Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, September 28, 1882, Image 1

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II it t TRACT, Publishers.
Bradford Republican
[.. - v:114!!%144:1 Ei - ery Thursday,
- 4
ki 1 , 10..tN DA , ".
$l.,;() Per Annum, its -Idris:see
iarcrtiAiiqj Itates— 'cents a line for lint
7:,••11 a. I fli . e cents per line •l'Or itity‘e.
Das: Beading, notice advertit tug
IL r line. Eight lines constitute s
twelve lines as inch. Atiditor's
Administrator's and Executor's
.cs Yearly advertising slro.oo per
iae inateLsch2s is published in the lacy,
and,Nol.les Block, at thef corner of ]lain
sr.l Pme ifteets, over J. F. Corser's_Bootaxid
stpr, Its circulation is Over 2:160. Al an
,j,r,rt,,,lm; medium it Ls unezielled In Its iin
:-::::-..-.: Zzsir.ess-,Zire:ti:ry
Trci/L i t
I I,:tit) V RN, (E. J. CletY l4ll 4 l
I/ :;..•erro. Canton. 13nthard County
,:ntrtiste.l t 3 their care id
lirt - :iurti sill ret:ri,'elsionavt
Atturneys-at-Lsw; Otte
~i Co.
'," , 1 -‘
Woc.i4's ISlock, soutb
.al Bank. up stairs. June 12,'..s
••••••):"; IN (.7 Elsttre;e t anil L Elibree
, 2", t I:crcar 131,;c1". way) 1.7 z.,
Pr.:4and D A Ov•r
11111;is Itarket C3-":11
311: •N s .SA.`.:I , CILSON iE (iperum and .haa
3 pec• in ALlatcp; Black. julys
Office ovr.r'il»pton'• Stor.
\d: : i'.vE
\ , r r ; liE W. °Mee ;\lean't. Block
spr 14,76
HALL. (W T Darte4.•
W h • Hull.). Office in rear
• . _:titranct, ou l'uplar St. (iel=.7s
l 'NET A. Solicitor! of Patents.
a:lr att.ntiou paid to business in
and to the settlement of estates.
c...k.i•di:P...-;o:C S YOUNO, i 31c1'.1orson and
I l'-ung. Office south aide of Mercnes
: . feb
M. 1•:.
10V E J E U Buifingtiaij i
F•lde f 3latu street, two doors north
All Luitmeas entrusted to their
rr,.•ire prompt attention. oct 26,77
..rr.: ".i. AND JOHN W. UDDING, Attor
- ai. : I ouusellors-at-liw. °thee in the
..: 1..-.. ch, over C. T. Kirby's brua. Store.
,jul,y.t i ,.!so U.
.? jAttortie)-s:-Law.
Maiu Street.
Va . . IL and E. A. ' .:-Atta/neys-at
I I•s. . iu Mereuri Block,
• ,; t I,:rt, 'a, Drug stot•a: , . eutrauve on Slain
shalrway uurtla of roato,tticee- All
i.r-u.ptly attend.-1 to. Spek:Lal attett.
Cll//111, against the Vuited States
uutirs, rateuta. rte., and to
: and • - •attlruartit dreralentra a-sates.
(,(Aercment claims at.
‘N. T. 8., M.D. Office: over Dr: H. C
:t Drug. stare. j feb 12.78
N, Drg . IC: •S: F. o.thee at Dtvellittg
turner \Sesion St. fel, 12,77
Odic, list 'door above old
on Main street. Special at
a:seises of the throat and
S. M., M.D. °dice and - real
stre,!. Lanka: M..E.Chizrz.l.t.
Pension Di r-frtmeni.
tAr2ll.lf , ,
i., E. D.. M.D. Ufr.. - ce over .1i intanye's
•:.-. Oftlet hours from 10 to 12 A. x. amoil!
72. :•4P. Y. Special attention giVen .to 1 i
i the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. 1 ,
oct 20,77
S: • H. 1.., M.D..
x.x.<+.1..4.731c PLITrICIAN ErUGEON.
othce Just north of Dr. Corbon's
Atlivts. Ps. /
Main it., next corner south
4 -.‘ • street. New house and new
:!? thr , ugh , ..ut. The proprietor has
•itLir pains expense in tusking his
reigiecttally solicits s share
batr• - •naße., Meils at all hours. Terms
rge Stable attached:
41:CRET sociEnEs
YATKINS PoST, O. r..-:, G. A. R. Meets
. : , _ry .aturda:s - evernbg. at Military Hall.
GEO. V. MYER. Commander.
. . ..
• - ~ . .:::L::_,E, ..tdjulatt. feb 7; 7g
• • - - -
L LODGE, NO. 57. Meets at K. of P.
El.: every Monday evening at 7:X.
'2 Denetts $3.00 per :week. Aver.
11:; vi f if.l.lle.,t, .5 years .tperience,.sll. •
JESSE•MYER.S. Reportir.
F. , r
LoIJGF.. N 0.1117, 1. 0. 0. F. , Meet
le/Ivw's Ilan, every Monday evening
Wiaar-...: Mu., _Vette Grand.
F. E, N0,?.2 Send street All orders
re,e:ve prompt attention'. june 1475
JV 1) ET .4 T 0 AL
11, - .I'I:LNG TEM! will begin MuhdaY.
For catalogue or other inror
s.2.lrerr or call on the Principal.
::-F Towanda, Pa.
W_l_liNlS, EDWARD. Yractiaal Plutuberl
&L I - Gas Fitter. }lace of business in '3ler-1
.'k neat door to Journal office opposite
!--,.• .-..- :-..,ztare. litiallati f tt, f i ts Fitting, -Repair.
i. ,
: — ..c..s of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing 1
-_, attended to. All wanting work in big j
' ! glve Lira a call. july 21%77 1
._, _ ...
a ....
C. S. General In - parance 4gencY,
U!ic in Whitcomb - a Book
jtily 12.76
cl - had. One of. His
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Misceltaneras Advertisements.
NEW 00011811
Ed. Mouillesseaux f
Former with Heade ma
Jewelry Store
With Swarts & Cartien's Stare,
Where he keeps& FULL ASSORTMENT or
Gol - c4 Silver Watches
'Sir His Stock is all NEW and of the FINEST
QUALITY. Call and seei for yourself.
. .
, A ' 1,
4 . e,-Itz.
We keep ou hand constantly for builaera.
Fellows, Spokes; , ' Thins, Poles
Carriage Trimniings— .
Also s fail line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, and
- stall line of
Carriages, Plaifonzi and Lumber Wagons,
Made by, ui w; th akiltei workmen. and warrinted
in every particular.
lirlii•ar,e Dealers
Tray. April 27-ly"
4 , „PAPER ,RULER. Sc;
Alfiqd J. Pulivis,
All work in his line done well an&promptly at
lowest price.
Parties having volumes incomplete will he fur.
niabed with any missing numbers at cost price.
All' orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for
Bradford County. will be promptly executed se
curding to directions. rep9-tit
I - i.
Nr , w Occupies the Coiner ftore opposite Dr. H
C. Porter's Drtig Stdre. Main Street,
with a . large etoFt of • .
J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores are
connected by Telephone.' Mr. Ross can now feel
satisfied that he , can give the
His experience enables ! him to select tbe.beat
1 1 goods. which he is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE.
: you can always get a bargain if you . ,
• !.
All goods delivered ,in the Borough FREE.
FARSIEP.S will do well to call with their Produce ,
arid get the CASH, • ktispr32-ly.
Is still to be funrid at the OLD STAND
Nr.-ct door it, Dr. H C. Porter's Dray Sfore
JEW 1 IlR .r,
Clocks. Watches and Jewelry promptly ikpalred
by an experienced and competent workman.
aeptlG-tf •
,- k WATCHES ,
of every variety, and Spectacles. W particoi
atention paid to repairing. ' Sb O P . in Decker
Vonight's Grocery Store, Vain Street, Towanda,
Penna. svP943
Main Street, Towaiida,,Pa.,
• •
Nu. 131 .Getiersc street
UTICA, N. :11
I - -
S 7 1 1? E E 7'
New Adveittsements.
The blood is the foundation of' ,
life, it circulates through every part ,
of the -body, and unless it: is pure
and rich, good health is impossible.
If disease has entered the system
the only sure and quick way to drive
it 'out is to purify "arid enrich the
- blood. . .
These simple' facts are well
known, and the highest medical
- authorities agree_ that nothing but
iron will restore the blood to
c its,
natural condition ; and also that
',ill' the iron .preporati ons:hititerto
'lade blacken the,teeth, cause head- '•
t ...he, and are otherwise injurious. - t
4 ;.3 'S;I RON BITTERS will Ili It
1% . , • .ughly and
,quickly assimilate
he blood, purifying and strengthen
, tug it, and thus drive disease from,_
any part of the system, and it will
. not blacken the teeth, cause head
: , ache or constipation, and is ix>si-• •
tively pot injurious., •
, •
Save his -Child.
JJ 1; N. Eutaw St., -
Feb. rz,
Gents :.-upon the re - c0mma:4.1.1 , d .,
tiOn - of a friend I tried BnowN•s •
IRON BITTERS Jas a tonic and ie.
storative for my •daughter, whbre
I was thoroughly , convinced was
wasting away with
.11aving lost three daughters by the. .
terrible disease, under the care of
eminent physicians, I
"was loth to .
believe that anything could arrest
• the progress of the disease, bu..t;.to
my great surprise, before ray daugh. •
ter had taken one bottle of llitowricis
• • ILiox Eirraus, .he began to , mend,
and POW is quite 74. stored to former
health, -A fifth ddughter began to
• show signs, of ili.timptiba. and "
• when the physicil.n was consulted •
he tu..:ickly - ,ToLics. were re, .•' :
quire.d that
the.elder 1;4(os, N'S
a good tonic. , take ic.•' • •
I.r.mtN•S IRON LITTERS cflectll.ll
- cures Dyst,epsia, Indigestion and
- Lakness, and renders the greatest
r..lief and benefit to perstins suffering
fforn such wasting diseases as Con
sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc.
Various Cauges—
Advancing -years. care, sickness, disap
and hereditary predisposi
tion—all: operate to turn the hair: gray,
•and either'brithem inclines it to-shed
prematurely. '4 - .*Ftt's IlAin Vxnott, will
restore faded O; gray, light or red hair
to brown or deep black. as may
be desired. It softens and cleanses the
scalp - , giving it a - healthy - action.. 'lt
removes abd cures dandruff and Minors.
,By its use falling hair iS'checked,. - and growth will be produced in all .
cases where the folli,des are not de- ,
strayed or thii glands ~decaYed. Its
effects are beautifully= shown on. brashy.
weak: or sickly hairs on which few
applicationS will
.produce the gloss and
freshness of youth. Ilarinless and sure
in its results.. it is' inc'ompfirable• as .
a dressing,_ and. is valued
for the soft insfr.: and riehneSs of tone
it imparts. •
contaius.neithcr oil nor @p:;, .will
'not soil or color - white e.a:nbrk: '.y•-t,,
it lasts long on the hair, and -
it fresh vigorous, imparlu:;•.,
agreeable rierfaine. •
For sae by all drinpri, , s
. .
$200.00 REWARD !
Will be paid for the detectioa arid convie
tion of any Verson sellini or dealingJn any
bogus, counterfit'or immitation HoP Brr- -
.Tmts, especially Bitters or preparation with
the word 1 - foP;or 'Hors' i ors in their name or
cotineeted,thiewith. that is intended to
Mislead and cheat: the public, or for any
preparation put in any form, pretemling to
be the same as HoP - Birrn.s. The genuine
havecluster of
.GP.EEN Hors (notice? this)
printed'olVthe white - :and are the
purest and 'hest Medieine n on earth, especial!:
forliidney, Liver- and
,YerVous Diseases.
Beware of all others, and of all pretended
formulas or receipts of
,HOP - BrrrEPs pub
lished in papers or for slide,, as. they argil
frauds- and swindles'.,'. Whoever deals in
any but the genuir:e will lie-prosecuted.
Hoy. BITTERS 31i , G. I Co:,
Sept. 14. 4w 'RoeheAer. 'N:
- In 'the Whole History of '
No preparation has ever performed such
marvellous lures, or maintained . so
wide a reputation, as AYER'S CilEnnY
Pr:crowd.. Which is recognized as , the
World's remedy for all diseases, of the
throat and , lung's.. Its long-cOntinued
- series of wonderful cures in all cli
mates hay made: it universally known.
as a safe and reliable agent to employ;
;Against ordinary colds, which are the
of - more serious disorders,
it acts speedily and surely,'lalways re
lieving Suffering, and ofteiiiiafing
The protection it affords, litS‘ its timely
use in_ throat aid chest disorders,
makes it an invaluable remedi to be
kept alw - a2s. Ou hand in every 'horne,
No•person can afford to be without, it,-
and those-who have once used it never
will. 'FroM" their, knowledge of its
compositiciO and operation, physicians
use the urnim:Pwronat. extensively',
in their lC
pr4tice, and clergymen recom
mend it. it is-'alisolutely eertain
'its beaiiug etfectS, and will alWays
cure where; cures are possible.
For sale by all;drnegists. , ,•
T. MOR & Co.'s
The place to. Rave money b ()nylon cheap is at
corner lab and !nukiln Straits
They respectfully edam:nos to the public that
they have a lugs stock of
POSE. and POVISIONS generally.
Ir. rare also added to our stock a Tlilisty of
laws, cuuus. sr°.
- Just received s' large stock of Sugars, TM.
Coffeek Bpiees, 1(017U301 , 111 PURE SOAP, the
beet in the market, and other =tee of l soap
Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at bio
psies* for Cash. °eV/A; 11
Though you should come and kneel low at tar
And weep in blood and tears of agony.
It woUld:not bring one single pang tome,
Nor air my heart out of its quiet beaL
Th'erd.was a time when any Word you spoke,
When but thesound of your melodlow*volim
Would thrill me through and make my heart
Tour wish was law ; but now the spell Is brae.
And though an oilier, rilth a shining brow,
Should come from heaven and speak to me and
" GOrlth this man and be his own aIWaY."
would refuse. I would not trust you now.
:hough you should pray me, writhing in white
For Just One last CUM, and I should know
That you were draining out the dregs of 'Nee
would not let you bold my hand again.
This la a Wxnann lore—a wiiman's pride.
Tame IS a stream that' never can be creased.
It rolls between us ; nua the trust I lost
Bas sunk iirecer la, the rushing tide.
In , the . good city of Philadelp hia there
~ . •
-*ay, in tho' conveniently movable. tieriodt ,-
Once Upon ti Time, a certain place called
Coppersmith Court. It was no thoriugh=
fare, being only a sort of bay out of a great .
fashionable river of a street. -It held six_
. .
I" — ..uses, two on each side and two across the
I end, and there 'was a, placard bearing the
words, "No peddlers permitted to enter."
Number one contained old Mr. Flack and
I .. his wife, but they : were' seventy each, and
rheumatic. Number two- sheltered the i
formed little librarian of a certain religious
I library iu the city, and his consuraptive
Iyoung sister.. Number three I .7.held—how,
they' alone 'knew—a ' Methodist minister's
I widow and- font daughters. - Niimber four
llwas occupied by an old Lady'whO had a son
'I at sea, an officer on a vessel ,iii the navy.
I Ile was always being expected home, and
branches of coral, Chinese curiosities and
I boxes of foreign jellies and conserves at.
Itested to the fact.that he did . return occa,.
I tonally; big the ehances were that he would
Ibe hemid-ocean at any given date, Num
ber five was occupied bY Miss Cornelia Cop
. ..
tpersmith, a single lady_ of eight- and.forti,
I and a very old poodle. And
,number Fix,
Ibeing haunted, Was left to its gliOst. Pro
f bably want of patronage rather `,than the
I placard banished the peddlers. .
The reason why the Coppersmith Court
people set their faces so sternly against ped-
I (Tiers was that they were not genteel. And
the people of Coppersmith Cotirt were 'gen-
Iteel or nothing. Its occupants all lived. on
liinited incomes, and not one of the ladies;
had ever earned a penny iu all her. life.'
Mr. Flack had a peusien under government..
The' librarian was connected with a wonder.
fully genteel society. 'A naval officer's mo
ther is a person of position.. l So is a pastor's
widow. And :- Miss Cornelia Coppersmith
was the poor relation of 'the magnificent
'Coppersmith who owned' the court, was said
to be worth six million.-and whO had pre.
.sented the small dwelling iu `which Miss
-Cornelia lived to his cousin, her mother, a
lady always alluded to by Miss COraelia as
" my-late ma." *A ghost is seldom Vulgar,
though sometimes alarming, 'and the - ghost
at number six was that' of a bankrupt banker
who had shot himself. •
Ocintsiorially a carriage,. with several men
in livery perched 'upon it, paused at the en.
trance to the court, andri fat lady, in fine
clothes ; and a thin 'gentleman, with a great
diamond ou his bosom, entered Miss Cornelia
Coppersmith's door. It was then whispered
thrriugh the court that that laly's "family
tied called upon'her.
Thus all might have continued for t many
year; but that Mrs. Rooney came• into her
grandfather's property, i , after having—quite
given up the idea' f his decease, for he lived
to be aluudred audl fiftcen years; of
,age ;
and feeling herself entitled to be a lauded
proprietor, euiPkiyed'aulagent to bny c ,/ter a
bit of a house. •
The agent having looked about him, pro
posed Number Six, Coppersmith Court.
Mr. Coppersmith, weary of a- tenant who
paid no rent—we Allude to the banker's
ghcistagreed to the'.Price. offered. and. one
ruoruin the.. botisekeepers . of the coiirt
peeped through their green blinds upon the
arrival of Mrs. Ilocinex's household gods ;
and two boarders camY with Mrs.- Pbooney. ,
One was a young man who habitually wore
a red shirt. The other was a foreigner in
shabby black. He looked genteel, but alai!
appearances are deceitful. On the morning
after his arrival he was seen to leave the
court bearing a small tray, or whickwere
ranged in rows pipes of all sorts,
very costly ones. There were humble'itnita
tion'meerschaums, china pipes, with painted
flowers upon them, briarwood, violet wood,.
and the humble clay dudeen.
Peddleis were not admitted to the court,
but one had come there to reside. '
" That I am alive to-day," said the pas
tor's widow, "is a proof that one can .live
through anyihing."
As for ausr- Coppersmith, she shut her.
self up in her flowery chintz bower, and
seemed inclined to 'remain there forever.
A week passed. One night Miss Copper
smith was awakened by awful groans. She
.started up in bed and listened. The groan
ing was idler window ; she also hea ' nl raps.
She Went to the window. Within a foot
of'it she saw a face—her next door neigh.
bor's, the peddler of nieershatims.
" What - do you want r she asked, sharply.,
" Pardon, niadan4," replied, a weak voice,
with a strong French accent—" pardon, but
I have some cOlics." • -
"Cones ?" repeatedliiss Coppersmith.
"Vera- bad," responded the neighbor.
"I expire of pain, aid Madame Rooney
goes of her cousin'icind to the funeral, 'and
in ze house is no one. Perhaps you vill
'ave a leetle cau dc o—brandee., El) you
comprehend, madaMe r
"Yes, yes," hiss Coppersznith, to
whom returned a memory of genteel lessons
French, taken in her earlier days.
"We, llilonshure; jer, comprany—jer—"
but the•elegatit memory was but a faint one,
and she added : -" I don't know abotit
brandy—perhaps I have a little. I will see."
",Nrculai6 is an Angel I" responded the
Yam Coppersmith brought the • brandy—
about half a gill in a cologne bottle—and
presented it on a small fire-shovel
The neighbor, thanking her in a profusion
of complimentary French, retired, but soon
was heard- to groan-again more 'dismally
than, before.
" Are you worse r called the lady through
the shuttdo: _ • .
"I am vets bad," piped the sufferer, in
anguished falsetto. -
" Perhaps a mustard plaster might
tieve," suggested Miss Coppersmith.
"Per'aps," moaned the Frenchman.
Kits Coppersmith, who was nay a ten
der-hearted soul, instantly rushed to her tiny
kitchen, and soon approached the window
again with the plaster between two soup
dishes. Placing them on the shovel she
waved it before her neighbor's window.
" The plaster," she mid.
The plaster was taken with flut thanks,
Shortly the groans eeseeie!,
Waste dead or relievediOdit,
who had called her an, nail? ',!She
"Are ycra betterr
" Ah, yes," replied the Saki. ' I"ZW- pies.
taire is tearenly, hire nisdaite,"c, •
Miss Coppersmith irditiecV. I lEuly the
next morning a tap camii ort . .het door. It
was her neighbor, with herttlifee*ell
ed and her bottle refilled.Jaao come to.
overflow with gratitude. Fiegmod that
he should Ihare expired fix,' her most
amiable conduct, her • da*iftil innitard i
plaster, and he ended bb a narrative of his -
own life, his . fallen fortunti, - and how he
came to
.peddle pipes. • •
, .
`•I say to myself what **Mir_ vete no
one ImoWs me?'! he said; i i gtilk l nuidamPi
lam a gentleman, an( ruldlcite you
I atnstre of Said Edsaroopkenaidth.
Her guest dePattet ua t:Ceppenunith
sat t Vinking. What 40 . he had!
What Askiewalosot I**,4
frian, the ariatOeisey to pipeer B heih adow
looked at her! Ah! Kiss COppertmith,
who had held herself 'too tuistaxratie for
every suitor of her yo nth, foinul herself
blushing. That evening her neighbor celled
again.. He brought with him an Offering, an,
ivory unt thimble, in a case shapial , hiss an'
Shortly, a sort of scandal sperm through
the neighborhood. The puldler,l their:4a!
peddler, Called on Miss Copper Ile'
took tea with her on Sunday 'afternoon!
Could such things be P ' ; I
The family heard of it. It called in its
coach, with its red.eockaded footmen. It as
cendedlhe steps. It seated itself in her
parlor. lit was largely represented. If TWo
stout ladies, two thin gentleman, and a very
old lady, with a face like crumpled Parch
ment. i;
They filled "Miss Coppersmith's chintz
covered-Poom to overflowing. They .occu
pied all the chairs, while she perched on the
small roam stool before the upright" piano,
and they addressed her:
". Cornelia," said the l old lady; 1" we hear
frightful news of you; _ that you are visited
by a cigar peddler ?" ' I . •
", Ile isn't a cigar peddler," reptaxi Cor
nelia. " He's Monsieur Bland He sells
Pipes, aunty."
"'Ma r is flippant," said the old "3
peddler We call to remonstrat•."-
We hear you are engaged to
stout Ludy number one. ,
" And We call rto - warn yon,"
lady number two.
" Dismiss him at once," said t
gentleman, !` or we discard yon.
"And disoWn you," said the
gentleman, "since you have, to
are a Coppersmith." -
Poor Miss Cornelia, meekest
burst into tesrs. •
"I was so lonely," she soli
never even invite me to tea, and
"We say no more," replied the
" Yes, or no—Will you diSmisis hi
she looked an anathema mara.natha.
Miss Cornelia could not endluelthe eicom
munication. She said " Yes." The family
then arose and departed:. She wan 'left
alone. For an hour she bathed the poodle's
head with her team Then ahe heard a
knock at the doer and arose to open it.
Monsieur Blanc entered.
" Again I arrive myself, my angel,", he re
• ti • I'
" Oh, you must go! Ton Avast r . never
come again!" sighed poor Cornelia!: " I
have promised my family.
. " Ah, ze family!" cried Monsieur' Blanc.
" Aristocrats. But, bah! never I I mind;
Mademoiselle. I adore you." .
1" Oh !" sighed Miss Coppersmlth. I. *
'" Let us Sy!" said 3lonsier. r Let its go
lice—somevere=avay. Ve villl be "appy.
Ah, .bali ! zat family ! Zere pe6ple of ze
court so aristocratique. Come, e ll fly.
Marry me to-day.", .
He kissed her.; 'Neither of them ) were
very old or'ugly, and that which !had 'never
happened to Cornelia before happened then
—she fell desperately in love on the spot.
"I don't care fori one of, theru,'
,she; said.
"1 willmarry you. 4
Afterldark that , evenitig r two d ores. stole
out of the court arm ' , in arm. They . were
those - of M. Blanc arid • Miss CoPperinlith.
-There is no difficulty mink by thCil i ciergy in
Ferrying runaway couples of eigli i r and.fOr,
ty, and they were'wed. J '
Shortly after the first excitement of the
elopement bad ceased tAV thrill th 6 court a
per - son duly authorized boreawayi ;lite furni.
lure of Number Five and sold tbe house,
- and no one of, the genteel occupants, ever
saw Miss Coppersmith again. I'.
The family disowned her, and the old
aunt was very particular that i Cornelia's
name should 'never be.mentioned in her
hfaring. And indeed Cornelia Would not
face these outraged beings for 'the world.
In g little house over a small shop. where
pipes of all sorts are sold, she lives with her
husband. She . has groWn quite ftortik and
never was so gad in her life. Together they
walk iu the Park of sunny. StuadaYs, or go to
the , cheap seats of places of 4muszitent,
where, they have much ado heir or see
anything, and they have tiee indigestible
little slippers at ten or eleverf4'clOck.
In fact, Cornelia is no longer geitteel, 'but
she is' what-is better, !exceedingly happy.
Although the tale of her falling off, andhow
she, a resident of that place to which ped
dlers were not admitted, married one, is
still a fearful legend in 'Coppersmith Court
—.Vary Kyle Dallas. /;i' l ;;
`` When Music, heavenly maid, was yottng,"
warbles a writer in the Lonisvill4 !Cotirier-
Journal, " I have no doubt she kicked over
the traces arid acted as erratically as all her
sister muses. +But at the ',present day she
Iles gone soberly. and seriously into business:
The musical vagabond has become 'a re
spectablecitizen, with Hnoi of duty distinctly
marked oat. Passing up Thirty-sixth street
to-day, between Fifth - and • Sixth avenues,
my attention was attracted to a crowd on
the sidewalk which threateried to dam navi
gation. It was caused bY a street band of
thirteen pieces, the dressed . in a
quiet uniform of blue; 4itli fatigue caps. I
stopped at a safe distaice to listen' to them
partly from natural indolence and pittly
from a curiosity to learn how much torture
the human mind walla'.endure in the way of
an experiment. After three distinct execu
tions from these lusty fellows Of,_unextin
guitable wind, the leader commenced busi
ness. He ran up the steps to the front door
of a house, rang the bell'and demarided mu
sical alms. • He called, at !houses; on both
sides of the street witirthe coolhess of a
hardened gas collector. t It was: the genius
..f business astride of a'brass hors. After
the harvest the baud =4-ad on to take up a
new position just out of earshot c 4, the first.
Here were thirteen men. with an accom
plished leader absolutely fencing their
cal commodities on to the publie l and de.
manding their pay as if they had signed a
contract of a. most' business nature with
people they bad never seet4 but of whose
obligatory duties they !entertained not a
shadow of doubt." 11:
. ..
, Among the ladies of - honor of the late Em
press Maria, of Russia, was one :of her
country-women, a young Hessian; of whom
she was particuiarlyjouct One evening,.
says a Park correspondent, when alone with'
her sovereign, Mlle. X. threw herself at the
imperial feet, and, with many tears, avowed
that she wa# loved by the Grand Duke Alex
is and returned his passion, - wherefore she
besought her Majesty to - consent to their ,
union. The imperial reply was an immedi
ate order to the petitioner to retire to her
family at Darmstadt, and to the prince to
join his squadron in the 'Beide: But the
august masters of Russia bad not calculated.
upon the strength of true lov e; Mademoi
selle got away from her parents, or more
probably help6l by them to wake the jour
ney, took passage on a eturardteamer, and
joined the man, of her cheick in Ainericti,
where they were privately married. You ,
remember theyisit of, the Grand Duke to
the Er.ll S tates, of - course, but 'neither -
' -
youixtesarone . _. .. s ...
was there on a eitht•of wedding tour: -1--ata
assured, though, that the facts are as stated,
but fancy that there is - -a chronological error,:
,and that the episode is of much more re
cent date. However this may be, the . , pair
were joined in holy wedlock, and' the recep
tion of their marriage _certificate raised a
terrible - commetion4 , on the ',mike t the
Neva. Disgraces and vicissitudes ' all
kind's followed the . exploit; .Alexis was
threatened and cajoled to break offihe " dis
graceful connection," brit he held out brave
ly, and as the Czar's own affair with the
Princess Dolgoronki came ; in the taiek of
time to inane the paterna heart bf -indul
gence, Alexander II finally agreed to shut'.
his eyes to hi; son's situation, although
sternly refusing to recognize the legitimacy,
of the marriage. Like the people in the ;
fairy tale;-Alexis and his bride were very
happy, and now, at the solicitation -of the
Czarina; ; who appreciates _ the beauties of a
united hotisehold, Alexandei IIL proposes
to give the marriage his official sanction._
Alexis is one of the most distinguished mem
bers' of the imperial 4mily. He resembles,
in many ways,his uncle, the Grand Duke
Constantine, end, believing himself i ' much
superior, intellectually and physically, to his
brothe'rs, for years pinned his faith on the
prediction of a gypsy, by whom it was fore
told that he would some_day be seated on
the throne of the Romanoff.s. At one time.
indeed, circumstances seemed to point to the,
realization of this prophecy. The first-born'
of the Czar died at Nice, the Grand Duke
.Alexander, the present Emperor, seemed in
capable of holding the sceptor, and. gave no'
promise of becoming, what he has become,'
thanks to his wife, a dcep thinker and. earn
.-t worker. while the Grand Duke Vladimir,
effeminate ' pleasure-se,.'ter, would have
old his birthright fora casket of jewels, so
that Alexis appearedl - 11, : e'-the only one iu a
Fondition . to succeed hi, father. .S.ince'llaiS, •
•,events have upset all those dalcuLttion€,, 1)4
have not destroyed his aspirations after sov
ereign grandeur: Ilis dream was Byzan
tine, the long-cherished secret ambition of
his Uncle Constantine, but there again he
was doomed to disappointment, and so
turned toward Asia, - where he hopes to found
an empire. 'AS auyth'ng, and everything is
possible in this world, who kia - giws whether
this dauntless energy may not yet present
an imperial crown to her wtom, in the teeth
of all opposition, he has succeeded in mak
ing a princess , ? -
lilin,r said
said' stoat-
otlmi thin
pf women,
" Ypn
he's a4-a
old lady.
?" And
Do yop know why the papers are filled
with stories of crime, even in the dullest 6f
periods ? Let me explain. In the economy
of all daily journals there is an industrithis
little fellow known as the city editor. To
him come the reporters for orders. Certain
reporters have regular daily duty: One is in
police. headquarters, 'one in the Coroner's
office, One in each price court, one pi each
court of whatever. °eine. Do you catch on?
In other words, no misdemeanor great or
small, can be known in any of: the places
Where all must be known and the reporters
not get it. ' Then it's written nr. Iretnem
ber sore years ago I was city editbr of, a
metropolitan journal and ji resident of
Brooklyn wrote me from the country where
she _was passing the summer, , ' "Anyone
reading the 'Brooklyn News' in' the Times
wotild obtain the impression that there is
'loathing, done in : the City of Churches but
thiefing and rascality'in_generaL" I looked
and:Ore enough day after day the only news
from that great city, was that sent from po
lice headquarters, where the "blotter" re
corded the arrests of men' and women- for
wrongs done their fellow. citizens. Precisely
what good is 'done by-this incessant .pullica
tien of evil doing I fail to discover. If a
man has two wive... and is found ant our
children read'about IL If 'a horrid murder
•is , committ'd ifs hideous details are laid nion
tiO breakfast table with our coffee and our
rolls.' Especially if hitherto " reputable"
people are caught in any snap of disliehor,
disloyalty or social scandal are We compelled
to read it.•even if our tastes in .no way run,
in that directiox. Now and then some Wisez
acre announces that the world is growitig
worse, that these days' are not like the old
days - and that human vir:ne is a rarity..;, i
IltitaaL nature's the same yesterday. to
day and forever. 'l'ile people of the earth
are closer together than they were one huu,
dred yea!rs ago. That's the. only difference.
If in Paris, CouStantinople. San Francisco,
New Orleans and piiilad-lphia there is to
-day ad eaM ulmurder the people of the
round g obe will real of each and all in the
monairif.„ papers.
A gentleman who had just retuned from
the Yellimstone, states the Helena rmiepeid.
'tilt, casually . remarked, . Whilii talking last
evening with some other Alen at the, Cos
inopolitan, that he came near being drowned
in that river while on his recent trip. A re
porter who was present asked if the Yellow
stone was really so dangerous a stream as it
is repo to be by the newspapers. "Yes,
decid yr' was the reply ; " and the news.
papers .i n't tell half the truth, either. . I'd
be willing to bet that there have been fully a
hundred men drowned this year, ! not to say
Anything of those who are murdered, i ant -
theu rown into the river to cover np the
Crime You see, the current is very rapid
and violent, and the liver is full of loose
boulder's, and logi:,' snags, and rubbish of
various kinds, and nine times out of ten the
bodies of drowned or murdered men, after
petting into the current.. are never seen
again. ' 'The water dashes, them ,about on
the rocks and snags and literally tears them
to. pieces. When a body is found it is , gen
erally s 6 bruised and mutilated that identifi
cation is alinost impossible, and there is no
wty of telling whether the dead man was
simply drowned or had fallen a victim to
EO/lio of the murderous devils with which
that whole Country is infested. The fact is
the remark, another man drowned in the
Yellowstone' is becoming so common down
there that the people have got used to it and
take but little interest in such. accidents.
There is not much syuipatby expressed for
drowned people, either, and whena floater ia
found• the common remark is, ' he's out of
back,' or ' died of too , much water on the
stomach.' " ' .
The WeeUde Phenomena That Were Seen
Reeendy In the Golden Mate.
- A. series of the .most destructive - water
spouts ever recorded ran riot over portions
of Kern. San Berardino and Inyo counties
on Pridh, From , the line of . destruction
there must have beep several of these fear.
ful visitors. One of the greatest was discos.
.ersal in the afternoon of that day, about two
miles west of Coyote Holes, on the stage
read hetween Caliente and Lone Pine, mov.
-lug north. It was terrible in its I work of
destruction - for lrAt miles in extent. For
nine miles it followed the line of the stage
road, and swept it away comptely. : In
places it followed the track of the r thirty
feet in depth.
,The Supervisors f Kern
county have sent a force or men ',teams
to make This spout came through
the mountains at Walker's Pass, leaving a
line of destruction of 174 miles. The same
or -another spout_ south of Coyote Hole,
swept =oil the line of the new - Atlantis:and
-Path& lititilioadi . Vber.--_ll-4KitAUßbdatig
spegtaele was found. 'The water washed the
roadbed away, but s the. rails remained and
held the debris of the storm in miscalls:mime
confusion. ' lu_the mass of matter arrested
ty the rails and ties were two grizzly bears,
a- large number of coyotes, jack rabbits,
wilLkats, various kinds of snakes (about SOO
:if them), rattlesnakes,' many coiled around
the . iails ', to save theMselves from- being
whirled any further and being killed' by the
flying inass,of stones, gravel and all manner
of matter that was hurled along by the rest.
less storm. About the \ same time, 'on the,
opposite side of the mountains, on the south'
fork of the Kern Iliver, another spout came
down the canyon' . and 'carried away a fine
farm :,
and covered the laud wits water. In
TajOu Pass another similar storm came roar
ing out to the plain; destroying the little In
(Ilan ,village in au instant, ; Carrying away
their horses, Mouses,; dogs, cornfields and
vineyarck'Jind drowning severalrof the In
dians and wounding nearly[eVery one more
or less. The great, dry plain tfor twenty
miles north to Pampa was converted iinto a
'Lake, which slowly settled away into the licit
ancithir,,ty, soil. Already there appear to be
found the tracks of four of these dmi, ful
aud - wond:rful Stones ' that Moved froin
Soilth to N . c.iAli. As they came fre'm a part
of the count 4 where there is 0 water, the
,question naturally arises. lire did the
Water come, from? Thos'e- who saw the
floods saw the water come ina body, as if a
lake had instantly fallen ou the earth. Who lost—any lakes ".• if , any_ speak ! The
only lakes near the Source ofAhefe streams
are dry 'lakes, which everybody who ever
tmvelbd over would be glt4 tk, lose without
offering any reward for theirreturn. It is
probable that this great mtaelysin may not
be an, unmixed evil. The great (arrests
ploughed by this gigaUtic force must change
the features of the country very materially.
In this change it is altogether:probable that
veins of metal have' been exposed along its
track.—Lor. An9cles (CaL)Commercial.'
They have the t
! Same idiotic little carriages
as in England, /writes a Bayreuth corres-•
pokr3ent of the Louisville - Courierjotirnal,
'comprising from four to six compartments,
each holding eight people in the first and
second, reed ten persons in the-
. third ell-cq
Compartments. In Bavaria there are fourth
chths cars 'or carriages. • These !are prirtel'•
pally used in time of war for the "transporta
tion of troops, and are plainly marked, "To
contain ten horses or thirty-six teen." • Save
in France the service, such us it is, is every
where equal, if not superior, to that in Eng
land. One haS to personally sa t e his bag.
gage in theluggage van and noti only-give
trinkeet to have, it labelled, but also to
havA,it put aboard. The guard is.the mon
arch of the train, and runs it apparently
-solely in the interest of tireself. While he
cannot take money for a fare, whether or
no, _with unblushing coolness he will take
a bribe from anybody for anything; and
even 'an officer Of the road thinks itquite the'
proper thing to pay 'tribute 'to the guaid
should he wish to occupy an entire compart
ment. So far does this guard l bribing go
that, so I was .told by- an English); gentleman
of standing, a train of thirteen first and sec- .
and-class carriages moved out of Cologne
last week containing sixty-seven people,
when there were accommodations for over
450 people, add over 100 perso were left
at the station •W \ tio desired to4ake this par.
ticnlar train. 1. i he guards h , Sold the ex
clusiveness of ;fiearly every compartment on
this train to individual paisengers. con
nection with this universal nuisance I have
heard it seriously stated that the; real reason
why the introduction of the Airtertcan sleep
ing cars upon . continental railwa,i' lines could
scarcely be effected was the giPpesition of
'these very guards, who would) thus lose a
great portion - of their revenue. you have
to\ travel all night, 'by slipping' 'a five-Mark
piece (about 41.25), or very nmeh.less„,into
the of the guard, you will secure an
entire compartment, or,' at least, One side of
one, where, you can stretch at . full length,
whatever may be the discomforts; of ckther
passengers, too poor or too , ignorant to em
ploy the-same system A berth in the dirty
little sleeping cars that have crept, into the
service, and which contains about four corn.
partments of four berths each, costs three
times as much; and is not half as comforta
ble, as these sleepers have no ticcominoda.
tiona whatever—the conductor,i• usually a
rile fellow, who continually insists upon
your purchasirig his bad wines, rfusing o to
blacken your boots, brush you or do up
your berth in the morning. although he is
conductor and porter in One:
Patricia !dilmo, which we infer is Mexican
for Paddy Miles, is the richest man in Mexi
co, hislreputed ,wealth being $10,( )0,000.
He ownaan estate of 400,000 acre& Mil
ino's mesa has, a reputation all over the
country. - A part - of it is cultivated for corn,
grapes, sugar-cane and maguey. Nfibno's
residence is on the summit—a handsome
stone structure, very large and ornamented
by cornices and pillars imported from France
and the United States. The interior is like
a palace, and so rich with-gold and silver
and precious stones` that the eye is dazzled
with their splendor. 31ilmo is President of
the Bank of Mexico, an institution with
poivers and privilege's. in that country as
great as are • the Bank of England's in
Britain. His, Santiago VidarTi,
was executed for supplying money to revo
lutionists, and he himself harrowly escaped
a similar death, though he was connected in
a ,monetary 'Sense, with the opposing for
ces. Since then brigands have Captured
him several times and campelled-him to
from $lO,OOO to $23,000 ransom. These
adventurers have. taught him precaution,
and helms turned.the mesa into a sort of
citadel, accessible by only a narrow path,
obstructed by an, iron' gate , of enormous pro
portions. -He has distilleries and several
factories,. in which goods are manufactured
for his own use, ou the mesa, and intends to
retire to his mansion whenever another
insurrection is imminent. It is said when
be came to Mexico he did'ilot haVela dollar,.
and got 'his start in busineia from his father'.
in-law.—St. Louis Republican.
-!ilbere arttgaLos for alt our losses,"
tin saki when I was young. •
Issi 4 MO song again, • ;
not be with that refrain, ,
-AVtdch bat suits an Idle tongue:
jUrela are not for the old '
them, lads. Qire Seam gold.
VIM% an 'everlasting name?
'M m
ien yMe was In Its mama f -
One fair woman liked my Woks:
Now that Time has driven his plow'
In deep to OAS cin my brow,
I'm to more th her good bt:olm.
TherWare gains for all our 10 - sses?"
'Grave beside the wtatry sea,
Wheremy Matta, and my heart,
NW they mild not, lire apart,
Whattkas Been your gain to me? •
Ito Ithe words I wag were We,
bad WM ever so mamba ;
Death, and Age, tout vanished Youth •
AI/ declare the tatter.ultlN
There', aa kw tar every atm •
, -'fliga - TAl l l4lc-
Some Points nt"Courparison Between Ger.
isms and Americas' Ways of Eallui.
There is' a great deal said in America
about the rapidity with which we eat. It is
a subject which has been the burden of
Many a medical lecture and many a newspa
per article, and the national disease dyspep- •
sia is attributed to this cause. That we_ are
fast eaters . there is no doubt , but the English_
are slow eaters, and they have livers which
for general and unremitting torpidity Will
discount. oars, while the average English
stomach will yield more bile to the square
inch than the stomachs of any other people
on eaith. Here in Saxony, where dyspepsia
is a disease seldom hea - rd of, unless it is
brought over by, a Yankee buyer, or tourist,
or consul; the people eat aout twice as fast
as we do, • V nej - er sale su h fast eating in
'my life. They eat as we o when at a rail
read restaurant, after the Conductor `gets up
and looks at'his watch. And their stomachs
do not bother them. They haVe as.' little
'trouble With their digesdoh as an American
bank cashier has with his conscience. In
America We are told that we should not gc
about our . dafs business until we have- first
eaten a good brenicfpst. 'A goOd breakfast
is supposed to consist of
_a cup of coffee,
some ham and eggs; or' beefsteak, or a few
slices of bacon,•or some oatmeal` porridge,
and a large quantity of toast or of bread and,
butter,] It is not a good bieakfast until you
feel as if you had eaten all :that you could
eat. It Germany; - people
~ d o not eat big
breakfaks—thousands do dot eat any break
fast at all, unless a cup
_of coffee; - With or
without a slice of bread, may be called by
that name. They, drink no'. beer, as a rule,
in the morning. ' At' noonj business is" sus,
pended for two hours, and a good hearty
ditmeris followed by a rest or a nap. . Two
hotirs of rest at dinner time givc - s them plen
ty of opportunity to rest themselves thor
oughly both in mind' and body before begin
ning the labors of the afternoon. And their
dinners; as -1. - have Mentioned before, are as
plain as plain could be. But there is , noth- -
ing on the table when they sit down to , eat
that isn't genuine. The coffee isn't rye and
chicory. The Lan. 'isn't lime and water.
The sugar isn't sWeetened sand. The butter
is neither lard nor oleomargarine. The beef
did not die a natural death. , The 'vinegar
isn't poisonous. The mustard , isn't yellow
clay.. And the entire meal isn't a fraud, as
is so often the case in oar own beloved coun
try. There are laws here which punish any
body who adulterates or--, Misrepresents an
article of food.. German laws are neither
sneered, laughed' or winked at more than'
once. = Sasony Correxpondence ''Chicago
Net, • - .
There is something peculiar about. som
nambulism when considpred. from a scien4;
tic and" philosophical. stand-point. Tli?fl
sleep-walker. it will be found, still retains
dim idea, even whilp hp. is asleep. of the .1
condition of affairs when he went'to sleep.
For instance, if he leaves his clothes iika per- ,
Lain part of the room on retiring; he knows
whet he rises just where to find them, even 1
in the dark. Thi, a question which opens
up a wonderful field for physiological and-1
mental research. .
While youngand giddy we became a sOm- •
nambulist and excited a great deal of curio r s,
ity by our strange freaks during sleep, and
this one
,que.stion of the slumbering, mind.
and its memory of .ifacts existing prior ,to,
sleep was the most - remarkable thing about
it all to us. Nyi3 puzzled 'over that a „good
deal. At nightivre Would retire to rest and
the next thing ire would know, -we would'
wale up in the middle ,of• a contiguous
melon patch, and. there would be two or
three other somnambulists there in the same
patch, and as much surprised' as we were.
Still there Is the same truth staring us in'
the face. Every somnambulist there hadi
through his sleep,retaitecl, in his semi-cony
scions state a perfect iecollection '._ol where
every article of his clothing was and holy to
get out •of .thel un:4stairs window without
waking the old people.
Bye and bye . owner of the myon
patch procured, at - igreat expense, a - lrge
humorous bulldog,l who Wes also a somnam
.11e walkedin his sleep a good Ci l eaL_
That is why we q!uit. We didn't pioprke
to descend to the level of the brute creation.
We; just said, if a bulldog wants to.sontnam,
be can do so and t'Ve will leave the field to
him. I •
We made this -ipsolutiOn. one night just•
after we had- plugged a watermelon. While
stooping 'over in the act, We felt a pang of
conscience -and hea l C.-ti our suspenders break.
Perhaps the casmil reader* has never sat
down on a buzz..saiv- and felt himself gradu:
ally fading away. If so he does not know
what it is to form the- acouaintance of a
somnambulist bulldog in the prime of
After 'that, soair.ambnlisrn didn't have
such a run in our farndy for a While: We
'never, slept so 50ut:...1 that we didn't remem
ber places and objects that had made in Ira
'pression on us prior to slynber, and that , is
why we say that there is something in this
matter that scientists would do well to look '
Nearly every one has read of, the plain of the
Journey of Death, ninety miles wide. located in
the western part of New Mexico.. It is a plain
zovered with grass and delightful to the eye t
but was for some years entirely devoid
' , water._ The soil was of a peculiarly porous
.quality, but would not hold the .ritin th 4
fell on the surface: It was the great bug 7
bear of emigrants traveling through the!
Southwest, hundreds of.' whom, with their':
cattle, have perished with • thirst within its
confines. Some individual, however. went
over it prospecting for water, and finally,.
after expending some thousands of dollar's,
succeed in striking an abundance of water
in a well dug 'about midway of . the plain,
where he made considerable money supply
ing emigrants with water. . The government
afterwards A bought the well, making it free,paying the owner a very comfortable stun
forlit. Since that, however, the railroad
has been built across the plain and the coma
-pany'bas dug innumerable wells, so that the
plain has become a real grazing groand.—E
Paso Herald.
$1.50 a Yeir, in Advance.
A.Graveyard and Neat Making Brick*
It may have been the doleful effect of- the
- sermon that decided us to drive over to the
3lexican graveyard. It is of small Compose
and 'rests on the side of a mountain. The
Texans tellies death occurs here from the
too - frequent ttso of six-shooters rather thin
disease, The size of tide graveyankor "el
murto," corroborates this - statement. It
'seems impossible for "the Mexicans tg
themselves froieti adobe,` even after , death.
The bodies are' placed in adobe tombs to
keep them from the coyotes that infest this
region. Some of these tombs are already
almost completely demolished by these hun
gry animals. The bricks look light and As
though easily crumbled, but on trying to
move one I found it as heavy as stone of the
same size. Blocks of wood, - ;bearing Span
inscriptions, were inserted ill 'the heids
of the tombs. They. , take no pains to beau
tify their "el murto." - Inside a green rail
ing was buried an American mojher and
Chß& Y The gat" of the 10C - vut - padlocked,
au rannecessazyprecanikit, itithe !rangwas '
low enough to scale or light enough to be
taken up and carried off, padlock and all. •
Monday morning wedrove down to see
them making adobes. They make an
" =mai" by drawing the 7ater through a
ditch from the creek to vc;here the adobes are
to be made.' This water, clay and chcpped
hay form the adobe material.. The i workers
presented a picturesque appearance, the red
handkerchiefs bound - abcut their foreheads
contrasting with their. breezed skins; glitter
ing eyes and dark hair. They were gray
colored shirts and pants that might haVe'
been white at the embarkment of Noah's
ark. They were roiled high above the •
knees., Two of the men stood knee-deep.iu
the' mud, with which they loaded an oblong
litter, trotting with it-to a teen on the hill -
above, who moulded -.11.1i3 bricks.: He bad a
hollow, rectangular frame, three bricks in
depth and diVided in the centre. -• '
Placing this on the ground he filled it
with mud from the litter. smoothed the land
even-at the top, and -raising the litter ) left
two bricks on the groimd, while the two men
trotted back rind again loaded the litter.
After these adobes dry on the top they are
turned sideways to harden is the sun. At
night they are carefully covered with- tar.
pauline, in case of rain o .wlaich destroys them
.if it falls digfore they - ;are hardened. The
Mexicins, i i building their houses, hollow
out a place id front of -the building, where
the " acquai" is formed to make the adobe,
and when the house is anished use this hol.
low for debris. ti
• The daily papers, telephone. and electric
light on the Laramie plains, where erst the
ghastly emigrant stretches himself in the
glad sunlight' With the roof of his -head
pulled off And a bouquet of Indian arrows in
the pit ofil ; 13 stomach. are marks of the on
ward march of Western civilization that we
cannot ignere. . Where Big Steve and those
other gory I.mnorists were hung against the
evez:ing ,Ity. the buSy gr.oceryllclerk wraps
tip tl o ,ardine and the picnic pickle for the
N:•ar where the outlaw band waved
their feet the horizon as they endeav
bred to•get more air, and where -their wild
-gyzana,,tics shutout the moonlight ,as they
, trUggle-.1 to kick some Pieces out of the
milky way, commerce now fills the air' with
i::.,1• - rx hum and the effete Eastern' clerk
des up one pair of elastic suspOders
and two pairs of red' flanncl under-shirts tv
4:e La.rterr_ snob irho came out here to ob.
literate thelogaile tribe of the Cockeyed Pie
Bites of the. Laramie
.. : The ninneer canal on its way across tht
valley up the bones of Old Moln ., t,
the Si.ium brave, and; 4:e pale face
who lives East Laramie, while making
bed and doing
,other chamber
the vertebra of Ittickskin
tint: lluip Terior of the Wild, .Wild
"ri is 411 - .,er that all this should consuine so
and it seems odd that where once,
1 short time ago, the fearless pioneerrode
~ w t) the street and shot' out., the lights in
bllliard halls just as the, players were
.T,c,ing to saw mi l and go home, the street-car;
will soon glide its silvery glade, and the
youn i ; man,with the placque hat and
the sm.:Leant
, cane;.: and the garden-hale
pantaloons, . and the shoes With- painted'
toes trill wall: ock,"jotir sore , feet, and fall
into your lap, and crush: your plug hat
j::-t the same. as he does in Chicago or New
. .
li, re in Laramie, progress is visible
4.v,irwl,pre.. We have had one enobezzle th:s and-- uries lira on the
market jti.t as they are in tie East.
, .
from' the Atlantic seaboard can
con:e her...t and dOault jast as they would: at
rnale tvahout being Iy - 11a:it-ff. The vigilance
coathiittt•e Las di's - baided, and now if you
cam here you will find water.: works and
white ve.,tt:. and telegraphic news and a good
We are proud of all this, and we .have a
right to he.. We found did impulsive and, at
times irritable red man here, and we planted
schoolhouses and churches balls stead. We
just changed cur names ,and came West, to
ltad a different life and make civilization get'
right up on its hind legs and howL Natufe
gave us a fertile soil, dotted with arrow:,
heads, mo,i-agates; old buffalo skulls andt
other tropical verdure. All it needs is irri
gation and patience. Our Mineral industries,
too, are coming to the front, arid our mining.
stock, if propirly irrigate 4, will also thow
wonderful results.
Progress is the proper thing after all, and
the more we see of it the more we like it—
There were several cases of family troub
les in the Cincinnati Police Court last Mod
day. One of the - first cases was that' of
Conrad Bently, living at No. 44 Carr street
Conrad's wife . find son appeared against
him, from whose testimony it appeared that
for the last five years Conrad has not sup
ported his family very well, and has *Fels
ed :a most uncomfortable terrorism over
them. This has not been so much, by actual
.physical violence as' by working upon their
tears througli their superstitions. The wo
man confessed that hei-had succeeded in
making her believe that he is in possession
of a Wenderfni book of magic which he keeps
safely hidden away, and consults at'. his lei
stire. By means of the information derived
,froni its mysterious pages his power under
certain conditions extended to life and death.
Ile had apparently convinced her "'that her
eldest daughter, by-a former husband; had
fallen a Victim to his malevolence and un
canny, knOwledge. On Sunday night he
pretended to have gathered from this book
of magic, by what me ., ils he could command
the doors to close fast, and intinaatdd that he
world cast a spell upon his wife—be would
by perfectly safe means put his wife and her
eldest son, his, stepson,
,'out' of existence.,
rhey saw him go for., knife and return with
.t [learning in his hand, When the wife and
his children got out of the door. Conrad ii
a furniture-worker iu one of .the establish
ments of the City. The Court fined him irga
and thirty days, suspending -the days on
promise of reform and the, destruction of his
book of magic.
NO. 18