Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, October 19, 1882, Image 2

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00 AS. L. TDA(3Y,
•'.ef ODBO7 1101dOMB. :Editor.
C 16418. 'II. ALLEN, Associate Editor.
"Reasonable lazes, honist ezpenditures, com
petent officers, and no . stealing." Harpers
Weal y;
. . •
Patera la the. Post °Mee at Tawaada as
Plillatelpkta Committal.
Governor. •
Republican S
Ilarrisbarg Ceateatioa.
- Gnaw.
JAWS. A. Bl{Arga:
Judge 418uPreme atilt Jeclife of Supreite Cove.
Seep of/sternal Affairs;lseey of lalernai Affairs,
4 Arsgireumno-at.Larpe, '
For ,Congress.
HON. C. es JApWIN,
Republican County Ticket.
Hon. W. H. JESSE P,
R. S. Matihews,,
And other speakers will address therineeting
• ATHENS—Oct. 10, evening. • Speakers
Col. C. J. Arms Col. Chester N. Farr.
SMITHFIELD October 20, evening.
Spankers --Col. Arms, Col. Farr.
• FRANKLLN—Friday, Oct 20.
Speakers—Hon. E. L. Hillis, L.
CANTON—Oct. 21, evening. Siieakers
- —Col. Arms, Col. Farr.
ULSTER—Saturday, Oct. 21. Speakers
—lfon. E. L. Hillis, L. M. Hall.
; ASYLUM—Monday, Oct. 23. Speakers
--Col. E. Overton, Jas. H. Cothling.
V)WANbA—Mass meeting, Oct. 24.
Spciakers—Gen, Beaver, Hon. W. H. Jessup,
_R. Sackett Matthevis.
ROY.-Wednesday, Oct. '25. Speak
ers—Col. E. Overton, John N. Califf..
. POTTER - MTN—Wednesday, Oct. 25.
• speakers--Jas. H. Codding, J. P. Keeney..
WEST GRANVILLE--Wednesdaj, Oct.
25, at - Grange Hail. Speakers—Capt. B.
M. Peck, R. A. - Mercur.
ALBA—Thursday, Oct. 26. Speakers—
John F. Sanderson, J. P. Keeney.
GILLETV--Thursday, Oct: 26. Speak:
era—John N. Califf, R. A. Mercur. .-
TEItR.YTOWN Thursday, Oct. 26.
Speakers—B. M. Peck, M. E. Lilley.
ARMENIA—Friday, Oct. 27. 1- Speakers
—John F. Sanderson, J. P. Keeney.
LITCHFIELD—Friday, Oct 27,after-'
noon, 2p. m., at Grange Hall. peakers
—L. M. Hall, J. Andrew Wilt.
SHRSHEQUIN—Friday, Oct. 27, even
ing. Speakers—L. M. Hall, J. Andrew
- Wilt. "s.,
BENTLEY CREEK—Friday, Oct. '27.
SOeakeis—John N. CAM, R. A. Mercur.
SMITHFIELD— Saturday, October '2B.
Speakeni--Col. E. Overton, B. M. Peck.
28. Speakers—John F. SandeFson, J. P.
Oct. 28. Speakers—John N. Califf, A. C.
WINDHAM CENTRE—Monday, 0ct.30.
Speakers—John F. Sanderson, M. E. Lilley.
BARCLAY—Monday, Oct. 30. SNak
ers-4.A. Mercur, John W. Codding.
HEItRICKVILLE— Monday, Oct. 30.
'Speakers—p. M. Peck,- J. P., Keeney.
SYLVA.NtA—Tuesday, Oct. 31. Speak
ers—L. M. Hall, J. Andrew Wilt. .
ROME BOROUGH—Tuesday, Oct. 81.
Speakezi—Hen. E. L. Has, M. E. Lilley.
ORWELL , MT.T —Tuesday, October 31.
Speakers—Col. E. Overton, John San
BURLINGTON BORo.—Tuesday, Oct:
31. Speakers—B. M: Peck, R. A. Mercur.
LE RAYSVlLLE—Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Speakers—Col. E. Overton, B. M. Peck.
MONROETON Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Speakers—Jas. H. Codding, M. E. Lilley.
NEW ALBANY— , Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Speakers—hn N. Califf, John F. Sander-
AUSTINVILTX—Wednesday, Nov. .1
Speakers—L. M. Hall, J. Andrew Wilts
NEW ERA—Thursday. Nov. 2. Speak
era—John F. Sanderson, M. E. Lilley.
CANTON BORO—Thursday, 'Nov. 2
Speakers—B. M. Peck, L. M. Hall. -
CAMPTOWN—ThUrsday, November 2
Speakers-4—Hon. E. L. Wink, Jas. H. Cod
ding. .
LIME HlLL—Friday. Nov. 3. Speakers
—John F. Sanderson, M. E. Lilley.
SILV.ARA—Friday, Nor, 3. Speakers
—B. M. Peck, John N.*Califf.
NORTH ROME—Friday, Nov. 3. Speak-.
ers—R. A. Mercur, John W. Codding.
WARREN CENTRE—Saturday, Nov. 4.
Speakers—John F. Sanderson L. M. Hall.
STEI , t-NSVlLLE—Saturdny, Nov. 4.
Speakers—B. M. Peck, John' N. Calif..
The Independents or Wayne County,
Alt a -tnass meeting have formally in
dorsed the candidacy of ion. C. C.
Jadwin for Congress.
The leading English newspaper says of
us, that "While other nations have been
loading themselves with increased indebted
- s ness, this nation has been rapidly unloading,
not by repudiating its obligations, but by
.honestly ,paying them and refunding the un
paid debt at lowerirates of interest."
Of stalwartistn, or 306-iam pUre and
simple, there is in Bradford County,
just enough to make a disturbance
and put up jobs that create indigna
tion and revolt. The Republicans of
the county
.have no sympathy wish
that - kind of politics born of bossisii.
'The ,Democratic orators at their
meeting in this place on Friday last
spoke with pathetic veneration pf the
memory of the 'late David Wilmot,
Abraham Lincoln, and James A. r Gar
field. Having no Democratic sides
men, whose memory they could vene
rate for.any commendable public ser
vice, they acknowledged the ineritori T
ons services of the lamented deceased
statesman who devoted a life service
to the cause of •HepUblicanism. They
forgot to drop even.a tear for the late
Samuel J. Tilden.
NO BOSSES..N.NO 11011111111.
CANDIDATE IN 11111111Z.D.-
The following telegram was
. reoeaved
from Hon. C. C. Jad7in Wcailidey
st:temoon :
i'rettdford Rrpttbliean:—
I the nomination tendered 'Me by
the Republicans 'of Wayne, and offer my
self as the peoples' . candidate in the district;
Letter of acceptance next .
Some time about the middle of
August we met Col. Overton near ',the
Citizens National Bank, and he for the
first 'time *an a conversation 'in - re=
lotion to his becoming a candidate in
Bradford County - for Congress. ' 'On ,
that occasion, being implesseario doubt
with the injustice of : any attempt to
wrest',- the nomination from' Wayne
County and from Mr. Jadwin, where: it
honestly belonged % he voluntarily stated
to us: -"I know ilie _ nomination aoes
not belong to Bradford County, and it
will not come here this time. The
nomination honestly belongs to Mr.
JadWin and to Wayne County. I
desire to he named for 'Congress by
Bradford in order that I may protect
' Mr. Jadwin's interest at the conference,
and maintain my own prestige in the
county and kcep other aspirants out.,,
I am for Mr: Jadwin myself and. if
the conferees are given to me he will
be certain of the nomination,"we said "if
this is your purpose, we will not oppose
your candidacy in - Bradford County, i
but Mr. Jadwin's friends must be. .as
sured of the integrity of your purpose."
He reassured us of his intention and
we seperated. A weett or ' more later
while 'Mr..lndwin, at Col. Overton's
written request was here in the county,
we met him again in the Ward House,
and he sought an interview and drew
us aside for that purpose. He, seemed
1 under some excitement and complained
that the friends of Mr. Jadwin were
active hi his su port.
r t
The eVldence of
Mr. Jadwin's pular following in this
county appeared to excite him,, = We
said to him "COl. Overton, if your
pledges as made to us, 'are made in
good faith, and' yogi ; will permit Mr.
Jadwin's friends to have their choice of
conferees, you' will have no difficulty
in the matter." He replied "I - intend
to put N. C. Elsbree, who is a pro
nouneed Jadwin man at the head of
the conferees, and who will
act with him,, and you know what that
means." Haying satisfied 'us that he
intended to keep his pledges, no forth;
er conversation occurred at that time.
There was no further conversation be
tween us until' the day of the conven
tion, when he poke to us in the pres
ence of Mr. D r aiiiel Innes, of . Canton,
and asked if 'fie would have any objec
tion to Air. Ines as a conferee. Be
fore answering him Nin said, "Mr.
Tunes have you any predisposition or
prejudice that would prevent your sup ,
porting the nomination of Mr. Jadwiri,
in case you are made a conferee?" Mr,
Innes answered, "none whatever," and'
we, still relying upon Col. Overton's
good faith, said the appointment of
Mr. Ines would be satisfactory to us,
The allegation as ; published in the
Review that Col.' Overton showed us
his list of proposed conferees is untrue,
he will not hi self pretend that he did
so, Had he done so, we would not
have objected to any of the men, be.
cause we relied implicitly upon Col.
Overton's honor.
Upon his plegeS, we, with numbers
of both his own and Mr. Jadwin's
friends earnestly requested many dele
gates at the convention not to disturb
the harmony of the convention by at
tempting poiinstruct for Mr. ,Jadwin,.
assuring them that there was a full un
derstanding between Col. Overton and
Jadwin'an 0 their friends,_ and the
result was to be the nomination of Mr.
Jadwin. Henee the convention named
Col. Overton. From the day of the
convention until the evening after the
conference had closed its session and
nominated Col Overton, we had no
conversation with him on the' subject.
At no time prior to his taking the nom.
motion did he modify or change the
i pledges he had volnntarily - given - os or
inform us as one of Mr. iladWin's
friends, of Oriental reservation or pur
poseg. to violatchem. We met him in
the Ward Douse on the evening of the
day the nomination was made. He
came to the seat where we were sit
ting in conversstion with friends, and
opened a conversation upon the subject.
We then inforimed: him in .l'terms lie
could.understand; not fail to that we
woirld,not support him and gave him
our reasons, which are suffi.cient to
govern our action, were there none
__Eye believe now, that had not two
or three men, arid we may as well
name them, we mean James H. Webb,
Judge - Morrow', and A. J. Layton, in
particular, worked upon his 'Prejudices
until they excited his Jnedn+, to a
method, with the purpoSe of 4feating
Mr. Jadwin to whom they were op =
posed because he would not be bossed
by them, he, (Overton) would have
kept hie pledges. Regardless: of the
established precedent's of the iilistrict,
regardless of ''''honor, regardless of
pledges, regardless of the interests of
the Republican party of the district,
ind regardless of the party's. will they
Put up and pushed Col. Overton up to
consummate the "job." . .
The Republicans of the district now
, _
have our reasons ' for not supporting
Col. Overton, and we defy Col.' Over
ton,or anybody else to succesaftilly con
tradict them.
No member of Congresi • labored
more earnestly or more, successfully
for the interests of his State and
constituents than Contains C. .Tadwin
of the Fifteenth District. I : _
hehlgefOL:P-Yertetli'-fter T seising
nominitliiirhich ou r _county tUi
intention of him , the rotate
that Mr;'Jadvrin hid made is pledge,
two years aim not to be a -candidate
for renomination, is . the thinnest. It
is not pretended that' such a Ipledge
was given Col. Overton; and dm. plea
is, in substance, that Col. Overbm was
justified in breaking his own pledge to
carry Bradford county in the\ interest
of Mr. Jadwin, because of a story that
Mr. Jadwin had made a Pledge to Col.
Searle:4hat is to say, he ;.violated
his own pleige as 'a means of entoricing
Mr. Jadwin's. This is the cinliuspect
which tibia defence can wear, - i even on
position tha t the supposition it is founded iri
fact. i
2...13it the allegation of a pledge is whol
ly without truth; as all the members of
the donterenc,e of 1880 well. -know. It
is abiolUtely denied by Mr. Jadwin
and his conferees; and when CoL &Ariel;
'conferees attempted to work it 0 the
recent conference they finally adMitted
that there was iro pledge, but that they .
understood Mr. ladwin to talk of run:
ning for one term.
Mr. Jadwin, at one period 'during
the protracted sessions - of the confer
ence of 1880, made the 'proposition,
which is the basis Of all this claptrap
about a-pledge. .Lie offered , a pledge,
that ;il.. .the Susquehannaconie s reos
would vote for-I*, he and; his friends
would carry Wane county for Sus
quehanna's nominee for the_ next term;
and prominent Republicans' of Wayne
assured Col. Searle that such a pledge
would be faithfully carried 'Out. COL
;Searle, however, refused to accept this
proposition; hence it. placed Mr. Jed;
win under no obligation. 'All tbat'Mr.
Jadwin said on this subject, from first
to last, was in connection , with this
proposition. -
The theory that Mr. Jadwin made
such a pledge voluntarily, and without
consideration, will -not bear a moments
examinatiOn. Col. Searle having de
clined to accept the pledge on the terms
plop:pal, there was no earthly reason
Ay Jadwin should repeat ,it
without any -conditions, and *when it
could bring him no aid. ,Tlie action of
the Susqitehamm conferees was not in
fluenced it all by the alleged pledge,
but they voted for Searle to the bitter
end, and had at no time any inten`tion
of helping,' to nominate` either Overton,
Jadwin; or Jennings. Even sifter
Bradford on the last ballot, had voted
for iadwiti r and i tlins assured his nomi
nation, the vote of Susquehanna was
still case solidly for Searle. All this
the Susquehanna conferees admitted at
Tunkhannock, and the basis of their
claim was finally narrowed down to
the theory that their refusal - to vote
for, either Overton, Jadwin or Jennings,'
ought to be mouldered equivalent to
voting for Jadwin.. The fact is well
established that what Col. Searle did
in 1880 was','ineeisely what he intended
to, do all through the canvasii; without
any pledge from Mr. Jadwil and' he
laid nobody under any obligations to
him,by doing !- it. .He adopted his
course and held to, it, rejecting all
propositions and the :pledges growing
out of them. The only, dyidencoto the
contrary is the Revietea roundabout
statement as to what Col.'-Overton,s
brother-in-law is said' to have heard.
The 'denunciatioiii lurk& ,by ` politi
cal bosses against Republicans who re
fuse-to support nominations made in
defiance of the mutt& will are tremen
dous. They put up jobs on the party
and bring defeat, and
_then charge all
Republicans who refuse to be a party
to their tricks with doing all the mis;
chief. Liye a miscreant who burns a
building, steals a horse or commits some
other foul deed, he blames 'the Officer
who arrests him and the law that im
poses the penalty for his misdeeds.
The party of this county, has endirred
the impositinns of_ party bosses as long
as, they will. They are about to give
notice that party methods must be
conducted upon a higher plane of
litical integrity. This is what the
candidacy of Hon. C. C. Jadwin means.
He is a pronounced Garfield Republi
can, a candidate independent of boss
rule. To all intents and purposes a
candidate of the people and for the
peeple.. He voted in defiance of Don.
Cameron's unit rule as 'a delegate at
Chieago, for the nomination of the
lairiented Garfield. Republicans who
would'rebuke the political malice, with
which * the memory . of that great and
good man has been follo‘ed by a class
of poison-tongued politicians: shOuld
exert all their energy to return Hon.
e. C. Jadwin to Congress. ;
The Democracy of Bradford gather
ed in force at their mass meeting in
this place on 1 t Friday afternoon and
evening. Th speakers were Mr.
Pattison, their candidate for governor,
Mr. Bonder, eneral Davis and Mr.
Mutchler.Tite afternoon meetinir, was
held in Mereni Hall, presided over by
Hon. Joseph Powell. The hall could
net accommodate the whole assemblage
and many remained outside unable to
gain admittance. More than double
the number - present in the afternoon
cameifin the evening, swelled by the .
crowds brought in by free trains over
the Lehigh. Valley. Mercut Hall and
the court house were both filled in the
evening, Col. T. F. Means presiding at
'the Court House, and Hon. Joseph
Powell at Mercur Hall. Mr. Pattison
'poke first in the Hall, and was follow- -
-ed by ldr. Mutchler, Mr. Reed: and
Ser --- 117r,Gordon. „
A the overflow ineetliutin, the Court
House, Mr. Pattissin also_ made a short
speech, and Mr. Gordon, Mr:,, !donde:
and General W.H. H.-Davis - spoke at
length. An unusual enthusiasm was
manifest, heightened, nci dorrbt, by Mt
news of tire recent Democratic victory:
fn Ohio. 'Aa a whole, it Irak themost
successful meeting the Democrats hive
held herein many -yam - -1 .
t jn- ~~, t ,\,}~.s - y, ;~~,~-3 .~r~~},~~.:;",'.s~:e`;:tip,:,: ~~Ci~^:i,:~;~.!,;'-:v~~;:i=°:.`t~~.t':','.':.`:_.,
deit, thiejaigin'Of the Independent Re*:
Pehlieetle;Pf Wayne Ceefity• the:toile!r'f
iag testimonial : therev** 'PPI 4 : .
lai*itinicsat "pervading all parties
that County in favor of Jade:hiss
return to Congress:
"The Republican Convention-. which
reconvened on Wednesday last
was alnost impressivegathei*. The
notices were sent out on 'Monday and
Tuesday. AJI day . Wednesday *hen
it - *Janet rain , heavily it
.driaAed, but
notwithstanding the aboit notice -mid
the untoward weather three-fourths
'the townships: or election districts were
represented. One poor soldier,
gate, walked fourteen milekto . vote for
the tried friend -, of the adiers, and
another delegate walked twenty-seven
miles over = the roughest roads in: the
county for the purpose of attending.
It was manifest, long 'before the Con
vention assembled, by the deep fee*
exhibited by the delegate's - that the
nomination of Overton would be unani
nionsly repudiated. There was no
button-holing of the
_delegates against
'Overton,, but there was considerable
anxiety felt by some of the delegate"
that an attempt would be made by the
henchmen of Cameron to secure an en
dorsement of the frufikhannock nomi
nation. •
The proceedings of the Convention
will be found elsewhere: II the feel
ing in opposition — to
t Overton is .con
fined to Wayne county, and Jadwin
accepts his candidacy it will be a help
to Overton, for he is certain to take
the whole vote of the county, and 'as
there, is a democratic majority it prac
tically helps by just that number. We
are assured that Mr. Jadwin's following
in the other counties is very large. so
large that had he been the candidate
insteuti of Overton he would have re
ceived a, majority ranging between six
and eight thousand. Overton bad,
when he was not by great odds as un
popular as he now Is, but two thousand
majority in the district. 'lt is with
gOod reason doubted whether he can
carry Bradford county. It is known
that several hundred Republicans , in
Wyoming county would vote for a
Demi:writ in preference, and that quite
as large a number would do the : same
in Susquehanna county.
We hope Mr. Jadairin will decide to
take the nomination tendered him
Wednesday:night. Mr. Overton has
got to withdraw in any event, for the,
District is thready 1,34 to the Republi
4auaby his nomination. Every lover
lof wise and honest legislation, every
soldier, soldiers' mother, or widow, .or
orphan who has been waiting these
many long years for their just dues and
every man who has or may 'have busi
nm to transact in Washington, should
urge him to accept. He has shown
the overwhelming benefit of having an
alert, honest, conscientious, and hard
working business man in Congress.
The whole press of the country has
been teeming with commendation. of
his coarse. He has brought credit to
himself and his constituents and should
be continued where The can do continnal
We can assure the Independent that
"the feeling of opposition to Col. Over
ton" is not confined to Wayne County,
and that Mr. Jadwin's candidacy,
tkough "he is certain to - take the whole
vote' of the county" will not "be a help
to CC!. Overton," because Mr. Jadwin
will have a majority over him in the
other thr4e counties of the district.
As between Mr. Jadwin and a Demo.
crat with COL Overton •in the field,
Mr. Jadwin's unbounded popularity in
his own county, puts the election, of a
Democrat out of the question.
The methods employed to defeat
Jadwin's nomination are in keep
ing with the methods which have ruled
the party in• the State, under the direc
tion of boss Cameron for years, until
Republican victories have become a
thing of the past. There is good rea
son for suspecting that Cameron's hand
moved the Susqiiehanna conferees, and
will account for Col. Overton holding,
the Bradford eliferees thirty-eight
ballots without redeeming his - pleilge, /
waiting, for Susquehanna to ()hey'
Cameron's mien.
, The real milk in the cocoanut which
caused a few bosses to conspire for the do
feat of Mr. Jadwin's nomination, is in the
fact that he was a delegate in the Chicago
Republican National Convention, and disre
gard Bon Caineron's unit rule instill' ctionit
and voted for James G. Blaine, and then
for Garfield.- His action in Congress hint
been in keeping with his action at Chicago.
He has honored and pleased his conistitn- -
ents by promptly and efficiently attending
to their wants, and in voting to protect the
country against jobs in legislation. . The
river and harbor steal met his opposition at
every stage. The people appreciate Ida
faithfulness and will triumphantly elect him.
We observe by an extract from a letter
written by M. E. Lilley, one. of Overton's
conferees, and published in Alvord's &view,
that Mr. Lilley says: Mr. Jadwin inn talk
at Tunkhannock did not intimate to'-him
that Col. Overton was in' any way pledged
to his nomination. Why shoal Mr:`Jad
win: make such a plea to Col: Overton's
conferees I lie relied upon Col. Overton to
comply with his pledges. It was not his
business' to appeal to Col. Orston's con
ferees. He pursued an open and manly
course in all respects and relied upon Col,
Overton to do the same.
The War Department is cOnsideripg the
advisability of using carrier pigs as
bearers of messages, between military poste
on the plains. In the West the pigeon can
carry despatches with more rapilitif t and
safety than any Mounted courier; Mid as
rapid ounnumication is often absolutely
neciewary if small, i isolated commands are .
,to help one,another in time of danget,
proper mpplypigeons would save many
lives and avert the honors peculiar to
attache by savage foes.
It his been ,charged by the other Counties
for years, that the political maw of Bradr
-ford county aspirants for atria nomina
titms could never he satisfied. .That they
wanted everything and were ready to take
it no matter by what Mans dm secured it..
iaet~tied. 'Wu
'county "
o f :
a res .
ti!e l e i n i s
evening, '-‘-•-ainAt7 execu. `corn
- hese' '
to tot
'8.444 l'.l)*
.. d re
Then= ,i4,41 , 012atu. -,C4. Overton's
promise will -be:'corrolsmtell by fifty
more'of the;ttntkir -reliable men' in
Bradford i -;4linty4:iihowipg _ his
nomination ,procured by con
cealment.; if :"resl 'motive. The
republicans Bradford county list, as
they ought: - to; led, that they are dis
honored by'theiictioU of Col. Overton
in, taking _a `nomination by stealth that
did not i honestly - belong to Bradford
county, find which he could not have
procured: in ati - olon :and fair contest.
Read,. Mr; -fadwit!'s statement as fol
lows t ; .
i.J St=MT.
Shortly before ` 'l3elsgress : • adjourned,
received *letter from Col. Overton ' sug
gesting that "my fences in Bradford might
need a little - attentions"- that Mr. Ekiarle
eras there, and had scene , hopes that he
could atrey.thii °nutty; and advised me
to come • there as soon as I oink' get away
ham Washiegtoni.:;
As methersaftter ai any duties ivouid
permit, I went to Towanda, expecting that :
Col:Oierton's attitude toward me would be
stated in stbs
' tantially these terms: "You
and your acuity have given Bradford the
Con `onid nominatimi for three sue
e,terins, sad lck two of these terms
it was given to me. 'On this last occasion
your. countygrtioe me second tertfl by
directly naming me as its.,cheice;_and the
valorem . from yourcounty firmly : resisted
a concerted attempt on the part of. Swipe
henna and Wyoming to defeat my nomma
lion, an organized bolt against
me. I now feel it my duty to return the
compliment by Carrying Bradford county
for you."
On meting Col. Overton; I announced
that I should not in any event be a candi
date against him In his own county. 'He
said that he had not decided to be a can
didate, and should have no possible object ,
in becoming one except to preserve his
prestige at home. If he ran, it would be ]
for this purpose only, arid not with a view]
to prevent my nomination. He, had ho'
' said, one or two objects in running. For
nistance, any other aspirant who might
I secure the nomination by, the Bradford!
convention would be in a position. to can-1
trot the patronage of the county; therefore ,I
said he, I must prevent this by controlink
it myself. Then again, said he, I must
keep myself in line, and keep others out of;
line, forth° nomination, when it again;
comes to Bradford, some eight or ten yearsi
hence, for I may then feel like re-entering;
political life. This conversation took place,
Saturday morning August 19. It was their
agreed betweeu us that we should meet on;
the folkwing Tif i esday evening, and that he
should then decide whether he would be A
candidate. Something, however, precipP,
tated his decision.: for on:Monday afternoon
he announced himself publicly as a •candi-;
date. On Tuesday afternoon we met, and
be informed me of hisj p u rpose. He did
this in peculiarly apologetic terms. He t
said that he never felt meaner in his lif e
than at that moment, in consequence Of
his conduct, that he was about doing the'
most ungrateful and dishonorable act of
his life; that his conclusion had whelp de- ;
prived him of his sleep the previous night,
but that he could not enter Into any .ex
planation, further than to stay that he ions
involued in amtplicnticms as to promiso to
other parties, anctmust run: -
Having ;hard his statement, I respond 4
that there *ass nothing'-for me,
in this ,
situation; and { after some further observe*
tiers in the same ,vein, I said that having
come into the county I could embrace the
opportunity of visiting some of my friends
in different localities. During the next
three days I found a strong sentiment pre
veiling in favor of my re- nomination. On
the following Friday, and again on Satnr
dayhe aniured me that he bad no desire to
Re to 17.kogniss then, that he was only a
candidate far the puipose of maintaining
his prestige, and that all his conferees
should be for me as their second choice, and
he desired me to arrest the growing , boo t :
in my favor as the candidate of tho count yu
-by assuring my friends • that we had reach
an understanding sati Artery to myself;
and that. he would gionl my . interests reverts! iq
I therefore parted from Col. Overton with
this assurance, and with the conviction that
Imy canvass required no further attention
in Brildford county. On my . return home,
many of my friends were skeptical as to
Col. Overton's purpose of being a candidate
in my behalf. I need not here repeat the
current comment en the. subject. I declar
ed my full confidence in Col. Overton's
good faith—also authorizing the publication
of my views on this point in the Honesdale
Citizen--and did all in my power to re-assure
the Republicans of Wayne county in this
Between the date of my return and the ,
meeting of the conference, however,l
learned that Col/Overton was inven ting
e h x ow c uver and grasping
an v at tpiruete xot'
hostility tome; and that he assumed to hold.
me respoisible for every view that found
expression in any form, adverse to his can-'
Nevertheless I went to Tinikhannock ea
petting to be nominated at the first session
of the conference. But it soon became ,
apparent that my confidence in Col.Overton
was mil:oaq* His conferees were mani
festly gentlemen of high &erecter, intelli
gence and independence, having at heart
the best interests of the Itepthlicans of
Bradford. - The terms of their appointment
'tumid dune to ' support Col. Overton while
he remained a mnthdate; but they all emir
ed me of their su .rt as soon as he gave
th e word re _
~. them from their Wigs-
Ition to him. No e of them had been given
to understand by Col. Overton that he was
not an earnest 'contestant for the nomina
and there woe nothing to indicate ,
that the "prestige" theory had ever been
presented to them as the foundation of his
On Friday Col. Overton assured , me that
he would that morning give the word for
his conferees to vote for inc. But it was
not given.'- At a later hour he impaled
when the afternoon trains left, and propos
ed that my nomination should be made so
that we could leave immediately afterward.
Before the afternoon session, however it
became manifest that the Susquehanna
conferees had in some unexplainedmanner
been won over to Bradford. I was the
more surprised at this, rut I- had received'
numerous letters /Vora prominent Republi
cans in Sfiscrehamits aanuing me that
under 310 circunistaiums could Mr. Searle
carry his confereeiOver to Thedford. ,
Overton's - conferees • asked me what' I re
garded alkheir duty* view of this' tn=
oq'the part of , Suseptahanna. , It
that if Col: Overton had selected them with
the undtvitmuling 'that they were to stand
by him until he withdrew, it would be in
famous for them to desert him. At the
afternoon session Col.-Overton was aceord
ingly nominated by the .votes of Bradford
and Srumnehanna
In deference' to =the divided sentiment
lamong Recoublimum of the county in eispect,
to thel i two Suite tickets we feel it our duty'
as puldishers to - :place - both Republican
Stite tickets Inhere the people. The
day' is - past when , Republicans can ,be
justly ' an algid - -as . anti-Republicans
becunsi they act iiedapendent of- nomina
tions made.agninst tin* prote s t..
1. Thus far thirty-two members of the next
Wise of liapreserOtivia have bee" chosen.
If the Beind&ang hayir elected eight of the
twenty-one; Ohio Coagremenen, as low
seem! probable, then and Detn
-aerate are even is tlie:conted—eacli party
'having sixteen Coniresianan. ' -
I Itersh z to be held
The zaaaineetmg
„ ,
In Tara& on Tuesday next, October 24,
afternoon and maing,„be addressed
by thln. Beaver, counlidate, for .Governor,
Hon. Wathun H.`,Teanip, of lionnese, and
R. Stocketillietbate, of Bilkilil,lolB. Every
body shoat come ant end hear. -•
,- ~
.Huni for
4 , II 4: I NrEPSIDENT - :_impo4
0ac6 4 44 iiiiii l4 ol3 l 3oarge' - Od at" 114 5"
ito. Shrew Hen 6 , ai more Abut - aura in
:Lae afternoon afteitiooi and com Pang
i loveitlow meeting a t the Court House in the
SOUatturStewart and
Iriolr the jtut before noon
I and were vUo6...mid at the . Ward Moue by
is !Write ilathoifug:4our citizens.
The me eting wikoolled to order in Met
cur Hall, which wait compactly, felted, ,at 2
o'clock p. tu. Igs . q., Chair
truui Of the Independent;Republican County
Conimittoe called,`"ithe,' - meeting':to order:
Hon. George Landon, of ironic*, *as made
Quilts:am and
-Albert Morgan, of Troy . and
C.' H. Stonti, of ItotSte, , Secretaries.
The following lht of Vice-Presidents was
read by the, Secretaries and adopted by the
. .
Viet Presidests--Jeff. Longliead. Albs; IL Cor
son. Albany' Freeman Wilco*. Angnthlitsrfger,
He* Albany; D. Field, Armenia; •Freeman H.
Dickson, Asy gm; 'no. Plildod, F. T. Page. Id.
P. Htirray. Clarke, Athens; W. Whim.
South Wsearl7; P. P, Horns J. Travis. W. 8.
Wright, Burlington; Juo. H. Davis, Barclay;
Jas. 14. Bothwell, Canton; Leonard Lewis, Can
ton twp.:Dr. P; 8. Carpenter. Columbia; F. F.
Faircbild,4nO, Finmatead. Franklin; Adolldina.
Saxton Granville; Jno. 8; Crawford, Her
rick; Hon. Asa Nichols", Leitaysville;
John Summer", Dwight Dodge. Mon
roeuen.-D. C. Eisworth, Orwell; Volney Furman.
Hldgbnry; Dr. G. W. Stone. Orson Dickey, 0. F.
Young, Home; Clarence Grinnell. Andrew Camp
bell. tindibileld; FA. O. Zig, Wm. Tracy, Spring.
deldl Leander 8. (ireirort. Sylvania; lichnbal
Bowman, Terry; U. ng, W. 0. Gordon. Dr.
W. & KOll7, J. COrser, D. T. Evans. A:D.Dye,
H. IL Pierce. Frank Vonght, o,l).Hirtiett, R.
M. Welles, Gen. ILL Madill. Capt.C. H. Hunville
D. X. Turner. Jag.' Collins, Geo. A. Dayton; H.
H. K. Bush, W. C. Marsden, Towan
da; obi; Webb, Forth Towanda:ll;N. nib; N.
H. Pomeroy. Troy; Daniel Folk, Ulster; G. H.
Knapp,-Wells; J. L. Gaylord, Geo. H. Welles,
- Clarence Smith. Wyalaliton J. IL 111041. Dayton
Allen, Wynn!.
The Plitform adopted 'by - , the IndePeit
dent Republican tiziWOOiivention held le;
Philadelphia; in May list was then, read by
Secretary Morgan; and afters few prelimi
nary remarks by the Cludraiitn,, was pre
sented to the Ineiitie for adoption. 011 a
viva voce vote, i it.
i peered to be unani
mously adopted as t ere was not a disient
ing voice, and the affirmative vote was 4111.
phatic and; juthushutie. The, Chair Man"
stated that Senatni Stewart, in consequkiric
of fatigue from travel and. much speaking,
would not speak at kaigthin the afternoon,
but would reserve hilfirefor the evening.
Major Merrick was then introduced and'
spoke for more than an hour .in a . manner
that impressecl his audience.
In the evening Senator Stewart spoke in
the 'Hall, which was crammed to its
utmost capacity, ninny ladies being present.
His speech was a'scathing nrraignment of
the boss and spits , influences. in . politics.
The speech! was able and telling:.-" Major
Merrick spike again in the evening at
"" the
Court House, which was well filled, sad
where General H. J. Madill presided. The
sPeeches cannot fail to make a deep imPreii
-1 sion upon the minds
.: of those who keeird
them. 1 ! , l
We prepared a report at length, but ladk
of space precludes its publication,and we are
compelled to give merely a glance of. _the
meetings and, the !Speiiehes.
. .
People wi , wept nerves and in inordi
nate capacity 4 belief, says the Philadel
phia North 'A e
kart; will be reassuted at
hearing that Crnll's comet, as the blazing
meteor which illuminates the eastern sky
at four o'clock in the morning is technically
called, is in process of disintegration, for at
least two astronomical experts of eminence
have beencandid enough to confess that
they regard the movements of this eccen
tric wanderer with considerable apprehen
sion. , They hasle figured it out that Crull's
comet which is now making its return jour
ney into the inter stellarspace will return
next year, When it will make a final plunge
into the sun, anil merge . its identity in the
seething incandescent mass of that great
luminary. jI , If it were only for the sake of
the sun or ilie comet, wo might look forward
to alb; &Mit With equanimity; but if this
comet, .
enormous o were to fall into the sun
there would be ' such a great and sudden
rise in the temperature of that body id
would make things decidedly unpleasant in
this sublunary sphere. But if the cennet . is
going to piecesi, another danger Lai been
safely passed.
disetissicf recently arose in a railroad
car at Portland, Maine, is regard to the
action of an . ofricial of the train in remov l .
ing from a seat the overcoat and valise of a
gentleman temporarily absent, to make
room fora new corner. The first occupant
of the seat returned and declared his right
to the place, a prominent judge who chanc
ed to lie present sustaining the claim. In
Canada-last week a simile' r 'cases:marred,
and in.both instances the decision was in
favor of the first occupant of the seat. The
matter is one of interest to' the traveling
public generally; and the decision in the
cases cited seem to us the . just one. The
only lair .wity of distributing - aLacs by
precedence: of arrival, and to. be able to
hold a place by leaving hand-baggage to
mark it is a custom of so universal conven
ience that lit deserves perpettiation and
.authorized recognition. •
Rev. Henry Warol. Beecher on the Bth
instant surprised the New York and Brook
lyn Congregational Association by formally
severing his connection with that body.
Mr. -Beecher announced that he took the
step because he didn't wish anybody or as-
Sedation to be responsible for, his views.
The association thought that Mr. Beecher's
statement of his religious belief wa& suffic
iently orthodox and requested him to with=
draw his resignation. The. only point- of
difference between Mfr. Beecher's views and
those held by orthodox authorities which
laymen could apprecinte appeared to be that
instead of believing: that man began as a
perfect being and be believed - that
man began at the lowest possible point and
had developed from that stage.
The exhibits of the Depart
,for the last fiscal year are in the
highest degree
, creditable and encouraging.
The money order 'depertnumt.realized a net
profit of three hundred and sixty thousand
dollais i E and.' the total excess of receipts
over; eXpenditures in the general account
amounted to considerably over one and
three quarter millions of dollars. A sign&
cant; item may be noted in the fact that
about two millions two hundred thousend
dollars remain unexpended of the appropri
ation , for Star ' route transportation, and
very large balances in hand are reported'of
other cognate appropriations. The absence
of ; Dorsey and Brady tactics evidently, tell
upon the expense accounts to a very favor
able extent. .
0. O. JmwrN
SOMeingemiens inventor, it is said, hail
hit upon an ink which absolutely cannot be
a r cte-d upon by any knOwn chemical moans,
short of entirely destroying the paper upon
whiCh ip is written. Such an invelitiai will
iroVe, simply t invaluable to businesdmen,
beam and stock !companies; As well as to
the government, which annually losses large
sums by the cleaning of cancelled stamps
and 'similar dishonest devices.
The f fkgnres in the Ohio election have set
tied: down to about 20,000 majority for the
Democrats. The Democrats elect thirteen
Congressmen alkd the Etepublicain eight r a
gain of Seven for the Democrats.
Why did nit Col. Overton sign his name
to the statement in the Reporter of ; thill
week I When O. C. Jadwin makes a state
ment to the public he'is not asluuneito at
his own signature to it.
' •
Beirdiit 1141 th. it telltteeo. olo , -14 4
fear r; glei =ol*
=lien O : Crwfw ; latbßo~:Joimi
throiseint" its *mufti n behedt
ProOfQialhie Wohlniticoit aid -
g ria g# l *.9 l W. ol s7l). (void • .:Of Oa*: skkand - 0 68 0,. 1 0' 4 thalCeetstmeriftY,: l h e y
Pieee; - sree ht . teWn od Manday - I ketekte_ that the'lleirOse keen' irreatilted
it yiyahising 'thin Luserne, noir thet"the need °ld The l rnun g
Bradford`County, on-the sixth dar of - Dal Men's Pkrtstinn "K 4 o° l W 4ollllo ' homed
canter, tras,',ind he is consequently now-ett appeal for *4
nearirso }Ta ra - o f ag e; He was i n T un i c . T . Rev. Timm Guard, the eloquent pulpit
of Mount , Vernon Place
hatine ic h f or _th e - first .time - o eventy .th ree orator, and' Astor
y e ar s ago, b e i ng the n sixteen ye a rs om At Methodist Bpiscopad Church , - in Baltimore,
that time C h er
were but three bu il dings died Stlnde y_.
, ntern i ft g trn ra thegire cts of an
h er e, on e was. a tavern . near - , where tlw opeisfaon 4 , of iithotomion last; Dr.
K ee l er House nolost, ma was a storeitc y t Guard( was fa . 1 2 , five years pastor of churches
by .. the Suttle liras., and' salt house. The h ' „ San :.,,Frilieh44 and Oakland(
widiumwe house and' one other house, and- •wasii.Tra...."'ve Fraday l e ice
tavern were kept near where the old bridge ' -11 1
crosses Tunkhaimock Creek Pre4Y 4°lll : attractive
Captain .
H o wa s drafted in the war' of 1812 and Jackson, commander of a Lake steduaboati
was excused from Service by reason af the Was.a rr e st e d And eee*d_ie the station
influence of biaremployer with the captain f li rting on t h e dirt . The :girl is not all
of the Company. Old Joseph Camp was had, wdY indiscreet; god het,Aghteett4ear s
th e ca pt a i n o f t he compa n y with whom. of age. Left alone in the station rho be
many of ids associates
went to
war. came overcome with grief and mortifitation
He his , been married twice, and has his and hnnged.., herse l f I'dif)*/11:20iieichief
Wife last yet living with him at his home in from the eetreere., :
Auburn twp., Susquehanna county , ,aged The rainfall on Saturday at Fall River,
86 years. . Hi s w if e i s a sister of t h e late Mass.; was one of the heaviest known in
John Bunnell. Both are in good health and that section for years. _ From 6to 11:30 a.
app a r en tly will li ve many years yet. ,m. three and one-half inches fell, of which
ifis father and mother were born in Dan- t hree inches. fell freln B:Bo ' 'te 11 ' 80; Cm " -
by;LConnecticut. His father was in the siderable damage was done to the streets
reveh t ti ouar y .war and after the war was and many cellars were flooded. A portion
over he came to Wyoming and-Was there at of the track of the Fall - River Railroad,
the time of the pumpkin freshet, and short- w hic h run s htitweell there eedi New Bed
ly aft e r move d t o w ya hni ng. A f ter hi s ; ford, was washed away a few miles below,
f a th er had lived t h ere one season he ha d and passenger; were transferred to'' Fall
gathered his first crops which were raised
River in carriages.. -
on the island at w yl d ne i4 an d had stored Jamas L l'orter,, who was arrested - in
them in his house, it was consumed_by. fire. Clneinnati Frida y , ("fw being
His; father then moved to I%nchtawn., cennecren , . wu '" "'" murder
Here herw or h e d m oth* po u t an d c id er at Gleniuue, proves - to be Well known •in
harm s w hi c h he marketedas m arten . 'Baltimore under the name of 'James. L.
wili teil .B arre. Th ey w e re ' by Huff, having a term in the Maryland
"sting them by the side of his canoe. H e Penitentiary for obthining money' - on forged
bought grain with the proceeds of his bar- pension papers. Last June after his release
re h , which be .7,„,„, yd at shoemodu i ra r he tricked one of the wardens out of fifty
mills, a b out ten miles this side of watts _ dollars by means of a post-office money
Barre and loaded in his canoe and shoved it order '
back to Wyaineing, ,His f at h er lived two Duffing the week ended October 14 twen
or three years at Wyafusing and then moved 4' 4 =r cases of yellow -fever and three
down the river about 3 miles to elittle place deaths were reported from Brownsville to
called Fleatown. There the subject of this the Surgeon GencrePitif the Marine Hospi
sketch was born in a log house built by tat Service, makin g
a total duringthe epi
His father died there - when Ben _ demic of 1936 cases and. 112 deaths. The
rum , was but ten years of leay; „, disease is diminishing in the ranches. There
the widow and ten
children, i c b; jamin - i - : are no cases outside the cordon. Official
lug the fifth child. Ho 'lived
on Batten Hill reports by mail from Pensacola have been
about fifteen years. He has followed shoe. rec
and be gan
to include the 11th of October,
making his whole lifetime to 1882, as follows: Number of eases from
I learahis trade before ho was seventeen October 5 to 'll, 420; deaths, 27. Total
'years old. He has not .taken a drink of niimber- of cases during the epidemic, 1380'
liquor in forty-four years and had been t otal deaths, 125..
temperate in his habits : before that time. Colonel Robert Ingersoll makes, public in
He commenced chewing tobacco at , the a g e an- interview with .a Post representative a
of eighteen and has Used i t on si erate l y ever number Of affidavits to show that several
since. He was advised to use it by old Dr. of the jurymen of the' late Star-rontedrials
Hayes for Spain in hia'stornach occasioned were corruptly aitprOached by employes of
by the the sewing .0' shoes. In those
,days 7 the Department of Justice. They all appear
vie. in 1813 pegs were not used in making to turn upon the operations of Mr. F. H.
Fall, a lawyer who claimed to be officially
man has a remark
able instructed. The affidavit of Juror Holmead
is keen and witty and remarkab l e in ninny states that Fall told him that Merrick, Bliss
respects—Tunkliailoock Standard. - and Ker. knew nothing about the matter,
but that reports were made to the Attorney
General every night. An affidavit -of Ed
ward Taylor, a detective, is alsci used to
show that Fall was employed by Mr. Brew-
.4 City of he Picture.
A year of, general prosperity seems to
have arrived at Athens: By all present air .
pearanees it has evidently come to stay.
The numbevand cost* of the buildings in
various stages of erection is unprecedented
in the history of the ancient village. A
large number of neat and commodious pri
vate dwellings have been erected in the
upper part of town; and 'about fifty more
are now in process of erection. A majority
of these are put up by the skilled mechanics
of the bridge works; furniture works and
other- manufacturing . industries. These
.homes are owned and paid for by the men
who are erecting them. No better evidene4
is needed:Of the permanence of the town's
growth than this. The foundation foundation is com
pleted on the corn er of Main and Susque
hanna streets for a magnificent block;
This will contain; beddes store buildings on
the first floor, what Athens has long need
a first - cla n's hotel. The block is being
erected by a stock company. Ground will
be broken this week for a large business
,block on Main street just south 'of the Car
roll block. , C. S. Mauric& is erecting on
the beautiful grounds of the former Episco
pal parsonage, one of the finest resideln
in Bradford county. The improved
commodious school building now in process
of erection an Willow street, is an improve
meat long needed in that portion of the
town. The bank• building recently com
pleted on Main strreek'and occupied by the
First National bank and th 4 pest-office, a
handsome building, and woaltt be an orna
ment to any busineitatreet. 'Lying as it
does, in the beautiful valley' between the
:ohemung and Susquehanna rivers, 'Athens
will always be en important mercantile
town. It is a natural outlet for the rich
dairying districts and fertile grain fields of
Bradford county. With thisandratualres..
mercaiittTe sad Mantifianring, at Athens,
and the great raiirilul centre in what is
virtually part f,; . the tame town, Sayre;
the "City of the 'Plains" loomsnp large in
the near future. No town in' the state is
building up more rapidly' than Sayre.. The
towns are now built nearly together. The
line of Herdic coriches which now plies be
tween them, is but the !forerunner 'Of a
street c!ar line, and that soon. From these
signs ,so - plain "that he who runs may
read," a mini need not be a prophet nor the
son of a prophet to forsee the time when
the circling rivers of Susquehanna and
Chetnung shall enclose a busy thriving city,
-l-Elmira Advertiser. •
Hon ' C. C. Jadwin, accepts the nomina
tion for Congresi as the candidate of the
people for Congress. He is entitled to their
support for his faithful and efficient services
In:their interest. We have no dpubt of his
election by an overwhelming nutjoritt.
Ex-Secretary Blaine and family will 'move
into their handsome new house In Wash
ington inia few days.
Some of the copper ore from the Frank
lin county mines' has , assayed gold to the
value of. five dollars per ton. ' _
Philipsburg, Centre county, is lighted
with the electric ( light. %There are erected
and in the course of erectiol, over time
hundred houses. In the way of thrift and
enterprise Philipsburg lcadii every town for
its size in the State!
Joseph Mock, While diggitig a' well on
his lot in Franklin borough, at a depth of
twenty-three feet below the surface of the
ground, unearthed a 'piece of calk(' of a
darkish color, interspersed with White spots,
and about four inches square. • -
A New Orleans dispatch states that work
on the railroads and levees hi drawn off
so many.labOrers that the, steamboats _ are
paying $75 per month for de& hands and
have great - dffficulty in seeming tabOr at
that prici" t. The river planbitions are also
skirt of hands.
A _frightful boiler explosion took place in
the lumber mill near Petersburg, on
Friday.- James Stephenson, the proprietor,
and James Hohie' mer, were blown in pieces.
Two men ' Watkini and Lanteer, were also
fearfully scalded and otherwise injured, and
Will probagy die. One other workman was
severely =MA
Several hundred coopers in the _
employ of
different packing: houses and other Illtal•
liehments at the stock-yids and in Chicago
are on a 'strike, tinder orders from the
Cooper. ljnien. They have been getting
about 12.15 per day and demand $3.. New
men erelngt in..the strikers" u
algallY as Ima
---':.,4' ,-,, , - ' ,, _!;'_' - ', l ''', , fz.v.;..':: ,- , - ." ,- - 14: - ':„'''-':' - ' ,,: ' , i' - 7-': :-..r.,:::-:-
, catarrh.
Relief in _five minutes in every case:
gratifying, wholesome relief beyond a money
rake. Cure begins from first application,
and is rapid radical and permanent. Ask
for Sanford's Radical Cure. Complete' for
On Sunday at a baptism near Canton,
as., ft bridge fell into a river and precipi
tated 200 spectators into the water. No
lives, were lost, but quite a number, of legs
and arms'were broken.
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" , is a
most powerful restorative tonic, also com
bining the most valuable nervine properties,
especially adapted to the wants of debilitat
ed ladies suffering from weak back, inward
fever o congestion, inflammation, or ulcera
tion, or from nervournew or neuralgic pains;
By druggists.
Fifty thousand - loaded " breech-loading
caps blew up at the Union Car
tridge:ship at Bridgeport, Conn., last week.
The building was blown , to atoms. No one
was injured. . 4
_ Dyspepsia, liver complaint, and kindred
affections. 'or treatise giving successfUl
self-treatment address Viront.D's DISMSSAB.Y
Mr. William Dickson, the foreman of the
Star route, jury, has written a letter to Dis
trict Attorney Corkhill, protesting against
the Attorney General being allowed to con
duct I dle inTeitigation into the ''alleged at-
tempted bribery of the jury, and demanding
that the matter shall be taken out of inter
ested hands.
---- averrousnes‘c --- aeouity, angl7 ettliiuSrezr
vitality cured by using Brown's Iron Bit-'
terst •
The trustees of the Brooklyn bridge met
in New yorki last week and appointed
Mayor: . Grate, Of New York, 0.1111 Mayor
Low of Br4klyh, a committee to , inquire
into, the adiidnhi' tration of the financial af
fairs of the bridge since 1875, and especially
as related to.the disposition of the money,
under the trustees' control, the letting of
contracts and the purchase %ref ,lands, and
to any other matters which they may deem
proper relating thereto; that they be auth
.orized to employ competent experts or other
assistants necessary to enable them to in
ivestigate the affairs of the trustees up to
the pesent time. The total expenditUms
up to the present Aim() are $13,973,420.
- , lJ Tosi are Bunted
in health from any cause, especially from
the use of any of the thousand nostrums
that promise so largely, with long fictitious
testimonials, have no fear. Reicrrt to Hop
Bitters at once, and in a short time you will
have the most robust and blooming health,
Judge Kelley was fist elected to Congress
in 1860, the year Abraham Lincoln Was
first elected President. He has been elect
edvery two years since, and 'Will, this fall
be elected , for the twelfth time, which,
should 'he live, will, melte, twenty
four yeais of continuous service in Con
gress. ' He is the father of the. House; the
fore Most tariff champion in Congress; and
not one of those who believes the tariff is
not involved , in , the electionf of ' General
Beaver. He earnestly for General
Domes.[, lowa, March 2, 1882.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has cured me of the
Inflammatory Rheumatism, after being
troubled with the disease for eight years.
W. M. Moms.
For sale by Dr. H. C. Porter it Son, To-
wanda, Pa. - `
The dissatisfaction in Coktrado 'with the
Repulican State ticket will,•fit is hoped, pass
away before pe campaign is over and the
party come hgrtily up to itasuPport. The
changing population of the State, ex-
Governor %oft says; makes it difficult to
predict the result of one canvass from the
canvass of the year before. He believes,
however, that the Republicans will carry
the State and 4elect Congressman Belford.
Sparldtop Byes. •
• Rosy - clurke rid deer complexion only
accompanying good health. - Parlor's Ginger
Tonic bettei thitn anything, makes pure, -
rich blood and brings heady joyous sprits,
strength and beast* Ladies try it.—
Distr. '
4460 0
Abs,lutely Pur.
Ms powder near varies. A marvel of plirity,
strength and wholesomeness. }fore ecouog l i e c
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold la
competition w ith thinnumw e of low test, short
weight, slam or phosphate powders. mid -nti
in cans. Bow. Hamm POWDER cO., if)%4Will
street., N. Y. 25:11yvt
14 1 AR111 FOR SALE. C o ntaining
.1".. 62 SOW, - 47 well Unproved, comfortable
bloldllllo, good water.-13; miles
from the will= of Tarrytown. 3 miles' i nt ,
Wyalnalng ate on L..V LB. Apply to,
TerrytOwn, Bradford co., 11.
Oct 641,
Railroad Time. Tables.:
TAKES gFFECT JAN. 1. 16:1112
MI 1
I - 0
ti on
A.M.! A.M P. M
9.20 Ar. ... Towanda Dep. 6.17 3.15
9.os:Dep. .... Monroe.... Ar: -4.1.3:r 3+./.
9.13 . Ar. ....Monroe.... Dep. 6.41 '3.31
33.59: ";• Masontown 6.47 .4
8.51 1 .. Greenwood,. " 3.4 .!
8.41 " • ...:Weatona •• • .7..,1) 347
1*8•38! " Strmadt.... " •
' 0 7.11 •3
i 4•14.35; 'Amok& "‘• *7.15 0 '4.51 -
5.311 " LoogValloyJunc •• 7.19 or;
13.15 Dep. . Foot of Plane. Ar. )117,37 .i.ts
• Indicates that trains do not atop.
F. F.l LYoii,
Sup't and Eng'r, Barclay, ka
2rnrB2 '
hissira Falls
Rochester ...
Lyons ... .
kubrirn . .
Blanding Stone....
bliinners £'.ly
Idesboppen '
- '
s. A B Jtinction ........
Batten Chunk
Philadelphia ,
Now York
-. .. ....
Allentown .....
Mauch Chunk. ...
L B Junction....
LaGrange • -
Skinner's Eddy
Standing Stone
Ulster ...
Athens •
Niagara Falls
No. 321 eaves Wish:ming at6:6o, a. 51.. French.
Own 6.14, Runitherneld 6.23, Standing Stone 6.::1
Wvaiuking 13.40. Towanda 6.53, Ulster 7.06.
Milan 7:16 Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:4C, Wirverr
ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira 8:50., A. 31.
NO. 31 leaves 12031ra 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00!
Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20, Milan a:3O. Ulster 6:411,
Towanda 6:55, Wye/inking 7:03, tand in g'Stone
7,14. Thinunerticd.t 7:22, Frenehtown 7:32, arriv
ing at Wyalnsing St 7:45., P. 31.
;trains 8 and 15 run daily. • Sleeping cars on
trains wand 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila.
delphiannd between Lyon. and New York with.
suit changes. Parlor ears on Trains 2 and V
between .Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with
out change, and through coach to and from
BATIKS. Y . 1.. Jan. 2, 1852. • tin. 6: N. Y. it. 11.
Manufacturer of and Dealer to
. I
UCH AS WIGS" BANDEAUX, the porulsr
Chatelaine Braid.'
*irSpecial Attention given. to C OM 6"1 N CS
"riots an turned one way. • •
"WITCHES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for
gi ,
uutt , r'rt lUVietibTc Face Ponder,
'lladarn Clark's Corseti, and
• -
Shoulder Brace Elastics
Particular attention paid to iiresi4g Wks
Lair at their homes or at my place of ,bnvitßis,
ve r Evans S. Illl4lretb's store.
novlB-Gs Vas. D. V. STEDOE•
tint falional §anii,
This flank offers unusual facilities for
- the transaction- - of a genefal
- - banking business.
'a Botha:, at Um ItsrosucAs office.
Sul - rff.
3 9
Ace Sk ay
tlwa may
- -
9; I 3
A.lii P.
2.05 7.20 IIS
2.50' y. 20
5.15 10.03 ....;
6..10 11.05'
6.33. 1.00
5.15 11.05
_8.501 1.35,,
- 9.10' 1.45 ti.
~ 9.45: 2./0 9.40 415
.110.10 i 2.::0;10.4.6 .1! ; ',0
.10.151 2,3410.05. 4.34 ,
• • L....; .............. ...., .
—10.46 3.001043 505 '
.!..4 , ..i .... ;',10.54 5.i3,
. 1 .......t .. .
.. ........ I ....,,.
.., t,.. 4 11. 1 0 5.3 . C.
~..-.:., ....11t.12
1 3.*11.20 5.43
, 11.42' 3.q ii.rm. 6.0
:)... !....,.',". , 111.3 6.14
.; - 1 4./21VA' 6.:.1.3
'.I ' 1 A 2.11 6.:0
. 12.231 4.35,'1.4)4
.1. - ... - ' .... ' i
1.24 1.1 t,, 1:..
. . 1 . . ' 7.35
.1 /.05'. 5.10; 1.47, , t. -5
. ./.•35! 5.30' 2.2 t ," 8.:'.5
1.45; 7.55' 41.011.66'
. 4.44' 8.29 s.zti I , :st
..i 5.00; 8.45 6.0:12.15._
4.30 9.00, x,.4012.: . ;`
1,0.6510.401 i... 41; 2:5.11
1.05 1 9 .1: 1.34 -
A./r. P.M. P.m .r.m.
3 ; 302 12
P.M. A.M4A. aI P.M .
6.30, 7 .0;10
8.0% 9.d.1
944 —.410.155 5.5.1
9.50 i 10.45' , 6.15
0.55: 10.54' 'f..24
111.051 11.55. !,43.
1.081 7.3 U 2.03 9.45 .
1,351.8.01' '2.2910:1'
8.27- .... 10:32
8.45: ...
8.55' 3:01.10.51;
• • • •I 9 . 431 • 11.45
9.62 1 9.50 2.4 G m:4
-.110.14' 4.6412.07
.... 1 10.27 .... 12.17
-1.10.37 -.12.24
.... 10.44: ."... 12,24
3.39:110u' 4 43 1'2. 46
.... 1 11.17 4.55 12.57
4.3011.3.; 5.10. 1.45
4.40./1.41 5.20; 1.23 5.30' 1.:10
5.25'12.40, 6.15' 2.15
5.39' i... 1 5.25 ....
14.30 9.3.5 i ....
6.14 t
9.50' G:10: 9.401
11.40 : 8.10 12.05' $.lO
P.M. P.M. A.M. A. 31
108. FOWELL -
tab. 1.'714.