E TRACY, Publishers. OL. VIII. -TEE lord Republica, Veliii.hed Every Thursday, Vi"roWANDA, PA., lIT COMB ,& TRACY. $1.50 Peri .4 art. in Advance idreriishig .Eatea—Slx cents- line fur first iertwn, au 1 Etvercents per line for all ant inherti3ns. 4 '. Reading notice adverth•ing cents pet line. Eight lines constitute a in.', twclve lines an inch. Anditori tices f2.SI. Administrator's and Executor's :Tres Yearly advertising $lOO.OO per re ltr.i.usuctir is published in the Incr. re - and Nobles Block,- at the corner of &Ulu l'ine streets; over' J. 7. Dotter'. Hoot sad' ye store. Its circulation , is. oretalioo.., „ks er using tr.eglium it Is uniratiolkd itt. Its Mt; bate 501. , . Trranda Butinesa Direchry. I TTORA SFS-AT-LAW ::VEL Ni).t 31c0OV RN, (B.' J. Clevelaß4 w as . m t e:or•rig), Canton,. Bradford County All bus:neee uotruated to their care in item liredlord will receive prompt attention, Lepr.r..ly ITII HILLIS, Attorneys4t-Law; Om o ovrr Poweil* Co. .IFF, J. N., Otlice in Wood'i Block, south 'int National Batik up stairs, June 12;0 :M EE s SoN C Etsbrat and . L intbree.) Morcur Block. Park St. mayl4.7S x (Beni .11 Peck and D d Oorr ton I. Office over 11111's Market, EliToN SA.:I DEMON (H Overton IntlAn F Sand , rscu t , Office In Adams Illock.julyTte AxwE.A. Moe ovet ! 'Dayton'a Store apri114.76: T. 1. k DtiEW, Office in Mean'a Block ape 14,76 eAl(NijolON & H.I.L. (W T Darks. II Carr N Han.) -OU° in rear ,rdnuance on Poptu St. t3e12.75 act: DSS'f' A. Solicitor of Patents. Pa tr. mar attention paid to business in tine oiurt and to the sottlement of estates. 'e in MJntanye's Block 49.79 PHERSON At YOUNG, (1. mamerson gad W. I. Young.) Office south side of Marcus's tett 1,74 ' ~LIAMS, ANGLE di BUFFINOTON. (El 117 w funs , E J Angie and Jg D • BuPsigton). , west side of Main street, two doors north ;gus office. AU tininess entrusted to their will receive prompt attention. oat 26,17 AMLI 11. AND JOINT W. CODDLIMG, Attor. IwysT and Covnselloreat•Lew. Mace In the tour Mock, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. .july 3, 'AO tf. Attoene).at•Law. °Mee In Montanye's Block, Main Street. pt. [()Ml'si ,N,' W. ll.' and E. A.. Attorneys-at Towanda, Pa. Office in Mercur Block. . T. Kirby's Drug Store. entrance on Main , !int stairway north of Post•office. AM Ards promptly attended to.. Special attsn glv.n to claims against the United State, l't•usiol, Bounties, Patents. etc 'and to ketions aml settlement of deceilent's estates. ly 'RY. B. - M'IIEANy AI7OR\EY-&T-L8 of Patents. Government claims * at. ,j„I t',. ilGrebirt VSICANS ANO 3VSGRON3 fiNS.IN. T. D.. ?CU.loe over Dr. H. C Portere's Drug Store. feb 12,78 W*l -7 5r0. D. N. kF. G. Office at Dwelling on Iti,rer Street, corner Weston Ht. feb 12.77 if. K.. M.D. Office lit door above old J La:11 building, on Main street. Special at an 'II given to disoases of the throat and . jnlylS.7B ... , 11131.11N. S. Jd., M.D. Office and reel tr.,:ice. Main •treel, north of 3l.E.Church. 'cal Examiner for Pension D esrtment. .- tab 22.78 ;NE. E. D.. sr:i. OMee over T lSOntanytes storo. Office hours, tram 10 to 1/ A. and to 4 P. M. Special attention Mien to Bossed of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. . oct 20.77 NER, H. L., M.D.. ilemocorATufc PHYSICIAN & 817ROZON. iidvnee And office Just north of Dr. Carbon's do street. Athens. Ps. i HOTELS Nitr HOUSE MAW at.. next corder south of Bridge itreet. Now home .and new :Liter° throughout. The proprietor has ir,4l ueither . pains or expense in making his Bret-class and respectfully solicits a share `4 ll 2lic Patronage. Mesh; at all hours. Terms **MN,. .46.11•41 l. b 77 • wm.itErray. SECRET SOCIETIES TFINS POST. 14'0. 68, G. A. B. Meets every Saturday evening. at Military Hall. GEO. V. MYEII, C . biamaader. RITIRIDGE.WaIIa. teb 7.79 itISTAL LODGE. NO. 67. Meets at K. of R Ilan.; every .Monday evening at 7:30. In. 'mace $2,0(.0. Babelita,.s3.oo per week. Aver , annual cost, 5 years experience. $ll.. • JESSE MYERS. Reporter. PIERCE, Dictator. . feb 22.78 xi)FoRD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet In Udd Fellow's Ball, every Monday' evening 7 q'clock.• • • WArame Buz, Noble Grand. lane 12,75 11017 SE AIVD SIGN PAINTING. F. E. No. 32 Satond street All orders will receive prompEatteritlon. June 11.15 EDUCATIONAL ."SQ AIiNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Tan oI'ALNG TERM will begin Monday, , ra 3, 1m%2. For catalogue or other tnfor. nun. addrese or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN. A. Towanda, Pa. MEM PLC-VEER AND . GAS FITTER ILLIANIS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. 'Place of basineas in Igsr. Block next door to Journal, -Ofnos wern774 l Aic Square. Plutubingi , (110. Fitting. lisp Pumps of all kinds , and all kinds of Qmifinil tothPtly attended to. AM wanting troth in his isms oslti give him • call.. • ' - July 27.77' _ LVSURANCE 0,9, General Insuraiee Agi.anr. ' Towar , da;ps. °Mee in 'WhiteOmbl Book ore. July 12,76 ! • And had One of HIS 25 CENT DINNERS Ir - ,,, , re,,fif.n..- - i= 4 * - . ' , ,t , - f '?',.? 1 t7 . 34 V ' '''' ,' ' k .' O P i " .,-• .!-- ~ -; .1 4 , - .., r4A.:4 , . 4 ,„„,,,, ~--7--.+.-R.--,,,.c-wc,-4;tv,C,.. -.70,,,.War-474 „, , w.i.1.v.m..4 - 4 -, -,,- ', , - . p, ;- • -...„ 4- ,- , t- 's,, -,, ,-)~ ~, .t...•-•,;- ~,,,..,....-},r.r.,;ilJ,j,'Rej!'„lZW.,,,,is: .. 4 , • "... , ti7A-....,,,,,,,„-_te, V 1 -40,13 K. -•,-,,,,,6,,%,..t,,,,,,, .7,1 W.. -' ...rt., 4. - t• tr m c, ~...,q,..,„k i, , . ~34,N. ~.e , t , .. .•- • ,..-.;„..,,,,,,...... ~.' . -. ~ , -,,,45"-'."`-- ''',';'--'4.';7'riliF::3'V`,'-'421:4;i:15,'.:?4•WP--73-"Zi't ' • : '...' 1 4 1,',.:,-Z'• "A - _ - _.;;;A - _ ,, ,.` , Si:t-t; i;V- 4 V ;:..M .e'-`",----i'. ' • - - -', ' . -'" : -;-' '- , • ''' .',“ :''''. :' '.;:' -:'''''--",..'' .. ,.. s . - r,- ,3 ' , ' : - - ' --.-% '- --:-..,`.',"-,., :.;,:,- ' ~i ., .-.--• :, . , ,„- _, 1 ,- ; - * !!, . 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".- - . ;'::---; ''. .-"-- -'-' • - . ....,---.:'. -r-"' . r'' -'-'y -_- : 7 ":"::.2: - ,:'---;',-- ' .-..,-: '-- '''' - - - 41,40 "Emu= OP, TIM ' '.' s Pia' '-:-. • - 1 - . r' -.---- - --.-.- - , - -7.-- , . ----• rr rf , . .: , , is iroivr , ... . ~, It l ii). - ' • Miscellaneoui Advertisement . sr/ nun NEW STORE 1 Ed. Mouillesseaux, Jewelry Store IN P A TION 9 B BLOCK With Swattoi dt4;orden's.Store, Main Street,..Towanda, Pa., Whore linage' TULL 489011T111M Id-k.Sihief-Watc' -hes SWISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS,' -- JEW4LRYfi SPECTACLES, ETC:. W Hie Nock Is all NEW and of the :FINEST QUALITY. MU and see for Yourself. -0 - REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. ENGRAVING A SPEIRALTI. deed& • • 1 We lapin band oonatanUy for builders. Uhfr, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, ' , SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, , ' PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, CHESPEAK NAILS. WAGON MAKER'S SUPPLIES' - • Felk)ws Spokes, Hobbs 'hulls, Poles . Carnage , Trimmings. Also.s MI line of Shelf ilia Heavy thirdwart. and a full Mu of .. 'earriagcs , Piatform and Lumbei Vignrug, . - Yids by us with sidilecl mammal, anti warrantid in ovary particular. BRA MAW .& SPALDING, Hardware' Dealers. Troy. April 27-1 y BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER BOOK BINDER, Alfred J. Purvis, TOWANDA, pa, All work in his line done well and promptly it lowest price. Parties having volumes Incomplete irM be fur nished witbuny Missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent for Bradford County will be promptly executed so. cording to'ilireetions. • sep94l, , - _ GEO. L. KOSS r . , Now occupies the Corner Store, opposite Dr. 7: C. Porter's Drug Store, Main fiteeet, , • with a large stock of _ ' • , . 14 7 • OF TIIF fk . BEST,.QUALITY. Mr. Was has AXOTIMMSTOILE Olt BRIMS STIIIIM J. L. Schoonover is clerk.. The two stores are connected by Telephone. Mr. Boss can now feel satisfied that he an give the • FIRST Anonct. rule .T.F.ASTAiIiNRY • 2 His experience enables him to select the best goods, which he is bound to sell eta lOW PRICE. You can always gets bargain it you • BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT LOSS'S. All goods delivered in the Borough FREE. •FARMESS will do yenta call, with their Produce and get the CASH. 20spri_ 12-Iy. M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, Is still to be found at the OLD STAND. t Next door to Pr. Et O. Porker Drug store FINE 'AMERICAN AND SWISS J E W EL-IY-' . H , -. ' STERLING 4ILVER 1 AND FINE PLATED WARE, - .. SPECTACLES te EYE GLASSES, - - •- - . CLOCKS,;-,:* FROIL-TEli OZZAPINIT TO Tag ri7. SP ALL OP WOWS WILL EE SOLD AT "ISE - . VEST LOWER? rig011:8, : ; .. . , .. . Clock*, Watches and Joish7 promptly repaired by as orporioacol tad compotost workstma.., M. BEN'DELMAK i ,-- 164 t ~4. ~• • _ - , • - --•-• L N.NELSON _ _ c. . 74 _MUM WATCHE 8, or.oo* t, • GOLD . ADD ?LILTED. •k. • ' JSIFIU.IIII'. 1` • : • , air eraps.satlilpesissims. .ar Aselloal ges u r w r ia =i , Ilka. la Deem liala Meek rilnle. , maim* ~•• . • NEW n SOODS (Formaily : SAS OPLNED A OF MB OWN TROT, PA. ; 4. Also AND 4 NMI PAPER RULERS . No. 131 Genesee street, UTICA, N. Yi MIN STREET, I MTN ♦ / * MILL Lots OF WATCHE§, Noir "Advert:tiamerits, Know 'That BRo w WS lioN Brrraas will cure the worst case of dyspelnua. Will insure. a hearty appetite. and increased. digestion. . Cores generardebility, and gives a new lease of life. :Dispels nervous depression and low - spirits. • ingto s thirtofilliiith2Vh and gives -aburidant sin= temance for her child. ''Strengthens the muscles and netves,enrichestheblc:tod. ChlercOtnesweaknessiNlmlce fulness,and lack ofenergy, K"eepss off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse ', with new life the:-weakest invalid.: • 37Walker St., Baltimore, Dec: Mt. For six years I have ban a great sufferer from Blood Disease, and Dys. - a,dConstipation,became so pepsi deWitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach, in fact, life had almost become a burden. Finally, when hope hadahnost left me, m husband seeing liaown's lame advertised in the paper, induced me to eve it a trial. 1 am. nor inking the third bottle and have not felt so well in six 1 -yews as I do at the present time: ° "Dn. L F. Gianni: BROWN'S_ IRON . 'JITTERS will have a: better tonic • Xcet uptsn any one who - ,` bracing up," than any r.v.sd:C: i;1:2 made. Nothing Short of trnmistakdble " Benefits • Conferred upon tens of ‘thousands of sufferers 'could originate and maintain the, reputation which Avsn'L BARBA mum.: enjoy!. It is a compound of the beat vegetable alteratives, with the lodides of Potassium and Iron,—all powerfld, blood - nuking, blood•clelpsing and - life-sustaining—and is the most effectual of all remedies for Beret. lons, mercuriali or bleed disorders. Unifbrinly suciessfid and certain, it produces rapid and complete cures of Scroftda, Sores. Bolls, Humo ples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all disorders arising from impurity of the blood. 'By its invigorating effects it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and Is a potent renewer of wading vitality. For pur*lng the - blood it has no equal. It tones up the System, restores and prese.rv i es the health, and hnparts vigor and Opera. For forty years it has been in extensive use, and is today the most available medicine for the suffering sick. `For sale by all druggists. The Bad And Worth/e.its are never imitated or counterfeited. This ikespeciaAly trim of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value: As soon as it had been teeted and proved the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, best and. most valuable family medicine on earth, many imitations sprting up and began to steal the notices, in which the press and Pe;o-' pie of the country had expressed the merits of H. B. and in every way trying to in duce suffering invalids to use their stuff in stead, expecting 'to make money on the Ciedit . Many, tith6 rs toiitiand good name- nostrums rmoft. H. up ß in_similar erste with mammary de viled names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used Ina way to induce penple to believe they were the same as Erop - Itittersi, All such pretended remedies or cures, id mat ter what their style . or name is, and, espe cially those with the }word "Hop" - or "Hope" in their name or an any way con nected with them or thein nanze,' are imi tations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use mithine but genaine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or clus ter of green Hops on the , erhite, label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitatifms or counterfeits. , By Universal Accord, T, AYER'S CATHARTIC Puss are the: best of all purgatives for fluidly use. bey are the product of long.laborionV and sucCessfid chemical Investigation, and their extensive use, by physicians in their practice, and by an ,civilized na tions,„ proves them' the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. /*hag purely veg. %table no harm, eat artie,'from 'their use, and being suipmcoated; they are pleasantilo'take. •In intrinsic value and curative powers no other Pills can be einnpkred with them; and every person, knowing their virtues. will employ them, when needed. They keep the , system in perfect order, and maintain In health) , action the whole machinery of Ilk. Mild, searching and effectual. they are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus. derangements of. which they prevent Snd cure,_ if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitu tions, where a mild but effectual cathartic is requited. for sale by all druggists. • I 11 114' e ®: AGENTS! AGENITS! AMEN'S: Fat GEN. DODGE'S brae ow body entitled " Thirty-Three Years Aniong OUR-110111INDIAIMS._1 trier:and d tra d es lit Gen.:Sherman. Ws law .at wee et esi*sebsedlog ice brPresiikie MUMS saa entire riai allk arrsaws.Gok. amil;Cies. Sieridba.Gia Gad Limanded gar bent MIL GIL OW? add lest iliac Z4PO nee elegem' ' Bump ohthiiska seyes..•!X hitiookifimer ins Ski oskyadbai. do Mem; of ear Wien ir/u,gebiliellrlrini& lag Iledr , thume swig gabbp.'esplogr.ite. It Is *Meg iR l ottbawotber..d dfr. sone Ikeds.Thgvece.Cow4leim Mem Banktenalaps.; eft, gortroglag Lift la th e Grid India It sow le. 431reioempic iegria wa INesk sad &mob YiN 42 4 l3lll4ll kifiliSl fa" tielalbiectreAs marist 'l'ift Acei r eelheslllag ell idea all Jilkes- - A Utle,litel e seliceegeg e ' igegle_4l efes; rah; eleeleelloilio emit iiipieiet &IKON" lecieekeep his rig piegeolegi emajlech Aloe Ilpidomarlegi Itifgetigitha" A.D.WOUSIUNITQX On, Etanoso•Consr-:- = I am tO keep you; little Whale ebe goes to waltz alth Itte ditbteenttt Well I aow that I ban you, the questtnn, ureet, la whether to kteo you, or batter and beat:t t That rterve been her aecoarObee, int. atom* Pbb k, • In Meta to tome:auto you eionotdeay 1 1 _ 4 Sow oft Ma Der ekle Pre been ordered too To bunt for your rensulp, blirb had low, did been, f o r not - Whig you, Mimi at and Mine loath her own Melons tower Tom lila/ It you weren't Just warm hum her elasy I tear YOu'd have Masted, your last at saftees, my dear!' • , This. tee, isthe cord she cruelly twiste. Ia trdr envious sight, round her milloindte AM this the edge she'd do nothing bid bite, ;- Wiwi I Pr4Yed tor one word in the soft istarlight, • .. flirt, wretched tan t trots her haat* her In ati dalatT. supreme:7 agmi wtepoot, t. . - hone such wickedness amMtnaurvain Jl Nl ll 449 ll , l Aralkf 'Ann looks. to-night, In WA whin) roils now. Fair and pure as a lily in snow* . I" _ But b et heart, under all, may be deep and true The ocean has frivolous troth on itablne Tbst she likes me a IltUe I can't help be Hewing It I WY were sure of that tact, all-rebieving I • • • Bete she comes back at last, grown a rare - In the waits ' Fouling t take her tots kiskand 171 pardon your fault! •ip. B. In thecentury. ii~=~ Ahnokivizt*ti:i4 ' "Of _course they don't :want me," solid Rosabel Raymond, sadly. "Nobody germs to want me. Ho home seems to be open to me anywhere.' When papa died, he told me that Uncle Dallas would be kind to me, and" take his vacant place Andle is kind, after his odd, abrupt fashion. Bat my Aunt. Ali- Cis don't care for me, and the girls look ooldlY on my shabby dress and pale, worn face. Evidently I dm not a cousin to be proud of. It I .were an heiress, things arena be very different!" Poor little Raabe' ! The world looked very dark to her as she sat on the window., sill of they third-story back room in the Vil las mansion, which had been unanimonsly voted " gobd enough for ItOsobel Ray mond," andrWatched the dull rah and grays of the winter sunset fading out behind the crowding spires of the city. - How desperately she longed fo the now. ' mantkd Self* the black, leaftesi- woods of the country ! She was so homesick, AO soli. tory, so alone! "Oh, Rosabel, are you here ?" It was her CouSin . idedora's soft, sweet voice.. She disliked Mellon more than either Augnsta or Bell, although she could not tell why, and she was vexed that Modors should see the traces of tears on her eye. lashes.. Bat Medina pretended not to notice them. _ " We were thinking, Mamma and I," said liedora, - ~"that you , must be terribly dull without anything to do, all these dismal &Ye? "It la rather lonesome," sighed Bombe], wondering at her cousin's unusual thought fulness. • "And so? added SATs, with the sweet smile that Rosabel always miStrturted,, "when Miss Adnitagatold us. of . the plaeo in the chirdpahrting and Rower.designing rooms— ;nu always were an artist, you know, dear— s exclaimed, in that rally, impulsive way of mine, ' The very idea for Rosabel l' , You see, Miss Armitage's protege—Helen Mauve. monde—has gone to Rome to prosecute her art studies, and there is a vacancy. And.he mho would be something of an object,' of course, because—" • _ . "Of course it would be ,an objec t ," did Rosabel," quickly: . ' " Yon do not suppose that Ido not feel my dependence here?" • "And," added /talons, thinking it best rot. to notice this outburst, , "Miss Anni. tags says you can obtain excellent board for four &Mani a week.with a widow lady ned the Rooms, and that would save you a deal of time and no end of fares. So, if ; you conclude to accept the position, perhaps you bad better dome down into the drawing.. room ands= hrurs Adnitsge." -- It there' was anything -which Itcaddl . Raymond lovid, it was imw pencil. Water colors were expansive, and drawingboards came diar; and Aunt Alida thought it 'very' =feminine for a woman to set up, an easel and_ a palette, full of oil•cohors, 1 !" hie a man," sollud her =Rendes had, since her residence in her uncle's house, been literally starved. Here, at last, wangle much owed fbr opportunity, and she rose with alacrity and followed Medora Dallas down the stairs. Mrs. Dithll9 and' the kisses Dallas were openly exultant when Rpsabel Rayniond was "So dispiriting to have her around all the time, with her swollen eyelids and pale face!" said MisvAngusta. "And so shabby as she looked, too I" said Mrs. Dallas. " And how on earth was Ito Provide her with a wardrobe, . when papa made such a dreadful fad over every dress that 'came hoinefrom /dadarea . Ficelle's for my own girls?" ! I 1 ".Of all things,. poor relations are 'the' most intolerable!", said Madera, spitefully, " But what are we to say if Mr. Ballard .! asks after her?" blurted out Bell, the - mast: honed and last p t o b lio of the family. "Say Why, to declared Me. dare. *-• "That she halo left usl" For the secret of bias Madera Dallas' anx iety to 'get rid of er pale , little cousin, whose. Motirninglras drtistreseingly Wank ing.toher, was the fold' of Mr._ Hugh Bat: Wei pthairatiCa of ithe _whit; statuteque hice, ills deep iarksPnriblue *Pk and the I thW ed fedora, Aga were as ' act as any cameo. lruts *dors had Mr. Ballard. for her own prey, and ' war upon 'iny .unfortunate pretender who should come in her way. ' ' '-' , "Perhaps,` said lira. Dallas, hopefully, a! hell never inquire about her at aIL" `$ Don't you.helieva it," iohl Bell, with a siipeoant nod. was right. The. very first evening that , blr. Ballard called. he . inquired for Kiss Boomed. Madura dropped her long lathes. "Boaabea had a cold, reserved ratan,* ibe nid. "She, never seined to I become fond of any of ne, and she has gone ,away." "Gone wherer Mr. Ballard was Regain. Sort enough, to ask. • "lithe said she would- write and and us the 11114ftell," said Medan, drawing MON, imvinatimi ; ; 4 ' but she never did. E. •quite went to 'dear roommato besrt Mao= 116. jaded itosidel is o fourth daughtir. But Bossbel never was inclined to 111Cipy0C1411 our affection." Mr. Ballard &mud.3fedors with an expreeckft which As occianot htterpret, Int it meant simply gat this gld is lying, she's aoing it iesy . arthrtkagy. Appetraneek are aorta* Wart jambe; *mond; but i; would take more than the teethdony of one woman to make nue believe her:cattier cold or nu. gratetat" I Tboio- tellectioos- pond throat* his =lad ai lavas polliely aboeptio' g Min : D.l. iorititios -to Itoomiow boilio Uri WhitwortkliVelkieighea's totedeel-teic the eat dgr. , • - 111111 , .11PN1. " lewill be a bare? , M'milk , *oaf; " int , Mrs.. Whihrtith' :'' . 3!„ :2 : ' •:11r .6 genius, and then! Will*:: eigik, ,: ; I ' , '''. teed_ musk there."' .. - --; '•' -';---,,, ~,,,, ?' -- 6 , - - : — ." There was good musk therealtlikedle-* Heim "fie. Paw it ~ istthOlie of M pg caps, each plated with al , Tr - erild. dower or bunch of gnaw ;.: -: ~„,,,. .„,, -, and whitegrapat following, the . s . :wad rnalekiika—and all went *ea l ', , 4- - kat:. *Age Wil t imia, in ternh4 to' `''.4'ehair nearer the window ear Wit ' ; - lifi..Bid, lard'a tinfortninte bliaili ':i tt the' Prie*lle CUPITOR ‘ thi. • .eirisitt - * - ibri- Japaness cablatak wad , lecke:lo4W three - Pieces- 1. 1 - ' ' . ' - : 4 g; - ' Whihrattb:liaiiiibliedirewo r miF, st . ticidir cried Illederak4 l o4f- htft bands wilh.ahnulatedleartw: ‘'''':?; , ,?i ' -s-- „ -;‘- ',5 --.- , -, ' " I swear you •to eland kilittger= Add ,_-qz- Bethel% keilhingt se, 1 - fe*lerfiek tile Illieidef Precious piece. iii-big and • dieresa ', l 1 4 14 . -' o46 * - - - , , : Sil kell#o l .- "If She" 15 *1 1414 -# l-24 -T--; :Brill**/- gr.ll,roaVitr**, , instaaltOkliiia*litiviiiweihr, ' roreieri CA% Wallthirdhiebdit‘a that Mt. indtsisth wiabiallim WU almost a alasomenleo oaths subject of her china ; and he; Waa nab!' twee deeply. - .. - . chagrined than he appalled to be., - - _ "You can't match it," laid Medan IW. • • 'And ehe pawed to be right. 4 - bbt despair, Hugh Ballard went to : old Mrs. Megawatt', who was exactly like every body's fairy godmother. • "'What am Y to do r said he blankly. "Do ?" mid l lies. Mamma; nodding the diamond butterflies on.bec cap. " to the china painting inddecorsting rimmus, of course. in Manunereley Stinam • Take 3 sample, and duplicate It for you in twenty.four hours. Saythatift *wit. nsu sent yon.'! r , _ Mr. devoutly , . thanked tlo), old lady, and ObeyCd without low of time. It min a huge, airy •room. with tbo - dows all. glorified with winter =Ain; and; soft • atearn.lutot modifying the rigor of .the February air, r j whitre half a dozen .young women were corking at a large table. Mrs. -Baker, the supirinte!dent, who sat at her desk took the pieces of Mrs. Whitworth Walkinghim's doOmed cup looked' earnestly at them, with her head 012 no We have that shape is one wares," said dus; and I am quite sure Rails° an repro. duce the design—blue 'titan& and numb. grasses. WM Raymond's designs are 110111111 of them even more exquisite than this. Be. abet, my dear, come here.* And Raabel l Raymond, pale and ; pretty as ever, came nriconseicsudylorward in her brown linen printingdress, =With a bow of black ribbon at her throat, and her lovray chesbmt-brown hair pushed back from her face. Mrs. Raker was bolding - .oat the bits of fractured china, 'whereon were painted the bine bis.imds and drooping grasses, but Relabel mover looked at WM. "/IA WWI" she . Ori4 -- het Ism kighteniug with a, *dig* which she its' too umophisumited .to - Maus; "!urb l at brought youto thiapiseer • "Ms Daymointin be enigma& "what are you doikg - nifOint Stine ii;ki -2 iteislit with quiet diiinii7; " Does Mice Dalbm--MedMa, I: mem-- know where you are r " She ought to know," saidgosabel, " for it was she who 'recommended me to come here. For the Ilailases, I think, were gall; ting tired of sue,o' she added, with' *:ldilil• "But longht to be way- much obliged to her, for 1 have acquired a most welcome in; &gm:alma* and the Work here isi exceed. . ingly congenial -to 'my tastes la • that the pattern you wishilt-copied, Mrs. taker 1" she asked, taking it piece of chi* , "Oh, what an exquisite:tamp., of buds! yet . I am bold ienough to think I can imitate it swum fully. "If you can - replace that:cup," *4l Mr. Ballard, driumdlcailly, " I am your alive fat life r "Ithink I can promiselckreplace it with-.' out any such condition,"saidßma*, laugh- And Mrs: 'Whitworth WalkingkiM never knew that her iris-bud cup we broken until Hugh Ballard brought back Conn. kaput. "You meet have. some spell out, of the Arabian Nights." said she eMliusiluithseßb "No," he answered, '?ito stronger than a wommes practiCed 'eye and slam load." lire came 1/0'331* to MO' Dallas' 'headily *ruing receptionsund FA. day afterr.oon teas. Miss blisharnivondered waxily. why. But One day she. mall lam on Fifth Avenue, and prettily reprimand him with his:nkreimt absenteeism. I "I have been fortunate enough to discov ery the abiding-plate of ywn_ mesh; „Wes Bosabel Raymond," said he, gravely. Ifedora looked up, with. a deep calm mounting to her, cheeks.l." "Indeed f" said she. - "It was:very, kitul of lyon s, to moure for her finch a congenial tion as that," be -dded„ I . • 1 • Medora Dagaut hwitg her head. ,and wee "But she not remain there long," he contended,, "I ran happy to tell Yon that i ant - ed to her. We are to be Martini in, wake: Of mum_ yea Meeivel 'at bone' ierds whfu we are 213aUr liett* Ifedors nigrnMrad something about "Awn gratelat!one " an 4 delighted to heir of it," Ihtt Mr. Ballpid tmuled to *reit when she bpd *Bed 1 100 • • " La bat *ruins is not meetly pleaselt," he mid to himMlf. ''But what need .I-rare for the frowns hr undies of other women, so long es I bare WOll my littie ameba /7- 4 - Helen Anita dram CAPITAL PCNISIIMBIIT, The gnu Fraecine Ale Ca Orate says —"Without tottudin to do It, Calends be. "btu* abolished capitol puthhment. A few ran age a *use was put Into the taw euddieg junto, ieretumiug verdicts toi twain is- the:that. degree, to glint*, iffy wished, thst,the penally ghoul& be hiquisonnut foe, Vb. > The: object was, ihnbtlen, to provide e putOutteut whieh juries would be leethatit.ba infliattbiwthej meld tbet betigieg is ,enee . ',ben pal. Mug chnunstauen aziet4 or Then then ves a slightdoebt into the Bei from the tkequeiki with, Uidati'veidkits at numser ha* bait 'ism* tetanettenen. pealed by nootwinednieue:to harlot. aunt feeilfe; it Enid . 4010 that the ha nog* of. Puke I. f00ff10i6 1 40#,.,6.4 ratios of total dime lb* iseetkpoody. If: the abotitation .or 1101140141111111 for mow led to ocoootiok li - eas* that maid othenitierilt thin it by ill alb theitnniput no* width so muds et isimostkoor ibelidoe el apnea pentiehinut Iwo bow die tO sae it an ososoisfik WOO. OW*, = el pooktommt i. tom *Onto* fa So puska of alio Quaorooftri: - MEM iiiiiii;:oiiiili iloOisiviti; PlMHind is: orlslog - BirM Illirmials ilsotans. - . Mingling with the roar of the (Asia mile • above' this point. I hMr the heavy heom or sharp,'Parrott.guslaticrack of the . Unit fired hy Hallett's army of railway bbor: -*now within a fa* miles of this point, sffraaahlaii with a speed haret9fara . unknown in the era oZ radial building. litralreds of men are mattered to thewoods ob this side of, the river gettio l g out timher I%* the false work of the great, bridge that to span Clark's Fork here. The river banks ind- barges pile•driving fairly swarm with workmen getting these timbers into pa Aims, and the "bows" ere rally wades:it that they will Lave is,„ temporary; Crooning ready by thelline Hallett's radian. can get here. I very much doubt Its for %e last. heavy tbmagbrock cut lies"been made, five idea east of Hoek bliuni, - ina When what is 16101111 hire out the "`,big blast" 'bra away WciaOhwiailv the , abler dam* 1 14 tbkialtes* 2 lPd roloWing with eji I Ali= which the map represents', the route 'of the Nosthern Pacific monad the head :vitas of Pen d'Oreillo . and along .rugged Clark's Fork, one hai no conception of What the oaustmelion of such a • railway means: Going over the .profiles in - the chief or subordinate engineer's office there comes a better idea and realization, btit one must ride overthe completed track, in. Watch the thousands of men at work in these mils ribbed hills, see the deep. cuttings, the bi- Memo fillings, count thtbridges and rake! of trestlework that e 7 the; train , safer over streams and arms ' lakes and blebs,. tO fairly realise the experuliture of muscle, &aged by 'skill and executive ability , nem& nay for mob a work as building a great rail. way route through this mountainous own. 1 7. • At places,' for Whines a point near Cabi. tietLanding, to the men who do the labor, `l seven to the':snbordizusto hailers, the pas. sage seems &Mid sgainst them. The moan. lain towers tiles prop to the sky, and from the water's edge it rises like a Wail, liming. big no break or crevice for a foetbold. Dis. (imaged, the men make a halk, and word goes back to the chief that Nagle' has raised an insuritountable barrier- 4 ' tie work can., not be done." The reply is i 4 .4 It must - be doise," and Hallet comes to see it done. By and by cable ropes holding plank *Ong go down the precipitomisides of' the mom. ;pow), rope ladders to [this staging clambeichinamen aimed with drills, and soon' tbe.rock sides are filled with giantpowd der. IThes they &mins up, lthe blast is fired, lind . the foothold made by the explo sive soon swaraisrvith Celestials ; the "can't he done" boa been done and man's skill, en. orgy and perieverance have triumphed. 'Aid so this work bas7progressed in spite the Agora 'of winter, combined with the huge obstruations Native dater in the way. -;.Bliatutonsille Latter in the Ban Francine Ihirt.Yease Wirees's Irstiorf nein ?few Y.k IlinOWest UMW. -........—. , The New York correspondent of the 805.,* .,* !Ze,rald mites : I hays, bond two Ittlifftta - 'ldallialtrnOlda; "-Mgt O. it: lkwr and Vies D. M. Dow, young women, are ihe menage= of ',one. of the biggest tenement houses on ktinhattan bland, at Noe. 86 and 88 Cherry street, in the shadow of the East River Bridge and the midst of the greatest squalor of the City. They are trying the experiment of keeping such premises in s 1 ditanbvwdedy antaittlaa, at low rents and at 'the same time making it pay. The prem. lace measure 240150 feet, with, an alleyway on each of the long sides, and one through the centre lengthwise. The main. house holds 7f families. There are 665 persons housed in these buildings, of whom about 200 are children: l A few years ago this 1 place was internam; asi are "The Double Alley." "The Mouse of _Biases" and "Muiderers' i Alley." ; Even policemen dreaded to go in there; fights were of daily an d nightly oc. eurnuma, and there were occasional murder& thider the mild shay of these tiro women the diameter of the place has been entirely, , changed, cleanliness and ender have taken the place of filth and riot. The alleys, in- stead of being filled with garbage, are dear; ' and 'clean. AU the offal is removed. The halls arei scrubbed every day. The walls are. kept whitewashal None of the tenants are permitted to bring liquor on. the premises. There are laundries for the general use 'of those who do not wish to wash in their own mama. ' A part of the house is kept as an 1 assembly room, where, 14 Winter, the women mid children are taught sewing occasionally. They have a 'Rifle speech making of good advice, but, as , most of the tenants are Cat& olio, there is no attempt at proselyting. Thera are on the premises I grocery, a . Immo store, a free dispensary end a mis' • inn school : Many of the tenants are sup. idled with frbe tuition wad medical treat. meal- : r Strange to, say, the place is remarkably healthy. The death' rate is low. Led Stun- mar only one child died. When the health ,offfear came there was not one has' child to be Wended. ' One woman; has fifteen chitdwin, and the sole income of the' family is $8 a week, which•three of thwabildren emu The tenants are variously occupied as labor. ark and peddleirs, with a few mechanics' . ,*any of ther children sell newsmen =Vat sehool bolus, but nearly all go to. scheol. Foe three rooms in these buildings, meastir-- ing in the agiVeiOte fifteen by • fifteen feet, See rent is $3 50 pir month for the lowest end top floors. For the middle floors $4 h eln4cd, and some of the families pay $7 for the best tenements. The Misses Dow visit Use piece every day, go among the ten .- • an* and see that theynlistirve ; the rules as to efeanlizeiss,• and collect' the rents. They We bean doing this over s ' and how lave a remarkable hdiu over the E m anti to whom, in many Imipx4s; their is Lew. Dozing di this time, they say, have not been *gilled, they have not ipeatly i imposed upon, and they' . have I the property. pay a fair tete= an the invest; I 1 The boy leaves th e farm, doe he ? Lit 17 wonder? He has to use worn 1314 tools, and gets scolded it his work is notslfl dolma He goes to the blacksmith shop . w ith zu ni a horse while the "men" take a g. He ban alamb, calf, or colt " given* * . bit when it is sold the prieeiehi go the wield tressury, and he gets a new bat and is content (?) He tams the grildsbuse, and Lamm hii beak aches be is Wormed that leishave no backs." Hs eSes to bike, banns, and other enteetairiniegis needy "in his libel." He wants to go to *NA bit la told that * Wilds Ilia 126 Othleiltloll, IlltiA—be leaves the term!.lt's no smiler. 04 use there are MKT 111=4#1111 to this , soled treatment, led not. 'Danny, as there osight to be. It should be the bitlser's ' gin to intallst his bop in their wash by sharing soigne et tbe -proceeds ' with Abets and Ink suiting dissi'mesiondb:', Bole have «ow tights that Me ought bayed.. , ::,,"r rej/ .. .ifc,g 4 gT ''''. .....,. Vick4S7Wr4*-65i;;;*i"''',,:ii:L 4 ..-;:•., „' . . , ,,, , 2 2 1iF-±-4'4,f- - , ' W - ', ,, ,.( 4 .m, 7,- . .( 4 .. .... ~,,..- , ~,,,k., k. ~ , Fi ,,5..- -,,,i4.7. z4.,5%.1,zt ~ ~,' ~, - A , e-c•-•-+....., -; ... .-,,, P>t01Vg.r.:.. ,, &- ,-4 ,t 4 t .- 4 . %-'•- -,-,;? • .; - VVflq: l ,, , liAtigteli-7,4 , F 7 „3414P10NUW1 1 : 4 • ! : ,. a . " ,, 1'i r 4- 1 - - WeiP 4 ,'.-E'VE4 ; A tj ',': ;::::: P- -- 4, kVc_7:.." -- ?;•:7 ; .4 .- : - ,•; 4 ::'. iT 4 , " - t - W.?.!j: * 4 .= ;1i f .1:0 4 ,14V 5, h,,„%.*, .teci'Z's o :4 4 ' . 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', •:- : z *„ V : 's.'; , ',•;-- ';''',f';': , =• fr -,•,.• '-',.- ,1, ~., ,- ',... t • ,v -.Z4: ; '..:, ,:: -- i •,- '' , ,:•-:',. '-- '"'W _ ::: 'I.L - • :::,',rc,' . ' '''''' ~ o . 1, .f. ::" -',,` ' ;":-:::'. _ '..', -If : _,....0...;-;_;.._..i.,_ ' 21'- .. ,, ,, :1 z.,, , -.4 . ' , ..: ' '....,:. -s ', : . - ' KF ~,., ' %'''.• ' -1 - ` ).. -1:7 1 " ,- -' 1 - ' 5.C.. ' -.- - - ri ' 4. - i' -, p., :;% 7 2-4 , 'I, (F. ,:._'' ;:,. •''''.-1 - 5, , '„, , ~, . ' ....,'; '%l 'l . -fr •:, , ! ' a '"!- \7_:• - 0 ' .•: • :Y , ''. '' / . PECIML" ien ~,: -.. ..- : .1.'11. 4 .','..`, 7 :.:-- ,, .f"; . :- : •::-'Z:- . ..;...,: . :.: ',. : . - ..''.:: . "• -: :i -, :" . :' , ',..-'' . .t`-::.-!': : V _:=.:..,,....,' y-_:(yfilign,-,19.;w.,i,1f38‘21-.,,,',.:-.cc,.....,,.•-,...r.,.,-7,,:f,..-4,, LADY .LANDLORDS. '1 I BOYS ON THE FARM. I ESle . „,...,. „ •'d,,,5%.,-..i,. ...k . . ,: i:'..:-:: - . i: - .".', .. . „ ._ KMllinil *WSS 17111111111 t OP LOVifitANA• Hong the illudeelppi *vet from the delta to the mina of the Ark:rine River: grow krge *wen swarope, Just back of th: cultivated hind: In these; maim where, on the deep,.ailrY ical, a new layer of vege. l , tablenrendd is every year deposited by the floods, the cypress attains its greatest der& opment. ' The hugest trees are 'l2O feet in height, and fro" $5 to 40 feet in 'Amanda ence above the 'Oonical Lowe; which at the ..,..., of the ' is alWays three or four times as large the continued diameter of the trunk. felling the trees build seaffolds five Or mz feet high, upon which they stand to chopliown these hoge Bout& ern vegetable more:tem The babe is usually hollow for three fourths of its, bulk. Its surface is kergitudinally furrowed . with deep chime's, the ridges of which serve as eranya ,to , Si[ it more firmlyln the loose soil ' - i - In the prepuitkin of the wood, both' ti ; . 'rkitise, midis and red,. should be •34t _Winter; - red . seastinita untilipeetectly dry. lt Is extely used for inlepuseu 'lloo6 noVeredAritb - emus ibingler from thither cut in winter wall kiirfor forty years. . The bcisz&i are • preferred tn Trine for the in side work of brick houses and for window sashes and panels oft doors exposed to the. weather. Cabinet makers use it for the inside of mahogany furniture. It has been used for the sides.of vessels, and to a limited extant - for masts. Large . trunks _ are fro. quently made into canoes, some of them thirty, feet long and five feet wide. They are m ore and durable, thin those of any other tree. It makes the best pipes to convey water, especially; the red variety. This truly excellent woodls now _geed for various purposes, and there inquiry for it. Boat builders use it to' a considerable extent Many of the small boats belonging to the men-of-war in the United t3tates service are constructed of cypress much is used for water tanks, sugar coolers, and cisterns, on account of its durability; some enters into the . construction of houses and house finishing, it being excellent in ceiling, and large quantitiee - are made into shingles, and railroad crossties. iThe Lehigh Valley Railroad Company ordered 75,000 of these ties team used upon its road this sea son In some instances the 'shingles are `manufactured with the large end finished round Lind octagonal, that ;the roof may present a finer appearance. Thant kinds are wed upon churches in the !mid dis tricts, and npou villas where the builders wish to dis' playsome taste in lines that vary from the ancient straight and conventional methods. Some claim that ehingies, prop erly prepared, will last 100 years. They are e.eitainly - very , durable. , Wood takes from submerged swamps, which has been in contact with the decaying influences of mud and water for untold centuries, is found to be in an excellent state of peniervation. Cypress logs have been taken from the soil deep raiderneath New — Orleans in good con. dition. Evidences are abundant and con. elusive in regard to the lasting properties of the wood:- Hence it is gradually creeping into use more and more ea-11 year.. Already it is being used in many' houses in New York city in finishing, iidZh ,eats for' more. p4e.million shit - 41414 the estimate; amount of consumption in the New York market, with an increasing ilereand., At least 8,000,. 99 0, :feettif ttko,NPOdx . ,.. ta3to:Motold to =P . ply the ma r ket iraSr ties the present gear, and about 0 0 0,000 feet 4) fhrer foe general use. D. is exported to isoin -went to various ports. • Railroad ties have bea sent to Cuba,Pnince, and England. Lam. ber has been sent abroad, but in no great quantities. • ~ A ALIGHT MISTAKE. I. Exatauutlea Mite Case Tee Late to . 4 Peeress Treuble. Some eight •or ten years ago a silvery tx...gtted chap, who claimed to be a fruit-tree agent, swindled the farmers of this multi in a shameful manner, and one resident of Nankin was so mad about it that he came' to Detroit, teardexl the rascal out and give him a pounding on the street. Aftet he got through his work he told the fellow that be would lick him twice as bad if he ever put Eyes on lim again, and it-was a threat toi be remembered and nursed. • About three weeks ago the Nankin man was traveling irr. Washtepaw county, and as ho journeyed along tile highway he met a traveler who so_ closely resembled thefruit-trea swindler that he halted and called ont:—, Here you are again, yonlboll-Ziced rar;. call" " " Yes, I'm here," was the calm reply. " Well, so'm I, and rm going to Pak yen until you can't holler! I said rd do it and ralways keep my word:. Climb down here i" "The stranger "dumb" without a'vro.. • shedding his coat, as he !track the gtoultd, and a fight began. . In about 1 two minutes he had used up the fanner and was cooily replacing his coat. • See hem" said the man from Nankin as he' wiped his nose with a burdock " you fight betterlhan you did eight years agto.",:, " Well ,, I datum. This is my 'first affair "Didn't rwollop you in front of the Ay. troit Post Office eight years ago V' "No, sir! • I was in Australia up to year ago." "And you never saw me before?" " Neier !" "And was-never In Nankin !" • "Neve ! t ee " , ' ` " ;% 1 7 I i be hinged! Come to look at You,' I that you fuer not, the man ! Why On earth didn't you erpilin, or ask me ito • ? Yon must have thetwht me mistaken?" Ob, yes, I knew you were mistaken,' but I bad just discovered that I bad:driven seven smiles on the wrong road and I was wishing some one would come aloil ;and give me two words of sass. I didn't want any en. planation about it. A rotton sweet apple will care tbat . black eye in three or four days and salt and water will tighten your font teeth in a week or so. I fifty per cent better, audirm ever so much obliged. Elo long to you !"—Detroit Free Pr= FATORFTZ NAllitrw.-Shere II to be 'a wedding soon, the way to which was paved with so much de ingenuity by the lady in the case that it is worth recording. The gentleman bad been'an accepted .suitor for months, but had never even remotely alba ed to the wedding day, and the lady, tired with so much waiting, made up her mind toj prompt him &little on the first famedge oc casion. It happened in this way 2 They were sitting in the garden, and as was his endow he was making himself agreeable by gallait speeches, in one of which he Winded to hie se ' , aimin g ," He emphasised the some by a tender pruners of the hand, and ,remszked that "darling" was the sweetest tenet in the English lineage for him. "Do you think so .P" she asked in a teem ions oda ; there hi another MOO that to me is the sweeter." " What is it, darling r asked the knee rapturously. " Zmlt a little 'lord of four letters--wife," she answered, with • gentle exmhutm, and there wu Dow tag left fee him bat to est hex to decide the day wheel he might call her bp' hoc !Write narne,—Dstron Paw Pow BE When on Willa Ut lite the Winn ta Ann, to the winds trent unattnned spun blown, I Dear*: yokes oui of darkness caning My WI to paths unknown, Thou who hast made my home at Me so pleas. ant, , ; • Leave not its tenant when its walls decay: 0 UM dtVIZIN 0 Helper ever present, Be Thou my *strength and stay Be near me when all elsejs from me drifting. Earth, sky, home's - pictures, days of shade ant shine. And kindly faces to my own uplifting • The love which anfferell3 mine. • I have but Thee, 0 Father! Let thy spirit • Be with Me then to comfort and uphold; , No gate of pearl, no branch of pnim, I merit, - Nor meet of shining gold. , • _ • , Suffice It If — my-good and ut unredkoned, %And both-forgiven through thy abounding: -;••• grace— • ' • Hind myself by hands familiar beclumed Vigo my fitting Plade; . - Some humble doornmong Thy Manymaations, Some sheltering shade where sin and stalving - caw, Ana Sows tomPler glinnlah burn% Peek saintb , Z,an"' ot thy peace. - team the music round about me stealing I fain would learn the new and holy song,' And and, at last, beneath Thy frees of baffle, Thelffe for which I long. • • • " Joint Greenleaf Whittler. A ihritins *elm to a Becky rilematAlls The /testy September nights bid killed the mountain grasses. The west wind, cold, dry, bracing, had blown steadily for days through the pins forests, penetrating into every nook and eddying dryingly around the granite cage. The carpet of pine needles, spread thickly over the foot hills, was thor oughly dry. The creeks were low.. The water in the ravines had ceased flowing. An btu bar thrust into the furnace of an upright boiler and vigorously stirred caused tae air to rush Out through the .open doom with a gust. sit swept through the o;flues and into the contracted smokearneir, it" car. ried a fiery column of sparks and burning bits of wood with it.' Out of s tile smoke stack these sprang, and were flung on to the eoucepine needles lying in the adjacent tor - Instantly they were ablaze. With a low murmur, the fire ran nimbly up Mam moth Gulch. Fanlike, it expanded, and, gaining strength, the faint murmur of the burning pine needles was replaced by a loud crackling roar. Almost instantly the fire panied beyond the, control of man, The wind freshened, and. bletv up the gulch strongly. • Tongues'of flame shot obliquely up the hills; Ps. The smoke rolled in vast horizontal cyl'ilders in die viol of the fire. The case ,_admitted of - 'nothing except' the thrusting of lands inq Overall pockets, the filling of pipes, rade 'de:iberate smoking of them. Nothing 'rad be done to save the mill property and mining camp until the back and side, fires began to descend the hills ; then they could probably be tiontrolk Up the gulch the head fire, seen through the smoke, was a dull red, almost a copper color. Tiny whirlwinds quickly formed, and in an instant many columns of fire rem, - with angry roar, high ahem the tops of the Most lofty -pines. The burning embers, sacked up. through the fiery fennel, were waded InOadeast as from an aerial centrif. riga/ Machine and far in advance of the main fire fresh fires formed. The- air he. came heavy with ashes. The sun shone through the pall-like smoke dimly.. Within the fire line the very air seemed to be a-mass of flame, through which doubly heated tont;iithl; shot in long, throats. As 1 the fury i of the fire increased great pine trees , became ablaze. From towering cones of green they were instantly transformed into flaming beacons that stood high _above-the heaving sea of smoke. The burning trees uttered sharp, torpedo-like cries, as though in actual pain. Dozens of trees would flare aphrightly at the same time, and as their: cones burned off, the sting wind hurled them - hundreds of feet thrbngh the air in ad: , vanee of the math 'fire line. With great speed the fire ran through the light under. brush and dry twigs. Behind lay the carpet of smouldering pine needles. From this arose a dense cloud of 'light-calored smoke. Slowly, very slowly, was the carpet comm. ed. The smoke arising from it obsaared the main fire. • Slowly kirling into the earth, all signs of active,,desix' acflie fired*. . appeared. From the pores' - of the burned. over mountain flanks the smoke in millions of tiny jets. d • I walked home through -unburnt :for. est, and packed my household goods prypera. tory to caching them in an abandonedmiine shaft. By 10 o'clock in the evening I had finished packing; then, stepping out of the blouse to see if the fire was cozning,, I heard rifle-111k reports issuing from the smoke. clouded forest a - qua' ter of a mile :to the =rib. -These reports increased in frequen. Mutthinking the .deserted mining camp, in almost every house of which cartridges of 'giant powder were-lying ore shelves or care. leanly thrust between the logi, was on fire, I walked up out of the rocky glen in which my house stands to witness the destruction ?f the' village. it was not on fire, being protected by a high, .bare, rocky hill, down which the side fire could not descend. The molts had thermal in frequency until it was as though a strong skirmish line were briskly engaged. The noise was made by falling trees, trees undermined, by the cloak ed fire of the pine needles consuming their roots. Yaster and faster the tret4 fell,; until the sin gle reports were no longerdistinguish. able. It sounded as though , a batlle was be ing fought under the clouds of smoke hang ing in the mountain *alley. • Nothing ,could be seen in the valley below me. -There was a dull, lurid color to the smoke ; that was aIL Away off to the'east, at the head of the val. ley, the smoke was a little - brighter. The work of destruction was going on under a cloud. As I sat on a high granite point the' wind ahifted. The southern side fire became a head fire. A red line, some two miles in length, rushed up the steep flank of a mortn.; Lain td the east of where I sat. Red.hot: ashes and bits of burning wood headed the advancing. line, as -fiery . bail. The wind. whirling around crags and into nooks filled • With - dry branches _and fallen i trees, caused the SAMOS to spring high above the rocks. Scores of these towering cohnnns of fire, os. cillatiiir wildly, could be Merl at once. Again the wind ehanged - with a furious gust and blew strongly from ,the north. Then, away off to the north; onn steep mountain side, a pinkish cloud of. smoke rolled rapidly upwarkand through and high above it gi. patio exclamation - points of flames were blazoned against the dark northern Pty..' For two days we fought aide fires, ebbing to save our hordes. 4 t seemed to be a hope., lees talk. - We were well nigh exhausted when the storm clouds gathered around the white peaks of the Medicine Bow range, and aflame autumnal storm of hail and rain fairly flooded the burning district. The min fell far into- the night. -The next' morning a few Mink stamps and logs, =maiming among the Ulm timber, alone .iteaelaai of the broad f x, / hays ever seem=-3:. Botts INI ~: ,;-~ ':r'" _ ~^ 'AT-LAST. A FOREST FIRE. -PRWog Camp. $1.50 a Year, h Adiaaeac CEN ITEM'S OF INTEREST. Isieresilre Vim. Celled Par Illeve'samt —Dakota hes mom daily ppers than euty one of the ik!uthern States. , —Bask) are becoming mums again In the Black HMI. A drove of about 10,000 wan recently seen there. - • -More than 239,000 telephones are now In use in the United States, and about 5,000 are added to the number every month. r - 27 A grizzly bear,. said to tare measured eleven feet from Up to tip, was- : recently kilted by some sheep herders fit -Wyoming Territory. . - -At Oakland, Cal, the cost of feeding the . prisoners at the City Prison is thirteen and a half cents per . day, or four and* half tents per meal. —There are now living in the United States 291 perk= who were born at ses , ter the United Stater fag. • Most of them umat be pretty old. - —Bailey, Idaho, a town si small that it has no place in geography, Inds notoriety as the place in which nine men are locked up for as Many murder'. —A farmer named Sayer; at Gam Val. fey, Cal., undertook to unhitch his team, when one of the animals pressed him so Ls bard against a.tree that his collar bone was broken. —By a recent decision of the, Stats &t. preme Court railroad int3perty in Pbnida is subject to taxation. This adds about $5,000,• 000 worth to the taxable property of the &Fight& State. - A novice is one who is just beginning, isn't it, pa r "Yes;my dear. Why do You ask. "Oh, I thought the baby_was a little the smartest. novice in crying I ever saw." " Oh, well, babies are bora adepts it that, confound 'em."—Bodon Globe. —Every man to his trade " No, I Inns nn time to read r the papers," remarked Fogg's ;-"I simply skim them, and let them go at That." " Every man to his trade," replied Fogg ; "Yon aro used to ' skimming, you know."—Boston Tram -, • . Florida man hatches alligators' eggs by placing them ins box in the attic over his store sandwiched between layers of-damp straw.- This makes a hot -bed, the tempera tare of the attic being over 100 degrees dur lag a Warm day. When the straw becomes I dry he sprinkles water over it. The period- . Of incubation is about two months. He has had a nest of 300 eggi undergoing this treatment for the past seven or_eight weeks, and the yound alligators are beginning to' come forth. - —Chinese tea is going out of - favor with English mordants ? who complain . that it no longer what it was of yore, and they azz seeking Indian teas as the •imperior The quality of the Chinese article has been deteriorating for a umber of years, owiu.! to the heavy local taxation and severe com petition. r The Chinese merchants are geld to admit and latdent the fact. As the In dian and Japanese teas are not subject to home taxation, they are likely to supplant the Chinese product to a great extent. —The St Gothard Railway proper is 113 miles long, and there are in all not leas than fifty-six tunnels, comprising more than one. fifth of the whole lines There are also many lofty viaducts, bridges and compycated. gal leries. The main:4mnd is nine and &quar ter miles long, and others exceed 6,000 feet in length. The width'of the great tunnel is - twenty-six feet, and the height nearly nine.. -teen feet. Its highest point is 9,756 feet *above the' sea. The coat of the tunnel was something over $40;000,000. Thamfork was - in progress ten years. - —Strange freaks vim played by a for. nado in Florida: Parts'of the same building were carried in one direction, while other portions weW hurried in another. TL oac who bad an Oirporftruity of seeing the dr, es.l messenger describe it as spear-shape; or , resembling a funnel, and say that it diffused a reddish 'or yellowish light. Like some huge bird of prey it would swoop devil's - 13 “i tlie earth to pursue for a few moments it' mission of ruin, and would then dart off iut.P space with a rambling, roaring sound that struck all hearts with terror. —A Western'man has been telling 'time Philadelphians how Western cities grow, He says he went off into the mount - tins hunting, aid, night coming on, he went to Bleep ins tree to be out of reach of tip!. wolves. He. was, was, awakened early in the morning by some.workmen,- who told hin, to get down and finish his nap on the c: nct house steps, as they wanted to turn that tray into a flagpole for the hotel across the a. 13 He got down, and, while robbing ey a was nearly run over by stied car and;to: his feet tangled in an electric light wire. Philadelphia Hew. —A strange battle took place at &fah., Ala., a -few - days ago. It was between a gander and a rattlesnake; and ended in the leath of the gander. The gander came %cross the snake in his path and gave, him battle. They ,fought fast and furiously, and the snake was seen to strike his antagonist five times, the fifth time just above his bill on the front of his bead. In a moment the gander began to stagger and then go round and,round, and in two Minutes fell, expiring lamest immediately. The snake was then killed and found to be about two fad in length, with six ratlles. SOCIAL LIRE OR THE GERMANS. I miss the shading, the "fine lines," so to speak, writes a correspondent Of the -Phila delphia Bulictio, that'.add so imperceptibly, yet so infinitely, to the grace and comfort of one's existence, and in no *titian of life does a woUtan'a position - here seem to me an enviable one. 4=e:ice, at least that poi.; Lion of the continent whence my experience ad that of your readers is drawn, is scr. tainly the Paradise of women, but they sel dont or never appreciate the fact until after baying seen a little of woman's lot in other countries. German wives and sisters hear with surprise that with us the husbands and brothers do not, rule blur atheists in the household, that a woman may travel alone the length and bnadth of our great country, encountering everyihere not only freedom from insult, but courteous and respectful at tention, and thp when a man marries he does not look -l out for a 'working bones , keeper," but for a companion of his leisure and a presiding genius in his drawing-room. . Peuricar. min Druarano.--Old Gimbals went to some English opera,_wherrhe 'wasin Chicago, of the Alice' Oates — Variety. He came home a very wrathful man. "Don't tall to me any more; ; about , givin' woman the ballot," he roared. - "If ever tI. catch a wife or daughter of mine domino in a nec)a late and a pair of slippers, somebody% have to read.the riot act before the ballot is half over, I don't care who tries to' stop me." And the Goodman girls. haven't dared my "women suffrage" or wear bangs from that day to thin,—Barlingto'n Hatekeye. , /to Ikea sox WOHDIL—As a great "cai4or who saajestiodly approaches the - peroraticto finds with eruie the words to express his linuaibmghts, so does the man whola the dark tumbkeever'a rockier ' gin vent to beguile nitable to the - ergeney . Y. Cbanurtgal addeertirsr. .- • ".•:V."i•Af4;46:M • • - • . , WM r _... Bill 21 MEM There. I= WM =EI M EME ME 11M ENI EN ..;-. - =::"•:...'%-', -,- , ,. ..: 4 '. .-:',,,.,-„;;,,•,:.::-.:;,:-.'7';.,, t 94