Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, October 12, 1882, Image 1

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    1 ,. _ .
..... 4,..
bc• TRACY, Putnam":
Bradford Republican
1. P:iWished Every Thursday,
51..79 Per .annum, dig Ai:ranee.
Adrerliging Rafes—Stx cents s line for first
iny , ertlno, ant five cents per line tor all sulov;
q uoit inserti3ns.' Reading notice
ten cents per- line. Eight lines constitute $
..inare, an.t twelve lines an inch. Auditor's
„„ t y ces $2.50. Administrator's and Executor's
Yearly advertising IittO.CKI per
THE ItErouLTHAN 111 published In the 2asay.
m (lo re and Nobles 131t4t. at, #l4l : o,aiatat at litaiu.
and streets; over I. F. 001sies Boot sod
Shoe store. ita'cireitiEtkin is ever 2000. As en
`/dvertisiug medium it Is unexcelled in its im•
Business Diree:ry.
1./.:VEL%ND k 'AfcciOV RN, (E. J. Clerektad
.11.:(iorera), , Bradford County
Pa, All business entrusted to -their oars ;in
wc.,,teru. Brum/Jed will receive prompt attentlOn.
`IIITH n lIII.LIS, Attorneys-et-Law; Orno
* 7.5 oVrf p‘rsell t: Co.
i 1.1 1 , 1 4, J. N., Wilco in 'Wood's Block, south
First Nathmal Bank, up stain. jpne 12,58
1 4 - 11: 4 11ItEE B.IN (N C Enrbree and
.J (Mice iu Ilercur i3lock, Park St. may 14.78
'DECK . x uVERTON (Bard if Peck aad D A Orpr
J. °Mee over 11111 . 1 Market 48•'78
ERToN fi ti DEMON (E Overton and JrAll
FStindrrfon.l Office in Adam. Block j alys-78
mAXWE(.I. W .1. Office over Dayton's Store
apt 1114,76
J •DREW, Office in Mean's Block;
ape L 4.76 .
CARSOCHAN la HALL. (W r Dawes.
Wfl (.'arrul , .an. L M Hail.) Office in rear
a Ward '..:utrance on.Poplaz St: (je12,15
ikirEltu;' ~ DNEY A. Solicitor-of 'Patimtii.
1~1 Pa .l. mar attention paid to business in
Orphaus' Court and to the settlement of estates.
int,e to 3lontanye's Block 49.79
Air c PUEILSON t YOUNG , (1. McPfiersos Mid
ILL W, I. rung.) Ogle° south aid,ia of Mercur's
' tab 1,78
nYuiams, E J Angle and E D Buflispfun).
office west side of Man street, two doors north
(1 Ar:zus office. Ail basilicas entrusted to their
care will rec.ive prompt attention. oct 26,77
r) !pis And Couneellorskat-Liw. Offlcs to the
131(!ck, over C. T. prby's Drug Store.
_ •
July 3, 'BO tf.
T .
I:ENEI7. .1. P. Attorne3-at-Law. Office - la
Montanye's Block, Maio Street. -• .
:• , ept. i, ',41-tf. 0
.._ .
rplio.3lPsciN, W. H. and E. A.. Attorneys-at
Lam•. Towanda. Pc °Bice in Wrong, Block.
over C.; T. liirby's Drug Store,' entrance on Bala
.rreet: first stairway north oaf Post-ofkos. All
blliiillolll promptly attended to.•- Special atten
ti,u givPn to claims against the United States
or rousioLl. llonntles, Patents, eta, and to
oneetions and settlement of decedent's eskttes.
April 21„ ly
Patents. Governmezt calms st
u;ndrat {l6lebB2
fk,..M.NSON. T. 8., X.D. I 01Bee over Dr. H. C.
u Porters'e Drug Store. ' • feb 12.78
ETON.E Dre .D.N. & F.O, Of2ce at Dwelling
an River Street, corner Weston St. feb 12,77
C. K.. M.D. Office let' door above old
hank building, on Alain street. Special at.
tvuthui given to diseases of the-throat and
luu a: ju1y19,711 - •
Woi , D111:101. S. M., M.D. Office and rest
v v d.uce. Main street, north ot M.E.Church.
11,:31 litatniner fa ,. Pension Is rsrtrnent.
IYNE, E. D.. M.D. Office over Mmtanye's
A: Store. Office hours from 1030 7.2 . 44.. at. and
troin '2 to 4 r. Ili Special atteotioo4lveo to
Ingeaties of the :gye, and:Diseases of the Ear.
Oct 20,77
ITIOWNED, ILL., it._ .D.
tt.,:idruce and otßne just north . of Dr. Oorbon's
Main street, Attinns„ Pa. • •
pr ESitY fIoITSE lista st. , next corner sOnth
4 - 1 - of Bridge :Street. New. house and new
fliruittire throughout. The proprleter l4 •has
(pared übither pains or expense In =Wulf his
fl?tel tirat-class and respectfu ll y solicits a
Dt vribtic patronage, Meals at all hours. Terms
teavouable. Large Stahl, attached.
mar s 77 WU. 11):NRY.
WATKINs POST, NO. 68. G. A. R. -Meet",
.every Ssiiirday evening; at Military Hall.
Adjutant. 4 Orviatander.
• feb 7.79'
nIiTSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meet at K. of-P.
Hall cvery Monday evening at 7:30. In.
S2.W. Benefits $3.00 per week. Amer.
age annual coat, f! years experience. $ll. • .
• • JESSE MYERS,./Zeporter.
L. PIERCE, Dictator. ' feb 22.18
ifAI)FoItD LOOGE, 1.70.167, 0. O.F. meet
in Odd Fellow's Hall. every Idonilay evening
at ". o'clock. WARREN HILL, NAY Gravid.
r OST, F. E. No. 32 Second street AU orders)
will receive prompt attention. June 12./6
" The SPRING TERM will begin Monday,
Apr/ • 18)+2. For catalogue or other Infos.
tution, address or tall on the Principal.
Towanda, Ps.
Ll'Y 0,7 s
WILLIAM'S; EDWARD. Practical' Plumber
and Gas Fitter: PllOO of business in Me,•
rar block next`door t 6 Journal °dice opposite
Public square. Plumbing. Gas Pitting, Repair.
tg Vuelpi bf all kinds. and all kinds of Gearing,
romptly attended to. All Wanting Work In his
ne should give bim a call. Jul/ 27.17
. -
RUSSELL, 0.13; Getters! Insurance *gine?.
Towanda, Pa. 0111ce - to Whttcomb's Book
Ithre. Por Ivo
nd. had One 'ot Hu
labl!,.. tm
, .., ..., •
. . , .
. . ~..
.. ,. 4
Miscellaneous Adveresements.
NEW E1NNkt..,_ . ,.. 40W STOREJ,
• , ,
• -
• 1 t
- •
(PermagiViti Modsbauj
itas of=
With Swartd Glordenta Store,
Mat Street.
• .
Gold & Silver Watches
Mil" Ms Stock is an NEW arid of the FINEST
QUALITY. Call sad see tor yourself.,
We koep on band constantly fcl i r builders,
' Fellows; Spokes, Hubbs, Thills„ Poles
Carriae Trimmutga
A o a tun Hos of Shelf sad Bean 'ludas Pa. and
a hill boa of
, Platform and Lumber Wago
tiss• by vs withs killed worlmaa, sad warranted
to every particuliw. - •
Haidwire Dealers.
Tro7. April 27-I,_
Alfred' J. Piirvis,
No. 131' Genesee street,
Ail work to his Ups done well sad promptly st
lowest price:-
Parties baying volumes incomplete will be fur.
Dished with any missing numbers st cost prick
All orders given to J. J. Bosnian. Agent for
Bradford County - , will be promptly executed so;
cording to directions. •
• , 1 7 I .
Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. H.
C. Porter's Droggtore, Main gteest,
! with a large stock qt
.1. L. Schoonover Is clerk. The two stores-are
connected by Telephone. Mr; Ben can now feel
satisfied that he can give the z -
ills experience enables him to select the beet
goods, which be Is bound to sell yonLOW ?Ric&
Yon can always get s bargain lt
♦ll goods delivered in the Borough
FARMERS will do will SO roll with their
and get the CASH. 20sp
I • . r,
Is still to be toned at the OLD STAND
Next door to Dr. M r C Porter's Drug Store
J** isl:o_,
• •
f f •
; ;. : IPROit THE lIIIZAPENT To TEE altErf.
(imam Watobas and JawatrYtwouglittY Matted
by an alyarbinead sad anerpataat workman.
1 A. N. =ION
i iiirA i rd r ECES.
of every liOillotr, sod eloweadlic sr Partial
atootkol pia to lOWA/Ist. - eta Oodles
v i e r. Growl B.oa. lfolo Millook Tawas.
• - •
- -
" •
, .
health" and avoid sickness.
- „lnstanl of feeling tired and
worn out, instead or aches
and pains, - wouldn't you
rather - kel fresh and strong?
Mandeb% Olde. N0v.26. db.
Cantlessen":—l haveardrered with
yam hasty aide and back...and
sonnets on vay breast. with ab l y?
log_y e koe throu g h my body„
tended witli g ra- tweakacas.dep r OF - -
slon of Writs. and lois of appe
tite. I hate taken several dim
medicinal, and was treated by prom.
bent physicians An , n ff liver, kid
olmo A n t4not no relief.
t e rau g ht Prroul , -tri Brawn's Iron
Bitters • I have one
end a halt urn a
' in s ki s back all g o
WI m tireatt,and Iha
gr akl and ant gain stl in g in
and . It caa juy be
the kisw /i tediums.
jormlL. Ariinnon.
:17 • " 'S IRON Brrrrats is
compo • • T
_•n in soluble
(oral; Cin 6 . 6 •
tonic, together,witb o a er
standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria;
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
No - Farmington has ever perfbrmed such
marvelloia cures, or maintained so
i(ide a reputation, as -An:l4
riiCTORAI t , which is recognized , as the
world's remedy for all diseases of the
throat and lungs. Its long-continued
series of wonderftd„ Ctires in all cll•
mates has made' ft universally -.Mown
as, a safe and 'reliable agent to employ.
Against ordinary colds, which are the
forerunners of more serious disorders.
it acts speedily Ainct, surely, always re
lieving eufferiagoltud often‘ sant life.
The protection it' Affords, by itstimely
use in throat and chest disorders,
makes ft an invaluable remedy to be
kept always on hand in every home.
No petison can afford to'be without iti
andlthcise who have once used it never
will. From 'their knowledge of its
.composition and operation, physicians
use the CHERRY PECTORAL extensively
in their practice, and clergymen recom
mend it. It is absolutely certain in
its healing •• effects, and will always
Cure where cures are possible.
' For sale by „all druggists. •
arri never imitated or counterfeited. This
isesp3cially true of a family medicine, and
kis poeitive proof that the remedy imitated
is of the highest value. As sissies it had
been tisted and proved by the: whole world
that Hop Bitters was the purest ? , best and
molt Valuable, family mediCine pi earth,
manyluitations 'Sprung up and ',began to,
steal-the notices in which the press and peo
ple of the country had expressed the merits
of H. B and in every way trying to in
duce sufferinglavalids to use their stuff in
stead, 'expecting to makii money on the
credit and good name 'of H. B: Maiy,
others, started nostrums put nitin similar
style to H. B. with varimudy,dirrisedruunes
AI which the ;word "Hop" o r : ` were
used in a way to induce -people to believe
they were the same as Hoeßitters. AU
such pretended remedies at cures, no mat
ter what their , style or niusens, and ape- .
daffy 1 those I with'., the word "Hop" or
"Hops" in their name or in any way coi
-1 fleeted with them or their wipe are imi
tatiortitor counterfeits. Bewar e of them.
Touch none of them. Use nothing but
genaiie Hop - Bitters, with a bunch or clus
ter of green Hops on the white label.
Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers
are warned against, dealing in imitations or
counterfeits. ,
Variatts Causes—
'Advancing years, care; sickness,Cdisip.
pointment, and hereditary Predistoosi•
tfon-'-all operate to turn the hair gray,
and either of them inclines it to Shed
prematurely. Airan's HAIR Moon will
restore Med or gray, light or:red hair_
to a rich brown or deep black, as may'
be desired. It softens and cleanses the
soap, giving it a healthy action. It
removes Sad cures dandruff and humor.
By Its use falling hair is checked, and
ILIUM growth will 'be produced In all
cases where the fbillcles are not de
stroked or, the' glands decayed. Its.
abets are beautiftilly shown on bkushy,k-.
weak, or sickly hair; on which s few
applications will produce the gloss and,
freshness or. youth. Harmless and sure'
in. its results, it is incomparable as
a dressing, and is especially yalued
Air the soft lustre and riehfiess of tone
it 1111,PRAL
AYER'S HAIR VIGOR is colorless;
contains neither oil nor Aye; and will
not soil or color white, - cambric; •yet
ft lasts long on the hair, keep 4
It fresh and vigorousr - imparting au
agreealile perftime.
Pot sale by all druggists.
; tile
I • for GEN. DODGE'S bran' oar book. =tided
Thirty-ThrO _
Yearn Alllo7lg
. •
By . -
2115 s , Vvr*elv rag el. ate seitievlbed for by Preieleet
Anima beiVeigne Cakfiet, sad by Rem Skermee. G.
Gr Oa: Meriden. ogs Bearo ek. sad tiowerebot 1.
lewd Um Gm Gamer on Ve tee bee beak at
Wks LW ever ovnitteel - Stoner Wiese tiletbodlottl
eqrsr—.s is a loge bosieji,lot whs." It le theater *zebra.
tie oolooot of oaf bunolp omvubilelbed, fully meal-
Sihr ' l l22er Eta: sestrii4 ap, explals6'**2lt
robieldtb, Quilling =pedestals At the Author. iiidivt ta.
14+1 e. Ow-Wm Itleees.Barder Rakes.
eta, vividly tiortmlaig Welt the One Ted so Itfeverls.
- 451 illemed is pas. Wll5 Red Zelesvlnes sod Superb
1114meirlitlieripli Theis 5i 15 coke% Ines photopapha
soda tithe 11.11.0ovineemategmetniereits wear went.
AGENTS! ,Thls greed beak 14 sow seeeelltag att
Moen 10 to 1. NO cosvetiltoa. Agitate mew 10 le so
wiles edgy. Asyut MO MIS sleets se tom tar
dwire fiertikeyeed Awed Ileweien. Outlay cher
leveTleb fen peetbeibee senelies, spseheri MAD
wa►esome it Spat amp, Woo be sole plan.
c:.-4c "~
New Aktivertteamonts.
You can continue feeling
'miserable ang good - for no ,
and nu;one, but your ,- _
arelired °relit kind oflife,,
you' can change it if rits
How ? By getting one
bottle of BROWN' hi* Brr-
Taas,and taking it regularly
according to directions.
In the
Ole MistolT of
Medicine • • -
I , Me Bad and • Worthless
Imo Notawriro SUCCEED.
sar. !lave tiese a little thing,
Quite -touching in its way, -
That tells at rippling waters . •
And the smell of newinown hay. - •
The weal WitadalliDili t
The !owner of theta°,
The meadows, 'punned o'er with Bowan,
The sunset most divine,
`. An:140o pictured by the use
01 oder sounding word&••
And ores all there comes the sweet, ! .
Low twittering of the birds." . _
• 'Twos then nismoke the editor:.;'.
"Your ache= M good," be said ;
"On the rippling water racket
• Yonnre realty quite anemia.
But the spangled meadow badness
And the blindiing country in* ,
- Bare long since been copyrighted,
And thereiore arrant •
nit-YOur anark will *lt answer; ,
Built you - couktonly-make • -
- The maiden inreep the parlor
It *Blanca, take the cake."
11 0P 10 0 ,11 1 1 0 W l O ,i;,"
ae ntee to go, and sadly said
• ei 1 afloat*, tett a 11&"
I want that rose the wtild took'yesterdin
I want It exteMuMtlils;
It Lad no tb , was the best that grei,
I want mi. . night's ltfss
I want r butterfly-with spotted stings
i Unshod across my hand
• night between the enneet and the dew—
ft came from fairy land. ,
it would have stayed, I guess, it wavered so,
Wbete all tiles° pansies bloom:
hey„ llie* wings to get away from
I lost It la the gloom:
t►nd yesterday the bees On all the heads
,Ot darer swung so low, •
2 saw them take their honey; but Moog
• They Only sting and go. .
1 That star tkitt alwaystiune before the moon,
Plopped oufolheavett last night: •
anted where I saw It fall—and !Gaud •
A • with yellow Ugbt. .
I want the nina to go, and !Atte dark -
little everything away.
That was the sweetest rose In an the world
The - wind took yesterday.' -
Janet C. Marsh In Wide Awake.
Indian Corners iies in a state of wdd ei
eitemimt when . - Gertrude Graham married
Peter Pillsbury.' Do not think too badly of
3e:trade Graham when I tell you that she
married against her mother's will.
Whoever poor Gertrude had married, from
the lowest to the highest in the land, ycsmg
or old, rich or poor; Mrs. Graham would
have found some reason for beitig furiously
set against the match. She was* thin, ye/
lo* woman, with a sharp, -red' nose, that
always looked Cold. Her nOrtitil expression:
* * as one of iudignation, which she sometime*:
exchanged for one of despairing melancholy. ,
She felt ' injured by Gertrude's protracted,
spinsterhood, but refused her- consent to,
every offer the poor girl' seemed.. likely to
have, even befdre it was made. On his 8 ,4 0.
and visit the wooer was dinnissed Walt an as.:
parity that node him remember:lm old,
legends concerning mOthersin-law,and - feel i
thankful for his l etcape.
Therefore, when at thirty, with such good
Wog as-she irriglwllly bad on the waael. l ,
GeArtule attracted the attention of Mr. Pills.
bury, a pale young druggist's clerk, with a ,
hollow chest, and a disposition to`
. ; write
poetry for the local newspapers, who can
blame her if she marred ; , him one morning
without consulting her L OU° remaining par.
entl Mr. Graham bad hung hiMself to •
baru door early ikhis married life, having',
. .
previously chalked across its panels th i s
gmmatic Jepitapla 4 -Couldn't stand .it no
indre." -
74 ,
She 'married, went home with her husband
and her ",certificate," and was instantly die.
inherited and turned out Of doors.
"I disown you," Said gis. Graham, point.
ing to the door with her skinny, finger—"l
disown :you. Nile darken -this here door
no moreunless you Wish to' have my cuss.
Go!" ). ;-
The young apothecary; who was just
twenty, and had a salary of five dollars a
week, hurried his' adored one, away, , and
wrote a poem for the Rural Adviser, entitled
. "The Mother's Curse," the next week. The
poem, appeared; but the " Adviser . " did not
'pay? , for contributions, and it added nothing
to the weekly income.
Perhaps Mr. Pillsbury had hoped that,his
mother-in-la4v would relent toward her only
daughter, but if so he was mistaken ;
frame of mind remained the same. , •She
lock4up her memory with a morel &ter.
mined aspect,. threatened. to " cusalhe un
happy Gertrude mare vehemehtly,', and
frightened young Pillsbury out of *am
whenever she , met him in the village it
bylestowing upon him a glanca whiCh, if
It trawl your - dear ma, Gertrude, I should
call fiendish," Mr. , Pillsbury afterwards -re
-marked to his wife. It is probable a that
these glances and the impending Anatheme
frightened the poor Pillskrarys awar from
the little town—though there wart a *pert
that Pillsbury had had an offer of atefen ! .
gagenrent from a New York druggist.
They vanished, at all events, and Were
seen no more, and five., years
and brought no word,frOm them. The sitar
and lonely old woman. attendedto heiquop ,
arty and found fault with the wOrkrin gen.
end a; before, and her business prospered ;
real estate went up, and stocks did not fall';
11321 i OD one lmew just how much she wail re.
illy worth, or to wtom she would leave her
money when she departed thiq life ; yet elti_
was isinixions for every debar its the Plicie.
est woman in the land. • 7 -
The house . in which Mrs. ' Graham's fath.
er, old Mr. tipice: t had made the money he
afterwards bequeathed to, his Only daughter,
was a iioniltce4l ediAies . -Vartkr stone,
Plirdyl unpainted - wood, Mending on' the
road, Ow* Ave miles from Indian Om
At the time when Mn.tilideler there - sate&
tamed travekes, it had *NM . called the The.
Mile Rome. its beer haehad a reputation,
and ife chops, steaks, and apple-pie bas been
highl*eixAxin of by the farmeni who • dined
or sapped there on their way to" market
but sthes,the proPrietoes dead( the' pioion
of the dwelling Which had been built during
the lievolutk'vrar bad fallen to daisy,
sad was pronoulleed unsafe; and only th*
more modern portion remained inhabitable. ,
This was let' `
any one who would hire , it at
a small sum piar year, and for three years
had beerr"thO shelter of a worthy Methodist
preach 4 knit since superannuated.
Early one Orme morning this venerable
gentleman desCendod from the wagon of
civil neigl4lxl. who bid driven him over, and
entered the gate, of Mrs. Graham's court
yrud. He hid come- as nsu4h . to pay his
vent, but it was evident that be bad .some.
Wag on his mind, and having made. the
/ usual remade; about the weather, the cropty';
and the last revival, he broached the ' sub.
jest; , "
"Sister Gialuun, I ten staid I shell be
eltligedioleava my little knee," he. Aid.
It la fact, lam sure of it. have, indeek
taken mama in the Widow GoclemonlVe
Wink lritepe,, *Ste help for it. I ibell
not .bit Tkellieaked, but—there vereother
ovmNT OT**
lealii) TIMMS
A CHILD'S 11130De'
; -
the .
badli Melded?!
te a ; 2131 * i
re/414W li i in g•
4411 the
-t - "No, ma'am,
" Pring
1 # 1 16" gad 7
the teat'
44 m i e nn, „
would. No,: but
help ous,
trouble, I bathic.
Which -1
ladVre,'lrrio l 7 ,
:I % i rril;" ;
ttiaaftf..' -
' Norrna'aur f io it is—einee I Drug- tell
you—a : spiritual wisitat*" Olied the
— *maths Mr. , Prang! *A female figure at
times, *tethers a zuda—genentify ht their
absent& The` no I hallucination what
ever. ( Thy rieet ei the it'll" and in the
hafl.way ;we them when we do mola r s
thetiand tl eat us out of house and
- PEat—aphihiest r cried Mssl-Malta=
•4 assure Itsi it is a fact," replied Mr.
Prang ; "gait we leek the pantry they ap
pear in a terribli blue light and menace us.
We must go."
" Very well,. Mr. Prang," said Mrs. Gra
ham, believing in her inmost soul that the
old clergyman.was losing his mind: " Very
well, Mr. Prang ; lam sorry to lose you ;
but I knoW David Woolstock would llke the
house. He's a plain laborer with a large
.fatilly, bit I don't think tho,,spirits would
frighten him." - -
"They may nit be' perinittel to appeir
to him," said Mr. Prang, with much
nay, being secretly proud of his visitation.
Good.hy, Sister Graham."
The next -Week, David Woohtock, with
his large family and biertinidi stock of fur
niture, took Omission of the Five-Mile
Ronde: In a few days he 'stalked over to
Mrs. Graham's with a queer, bashful giin
on his rosy face aid Paid her a week's reit.
"We can't live there, fdra: Graham," he
add. "Bo mother:she's paeldng up to shit.
Real Eery wb be but queer things 'happen,
se ye WIPs told they would, and we've got to
Bit" ,
"Poor on 'Mr. Prangs . Omit stories,! I
suPpose," said Mrs. Grahatn. "You're' a
greit fool, David Wooistock can't you see
the, old folks are getthig childish 1 0 I'm
asbanistof you." -
" t3O be I ashamed of myself, but facts is
facts," said David, "and these ghosts eat
bread,Und I can't afford to keep 'em, let
alone the steer." • • •
- -
" Ghosts hi my uset In father's old
homestead - Firealle Home I"
screamed Mrs. "Ws all 0 !aka.
boar Bat as yet y leases were
known at !Ohne- 1 and she was
obliged to hit - has.: -go. I One iosllllli
after: arreibir, :lad, raintili r 'bat, iger*,
it.':9111110111,-.10p1A ,
board the adored 'nest who were ricekingen
the new railroad. .
Alas t with no better milk, The board
ers ilea precipitately in the night, and shiv..
ered in a Geld until daybreak, and the lady
of the tense could - hardly be persuaded to
enter her kitchen to isbllect her ttelongh!g!:
at high noon next day.
Mrs. Grid:m .) 4am furious. It Was all IC
plot and a Plan to rob her of her belies,' she
tletilarod. She bud known it done before,l
end the price of , valuable property reduced
to nothing.
"I'll go le :the Firearde Home myself,"
ahe said , " live , there a year, and kst =yawn
home at Indian Oliviers • meanwhile. _ And
let me see a ghost 41110 to haunt me r
1 . . I I
Accordingly tepid „-. i were made,
inll done: &were p :-; ted, hinging baskets
' suspended iiinn the''' , • 4, and white cur
,tains pkiged at all t , windoWe e and Mi.
Graham took .. • • -:,: - '..n, supported by the
presence of her lit , bonndi girl,' Evelin• a
Griggs, who wept •r. . terror all:, the way
'over, and who certa4j y wool:Olive expired
with fright if Mrs. Glahabi had not tillowSd
hei to ale •` for theence- on g cot in his ;
o wn . - . • ~ - '!-21 .i• • ' '-• -
At nine . clock b*h retire, Mrs. Graha in
frith an old pistol ter her Ohre, and 07
ten they slainbered,, undly, tmoring in dß',
(event heist. At *yen 4velhm stand
3 j 1
wake, and listeninvith her very 'heart in
her ears, heard theOtairs cries. I • With a
shriek and a bound, *e was lout of bed;
with anothei she vigian that of hirmistress,
whci clutched her wiy, and cried :
li lt,
-.. "' What ---What— 2 Evans?' v
" I hear it I" sob:: Evelinu "Listen,*
you'll hex. it, too." 1 1 '
"I do I" said M. Graham, savagely,
seising the pistol, atiii4urrying; in her red
Hansel night-gown, the door.
'She opened it. AMwal dark. Catching
up a candle, she d- lemttal the stairs. In
du i,
the ball below she ea a while Ague emerg
ing from the • : -room door. It wore
sheet and Shroud, 6. ` -limbos shone with a
i , .
Mauve light ; but, 1 undiemaYed, she' ad
vanced. The fignre*uod ski:id she sine
a face she knew. - :.:;•i•--.
46 G ertr m e rs s a e 1 ;a44 ,043d. -
And isigirful voice reAlp4: ;
"Yee, mother. - .You i t4itiVet* to death,
and rye returned to. t t ,
, \, s you." Beware in
14es, Graham tiUmecrevik,,and drop
ped her pistol, alremlyleoMC tjt went. off,
:Ind the bullet entered' her \ ''lilstUtlai as the
ghost vtatisited. LI i , t;
Poor Mrs. Graham Witkvory illiater
fad Mine near dying. { ' - ,lllie wan carried to
her 'wise at Indian Carlos, and it was a
long time before shere.._, i Meanwhile,
every one avoldekthePim)- - We House,
. i •i4...i _—
where hihts were seen at night, antugnosuy
laces grinned thrtsigh the---uppettlpanes at
tusk on Sundays, if popular eiPOit were
tine; and Mts. Gralnim made a sort of con-
Radon to good old mr. pa:* I"Nk.-
‘" I espect I've done wronjW she said.
, ;hadn't ought to hey been - 1,44 hard on
Gertrude. She was astir fist* !math,
tad my .only girl. I sha'n't be twey on ay
'lying bed Misr what I've seen
_azo what I've
heard; for was her spirit, plars as plain
could be." - . ' ';‘'- ,
~ '
Mr. bang put lire tips of his ri!ngats to.
getheTind shook his head. i - .
Itt your dau ghtei , were aliv,e,; gide? Gra.
bane you'd fo rgive her, then Y" he asked. •
.. rd be glad to ; bat ithe's not. Pram*, n,
her ghost," said Mrs Gr4am. , '
" We shall see," said iiif ' . '"0g..1. "Be ' j
of good cheer, sister • no 4 if Olt bare $
clamM to be feregivemA'
That night . phantom .
.:' "' ' m who
she would have dorm iihnh''' &lit-thrust a
letter, addressed so ",_,,
. 1 4 9 4 he Olots," 'ander
the door of the7ifigligle Prone,'' and:ln'
spirit coming into tba hall at 4.71)1.130**1
it up. It 11111 as Winn:' ''' - '' j 7,
dase * a
- I believe I' know" w ' - hawiblAbe 111:84 .
Mile Mum , The ' ' of the bind
ing would shelter a large - 7, And dal:alit•
hails. door in thnpmtition be operinii.
:C: ~~4. _
: 1
• '-t , •
_ ;
• The ghost no longer troubled the Phro:
Mlle House; and good• Mr. Prang mcnred
back into it. Men Graham refusing : to take
any rent from him.
No one error kWw whether she "gossolii
what had haunted the place, ar how firing
in the gam! of the old rains Pillain4 . and
his wife had atoll** down, with faces daubed
wan pbosphoins, and out sheets .about
them, to steal scrape of food .1 , bat fir the
!llama years in which she dwelt on earth
Olu? , wan oeitainlz a much more amiable
'As for Pdlebnry's drug store, it,pospered;
and he and,,,hie r wife kept their secret be.
tweet% them, or only spoke of it when they
drove out to mil on the the Five.
/tile Honse.---Mbri, Kyle Daiks& •
144 *des Opernill and Uowthe Paden
Is * A ffected.
A recent writeion the mysteries of mei
merisinyays : I lay it down as a teener -,
which can be verified by AU who. are
. enzions"
enough telly it, that the mesmeri c condi:.
done can be produced withftt the winos, i
tion of a subtle fluid, without the use of the,
cabalistic poises of the mesmerist, without
the bouquet, the magnetic rod, or any of the
mysterious means employed by the profes.;,
simile to heighten the effect of what would
be too simple and too unattractive if , per
formed straightforwardly. The directions
are these Place the person to be operated
tat- naturally in W. chair. With your left
hand suspend by &airing, about a foot from
the eyes, some small object, a dark marble,
or a bright steel ball, or a diamond—it mat
ters not what, though something bright is,
perhaps preferable. Direct the subject to
fasten his eyes and concentrate his attention
on the Object. Slowly raise your left hand
untiithe object is as far above the , eyes - of
the patient as is compatible with his gazing
ideal* at it. Watch his eyes. At first you
wilt see the pupils contract, but after &few
seconds they will expand rapidly. When
they are at the point of greatest expansion,
move the first' two fingers of your right hand
ft= the object directly ,toward 'the eyes,
thilfingista being separated, forklike, to em
•bnio• bath cyst; As the fingers approach
• ititiill44oloo.l4thk-11414wi.444--bit
'unable to open Gunn. •••• After it quarter of i•
minute the "object wm be thoroughly undo:
control, so that the operator may make him
believe whatever he tells him. Left quiet,
the subject will sink into 'a proforindtorpor t
during 'which his ears malty be pierced, his
cheeks sewed to his .nosev and
_circa a finger
cut off without pain. To arouse him—and
this is an important step—wind, either from
a hand-bellows or a fan, shonld be directed
against his , eyes, or else his eyes should be
tickled with a feather. The rationale of the '
method is simple. The fixed stare of the
subject fatigues hie retinal nerves, and, when
the operator's fingers approach the eyelids
close, as eyelids always do whenthe eyes are
threatened. But the fatigue of 'the nerves
has produced muscular fatigue as well, tran
sient paralysis in the eyelids has resulted,
and they cannot be opened. The eyelids
being, then, closed, the delicate. -frontal
nerves exhausted,' and the mind made vacant
by monotonow attention to one subject, the
patient is in li:condition to fall asleep—and
he does fall - OdeeP.- He- is now ready to
dream. The only thing remaining to do is
to make hitn dream., - But how is this to be
effected? Dreaming, as has long been de.
tennined, is the result of external saws.
tion. Dr. Gregory, to illustrate, having
been thinking of Vesuvius, went to bed with
a jug of hot water et his feet and dreained
that he was climbizigthe sides of the burn
ing mountain. Dr.' *eid read a book on the
Wiens, put a bliste to his head on retiring,
and thought in his (Jeep flint he was being
scalped.' Both the dreams, as all others are,
were caused by suggestions offered eiternal
ly„, Theft suggestions, being received While
the directing, power, the:-common sense of
the mind was in abeyance owing to sleep,
were interrupted very erroneously, yet, ac
cording to plain laws of association. The
hot water, in the one case, called up the pro:
vim subject of ;thought,. Vesuvius : the
dinging blister, in-..the other, the equally
stinging scalping imife. It is now easy to
see how the sleeping subject may be made
to accept as truth whatever he is told.
' • Ail neared - " Mont Mort," writes a corgi
reePondent of the Baltimore St(n. ' who. is
traveling through Switzetiand, the guides
told!me of the Superior Of the nonks who
lost his life while trying to rescue some chil
d* from sit avalleiche. An iron tablet ail
the load itoords tho'deed... Here . -the Most
,wilff mid dangerone'epot presents itself to
the traveler, Judea you near the '-hcipiee.
With an unetinscions eripplednese I italuna-
Ide to dismount, therefore my guides lift me.
off the nude, and . ' approach the 'renowned
portils of the Monks of St... Bernard. let - an
inataat a thousand 'thoughts !lash' through
.Mytirain, and.boyieh reoceeCtions come and
go, like, historic -phantoms before-I am as.
coated 'by one. of the pions householders.
Bettie dark,
! grimy,. and cold corridor I stand
in heenai:ilro3iewq state, awaiting the, ! reeep.
time tftitiCied to be so entirely different:.
Te imagination'of my boy mind was ghat.
tered in an instant. No dogs met me With
the Orthodox provender around their necks,.,
no typical Monk in cowl and sandaled - feet
mitaneed nie., The mastiff - and the monk
were momentary myths. The Wins of
Sanctity werwsearee,:and the 'famed , fames:
of. roasted - chamois 'icarcer ;- and, all histO,
Aims to' he reverse, there was an absenCe of
Aid:pertnine suggestive of •
Thielaughtertsl salon!, Sibose bones .
Ite watered on Us*? AVM mountains cold."
Edam I hid My thoughts collected as to
what 1 should say or do I discovered that I
had loflt my Ca 14288, my sketch-hook, tutd
notes... glimmering w tall,
fair, and Me.looking monk came, towards
tie., "rant Brother ll!rnard," said he, 11,61
answered with ruy name and desired to
have bed and board at, the hospice. In, the
most polite preach he said, equal to my
theatrical- Yankee, " Why, certainly!" I
followed him, and he seemed a very angel of
fight. 161. warmth. We unwed a goat deal
of mobil ground in a moment); chat, and I
Stmal hint a charring boon companion.
„ ,
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. aitinot My. I Ism sfudied` that' lost;
ter ficsdobservittiois Seine time, bat noticed
few things peculiar to the memben of my
profession: I have noticed that the organs 1
of speech are well twined, -and that, those 1
who see' able to - pudica It are .generally
short, stont.and welifonned. remit= than 1
'that I have observed nothing common to the
liii ,
"Is it a rotund gift or a - cultivated art,
one that anybody with good' lungs, a good
throat and month can acquirer
"I should Whir call it a g ift, - althou g h it
require; constant cultivation."
" How did you- cultivate it? Are there
any books on that subjeit r . "
" Yes ; there area ninnber of works' in
which pretenses are made; bat !have found .
none of them of the slightest benefit to me.
In fact, they rather had a tendency to con
fuse and discourage me."
"Well, then, how did you learn it r
"PU just tell you. Ever since. I was- a
small boy. Iliad the Wit of mocking squeal
ing, pigs, dogs, frogi, s crying children arid
wreaming.whi whistles.. In this il4lil!sh sport
my voice received fine, training, and put
ting it to the various tests I may. say I awl
dentally discovered that I possessed the
power of , locating the Woad elsewhere."
"1 am't Mayon now exactly. It eamoto
ins 401141W:1y. I had., o ft en thought it
sounded away from me when 'I growled at
dogs or mewed in the presence of cats, and
finally other people - took notice - 'of it and
began to call me a inutraMprist. You kUrnr
I was a boy then, and did not 'even loiow
- "
what they meant."
. have .
" How long a you been upon the regu
lar stage ?"
" Only about three yearn"
"How long before that was it that you
became coriscions of your ability to control
your voice in this manner ?"
"About three years."
What muscles are brought into action in
locating the sound ?" •
"Oh, that is: done by oontractieg the
stomach." -
•" In all eases ?"
.A 4 ires.”
'knot why - don't all\ the voices you
imitate 'sound , at a certain distance fro
" Well, you see that la regulated in this
,flaysVal*. I mint ,the .voice to , lonnd,
11 ° 1 4 6 . _ *Ai* * l o,rl 94.44141UP0:11
iftite baser of Abe' stomach, and when I want
it nearer the contraction is higher ;up. The
pitch and tone are rpgalated by the throat
and month."
" "Vilien , you are going through 'with' your
part does it appear to yon that: the sour*
are located elsewhere?" 1,
"Oh, yes ; when I talk teithe figures they
seem to be speaking to me, and so does the
charcoal man." :
•" Isn't that imagination r
" The effeetupon my ears is the rime as
that upon the ears of the audience."
They . say that ventriloquists do not live
long. What do you think qt that proposi
tion ?"
"I don't belitive it When there •is so
m‘ch strain on 'the stomach I think one
shotd be careful not to strain that orgsn
under improper conditions. It may be that
I have escaped all the &miens that are said
to afflict the profession by taking the best
of care of myself. You see lam a very tem
perate man. - Mee in a long while I drink a
glass of beer ; sometives I smoke a cigar or
take a chew of tobacco ; but these habits
are indulged in With such modulation that
pm would scarcely know 1 possessed any
of them. I also take good care never to Alt
heartily immediately before 'an,* perferni--
once." I ,
"'How did you happen ever to appear in
publict?" "
• "I belonged to s Bible chins and was
called upon to take part in a church enter
tainment, which lid to other engagements
until I got a paid contract"
"If you knew a young man with some
gift in your respect do you think you cola
teach him to become proficient r -
"I guess not, but I might - help him. I
have often bad people make me splendid
offers to teach theta, but I would not under.
take the job."
"You appear to place so much stress upon
the Value of the natural gifts, do you know
of any remarkable differences in the f01:22111.
tion of your own mouth and throat, as oom.
pared with other aspirantsV:-
' No; not in my own judgment, •though 1
have bad a great many doctors ermine
mine and pronounce their - formation very
perfect. I • presume have cultivated
both," said be, as he inadvertergly
his band upon a well rounded ilia that be.
longed to a bandanna' face,—at. Louie Post.
Dared. •
A Saxony correspondent of the Chicago
Kew writes In Chemnitz two gentlemen
whoasie acquainted never meet without
changing a cordial validation and.' respect-
MT raising their hats. "There is more
hat raising done here than in any country in
the world," said au American commercial
tourist to me the, other day, "and ru be
blanked if I can 'understand why - the rims
arefrot torn off fioin half the hata in Chem
nitz." A gemtleinan of large acquaintance
wilt in all inobiability bucompelled to raise
hia hat a dozen times to the block, but he
ANN gracefully, and apparently iiithout
pain.' If Out, are walking with a gentleman
and you meet acquaintance of his you are
expected teraise sour bat when le does so.
Yon =list ridie•your Init;' bow, and pais the
countersign every„ time he does, and he must
treat, your acquaiutances-with the same con
sideration. You are not permitted to raise
your -bat and lam it back on your head
as if you were afraid of being caught
in the act, but you must hold it gmcefullyin
Altar hand until the person you have saluted
hiipabt. • The recognition of a lady differs
from that which passes 'between gerdlemen,.
in the height to whiCh the hat is raised,
,the which you give it, and the bow
which accompanies it. If the lady is merely
a passing acquaintance the salutation is very
cold, stiff, and rather stagey. If the lady is
an intiniatuacquaintiatice, or one whom-you
would lice tiihave for an.intimate Zequain
tance,. on_rnist be prepared triAtiallow the
raising ottt . ia hat and the bey :' with a rush
of sold to the eyes end rush of imbecility
to the face—just , eiactiy is you would do At
- •
- -
, • "'
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' •`
V 6 Eseciiimieets, Ekes/rids, cis
U.b.<a Mimicker.' .
telliHnoll, within one minute
dimes :buy, the murderer
had been taken from .
Mann and Itlnthardt, in
physicisms, began the ;
, of applying electricity
station. The features
td the dead Man looked
, he had passed away in
. 14 4 1 .0 411 * said:
Rainkssly.' He lost - consciotus
1 4 moment after the drop felL
41 . 4 before he knew what hart him.
Atiiette liaiitilocsiaiittbs Axial eb
• - m ' Ts*
okhijikiiiig let me 'm ake a post.rnor.
Minbig to Zanies: McCann,
UlAhaiiiilntbi tied bis body.
61111114kr sidit;the"olit -looking
Mournfully atthe corpse.: "Ilerrill be bur
!ad in Calvary just Mks is.* „.
Then'the &acne' applied the electricity,
and it was intensely interesting to see the
muselei of the told face twitch, the month
pont, the eyes open and shut and the breast
heave. The countenance: of Dr. = Danforth
lit up suddenly as he bent "over the corpse.
" Math!" he said. "1 can bear the heart
beat." The others bent down in turn, and
they, tockleard the rhythmic throbbing of
the heart. - This is We statement that they
wrote at the request of tha representative of
the Bun :
"The experiment was begun by . applying
Pm pole over the spinal cord and the Other
Pier-the heart—the latter by means of three
needles, one over the apex and two over the
base of the heart. The needles were insert
ed beneath the skin, so tett* bring the elec
tric current in direct- communication with.
the heart. On . turning on the current the
effect was very marked. Muscular contor
tions began wherever- the electric current
reached, but espethdly in the face and neck.
The hart began to contract feebly, not reg.
Wady.- With the ear over the heart we
could distinctly hear, or rather feel, • the
heart's contraction& By removing the
electrode we could produce a varrety , of
facial expressions: The arms *Quid' con:
tract, the legs.move with considerable force
and the 'muscles; of the abdomen contract
strongly. The most signifipant fact, how
ever, was the rhythmic action of . the heart,
notwithstanding that the neck was. broken.
It is . pi;ebable that a- considerable proportion
of criminals who are hanged in this country
are either mechanically strangled—that is,
:poked to death or killed by shock•:--that is,
Rath is the result of the , terrible impression •
made upon the nervous system. - In cases
where the neck is not broken and the spinal
cord is not lacerated, we are of opinion that
resuscitation would not be impossible. It .
might be accomplished
.by -electricity, • fric
tion, artificial respiration; the hot - bath and
other well-k4vn means of restoration.- In
this prtisent case resuscitation was imporai
ble, as the neck was broken."—Chicago Di&
patch to New York Bun;
The business .of marriage immune is now
fairied on very enensively in.. some of the
- fkraihMfitates. • ,It-dne swat Nem to- differ
much from the business as recently conduct.
of here. It does not speculate in the lives
of the insured, but only in their capture and
enslavment in the bonds of wedlock. In
stead of devising ingenious schemes for put
ting them out of the way, its object is to put
them in'the Way of young --- men. Its sub
jects are not the aged, the enfeebled or the
moribund, but the prettiest, cheeriest, and
brightest girls to be found. Like every
other variety of insurance, its chief feature
is the - element of uncertainty, on which its
business is based. _ -
An engaged young lady is considered to
be; one of the,most uncertain of all htiman
beings. It is on the probability of her ful
filling her engagement to marry'that the in
entrance company takes . its risk. She may
greatly admire the man to - whom she' Las
plighted her affections, and his loving admir
ation of her . Clay be just as great. And yet
there are so many possible mishaps and so
many interruptions of the Smooth running
of the course of true love that a risk of in
surance may safely be taken in many an in
stance where two loving souls have taken in
calling each other sweet names and vowing
Undying affection. •
:.The plan of the marriage, insurance
' c0m
- ' 'es is to issue policies on young ladies
w are engaged to be married 'and whose
of engagement is to last for some
'months. The longer the term the more
=mum are the circumstances which may
tend tO, break the engagement. If the young
lady *comes a bride within a certain - ap
pointed time, the amount 'of the policy on
her it paid to the holder otit. 'An outsider
may, if he please, gamble on a young lady's
chances for matrimony. In some cases a
number of risks are taken on the same girl -
'. her friends and acquaintances. 4
There are, An in life insurance, good risks
and pOor risks. i - snappish and petulant
girl, with a dash of vixenin her make.up, is
not half as likely to hold out as the calm and
-easygoing maiden whose cheerful - good el's'.
ture rises superior , to difficedties, and_ who
laughs, off the petty slights and miitakee
which people of, lees happy C
i lure f on
would construe into personal - 1
Marriage insurance is not to be oommejtdikl.
It,hasteen broken up . in Pennsylvania aa
vicious.. Yet in some sections it is and
promises to become a leading social industry.
,• It is a fact of some consequence to dealers
in certain goods that the chewing-gum sea
soirbegins with school. There is some . de
mand during the summer, but boys and
girls generally have other means of diversion
and recreation, but when the school-room
door opens and the year's toil begins there
Is sometlog necessary in study hours.
Taffy and other candies leave marks on fin
gers and faces, but the hardy gum can be
rolled away snugly in the corner of desk,
mouth or packet and reproduced when
ever the pedagogue has his back 'turned.
Very little pure spruce gain is in the mar
ket. Packages are received that look like
pure gum 'at first sight, but the lumps are
supped to be formed by the fingers after
'a little guru, rosin and other things have
been• 4 4(bpd• If a dealer is in doubt about
the genuineness of this spruce gam, be ap
plies to a Canadian, who can.• tell at once.
1 :Ifmttst not be inferred !roil this that the
rittrar diet of the Canadkirey r ispruce gum,
NO ;,he gees something Andra on holidays
°Ocas ky l4.
I The amount of chewing gum mannfaetur
ed is enormous: ' There is a factory in this
city. The' gum sold by confectioners--%
chiefly parable wax. Spruce gum is fifty
cents per pound for the best in Maine, hence
the use of cheaper things gives profit. The
gum makers - follow the toy seasons in the
form of chewing gum— that is to say, when
tops are the thy" gurnAs in the shape of
tops; at other seasoni„:ather forms attract
*maim Chewing guin may seem hudgr
Et as a trade commodity, but it is not.'
are large bonsai) in the - country en
solely in the preparation of chewing
'ipmt.,—.Pmickeee Journal. - • ~
$4.50 a Year, I . lol,oairea ~'
Pings' .01.11711414 M.
lutensthir Tiles* CelliedrVlnbai Ike mei
s Hentnelry centenarian danced a-day
at a bareette recently..
—At least - twenty-ow post ofiles ' towns
in the United States bear the mane of Ger.
—A -minister Cheraw,' Ohio, has the
license-granted to Briglasui Yonng to - mem
his first wife. '=
- —A pair of idiots in Wale& are wait.
ing tors cirrus to come 'along so that they
can, get married on the beck of an elephant
The oldest:nab in therworid owned
in CovingtOn,-Ga. The owner has pap=
to prove that he Iskwer The kick b
on the papere- r not with the mob.
—Magda% Omsk teflon s roses.
Beene Jo • mos lawns- b. s sioso.two -
pus old, Come Om to this ride, dd mem
'Age is never 'objected to in lite United
—A burglar stirring a three years' sentence
in the Western Penitentiary; of PennsJin•
nia, has Men heir to 1183,000, left to him
by his father on condition of his complete
—Oregon Jack, a medicine man of the
Big Valley tribe of Indians in California,
was lassoed and dragged to death by two
mernheni of the Fall Biter tribe not Jong
ago. Orie of his patients died, which means
death to the•doctor:
—Western !dap ele.—A Denver paper
professes to thbleit marvelous that a man ,
whose brains were knocked out is still HT*
ing. If he were out this war he would not
only be living, but would be holding some
important office.-=Tembafnne•Bpitaph.
—An enthuaiastio prophet predicts that
by the beginning 'Of another year there will
be over $45.000,000 invested in cotton fac
tories in the Southern Stites, and that there
will be sloo,ooo,ooo.invested in cotton nwak,
ufactnring in the South within the next
dozen years.
—There hail recently been published 14
the local authorities a asdpl sail true lilt of
the drunkards who live is the town of Saint
Marie an: Miner, in Thrirte Alteci. All inn.
keepers are is future forbidden to sell intox
icating drinks to the pa is= whose names
appear on this record. -
—A little black terrier at Americas, Ga.,
has quit his home alai, friends and joined a
herd of goats. He aleepswitb,them, attends
them in their rambles, plays with the kids,
and does all he can to conform his manners
to those of his new associates. -The dog
as - gone so far as to abandon the s ociety. of
his own race. •
—tralei the CircUmstances : "How' far .
111 it to Clyde r asked a weary-looking
tramp on the towpath of an axchin the
Other day. "Nine nilies,l replied the lad.
" Wm° miler yet!" exclaimed the footacne
man, "Are you sure ?" ." Well," said the
sympathetic youth; " seeing you' are., pretty
tired, I will call it seven."—LyonaPress.
—A Sunday school child made a reply to ,
her teacher which had a great deal of troth
in it and a wholesome lesson foi all who
tenth. " How is it, my dear," inquintd the
teacher, " that you do not wasteland this
aim* thing r ,-"tdisatias •
she answered, with a perplexed look; "but
I sometimes think I have so inaiti things to
learn that I 3 have not time to tuulandand."
—The lurid glare of: tar, pitch,
brimstone and bonfires illuminated the tam
eral points throughout Pensacola dieing the
1611811410 recently, instituted by the Board of
Health as an auxiliary in terminating that
dread enemy, yellow fever. The piles wero
numerous, and when lighted Isere quite. -im;
Posing, and but for the horrid associations
. L
connected with theninliglit have imiticeA •
an effect decidedly plessinE.
—Numerous canaries are killed is Nevada
from time to time while hanging, in their .
cages out of doors by what is knows as the
" htitcherbird," or " great American earls,"
The heads of the songsters, area sometimes
torn off by this savage bird, which is abobt
half as largess an ordinary pigeon, is slate
coloredofrith white spots on the wings - . It
Is armed with a long bill shaped like that of
a hawk, and is very ferocious.
—A Mexican in California who Wag -
wounded about two months age by a Ceuti- I
pede, and brought to. the Santa Boss Hos
pital and treated by Dr. Menger-is in a dan
gerous condition. Dr. Manger says he had
the man's leg, where the centipede stung
him, completely healed over, but the man
began to be careless, drank wbiakey,, and
the old wound againbrokcont, and now the
&six, all gangrened, is droPping off at the
places where the centipede =sled along
over his leg.
—According to high legal authority a man
is twenty-one years of age, and entitled to
vote, on the day preceding his twenty-ant
birthday, which is really the first day of his
twenty-second year. Chief Justice Sham
wood's Blackstone' says (voL 1, p. 464):
" age in male and holds is
years, which age is completed. on the day
preceding the anniversary of, i t pasties
birth." In a note, the same high authority
says :—:" A person is of fan age the day be
fore the twenty-first anniversary of his birth.
day." Legal authorities uniformly sustain
the point. `,
—The Chinese, wedded as they are to an
tiquity, have not mey very ancient books.
Uwe except parts of, the "Book of- His
tory," some of the "Odes" and the "Calen
dar of the ads Dyn tis ty,” what have we
left? This last book b chimes have an
antiquity of 4;000 yet we may safely
hold the opinion resptGO that while
apersistent national ? OW& s igh !Ka and
boundless thirierala I .tin e ' Agra future,
ta literature - witrlftrepresent a
very long and inf t 9 Four thous %
and years- tiger' • ti& 7.016 ~'iSere -patient
agrictilturists, tqcpistlutt
twists stilt - - '
;. A . ll ..a the irork
ing sacited
cotton is • /14:01=ore that
thong! ai' - A Worn by the
people fr • doinswerd.
A Ym.srmn Srzunill?—"No, sir,* said
the shopkeeper, " don't,inry* will do.
We want a man who understindstAbei'rules
of orthography, and you have spelled One- -
tion in seven different ways at kart' iti.Totir
application." "Well, what o' ?.
that a mark of. genius? Doesn't ft shwa
versatility? I want you to understand that
ain't one o' them fellers that has to spell a
word the same way every time. No, air I
If that's the - kind of a man you want you'll_
have to take somebody else. I ain't the
feller to Pin himself down in that way<
Good mornise, so long." And the versatfti,
speller_ walked out, with the jaunty ALT_ of a"-
.third-rate actor.—Bostos Transcript .
AD OTM ADAGE Crommorrirt.-rAnotber
old belief in the accuracy of a " saw " is
knocked out of time by some student who
baa diamered 'that we ought to spell it
" Nine Wets make a man," and riot tailors.
The origen of the phrase was, in tolling the
death, after tolling the age, to follow with
*nine strokes, called tellers it the deceased .
was "a man. So it would be said, "Nine
tatters make a man.".
NO. 20