Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, October 05, 1882, Image 1

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    110 I.i l om it TRACY, Publishers
Bragoid Republican
l'AiNhed Every Tliaraday,
. •
0.50 Per Annum, in ,Idvanee
Adrertising Sates-biz cents • line for first
itireition, an I five cents per line for all anto.e.
(icent insertions. Itey4ing notice
ten cents' per line. Eight lines constitute
square, And twelve lines an Inch. Auditor's
notices $2.50. Administr,ator's and lixeCutor's
not ices $2.00. Yearly advertising $150.00 per
TUE RZYVISLICAU! is published in the /Isc7.
Moore and Nobles Block, it the corner of Main
and Pine streets. over J. F. Corser's Boot and
gboo store. its circulation is over 2000, As an
.Idvertialailuiedi4li4s 2 ,4 l l, l l ll 4 lo AWlLSAte
,mediate 2e1.1.
T:wanda Business Diraci:ry.
- LEVEIAND McGOV MN, (E. J. Cleve/and
V .VeGurern), Canton, Bradford County
i's, All business entrusted to their ,care in
Western Br &Mord willreeeire prompt-attention.
111T11 Attorneyita,t-Law; 011143
over l'uwell Co.
ut LIFF, J. NI, °Moo in Welt)d's Block, south
First Sational Bank, up stairs. June 12,'i
01.413 REE :11.)N (N Elabree and L Ettbree.)
la Unica ill 31arcnr Block,,Park St. ma 3114.78
IDECE OVERTON (Benj M Peck and /14 Or,?
L / OlTleo over Merket 49-'79
OVERThN tr,SANDERSON iR Chyerioes and John
F Sanderson . ()dice In Adams Block. julys" TS
MAXWELL W Office over Dayton's More
april 14,76
TrrILT, .4 .DREW. 0111 ca in Mean's Block.
apr 14,76
1J Wit Carr o-3an. L M -Wilco in rent
Ward 11.1u4.,-. :Ltatrance on Poplar 5t..tie12,76
,Bolicltor of Patents.
Pa-ii. mar attention paid to business in
Ornhan.4' Court and to thereettlement of estates.
Office in Montanye's Block 49.19
c PHERSON It YOUNG, (1. McF9i &ion and
, - Pu• W. I. Young.)" Ofllce south sideonlerettr's
'Block. MIAMI
Williams, E J Angle and E D Bu)ingtea).
Office west side of Main street, two doors north
of Argus office. AU tuaineas entrusted to their
care wilkrecave prompt attention: ' oct 26,77
neys and Counsellors-at-Lew. Office in the
Sirrcur Block, over C. T. Ilirhy's Drug Store.
julyli 'BO U.
, J. P. Attorney4.-Law, Office in
Moutanye's Block, Main4Breet.'
Sept.. 5, 'Bl-tf.
rpliodiPsON, W. ft and E.! A., Attorneys-at
J. Law, Towanda. Pa. °Mee in Mercur Block.
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance.on Main
street, first b tairway north of Post-oflice. All
business promptly attended to.. Special atten
tion given to claims against the Uhltefl States
or Pensiot.s. Paucities, Patents. etc-, and to
ollections and settlement of decedent's es`sites.
4pri12.1. ly - •
Solicitor of Patents. Government dame at.
tended to. [Wenn
TOBSSON. T. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. H. CI
Porters's Drug Store. feb 12,Th
NEWTON, Drs. D. N. kF. G. Office at Dwelling
on River Street, corner Weston St. feb 12.77
LAUD, C. 1.. M.D. °Mee Ist door above old
bank building, on Main street. Special at
tention given to diseases of 'the throat and
lungs. ; julyl9,lB
WOUDBURN, S.M., M.D. Office and rest
dance. Main street, north of M.E.Church
Siediasi_Examiner for Pension Dr rartment.
. • , ' t 13b 22.78
PAY.)IE. E.' D.. M.D. Mice - over Mintanye's
Store. Office hours from 10 to 1/ A. at. and
from 2 to 4 F. x. Special attention given to
Diseases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear.
oct 20,77
owNER, H. L.,
Residence aid office just north of Dr. Corbon's
Slain street, Athens, Pa.
HENRY HOUSE- Main st., next corner south
of Bridge street. New house and new
furniture throughout. The proprietor has
spared neither pains or expense in making his
hotel drst.class and respectfully solicits a share
of public patronage, Meals at alphours. • Terms
reasonable. Large Stable attached. •
mar i 77 ' WM. HENRY.
WATKINS POST, NG. 68, G. A. B. Meets
every Saturday evening, at- Military Hall.
OEO. V. MYER, Cpsenander.
J. R. KirriuDGE, 44jutant. - feb 7. 79
nItYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meek at K. of P
Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In
surance",ll2,ooo. lieneflh $3OO per week. Aver
age annual cost, 5 yeare_experience,.sll..
JESSE, MYERS. Reporter.
E.'. PIMICE, Dictator. • • feb 22.78
BRADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet
In Odd PeUow'e HAJI, every Monday evenifig
at 7 o'clock. W ijusitinufMrs. Noble Grand.
June 12,75
POST. F. E. No. 32 Second ortreet All order's
will receive prompt attention. June 12,75
The SPRING TERM will begin Monday,
April '3. 1M2., For. catalogue 'or other infor•
niation, address or call on the Principal.
July 19,78
WILLIAMS, EDWARD. PracticaA Plumber.
and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mer 7
•cur Block next door to Journal office opposite
Public Square. Plumbing, ass Fitting. Repair.
ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
romptiy attended to. All wanting work in his
ne should give him # call. July 27,77
- .
. RUSSELL, G. 8, General Insurance Agency.
a.v Towanda, Pa. Office in Whltcomb'i Book
kora: • July 12,T6
And had One of MI
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Iltscellaneats Adveithiments.
Ed. thillesseaux,
t, (Formerly with Betideloan.)
, • • 11/18 01 , 1;15ED,A . • •
• ,•„;i.
• 1,
OZr nui own
With r Swarts & Gordon's Store,
Main Street, Towanda,Pa.,
Gold *
• air His Stock is all NEW sod of the rnrar
QuAuri." MI and see for youtssif.
-Fellows, Spokes, Hubbs;--Thill
Alic 4 full line of Shblf ind Heavy Hardware. and
- a full line of
Carriafies, Platform and Lumber . Wagons,
Made by ni with skilled workmen; and warranted
in every particular.
Hardware Dealers.
Troy, April 27-ly
Alfred J. Piirvis,
• •
All WOrk in his line done well and promptly at
lowest price. •
Parties having volumes incomplete will be fur
nished with any missing numbers at cost price.
- All orders given to J. 4. Scanlan, Agent for
Bradford County. will be promptly etecutedrac
cording to directions. • sepMf
.GEO• L. 311.05 S
Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. H.
C. Porter's Drug Store„Main Steeet,. •
with a large stock of • -
J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores are
connected by Telephone. Mr. Boss can now feel
satisfied that he can give the -
Ms experience enables him to select the best
goods, which he la bound to sell at a LOW PRICE.
You an. always get a bargain if you
• •
All goods delivered .in the Borough FREE'.
FARMERS will•do well to call with their Produce
and get the CASH. ' 20apr92-ly.
We keep on hand constantly for builders.
Carriage Trimmings.
No. 131 Grenessee street,
UTICA.-N. ,Xl_,:'',-
JEwELIJE : it-
Is stilt to be found it the OLD STAND
slf.rllX STREET, /
Next door to Dr.H. C. Porter's Drug Store
j E-V - E L - R Y'.
- Clocks, Ws l bthss aid lisrslviyroisptly Ispitrid
by an expertsocsd and oosopetant workman.
1011 6 4
—_ c
4 . _ SILLIXR 73 -
• 1...#" MIME=
of miry . isdetz,sad flpeetlicils. sr Paitkad i ,
ftsatigon psi& to reparthit. Bbop In Dealer
vougkra 01008 , 7 atm. trash llt ral 2° =
New iss.dvertizemente.
The Secret
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim-
ply this: It- is the best Iron
preparation ever . made; is
, compounded on thoroughly
scientific, chemical and
medicinal • •
rne principles, and
does jUst what is claimed for
it—no, more and no less:
i -13y thorough and rapid .
assirniintion with the blood,
it AFiC4C ,s,sittitiv 4 6 2.4l . l !ii , t or
and strengthening. COM
meiicing at the:foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health—in no other way can
Listing benefit be .obtained.
Dearborn Ave.. Chicago; Nor. 7. r'.l
I weak ha stomacht sufferer from
*eery . hearttnon and -
dyspepsia in its worst form Nearly
everything I ate gave me distress.
and I could eat but little. • I have
tried e very th ins recomni ended, have
' taken the prescriptions , of a doses
physiciansAut got no relief until I
took Brawn's Iron Bitters. 1 feel
Denier t& old troubles.-and a
new man . I am " getting - much
stronger._ and feel first-rate. .1 am
-a railroad engineer. and now Make
my trips regularly. I can not say
too much in praise of yourironderar
• ful medicine. D. C. bluic.
does not contabr whiskey
or alcohol, and will not
blacken the teeth, or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia, indi
gestion, heartburn, —sleep
lessness, dizziness, nervous
debility, weakness, &c.
trust* Brown's Irmalitters made by
.Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed
;red lines and trademark on wrapper.
By Universal Ab.ccorti,
A'nn's CATHARTIC Pats, are the best
or all purg atives for family use. They
Are the p roduct of long, laborious, and
successfid chemical investigation, and
their extensive use, by physicians in
their practice, and by all civillied na
tions, proves them the' best and most
effectual purgative Pill that medical
science can devise. Being purely ve,g
etable no harm can arise from their
nse" and being sugar-coated, they are
pieliant to take. In intrinsic value,
and curative powers no other Pills
can be compared with them; an&every
person, - knowing their virtues, will
employ them, when needed. They
keep the system in perfect order, and
maintain in healthy action the whole
machinery of life. Mild, searching and
effectual, they are especially adapted
to the needs of the digestive apparatus,
derangements of which they prevent
and cure,' if timely taken. They are
the best and safest physic to employ
for children and weakened constitu
tions, ,where mild' but effectual
cathartic is required.
For sale by all druggists.
$200.00 REWARD !
Will be paid for the detection and convic
tion of any person selling or dealing in any
bogus, counterfit_ or immitation HOP Brr
inns, especially Bitters or preparation with
the word HOP or Hors in their name 'or
connected therewith, that is intended to
mislead and cheat the public, or" for' any
preparation put in any form, pretending, to ,
be the same as HOP Brrrims. The genuine
-have cluster of GREEN HOPS (notice this)
Printed on the white label, and are the
purest and best medicine on earth, egiecialy
for Kidney, Liver and Nervous Diseases.
:ware of all others,
, and of all Pretended
ormulas or 'receipts of HOP Brrrzes -pub
ed in papers or for - sale, as they are
muds-and swindles. , Whoever deals in
any but the genuini3 - wM be prosecuted. .
HOP Brrrzris Miro. Co.,
Sept. 14. 4w ' s Rochester, N. Y.
Nothing ShOO of . Unmistakable
Conferred upon • tens of thousands of
sufferers could' originate and maintain
the reputation' which AYER'S SAWA. ,
PAIULLA enjoys. It is a compound of - vegetable alteratives, with the
lodides of Potassium and ,Iron, —all
powerftd, blood-making, blood-cleansing
and life-sustaining—and is 'the most
effectual of all remedies for scroln
lons, mercurial; or, blood disorders.
Uniformly successfid and certain, it
produces rapid and complete cures of
ScrofUla, Sores, Boils, Humors, Pim
ples, Eruptions, Skin 'Diseases and all
disorders rarising . from impurity of the
blood: By Its invigorating effects it
always relieves and oftin cures Liver
Complaints, ,Female Weaknesses and
Irregularities, and is a potent renewer
of wng vitality. For purifying the
blood it has no equal. It tones up the
system, restores and , preserves the
health, and Imparts vigor and energy.
For forty years it has been in extensive
use, and is to-day the most available
medicine for the suffering sick.
For sale by all druggists.
Th. awn maim b buying dump Is at
Clornst Mani and "maths atropin.
Tato toopoistrdly &anoint* to tai Waft oat
. .
tlatoltive • law stock of
nom VOA MILL.. ORANS. SALT. 71111
EOM and PROVISIONS gassully. •
We L.V. aro Mated to mu , stook a rd tre
W OODEN WLUZ. nal ea Emma TM. 7111
last reoelvid a huge stook of Sagan, Tea.
Matto the market. aad other metes of ewe
*Tap aid ,Kohatm, vlda their our at lap
pitOse for Oak. oet WIT
TOWANDA. BRADFORD C4 - IsTTY, , *A : :.` THErIiSDAY, 00TORER'\5. 1882.
, 4•40 y
I utood by her side Where the tide came
With Uri - creeping kiss and its restless moan:
I held her fast—was she mine to win?
Could I caliber, I loved so:well, my °Whir '
looked In the depth of her haze, 1 epee, k% •
close to our feet crept the restless Beal
In the tender tones thritiond hearts prise,
I told tair how talr,she was to me. f
I Praised the grace of her queenly be a d—
The plasbnlg waves sung low and sweet,
The bright eyes shone at the words I said
While the light loam nestled about per . feet.;
I pralied the sheen of her isilkeri MUT,'
Never a word she said to me, Y.?:
BIM closer she moved to myiside, down there
By the restless, imunlog, tossing sea.
M Might she be mine, oh, fairest fair?"
I salted the driver, who turns and hollers.
That ho "lowed I could her the chestnut Mile
lJuat sash° stood, for two hundred dollars!"
—Burlington liatvkeye.
Wadi twat the rap and bell e , '
Ilan telendshave I;
Unto ;lifeless, awry hearts..
Mertz hearts renly l ,
":-; 4 4tink4S4loliiili*'o.l4l 4 llll.lW..'
Dimples In a million gowns;
' When above. in simmer's bows,
Laughs, a summer sky. ,
When Grier bbles with me, alas!
Not a friend have I;
Sad hearts meet on every side
With a cold ilood by."
dust as this old earth of ours
Parts with all the drooping flowers,
When above, in autumn hours,
()looms a somber sky.
"But do you really mean it, Mr. Braba
son r -
Dow Dale was standing in the illuminated
archway of the autumn woods, her bright
braids of hair pieraed by one or two wander
ing sunbeams, her dimpled child-face
framed in, as it were, by sprays of red-
veined eutamn leaves, while her apron . was
full of the glistening brown chestnuts which
she had *picked up.
John Brsdazon leaned against the tall,
smooth trunk of the birch tree; and looked
at her with a lazy, luxurious sense of artistic
beauty entering into his mind as he gazed
"Of course I mean it," said he.
"Bnt lam only twelve years old," cried
Rosa, flinging back ' the .sunny tendrils of
hair that hung.ov r or her forehead.
"You are exactly twelve times as lovely
as any of the city belles that congregate
hereabouts," said Mr. Brabazon, striving to
conceal a yawn. "And if they think I am
engaged—don't you see?—there • will be
some.probability of their leaving off perse
cuting me."
"Well!" said Rosa, every dimple corning
shyly out on lip and cheek as he stood there._
" It's to be a compact, eh?" said Mr.
• Brabazon.
Rosa nodded her fair little head.
"But," nodd ed
questioned, rather dubiously,
"where is ike..ring ?"
" The—what ?"
"The engageluint-ring, Mr. Brabazon,"
explained Ron, reproachfully. "Don't you
know there's always a ring in the novels?
And most generaliy a.diainond."
"If you'll believe me," said Mr. Brabazott,
tragically, "I never thought of the ring.
But hetes a little opal that used to be , my
mother's, banging on my watch.chain.
Won't that do 7"
Rose held out her brdwa auger, while he
fitted it mi.
"Yon—you haven't kissed me yeti" she
said, when this ceremony Was 'complete.
"Lovers always kiss' their fiancees!"
Mr. Bnsbazon lU'ughed.
"Come," said be, "this is getting serious.
Bat here's the kiss, before the rest of the
chestnut party get back. Atid, mind, this is
to be a profound
.secret . between you and
Boss :au back home with a vague sensa
tion of mysterious 'Might, and thought how
nice Mr. Brabazon looked, all the time she
was munching her; roasted *stunts; and
Mr. Brabazon himself took advantage of the
little joke to proclaim himself an engag
g an. Nor is it an exaggeration' to say that
the young ladies* were genuinely disappoint
ed. •
"It must be a recent thing," said Kate .
Kennedy, , tossing her head. •
"Oh, quite recent," acknowledged Mr.
" Love at first sight ?" asked Miss Day.
-no, not exactly," saidßrabazon. "In
fact, I may say that I have admired the
young lady since her infancy."
"What a delightful enigma !" said Belle
Vernon, looking anything but delighted.
"But of course, Mr. Brabazon, you'll tell ne
heroiame ?" ' -
" I - am pledged to secrecy," said the en
gaged man, solemnly. .1
And when he left the Mountain Oloteb, in
the late autumn, and forgot all about the
wild little woodland sprite orb° climbed
- c
trees and pelted him with heetnuts, waded
with brown, dimpled feet in the -foamy
ters of the glen torrent, and conducted 'OM
so mysteriously to the barn-chamber to show
hue her empty birds' nests,' butterfly wings
and diamond-bright pebbles, luiw was he to
knot? that - she remembered the episode un
der the yellow-leaved chestniit-trees as a red
letter day in her calehdar ?
" He , ought to write to me," said *in,-
gloomily, as the weeks and months glided
by, and no epistle came. "1 do hope he
isn't going to turn out false, like the wicked
cavaliers in the story books. •
And when Mr. Brabazon sent her a huge
wax doll, with its miniature Saratoga :trunk
and complete outfit of elegantly-made dress
es, at Christmas:toss flew into a passion.
"As if I were a baby I";u: s d she. "
doll, indeed ; and I twelve yeold in 013:
tober! I Wonder if he takes me fora child?
Who ever heard of a gentleman sending a
doll to the young lady he was engaged to ?"
"My dear Rosa," said her mother, half
vexed, half amused, i‘ what !nonsense you
are talkingl"
"We are engaged!" said 1 Kosa. "See
the ring!"
And she slyly palled it out from the bosom
of her dress. '
"It was only a joke," sald Mrs.' Dale.
It was sober earnest!" flashed out Rosa.
2_3ly dear," said Mrs. Dale, "haven't you
beird? Mr. Bmbazon is to be married to
L Helen Hartford, Mrs. Pailleton's
English niece,wext mn'ith. The cards- are
already out." •
"What!" cried Bon, her I
eyes blazing, her rosy lips apart. "To.- be
married!—and he engaged to me!"
And then Boss rushed away into the barn
:hamber, and hid herself for full two helm!,
to sob out the current of her childish grist.
. Mrs. Dale smiled and sighed.
"Who would think the child would hive
attached so much importance to a piece Of
nonsense like that?" said she. "Really,
Pm afraid I have made s mistake in allow
ing her to read so raspy novels. ' But; she
was always an imfetno* little creature." ,
Boss wrote sertiall limiting letters to
Mr. Besbazon, all of Which she
,finally tore
up, and when 'she.. saw the marriage pro.
claimed in the papers she gave the big wax-
doll to a little girl who was only eleven
years and sir months old.
"Shit:won't have any associations
nested- with it I" sighed
or:T#P ! l.4)mißY 1*:!M 41 POEriE PEOPLE."
And about that thie - atre R..promoted to
a higher grade in,nelonki4ott lemons on
the guitar,' and patiseennarinf tore affair
oat of her mind.
. , . - , •
It could not have braes** .than eight
years subsequently that - tiffs billielOw do.
carrel on the Grand - - Oniialfst Venice, in,
which one of the'grardolio, 'Pao& andsa
beautiful young Americas larif, niece of, the.
t ate
then Unitid States conic!, , , :4134 an invol.
marry ducking.
Berhaps tho romantio good&
liars- Were inkwicated3 peeiraie. Miss Baroiry
haat toltioy olistrtolif4. l.l t r oottly• to Pot!! '
out something, and destroptike balances!
the-- mouldy , •bhiclavelief.ll* old convey.
MICA. At all events.Was= was upset,'
directly in front, of the - di Silvis,
where Mr.! Brabazon oidiptid the that flciOr,..l
s marble-paved dasolstlowm..ol, , pictures,
broken nosed statues, and: rorange.treesi in
tubs: :
~ = - )1 - -
Of course, Mr. .:B tint - Outibta
Valet to offer hiatervicel; ,iburse, . tirey .
carried Was
"Ibis-A o "
r ' O p ,sN. sodAAraids (draped wapee
..a,.TaAmmai ..11...4.t,t:* n"
mine 4
"Bat haw' ridiralato all lila le l" itaid
lifurt Barony, 'with merriment 10=11 4 in
beautiful, darlalue eyas. lam lit.
Ile wet, to.banure, hut otherwise I run en.
thely unharmed. Whit didn't they put me
in. the gondoWiAtaiti and send' me 'back to
my:uncle's paltizr.o r 1 -
Mr. Brain:Ark hoWever, was fir took. hos
pitable for that Wm capped and spectacled
eld honse.keoper was ready With spiced
drinkS aml great baskets of grapes saclike,
and he himself was all politeness and chiral
rons courtesy., i.
• Miss Baiony gazed
,iimudy around.
Margaret Bytlrgtt
How-, angelically beantiftd she - looked,
wrapped in, the violet .velvet cloak, --- edged
with ermine, her cheeks flashed with softest
rose, her eyes sparkling, hei hair hanging in
fringe of dark gold byer her forehead
Where is Lady. Itelen ilmbazon ?" lahe
asked, abruptly.
st I ;
Mr. Brabazon Winced; 1
"She has Leon dead fora year," he rigid.
"I tun a widower. You Were .acquaied
with my late wirer" .
"Oh, no, not at all!" saki Mrs. Barony.
"Only, of coarse, all the li , cirl.l Irt I heard
f her. She *as a famous beanny, : wasn't
"She was very lovely," rid the widower.
When Miss Barony was carried away in U.
newly summoned gondola, whose pictui-' 4
esque oarsmen were more to be relied upon
Sian their predecessors, M. Brabaion.aaked
pet un5.,,,,,; Et, call at the 'consulate, to in
quire how she was, in the 'cotinie of a day
or two ; and Miss Barony' accorded the
'permission as a young queen might have
done. •
Miss Bans
any was yotmg, and
piquant ; , Mr. •Brabason, whose life had
been nearly badgered , out of him by the
capriceS, exactions and varyingi temper of
the late Lady Helen, was charmed her
sunny brilliando ; 101 at a month's end he
came to Mr. Barony,. the United, States con
sal, to , ask perinission to press his suit with
his niece.
Mr. Barony looked conscious.
"Didn't yon know?" said he.
tugaged 1" repeated ldsJ,. Nubseon, his
Isetniseewin' g to turn to a biinp at ice with
in L
a Quite an old affair, I believe," ,said - the
consul. 4 ' Bat perhaps you bad better see
"my niece herself about it. I'll _ give her
your message. She can decide to suit her
self." •
Miss Barony waS ; prettier than elfr, in
her cool muslin dregs and pale-blue ribbons,
as she sat among the jessamines and pome.
granates - of ; the consulate reception-room
the next day, to receive Mr. Bmbazon. Ho
Luta speech carefully prepared, wherein all
the,nominatives and subjects were carefully
balanced, and the °inact-words stationed in
their exles plicesli'hut he forgot it all at the
fair vision of her,i perfect loveliness, and
could only stand helplessly before her, and
say: '
" 1 In
'Ms Barony, F love you
" Bo you have bpen driven to confess it at
last," said Miss Balcony, "after all these
years f"
I don't unde*ind you," said Mr. Bra
Yon h av eaforgotten me," said Rem.
"That would be impossible," asseverated
Uzi Beaton%'earasstiy. • , -
"Bet' it's the fact," said she. "I'm lit-.
tle Rosa Dale, who was engaged to you,
tinder the chestnut-trees at , Amber Hill,
nearly nine years age * and here is the en
gagement-ring," holding up a, slender golden
hoop, with an opal glimmering in its cen
tre. " No, I'm not at all surprised
'thatyou didril recognize Me. was a child
then L--1 am a woman nor. ; And after my
parents' death, when Uncle arony adopted
me, I took his name, instead of my own.
• But neverr - have quite gotten over the pang
'of hitter , jealousy that pierced my baby
heart when you were married to Lady Helen
"But dare I hope," began Mr. Brabazon,
that. you stall care a little" for mo ? I
Mo. it seems him presumption, but—"
Ai Yes, you may hope," whispered Rosa,
ludi l langhiug, half-crying. "I do care for
you4—more than a little."
The consul gave them Ads blessing.
"It via she herself who told me, to say
&arts engaged," said ;he, patting Rosa's
heed. "Little puss I she is tdways , fall of
her !mischief I" I ,
"I limited to be•zevenged,"_ said Rosa.
"Bat I have quits forgiven my false lover at
Forre draw&
finch was the name given to Ma Donak
Chirke, n wild, eccentric writer of verses,
whir lived in the city of New York somi
thirty years ago. He byte talent for impro
vitaittien, with ..whichbe rued. to celebrate du
cluirms of those perrioni of whom, from timr
to time, heliecrune'enaMoreg. kieolume of
hislpoenui, published b 7 snhseriptinn, con.
tains in the preface these touching pars.
graphs :
1 .
"I won't pester folks with apologial.
Here's a rough , hazard i'of lowers—a little
dirt about the roots—a tear wash It off I'
"if the life of my poetry is unwhOlesome,
'twill breathe'after the W ild sprit that in
spired it bail been sobered. at the terrible
tribune of eternity, and' the weak bai:d that
traced it long Wasted tit ashes."
in one of these wild inoodt , which fre
quentlY came upon hint, when the , will to be
sublime was not =stain' ed by the strength,
he wrote these lines on Washington :
Eteretti—pre =elbow teem!
A spirit like Ms Is lame;
• Pauth—tie with tuttUery hts tomb, "
And dre a double charge.
To the memory of America's greatest man ;
Match Mtn posterity ti you can. j
,:.The "Mad Poet" died in the hmatie ash.
lam on Blackwell's, Island, and was buried
in 'Greenwood CmiebnY, New York. Speak
ing of the urnagements he desired made for
kWnieral, he said:
Mpe the children will come • I want
tile buried by the WS of cllikiren. Your
things I am sme there will be in ,heeven---
music, Sams, pure air, and plenty of Mb)
cluidren."-88. Lodi Globs-Denwerat. '
Th. Qfala±t Village at the *meow Pohst •
From Town Hill, an immense sand .dunti'
overtopping' the' village roots; ` gets an
admirals idea ofthe tewn's isolated and es;
pared position. The I sinnmit of this bill is
encircled by an iron fence, and, being well
=Wield with settees, makes a - diffightfully
unique park, much affected by the Amens
'jLoo'king east, the place is seen ex=
tending for aree miles along the curve of a
barber that, fair, perfect protection from
' wind and-wave, is the. wonder of the .physl;
" •it nneAtretches out both arms, then
curves the right fingers, band, and arin;brirg.
git within an. inch of his out stretched
$ he will deiscribe the configuration of
Provincetawn Harbor—hie right arm repro
, wading Lang Point, the estreme 'tip of Cape
Cod, and his body and left arm the north
shore of the cape, trending toward the main .
land.: The harbor hasa deptkolfroin three
6 : 4 ' 1 ° 1 4" Athams• and is two mans in
The tart le an. bonnier " miles ' ot
due Lucetß
, cis, thill=
intervenes between the water and the sand-
TwO narrow streets follow the tread
of the coast, thickly lined with stores and
Until within a few years these
streets were mere sand, through which horse
and pedestrian waded toilsomely, but of late,
earth and gravel have been carted in and a
solid roadbed formed, while a narrow
walk hakbeen laid on one side of the street.
Along Uie water -front the old to wn ' is seen
in its purity ; quaint, weather-beaten strrie
tares, arc! here ; cociper'e-60,:,h0nt-shoP,
fish-house;-cbandlees stores, commission
offices, and, in striking Contrast; the neatly
painted village hotel, built on piles over the
bay, its favored ggestil lulled,to sleep every
night by the ripple of the waves.. On the
docka fishermen are cleaning the morning's
pitch of mackerel, and "tankers" just in
ire binding the spoil won from Ihe Banks or
stormy Labradm In open spaces between
the docks long lines of dories are drawn up,
nets are cl i ping in the sun, and• cod-fish are
curing in; flakes, or lie piled in immense
'Laps, :waiting for the Packer. The dwell
ings are nestled near the bases of the dunes ;
some howies of wealth and refinement, fur
nished with all modern appointmenti, some
quaint and venerable; some hiddenlit trees
and shrubbery, others bare to the sun; and
some, in the Portuguese quarter, squalid and
po'rerty.stricken. , -
Looking landward from our hilltop as far
as the eye can reach, one sees an arid waste
of send heaped in curiously-shaped hills,
some covered with beach grass, some with
scrub oak and stunted shrubs, others bare
and white in •• the s inligbt. It is hardly
three relies across from Cape Cod on the
north to the Atlantic on the south.
Nothing edible can be raised on these
sand heaps. Provincetewn cattle are led on
bay and grain imported from, Boston. The
butter, vegetables, and trait on the hotel
table confe from far d own
, thp Cape. Is •
, Nothing is indigerioas but fish, and one'e
first ciliary is how a i4wsi came to be found
ed at all on the furthiF end
,0 this desolate
mod spit. It was the oceaT; and above all
the harbor, that gave it its excuse for being.
New York Evening Post+-
"Sho is
The blieSterfield County Court' met at
ChesterfieldCciurt House on Monday last.
The criminal docket was full. When the ,
first case was called the prisoner moved his
discharge on . the ground that there was no
law under which he could be punished, be
cause the offense charged against 'him was
alleged to have been committed prior to the
ISt of May, when the law which repealed
=and took the place of the " whiliping post"
law took effect; that he could not be pun
ished under the old law because • thatl was
repealed; nor could he be punished under
the'new law because it was not in force at
the 'time the offense was committed. This
being a matter of grave importance the
Court took time to consider. On Thusday
the .Judge delivered a long and elaborate
opinion, citing numerous authorities to sus
tain his views on' the subject, deciding that
the prisoner could not be punished at all,
because the old law was expressly repealed
by the new law; and the latter made no pro
vision for puuislunenticir offences , commit
ted after the former was repealed and before
the latter took effect. The ludgo said he
regretted that the Legislature had so bland-.
ered in legislation as tn•canse to be turned
loose unpunished upon the community per
sons guilty of crimes against society, and he
'had striven to'conte'to a different conclusion
in construing the law, but the weight of att- -
thority , was against hint. The result was
that five criminals—three housebreakers,
'one of who* lutd been convicted by the
jury, and two- charged with larceny—were
admonished hy the Court and sent forth as
free and forever discharged of the crimes for
whiett ihei were indicted.=-Richszo;ul
paten: •
A Se*estemen-Year.old Apse Plays a Clever
bst 'Wartless Trick Upon Her. Parent..
• . An. elopement occurred in this' city keit
evening which was planned in a very novel
manner. ' The parties to' he somewhat sense,
&ad/flair are Arthur. W. Robertson, son of
Jamei E. Robertson, pnkident of the Frank
lin Fire Insurance Company, and Miss Addis
.Wilson, 'the ieventeen-year.eld daughter of,
Benjamin A. Wilson, the real estate agent,'
who resides at 333 North West street: The
yesterday afternoon, visited quite a num
bei of her lady and gentlemenfriends and In;
vited them to her home in the - 'evening ,to
take supper. She said she-was preparing a
surprise far her father and mother and de
steed in some way to have them leave home
long enough for her-to complete thearrange.
meats and have all in readiness. In this di
lemma she, was accommodated by a young
lewyer, who summoned her father away
from home on 4 pretended business transac
tion, while a lady friend quickly volunteered
her serviceain having - her moth leave home
to =Min call.
At the appointed time the pleats began to as
semble, andAhe young lady's parents also re
tuinedisne. Instead of finding a tempting
meal awaiting 'them, then) was :in on4Z, - at
' home #II'I3CAVO them, and the scrprise, h•
stead of being a happy one, was - of a` very
different nature: It was discoveted that: the
' young lady,' in the absence of her parents,
bad packed her trunk and fled With her lover,
the-young manlutuned above. The' mother
'was ahnosticrazed with grief and the father
became 'very, indignant - over the Etat, 2 The
guests were dismissed, not however, before
the elopement had leaked out, ,and aftennud
a warrantwas obtained for young Robertson's
arrest on charge of abduction and grand lar
ceny, the latter consisting of the alleged theft
of the trunk and clothing. No trace of the
eloping couple had been found at a late hour
' last algid, and it was the opinion' of the offi
eels that they. were either concealed in' the
cffiroitosadepartedin a hack for the papaw
-id ftt --Ain a late train atone of the adjoining
litrina. The parties belong to highly rtqco.
tablebmillea,--/tultanapite Nan.
The College of l'hisicians„ Sid frksseStskil
the BellsePe H o SPisst ccasPould , She 1 114,71
qty College Contribute : over fifteen kari
&Adulate to the cites pornlitionilit°,
-wine, Semi have stapd, from el*, pitted
the wierkl.;-erear from Booth .Anstrealstils4.
trulhatul7 l h o bal's re K e eee teli r e tt mu t
them of every political bias bad nodal' conl'
ail on. The native knatiOnni inc7a a = it - -
large proportion of the•iono of pectitentiumt:
and arthinfied the . Southern „aml.
awn: Was, tiringiag eith them littl e' , " 'P t !'
'ttfargin to the minimum of fees, )iriorliteti!
pertonal •comfort; lie perm Elpairtin4*.
their ambition.' In the seighborboidoffj*
college time are Many shabby ,ledglog.l
houses Stich rdskis shelter and. fel4;trare
four dollars a week; and subsiating
Wiens of s dies at 'Stitch a
borer -would complain, . the :young ,deetar
Plasm'his `stgabs by the light 9 11 0 1 Actil
sena lampin the Attie Oxem of , qutso:
The coldest winter : Some °Ceti eta '
"nig tialgl4lo-leauilki cud: &a/4*i
',aft; and With shim WOrnft freemen
cendition of tenuity: Bat'mixed with these
Plebeians are other young men of forttme
and 'fashion;-who drees ezqnisitely, belong
to the clubs, and smoke, if a cigar, a choice
Havana, or, if it is a pipe, an ela4orate
nteerscluiturl, filled with aromatic perique
and Turkish. No 'factions inspired by en
vious aro bred by these contrasts,
The presence of Medical students to not
considered a desirable element in mauling , *
cities. They are apt to be !airless, ember*
ant, and addicted to nocturnal dimities&
M. Robert Sawyer and Mr. Benjamin Allen
are not the most satisfactory guests to land.
ladies, nor the least troublesome neighbors
to persons of quiet and early habits.
What with lectures, cliniquea, and moil&
tions, besides practice in he laboratory and
'dissecting-room; the industriousitudent who
means to be succesdul has little time for,
- recreation except in the brief intervals be:
tween the retirement of one professor and "
the entrance of another, and the only pedal
when he can conscientiously rest is Sunday.
The first lecture begins at nine' o'clock in
the morning, and the last is not ccateluded
until five in the afternoon. At WI hem
until nine or ten at night students may be
seen singly or in twos and threes entering
or leaving the colleges, where the intricate
secrets of physiology, the tissues, arteries,
and nerves are revealed in the sickening at
mosphere and amid the ghastly surmansliqpi
of the diseecting-zoom. But the atmos.
phere, though overpowering to a stranger
at his initiation, is not perceptibly offensive
to those accustomed to it, and the "sob.
jects," instead of being repulsive to the
embryo surgeons, possess , an absorbing in.
terest, and all the beauty of a perfect me.
alumina. There is no deirth of "subjects"
in New York, where hundreds die nnrecog.
nixed in the wards of the charity hospitals,
and many are picked up in the riven with
no voiceor record to tell how they ,0111211 to
their end.- W.. .11: Racing, in Sat +a "
There are less than half-a-dezen • railway
• ticket Manufacturing establishments in the
United States, and one of the largest and
most successful of these is in Boston. Few
people have any idea of the dimensions te
which the business has grown, the capital
and labor required .to answer its demands,
the exquisitely fine machinery, necessary in
the manufacture, or the skill and ability in
dispensable to its management. In the mat
ter of local tickets alone the consumption is
enormous, and the variety in manufacture
all but infinite. The number of local tickets
made by the Boston concern alone last yeas
amounted to 17,000,000. . The Eastern Bail
road has on its main line and branches be
tweet' its , termini, Boston :and Portland,
ninety-eight stations. A complete set of
local tickets requires not only that there
shall be tickets sold in the Boston depot for
every one of these outer stations, and in the
Portland depot correspondingly for the
other stations tho other way, but Mit a tick,
et form shall exist, and tickets be constantly
On hand at every station for every other on
the line. The number for the intern
amounts to about 4,400. Now _remember
that these printers make local tickets for
every New England line, and many of thoie
of Canada also, as well as soma famous lines
and systems in the West and South, and
that they have constantly to carry stock for
all oithem, so that at any i hour of any day
they are prepared to fill an)Order for tickets,
combination or local;' and the business re
ceives SoMe illustration; No two of these
local icket forins
_aro alike in colors and
their arrangement. Of the 4;400 different
local tickets in use on. the Eastern no two
are alike; and the same is true of all roads;
nor are the same combinations repeated from
ono road to another. When a conductor
fixes his eyes upon a ticket in the cnstody•of
a passenger and takes in its form and ir
rangements of colors, the glanoe showslortm
where the passenger is going, or at least the
exact point - to which he is ticketed ; and that
ordinarily is all the conductor cares to Imow,
it being :a matter entirely without his inter
est where the , passenger came t r e mor b oari t .
ed his train, previa he has a ticket..Etos
ton herald.
At Salem, Ala., the colored man who car•
tied my "grip" to the depptwed toknow
if any bf his race up North held political,
offices, and when I mentioned oneor two in-,
*lances, he replied :
"Dar liain't 120 sort of show far us down
&eh uo.mce."
" What's to prevent you from running for
office?" ,
"Hush! Doan' talk so ; loud 1 In de
feat `pkiee I billet got de aMtideisce in my
HOW'S that r
." Wall, spasm I was menshtmed by de
noosepapers as a eandydate for de Legisla
char. De old woman she'd git, heti:act up
all of a sudden, an' feel too good to 'sedate
wid dekniggers libin' 'round lieah, an' she'd
drap de wash-board an' begin to powder uP
an' but on style." I.
"An ebery *nigger at de hotel he'd want
tee to gitibim a job at de: itol, an' if 1
didn't !promise dey wouldn't orate fist met'
"1 Bee,*
"An' do white trash 'would sped "me to
rent a box at de pas' office, awoke. aiimr,
w'ar a ping hat an' biro, my brdes.blaeluxL"
"An' de feg l lar gent'len would ax me if I
could read an' write an' spell an' cipher, an'
git me all boxed up in no time 'tall. .
"Mist so."
" An', in case I wasn't 'lected dar am
17000 piggers in die nayburhood who'd lair
an'. grin an' chuckle till r 4 go hpine an''up.
sot de imply an', make a•bee-llie fray' de
woods fur Tennessee. , If , takes a , heap os
mildews to face all dat, You see; ire• dat's
what keep me down. r d
.. like to mites -de
pollytical field an' soar away to OH& but I
lack de nerve. I want de off* but I feardi
rein& in case I should diSp when I went to
soar."-:=Ditroit Free Pres& t
, s„ 1 .
k; ,
1•. - 1 tl ‘.t
pitellgold,caa set fir 6114 green,
'tientbetlitiatti. sibintmer
Alifelittkit blue, andliecked with slivery sheen .
Ottnitit a dotal that noateth Idly by.
, _
T 1 clouas their shadows sootier o'er the vale t
Al*, eitsabUieltills rugged wit* many , A scarki'•
1 11@xecord of their long unanut s ,q
i tide
min *hen sang rho dr% glad =rid* tit 4
lraisesielludes where never man•intindeii, . •
V.; ..lint, where the sun lies loyingly and tong, -
; Irmo silence - Me a benediction broods,
flieliird breaks the silence with its song—
tbe morning beoxos upon' their emit,
todistiarbed reflect the noontide glare;
'ftlr Catch the rosy radiance of the West
f,Wben robesttselt in vesture nue.
4iniaini., to treenight - Comes, hiding tie and
40 *114115 sPealg
ack atilutiip the
)thse listeningmai souea l,
.rs , " C*l4:ll 4:ti nouns In SW Tronenston roll t
, • • --Boston Transcript.
'l. Ol
-.. - wrziarr OF DRU lf ESE 4
'l4oa's that ihe .onward progreM,
- R . t, or what' may be ibscrilard
• - • I • • •
proapenti cif the spades, is
! a nerassarysiitrggli-foi ..• •
in the course of 'which the inferior or in
imitable individuals' are weeded- out, and
" the survival of the fittest" necessarily
- follows; these superior ,Or more suitable
specimens transmit mori:ot less of their
advantages to their offspring.' which, still
multiplying excessively, are again and again
similarly sifted and improved or devel.
°pectin a bon_ ulless coarse of forward evo
lution. .
In the earlier stages of human existence,
the fittest--for survival were those 'whose
brutal or physical energies best' enabled
them-to struggle with the physical difficulties
of their surroundings, to subjugate the =-
Aides of the primeval plains and _forests to
human requirements. The perpetual strug
gles of the different tribes gave , -the don*,
ion of the earth to t hose best able to rale it;
the strongest and most violent human ani
mal was then the fittest, aid ho survived ac
. Then came another era of human effort
gradually culminating in , tlit present period.
In this, mere muscular streigth, brateshys
ical power, and mere animal energy have '
become less and less demanded as we have,
by the aid of physical science, imprisoned
the physical forces of nature in our steam
b i t:oilers, batteries; ac., and have made them
our 'slaves in lien of human prisoners of
war. The coarse muscular, raving, yelling,
• fighting human animal that foinierly led the
1, war dance, the hunt, and the battle, is no
longer the fittest for survival, but is, mix- the
eontrary,''daily becoming more and more out
of place. His prize fights, his dog fights,
his cockpits, and bull baiting are practically
abolished, his fox hunting and bird Shooting
are only carried on at great expense by a
wealthy residitim, and by - damaging inter
ference with civilized agriculture. The un
fitness of the remaining •representatives of
the primeval savage is manifest, and their
survival is purely prejedicial to the pres
-tnr-int,erests. and future jrogress of the
Such being the case, we nova require some
means of eliminating these coarser, more
brutal, or purely animal specimens of hu
nanity, in order .that there may be more
room for the survival and multiplication of
the more intellectual,, more refined, and alto
gether distinctively human specimens. It is
desirable that this should.fie effected by some
natural or spontaneous proceeding of 'self
extinction, performed by the • animal speci
mens themselves.. If this selfimmolation
can be a process that is enjoyable in their
own estimation, all the objections to it that
might otherwise be suggested by our feelings
. of humanity" areremoved.
' Now, these conditions are exactly fulfilled
by the alcoholic drinks of the present day
when used for the purpose of obtaining in.
toxication.- 1 — Nattieu William?, in popu.
far. Science r cmthly.
At Salem, Ala., the colored man who car
ried my " grip " to the depot wanted tolmow
if any of his race up- North held, political
offices,- and when. I mentioned one or two in
-dances, he replied :
"Dar hain't no Sort of show far us down
heah no ino'."
"What's to prevent you from running for
office r , -
"Hun! Dobaa' talk so loud! In de
fast place I hain't got Ale confidence in
"Hob's that r
• " Wall, sposen I' was , menshuned by de
noosepapers as a candydate fur do Legisla,
chin.. De old , woman she'd git her back up .
all of a sudden, an' feel too good to 'sociate
aid de niggers libin"round heat, an' she'd
drap de wash.board an' begin to powder up
an' put on style."
An' ebery nigger at do hotel` he'd want
me to git him a job at de Capitol, an' if I
didn't promise day wouldn't wote fur me."
" de white trash would spect me to
rent a box at de pos' office, smoke cigars,
w'ar aping hat an' hire my butes blacked."
64 yes.”
" WA) reg'lar gemilen would ax me if I
could read an' write an' spell an' cipher, an' -
git-me all boxed up in no timetall.
"Just so:"
" An' in case I wasn't lected dar am jilt
1,000• niggers in dis nayburhood who'd bit
an' grin an' chuckle till I'd go home an' up•
sot de frunly'rue make a bee-line frees - de
irrixfods fur Tennessee. It takes a heap o'
confidence to face all dat, you see, an' .fiat's
what keeps me - down. I'd like to enter de
pollytical field an' soar away to offis, but I
lack de nerve. I want de offis, but Hear do
resrdt incase I should drap when I Went to
soar.''—Detruit Free Press.
Speaking of fraud, remarks the "Hermit"
of the Troy Timis, it is surprising to see the
ingenuity displayed by its •practitioners.
The "telegraph lay" was a Profitable novel.
ty, but being now exposed, some other
tricks are attempted. The above mentioned
. "1147 was as follows: A_ kotel guest re,
eeives telegatm' request:in' him to call at a
specified place on business f great impor
taace. The din Will be signed by some pub.
lie official, or in some other manner will be
made influentiaL When the guest obeys
the telegram ho will probably find some mai
awaiting him who will decoy him into' some
trap.. A stranger recently applied at a Fifth
avenue boarding harm for admission; 'end
offered a week's payment in advance. The
landlady, however, declined until his refer
s:wee could",be examined, and her decided
manner evidently disconcerted the applicant.
He loitered, however, as , long as pciaslle,
but at last left, though in arituxwillipg man
ner. A few moments after his_ departures
hotel guest of worth and wealth appeared,
bearing a telegram with the nand' request,
nd thewhole trick was now apparent. The
- Call boarder was merely a swindler, who
hoped that the elegance of the establishment
would aid him in his scheme. This practice,
Waiver, is now so well known at our hotels'
:that it hardly attracts attention, and hence
something new is necessary.
111,A0 a Tear, ti Unim
IsterHessla . Lid
—The entire number Wive tlnifigans
ix Indias not much below GOO,OCO.
—A"numally bietielor calla the felamishig
of twa women "always plotting
_against a
. .
-A Michigan* ..sow got . into •
Clotties-line, and p►raded Ous streets dad in
—Two' givers, hit° tho two halves of
divided kaiak note, however mkiely seri*.
ed, alwaydCarrespotutivith each oth!rr
—A dasinnSker who was it the of
des& recovered, and thelical parieheaded
the item, "Survival of the Fittest."
.-41r3ririg at weddings has- pie - out of
fashion. It is the father of the bride who
does the tying when, bi comes to Settle his
. ,
—lt is gaggested, by a lady; that the re it.
son nevi say "her" and "the" 'ben Oily
speak of ship . ; is ttott tivess:so "Iv &at
and obedient !
, :x-.l4 , ficpsa_,M l .):l l o l MAlPlakiii . ion
"It was easier for need - fe "to -vistria'a
camePa eyri than foss mans to get der lnabt
yea mit a woman's."
-—A lady says "If you Want, to' know
how to tell the most stylish . drass i justgetin
s crowd and mark the one all the women
tarn up_their noses at." .
—There ;we .211„Anircheir and 30,000
- church ineinhers among the Indians of . the
117nited Statia, Out of seventy taes, tiven.
ty-two are said to be self-anpporti4
—Typographical ems: - The types last
week Ina& au say that, "the showers .were
- not sufficient! to meet the wants of milk.
men," dice., instead of "
ton (Maine) hews.
epidenuo of sorefeyee Fentlt over
two-thirds ,of the South. , It doei not ap•
peat to be dangerous, but it is of a very au.
noYing c/lanker, - confining-those afflicted to
their kaihes , "ll - zid (=Whig them anuthletaldo
pabLA -
—Saniata Critic : " All the wiifid's a
stage; Sam, and the men and women merely
players." " Yes, massa ; but if. dat's -so
where you goin' for to get yer audience-aid
orebistry ?"--Boston Commercial Bulletin.
—ln Mobile a fifteen-foot tiger shark was
caught recently that was belieied to lave,
devoured E. Froget, engineer of a tugboat.
Its stomach contained human bones and an
arm partly enveloped-in the fragments of a
woolen jtunper.l
—A Cincinnati girl sient all her leisure
Gme for three years learning . to box, and •
then when she got married and wanted to
fight her husband she went at him and
pulled hair - and,agratched the same as any
other would. You can't - get over human nail
- -The most northern place in the world
where rye and oats mature is _at Hang's, in
the SViedish province of Norrbotten, forty
nine miles to the north of the Polar Circle,
whereas the northernmost spot where corn
grown is at Muoniovara, ninety-eight miles
to the north of the circle. -
- never pays• for tato- young men to'
fight about a girl._ Nine girls out of ten in
variably nurse and marry the one who gets
whipped, while the victor always finds that
no other girl wants a fellow who luis made
such a fool of himself over that "horrid
Wow-----.•--Phaatlarphia Nam
--It appears that the aborigines of Australia
believe in a future life,- and that after death
they will go to a- land beyond the skies,
where they will eat of the flesh and drink of
the blood of ducks and enjoy -other sensual
pleasures. The people are divided into two
castes, who are kept rigidly separate: The -
children follow the rank of the mothers.
- —The rapid increase of population in
Manitoba has stimulated the inventive gene
inses of the Dominion to contrive houses .
that may be portable and quickly put up. ,
A man in Belleville, Ont., has planned one
that is,in threeloot sections and dovetails
together. A hquse, for a hotel or boarding,
establishment, has been put up at Winnepeg t
over lbo feet long, two stories high, and di
vided into apartments sufficient to acconmio. •
date no guests. The foundation was laid
on a Tuesday and the house" was completed
on the Thursday following. '
—A curious' experiment about to be
tried in Utah; namely, to see if oysteris
. will
grow in the waters of the Great Salt lake.
A man who believes that the expe riment
'will succeed has ordered GOO seedling -oys
ters fidm New. York, and;hey will soon be
planted in what seemiraz l suitable place.
Opinion is divided as tc - iAlie l scccesa of the
attempt, but on the whole it is 'unfavorable,
as it is thought the oysters would be killed
by the mud which would flow down upon
them from the rivers emptying into the lake,
while, if planted out of the reach of these
streams, the water would be too salt for
them. All authorities agree, however, 'that
there is a fortune in the sehenie -if it sap.
a certain, well known and pope.
lax professor Of the Medical School enters
hi§ class min at Harrard, the students itig
nify their pleasure at seeing him by- rip ,
plans° with their pedal extremities, bringing
them violently in contact with the floor.
This jars the building so that the motion ie
communicated to a skeleton- ocenpying the
foreground next the professor's chair; and
the other day the articulated gentleman be.
gan to express his interest in the: scene by
wagging Lis upper jaw up and down in et
most astonishing manner, keeping up the
motion such a length of time and creation
such an uproar ot,laughter that the prefe t
tor was obliged to hustle him igmuntaz
lowly into a closet for refusing to "stop big
Miss Tapper some years ago was a teaches
fin the Normal Fehool at. White:neater. Her :
father and his family removed to Mina
'County, Dakota, and took rip s portion of
the public domain. In a short time Mrs.'
_Tupper died, and the , ser wet* to the
net? home to live, and became charmed with
the country; Concluding to exchange the
narrow and contracted limits of the school.
room for the , boundless prairies of the West, -
she exercised her prerogative as a 'settler and
took unto herself IGO acres of fruitful land,
erecting her cabin and dwelling therein "for
the allotted six months, when she was en
abled to secure ',title at Government rates . —
Miss Tapper is ati intimate friend of Miss
Hanson, of thiliciq, and besides visiting hex
on several occasions, and Mating wondrous .
stories 'of the land, sent her a large bundle
of the varrous kinds of grasses last week,
whiat, charmed the - recipient. A visitor
:burn Indiana, Miss Phillips, and Mini HAD*
son have gone on a visit to their friend in
Dakota, and should that region "pan out"
to their satisfaction they will take up a quar
ter section of land each; and also a tree
claim. They propose building their " claim
shanties," . which in this case will be hen*
formed into villas- or cottages, - and spend
ne=t Summer out there. Should their report
be r favorabh,* Oita a number of other
young ladies and gentlemen will follow.
their example.—liilwataxe Randoikgn Ben-
ow , rr 4
NO. 'l9