II iturono R TRACY, Publishers.' VOL. VIII, ---THE--- Biafilord Republican 1 1 ,0:giAletl.. Every l'lmrstlaiy, vi"NWANDA, r.►., Or HOLCOMB .& TRACY, $1.50 Per Annum, fa ..-idranee Rafes---Stz cents a line for first Ittrertion an I live cents per line for all suts,•e ,..itiela Ir.Strlt JUR. Reading notice adverti, ing tvn ccutti pc r line. Eight lines constitute e au.l twelve lines an filch.- Auditor's notices $2.: , 0. Administrator's and Executor's not i ces }42.1.1 Yearly advertising $ ICO.OO per ottunin. Tale Itr:t•cu:.tcAs is published In the 'lacy, Aluorc and Noisles Block, at the corneeot Ilaiu .113 a Pine streets, over J. F.` Corser'st Boot mail ;how store. Up ctreillatioll oXer 2000„ *AB an I.lvertising icadiura it is unexcelled in _DS Ul3 vu•llste Col I. • A , ,: ~,-• -. •'. -" BLI. - a 1 ne,sQ " , ~........ Dir , -+,:t -, ..,,, ,) A PTORA ETS-Artz,A NlctiOV RN, (E. J. Cfrneland 1 / 4 .,1 111,(;•!verl1), Clitittoti, Bradford ticitiuty 1 . 1. All burwit-ss entrusted ti their care iu WAAter!). tlttalurd will receive prompt attention. ..Ipr-'2.ly ,MITII WLLtS, Attorueya-at-Lw; Oflic 1,,,,v0i5: J. N , *Mice fu Wood's Block, south nret Bank, up stairs. June 12;04 1, - 11,s1:ItEE soN' (N C filsbree ind,'L Eistwee.; oflier iu 11ortur Mock. Park St. !_tualytt.is .I.)e.c.K s ov Eit ros (8enj. , .11 Peck and 0 d 05. r ottee over Hill's Market 49-'79 OvEirrus (E Overton sud JJha FSonarrxin office in Adams Block.julys'7i , . Office ov'.r Dayton's - Star , spril IC% WILT, •4) ltiW, Oak% in Mezies 'lock • ipr 4,7 f; DAviEs, CAW.s'iCI.IAN & HALL. T Danes. ir L M Hall.) Offico in rear I War, , l 11..11 ::'..ntrance on Poplar St. ti 012,75 •AiNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. ixtb u. tuar attention paid to business in. I t•l+lian.o' Court and to the settlement of estates. in-Nioutanye's Block 49-79 Mc PLIMISON k. YOUNG, (1. McPherson and M W .1. Young. Office noutbs!de of Mercur's febl.74 81 , ck. 1 MILLIAMM. ANGLE k BUFFINGTON. N vv E J .Angle and E D Buffington). tWfice \volt side •)f Main strcet&two doors north of Argue office. AU tueiness entrusted to their cart , - 111 ree.-ive prompt attention. oct 2t1.77 TANIES U. AND JOHN Attor• -F) . 11l•yS auJ counsellors-at-Law. Office in. the .Wrcur Block. over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. ' july 'l5O tt, KEENEY. .1. Attorney-at-Lew Office in Mouvitlye•K itjeck, Maio street. , :5. rfilitimP.t)N, and E. A.. Attorneys-at Law. Towanda, Pa, (Mice in Mereur .13lock. over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Alain street. first statrway north of Post-Mike. All business promptly attended to. Snead' mitten.. lion given to claims against the United States or peushms, Bounties. Patents, etc and tc olleotious and settlement of decedent's estates, April 2i. ly HENRY- All 0 EY-ST-LAW, , 1 S.) ivitor of l'utetits. (;overnsucut claims ab told. ti to. [ltifebts2 Pll TSICA NS AND SURGEONS 3on NSOS. T. ii., M.D. Office ova!' Dr. 112 C Pprters'e Drug Store. • feb 12,78 NEn - ros, Dye. D. N. & F.G. Office at Dwelling Utl itn • cr Street, corner WeistoniSt. fob 11,77 I - L'"". C. KK. M.D. Oak, Ist door above old bank building. ou Main street.l Special si te:l;llu giv,u to diseases of :Abet throat and Hug.. julyl9.lB unßoadles. Y. M.. lt4D. Office and reel v,v il. , nce. Mani street: north of :st.E.chur2L. .Vp./1,..a) Els:nit/4r for Pension Dr , sartment. ... i 1 , f3b2•4.l's P tYNE, E. Office over M. nitanye's titre. Office hours from 10 to 12 s. st. and to 4 P. M. (Special attention given to Enfiraseo of the Eye.- and Diseases of the Ear. oct 20.77 )WNEtt. 11. L., M.D.. Ilomocornrntc Pnystetairr ir Straaßox. and office just north off Dr. Corbon'a Maio a trePt, Athe'da. Pa. 110 TEI.S pit ES1:1" ROUSE Slain st., next corner south .x.a. of Bridge street. New house and new turuiture throughout. The proprietor has spared neither pains or expense in making his hotel first-class and respectfully solicits a share 0 1 Public patronage. • 'ldeals at all hours. Terms reasonable. Large Stable attached.- tzar sl; • Will. BMW. SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, No. 69, o. A. .It,. Meets e rel.? Saturday evenlng, at Military HAIL - I GEO. V. 11YEll, Commander, J. K. Farrulixir AcUtaaaf. • fob 7, 79 CRYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meets at E. of P. Balt every Monday evening at 7:30. In surance s2,ta). Benefits $3.00 per Week. Aver age annual coat, 5 years esperieuce. $ll. JESSE MYERS, Reporter, I'muct 4 Dictator. feb 32.70 • : BRADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet to Odd, Follows Hal. every Monday evening It. 7 o'clock. WARtitx HILL, Noble Grand. ;one 12,75 liCirS4' AND SIGN PAINTING. 113OST, lr, E, No, 32 Second street All orders + will teceiVe prompt sttentlott„ jrtp, e 13,75 - . EDUCATIONAL c,',4I'sQUEIIANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. 4 .) The SPRING TERM will begin , Alozulay, Aird 1, l n 4. For catalogue or other Raca l/anon, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. ' Towanda, Pa. ;WS 1'3,7 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. WILLIAMS, EDWAIib. Prictieal Plumber and Gas Fitter. flan° of business in hler cur Mock nett door to Journal niece opposite Public square. Plumbing. Gas Pitting, li,epair , * of all kinds, and kinds of. Gearing 10.“.i.t1y at iendcd to.' ,411 wanting work in Ills ehould give him a call. July 27,77 Z .I NS UR A NCE RUSSELL, C. S. General Insurance Agency. Towsods, Pc (Wide to Whitcomb's Book itOre. jetty 12.76 :And had One of llls 26 CENT DINNERS febl.,.Cm • - d --•—' . - . . , 1!, , •,' • , _ .1 v < '-' . ' . 1-'. .t.' '' '1 . ' '''' I . 4. . .. I II , . - _ . , ~ . ; , , 1 , - 0 : - . 1 0 . , , B . , lA.i. ...A.... 4 • It- 1 { i ' I - . . • ` , . . , Jew Aditertisements.t, Double Store. Double Stock. J. ) K.RUS g Is ilow open in Ws Mammoth Double Store with a full, fresh and complete stock of faablocuible 'Spring and Summer Clothing, --- Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, - Caps, Trunks, Traveling ,Bags, Umbrellas, gfe. Suits of all Grades 2,r Men, Boys, Youths • and Cluldren. Our rents have been obtained on the most favorable terms. and our diluent' expenses re duced to the lowest pee/fabler roillitllCUU. we pro pose to give our customers_ the benefit of these Reductions by putting our prices at Lower Fig ures than any other Clothing House in Towanda. We invite a careful examination of our stock and prices, whether wishing to buy or not. We. can satisfy the closest buyer of the truth of what we say. ' . WE MEAN BUSINESS. . eat and aro will Satisfy yen. 11,1- Remember. Nos. !And 2, Rridge Sti•eet. J. K. BUSH. Towanaa, Pa. , April 10, 1882, yr TROY, PA. • • We keep on band constantly for lonMeas. LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, • •• SHINGLES; SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PAINTS,. OILS; VARNISHES, "CHESPEA* WAGON MAKER'S SUPPLIES Fellows, Spokes, Hobbs, nulls, Poles Carriage Trimmings. Also a fuil line afghan' and Heavy Ilaidware, and a-fall line of 1 Carriages, Platform and Lumber Wagons, blade by us with skilled workmen, and warranted in every particular. BEARDSLEY & SPALDING, R9,rilware Dealers. Troy, April 27-ly BLANK BpOK MANUFACTURER 1 AND BOCK BINDER, TOWANDA, PA Alfred J. Purvis. • Altmork in his Hue done well and promptly at • lowest price. Parties having volumes inccimplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at coat price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent for Bradford County. will be promptly executed ac cording to directions. 'sepl-tt • • 6)0,* L.. ROSS 2 Now occupies the Corner Store opposite D. S. C. Porter's Drug Store, Main Steeet, •• with a large etock of 0 . -; - 7 • • t • OF THE BEST QUALITY. Mr. Rosa has ANOTHILIt STORE 011 BUDGE STU= J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores are connected by Telephone. Mr. Bon MD now feel satisfied that tiepin give the BEST GOODS FOR ins LEAST MONEY • His experience enables him to select the best goods, which he is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE. You can always get a bargain if you BUY YOUR GROCERIES' AT ROSS'S. • All goods delivered in the Borough PREE. FARMERS will do well to call with their Produce and:get the CASH. 20aprn-ly. M. HEN DE 1,11 AN EW E R, Is still to be found at the OLD STAND Next doolito Dr: 11 C. Porter's Drug More FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER 'AND PINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, FROM TUE OIITAPEST TO TEE 1381 T. sir ALL OP WHICH WILL EE BOLD AT TIII, VERY LOWEST PRICER, Cloche. Watches and Jereley vitoloptly sepalred by It experienced and coadmitsuat workman. • 1: = NOm. I AND 2 RIDGE sC. MEI %leo PAPER RULER, &t: I\oll3l. Gent 2441. Ntturt, UTICA, N. Yl. ✓If.4IX STREET, WITS A FULL 14IN8 OF CLOCKS, HENDELMAN. TOWANDA. BRADFORD (.)OTTNTY, PA.:" , 4 TITURSDAYI I §EPTEMBEIt 21. 1882. f d ° i S' Miscellaneal c as Advertisements. si,,*joyy.:., FACTS .% A great many people are asking what 'particular troublei BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheurnsuisrni 4 , Neuralgia ! and all chnikr diseaseffilit Its wonderful curative power is limply beauise •it purifies and cri- 1 • riches the blood, thus beginning at Lb-foundation, and by building up . ,Aystem, drives out all disease. , . i _ l , . Lady Cured 'Of Rheumatism. Baltimore, hid., May 7, iSBO. ' • My health was much shattered by • Rheumatism What I commenced 1 1 . taking Brollies Iron Bitten, and I . - scarcely had strength enough to at- • . . tend tmy . daily household duties: • lame' s , using the third bottle and I am ining strength daily, and I ... . che I::ecommend It to all. I can 2t. say too mat in praise of it. ' 'Melts E. BOASHICAIt. i, i 173 pl:Stllit. kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg„ Va., rear. . 1 Suffering from kidney disease . , 1 .. ' - from which I could get no relief. I itried Brown**. Iron Bitters, which v • I cured me completely. A' child of . I mine. recovering from scarlet fever, ' I had no appetite andclid'not seem to . • be able to cat at all: I sgIVC him Iron Bitters with the happiest results.- J. KYLZ MONTAGU& • Heart Diseaie. • , ••• Vine St Ilarrisbwg, Pa. Dec. 2 twit. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpttation of the heart without t•eceivtng any • - benefit. I was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. .1 have used two hot, des and never found anything that gave tie so muclitelief.,, 4 ?Ur. Janruit fins.. Forthe peculiar troubles to which ladies arc subjecri, 231021v7fs Igor! IlirrEßs is invaluable. -Try it., Be sure and get the Genuine. • By Universal Accord,- AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS are the . best of all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborloUs, and successfid chemical Investigation,!: and their extensive use, by physicians in their practice; and by all civillied tions, proves '?them the best and most - effectual purgative that medical Science can devise. Being purely veg etable no • harm can arise from' their . use, and belay , sugar,cOated,. they art, pleasant to take. In intrinsic value and curative powers 'no other Pills can be compared with them; and every person, knowing their 'virtues, - will • employ them, wheti needed.' They keep the -system In perfeCt - Order, anti maintain - 1n . healthy action - the . whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted tq the _needS' of the digestive l apparatus, (reKingements of which they prevent ,and cure, if timely taken: They are the best, and - safest physic to employ . 1)r children - and weakened constitu tions, where a mild but - effectual cathartic is required. ' • - For sale , by all druggists. $200.00 REWARD !' Will be paid for the detection arid -convic tion of any person selling or dealing in any bogus, counterfit Or immitation HOP BlT rens, especially Bitters or preparation .with the word Hoe or Hors in their name or connected therewith, that : is intended to mislead and cheat the public, or for any preparation put in any foim, pretending to be the Same as HOP BrrrEris. The genuine have cluster of GREEN Hoes (notice this) printed-on the white label, and are the purest and bekt medicine on earth, especinly for Kidney, Liver and Nervous Diseases; Beware Of - all others, and of all pretended formulas or receipts of Hor Brrrruits pub lished in papers or for sale, as they are frauds and swindles, Whoever deals-in any but the genuine skill be.prOsecuted. lior. BrrrEas 4FG. co., Sept. 14. 4w 'Rochester, N. Y. HALL'S . VEGETABLE SICILIAN' HAIR RENEWER is . a scientific combination of some of : the most powerful restora tive agents iu the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair to its original color. It makes the scalp white and Clean. It cures dandruff - and humors, and falling-out of the hair. It furnishes thntritive principle by which the _ hair is nourished and suppoited. makes the hair moist, soft- and glossy, and is Unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the most economical- preparation ever offered to the public, as `its' effects remain a long time, making . Only an occasional application necessary. It. is recommended and used by. eminent medical imen,_ and officially end - timed by the _State As:Sayer -of , Nassiebitsetts. The popularity of Ball's' Hair Tienewer has, increased with the test of ,Many years, both in this • country Awl in f3reign lands,, and it is now knoWn anti , used in alt the civilized 'countries of the world. For sale by all dealers. STOP' AT T. : 11U I R. &-f)f).'s ..t, .GROCEIiI-ES AND PROVISIONS. The piece to IS% e money b °eying chigp` tit norms? Mall and Fisaktin 81;reets , TOWANDA, PA. Tao) reevicttgllT =nausea to the pea° that thsy bay* a lug* stack of ?W M. PIED. ;MEAL. OWN; BALI. 11811 • PORK. an . 4 141.0711310 N'S generally. W. eve also added co oaf stook avarietr of Woobsti srAtg.i such is BUTT= TUBS.' FIB CMYRNS. IFTC7 • Just meowed i larre.stoik of Rogue. VAS; Coffees, Eligoee. MOIILBOWS MBE SOAP, t.he hest in tho market; and other ,roatee , Ol nap ilyrop and 7111olaseate. !Which tiler offer at for prices for Crib. ' oct 26 IT SELECT PO .PAY,I ESSltliti AND FLOWING. ' . The tide went out— , Shining pebbles and shelisthat lay On the shore, at the beck of the white armed spray Went oat with the Ude. • ?tic Ude went out-- • And a hundred ships asleep on the strand Sprang tip, and away from the hateful land • - Went but with the Ude. . • The Moment out— And a life as sweet as a life nilght he Drifting stray to the unknown sea, . Went out with the tide. • The tide came in— The pebbles and shells, with the waves' d Flung bun their arms to the shore again, Came in with the tide., . , The tide came In— The weary ships from their voyaging, Laden with' many a Means thing. Came in with t4O tide. The tide came tam But the WA as sweet ass mi ght be. Came not beet titan the tinkno7n - sea, Carne not In with the WI. ! GRANDMA'S SOX. dmtalmother's box:—and here's Wring, A little, llasbthg, old-time thing! = It It could speak, what tun %would be To hear the tales Iwould tell to tee. My (Irandnut-Lso people nay_ In auld tang syne was bright and gay As any maiden of my WI, And fair her hair and b:uo her eyes. Pia thinking, yes—l wonder whether, When she and grandpa pet together, 'Tires then, while both were Lain to linger, Ile placed this ring upon her linger! Poor little silent circlet How Forlorn find Useless you are now, Amid a neaO of relies here, You've lain neglected many a year. [i You Shall be mine for grandma's sake; And to a modern age awake, But, tih! It you'Ve im romance true, • I would not glve t l 14 for you. - • . —Nary D. MISCELLANEOUS. OFF HIS BARGAIN. Whack ! whack': whisk ! • - What is that ?" asked 'Mr. Budd. - Mr. Budd, an American gentleman on a visit to Eng!an 1. was sketching on the banks of a pretty stream i in a remote, guar* of England. Ho •viiis not an artist, but: an amateur who painted a little, Emig a little, played a little, and did everything a little. Putting his' book and penciiil down; -he yielded to his curiosity, and mounting on pile.of loose stones, peeped over a. board fence that separated the garden of aricketly cottage from the road. -1 • " Isay," Mr. Budd began„ .aghasti A-man was beating a woman 1 , The woman was taking the blows quietly enough. The - tears _coursed doxin her cheeks, but she uttered no .cry. "I say 1" cried Mad. " Yon stop that, _will you or ru--1111=4111 call some. body 1" - "Yo hold ybtir tongue, yo me r ddlin` Yen. yo 1" mared the man ; "and don't inter• tare between mon and woife Whack! wheek ! Wheal "Fit gie yo epough while ;I'm about it I"' Whack t Mr. Budd was not a ",mighty man, !strong in the arm," but he had pluck, and heshad a revolver in his-pocket. The next minute he was on the inside .of the fence. The man made at him like a furions bull. Mr. Bndd produced his rei , olfer. The man quailed. " Are yo goin' to martberdi ?" he asked. "I'm not sure," said -Mr. Budd. "Stop beating.tbat woman." "Oi've a roight,to , bate . her, Hers 'Toy woife," said the ocAn... "Nonsense!" said Mr. Budd. "Stud and nonsense! Has he hurt• you much, poor soul ?" . . • "" Not more than. commons" the woman r.. z . 'A, phlegmatically.• "And she niver desarved itno more," said the man. "But look, yo (here,. inaister, sauce yo've tooken a notion to the lass, I'll sell my,roight to her for a sov'reign. Yo gie me a sov'reign, an' I'll gie her oop, I wuu." " You'll not bent her nyltnore, eh?" "Non, r itl noat," replied the man, in an offended tone. "Pm not one o' thin ae goes back from a bargain ; no ane can say that of -oi." ' " Ah, very well then," ,said Mr. Budd; crisply, "very well. Here's the sovereign; and here, poor, soul, is a . crown piece for yon. Good-by. - Now, remember, I've bought yon ' And Mr. Budd went over the fence again, picked up his Aetcliing-box And materials, pnt his book iu his pocket, and as it was }rioting rather late, - hurried away home? Such a lov'ely walk, and he had just done a good deed. The 1:121111 seemed to have a certain sense of honor, and he had promised never to beat his• wife again. Mr. Budd walked au gayly, wondering a little what peer, cruaching sound that was he heard, and turning after a while to see if he could make:oui, what it was. When he turned, he understood at once'that it was a footstep. Close behindhim truilged a woman in the heaviest Pair of sheet! mortal woman . ever wore. For die ri3s - faie wore a short petti mat, a big Shawl, ragged at the edges,. anda Sat crowned hat, with a pipe stuck in its band. On her arm she carried a bundle tied up in a square blue checked liner. As he looked about; she noiltW(l, atuiably, and said: "Thank yo koindly; maister." Ah 1" said Mr: Budd, nodding in return. "You're the poor woman I—" • " radi) wamtman y 4!) byed off from 'her mon," replied the pedestrain. " Yee; yes," said Mr. Budd ; and you think he'll keep his promise 'and not beat yon "He's got no call to bate, me noo," re. plied the woman.. " I don't belong 'to he no more." , -- "I suppose you've made tip your mind to go to your Mends. DI not. live with him, / think." , . ";pl2l I'll not, bido with him no more," said the woman, indignantly.. " I'm a worn- WWI as does my dooty, and is pions loike ; And Yo have paid a'suvrin for I, and rd let no other mon bate I, or order I alxit, only yo. .A Christen wommtm I am 7 none of 'yor lOight ilyings ma" - " My good mil, I don't want to beat you," said lefl: Budd,. as ho turned' into l a Own lane and went straight to the farmhouse at which he had taken , board. Straight she followed. At the door helurned, holding it • open. • a.To his surplise she passed in and seated herself on a great settle, with her bundle on her knee.. 1•11 • " it's a nice bideing," she saki, looking shout the, big brickpaved 'room; with its high mantle.piece and low begune. "But yo must tell me a bit what is to be done, and if you kale porridge to your supper, or_a bit of fish, and the kin on or otly the patties. -I know the gentry is curious bike aboot such things. And yo are rale koind. I lance yo better than him yon." 64 ghe thinks I have hired her," thought poor Mr. Budd. Aloud he said : "I'm sorry for the mistake, my friend. I have no work for you. I'm a bachelor." - • , • _ OP THE PEOPLE ,BY TJ;!•,PEOPLE FOR THLr PEOPLE.". 120 I!! "Tcrillia is &et at passilii , siu) mien& " long before slits come to pitch ing, alla Pp good at that44l l4 Pod." And still she never offerealto move. Idr. Budd went to the doiw of the kitchen and calla his bridiady. draid I've got ewe - kind: of a mess, Mrs. Wimplin," he 'aid. "I ;think the good woman in there believes that. I have hired her as a servant. Wediees %Wu andeistand each other." , j "Ab, well, gimlet von" mid ire: Wimplin. tin see to the *s," and shesp peered in the "hoasempW "Are yo seeking a scawkoplace 1".1' talked the farmer's wife. , t. "rye no can to seek the kdke,". said the woman. "rm just bayed:by a new man; Him yonder." " ‘, , "He bayed yo asked the farnier's wife. ' i• "Aye, the old moo- `w..--..rtutha' the woman,:" and yon ellif jog& a notion to. I and givediee t eavrioWV 4 -lial 'swat a bargain fair and tame ; both agreed,; so I followed on. • Where he bidisa must bide, for rm none your light behaved , folk tat a Christen wimmun." • "Yo Bee ho's Merrican, you eyap, and don't kriow,"iiid the farmer's wife: "Iferrican or no Menican, a bar,pin is Et bargain," said the, woman. " , He's 'guyed and Pm his woife." , • "Good gracious, woman : 5 ' sbriuketj Budd, "I took no notion to yon. 11 that husband of yours a sovereign 144 to beat you, arid he promised not to do it.: That was all. I—l don'tlinint a wife and we're not married. ktinisters--clerptneu marry ; lolic . .yoa . know. You can't huy a wife." . "Aye; aye, sir," said the laildlady, yen . can't in 31erryky, but door ht'ie, if at won! chooses; be may sell his woite; 'lt's an old, custom.' There's not ksity hoes the loikei The oldiwoife knowSltitit ways of her Isouj: And whht way he loikes Ihesses cook 4 best, and yo get used to folk, hu" n9r; guy' ten one does it, and- the bargait, holds 91, not stand by ,and_see , ---yo — falco' one, won away from a veoniu, and not giirti her:. .another, when yo brought her with a sover.. eign and all." I Mr. Budd - tat down iu a chair arms indespair. ----- • Tim abi - sly continued: a , !•t.io and put your duds away, lass, and wash your face and red your ,hair—tor „it, needs it-and come help get your nion's sup per,i for you're.noau about it.” Mr. Budd groaned horribly, and , threw hiniself about in his chair. • "I can't say but tpity yo, maister," said be landlady, _after the woman had tone: on . . ant ; ••• but yo snoutct loot actors yo 'teap, and why iver yo bayed a lass noane fair, in the face, and fond of drink, it's hard to, tell, but justice is justice, and I mown. my Cliristendooty."- . - PoOr Mr. Bred, he saw the Upper made ready, and be was forced to eat some i ll it. His bargain did not think ;of sitting !lOWA with him, u ho had expected, but stood and served - him as bis landlady stood and served her husband at; his mega. Afterward she retreated to the fireplace, where shn ate her own portion from a plate on her knee.- To wash it' down she _applied. to II little black. bottle which she took from her pocket, and: which, When uncorked, filled the room with' the °Sir of old ruin. " I see why t'other gelled her," said ,the landlady aside to him, as he etood - beside the door in a disconsolate maod, which Iled to thoughts of suicide. "I See why. But when she gets too much inside of her just! bate her well. IPS the only way. Ana won Jain the might to do it." But poor Mr. Budd could not answer. Soon his bargain fell asleep over her pistol and bottle, and having. ` been arottied, • wa s ! escorted up stairs by the landlady ; and Budd, who had been wondering what ho could do to escape this dilemma; ,belted across' the road and up the step si of :the pretty parsonage that stood beside the great ceurth like a dwarf beside a giant. 'Fhe clergyman was in his study when' Mr. Bridd's card was handed to him, and he knew it to be that of Mrs. Wimplin's Ameri ban lodger. He bade the servant usher } his guest in, and assumed a mildly amiable ez• Pression suitable for the occasion. I ; What was his astonishment, then, !ben Instead of entering with a prop'er bow and smile, his guest appeared pallid and berrorl stricken, and without any prefam4 flung at him this question "Sir ! How do people get married here?" "dust.as they do in other Christian, comities, sir," replied the clergyman. I " Yon can't buy a wife for a sove reign then ?" asked Mr. Budd. " Sir, is it possible I hear a • person of your Social position ask such a question ?" cried the clergyman. " - Do - you dare to hope tbns,to set aside the him of dod and 'Man" legal, , Trani "' ethen ?" cried Ztir. Build. - "100, sir; certainly hot," replied the dergyroan., "You can't bring your Amer': van principles here." 1 - "I never was so relieved in my life," cried Mr. Budd. "Then both women are crazy;" and with this remark he began the true story 'of his adventure and his bargain.. ",You see, sir," - said the clergyman, " tnere was an old‘tustoin in this part of England which allowed a man, to sell his wife for a crown. The country people of the ignorant classes believe in it still, and, I regret to say, such transactions do take place at rare intervals.; Such unions are utterly Mega!, but I advise you, nevertheless,l to reeve the place to-night, otherwiseyoimaYbe hardly dealt with. Breaking a bargairi j 'is ceudemned by all, and it is very possible the woman's husband may think it his duty to set upon you and beat pn. She may complain to him. It is not, often," he add ed, "that such a thing happens, for thoie who buy wives generally keep them ; but a man was killed, - fifteen years age, for break ing this w,ife bargain." "I'm exceedingl y obliged to you for tell ing me this, sir,"said Mr. Budd. "As I haven't much luggage with ins I thinle Pit leave it, and go on to Loudon by the next train' ." You had better do so," said the clergy. man, " else you Will find it hard to get away at all." . With a repetition of thanks Mr. Budd caught his hat and flew to 'the station. ' He waver returned to that part of England ; but a letter from the clergyman i informed him' that several"' stout lads" looled foi him foil, three king dSys for the purpose of whack, ing" him for being "oft 11W baigain."— Mary KikDal4za ' A ILtuntal .LIVELY LEmme. o.—David Propst, a citizen of ectuover N, C., was walking thriligh the woods •on his farm and ' came across a very large snake. He stopped and watched the movements of the snake very closely, and shortly the rep tile formed himself in the shape of a hoop, striking a very large tree standing near him. TIM snake died shortly ma also the leaves of the tree soon began to wither. Mr: Propst drew the sword of the snake from the tree and carried it into town to show for Me Any one can see it that oomes to Ormover.—Noefom Enterprise. ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. The story of the Planter who Salk a now' Lamely Hamden le Camaralet. Before,the war *bed Stafford, a million. sire planter, owned two islands off the coast of Georgia which were noted for the superior cotton thby produced, the famous Nies Island variety. On the lager of the two islands Mr. Stafford lived. He fell in love - with a creole girl who was one of his slaves, and married her. , She was iedneatecl and refined in manners. Six children were the fruit of the nuariage.. Two boys died An their youth. Just 'before the breaking cint of the civil war Stafford, who noted the gathering clouds, came North and brdhl a magnificent dwelling among the pastures a few miles north of New London, on the swelling bank of the Thames River: Then he returned to the South, and thence sent Ids wife and daughters to the Northern home. Here they were surrounded by every luxury. The in. terior of ittelionie was vvay fine, and , tie grounds;were a triumph of the gardener's skill. Beautiful and rare plants and shrub. bery j diversified the rolling green of the lawnic fountains played among mar ble stat ues, and through the grounds broad gravel walks wound up to the spacious verandas. The advent of the beautiful girls in New , London and Groton , was an event that is still fresh in the memory of Connecticut so ciety. - The_girls received ' a fashionable Northern education. ' Private tutors '.taught them French, Italian, music, painting, and the arts of the ballroom They were reared in the - most pretentious society, and suitors were not a few. , One. sister' married Fred. 'Palmer of -New - London, The Anion was not &happy one, and a separation soon fol. lowed. Another sister was wedded to Coin. modore Brady of New. York. , The honey. moon was passed in Paris, where the bride shone as a society star4or, a few mend's. Soon afterward the couple were divorced. The youngest sister was wearied to a New York gentleman, and is living happily with her husband. Adelaideoinother Sister, has lived during the past eight )years in Paris. A few months ago she met count Ceinlski, who is connected with the Idiplomatic ser. vice of Russib, and about a month ago she became his - vrife, the nuptials being celebra, ted in the Church of Notke Mine. She tent wedding cards to her friends in Groton and Nevi London, dainty pieces of Paste ls board, erfumed, adorned with the regal, coronet, and bearing the wards in Italian : !' Count Cybuiski, Paris," The young wife is' described as tall, lithe, graceful, with olive.tiuted skin and lustrous eyes. -The 'Count is little, old, withered, and bent, with la whisk of yellow beard. ' He has taken his wife to live in the most elegant quarter' of ' Paris. - Robert Stafford was loyal to the Union. At one•time the troops of Gen. Joo Hawley, the Seventh Connecticut Regiment, were quartered on his plantation. Ho passed his summers in the North from the year 18G7 to the year of his death, 1878. Ha bought property in New London• and Norwich; which the heirs sell;hold. He :left a will by which $400,000 was divided , among the daughters, while the bulk of the property, several millions of dollars, was divided among distant relatives. The great emulsion that he built in Groton remains in treeless and isolated grandeur among the bleak pasture lands, and every tourist that jeer. Heys up the Thames valley i nquires, "Who is the owner of that splendid place ?" It is ninny years since a daughter of the creole slave of the Georgian Islands has • revisited the mansion.—N. Y. Sun. SCENES . FROM AN ALPINE SPUR. 41 Word Picture of the Savoy nod It■ Pro. We.; The Alpine country is spacious enough to let all leisure England into its playground; other l nationalities, with the exception of the German, seem to have no longing for it, anti there are, as many venturous travelers know, many charming localities at Which the thrif ty SWiss or Savoyard innkeeper, has learned to reeoncile a certain comfort with a mod*, ate expense, but who has not the art knowledgereclame of the - and is known in general Only by his neighbors ; and we who wandervithobt luggage among the moan. fain find out many little inns which deservi3 a wider name than they have. Everybody who passes; by Geneva loOks up to the Sal eve, a noble outlying spur of the mountains of Savoy, high enough to furnish us iu the eatty-Inue with the soldauella and the blue gentian. It is partially divided by a col into the great and little Saleves, and on this col are s3kne Little villages in part devoted to the summerings of the Genevase, • and the other 'Sew who have found them, ont-;-:chief of thd Monier:and monnetier—with it col lection of little hotels, some converted farm houses, some ancient hotels, and some more modern, built fee the purpose. The crown of the col is occupied by Monnetier, which lies liooo feet ,above the Sea, and commands, . • a vie* on oneeide of the Pays de Vaud, and on, the other the great chain of }Mont Diane, whose summit copes up above all interven ing uPlands. The great plain of Genevit,l with the blue Leman flecked with sails; the Arlie; winding its wasteful way down to join the ithotte, and'now a eilver thread in the wide and wayivaid bed of gravel of its springtime fury; the slopes, of jure, with vino**, grain field and forest rising tier on tier beyond the ;intone, flowing, southward through the densely placed homes of. Swiss •, prosperity—alr fie at our feet when wo stand, as we may, On the brink"Pi the almost sliee precipice Which forms the western side of the Saleve--4 calm, serenetlandscape, grand at times, when the • thunderstorms coma up from the west, and the huge cumtlli pile up dazzling •and majestic from behind Jura, and not less so when the col umna of the gray rain advance from their rocky fastness down into the valley and bide the landscape in their veil, till at the break ing tip the clouds sweep up under our feet and pass us; over into the valley beyond.' And the sunsets that one catches when the sun goes behind the Jnra after _the storm, and his broken light floods tho plain with golden mist, till Jura eclipses hiln, and the blue; cool twilight melts all things into its dreatey harmony, are not easily to be for gotten. And on the other side we get thet morning sun, and the visitors climb the` hill above ilennetier to see him come ont of the gray sky from behind _ tho pale and filmy, blueuf Mount Blanc, aid see his tight eatchi in succession the peaks citlhat billowy, bro.' ken 'country which, descending little by little to the valley which divides the Saleve from the inountains of Bonneville, comes down into;the picturesquely undulating valley 'at our feet, wherit the Arve again, better • rev. • fated now, flashes in a few bends under the light, hinting at melting snow and Lamm tent; torrents beyond: And in the later day the "monarch of . European mpuntains", looms out more splendidly in the silver of his centuries and the `huge pyramid of the Mole cuts the dishuwe into_ two parts, each with its receding valley and, delicate grada tion" oi distances ono after another, melting, &whetting, and blending with hints of ra. vines, gorges,- pre - cipices and cascades—a wild, bewildering chaos of palm—. _ Putt Mall Gazitte: IMRI `~ COILIWILL TIFFS. A View et Aburimaii Is Ito atones Vizawe .L.The wonderful trials of temper izniceed by matrimony can same ever be known to an 4utsider. • The provocative power of tionian o which men think is very considera ble, becomes many degrees intensified by marriage. rwst of nil , the intimacy of that mode of life makes het. thoroughly acquaintediwith all ew: th icuL e y w w r iem po w bita i:urt of himher most se:einvirast. where to touch a sore place hidden from thel There 01 no doubt that when" Xantippe l pitched diockery at the sconce of her hits:, band, the amenpanied the missiles with jeersi at the poor man's doctrines. Mine; it is said, suffered horribly from the tongue of his helpmate, and we can tgine her not only hiding his pen;' but ma ~ ing fun of his venues. , But thee" a are bleb:stied' aserwheirn: the battles were of chronic occuience. In real life, people, when married, do not altogether bark and bite. There are intervals of se pose, when the atmosphere is clear and the mn: shines; or, as it may happen, the storms are exceptional and the squalls com paratively rare. Offhand encounters cre qcently tend to "postpene more serious con clusions, and the little 'domestic skirmishes, common to the niairimonial state, 'act as 'safety -valves of energy, which might, wider strict confinement, burst into disastrous ex plosion. There are numbers of women who would be quite comfortable if they had nets small quarrels with their husbands. The smooth and even tenor of every': day existence, is broken intetra,,picturesque,!!variety by these passages. Husbands (especially when new to their happiness) are often puzzled to know what makes the angel cross, or, to put t expressively, "cantankerous." They ask the cause, but they .are fenced off until a chance occurs for treading on their corns and then tho " shindy" begins in real earnest. A lady of this, delightful complexion is completely happy if she can wind np with a good cry The dear creature dissolves into tears, and the man feels himself at- once a brute; , This is her revenge. There is noth ing now for her husband but;absolute- sub. mission and a full acknowledgement -of his being in thnavrong. Aymara has lost tier ground forever if a pocket-handkerchief ap plied to her nose fails. Few are stupid mougli to play this card until their adversa ry becomes disgusted with the trick; it is generally kept back until the right time, and then used with a vengeance. Thelasdinating hypoeriey of - the sex Is shown in nothing with such grace as in the. periods which immediasely ensue after a - tiff. To the visitor, or the onsual diner, there is no indication whatever, of the dis turbance. If a symptom is shoin at all, it is by the husband, who has not the same facultyps his wife, of smoothing, his feath:. ; ers when ruffled. Of Course, this is only in good society. Amongst other classes it is not So,simple a thing to-dispose of the visi-- ble tokens of a matrimonial sparring -match. There are such things s black eyes and scratched faces. Yet it ' 'may happen that those of a higher sphere, suffer just as bad punishnietds as -the less polished • comb& tants. Inward bleeding is more dangerous than en open wound. It is a, fact, that all tiffs contain the possibilities of - offences which-mm never be forgiven. A:- wild, kma word amp stick and rankle in a woman'• heart forever. A man who studies the dis position Of his wife for the sake of his own peace must be cautious to mark her foibles of temper, for the best wives have certain weaknesses which' it would be unfair, and rather uncomfortable to ignore. It they would only discover them to us before mar riage I But that - is not the .custom; such frankness would be almost fatal to dui in stitution. Besides, after all, women with tempera' are more tolerable than women without— they posseis both action and spirit; while the tame, equable, colorless creature has neither. A landscape seen ln perpetual inn shine or moonshine would be dull : it is a relief to see,it, for a time at least, stirred . by the wind or in the light of a flushed and an gry sunset, .Is this the teasels why poets so often marry shrews? •It is probable that a' lady who becomes conscious that her - husband is analyzing her would, out of sheer spite, give him some , thing to speculate upon of a hard and prac ;-tical description; she would crass his ro mantic vision on a broomstick, or, worse again, flit over his brain with a poker. Al bert Darer, it is thought, was blessed in this fashion. Vulgar men are not exempt from these: benefactions in disguise. There is scarcely any woman who could not be re duced, by a good system' and discipline, to an endurable line of conduct. It requires judgment, coolness, and just • little clever cruelty. - Disputes between man and wife, In which the smoOthing-iron and dishes are employed, are beyond the cooler region of tiffs. Happy is it when the tiff only resembles i d lover's quarrel, and is established by the lady for the express purpose of a delightful mak ing up. On inch occasions, the good husband L , owsibis appreciationiof his luxurious infs. ry by a box of candy, kisses, and a new : dress.—Ouis. THE MINING MANIA IN COLORADO*, A Denver .correspondent 'writes to 'the Baltimore American : . Almost every man you meet is the owner o i a . mine, or has some interest in one, I I pnerally travel by day, in the smoking car,* as to meet the people. I have met all finds, ai3ii ell of them appear to hive mining on the brain. I have met the most ordinary looking men who, have talked learnedli,,to me about all kinds of ores. aml,wll - 6 - sgenernlly keep a 'supply of spqimens in their pantaloon or coat pockets ti) exhibit :to you. Yon hear, the most exbavagaut tales about what they have found, but as soon as they ascertain that you are not in pursuit of a mine they drop you " Eke a hot potato.*; The pros , pectors are men who go ont to hunt mines. Two or three of them go , together. They go everywhere, and there is no gulch or stream, no cave or canon, no mountain pass or peak, that they do not diligently search. They endure heat, cold, rain, snow, hunger, and thirst for a find, and when they have found it, as a general thing, they sell it - for little or nothing, and their bonanza quickly evaporates into bad whiskey. They are not all alike, but - the men who save are the ex ception. Theele men are mostly young men. from eighteen to thirty years of age, but I have met men over sixty who are pros. Peciors• Ecosomt is WUXI/ff.—An old Austin bachelor,'who keeps house, has an old black housekeeper, who plunders him nrunerci fully. A few days ago, after looking over hisi expense account,• he sent for her tuul said : "Aunt Sukey, I wish you were white." " Wha--wheNerr does yes want me to bo white, boss?" - "If you were white N stop this infernal, rascally stealing, if I had to marry you to do it."—Taxss 13i ft fogs. MU , i THE WOE EDITOR. Yesterday a man came into The Boomer • ang office with the air of a luau who is•tired of this ninth and Wants to wing his way to at land of forgetfubtess and plunge into thd 'Wham depths of oblivion.' After he had taken a seat on the tetezztete and hung his hai,on the eseretoire, t he 'sold : 'kr* a pewspaper man myself- Didn't know hut" Yon might want a good man on the stag--somebody to write up the - sad features aif Lifo and furnish the tearful wail, as it were: Life is full of woe, and, in my estimation, every paper should have . a woe editor. lam well-fitted ter that position, Anjou will see it I may be elk:fare& to go on and detail my own experience to you. " I wait down into Kansas and started a paper is a small town on the Santa Fo road, wit& the assurance that I would meet with thaltordial aid and sympathy of the people there. 4 1*dalie,t expect'to do a big business, buki gisianszdadto =a little modest .pq with patent inside. The first week my patent inside didn't get there, and I bad to print that issue on some, paper-bags that I . got from our leading wr i ter. -This was an advantage, because his ad. was already printed on the .first page; and it salved the wear and tear of display type. Still, the paper lookedlmager, and did not attract the attention tha hoped for it. It did not in : finance the AdminiStration nor boom up the town as I bad anticipated "The next week .I wrote up a Man social party, and gave the name of a young man who was drunk and frolicsonie, and shot out the lights. He also shot an old man who was off' the 'dance. "I thought_ tho preis ought to be fearless and outspoken if the occasion required, and I wrote it up carefully mid, as I thought, fairly, but the young man came mind the next day and convinced me that I NM. wrong. I was avriting a scathing article on`, agnOsticism when ho came iu .oxl knocked me under the job press with a chair. I didn't know him at all, and I thought it-was rather eccentric for a total stranger, so when I got up again I told him so. Then he jammed me into the wood-box, and poured a keg of ink and a can of coal oil on me before I could have any nndeistanding with him. , . . "Then, he went 'away.' " That evening he came withsome friends and bought the good will of the establish• ment and the whole' office and subscription list of me. Ho had the advantage of- me and bought it low. I felt that I was making a sacrifice, but I was afraid I might not have another opportunity to sell, so I sold. The price, of course, was nominal, but the inducements held out wera . not to be ig nored. . . "Jince then I bave - started three papers, and bad three large and bony-contested ligbta. My collar.-bone had been broken in two places, and - my doctor's bills have always been bigger than! the other-expenses of .the offiCe.. - 1 The dentist has heel& pulling , teeth out of my palate) ever since I entered into the newspaperhusiness. As 'peon as I 'got so I could see with both eyes, one of them' bad been closed upon me, and my nose ,has it different timea,peinted around allover my lace. "What I want now is. a:chance to work on some paper inevnito, as I might say, - :mil where I will be by piyself. I can t A ke. mist any .current event and tinge it with sadness. I can give an air of hopeless Mel ancholy to the occurrences of everyday life that will make yodr paper known all over the world. I will admit that this is an Irma .vation in journalism, perhapi, but it - will take, I think; and I know that if I can sue. reed in imbuing'into my, work that settled air of gloom that I feel your paPer.will win for itself, in a short time, the name of being the most, ghastly record of disappointment and grief-stricken, horror -soaked remorse in the known world." e • The manager sobbed a few times, and then said, while his voice was .choked with emotion, that the opaque gloom depart ment was ably filled at present, and the stranger went out into the cold; - hard un sympathizing outer world, taking with him his leaden iburden of woe and a silk umbrella that again the haiL—Nye. 3. INDIAN DEADHEADS. When the,railroad was built it took re. %aired lands from the 'lndians to lurnish - a passage through their pueblos. • There was no law to prOvide for a right of tiny tlatugh haul lands, and the railroad was clearly a trespasser. To make amends for the intru sion liidians have free transit on the cars. They on and off when and where - they please, but are not allowed inside the pas. senga coaches. They must ride on freight cars or on the platforms. The same rule, I think, prevails on the Union and Central Pacifio Roads. An Indian perched upon the lowed step of a passenggi ear as ono ap proaches the district in which their pueblos lie is a common sight, and he seems to en joy the rapid transit very much. He will watch for the appearance of a White man, and at once plunging his tawny hand into his bosom or into his pocket will bring out a dirty bit of cloth, unroll it carefully, and exhibit a little stock of bright green tar quoises for inspection., He will 'charge you four "bits," or half a dollar, "for a 'sample, and if you think that too much , will proba bly accept one "bit," or 10, cents. The railroad carries Indians free, but not their freight. The Indian sends .nothing by rail. Time is of no consequence 'to him, so ho heaps his goods upon the backs of • his bur. roa, or " jacks," and thus ` 'carries them to Santa Fe for male.--Correspondence Troy Times. - THE MARVELS OF ELEZtHICITY. It's one of the funny thingsof this' world that notwithstanding the amount of matter that is published every season abciut the beauties and natural curiosities_ of Niagara, writes a correspondent 'of the Philadelphia News, there are some people just , about ,as Ignorant now in regard to it as % they would have beenif newspaper scribes 'bid never racked their brake; until =almost morning at tempting to describe the, scene, and 'guide book compilers had never stolen their work and palmed it,off on an unsuspecting public at 50 cents ,a copy. I was admiring the two corapiettiaxiwa that were visible over the American falls, which even the haekmen and old attendants about; the place were Pointing to With pride, when I heard a countryman, a genuine north of New York Yankee, explaining to his best girt how those rainbowa produced. " Ain't it wonderful what them leetric fellers ken du," he was saying when I fag heard him ; "why, that rainbow is better nor a natural one, ain't it ? I'll bet a shillin' you can't guesschow it's made." Ills best girl evi. dently, wouldn't risk a " -for the swain continued : " Why, you see that fel. ler up there," POinting to a man who was fixing the carbon on an electric light near by—" well, that feller has some kind of a light up there, and'he juste throws It on the water and notes them rainbows," His beet girl opened her eyes wide, gazed with ad. ndration on her learned lover, gave a twitch to the yellow strings of her laiztet, and the two passel on, to caret' bnekio the farm a tale of ,the wonders that 4 ,` them leottio M. tars kin du." I *t.so alcear, is ithium'a, ITEMS OR INTEREST. Interesting' Fart• Called frogs Hero amid There. tract of 80,000 acres of land has been purch.ssed in Sumter county, Fla., for a Tony from , Duluth, Minn. —The ten saloons in What Cheer, Is, pay all the taxes of the place: And still they can niord to do business them —" What's the man yelling at ?" asked a fanner of his boy. " Why," chuckled the youngster, "hp's yelling at .tho top of his voice." Catholic priest of Brenham, Tex., Who denounced w member of his church from the pulpit as,a horse thief, w as pub. lily cowhided by the accused. —Henry Johnson e a colored man at Ober lin,,Ohip, claims that he was once a - slave of- Andrew Jacksori;AMAt that be is over one hundred awl Wile Years old. —.1.1no)1110 tkatli ~./akinew Jaime Bunch, of Clark county, has twenty-ihree children, and Goodin Denton of the Same county, twenty-one lively progeny. man near Hartwell„ - Ga., has fire aw kept alive from the chunk ho bad when_ha began housekeeping, over forty years . sgo. The tax on ma es doesn't trouble him. '--Since the ring of 1880 Memphis, enn., has paV eight Miles and a half of streets, built forty toilet of sewers and Lek 1 forty Miles of imbsoli pipes. , - —" Yon are;weak," said a woman to her son, who was remonstrating' against her marrying again. - " Yes, mother," he. re plied, " , so weak that I. can't' go a step father." • —Tho log cabin which Washingtcin used 38 his '.headamitters when a surveyor in the valley of :Virginia still stands intact ever the. s'pring-. at Soldiers' Rest, Clarke county. —A boy of six and a girl of two at }Bal. lardvilie, Neb., are mated for marriage by their parents; who hay° signed an agree.- ment that the weddinCshall take place in _ tho yearllB97. • —A man in Lynn, Mass., ;has fsst paid for a pane of glass which he broke when, boy,- thirty-two years ago. lie had become tired of waiting for glass to cheapen.—De. troit Free Freak know," said a little girl to her elder sister's young man at the supper table, "that yon will join our society for the Oa. tection_of little birds, because mamma says yon are, very fond of /arks." 7--Davy Crockettovidl :Thomas Daggett for security ; bound himself for $1,250 to governor John Sevier, August '3, 180 G to marry Polly Finley, according to a record said to be in existence in Weakly county, Tenn, - —lllinois has the greatest railroad mile. age of any State, and the ywly earnings of the companies are put at $50,000,000, while their running expenses are *30,000,000, in. eluding i42.1,000M0 paid as, wages to : - GO,. 000 men. • —The reclamation of the Zuyder Zee will soon begin. A•dike twenty-four and a' half, miles long is to be made of sand, faCed with,_ clay, and so high that it will be six and a half feet above the greatest tide leveL The: undertaking will occupy from seven to ten;; years and cost about 646,000,000. , --Canadian law does not allow a dritggist; unless he is an M. D., to prescribe oven' for a sore - thumb; and a daring - Toronto pill mixer has been fined for giving an ailing man a dose whieh cured him. The affair has raised a row, and the newspapers UV attacking the law right and left. —The numerous suits for breach of prom. ise recently instituted against old men hy young women is having its effect. -" said an old man in a crowded streetcar yes,, terday,- "Miss, I'll get up and give you my seat if you'll swear before all these witnesses that you don't consider it mi . offer *of mar._ riage." —At a Buffalo grocery the other day a fine lot of pineapples were receivaff, and 'an Irishman, Who was passing ,by, saw them and bought one to take hoine. The nest day on his way to his work he pointed to the "pines" again and said to the proprietor.-- " Is them better ailed with salt pork or corn bale ?" He evidently bad not discovered the merits of thairnit in which he -had in- veiled. —" Tion't my don owe yon a little bar bill I" asked Colonel Yerger, as , he emptied his, ghiss, turning tOt the Austin avenue salOon keeper, who was — delighted at the prospebt of the old•nian settling 'up his son's bilL 4 ' Yes,. he owes me $25. Shall I re.., ceipt the bill ?"sdie anxious saloon . keeper. " Well, !but give me a dozen cigars and add then( on to my son's bill." -Texas Siftings. L • —lrc Germany the sofa is the seat of hon or, and to omit offering it privileges to an invited guest is to condemn one's self as be ignorant of the usagetypf ; polite society. But a gentleman may not sit upon the sofa to take a seat there uninvited is very pre." sumptuous, and to ask even an intimate Etc, quaintance to sit beside her on that sacred resting place would be highlyindecorous in a young lady:—/losten Globe. —Down in the vide, Where the brake ferns grow rank, she placed her easel and sat down by it, sketching from nature. ,"Please, ma'am, is that me you're drawing milling that cow in the picture ?" " Why, yes, my little man, but I didn't know you were looking." "Cox if it's me," continued the boy, unmindful of the artist's confusion, 'you've - put me on the wrong side of the cow, and ru get kicked way off the lot." —lt is remarked that Delaware' negroes have taxed themselves to the limit of the law for school purposes; that even , then in 1881 they raised but $(;00 in the whole State, that '•by private subscriptions they added $1,200 to, this, and that otherwise they never had a coat until this year, 'when the State gives $2,400. ` The negroes in elude one-sixth of the , total population, but the State contributes $25,000 for the sup port of white schools and $71,000 is raised in other ways. . WZM AN ANXIOUS -FATHER. "So yon saw my son," said an old gentle. man to a man who had lust returned from Texas. "Yes; saw him a few weeks ago." "How is he getting rdoni?" rate." "I am very glad to b.earit; When he IC ft Little Rock I was afraid MO he would never amount to anything." ' " He's settled down to work now. 4 "Is that so? He was always an idle boy, and I was afraid that he 'Would never do any work. Has ho gof a steady situa tion?" "Ob, yes; he's got a contract." "It does vie good to talk to you, air, and rd Jae for you to take dinner with we. What kind of work is ho doing ?" "I think he's learning the carpenter's trade." • Thought you said that', be had a COO He has." • "Then how =lto bo (earnin g trade?" "Because he's in tho penitexitiary."—Ar kansato Traveler. • El U El NO. 17