over. He asked me to get Mr.
party," and we would not willingly help to Jadwin into the office and s then send for
deetroy the great party which has done so him; told him I would do so; I sent for Mr.
much for Personal liberty and financial Jadwin to come 'to my office. lie came
prosperity, and.with Which we have 'acted and I asked him if this fight could not be
for so many ' Yea*., and whose principles fixed up between him and Mr. Overton,
we heartily approve, for slight and transient saying t him, suppose his. Overt.* don't
causes. We do not like Mr. J. D. CanierOn want the nomination, that he is in favor of
the man oPrinwhointhennintle of his fath - your nomination and will make me and
er Simon rested ,I when Simon, panic others who will act with me,: hisfoonferees;
stricken by a brearli of promise prosecution had you not better go home I Mr. Jadwin
by Mrs. Oliver, resigned his seat in the replied, " Can I trust him after he has Alone
'United States Senate in favor of' his son. as he has in this matter." I replied, " Mr.
We do not like the Cainerons, int we like judivin, you know you tan trust Mr. Over-
Beaver and Davies, whom we believe to be -ton." I also said " you can trust me, and
honest and capable; and who in the darkest 'I
will vouch for. him it it- is necessary."
hour of our nation's history, with other Hr. Jadwin then said, "If Mr. Overton
brave soldiers mewed the Potomac ,and don't want the nomination; why not instruct
stood between the I nation's capitol and the the conferees for me for a second choice."
traitors who sought to destroy it, and who I replied, there is no necessity for that, and
on many occasions interposed their bodies if I Mr. Overton or any other worthy man
as a wall of living flesh between the shower was a candidate to carry the conferees of
of rebel bullets and us, who prevented the this county, I would oppose any instructions
bloody tide of war Ifroen Aowing upk, With! fir second choice. After other talk, on my
headwaters of the Sneguelumns l / 2 . Who Pre- assurance that this 'arrangement would be
vented our houses I and barns and fences carried cad,he - Said he Would go home. I ,
from being burnmi 'and our wires and coil- then proposed to send for Mr. Orerton.
dren from being left homeless and hungry; Mr. Jadwin proposed that he go out; that I
who for their country-endured 'hunger and get Mr. Overton into the office and send
thirst, fatigue and 'hardships, sickness and for him. Shortly after Mr. , - Overton ban
wounds; who often slept on the cold' ground 'paned into the office, and seeing Mr. Jadwm
in inclement weather, while an were cons tweed to leave, but at my request sat
fortably: housed, and slept hi geed warm down. I then said, I have you two gentle
beds- We cannot vote against sash men- lien together, and this thing must be fixed
You say the Independent I candidates were up,—yierhave been friends and are now,
just as good soldiers as Beiver and Davies you both want the . same thing. Mr. Jad-
Graded, but they easel be elected this fall win . wants the nomination for Congress,
arid don't expect to be, and if they were f a and Mr. Overton wants him to,bave it, and
generous as they. ere brare,,they would all the difference between you is the man
not (lenient to run Against; thew comrades nor in which it can be brought about; that
ht . arms merely fP; me purpose of defeating under the circumstances : my judgment 'is
them. To vote ' ot, them a to vote hidi- that Mr. Overton had better be permitted
reedy for Pattison; who hunted of being an to carry the county without any fight, and
old soldier isayoung la,wyeifrom Harylandi that Mr. Jadwirchad better go home. Mr.
"My Jtaryland," and whose sympathies, it Overton is e candidate, ind I' cannot well
hi said, were es the Ida of the rebels- W.O see how he can get out - of the field.' Mr.
don't Ate Mr. Cameron, who ;we neither Jadwin that said, if Mr. Overton is in
the ability nor the I temperament necessary earnest; nt can
.. , e no o bj ec ti ons t o carry _
for a political leader, but we cannot Arnie ing the, conferees for me second." I re
him now without-:histing the Republican plied that for myself I would not consent to
litirtY• He isnot on trial now. He has *and that I would make a fight to prevent
two years still to nine, in the Senate, but it. ' Mr. Overton. said when he was a can
when his day of reckoning comes, we will &date against Mr. Grow, his (Mr. Grow's)
be ready to attend to his case, and he will friends wanted to instruct the conferees
be able' to, read JIM handwriting on the fOr him 'for second . choice, that he told
wall:without the aid of an interpreter, and them he would just as soon instruct them
i his knees will • smite together like Bashed- for him •first as second. I • left the office
liar's as he reads thathe bas been "weighed and when I came back Mr. Jadwin had
* the balance and found wedding." concluded to go home. After some further
I ") Yon say he' had a conference at his house to,* tl said to both that a contingency might
, 1 in Washington and selected Gan. Beaver arise by which Mr. Overton would be una
fol. gervernor r long before , the convention ble to carry oat the arrangement, and they
met. S be did,---be has the same asked what it was.. I stated that James H.
right whim you siud I have, to talk politics Webb and others (Jadwin's enemies) might
with'our friends in, our own houses. You set up the convention and -elect conferees
surely would not wish to hinder him from instructed for Mr. Overton, but who could
talking politics iti his own house, or whis- not be controlled. Mr. Overton replied
leering Gen. Beirreee mune to his wife. If that IT they attempted that and would not
Hr. Cameron was lletilli in 8613010 Beaver's permit him to choose his own cimferees, be
nomination, he hail a right to be, and that would denounce them in the convention,
fact „ _ on* ,nlin tfiA hinhlgsmer• If Mr: fmoe . to be a candidate and ask the con
iasuerourwisurs toinima good men for *cation to instruct' for Mr. Jadwin. Mr.
gonernorlve can't M
*di, him, and if he 'flaw* replied "that suits me, and talks
had it in , his prerartoliestrSany gird Mos the Overton I used to know.” I their
tes Proofed' of our election. faronng said there, is another contingency in which
• nombuiticok it would be a state of Mr. Overton :'might' be nominated and be
affairs - indeed, and would show that our 'unable to prevent it,—"ltippose the Snare
prejudices bad got the better of oar mann. henna county conferees came to him on the
You want to smash the nuechine." • first ballot, he will be nominated and' be
' Well, that is Mt, but you don't want to cannot help himself," Both agreed' that
mesh ' the Ihnoubliesi petty at tbe same theremas no danger of that. In pursuance
,time , found 'a larnet's nest under of this arrangement I notified many of Mr.
the eaves of his house, and resolving on its Jadirin's friends that . the matter had been
Aestniction procured a bundle of straw set Sled up to Mr. Jadwin's, satisfaction, that
itnn ire and held it muter the nest :tali' ' the - t was that Mr. Charnels was
the nest lied the bonnets were all consimied; to ciirry county, but Mr.Ja.lwin was to
1 but unfortunately the house took fire and be nominated. Th 4 next morning` after
burneddown to' idled in spite of all his ef- the no
weinathya by the conferees, Mr. Over
tone to Awe ft. _ _ -_ _ _ ' ton mania* ofike;' and teapressisa to
, The estaffiingdafaat 'which the rep.a . . , him ray . • • , and benumb son*
tarty leas sustained hi Ohio , &odd cause attemptei at justification. then repeated
I _ '
s J
'.'r±.. s:b_~
.~as.rd:;' j ;~~Y.y. -~*L,Y..•C.4~4•'
!•, •
10410,4 lieekind
iur- the' TAW Inirdee - ?eiete
- teli~md. from anttiging. - ' , lt vela*
cuffalientreiny elefruttini, - teliberttud
peeperity for; thei: ilemoorstt to
capture the Natieruelprornotenit, es ie was
toe the muldele - to -esturs:Uoierit Rate.
Controlled omit is , by the of_the South,
and the)most 'ignorant and *loos obsoni
in.the North, the- Ala Uri nitie party cannot
Welt be, entrosted with the, we 'ot Aldo
govorrynent: Ceirstien. "
-Editor of the , '
am very glad and very lunch
- pleased to know that paris in hearty
support,of C. C. Ardivin. for - The
boys Upbere in Onumillw,look 14/021 him as
'an honest man and-worthy Lot their rapport
and I hear porn all around that th e Orin
eron intereit are doing their utmost to
make' the people believe that Mr. Overton
was fairly the choice of the people and as
inch;we are bound Ito support . We
know better, and overy intelligent and
reading voter lawns better.-Beforeite
Meeting of our county convention t
was no other name before the people or
en of for the place but C . c. - nawin
the man who is universally spOken of as the
champion friend of, the sMier in helping
him to prammta a much. merited claim for
pension. I learn that Overton's claim is
predicated upon the ground ,that the con
feree* went for him; a recognition which he
procured by mis-statment and concealment,
and we do not, for that reason recognise their
action. The people will meet and do their
own confereeing on the 7th of November
next, and elect as their choice the man
who stood manfully for the right of the
people by opposing the pump of the lap
moos river and harbor steal, and that man
Jadwin. • - - Inuit ton.
Onarrnixa, Oct. 28, 1•11 B.
Editor of the. Republican:— --,
am truly •gled to nee yon COMO
out stimig , in defence thelsist friend the
old soldier has in this'district4-- He has been
shamefully . cheated, but I hope and believe
the ripubhcans are not mean enough to
help Mr. Overton carry out his scheme.
Mr. Jadwin is the real choice of the people,
and I believe they will support him. I take
no stock in Senator Mitchell's little scheme
but if I cannot vote for Mr. Jadwini will
not vote at all. It Mr. Overton owns the
county convention he does not own the
voters. I last winter called on Mi. Jadwin
for his personal aid in the interest of forty
claimants for pensions, and he gave prompt .
'and cheerful attention to each case. Com
rades, it is a duty we owe to him and to
ourselves also to vote for C. C. Jadwin.
He is one of us. His friends and justice
demand our support. Also let us show that
although we may be imposed upon in making
the nomination, yet we, comrades, will
show that it is one thing to put up a; job
and quite another to get us to indorse their
dirty work. I will, if I live, vote for. C.'C.
Jadwin. • W. lAstnavuts.
Curros, Pa., Oct, 24,1882.
- 1 1 6:) ,X Z-.,t, Tr; • P,
• '-',4-..*.,\P`L.-I.z---441rPf'" .
1111110 6 —Ifik'
thisealibia-Ibbk It' thatilfiiiisioldiro
4 aithelbinviwirliuMmfreietaithkisei'
4142.400C,Ca1nit . *Fake sid3loo.•
"obiitirrewidwilisiaikaddlso4 brat.*
ii**aritio.dtdiedidtit and -nosdestiliv
tci-liOni ••iikl7bot444:lo l ,
upnistivithec , Itte:repaied !rfeit
' • -
, .
We re!publiati thelolloWbsg. itiite,7 :
ment made to reconvened Barak
_ •
sitso_ County -convention conventi on:' i pf Wayne
county _at Honesdale on_ . 'Wednesday,
eiening, Oct. 11, is resPOnselo,e mg-'
°lotion of the county- execistive corn
mittee. Elsewhe,re 'n these columns
we state what Col. Overton said to us
These statements of Col. Overton's
parae will be coresborated by fifty
or more of., the. most, reliable men. in
Bradford isimnly, showing that hie
nomination wa procuied by con !
cadment of his real snotive. The
republicans of Bradford county feel, as
they ought to . led, that 'they are dis
honored by the. 'pa oticol. Overton
in taking a mini tion by, stealth that
didnet t honesily , belong to Bradford
county, and which he could not have
procured in an op en and fair cceteit.
Read Hr. Jsulwin's statement as fol
lows • . . , 1
i•Dirtio affIJMI.
Shortlyl beforb Congress adjournal, I
received a letter from Ccl. Overton, !rig
gating that "my , fences in Bridged might
need s little attentionr that ...NT.' Searle
wee thine, and ;had some hopes the* he
could carry the county; and advised me
to corns there u soon as I could get away
from Washington. ;,
As soon thereafter as my duties would
permit, I went to Towanda; expecting that .
Col. Overton's attitude toward me would be
stated in substantially these terms: "You
and your county have given Bradford the
Congressional nomination for three suc
cessive terms, and for two of these 'terms
it was given to me. On this , last occasion
your county gave me a second term by
directly naming me as its choice, and the
conferees from your county, firmly resisted
a concerted attempt on the part Susque
hanna and Wyoming to defeat in nomina
tion, followed by an o rganised against
me. I now feel it my duty to return the
compliment by carrying Bradford county
for von." - , ,
Oit meeting Col. Overton, I announced
that I should not in any event be a candi •
date against him in , his own county. • He
said that he had not decided to be a can
didate, and shoidd have no possible object
in becoming one except to preserve his
prestige at home. If he ran, it would be'
for this purpose only, and not with a view
to prevent my nomination. He had be
said, one or two objects in running. For
instance, any other aspirant who might
secure the nomination by the Bradford
convention would be in a position tO con
trol the patronage of the county; therefore
said he,l must prevent this by , contro li ni
it inieef. Then'again, said he,
I must
keep myself in line , and keep others out of
line, for the nomination, when it again
comes to Bradford, some eight or ten years
hence, for I may then feel hie re-entering
palitaal life. This conversation took place
Saturday morning August:l9. It was then
agreed between us that we should meet •-•
the following Tuesday evening, and that he
should then decide whether he would be a
candidate. Smalling, however, precipi
tated his derision; for on Monday afternoon
he announced himself publicly as a condi
dite. On Tuesday afte_.• we met, and
he informed me of • He did
this In peculiarly apo • •c terms. He
said' that he never felt meaner in his life
than at that moment, in conse que nce of
his conduct, that he was about ddfig the
most ungrateful and dishonorable act, of
his life,• that his conclusion had windy . de
prived him of his sleep the previous mght,
but that he could not enter into any ex
ploitation, further than to say that he was
involued in complications as tope nt ing to
other parties, and must run. -. • ' ;
Having heard his statement, 1 responded,
that there was nothing - for me, za_ this
situation; and after acme further observe- -
tient in the same 1
vehx, I mid that having
come into the count - 3 , could embrace the
mortunity of visiting some of my friends
in different localities. During the next
three days I found a strong sentiment pre
vailing in favor of my re- nomination. On
the following Friday, and again on Satur
day he assured me that he had no desire to
go to Congress then, that he was only a
candidate for the purpose of maintaining
his prestige, and that all his centimes
should be for me as their second choice, and
he desired me to arrest the growing boom
in my favor as the candplate of the oounty,-
by assuring my friends that we had reached
an understand ing satisfactory to myself,
and that he would guard my interests in
therefo respects.
I re parted from Col.Overton with
this asarance, and with the conviction that
my canvass required no ferther attention
in Bradford county. On my return home,
many of my , friends ; were skeptical as to
CoL Overton s purpose of being a candidate
in my behalf. I need not here repeat the
current comment on the subject. I dicier,.
ed my full confidence in col. Overton's
good faith=-also authorizing the publication
of my views on this point in the Honesdale
Citizen—and did all in my power tci re-assure
the Republicans of Wayne County in this
Between the date of my return and the
meeting of the conference, however, I
learned that Col. Overton was inventing
excuses, and' grasping at' everyretext,
however trivial, for taking an att itude of
hoitility to me; and that he assumed to hold
me responsible for every view that found
expression in any form, adverse to his can
didacy. -
Nevertheless I went to Tankhannock ex
pecting to be nominated at the first session
of the conference. But it soon became
apparent that my confidence in Col.Overton
was misplaced. Ilia conferees were mani-'
featly gentlemen of - high character, intelli
gence and independence, having at heart
the best, interests of the, Republicans of
Bradford. The terms of their appointment
bound them to support Col. Overton while
he remained a candidate; but they all assur
ed me of their support as soon as he gave
the word releasing them from their obliga
tion to him. None of them had been given
to understand by Col. Overton that he - Was
not an earnest contestant for the nomina-'
tion,_ and there was nothing to , : indicate ,
that .the "prestige" theory had ever been
presented to them as the foundation of his
On Fraley Col. Overt:on assured me that
he would that morning give the word for
his conferees to vote for me. But it was
not given. At a - later hour he inquired
when the afternoon trains left, and propos
ed that my nomination should be made so
that we could leave immediately afterward.
Before the . afternoon session, however, it
became manifest that the S uehanius
conferees had in some nnezplaiaea manner
been -won over to. Bradford. I was the
mere surprised at this 'sh ad received
numerous letters from prominent Republi
cans in Susquehanna assuring me that
under no circumstances could Mr. Searle
carry his conferees over to Bradford. Col.
Overton's conferee., slaked me what I' re
garded as their dutyin view of this purpose
en the part - of Suscpuclsanna. Ito them
that if Col. Overton had selected them with
the understanding that they were to stand
by him until he withdrew, it would be in
famous for them to deiert him. • At the
afternoon session Col. Overton wad accent
ingly nominated by this, votes of Bradford
and Susuuehanna .
If Col., Overton's friends Bare anxima for
the "safety of the district, they know very
well how they Can save it. By voting for
Hon. C. C. Jadwin,who is the '
ad - choice of the'dtrickihey may all
their fears and at - the same time do their
dutyas reputilkans. Neither. Mr. Jadwin
nor hill Mends have any fears of , the kiss of
the district.• gr. Jadwin Will be 'elected by
nearly 4,000 majority.. -
Aa a political bow, Nr. Webb hat the
flovetige" of jug 828 majority over his
democratic competitari in the election of
November - 1881 h while Geo. W. Blackman,
for mwtontlz his • ZlSsjoeity ot
And leM &for . Webb'. draft - !pun the
demicratio perti he would home fallen Sur
sleet of an
i5-fam 1' pwarglioksithimt*
, : c -i reat '., ' 1 1100 2.P , 4*-i4,4,*titirrog-t. ;14
liiii:thitrl4,li - t*igni vo-IwIL. Yti
teit 4 i. ei ' ' I #, "-I t I C I : i :
litiOft4 4 " j9lr -,#
lefibil 1 '. 1 0 1 .0r• 1 40 = ice
. 1051)1110. : ,'-'-';): :,;- :4 1 - 3 " ,
.-;:e E •-s:
N tallied : hive :‘iith :, attlrY; inlay of
the voters Ot thia - town .. and "tionuthiPs
and 1 Inut thentiihnon- Unialmorn, for
aidwin.: -The indignation - atOvirton's
tunnination la_deepAnd abiding." -- . .. ....
"Our town pollrabout I* RePubli• i
can vota and from present appearances
Jadwin will have 100 of tlumr, and the :
°the; 30willbe p . made up . I%the Detno=,
enist e• --_,--,!. .-
'.....,,, -4,.
T .- ~.. :-.7.... ~..., -,-....e , -- - -: -- -
"`qlp_ to the pressot time 1 'know of
but four declared bats:tit liseil in ' our
borough., The,RepUblican"vo:a will be
practically unanimous Jadwin."
"Therbosses in this county, have sot
up their last , job. Overton has lent WM
self a victim to their maoldnationiAnd'
will be buried withtfon. 'ChirPtimb
Beans in this town are nearly all -going
for. Jadwin."' '• - `c '
"Keep up the parables ~ on Morrow,
Webb dc. Co. We lit* that kind of
talk. it, affords;:: - the.Republics= of
our town - who were nearly stolid against
-Webb, much' - amusement.: They will
be as solid against Overton."
"The delegates from eur town - to the,
Convention were , instructed for . lul-, 1
win, but when they got 'to Towanda'
they were told that the , question walk
amicably settled, and the rtsult was to
be ladwin'q nomination._ "Our ' dele
gates told me you so said to them and
assured them it would be all , right.
We take it'you were deceived; as 'we
were. hold . Overton.%revonsible
and wil low it in our vote. I 'hope
you will keep hp the fire and sboW up
the bosses. The responsibility Qf all
the troubfe is with th.-. or four men,
who encouraged Ovation to do an act
he cannot defend." r,
, Hon. H. B. Larrabee, County Super.
intendent of schools for Wayne - County,
and the nominee for . State Senator by
the Republicans of Wayne, was called
to preside over the Independent mass
meeting which assembled at Honesdale
on Thursday October 12. The! meet
ing was addressed by . Hon. Charles S.
Wolfe of Union, and E. K.. Martin
Esq. of Lancaster, • ,
On taking the , chair Mr Larabee
(spoke as follows:
Ladies and Gentlemen:—.l sincerely
thank you for this marked compliment.
To be called to preside - -over this in
telligent audience, gathered in so noble
a cause, and to have the Privilege of
1 presenting to you the distinguished
gentleman who will address you this
evening I consider a high honor. - I
have no apology to offer for the posi- :
tion I occupy under' existing circum
stances, for I ,hold that it is the right
and duty of :every citizen, whatever
may be his occupation' or position, to
ke part in political affairs. Permit
!in • 'Oat few words.
The' Amer ican
. people area. mii,„ffnani
mous and forgiving people; but there
are wrongs , which they will not and
ought hot forgive or forget - . We have
been taught that the great glory of this
nation consists in its being a govern
ment of,,for, and by the people, that in
the people alone is sovereignty vested,
that we obey the mandates of no king,
prince, or ruler, but that the "will of
the people is the highest:law." But we
remember well, forbut little more ;than
two years have intervened that 'three
min in pcsitions of influence and power
forked a conspiracy to change all this
—to take from the people the right of
choosing their chief magistrate, and in
stead of a government of the people, to
make this an aristocracy, controlled by,
a small 'junta of ambitious and unscru
pulous politicians. We remember how
the Pennsylvania 'convention was called
in mid=winter,.taken by the throat and
compelled to declare in favor. of Grant
and the "unit rule, ', instead , of obeying
the well known a nd recognized will of
the Republicansof - the Keystone.. State
and giving the vote' 'of Pennsylvania
tot Pennsylvania's favorite son, one of
the greatest statesmen thaterica
has ever produced, James G. Blaine
[cheers]. We did not, however, at
that time realize L. the- magnitude, the
far reaching consequences an i power
of this conspiracy. •We began to un
derstand it better when happily their
well laid plot wa.sfrustrated, and yet
we did not fully 'comprehend it. Not
until we saw the few months of Presi
dent Garfield's official life. - embittered
by an unceasing and causeless warfare,
not until we had followed' him to the
grave, not until we had seen his suc
cessor, in defiance of the desires of the
American people and his solemn pledge
before the nation, undo the work so
nobly begun, not until we had seen
his trusted advisors hurled from posi
tions of trust and influence, his friends
punished. and his enemies reivarded,
and not until then, as if to heap abuse
upon abase, did we see the systematic
and repeated attempts to vilify Gar
fleld7s sacred memory and begin to
fully comprehend this conspiracy or
the terrible wrong attempted upon the
people of thiination. •
Now, ladies and gentlemen, two of
these conspirators are on trial —Con
kling in New York and Cameron_ in
Pennsylvania. Elect Cameron's ticket
and the people of this commonivealth
place the seal of their approval upon
slUthese methadii, upon all that this
conspiracy implies; defeat it, as it is
sure, to be defeated, and neyer, 'again,
however exalted in power he may be,
however intrenched by patronage and
influenceorill any , man dare to defy
the will of the people of this common
wealth- [applause I. .
Gentlemen, let us refer once more
to Chicago. Fortunately ftor the good
name of the Keystone State there I was
a minority of the delegation who re
fused to obey 4111. dictates of, Cameron,
while a majority obeyedJ their chief.
Of the latter one from @entre county
chose to defy the expressed' wishes' of
his constituents and obey the coma
Imends of his ruler and is now .- before us
for our suffrages for the high office of
Governoriof - our State.- But. while
Cameron 'says - "yes," the people of
Pennsylvania say "no." On the other
hand, our honored delegate him
Wayne chose rather to defy th , ' "bois"
and obey the will of the peop le, and
while Cameron . may - say "no,' the in
dietitians are the people of the Fifteenth
Cougressitnal district will lay '"yes,"
(cheers) and will declare that Horn ,
C. C. Jadwin, who has bien.i, faithful
to the people, shall represent thhi die
trhlt in the next Congress of the United
Stilt"- (Prolonged cheers);
Gentlemen, we have no personal 'con
troversary, -no personal quarrel. % We
reoognise the, right of every oian to , be
In favor of Cameron and Beaver, if . he
wants to be and we ask only .that the',
, Baum right of course be accorded :to us,'
that we may work for any inan'of
party or' pined* - and pursue atm
el! , kcal Course that emsolen ca may
ate to be right, but though some.
Aiiiint,:sepenitedemir', if the tide whi e b
IttnOntinueli, I apprehend
001,4 the at the election. in
iv** th e . Republican party in
eautii.y will be practically
anit s -atid - thelreat majority will vote
for John Stewart and the . Philadelphi a
State ticket; fer , C. C. Jadwia for c on .
as -w e ll for our excellent county
noviinees. - .
Exiiistinastsoßoaworth; of Leßaysville,
snide us a_ esU yesterday. All o w, nine :,
tenths of
the of that office petition
ed for his retention, but Jadwin had Lim re•
nsoved at 'the 'request of one ' 5 or two
"bowel".,, la this place.—Rerieir. The
ihnire statement is untrue. Mr. &Wade
h a d no part in Mr. **worth's "removal.
Me. Bosworth was removed in con
o f, o nann t ee preferred by parties at Leltays
vise. We have no doubt they were &cane
awl unjust to Mr. Bosworth. Mr. hi.
'win gave hhn time, however, to • rstnte
them. M. Jaditin was noti fi ed by the Nt-
Ew t of the vacancy, and' after Mr.
orth had three weeks' notice of the
charges. Mr; Jadwin, upon the advice of
CaL Overdon,•=4 - others recommend
Zcitinmount of Mr. Gorham. It Li n c t
Mr. Gorham is personally obje c ti on ,
able, that diesatidaction ensued, but in con.
sequence of the injustice done a worthy and
highly respected citizen, in the person of
Mr. Bmworth. For this g r . Jaclwin is not
nwonsible, and he deeply regrets it. T
fi' a
According to the latest report .f row 'th e '
Census Bureau at Washington, the Mum
tiouga sad. agricultural statistics collect e d
two years ago will not be in shape for put,.
Beaton foripsne years to come, so th a t - i t
will be al,ft time toteke - another censu s
before the-last one has been digested. This
is not an encouraging prospect, and it is one
which will came considerable sirprise Euul
disappoilitment. Much of the interest and
- value .0f census statistics depend upon their
being Served, up fresh, and if the public ar e
to beitept welting . for years until they are
forthcoming its for the census .
be sensibly The cause of all
this delay is probably to be found in an at
tempt on the part of the census-takers of
.1.880 to do too much.
Tho reported discoveries of silver. mines
in the counties of Bucks, Berta and other
pmrte of eastern Pennsylvania would be im
portant in almost any other State of the
Union than our own, but in Pennsylvania
the wealth of our co al: and iron Mines
immeasurably greater than any pibsible de
velopment that' might be made of other
mineral resources. Still, it would nit he
surprising if - Pennsylvania - were to become
a silver-producing State.
Arrangements' are being completed by
the representatives of the Pennsylvania and
Maryland. Development Company for the
erection of smelting works in Readin. , f or
the reduction of copper ore obtained from
mines in the South Mountain copper belt, •
owned and operated by tha,t company.
iiorklipeg Eyes.
.nosy cheek's and clepr complexion only
accompanying gad health. Parker's Ginger -
Tonic better tgan anything, makes pure,
rich blood and brings health; joyoui spirits.
strength and beauty. Ladies try it.—
President Arthur registered at his polling
place in New York last week.
Ex-Grovernor Coburn, of Maine, has giv,
en $40,000 to an academy in Waterville.
1 (hag two Bottles
lifeeirs Johnson, Holloway & Co., _whole
sale drUggitite of Philadelphia, Pa., report
that - some time ago a gentleman handed
them a dollar; with a request ,to send a
good catarrh-cure to two army officers in
-Arizo4 Recently the same gentlemari
told them that both the officers and the wife
of Gen John C;Fremont:Grivernor of Ari
zona, haolibecit cured of catarrh by the
two bopfris of Ely's Creain Balm.
Ely's Cream Balm reduces inflarnation.
Sores in the nasal passages. are healed in a -
few days..Catarrhal headache is dissipat
ed. Sense of smell, taste and hearing are
restored. Price 50 cents. Apply into
nOstrels with little finger. '
Try takings nap -in the afternoon if you
are going to be out late in the:evening. •
Row Women Irould titir.
Were Women allowed to vote, every one
in the land who has used Dr. Pierre's
"Favorite Prescription" would .rote it to be
an unfailing remedy for the.disease peculiar
to her sex. By -druggists.
Try breathing the fumes of turpentineor
carbolic acid to relieve.whooping-cough.
/MM its the Woripth op.
To do goodwork the mechanic must have _
good health. If long hours of confinement -
in close rooms have enfeebled his' hand or
dimmed his sight let him-at once, and be
before Home organic . - trouble - appears take
plenty of . Hop Bitters. His system will be
rejuvenated, his nerves strengthened, -bis
sight become clear s and the whole constitu
tion be bat up to a higher working condi—
tion. '
New Advertisments.
4 41(111 6
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies: A Marvel of porlY.
strength and wholesomeness. More econoauod
than the - ordinary hinds. and cannot .14 sold is
competition. with the multitude of low test. short
weight, alum or phosphite powders. Sold oily
in cans. ROYAL RILICENG Pownin Co., 106 .t 1 au
street., N. Y.' ?Moir/
Hop Haters are tie Purest and • Best Bit-
tees Meer Made
tilOy are compounded from Hops, Malt,
Buchu, Mandrake and. Dandelion,---the
eat, best, and moat valuable medicine! in
the world and contain all the best and most
curative properties of all other -remedies,
being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver
Regulator, and life and Health Restoring
Agent on earth., No diseaseor ill health
can possibly long exist where these Bitters
are used, so varied -and perfeCt are their
They give new life and vigor to the aged
and iuflrui, To all' whose employments
cause irregularity' of the bowies or urinary
organs, or who require an • APetizer, Tonic
and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters am in'
valuable, being highly curative, tonic and
ulating, without intoxicating.
No matter what your feelings or syn3P
tains are, what the disease or ailment is, use
Hop Bitters.; Don't wait until you are lick.
but if you only feel bad or miserable, use.
Hop Bittirsat once. It may save your life.
Hundreds have , been saved by vw doing.
000 will be paid tors case they will net
cure or help.
- Do not suffer or let your friends suffer,
,but use urge them to use Hop Bitters.
"-Remember, Hop Bitters is`no vile, &WS'
all, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and
Medici to ever made; the "Invalid's
• ' and Rope," and no person or fatal
.be without them. Try the Bitter
. oct26ly.