THE REPUBLICAN. .% DSON HOLCOMB. Pitorvirross. 'C.' , IS. L. TRACY, I JUDSON HOLCOMB,' Editor. CHAS. U. ALLEN, Asiociato Editor. "Reasonable taxes,lionest FlTenditures, com petent ofticfrs, and no stealing.',— harpers Weekly. •it Entered in tine Post 04llee at remands is SECO\ D- C LASS NATTER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1882 Republican, State Ticket. FOR oorza.xon. Opor. JAMES A. BEAU EH, of Centre Co uicunerwrr-ourcasoa WILLIAM T. DAVIES, of Bradford Co JUDGE OP TRE,SUPREME COURT, WILLIAM HENRY RAWLE, of Phila dolphin. - SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS, JOHN M. 'GREER, of Butler Co. (X)NGTIZSSIL&N - AT - LARGE, MARRIOTT BROSIUS, of Lancaster Republican County Ticket. MR CONGRESS: E - DWARD OVERTON; - JR; (Subject to deciaion of Congressional Conference FOR REPRESENTATIVE JAMES P. COBILRN. E. J.-AYERS. • • B. B. MITCHELL. DR. C. H. .SCOTT JURY COMMISSIONER. NELSON GILBERT The Democratic convention at Laporte last week made the following nominations Senator, James Deegan, of . Laporte ; Rep; resentative, B. S. Collins, of Dushore District -Attorney, A. Logan Grim, oi Laporte.; Jury Commissioner, John Ifullanl of Elkland. , _ The great west is -big in all ita attribute and, commercial enterprises, and even its amusements appear to attain to mammoth proportions. The Denver merchants have just entertained, four thousand merchant guests at a barbecue. It must be. admit ted that this was a sizable supper party. The Maine election, taken . in connection with the pending one in Oregon, seems to show that the complexion of the next Congress is not likely to be so . certainly Democratic as some of the reactionary jour nallof the middle States had beef' Jakin. foe granted. The State of Maine affords a good test of the tone of the national senti ment, and has long done so. The Republican victory in Maine grows larger as the returns Como in and" the gains made by the party are: simply immense. Such a whirlwind and general overthrow of an opposing party as the Republicans have brought about is an omen which gll true Thipublicans in Pennsylvania cannot fail to obierve without a feeling of confidence of like success in November. Success will come, and Maine but speaks the signal of increased Republican unity and strength. There iS ; probabirnorailroad in course of construction in this State that has shown such a heterogeneous mixture of workmen As the Pine Creek road. Hungarians and Sweeties, Italians and Greeks,. Scythians andllarbarians, the Hittities - and AmoriteS, Mongolians and Malays, Caucassians -and Ethiopians, have all been pressed into the service. We now learn that negro women dressed in male attire are also swinging'the mattock. At least - one such case has come under our ncrtice. She is employed under the Malone Brothers'contract, and goes out with the pick anti shovel with the boys and does her (lays work With the rest. Malone, the boss, declares that she,is one of the best men on the works.-11 - illiAnispirt Sun. The Lewisburg Chronicle, published at the home Of Charles S. Wolfe, says: "We have conversed, lately,' with ; a number of staunch republicans, hitherto supporters of the Independent movement, and unswery lug persontil friends of Hon. Chas. S. j Wolfe r whd have, after mature l l-and calm deliberation; made up their minds to support the regular Republican ticket;:: Their reasons are,,that a vote for the Independent ticket will be an indirect vote for Pattison, and the., triumph of our mutual political foe. Thfs is the correct view of the matter; and while We do not charge intentional duplicity on the part of any one who may vote the Independent ticket, we' ask all to look the issue squarely in the eye, and see if our view is not the correct one. Unless a change takes place in -favor of the Jude pendents abSolutely miraculous in its char acter, they cannot hope, to come off victo , rious in November. Their entire vote will be just that many taken from the Republi can party and checked off to the credit of the Democratic party." If the Independents are a minority of the Republican party, as they have officially proclaimed themselves to be, it is difficult to under:4lnd by what, title they claim the right to control the organization. If they are a majority it is equally difficult to see what advantage they gain by . placing themselves just where the bosses want then . ; outside the party, and sacrificing all the advantages of position. So long asiparty machinery was used to prevent a fair con test inside the party, revolution . was the only . resource ; but the mere dread-that a fight inside the party might not lead to full success at once, does not justify . revolt. Lasting reforms are slowly made. If the Democratic party is too hopelessly corrupt to be worthy the Independents open .sup port, and: the Independents have always declared that this is true, it would seem •to an ordinary intelligence as though their only hope lay in the remodeling of the Re publican party. If this is their piirpose they-seem to have gone one step farther than the old philosopher, who, while sure he could move the world, wanted a place . to stand on while the feat was performed.— . Delaware Republican. The Deliartme Of Agriculture in its September reportfVestimates the Winter wheat crop of the country at 380,000,000 bushels, and the Spring wheat at 1:10,000, • 000, a total of 520,000,000, or 22,000,000 greater than the yield of the season of 1880. These figures are from a conservative source and probably too low, but with a wheat yield of no more than 520,000,000 bushels, and the of lower prices in foreign markets, owing to the improved expecta tions of the crpp in France, Germany, and ' Hungary, it will not be in the power of specu lators to forcej wheat up to- $1.50 a bushel this winter. Some who live upon the re turns of more or less successful "operations" in the 'produce market are asking whether great crops and low prices are an, unmixed blessing. It is safe, to say that the workers and producers of ' the country, even the grain producers, have nothing tolear from such a combination of circumstances ; and so long as the laws afford no protection against the evils of speepktivo juggling with articles of prime necessity, there is cause for general satisfaction that this wholesome end is reached through the over flowing bounty of the earth.- 1 ' ', It appears that discusskin of the question of c the rights of Bradford County to elaim the nomination for Congress fOr:the coming term, is not to be tolerated by certain local Republi can leaders. I NVe have said nothing in our 'columns that we were not warran ted in saying by the acknowledgement of the Bradford County candidate him-' self. His complaints of us are extreme ly unreasonable andi witbimt -just cause or provocation. ' We Are informed that. unfavorable comment has been made by Col. Over ton and his friends, upon the non appearance of Cot Overton's name - at the head of our columns as the choice of Bradford county for Congress. We assure all such that the fact; hai no significance whatever, so far as we are concerned. The omission was entire ly an oversight. Our attention laving beciallled to it, we now place it there, and 14pe we shall hear no more com plaindon that score.. , Wq-have received a communication, on thci subjeet of the management of the affairs of the coint7 making grave charges, inferentially, against the Board of County Commissioners. As the chargesiare nOt speciffe, and only in direct, we decline to publish the com munication. If however, there are proofs upon which - charges of wrong can be established, they should be made over it responsible signature. In such case we will publish them as a matter of duty in public interest. Our democratic opponents, says the North American, seem to' have done all their rejoicing in advance' over the calcilation as to the prospect of their carrying a majority in the next Con- gress. and the prospect now appears to be slowly and gradually unfolding that the Republicans will be able r to hold their own in the lower flou'se and _ob tain a clear majority in t itle Senate. As usual, therefore, the Democratic politicians -let the cat out of the bag too soon, and thus spoiled their own game The Republican State Committee is organizing a vigorips campaign to be prosecn , ted- inchistriously up to the leection. Chairman CoOpel. - announces; that Senators Frye land Hale, of Maine, Secretary Chandler, Senator. Logan, Senator Allison, (and other eminent t i speakers w` ill speak in the State for the Regular ticket.. A Eina'nce Commit tee composed of tWo members from each county has been appointed,and held their first meeting at the Continental Hotel, in. Philadelphia on Tuesday last, to make arrangements for the prosecu tion of the ;campaign in their respective counties. Hon. Edward Overton and Capt. B. M. Peck are the members from this county. Tile Honesdale (citizen of Thursday last, republishes an' ediforial from the e Scranton Republican on the subject of the Congressional question in this :dis trict, and•makes the following temper• ate and fliir comments upon it: Elsewhere we re-publiSh an article from the Scranton Repitb/iccin ' on the congress ional nomination in this. district, and Mr. Jadwin's claims to a ,secend term. As the editor of the Republican is 'also a member of the present Howse, he has special oppor tunities of knowing the nature and extent of Mr. Jadwin's official duties, the manner of their performance, and the full measure of his services to his constituents. On these points, therefore, his views are entitled to great weight. As between Mr. Jadwih and his competi- r tors in the other counties of the district, the Republican presents the case as it nat urally appears to one outside the dictrict. We have reason to believe, however, that this competition, especially on the part of Bradford, is apparent rather than real. The presentation of Col. Overton's name was undoubtedly for the purpose of sus taining his prestige as against rivals in his own county, rather than 'with a view to de priving Mr. Jadwin of the re-nomination to which he is justly entitled, and reducing Wayne to the grade .of a congressional "yearling.'", The Republicans of Wayne are unwilling to believe otherwise, and will be slow to do so until future developments force a different conviction upon them. At the same time, they are not a little disap pointed to find Bradford lacking in the ap preciation which they regard as due to Wayne, in view of the past relations be tween the two Counties. Mr. Jadwin ex presses the utmost confidence that Bradford will act in good faith toward Wayne, and join in re-nominating hini. He certainly is in a position to know the "true inwardness" of Col. Overton's candidacy, and his views of ;the situation should be accepted by his friends, until the appearance of conclusive i l , reasons for regardin i t as erroneous. The coin tents of the Citizen, present the.situati n as we are given to understand it. ' We feel, that fol lowing the usages of the' party, Mr. Jadwin' is entitled to a second nomina tion. In saying this, we do not wish to be understood 'as being personally hostile to Col. Overton. With us it is only a question of what will be best for the interests of the party .in the, present juncture. If the nomination properly belonged to Bradford for, the coming term Col. Overton would melt 1 • with no opposition from .us. He i ac quitted himself honorably in'Cc' Ingress and left a good Mcord. , He stands high in the estimation of his fellow members, and his services are acknowl edged and appreciated by his consti tuents. But there are Strong reasqns, founded in justice andtight, why Mr. Jadwin should not be tlitt off with one term, and Wayne made a "yearling. _lf Mr. Jadwin had failed of his duty ! as - a Representative, or had so cenducied himself officially as to render him , dis tasteful and, objectionable to his non l'1;l' stituents, no law or isage would 0 1- gate them to ' re-nominate him. cßut no such allegation is Made. On the contrary, he is 'swathed the credit throughout his districtind outside of it, of being an efficienit lindustrious; and painstaking inember.l That his votes have been uniformlfr right, no one will deny. We say ohly, that it, would be unwise to ove 4 rst4 the usages of the district and defeat Mr. Jadwin's nomination. In saying this, we cast no reflections upon the individual mer its of any other Candidate. We tire assured that there is no'' disagreement 'or misunderstanding- between Col. Overton _and M. Jad*in, and that their friendly relations are not disturbed in any way by the candidacy of 'the, former in this county: ,W,e pave. hat confidence in all the candidates prften ted, to think that they would ilot steop to any dishonorable means to achieve a nomination unfairly.; The gentle men named as conferees froin Brad- , ford are intelligent and hon'rable men who will aim to so act as to protect the interests of the Republican: party and insure success in the district. They 'canna fail to know how public send went, stands 'in this county on the ConOessional tplestion, and to fully realize the consequenceof disregarding it. No action should be taken by candi dates or conferees thit cannot be de. fended upon principles of right and justice. He who attempts to dictate or advise any other course, hazards the success of the ticket, and not a true friend of the Republican cause. Ban ish, Prejudice; banish biekerings, and misrepresentations poured into the ears of candidates to stir up anger. purgue the straight road , of justice and right and be well in the result. The work of dredging the river betweeni Wilkesbarie and Forty FOrt having been finished, the survey to the State line will at once be proceeded with. John pager, Government engineer, has charge of this survey, and' has opened an office in Pittston. Yesterday the men und l ex him entered upon their duties. :They are' to be divided in three squads, Working at, different points, and expect to Complete the survey in about two months. „An appropriation of $15,000 was made by the Goyernnient, through Congressman Scranton's efforts, for the further prosecution of tide Work, it will be remembered. After the survey is completed, of coulso a much larger sum will be required to dq the dredging and 04'0,- ecessary vgfirk, but if the project shall b e echied pdcticable, this ought to be r :ly obtained. The channel cleared beloW Vilkesbarre has re mained open thus far, ind the government engineers express pelect confidence that the improvement will .l e permanent: ) , ` The scheme of making thT i Susquehanmi- navi gable has been long To4el, with varying opinions. Now that ‘i . is . being pushed, with a prospect of early ciimpletioit, the en terprise assumes additional importance,'and much greater interest i$ manifeoed therein than ever before.—PitistonlGazette. ' At Creedmoor on Saturday there were four entries for the Hilton trophy, being the Pennsylvania, the Michigan and,iNew York teams, and a team from the division of the Atlantic United- States army, ,Tbe Pennsylvania tenni won by a score of 988 against 984 for the Michigan, the next highest. ; For the inter-State military match .the Pennsylvania, Michigan and New York teams contested. • The Pennsyl vania team won this also, with a; score of 989 against 981 for New York and 965 for 'Michigan. For the two gold medals offer-: ed by two leading business firms of New York, one to the man making the highest score in each team, the regulars and substi-, bites of the American and;' British riHd teams aide contested. In thS British team, Callwell Won. with 172 points.l Dolan, of the American team, won wittit: 85 points. The Americans fired but Seven shots at the 200, 600 and 1000 yard ranges, while the Briti'sh fired ten shots, which accounts for the difference in scoring. ; Tho 'contest at Creedmixir lips ended as most people expected from the first that it would end—in the success of the, visiting marksmen. They hav4i won the match, and they have Wen it by a inmAsome mar gin. When at the close of the first day's shooting the Americans we only nineteen points behind, there seem to be, a-fair chance that they would agreeably surprise their desponding friends, and that even if they did not win, they would make the match a close one. • When it camp to the long•range shooting the British marksmen shot ahead, and at the chise of the match they had 1975 points to their credit, as congiared with 1805 scored by the Amer icans. The frauds in the voting list from the FOurih and Fifth wards that have been developed by the United States authorities in this city, says the Philadelphia North American, are in that portiOn of the city bOrdering on - the commercial front of ihe Delaware river which is devoted to sailors boarding-houses. 1 While the names assess ed pretend to include all the sailors Who were in the habit of stopping at those houses when in port, the real truth. is that when election come; the sailors "fire personated by repeaters engaged in the interests 'of the Democratic candidates. . • That we have net been guilty of the least, exaggeration as regards the rapid stiides ofj the. city of Chicago toward commercia l power and supremacy may be seen by a statement contained in the .report of. the post-office agent who was sent from Wash ington city by th( Postmaster-General to , investigate the condition of the Chicago postal service. This agent reports the tonishing fact that as is distributing office Chicago exceeds in importande NeW York, Boston and Philadelphia combined.; The statement seems incredible, and yet it comes from an official source.. It may be noted with excusable satisfac tion that the share of these r anty honors won by the American marksmen last week at Creedmar were carried off by he Pennsylvanians, who were victorious in the Intei-State • match, open to the army and to the National Guard, and who,;, also succeeded in securing the Hilton trophy. In view of this double victory, the superi ority of their:nuAsmanship will hay be contested. Sir Garnet Wolseley has justified his boast. He promised that the Egyptian campaign should be ended on the 15th of September,: and it was. Luck has stood by him to the,; Arabi is a prisoner ; the colonels hive laid down alms ; the potables have assured the lasilive of their loyalty ; the fellaheen have returned to their ploughs ; Cairo has surrendered, and the safety of its Christian inhabitants is assured. The Democrats of Texas have so reap portioned the CongresOpnal.districts of that State, for the purpose of carrying the whole of them, that there is , a mere chance for such a reaction a's may 'show that they have overreached` themselies: It is said tluit the 'Republiciiis will probably elect three of the members by the aid of Independent candidates. The Harrisburg. Teleigaph calls attention to tho fact that w as the Committee of One Hundred Who'discovered the almshouse steal in Philadelphia, and not Pattison. To be sure, it was Pattiso i n's business as Comp ttroller, but he neglectiid it;and so the Com mittee of One Hund • I - had to find it out for Pattison. The next House of Representatives will consist of 325 voting embers, of whom a majority will be-163. There,will be in that House 121 Representatives frOm the solid Southern States. Republicans must see the importance of holding every Congressional distridt possible in 'Pinusylvania. POLITICAL PORTS. Dr. 'Doane announces that ha is out of politics and will not make any address du ring the pending canipiiign, in favor of the Independent.-- Williamsport Danner. We are . keeping a sharp lookout for; a gleam of Democratic sense, or some faint indication that the leaders of the Demo cratic party are not hopeless. —BOsion Herald.! Senator -Mitchell, should imitate the ex ample of the Lewisburg Chronicle—repent' and support the Republican ticket. It is un wise, unpatriotic and suicidal to aid the Democrats by voting for Stewart.—Potter Journal. The declaration iu faior Civil Service re form and the - prinCiples of Andrew Jackson — 7 " to victors belong the spoils "—is enough to make a .wooden Indian relax the lineaments of his lumber physiognomy.:— Scranton Republican. The legislature'elected in. Maine Monday, it is, said, will be one of the able4t the Statii has ever had. Both parties, and especially the jteptildican, nominated strong candidates. This is one of the most gratify ing results of a doubtful'canvass. There is a delightful breeziness about the platform of the -Lackawanna Democrats that cannot fail to command the admiration of Chairman Hensel if he' Will only spare sufficient time from the arduous labor of 'the photograph campaign to study it. - The Demucratic camp is marshalling its forces and girding for united, warfare upon the common enemy of the democracy, the people and good gov,Ornment —Binghamton Leader. The - abov4 must be read carefully or more truth will be found in it thadthe Leader meant. The cheering report comes.from Pennsyl- vania that several independent papers have hoisted the Beaver flag. Good. • Now . let the work of defeating the rampant and toasting democracy go ,bravely on. Nye want to sec the Philadelphia I Prsii put in some solid work for Beaver.4-Einiira Ad ., rerliser. • , . Republicans in ether States who desire repeat the victory . in Maine will have to! emulate the zeal showii there. - -The.State . 'was thoroughly cauvitisixl and the _Party', completely organized. One of the deviceS for getting out the vote ' in, Bangor was the appeintmeni Of a rallying committee in. every ward in the city. Speaker Keifer thinks that the most the . Democrats can do is to elect six of the , twenty-one Congressmen in Ohio. The other fifteen he believes will be RePublictui. The dissatisfaction with.the River and Har bor measure is passing away and will have little or'no effect upon the Congressional elections. He looks for a small Republican majority in the next Congress. Tho receipts at the office of the Receiver of Taxes in Philadelphia from the poll-tax in dicate a large vote in November. The Press rays there has not been much noise in the canvas's but that the, people are thoroughly aroused.' It thinks that "the intensity of feeling has not been equalled, in the State of Pennsylvania , since the days of Know ; nothingism. The Democrats in this State have decided to try and elect a free-trader to Congress from the Xlth District, i Their, nominee, John B. storm, in a speech made a few dais ago said. "I am for free 'tiadi3, if a tariff for revenue alone . is free trade." The district has a good-sized Democratic major ity and is largely concerned in the produc tion of iron and coal. • The Anti-monopoly StateVonvention was called to order at Saratoga,. N . . Y. „Wednes- I day_of last' week, and Owl. Henry E. Tre main was nominated for temporary chair man. A roll call- showed 182 delegates present. The convention was entirely a State, affair, and passed resolutions in char acter with the nature , of tho call.. No nominations were made, and an adjourn ment was taken, subject to • the call of the chair. • The Republican State Convention of Now Hampshire in - et at Concord List week. Hon. C. B. Jordan presided. Samuel W. Hale was nominated for Governor on the fourth ballot, and mad? a brief address of thanks. EdWard J. Teriay, of Claremont: Benjamin W. Hoyt, of 4ping, and Stillman Hum phrey, of Concord,werii nominated for Rail: road bouraissi+ers, and after the appoint ment of a State Committee of 100 the Con vention adjourned. • PERSONAL POINTS. Widow Callahan, of Texas, owns about 50,000 sheep on ranges in that State. Ex-State Senator Barrett, of Tennessee, is employed in the chain-gang at Bolivar. • Representative Cal.tilde is convinced that no Southernor will be President during this generation. Reuben R. Springer, of Cineinnntti, played,more than three thousami games of !euchre ; at Saratoga this season. " Mrs. Lucretia Garfield last week, bougfii. for $: - ;0,00fi cash' the Ralph WOrthington• residence on Prospect street, Cleveland, 0. ]sirs. John Pratt; of Lapeer, Michigan, is over one hunaed:and two years old and her husband is living, at the age ninety- MIMI Morris M. Estee, Republican candidate for. Governor of California, is a native of Pennsylvania and went to the Pacific coast about twenty years ago. . • McQuiddy, recently nominated by the 'greenbackers of California, for Governor, was arrested kit week, charged with hav ing conspired to obstruct the United States Marshal in the performance of his duties durink the Muzzle-Slough troubles two years ago. Mayor Harrison, of Chicago was quietly married in London on the 22d of, August, and the fact was only learned by his con stituents last ; week. The bride was Miss Margueritte Stearns, daughter of a, well known Chicago capitalist, and the , secret of their engagement and marriage was not even communicated to their relatives until after the ceremony had' been performed. The Mayor and his bride are expected hope about the Ist of October !Ind a rousing re ception is in preparation for them. 1 The ReV. Dr. TbOmas, the ` .`heretic'' . Methodist preacher. Of Chicago, considers himself supremely l']klist in wordly affairs, now thatite has .a limn° of his OWEI, an ,in-' dependent church to preach in, and a com fortable' salary, together with a good busi ness at writing and lecturing. "I have saved a little money," he said to a friend recently, "Mid 'have got a modest place over on' the rtVest Side, where .I am Mighty happy, I tell you ; because it is the first home of my o‘l,ll, I ever had in my life.". PENNSYLVANIA PARAGRAPHS. The copper mines near Fairfield, York —.unty, are being operated night and *day. Samuel Lehman, of Franklin county, has a dock the works 'of which were made. in 1733. - Lyman Price, of Duncanaille, has a hen that can imitate the tree-frog, the Ameri• can cuckoo and the guinea fowl to per fection. The defalcation of:cashier Craft, of the Exihnnge Bank , Franklin, has been ascer tained to be $208,000.- The stockholders have paid in the full amount. The Clarion county Court House was burned on Tuesday morning of last week. The loss is estimated at $50,000 upon which there was insurance to the amount of $35,-; The Pennsylvania Military Academy at Chester opened Viredneeday of last week, with - a largo timber of cadets, in the new buildiajfereetall in place of the One des troyed- in February last. • - A religions feeling has broken OA at the Lmmulter ersitytduisluxuse; and two aged male inflates oft the house were immersed on Sunday *the chaplain of the hospital. A number of the inmates of the, prison have also professed conversion. The State.; Convention •of colored Odd Fellows held in Reading closed Wednesday of last week; With a parade and a picnic at Lauer's Park, which was largely attended. Mayor Rowe made an address of welcome, Carlisle was Chosen as the„ place for hold ing the convention next year. B. Mat thews, of Philadelphia was elected, District Master for the ensuing Year. , .1 • While a wedding party was seated at the supper table inLowistown one evening last week the floor gave way, and they were all preciPitated into ,the.cellar. the bride was found : beneath'an, organ, thii newly made husband was enveloped - ini the con tents of an ice create bin, and the[rest were promiscuously mixed • up with &alien furnitpre, tableware; and the edibles Ipro- Tided for the feast. Aside from a disloCat ad shoulder and a few slight bruises, no &Linage was done, and the guests adjourned to a safer buildingovhere the festivities of the ocasion were renewed. . I Than, died in Delaware county one day last week, a prosperous and generally es teemed farmer, nearly one hundred years of age, who for forty years had ,-never spoken a word to his wife nor she to'him, nor had any one of_ their rive - children, of whom three, with their mcither are still living, spoken a word to any other member of the badly: And yet iheyall lived peaee(ully'under ono roof end were in full possession of their faculties. Party years ago, it is said, the wife was bequeathed a small sum of - money by a relatiVe, which her husband desired use in purchasing 'farming impleinenta and otherwise improv ing the property ,She said no. Ho vowed that unless -he Was given the coney he would never speak another wordiqo her. This vow ho steadfastly kept to the end of his life. The three daughters, then quite i young, at first tried to reconcile their, par ents, but failed. Then one sided with the father, ,another with the mother, and the third became disheartened with the whole job. So they quarrelled, the two sons died, and never again a word was spoken in the household, save to visitors. The death of the husband and father has made no change in the situation, and 'the survivors move about the, house as if utterly oblivious of each other's presence. " • • GENERAL GLEANINGS., • Puny; weak, and sickly Children, need Browi's Iran Bitters. strengthen and invigorate them. I . Rev. Henry Vidziwr, Rabbi of "..the Con-i gregation Sherith Isreal, Qt San Francisco, formerly of Philadelphia, died 'Yesterday morning, aged forty-nine years. A can has been issued for the various temperance ominizationsof N ow ,York to send delegates to a State cons titutional amendment convention to be held at Syra clise, October 4. ' The State Labor Convention of Now York which had beep in , session at fluffalo, ad ijourned last week Wednesday. The ques tion of putting a State Labor ticket in the field was postponed, John P. gorris, treasurer of Long bland City, committed suicide Wednesday morn ing of last week, by throwing himself into . the Feist river at Astoria, near his residence. Family troubles and the investigation of his ,Official !affairs by the Citizens' Committee are supposed to have caused temporary in sanity. • f I • . The fourth annual convention of the Su preme Council or the Catholic Mutual Ben efit Association was int session at Buffalo last week. According io, the reports sub mitted the association has a total member ship of 5500, an increase of 1600 over the past year, and has paid out $126,000 during the past year on benefit certificates. Information_ has been received by D. H. Warner, of . Warner Observatory at Boches ter.,N. Y.; that Professor E. •E. Barnard, of Nashville, Tenn., discovered a comet Thursday morning located, near the star Lamda in the constellation , Taurus. It is • reported as being bright in appearance, but the direction of-iis motion has not been Ob tained. • 4 . • 1 The comet disco'Vered by riofessor , Barn ard at Nashville was observed at the Dudl4 Observatory at Albany, N. Y.,-on Saturday morning at three o'clock. Its position was , right ascension 7 hours 21- minutes 17 sec onds, north declination 15 degrees 16.6 minutes.. Judging from a single observa jion, it is thought that this is the Pons comet of 1812. An eVidence of the good workmanship and superior quality of material Used by the .old time mechanics will be exhibited at the coming Convention •of Firemen to be held in Cincinnati, in'the shape of an old hand ' engine made in England before the Revo bltionary war. • It is,said to have done ex ' cellent service in:Bofton for more than three-fourths of a century. j - The annual report of *the Greenwich Oh- Servatory for 1881 mai, attention tt,o a re markable change in the motion of 'Sirius, the dog star. During 1877 and 1878 this star, was traveling through specent the rate of about twenty-two miles a second, but last year this rate seems to have diminished to about seven miles a second. This rippar ent decrease i of speed is supposed to be due to the movement of Sirius in its rorbiC One of thestrongest evidences of an effort to improve the condition of society in Texas 'has been shown by the taxpayers of Fort Worth, who a few days ago fnvored the levy and collection of a sufficient tax to maintain six free schools for, en months in the year. The 'population of the city is 12,00; and but eighteen votes were cast against the proposed levy. This, is by odds the higest majority ever given in a Texas town in fawn. of the free-school System. A heavy wind and rain storm swept over Mexico, Oswego county,, N. Y., about 3 p. m. Thursday. Y There were 3000 persons on thei fair groundS, it being the list day of tho county fair. The liberty pole was blown down, Seriensly injuring several people. A horse ran . away.and the women and chil dren were panic stricken. The cupola from the main tub:ling vs blown off. Thomas Delmig, of . Medico,nd Fred !dinkier, of Richland, were seriously hurt. Much dam age was done to the fruit and crops. A I story coming from Mflwaukee, which will bear to be taken with 4 grain of allow ance" by reason of its flavor of bachelor jealousy, is inthe effect that a female law yer of that city, while conducting a ease a few days ago,! persisted ' `in repeating ques tions which had been ivied ;out by the court. On being threatened with' a fine for contempt, the irate diaciple of 'Blackstone and Chitty b u rst into tears, and gathering _ 1 up her papers, flounced Out of theiroom, and could notbe in duced to reappear { in the trial. Soon after;the regular mail triiin:On the Richinond and Danville Railroad left Ame lia! Court House recently, the engineer saw a man walking on the track. A cautionary whistle was blown and the Man stepped aside, but when the train vas ,within twenty-flve yards be( laid his neck sin the railnnd the whole train passed over, en tirely' deCapitating him. , He was well dressestin ss I fni' suit, of blick, and from papers in his pocket it isunderstoodihai he was George C. Mouse, of Michigan. AN AWFUL CATASTROPHE. COLLINOWOOD, Ont., Sept.:' -The steamer.. Asia, of the Great. Northern Transit company's line, whi4left here on Wednesday evening for Trench River and Sault St. 'Maitre, hasi been wrecked. • Captain McGregor reached Parry sound yesterday by a, tug from Owen 'sound, end_ reported passing, the wreckage of a steamer off Limestone island. He nicked up a trunk, , door and . pillow slips marked "Steamer Asia." This morning .an Indian - boat reached. Parry sound,ifrom Point Au Barrie, thirty five miles distant, bring ing Captain Tinks, of the Manitowaning and Miss Christy Ann Morrigon, near Ow, sound, supposed td 'be the only sUrvitvors of the steamer. 'Ticks says: . "I tent aboard the Asia at Owen Sound about miCnight, on Wednesday, in company witli%iy uncle, J. H. 'rinks and H. B. Gallagher, of the Mantto waning. The . - steamer was crowded, all the state rooms being full and many passengers lying on sofas and on the cabin floor. All went well until ; 11 o'clock on Thursday morning,' when .a 'storm struck lg. I was in my berth at the time. My uncle jumped rip and said the boat was doomed. Dishes and. chairs were flying in every direction. We left:the cabin and found difficulty in getting on di ex. The boat, was rolling so heavily that I put: on a life . preserver. The ' boat went into a trough of the sea and would, not: obey her helm. She rolled heavily for twenty minutes, when she was struck b'r heavy sea and foundered, going down with her engines working. . The Asia was pinking for' French river, and had men,,: horses and lumbermen's supplies for the shanties. I saw three 4ats ioaded. I was in the first, About eight: were with me at first!. More got in until the boat was over loaded and turned over twice. Parties were hanging op to my file' preserver, which I had displayed, and . I threw it, off. I then left the boat .and swam to the captain's boat, and asked John Mc E,ougal to help mein. He said it Was little use but gave one his hand. When I got in there were eighteen in ' the.boat, and a still larger number got ih. Some ',clung - to the boat - I had left. If' knownothing : of the fate of this boat. Our boat rolled . over and I remember Missing / McDougal a . few minutes after. People were clinging to Spars and other 'arts of the wreckage. Our . boat was full of water ; , and the sea Was. constant ly breaking over •us. A 'cabin boy was dying, and being supported by One man when u wave washed, him pverbOard. The next •to 'go was a boat hand, who jumped out. Two 'hf hur number died before reaching beach. Captain Savage Was. the last 19 die, about midnight op Thursday. John Little, of Sault Saint Marie, Mate, McDonald ; and two others, .Whose' 'iaines,.,Fe unknown,. were among' the ;victims. The boat finally f ! itranded !near Point au Barrie about daylight on Friday, with I Miss Morrison and myself Old) , surviving. I put the bodies out 'on the Wadi.— The seamer Northern Bell has left Parry sound for the bodies. There iwas pr9bably 10,0' persons aboard the Asia _Telegraphic communication with Parry SoUnd is interrupted. This intelligence reached here by a tug. ~. Heartily lteeotatarnded. Don't condemn a good thing because yon hope been deceived by worthless 'nostrums. this Ginger Tonic has cured many in section of nervous' disorders, and we recommend it hesirtily . to such sufferers.— Netcs. • • I t. • ; A Clarion' county physician settled in; Pittsburg about two weeks aio with the in tention of building up a practice, but finds ing the inhabitants in such a.e rfectlr heap ;thy condition that his service s*ere not in ' ; demand, he'secured the position : of conduc, Or on a street car, and is whiling away 14 ;time until an epidemic strikes the city and brings his professional skill into demand. . ,if Varied 'Performance. Many winder how Parker's• Ginger Tonic can perform such- varied cure's, thinking it !essence of ginger, when in fact it is made from valuable medicines which act bene ficially on every diseased organ. - A native assistant surgeon to the British troops' stationed in Afghanistan, reports that be has found the diluted juice of with:a leaves to be an effective substitute for qui nine in the treatment of intermittent fever. Sparklipg Eyei. •1 • Rosy, cheeks and clear complexion only accompanying good health. Parker's Ginger Tonic better than anything, males pure, itich blood and brings health, joyous, spirits, strength" and beauty., Ladies try it.— klazar. . Italian papers announce the discovery at borgali, in the island of . Sardinia,of a great Stelecke cave. Fifteen galleries have( been already traced. In one of them there is a row of pillars like, white marble, and the floor is smooth, resembling the finest basalt. Annoyance Prevented. dray hairs are honorable but their prema-, ture appearance is annoying. Peirker's Hair Balsam prevent the., annoyance by restoring the youthful color. Ah ! you have a headache Why don't you try Ayre's Pill ? They will relieve the stomach, restore the digestive organs to healthy action, remove - the obstructions that depress neryes and brain, and thus cure your headache Liennanently.' , For sale by Dr. H.C.` Porter & Son, Towanda, Pa. A valuable fibre ea lied pita or bromelic grows wild in Honduras. It is said to loe the strongest fibre known, and can be used half and half with silk or wool." Machinery has been made to prepare it for marifac turing purposes, and it is said to be worth, when ready for market, $lOOO a.-ton. *The term hydra may be used to repre sent any manifold evil. If you would bat tle successfully with this many-headed mon ster of disease yon will -find it expedient to keep Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound always at hand. Ennuing. ; Since 181 . 4 the French goCernmeni has authorized the organization of 330 scientific missions, of which, 108 were to operate in Europe, 54 in Africa, 48 in Asia, 38 in America, and 24 in Oceanica. Most iof these missions are still at work, and acconr2 plishing important scientific results. Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Beware of the stuff that pretend to cure these diseases or ether serious Kidney, Uri nary or Liver Di ensei;-ris they only relieve' for a time and make you ten times worse afterwards, but rely, Epley on Itop Bitters,l the:rinly remedy thifit will surefy, and per, manently cure you: It destroys arid re- 2 moves the-cause of disease So ',effectually that it never returns. • From analyses made by M. E. Reyer, - it seems that the bronzes used for weapons by the ancients contained no lend or zinc, but were alloys of copper and tin with small quantities of nickel, iren, phosphorus, and occasionally cobalt. Aleck McClure isn't selling out the Land League as much as he was. Nearly Dead after taking some highly puffed up stuff, with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fear of any Kidney or Urinary Troubles, Bright's Disease, Diabetes or Liver Complaint These diseases cannot mist the curative power of Hop Bitters ; besides it is the best family medicine on earth. New Advertisments. PiYAk ..pOWDER i- AbSoluiely Pure. This powder Aver varies. A marvel df purity strength and wholesomeness. More ecenomical than the ordinary kinds,ltnd cannot be sold in Competition with the multitude of low that, short weight, abun or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. lIOT4L llama POWDZat C 0..; 106 Wall street., N. Y. 2ejulyB2: _ead. Agreeable to use. Apply by the little Anger Into the nos trils.. On receipt of 50c. will mail a package. Sold by 11. C. Porter & Bon, Druggiata:Mowsn- Pa. dl, ELYS' CIIEIM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y. Apill6. •NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOMAN. -(From the Dodos Wobe.l EMI aroma Mors:— i - ' • ' The above is a good likeness of Ilea :Lydia E. Pink• ham, of Lynn, Masa, who above all other batman beings may be truthfuni callaitho "Dear Fri* of Woman," as of her correspondents love teiCall her. She is zealously devoted to her work; which Is the °oleo* of a Ilfootruiy, and, is obliged to I tee p six lady assistants. to help herankwer the large to rrespondenue which daily pours in upon her, each lan:thins special burden of sabering,' int joy at' release froarit. Her Vegetable Compound lea medicine for good and not evil purposes., / havepersonally anvestigated it and , am satisfied of the truth of this. _ 'On account of its proven merits, it is neminnended and prescribed by tho best, physicians in the country. One says s "It works nko a charm and saves much • pain. It will care entirely the wont form of falling of the uterus, Vettownwers, irregular aid painful Menstruation,all Ovarian Troublca, Intlanurratkni and Incention, Yloodings, all Displacements and the con. isguent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to tbe Cluing. of Life." It permeates even portion of the system, and gives ' new life and vigor. It remores fro •+..a, flatulency, _ destnns an craving for stimulants, and relieves weak ness of the stomach. It cu Bloating, headaches, ti t Moons Prostration, Cone Debility, Sleeplessness, Degreniop andludigestion. That feeling of bearing sterwn;catudng pain, weight d backache, is always permanently cured by its It will at ll times, and under an circumstances, act harmony with the law that governs the female n ul l:. $5 'teens only lit per bottle six for ~ and is sold try • druggists. Any advice see as to special eases, and the names of fanny who ha e been restored to perfect health by the use of the Ireetable Compound, can bo obtained by addnnsing,ilra P., with stamp for reply, at her haute in Lynn, Mass. 1 For Sidney Complaint of either sex this compound is unsurpassed as abundant testimonials show. "Mn Pinkham's Liver Pills," says one writer, "are the best in the world foritho cure of Constipation, BMousness and Torpidity of the liver. her Blood Purifier works wonders in its special line and bids fair to equal the Compound in its popularity. - . All most respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose stole ambition is to do good to there: • _ . Philadelphia. Pa. _- (d) Mn. A. IL D. . , ~ . , . ~... - 1 , efirtit A V... atiOni3/ Vault, ~ ...1. . , . . • . . TO\likZ l A Z-..!.. ___._ CAPITAL PAID $125,000 SURPLUS PC • 80,000 • • . Tilts Bank °tiers unusual facilities for the transaction of a ; general banking business. N. N. BETTS, . (ladder. . NATIONAL - ETHEALI (IF INTENTIONS. 7 I - EVERY INVENTOR ' 4_ 1 -, \50017114 KNOW t---; . Bides That by Me lifdes of the , Patent Quice l o procure . • %.( HP AT E N Tf, Models are not neceseary unless specially called for. Send drawing and specification, upon the of -which we will in fro examination at the Palma Office, and advise a to patentability. A FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE 'of . PATENT. Send for PAMPLILK4 of livs - nmextemi, free to. 2.y address. ... . HALSTEAD k CU.. Washington, D. e. Publuhers of the Congretriunal Reporter__ , lanuary, 5, 1882.—tf • i Mfit, CLYDESD..4LE .STALr LION. Witt.make the season or 1893, at:" - the farm og the enbsiribei one tittle west or the village of East Smithileht Both Sire and Dint imported, bred by Wm. Crozier, Northport, Long Island. As wa give breeders' name and address we can assure patrons that w•e arelnot offering the services of a grade horse. TERNS:-$l5. EAST SMITHFIELD) PA., HOTEL FOR offer the JUL • American Hotel property for sale at a great bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corner of Bridge and Water streete,in Towrincla Borough. It is one of the best and most central location■ In the place. There is a good barn connected with the property. The free bridge and new depot near to it make this Hotel' desirable for any one wishing to engage In the business. A good active man with a small captal can pay for the property in a short time from the profits. It was papered and painted new last spring and is now in excellent condition. - JOSEPH G. PATTON, Towanda, Pa., Sept. 22. 1811-tt. . JOB . PRINTING OF *ALL KINDS done at short notice and reasonable rates Who Itioruntmax Mee. A. Da: - .OTE & -CO. Y_B' ICREAIII AI effectually ies the nasal tea of tOstarrh lens. causing ly secretions, inflammation, Its the; mem front addl. - t colds, corn y hails the and ireatorea tense itf taste ;men. Bonet results are .ed byi s few feat ns. A tugh treatment cure Catarrh,. r ?ever, 4c._ _Erif AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY R. M. ed for !colds In Spiing Too h :Harrows Just received a car load of superior harrows. Now is the time to buy the best harrow you ever saw for preparing your Wheat 'groin:l4la. Ono will pay for itself in one season. The Improved_Kalamasoo Floating Adjustable Tooth and Plated Harrow is the_ very beet in use • Spitn Miller's Sulky , • - , ' To(sth Harrow, With and without SEEDER ATTACUMENT This is the very best Sulky Spring Tooth dlar row iu the Market. It is well wOrth.the atten tion of farmers, and no one sholrld buy a srilky harrow heforo inspecting this. "I4lis important 'advantages over ali , others, ands a Combined. Seeder and Sulky Harrow is without a, ;rival.' Send for circulars and prices; THE • - • • • ' r Wiard Chill cl 7 s- f . This splendid plow has Mvariably in all trials. this season in compitiiion With We other lead ing chilled plows, fully justified all that have 'claimed for it. I ~ . Columbus (Ohio) . 311 ~,,- 'i • , • g1e.... . . • • ~. I am agent • for these superior isati,Cus*, and in - 1 Yite attention to their claims.' Call and see. my Whitney Open and Top Bug-. gigs, Gorton Carryall, and Platform Wagons. hare wagons as good as you can get made to or der, and at much less prices. All. warranted to be durable " whale:boue " wagons.. Auburn Farm Wag Ons The beet ,Farm and Lumber Wagons in the market. • . Farmers' Favorite and Pax ten Grain Drilla. If any farmers wish -to buy a gcrotl drill at about the wholesale price of other drills. I can aceam rriodate‘thein. - Special inducements to cash buyers of all, goods iu my line ! A car load of Fresh Cem•ut. Sheathing and Building Papers. Vermin Proof Ca - rpet Lining Papers. . • • • PREP:IRED MIXED PAINTS.' Write for prices and, circulars, or call and see rue " BETTER TO LEAD TITAN FOLLOW!" A GOOD MAXIM, BUT .I'NOT • ALWAYS TRUE. 1• .: It is better to iollow .. .: sos. rowEit, President • , tab. 1.'78. The old and I:eliable•Dealer in s . . Ready -Made Clothing 7 From his old slam). (No. 2.. Patton's Block,) to Lis NEW LOCATION ie.the large and commodias store; NO. 123; Main Street, fornzei•ly ocennied E. Sollomen k Son.. (one door , north of Feich & C 0.,) where Leis now open' •with a full and Complete Stock of Fashionable, MIRING' AND SUMMER READY-MADE 'CLOTHING _ HATS 'AND : CAPS, - GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, lIMBEELLAS, CANES; &C. B 1' 'S . - Y(..kTII'S and CHILDREN'S 011 :Lid complete suits of all graldesprieus: • t LORD CL rDE, . , ' While he aims to leuit the trat:( , , Le asks his old friends and ego ry hotly (•Isil to follow him to his new location, where he mill fit thew ont_in the highcst style of art at tho lowest- prices. Come early. _ . . - , • .• : ' H. JACOBS Towanda, _Pa., April -6, - W. A. WOOD, • April 6-4m.10 AT CRANES . CANCER MARY,- :ADEOON, Y. - lIIINDREDB OF PERSONS • front all parts of the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and are new living witnesses !that they have been r escued frotri a terrible and unt.roely death. Doctors; Ministers and the Poor treated Frtio. Write for aCI remiss giving full particulars. Address Di?. , GEO. C R ANE & RUM: BROWN Addison. N. V. Elept.3o.lyr.GPltar, ESPECIAL '-';ATTENTION GRAND DISPLAY of mnricon . sims 113radh;rd county Fair , • P. 71 27th, .28th mid 29th. This will afford people from all sections a fine opportunity to their selections of Heating or Cook Stoves. A. D. DYE & CO., Main iSt. WELLES, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer, W A N PA ED Grain Drills. R. Al. WELLIII4. Towand, Pa . August 15, l',38:1-tf. CANCERS CURED ETTER HEADS, -BILL HEADS ,L 4 NOTE HEADS,- hib. printed• in the best sty] e of the art at the REPUBLICAN omce. - -. • . • 1 i ' • -- . DESIRE TO CALL . TO THEIR AT THE R.alinad BARCLAY R. R. TIME-TABLE, TRAIN - ST". io Way ;A Mai;.! tsar': - _ t. 51. 1'..1 6:zo p. a Ar. TOWILIda .t.krp • 6.63; p. 05 Dep: Moil - roe .... .Ar, ,;: 4 7 11.02 - Ar. p.e,41 • 5 . ,7,*4 5.5;1 .-. Masontown ;- 5.53 '• Gre-rnwoc.4l •• 5.46 ; :8.4; ' ....Westor4s •• 7 . ,., *11.411i F.B-3.4 .• ••• *5435•1*8.315 ' 5 31' 8.141 •• LongValle7..l4zll4: 4 5.211: .n..4 . 1.1i1ane.• Ar. , Indicatts ;bat traits donr,t F. F. LYk).N. : Su7't atid I.:artlay,! 2m r 32 EHIGH VALLEY& PENNA. AHD -' -NEW YORK RAILROADS. j 'ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER 'FLAB .! . TO TAKE . EFFECT JAN. I,t, Niagara Falls Buffalo Rocheat or Lyons GrLeva.. Ithaca... Auburn. Owego . Wc.v, 5ayre........... Athens..... Milan Plater Towanda.. .. .... %Vysauking ° Standing Stone. Rummertield Frenchtown Wyalusing Laceyville Skinner's E‘ldy Slesboppen Mehoopany • Tunkhannock LaGrange tails. i. 'Junction Slaticu Chunk . Allentown • 8,AI:110:ern .... Eton Pbilad.lphia... NevrYork New Vs:irk Eastoii Bethlehem .I.llentewu Ilanch - Chunk.7 Wilkes-Barre... L l B Junction Falls ..... . ran g e frunkLanuock . INleshoppen !Skinner's Eddy Laceyville 4.. . Wyalusing Frenchtown RummerEelii.. Standing Stone Wysanking 1 . 1111'311d a. Ulster Milan ..... Athens Sayre.. 4 Waver,ly - Elmira OWego .. . üburu... thaca ,Cieneva Itochester- Buffalo Niagara No. 32 leavcs-AVyal using at :09. A. M.. Fret' , . Anwn 6.14; Rummer:lod 6.23, Standing StOce Wvsanking 1%40.. Towanda t;.F,3. Milan '`7 , :16. Atluiux 7:23, Sayre 7:lc, ly 7 arriving at Elmira 5:7,0., A. leaves;Elmiras:;s P. - M.. Wav,.rly Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20. :Milian f•:::O. plater ;Towanda 6:55, Wysaukinl 7:05. Standizg 17.14, Iluiumertleld Ftenebtown ling at Wyalusing at 7 :45..1'. Irons $ and 15 run daily. Sleeping itraini a and 15 between Niagara Fall; :Ind- i l l'. delphia and between Lyons and Nov York out changes. Parlor cars on Tratm between Niagara .Falls 'and l'hilzlelrLis out 'change, and through-coach •to sal it Rochester el l s. Lyons, war. STEVENS( 2. I:it-2. Pa. s: N.l. P.. IL • • NEW -1471 - i - NITURE: AN) R . E. L • PAIRING ESTABLISIIMENT. .7,E 1 1-1 T " -1 A1.()Iii It 1111.1.11. Who has.had 21 y.e 4 arsexPerfetwe in theft:nulz tisinesi, his opened a stora .and repairing in. Bentley's Block, Frst ; Ward. OPP" : McCabe's marble yard) and solicits the pair:: age of the public. Hs bas been in the enipl , l . " Mesara. Frost for the past elghteenyearLY feelA confident 'that he eau give et:lire satici lion .in ;REPAIRING FURNITURE. both QUALITY and PRICE., . I shall keep. a. stock ,of New (ino.lg . ,_ano • order per catalogue for cbioniers at a tenalli: li Vance front manufacturers prices. .1-aft and ,- ruc all who - are in %%ant ( - .t Repairing vi Goods,' ~ 24augs2 Lxmi] DEciv - Ell Livery and Boarding Stable, - Therhest rigs to bp found IR any stable t country, furnished at reasonable rates. ligessn will givo the business Lis prri— attention, and invites big friends to till she'' want of livery. B. W. LANE. 10augtel. Li SQUEUT ANNA COLLEGI INSTITUTE. The fall -term 'of the tar' 3 ninth year will begin • MONDAIr - , Tint faculty has been enlarged. '• thqsofighly refitted - and aceotutuudaue m : creased, and the school fitted to a:.", , - ' its growing , patronage. The attenda=ee. t nearly doubled in seven years. Per - eels'-''. catalogue, or other tartieulars, addtc 34 Principal. EDWIN E. (tUINLAN.A: Towanda, ORNAMENTAL 'JOB PRINT! ) a specialty at the IEI T(iwalida : TAKEi EFFEA:rr JAN: 1. 1,-4 STATIC/SS EASTWARD. QTATIONS 15 P.M. A.M. A.ll . 2.0 z .1.1 lu .. • I . 4.5.) Mil 9.0. , • • 46 3.001013 5 ..... 11. th " ''''""• • • • • ... • .v, ..... 1L 12.7.3 4..7.7 i 1 1.1.: 7... 1.::4 : 1.01'5.r! 1.1 : • I • 3.15 . ... 4.44 s.sit) 5 . 3 0 ti.4A, • i !•• u SS 11).1,/ WESTWARD. STATIONS S. 30 Y: . .m. 1:• EMIG Etil .... 10.1.1 4.0 t :: 1,1.:4 I 10:, 4 43 I 4.311 11.3 2. 4.411 11.11 • kJ, 5.:;7, 12.4" . 7.11 4.14, :4.4u ..., • 9.50 11.1 t) . 11.40 12.(21 • 1.0.1 V. 25 1.0 F.M. P.M. 1...M.A.1 SEY3lot,li S 11171: NEW FIRM! PROPITIEToIL4 OF Washiti, , ton Street, below 31aii 3 9 4.1.! It.? ..... BE MEM MTh