THE REPUIILICAN. -r Ef uRspAY. OCTOBER 5,- 1882. . . WTO OUR AUBSCRIBERS 1 -r:. , ' EXA.IIII7 YOUR LABEL 1 . It will show you the month and year up to which your subscription is paid. -'. lf your subscription is soon to expire, please send us $1.50 for a renewal at once . that we nmv send vou the paper right along. Send in renewal without delay. . . —L. A. Wooster is our gefunid agent, soliLitor,rd collector. :•; 4`. WIN HERE. AND 'HEREABOUTS. Seen the cornet Dust, dust, (hist Stove pipe "jokes" are blossoming. _VW:it:is band aboitt to be organized at Piles of new . , goods are arriving for the n wrellant•i 7 The Fair was a success in attendanFa_iind financially. - r - 'P a y your tax beforO bei ithu . t you'll - . fuse your vote. Better exnmine }fur stove pipe awl see if the joints fit ), I i Bi,; thng—the comet. Get,up.early wad ale a look at it, The tannery at Athens is receiving large anntities of bark, Quoit pitching his become the popular ortstime at Athens, Ilurry up fixing your bad pavements be fore winter sets in. - Darius Bullock is building a new dwelling House at Monroeton. The merehanti,pf Athens are enjoying a very heavy falltrade. Frost's Sons will rebuild their furniture manufactory immediately. At the Baptist Sociable, in Athens the other ,evening, $2l was receiCed.• Many improvements hai.e ti*en added to . do hriihe works at Athena, recently. A fire in the sitting-room and an extra blanket ntlMght, nre now comfortable. The 6erinania Band %via give an open .-ert, in the Park, on Friday evening: 'nice ncw brick stores are in course of ereo - tion °lithe Davis property, in Athens. The parade of the Canton Fire Depart• bent has liee . n postponed until October 6th. 1 The e litor of_ the Athens Gazette rises up to protest against the catching of small bass. . . Any voter who' changes his residence be tvreeti this and .the election, forfeits his ME and Workers played a game of L:,11 .:;. - ,Friday. The score was kids 26, 1Ct:r1“4, , . 1:3 W. Seat & have sold their ,took aid business to Messni. Heverly Ti proprietors of the new hotel at ,Itll4.tis expect to haCe it in running * order 6t• January Ist. . Mt -bicycle club of Canton has. been-0r !...an4(1-lait a short time, yet it already has a.lll;j•rrel.,(3t) hand. (;i:inp . early in the morning;i before sun ttiru your face to the East, and take a at the comet Tlle'list of students of the Troy Grades:l - how amounts to 101, the largest eVer enrolled. • 'No ney locomotives have recently been pk..cell on :the Valley road. 'They 'tip the 66 tons each Tia. ',tures of R. 41. Patch . & Co. ; at At:tons . . and R. H. Patch, at Sayre, are t.,,ni L [2l.t. ea by telephorie. _ , Ti.e store building, in Athens, now wen by F: L. Kinner, has been sold to ,(t..... T. Ereanbreek, for $3,000. •I Nmv . rapidly empeth the time %% - -hen -1 •44 - f-Lin is a father's anxiety, and the seal ,kin, a mother's adoration. Th.. Mliss Combination gave a very en j.yahle. alte'rtainnient at 3fercur Hall, on Welke's( y and Thursday evenings of- last 1112 ,Aferithew of Monroeton has rented th l'ai4ilioug'e, at Canton and will be "niinkaost" of that 'pleasant hog- ME The L. , R., .will sell tickets to Phila7 tb.11.14:1 atlr6lticed rates during the week of, the . Li-Centennial celebratio4, - beginning (} , t. :23 We are infermeethat • the Messrs. Frost will rebuild their furnitare*nanaftietory. \V sincerely hope the report; may improve well founded. L: M. Esq., of this plaCe, will speak at a Republican meeting at Tunkhannock, Wednesday evening, and also at Scran- tat Fri,luy evening Mrs. Clark .Willgop,,assisted by her chil ar,.2l, gave a conceit at M. .g. Church, lii.rahr4ok, on Wednesday evening, for the I.eadit of the Church. • C. B. Strait, of Sylvania, was one of the large.t exhibitors at the 'Fair at Mansfield, Tio,:a county. He took premiums on all the articles he entered. .The .ate money at the Wyonling County Fair this year was over ono hundred ; dol lars less than it was last l year. Wet weather Wp the cause. 44, - The people of Athens are talking' of •water works: We trust they may prov.l4 when they get thenl, more satisfactory than the works in this place., .1 - There are parents in Towanda who had lietter look" after their boys and girls in the evenings, or hearts will be %lung with life laqinz anguish sooner or late'r: Tile Canton Sentinel says,tbat more now buiblitizs and iMprovements have beep mai, in. Canton this season than in any previous season for five years. . Andre w Gould; of South OWego, was ar rt-ste.l last last Week, and confined in the Owego jail on a charge of 'attempting to commit a rape on his daughter. The hout4 , of Andre*. Woitendyke, at occupied by ,O. M. Warreri, was burnQd ( ! r1 Saturday morning at 2 o'clock of Sept. 16th._ The furniture was insured f..r. ;273.0. • The "annual business meeting - 44 the • To Musical Society will be ki 3l 4 at the )I ,, us e of James Macfarlane Thnisdly Oct. 7.e.11, at 3 o'clock p. m. A full attendance - There was such a large attendance upon the yearly meeting of the Disciples at Can ton (41 Sunday the 24th ult., that meetings haa - t'a be held in both the 'Disciple and Meth;list churches. ' ' Thu .gckxl lady of the house is now en g'4(4 in transplanting the flowers that have 4 '.. 1. 41101 the yard during the summer s de that their beauty shall grace the -ax.hold during the winter. The Athens Gazette reporta that there is a great deal more travel over:' the Susque" 14nna bridge at that place ; Slice it is free, aid mune trade from Sheshequin and else ',here, coming to that village. Jacobs has a -new advertisement this issue . linalsoloui an bamiense stock of tbalLg in MI store on Main street. Read the one and een (*Rand IMO tin other. The Borough Coal* Italia :offered a reward of $lOO fOr the arresh and eonvie tton of the person' or persorii who set fire to Frost's Sons Furniture Matnifigfopr. - Benjamin Laudon, of Canton, pur chased of Mrs. Fitch, a . lot in that; iillage` and will proceed to erect a subsLantiat abrre buildiog thereon, 21x80 feet, in . which to conduct his farmers' produce businem - An eehange says: "A fraud, the shape of a woman, soliciting subscriptions for a *tare called the Truite of the West,' is on her travels. She collects the - money in advance, but never delivers the pictures. - . The editor of the Athins Ckszette" was last z - week = pneented with a 'pendent of *whin. He says they wire grown► in that neighborhood- and ' the finest peadiel, both as to size and quality, that ever eamennder his observation. • • - The West Chester Local .**os states _that a covering of tobacco aims it the - roofs of a nee bush, to remain all winter, will pre. vent the ravages of all Wigs which are foos . to the plant, and is a,sure death influence on the ' A . match at rifle shooting, . betwie' n four of the Towanda team and . four of the Wes: tern team, Came off here on Friday. The score was as follows: Western Four, 174 1 Tc;ivanda Four, 165. • This is an extraor dinary score. The Winonas4f this place, played a game of base bait at Waverly, on Saturday last, with.' a picked nine, from tluit place; Athens, Susquehannt' Binghamtetini, etc. The game resulted in. favor of the picked nine bra score of 12 to 10. Three of the engineers engage - 4 iu survey of the Susquehanna river were in town over Sunday. :What their opinion:is with reference tO the Susquehanna's ever being niada . naviisble fOr crafts larger than ordinary ski i itik did not learn. D. J. Sweet h removed his, iitock of 'goods from the bliding he bee so lung oc cupied in Monroetton;:lo the Rhhitrvault building in that village, where he. will business until extensive- alterations and re pairs are made to his own building. ' Mr. Lewis Helkowitche was arrested on Monday last on a capias at Ithe instance of Miss Ettie Marks, of Towanda, for breach of promise in which bail , was required in the sum of ten thousand dollars, the dam • ages being laid at five thousand.--Tuiddian nod. Democrat, 28th tilt. We learn:, from the Waterly Adrocute that. he old Terkiiks Tannery,, in. Sayre, is being Sttediio for a manufactory fer :the celebrated. Chatempus Mater Rail. 'Unties A. Clark and Richard D. VanDuzei have engaged in the enterprise and will make the packages on a large scale. • The house of Geo. AfeKerrielc, of Colum bia X Roads, was burned n Monday even ing, Sept. 18th, and totally- destroyed - with its contents„The house was discovered'on fire at about 11 o'clock.and Mr. Mc'Carrick had much difficulty to prei:ent suffocation by the fire. It as insured for $lOOO. The coune6tion between the Cayuga divis ion and the main line of the D. L. 48c WF, at Owego, is completed and trainiticom menced running across -the river:-there fondikylmorning, and trains comingithere pm Ithaca will no longer stop thil-Erie cle'pot, where they have made thpiiimad cinarters for over thirty year& Mrs. Dodge's story, "Irmald naiik)ro thy," Dr. Eggleston's "Hoosier School-boy,"- and "The Recollections of a "-Drummer Boy," which have been running as serials in the •volume of St.-Nicholas,just ended,by special arrangement with thnauthora will not, be published in book' form this season, but can e be found only in the numbeni of that magazine. The bound volumes Will be ready October first. - Secoiad Assistant Postmaster Generil R A. Elmur was in town 9n ' Tuesday. Mr. , Elmer is doing much for the country ixtst offices. He knows what is wanted and as iikad far as possible makesk the improvements. —At its Gazette.. But when he overlooks the f t that the Towanda o ffi ce is entitled to be e a second class office, from .the of business it does, he evident}ris g much for'officei in large VOl. -- , ,1 amoun not doi Allen say s , "this is the right • flear to kill the weeds on the farm thiem.-to go to seed." Yes, we see, soniet*g like celery, don't grow much until' after cold Weigher sets in.—. Athens' GaZrtte. Charley Hinton, you let the raising of celery alone. You are .riot a success in that line. Last year you sowed it kith your clover, and attempted to hitr '‘42;t it' with a spring tooth harrow. Recent sales of both the Century Maga zine and St. Nicholas have been unusually large. A new edition of the September' Century is on the press, and the publishers hive just ordered a second printing of the, October number. The. New York Evening Post, in referring-to the increased , circula tion of that magazine in this country- and England, calls it "now perhaps the most judiciously edited magazine in the world.'! 'John Palmee,"of Waverly, , sued the 11. S.; Express Company- , foilUittried - received at the Eiie depot-in this village, by Pdrple, an emplOyes of the express pany, running a truck against his leg. • The case was tried in the Supreme Court 'ill this villagirabout a year ago, and a judg. meat rendered in favor of Palmer for $950. This decisionhas just _been affi by the genseral term at StyitOga- 7 -owega Times. • [A. few weeks siiice the ladies and gentle- men of the M. E. l Church and Society, of Erlstei; held an ice-cream and ..boqueti fes tival on the lawn of the Parionage grounds, for the heneheof their Pastor, which was a. very enjoyable occasion. The groutuis and house were very beautifully decorated 'with wreatO 'and arches of evergreens, and lit up with lainps and torchlights, and all pro nouncedit splendid. The net receipts were $26. Mr. Frank H. Cusiting's articles on the Zuni tribe of Indians, 'with whose people heiias lived for several years put, will ay penr in the Century ,Magazine, beginning probably with the : December number. The illustrations will be from his own sketches, or from drawings made under-:::;raper- vision. Mr. Cushing has been cOniiihuting to the Atlantic two papers on "The Nation of the Willows," the Ha-va-su-pai, l d pea ple living near the Zunis. Says the Bedford Republican: ` ; `We are indebted to Alex. B. Agnew for the ,fol lowing sure cure for hog and - -chicketi. ch4lera7.--Taro ounces of alum, two of rosin, two of cayene pepper, two of :thair of sul -phur, two of gum of 43:mph* Mid:to of copperas. Mix in six quarts of awn meal. For chickens give two tablespoonftds of the mixture twice a week. For pigs feed the same quantity daily. Mr. -Agnew says this remedy never fails to cure. On the evening of Sept. 20th, 1882, the friends of_ Rev. G. W. Foster,. Pastor . of the M. E. Church of Milan, cotigregat ed at house of Mrs.. Loomis in that vit. lager, fors Social, and the inoisr, of the, talk was over nice peaches, cream and' cake. All retired happy and heavki than.3vheti. they came, the preacher not mei:6A_ as rase slag ,there was handed him a rime of $lB, and the geed wishes of the nom rifelyo• turned kind 'regards and 'many *mike. • An Mahkni Gerould, with his wife and child, was driving past the Arcade block, on Friday last, the hone became frighten ed and became unmanageable. ' The wagon Was overturned and