3 !,e.) 4it & TRACT, PalaMilli. VOL. VIII. Bradford Republica 1•' PaMbled Every Thursday, AT TOWANDA.. Pa. , IT HOLCOMB & TRACY. 51.50 Per ..4ausumis, in Ades/ice. Advertising Ectei-81z cents aIII for first Itgertion, anti Ilje cents per line for all subs*. q uent serti 3nl. '.Sending notice advertbing ten ants per line. V.glit lines constitute tqcsre. ant twelve linel- an inch.. Auditor's cotlcra S2.W. Administrator's sad Exemitore tcnces Tear?, advertising Sito4o per cc,:tr.Ln. Tel REn-sucsir, Is published in the 1 Racy, Moore and NoVles Block. at the "corner or and Pine streets, over J. P.. Come* Bootuod slave store. Its elvzslstion fi over 2000. •s ea sartnisizte medium it is uaszeelled Is its ha n.e.llste :raz:l•a,Business Dime:ry. A TTOILAILTS-AT-LAW. LEVELi lictiOV RN. (B. Cleveland C .UcG(fnere), Canton., Bradford Ccninty bulb:nem entrusted to their me in Res tem li ridfprd Will reeelse prompt attention. L. 9 ITII k IIILLIS. Attorneys-MA*lr; Oft over Powell k Co. • 01LIFF. J. N.. °nice in Wood's mock. Mali %.1 First Sationsl Bank, up stairs. junsl2,'.ll 1. 4 1311EF. k SON (N.O Elebree and L Bisbrec: ottice Iltreur Mock. Park ESL inay34.7B - Dpics. & OVEUTOS (Bet I Peek and D I Orr. :ont. Oftce over Rill's Mutat 49.•79 nVEiirUN k SA::DERSON (Z Merton and irks 4, 1 r:Sand.7744 t.l °ince tn. Adams Black . alyd:7l mi wEr.L.7x °face over Der - L*ll'4Blore aprill4.7; WILT, J. i DREW. Oflke in liesn's Block. ,„,spr RAS Ar lES. CAIN9CHAN it HALL. (W r Dente". D H Cart L y Hall.) Once In rest f sari 'aitra.nce OD Poplar R. Ue12.75 lil £i:cDNEY A. Solicitor of Patents.lll la att•ntion paid to business to orp4an.' Court and to the settlement of estates. ot - ,:e in Mcaatanyea Block 0149 c PHERSON * YOUNG. (/'. NePieraos mid rousilf- ) Office south side of Mercurs feb 1.7 R WLIAMS. ANGLE & BIII7LNIGTON. tiff II J Aspic and. Z D Du#liegeolt). (,t, -e t side of Main street, two doors north cf Argus office. All tnsinesi 'entrusted to their an, will ret-ire prompt attention. oct 24477 T MMES 11. AN - D.)OILN W. CODDIND, ;iner t) Le:, aul Counsellors-at-Law. Dfleartn the kerdzr Mod, over C. T. Kirby's Drng Store. - Jul; 3. 'BO if. VEESLY. .1. P. Attorne3.4t-Lew. Office to LA. M tanye's Block, Man Street. Npt. ;5. _ THoml; W. H. and E. A.. Attorneys-at Dor. Towanda. Pa. (Mice in Hermit Block, ',.r C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Bain start. trot stairway north of Post•oflioe. All tuccras Promptly attended to. Special attes t; ,-;% - .13 to claims against the United States Ptr.Bin“. BOlllatiell, Patents. etc and to c1.1,110i.s and iseStlement of deOedeoVii ea I,tes. • A. 1.411•21. ly HENRY B. WKEAN, OttliEY-:#-LiM, !o:;:isor of Pate/its. Govenucumt claims *S. 116fstoS2 te1..:,, to VSICANS AND SURGEONS ToHNsuN. T. 8.. M.D. Office over Dr. H. C Li Port<•rss Drug Store. feb 12.711 EWT3N, Drs. D. N. ArP. G. Office at Dwelling 4. 1 ozl River street, corner Weston St. teti 12.77 C. K.; 31. D. Odlcs Ist door above old Lank building. on Main street.- Special at• given to diseases of the throat and in1y19,711 1 - 17.2 , ,DarRs, S. M.. M.D. Ones and rest. v • • at•nce. Main street. north of M.E.Chnrch. Me Examiner for Pensloao Dr ..srtment. _ - tab TVS TNE. - E. D.. M.D. °Mee over 34mtuiye's P ttore.Ottoitours from 10to 1.1.e.x. and to P. MT Special attention given - to i j atem 6 s of the E3e. and Diaeasea of the Ear. _ oet 30,:f • rrtutt - NER. H. L., M.D.. 1 HOWCCOPATHIC PHTECIAS ~llipro r. E-eidence and ',Mee mast north of Dr. Corbon'a Vain street. Athens, Pa. 110TZLS IiOCSE Main at, next corner swath Bridge street. New house sad dim izmiture throughout. The proprietor has ipan-d neither pains or expense in math= first-clue and respectfully scllultau tutdie patronage, Meals at all hours. Terms pasoLable. Large Stable attached. tar r /TENET. . SECRET SOCIETIES. WI WT SINS POST; biO. CS, G. A. -R. Mists every Saturday evening. at Wilitary ash. OEO. V. NUM Cleueemehe. .1 p.. En - ran:Km, Adjutant. . feb y. 14 - - - . - CrST.iL LODGE. NO. 67. Meets. at; E. P Sall every:, Monday eveniag at :7:30., la irzrAnce $2.000. , Benefits $3.00 per meet. Aver age cr, :au! coat. 5 years experiaaea. JESSE MYERS. E. P;Ezrz Dictator. BRD LODGE. N 0.161 . -1. 0.0. F. Meet In Odd Fellow's Elsa. every Monday enentng at : o'clock. WARR= 81;114 Sobie &end. Illne 12.15 HOCSE AND SIGN PLUMING. Wisr. F. E. 4 NO - . - 32 Second street ' Al! orders v". 11 receive prompt attention. jun 4111.15 EDUCATIONAL. Sti , CirEIiANNA UOLLEGILTE, LCSEITUTE. The spanw.naim will twain , Monday. Am: 3, • For. -.Testalogus or other fator• address or call on the PrincipaL EDWIN Z. QUINLAN. Towanda. Ps. izIJ 11.'8 PLUMBEg AND 043 rime. WILLIAMS.. WARD. Prantkal Plumber • and Gas Fitter. Plain of bantams in Iler• rat Block next door to Journal Gam to=t Pra)::c Squre. Plumbing, pan /MUT Pn=pa of all kinds , and all kinds - 0 Gearing ro4tly attended to. All wanting work in lila 4 `a=cnid ere him scall. Jut, 27.'n INSURANCE RrSSELL, C. s, Geneial Insurance Agetta. T ,-,- *17. , ..3a, Is. Of!lce . in Whitcoattes Book 'tor. pay 19,44 And bad One of Hie 25 CENT DAN. E. ammo *at. . • • • • • .• • •'4 • ..;› '. k ." 4. r: 4' • 11 3;e: C • C•t • .; • • ZZt•'• • 44 14,.. '; * f2ifq4." lv 'l. Stl:A44gAt. 7'l' • • ...;.‘14'.47:1: ;,‘ 74 , iie5t5.21t;i474 • iWA.:#0:•.. t ' C e.•73..'. ZAc • •-•••• , -;•• -•••,'••••5 •. k •-•*•• • ' '• - •• :• .;•'. • : . •''''' ' ••• • "lo' ' '' '`4 6.4 ••• • ••••• • ••.• 21,4e:••*+ •, •• • •Zt•w • ••• •• 11 • • fe3r,441.4% - "Arw •• " ' 4.:isirilr:a..-,-541:"..'",=4"0.;,‘.4,kff.,..--,5`0?-.; -LH • 1. • •••••;- • ,• - Viv" ••••r• • ,•• • • - • • Yik .1;:S • rr."„•. , 14.4 - " • ,'•••,.•:..""t- :'-„ ' "_ • : 4; , • f• ff •.•- .Iks4•••••:••,•4.1- • • f.,)! ' " • - " • .`••• At% 2.+Y ' • ..1•7„ ' 7V: ik . - ..-e. s° ` • • • --life . • -7. -. -,• - - '•', • fee ~,,4:ks'„ s : '47' Alpha . • IVO T ma • ". .. • -_ ...ItK -.: • • . • • ... •• • •• . •• :„ „ _ - •• •'"'„. • -•:•••• 1 '6' * • , • • , , • •• • •••• •, • ••„, •• • .‘ • Fl I NEW STORE`! NEVI *les t Ed . -to 7: AI . pimGanll • t with Illiskilasaaj ' , , ,r ji sus maw A - J eii elry Store or =owls IN 'PATTON'S BLOCK . With Starts A; Gorden's Store, Main Street, Towanda, Pi, wigs he ileitis PULL MI/ORTKINT of Gold k_Silv,er Watches' ANEi AMERICAN; CLOCKS, --- JEWELRY, Ris Stock la all XVI sad of the FIT QUALITY. all and as for yourself. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. • 4644. ZSGZAVING A , YPECIALTT. • I TROY, PA. w. keep on band =messily for, !Midas. LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATE; , • SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MEETING T'APER, PAINTS; OILS, VARNISHES, • CIDISPaut NAILS. WAGON NAKERSBIIPPLIES Fellows, Spokes Hobbs Pace Canine Thlzunings. Also s fnl line of NMI sad Man Hardin.% aid MI ltas of • • Curial* Platform end Lumber Wapiti, Ilada by as Vitt skilled mama, and ilirreated to nem pietkralar. ; BEARDSLEY & SPALDING, Hardware Dealers. ' Tly.t. ADM 27-ly I . - . BLANK BOOK MANUFACTIIBER BOOK BINDER, Al,frect J. Purvi s , UTICA. N. T 1 !TOWANDA. PA. an wort in his lima dose wall sad promptly lit lowestpsi .os. Parties belay vohimer - incomplete dill be faa dished with aripastanag bonbon at cost pries. JJI ordder pinta to Li. isulin.. Spent en Bradford Coma_ ty Irani' promptly executed an cording to directions. eept-tf • ,EO 11. ROSS Now oeespiss Qs &mass Stole opposite Dr. B. O. Porters Druir.Btors, Maio Bisset, • stints isms stock of GROCERIES, OF THE BEST QUALITY. _ / • Mr. nose has Axon= Sze's on Halmos fitrzraw J. L. Schoonover Is dub. The to el stores sr* connected by 'Telephone. lir. Noss cian now tea satisfied that he can give the . 1• ' BEST GOODS rce TEM LEAST MONEY . . Hisexperience enabled' him to select the bEs t goods, width hide bound to a LOW PRICE. You ow always get a bargain If you BUY YOUR GROOMES AT_ROSS'S.' All geode &disused tke Boroigta FRU. FARMILBS will do well to call .see their Produce and get the CAM. 20que2-Iy. M, HENDELMAN JEWELLER I 1 • _ L still , td be found at the OLD NTA.*D Next door to Dr. B. C. Porter's Drug &ore FINE AMERICAN AND J-E WE RY STERLING SILVER: !AND ] -:t T FINE PLATED WARE, i- I SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, FROM TUT 13113APIONT TO Tsur sari Sr ALL OF WIWI WILL gle IlloLD AT Til 1111Xr LOVIST', IVWCA; , MO% Tatars salt Joydrypromptly “salrol ty as sigosstimest asi sifisipeteat werelania. r , m. RENDELIimt. IMPUS4 • . - 1. ---- .L N. NELSON ,-.); • is._ flii&Lici k ti 1:.- - A.A:tv.AtiottEsi. - .,.4.;. coosi..;. _ ow, i. me ",x,I, .... , 14 . ;14 .:,.. . geosermoving....m._—.l, 4 „arwo. Atailllss pia VO Mein fialairilliii,, 1 . Tr= 11M=Mil •1 SPECTACLES, ETC. ilso I PAPER RULER. &a No 131 Genesee street, STREET,' t in= ♦ FULL Luni or WATCHES, CLOCK& ME EWE EEO ' - -;.:':: No* : - Adtatitterants. BTR_ENGTH to vigrouuSly push a hakes:, strength to: study a profession, strength to regukta a household, strength to do :a day's 'attar with out physical pans' All this repre sents what Is wanted, in the often leant earisloil ,"41111 ! I wish I had be strength!" If you are Wimp down, have not energy, or feel as if life wa: hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re . Allred to robust health and strength by taking - BEM'S IROIIBIT TEM which is a true tonic—a medicine univereplly recoil mended for a 8 lasting disuses. ( BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and (sire remedy for , Indigestion, Dy*sin, Malaria, Weakens-and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. it enriches the blood, gives new fife to the muscles and tone to the nerves. HAWS Wow Ante SICILIAN • Hai )2=lnria is a scientific combination or some of the most •powerfrd resters. tive agents In the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair In its original color. It , makes the scalp white and clean. It earn dandruff and humors : and blling.out of the hair. It tarnishes the nutritive principle by which , the hair is •noluished and supported. It makes the hair , moist, soft and glosiy, and is unimrpained as a hair *easing. It is the most economical preparation ever offered •to the public. as Its eiSsas firnEan a -king time. mating '.only an occasional application siamm!Oy. It is recommended and used by ' minent inedical men, and officially endorsed by the State Assayer of Massachusetts. Vie popularity of Hall's Hair Renewer has increased with the test of: many yelrs, both in this country and in breigu hush. and it is now known and Died in all the civilized countries of the world. For sale by all dealers. , The Bad end Worthless - are never imitated or counterfeited. This is especially tine of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had beeatested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was thapurest, best and most valuable family medicine on earth, many imitotione sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press and peo ple of the country had expressed the merits of H. B e ., and in every way trying to in: duce suffering invalids to use their stuff in stead, expecting to make money oa the credit and goal name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put win similar style to H. 8., ' with variously devised names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used in a way to inducepeople to believe they were the same as Hap Bitteis. All such pretended remedies or cares, no mat ter what their style or name is, and espe cially :those with the word "Hop" or "Hops" . in their name or in any way con nected.with them or their name, . are imi tations'ar counterfeits. Beware of tfiem.! Touch :none of them: Use nothing big genuine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or clus ter of ' green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. Various Causes-- Advancing years, care, sickness, disapj pointment, and hereditary predisposi tion=all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. Arzn's Ham Vtaon will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the •acalp. J giving, it a. healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. . By Its use tailing hairls checked, and anew groWth will be produced In 411 cases *there the follicles are, not stroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beautlfbily shown on trashy, weak, or sickly tido, on which a few applimiticnis will pri*lnce the gloss and *whom of youth. Harmless and sure In ita results, it Is incomparable as a dressing, mud is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone itimparts. __ Auses Hun Vicon is colorless; _contains neither• oil nor dye; and will not soil or color white cambric; ypt it lasts long on the hair, and keep: - It fresh and rtoroni„ imparting aa agreeable' perftune. For sale by all druggists. ' =I mitte AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! Far Gait. BM WS bral' am book. emoted Thirty-Thref ' , - ' -- 'Years Among OUR - WILD INDIANS ! a tn. mail d at miliimilliffirrblenimAnowat isiorksix arm lireg as skis bareftwom - - By Gm. Merman. We ow wet sae al and, adisedbal for IrYPeesiffs — Arms Ind eating Oasts. oaf by tba. pima% G. Cbsie. s Sksides. Goa. litsteat. sad tiosszsbof lbw bast Z. Our. Gam!, osys.--sit r, ebs low list se Aurae At eisr Jima? Roar iffetbodbt) asys•-,81 Sr a badtphismassa ssiss. - St bthe oplysstbes. do awmasf at ins ladissa fait fatty -II big emir stoma Ida" semi dobsys. ifle. ft la mile alb *Miss essatiesees at tbs Satbas;soof et fr. issataTtssfsm 0 0 . 4 a1SIfiamisJanksitatisas. ells..towty porengise Ufa ta Clisestilbst is it sow is. WA—tt lisps RitiSasst sad asperb Okstertareumili Ebro is IS ea" time plaiwyesibs wigs Ity Ida Cismassirsaitryrsafyibribitspestusat. 4161111111.1 purl bosk-ia saw aobssidast albisslol,ll. tiltirisia • *lamb stamp VI la MP ads. a air; Veinal IMO AIM asests si aaes: Jibp, daft lbsdistyamf *aid Aka Om. bassdisa sllla padiaibstanifteso dui Iffsebosli rats - 0111111salehaSst •II aid mow Adam Nis Imdfd, .1610111110321113XIMIMIXAMisityoals. INE •-.- _ - ; TOW,AttNI3A= = : Francint St... Baltimore Dining the was I was In jured inthe stinliachby apiece of a shell, and have -offered from iteversince. Abomfour yearsagoitimmet!mpar_aly 'is. wluch kept me in be d spa months; and the best doctors in the city said I ,could not:: live. I suffered fearfully from - indigestion, and for over two ears couldnot eat solid food :Ind fora large portion of the timely-as unable to ntiftl even liquid nourishment. tied Brown's Iroullittelsand now after taking two bottles I mu able to get up and go around and am ratadltimptoving. Drama, - • 1 -- , *) , critizitifititi'io*ittlitiii . .._ . . _ _. .. _ .BRAJDFORry,-,., ••••••••.. SELECT POETRY. RV AND _ Ithat will It masterly end bY - tbe• WPM belt* as arights = Whither St wound through darb or DOL L übder lOU or a gel**. Mien I look beat anti by by? What win StanisserifY aedbt Whether Wagged! *Mat aloe% Dented arta*, agatoia saran, • bUsetair the abut. tit Uw angel afgb. Ildatm nu think at the by and tW what wig* tastier lw and by Whether with lengthy joy twent Down through the YeUllirtui a glad tAlelent,, Newer beneurw m nay, mil s '• Tens would be tweeter lry and tw? What WM Unan!" tw and by %Whether with diet to eheertNe Isla Close i the pallid angel, Pain. - Soothing meat Qualms aob and Ugh, • a AU Win be elaewtee by and _ What twit sating, Naught, U I • Only am sure the Way I've trod, - Gloomy or glsshierbed, leads to Ova— Quesunning not, et the bow, the 'dm It I taU reads Ma by amity. • :Alit matter by and lby - Dubin, bet this: that .IWI CR Lifted roe aiwennd, helped to gain, Whether through rads, or male, of eigh, Busses—habie—all In all. by sulky. • —aargareg J. items& BOMB TIMILi "Some time," the blue-eyed maiden cried, “ &sae time VP be Arich man% bride: rn bare his gold when be is Ord, . And madly in a coach PB ride,* • c= ultimo timer the limyst.eyed =Men ailed - And blushing, turned rum race aside, "iaod grant It me). married be ' • To Wm whom Beaten shall provide." The bine-eyed maiden bad ber way She married one both rich and gray, And when he died she took his pith!, But that is all abe tick—they say. A handsome lover came ohe day, And bore the brown-eled meld awn/. - He was her lire, and abe—bla wire; What more Is there to ask or say? ,Paul Past= hi Msg. MISCELLANEOUS; AT BOARDING-SCHOOL. The tall, scarlet daldiss nodded in tbs . September breeze; the old watchdog lay asleep in the bland, yellow stunhine in front of the stone can ; and the late.blemnin' g Noisette roses, that garlanded the verandah cohumis, dung a subtle perfume on the air at Cedar Lodge, while in the great drawing. mom (" saloon," Miss Dorothea Baba= persisted in calling it, as her mother bad called it before her) the tide of -argument need hotly. • . And all about Effie - Myrtle Monogram I Myrtle herself sat in the corner, her lamb clasped so tightly that the , tarquoise ald garnet rings cut into her flesh, her cheek varying from pale to pink and then back again, while her large, startled eyes turned knit to one, then another; of the disputaiits. Major Benbazon,, with his coat buttoned tight across his chest, sat up very straight is the =web& in front of the table. " I say it's all nonsense about sending the elidd to boardingschool," said he. "She can play • Annie Lan& ,' can't she, and • Wearing of the Green r And she worked Ste a pair of slippers last fall, met bait, eat enough eccoinplishmeaki for any gut f" Dersithes amble= nodded her cep. strings vehemently, as she struck into the dismission. - "And .I my she shall go to boardin' g. sehooll" declared this ancient lady. "No. body's education can be called properly flis ished until they have been to boarding. school I went to boarding.ecbool myself when I was eighteen." • Humph :" sneered the Major, who had never been taught properly to appreciate his elderly sister. "And do you suppose your self to be a mixlel woman, eh ?" Wm Dorothea tossed her head, but thought it best to ignore the query. "I Till leave it 'to Mr. Julian," she said, " Well, ;agreedl" snorted the majbr. " We'll lease it to Ilr.Julian I" And Henry Julian ; the third inardian of Myrtle Monogram, silo had sat quietly pulling the ears of a silky rum Charles spaniel, all this time, looked up, with the least suspicion of a smile at the corner of his mouth. He had not been exactly pleased when be Mt learned that old Judge Monogram had nominated him as one of Myrtles gitudiaoi, at his death. "I knox little about girls," he said ly," "and I care less. But ofantral! the itesbezons will look aftex her=hn't shi thole Own niece ?" But Major Bran= and Dowd* his maiden sister; had never agreed on Mr sub. jell, yet, and Myrtle Menogram was no 'caption to their general rule; and at last the contest between them waxed so tierce that kr. Julian was called on to throw his dad sire rote into the scale. "To be, or not to be—a itdxml.i . tiS le said be. "'What does lrms Ifyrde herself say?* Myrtle was silent, coloring deeper than 1 - ," She agrees with me 2" cried the major, trinmpbantly. ! "She'd rather have a l gor- Cturatt likhotne." ; 1 st a "I hate governesses!" Sashed-out M I r "There?" said Was Dorothea. " dndl ain't eudire the idea of l" added Myrtle, bursting into team. vsj ' "Ph Pe mid the major. "I' don't see r trhy I'm to be bothered ao le aobbed"Myrtle.. "Other gists have ; a little peace of their hies, and why shouldn't -I? Oh, dear—aii, dear I I wish•l could go for a gipsy, or bi a Daughter of the Ilegbrumt, or go down n t imal mine, Ile Joan in the novel; or—" i ' i "Myrtle Monogram, are you drag raid Wm Dorothea, severely. • "Bless my soul r said the majOr, bizeth• yeiy short, aokstaring as if Ida epos inadd burst out qf his head;' "Pm *mid my sister is vied. Myrtle sisals a good, sbict course of tooardio'end porotbea bare spelled • "Spam for yourself, brother," mkt that OIS isity, scidbr. "Yes, atomise, she must - go to boarding.arbool In MyrOa bad deist' I her tears mini--she znis looking mem' todYat Mr. Julian. - Would be "not' interfere in bar Weal[ I Would he athrir bee to be exiled thus in Res herself t "tea,' aid he, "It =mei& lazy foe me to say saythin& The matter slay be comidered as siStled. A =jail* vote has been east In favor d the school project* - • • " rm. staid so," end " Ob, eletabdr uttered the major and ids Metes, is one breath, and Myrde got up and :snout alibi I'd pretty Ettle old ' ham Aw. "Bat 11 spoiled one, Pak alkaid." aigbid Major liathanan. "A 'aft thoulglitlepe ereature,!rizeniad Vfiliparethet. sheiang b bemo. ."flat newest you are here, Ur 'alias, you Ira SEM oat the matter with asT• had Ids. Mho,.rho Skid the peel dm WW I of 11111E= 9etri, the " sweet truth of the ifoieette usesk'eed tb,atom& *espy, golden bike dot stomodedl divide etoseddek amentel 'Mom moms f ::-51 *::: .54. 6;Q:V:..;: :- il:•'' :- t -- :t:•:` - 77 ,,, - - : , -.--- - ...,-.„:::• ,,,, ;' , 7-:-,..- . ., , , , .. EM thijo - ripaiib!: .. ... r., . iii bciiiiilbeueillie:triiilL:oiCi:limil .0 0 likkickat''ii r *otiliiiibillOr*-1 we** •• ' . "..ber.nieitOir iiiiiiNS:ll4).i for , - ~;... an 1 :,-... , , fid llow,Orieenivrent*..l4 -tierinitlst.. - - bi: ll lPiiiiol464 l ,.. MAI. 1 iSliti,i . reconcile .lisithi4o:-.1.4111*' plek - -t_ -: : ;. ' v .- :, ' ‘---_ ..'.:: , ;-: ,. :-:t . :. , .;:-, - ~. '''''- ,••-.-. 0 .1:01i$ lie ii,llybialipe4o4'iiiii weir; " : sidbe.' .;" fartiPdtnriere:,tlielintiltilL,' . • .",-, :E ., ! Briar'._.j do : yon>ltsiorr''-1.00 .:,1 - ifiallP i i * *111,1. :: !!) * - P l - 4 :- . 0140 - 11 4O'ir . - 71--!11 - j - . - : - t:: , : , .----::°-!,.':--: -.:-"::-.-- -.- "Ton nil harilbin#4,finf Otlier'ilifs. 4'l, biti4l*P!.'irdki;:i(Y4'-,.!".0**,,- sallorni,',litalthinnithh*- - rdthreet aa hies: %lona leinktenniti,:creingi*Orhinta3ab*: -: Ir* l4l l4ologin - e4i*tiii3.:_".-- ,-: - ,..i••- • ~."firt ritnitelheireO — afigerationiqsn. - ifseed:i*idrit4ftyrtli: - #.l.' Siatidti* Sheik 'Out A rani! for royself„. 100 it illir,itl. -- 401' ever iii OW, 11111 - edieltiaAlttleMil * *oaf bit*** her nith.4oo*****" ' and heir ban*: on -riy , - forelind,74 - 7nilthii, for rigor *sing inalitobefkOSCertOogli'lo . ask - mehiroarry him.* ..: -: .: .- *--..- -•_':'-* .. _ ...: • - .: , 4titsia Opal tiot . 14 _ •H : -..;'' . - .4 1 ,7zde1" I, l ld. 44 - ,'.**ll area : Vitiiii lo g,E l . As girt? -.-'- ;, . . • ' . _ _. - i - : , 1 ~; .. - "Yea, Inappase I - ant; paid' She; :. mesh- 1 tatively,." or else.' Should - be. - :titlighted . : ea" the prospect of ! . .sierding-acheol.. • lift -hun. deed &Oen, in . advariCe.. .I don't bellm * Partials *alt. '. Oh, i , it Uncle l - would only let ,me have ' air innadred . to WU a *hi to -sail on. , Clear Hi to bay Bed ~Ptslerlch,. the roantnnifor, : that old lir: Seght !inhere to sell at auction week!" ' "1 dna Wu tai if I wee lon I would dwell w thaaa, things," miller.. Julian, or waning a mile. " A youggildy--" "Meg* it, is!" War* bdearaptad 111116 Ma. "A 70 lady! Clk law didn't Paavideace inake - ma" amiaddig eLst I . would *lima lava been aid to, b# plow.bay. Pays daet tin to- g i to bmadinipachool." - I . . , Surma looked earnestly Ut bk. Re SS trying to sham Uncle Buishais Beebeaqu's original opixdon that it vas almost apijy t to cramp such a regal niture info thoodhodou wmid of any "Bstablishse*t for YoUng Indies." Myrtle was odd, . Wings, abler inn she was on g' And be missed ber ',bon at list she .as sent away, aobbhig as if horlieut would. bniak with the big tom* vela non;of dream frills Franc it boots alp lace collars (Atm, and the pletirtuninobookiA at her thou., , " too bad to book Abet nirectoome tittle head of hem," said be, . "Bat she must be edacat4, You itup rrP argued Major Biabszaa„l4 I "And she was malty Untirely be. yond my control," added Yap Borethes„ #°'gnu, Busy Mahn stayed, militia! imondeed, for the Monist St.' Bicbstdtots-b and foe the fishing; bat itwasaisuifrionebrafter lily* Skew= 'was gem+, -." • 1 It bad pew sesmod port o,bt bit an*, sidosioebilliAletibiAlimeo . - eon, did Mha *Mises ray No; ft never . 3ould be posed. that Myrtle could be or. Before the stipulated month of his wish was out, turnover, Myrtle .Monograns mite acme—walked most orreiPectedly into the red-curtained dining room, one itindy, tem pestuous November night, her French kid boots all bunit out, the hem of her blur foulard gown in tatters, her tars tangled, and a resolute glitter in hex era L "rye run away r said Myrtle. come back home on foot; and rd sooner die 'than go back again But.—but—why .in you all look so pale and troubled? What 'a in thaeletter Why are you trot glad tr we mar And she threw hew% white and tend' ed, into Aunt Dorotheee arms. i I "My dear—niy dear," said tbs gdod old soul, who was shaking like a leaf, "you have Bung away Your last chance—an eau etdiou that might fit you to be a l _ seven:ow. This Wes barons the lawyer in New Sork. Those mine investments have _ tamed. out the merest bubbles, and you areas= as the waitress. in the -kitchen. • Ohr, tlel--and, to think of the six hiparea lam that you have Wasted by ; this mad freak!" Myrtle lad rallied henna by this Gni. stall 1114 1 pale, she stood looking at the facer of heNcliasliens.-' " I go back?" she asked, .in strange, tone . tone. "Ma li4 Mauna de arv.. pardon? 'Oh, Annt Dorothea,,l tiU , . Ulm tell tne4ol I don't mind, being poor midi; but , --bni— l moat %an to earn 4lit9emonel to saPPnt rid and Uncle Barney Mt Julian-41r. Julian, tell ma whit I sal to do r And she fainted in the old ladfi arms. "Poor thing—poor thing l" 'sighed Aunt Dorothea, "she is tired out. Walked all the way from New . Orleans. Why, that must be , forty miles! And to hear sunk news ai this at the end of it I My poor Myrtiel-poor, pettal,' - 'spulea dull! TO me, Mr. Juan, is there noth in g kit of ;ridge Monogram's money!" " And Mr. Julian umrsied, lith I knitted srows and compressed lipi: ,"Notishw The sulks, gm dawn= rd. the shin au. Coma mOnnAg bad sem* penetrebd the animus putains of the song breakfestpu. br the next morning, when ~My crept sof* in. Mr. •Inikin, sitting at a di*. fnfl of pspess—stekt -• •.• • y was Wow CM. der of the day 4: igoa" end the the vu - • iambi "Myrtl!" be add. "My poor 1" Bat Myrtle woo atm now, and imposed. "Please don't pity me. Yda intiani" maid abet.. "I-1 begin to think,l have deserved But advise me. Do you think kladame de Paregs wiU receive SW again, after I ban set het anti:Amity at naught l De won it be bettor for me to learn tologrard% or abort-band writing, or some of those j trades by which I can more: promptly suppott_ sop self and the dear 4:41 snub and met *bp have bein ail in aU to me so long? I 810 mat an beirausi vity beiger. I sznat be s irotkiO oromatcnov." I " ozne hew: MP* * alud ilanY lee" with a strong quiver b his ", Law Myrtle, don't bok ae white • aid frigidenegi lam s slab man. I nxbey enough- is nuke 14 your tones half is dosiiiinlat over. I would have done so wfthoet aimed tolos, if Ms Brahma bad not cokes not so no. adrisedAy. And I wen by it an at your leek sooner than that you should spike 5 single pang of grief Eke fhb r " TU. very kind et you,* len Myrtle, eoldb , ; "bot Of'cosour I could not MNII4 it at, your hands.* . "WM you let aa laid if" add Jelin, with a eartaisColdindoes whkkkildla did at didika "WM Ica lat ala speak 'he aid is is isy bout? WM kt ins ta pa um I love ton aft*, and kai attlOlnta4 it it WM peed' r% to .1310107 : losaab loamy - • - MaM)AY, OCTOBEIL2O. 1882. FNMA "oobeodan et bit sips amisiet o Ise me, aska thoutbalogg illOl 40044 - /4 ad rota an ig 110 1 1 1114210 1 / 1 144 11 ,111id 4110. 44 disd poor, sod brieTio 10614 air fataimr the aine," bei amwmd, to both far hunk in his. ."I . wag 700. N0 pro. am* imild as' 4ffet be to tee mbet.-sos itte—i7 , -Mystie,' se* bearfe Vela Tali t n illitalinleleit MN? I " 7Z M I X* • "Andjva lkire mer - - • *Tu."' Idadinie de Pangs, vamp wrote ins* Maid Wee. to Masi Lodge ootootalag SON lgooosount massy abottoombir and boiloaloga, Doi* got "Lee truant 1146 lockagok—and Myrtle loot ow fortune Golf to edn 'another; Aial Major Btabo. aoa oaqiekbled, "ad so was Woo Doto. Eat mem that Nit* la Both a oldlll" flioine loCiiibotli , odd tbo: , thiabling. "Boonipsionlvennet sminiod ntorrootetm, !tam % Moo that nob, obokoul be." • Andiron Badmen was aikmosd bjr air usamiretible arpunent.--Estat Arnie orates. , • TRICKS OF SMUGGLERS. At one of the Pada harden there adds a smarm of the Contrivances used for smug gling of liquors into the city which have been captured on various occasions by the employes of the octrot Here are plies of ;annum white plates, the top one of which on being lifted off shows a cylinder of tin Pieddisg the reminder of the pile. Here ,are rolls of linen, which are merely; a few- pods of stuff wrapped around a tin km faibbned of the requisite sham and with 'socks adistkidtr finished off with strips of linen set on sad. Hae is the boat of India. ;rubber of a i usake.beline wetamme, who 'used to inks her little charge out daily to beeithe the tie& air beyond the barriers. Ewe are two great blocks; of stone that , on closer inspection prove to be tin-lined boxes with ,artbticelly thing ends, Hare are three Stout folio volumes bound calf and Li belled "The Phikiscipby of Nations." With than books ander his aim a pole, interest. Ing.boking young student used to wander forth into the suburbs to pursue his itedise. ,One ftay an inquisitive Custom House • grownsuspirious from thefact that the plab always carded oat the smne books to lardy, insisted on.opening one of these vol. isms& He found that the leaves had been nicely cut away with a sharp knife to afford a meant niche for saguaro esse.bottle„ which _was lilted with brankv—is similar contriv ance adding in:each of the othettwo books. Bat the clove, rest trick of all was one which VU very famplitated and costly in Its de. tank but which must lave pdd handawnely, as it was puked on for months without de. faction. ; A lady and ' gentlenum, seated In a phin, respectable looking coupe, drearily a good brae, and driven by a ciasm in lively, were want to , drive ditto the Bob de Boa** every afternoon ietaraingusa, dly about dusk. The gentlemen was di deafly ai hriaffiL Ile was always envelopdi b a tar.lined desk, with the con rand IMMadlitht dm* sad bid !Oar cape polled desk over bill bforeworldb the littb , that could bit seed of kb comatenanee was of a sickly pallor. He was always reclining in • maser of the carriage, as if too feeble to sit erect, while his attentive wife sat beside him evidently solicitors for his sure, being especiaDY careful .to keep his cook well wrapped around bin. The oddities of the octal saw his vehicle and its inmates pars by Orem daily without suspicion. One. day, Miniver, ,after snaking the and in. query; Hare yen anything to dischise r the Custom ',House offlearritn chilling the door, struck the supposed ismilicre ' foot. I beg your pardon, sir," said the ollicer. Ba'response...not so much as an brdinatiUn of the bead. Bather surprised, the officer minted bb remark in a louder tone, at the same time, touching the sick man's shoulder. At that Moment the lady and coachman leaped Lem their respective place; and fled away with surprising swiftness; leaving in the hands of the dicers the bones, the car. liege' and the invalid, garbieh last was found to be mods of tin and ailed witlibrandy---his face being most artistically constructed in wiz. The space under thirst of the =pa and the coachman's box were also reservoirs of tin, so that the smuggling transactions of the party bad been practiced on amy as tenths ads.—Progrem. • ARRIER PICEORS AS COURIERS. The employmmt of carrier pigeon as ~otniees between military stations in Arsons kand other vectione it the Indian rottntrY where the telegraph Hues are being jmn. stantly infe:fered with by the hostiles, and whim the topography is not advantageous toteliographing and other ordinary methods - of signalling is receiving the serous atten. Sas of the War Oflice. .Ina letter of , the sth Vt. from Port Towns mei, Wyoming, Often' Belson A. Miles siya thiy can be mide very useful in this &retina, u he bad leramstiated to his entire: satisfaction, and General Hazen, the Chief 'Signal* Officer. I who is testing every plan and suggestion looking to the greater efficiency of his bureau and increased benefit to the general public, his • taken the subtect actively in hand daiirieg to make this ageuiy a valuable ally of the army in its conflicts in behalf of I itvilintini against the barbarism on our Western plainx Vet 20C miles these pig. semi will travel as fast ES the railroad rapid mail and through a hostile country will I reach ttudr, destination more .surely than 'mad men. jiying by eight they are as. ply valailla in regions where, there are prominent - mountain peaks. - Between two sock posts as Forts Thomas and Apache sad Thomas. and San Orbs, Arizona, entirely a hadiltocumtry, broken and difficult, and. in 'which laved is slow and ahemt impossible whagthe brrervening diming are. flooded, the rrag a * . • .• fad* • • thea kannfacturer of and Dertkr in 3 1VIAN HAIR • GOODS dent, not dar. icis,immDllllllX, th• Motu' telaine Braid, BILONGIIIOto maiILUIVISILDIC 84 there sire two 1110;1 i " Will r !sham eenval tobamo balls say Idielpileket.. Unbars fa aoky one Ideal kwe saw ties feennion the iftairlida. f• It thin are two serer sonwhir% - 0113 e the taxis la, and Ilan* to let go Ow plow lan. dles withboth . bands at apes. I watt the ado aaa takes cot.* ' It is a Wenn art that the young, inea eat &nen is a 4terk corner and waited thew quirk= et an dm for the toiler to biota' the too Mad pocket. Job one.—enrcrea ;,~;,: Mli sam Ibmmer ITiloaleirlltltientWasfkis Warrior—Toont beau toad as %mesh. snit depitment; a n y Om. _wed sampled le that *pose need ay*. . . mortar calkd at the time that the ad. vertimemeat appointed, tit not tor the pur pose at posing as "a Arm" ! - • "We Ms women tor disk twoos," mid the abophsepw.. "My boluses is air foam Look about you Nod you 1.111 axe - ot, keit hely Willa@ of all um% alive and doves =mid at maid in the frantic edam, to demi ray attention, yr that I may engage their... Mess. This woolen we rise fox ninny thin., to Az drum On and pin okab to, and to piaa bats over, and, In fact, tor arogildng except to, talk to or to neon with. Obi they all Ind it niressiry to bring their felt towns to vs, bat after the day's bail:was hi over -we : are net interested fa whit OM 410 with this. Whether Awls, thin asietallybyin theirbursens, atipiesf, the wind oat althea or read them. ts. now it oar bathises- - ; - - - "The Women coins from at parka - the city,. and us soon - as they mama tbensielves to us Ira send them rip stairs' to our tors =am: She rases on their sagas*. U the g , are up to the required standard ens en. gage es!' and • pay them 118 per week. Theyaresupposed to remain here from 9 de oek in the maxim until 6 *tam' kin the tmsdng, and besides being used as figures' they sometimes carry bucalles. "They are mach more handy than the ordinary dummy, became we an simply di. rest them what to do, and ere are in mcgt instances obeyed. It is true we cannot kick them into one corner when they are in the way, as be an ivith the wire figure, but, you know. there are drawbacks to every, ad. vantage. The great majority (*women who answer our advertimmentik ate about 40 years of sp. They hive, no dente, at am time been pretty, but now there is a and corn. mentary upon the double shale of time in their appearance. "In the busy session, as it is at. present,' said the storekeeper, with that insinuating tone that a barber uses whin .he ingests shanipoohg, "the poor, dear girls have a great deal to do. When a holy wants to buy a dreg, one Of the figures is, Called up and she puts the dress on to &hair haw it loots. She walks* and down the shop bar sev eral times and impresses the buyer with the beauties of the dress, Which I I srftl con& dentially say is due in a great measure to the beauty of the figure. Then the dress is sometimes purchased. Very often, him ever, the lady is not satisfied with , the ,find drees,! and the operation is continued hide& nitebri In case the purchaser desires to brtj • cam . the *pre has to robe herself in all the furs of the season ih order to phase the customer. The figure dresses and un. Indies perhaps 100 times in the course of the , , " Vilhen the girls are very attractive, they are very good advartimommts for the stores la which they are employed. Their beauty Amu coders. =X. P. Mail. ctrr MARKETS. A bird's.eys view of a huge city way is thimaining would often pore s revel tiliL What activity and Ammar are said while :the teepee of .ths generally, is yet but half awakened. -- The east,' nsorrdog hours are powisely the busiest ind tile most culling in 'rabbi field* Of labor, and note bly in platints: 1n socelled market towns, or produne_centres in rand diStricht, the es citament of the weekly market day sculmin ates &Vernon, but in the densely populated cities, where it teeming Crowd imam forth for every element, in every hour of the day, 'the concentrated inter* of a large market lies in the earliest morning hours.- Then it is that 'wagons groaning under baskets in numerable obstruct the streets; then it la that strange countrified humans jostle each 3ther upon 'the curbstones, and stalwart butchers, laboring under wonting hundred weights of beef, stagger to their stands; then it is that the braped-up baskets of fruit, and the iweetamelling cart loans of fkorers' went the air, and that out of amfusicm, parentlyinestricedde, order arises, ,tbat out of chaos the eternal cry for food is met and answered! later on, when hundreds of pedestrians replace the units with their wa gons, it is litre a =Men calm, for although the market teems with humanity, it is ha manity relieved !tom the incubus of heavy loads ; it is humanity minus the wagons and the baskets, the 'straw packing and the cord age. There is no scene in the world cam-' pamble to that glimpse of a busy market in the dawn, whether it is witnessed when -the Opting sunbeams give promise of a day of loveliness, Or when the heavy clouds clia. charge the lard ensuing shower before the daybreak clears the harken. In every great city the same scenes atm be witnessod, mining only in tho number and the variety cd the human beings whose energies have brought their wares hundreds, perhaps thou sands, of miles to the great amporiur . ns, but there in different lends the lilceneas ceases. Here aa in the great. British =glop& the market hours szersoon over, and excepting upon recognized days the purchases after 10. o'clock are comparatively few, while in Pads and other Continental towns; where thrifty housekeepers expect to do their' reasketing . in person ? the busy ream are perpetuated turta noon. SMALL AND BIG OYSTERS. " .T. rrappose I bays opened enough eye; "said an eminent azitst in that line to) a. vlio bid just made a hearty dinner on seven smidi Shrevaburys, " .to pare the Battened with shells from ("antral Park to Yankeek" And no doubt he bad, if e lO years in the service—most of the time be. hind an oyster counter, with a tremendous rash of business-4M produce such a stn. pendorui remelt "I used to open Saddle Rocks,' he went on, " when there really were Saddle Roche u big as your int, fresh cdf the old Saddle Back. People need tc like big eying in thaw days. 1 11 showed a :reeved taste, but it is so. They hadn't 1 : aY yet that Ude Oysters are sweeter rag bout tains en way bolter. It was the style to and ai ," biggest oysters roe could Sad, „and &waif ' wanted thin. Well, it made leer ;'"gi for us. Why? Bemuse a big 'Ortai l Os 1. more trouble to open than a lit* one, nem can't eat half as many. 'When to epee Sian half a dozen Seddk We opeu him a dosessiond e, ion Pint : , s nowalays. Big oysters- bare tier PloPer Plea buocktf; and bag starthere• They belong in tiles • and ' monks", else: 1 They. bare ' besdnew to be oaten Tait thin big Zia lave. ' Nobody thinks - of eating °Abe Isiltdießnerandayebut inzttrY me. When a reel bay-maker comes to town ha goes,: for hie oysters_ before be , stoles Irian a chip theatre. And'ha wants limn juit as big as be an get them. So we ,'always keep soma /me ones on band, though there Is not is* &nand for them. Sweet ?,., It's *Si _eating' a piano of rdli.' .oot hi &e'er. cue of the , blunt Grim Theifir just the Miens* Mr, between a WO sad a sold oyier tint this helm. Aims eirdash and a, init. The only midi of , the ass is -that -be valets :8D powls; the other, think ': . low_l •Ar sired, boadir,,delloba: - , • :,-. z .. b USQ . handlers sad the its _ LILL/ j EWE GOOD . 150itei ..--i vurrass oriusti) %roux. Apt; take off yet* cost einly lu tbs fight, ey moo. !Met be afraid of hard work. B isn't hurt you. Ten o'clock isn't too lite to knock off, and .5 'o'clock, ilciurn't Come so very early in the morning. to a young man. It doesn't comae* early as three, but two hours, and yet how often do you go to bed Id 3 ? No? rio glad to bar you say it, because While 3 o'clock is a very early; hour at which to rise, it is Paradozioally a very "hie*. at which to go to bed. In order to be rip with the kit in the Sunning, Telems. chalk it Isn't at all nomeamy to sit up with him all night. But if you ire at work, the midnight oil won't hurt yon. It will do you good, bemuse the bard workers -ant , king ems. You'il naive work *melt to death, my. boy. Nov thee's your *ter; sho more'liable to .overwork herself thin any . nun you eyes knew. ,I belArre the caw .lork.mottotonoti scat* of old Burks% duties' and domestki awes,. or . *mg Nausicaa's mini over the fan* landry would "Silo tddistman is Amer. Italie Owe& _lt is fru thaiircenin'swork goes on forever, but then, Ws your soul, fair Hermisne, that worry you. Yon don't go on forever to do it all. • And you don't have all of it to do, even where you live. Mania - met goes on farrow, too; and I'm ghat of it. But rm= not going to day here to do ; it all, and reboil% do any more of my own while Ido stay, than lam °bilged, to. Don't fret because -woman's work goal on forever.. ,You will have shirts to make and socks to darn for Neoptolemns not more than fifty or sixty years anyhow. And as for you, Telanulurs, it isn't bard work that destroy, young men; it's the in. tervals that kill. I . It's the relmation that Data Some tim4„ you may 'wake in the morning with the worst bead upon you that ever made you sigh fOr death. And you weren't sitting up to work until 2a. ra., either. Ton will know there isn't a line of rustl or a unit ,of mathematics, - or one stroke of hoteit•hard work in that headache that is going to throw one more wasted day into your bright young life. If you had. burned the: midnight oil over the work. beach, at the forge or at the desk ,or at the lathe, it would never have manufactured such a headache is that. -It might, and it would send you to bed tired as a ahadcnr of death but you would open your eyes nest mowing on an tamest.world of hope and =shine and manly ambition; without a bludi at shame. in all its radiance, :You'll ;never work yourself to death, toy boy. The harder you work, the less mischief and trouble you will get into.—Burdeffe. A SOCIETY SWELL. A correspondent of the Washington Star gives the following extraordinary description' of what he calls a New York society swell: The young man (he' is about thirty) did not walk easay., He had on a pair of dead black shoes, with) untanned -leather tops. They were decorated by fancy stripes along the aide of the foot and over the toe, and were BO absurdly narrow .that they looked like de formed feet, and rendered the movements of ,the ycrung man far from graceful, though he `druggledtiard to preserve appearanCee. His legs were covered by a pair of bowers that MRS simply amazing, so tight were they cat. - It would almost be hnixessible 'to sit down Without sPlitthrg theta - across the knee, as Air as can be judged from appearances. They were as tight - air eel-skin ell the way down, fitting' round the ankle as snugly as a stocking. This rernaiicab , le expose of a man's development is not• advisable when bile legs are not up to the standard. The freers= in question were a very light green with dark stripes. Above them was a vest that siretched from thilchin to a line just even with the hip bones; and was cat straight acmes. The vest was of _light material and looked odd, it was so extremley short. The cutaway coat was biettle green, and fitted a jersey: It was, indeed, a trial of the tailor's art in one sense, but it is far too tight to be becoming. The sleeves were nearly as tight as the bowers, and the coat tails were very keg, hanging as far down behind as the knee. He wore a collar that lapped over in front, and was certainly higher than any other collar I ever saw in America. It forced his chin up in the air, and caused the sunlight to scintillate on his single glass. Around the neck was a green scarf with a hound's bead in diamonds for a pin. Above it all was one of the huge Eng lish Derby hats with a great' curling brim and heavy crown. He wore yellow gloves, and carded a stick with a twisted handle by its lower end, so that the handle dropped nearly to his feet. 'The vacant stare con. plated the effect, and he limped along while the others envied him I This is no ideal . sketch, but .a faithful picture of a leading so. arty man in New York in the year of our Lord 1882. - VRE AMERICAN BRAKEMAN. . A good many harmless, but none the less undeserved squills are fired by the newsps. impress at the passenger train brakeman; The average brakeman is defective in deco. tirmari training, and does not understand the oratorical charm' of a musical voice and a distinct &amid articulation in announcing such names as " tililckshisuly," " Patagum. Pik" "mow Hauck" " Smelfaugml," " Eat Elver," "Sliocknuinebtaile " and hike . specimens of railway station nomenclature. The defect is in his education, and is more a misfortune than a fault. Let -the fanny itemizer ty.his vocal capacity at repeating day in and day out with' monotonous itera tion the same set of names, and he will in a abort time have. what newsboys and street hucksters /ave, a , partial paralysis of the tongue that would make his syllables run together automatically in spite of himself. This, we imagine, is the cause of much of ilu the s Solurrency complained of in the: an notiaossmant of abalone -by brakemen on paarienger trains. It cannot be denied', how ever tied many brakemen are inexcusably maim in this matter . from pure _built's?. once and laziness: We are r e minded of one of this kind who has served for several yaw on a local train in New Jersey, who sings out ,NA a wearied drawl : " Staash Mark. white ? NOE," which, being interpreted, means : "Next station, Market street, New ark." APPALLING Pommy zx Losocrs.--ies poverty Of Landon is indeed truly appall ing; writes a cotrespondenrof the at. Louis Globejiesocrat, and it is dealt with as tad it club a machinery of holm= complex. - iv and curnbenomenow, which manages to get through its day's work some time or *ker. In London, theoretically, no one need starve or went a bed. ?tactically some one does darn, st boat tin the average once a week an the, year round, whsle in the chilly months of Winter rely a night losses but some poor Wretch is, diamond at doled streak of demi' frozen on a door. dep. The' Will system . of relief au telkast,if yon only have "a, knee' from the relieving - °Mow; Any one an get d's letter by main' g for it, so that, as I said bs. fore, the system Perhet Paper- puede% Winnow, the - :dieting ollkor„ from whom the letter of moommenddkir utast botobtained, lives away tram Um Pox licome, idters the leiMs must tm pre. tfj:l-, -.-4:7,4),A ,4, IW';7-. it,4411- '..:trLiAl:Eat.,,_- ~ts-'4,4 74. ~:;:' ,`:' ,,r -'••;'"rlw=?'"ll'- :, . , --,•-_'. ;• I'' ''‘'.:,*s4 ~..2-s, ,",/*° "" -.. '-""i- -;r4';'..i., ;4- '4*-3tit..-%'2 ~' C-.: - , t;:.; ,tA - ' ~--.,s :-,-..:: ,-.1- Mil =IA .1.150 a Tare; '171418 - 01 , ,MMItEllIr Vacs* Odle& Omni - 111101 ra• • . - The Etch -11 Plumni ,1 4 111 0 1 441111 eery lad, all over Kanlockyoil in some mlitlei are complained of ai a nninmee. -,Tba average Wary of HaptioTh_sokeiokos' In this mangei is aid, by:. writ is the MOW /gantlet, co be *boot .1101) soor. num. —An Indian' knit, .to MO caw So the wedding ea ti aa eras sigma a ran at s awe ands belt by Ws Maze arfiszhatir member of the Social Of *Waft lowa, admitted M:k. cameo Sok compel amp adult naLlent 4 ge, to dam& owe eray Sunday DO the subj 'sets of the of horny keep Sunday r was mind et ads— " Yee,. he rep ti "sail orai7. Wag eke they eau lay thew beads ea," 1--BEI Nye., &damn , "One matey, nue flag and onewite." file brims .- never pined b make thosSarriage teasel at bie family Bible look ble t betel ugh*. • —"Row choosy 'so are rte7id tbe atia. tress of the house, at the tab* as the sailer ; spilt the slaw over a:_ipatefita doh - dom. ' " There won't Ask same enough lilt to ge' round now." —" Doctor,' said the. pmt, netting him on the street; " I want you to tell me what is the mutter with 'net.' When I wake up in the - morning I feel dna—stupid as an " Humph ! And how did you feel when .you went to bed the night before!' eh' --` 4 ph, re," said the tramp as is tear glistened hie a guns.drap upon his sun. Stained face, " 1 served daring this entire war." •After stowing away the, camfbrtabla breakfast that vas given bin he finfithed the sentence—" I was a waiter in a Canadian Wit."! in stake • Peder4sn, mho' has dropped a perm, in front or Ise poor" blind man"—" Why, you Numb g, perm not Beggar—" Not I, sir the eard 3sys I am, they mast have given me the wrong one. rin diaf and damb."—Bados Ninacript. The old slave market Zensiss where formerly 80,000 slaves was Sold as. nnally, has been transformed into madam preidess, with a chisel, mission home and school, under the charge of the Universities' mission to Africa, started in 1839 at'the wog. gelation of Dr. Livingstone. —.Plantation Philosophy: A chandlers deserves whipike de most when , its father is oaten . humor. Dar's. a ole sejing what says neber hit a boy when yer. are mad. 1 wouldn't give a cent ter hit him any udder time, case I ain't gwine to fight nobody when Pie ir. a good humOr.—Arkerrearc Trweekr. —A. bill was passed by the 11 matt three years ago authoeiiieg anybody to open an institution of retreat for drank. ards. 'Mends ofttetoperance believed that great geed Would' be accomplished, but Lai government inspectors report that only two retreats have been started, and tha inmates are restokted. —A prevision, broker Of Otimgo, in con, versaf4on with a New Yorker, • speaking of the eteileete l -teizi heldoem, rind i " Why, it is a tiindtive fact 'that therei axe Imo- than 200,600 dressed hogs in.:Pik:mg° to-day." Sus friend replied in aoonishment,- " Why, I thought your popes something over halts million." - _ • - — "Are you the Judge of reprobates? laid Mrs. Partington, as she walked into u . office of s Judge of Probate. " am a Judge of Probate," lass the rye "Well, that's it, I expect," qnoth the_ old hay. You see my father' died detested and he !eft several little Odds, and Imant to be' :heir exeentkmer.T—Boston Pat —fifteen lives . are last on tae Beitis b . mast each week on an avenge, and thus in wenty.eix years about twenty thoesend per ems have perished. Theselosses have gep. =By been regarded as inevitable, but' 4 society has been formed for Ip:wiling places of refuge on the coast for fishermen and other- marines. Convict labials tot used in the construction of these hiebors._ , —There is se rious defect in tie stain( of General Jackson in Lafayette square, Washington—la least in the estimation of as ionest Hibernian who stood the other day. watching it long and closely. "My fdend," remarked a passer-by, "yon seem to admire the 'statue. Do you see any defect' n it'?' " err," Vall the "14 ; it's all defect. The op man should be sitting in his chair in he White House over there, and riot in the saddle on that brown horse r • —"Father, said the young man, as he leaned on his hoe, " they Bay the %knee of trade's" agin us." "They do, eh r "And that Our bank feriae are rapidly . aminish ing." "Du tell!" "And that nzoad ex tension has Dome to halt." " Well, I swan" And that the volume . oir semi ties is suhstantudly without a isorket." "Grog snaked I Wsll,-I neva I Am do they say anything about a feller stopping to lean on his hoe to talk when be might as well talk and•• hoe, too 2" Bea nsume..l • work; —A curious scene Wu viinewsi b Pike ninety, Gs., a few days ago. 1, negro wonwir( was on trial on the charge of at tempting to steal a chicken. -During the trial a street light occurred near the court zoom'and where,* witnesses could see the combat. They (02e and all left the court room, followed by attorneys, prtneoubsr and defendant, leaving Judge Prost alone In his majesty. After roooftring from the shook; of being left - so udder:di aerie, it isuid that the Judge, in all solemnity, said, "The Mart will now take a reoess." The ewe was not*/ed again till the next evening. ' z. HEIR? BIRCH. a Hz probably the most Mehl. Wag- itlin to be found in New .N 114" writes a earrespondent of the Berthed Time. "He has lateky tekis a new Noe of activity. Hobnob* as be is bibs* at, the cii; lamsukitizian bassi grid' ID i s g kr the theatre. He goes there vary Mee, sod though , be newer smiles, ale Mete soma that he finds some arjoyment is ft. Sid now Mr. Bergh is paying special attendee to the matter of safety fa the thestam He has constituted . himself a genial Inspector of aisles, exits, is., and when be defocus anything in the anangemant of theme 'alit does not meet his mat* be writes as as. tocratie letter to till) Department of 'Bleb\ lugs about it and insists that the mast @boil be attended to.. There is no doubt at ; &lithet some of the New To& amine me mere tinder bass and death tap; and If,. Derek same& in redming thediQter is thew he will do an ameba mak He seems to have taken - bold 'at - thoses be mmat it, and he seys it is Met his baijit to op until what he bee set ost totdo doom The Department of cbmbe ups hien es as cecina intedopek bid hs doesn't mind that. He is pretty well mad . to as& th ings; and they dwelt" Mug _ id. The theatre amp= don'tliis Wave Idnisoileg mound en their peenime, bine 4011111% riled that 'Mar. - Re assess Webb WA be lie toned a rent mimics lid meson to bellow it up.* . . 1111 =I IMEN MBE NO. - 22'1 ^""--. ,_, = ^ • ••-•"".•:i..1.,_ - ~~~~, ~ arc ■ ffil SEE