Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, September 28, 1882, Image 2

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!!SON 1101 -COMU. Paopitil. - roks
C • ; L. TRACY, 1
CHAS. If. ALLEN. Assiocirrie Editor l .
htows: f C(iffi
treftli.t t flirvrt, tfirfl •••1 liari4rts
Enterrd In the Post Ware at rouanda as
Republican State Ticket.
. FOR GM - ER:Coo,
GEN. JAMES A. BEAVER, of Centre Co
WILLTAM T. DADS, of Bradford Co
" s delohia.
JOEDI GREER,, of Butler ,Co
MARRIOTT BROST - US, of Lancaster
Reiublimn County Ticket.
,Enbject to decision ofCongressional Conference)
JAMES P. copußN.
suat coxiniszozme.
Headquarters of the RepubliCiut Standing
Committee of the County of Bradford.—
Towanda, Pa., Sept. 27. 1882.n--The
publican County Convention wlaiClir'Was
held . at Towanda on the sth inst. Saving
failed to nominate a candidate for coroner,
a vote of the standing. c:ommittce has been
taken, the candidates being Dr. Clinton •H.
Scott of Sayre, and Dr. C. Manville Pratt
of Towanda borough. The result of the
vote is as follows,—Dr. Clinton H., Scott /
had 27 votes, and, Dr. .C. Manville Pratt ,
had 13 votes. Di, Clinton H. Scott is
therefore declared the nominee of the Re
publican party of Bradford county far the
!office of coroner. W. J. Youl6,
.Chairman Rep. Standing Committee.
The Republicans of Bradford will.
open the campaign with, a rousing
meeting at the Court Hot'Se ; in Towan
da, on Tuesday evening, OCtober 3d.
Marriott'Brosius, candidate for 'Con
gressman7at-Lirge, of Lancaster, and
General E. S. Osborne, of Wilkesbarre,
will address the Meeting. ". We earnest
ly urge the Republicans of the county•
to turn out and hear. Subjects of
: interest to;every citizen will be ably
discussed. No one who desires to be
informed on the political issues inVolyed
in the present canvass should fail to be
present on next Tuesday : evening. •
, •
If all the :ioguet;: in the country were'
locked up, *here would' , .' the Republican
party bef—peni. Er. Well, it.would be
rrning the campaign - with very little op.:
position.—Norristotrn, Herald.
The New York &publicitn Convention
on Wednesday nominated Secretary Folger
as candidate for. governor in that State:
In Massachusetts the Republicans nominate
ed Robert R. Bishop for Governor, and in
C,onnecticut,William H.- Bulkeley. .
Says the Bloomsburg Repliblican
member of the Orand Array can easily cast
a vote for the Dernocnati'9l ticket. Not one.
of the nominees ever foUght to • preserve
this country from destruction, while every
man on the Republican ticket fought in the
rebellion.. -Elliott, on the Democratic ticket
for Congressman -at-Large, voted against
the soldier having a right toyote.
The world is still amazed tit,:the manner
in which thii country is paying off the gi
gantic debt accumulated during the Rebel
lion, and so greet has .been the reduetion
in the' past that now the interest account
has been so greatly reduced and_ the surplus
revenue so large, it is, not. too much to ea
poet that if everything goes right at the
end of the century or before it, perhaps,
will see the debt entirely wiped out. °
Messrs. BrOsius and Osborne; wh&
will address the meeting at the Court
House in Towanda, on Tuesday eve
ning next, are able and interresting
speakers. Turn Out and hear them.
The official vote :of Maine gives Rabic,
the Republican candidate for governor,
8,198 majority over Plaisted, Democratic
ateenbacker, and 7,133 over all opposition.
Pc t airteen out of the sixteen counties are
carried by the Republicans, thereby mak
ing the legislature stand : Senate,
publicans and 3 fusionists : Members of the
House, 108 republicans and 41 fusionists.
This is a remarkable result when it is re
membered that the Demcicrats by combin
ing with the,Greenbackers hoped to;carry
the Legislature and thus secure a United
States Senator. .
The Philadelphia Alms House thieves ap
pear to have taken the exact measure,of
Pattison, the' Democratic candidate for
Governor. They kept right on swindling
the city out: of thousands of dollars,, and
Pattison as 'Comptroller certified to their
accounts without a question. They could
not have stolen a dollar from the treasury
without Pattison's signature. Why did he
not withhold it and more carefully scrutin
ize the accounts? That was his sworn duty
c as Coimptroller. Ho may be 'honest, but if
he is he is not competent, A competent
Comptroller would have detected - -Phipps'
villainy long ago. Pattison let it pass until
the Committee of One Hundred unearthed
it. Phipps was smarten than Pattison.
He could steal, him blind, or rather Patti
son was blind to Phipps' stealing.—Honorer
Pattison, the Democratic candidate for
Goirernor, is honest, says the West Chester
Record ; why did he not stop Phipps' dis
.honestyt Pattison was put in the Comp
troller'zi office under the promise that he
would check just such swindlingof the city
as Phipps . committed. Pattison as comp
trollei had ample power. If he is holiest,
why (lid be not'keep his pledge to the.vot 7
ers who elected him comptroller, by discov
ering aid exposing just such frauds and
embezzlements as Phippil Pattison is a,
complete and utter failure as comptroller,
and yet he aspires to be governor. Patti
son's whole career is an exemplification of
aggressite. mediocracy. He _promise4l all
- things and accomplished nothing. Dire
faced thievery passed under his inspection
daily; without detection, as Phipps' accounts
show: Phipps had the capacity to steal,
but Pattison, whose business it was, did
not have the capacity to detect him. That
is where Pattison is _ a faiire—an utter
.Remember the• Republican meeting
at the Court House'. in Towanda on,
• r
Tuesda-y - ,,evenim; nest and do not . fail.
to be there • --
The O)Sus Bureau . has issued a bulletin
classifying the population of the United
States in 1880 by nativity. The native
born were : Whites, 36,843,291 ; colored
6,632,549 ; foreign , born, 0,079,943 ;' total
population. :i0.115,7 , 53. 10f the foreign
born. 2,772,169 were natiles of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
1,566,742 of !the E4crrnitn E±npire, 717,04
of British Anierica; 194M7 of ,Norway,
181,729 of Sweden, 106,971 of -Franesi:
104,541 of China, and the remainder repre
sent all the countries of the earth. The
bulletin shows that While in 1880 the total.
population of Virginia was 1,512,565, the
total number of persons in the United
States who were born in ,Virginia was
2,118,460; Tennessee, total Population,'
1,542,359 ; total number of Tennesseans
in the country; 1,787,5 N ; Ohio population,
3,198,062 ; Ohioans -in the country - , 3,30*,
656: North Carolina population, 1,399,7 p;
total North ' Carolinians, 1,638,058 ; Ken
tucky population, 1,648,694; total Ken
tuckians. 1,856,310 ; Georgia .population,
1,542,180 ; Georgians, in. tl___lu. ry,
1,719,068 ; Alabama pop - illation, 1,262,505;
Alabamians in the, country, 1,319480 ;
South Carolina populationd99s,s77 : South
Carolinians in the country,.l;lB3,3ll ; Ver
mont population,. 332,286 ; Vermonters in
the country, 430,041..; Maryland population,
934,943 ; 31arylanders in the country,
958,141; Maine population, 648,936;_natives
of Maine in the country, 745,272 ;;;Debiwaro
population, 146,908 ; Delawaretu2S in the
country, 155;517: In all the other States
and Territories the population is greater
than the tot4t number of nati'res of the
respeetive States in the whole Country.
. The pro .--- .es cts of Republican success
in the electen . 'of the Retrulailticket of
the partfinith'e State, brighten 'daily.'
. The Jndependents have Committed
act of injustice to thousands of Repub
licnns who were in sympathy withthein
in their. opposition to the methods of
party leaders, but who will not go , cut
l of the party to administer such a reme
'ay us the Independents propose. They
are unable to see ho* tliqmiengs cum;
plained of are td be correc;tedtY placing
the Democratic party in posVer.. Had
they remained in the-party 'and fought
their battle there, many thousands of
Republicans who will vote the • Regular
ticket to save the State - from the dan
ger of Democratic rule, would• have
acted healthy. with than._ But since
the 'lndependents have ' , deserted the
Party camp, those Niho prefer Republi
can to Democratic Success will not. go
with them.
The Philadelphia Republicans held forty,
conventions! in that city on Wednesday to;
nominate that many candidates for.offices
to be filled thisfall. 'To'nian these conven
tions required no less than four thousand
delegatei—the population ''alone of a good
sized town. The nominations for the Leg- -
islature are regarded as a.decided improve
ment over some of the former delegations
from that city, which fact, will be hailed
with joy, by all good citizens all over the
Commonwealth. Geo. De
,B. Keim was
nominated • for Sheriff, Wm., B: Irvine for
city treasurer, John L. Kinsey tor Register
of Wills, while • Amos Briggs was- renomi
nated. for 4,1 d g,e i not without some opposition.
'Messrs. Harmer, Bingham, O'Neill and
Kelley 'ware, renominated for Congress.
Chairman Cooper emphatically declares
that no better choice could.have been made,
and claims that it will add materially to the
strength of the State ticket id Philadelphia.
He ventured to say that it would aid Gen
eral Beaver's election to the extent of
10,000 votes. The Democrats don't like it,
so the Republicans need no better recom
mendation of their day's work. •
Says the Williamsport Banner: 'White
law Reid, of the . New Torki Tribune, has
juit returned from a protracted Southern
trip. Howls it that metropolitan citY edi- .
torn float around the tiorld,t frequently
absent six months, and yet have their
papers show . no'signs of want of vigor or
ability? IN.Te recall the expression of Hor
ace Greeley, when in this section, asserting
that it requireNlar more applicatioia, labor
and strain upon'the mental resources to
edit an inland city daily than to act as chief
of the Tribune.. The large papers have not
only a :larger territory to glean from,• but
they have so much help that not half the.
labor, care or responsibility is. exacted, as
that required of an editor, or-a reporter, on
a daily in a city.of the third or fourth classt,
00 might as well expect a store like,A.T.
Stewart's, in New York, or John ;Yana
maker's, in Philadelphia, to be supported
hero as for a journal with sixty to a-hund
red writers to receive sufficient patronage..
It is a' wonder to metropolitan city editors
how so much work is accomplished with so
feW pens upon papers in the smaller cities,
when the same amount would relieve their
spar Of half the help assigned them. •
looks now as if there , was trouble in
stone fons--Tattison the reformer. Major
Phipps had charge of the Philadelphia Alms
House', is charged with robbing the
'city, and he and his confederates have been
arrested.. It is now charged that if. Patti
son had obeyed the laws in countersigning
the warrants, Phipps would not have been
able to carry on his thieVery. Every draft
that was paid was signed by Pattison, and
now several firms have brought suit against
the city to collect accounts which are due
them, Drafts in settlement 'of these bills
have already been drawn and paid to irre
sponsible or fictitious . parties, and Pattison
and his bondsinen will be held responsible.
If Pattison the great reformer was not
careful enough to perform correctly his
duties as City Controller, he certainly does
not possess the . qualifications needed of a
At the session of the Sovereign Grand
Lodge I. 0. 0. F., at Baltimore on Satur
day; various matters of routine, business
were disposed of and then a secret session
of two hours was held, after which the
following officers for the ensuing two years
were installed ; Erie J. Leech, of lowa,
Grand \ Sire ; Henry F. Girey, of Maryland,
Deputy - Grand Sire ; Theodore A. Ross, of
'New_ Jersey, Grand Secretary ; Joshua
Vansant, of Maryland, Grand Treasurer;
J. W. Venable, of Kentucky, Grand Chap
lain ; J. A. klacQiiiddy, of Indiana, Grand
Marshall ; Joshua Davis, of Maine, Grand
Guardian, and H. C. Fuhrman, of Minne
sota; Grand Messenger. The Sovereign
Grand Lodge then adjourned to
,meet in
Providence; R. 1., on the-third Monday . in
September, `lBB3.
. .
:If it be true, as has-been claimed, that in
Pennsylvania the Democrats are as,. koc;1-
protectionists as are the /tepublicans, it' is
certainly very strange that ex-Speaker
Rapdall, one of their most trusted leaders,'
was reported some time ago to have .aitt to
a Washington correspondent of smile New
York paper that ho himself was , - a free
trader per se, although he admitted the
necessity of incidental protection for rev
enue purposes. . ,
SenatorShemtan said tea reporter of the
Cleveland Herald at Mansfield, Ohio, the
other day ; "The Irish *plc are, fast
driftingut of - the-Detneeratic party."
The Albany Argus tires of fusion in Ainine,
and now advises a search for the old origi
nal Democratic - party. What has become
of the irdcrosvopis . is l—lrarerly•Adrocafe.
Philadelphia has a campaign club this
year which is worthy lof all mention. It is
a Republican club known, as the Quaker
City. and has six hundred members, all - of
whom Will cast their first vote for Beaver
and the whole Republican State ticket.
Viral the Quaker City elub:•
The local Republican nominations in Phil
adelphia will, it is believed, add to the
chances of General Beaver's election. The
nominees are all men whose character and
reputation are said to be above criticism.
It is thought that they will be indorsed by
the Committee of One Hundred. •
The iron and coal interests of this district
Will be well cared for in the election of
Storm to Congress. A pronounced free
trader is not a fit person to represent a
district whose every interest is wrapped up
in a iiotective tariff. As this district is .
' 4 Wingly Democratic theycould well
afford t 4 nominate a free trader`.,---Mooms
The Republicans will make the best use'
possible of the few remaining days, of the
Ohio campaign. The list of speakers in the
field has been increased, and the work of
organization is being rapidly pushed forward
to completion. The reports that • i come to
the State Committee from all the counties
are encouraging for the Republicans.
Mr. Louis E. McComas; who was nomin
ated by the Republicans for Congress in the
Vlth District of „Maryland, barely. escaped
an election tu the XLVth Congress. He
defeated by only fourteen votes in a
poll of - over 31,000. It has always _been
believed that he was counted out by the .
.Democrats. His election this year is re
garded as reasonably certain, as the district
give a Republican majority in 1880 of 799.
Congressman-elect Boutelle, of Maine,
had the satisfaction ofwitnessing the larg
est Republican gain in his neighborhood
made anywhere iu the State. The old
IVth Congressional District, in which he
resides, gave Plaisted in 1880 a plurality of
901. In the election this Month Roble re
ceived in the siune district a plutility of
2,302, a net RepUblican gain of 3,203.
united States Senator John Sherman
considers that the Republicans in Ohio
ought to have a splendid victory this fall.
He does mot think the party would lose any
Congresional districts. He also thinks the
Irish vote is fast drifting - out of the Demo
cratic party on account of the latter's:po
sition on the tariff question, which is in
opposition- to the views of the Irish.
Foreman Dickson ; of the Star route jury,
is said to be a Democratic worker who
has be'en under the political instruction of
ex-Speaker-Randall. To many, this will
account for, the milk in that verdict cocoa
iiut ; while We:ight to shut up Democratic
newspapers that tire trying to make it op
, pear that the Republican party is responsi
ble for the verdict.—Bingliamtou Republi c
The liquor dealers 1 - 4es.:si on at Rock
Island, 111., last week, :piise4..resolutions
denouncing the prohibition movement, and
declaring they will do their utmost to defeat
at 'the polls any candidate for any office
who cannot be; rlied upon to oppose all
sumptuary, laces and, prohibitory
The resoluiions also endorse the course of
the last Democratic convention at Spring;
field, and eulogize, Mayor Harrison, of
The defeat' of the Republican State ticket
in Maine in 1880 has always been ascribed
to the lavish use of money by the Fusionists.
This is now admitted bisome Of the party's
leaders. F. W. Hill, Governor Plaisted's
father-in-law s said, efili to a.r.eriorter
of the Lewiston .JoUrnal : "The eine
.cause of our (Fusioia)gefeat_ was the diffi
culty in getting our men to come to the
polls. W had very hard work in getting
out our votes. There had been 'too much
money used in 180.. Voters hung.:back in
'the expectation' of 'getting some money be
fore. coming out." •
The Michigan Democrats have probably
been caught in
.13,! trap in fusing with the
Greenbackers of that State. Some of the
leaders in the latter party have sent out
confidential circulars urging Greenbackers
to scratch the names of the Democratic
candidates, and to , vote only for . members
of their own party. Much bad feeling has
been engendered by this discovery of a.
Greenback attempt to overreach the Dem
ocrats, and the harmony which marked the
allied State con ventionSis rapidly vanishing.
It is astonishing how fervently the Dem
ocrats are in favor of civil service reform
in States where they are out of office, with
out much chance of changing their position
for the bettei.. The 4nergy with which the
Massachusetts Democrats demand in their
recently adopted platforM the. elevation of
the public :service and its administration
upon a new and improved.plan is positively
1 .
touching, and then i bY way of attesting the
sincerity of their ' !, professions, they 'elect
General B. F. Butler to be their standard
bearer. 'EverY one knoWs how heartily
aenerdd Butler is in favor of reform. He
is of the opinion that reforin of • some kind
isliteded very badly in a State which upon
fo . different occasions has failed to recog
niz his peculiar fitness for tho,Governor
ship:—North -.11,rt erica n. .
To strength4i and build up the system, a
trial will •convince . you that
.Brown's Iron
Bitters is the best Medicine made.
Thurlow Weed will be eighty-five years
Old on the 14th of Novenibei. !
The Right Rev; William Bacon Stevens,
Bishop of Pennsylvania, is in Switzerland.
It , will
is said that Governor Plaisted
leave Maine , and make his home in the West
as soon ns his term of office expires.
Senator Harrison • said in a speech at.
'Richmond, Ind., that under no circumstan
ces was he a candidate for the Presidency.
William Young, aged ninety-three, won
a Avreitling match • and ran a mile in five
minutes one day recently at an Illinois fair.
Chester A. Arthur, Jr., and Miss -.Maude
Crowley, daughter. of Richard Crowley, of
New York, "a 4 to be married early next
month. ' •
Reuben,Simms, an old colored
,man who
died recently inßeanoke, claimed to IMve
made the first plug of tobacco over inaim
factured in Virginia.
Jephtha H. T .-NVule, of Cleveland, has
presented- to 1:14 city 'seventy-three acres
of the East End, to be used as a
public '
.park. 1:11 4 be property is valued at .
Sylvester R. Comstock, preshlent of the
Citifenti National bank of NecsdYork, while
engaged inhis sustomary duties at the
bank'/office Friday afternoon, was seized
with appoplezy and died instantly. He
was over. seventy years of age.
Andrc4l l Jackson Hyatt, of White Plains,
i m,
1 N. V., owned 4_do,i named Ilacle,, which
diet on Tuesd Y at the age of nineteen
yen* There
,lis , a funeral, wiirch was
atttded by e county Tegister, deputy-sheriff , assistant district-attorney, the chief
IJI Police anal an =4ex:sheriff, besides other
,- r"
,county officials J..
1 I.
• Mr. F. S. ' illiains, one of the principal
examiners o the Patent Office, died tat his
residence in Washingten rriday.
Williams was a native - of Connecticut,
. . : . ,
graduate of Yale College, * and a man of There *are now living in the United;
broad culture and, high scientific attain -I Statt. 201 persons who were born at sea!
menu no Pnicticed kw in ;Kew Yor' under the United States
cityhefore coining to Washigton, and .had I .AbOut ' six hundred employees of the.
a: large circle of friends there, as will " in Steinway piano nuMnfactory in New 'York
Washington. He Was chiefly instrumental in Went on a strike last vtiek in siT4 oil i
bringingnlxiut the organization of the Yale x i
I'Lheir fellow workers in the Astoria factory.;, ,
'AlumniAssociation of that city: i t ''
: ,"-. The gross earnings of the Western Union,:
Martin Stetzel, who saw the sun.
115 e at ' Telegraph Company in New York State for .
Austerlitz, and who participated in the 1 th e year ending June 30 were $845,000, 01 11
battle of Leipsie and nearly perished in the 1 which they ... hare paid $3,225.47 taxes. Mi,
retreat from Moscow, died at Cranberry, ! Vic! Cot4follei. l ) • . 1 l'
) ' !,
N. J., last week. 'He was born in Wur- i The annual meeting of thii'United StateS
temberg,, and was ninety-three ' years of 1 Chnrcoid Iron Workers, with a membershiii
age at the time of his death. He came to of 300 in twenty-six. States and ' repr i sent -
this country thirty Years ago. His funeral ing ;50,000,000 of invested capital, is
was attended by four 'generations of his called for Chittanoc4a, Tend.',-9etob4r 181,
decendants. - . Thieves entered Charles E. Sinith & CO.'S
- 1
The children of Donaldson, .the lost aero
naut, are at present living in Rochester
with Mr. Keeler, a: well known -printer.
They were boarding -with him at the ',time
of their father's tragic ',death, and 'since
then, he has cared foil them as his nwn.
There are two orthem, a boy and girl, aged
respectively ten and twelve years.
There are 922 farms in PennsylVania
which have over 500 acres in them. j
Steps have beeti taken for the building
and endowment of a free hospital in Alle
gheny City.
A rag-peddler last, week tied his horse in
a clump of bushes near Norristown and left
him there without food or water for three
Mrs. Buffington, Of :Harrisburg, was fa
tally burned Friday by:the explosion iof a
coal oil lamp. She was a widow and leaves
eight children.
At the-Fairmount shaft, near Pittston, a
new coal vein of good quality, ten and ,one
half feet thick, has been discovered 13idow
the. old workings.
A Lebanon romancer tells of the killing
of a copperhead snake near Womelsdorf in
which were found 0 young snakes, rang
ing in 'length froth five to ten inches.
Rev. E: L. Kreupp, of Laurelville, Weso
moreland county, says that his wile and
brother, while gathering berries the other
day, killed lliQ rattlesnakes in fifteen thin
A farmer of Clear Spring, York coUnty;
has tomatoes weighing from two tol i tWo
and a half pouirds,.the largest weighSitwo
and a half pounds, and, measures twenty
four inches-in circumference:
George'G. Blymer, aged: twenty:eight, a
merchant of Lewistown, was drowned Fri
day evening in the Juniata river by , the
capsizing of a boat in which he with three .
others were fishing.. His companions were
saved. • •
Erie people aret to pay for only ivhat
syater they .actually use, councils.: having
determined to introduce water meters. The
price will range from :6 to 10 cents per
thousand gallons according to quantity
. A new pottery. establishment for the
manufacture of :all kinds of pottery are,
including terra-cotta pipe; is in course of
erection in JohnstoWn: It is expected that
it will be in full operation by the first t o:
Fears are entertained that. a portion of
Friedeusyille; Lehigh county, will el4ntu:
.ally sink into the workings of the zinelnii2es.
over whichlt is located. The rains ofFlast
week caused- the earth in 4 one section to
sink, and all - efforts thus far to fill the Loles
have proven of no avail. 1
The large jean mill of J. Ledvvard
Sim, at Chester, Pa., was entirely destroyed ,
by fire Friday evening.: The loss on build-,
ing, machinery and material will reach,
$BO,OOO, en which tliere -is an insurance of
$60,000. The fire is supposed to have been
caused by spontaneous ~combustion. Over
300 hands are thrown out of employMent.
The executive committee of 'the Iron
Manufacturers' Association and representa
tives of the Amalgamated Association met
at Pittsburg on the 20th, and-upon theipre
sentatien of the old scale, by the latter it
was signed by the manufacturers. The
fires in the mills will be lighted immediate-
ly, and: all will be in operation Within 6 t'ci•
• i
The city authorities of Allentown have
just passed an ordinance forthe suppression
of. howling dogs. It provides ,that the
owner it harborer, Of, any dog or dogs which
have disturbed the _ quiet, rest, peaCe or
sleep of any citizen or resident of thd city,
shall incur a• fine or penalty of . 1.11, to be
collected in 1 ke manner as other penalties'
are now by w collectable. • 1
•, Considemb e ,excitement was caused in
the Erie cow on Friday by. the exposure
of the unla4Sul manner employed in draw
ing juries.' !he clerk, it seems, bad been
in the habit'of having the names Of the
panel printed on both sides of cards instead
of a folded slip, thus enabling him to deter,
mine the membership of any jury. Judge
Galbmith-ordered that the act4of Assembly
Must be conformed to hereafter. . ' -
' The village of Hottelsville, Northanipton
county, consisting of over thirty acres of
land on which about thirty buildings have
been erected, is advertised to be sold On the
14th of October by the sheriff, under a
foreclosure of mortgage. The property
was divided into building lots, a number of
which were pnicha.sed 1 by parties who paid
the purchase money to the proprietor with- .
out taking note of the mortgage whiCh bad
eviously been given. The grantor failed,
without, ,paying the mortgage, and the
property owners not being able to raise the
money, will: be compelled to lose ,pot only
the purchase money but the homes they
have built on the land.
Johnstown turns up with a story which
litti a' flavor of romance to give zest to its
curious facts. Twenty-six years ago Mr.
and Mrs. Weimer; of Allegheny City, died,
leaving 'as wards to the community a son
aged three months and a daughter aged as
many years; The children *ere separated,
the boy having beeU adopted by a family
named Stemmer, and subsequently removed
to Johnsto*n, and the girl by Mr. and Mrs.
,Emanuel Meyers. of Somerset county, and
each assumed the name of their adopted
patents. Of tender ago, the boy never
knew' of the existence of a sister, and the
girl soon forgot her brother. s• Both grew.
and prospered, oblivious of , the secret that
hung over them, until a few weeks ago the
youniinan, in, the discharge of his duty,
met a person who was acquainted With his
antecedents and disclosed the knowledge
that he had a sister.. ,Thus informed young
Stemmer, as he was known, began a search
for the girl, and h 4 persistent ; inquiries
I .were rewarded by her discovery as . the
honored wife of a respectable rtizen of
Berlin, Somerset county. 'The relatives
had no difficulty in establishing t eir Hien-
City to each other's satisfaction. ,
Invalid wives and mothers q. 'Orly re
stored to health by aging Brown's Iron Bit=
ters. A true tonic. 1 •
Last year the trustees of Come Univer
sity sold lands to the amount of] $600,000,
and have nowincreased the sales by $2,-
000,000, making a total additiim •to the
universit3r within a year of V,600,000.
There remain to be disposed of lands esti
mated to be worth $1,200,000. This,, with
the addition of the bequest of Mrs. Jennie
McGraw Fiske, makes the endowment of
Cornell larger than that of any other uni
versity in the United States, with the ex
ception of Columbia and possibly of Har
*arid. .
jewelry shop at north Attleboro, Mimi., one
night last week, taking $20,000 worth , of
stock, inch' 'ding gold; jewlry, coin and
stones. • The'burglars left their tools behind.
them... , •
The Olean Tinies'tells of a toad in that
village, which was imbedded in the masonry
of a chimney base thirty-two years ago, and
which, upon f l aking the chimney doWn a
few%days since, was found to be alive;• and
soon hopped' around as lively as if he had
not been. imprisoned.
Intelligence comes from the village of
Mt. Holly, Ohio; that Stephen Day , aged
seventy, Secreted the savings °La lifetime,
$73,000, in a tin-box in his house. While
he ail his wife were temporarily t}bsen,
some one entered the house and stow the
entire, amount.
At the session of, the Sovereign Grand
Lodge - ,J. O. O. F., at Baltimore last Week,
the fall ring officers ,for the ensuing two
years '‘;4re elected . Grand Sire, Erie J.
Leech, pf lowa ; Deputy Grand Sire, Henry
F. Garey, of Maryland; Grand Secretary : ,
Theodore A. Roes, of New- Jersey ; Grand
Treasurer, Joshua Vansanp, of Maryland.
Major Haim has submitted' his plan for
the improvement of the 'Po'Fbmac flats to
the Chief of Engineers, by Iwhom it has
been, approved, and the approval confirmed
by Secretary Lincoln. It is recommended
that the work be done by contract after
advertisement. The estimated cost i 4"
$2,716,509. •
John C. Mathews, assistant" yard master
in the freight departmeneOf the Providence
and. Worcester itailroad,.and Henry M.
Stone, a Switchman, . were arrested at
Providencellast week, by 01. Mowatt, a
railwaydetective, for robbingl freight cars.
Much 'stolen property was 'found in their
residence. 'They pleaded - guilty.
The muster and parade pf Connecticut
firemen at Danbury, Conn., J'hursday was
an imposing affair. There' d Were in ' line
twenty-one engine and hostaf,,tonepanies and
twelve hook - and-ladder 7 eceapaniesi
collation Wa s served under :`tents to 2200
men there being 5000 feet of tnbles. After
the parade there -vas an exhibition of
In a suit brought by Allan Pinkerton
against the city of St. Jogefih, Miqsouri, to
recover $6190 for services_rendered in pro
curing the return of $1(0,600 of stolen
refunding bonds of the city, and the arrest
of the thievei, an attachment has been
granted against the defendant's property in .
New York, on the ground of • its being a
foreign corporation. • i„
Alonzo Follette,- broker in conimercial
paper at No. 9 Wall street, New York, has
made an assignment to SI Hanfurd. Henry
Werner obtained an attarlunent in the Su
pienie Court against Follett's property,'
claiming 030 the latter was assigned to de
fraud his creditors. He alleghs that he en
trusted Follett with promissory notes to
sell, valued at $34,202, for which he re
ceived but' $31,000, and his suit is for the
lince due. ' . ;
The-reunion of the Socilty of the Army
of the CumbiTland' eloiedkat Milwaukee
Thursday wit it a street pariule, in which
the distinguished military giiests participa
ted. The following officers were elected:
President, General Phil. H. Sheridan; cor
responding secretary, Henry M. Liss; rd
cording secretary, John, W. Steele; tress - -
urer, Gener4,Jos. S. _Fullerton, anti
presidents from all the States and Terri
Wm. C. Henderson,l'one: of the Excise
Commissioners of Jainaica, N. Y., and
candidate for the - Derhocratic nomination
for Sheriff of Queens. county, N. Y., has
been arrested on the complaint of Wm.
Stringer,': a saloon-kpeper, who charges
that Henderson has been receiving bribes
from liquor dealers to grant them licences
after the Board's•refusal.. Stringier alle
ges that he has paid money for the pur
A full official return of the vote of the
State of .Vermont has just been completed at
the office of the Secretary of State, shoWs
the vote for Governor as - follows: G. L
Barstow, 35,839; George E. Eaton, 14,460;
C. C. Martin, 1530; scattering ; S. Majors•
ty for BarstoW, 1.9,829. The HOuse k)f,
Representatives has 185 Republicans, • 49
Democrats, Greenbacker and 1 Indepen
dent. In fo y towns there was no election.
The Seruiie '' has, t 2B Republicans and 2
Democrats. . I ,
i I
A company to ,be known. as the Texas
Continental Transportation Company, to
engage . in carrying, dressed beef in refriger
ator cars Trom the beef-raisiag country in
the southwest, was formed in ChicagO on
Thursday. Its operations Will be confined
to he', Huntington ,siystem of railways,
with the Chesapeake and Ohio as an eastern
outlet anil the southern Pacific as 4 western
outlet. ' The company is backed by the
cattle Toilers and shippers of the south
. In Hott prings, Ark., ' Friday morning,
Charles M tthews, editor of the Hornet,
was, shot Tour times and killed in an 1 affray
with Colenel'S. W. Fordyce, vice-pideat
of the St: i..ouiland Texas Narrow IGauge
Railroad Company, and Colonel Rugg, one
of the propiietors of the Arlington ] licitel.
It hi not ktiOwn whether Fordyce ili Ru d a
Arad the fatal shot. The trouble grew out
of a bittei newspaper controversy or er
local affair's. • ,- .. . L ,
The enormous extent of the work doing
and to be done in the Pension Department
at Washington 'may be gathered hi refer
ence to the number of clerks employed in
that Ihireau. A now batchl Of two hundred
and fifty has just' been appointed, which
Makes the whole namber aggregate seven
ter hundred. Add to this!the fuilther fact
that at least one-half of the twelve hund
red clerks in the War Department are also
engaged on pension workl and it Will be
seen that the pension business alone absorbs
one-fourth of all the goivriunent clerks
employed at the Capitol, including those
eMplayeci i n s the Treasury, State', War,
Navy Interior, Post Officci and Attorney
General's Departments.
The urchriary sources of speculative gain
ping is the west have evidently passed
into the bands of heavy operators able. to
controll large blocks the several "cenimo
futiegiaal those of Ale modest pretentians
have bikenf forced. into the discovery of lie*
pastures'. the latest mania reparted
that forrirriage insurance, in tact' It
speculatli takes a policy on a lady who
ho:bilieies engaged to be married. 1 .. If Om
wedding does
,not take - - place until . after
five months ham the date of the policy, 'the
holder of the policy wins. This is on a par
with the disgraceful glave-yard insursum
recently stamped out in Pennsylvania, end
it is to be hoped that the equally iispace
ful prototype will receive similar tiaatMent
by the courts in the State where it exists.
Monday Hon. • Eli Slifer made a
speech in Lewisburg in favor 'of ..tle
Regular Republican ti ket. The fol
lowing are the main . futures of Mr.
Slifer 's speech:
' REPUBLICAN Exra.ivAqiuccE.
I am not frere to pi4ent the Repub
&au party as . spot,let,s. It has' its
funlts,.and it Would ' , W , I marvel if it
had' not. It was born' by an . impress
of divinity on the - ;ptiUe conscience,
but was cradled antic -the profligacy of
.a•great . war. Itsi-birth and MiSsion
dreW to it'tiumbsrs that-, were inspired
.to its work but ear. d little for its rule ;
and 'when its . first work had been: so
grandly acchteved - many . of these - turned
'to their professiOns and ; ! ordinary avo
cations,. leaving the conduct of the
party to men' s:•hool l eeatnid- the inftv
thins and extravagances 'of war; The
result has been nnitistiliable expendi 7
ttre. . •
How is it . pronosed to remedy this
evil, which has become inherent in rule
more than in rulers', Some suggest a
.cloinge. Judging from what - we
have seer, in the past this w• uld be a
leap from the pan to ifie fire. I know
remarkable ability to check peculation
is - claimed for the Democratic • candi
date for Governor; I freely concede
to him the purest integrity. Yet what
are the facts? Every item' of city' ex-1
pen'diture is reviewed by him in. his
office, and though thecity has been
reeking with alleged peculations.- to tui
extent that the . people have in self
defence, appointed a sommitteq. of one
hundred to di!rover and punisli,Wrong
doers, Mr, l'attison,in all the years of
his office, with the entire '
pay mein
1 ' of
the city passed i upon by himsel . - lids
not been able to ferret out the Major
Phippses and,other purloiners of, the
people's money,
_bat has - left such broil
to newspapers 'amp - Cominittees of coun
cils and of the pel4leot is legitimate
to inquire what he couht accomplish as
3overnor, where not a:public account
is presented to him unless in case of
difference between the Auditor General
and State Treasnrer, where the- law
makes him umpire between them.
..0.11.4--,i INDEPENDENTS
„ SINCERE ? , •
.It is some w hat rem4kable l ' that the
onslaughts on the party / from- within',
the party are Mot for feform,in its do
ings, .not' for . l..cliange. ‘ in character of
rule; but for.chithge of , rulers. This,
however, Will .. appear less remarkable
when, it is remembered that the I,battle
. is led largely by men who participated
without protest for years in nialting
appropriations of the most lavish Char
acter and in demanding personal com
pensations that were the extreme 'limit
of the pound of flesh permitted by the
bond of the organic law. Leadership;
not better service, is the battle-cry to
disrupt Republicanism. Depend upon
it, an organized revolt. in the" party. is
not for its better, purer life; it is for
its crowns or for its death. It comes
. with - the uniabtakable. logic of the
gentlemen of the Iroad , - "D i eliveror die!"
!Aside froth !its extravagance, 'the
re. ord of Republicanism is grand be
yond comparison';. It lifted •four mil-
lion human.beiegs frnni degraiing chat
: telfaiod to honorable citizenship, digni-,
fled' labor by making all labor free,. is
healing the dissensions of the war and
humanely . alleviating :the • sacrifices
made by a faithful. people, prospers
industry by wis'e . • and just protection .
- and the supply of an. ample and match;
less currency, strengthened the -Union=
by unifying our institutions, ; and has,
by giant i enterprise, with 'ligaments
of iron bound all, our . States together
into a common sisterhood.. Instead Of
the braggart boast of a slave call :at
the foot of - Bunker Hill monument, it
-has caused the jubilee of freedom to be
shouted in every, fastness of tyrany..
It proposes to.bequeath to' the. coming
—(tenerati, all these countless benefi
r, -,,:-.
cenCes without - the burden it cost, to
achieve theta. - . ' .
• i
Whatever may be the .des t ign by
voter* the inevt able , result must be
the success , of this old Democratic
organization, wh • selchief honor is in
its venerable ago, •Ur the continuance
in power of .the ) young and vigorous
party who, in despite of some youthful,
indiscretions,' has written tire brightest
page in the world's history. We, in
these days, hear much of bossism, and
hear it front inen who have trtheir own
little kingdoms, over whickthey excer
cise imperial sway. We had some lit
tle bossism - in the last Legislature, when
a small - minority compelled the majori
ty to sucumb in the election of a Sena
tor. We had a repetition of its usur
pation when - it recently - assumed to
dictate to the people Of this great
Commonwealth that;one jot its citizens'
superior in'intelligene, pure 'in dam-,
ter, undoubted in patriotism, having
brought lustre to his State in leaving a
portion of his I.lody on the battle-field,
for the nations life, that a man thine
mangled and crippled in . the - public
service,-must alone be ineligible to an
honor thal every' °O'er citiz n of the
State may aspire to. , ,
' The Republicans in rebellion against
the regular organization make the de
feat of Cameron their 'objective point,
and to accomplish his overthrow they
are ready' to pull down the temple,
though themselves perishing in the
ruins. The history of past events
fails to justify such an. extreme. The
same power, remaining in the party
that defeated Mr. Cameron's friends in
the last Senatorial election can just as
easily defeat Mr. Ctimerga at the next.
Of course, destruction of the party
will be his certain overthrow, but is it
wise to yield the power to choose his
successor ? Do the Independents= pre
fer a Wallace to another itlitchell ?
If so disgusted with' their own 'work
there may be more method than mad.'
ness in.making an:assignment
-to the
Democracy. But' Will the honest mass
of -Republican voters 'who have no
guidy heights to climb; noslights to re
venge and no animosities to gratify,,
ccinsent to go into: political liquida
, tiOns for an object; comparatively as
absVird as i'an ."ocean into a' tempest
tosed to waft a feather or drown ally?'
I cannot coniik:le to the Senator 'such
imiportance that his being= hr not be
is of sufficient consequence to war
rant the change of the nation's politics
'-and admit men who were in armed re
bellion 'against the government to again
control its destiny.
f The more sentible way to defeat Mr.
Cameron would be to turn special at
tention to the Senatorial districts elect
ing Senators this year and to the' Sena
jorial and Representative districts two
years hence, and thus preserve 1 to the
party the powento name his successor.
But defeat the ' -party party now and the
privilege of choosing the next Senator
will be-exercised for, not by, the Re
publican party. • -
I plead, not> for Senator 'Cameron,
and I am sure he would not plead for
me. The Republican party .. honored
me with some important trusts, but
always over the determined and , most
bitter opposition of the Senator: But
because he honors. General Beaver is no
reason why I should dishonor ihirn. It
would be unreasonable to make his
friendship for my friend ground tor
my •i is ity. Others may, but I have
not tie vanity to suppose that I can
beloto_kparty, large enough to con
trol e destiny of fifty millions of
ip . ,...
peop A and \ have the personal
I friendship oft every member of
the organizati4M Some of us would
prObably be members of very small
' parties if we would consent to act only
with such as would esteem us coveted
There are serious financial' and reve
nue questiolis essential to the prosperity
of the people appealing to dispassionate
reason, and patriotic impul e for solu
tion, and recent hasty = and narrow
international legislation indic6tes the
imiiortance of clear conceptions of the
claims of Immunity and a quickened
realization Of the spirit of liberty on
which• our institutions are founded. In
the face of broad questions like' these
personal contests sink . into insignifi
cance and are unworthy of the consider
ation of a statesmanship to which is
committed the carepf rapidly swelling.
millions of people:
If, however, pe .. nal ,considerntiOns
are to determine he Oioiee . of I .Sate
rulers, then in all fairness' the claims'
of thecandidates and not the
,linte of
some of their frieOds should decide the
result. , We concede to the several
candidates . all jthe personal worth
claimed by their friends. i
tut'General,Beaver, in: addition to
presenting to hiS i countrymen the ex- I 1
ample of a just and honorable life, has
given the. highest , possible pledge of
.fidelity to his country in civil life 'by
braving death and giving a Portion ,of
his body and the ' life of a younger
brother for it in . yar. Long as the
virtue of patriotism remains an honor
ed iinpnlse a great people will . not fail
to recognize the claims of a soldier so
terribly maimed in their defence
sttt Get 18,
Diabetes, Bri 's
.Disease, -kidney, Uri
nary or Liver CoMplaints cannot be con
tracted by you or your' family if Hop Bit
ters, are used, and if you already have any
of these diseases Hop Bitters is, the only
medicine that will positively cure you.
Don't forget this, and don't get some puffed
up stuff that will only harm you.
Hugh Young says pat political reaction
in Tioga county, tie home of Senatiif
Mitchell and Major Merrick, has set in, and
he now believes that General Beaver will
receive a plurality of the votes'on election
day. A Beavercitib has been organized in
Wellsboro, i and hrtkon thirolls one hund
red and twenty-six names, - and when the
list is published it pill cause a sensation, as
many orthe parties are supposed to be act
ing with the Independents. He Claims the
Independent sentiment is rapidly dying out
in the northeasterii tier orcountie.s.
- Only Two Bottles
Messrs Johnson:, Holloway & Co., Whole
sale druggists of : Philadelphia, Pa., report
that some time ago "a gentleman handed
them a dollar,' a request to send a
good catarrh cure to two army officers in
Arizona: Recently' the same gentleman
told them that both the officers and the wife
of Gen John C. Frnaoitt Governor of Ari
zona, had been cured , of catarrh by the
two bottles of Hly4Cr4r.teun Balm.
A rem)
to the ta.
Ely's . infatuation.
Sores in the nasal passages are healed in a
few days. Catarrhal headache is dissipat
ed. Sense of smell, taste and hearing are
restored.• Price 50 t:ents: Apply into
nostrels with little fing4r.
Hens are utilized in Florida for, hatching
out alligators' eggs. • The experiment, is a
complete success, but the biddies are terri
bly astenished when the young alligators
show themselves.:
' Ayer's Ague Cure not only affords im
mediate relief, but it eradicates the makirial
poison which produces the disen_ce, witholit
leaving any injurious effect, as is the case
With quinine "and many 9f the ague medi
cines advertised. It is the only medicine in
existence which.'may be considered an ab
solute antidote — for fever and. agile, and
kindred• diseases. For sale by Dr. H. C.
Porter 4.t. Son., yowatla, Pa.
law has just been passed in . Dunkirk
'that all drunken persons shall be taken
home in a carriage 'at the expense of the
landlord who Soldj him the .last glass.
When a man wants to to take
'a ride he don't liavo to buy a livery stable.
He just goes to a hoiel and gets d
. *Thoustinds of ladies cherish' grateful re
inembraves of tho help derived from the
use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
The National distillers and Liquor Deal
ers Association in session at Cincinnati ad
journed Thursday afternoon after having
completed reorganisation under the name of
the National Spirits and wino association of
the United Stati l e% Any person, firm 6r,
coryaration aY toecome, a-member when
engaged in the maiufacture or sale ofwine,
spirits or liqUars. „The management 5s conl
fined-to a bard of directOri, who' orgy
nized ay !he • Ilection'of Goerge, T, Stagg,
of St. LoniS, as president;; Philip . Zell,
Peoria, as secretary, and Edwin -Steven;
of Cincinnati, as Treasurer -
suffering from functional, derangements or
any of the painfil 'disorders or weaknesses
incident to their sex, Dr. Pierce's treatise,
illustrated 41 wlid-buts, and 'colored
plates, suggests . sure' means of self-care.
Send for it three, lettet postage stamps. Ad
dress-Wonr.D's Dram:SAßl' MEDICAL Asso-
CIATION, Buffalo, N. t
_ - -
'The Horne of Colum
bus, Ohio, has mul e assignments to J. W.
King, of Gmtpie county. The assets of the
compan±Aire $66,000; the liabilities are un
known. ; '
Unlike other cathartics, Dr. .Pierces's
" Pellets" do not render the bowels costive
after operation;, but, on the contrary,
establish a permanently healthy action.
Being entirely .tiiyetable no particular care
is required while using -them. By drug
gists. j
Can you find a case .of Bright's Disease
of the Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary or Liver
Complaints that is curable, that Hop Bit-
Mrs has not or cannot cure 4l Ask your
neighbor Hthey can.
HOTRL FOR SALE.—I offer the
American Hotel property for sale at a great
bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corner
ofliridge and Water streets,in Towanda Borough.
It is one of the best and most central locations
in the place. There is a good barn connected
with the Property. 'The free bridge and new
depot near to it mate this Hotel desirable for
any one wishing to engage in , the business. A
good active man with a small captsl can pay for
the property in a short time from the prodts.
It was papered and painted new lest spring and
is now in excellent condition.
Towanda, Ps J
~ Sept. 21. 1881-t OSZPH 0. PATTON,f.
New Advgtismentz:—.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder never varies. A marvel'of purity.
strength and wholesomeness. More etonomimil
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be, sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. sold only
in cans. Koran Dump -rownim Co..
street., N. Y: ,Vjulye2
• •
" •
4 it 7:
• It•
, ' •
• I
• -
kt)44 l 3
A Euro Caro for all FEMALE WEAK.
Including Let:get:written,
'regular and Painful Menstruation,.
Inas:mutatlon and Vlcerattoaof .
the. Womb, Flooding, PRO.
tallesstat to the taste, efficacious and hannodiste
in its effect. It is a great help in pregmuccF, end re-
licit.* pain ,during labor and at regular period..
tirF:o2. ALL Avr...mcznEs of the generative organs
of either sex, it is second to no remedy that has ever
been before the public: and for ali diseases of the
EMMY. ft is the flirted Rimed via the World. • ,
i •
• Find Great Relief In Its Use.
LYDIA EPECIGIAM 9 s swop ' , tumor
;eta eradicate every vestige of /Drumm from the
Dloo4, at the same time will glee tone and strength to
the system.. la Illarnajusln, rum/Meath/A Compound..
[?'Both tho Compound and mood "Purifier are pre
pared at Sin and rS Western Avenue, 'Lynn, iStass.
Priee,of either, $l. Biz bottlesfor g 5. ThpiCatoPonmil
went by man In the form of 111114'os iccinges, on
seCelPt of price, $1 per box for either. Ili* Pinkhaza
freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose 1 cent
stamp. Send for pamishlet. Mention this - NW.
firtinu'E. Prstrurs Milan:mg cure Constips
tion. Billomess and Torpidity of the Liv,.r. i 5 cents.
,ffirpold by all Druggints. - (aj
That by the Rules of the Pateht Office
to procure
P T g ItT ,
Models are not necessary unless specially called
Send 'drawing and specilication, upon receipt
of which we will make examination xt the. Patent
Office, and advise as to patentability. I,
; -
Send for PAMPHLET of IN•wrunctioxs. free to. Ly
address, a;
• Washington, L. C.
Publuhers of the Congrestional Reporter: . .
January, 5, 18$2.—tf • ,1
reme court of
arty liable . to
it 0,000.000
: •q.17 - 1 4 '.: • idox. •
Will make theNeason of 1832.; at thc.farto
of the snbseribeionc,miM west of the village
of East Smithdeld.
• Both Sire and Dam imported, bred by Wm.
Crozier„liorthport, Long Island. As w give
breeders nanie and address we .can assure
patrons that we art; not offering the Servtees
of a grade horse. • ; •
The bid and Reliable Dealer in
Reaqy-Made Clothing
From lds 'old- stand. (No. 1. Patton's
Block,) - fo Ibis-NEW LOCATION in the
lnl* antl, cotritOodilis store, No., 123,.
Main Street, formerly occupied by M.
E. Soll , l - Trten St , . (one door . north
of Feld' ' & 42#:,) wnere he is cow open
with a . Coiliplete Stock of
Fashionable t. • :
. r
MEN'S, B Y 'S- YOUTH'S and
CIIILPBEN'S full and complete •
• suits of all grades and p-rices.,
While he' aims to leard the trade, .he
asits-bis old, friends and evrrYbotly 'else
to fellow him to his new loeatinn, where
he will flt .theakont in .the highest style
of t ; art at the lowest • prices. Come
early. • •
Towanda,.Pa., Ainil a, 1E: 2.
F- RM FOR SALE.—I now offer
my farm for sale, situated on the road lead.
tag from South Rill to Wells RoROW, and con
tains 100 acres of good land, about 70 improved
and su well timbered, with house Ind barn.
granary, and fruit trees thereon. Said farm Hes
about 7 miles from railroad at Wysanking, and
well watered. This farm will be sold cheap:
&proportion of the ptirchase money down, and
the remainder can remain on the tam. Per
particulars inquire of Myron Randall on the
thrm,'or theowner. .LYMAN ARNOLD.
Sept 7,18 31 _ Pa
done at abort notice and reasonable rates
attbe IttrunteAxieltlee.
' It is better to Follow
Rannzd T!site-T.q:ez.
K 1:4 J I ,
to 4
Way ,
-P.:4. A. it p.
Ar. .., Towanda ... Dr--p. r,.1;
Dep. .... Moo rc.e.... Ar
4.01 Ar. 51r Oil r0e.,,,•r,,,41
r,9 blason to wo
5.53, M-.'.4 • Grtrawriod • •
5.44 •• • Weston 11 '" 7 .'0/ 4 4 :
'•••• S U inra , t!•••.- " 7 •1!"
31 :f.•..1
0%1,35 *r.35 . • - Larnoks •• • • "
h ,31 .• DongVallepitine . Pout of Plane. Ar. 7.,17 1 4 '
• Indicates that trains do nut atop, -
Rapt and Eng';!, 1 1 2 h
- -
. ,
.------•,-- -•••!-7--• - - -. _,
P.M. A. 31: A.U. par,
Iliegara Yell.. •',.... .• ••• . :-... • . „2.05 7.2.1.... 713
4it'slco . ..... • , .... • ...... ..p..54- ii. 25 . •,..,
ocheeter • j.............. 115.15 10.9: .
. ..
...:1 '-
rOns . j ' t..: - .6 11 . .45 .. . .....
!nes& - C. 5511.:., ... ..
.... : .
""•burn - ... ,'.. -. ....... - i 5.1511.04
eg0..,,,. ...... .. . 1 .. ...:, 8.50 1.:;:',..... ,
.. .
.. ~.,
do 2 - 9.10 1.4: 9ci ••••••
• J .3.4.1
etly . i : 9 .4 5 2.10 9 4 , os
0 10.10 2.31., Jo uu 4 , A
- .
no - .. ...'10..5 2.34.10. w, 4,:„., 4
r --
, • f,',..•,... 10.1: ....
•. • • ' 10.21 ....
Ida ' - ' 10 46 3.001043 '
king • • •-••, 10.54 3.13
ug Stone
.. 11.0 i .....
'flied '', • - 11.14 1,2 t
town ,
- • . 1 . :.... ....11.19 ...
le t
.EA Ty- .i.....'.;......, ...... -.. :.... .. 11.42 ; 3.57,11
11.5 ,4i j 643.
... ~ 1, G. 1,1
en' r ' 14.12 13.10: 6„ ,, 4
.• •.- 12.1 f.. ( 4 ,
Lock 12.23 :4.3: Ur,: 7.1 t,
"-r1.1‘,.. 7 :5 ; • - .. . 1.24 •;....,
.3.0 u .. .r ..•...... 1.03, 5.10 1.4!, - 8. 5 :
re......-.....i 1.:35 5.30 2.2.. 5 . , 1 :
nk . ' - 3:45 7.31 4.t.0 'Lori
• 4.44 8.19 5.54 12.9,
- - , 5.0(1., n. 45 G.O. 1 2 .1!
I 4 5.30; 9.64, G.4e, - ..,; !..! :
r i 13.55 10.40 ).1.41, 2 , 2 4
ii.O: 9.1! 3,3,:
A..11.P.11.P.11.1 , x,
Niagara Fa11. .:..'.:.;.. ; .
8uffa10...... • ......
Rochester I -
Ithaca.. • •
Au bn zit , . .......
0weg0..,........„ .;
Waverly •
'Sayre 1
Athens .. ...."1
Milan - •
raster -- ,
forranda - ' 1
Standing /Stone
Rnmzuertie.ld ' •
Frenchtown -
Laceyville ' ...
Skinner's EA 1 ..... . .
Meaboppem ;
LaGrange . ... r ..
11 Junction ..
k ...
liaden Chunk
Bethlehem -
Vex York.
P.M. A. 31. A. 31 2.1
New York . rst
Puiladelphis . cr,
Easton • 16.1:
Allen town
Mauch Chunk........
C k B Junction .
Towanda ...
Waverly ..-..
Elmira -
Rochester ...
Niagara Falls
' .....:0_ 32 leala Aryalnaing at 6:00„ A. 31.. Fret t.'
tenvii 6.14. It mtnerfle4 G. 23, Statiding stone d.V.
reauking . 11.0. To nda 6.53. Ulater 7.•3
Milan 7:ld Athens 7 :t25, Sayre 7:.1t., Ware:.
ly . 5:55. arriNind'at Elmira t , ..7 , 0., A. M.
Nn. 31 leaves Elmira ';
31., Waverly
Sayre 6:15. Athens 6120.1 Milan 6:30, Ulster :4 ,
Towanda 6:55, Wyiatiking 7:05. Standing St6te
7.14, Rtiromerteld 7 :22;Frerichtown are'.
ing at Wyalusing at 7:45., P. M.
Trams e-and 15 run idaily. Sleeping cars c:
trains ti and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila
delphia and between Lyons and New York With.
out changes. Parlor cars on Train". 2 and 9
between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia •ith.
out change. and through coach to and Svc
Rochester Tla,Lyons. _
13Anui, PA., 'Jan. 2, 15,: , 2. I ?a..t N. Y. H. It
Wholesal° 'and Eetail Dealer
Sprino Tooth Harrow
• Just received a car load of superior harri>vi.
Now is the time to buy harrow you erer
PAW for. preparing yOur Wb t grounds. on,
will pay for itself !trope seas() •
The Improved galaniazoo P oating,Adjustab ' :e
e s
Tooth and Plated Harrow is the very best in use
_ ..
• •
• . • --- 1
Afiller l s ulkvul inn'
. .
Tooth Harrow - . ---
With and without SEEDER ATTACI6I6T.
- the very, beat Sulky Sprin - g Toots B.
row in the market. It is well worth the atter:
tion of farmers. and - no one should buy a snit
harrow before inspecting this. It has . importru
advantages over an others. and as a Combined
Seeder and Sults . harrow is without a nra:.
iSend for circulars and prices.
WTiai'd Chilled Plow,
This spl.mdid plow has 'invariably in
this season in competition with the other ha:
Ing chilled ploics, fully justified all that 1 4tre
claimed for It:
Clolumbus (Ohio) Bug:
• -I ern sgent.for.these superionuagoni,i, and
vitqattonUon to their claims. - -
'Call.atici see my Whitney Open and Top
Ries, Gorton Carryall, and Platform Wagons. 1
have wagons'as good as yon can get made to in ,
der, and at much-leet prides. All warranted t)
be durable •' whale bone" Wagons. , •
The beat Farm aria Lumber Wagons in Or
Grain ;Drills.
. -
Farmers! Favorite and Paxton.' Grain Driili.
any farmers wish to buy a good' drill st abe::
the wholesale price of other drills, I can
=date them.
Special inducements to cash Lucca of 1: 1
goods in my line Y. _ ' • - 777
A car load of Fresh Cement. Sheithiag - 'azi
Building Papers. Vermin Proof Carpet Licul .
' Write tor prices and'circrtlirs, or a►ll sad se
me' '
tows:ids, Pa , August 15, 15821-tf
• o p •
first `y §ank.
„I Ili • ,7
L Utt
CAPITAL PAID IN $125,00 ,1
This Bank offers unusual faciliti , t.
the transaction. of a geurru/
banking brthiness.
li.Ai:T, --
3 9
A ‘s, 7
Urn,. yci
15 9 1
8 30 -
9 . 5 , 0 10.4 6:i:
.. 10.65 r. ?,4
1 1 . 05 .... 1145
.• Lef•. 7.30' 2.34 ;ti -j•,
. • •
1 :::37
2.15 $.5.; 3.1 , 1 1q."••:
-•• • ••• -••• 1114]
4.. 3 . .(.2 0,50
.... 10.14 4.0112,5
.... 10.27 12.1:
• .... -10.3;; .;..
;... 10.54 . . ... 1:,.;
.... 3.59 1105 441
.11.17 4.55
11.25 1.0
.... 4.30 /1.31 5.1!
.... 4.40 11.41 5.20 I.i
.... 4.45 11.50. 5.2 Q 1.:4,
5.2512.10 6:15 L.II
..... 8.30 .... 9.35
"9.50 il.lO 0.4 u
-.41.40 8.10 12.05 , ...g
...; 1.03 9.25 1.0•
p r ,,,idect
tab. 1.. M.